Parliamentary Debates
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1 Oral Answers [ 17 FEB. 1981 ] to Questions 2 RAJYA SABHA (b) The following sectors are covered by Vayudoot services: — Tuesday, the nth Februarij 1981, 28/ Magha, 1902 (Saka) Gauhati/Barapani Gauhati/Rupsi The.House met at eleven of the clock. Mr. Chairman in the Chair. Chabua/Tezu ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Gauhati/KamalpuiVAgartala Gauhati/Kailasbahar/Agartala Operation routes of "Vayudoot" The load factor on the sectors operated by *1. SHRI AHMAD HOSSAIN Vayudoot is expected to pick up gradually, it MONDAL: was 23 per cent till 2nd February, 1981 and has increased to 27 per cent o 10-2-1981. SHRI RAMANAND YADAV: f n Will the Minister of TOURISM AND (c) Another about ten stations in this CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: region are likely to be covered in the next two years. (a) whether Government have get up a Third Level Airline for operating small (d) The services of Vayudoot are being aircraft on different routes in the country; operated with 2 F-27 aircraft taken on lease from LA. (b) if so, what are the details of those routes on which small aircraft have been (e) and (f) The following are the details of introduced and what is the expected traffic the fares charged on the various sectors: — load thereon; (c) whether there is any proposal under Government's consideration to operate these aircraft on some more routes in a phased manner; if so,, what are the details thereof; (d) what are the types and number of aircraft procured tfor operation on those routes; (e) what is the fare in the Third Level Airline on its different routes; and (f) whether Government propose to make the Third Level Airline fare equivalent to First Class railway fare so that it could attract more traffic and earn profit? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND' CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI CHANDULAL These fares are 30 per cent cheaper than CHANDRAKAR); (a) Yes, Sir. A Company Indian Airlines fares in areas outside the under the name of Vayudoot has been set up for North-Eastern region. operating Third Level Air Services initially in the North-Eatern Region. SHRI SUNDER SINGH BHANDARI: Sir, why was the statement not circulated earlier The question was actually asked on the to the Members? It is a full statement; we floor of the House by Shri Ramanand cannot be expected to remember all these Yadav, 1717 RS—1. facts. MR. CHAIRMAN: I will look into it. Mr. Yadav, Please be very brief, 3 Oral Answers [ RAJYA SABHA ] to Questions 4 MR. CHAIRMAN; I have already got four names with me. You should have raised your hand earlier. It is too late now. Yes, Mr. Mehrotra, you please put your question. AN HON. MEMBER: Mr. Chairman, Sir... MR. CHAIRMAN: Just a minute. 1 know that it is an interesting question but I cannot call everybody. 5 Oral Answers [ 17 FEB. 1981 ] to Questions 6 SHRI SADASHIV BAGAITKAR: The question he asked was about the expenditure to be incurred on having a separate establishment. And that is not answered by the hon. Minister. 7 Oral Answers [ RAJYA SABHA ] to Questions 8 SHRIMATI MONIKA DAS: Sir, Hubli is another place in Karnataka and many of the politiciang and big merchants are staying at Hubli but there is no mode of transport and communication. Only bus service Is available from Hubli to Belgaum and there is an airport at Belgaum. But from Belgaum to Hubli there is no air service. Suppose We have to go to Hublli. We have t^o $o to Bombay and from Bombay to Belgaum. There is the air service. But from Belgaum to Hubli there is no other mode of transport except the bus service. And that bus service also, sometimes we get and sometimes we do not get. And if we go to Hubli, we reach there at 8 or 9 O'clock at night. So, I want to know whether the Government hag taken any decision to start Third Level Airline service for Hubli. When Dr. Sarojini Mahishi was the Minister, she had taken a decision at that time. Actually, she purchased the land also and an amount of Rs. 17 lakhs for the land had also been spent. I would request the hon. Minister that he should pay some attention to this. Then, the other one is in regard to 9 Oral Answers [ 17 FEB. 1981 ] to Questions 10 the Civil Aviation Department. I would like to Simla,, the upper region of Simla. Here also, the people are finding it difficult for want of know whether this Will be taken up? this air-strip. When the Government is taking Secondly, I would like to know specifically up the third level air service. I would like to from him whether the Braganza