Sample questions for Level 2 – Students from grade/class VI, VII & VIII

1. A river delta is formed from deposition of sediment carried by a lake, ocean, or reservoir. Name the largest delta formed by the Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Meghna. a) Sundarbans b) Kuruvadweep c) Mahanadi River Delta d) Narmada

2. Who is the current Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change in ? a) Shri b) Shri c) Shri d) None of the above

3. Greenhouse gases that are present in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun. If these gases were absent, heat would escape back into the space. Which of these is not a direct greenhouse gas? a) Methane b) Nitrous oxide c) Sulphur hexafluoride d) Carbon monoxide

4. The air that we breathe contains a number of gases; oxygen being one of the most abundant. Which is the other gas, which along with oxygen comprises 99 per cent of the atmosphere? a) Nitrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Argon d) Water vapour

5. What is the place where a river meets a lake, an ocean, or the sea called? a) River basin b) Source c) Mouth d) Tributary

6. In a desert when there is a water source beneath the surface, the water gets accumulated below the sand because of rocks beneath which water can't percolate. This place becomes naturally fertile for plants. What is this place known as? a) Sterile land b) Oasis c) Arroyo d) Bajada

7. Which of the following item is a dry recyclable item? a) Glass b) Egg shells c) Yard waste d) Food waste

8. What is the process of making compost with kitchen garbage using earthworms known as? a) b) Composting c) Vermicomposting d) Vermiculture

9. Different techniques are used for solid waste treatment depending on the waste properties. Name the technique of burning waste materials in a controlled manner at high temperatures. a) Burning b) Incineration c) Composting d) None of the above

10. Name the world’s largest hot desert which has one of the harshest environment on the planet. a) Ladakh b) Sahara c) Thar d) Gobi

11. The combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia is called a) Eurasia b) Russia c) Malaysia d) Siberia

12. A cash crop is a crop that is grown for sale to earn profits. Which among the following is a dominant cash crop in India? a) Cotton b) Paddy c) Wheat d) All of the above

13. Crop rotation helps to . a) maintain and improve soil fertility b) minimize pests, weeds, and soil-related diseases c) control soil erosion d) All of the above

14. Which gas is released from paddy fields? a) Carbon dioxide b) Hydrogen sulphide c) Methane d) Argon

15. Irrigation is a method by which water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture. Of the following, which method is the most water efficient? a) Border irrigation b) Drip irrigation c) Sprinkler irrigation d) Flood irrigation

16. Name the fuel that can be produced by fermenting sugarcane, sawdust, corn, or wood chips? a) Peat b) Ethanol c) Kerosene d) Hydrogen

17. Plants generally grow in soil, but they can also be grown in a liquid medium. The latter method is called. a) Hydroponics b) Hydrostatics c) Hydroscopics d) Hydrophobics

18. Hybrid rice is a type of rice produced by cross-breeding two different kinds of rice. Which Asian scientist is known as the ‘Father of Hybrid Rice’? a) M S Swaminathan b) Yuan Longping c) Kailas Nath d) Satoshi Ōmura

19. Plants need water and light for growth. Name the phenomenon in which a plant is oriented to grow towards the source of light. a) Phototropism b) Photorespiration c) Photocromatism d) Photoperiodism

20. Name the process that uses microorganisms for removing salts from the soil? a) Salination b) Bioremediation c) Oxidation d) Phytoremediation

21. Organic farming . a) is another name for regular farming b) uses chemical pesticides c) uses biological pest control and crop rotation d) uses chemical feed additive

22. A field is ploughed prior to the sowing of seeds as it allows . a) plant roots to penetrate deep into the soil b) ventilation c) growth of soil bacteria d) All of the above

23. Growing vegetables, flowers, fruits, and decorative plants for commercial use is known as_____. a) viticulture b) c) sericulture d) pisciculture

24. A new town designed to have the least impact on the environment is called . a) downtown b) agrotown c) eco-town d) None of the above

25. Identify the world’s first fully fenced urban eco-sanctuary with an extraordinary 500-year vision to restore the forest area and freshwater ecosystems in Wellington Valley. This novel conservation project deals with the reintroduction of species and habitat-protection activities. a) Zealandia b) Caledonia c) Macedonia d) Mesopotamia

26. A large-scale, long-term shift in the planet’s weather patterns or average temperatures is commonly known as . a) climate shift b) climate change c) greenhouse effect d) None of the above

