Plight of the Porpoises P8

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March 02 Folk: The man in the glass box CITY SCENE Going Underground: Military Scene & Heard: Snapshots of extroverts … plus your chance to win great prizes ECOLOGICAL ECONOMY 08 生态经济(英文版) ECOLOGY Feature: Who’s to blame for the impending demise of 主管单位: 云南出版集团公司 the Yangtze River’s finless porpoises? The answer may 主办单位: 云南教育出版社 surprise . 出版: 生态经济杂志社 社长: 李安泰 主编: 高晓铃 12 地址: 昆明市环城西路609号云南新闻出版大楼4楼 Authors tell us how to impress publishers. Publishers 邮政编码: 650034 COVER FEATURE dish on what makes a good pitch. Plus, take a look at 国内统一刊号: CN53-1197/F the fifty finalists in the “Your Beijing in Just Six Words” 国际标准刊号 : ISSN1673 – 0178 contest. Editorial Planning Manager Jonathan White 21 Deputy Editorial Planning Manager Iain Shaw What’s New: 4corners, Florence, Xiangtianxia , Style and Living Editorial Planner Tiffany Wang dining Da Giuseppe, Dog On Fire and Ouest Arts & Culture Editorial Planner Marilyn Mai Feature: Potatoes of the world, unite Explore Editorial Planner Lauren McCarthy Taste Test: Gooey chewy local specialties Contributing Editor Tom O’Malley A Taste of Home: Visual Planning Joey Guo 33 Contributors Jovan Belev, Badr Benjelloun, Michelle What’s New: The Bar at Migas, Hidden Lounge and Dai, George Ding, Charisma Lee, Kyle Mullin, Josh Ong, BARS & CLUBS Offside Nick Otto, Susan Sheng, Edward Ragg, Carleen Wang, Party Like A: Table of Contents Max Wu Clubhouse: Cut Chemist Advertising Agency True Run Media Mastermind: Anthony Tao of The Kro’s Nest 全国广告总代理: 深度体验国际广告(北京)有限公司 北京广告代理: 北京爱见达广告有限公司 39 地址: 北京市朝阳区建国路93号万达广场10号楼2801室 Have You Met: Goober Gun Playlist: Tizzy Bac 邮政编码: 100022 MUSIC 电话: 5820 7700, 5820 7100 Livehouse: Death Cab for Cutie 传真: 5820 7895 … plus reviews of Mr. Graceless, Residence A and Il Divo Room 2801, Building 10, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang , Beijing 100022 41 General Manager Michael Wester What’s New: Luxbible, The Wellness Spa and STYLE Unianswer Operations Director Toni Ma Inspect a Gadget: Body metrics Editorial Director Jerry Chan Get the Look: Parkas Chief Art Director Jacopo Della Ragione Atelier: Manchit Au Art Director Susu Luo Designers Helen He, Yuki , Li Xing 45 Features: Gary Shteyngart has done his homework Marketing Manager Shana Zhang ARTS & CULTURE on Beijing, Yu Hua thinks it’s all gotten too rowdy Event and Brand Manager Victoria Yang and Dexin presents pungent art Marketing Executives Cao Yue, Jiang Bookshelf: Luka Lesson Finance & Admin Manager Lisa Ji Cashier & Admin Executive Judy Zhao 49 HR & Admin Assistant Amy Liu IT Manager James Wang SPORTS IT Support Engineer Kavin Lu Feature: A new season of CSL logos Web Deputy Managing Editor Lauren McCarthy

Web Editor Max Wu Photographers Judy Zhou, Sui, Nature Zhang 51 Sales Manager Ivy Wang Q&A: Jinde Charities Sales Account Executives Carren Andreo-Winters, LIVING Hands-On: Flower arranging is not as easy as it looks Zi Yu, Ashley Lendrum, Hailie Song, Jackie Yu, Playdate: Snowboarding with Alan Wong Sophia Zhou Sales Assistants Phoebe Li, Veronica Li, Naomy Liu, Amy Sun 53 Distribution Jenny Wang, Victoria Wang Reception Yu Yang EXPLORE Long Weekend: Macau General Inquiries: 5820 7700, 5820 7100 Feature: Distribution 5820 7700 Sales & Marketing 5820 7700 Fax: 5820 7895 56 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; listings WHAT’S HAPPENING: The month at a glance [email protected]; [email protected] EVENTS: Day-by-day listings for March Complimentary copy, not for sale. 部分非卖品,仅限赠阅 THE DIRECTORY: Venues, venues, venues 84 : George pays the price for not CLASSIFIEDS eating his vegetables

March 2012 1 CITY SCENE lies, damn lies and ... The Titles of Memoirs

This wordcloud highlights the most common words among the titles of over 50 well-known China memoirs. generation gap EDITOR'S LETTER y parents, having both been teachers, out what real footballers named as their favorite always encouraged me to read, though meal. The answer always being “steak and chips” Mthey may have regretted it occasionally. was never a disappointment. Did you I would read the dictionary for hours at a time. I then moved on to more literary football enter (Not specifically looking for smut to peddle in magazines (FourFourTwo and World Soccer), music your six hushed whispers on the playground, though I’d magazines (the NME, Melody Maker, Metal Ham- be lying if I said that never happened.) There was mer, Kerrang!, The Source, Hip Hop Connection), lad words? We are not friends. the summer holiday in Spain when I was sent out mags (FHM, Loaded) and outright propaganda to play in the sun whenever they caught me lying (fanzines United We Stand and Red Issue). At some Check on the couch studying the cards from a travel edi- point it dawned on me that it wasn’t just the Weibo. tion of Trivial Pursuit. Lord alone knows what they subject matter but the writing that interested me, thought when my 12-year-old self bought the and the writers themselves. recently published biography of Jeffrey Dahmer. I began to put faces and backgrounds to In fairness, it was very cheap and I’d also been bylines. I found out that a fanzine editor could brought up to value a bargain. become a proper journalist (the excellent Andy There was always something to read in my Mitten) and bought some CDs off eBay from the house: shelves full of books, newspapers every HHC editor (I paid him in postage stamps). It day and magazines whenever they were pub- became truly apparent that writing was something lished. were never so quick – nor the done by real people. school day so interminable – as on the days that The Internet has since changed everything. I Our cover my magazine had arrived in the morning. All I no longer buy magazines but I’ve never lost inter- photo was wanted was to read the new Beano or Sega Power est in the printed word. I still can’t believe it when shot at The waiting for me at home. it feels that someone has written an article just for Bookworm by The very idea of magazines was fascinating; me. I can’t imagine anyone feeling any different. Judy Zhou. I could never get over the fact that someone Even if print dies, words will not. This month, we’d Thanks to our would write in such depth about something like to help you bring yours to life. models. that, at the time, was the most interesting thing in the world to me. My first subscription must have been to Roy of the Rovers, a football-themed comics weekly. Later, I graduated to both Match Jonathan White and Shoot! I always looked forward to finding Managing Editor

2 March 2012 The Titles of China Memoirs

March 2012 3 SCENE & HEARD

Scottish electro-pop star Calvin Harris played at The One Club on Feb 18. Photos by Abdel Beldy

Hilton Beijing held its annual race for Shrove Tuesday on Feb 21. Photos courtesy of Hilton Beijing

Shanghai-based DJ Conrank brought drum & bass, dubstep and more to Lantern on Belgian DJs Attar! and Mickey teamed up with Feb 18. Photos by Albert Louis Albaladejo Beijing’s Neon crew on Jan 14 for Take Me to Belgium at Haze. Photos courtesy of Haze

4 March 2012 D-22 held their final Zoomin’ Night on Jan 10. Photos by Michelle Dai

The Wings of Music 2012 charity event at Millennium Residences raised funds for underprivileged children on Jan 14. Photos courtesy of the organizers

Oakwood Residence Beijing held a cocktail-making class for its residents on Jan 31 in the Mediterraneo Lounge Bar. Photo courtesy of Oakwood Residence

Westin Financial Street General Manager Charlie Dang with violinist Nigel Kennedy. Photo courtesy of Westin Financial Street

China World Hotel welcomed the Year of the Dragon with a traditional lion dance on Jan 23. Photo courtesy of China World Hotel

March 2012 5 smashing records The Challenge: Balancing Pencils

e’re always getting called pencil pushers by the other departments. We thought we’d show them who was a pencil pusher by breaking Wthe World Record for Most Pencils Balanced On End In One Minute. At the very least we hoped it might be quite good practice for the inevitable return of chopsticks in one of our future record attempts. The rules are simple: Place standard-size commercially available pencils on a flat, hard surface. Pick them up and balance them one at a time on their unsharpened end using only one hand. The other hand must be behind your back at all times. The pencils must be standing for at least five seconds after the minute has expired to count towards the total. The current record is 31 and was set by Velentina Pagano in Venice on April 8, 2011.

HERE’S HOW WE DID Marilyn, Arts & Culture Editor: 10 pencils Ryan, Intern: 9 pencils Lauren, Web Editor: 8 pencils Iain, Deputy Managing Editor: 7 pencils Max, Assistant Web Editor: 7 pencils Jonathan, Managing Editor: 5 pencils Tiffany, Style and Living Editor: 5 pencils Judy, Photographer: 1 pencil

TIPS AND STRATEGIES • Buy new pencils. Ours were old and we found out the hard way that trying to balance a pencil on the chewed end is not easy. • Remaining calm is easier said than done. Still, the more flustered you are, the more likely you are to knock over your hard work.

If you want to be part of a record attempt, then look out for an invite to The Beijinger Reader Restaurant Awards 2012 on Mar 19. Beijing folk big news day? washroom? Yes. When Kim Jong-il “went to see If I have to leave the stand, I’ll just Extra! Extra! Marx ” [i.e. passed away –Ed.], all of the lock the door and nothing ever goes newspapers had his photos on the missing. In fact, in the morning, I Li Lei, Newspaper vendor front page. I sold a lot of newspapers pick up a dozen magazines, leave that day. them on the ground outside, go by Max Wu for and they are still there Is it inconvenient to go to the untouched when I get back. magine being physically trapped There’s a loss of 700 kuai whenever inside a tiny room for 12 hours a day I get rid of old magazines and news- Iwith magazines and newspapers papers. But you can’t think about the as interior decoration. On top of loss. That is no way to do business. that, your only interaction with other people is giving them directions What’s your favorite magazine? or selling them phone cards. For Vista Kan Tianxia [a biweekly news- some, this would be a terrible job. magazine]. For Li Lei, it means an opportunity to supply the public with what they Which celebrity are you tired of need – not to mention free reading seeing on the magazine covers? material forever. Wen Zhang. He’s been everywhere recently. Is there any publication that nobody ever buys? Have you been robbed at night English-language magazines. After or held at gunpoint? I get them, I put them in the room Not really. It’s Beijing. There have to the back here [pointing]. No one been several break-ins at other ever asks for them. Occasionally newsstands recently, but not mine. photos: Judy zhou and max wu some people ask for I trust the People’s Police Force and but that’s about it. the police station is right there [points across the road]. What do you do with the out-of- date magazines? Does any one day stick out in Sell them to the recycling people. your memory because it was a

