Rye & District Association

Newsletter Spring-Summer 2017

Photo: Phil Maynard

Photo:Photo: Marion Phil Maynard Brunt

Newly created effigy of Rudyard Kipling at Bateman's (beautifully sculpted in a willow tree stump - by chainsaw!) Committee Members

Chairman Marion Brunt 01424 883566 [email protected]

Vice-Chairman Lovat Bonnet 01797 230740 / Theatre [email protected]

Secretary Rita Kirk 01797 364356 [email protected]

Treasurer Julie Etches 01797 225317 [email protected]

Newsletter John Wright 01797 260503 Editor [email protected]

Bookings Ros Adkins 01797 253763 [email protected]

Membership Catharine Frewen 01797 252123 [email protected]

Lectures Maggie Brown 01580 764013 [email protected]

Outings (position vacant)

Publicity & Philip Romani 01424 883420 Website Editor [email protected]

Walks Phil Maynard 01797 260637 [email protected]

Committee Ann Rolfe 01797 361770 Member [email protected]

Photo: Phil Maynard Photo: Phil Maynard

Above: Enjoying the walk near Westfield in February. For more Walking Group photos, see pages 25-26.

- 2 - 2017 PROGRAMME

SPRING LUNCH (See on page 17.) Saturday 22 April 12:30pm for 1pm, Powder Mills Hotel, Battle

THEATRE (See on page 17.) Thursday 4 May Funny Girl, Marlowe, Canterbury

RITZY ROYAL CELEBRATION (Details on page 19.) Thursday 15 June Brede Village Hall, 2pm

OUTINGS (See page 20.) Wednesday 5 July Quex House & Gardens, Birchington

GOLF DAY (See page 18.) Friday 18 August Golf Club.

MEET & GREET (See on page 21.) Friday 22 September Sissinghurst, at 10am

LECTURES (See page 22.) All talks start at 2pm in Brede Village Hall. Thursday 20 April John Stevenson: Artists’ Village Thursday 18 May Andy Putland: My Career in Silversmithing

MUSIC CLUB (See page 22.)

WALKS (See page 23.) Walks normally start at 10:30, and are approx. 5-6 miles followed by lunch. Thursday 30 March Meet at The Bell, Iden Tuesday 2 May Meet at The Farriers Arms Mersham, Ashford Thursday 6 June Meet at the Rose and Crown, . Tuesday 11 July Meet at the Dover White Cliffs Visitor Centre. Thursday 21 September TBA Tuesday 24 October TBA Thursday 30 November TBA but includes Christmas lunch! For any further information on the 2017 Programme, please contact the appropriate Committee Member (listed on page 2) or Chairman Marion Brunt.

- 3 - Editorial

ell, I now find I am waking to daylight not darkness. Maybe it is not W always bright and sunny, but perhaps more often it is, and days are noticeably longer. Surely it must be the start of Spring. HURRAY! Each season has its attractions, and I do enjoy each for what it has to offer. But, I must admit, Spring is the season I enjoy most of all. I guess it is the promise of what is to come: new beginnings; new growth in the garden and the countryside around us. It makes me feel good to be alive. So, it's time to rise from Winter Hibernation and get out and about! Yes, time to go visiting places again - time to go re-visiting our National Trust properties - and to go exploring new ones. (I know many of us enjoy visiting in the Winter, but how much better they look in the Spring and Summer, as the gardens and countryside take on their fresh new look) Welcome, to your Spring-Summer Newsletter! But first, I must emphasise the now boringly regular plea for volunteers to join our committee. Those of you who attended the AGM will know that Marion, our Chairman, and Cathy, our Membership Secretary, will be standing down in February next year. We have had a vacancy for an Outings Organiser for two years - during which time we have struggled to arrange trips. Without an imminent influx of help, it is difficult to see how our Association will be able to continue for much longer. Surely none of us want our demise. Please help! Now, moving on - once again, we report within on the activities we have enjoyed since the last Newsletter, and tell you about our Association offerings for the next few months. Please do join us in as many as you can. Our society is all about enjoying ourselves whilst raising funds for the National Trust. So, on with the show! Let's all enjoy Spring & Summer of 2017, with the National Trust! John Wright *****************************************************************************************

STOP PRESS ey events for your diary - put them in now! K Spring Lunch: Saturday 22 April, Battle (page 17). Funny Girl: Thursday 4 May, Canterbury (page 17). Ritzy Royal Celebration: Thursday 15 June, Brede Hall, (page 19). Quex House & Gardens: Wednesday 5 July, Birchington, (page 20). - 4 - Chairman’s Annual Report to the AGM