Committee has advised the Government on the selection know whether they will pay some attention to of the aircraft. It ha been mentioned in the this, to such places which I have mentioned. s 'Blitz' of 18th October that the flying yogi has brought the Otter from Canada the American Cessna and the Spanish Casa. T would like to MR. CHAIRMAN: Leave the advice out know whether the Government has made any and ask the question. decision on the offer by the flying yogi, Mr. Brahmachari, because the resources of your party will also be augmented due to this SHRIMATI MONIKA DAS: I would collaboration. I would like to know whether request the hon. Minister to give an answer the Government is going to collaborate. to this. (Interruptions). All these lady Members are standing from the first day of the Session. We SHRI A. P. SHARMA: Sir, we had set up a have to pass thirty days like this! You should Committee for pin-pointing Uiese places and protect me. Mr. Brahmachari has said that he this Committee had recommended about 50 is going to get commission and help your such places. I am happy to inform the Hon. party to hold such rallies like the one which lady Member that Hub'i is one of the place3 in was held yesterday. I would like to know this list and also Simla. (Interruptions) . whether this will be done on collaboration basis—as indicated. SHRI JAGDISH PRASAD MATHUR: You are always looking to Mr. Kulkarni. SHRI A. P. SHARMA: Sir, 1 strongly refute the insinuation which* my friend, Mr. Kulkarni has made just now. I do not think even this strong protest can have any effect on him. SHRI ARVIND GANESH KULKARNI: SHRI ARVIND GANESH KULKARNI; What is the insinuation? Here, it has been When the Hon. Minister was replying to mentioned that on the strength of this report earlier questions_ he was saying that of the Braganza Committee, Mr. Brahmachari everything is under consideration, whether it has brought three offers to your Ministry. One is Hubli or even Shravanabelgola. Everything is from Canada, Otter, the other is the is under his consideration. Ag he has rightly American Cessna and the third is the Spanish pointed out, the Braganza Committee has Casa. I would like to know from you whether recommended 50 such places. But the report there is any consideration of collaboration Of the Braganza Committee on third level air through Brahmachari or otherwise i.e. dirtctly service is going to be implemented in phases. with the Spanish Cessna or the other two. I I would like to know specifically from him would like to know what connection you are whether they will take up the Bombay- going to have, the Spanish connection or the Belgaum-Kolha-pur link which is on the same Italian connection. line. The land has already been released to 11 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions 12 SHRI A. P. SHARMA; Sir, it is absolutely THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE incorrect. (Interruptions). MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI CHANDULAL SHRI ARVIND GANESH KULKARNI: It CHANDRAKAR); (a) to (c) At present is incorrect, I can understand, but what about Indian Airlines does not serve free liquor on board its international flights. However, it has Kolhapur? plans to serve liquor on board its international flights with a view to eliminating competition SHRI MANUBHAI PATEL; When Shri disadvantages faced by the Corporation on Kulkarni said that be was talking about the these routes. The proposal is still under Brahmachari, he said that it was not so. Now examination. what is true, whether he is a Brahmachari or he is not a Brahmachari? SHRI B. D. KHOBRAGADE: Sir, before I put my question, I would SHRI A. P. SHARMA; I say, it is not correct. like to'draw your attention to one in. correctness. (Interruptions) My question wa regarding intern itional flights of SHRI ARVIND GANESH KULKARNI: s the Indian Airlines avid not of Air India. I am Whether the Brahmachari is not Brahmachari happy to learn ' that it has been corrected and I is not correct or the Brahmachari has not hope the Hon. Minister will reply regarding brought the offer is not correct, what is international flights of the Indian Airlines. Now correct? You tell me what is correct and what I put my No. 2 question. is incorrect, whether the Brahmachari is a real Brahmachari or he is a married fellow. Now my question is, what sr,e the competitive considerations whi:h are under MR. CHAIRMAN: You ask him in his the consideration of the Government? I the chamber and he will give you the answer. s Indian Airlines attracting any business by providing free liquor or liquor at moderate SHRI A.