6 March 2012 Going Underground Military Museum, Line 1

SELLING POINT STROLL Students of Chinese history can Yuyuantan Park’s biggest event, the delight in the display of might at Cherry Blossom Festival, kicks off in the Military Museum, though fur- mid-March and (almost) makes you ther exploration will yield a more forget the wintry gloom. The park also nuanced view of the new Beijing. serves as a link to the Summer Palace; catch a boat at the park’s south SEE entrance and float your way north. For something a little less aus- tere, head east to the Millennium embark Monument. It’s a mere hop across Most of the passengers who alight Junbo Xilu to Paul Cocksedge’s at this station have one thing in “Manuscript,” a 20m scroll installed common: They’re planning to go as part of last year’s Beijing Design even further west. Catch a bus or Week. Hidden underneath the walk south to Beijing West Railway promenade, Shijitan Contemporary Station, which connects the capital Art Center hopes to keep visitors up- to Xi’an, Lhasa, and other far-flung to-date on the latest creative trends. destinations. WOKIPEDIA

wowotou W is for …

... wanzi 丸子 dessert its name and recognizable For all too many people, wanzi (or shape. Wangao tastes best fresh and “round mass”) evokes only thoughts cooked to order, as it loses fragrance of suspiciously spongy fish balls and fluffiness when it cools. In the at lowbrow hot pot restaurants. Minnanese dialect, “wangao” is also That’s a shame, because there are slang for “situation,” as in “What’s plenty of other ways to enjoy happening?” or seafood that’s been minced and made rotund. If you supersize ... wowotou 窝窝头 wanzi and red-braise them, you’ve Even as the West has moved away got “lion’s head” meatballs (狮子 from Wonder White and towards 头), a popular dish at Chinese New multigrain baked goods, China is Year dinners. Wanzi tang, a noted revisiting some of its traditional Hui dish, features meatballs “breads.” Conical and nubbly, wowo- slow-cooked over many hours in tou are frequently made from corn- beef-bone stock. meal, water and a pinch of soybean powder. Here’s the recipe: Knead. ... wangao 碗糕 Shape into a roughly rounded cone, Literally translated as “bowl cake,” and indent the base with a little the round-bottomed wangao hail dimple. Steam. Admire the cute- from Guilin. Sweet or savory fla- ness. Don’t burn your fingers. Then vorings are added to a fermented eat! Just like , they pair well slush of crushed with many a dish, and the name is and then the mixture is steamed fun to say. in a bowl, the vessel that gives this photo: user zhou1996 photo: March 2012 7 Ecology

GoneGone FishinFishingg?? photos: gao baoyan, tang jing, masa ushioda and J iu Qiaozai What the finless porpoise is telling us about our rivers by Kyle Mullin

8 March 2012 hang Jinzhi has been casting nets upon with fishermen like Zhang but emphasizes that that those fishermen’s relationship with the the Yangtze his whole life. Now the third- lack of ill intent does not make their practices dolphins is far more nuanced than it appears. generation carp fisherman has found any less deadly. “Normally, fishermen revere this “Fishermen have always used porpoise appear- himself tangled up in controversy. The special dolphin species,” Zeng says. “Generally they ances to predict the suitability of the river that WorldZ Wildlife Fund (WWF) has cited overfishing day, while the dolphins play with them and spray as a primary cause for the finless porpoise becom- “Three or four years ago them,” she says. ing endangered in China. Some may assume the Zhang appreciates that nuanced view, though water mammals to be victims of poaching, but it’s we must have had he dismisses as naive the idea that he and other not that simple. The truth is as murky as the river thousands of dolphins. fishermen have a mythical kinship with the por- waters of their dwindling habitat. poise. “There are stories about how dolphins “We never catch dolphins because we believe We could see them every day. can help us find clean water, but it’s not true,” he that catching them will give us bad luck,” Zhang Now we don’t see any” says. “We do believe the dolphins are very smart, says in defense of the average Yangtze fisherman. though. It’s also true that we don’t know enough “Besides, I don’t know anybody that would buy it, don’t catch [the dolphins]. But illegal fishing tools, about them.” so we can’t sell it.” Instead, the fishermen are filling like gill-nets and electric fishing, will sometimes Instead, Zhang points the finger at fishermen their nets with krill and crab – and thereby starving injure or even kill them.” who use illegal small-holed nets that catch the the river dolphins of their food supply. Tang Jing, a volunteer in one of WWF’s recent tiny fish at the bottom of the food chain. He says Zeng Ming, a WWF spokesperson, sympathizes rescue campaigns for the finless porpoise, agrees that laws regulating fishing tools and equipment

Porpoise facts Body length: 1.2-1.9m Weight: 30-40 kg Diet: Shrimp, prawns, fish, octopuses Lifespan: Estimated between 10-20 years IQ: The WWF says the IQ of the finless porpoise is comparable with that of a gorilla, which has been estimated at between 70 and 95. Most humans have an IQ of 90-109.

the freshwater finless porpoise has nowhere else to go March 2012 9 Ecology

the future is bleak for the porpoise

should be better enforced because feeder species biggest dolphin appeal is a true indication of how fishermen’s livelihood. But Zhang admits that such affect the survival of anything that swims in the little progress has been made. In recent months, a ban, no matter how costly, could be the only Yangtze. At this point, he says, even an aquaculture the WWF has been lobbying the Chinese govern- thing that saves the Yangtze’s fishing industry. reseeding of the river’s small-fish population ment to upgrade the finless porpoise from its “I haven’t fished yet this year, not because could not save the porpoises’ food supply. The current Grade II conservation category status to of any bans, but because there’s nothing there number of illegal nets sweep up even the tiniest Grade I (maximum level of protection). to fish,” Zhang says. “Three or four years ago we fish that might serve as fodder for the dwindling “Because China has too many endangered must have had thousands of dolphins. We could dolphins. species to be protected, both terrestrial and see them every day. Now we don’t see any. There’s “Even if the government put new small fish in aquatic, we need to wait for the related govern- not enough fish. I don’t even see birds coming the river, the small nets will catch them all when ment agency to collect all the animal lists that seasonally to feed anymore.” they grow bigger next year,” he says, adding that need to be upgraded, and go through the legisla- Zeng says this current downward trend could fishermen guilty of those practices should be tion process step by step,” Zeng says. turn into an economic and ecological chain reac- prosecuted. tion. “The finless porpoise represents the health Food shortages are far from the only threat “The finless porpoise of the Yangtze River ecosystem. A Yangtze River to the finless porpoises’ survival, and the WWF is represents the health of that can’t sustain them will no longer be suitable taking a broad-based approach in its rescue cam- for human beings’ survival in the future. We want paigns. Aside from overfishing and last summer’s the Yangtze’s ecosystem” people to cherish this adorable and important drought (which brought water levels to a record dolphin species as much as the endangered giant low), the NGO cites climate change, pollution from Tang calls the lack of progress disappointing panda. They represent the river ecosystem and bridge and dam construction, and sand digging but not surprising. “An NGO’s power is limited. forest ecosystem, respectively.” as contributing factors. Dredging at the river’s They don’t have a direct impact on policy and Tang agrees that neglecting these vulner- bottom – which literally muddies the waters and regulations,” she says. “The majority of the people able creatures would be more than immoral. reduces visibility for the porpoises – has been may care about endangered animals, but some “These dolphins are the Yangtze’s environmental somewhat stemmed by government regulation, believe they have no relationship with us and benchmark,” she says. “Its survival is a response to but the WWF is pushing the Chinese govern- are indifferent.” the state of the river and the ecological quality ment to further regulate sand digging as well as Another benchmark in the WWF’s rescue of lakes. It occupies one of the highest levels in shipping routes. Zeng says their dolphin rescue campaign may be equally difficult to attain. Zeng the food chain, and plays an important biologi- campaign also includes advocating further gov- says the WWF hopes to lengthen the fishing ban cal role.” ernment control of water pollution and funding to in the Yangtze River beyond the current seasonal “We need to protect them,” Tang adds, build nature reserves for the finless porpoise. prohibition. “because what benefits the finless porpoise also But the floundering status of the WWF’s Some may fear such restraints could threaten benefits humanity itself.”

10 March 2012 porpoises must compete with humans for food An endangered species They’re famously adorable and clever, with mouths naturally upturned in sly grins. But in China they might soon become nothing more than a memory. The Yangtze River’s endangered finless porpoise population dropped by 6.8 percent in 2011, due in no small part to a summer drought that was the river’s worst in 50 years. The decline is now expected to continue by up to 15 percent per year, according to reports by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The conservationist NGO released a statement saying: “Twenty years ago, WWF estimated that finless porpoise numbers would stay at around 2,700. By 2006, the number had dropped to 1,200 – less than the total number of wild giant pandas.” If drastic action isn’t taken, WWF spokespeo- ple say, there will only be 200 finless porpoises left by 2035. Or worse, this vulnerable species could go the way of its close cousin, the Baiji dolphin, and disappear completely.

the race is on to save the species A river in peril Once upon a time, the Yangtze was one of only two rivers in the world that could lay claim to two species of freshwater dolphin. By 2006, however, it had lost that distinction when the Baiji dolphin was declared “function- ally extinct.” The river suffered the effects of a record-breaking drought in the summer of 2011, receiving 40 percent less rainfall than the past 50-year average. Every year, 33.9 billion tons of industrial waste are dumped into the Yangtze. Nitrogen concentrates alone have doubled over the past 20 years. Environmentalists have condemned the unnatural water flow caused by the Yangtze’s massive Three Gorges Dam, aka the biggest hydroelectric plant in the world; they say it threatens wild carp and other fish that are essential links in the food chain. porpoise patrol

March 2012 11 Break Into

PuBeijingb is fertile groundl for writers.i Whethersh you fantasize ing about penning an epic tome or just the next sure-to-go-viral Kjersti Skomsvold (KS) blog post, you love converting the thrills of all that happens Debut author on this frenzied side of the world into the written word. But Novel: The Faster I Walk, The Smaller I Am how to get those words to readers? We tracked down a stable of publishing professionals: Mitch Moxley (MM) novelists, memoirists, journalists, scriptwriters, publishers Contributor, The Atlantic, The Huffington Post and editors ranging from the globally acclaimed to those Memoir: Tall Rice: The High & Low Adventures of a just getting their big break. In the following pages, they Foreigner in China (forthcoming, 2013) share tips on getting words in print. But first, let’s get to know the experts: Paul French (PF) Columnist, China Economic Quarterly MEET THE AUTHORS True crime thriller: Midnight in Peking

Alan Paul (APl) Qaisra Shahraz (QS) Columnist, The Wall Street Journal Winner, Jubilee Award Memoir: Big in China Novels: Holy Woman, Typhoon

Alison Pick (APk) Rachel Dewoskin (RD) Won National Magazine Award for Poetry (2003) Faculty, Creative Writing, New York University Poetry: Question & Answer, Novel: The Sweet Edge Novel: Repeat After Me, Memoir: Foreign Babes in Beijing: Behind the Scenes of A New China Belinda McKeon (BM) Contributor, The Paris Review and the Guardian Roy Kesey (RK) Debut novel: Solace Short fiction in Best American Short Stories, McSweeney’s Evan Osnos (EO) Novel: Pacazo China correspondent, The New Yorker Book project in progress Sally Kindberg (SK) Writer, illustrator, the Guardian Gary Shteyngart (GS) Comic: The Comic Strip Big Fat Book of Knowledge Listed: The New Yorker’s “20 Under 40” Novels: The Russian Debutante’s Handbook, Absurd- Yu Hua (YH) istan, Super Sad True Love Story Winner, James Joyce Award (2002) Novels: To Live, Brothers, Nonfiction: China in Ten Jen Lin-Liu (JL-L) Words Contributor, Newsweek Founder, Black Sesame Kitchen MEET THE PUBLISHERS Memoir: Serve the People: A Stir-Fried Journey Through China Graham Earnshaw (GE) Publisher, Hong Kong-based Earnshaw Jon Campbell (JC) Books Writer, musician Harvey Thomlinson (HT) Nonfiction: Red Rock: The Long, Strange March of Founder, Hong Kong-based Make-Do Chinese Rock & Roll Publishing Jo Lusby (JL) Josh Knelman (JK) Managing Director, Penguin China Contributor, The National Post, the Globe and Mail Nonfiction: Hot Art: Chasing Thieves and Detectives Michael Tamblyn (MT) through the Secret World of Stolen Art EVP, Kobo eBooks (