27. ______is the heat from the Earth. It is a clean and sustainable option of energy. a) Geothermal energy b) Tidal energy c) Wind energy d) Hydel energy

28. Wind energy is a process by which wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy into mechanical power. Which state in India is the largest producer of wind energy? a) b) Kerala c) Tamil Nadu d) Rajasthan

29. Which village in Bihar is India’s first solar-powered village? a) b) Dharnai c) Ratnagiri d) Okha

30. Identify the Indian lake which is the only ‘floating lake in the world’. It is also a source for hydropower generation, irrigation, drinking water supply, and means of livelihood for the local fishermen. a) Oguta Lake b) Loktak Lake c) Kaptai Lake d) Hamun Lake

31. Tigers are known as ‘umbrella species’ because . a) they do not like water b) by saving them, the other creatures in their habitat are automatically saved c) they live under the forest umbrella d) None of the above

32. Which of the following category of plant grows on other plants and derive moisture and nutrients from them? a) Saprophyte b) Cactus c) Epiphyte d) Parasite

33. Greenhouse effect was first predicted in 1896 by . a) William Nordhaus b) Sven Erikkson c) Svante Arrhenius d) Brian Wilson

34. The thinnest layer of the Earth is the . a) mantle b) outer core c) crust d) inner core

35. Which of the following term is not applicable for plants? a) Autotrophs b) Producers c) Herbivores d) Flora

36. Where should community-generated wastewater be treated? a) Rivers and lakes b) Irrigated land c) Effluent treatment plants d) Sewage treatment plants

37. Solid waste is garbage or trash that is solid in nature. Which of the following statements are not true with respect to solid waste: (i) Solid waste includes discarded liquid material from industrial, municipal, and agricultural activities. (ii) Solid waste does not include construction waste, biomedical waste, e-waste, and sewage sludge. a) Only (i) b) Only (ii) c) Both (i) and (ii) d) Neither (i) nor (ii)

38. Instead of throwing out old clothes and towels, Aditi cuts the items and uses them as cleaning rags. This is an example of reusing waste items. What according to you is the hierarchy of waste management? a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle b) Reuse, Reduce, Recycle c) Recycle, Reduce, Reuse d) Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

39. Which of the following is the best prescribed method for handling segregated, non- biodegradable solid waste? a) Incineration b) Landfilling c) Recycling d) Composting

40. Which method helps biodegradable solid waste to decompose in a pit through earthworms? a) Degradation b) Pit composting c) Vermicomposting d) Composting

41. Which of the following items will not be added to a compost pit? a) Vegetable peels b) Tea leaves c) Chocolate wrappers d) Left-over food

42. Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body. Which of the following options contains the highest source of protein? a) Butter b) Milk c) Papaya d) Rice

43. Traditional methods to preserve food in India involve the following: a) Freezing in a refrigerator b) Drying and pickling c) Both of the above d) None of the above

44. Iron is used to form haemoglobin, which is an important component of blood. What does a lack of haemoglobin cause? a) High energy b) Tiredness c) Happiness d) All of the above

45. The process of supplying water to crops is known as irrigation. Irrigation is a______. a) natural process b) artificial process c) crude process d) None of the above

46. With respect to balanced nutrition, which of the following statements are true? (i) Eating fruits alone is sufficient for the body. (ii) We can prevent deficiencies of all kinds by eating a balanced meal consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins/ minerals. a) Only (i) b) Only (ii) c) Both (i) and (ii) d) Neither (i) nor (ii)

47. Weather refers to conditions of the atmosphere over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere behaves over relatively longer periods of time. Hence the difference between weather and climate is essentially a measure of______. a) place b) time c) temperature d) atmospheric conditions

48. In the Earth’s atmosphere, there are certain types of gases that absorb energy and prevent the loss of heat back into space. These gases act like a blanket making the planet warmer and liveable. What is this effect known as? a) Blanket effect b) Weather effect c) Atmospheric effect d) Greenhouse effect

49. Antarctica is considered to be the highest, driest, coldest, and the most remote continent. It is also known as the . a) Dark Continent b) Island Continent c) Greenland d) White Continent

50. Minerals are solid substances that occur naturally. There are mainly two different types of minerals—silicates and non-silicates. Name the two main elements that constitute silicate minerals. a) Carbon and oxygen b) Silicon and oxygen c) Silicon and hydrogen d) Silicon and carbon
