By Lowell Richards ' HI DON T KNOW WHEN I've Been So Entation of Ethnic Music from Sub­ Thrilled About American Music As I Was Saharan Africa

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By Lowell Richards ' HI DON T KNOW WHEN I've Been So Entation of Ethnic Music from Sub­ Thrilled About American Music As I Was Saharan Africa JAZZ IS IN: Music Educators National Conference recognizes jazz educators. 'By Lowell Richards ' HI DON T KNOW WHEN I've been so entation of ethnic music from Sub­ thrilled about American music as I was Saharan Africa. when Allen Britton came right out and Bill Smith, noted composer, jazz said the old girl is finally legitimate," clarinetist, and director of the University composer Meredith Willson told an of Washington's Contemporary Group, audience of 3,000 on Jazz Night at the presented an afternoon program with Music Educators National Conference's his group and the Philadelphia String biennial convention in Seattle. Quartet. Smith demonstrated how to Britton, of the University of Michi­ improvise with oneself, using a clarinet gan School of Music, is a former presi­ ami two tape recorders, one recording dent of the 54,OOO-member MENC. anq the other re-recording, feeding back, Many of the 5,000 delegates to the and playing back. He developed up to convention attended Jazz Night at the 10 simultaneous lines, using the two Seattle Opera House and heard sounds machines in tandem. At the climax, the they never heard before. Producing Opera House was full of the sound of these sounds were the Fort Vancouver many Smiths. With drummer-vibist Tom (Wash.) High School Stage Band, the Collier, Smith also performed Mauro Olympic College Stage Band of Bremer­ Bertolotti's I ntroduction-Nigh t-M usic ton, Wash., the Collegiate Neophonic -Toccata. Orchestra of Cerritos College, Calif., At the Tanglewood Symposium, also and the North Texas State University held on Tuesday, "serious music" teach­ Lab Band of Denton, Tex. ers heard this statement: "Today is � Britton and Willson were jubilant completely different. And so will music � over the organization of the National be, as long as people are different, and .J Association of Jazz Educators, which as long as there is another day. And no � was recognized as an official body by man will write nor teach the music 0: Father O'Connor and Stan Kenton the MENC at the convention, held which has total mass appeal." This came March 14-19. Some 500 school music from Paul Williams, editor of Craw­ Stage Band got Jazz Night off to a good teachers signed up as charter members, daddy, a rock magazine. start under the baton of Dale D. and M. E. Hall, president, predicts a Jazz Night was a joyful scene. A Beacock. This band was the winner last steady growth. Hall is in the department printed prohibition in the program year at the Olympic College Band of music at Stephen F. Austin State against encores was overridden with the Festival at Bremerton, Wash. James A. College, Nacogdoches, Tex. smiling acquiescence of the chairman, Brush then directed the Olympic College The Jazz Educators met March 15 Rev. Norman O'Connor. Stage Band. Both bands swung hard and and named John R. Roberts, school Leon Breeden's North Texas State professionally, making an impact on th� music supervisor at Denver, Colo., Lab Band, at the finale, topped even the teachers present that hopefully will be president-elect to take office July l. fantastic Collegiate Neophonic Group lastingly beneficial. The superintendent Other officers are Matt Betton of Man­ in swing and musical power and had of schools from a small coastal town in hattan, Kans., vice president; Jack W. the 3,000 teachers and fans clamoring Washington told us: "I've never heard Wheaton, director of the Collegiate for more. The Lab Band can only be anything like this in my life, an� it's Neophonic Band, secretary; and Clement described as a virtuoso ensemble, and simply wonderful." There must have R. De Rosa, music supervisor in the they played their hearts out for Breeden. been hundreds who felt as he did. Long Island, N.Y. public school system, Louis Marini, all-around reed player, So the old girl is finally "legitimate" treasurer. was outstanding both as a writer and -but what about her long-haired off­ Louis G. Wersen, outgoing MENC soloist. Drummer Ed Soph, an English spring? That same weekend, in Seattle president and supervisor of music in major, laid down some satisfying time. and environs, several dozen professional the Philadelphia public school system, Sal Marquez displayed skill with the rock bands were turning young flower told Down Beat that formation of the trumpet. John Monaghan inserted good people on and around-in revitalized Jazz Educators' unit was long overdue, bass lines under everything with an ex­ dance halls downtown