Justin Hill (JH) Scarlet He (SH) Three-time nominee, Man Booker Prize Founding Member, Apabi Digital Publishing Novels: Passing Under Heaven, Shieldwall

12 March 2012 First, let’s hear from the authors ... JK: Not if you want to pay the bills. What is your creative routine? How do you remove distractions? APl: It is enough, but man cannot live on satisfaction alone. I used to say that I would have written a book PF: I write late at night – always after 10pm when about my experiences in China whether I had a deal email and phone nuisances are largely removed. It or not, but I can’t really say that anymore, after real- does rather mean that getting up in the morning izing just how much work the project was. is an issue! What was your big break? JH: In terms of distractions and how to get past them, there are hundreds. Lack of confidence – EO: A summer job in high school. I got hired as an fake it; children – send them out to play; hunger – intern to write about sports for the local paper in starve. Connecticut, and those clippings led me to larger papers and different kinds of writing, and eventually SK: Deadlines are imperative! Otherwise there will what I do today. I wouldn’t be writing today if I hadn’t be much cleaning of my tiny apartment, chatting started early. to friends on the phone and general gazing. Mak- ing to-do lists is very helpful, especially when you GS: My hero was the Korean-American writer can tick items. Chang-rae Lee. He not only accepted me into his MFA program but gave the first 30 pages of JL-L: No Internet. I wake up in the morning and my novel to his editor, who bought The Russian pretty much go straight to the desk. Debutante’s Handbook a few weeks later. Lucky break.

EO: My wife makes fun of me for wearing earplugs Across the spectrum – from book to magazine to news in an empty house. But it seems to help. I savor to web – can publishers and editors be hard to deal the seclusion. with? Any crazy stories?

APk: Ideally I write first thing in the morning, going SK: Several times when I was illustrating for the straight from my bed to my desk (with a stop in Guardian I had to draw pictures before the feature the kitchen to make a cup of coffee). My mind was even written – quite fun as I had a lot of freedom. is (relatively!) clear in the morning, before the Publishers can be cowardly and/or lazy about interruptions of the day intrude. Since having a child I’ve rejections, which is very annoying. Newspaper editors had to modify my routine, though. Now there are Cheerios are generally much more direct, even if it’s brutal. and toothbrushes and suits to deal with before the precious silence of paper and pen. APl: The craziest editors I ever dealt with were at People magazine. The whole system was insane. Why get published? Is it not enough to just write? It involved extensive reporting and turning in ex- tremely long “notes” that were actually major feature JH: I think there’s affirmation in being published. stories. There was often at least one other reporter Especially for new writers. It marks you out as being doing the same and then one writer or editor in New York above the crowds of scribblers, or people who making it all into a story. are always talking about the book they’re going to The worst was I once did a story on doggy summer camp. write. And it gives you confidence, and confidence is They wanted me to spend a day there, but the photographer one of the keys to writing well. Readers can smell writers could only go two days later. I realized that would be a dif- who are unconfident. It’s like dogs can smell fear. Fearful ferent session and told them and they said, “Don’t worry. We writers over-write. need the file.” So I spent a whole day in 100-degree heat watching dogs at camp – they went swimming, played ball, RK: It is enough just to write, if you’re writing a shop- had obstacle courses – and interviewing their owners. I filed ping list, or maybe a diary. Otherwise, one wants to my story, then a day later got a phone call from an editor: see how the text will fare in the mind of another. “The photographer is going to shoot different dogs and

March 2012 13 owners than you interviewed! You need to go back with a student to dance for him (in front of him, not with him) him.” I almost tore my phone out of the wall, screaming, “I before he would listen to his pitch, but maybe that’s not told you that days ago!” true. I hope it’s not true …

Some experts say it’s only a matter of time before all SK: I once went into a magazine office for an authors are better off self-publishing (faster, better illustration commission and ended up being sent editorial control, higher royalties). Do you see yourself on a travel assignment to write about playing golf making the leap? in France … sort of networking, I guess.

PF: Absolutely not – just look at what constitutes How do you deal with rejection? 99.99 percent of self-published work – utter and total crap that should never see the light of day. RK: Bourbon. Same way I deal with acceptance, Publishers and editors are the gatekeepers – they actually ... sort out the good from the bad and the ugly. I approve of gatekeepers; I see the supposed democracy of SK: Badly, but only very briefly. I’ve had many self-publishing as a false hope. It is, of course, one that will projects rejected … but quite a few get through! be rigidly clung to by the mediocre and below average who can't get published. But that's literary Darwinism – you can MM: Rejection is hard. I’ve been rejected more deny it, but you'll look foolish ultimately. times than I can count, and even after about seven years of freelancing it’s still tough to get over. JH: The status quo, where publishers are the gate- Ignored emails are the most grating for me. But keepers to the reading public, is a fairly recent over time it gets easier to deal with. You have to phenomemon. Even in the 1920s, authors like realize that it’s not personal and not every story idea DH Lawrence were self-publishing. I think we’re is going to work for everybody. heading back there, and yes, I’m already in the process: getting a couple of my older books back into print. When If you could go back and give your pre-published self you look at the economics of publishing, it doesn’t make three pieces of advice, what would they be? sense to me now to take the smallest share of the publishing pie. GS: Just relax and enjoy the process. Books aren’t as important to the culture as they used to be but RD: I’m not a graphic artist, don’t want to do my own getting a real copy of your work in your hands, covers, and am not interested in PR or marketing, between covers, with a nice-looking jacket … wow, so would much rather leave those tasks to others that’s still something. more qualified. Getting to write the nitty-gritty core lines of the book – the story, the people in it, the PF: Make a lot of money doing something else first so words – is what I love to do, and I feel ecstatic that doing you can write without worrying about the rent. just that is how I get to spend my career. Concentrate on the plot and the idea for ages to the exclusion of all the literary fluff – foundations first, APl: I am definitely open to it. I plan to approach decorating later! each project as its own entity. It would be insane Read more – the best writers in my experience are also the to rule that out at this juncture. widest and most prolific readers.

How important is guanxi/networking to getting SK: Don’t say no to a TV appearance – I did and a book deal? regretted it. Buy that boat! I had maritime aspirations and JC: I don’t think it was guanxi for Red Rock, but imagined a floating studio. I knew who I was pitching the idea to. I didn’t Be positive, but maybe not so stubborn? have a direct personal connection, but I knew that my interest in yaogun would appeal to BM: Read Ellis Weiner’s hilarious 2009 New Yorker Graham Earnshaw, who was one of the first foreigners satire on authors and publicity, “Subject: Our in the rock scene in Beijing. Marketing Plan.” Accept that everything in that article is true and JH: Irrelevant, I find. I’ve had guanxi with my there’s not an awful lot you can do about it. publisher, but if the book is not strong enough, Put a thousand quid on Julian Barnes to win the Man then it won’t fly. That is unless you are a big enough Booker Prize. name that you can publish rubbish and get away with it. As many do. KS: Read very good books for inspiration. Read very bad books to see that your writing is BM: I knew something of the scene before I was not so bad. published, but it didn’t throw doors open for me. Go out and look for people who can help you. It just helped me not to feel too dazed or confused When you want something bad enough, you find by the whole thing. the people you need. I did an MFA in Fiction in the US, which is meant to be a great opener of doors, and the school held an YH: Just one: Don’t be a dentist, be a writer. annual party at which students could meet with agents. It was awkward, uncomfortable, and miserable. I can’t even remember the names of any of the agents. I would bet good money that they don’t remember our names either. There was a story about a very prominent New York agent asking

14 March 2012 And now, those behind the publishing industry shed some light on the road to publication ... GE: Many authors appreciate the organizational framework provided by a publisher, and publish- Why get published? Is it not enough to just write? ers have a stand-back view on a project and its potential that an author almost never has. An imprint GE: The main reason people write is it’s a play for also provides a means for readers to judge whether immortality. Next comes validation of self, third it is worth bothering with a book. I think there will always would be an effort to change the world in some be a role for publishers. way. If anyone is doing it to make serious money, they are almost certainly kidding themselves. Ditto JL: Self-publishing may well be the best for publishers. option for some authors. It is impor- tant, however, to remember that SH: For people who want to share their work, their publishers are distinct from printers, and even self- thoughts, their feelings with others, just writing is publishing sensations like Amanda Hocking not enough. They must publish their work, so the find themselves seeking out a traditional publisher rela- world can know them and be influenced. tionship.

You’ve probably seen a lot of half-baked proposals. On the other hand, some still claim “The pros do it What gives them away? better” and “It’s not a real book if it’s self-published.” What do you say to that? GE: The best proposal is no proposal at all. Just send us the completed manuscript. MT: Books are coming out of a very long era where the only credible book came from a publisher. JL: A tendency towards florid literary Certainly, what we see now is that self-publishing – style rather than successfully communi- which used to be done by very few authors – has cating the core of what the book would actually become a source of some very popular books, and a be about. large number of them. Self-published authors now repre- sent seven percent of the overall books that we sell which, Ever worked with an author who was unusually resist- when you realize we’re selling millions of books a year … ant to feedback? that’s huge.

GE: Yes. Angry emails, unreasonable demands, If traditional publishers offer editorial support, tears, ultimatums. Seen it all. Also seen the flipside – marketing, etc, what do e-publishers have to offer intelligent, reasonable flexibility. someone looking to get their work to an audience?

HT: The less talented the writer, the more MT: Kobo is a retailer rather than a publisher, and it’s an resistant they are to editing. important distinction to make. We are not providing editorial services, we aren’t designing books. What How important is guanxi/networking to getting a we are doing is giving the authors who want to book deal? undertake those roles themselves direct access to our millions of customers. That’s something self-published JL: Publishing is a personal business, and authors have never really had before. Now they have the especially in a market like China, where there same kind of distribution and exposure that the largest are very few agents physically on the ground, publishers offer. getting to know people and talking about what you’re working on is a very good way forward. Just how big is growth in the e-books industry?

HT: It’s important. But not decisive. Publishing a MT: It’s phenomenally large. When we first started book is a commitment to enter into a long-term Kobo, we thought e-book growth would be very, relationship, so it has to be a good match. You very slow – that in five years, maybe 5 percent of must become a champion for that book, so in the the books would be read in digital. Instead, what we long-term, you can’t fake the passion. found was that within a single year, 5 percent of books were being read in digital. In two years, almost 15 percent of Any advice for writers on dealing with rejection? books are being read digitally in the United States, and 10 percent of books in Canada and the UK. So, it’s a phenom- JL: It is not personal. enon that has become very large, very quickly.

HT: Fail. Fail again. Fail better. Have Anything else you want to tell us about e-publishing a one-night stand and then never that you think aspiring writers never hear, but really reply to their texts. Avoid anyone who should know? seriously tries to cheer you up by saying that JK Rowling was rejected by countless publishers. MT: An author in the United States could end up selling to a reader in Africa; an author from Australia could end up selling to a reader in South Korea. FACE OFF: Generally, people picture their readers as being TRADITIONAL VS. E-PUBLISHING close to them or in the same country. We now live in an era of truly global reading and writing, like never before. Some experts say it’s only a matter of time before all [E-publishing] is a wonderful way for authors to find new authors are better off self-publishing (faster, better editorial audiences in places they didn’t expect. control, higher royalties). What’s your rebuttal?