Photo: Cathy Frewen am pleased to report that we had an incredibly successful year, thanks to I our hard working committee, despite the fact that several have been hospitalised for varying reasons. The latest is Ann Rolfe who at present is unwell. We wish her a speedy recovery. I am also pleased to report that all others are back ‘in harness’ and are now enjoying good health. The Spring lunch, at the Powder Mills Hotel was once again an enormous success. The event, organised as usual by Ann Rolfe and Ros Adkins, will be repeated again this year on Saturday 22 April. The Lectures have been an outstanding success, evident by the increase in numbers attending. Maggie Brown certainly has the ‘knack’ of choosing inspiring subjects, and rounded off the season with a jolly Christmas party with performances by the Vocality Choir and the Rye Ukulele Group. Thank you Maggie, I am sure we are all looking forward to our season of lectures this year. The January lecture ‘Medical Detection Dogs’ raised £294 from those who attended and a further £100.00 from Maureen Iliffe on behalf of her charity group which gives annually to the charity of their choice. We have held three Outings during the past year. The first to Hawkinge and Capel-le-Ferne, organised by Cathy and Laton Frewen and Ros Adkins, a wonderful day reminiscing and thinking of the thousands of service men and women who made the supreme sacrifice for our country. The second trip was to Buckingham Palace, the theme ‘Fashioning a Reign’. I was unable to go, but I understand it was a great day out. The annual Bluewater trip again attracted a full coach. Many came home with empty pockets but were well compensated by an enjoyable day. Theatre Trips have been poorly supported, so much so that we have reluctantly had to cancel all that had been arranged. This has been a great disappointment to Lovat, who puts so much effort and research into the - 5 - planning. Fortunately, we do have one in the pipeline: ‘Funny Girl’ at the Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury on Thursday 4 May. There are still seats available so please see Ros and book yours. The Walks organised by Phil Maynard are becoming so popular that they have reached saturation point. Whatever the elements throw at this stoic group, they sally forth, but always enjoy a meal and a quiz at a local pub. To Phil’s credit, he has gained us many new members and raised several hundred pounds towards our funds. Thank you Phil and Phil. To the other extreme, for those who enjoy a more relaxing afternoon, why not come to the newly formed ‘Music Club’? George and Val Terry have kindly organised these at their home. Those of us who have been have enjoyed a variety of classical music. The rare opportunity of just sitting and listening has greatly enhanced our appreciation of the classics. During the interval we are treated to delicious cakes and a cup of tea. George and Val, we much appreciate your kind hospitality, thank you. The annual Golf Day at Sedlescombe Golf Club, was again a great success. Although the weather could have been a little kinder we were able to attract the optimum number of players and raise a record of just over £1000. We have planned this year to hold the event on Friday 18 August. The Meet and Greet and the Quiz at Beckley were not quite so well attended, but those who were able to go enjoyed both occasions. Our Newsletters again have been the envy of other National Trust Associations in our area, as was evident when John and I attended the Area meeting last spring. Praise was extended to John for his publishing skills (much deserved) and to Phil Maynard and Philip Romani for our up to date information on the NT Website, our Facebook Page and our information on Google. IT skills are not my strong point, so we much appreciate the efforts of those who keep us up to date in the 21st century. I cannot conclude my report without mentioning our Membership Secretary Cathy Frewen, who I am pleased to say has welcomed many new members during the past year. We have reached a total of 276. So far, only 150 have renewed their membership this year. Subscriptions are due in January each - 6 - year. We do make some allowance, so please see Cathy if you have not yet renewed. We would hate to delete you from our list. Our Secretary, Rita Kirk is the most skilful and efficient Secretary that I have ever encountered. The minutes from our meetings are so precise. Rita, what would we do without you. Thank you. You will be receiving the report from the Treasurer at the conclusion of mine. Julie we would like to thank you for keeping our finances in such good order. Our aim is to raise funds to help support our local National Trust properties. This I feel we have achieved in the past, and it is only with your help and support that we are able to achieve this success in the future. I move my report. Marion Brunt Resignation Statement s from the AGM next year, I have decided to resign as Chairman of the A Rye and District Association. I would, however like to remain on the committee, if elected. It is with regret that Cathy Frewen has also announced that she will be retiring as Membership Secretary at the next AGM. I am sure you will all join me in thanking Cathy for the tremendous effort she has put into the role over the past few years. We still have a vacancy for an Outings Organiser. If you are interested in filling this position, please contact anyone of the committee, we should be very pleased to hear from you. We the committee, have discussed the future of our Association, and we feel it could be in jeopardy if we do not get more volunteers to assist us. Sadly, lack of support has led to the demise of several National Trust groups. We would hate this to happen to our Association, as I am sure you would too. We therefore leave it in your hands. If you are interested in joining us on the committee, please approach me or any member of the committee. We are a very friendly bunch, and the monthly committee meetings are very relaxed and enjoyable. IT’S NOW UP TO YOU! Marion Brunt ***************************************************************************************** - 7 - Treasurer's Report to the AGM

