ANNUAL REPORT 20162016-2017 2017 The Journey from Diagnosis to Capitol Hill: One Family’s Personal Story

Rochelle Garfield is Speech-Language Pathologist with the Houston Independent School Rochelle Garfield District (HISD) in Texas. With Rochelle’s experience as a Speech-Language Pathologist, Alumni Parent, Speech-Language Pathologist, Advocate and and as a parent of three dyslexic children, Rochelle created a screening protocol that Essay Author HISD Speech-Language Therapists can use to help identify students who need a full dyslexia evaluation. In three years, HISD has experienced a 268% increase in the diagnosis of dyslexia in its students. Rochelle’s screening protocol is one of several tools and processes the district credits for its success in identifying students with dyslexia.

have always been fascinated by the connection direct instruction. I created flashcards and games and between language and reading. It was the focus of tried to practice with him. It was amazing how hard it many of my papers in graduate school. But it wasn’t was for him to remember that a “D” was called “D” or Iuntil dyslexia became a personal experience for me that that an “M” was called “M.” Sometimes he would seem it developed into a real passion. to get it, but then the next night it was like it all slipped right out of his memory again and we were starting from In The Beginning I Was Like Most Parents scratch. My oldest son, Yaakov, was born the day before my last final of graduate school. As a brand-new mom and School Became a Place of Anxiety brand-new speech therapist, I was excited to watch He started kindergarten, and the nagging feeling my son’s language develop. At nine months, he said I had grew stronger. He began to hate school and his first word. At a year, he had over 100 words in his developed significant anxiety. He started chewing his expressive vocabulary. At fifteen months, he put two shirt and crying about not wanting to go to school. words together. At eighteen months, he could talk My husband and I met with his teacher for parent about abstract concepts. By the time he was three, he teacher conferences, but she wouldn’t acknowledge that was a sponge for knowledge. He loved learning about something was wrong. Frustrated because we weren’t everything. He was fascinated by history - ancient getting clear answers, we weren’t sure how to proceed. China, ancient Egypt, the monarchies of England and All we knew was that our bright, curious, lover-of- France, the US Revolution, the Civil War. He loved learning, intelligent, articulate son was turning into an science - was curious about genes, DNA, the human anxious, sad, frustrated, confused boy. Still struggling body, animals, machines, space, weather. I began reading to learn all the letters, struggling to sound out the most chapter books to him, and his comprehension was basic three letter words, our son was looking like a advanced for a child of his young age. As mothers often deer caught in headlights. As his anxiety continued to tend to do, I began to envision a bright future for Yaakov become more pronounced, so did ours. The boy we had that included an Ivy League education. Although, he identified as a future academic rock-star was turning into wasn’t learning his letters at the same pace as his other a school failure. developmental milestones, I figured he was an active, creative boy. I wasn’t going to be overly anxious yet. Witnessing Our Son’s Self Confidence Erode Tutoring for 45 minutes once a week was doing little to A Little Nagging Feeling Tugged At Me catch him up. At this point, we knew we needed to have Yaakov started pre-K, and this little nagging feeling our son evaluated. We were told that we would get more started to tug at me. I began to notice that the “smarter” accurate information if we waited until he was six. We kids in his class knew all their letters and were even decided to schedule a full evaluation for November of his beginning to sound out simple words. My son was so first grade year. far from that. I decided that maybe he just needed more

2 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT First grade started and the situation just grew worse. of sadness and pride that we prepared for his exit from In school, he was being treated like someone with a Schenck. However, with six children, we were almost cognitive disability - sitting in the back of class, unable guaranteed another one who would benefit from to do what the rest of the students were doing. His self- Schenck. But life is complicated. We sadly said good- confidence was eroding fast. bye to and The Schenck School and moved to Houston in the summer of 2011. It’s Dyslexia and The Quest to Find Help After a few painful months of waiting, we finally got the From Struggling Reader to an Intern on Capitol Hill results of the evaluation. With an extremely high IQ and Fast forward to 2016, we are all living in Houston, my extremely low scores in reading, it was clear that he was oldest son, Yaakov, is an eleventh grade student in an severely dyslexic. The word felt so good to say. Dyslexia. academically rigorous high school and is doing extremely He wasn’t stupid. He had a real struggle, and now we well. The Schenck School not only taught my son how just needed to figure out what kind of intervention to read but gave him the many tools he needs to be a would help. successful student. The School taught him how to self- advocate. This past summer, he wanted to complete an The evaluator suggested a few schooling options to internship in Washington, D.C. As he began looking consider, including The Schenck School. When we went into it, it seemed like most internships were only given on a tour, we were blown away. We saw lots of children to post-high school students. He refused to give up and just like our son. Bright. Sweet. Intelligent. Articulate. secured an internship with the Democratic Whip, Steny Well-behaved. Kind. And struggling to read. As part of Hoyer. Overcoming dyslexia has given Yaakov a sense the tour, we watched a video of student and school life at of how to persevere and not be overwhelmed when the Schenck. By the time the video ended, all of the parents road ahead is long. He’s done it once, he can do it again! in the room were wiping away tears. It was just too raw. He thoroughly enjoyed his summer on Capitol Hill. We were all in the same boat, watching our children That youthful love he had for history has turned into a struggle. We all knew how much untapped potential lay more sophisticated love of politics. However, to me, the inside each of them. The video was so affirming. For the most amazing part of the summer experience was not first time in two years, we saw a glimmer of light. the internship, but rather what Yaakov did every day after office hours! Every day he would walk over to the After that, the decision was easy. The Schenck School Library of Congress and just read and read! My son who was where we wanted our son. struggled so hard to sound out basic words was spending his free moments reading! The Road to Remediation The next fall, Yaakov began attending The Schenck The Schenck School started my family on an incredible School as a second grader. Slowly, we watched our son’s journey by teaching us that the right intervention makes confidence return. He was treated like a star. And he was all the difference when it comes to dyslexia. Even more, learning to read! Three years of The Schenck School - it helped us appreciate the incredible gifts that come three years that changed his life forever. And changed all with dyslexia. We will be forever grateful to The Schenck of our lives. We watched our son blossom and grow, and School. begin to believe he could do anything once again.

When our son mastered all his goals, we were told it was time for him to graduate. He would leave The Schenck School at the end of fourth grade and mainstream back to his old school for fifth grade. It was with a mixture


The Schenck School 2016-2107 Board of Trustees (L – R] Front Row: Anne Mori, Megan Nellen, Twiggs Kelley, Liz Shults, Kim Marks, Ellen Schneidau, Selma Ridgway, Richard Courts, Andrea Kauffman Back Row: Randy Rudderman, John Miller, Paul Damm, Mark Phillips, David Higgins, Brannon Huntz, Cal Stowell, John Patterson, and Charlie Hurt Not pictured: Erik Belenky, Cheryl Brown, Jenny Haldopoulos, Paul Izlar, Peter Kotchen, Mark Spinner, and Andrew Whitney

Chairman Mrs. Margaret P. Denny ADMINISTRATION Jen Michaels – 4th Mr. David P. Higgins Mrs. Catherine W. Dukehart Lisa Braun – 5th Head of School Amy Burn – 5th Mr. Mark L. Feidler Josh J. Clark Trustees Mrs. Debbie R. Felker Barbara O’Connor – 5th Mr. Erik L. Belenky Ms. Ellen E. Fleming PARENTS ASSOCIATION Teacher Appreciation Mrs. Cheryl P. Brown Mr. R. Brad Foster Jill Edwards Mrs. Barbara M. Coats Mrs. Duvall S. Fuqua President Danielle Galante Mr. Richard W. Courts IV Mr. J. Rex Fuqua Callie Fuller Kathryn Sturgeon Mr. Paul M. Damm Mr. S. Taylor Glover Committee Chairs Used Uniform Sales Mrs. Jenny P. Haldopoulos Mrs. Nancy Green Annual Fund Susanne Cascone Mr. Brannon A. Huntz Mr. Robert C. Hill, Jr. Andrea Kauffman Mr. Charles D. Hurt III Luann Johnson Dr. E. Ladd Jones III Kendall Kerew Mr. Paul R. Izlar Dr. John C. Knox Art Gallery Dr. E. Ladd Jones III Mr. David Kolb Jessica Maguire Auction & Gala Chairs Megan Mann Mrs. Andrea M. Kauffman Mr. Laurin M. McSwain Karen Altman Mr. Twiggs Kelley Dr. Carlos S. Moreno Flower Committee Ann Schuh Mr. Peter M. Kotchen Ms. Betsy Morris Christy Campbell Auction & Gala Committee Chairs Mrs. Kimberly C. Marks Mrs. Joan B. Pattillo Marci Rehg Acquistions Mr. John W. Miller II Mr. Neal J. Quirk Laura Rollman Melissa Demetrops Mrs. Megan H. Nellen Mrs. Tina S. Roddenbery Founder’s Day Kimbrell Stribling Mr. John S. Patterson Ms. Pamela R. Rollins Sheila Cosgove Class Baskets Mrs. Selma Ridgway Mrs. Peggy Rollins Burch Hanson Christy Campbell Mr. H. Jerry Rosenberg III Mr. H. Jerry Rosenberg III Robin Minson Mrs. Ellen F. Schneidau Dr. Ernst M. Ruder Data Input Mrs. Elizabeth J. Shults Mrs. Linda Sewell Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day Erin Shepherd Katherine Dierdorff Mr. Mark J. Spinner Mr. Taylor W. Smith Mr. Calvin S. Stowell Display Mrs. Janice K. Story Same Boat Lunch Sheila Cosgove Mr. Andrew G.C. Whitney Mr. David B. Stromquist Grade Level Coordinators Kris Shea Mr. S. Andrew Sullivan Stephanie Brady – K Emeritus Board of Trustees Mr. F. Neal Sumter III Alisha Levitt - K Graphic Design Mrs. Betty Ann H. Abblitt Mrs. Julie Vickers Mary Stoney Wright - K Emily Adams Mr. Richard M. Asbill Mrs. Gwyneth G. Webb Sara Baker – 1st Rachel Fuller st Mr. Frank J. Belatti Mr. Peter C. White Danielle Galante – 1 Sponsorships Leanne Barton – 2nd Mr. Elliott J. Berman Mr. E. Ritchie Williams Sean Brady Mrs. Kimberly R. Berman Jennie Buckley – 2nd Mr. Robert G. Woodward nd Mr. Kenneth W. Bomar Jessica Dickson – 2 Student Photos nd Mr. Emmet J. Bondurant Emily Gossett – 2 Nikki Domenichetti Margaret Hill – 2nd Mr. Eric B. Brock Meredith Holland Jane Nagle – 2nd Craig Moore Mrs. Evelyn Carter Katherine Dierdorff – 3rd Mr. J. Donald Childress Judy Kilduff – 3rd Wine Cellar Mrs. Barbara M. Coats Elizabeth Yates – 3rd Barbara O’Connor Mrs. Emily Dannals Davis Callie Fuller – 4th 4 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