March 2012 15 How to

PitchIf you’ve ever wondered how to compose and deliver a pitch personal expertise or special access to experts? that will delight and impress editors, this is your lucky day. The key is to learn to anticipate the needs of the editor. Give Why them? him or her the facts they need, infuse it with some original- Why is this periodical (or publishing house) the best fit for ity, show off your control of language by making it concise, your work? and you’ll be doing them a huge favor. Just ask yourself the following questions: Why will readers care? How will you add value? How will you delight the reader? How can I summarize the proposed article in one • In other words, what can you do for readers that they sentence? cannot – or will not – do for themselves? • A summary without a verb is likely to be flabby and • How will your proposed article be different from (and vague. ideally, better than) any article on the same topic? Why WEAK EXAMPLE: “An overview of the river-rafting options within would a reader choose to buy your book as opposed to an hour’s drive of Beijing.” any other similarly themed book?

• Express what you want the article to accomplish. FROM THE AUTHORS: GOOD EXAMPLE: “I will evaluate and rank all river-rafting op- Worst pitching mistakes ever? tions within an hour’s drive of Beijing.” GOOD EXAMPLE: “Readers will be able to consult an annotated JC: As a freelancer, there were a few times that I list of river-rafting options that lists pros and cons of each tried fighting beyond my weight class, by going location.”) to media outlets I shouldn’t have. Not because I wasn’t good enough, but because I was nobody. • Composing your headline (and subheading) is a great exercise for boiling your piece down to its essentials. PF: Name dropping people who, if ever asked, GOOD EXAMPLE: “Rapids Decision-Making: The Best and Worst wouldn't know who the hell you were – that's em- River-Rafting Daytrips in Beijing” barrassing. Seriously trying to claim that what you are offering is totally original (nothing is – get over How many words will this proposed article be? yourself). I've heard of all of these. My worst mistakes • Display your understanding of how the publication will remain secrets to my dying breath. allocates space. • Display your understanding of how many words the BM: There are quite a few agents on Twitter now, and proposed topic deserves. I regularly see them quoting the first line of really dreadful cover letters. That seems kind of cruel, I Where will it go? suppose, until you see how arrogant and under- • If you’re pitching to a magazine, newspaper or website, researched the cover letters are. name the specific column that the article is best suited for. If you’re pitching to a publishing house, identify the MM: Pitching an article to a magazine you haven’t specific imprint that your manuscript would fit. really read before. I once did that and the editor • Be ready to offer potential alternatives – and to describe emailed me back and said, as politely as possible, how your coverage would change to accommodate that that I should read the magazine before pitching shift in placement. next time. Why now? FROM THE PUBLISHERS: Why are you pitching this today instead of tomorrow/next week/next month? What do you look for in a good pitch?

When was this particular topic last featured? GE: Market awareness is top. Not too recently, one would hope. You did study all the back issues (or the publisher’s catalog), right? Did you make JL: Honesty, clarity, precision. sure they haven’t published anything on this topic from this particular angle in the last few months? HT: The unexpected, the unlooked for, the perverse. Above all, a strange, Why you? true passion. Why are you the best person to write this piece? Do you have

16 March 2012 Start Your Own Writing Group You’ve thought about gathering some fellow writers • Whoever has no writing to share this week/month/ together for everything from warm, fuzzy moral support to quarter buys everyone tearing your work apart limb from limb. What better time • Limiting discussion time for each piece to five/ten/thirty than now? We’ll even help you think things through: minutes

The Characters Confidentiality If there’s one thing we know about a writers’ group, it’s that This one’s important. Sharing what you write can be it needs people. (The stuffed animals from your childhood sensitive, and you’d certainly hate to see an old writing tea parties? Useless.) But who? Career writers? Academics? group buddy publish a book that sounds suspiciously like Hobbyists? Letter penners? Will your group be open to the the one you were working on. Signed contracts or verbal public or by invite only? This will greatly impact what you agreements? That’s up to you, but be sure to address this accomplish at your meetings, so consider: Do you want before getting started. excitement, freshness, high morale? If so, a more inclusive clan will work better. Or do you want everyone to break out If you’re still on the fence about whether it’s worth it, the red pen so you emerge from your two-hour meeting here’s how other authors responded when we asked with manuscripts that are at least 70 percent stronger? whether writing groups/classes have made their work Maybe stick with other writing professionals, then. better:

The Setting RD: They’ve been lovely for me, which is one Beijing has no shortage of great options for writerly gather- of the reasons I keep teaching. I think being in ings. The Bookworm is an obvious spot (in fact, they already a community of writers who think that art and host a group Monday nights). favorites like The language are important, and who follow the arc of Veggie Table at Wudaoying or Treescape Cafe on Qianliang your work over as much time as is possible – a semester, Hutong (near the National Art Museum) are quiet hideaways a year, a decade – is important and valuable for writers. for the more softspoken. Moment Cafe or Union Bar & Grille are fun options for those who prefer their literary aspirations BM: They’ve made me a better editor of my work, housed in shinier, more mod environs. We do encourage you and the deadlines were invaluable. Less than half to call ahead to whatever venues you’re considering to see of what I actually wrote during my MFA program if they can accommodate your group. made it into my novel, but the fact of there hav- ing been regular and firm deadlines for two to three The Frame years when I had started working on the book made all the Here’s where you can have some fun. Well-designed rules can difference. And the encouragement of very fine readers, guide the productivity, efficiency and/or flow of creativity students and teachers both, also helped. in a meeting. Some suggestions: MM: Definitely. Simply because it forces you to write • Work must be shared and read before the meeting with the knowledge that other people will read it. • Nobody gets a copy, everyone just listens I suspect I’ll still take creative writing classes even • No apologizing (for rough or unfinished drafts, for after my book is published. criticism, anything) • No positive feedback allowed QS: Absolutely. In the early days, that is how I • No negative feedback allowed started, having joined other writing groups in • No talking while group members are discussing your Manchester. At the moment I am hoping to join a writing writer’s group for children’s books. Sharing ideas • Every attendee must give feedback for every work is a good learning experience. presented

March 2012 17 We are Help wanted: pretend to work here only rich Great Wall English functions still, Peter Pan's in China. teacher’s party! online only. See you their! Neverland Lungs dying Grey skies get or Dantè's anyways. Why under your skin. Purgatory. not smoke? Its been "Bicycles in downhill since a jigsaw of " the Olympics Dao! Dao! Dao! Dao...Dao...Hao! Great new Ring roads wrapped restaurant. Closed around red next week. ruins "Faces stare at Lonely. Neon. Fetid. what they're not" Post-Apocolyptic. Horse burgers. who needs it's not Came for air, pollution alcoholism it's two years. is delicious just Beijing Stayed forever.... Crumbling courtyards, Culture worn. Charm glittering skyscrapers, gone. Pretension born. garlicky erhuayin. "So when are you Pinch me. coming home?" Fuwuyuan'r! We're at One twenty. One Chuan'r! Yi Ping'r! the Wall. Kuai Dian'r! sixty. Two kuai. "Left home. Came back an expat." 18 March 2012 To Truly Enjoy, Bachelor hello new pad. Thank friend bag Hold The Meiyou God for ayi. you want? Taste of Beijing? I very like i just don't understand teaching the 350 API, yuck! English. other laowais Civilised Chaoyang? Spit bro, fengtai is the I love Beijing -- Spit Beep Beep. new dongcheng it's killing me. Stuck in traffic. Black sky; gray Might be late. moon; red stars. Subway snail, Parents haven't crushing crowds, met my Chinese Beige skies, gray husband. roofs, pink lights glazed glances 500pm: blue Lao wai sky with looka Chinese looka Characteristics yangrou Design by Susu Luo Kicks ass. chuanr e asked writerly readers of to describe Wtheir Beijing in just six words. Duffle coat Here are the 50 best, unedited. See all of - the entries on kiss my ass resplendent while dumpling dependent You had me "Yes, Beijing's at Ni Hao changed. Get Got out, breathed over it." in, threw up. Confused but transfixed, always First at bus stop, last on. wanting more No fortune cookies? but the food Doubt it's tastes so good really lamb. asked the American. Still eating. March 2012 19 FUN & GAMES old china hand WIn stuff

Look through this issue for the chance to win great prizes!

Win two tickets (worth RMB 1,000 each) to the St. Patrick’s Day Irish Ball by correctly answering the questions of Trivia Travails. Be first to spot this month’s Bogus Ad and win vouchers for Paradise Massage.

Also up for grabs in this issue:

a Leffe gift pack, a voucher for a buffet meal at Seasoning, and a set lunch for two at Royal Smushi House.

Email [email protected] with your answers. Good luck!

1995 2012 , Dongcheng District. Photo by Nature Zhang. Original courtesy of Dan Lau

trivia travails Tell Us a Joke

Each month we run a series of questions 1. Conductor Daniel 5. Alan Wong’s very first based on the content of the issue. Harding was born in: restaurant was: Answer them correctly and win free stuff! a) Beijing a) Karaiya Spice b) Oslo b) Hatsune This month’s prize is a pair of tickets to c) Oxford c) Kagen the Irish Network China’s d) Munich d) St. Patrick’s Day Irish Ball on March 17. Email answers to [email protected] 2. On a productive day, 6. Onno Schreurs is Gary Shteyngart eats: head of Beijing ... Answers to February’s a) two pheasants a) Restaurant Month Trivia Travails: b) a donkey penis b) Restaurant Fortnight 1. a) Albert Einstein 2. b) a printing press c) three small bears c) Restaurant Life 3. d) Ignace Lecleir 4. d) animal bones d) a hot dog d) Restaurant Week 5. a) Aston Villa F.C. 6. c) Tango 7. b) womenswear 8. c) Rotary Club of 3. Macau was colonized 7. Pancake Lee was Beijing by the: born in: a) British a) Haiti Last month’s winner was Rob Korfage. b) Americans b) Hainan c) Venetians c) Haidian d) Portuguese d) Hainesport Christoph Weidemann, 4. Luxbible’s target 8. Death Cab For Cutie’s F&B Manager, Hilton Beijing client is the ... lead singer is: Capital Airport a) nouveau riche a) Brandon Flowers b) bargain shopper b) Ben Gibbard Two drunks were walking home along the c) savvy cosmopolite c) Neil Innes railway tracks. d) expat student d) Lenny Kravitz The first drunk says, “There’s a hell of a lot of steps here.” The second drunk says, “I’ll tell you what’s worse – this handrail is bloody low down.” Christoph will keep you on the right track at Hilton Beijing Capital Airport.

