• Systematic Revision of the Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea)

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• Systematic Revision of the Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea) MALACOLOGIA, 1985, 26(1-2): 31-123 • SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE HYDROBIIDAE (GASTROPODA: RISSOACEA) . OF THE CUATRO CIENEGAS BASIN, COAHUILA, MEXICO Robert Hershlerl Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, U.S.A. ABSTRACT This study gives detailed morphological descriptions, including aspects of shell and soft-part anatomy, for 12 species of nine genera of hydrobiid snails (Gastropoda: Rissoacea) from the isolated desert spring system of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Snails were collected from 103 localities in the basin and summaries of the distribution and ecology for each species are given. One new genus and three new species are described. The six nominal species of Mexipyrgus are reduced to one variable species, Mexipyrgus churinceanus, as there are no suites of morphological features that can consistently define separate taxa when a large number of populations is studied. A multivariate morphological analysis of Mexipyrgus churinceanus, involving 20 morphological characters from 33 pop- ulations in the basin, shows that the trends of variation only partly follow the distribution of populations among the drainage systems of the basin. Contrary to previous thought, there are no subfamilies of hydrobiids endemic to the Cuatro Cienegas basin; all taxa studied belong to either the Nymphophilinae or Littoridininae, widely distributed subfamilies. Five genera and at least nine species are endemic to the basin. Phenetic and phyletic analyses show that of the five endemic genera, three are more closely related to nonendemic genera found in the basin than to each other, suggesting a polyphyletic origin for the endemic snails. The endemic snails may also be of a more recent and local origin than once thought. Snail taxa from the Pliocene Pebas Formation of Peru, the shells of which are superficially similar to those of the Cuatro Cienegas endemic taxa, are not Hydrobiidae and thus the conchological similarity is due to convergence. Four of the Cuatro Cionegas hydrobiid genera are ovoviviparous. Anatomical studies show that the evolution of this reproductive mode in the Hydrobiidae has involved modifications of the female reproductive system to separate incoming sperm from outgoing embryos, increase the amount of space available for holding embryos, and allow for control of the release of young. Key words: Hydrobiidae; Cuatro Cienegas; systematics; morphology; endemism; evolution; ovoviviparity. INTRODUCTION Apart from their high endemism, the hydro- bioid snails of Cuatro Cienegas are of interest The small (30 by 40 km) desert valley of for the following reasons: 1) a number of taxa Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico (Fig. 1) have large, sculptured or color-banded shells harbors a remarkable endemic biota (Con- whereas most hydrobioids have small, treras, 1978; Minckley, 1969). Most of the smooth shells without color bands; 2) several endemic taxa are associated with the exten- taxa may have been involved in coevolution sive spring fed aquatic environments of this with snail-eating cichlid fishes in the valley closed-drainage basin and include one genus (Vermeij & Covich, 1978); 3) the snails are and four species of crustaceans (Cole & deployed within a nearly unique variety of Minckley, 1966, 1970, 1972; Holsinger & spring fed aquatic environments within the Minckley, 1971), eight—ten species of fishes desert; 4) differentiated populations of snails (Minckley, 1977), and two species of turtles are found among the various springs of the (Schmidt & Owens, 1944; Webb & Legler, valley and offer the opportunity to study 1960). In addition, three subfamilies, five evolution in a natural laboratory (Taylor, genera, and 12 species of hydrobioid snails 1966; Taylor & Minckley, 1966). (those rissoacean snails that resemble Hy- The original description of the Cuatro drobia in shell, operculum, penis, or radula) Cienegas hydrobioids (Taylor, 1966) stimu- have been considered endemic to the valley lated this study and stands as an exemplary (Taylor, 1966). contribution for that time period. Credit should 'Latest address: '4 Dr. Fred G. Thompson, Florida State Museum, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A. (31) 32 HERSHLER 13 '43 TEXAS, U.S.A. Del Rio Acurha Rio Grande Boquillas Eagle Pass Piedras Negras COAHUILA, MEXICO Muzquizo Sabinas• ° 27 — . Cuatro Cienegas Monclova• • San Pedro Torreo'n Parras• Saltillo• 102° 0 20 50 100 km FIG. 1. Map of Coahuila, Mexico, showing the location of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin. The arrows indicate the direction of flow of the Rio Grande. CUATRO CIENEGAS HYDROBIIDS 33 be given to that author for recognizing the The basin consists of two lobes, separated uniqueness of both the hydrobioid fauna and by the northern end of the Sierra de San the environmental setting. Marcos (Fig. 2). There are far more springs in The classification scheme within which the the eastern than in the western lobe. Springs Cuatro CiOnegas hydrobioid snails were de- are particularly concentrated around the Sier- scribed was based on a character set re- ra de San Marcos. The springs vary: there are stricted to shell, operculum, penis, and a few small seeps; small springs with spring pool other aspects of external morphology (Taylor, areas of less than 10 m2 that run for only tens 1966). It is now known, on the basis of overall of meters; and much larger springs with soft part anatomy, that such characters have spring pool areas in excess of 900 m2 and frequently converged in hydrobioid taxa that depths to 7 m, whose outflows are large are not closely related (Davis, 1979). In a streams. While most of the springs are lim- series of papers (Davis, 1968, 1979, 