Tests and Constructions of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields 1 2 Shuhong Gao and Daniel Panario 1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-1907, USA E-mail:
[email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science, UniversityofToronto, Toronto, Canada M5S-1A4 E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. In this pap er we fo cus on tests and constructions of irre- ducible p olynomials over nite elds. We revisit Rabin's 1980 algo- rithm providing a variant of it that improves Rabin's cost estimate by a log n factor. We give a precise analysis of the probability that a ran- dom p olynomial of degree n contains no irreducible factors of degree less than O log n. This probability is naturally related to Ben-Or's 1981 algorithm for testing irreducibility of p olynomials over nite elds. We also compute the probability of a p olynomial b eing irreducible when it has no irreducible factors of low degree. This probability is useful in the analysis of various algorithms for factoring p olynomials over nite elds. We present an exp erimental comparison of these irreducibility metho ds when testing random p olynomials. 1 Motivation and results For a prime power q and an integer n 2, let IF be a nite eld with q q n elements, and IF be its extension of degree n. Extensions of nite elds are q imp ortant in implementing cryptosystems and error correcting co des. One way of constructing extensions of nite elds is via an irreducible p olynomial over the ground eld with degree equal to the degree of the extension.