20 March 2012 Dining nibbles NEW OPENINGS Tong Luo Wan is a great new clay- pot rice restaurant, almost directly opposite Lavazza at the Silk Market. UME Cafe at Guanghualu Soho does filling pasta and sandwiches featuring decent bread. With On the Corner Cafe and this place, has Guanghualu Soho turned a corner? Indian restaurant Khajuraho is now open in Soho. The new Switch! is now open in a space just east of the Swissotel. MIXING IT UP If you’re after something new at lunch, try Flamme’s pasta sets. Four types of pasta to choose from, served with a house salad and bread. Prices from RMB 58. Sunday brunch is available at S.T.A.Y from March 4. Order a la carte, and add RMB 200 for free-flow champagne. Agua’s menu is now available on electronic tablets, allowing guests a digital browsing experience. You still need the wait staff to take your order. Playing on the appeal of the traditional Italian family gathering, Barolo has launched its new “Family Sunday” promotion, featuring fresh pasta, antipasti and free-flow wine. The Westin Chaoyang are also toying with Sunday traditions at Grange Grill, moving the Great British Sunday roast midweek for Wednesday there's nothing half-baked about the sweet spot evenings filled with roast beef and leg of lamb. We say as long as they have Yorkshire puddings, they can have it on whichever day they want. Capital Bites Steak Exchange‘s new menu features all the red meat you’d expect, but Iain Shaw is all booked up for restaurant week one of the unexpected standouts is a melt-in-the-mouth pan-fried snow fish fillet. wo huge events going on this pricing plan is not only great for its best in Beijing dining, from the month in restaurants – the simplicity – it makes dining at some restaurants themselves to the people IN THE OVEN TBeijinger has a hand in both of the higher-end restaurants an who run them. Cast your votes on Brian McKenna has sold his stake in of them, and there’s every reason absolute steal., and look out ROOMbeijing and is moving on with for you to get involved too. First of Reservations are essential and for us blogging all the results and two new projects: an exclusive ten-seat all, if you haven’t already made your online-only, and with many of the reactions – expect the usual powder- chef’s table called INO in Beijing and reservations, you should know restaurants expected to be fully keg of acclaim and outrage. another project, Restaurant@The Mansion, in Tianjin. that DiningCity’s first-ever Beijing booked, you better jump if you want One more thing. If you like sand- Restaurant Week runs from March to be sure of getting a table. Take a wiches and think there aren’t enough CLOSED FOR 12 to March 18. The event gives look at the participating restaurants’ good ones in Beijing, go to The BUSINESS around 30 restaurants the chance to menus and book your spot now at Sweet Spot, opposite Fatburger Amandine has closed at Sanlitun reach out to new customers, while in China World Mall. Run by China Soho, which is a pity. On the bright diners get to try out and compare Also check in on what DiningCity World Hotel, this cafe and bakery side, they tell us they’ll be opening in places they might never have con- China’s top man, Onno Schreurs, does an amazing spit-roast chicken a new location. sidered before. Just a few of the had to say when we asked him about sandwich for a very reasonable RMB CONGRATULATIONS participating restaurants are: Agua, Restaurant Week survival tactics and 28, as well as other sandwiches and Congratulations to chef Jennifer Alameda, Cepe, The Cut, Ellingen the challenge of getting Chinese ciabattas. There are baguettes and McClelland, Beijing’s tireless champion Brauhaus, Huang Ting, Modo, Mosto, restaurants involved (p29). huge ciabatta loaves to take away, of the virtues of a raw food diet. SALT and Yi House at Grace Beijing. Just as that event draws to a and cakes for dessert lovers – they McClelland came second in a pack of Each restaurant charges either close, we’ll be unveiling the results even have sausage rolls. I’ve already 32 last month in the “Hot Raw Chef RMB 78 for lunch and RMB 168 for of the Beijinger’s 2012 Reader been twice and will be returning. Sweet Valentine Video Recipe Contest,” organized by the California-based dinner, or RMB 118 for lunch and Restaurant Awards. As ever, it’s Living Light Culinary Institute. RMB 248 for dinner. The two-tier your annual chance to vote for the photo: courtesy of china world hotel world of china courtesy photo: March 2012 21 WHAT’S NEW restaurants European Ouest 西餐厅 Mon-Fri 6-10pm, Sat-Sun 11am-10pm. Inside the Drive-In Movie Theater, 21 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6431 8165) 朝阳区亮马桥路21号朝阳公园北门枫花园汽车电影院内

It’s somewhat heartbreaking to see good restaurants absolutely empty, due to location alone. Sadly, one recent Tuesday, this was the scene at Ouest. The upside: prompt, polite service and frequent refills of a charming, rosemary-tinged water. But will they be able to stay afloat until warmer weather brings bigger crowds, both to the cinema and 2 Kolegas? We certainly hope so. The crepes and buckwheat galettes are authentically thin, with a touch of crispiness. The Marie galette (RMB 42), sprinkled with ham, egg and cheese, was a tad underflavored, but the salted butter caramel featured in some of their sweet crepes (RMB 20-42) is absolutely phenomenal. Add a honeyed warm goat cheese salad (RMB 30) and a cracking imported cider (RMB 25-115) and Ouest begins to look like a meal worth the cab fare. Susan Sheng Standout dishes: Emilie crepe

vietnamese rolls Four Scores buckwheat galette Southeast Asian American 四角餐厅 4corners Dog on Fire 热狗店 Daily 11am-midnight. 27 Dashibei Hutong (near west end of Yandai Xiejie), (6401 7797) 西城区大石碑胡同27号(烟袋斜街西口附近) Daily 10am-10pm. Stall 13, 1/F, Bldg 3, Sanlitun Village South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (6417 8568) 朝阳区三里屯路19号院三里屯 Village3号楼1层13号店

ost folks agree that the lakesides of Trinh, formerly of Luga’s Pho Pho and now a TV It’s strange how the salty steam rising off a Houhai and Qianhai, blighted by tacky personality, has taken over what used to be the freshly grilled wiener is like a homing beacon Mbars and tourist tat, are a scandalous Orange Tree. According to Trinh, the concept drawing Americans to the mothership. Hidden misuse of prime real estate. But a wind of change is “food, drinks, art and people.” A bar, spot-lit in an alcove near the Apple Store, Dog on Fire is blowing across the waters. 4corners, the first stage, regular live gigs and smattering of cultural stocks all-beef franks as well as organic pork solo project from Vietnamese-Canadian chef Jun events takes care of the other stuff – we’re here sausages. We enjoyed the original beef dog for the food. (RMB 30) for its plump, taut bite. The A hot-and-sour fish head soup (RMB 45) was the menu promised were tucked under the awesomely flavor-packed, zippy with lime leaves, sausage, while other toppings (relish, ketchup pineapple and chilli. Trinh’s take on hongshao rou and mustard) were self-serve. Nachos (RMB (RMB 88), with the additions of , coconut 20) featured store-bought tortilla chips with flesh and caramelized , was a gut-bustingly a gloopy white cheese and chili that tasted rich main, best eaten sparingly over rice. Of the a little too sweet and tangy. We wished we’d more tapas-oriented dishes, we sampled a plate of tried the honey chicken wings (RMB 15 for 3 fried strips of fish in a Southeast Asian-style sweet pieces) instead. For now, any purchase of a hot and sour sauce (RMB 45), and some wonderful dog and a side earns you a free – helpful Vietnamese rolls (RMB 50) filled with toasted rice, if you’re splurging on the organic dogs (RMB ultra-fine pork skin and leafy herbs. On weekends, 45). Marilyn Mai a brunch menu features Canadian-style breakfasts Also try: Nathan’s Famous, American Holy and Asian options like pho, plus a range of classic Fries “morning-after” cocktails. For now, 4corners feels more like a bar than a restaurant, making it better suited to tapas-style dining with friends rather than an intimate soiree. But with great outdoor seating options, the space should really shine this summer. Tom O’Malley photos: judy zhou Standout dishes: Hot and sour fish head soup, Vietnamese rolls jun trinh Also try: Va Va Voom, Susu jumbo beef frank

22 March 2012 garlicky braised pork

Taiwanese-style "Oil rice"

his ambitious new Taiwanese restaurant makes wandering off the beaten Sanlitun Tpath worth your while. Florence’s menu ranges from night market staples to pricier tra- ditional delicacies, but especially shines when elevating the cheeky grit of ’s vibrant street food culture. The crowd-pleasing popcorn chicken (Taishi xiansu ji 台式咸酥鸡, RMB 28), with well-seasoned chunks of meat and a generous allotment of basil, stands out as the best I’ve had in Beijing. But the must-try dish is the garlicky braised pork (suanxiang hongshao rou 蒜香红烧肉, RMB 48). Its crackle-capped strips of delightfully fatty meat, accompanied by slivers of ginger and scallion, were so scrumptious we were plotting our next visit before we’d even finished it. Pork trotter is a litmus test for any self-respect- ing Taiwanese restaurant – and Florence aced it. The silken Wanluan pig feet (Wanluan zhujiao 万峦 猪脚, RMB 38), which came glistening on a bed of greens, tasted like braised angel’s wings. Other dishes show that Florence has a delicate side. For instance, the ginger and clam soup, with its distillation of flavors into a simple, restorative broth, lifted one dining companion on a wave of nostalgia back to childhood summers in Taiwan. Florence more than holds its own against Beijing’s popular Taiwanese chains, offering significantly better fare than Bellagio and better value than Shin Yeh. Also worth noting is the res- Renaissance fare taurant’s enthusiastic, well-trained staff. The food is definitely the star, but it’s a happy benefit that Taiwanese the restaurant also happens to prioritize customer Florence 翡冷翠台式餐厅 service. Josh Ong Daily 11am-11pm. Bldg 69, 4 Nansanlitun Lu (south of Casa Pagoda), Chaoyang District (6500 2216) 朝阳区南三里屯路4号院69号楼 Standout dishes: Garlicky braised pork, “Steamed pork Taiwan style” (Taishi lurou) Also try: Bellagio, Shin Yeh

Pizza Da Giuseppe Daily 10.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm. 2/F, Bldg 6, China View, Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District (151 0156 8183, 186 0088 2350) 朝阳区工体东路中国红街6号楼2层

Da Giuseppe replaces the twice-unsuccessful which, though spicy, Hungarian restaurant Budapest. And with , wasn’t overpoweringly finally, this apparently cursed space has a formula rich or greasy. Start your that might work. Best known for his work at La meal with the arancini (RMB Pizza, Chef Giuseppe de Stefano is in the kitchen 28), balls of rice mixed with tomato sauce and and all over the logo. His pizza better be good. ground meat, rolled in breadcrumbs and deep- Actually, it’s great, although Italian friends tell fried. Since it’s still quiet, it’s hard to judge Da me they still prefer La Pizza. Da Giuseppe’s pizza Giuseppe on atmosphere or feel. Fine. I’m happy is much crustier, which I think is a good thing. to judge the place on its pizza. Iain Shaw The toppings are fresh and the flavors pop out – those basil leaves on your pizza aren’t just Standout dishes: Margherita pizza, arancini dressing. A 33cm Margherita is RMB 58, with most Also try: La Pizza, Pizza by LMPlus chef giuseppe de stefano other RMB 68-88. We also tried the Diavola, photos: judy zhou judy photos: March 2012 23 WHAT’S NEW restaurants what's new: restaurants ... where they are



dog on fire 4corners

Second Ring Road Florence

da Giuseppe Third Ring Road


French Cafe de la Poste 云游驿 Some like it hot Daily noon-2.30pm, 6pm-midnight. 58 Yonghegong Dajie, Dongcheng District (6402 7047) 东城区雍和宫大街58号