uring the past 12 months we have donated the sum of £500 to Chartwell D towards their fund to purchase some of Churchill's artefacts, £650 to to purchase two Kayaks to help with Wetland management and £1000 to Bateman's to help with the restoration of the herb border. A Grand Total of just over £2150. A copy of the accounts has been provided for you (at the AGM) and you will see that following the above donations our balance at the end of the year is £4526. We are currently discussing our next project to fund. We have increased our profit on Outings, Golf Day and Walks, whilst reducing our expenses on printing and postage. The Committee has decided that next year, 2018, we will be increasing our membership fees to £10 for a single person and £15 for a couple. This will be the first increase in 5 years and will help to cover the cost of our Newsletter. Thank you all! Julie Etches ***************************************************************************************** Membership

e all gain much delight in meeting the members of our Association at the W talks, outings and activities we arrange each year and feel it is a gathering of friends with like minded interests. It is most encouraging that we are able to welcome the following new members to our group since our last publication : Christine Bennett Gail Brooks Lizzie Brooks Peter Challans Lesley Coshan Spencer Hall Anne Knight Angela Mallen Jacqueline Pankhurst Tony Pearlman Esther Riley Harry Simons Margaret Wright We are arranging another most interesting and varied programme for you this year and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the various events. Membership of the National Trust is not a pre-requisite; do let your friends and neighbours know about us, I would be delighted to help with any enquiries. Cathy Frewen ***************************************************************************************** - 8 - Scotney Donation Update.

n 12 June 2015, Marion and members of the committee presented a O cheque for £1000 to Scotney Manager John Musgrave. We received this update in November but were unable to publish in the last Newsletter.

Photo: Sue McGavin

- 9 - Thankyou from Chartwell

n 6 December 2016, Marion and members of the committee presented a O cheque for £500 to Beatrice Prosser-Snelling.

Photo: Sue McGavin

- 10 - Chartwell Update

Our Chairman Marion has recently received this update.

- 11 - Keep Churchill at Chartwell Appeal

ach item in the collections at Chartwell tells a different part of Churchill's E life. Some depict the famous man as you'd expect; a great leader, orator and politician. Other items are deeply personal and show a softer, lesser known side to the great man. Curator Neil Walters highlights his pick of those personal belongings of Churchill's that we hope to keep at Chartwell. 1. Speech box Churchill was one of the world’s great orators, and this is where papers for his speeches were kept. It’s a very unassuming wooden box, but it’s significant in the story of Churchill and the war. His skill in communicating the threat to Europe from the Nazis, together with his military knowledge, was a powerful combination. It was also fundamental in persuading President Roosevelt, and therefore the reluctant American public, to join the British as allies in the Second World War. 2. Hairbrush Objects often have layers of meaning, and this hairbrush is no exception. The wood was taken from the deck of HMS Exeter as it was being refitted, after it was damaged in the Battle of the River Plate in 1939. Churchill was a naval man through and through. In his study, he ordered the floor to be made of narrow boards just like the deck of a ship. It’s telling that these pairs of hairbrushes were made from the HMS Exeter for only three people: the Captain of the ship, King George VI and Churchill, who was First Lord of the Admiralty at the time. 3. House of Commons book This book was presented to Churchill on his 80th birthday, when he was still Prime Minister. It’s signed by almost all the MPs at the time (except for five, who objected on principle). Parliament has never again created a gift like this for a Head of Government. Churchill was rare in the way he united the - 12 - Commons during his wartime leadership. There’s a softer side to Churchill that we rarely see, but when he received gifts such as this one, he was genuinely touched and often moved to tears by the thought behind such generosity. His collection is largely made up of such gifts, which is unusual. There’s nothing outside the Royal Collection that matches the number of high-status items at Chartwell. 4. Lion sculpture After the Second World War, Churchill received an outpouring of heartfelt thanks from the liberated people of Europe. This bronze sculpture is a gift from the people of Luxembourg. It has pride of place in front of the study, which was the beating heart of Chartwell. It’s where Churchill worked into the small hours on his speeches and strategies. He often used the metaphor of the lion in his speeches as it was a symbol of British strength. He once said: ‘It was the nation that had the lion’s heart; I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.’ 5. Medallions Churchill was awarded a great range of medallions throughout his life. The fencing medallion (1892) is from Churchill's school days and was a treasured item, especially becaused he struggled in academic subjects. His prowess in fencing tells us a lot about his energy and focus as a young man. The Iron Cross is symbolic of a pivotal moment in history: Tehran, 1943. It was the first time Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt (known as 'the big three') met to discuss operations in the Second World War. It was also Churchill's 69th birthday and he received a number of gifts to mark the day. This Iron Cross is perhaps the most unusual. It was confiscated from Franz Mayr, a Nazi agent working undercover in Persia. ***************************************************************************************** - 13 - Thankyou from Winchelsea

n 22 October, Marion and members of the committee presented Andrew O Dyer, Winchelsea Area Ranger, with a cheque for £650 to purchase two kayaks to assist wildlife management along waterways.

