It's a Mad, Bad, Glad, Ipad World
It’s a Mad, Bad, Glad, iPad World Friar Bob Hutmacher, ofm I’m writing on the first day of meteorological summer and my second idea for this Legionnaire article are memory flashes of Johnathan Winters, Milton Berle, Ethel Merman, Mickey Rooney, Buddy Hackett, Sid Caesar, Spencer Tracy, Dick Shawn, Phil Silvers, Edie Adams, Terry Thomas, Carl Reiner, Jimmy Durante and many more in the 1963 film, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. The first thoughts I had were of last night’s tornado in the western suburbs, U.S. bishops treading in dangerous waters, more mass shootings than even a twisted mind could imagine, a new Covid variant rampant throughout the world and a steamer trunk full of bad news. However ~ I believe we need a break from all the anxiety of the plague behaviors (as I call them), interior damage, negative vibes and scary thoughts of a divided country and divided Church ~ and smile with delight at some of our Catholic behavior. A number of years ago Travelers Aid operated out of our lower level to assist the lost and forsaken of our city. There was a period when this social service kindly offered free sandwiches and coffee on Friday afternoon to anyone and everyone in need. And anyone and everyone flocked to the basement of St. Peter’s! Word on the street spreads quickly and when it was Sandwich Friday here, there was always a line down into the basement. I happened to be in confessional #12 that day, the most frequented one we have in church.
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