This resolutely mid-range eatery Steak tartare au couteau (RMB 88) manages both an easy welcome is the choice for those who like Pots of gold and, for regulars, the close-knit their beef beyond bleu. The “T-Rex” vibe of a small-town tabac. Plenty beef (RMB 248) is best tackled of folks come to Cafe de la Poste by two carnivores. For afters, the Hot Pot just for booze, bonhomie, and as chocolate fondant cake (RMB 36) Xiangtianxia 香天下 the night rolls on, a teary-eyed has a dark molten core. There is also Daily 11am-midnight. 1/F, Dongcheng Cultural Center, 111 Jiaodaokou Dongdajie, Dongcheng sing-song. If you can’t be moved to the “unpasteurized milk cheese District (6406 5996) 东城区交道口东大街111号东城文化馆1层 join in, think of it as free entertain- board” (RMB 138) – pair it with one ment with dinner. Throw in a spot of the French wines chalked up of dancing – lively enough to have daily on a board. Or you can order iangtianxia ranks as one of in particular about the shimo hei- broken 20 tables since the restau- the house plonk by the carafe. Go the most enjoyable hot pot doufu (RMB 22), Jenga-shaped bricks rant opened in 2006, according to easy, though, or the restaurant’s Xexperiences this Beijinger of dark, smoky and speckled ; ya owner Christophe. ayi might be turfing you out in the has had for many a winter. Located chang (RMB 38), duck intestines that The kitchen turns out simple morning. Tom O’Malley on the ground floor of the hulking take about 15 seconds to cook into French bistro fare made with “Dongcheng Cultural Center,” it’s a gorgeously chewy spirals; and cow quality ingredients (Christophe Standout dishes: Steak tartare au big, bare room of white tile, made tongue (RMB 45), surprisingly the has a hand in Boucherie Michel couteau, goat cheese with honey marginally more pleasant by clever tastiest meat we tried. The full range and Chez Gerard). The hot, melt- and rosemary use of wooden divider screens. of warming root veggies (add them ing goat cheese with honey and Also try: Le Little Saigon, Le Petit The soup bases (RMB 45-48) offer later to thicken the soup), various rosemary served on crusty French Gourmand various ratios of spicy and non-spicy; mushrooms and fungi, and leafy bread (RMB 56) is a must-order. you can even order a cauldron with green additions are available on nifty sunken compartments in which the tick-box menu (Chinese only) to keep ingredients separate, but and served on little wooden trolleys. that takes the fun out of it. When Other dishes, like the dandan mian the (very helpful) fuwuyuan first (RMB 10), zhima shaobing (RMB 12) delivered the -red broth to and the chaoshou (RMB 10), were our table, whole islands of beef fat very good indeed. were bobbing about, which quickly A final positive (for most diners) – melted into oily, unctuous slicks the entire restaurant is a no-smoking

peppered with denglong jiao – the zone, and that seems to be enforced. photos: sui and stubby, cherry-shaped Sichuan Tom O’Malley chillis. This is the only Beijing branch Standout dishes: Beef tongue, of a Chongqing-based chain, and duck intestines TO M O

several of their house specialty Also try: Haidilao, Chuan Cheng steak tartare au couteau 'M ingredients are fantastic. I’m thinking Yuan ALLEY

24 March 2012 Alleyway Gourmet Spring Wrap up the last of winter by Marilyn Mai

he world’s premiere weather- you can go fancy with a variety pack rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, (RMB 12) that includes bing infused Tsaw his shadow on Groundhog with essence of carrot, spinach and Day this year, which pushes back purple rice. the advent of spring to around mid- You can then pick from dozens of March. Surely that’s too long to wait? fillings. On their menu, ingredients Time to take matters into your own like bean sprouts, beancurd, chive, hands … by having yourself some vermicelli and egg feature promi- chunbing! nently in various combinations. As far back as the Jin dynasty, Our favorite, the “mixed vegetables chunbing (“spring ”) were wearing a ” (hecai daimao 合菜 the commoners’ way of welcoming 戴帽, RMB 16), is a stir-fry of all of the verdant season; they would roll them, with a tender omelet serving an assortment of meat and vegeta- as the . The sprout, egg and bles into a thin doughy wrapper so shrimp filling (nongjia chao sanxian "mixed vegetables wearing a hat" they could “bite the spring” (咬春). 农家炒三鲜, RMB 18) was similarly Some say it’s a prayer for a good mild yet satisfying, though beware – gone somewhere else. sprouts crunch until it’s devoured in year of planting and harvesting. I the crustaceans can be a little pokey. Once you’ve chopsticked a gen- two or three bites and you’re ready say they were showing the earth Ground pork with potherb mustard erous amount of filling onto your for another. who’s boss. greens (肉碎雪里红, RMB 12) was pancake, then rolled it up nice and At Chunbing Jingwei Cai, a lean pleasantly spicy and acidic, but fat and stuffed it in your mouth, it’s Chunbing Jingwei Cai. Daily swarthy gentleman will gladly point might work better on a hill of rice hard to deny the delightful power 10am-11pm. 153 Yonghegong out the variety of ways you can than in the thin wrapper. We didn’t trip of taking a bite out of spring. Dajie (opposite Cafe de la Poste), pound your pancakes. A set of ten try the stir-fried duck meat – if we’d The doughy pancake pulls, vermicelli Dongcheng District (6406 2183) plain flour wrappers is RMB 8, but wanted duck in pancakes we’d have stretches and snaps, egg yields and 春饼京味菜,东城区雍和宫大街153号 ourtesy of the suppliers of ourtesy : C PHOTOS March 2012 25 FEATURE Spuds We Like Ten ways to taste tubers in Beijing by Tom O’Malley

hough you’re more likely Indeed, potato production is on Russians rank high when it comes to mayonnaise. A Russian saying goes to find rice or wheat on a the rise. The upshot is that we’re per capita consumption of potatoes. something like: “A New Year spread Chinese table, it might likely to all be eating a lot more They boil them, fry them, add them is not complete without tangerines, surprise you to learn that potatoes here as time goes on. And to pancakes (dranniki), fried buns champagne and Olivier salad.” And TChina is the world’s biggest producer if that’s the case, we might as well do () and soups. The Russian vodka, no doubt. and consumer of potatoes. Partly it’s it in style. Here are nine of the best potato salad (often called a “winter to do with food security: Spuds need tuber-based dishes in Beijing – plus salad” or “Olivier salad”) is a much- Baked Potato with less water and yield more calories the single weirdest. loved party dish featuring diced Three Toppings (RMB 47) per acre than other staple grains, potatoes, carrots, dill pickles, canned Vineyard Cafe and China has over one-fifth of the Olivier Salad (RMB 28) peas, , boiled eggs, chopped Trust the British to have such scant world’s bellies to fill. Traktirr Pushkin processed sausage and oodles of culinary imagination as to simply PHOTO : sui

26 March 2012 throw an unpeeled potato in the and, like most Hunanese dishes, a oven, right? Wrong! The humble few bits of pork belly. The longer it baked/jacket potato (pictured), cooks, the better (and spicier) it gets, with its dark, charred skin and fluffy and the pork slowly melts away into flesh, is the perfect vehicle for royal crispy deliciousness. While you’re toppings like Coronation chicken there, be sure to try their masterful (boneless meat in a curried mayon- fried eggs with fermented soybeans naise) or cheddar cheese with baked (laba doubao jidan 腊八豆爆鸡蛋). beans, or even American-style with Texas chili. The steamy heat from the Tudou Wan 土豆丸 (Rmb 32) spud melts and absorbs everything In and Out in a delightfully gunky mess. Southwest China’s answer to Tater Tots, this Dai minority favorite con- Warm La Ratte Fingerling Potato sists of marble-sized balls of mashed, with Egg Mimosa (RMB 348) fried potato. At this smart North Maison Boulud Sanlitun restaurant, they arrive at The ever-resourceful Brian Reimer, the table non-greasy, light and fluffy executive chef at Maison Boulud, has with the thinnest, crispiest mem- recently procured La Ratte potatoes, brane imaginable – and served with considered one of the world’s finest a lime-flavored, spicy-sour dipping varieties. Says Reimer: “We poach sauce. them in chicken consommé, then ‘monte’ the cooking liquid with Potato Rosti (RMb 35) creme fraiche, peel the potato and Cafe Swiss allow them to cool. They’re warmed Considered something approaching when ordered, a national dish in and we sprinkle Rosti are essentially Switzerland, rosti on chopped egg a re e s s e n t i a l l y yolk, lemon zest, hash browns with hash browns with chives and sea salt. added Euro glamour added Euro glam- These are served o u r. Pa r b o i l e d with lemon puree, slow-poached potatoes are grated and shaped quail eggs with pumpernickel crou- into flat cakes, then fried to a crisp tons, a salad of dill and ten grams of in butter or oil, with a little salt and caviar.” ‘Nuff said. pepper. At Cafe Swiss you can order it as a side, or as a main with sliced Batata Wada (RMB 30) veal and sauce (RMB 150). Ganges A fast food-style street snack much Fried Potato with Slow- loved in Mumbai, these potato frit- Cooked Eggs, Onion Confit and ters consist of balls of mashed pota- Homemade Chorizo (rmb 108) to flavored with spices, then dipped Agua in a chickpea batter and deep-fried. Chef Jordi Valles has given this classic They’re served scalding hot out of huevos rotos dish a DIY twist, where the fryer, accompanied by a piquant diners smash and bash the eggs into spicy-sour dipping sauce. Great as an the crisp-edged potatoes and sticky appetizer or beer snack. sweet onions to form a delicious mess. “We slow-cook the onions for Hakase Tudou 哈萨克土豆 an hour in olive oil, then fry thin-sliced (RMB 20) potatoes until crisp and brown but Xinjiang Flavor Delicious fluffy in the center,” Valles explains. Restaurant “The fat from the chorizo mixes with This curious dish, roughly translating the egg yolk to make a wonderful as “Kazakh-style potato,” consists of sauce to flavor the potatoes.” potatoes sliced like French fries and wok-fried with strips of beef and Poo Funny Mud (rmb 10) a thick, gravy-like sauce. Bearing Bian Bian Manwu Fantang a vague resemblance to Canada’s Mashed potato, but not as we know it. poutine minus the cheese curds, it’s At this turd-themed eatery just south probably the last thing you’d expect of the Drum Tower, everything – to be served in a Chinese restaurant. including these creamed, oily spuds – Especially if you’re a Canadian. is served in little table-top toilets. And when we say served, we mean Ganguo Tudou Pian 干锅土豆片 sculpted into a classic cartoon spiral. (RMB 22) Elsewhere on the menu, choose Xixiangzi from dishes with names like “feces This great little Hunan restaurant, Chicago toast,” “urinal great noodles,” located in the alleys south of Houhai, and perhaps most worryingly, “two knows exactly what to do with its women one cup.” spuds. Thinly sliced, they are served in a pot over a flame, together with For venue information, see Directory. green and red chillies, onion, garlic

March 2012 27 Last orders The venue warm almond milk with from We’ll start at the Great Wall at Shin Yeh is so delicate and perfect Jiankou, after a little hike. Clean air, that no one can say no to it. beautiful views, and … er … it’s the Great Wall, man. Something from your own restaurant? The starters Oysters, of course! I’m a big fan of The cold cucumber dish from Dali strong-tasting oysters, so I’ll go for Renjia. Spicy, peanuty, crunchy good- Belons, and little Olympias, and some ness. Then vegetarian steamed dump- wild Onsets. And some sweeter, but- lings from Din Tai Fung. And spicy tery ones as well, like the delicate cold tofu from the restaurant Kumamotos and lovely Yaquina Bays, inside Deja Vu Hostel on Baochao to mix it up. Yummy. And we need Hutong. No idea what it’s called, but crab cakes, too. Maryland crab cakes it rocks my socks. Madoufu (麻豆腐) made by a real, live Maryland chef! from Lao Zhaiyuan – it’s perfectly Beijing and perfectly yummy. Finally, The music our chef Colmann makes these salty, Some funky disco beats courtesy of crunchy pickled vegetables for staff my friend Pete. meals – I eat them like candy. The entertainment The main courses After a lovely meal at the Wall with Hot pot! It’s the perfect meal for some funky tunes, we return to the social gatherings. Everyone gets city for one last night of fun. The rest involved, and it’s steamy and happy. of the night is about lao Beijing in all Alisha Bailey There are too many people to do just its glorious forms. After a costume Owner, Starfish one pot, though, so we will need one change, we head to Contempio for from Haidilao (with dancing noodle dirty martinis and a short Peking by Iain Shaw boys!), and one from Sichuan Ren opera show in their beautiful because their mushroom soup is so restored theater where you feel like good it makes me cry. you’ve stepped back in time. photo: nature zhang Then we trawl the hutongs and Every month, we ask noteworthy Beijingers to imagine their final meal before The desserts make our own entertainment … leaving the city for good. I’m not a massive dessert fan, but the

28 March 2012 Q&A more restaurants every time. We’ve wine. You always spend more than refused a lot of restaurants as well. you were planning.