From: Dyer, Andrew Sent: 09 March 2017 15:43 To: Marion Brunt Subject: RE: Winchelsea visit Hi Marion. Now the weather has improved I am happy to say we have been out in the kayaks surveying for water voles (no luck today). They really are useful in allowing us to get close to the steep banks. I have attached a photograph of Stan Smith, the ranger, I took today at Wickham Manor Farm. Please take this opportunity to pass on my thanks to the committee and members for the kind donation. Best wishes. Andrew Andrew Dyer, Area Ranger, National Trust, Mill Road, Winchelsea - 14 - Christmas Party Review

Party Photos: John Wright

he Christmas Party on Thursday 15 December, was a wonderful event T enjoyed by all, with Brede Hall filled to capacity. Members enjoyed mulled wine, soft drinks, savouries & mince pies, an impressive raffle - and crackers! Excellent entertainment was provided first by Rye Ukelele Experiment who had us foot-tapping to many well known songs. This was then followed by Vocality, a choir from Udimore, who sang a selection of Christmas songs and carols. Finally we were treated to Vocality & Rye Ukelele Experiment performing together. All in all, a truly wonderful and seasonal afternoon.

- 15 - Rye National Trust Christmas Pilgrimage (copy of an article published in Rye News in December)

Photo: John Wright

n Monday 28 November, a full coach of Rye National Trust Association O members and friends took, what has now become, an annual trip to Bluewater Shopping Centre. The coach departed Rye just after 9am on a crisp, sunny, Winter's morning. After pickups in Peasmarsh and , we all enjoyed a relaxing journey, without the hastle of having to drive our cars! The Monday proved an ideal day for Bluewater - 'Black Friday Discounts' were still available - but the crazy crowds of Friday, Saturday and Sunday were NOT! There was plenty of time for the all important Christmas Presents Shopping - and some bargains for ourselves of course - as well as a long lunch. Then, loaded down with full bags but empty purses, we rejoined our coach, and arrived back by 6:30. A wonderful day out - enjoyed by all - even the husbands who bravely came along. Rye NT Association events are open to all, you don't have to be a member of the National Trust. However, members of our Association do have priority on trips. Our events are advertised in RyeNews What's On. So, do come along and join us, you would be most welcome. For further information about us, contact Membership Secretary, Cathy Frewen ([email protected], 01797-252123). John Wright - 16 - Spring Lunch The Powder Mills Hotel - Saturday 22 April 2017

Photo: Powder Mills Hotel

oin us for our Annual Lunch which is once again at The Powder Mills in J Battle. This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to get together and enjoy good food and conversation in a really attractive setting! We are very pleased to have been able to agree a really delicious menu, and for an excellent price. Last year we had a choice of three, for each of first course, main and dessert. However this year, we have been able to agree a choice of four for each course, yet maintain the same charge as last year, namely £25 per person (including coffee and gratuities). We shall meet in the bar at 12.30 with the lunch scheduled for 1pm. A Menu and Booking Form are in the back pages. Please complete the form, cut off from below the menu, and return as stated on the form. We all look forward to seeing you there! Ann Rolfe ***************************************************************************************** Theatre Trip: Funny Girl

- 17 - Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury, Thursday 4 May 2017, 2:30pm unny Girl brought global fame to Barbra Streisand fifty years ago, and F boasts some of the most iconic songs in film and theatre history, including “People” and “Don’t Rain On My Parade”. The show tells the story of Fanny Brice, whose vocal talents and comedic ability see her rise from Brooklyn music hall singer to Broadway star. This musical has just completed a highly acclaimed run at the Savoy Theatre. Hopefully the show will be awesome on the magnificent stage at the Marlowe. The cost of tickets, including the coach, is £48 each. We will arrive in plenty of time for lunch and window shopping in Canterbury. This really is an excellent day out and we still have a few tickets left, so please book as soon as possible! (Booking Form is in the back pages) Lovat Bonnet ***************************************************************************************** Fun Golf Day 2017

Photo: Sedlescombe Golf Club he date of our 2017 National Trust competition is FRIDAY 18 AUGUST. It T will be held on the beautiful Sedlescombe course followed by a wonderful meal. If you are a keen golfer, please put the date in your diaries. The format will be as last year, 4BBB off full handicap. Those members who played last year will receive an entry form with this Newsletter. If you have not received one, and would like to play, please contact me and I will send you one. My details you will find inside the front cover. Last year’s competition was a great success. We would like to repeat this as the profit generated helps provide financial support to our wonderful local National Trust properties. Get those swings going, and I hope to see you on the 18th !! Marion Brunt - 18 - A Ritzy Royal Celebration! oin us on Thursday 15 June at Brede Village Hall to celebrate J the 70th Wedding Anniversary of the Queen and Prince Philip. On November 20th 2017, our 91-year-old Queen and 96-year-old Duke of Edinburgh will celebrate a milestone 70 years of marriage. Their Platinum anniversary is likely to include a service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey, with family members and dignitaries from across the world. It is expected many celebrations will be held across the country prior to this, during the summer and autumn, and we plan to celebrate in June.