1980; nocrenes, with spring pools at the heads, Davis et al., 1976, 1982; Davis & Pons da there are also rheocrenes, where water Silva, 1984) it was shown that the Hydro- rushes out of the ground as flowing streams. biidae (pre-1980) are polyphyletic and that Other aquatic environments include playa study of all aspects of soft part morphology, lakes, receiving flow from large streams; particularly the entire female reproductive spring fed pools that have no outflows; and system, is necessary to recognize con- extensive spring fed marshes. This great di- vergences and clarify the systematic rela- versity of desert spring fed aquatic environ- tionships of hydrobioid snails. As the original ments can only be matched in North America descriptions of the Cuatro Cienegas hydro- by that seen in the Death Valley—Ash bioids did not include aspects of internal an- Meadows area (Deacon & Minckley, 1974; atomy, these taxa's classification is suspect. Soltz & Naiman, 1978). The species descriptions were usually based Spring levels vary seasonally, as the water on collections from single localities, and only table rises in the winter and drops in the 12 localities were sampled (Taylor, 1966). summer. The spring water is generally quite This paper: 1) presents detailed morpho- hard and high in sulphates (Minckley & Cole, logical descriptions of the Cuatro Cienegas 1968). Most of the springs are thermal (to hydrobioid taxa and assesses their systema- 34°C), but cooler (14-25°C) springs are also tic affinities, the results of which are frequent- found. The larger springs have fairly constant ly at odds with previous classification (Taylor, water temperatures throughout the year 1966). One new genus and three new species (Minckley, 1969), while spring runs and shal- are described. Morphological data from pop- low pools can be subject to considerable var- ulations are analyzed to resolve species prob- iation in water temperature. For example, lems; 2) summarizes the distribution and North Spring has a spring pool area of about ecology of each species (103 localities sam- 230 m2 and a maximum depth of 1.5 m. Its pled in the valley); 3) discusses the results of waters flow into a second pool and then run the above as they relate to the origin, evolu- as a wide shallow stream for 77 m before tion, and endemism of the hydrobioid snails of disappearing into a hole. The spring is ther- Cuatro Cienegas; 4) discusses the evolution mal; 10 separate headspring temperature of ovoviviparity1 in hydrobioid snails. readings during 1981 gave a mean of 32.9°C (29.5-34.5°C). Maxi-mini thermometer read- Environmental Setting ings for four days (beginning 6/18/81) had a variation of 31-34.5°C for the head and 20.6- Cuatro Cienegas lies in the mideastern 37.8°C at the hole where the water goes section of the Chihuahuan Desert (Miller, underground. Thus, during this time period, 1977; Fig. 1). The valley receives less than the headspring water temperature varied only 200 mm of precipitation annually (Minckley, 3.5°C while downstream it varied 17.2°C. 1969). The mean annual temperature is 23°C The larger springs and their outflows have (Morafka, 1977), with midday summer tem- considerable microhabitat diversity, usually peratures exceeding 40°C. The valley floor is including several types of aquatic vegetation 740 m above sea level, bounded on all sides (sedges, Nymphaea, Chara, Utricularia); a by tall (to 3000 m) peaks of the Sierra Madre soft sediment consisting of snail copropel Orientale. The valley floor is relatively flat. and/or an algal-detritus mixture; a sand con- 1By ovoviviparity I mean brooding young without direct tissue connection, following Van der Schalie (1936). 34 HERSHLER SIERRA DE LA MENCHACA SIERRA DE LA MADERA 800 m CUATRO CIENEGAS SIERRA SAN VICENTE 3 4 2) 5 SIERRA DE LA PURISIMA SIERRA DE SAN MARCOS SIERRA DE LA FRAGUA 6 0 5 10 k m FIG. 2. Map of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, showing the portion of the basin that was intensively sampled (area enclosed by dashed lines). The numbers indicate the origins of the seven major drainages of the basin (from Minckley, 1969): 1, the Churince system; 2, the Becerra system; 3, the Rio Mesquites system; 4, Rio Puente Chiquito; 5, Tio Candido; 6, Santa Tecla Laguna; 7, Rio Salado de Nadadores.
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    This article was downloaded by: [] On: 24 July 2013, At: 12:35 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Fisheries Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ufsh20 Conservation Status of Freshwater Gastropods of Canada and the United States Paul D. Johnson a , Arthur E. Bogan b , Kenneth M. Brown c , Noel M. Burkhead d , James R. Cordeiro e o , Jeffrey T. Garner f , Paul D. Hartfield g , Dwayne A. W. Lepitzki h , Gerry L. Mackie i , Eva Pip j , Thomas A. Tarpley k , Jeremy S. Tiemann l , Nathan V. Whelan m & Ellen E. Strong n a Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) , 2200 Highway 175, Marion , AL , 36756-5769 E-mail: b North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences , Raleigh , NC c Louisiana State University , Baton Rouge , LA d United States Geological Survey, Southeast Ecological Science Center , Gainesville , FL e University of Massachusetts at Boston , Boston , Massachusetts f Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources , Florence , AL g U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , Jackson , MS h Wildlife Systems Research , Banff , Alberta , Canada i University of Guelph, Water Systems Analysts , Guelph , Ontario , Canada j University of Winnipeg , Winnipeg , Manitoba , Canada k Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources , Marion , AL l Illinois Natural History Survey , Champaign , IL m University of Alabama , Tuscaloosa , AL n Smithsonian Institution, Department of Invertebrate Zoology , Washington , DC o Nature-Serve , Boston , MA Published online: 14 Jun 2013.
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