s I reach the final year of my service as the Chair of the Board of Trustees, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to have been a Apart of the life of this extraordinary School. My wife, Jennifer and our four boys, Charlie, Cooper, Jack, and David have had an incredible experience at The Schenck School. Specifically our boys are better learners and accomplished students due to the efforts of the entire Schenck School community. All of us – board members, students, families, alumni, faculty and staff, friends of all kinds - who have experienced this national treasure this year. The first is our new Head of School, Josh first-hand, understand the transformative gift of what Clark. If you have not had the opportunity to meet him, happens at The Schenck School. please reach out – his energy, vision, and devotion to children is magnetic, and we are grateful to him and his This Annual Report recognizes and celebrates those who family for joining The Schenck School community. have given of themselves to support our School. Your investment directly supports the incredible faculty, The second is Mr. William C. (Bill) Hatcher. He was and enriches the experience of our students, from our a trustee many years ago and continued to be long- youngest kindergarteners to our sixth grade learners. time supporter of the School. He nurtured with his wisdom and service the infancy of what is now one of Highlights of the year include: the most important schools for dyslexics in the country. He passed away recently and left a generous gift to the • Support of the Annual Fund with generous School which impacts the future health of our mission. contributions of over $621,000 and participation We are most grateful to his memory and to his family. of 100% Board, 100% Faculty and Staff, and 92% Parents Please accept my thanks to all of you for your • A fun “102 Challenge” from a former parent and kind support. grandparent to generate gifts in 102 hours in honor of our 102 newest alumni With warm regards, • A spectacular Auction and Gala which broke all records for the event • Meaningful growth in support from our alumni community David P. Higgins • Most importantly, we continue into our 58th year to provide the kind of education that Dee and David Schenck envisioned – focused, accelerated dyslexia remediation. There are two people I would like to recognize for the special impact they have had on The Schenck School


I love David Schenck. I never knew him personally, but I love him.

During my first few days in July 2016 as the new Head of School, I received a copy of the book The Schenck School’s First Forty Years: 1959-1999. I stayed up all one night reading it, waking my wife up occasionally saying “Listen to this!” “You have GOT to let me read you this!”

I felt as if I had just had a chat with David, because the book is chock full of David’s own words, his personality, enthusiasm, generosity of spirit, and complete devotion to children. It follows one man’s grand dream to create a school for dyslexics – from its launch in a humble church basement, to one of the nation’s finest schools of its kind.

My first year was fulfilling in ways I never expected. The School is in an enviable position of stability and strength I have enjoyed meeting and working with so many due to the diligence of all who are a part of the past and of you. Working together for a common purpose is current school community. Because of that strength, the tremendously fulfilling, and I appreciate your support, Board of Trustees, along with the faculty and staff, have conversation, and desire to help! the opportunity to stand on those shoulders and plan wonderful ways to have more of an impact on the lives of Sincerely, people with dyslexia than ever before.

I sincerely echo the words of our Board of Trustees Chair, David Higgins. Thank you to all listed in this Annual Report for the magnificent support you have so freely and joyfully given to the faculty, staff, and students. It is not an exaggeration to say that, without it, the School would not be able to fulfill the mission of Josh J. Clark building a solid educational foundation for students with dyslexia and developing their rich potential.


Each Annual Fund gift is a statement of belief in The Schenck School and the experience we offer. We are ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS profoundly grateful to the donors listed below, whose Annual Fund Volunteers Chair GRADE LEVEL gifts support programming initiatives not covered by Andrea Kauffman Kindergarten – Mike Maguire First – Anna Glaser, Tiffany Mewbourne tuition alone. Because of you, we are able to provide Former Parents Second – Leanne Barton, Nancy Black, opportunities and experiences that make The Schenck Michele Howard and Bob Brinson Emily Gossett, Caroline McInerney Third – Dana Gillis, Shuan Manous, School education unique and transform the lives of our Grandparents Margaret Stewart, Missy Ver Eecke dyslexic students. Debbie and Mark Anderson Fourth – Sarah King, Cathy LaClaire Fifth – Meadow and Hop Smith Alumni Sixth – Terri Underwood We are thrilled to report that your gifts totaled over Margaret Snoddy ‘03

$621,000, surpassing our goal! Thank you to our Faculty and Staff wonderful volunteers, whose tireless work helped the Jennie Curtis goal become a reality.


Cornerstone Club - $20,000 Landel and Chris Hobbs Blake and Heather Dexter and above Dr. H. Kent and Eva M. Holland Mr. and Mrs. John A. Draughon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Benton Paul and Helen Izlar Jennifer Fuqua Fowler L. O. Benton Banking Foundation Kulynych Family Foundation II, Inc. Duvall and Rex Fuqua; Mr. and Mrs. R. Randall Rollins Greg and Kimberly Marks Realan Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Ann E. Middelthon Lige and Dana Gillis Ms. Pamela P. Mitchell The John N. Goddard Foundation, Inc. Founder’s Club - $10,000 - Mr. Spencer Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Graham $19,999 Mr. William R. Mitchell The Graves Foundation, Inc. Lisa, Dan and Linda Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ollinger Jen and Bill Graves Mrs. Catherine W. Dukehart John and Nancy Patterson The Haldopoulos Family Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haverty Claude A. & Johann S. Petty Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Hill Mary E. Haverty Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Peter and Catherine Kotchen David and Jennifer Higgins Mark and Luci Phillips The Lacy Family Mark and Andrea Kauffman Mark and Vickie Randazza The Lacy Foundation Gail and Twiggs Kelley Elisabeth and Martin Riffe The Martha and Wilton Looney Michael and Aimee McMillen Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Pechter Jerry and Dulcy Rosenberg Mr. Wilton D. Looney Robert and Carole Julian Charitable Ken and Karen Rosenberg Jessica and Mike Maguire Foundation Randy and Jennifer Rudderman Colin Meadows and Zora Foote Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson III Steve and Michelle Shlansky Brad and Emily Milsaps Pam R. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Story III Dimitra and Mark Moraitakis The Shults Family Mr. Thomas E. Story IV Mr. and Mrs. F. Brinson Neidlinger The Susie and John L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. O’Connor Trustee Club - $5,000 - $9,999 Family Foundation The Oswald Family Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Owen A. E. M. Family Foundation Honors Club - $2,500 - $4,999 Piedmont Charitable Foundation, Inc. Steele and Debby Alphin Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pinkston III Mr. and Mrs. John G. Alston, Sr. Emily and John R. Adams Mary Rachide and Mark Rankin Mrs. Esther S. Arne Mike and Karen Altman Selma Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudley Broach Kraig and Susan Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Robinson Brumby-Leonard Family Foundation Sara and Jon Baker Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Roos Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Buckley, Jr. Dr. Mark R. Bell III and Ellen and Marc Schneidau Drs. Kim and Mike Champney Dr. Bianca C. Bell The Spinner Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Courts IV The Camp Family Foundation Melissa and Tad Stahel Jan and Bill Ferguson David and Kyle Clark Beth Strickland Kasey and Tom Gryboski Barbara and Bill Coats Mr. and Mrs. F. Neal Sumter III

THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT 7 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Profumo Mercedes Quevedo Katherine and Chip Reed Janet and Chip Roach Doug and Ashley Shook Meadow and Hop Smith David Sowell and Barbara Roden Margaret and Ian Stewart Mary and Kris Swanson Becky and Tom Williams Thomas and Loraine Williams Foundation Julie and Scott Thompson Dr. Marjorie M. Tillman and Dr. William H. Watson Ms. Terri R. Underwood Michael F. Vickers and Family Joseph and Elizabeth McCoin Dr. Diane Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. William T. Van Looy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wright Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. McInerney Mr. Kent Alexander Missy and Stefaan Ver Eecke Dr. Helen McSwain and Mr. and Mrs. Erik Belenky Erica and Mark Weinstein Mr. Laurin McSwain The Birdsey Family Investor - $1,000 to $2,499 Ms. Cheryl L. Reid and Roberta Miller Merritt S. Bond Anonymous Dr. William S. Whitley Shirley and Barry Millwood Karen and Steven Boor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arne Robbie and Jennifer Williams Robin and Jack Minson Christine and Charlie Bradley Paul and Leanne Barton Mr. and Mrs. Matt T. Williams Pamela Petty Mitchell Bob Brinson and Michele Howard Nancy and Dameron Black IV Richard and Ann Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright Mitchell Cheryl and Mark Brown Mr. and Mrs. R. Millard Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Justin Zack Sean and Stephanie Brady Victor and Irma Montana Karen and Scott Brown Brand Partners, LP Peter and Julie Montgomery Mike and Jan Callahan Patricia Brewster Craig and Kristen Moore Mr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Chamberlain Associate - $250 to $499 Chris and Sherry Britt Mr. and Mrs. R. Brand Morgan Stephen and Karen Clark Anonymous Debbie and Todd Brock Anne and John Mori Kim and Carl Craig Sarah and Andy Abend Sherry Odom and John Calvo Lewis and Joanne Newman The Dana Family Kara and Ryan Adams Mr. and Ms. Thomas E. Campbell The Nussey Foundation Kirk and Melissa Demetrops Vicki and Mark Ahnrud Bick and DD Cardwell Cassie and Ken Odom Kate, Jim, Elizabeth and Betsy and Webb Armentrout John B. Chapman Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Solon Patterson Caroline Denny The Armour Family Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Childress The Pille Family Mark and Elizabeth Diedrich Rick and Lyn Asbill The J. Donald Childress Foundation, Inc. The Popowski Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Dierdorff Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Bell Josh and Melanie Clark Neil and Mebane Pruitt Mr. and Ms. Steven C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Berman Cathy and Jon Coleman Dan and Garnet Reardon Floyd and Uloopi Fales Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Beskin Mr. Andrew T. Crawford Fran Rogers Lewis and Gena Farinholt Holli Bice Jon and Elizabeth Craymer Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers Alex and Susan Fernandez Brenda and Charles Brown Ken and Paige Cressman Lin and Alexia Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Calamari Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Dan and Laura Rollman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Garges Elisabeth and Patrick Callahan Jennie and Mark Curtis Courtney and Steve Santora Mr. Michael Golden and Ted and Heather Calvert Jennifer and Jon Dangar Curtis and Tracie Schmidt Ms. Juliet Asher Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell Rosalie and Steve Davis Ann Schuh Steve and Maggie Goodsell Jennifer Nestor-Cardwell and Marg and Dick Denny Kelly and Matt Simontacchi Andy and Dara Grant Family Fund Winston Cardwell Margo and Greg Dexter Dr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Sipp Garrett and Jennifer Hale Sharon and James Carmical Stephanie and Kyle Dunton Taylor and Deidra Smith Kinsey and Gordon Harper Sudie A. Nolan-Cassimatis and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards, Jr. Bill and Vicky Stevens Beth and John Haynes Dimitri C. Cassimatis Five Smith’s Foundation, Inc. Cal and Jennifer Stowell Mr. and Mrs. J. William Holden III Jennifer and Phillip Corwin Katy and Robert Fransen Rachael and David Sweeney Suzanne B. Jackson Paul Damm Kevin and Callie Fuller Adrianne and Stephen Thomas Mary and Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duckett II Ashley and Tyler Gardner Miller and Cara Tobin Martha and Blaine Kelley Joanie and Sam Ehlers Bryce and Nikki Gartland Ethan and Catherine Tolbert Bob and Mary Kesterton Mr. and Mrs. John F. Euart, Jr. Dale and Amanda Gawley Joesph and Anne Tomolo Traci and Bill Kesterton Lori Evers Shearon and Taylor Glover Eric and Claire Toole James Knoer and Kristan Adams Ellen E. Fleming Sarah and Keith Haas Tull Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. William Kriegel Daniel and Lesley Flores Galen and Juanita Haines Vogel Family Foundation, Inc. Allyson and Jon Lundquist The Fogarty Family Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Henn Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wallace, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Macgregor Terance Fowler Louise Hodapp Jessica and Dave Wasserman Bradley and Pamela Marcus Mr. and Mrs. W. Erwin Fuller, Jr. Brannon and Jennifer Huntz Prue and Michael Waters Jenny and Sean McClenaghan The Futral Family Bobbi and Charlie Hurt Mr. Andrew G. C. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. McCreary Mrs. Hugh Marion Gillis The Anne and Clint Kibler Becky and Tom Williams Mr. and Mrs. James M. McGee Gayle and Markus Glassl Foundation Susan Witt Tiffany and Mike Mewbourne Susan and Hipólito Goico Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Kibler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woocher Chris and Toni Millner Erin and Brad Graner Weslee and Jennifer Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Woodward The Mize Family Dr. Eric and Sara Guyer Laurie and Michael Kogon Tyler and Robby Wynne John and Victoria Morrison Kenyon and Erin Hall Jim and Cathy Krendl Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne, Sr. The Morrisroe Family Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hansard Eric and Carie Leister Delia and Robert Yanker Ann and Rawls Morrow Burch and Mark Hanson Chad and Alisha Levitt Megan Nellen Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hartman Brandi and Saul Levy Partner - $500 to $999 The Nelson Family Peggy Webb Hendrix Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation Rob and Sarah Lynch Anonymous Doug and Holly Orsagh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hidell, Jr. Chris and Ali Maher Betty Ann and Larry Abblitt Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus B. Orthwein, Jr. Ellen and Rob Hill

8 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT Theodore and Barbara Hoepner Ms. Lee L. Anderson Mr. Michael A. Friedman Angela and Chris McDaniel Rich and Meredith Holland Mark and Debbie Anderson Tracy Friess Mr. William R. H. McDaniel Dr. Angela B. Hutchinson and Karla and Michael Angle The Fuller Family Mr. Hamilton C. Meadows Mr. Mitchell R. Hutchinson Mr. Harrison B. Armentrout Suzanne Fuller The Meisinger Family Deirdre and Jim Jasmin Mr. Joshua J. Armour Mr. and Mrs. Saul Furstein Maribel Menay Sam and Luann Johnson Mike and Sarah Armstrong The Gallagher Family Kevin Mercer Mark and Judy Kilduff Ms. Velma Armstrong Mary Galloway William R. and Mary Margaret Miller Sarah and Ron King Egen Arnold Michael Gannon and Chanley Small Chad and Lisa Knudsen June Borg Arnold Randy Gepp David and Penny Koppel Ms. Ellison E. Baer Anna and Kevin Glaser Cathy and Jeff LaClaire Mr. Ronald Barab and Ms. Benita Baird Mr. Allan Rainwater and April and Matthew Ledom Mr. Robert A. Baker Ms. Amy H. Glenn Mr. Seth N. Leiber Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bardi Anna Godfrey Nancy and Larry Lemer Mr. and Mrs. C. Leland Bassett John and Susan Gornall Elizabeth and John Lovett Ms. Sarah F. Beckom Rob and Emily Gossett Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lovett Ms. Margaret C. Beguiristain Mr. Harrison F. Gough Mr. and Mrs. T. Benjamin Lutz II Todd Beresin and Ms. Sarah A. Green Megan and Reuben Mann Dina Fuchs - Beresin Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hailey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Manous Lynn C. Berman Theresa Hall Jason and Catherine Martin Ms. Caroline F. Black Kent and Jayne Hammond Matt and Leigh Anne Mazzawi Kate Crosby Blum David and Lou Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCord The Boehmes Kurt and Sharon Hartman Joanne and Marty McInnerney Don and Kay Bomgardner John and Jean Hatfield Tonita and Frank McKone Ms. Erin Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heiskell III Linda and Louis McLeod Lou Ann Brauer Jim and Connie Heiskell Brad and Jen Michaels Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brierley Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Henderson Bart and Carol Miller Dr. Anita Brown Matt and Celia Henson Mr. and Ms. John W. Miller II Lovetta Brown Anne Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Kirk C. Morris Mr. Matthew H. Bull Cristina and Carlos Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton Warren and Amy Burn Dennise M. Hewlett Candace Newman The Burnett Family Nikki Higgins Alice and Cliff O’Conner Cooper Bush Lauren Hill Mary and Jeff Provost Preston Byers Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Hill, Jr. Lorna F. Restagno Swen Cain Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V. Corey Richardson Paige and Mike Casey Erin Hogg Lizeth Molina Andrea Malik Roe and Steven Roe The Catalano Family Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holzapfel Brian and Mary Moll John Parker Schneidau Chris and Brittney Caudell Sara Barron and Chet Hurwitz Kathleen Z. Monaco Margaret and Fred Schuber Jessica Cerverizzo The Hyde Family Anna, Jim and Canon Moore Mary Margaret Schulte Richmond and Jimmie Lee Cogburn JJ Imperatori Kelly Moore Rob and Beth Shaw Maureen and Kevin Conboy Mr. Bruce Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moran Patrick and Kris Shea Meg Cook and Mary White Fred and Kathleen Ivey Carter and Hampton Morris Courtlandt and Elizabeth Smith Darcy and David Copeland Lanie and Jay Jacquin Ms. Patricia J. Muller Foster Soules Sheila and Robert Cosgrove Mr. Donald Dr. Krista Johnson Cheryl and Al Mullins Cindy and Jeff Stemple Ms. Beebe M. Courts Harriet S. Johnson John T. and Lisa A. Murray Helen Evans Stimpert Mr. Richard W. Courts V William and Laura Jones Mr. David Naimon Helen and Michael Stimpert Heather Crane Mr. Grant T. Jordan Jim and Michelle Neuberger Ms. Jeanne Stringer Shepard Dr. Pamela J. Cravey Carol and Charles Juengling Gayle Nix David and Myra Stromquist Ms. Sadie Grace Craymer Lauren and Todd Kalen Jim and Christy Noll Hart Stuck Craig and Jenni Crenshaw Marci Kaplan Ms. Isoline Northcutt David and Candice Swartwood Mr. John A. Cronin III Richard and Christine Kemmerer Karen and Jay Oates Robert and Maurine Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Davis III Scott and Kendall Kerew Katie Oates Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Towles, Jr. Allison and Sam DeFrees Mark and Mary Kilduff Mr. Jonathan T. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Tuller, Jr. The DeLange Family Erich and Laurel Kimbrough Wilson Dean Oswald Glen and Missy Varkoly Ms. Millie B. Dempsey Gale and Steve Klayman Drs. Richard and Anna Pare Laurie and Arthur Vinson Mr. N. Cole Diamond Bryson and Shelly Koehler Jim and Jeanette Parish Katherine H. Walker Stephanie W. Diamond Rosemarie Kramer Ryan and Meredith Parnell Tim and Leigh Walsh Matthew and Jessica Dickson Ms. Kelsey I. LaCoste Sally Perley Mr. Timothy J. Walsh Lisa J. Dobbs Louise and Scott Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus W. Persons Ridley and Rick Warren Zoe and Mike Duggan Patsy and Bill Lanham Chuck and Jennifer Phares Chuck and Jacqueline Whited Ashlin Dukes Henry Lazarus Mr. Asa T. Phillips The Wilhelmsen Family Mr. and Mrs. Jamie R. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Pippen III David and Kelly Williams Elizabeth Edge Elizabeth J. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Edward Popowski Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Williams, Jr. T. M. Edwards Mr. Daniel G. Llewellyn Mr. and Mrs. Victor O. Prall Katherine Woodruff Williams The Erwin Family Erin and Chris Loonam Mr. Cristiano P. Profumo Lori Woolfson Ms. Carrie Farris Mr. Austin R. Lundquist Mr. Michael J. Provost Debbie and Ric Felker Eleanor and Tom Mallory Suzy Quenzer Friend - up to $249 Wayne Fell and Susan Tanner Jill T. Marshall Marjorie Rachide Anonymous (8) Cara Flynn Sally and Sandy Matthews Jason Ralls Mrs. Barbara K. Abend Matt and Amanda Forgione Scott and Beth Mayfield Jim and Dot Rehg Sarah and Jeff Adams Ms. Margaux E. Forsbrand Kathy McArthur Jim and Marci Rehg Elizabeth Alexander Luz Fortes-Thacker Mr. Nicholas J. McCarthy Hannah Rice Madge W. Amann David and Jennifer Foster Andrew Sirk and Sandra McCauley Bonny Richardson Brooke Anderson Dr. Gary Frank and Dr. Rebecca L. Seidel Warner and Allison McConaughey Ms. Claire C. Rinck

THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT 9 Ms. Courtney G. Roach Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd Servick Julie Strickland Margaret Weichert Joyce Roberts Ms. Ann M. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Sturgeon Seth Weiland Kate Robinson Steve Shaw Drs. Darren and Dana Surma Tom and Mary Wethern Martha and Horace Robinson Shep and Erin Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Kim Robert Tanis Ellen M. Widener Franziska and John Rutte Terry L. Sherali Eric Taylor Ms. Emma B. Williams Hunter Ryan Stephen and Rebecca Short Ms. Hanna R. Thomas Ms. M. Kathleen Williams Jeanne and Jim Ryan Caryn Jacobi Silverman Ms. Jana Thomas Mr. Charles L. Wilson III Jody Goldfarb and Owen Samuels Milena Skollar Laura Thwaite Abbe and Marc Winn Ms. Michele Santa Maria Bryce and Amy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Zachary E. Todaro Tasha Wisehart Margaret Sasser Ms. Elizabeth H. Smith Ms. Nora L. Tolbert Anne and Bob Wiskind Kerri Saulnier Helen and Chip Smith Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard E. Tual Elizabeth, Scott and Sam Yates Anne Sayles Margaret Snoddy Heather and Michael Turton Kim Youmans Mr. W. Parker Schneidau Mr. and Mrs. Myles B. Solomon David and Viola Vaughan Levy and Joan Youmans Mr. John M. Schramkowski Tonya and David Steele Wilfried and Josiane Ver Eecke Rosann and Jack Youngstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schults Stacey and John Stevens Adam and Jessica Vitalis Ms. Isabella M. Zack Angela and Tom Schwartz Courtney Street Al and Wilma Walker The Scott Family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce N. Street Ms. Amanda M. Warnick Ms. Ashley Self Mr. and Mrs. William L. Stribling V Kristen and Jim Weathersby


Mrs. Suzanne Fuller Mr. and Mrs. James R. Parish Grandmother of Ryley Fuller Grandparents of Jack Morrow Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. W. Erwin Fuller, Jr. Grandparents of Paisley Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Edward Popowski Grandparents of Chase Popowski Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Gillis, Jr. Grandparents of Kate and Mrs. Marjorie Rachide Thomas Hidell Grandmother of Isaac Rankin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heiskell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rehg Grandparents of Jack Heiskell Grandparents of Ethan Rehg Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Repokis Grandparents of Caroline Hill Grandparents of Teagan Mewbourne Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hoepner Ms. Hannah Rice Grandparents of Anna Graves Grandmother of Cole and Kendall Camp Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holzapfel Grandparents of Paige Jacquin Ms. Joyce A. Roberts Grandmother of Will Holland Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Jackson Grandparents of Brady Servick Capt. and Mrs. John J. Rogers Grandparents of Ryley Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kemmerer Mrs. Barbara K. Abend Mr. and Mrs. Bickerton W. Cardwell, Jr. Grandparents of Brynn Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schults Grandmother of Zachary Abend Grandparents of Jude Cardwell Grandparents of Brice Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kesterton Mr. and Mrs. John G. Alston, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. O. Anderson Currie Grandparents of Molly Kesterton Ms. Ann M. Sharp Grandparents of Lucy Euart Grandparents of Lucy and Grandmother of Caroline Hill Charlie Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kilduff Mrs. Madge W. Amann Grandparents of Mark Edward Kilduff Mr. and Mrs. Kim R. Tanis Grandmother of Caroline Birdsey Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Davis III Grandparents of Fiona Callahan Grandparents of Jack Heiskell Mrs. Rosemarie Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Grandmother of Gabriella Cosgrove The Reverend and Mrs. Robert W. Tobin Grandparents of Madeline Graham Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dexter Grandparents of Gabe Tobin Grandparents of Sumner Dexter Mr. and Mrs. James Krendl Ms. Velma Armstrong Grandparents of Reese Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Wilfried Ver Eecke Grandmother of Reese Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duggan Grandparents of Ellie Ver Eecke Grandparents of Sumner Dexter Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lanham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Bell Grandparents of Michael Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Walker Grandparents of Max Bell Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards, Jr. Grandparents of Manuel Grandparents of Colin and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lovett Mr. Merritt S. Bond Goico Schrader Reese Gardner and Lillie Neidlinger Grandparents of Ralph Lovett Grandfather of Holly Smith Ms. Robert G. Walker Ms. Sally Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCord Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudley Broach Grandmother of Brady Servick Grandmother of Colin and Reese Grandparents of Nathan DeLange Grandparents of Bo Broach Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynne, Sr. Gardnerand Ms. Lillie Neidlinger Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. McKone Grandparents of Lucy and Mrs. Linda Brooks GardnerLillie A. Neidlinger Grandparents of James Nagle Grandmother of Marley Brooks Charlie Wynne Mr. and Mrs. John F. Euart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartley Miller Mr. and Mrs. Levy G. Youmans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown Grandparents of Lucy Euart Grandparents of Caroline Tucker Grandparents of Caroline and Grandparents of Will Holland Mr. Wayne Fell and Mrs. Susan Fell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton Thomas Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngstein Grandparents of Adelaide Santora Grandparents of Sally Sipp Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Callahan Grandparents of Dylan and Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Frederick Grandparents of Fiona Callahan Ms. Patricia J. Muller Jason Koppel Grandparents of Emma and Michael Hill Grandmother of Cameron Kauffman