Our celebration will be in the style of Afternoon Tea at the Ritz! A suitably decorated Brede Hall will be laid out with pretty tables, cake stands and china crockery. Afternoon tea will include dainty sandwiches, cake, scones, jam and cream, tea and, of course, a glass of Prosecco! Throughout the afternoon, Duncan Reed will be on the keyboard, providing background music from the era, from the forties through to more modern times. Also, there will be a rolling photo montage of the Queen and Prince Philip during their years of marriage. The celebration will commence at the usual time of 2pm at Brede Village Hall. The charge per person is £12. Feel free to come suitably dressed for a Royal Occasion - there will be a prize for the best hat! Do come and join us for a really happy and joyful afternoon. Please complete and return the Booking Form in the back pages. Maggie Brown - 19 - Outings Quex House & Gardens – Wednesday 5 July 2016

Photo: Quex House

uex Park is a unique country Park of 250 acres in East Kent set within an Q estate of 1800 acres around Birchington, Acol and Richborough. The Park is an oasis of parkland and trees in a Thanet landscape of open topography and urban development. One of Quex Park's best known visitor attractions is the Powell-Cotton Museum, with the most impressive Natural History dioramas in Europe. Visit the most inspiring museum in the UK to engage with its eclectic mix of world- class natural history, World Cultures and Asian art. Quex Gardens have been enjoyed by the Powell-Cotton family and their friends for generations. Their love of outdoor green spaces is evident today in our seven acre gardens with their stunning Victorian layout and landscaping. Enjoy the seasonal delights of Quex Gardens your way – wander through the Walled Kitchen Garden and spot some of our unusual plants. On arrival we will have tea, coffee & biscuits and an introductory talk, before exploring the gardens, house and museum in our own time. There will also be a sandwich lunch in the Function Room. The cost of the trip is £32 per person for the visit, coach (including gratuities), arrival drinks and sandwich lunch (please state any special dietary requirements on the Booking Form in the back pages). Please help us by booking as soon as you can. John Wright

- 20 - Meet & Greet 2017 at Sissinghurst!

Photo: National Trust Photo: National Trust his year we are holding our Meet & Greet at Sissinghurst, on Friday 22 T September, starting at 9:45 am. As many of you will know, this is an informal annual event that enables members both old and new to meet each other and the Committee. Should you know of anybody who is considering whether to join the Rye & District Association, they would also be most welcome to come along. So, come and enjoy a private garden tour, starting at 10am (prior to the general public entry at 11:00), followed by light refreshment in the Granary Restaurant. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the house and enjoy the magnificent gardens! By way of a thank you for fund raising efforts, there will be no charge - either for entry to Sissinghurst, or the refreshments! (However, any donation on the day would, of course, be welcome.) On entry, please advise that you are attending the Rye & District Meet & Greet. Also, those of us who are National Trust members, are asked to bring our membership cards. We do need to advise Sissinghurst of our numbers, so to confirm that you will be attending and whether you are bringing guests, please phone or email Ros Adkins or complete and post the Booking Form in the back pages. On behalf of my colleagues, I really look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. It will also be a good opportunity for those who have recently joined us to make new friends among more long-standing members. Marion Brunt - 21 - Lectures for 2016/17

ll lectures start at 2pm at Brede Village Hall. A Thursday 20 April: John Stevenson – Artists’ Village John is a guide at Watts Gallery near Guildford. He will give us a comprehensive talk on George and Mary Watts, their Gallery and Mary’s Chapel.

Thursday 18 May: Andy Putland - My Career in Silversmithing Andy and his partner have a silversmith and goldsmith company, deep in the Kent Countryside. Andy will give us an insight into their craft and work. They have been commissioned to produce pieces for, among others, the Queen Mother and Pope John Paul II. Admission is £3 for members and £4 for visitors, but the charge includes refreshments! However, for the December meeting, please see the Booking Form in the back pages. Maggie Brown ***************************************************************************************** Rye & District Association Music Club e spend an afternoon, once a month, enjoying excellent music, and all W this in return for a small donation to the R&DA funds. Date & Time: Second Thursday in the month, 1.45pm for 2.00pm start, finishing at 5pm with a mid-afternoon refreshments interval (20 - 30 minutes depending on programme content). Venue: Woodlands, Chitcombe Road, Broad Oak, Rye TN31 6EU. Telephone 01424 882695. Club Membership Form: Please can anyone who is interested in joining, complete and post the Music Club Membership form in the back pages, or email me at: [email protected] George Terry - 22 - Walking Group