and in the sub­ and that he was happy to see the Con­ cellent-sounding electric instrument. urbs. There may be hope that someday ference recognize the place of jazz and Stan Kenton spoke, and guest-con­ the nation's music educators will see pop music in the educational system. ducted the Collegiate Neophonic. He and hear this music as well as jazz. The The new president, Wiley L. House­ first relaxed the scene by walking up to Jazz Educators' Association is flexible wright, dean of the Florida State Uni­ the large red podium, examining "it care­ and open enough to make a place for versity School of Music, voiced similar fully, sitting down at it, and then de­ popular music, and several MENC sentiments. ciding to conduct from the floor. George officers emphasized the importance of Although Monday was dedicated Jazz Roberts was, as usual, an impressive the popular music being played and Night, other sessions of the Conference trombone soloist. heard now. heard some excellent contemporary Kenton introduced Britton, who said: President Roberts may have summed music, as well as the more traditional "It's time we listen to and play music it up when he told the conveption that school fare. of our own people as well as the "teachers must have an emotional re­ African drummer Michael Olatunji aristocratic music of Europe which was sponse to honest music. Through con­ came from New York to assist Seattle played by liveried servants, and is still tinuous, dedicated study they will be music teacher Barbara Reeder in re­ played in this country by liveried serv­ able to enlarge their own horizons. hearsing the Seattle All-City Junior ants for our aristocracy." Then they will be better able to inspire High Choirs for a highly rhythmic pres- The Fort Vancouver High School and enlighten their students." m downbeat May 16, 1968 May 16 D 15 COUNTRY JOE and the FISH: Improvisers ONE OF THE THINGS jazz and the new year he left the band to do singles as a 'they were happiest then. eo rock-pop music have in common, aside country folk singer, armed only with a What makes Country Joe and the-< from the fact that a lot of it swings and 12-string guitar. But now they're back Fish a great pleasure to hear, at least � some doesn't, is that there are groups together-and Together is the title of for this writer, is their clear and original 0 whose popularity and musicianship are their third Vanguard album, which, if a sound. Most bands of this type tend to � not always directly related. pre-auditioned tape is any indication, sound fuzzy and muddy, and things (t) Some bands are immensely popular goes well beyond the first two. don't always get heard. With the Fish, := and make important contributions to Joe's songs extend from the acidly you can hear what everybody is doing. :::0 music; other units aren't quite as big critical Superbird to the pensive and sad They can blast away, but confine the ,.... in the eyes of the musicians as in those Who Am I. He is one of the best male really loud outbursts to single sharp � of the audiences. Then there are groups singers in popular music, with a style chords for emphasis; in between, there � "1 who are not at the top in terms of that ranges from the lyric flow of Dono­ is funky country rock. popularity, but have the undivided at­ van all the way to hard, funky scream­ They are trying to branch out from � tention of other musicians. ing. the usual light-show concert and dance Country Joe and the Fish is one of Lead guitarist Barry Melton does the scene. At Duvall, near Seattle, they ac­ these latter groups; other musicians group's most down-to-earth singing and companied the Great Piano Drop, an listen to them, and the very young rock expresses himself on guitar with great outdoor happening in which a piano was groups copy their tunes along with those vigor. He is a large, quiet man with a cut loose from a helicopter in front of of the Stones, Doors, Airplane, etc. great bush of curly hair. Organist and 2,000 spectators. Playing in the open We talked about this and other mat­ third guitarist David Cohen also has air, they sounded their country best, ters with Joe McDonald, leader of the doubled on steam calliope. Gary (Chick­ playing for the benefit of two under­ five-man country-rock-blues band, when en) Hirsh is an able drummer who solos ground media, KRAB-FM and the Helix they visited Seattle to play several en­ well in the jazz bag. Bruce Barthol is newspaper. In San Francisco early this gagements. The other four were in the one of the best electric bassists extant, year, they made a short film at the Ke- street playing football, so Joe had to be jmd also takes his full share of solo zar Stadium Peace March. It was an our main source. Since he grew his time.
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