Guidelines for Hurricane

The following Shabbat Protocols in Case of a Hurricane are based on guidelines produced by Kenneth Brander in consultation with Rav Hershel Schachter. Please prepare accordingly. May HaShem protect us. (Some edits have been made, including the section on .).

1. Minyan If a hurricane is happening on Shabbat, stay home!

2. Electricity If there is NO electricity on Shabbat and the storm is over AND if civil authorities declare the area safe... Minyan will take place, but only during daylight hours. If there IS electricity, services will be held as regularly scheduled.

3. If trees have fallen, assume NO Eruv is functioning When Eruv is damaged: Carrying permitted for life/limb threatening situations. Carrying permitted for individuals who need medical attention without which a person's functionality is compromised, (even for one bed-ridden with a headache). In this case carrying should be done, only if possible, in an irregular fashion (i.e. carrying medicine in ones belt or shoe).

Carrying is permitted to allow a baby, infirm adults or a child traumatized by the event to function without compromise. In this case carrying should be done, if possible, in an irregular fashion (i.e. two people carrying or wheeling the stroller/person.)

4. Use of Candles & Flashlights Before the start of Shabbat, light and place yahrzeit or hurricane candles in strategic locations. Lit flashlights (with fresh batteries) may be hung/placed in key locations before Shabbat.


If flash light/candle goes out: When necessary (to take care of children or one who is ill, to eat etc.) and there is no other light, a non-Jew can relight or change batteries.

If not having the light may create a life threatening situation, you may do it yourself. Moving candles and flashlights is permitted in the following situations: For any medical concerns no matter how slight To provide comfort and welfare to the elderly and children under eight (or above eight years old when child is traumatized by the event).

When possible, moving a candle should be done by two individuals.

5. Television or Radio A TV or radio should be left on in a side room. Channel should not be changed. Volume on radio may be adjusted on Shabbat. Better to keep it on low to preserve the battery and only raise it when necessary.

Please be advised that it is highly recommended to stock up on supplies prior to Shabbat as many items may no longer be available in stores on Motza’ai Shabbat.

May we all be protected and enjoy a pleasant and safe Shabbat.

5777 BSY