Hawkhurst, January Walks Photos: Phil Maynard

Spring has sprung ell winter wasn't too bad (says he who spent 2 weeks in Florida) and W already we have enjoyed wonderful sunny weather on both of the 2017 walks so far undertaken. Casting our minds back to 2016, over 40 people attended the last walk of the year when the now traditional best costume awards persuaded our walkers to traverse the countryside in a variety of Xmas themed garb and enjoy a pre Christmas lunch. We started and finished the walk at the White Hart at Netherfield. If you haven't been to this pub I thoroughly recommend it for either a meal or just a drink. Several of the group have since returned and there are a couple of very comfortable settees in the bar from which you can take in the spectacular views across the countryside to the and the sea. Word must be getting round about the fun we have as several new walkers joined us at both Hawkhurst in January and Westfield in February. The Plough at Westfield has recently undergone a refurbishment after local villagers Mari and Shelley, who are mother and daughter, took on the pub. They made us most welcome after a very enjoyable walk around the surrounding picturesque area. It's always good to see another of our pubs saved from closure. The Walking Group's raison d'être was never to raise money but with increasing participation I'm pleased to report that in addition to providing a measure of outdoor exercise, enormous fun, camaraderie, educational improvement (well that's how I see my quizzes), last year we also managed to contribute £273 to Rye & District National Trust and all this for £2 a walk! So

- 23 - what better reason to get your walking shoes/boots out and join us on one or more of the dates below. 2017 Walks

nless stated otherwise all walks start at 10.30 and are approximately 5 - 6 U miles followed by lunch. There is a £2 charge for each walk which includes entry to both the 'guess the steps' competition and the lunchtime trivia quiz and of course with luck you may recoup your investment! Thursday 30 March: The Bell at Iden. A mainly flat route including the River Rother. Tuesday 2 May: The Farriers Arms Mersham near Ashford. A bit further to travel but some nice countryside and a lovely old pub reopened by the villagers. Thursday 6 June: The Rose and Crown Burwash. A walk from the village passing close to Bateman's. Tuesday 11 July: Dover and the White Cliffs. A longer than usual, one way, mainly downhill walk from the White Cliffs visitor centre along the cliffs to Walmer catching the bus back. Approx 7 miles including a lunchtime stop with a further 1 mile walk back to the visitor centre after the bus ride. Thursday 21 September: TBA Tuesday 24 October: TBA Thursday 30 November: TBA. Starts at 10am and will include our Christmas lunch. Phil (and Phil) Maynard *****************************************************************************************

Hythe walk, April Walkers Photos: Phil Maynard January

- 24 - Walking Group Photos November: Netherfield & Christmas Lunch

January: Hawkhurst

- 25 -

February: Westfield

- 26 - Walks Photos: Phil Maynard Rye & District NT Association is on the INTERNET!

e have a web-page on the National Trust website, and we have entries W in the online community newspaper 'Rye News'. Also, we are in the process of setting up our own Facebook group. Our National Trust Website Page www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/rye-and-district-association The page is principally to attract new members. It explains who we are and what we do. However, it is also a useful resource for our members, because it provides online access to view and download:  our current Events List  our latest Newsletter  and, our Membership Form Our web-page can be accessed directly by either of the following:  typing the above link into a web-browser  going to the National Trust website and using the search facility at the very top of the page, right hand side, to search on 'Rye supporter group'  or, by a 'Google' search for 'Rye National Trust Association' Our Facebook Page

Our Facebook page is now live, although there is not yet much on it! We would like you to help to make it a success. The purpose is to keep our 'online' members informed of activities, and to share photos and other information. Only members will be given access to post and comment within the group. If you are already a Facebook user, you can find our page here: https://www.facebook.com/Ryenationaltrust/ . Save it as a 'favourite', and take the opportunity to help us make it a useful means of communication, and so attract new members. If Facebook is something you have to date avoided, think of it as a web page that can be instantly updated by any of its members, who can view and post photos, make comments, ask questions, access current and past newsletters and other useful documents. - 27 - If you want to try it, you will need to create a 'Facebook Account'. But, you don't need to get involved in any of the inane nonsense that many of us associate with the 'younger facebook-generation' - nor do you need to share any of your personal details with anyone else. You can also, if you wish, switch off all notifications and only view the page as you would any other web page. If there is demand from our members, we will create a step by step guide on how to use Facebook, and which settings need to be altered, for those that wish to ensure privacy, and only wish to use it to access our page. Monthly Email Update We endeavour to issue a Monthly Email to briefly summarise up-coming events, and also update members with any significant news, prior to the subsequent Newsletter. Unfortunately BT issues with bulk emailing is currently creating problems that we are still working to resolve. Rye News online Community Newspaper Rye News ( www.ryenews.org.uk ) includes a 'What's on Guide', and we are now putting all our events into this calendar. Additionally we plan to submit articles and photographs from time to time. We also have an advertisement which appears on various pages, in rotation with others, either on the right hand side, or at the bottom if viewed on a smartphone. Click on the Advert, and you are taken directly to our National Trust web-page. The Advert is principally to attract new members. John Wright & Phil Maynard