In Honor of Mrs. Maureen Conboy In Honor of Ms. Claire Hailey In Honor of Mr. William McDaniel IN HONOR OF Mr. Seth N. Leiber Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hailey Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hansard Ms. Ann Parkman In Honor of Mr. Zachary Abend In Honor of Mr. Luke Haldopoulos and In Honor of Mrs. Patty McEwen Mr. Corbett Jordan-Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Abend Mr. Max Haldopoulos Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Orsagh In Honor of Ms. Katie Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dave Penson In Honor of Ms. Caroline Adams In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. John McInerney Ms. Margaret E. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams In Honor of Mr. Hunt Harper and Ms. Caroline McInerney Ms. Mary E. White In Honor of Ms. Samantha Altman and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. McInerney In Honor of Ms. Anna Rae Copeland Mr. Andrew Altman In Honor of Mr. Ryan Taylor Hendrix In Honor Of Ms. Teagan Mewbourne Mr. and Mrs. David W. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Altman Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Mewbourne In Honor of Ms. Sadie Grace Craymer In Honor of Ms. Reese Armstrong In Honor of Ms. Caroline Hill In Honor Of Ms. Renée Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Jon J. Craymer Ms. Velma Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Michaels Mr. and Mrs. James Krendl In Honor of Ms. Eliana Crenshaw In Honor of Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Crenshaw In Honor of Ms. Allison Arne Mr. Davis Hill Mrs. Esther S. Arne In Honor of Ms. Corinne Culpepper Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill III Mrs. Ashlin Dukes In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Belenky, In Honor of Ms. Lauren A. Hill, Ms. Maggie Belenky, and In Honor of Jennie Curtis Ms. Emma Hill and Mr. Michael Hill Ms. Miller Belenky Ms. Margaret W. Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schuber III In Honor of Ms. Grace Danger In Honor of Mr. Will Holland In Honor of Dr. Mark Bell, Dr. Bianca Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Danger Ms. Joyce A. Roberts and Mr. Max Bell Mr. and Mrs. Levy G. Youmans, Jr. Mr. Michael E. Golden and In Honor of Mrs. Rosalie Davis Ms. Juliet Asher Mrs. Megan Nellen In Honor of Ms. Maddie Ivey Dr. Marjorie M. Tillman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ivey In Honor of Ms. Caroline Birdsey Dr. William H. Watson Mrs. Madge W. Amann In Honor of Ms. Paige Jacquin In Honor of Mrs. Allison Vinson DeFrees Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Jacquin In Honor of Mr. Davis Braun Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vinson Mr. Asa Phillips In Honor of Ms. Amelia Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Phillips In Honor of Mr. Nathan DeLange Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adam F. DeLange In Honor of Ms. Victoria Brierley In Honor of Mrs. Lauren Harper Kalen Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brierley In Honor of Mr. Dallas Denny Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper Mrs. Egen Arnold In Honor of Mr. Daniel Kauffman and In Honor of Mr. Michael Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Brewster Ms. Cameron Kauffman In Honor of Mr. Rhodes Denny Ms. Patricia J. Muller In Honor of Mr. Bo Britt Mrs. Egen Arnold Mr. and Mrs. R. Millard Bowen In Honor of Mr. Mark Edward Kilduff Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Britt In Honor of Ms. Sumner Dexter Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Claus Mr. and Mrs. Blake G. Dexter In Honor of Ms. Lucy Kilgore In Honor of Mr. Bo Broach Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dexter Mr. and Mrs. R. Dudley Broach Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stuck In Honor of Ms. Parker Edge In Honor of Ms. Dylan Koppel and In Honor of Mr. Jackson Burnett Ms. Metta S. Edge and Mr. Jason Koppel Mr. and Mrs. J. Troy Burnett Ms. Elizabeth L. Edge Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youngstein In Honor of Mrs. Josie Calamari In Honor of Mrs. Emily Alphin Farinholt In Honor of Mr. Jason Levine Mrs. Megan Nellen Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele Alphin Ms. Elizabeth J. Levine In Honor of Mrs. Felice Catalano In Honor of Mr. Matthew Fogarty In Honor of Mr. Logan Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hauptman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. T. Benjamin Lutz III In Honor of Mrs. Brittney Caudell In Honor of Mr. J.D. Foster In Honor of Ms. Sarah Marchman Mr. and Mrs. R. Millard Bowen Dr. Jennifer D. Foster and Dr. and Mrs. Holmes B. Marchman Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Britt Mr. David D. Foster In Honor of Mr. Quinn Millner Ms. Bonny Richardson In Honor of Ms. Leah Marcus and Ms. Tracy Friess In Honor of Ms. Paisley Fuller Mr. Sidney Marcus In Honor of Ms. Isabell Champney Mr. and Mrs. Graham E. Fuller In Honor of Mr. Spencer Mitchell and Dr. Michael S. Champney and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Marcus Mr. William Mitchell In Honor of Mr. Ryley Fuller Dr. Kimberly P. Champney In Honor of Ms. Elle Mazzawi Claude A. & Johann S. Petty Mrs. Suzanne Fuller In Honor of Mr. Josh J. Clark Dr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Mazzawi Foundation, Inc. In Honor of Ms. Madeline Graham Ms. Pamela P. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farinholt In Honor of Mr. Wilson McConaughey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Warner W. McConaughey In Honor of Mr. Ryan Moll In Honor of Ms. Anna Lyle Graves Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Moll In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coats In Honor of Ms. Jacee McCreary and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hoepner Mr. David Naimon Mr. Jack McCreary In Honor of Ms. Elli Moraitakis and In Honor of Mrs. Wendy Collins and In Honor of Mr. Jonathan Haas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. McCreary Ms. Renna Moraitakis Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Moraitakis Mr. Nick Collins Mr. and Mrs. John Catalano THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT 11 In Memory of Mrs. Dee Schenck Ms. Lorna F. Restagno Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herbert Ms. Terry L. Sherali Ms. Laura M. Thwaite Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Street In Memory of Ms. Kendall Corrine Smith In Memory of Charles Christian Tuller Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Bomgardner Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard E. Tual Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Tuller, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Cameron Addison Street Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ahnrud, Sr.

RESTRICTED & IN-KIND GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Blount Mr. Alexander Lesley Mr. Robert Daniell Ms. Kimberly A. Nikles and Ms. Mary Catherine Durrant Dr. J. Michael Roach Mr. Frank Fallon The Schenck School Fifth Grade In Honor of Mr. Jack Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton Ms. Theresa Griep Faculty Mr. and Mrs. James R. Parrish Mr. Jamie Hargather Emily Winship Scott Foundation In Honor of Ms. Ellie Smith and Involutions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Shaw In Honor of Mrs. Cheryl Mullins Ms. Holly Smith JBS Foundation Ms. Dalia Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn Ridgway Mr. and Mrs. F. Hopkinson Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jones Dr. Stephanie Walsh and Mrs. Janet Roach In Honor of Mrs. Foster Soules Dr. Marvin O. Kolb Mr. Michael Walsh Mrs. Foster Soules Ms. Sarah A. Green Mr. Ronan K. Lehane Wells Fargo Foundation In Honor of Mr. James Nagle The Schenck School’s Fifth Grade Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. McKone Faculty Mr. and Mrs. Jed L. Simmons In Honor of Mr. Gavin Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Bryson R. Koehler In Honor of Ms. Victoria Sweeney Dr. David R. Sweeney and MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES In Honor of Mr. Matthew Neuberger Dr. Rachael C. Sweeney Alliance Bernstein Home Depot Mr. and Mrs. James A. Neuberger AON Kimberly Clark In Honor of Ms. Caroline Tucker In Honor of Mr. Alexander Nix Artisan Partners Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartley Miller Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Nix AT&T Robert Half In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vinson Bank of America RSUI In Honor of Mr. Kevin O’Conner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DeFrees Benevity SunTrust Mr. and Mrs. Cliff W. O’Conner The Clorox Company Texas Instruments In Honor of Mr. Kevin Vogel In Honor of Ms. Ella Odom Dell The Coca-Cola Company Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Odom, Jr. Donate Well UBS In Honor of Mr. Jack Walsh Eaton Wells Fargo In Honor of Mr. Sy Pippen Mr. Timothy J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Pippen III In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weiland In Honor of Mr. Teddy Quenzer Mr. Seth B. Weiland Ms. Suzy Quenzer ENDOWMENT DONORS In Honor of Mr. Matthew Wethern In Honor of Mr. Ethan Regh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wethern Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele Alphin Dr. and Mrs. Greg Marks Mr. and Mrs. James A. Regh Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bergin Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Mayfield In Honor of Ms. Avery White In Honor of Mrs. Martha Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Dameron Black IV Mr. and Ms. John W. Miller II Ms. Jeanne Stringer Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Newman Cheryl and Mark Brown Anne and John Mori In Honor of Ms. Leah Woolfson Lane and Richard W. Courts IV Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nellen, Jr. In Honor of Mr. Woodrow Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Woolfson Kim and Robert Cumbie John and Nancy Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Robinson Paul Damm Mark and Luci Phillips In Honor of Ms. Thea Xerogeanes In Honor of Ms. Beth Ryan Foundation For The Carolinas Selma Ridgway Ms. Ashley Self Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ryan Mr. William C. Hatcher (d) Ms. Kimberly A. Nikles and Dr. In Honor of Ms. Bella Zack Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hauptman J. Michael Roach In Honor of Mr. Brady Servick Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Zack Jennifer and David Higgins Robert and Carole Julian Charitable Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd Servick Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill, Jr. Foundation Mrs. Robert G. Walker Brannon and Jennifer Huntz Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Robinson In Honor of The Schenck School Faculty IN MEMORY OF Charlie and Bobbi Hurt Mr. and Mrs. H. Jerry Rosenberg III and Staff Paul and Helen Izlar Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rosenberg Mrs. Barbara K. Abend In Memory of Mr. Henry Robinson Cart The Kauffman Foundation Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Campbell Mr. Matthew P. Spell Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Schneidau Mr. and Mrs. F. Hopkinson Smith In Memory of Mrs. Wilton D. Looney Gail and Twiggs Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shults, Jr. Catherine and Peter Kotchen Mr. Matthew P. Spell In Honor of the 2017 Schenck School Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Holmes B. Marchman Cal and Jennifer Stowell Graduates In Memory of Mr. Robert L. Marchman III The Messinger Family Dr. and Mrs. Holmes B. Marchman Ms. Ann Woodruff In Memory of Mr. David T. Schenck In Honor of Mr. Parker Schneidau Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herbert Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schneidau, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hill III In Honor of Mr. Ferrell Singleton Ms. Isoline Northcutt Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaw Ms. Laura M. Thwaite In Honor of Ms. Sally Sipp

12 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT Sporting Clays for Kids On April 20, a beautiful spring day at Blalock Lakes, the second annual “Sporting Clays for Kids” was held to benefit The Schenck School. The event founder and chairman, Schenck School alumnus John Curtis Fisher, said “As someone who has experienced what it is like to have a learning disability and as a former student of the School, I know first-hand how much of an impact this School can have on a child’s life.”