There aren’t many Chinese Many people are writing off the restaurants taking part. Why so Groupon phenomenon. What few? are your views on that? Chinese restaurant owners normally Groupon is totally different. Groupon don’t want to participate because it’s is a terrible thing, absolutely not new. I’d love to see more Chinese res- suitable for restaurants. Restaurants taurants as well, but I’m not worried. don’t like Groupon websites, but They’ll come when they see the they love Restaurant Week. effects. You tell us some diners set their How do diners alarm clocks to be reserve? “Groupon is a sure of getting the Reservations have Restaurant Week to be made online. terrible thing” reservations they The online booking want. What food system is clear and works fantasti- would you set your alarm for? cally. In the US, 80 percent of all Oysters and champagne. You can restaurant reservations are made wake me up in the middle of any online. Although it’s hard to imagine, night for that. that will come to China as well. No Reservations And who would you set your beijing restaurant week’s Onno Schreurs What strategies do people use to alarm for breakfast with? get the most out of Restaurant I would love to have dinner with by Iain Shaw Week? Ferran Adria – a mastermind in Some people only go for lunch cooking. nno Schreurs is the founder How many restaurants are every day. They save on cost and and head of DiningCity involved in Restaurant Week? can still taste many restaurants. We DiningCity’s Beijing Restaurant OChina, the organizers of At the moment, we have 30 restau- see a lot of people actually saving Week runs Mar 12-18. Reserve at this month’s inaugural Beijing rants confirmed. This event is going for Restaurant Week. The costs for Restaurant Week. to be here in Beijing every six months, a three-course menu may be low, so we’ll build it slowly and add but at the end you’ll spend more on ZHANG : NATURE PHOTO

March 2012 29 TASTE TEST Capital Classics Beijing’s specialty snacks

his month, we worked up the courage to take on perhaps the most fearsome Taste Test imaginable – Beijing’s specialty snacks (Beijing techan), a proud category of foodstuff Tnow regularly derided even by residents of the capital. With some trepidation, we entered the fray.

“Dragon’s beard” sweets (longxu tang), peanut flavor Lüdagun, osmanthus flavor “Looks and tastes like paper that went through the “I like the spongy texture. Then it starts to taste like washing machine” medicine” “When this dragon ate all the peanuts, it seems none “At least this only sticks to one part of your mouth” of the peanut flavor got stuck in his beard” “Easy-to-chew taffy” “Naming something you eat after facial hair hardly “Like flowery air floating around your mouth. inspires confidence” Fuling jiabing, Lovely” “Drier than an outdoor swimming pool in February” pumpkin flavor “Is this a Chinese Baptist church communion wafer?” “Feels like being forced to eat a Turkish Delight with the wrapper still on” “The texture of the jelly is quite nice. Fun to eat, even if it doesn’t really taste like pumpkin” Mimahua “There’s a little bit of crayon “It’s the right size. When it comes to flavor there” , the smaller the better” “Reminds me of a crisp drenched in syrup that I used to get Matuan from a bakery” Pea cake (wandouhuang) “It’s relaxing to the touch. I wouldn’t mind an armchair “It’s like crunching through 5,000 “I’ve ordered this in lao Beijing made from this” sticky years of history” restaurants before – it’s not usually “The filling is a bit bland” “There’s an ever-present threat of this sugary” “It’s like eating a flower” dental disaster with this” “Has the crunch of a bad glazed “Like a mochi with body armor” donut” “As if the pea wasn’t good enough to stand up for itself” “Fortunately, it doesn’t taste like eating actual peas – just a lick of pea”

Dried tomato “Another way for China to trick us into eating tomatoes like a fruit?” “Very sweet. As pleasantly Dried, honey-coated dates surprising as a 6am walk “The grainy texture just gets worse the more you in a Beijing park” chew” “I think this would go “Mealy. And then the grains just coat your whole well with a big pile of mouth and throat” nuts” “It’s like it’s exfoliating your mouth” “I’d like to try this in “If you wanted an edible definition of ‘cloying,’ this a muffin or a scone, would be perfect” without the sugar”

The Verdict Products available at We can see why some of these are going out of fashion, but much of what we tried was actually quite enjoyable. The matuan, Shipin lüdagun and fuling jiabing were the standouts, but for sheer originality, our outright winner was the dried tomato. Don’t write Shangchang. techan off just yet. photos: sui

30 March 2012 Grape Press Pinot Doubt What’s all the fuss about? by Edward Ragg

ntil 2004, Pinot Noir was with attractive red fruits, refreshing cherished mostly by “Pinot- high acidity, balanced alcohol, Uphiles.” Then the black medium chewy tannins and impres- comedy Sideways came out and with sive length. the virtues of Pinot Noir extolled on the big screen, sales rose. Such was ONE TO DRINK the demand that giant US winery 2010 Akarua Cadence Pinot Noir, Gallo was even duped into buying a Central Otago, New Zealand blended Languedoc red purporting (Ruby Red, RMB 365) to be 100 percent Pinot Noir. Available at 132 6965 2351, or In truth, Pinot Noir is hard to email [email protected] produce cheaply. This fickle grape is Central Otago is New Zealand’s difficult to grow and make into wine. youngest wine region, but already Burgundy is its traditional home, but famous for Pinot Noir. Medium ruby Pinots from New Zealand, Australia, in color, the nose has perfumed red the US (especially from Oregon, but cherry and strawberry fruit with also California) and Chile are increas- -scented oak. Dry and ingly in demand. medium-bodied, with lifting high Don’t be fooled by the relatively acidity, chewy medium tannins, light color. Pinot Noir may lose color abundant fruit, balanced alcohol quickly in bottle, but when well- and very good length. made, is packed with flavor. All of this month’s selections show why ONE TO SAVOR Pinot is worth making a fuss over. 2009 Savigny-Les-Beaune, Domaine Tollot-Beaut, ONE TO QUAFF Burgundy, France 2009 Stonier Pinot Noir, (Globus, RMB 655) Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Available at Australia (ASC, RMB 309) Medium ruby in color, the nose Available at Mosto, Capital M has perfumed red cherry fruit with One of Australia’s top producers. delicate oak aromas. Dry, medium- Medium ruby in color, the nose bodied, well-integrated high acid- offers lovely red cherry fruit with ity, silky medium tannins, balanced herbal aromas and delicate oak. The alcohol and very good length. An palate is dry and medium-bodied, excellent vintage.

Edward Ragg is co-founder, with Fongyee Walker, of Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting, China’s leading independent wine consultancy and education service ( They write for the world’s wine magazines and several publications in China. : courtesy of the suppliers of : courtesy PHOTOS March 2012 31 A TASTE OF HOME Thailand Spicy treats at Patara by Iain Shaw

have a fairly bleak opinion of much Thai home,” she says of the chicken (RMB 78). food in Beijing, and assumed Thais would “Basically we’d have loads and loads of these, have similar feelings. So over lunch at sitting on the street. You’d have it with beer, and Patara, I’m surprised to hear Natsupang Phye chat all night.” She also reminisces about the IPoshyananda, First Secretary at the Thai Embassy, multitudes of noodle stalls in Thailand, serving enthuse about several local restaurants. noodles with all kinds of sauces. “If you can find “I like Lime Cafe,” Natsupang says. “There’s that outside Thailand, it’s not going to taste any- also Lotus Thai in the LG Twin Towers, Phrik thing like it does at home.” Thai, and Lan Na Thai at Face.” I ask her for dish Patara’s tom yam goong (hot and sour prawn recommendations. “Oh, I go to each of them for soup, RMB 98), is definitely the best I’ve tried in something different,” she answers with a smile. Beijing. “Before I came back, I had this every day “Lime Cafe for prawn cake, and chicken in pan- for a month,” Natsupang laughs. I speculate that dan leaf. At Lotus Thai, sweet fried noodle (pad it must be complicated to make at home. “If you Thai), sour fried sausage, and chicken in coconut want to do it from scratch, yes. But if you just buy milk (tom ka gai). Lan Na Thai does northeastern the tom yam goong paste, it can be extremely easy.” Thai food, things like sticky rice, grilled chicken So can she make it? “I have the chilli paste …” and traditional papaya salad.” I ask about stocking up on the essentials of Patara has several restaurants worldwide, a Thai kitchen. “ is difficult to find with five Thai chefs staffing the kitchen in Beijing. here,” says Natsupang. “You can find the UHT or “If I have a really good friend, and only one op- powdered versions, but fresh milk, no. But actu- portunity to show them Thai food, I’d take them ally, most ingredients for Thai food can be found here,” Natsupang explains as our starters arrive. in Sanyuanli Market. You can even find imported Natsupang works her way through the start- sauces, with Thai characters on the packaging.” ers, her speech frequently punctuated by hums The main courses are served, and the deep- of approval. “This is one of the things I miss from fried garoupa with lemongrass sauce (RMB 358), deep-fried garoupa

best shared between at least three, is pretty special. As the lemongrass rises to the fore, sweet and sour flavors tingle on the tongue, forcing you to take a bite of something cooler, yet teasing you to come back for more. Appearances are important, says Natsupang. “The presentation is as much at the core of Thai food as the taste. You find lots of food carving. We like things that are small and delicate, to show that you’ve spent time to prepare it.” Natsupang reflects that even if Beijing had the best Thai restaurants in the world, the picture still wouldn’t be complete. “The things I miss are the things your mum or your granny would make. Not necessarily something to share with the rest of the world. If you’ve got a menu with ten pages, you wouldn’t put those dishes on it.” For her, it’s simple. “I miss my granny’s food the most. Then it’s street food. I think that’s it.”