If you are unaware of Rye News, I do encourage you to take a look. "Rye News is a not-for-profit enterprise being run by volunteers with the purpose of benefiting the local community. It provides a forum to discuss issues and promotes Rye and the surrounding area to a local and wider audience. Rye’s online newspaper is here to showcase what is positive about our town and the villages about us. Within our area, a wide circle of about eight miles, Rye News represents an open invitation to all residents, businesses and voluntary organisations to keep us all informed." - 28 - Volunteering Opportunity! W e really do need more help on our committee - two more would be ideal! If you were at the AGM you would know that our Chairman, Marion, will be standing down at the 2018 AGM. Also, Cathy, our Membership Secretary, is resigning too. So, the committee now has the challenge of finding replacements for two key roles. If either of those roles is of interest to you, then please do step forward! But, if you would wish to help us as an ordinary committee member, you would be more than welcome We are a very friendly and relaxed committee. We already have a Secretary and Treasurer, so do not worry that we are looking to fill those roles! In addition there are eight other committee members, and it is to assist them, that we seek new members. We meet approximately once a month in a committee member's house. Meetings typically last an hour and a half, and invariably are followed by tea and cakes! Our meetings are not onerous, and cover the following:  considering ideas for future events and activities, that we believe our members would enjoy and support  agreeing which ideas to pursue, and by which committee members  reviewing projects proposed by our local National Trust properties  assessing our finances, and deciding which projects to support, and what donation we are able to make So, as a new member, you would not be expected to take on any specific responsibility, unless you were really keen to do so! However, you would be invited to assist existing committee members, and 'learn the ropes' from them. If you think you may be interested, but not sure, why not ask if you can come along to a committee meeting as a 'no commitment' observer? To find out more, please contact Marion or any member of the committee.

- 29 -


Obituary: Charmian Alexandra Bonnet 1944-2017

t is with great sadness to have to tell I everyone, that Charmian, Lovat’s wife, died on Tuesday 7 February, having not been well for some time. Being the person she was, she would not admit to being unwell. One of her endearing qualities was her genuine interest in whoever she was with. She had the gift of making you feel that you had said something witty or quite out the ordinary and get you laughing. Having enjoyed a successful career as a solicitor in London, she retired with Lovat to Peasmarsh. She not only joined our group, but also many others. She was on one of the fund raising committees for St Michael’s Hospice. She was a governor of Bethany School near Goudhurst and had been the lecture organiser for the Tenterden Association of Decorative Fine Arts. She was very fond of the old Norman Church in Peasmarsh, where she and Lovat were married, and was one of the flower arrangers. She was such a popular member of our group and will be dearly missed.

Lovat Bonnet *****************************************************************************************

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National Trust Rye & District Association MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION / RENEWAL FORM





Annual subscriptions, due on 1 January, are: -


- £8 for one member; £13 for two members at the same address.





- Full Name/s......




















- Postcode ......




- Telephone...... Email…......




- Optional Information:



Are you a member of the National Trust? Circle as appropriate: YES / NO




(You do not have to be a member of the National Trust to join us)




- How did you hear about us? Circle as appropriate: NT Website /



NT Property / Poster / RyeNews / Friends / Other (please specify below)









- *****************************************************************************************



There are two ways to renew: by Post OR by Electronic Bank Transfer.




Application / Renewal By Post: -



Please complete the form, cut out, and send with a stamped addressed



- envelope and a cheque made payable to NT (Rye & District Association), to :




- Mrs Cathy Frewen, Membership Secretary, Tantalus, Main Street, Northiam,



Rye TN31 6NB.







Application / Renewal By Electronic Bank Transfer:




Please make the appropriate payment to:




NT Rye & District Association; Sort Code: 601809;




A/c no: 16059530; Reference: Insert your name



- This is not an automated process so you must also email:



[email protected] confirming your payment has been made, and you must -

- ensure your name appears as the reference. You will be sent an email confirming your membership for the year once payment reaches our bank account. Please don’t worry if this takes a few days to arrive.


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National Trust Rye & District Association













- I/We wish to join the Music Club. We understand that there is an annual




- membership fee of £5 per person, which will be collected when we




- attend.








Name/s ……………………………………………………………………..






Address .…………………………………………………………………….






- ………………………………………………………………………………….





- Postcode ...... ……………………………………………………………





- Telephone number ....………………………………………………………






Email Address ...... ……………………………………………………..











- Either:




- Cut out and return this form, to:





- Mr George Terry, Woodlands, Chitcombe Road, Broad Oak, Rye


- -

TN31 6EU (Tel: 01424 882695)






- Or:




- Email me, George Terry, at: [email protected]









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National Trust Rye & District Association


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National Trust Rye & District Association








SATURDAY 22 APRIL 2017 12.30 for 1pm - £25



- Menu



Wild Mushroom Soup, Herb Croutons Truffle Oil (A)




Goats Cheese Mousse, Balsamic Pearls (B)



- Smoked Wood Pigeon Terrine Madeira Jelly (C)



Mackerel & Potato Salad, Lemon Oil (D)


- ****************



Braised Rump of Beef



- Horseradish Mash, Roasted Root Vegetables, Thyme Jus (E)



- Pan Fried Breast of Chicken



Chive Mash, Duo of Vegetables, White Wine Sauce (F)



- Fillet of Cod, Wilted Samphire, Lemon Butter Sauce (G)



- Braised Leek & Jerusalem Artichoke Tart



Confit Potatoes, Blue Cheese Sauce (v) (H)






- Assiette of Rhubarb (I)



Glazed Lemon Tart, Raspberry Sorbet (J)




Chocolate, Banana & Pecan Sphere, Dark Chocolate Sauce (K)



- PowderMills Selection of fine Cheeses with Homemade Chutney (L)




- *********************************************************************



Annual Spring Lunch Booking Form




Please send me ………. ticket/s at £25 each. I enclose a cheque for £………….