We extend thanks to the local and national corporations and individual friends who came together to raise awareness of dyslexia and River Float for Dyslexia support the children and faculty of the School. Special thanks are due to Sporting Clays for The fifth annual River Float for Dyslexia was, once Kids Board Members John Curtis Fisher, Rosalie again, a tremendous success! Founded in 2012 by Davis, Blake Dexter, Jackie Goldstone, Chad parents Bilijack Bell and Scott Pennington, this Knudsen, and Matt and Farley Sirockman. summer tradition has grown and involves many parents, alumni, and friends of The Schenck School. The proceeds from the Float are used to support our “Day of Giving” in December. On that day, every class and grade level focus on Atlanta non-profits and the students work together to make useful items for these organizations. At the assembly, the organizations come ENDOWMENT DONORS to the School, and the students present their projects to representatives of the organizaations. It’s a meaningful lesson in helping others in our community.


2016 Organizing Committee Microf, LLC Bilijack R. Bell NAI Brannen Goddard Commercial Grant Christians Real Estate SPORTING CLAYS FOR KIDS SPONSORS JW Dukes NAI Earle Furman Commercial Anonymous (2) The Hufler Family Foundation Scott Pennington Real Estate Vicki and Mark Ahnrud Juneau Construction Company, LLC Quick RX Drugs Brand Properties Lucky Sevens - Fripp Island Escapes Reliant Real Estate Partners Mr. John Cowart Michael and Jessica Maguire Sponsors Repay Realtime Electronic Payments Cox Enterprises The McMillen Family Ameris Bank Republic Property Company Mr. and Mrs. John B. Danger The Colin Meadows Family Appleby + Laccetti Architects, Inc. Ridgeline Property Group Deleware Investments Onward Reserve Bennett Thrasher Rooker Dexter Companies Mr. John Patterson Brand Properties Sweetwater Brewing Company Diversified Trust Reliant Real Estate Partners DCT Industrial Thompson Energy Fidelity Investments MGen Jack Ramsaur, Ret. First Industrial Realty - Trust Wilson Hull First Industrial Mr. Lin R. Rogers Sign Company The Fisher Wealth Management Mr. Glynn Smith Industrial Solutions Group Group UBS Low Country Catering Chris and Melissa Glover Wells Fargo Advantage Fund McDonald Core Property Management, LLC Wilson Hull & Neal Real Estate, LLC John Hancock Investments Mr. Brian Wood


he 2017 Auction and Gala was a fabulous evening for parents, grandparents, friends, faculty, and staff to celebrate The Schenck School while raising T$275,000 in support of the School. The Gala was held at the beautiful Summerour Studio. Guests were treated to cuisine from Dennis Dean Catering Company and enjoyed the jazz sounds of Jared Lanham Music.

Thank you to co-chairs Karen Altman and Ann Schuh and all of the auction volunteers who made this lovely evening possible. In addition, The Schenck School and Auction Committee wish to extend a special thank you to the sponsoring businesses and families who helped make the Auction & Gala the most successful in School history.


Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Dangar Mr. and Mrs. John D. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fransen Mr. Bruce Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Twiggs Kelley Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Wilhelmsen Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam M. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haldopoulos

AUCTION SPONSORS Evening Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. J. Jack Rogers The Hires Family Anonymous Amy Morris Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Cal Stowell Leslie and Shane Hoff The Robinson Family Brooks, McGinnis & Company, LLC SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kesterton Cheryl and Mark Brown The Tucker Family Leigh Anne and Matt Mazzawi Platinum Sponsors The Dexter Family Miller & Martin PLLC Anonymous Patron Sponsors The Fogarty Family Anne and John Mori Mr. and Mrs. Mike Altman The Barton Family Sarah and Rob Lynch The Nolan-Cassimatis Family The Brady Family The Benz Family Jessica and Mike Maguire PRUMC Sports and Recreation Christine and Charles Bradley Gold Sponsors Kim and Greg Marks Laura and Dan Rollman Bulk Aggregate Supply, Inc. Arcus Capital Partners The McCreary Family The Shults Family Hollis and Trevor Chamberlain Eva and Kent Holland The McMillen Family The Tobin Family Dorsey Alston, Karen Anderson MidCity Real Estate Partners The Tomolo Family Silver Sponsors The Ferrero Family Pella Windows Andrea and Mark Kauffman The Hartman Family The Popowski Family Pam R. Rollins The Henn Family


Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ahnrud, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Graham E. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Mewbourne Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Altman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Michaels Mr. Kraig S. Armstrong and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley C. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Milsaps Susan S. Krendl-Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ahnrud, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Goodsell Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Moore Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Altman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nagle Mr. Kraig S. Armstrong and Ms. Michele Gratch Mr. and Mrs. F. Brinson Neidlinger Ms. Susan S. Krendl-Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam M. Graves, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nelson, Sr. Ms. Kara Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon C. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. O’Brien Dr. Mark R. Bell III and Dr. Bianca C. Bell Mr. and Mr. Paul Hanna Mr. R. Douglas Orsagh Mr. and Mrs. Noah S. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Hanson Mr. Robert J. Popowski and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. John D. Haynes Ms. Susan T. Fennell Mr. Mark Haven and Mrs. Erin Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Pruitt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hidell, Jr. Mr. Mark L. Rankin and Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Brown Ms. Louise Hodapp Mrs. Mary M. Rachide Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Holcomb Mr. Steven G. Roe and Mr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Chamberlain Dr. and Mrs. H. Kent Holland Mrs. Andrea L. Malik Roe Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Chiaffredo Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Holland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Rollman Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Brannon A. Huntz Dr. Randal H. Rudderman and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Clark Dr. Angela B. Hutchinson and Mrs. Jennifer N. Jiunta Mrs. Beth Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Coleman III Mr. Mitchell R. Hutchinson Ms. Michele Santa Maria Dr. Darren M. Surma and Dr. Dana M. Surma Ms. Amber Cooley Mr. Bruce Irvine Ms. Margaret W. Sasser Dr. David R. Sweeney and Ms. Jennifer Crandall Dr. Krista L. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Schmidt Dr. Rachael C. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cressman Mr. Donald J. Johnson Mrs. Ann Schuh Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. P. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Dangar Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kilduff Ms. Mary Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Wiley A. Tucker III Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis Mr. and Mrs. S. Weslee Knapp Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd Servick Mr. and Mrs. Stefaan G. Ver Eecke Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Demetrops Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shea Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Diedrich Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Maguire Ms. Terry L. Sherali Ms. Tracy Wold Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Dierdorff Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shults, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Wright Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duckett II Dr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Mazzawi Dr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Sipp Mr. and Mrs. Kyle W. Dunton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. McCreary Mr. and Mrs. Terrill Soules Mr. and Mrs. Ryan H. Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McMillen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Stemple


To celebrate and congratulate this year’s 102 outplacing students, anonymous alumni parents and a grandparent issued a challenge to the School community, 102 hours to receive new gifts in honor of the 102 newest alumni. Thank you to those who participated in donating over $17,000 during the challenge. What a wonderful way to honor these hard-working students! Read, Rise, and Fly!

Anonymous (5) Rachel and Graham Fuller Lewis and Joanne Newman Sarah and Andy Abend Saul Furstein Barbara O’Connor Emily and John R. Adams The Educational Edge Cassie and Ken Odom Mike and Karen Altman Elizabeth Glassl Asa Phillips Betsy and Webb Armentrout Amy Hatfield Glenn Mark and Luci Phillips The Bardi Family Ashlie and John Graham Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Kim and Jeff Berman Julian and Holly Hailey Pinkston III Nancy and Dameron Black IV Cristina and Carlos Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Tom S Pippen III Christine and Charlie Bradley Rob and Ellen Hill Michael Provost Kristen and Jim Weathersby Nina W. Broach The Hyde Family Jim and Marci Rehg The Wilhelmsen Family Dr. Anita Brown Sam and Luann Johnson Bonny Richardson Michael and Katherine Woocher Troy, Penny, Jackson, and Ruby Burnett Sarah and Ron King Joyce Roberts Richard Harrison Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Matt Calamari Mr. and Mrs. T. Benjamin Lutz II Martha and Horace Robinson Christina Spada and Ted Wright Jennifer and Tom Campbell Chris and Ali Maher Jeanne and Jim Ryan Levy and Joan Youmans Winston and Jennifer Nestor-Cardwell Dr. Matt and Leigh Anne Mazzawi Parker Schneidau Kim and Mike Champney Jenny and Sean McClenaghan Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd Servick David and Kyle Clark The Meisinger Family Meadow and Hop Smith Cathy and Jon Coleman Brad and Jen Michaels Julie Strickland Margaret Cook Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright Mitchell Avery Elizabeth White Jennifer and Jon Dangar Brian and Mary Moll Rachael and David Sweeney Adam and Lori DeLange Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton Julie and Scott Thompson Greg and Margo Dexter Mr. James Neuberger Mrs. Robert G. Walker Jennifer and David Foster Candace Newman Rick and Ridley Warren

THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT 15 AUCTION IN KIND Deborah Grooms Photography Local Three Kitchen and Bar Skin IQ MedSPA Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DeFrees Loews Sky Gym DONORS Delta Airlines Ms. Julie Lombardi Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Demetrops Mr. and Mrs. Chris Loonam Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Smith Anonymous Mrs. Jessica Dickson LowCountry Catering Smockingbird 1 Kept Kitchen & Bar Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Diedrich Lucy’s Market Ms. Margaret R. Snoddy 101 Concepts Dinner at Home Luna Mrs. Foster Soules Act 3 Playhouse Diversified Trust Mandarin Oriental Hotel Southern Baked Pie Company Mrs. Vicki Ahnrud Dixie Seal & Stamp Co., Inc. Mrs. Jill Marshall Stellar Bodies Ms. Elizabeth Alexander Doc Chey’s, Osteria 832, and Dragon Bowl Massage Envy Spa Mrs. Janet Street Alice Park Photography Mrs. Nikki Domenichetti Ms. Missy Maude Mrs. Hart Stuck Drybar Ms. Kathy McArthur Styles by Liles, llc Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Altman Ms. Amy Duke Ms. Katherine McClure Ms. Suzanne Hughes Sullivan Ms. Brooke Anderson Mrs. Ashlin Dukes Mr. Carson D. McElheney Superica Anna Burns Permanent Cosmetics East West Jewelry and Young Hearts Yoga Mr. and Mrs. Brian McNamara Mr. David S. Swartwood and Ms. Candice Ansley Golf Club Mrs. Joanie Ehlers Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament K. Swartwood Mr. and Mrs. Sean Arnold ESD Artisan Jewelry Menchie’s - Toco Hills Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swearingen ARTra Jess, LLC EventSphere Mr. Kevin Mercer Sweetgum Creative Atlanta Ballet Faena Hotel - Miami Beach Midtown Bowl Synchronicity Theatre Atlanta Botanical Gardens Ms. Carrie Farris Mrs. Roberta Miller Tack Creations Atlanta Girls’ School Fernbank Museum Miller Brothers Ltd. TADA - The Atlanta Dance Academy Mr. John Curtis Fisher Mills Uniform Company Tassels Atlanta Kick and Operation Boot Camp Ms. Brenda Flanagan Mrs. Lizeth Molina Tax Centers of Georgia Atlanta Movie Tours FLIP Burger Boutique Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore Tellus Science Museum Atlanta Rocks! Indoor Climbing Flourish Jewels Morgan Stanley - The Mercury Group The Capital Grille Buckhead Atlanta Aussie Kids Golf Academy Ms. Cara Flynn Mud Monkey on Peachtree The Children’s Shop Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Baker Flywheel Sports Mr. and Mrs. John Murray The Cook’s Warehouse Mr. Ronald Barab and Ms. Benita Baird Frolic Boutique Nantahala Outdoor Center The Cooler Bantam and Biddy Mrs. Mary Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Newman The Forum Athletic Club Barnsley Gardens and Resort Mrs. Gayle Nix The Hermitage Hotel Bartaco Georgia Grill North Georgia Canopy Tours The Jefferson Hotel Mr. Dan Bauer Ms. Emily Giffin Ms. Katie Oates The Joint Chiropractic Be Hot Yoga Give a Penny Designs Old Fourth Distillery The Ritz Carlton of Naples Beaded Baubles & Bourbon Mr. and Ms. Hipólito M. Goico Peachtree Dermatology Associates The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes Ms. Lynn Berman GolfTEC Buckhead Station Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital The Sea Pines Resort Mrs. Daphne Berthoff Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam M. Graves, Jr. Mrs. Sally Perley The St. Regis Atlanta Better Baseball Ms. Sarah Green Pero’s Pizza & Pasta , Inc. Mr. Willy Bitter Ms. Theresa Hall PGA Tour The Villas of Grand Cypress Golf Resort Mr. and Ms. Hartley D. Blaha Haverty Hollow, Inc. Piece of Cake, Inc. - Orlando BLAST It, Inc. Mrs. Anne Herbert Pig-N-Chik Mr. and Mrs. Jason Thomas BocaLupo Pigtails and Crew Cuts - Buckhead Throwing Stars Jewelry Bon Glaze Mrs. Erin Hogg Mr. Chris Pomar Thunderbolt Power Yoga Mrs. Stephanie Brady Dr. and Mrs. H. Kent Holland Posh Nails Spa Ms. Laura Thwaite Brillant Sky Toys and Books Huff Harrington Home Presstine Cleaners Treetop Quest Brown & Company Jewelers Mr. Eli Hyder Proof of The Pudding Trump International Hotel: Tower Chicago Buckhead Beef Atlanta Icebox Cryotherapy Publix Super Markets, Inc. Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft Bug Busters USA iFly Puppy Haven Tulipano Boutique Mr. Howard Bulger Imperatori Martial Arts Pure Barre - Druid Hills Turner Burke Connolly Irish Dance Ingrid Ysla Q Clothier Twist by W CAJA Popcorn Inspire Health, LLC Real Photo Kem Lee Universal Tennis Academy at Chastain Calypso St. Barth Intown Tumbling and Yoga for Kids Ms. Lorna F. Restagno Tennis Center Camp Hollymont for Girls Mr. Jesse Itzler Mrs. Adrian Robinson Urban Body Fitness, Inc. Mrs. Sharon Carmical Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Izlar Mr. and Mrs. Lin R. Rogers Mrs. Landria Voigt Cartoon Network Janice Sanborn Photography Barbara Roos, Jackson Durham Floral Walt Disney World Theme Parks Mrs. Felice Catalano Jewels by Piper Event Design and Resorts Mrs. Brittney Caudell Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q Roosters Men’s Grooming Center Ms. Mariya Weiss Center for Arts, Atlanta GA Dr. Krista L. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jerry Rosenberg III West Stride Charles Willis, Inc. Mr. Donald J. Johnson Dr. Randal H. Rudderman and Ms. Nancy B. Westfall Chattahoochee Nature Center Judith Bright Jewelry Mrs. Jennifer N. Jiunta Mrs. Mary Wethern Cindy Ensor Design Kate Richeson, Beautycounter Mr. and Mrs. John Rutte Mrs. Jacqueline Whited Cine Bistro at Town Brookhaven Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kauffman Ms. Hunter Ryan Whitehall Tavern Ms. Anna B. Clark Kauffman Tires Salomon North America Whitney Beads Mr. Josh Clark Kazoo Toys of Buckhead Saltyard Ms. Ellen Widener Mr. and Mrs. David M. Clark Kiawah Island Golf Resort, Mr. Bill Lacey Sandy Springs Gun Club and Range Willy’s Mexicana Grill Closet Couture Mrs. Disja Koch Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sarrett Woo Skincare and Cosmetics Mrs. Cathy Coleman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Koppel Ms. Margaret Sasser College Football Hall of Fame Mr. Andrew Kown Ms. Kerri Saulnier Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Woolfson Concentrics Restaurants KPMG Ms. Janice Schmidt World of Coca Cola Core Property Capital Mrs. Kyle Kurtz Ms. Ann Schuh Xocolati Small Batch Chocolate Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crane La Grotta Ristorante Italiano Sea Island Mrs. Kim Youmans Mr. Ken Cressman Ms. Amber Ivey Lane Ms. Ashley Self Mrs. Jennie Curtis Matt Lauer/NBC Today Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd Servick Zoe’s Kitchen – Roswell Road Ms. Trudie Daniell Learning Express Toys Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaw Zoe’s Kitchen Peachtree Battle Dennis Dean Catering Company Legoland Atlanta Ms. Terry Sherali Deborah Celecia Wagoner Images Liberty House Restaurant Corp. Six Feet Under

16 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT The Schenck School Changed My Life ALUMNI FOCUS Zack Abend (’17) For half of my life, I was in the darkness, scared, and terrified of my differences. School was a nightmare for me. I tried and tried to look down at a book and read, but my mouth Why I Give to The couldn’t pronounce the words. I treated my learning difference as a Schenck School curse. I have dyslexia. Why am I so different? These words kept replaying in my head. Carson McElheney (‘92) Everyday after school, I would go I would not be who I am home and cry on my bed. The pillow was soaked in my own tears, I can’t today without The Schenck read, I can’t spell, why am I so different? What’s wrong with me? An hour passed by, my eyes were blood red from my crying, School. Schenck gave me the salt from my tears burned my eyes. I didn’t know I had a gift at that time. For 10 years I kept beating myself up, tearing my confidence to think outside heart, tearing my hope. I have dyslexia and ADHD. If someone would have just told me I had a gift, I wouldn’t have gone down the box and validated my this path. artistic strengths, which gave me direction and the focus At school everyone treated me differently. They laughed every time I read. Hearing my classmates laugh at me, hearing my that has shaped the rest of my life. Twenty-eight years friends laugh at me, tore my heart and my hope. It took away the hope that someday I’d be able to read. Every day at school I was later, I return to Schenck not only as an alumnus, but bullied, not by the students, but by myself. I called myself stupid and dumb. I would say that I am worthless and a fool. Would I also as parent. My daughter begins first grade this fall. ever be able to read? Two years went by, and finally I could see I look forward to reliving the experience as she embarks the light. My best friend, Colin Shea, helped me throughout my life. He told me not to give up and not to let people ruin my on her journey to Read, Rise, and Fly. I give to The dreams. My parents applied me to The Schenck School. Schenck School because of everything Schenck has At the beginning, I hated the fact that I had to transfer schools. When I came to The Schenck School, my whole life changed. I given to me and the world that it is about to open for could finally read and I could spell. This School was for kids like me who are dyslexic, plus some of them had ADHD just like I my daughter. do. And at that moment, I knew I had a gift. I have dyslexia - the best thing ever. I am different from other students and finally Carson and his wife, Susan Joy, live in Atlanta and are the feel proud of it. I’m like a phoenix - when they get old enough, they go into the sky and blow up. Then they are reborn from their parents of Mary Brooks and Carson. He received a degree in ashes. Just like a phoenix, I was reborn into a new world. landscape architecture from the University of Georgia and is the owner of Carson McElheney Landscape Architecture & Design. Zack’s essay is in response to a sixth grade writing assignment to describe something he thought was bad in his life but in reality was Carson developed Sweetwater Wingshooting in Thomson, Georgia. good. Zack is a seventh grader at Woodward Academy.

ALUMNI DONORS Mr. Harrison B. Armentrout Mrs. Allison DeFrees Mr. Charles G. Knudsen Ms. Katherine Morrisroe Ms. Elizabeth H. Smith Mr. Joshua J. Armour Ms. Millie B. Dempsey Mr. Drew Lacy Ms. Rachel Morrisroe Ms. Margaret R. Snoddy Ms. Ellison E. Baer Ms. Caroline C. Denny Mr. Henry S. Lazarus Ms. Candace E. Newman Mr. Matthew P. Spell Mr. Robert A. Baker Ms. Elizabeth M. Denny Mr. Daniel G. Llewellyn Mr. Jonathan T. Orr Mr. Thomas E. Story IV Ms. Margaret C. Beguiristain Mr. N. Cole Diamond Mr. Austin R. Lundquist Mr. Wilson D. Oswald Ms. Courtney Street Dr. Mark R. Bell III Mr. Patrick A. Euart Dr. Margaret E. Mann Mr. Asa T. Phillips Ms. Hanna R. Thomas Ms. Caroline F. Black Mr. John Curtis Fisher Dr. Holmes B. Marchman Ms. Karolyn A. Pille Ms. Nora L. Tolbert Mrs. Katherine Crosby Blum Mr. David J. Flink Mr. Nicholas J. McCarthy Ms. Jacqueline Rachel Pille Mr. Michael F. Vickers Mr. Matthew H. Bull Ms. Margaux E. Forsbrand Mr. William R. H. McDaniel Mr. John M. Pille Ms. Amanda M. Warnick Mr. Jackson Burnett Mr. Harrison F. Gough Mr. Carson D. McElheney Mr. Cristiano P. Profumo Mr. Seth B. Weiland Mr. Cooper R. Bush Mr. Luke Haldopoulos Mr. Hamilton C. Meadows Mr. Michael J. Provost Ms. Emma B. Williams Mr. H. Swennes Cain III Mr. Max Haldopoulos Ms. Ellia Meisinger Ms. Claire C. Rinck Ms. M. Kathleen Williams Mrs. Brittney Caudell Mr. Charles P. Higgins Mr. Spencer Mitchell Ms. Courtney G. Roach Mr. Charles L. Wilson III Ms. Beebe M. Courts Mr. Robert C. Hill III Mr. William R. Mitchell Mr. W. Parker Schneidau Mr. Jeffrey L. Wright Mr. Richard W. Courts V Mr. Grant T. Jordan Mr. J. Andrew Mize Mr. John M. Schramkowski Ms. Isabella M. Zack Ms. Sadie Grace Craymer Mrs. Lauren Harper-Kalen Mr. Canon Moore Mr. D. Todd Servick Mr. John A. Cronin III Mr. William L. Kesterton Ms. Jacqueline Morris Ms. Dalia S. Shaw


In 2008, Georgia established a program whereby citizens information, please contact Cathy Coleman, Director of could redirect a portion of their tax dollars to the Tuition Development at 404.419.9813. Tax Credit Fund to support public school students who wish or need to attend a private school but cannot afford We are profoundly thankful to the following friends for tuition. This program allows individuals, couples, and helping us fund our ever-growing financial aid requests. C-corporations to participate. Specific schools can be designated by the donor. Should you require additional


Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Adams Mr. and Mrs. William Nellen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asbill Mr. and Mrs. James Neuberger REVENUE: 9,601,926 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Belenky Ms. Kimberly Nikles and Day School Tuition Dr. Mark and Dr. Bianca Bell Dr. Michael Roach Mr. and Mrs Steven Boor Mr. and Mrs. Doug Orsagh 7,320,743 76% Mr. Harvey Cain II and Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Orthwein III Auxiliary Program Fees Ms. Michelle Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Panessa Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Calamari Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson 1,181,499 12% Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohen Mr. Hollace Pechter Dr. and Mrs. James Day Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pechter Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Blake Dexter Ms. Rowan Pechter 759,485 8% Ms. Carrie Farris Mr. and Mrs. Pat Renn Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ferguson Ms. Lorna Restagno Special Events Mr. and Mrs. Donald Filip Mr. and Mrs. Corey Richardson 287,499 3% Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robinson Mr. David Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Roland Investment Return Dr. Jennifer Foster Mr. and Mrs. Alan Roos Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foster Ms. Margaret Sasser 33,467 0% Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gepp Ms. Tamara Schmidly Other Income Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross Mr. David Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanna Mr. Taylor Schofield 19,233 0% Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Marc Schneidau Ms. Louise Hodapp Mr. and Mrs. Connor Seabrook Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Howard Ms. Terry Sherali Mr. Michael Howe and Ms. Stacey Mutz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shults, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brannon Huntz Mr. and Mrs. Frampton Simons Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Swartwood EXPENSES: 9,358,124 Dr. and Mrs. James Kauten Dr. David and Dr. Rachael Sweeney Salaries and Benefits Mr. and Mrs. Twiggs Kelley Mr. Miller Tobin and 7,071,710 76% Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kesterton Ms. Cara Haycak Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kogon Mr. Mike Weaver Instructional Programs Expense Mr. and Mrs. David Koppel Ms. Sherry Weaver 608,498 7% Mr. Charles Kowal Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Weekley III Dr. and Mrs. Chad Levitt Dr. and Mrs. John Xerogeanes Special Events Expense Mr. Steve Roe and Mrs. Andrea Mr. and Mrs. Tao Zha Malik Roe 110,237 1% Mr. Jeffrey Tucker and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller-Tucker Plant Operations Ms. Roberta Miller 986,409 11% Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Millner Mr. and Mrs. Brad Milsaps Other 6% Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nagle 581,270 Mr. and Mrs. Brince Neidlinger

18 THE SCHENCK SCHOOL 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT VOLUNTEERS Sarah Abend Kyle Clark Lige Gillis Cathy LaClaire Christy Noll Ashley Shook Emily Adams Cathy Coleman Anna Glaser Carol Lawson Sarah O’Brien Molly Sipp Kara Adams Maureen Conboy Hipólito Goico April Ledom Barbara O’Connor Hop Smith Mark Ahnrud Sheila Cosgrove Susan Goico Debbie Levin Katie Oates Meadow Smith Vicki Ahnrud Jennifer Dana Maggie Goodsell Alisha Levitt Paul Ollinger Foster Soules Karen Altman Melissa Demetrops Emily Gossett Jessica Maguire Stacey Ollinger Cindy Stemple Heather Baker Blake Dexter Ashlie Graham Mike Maguire Holly Orsagh Margaret Meyer Stewart Sara Baker Heather Dexter Jennifer Graves Megan Mann Anupa Patel Kimbrell Stribling Leanne Barton Jessica Dickson Sarah Green Shuan Manous Meredith Pechter Kathryn Sturgeon Sarah Beckom Elizabeth Diedrich Erin Hall Kathy McArthur McLee Picault Mary Swanson Sally Belenky Katherine Dierdorff Mary Burch Hanson Sandy McCauley Sharon Pinkston Adrianne Thomas Nancy Black Tom Dierdorff Saranell Hartman Jennifer McClenaghan Chris Pomar Anne Tomolo Sean Brady Nikki Domenichetti Beth Haynes Jennifer McCreary Mary Rachide Claire Toole Stephanie Brady Elizabeth Draughon Margaret Heiskell Caroline McInerney Gloria Ramirez Stacie Torres Lisa Braun Courntey Duckett Peggy Hendrix Aimee McMillen Jim Rehg Amanda Tucker Bob Brinson Stephanie Dunton Heather Henn Tiffany Mewbourne Marci Rehg Terri Underwood Lisa Brooks Jill Edwards Celia Henson Mike Mewbourne Cory Richardson Missy Ver Eecke Karen Brown Becky Erwin Margaret Hill Jennifer Michaels Heather Richardson Dave Wasserman Jennie Buckley Uloopi Fales Louise Hodapp Roberta Miller Martha Robinson Jessica Wasserman Howard Bulger Susan Fennell Eva Holland Toni Millner Andrea Malik Roe Shelley Weymouth Amy Burn Dana Ferrero Meredith Holland Emily Milsaps Michaeline Roland Margaret Wheeler Josie Calamari Justin Ferrero Michele Howard Robin Minson Laura Rollman Laura Whitworth Elisabeth Callahan Lauren Fogarty Angela Hutchinson Lizeth Molina Michele Santa Maria Ellen Widener Heather Calvert Amanda Forgione Jesse Itzler Irma Montana Courtney Santoria Krista Wilhelmsen Christy Campbell Rachel Fuller Luann Johnson Craig Moore Kerri Saulnier Susan Witt Jennifer Campbell Callie Fuller Andrea Kauffman Kristen Moore Tracie Schmidt Mary Stoney Wright Jennifer Nestor-Cardwell Kevin Fuller Kendall Kerew Kim Moran Ann Schuh Tyler Wynne Sharon Carmical Angelo Galante Judith Kilduff Victoria Morrison Rebecca Seidel Elizabeth Yates Susanne Cascone Danielle Galante Sarah King Ann Morrow Melinda Servick Jessica Cerverizzo Tyler Gardner Chad Knudsen Lisa Murray Todd Servick Hollis Chamberlain Amanda Gawley Shelly Koehler Jane Nagle Kris Shea Mike Champney Dana Gillis Penny Koppel Joanne Newman Erin Shepherd


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Schenck School & Schenck School Alumni Association



Buckets and buckets of rain didn’t keep our wonderful volunteers from making Field Day…a splash!