- payable to: NT (Rye & District Association), together with a stamped



- addressed envelope (SAE).



Please list the names of those attending, with their choice of menu (eg C, F, K)




plus any dietary requirements. Keep the menu to remember your selection!



- Name Telephone Number Starter Main Dessert






………………………………...... ……………………......






- ………………………………...... ……………………......





- ………………………………...... ……………………......





- ………………………………...... ……………………......


Please cut out and return with your cheque and SAE to: Mrs Ros Adkins, 5 Six Bells Mews, Northiam, , TN31 6NP (Tel: 01797 253763)

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National Trust Rye & District Association


- 36 -


National Trust Rye & District Association




- Theatre Trip to the Marlowe Theatre Canterbury to see










Thursday 4 May 2017







Please send me ...... tickets @ £48 each.




- I enclose a cheque for £……………… payable to NT (Rye & District




- Association) together with a stamped addressed envelope (SAE).




- Tickets to be sent to:-




Your name……………………………………………………………………..






- Address.……………………………………………………………………….





- ………………………………………………………………………………….





- Telephone number……………………………………………………………






Names of guests (if any)……………………………………………………..












Please indicate your preferred pick-up point for the coach:





- Rye Station



- Peasmarsh (Farley’s Way)



Northiam (opposite the car park)




Tenterden (The Vine)






Please cut out and return this form, together with your cheque and



- SAE, to:




- Mrs Ros Adkins, 5 Six Bells Mews, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex,



- TN31 6NP (Tel: 01797 253763)



CUT HERE - 37 -

National Trust Rye & District Association FUNNY GIRL THEATRE BOOKING FORM

- 38 -

National Trust Rye & District Association









Thursday 15 June 2017, 2pm, Brede Village Hall






- Come along and celebrate the 70th Wedding Anniversary of the Queen



- and Prince Philip, with Afternoon tea of dainty sandwiches, cake,



- scones, jam and cream, tea and, of course, a glass of Prosecco!




- Feel free to come suitably dressed for a Royal Occasion - there will be a



prize for the best hat!








Please send me ...... tickets @ £12 each, for which I enclose my





cheque to the value of £……………… payable to NT (Rye & District




- Association), together with a stamped addressed envelope (SAE).








- Tickets to be sent to:-




Your name……………………………………………………………………..






- Address.……………………………………………………………………….





- ………………………………………………………………………………….





- Telephone number……………………………………………………………






Names of guests (if any)……………………………………………………..






- …………………………………………………………………………………










- Please return this form, together with your cheque and SAE, to:




Mrs Ros Adkins, 5 Six Bells Mews, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex,



- TN31 6NP

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National Trust Rye & District Association


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National Trust Rye & District Association









Wednesday 5 July 2017







Please send me ...... tickets @ £32 each.




- I enclose a cheque for £……………… payable to NT (Rye & District




- Association) together with a stamped addressed envelope (SAE).




- Tickets to be sent to:-




- Your name……………………………………………………………………..





- Address.……………………………………………………………………….





- ………………………………………………………………………………….






Telephone number……………………………………………………………






Names of guests (if any)……………………………………………………..












- Special Dietary Requirements ......





- ......






Please indicate your preferred pick-up point for the coach:





- Rye Station



- Peasmarsh (Farley’s Way)



Northiam (opposite the car park)



- Tenterden (The Vine)






Please cut out and return this form, together with your cheque and



- SAE, to:



- Mrs Ros Adkins, 5 Six Bells Mews, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex, TN31 6NP (Tel: 01797 253763)

CUT HERE - 41 -

National Trust Rye & District Association QUEX HOUSE & GARDENS OUTING BOOKING FORM

- 42 -

National Trust Rye & District Association









- Friday 22 September 2017 at 09:45 am








- I / We will be attending the Meet & Greet:






- Name...... ……………………………………………………………………





- Address.………………………………………………………………………












Telephone number……………………………………………………………






Names of guests (if any)……………………………………………………..






- …………………………………………………………………………………





- ………………………………………………………………………………….

















- Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible by cutting out and



returning this form to:





- Mrs Ros Adkins, 5 Six Bells Mews, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex,



- TN31 6NP





- (The usual stamped addressed envelope is NOT required)





- Alternatively, contact Mrs Ros Adkins by phone: 01797 253763





- or email: [email protected]

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National Trust Rye & District Association


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