Patara photos: sui and nature zhang Daily 11am-2.30pm, 5-10.30pm. 6/F Jinbao Palace, 88 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District. (8522 1678) 泰廷泰式料理, 东城区东城区金宝街88号汇6层601室 chicken massaman

32 March 2012 BARS+CLUBS wee drams FIRST ROUNDS pizza-and-beer joint Red House has opened on Chunxiu Lu, nearby the Holiday Inn. As an open- ing promotion, they’re offering free Tsingtao refills on Fridays (9-11pm) and Saturdays (10pm-midnight). NL Food & Sports Bar is replacing Beervaria in the Tianyuangang Center, just along the road from Home Plate BBQ. They tell us they’ll be showing European football, rugby and plenty of American sports. The Swan With Two Necks is the newest bar to open in Shunyi’s Pin- nacle Plaza. It’s huge, spread over two levels and is well-equipped for showing live sport. Sanya-based techno label Hulu Records held their first Beijing party at Lantern last month. Look out for them as they try to establish themselves among the big hitters of Beijing’s dance scene. COMING UP Having parted ways with his former partners at Fubar, Chad Lager is now busy working on three projects. The first of those should be open by the beginning of March. It’s called Brussels Bar & Restaurant, and faces the west entrance of 1949 – The Hidden City in Sanlitun. The first floor of Luga’s Villa is reopening as a German-themed venue called Taps. Luga tells us there will be Rob swift reaches out at yugong yishan on mar 15 simple German food and beer taps on tables allowing customers to pour for themselves. Opening is scheduled for April 1. We assume this is not an April Talking Pints Fool’s joke. Iain Shaw plays down the Frankie Boyle comparisons TWEAKS The Haze crew are kicking off a regular ’m on some unknown hutong interested in meeting new people, look at residents’ night with the first Haze around Gulou. I’m absolutely being bussed around Beijing and for information on other upcoming Club Night on March 30, showcasing freezing, absolutely alone, and enjoying drinks deals and free shows. the club’s current musical philosophy I of house and techno lightened up with pitifully lost. It’s a Monday night. shooters. See their website (www. And speaking of Paddy’s, March touches of disco-infused sounds. I’m looking for some new bar I’ve for details of 17 brings your annual excuse to heard about. It will turn out to be a their next crawl. stock up on Guinness merchandise. Slow Boat Brewery now have two beers on tap at Home Plate BBQ, and cafe that sells Tsingtao and Erdinger. Is a comedy scene about to take Keep an eye on for their Pacific Northwest Red is But it will still make these pages, shape? The Chopschticks events details of St. Patrick’s Day events at available at Susu for RMB 45. Union because I need one more new place have been bringing overseas talents all your favorite bars with Irish herit- Bar & Grille should follow suit soon, to write about. to Beijing for years, but no regular age. and Slow Boat expect to announce There’s at least one night like comedy night has ever succeeded in Great Leap’s winter shutdown distribution to another couple of this every year around this time. proving that there are actually funny continues, but they’re giving us venues this month. My visit to Offside (p34) was the people living here. Do you know any- plenty to write about. They’ll be Beijing Homebrewers’ Society’s next meeting takes place from 7-9pm on latest, although I had company on one in Beijing who’s funny? I thought pouring at Festival at 798 (Mar March 13 at Drei Kronen. That will this occasion. But 2012 is starting to I did, but none of them would take to 10), doing a dinner and beer tasting involve a tour of the bar’s wake up. Besides the bars featured the stage at Comedy Club China‘s with Black Sesame Kitchen (Mar 14), facilities. New members are wel- in this month’s What’s New reviews, open mic night at Paddy O’Shea’s last hosting a night at Lush (Mar 15) and come. we’ve already got places like Red month. That was a hit-and-miss affair sampling new for St. Patrick’s The rather under-used Yu in Sanlitun House and Club Hao lined up for (and not necessarily in that order), but Day at the Black Sun (Mar 17). Then Soho is giving things a push with three next month. the CCC’s Carlos Ottery is optimistic they host a “Back Alley Chili Cook-off” hours of free-flow champagne for I also recently discovered Pub- that the armchair comics will come at Doujiao Hutong on March 24, and RMB 188. It’s not going to be top-end crawl Beijing. This group’s events champagne, but if you’re the kind of out of the woodwork soon enough. are planning a “Poker Run Pub Crawl” person who goes to hotel brunches for seem mainly for tourists and new- Get your jokes ready for the next open for April 7. the drinking, this deal’s for you. comers, but are open to anyone mic at Paddy’s on March 22. Take a photo: courtesy of the organizers of courtesy photo: March 2012 33 WHAT’S NEW BARS & CLUBS Hidden Lounge Daily 6pm-1am. Rm 101, Bldg 8, CBD2 Apartments (400m west of Third Ring Road), Shuanghuayuan Nanli Erqu, Shuangjing, Chaoyang District (8772 1613) 朝阳区双花园南里二区CBD2总部公寓8号楼101室

Shuangjing’s latest bar is a huge, cavernous basement inside a residential compound. Run by networking guru Brian Gale (Network Club), Hidden Lounge looks better-suited to hosting events and private parties than as a place to hang out every other night. Gale certainly has plenty of plans up his sleeve, from live music to wine tastings and beyond. And there’s nothing stopping you dropping in unannounced, slumping deep into cozy armchairs or retreating into a shoes-off alcove with a gin and tonic (RMB 20) or Long Island (RMB 35). I don’t see Hidden Lounge building the diehard crowd of regulars that other Shuangjing spots like Bang! Bang! and The Brick enjoy. But that’s probably not the intention. Iain Shaw Good for: Private parties

it’s a gas The Bar at Migas Sun-Wed 6pm-2am, Thu-Fri 6pm-late. 6/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6061) 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园6层

he enormous popularity of Migas’ rooftop last summer was never going to translate to Offside similar success on bitter winter nights. This Daily 11am-midnight. Chaodou Hutong, Dongcheng T District (6401 8867) is the response. The ever-innovative Migas team 东城区炒豆胡同 has knocked through a wall of the entrance foyer, effectively creating a third venue to add to their My heart sank a little when I reached Offside’s restaurant and rooftop. door. I had built myself up for an El Nido-style I imagine The Bar was conceived when ray of light, ready to liven up Nanluogu Xiang’s somebody at Migas had a dream in which a bar scene. Offside sounds like it wants to be was dropped on a 798 gallery. The result a fun place, with a sign declaring “rules” like is an interesting design that will delight arty, hip “Guys no shirts no service, Girls no shirts free Beijingers. I’d go for the music more than the drinking.” But essentially, it’s a cafe in familiar drinks, but the cocktails are better than your Gulou style. So there are coffees, sandwiches average club drinks. The classic cocktail list (RMB 55) and cakes, and some guys in the corner playing offers martinis, mojitos (pictured), margaritas and Scrabble. At least they have a few good beers, daiquiris, with a few house specials (RMB 65-70). with Hoegaarden (RMB 40) and Duvel (RMB 45) The classic daiquiri was good enough to justify the as alternatives to Tsingtao (RMB 18). If you want cost and convinced me to explore the list further something stronger, there’s also plenty in the next time. A small but varied beer list starts with way of wine and spirits. For a drink over a board Asahi at RMB 30. The central bar is oddly shaped, game and chatting with friends, Offside is fine. but keeps the dance floor intimately-sized, But so is almost anywhere else. Iain Shaw leaving the area around the entrance for sofas Good for: Board games and standing room. On the back of Lantern’s rebirth, with Haze hitting its stride and new faces beginning to emerge, The Bar at Migas encourages the sense that Beijing’s party scene is in rude health. A packed March schedule includes nights from local stalwarts like Patrick Yu, Usami and the Funk Fever crew, with resident DJ Nassdak steadying the ship photos: sui and nature zhang throughout. Right now, Migas is synonymous with fun times in Beijing – and I can only see this venue enhancing that reputation. Iain Shaw Good for: Dancing, practicing your Spanish Also try: Haze

34 March 2012 BAR OF THE MONTH

Glen f you’re obsessive about the The music quality of your drinks, Glen Jazz piano in the background Iremains among the best Beijing Go to has to offer. Whether you’re ordering Watch the bartender chip a block of a cocktail, or something on the rocks ice into a crystalline sphere from their huge collection of spirits, Drink it’s hard to go wrong here. The massive whisky selection The style Most likely celebrity customer Early 20th-century gentleman’s Winston Churchill club If you like Glen, you’ll probably The punters like … There’s usually a Japanese business- The Ritz-Carlton Bar man at the end of the bar Give us a Minute ...

D’Julz Declaration of writes by Iain Shaw

e asked French house and Kundera – jazz. techno alchemist D’Julz Do you enjoy silence? Wabout writing, writers and I need silence. To think, to meditate, the importance of being silent. and to rest my ears after many hours If you were a writer, what kind of in a club. books would you be doing? If Paris was reduced to a single Probably an autobiography, or sound, what would it be? something about the history of the The noise a train makes as it enters a French electronic scene. Metro station – metal grinding and Who are your favorite writers? echoing in a tunnel. Definitely the And if they were DJs, what sound of underground Paris. would they be playing? Enjoy the sound of underground Paris Bret Easton Ellis – cold wave. when D’Julz plays Lantern on Mar 10. Chuck Palahniuk – punk rock. Milan photo: sui and courtesy of the organizers of sui and courtesy photo: March 2012 35 Party like a ... TABLE OF CONTENTS The Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Young Rogue Upon His Soujourn in Peking

by Jonathan White

PART I: CONTAINING SCENES OF A MOSTLY FELICITOUS NATURE, IN WHICH THE HERO SETTLES INTO THE HABITS TRADITIONAL TO YOUNG PERSONS RESIDING ABROAD I. Containing as much of the Past of our Hero as is Necessary or Proper to acquaint the Reader with his Expectations upon Arrival in the Northern Capital. II. The Introduction of our Hero to the Capital’s Less-favored Districts. Locals proffer Warm, Long-necked Tsingtao. A glorious Summer spent Drinking at Plastic Tables on the Pavement. The rare Alchemy of the Aforementioned Tsingtao with Roasted Mutton both Highly Spiced and Skewer’d. III. The Odd Incidence of House Parties. An over-indulgence in Punch, spiked. Our Hero’s first Drunken Encounters with the valiant Knights of the Local Constabulary. IV. The notable Inadequacies of Language. An Initial Rash of Cultural Misunderstandings, abetted by Alcohol, and the Tall Tales thereof, as related to Friends and Family back home. V. Consisting of a Sketch of the Neighborhood of Gongti, where our Hero learns to his Chagrin of the Trapfalls of Things that do Glitter yet not Being Gold. VI. The remarkable Hospitality of The Den, a Hostelry where Man can be Fed and Watered at All Times, both Day and Night. VII. A Memorable Foray into the Wilds of nocturnal Wudaokou and what Befell our Hero there. His encounter with Koreans in their Lush Habitat. The Humours and Dispositions of their Youth described. An account of the Women. Their multifarious Drinking Games described. A Night of Dissolution that ultimately renders our Hero as Oblivious to the Evening’s Misadventures as though he had Sipped from the Waters of Lethe. VIII. A short Treatise on Alcohol Poisoning. IX. Wherein a Hospital is visited, Great Fears confessed, and Medical Advice duly dispensed along with the prediction of Dreadful Maladies, which May or May Not have been Blown out of all Proportion.

PART II: CONTAINING THE MOST MEMORABLE SCENES FROM A MONTH OF THE TEETOTAL LIFE, WHEREIN NEW COMPATRIOTS ARE SOUGHT OUT AND SUNDRY SOBER PASTIMES ARE ATTEMPTED I. In which a Board Game Cafe finds much Favor with our Hero for its Innocent Entertainments. The Purchase of a VIP Card. A Too-Aggressive Invitation, made to a Stranger, to play at Rummikub. An awkward Denouement that renders the Continued Enjoyment of such Diversions a Stark Impossibility. II. An Excursion into the Hutongs of Peking, where our Hero must channel the Adventurous Spirit of both Aeneas and Odysseus, but not their Risks to Life and Limb, nor Acts of Derring-do, in an Attempt to Navigate a Safe Return from the Mazy Alleys. III. The Resolve of our Hero to remove himself from nocturnal Venues Cacophonous with Auto-Tune in favor of Partaking of the Live Performance of local Musical Troupes. IV. In which he is acquainted with the Tribe of Musical Gazetteers and Pamphleteers who throng the local Livehouses by Night and spend their Days upon the Web, arguing the Merits of their favored Troupes. V. In which our Hero Resolves to try his Hand as a Satirist, reasoning that his Wit is no less Sound than his New Acquaintances. VI. His subsequent and increasingly Violent War of Words, over many nights, with a prominent Online Diarist of the local Music Scene; with a Reprint of the Netizens’ Comments in full, including Impudent Speculation about Particulars of the Hero that Cannot Be Discussed in Polite Society. VII. A Peace finally Brokered but too Late to Sweeten the Souring of the Music Scene for our Hero.


36 March 2012 clubhouse

Paper Cuts Story time with Cut Chemist by Iain Shaw

ormer Jurassic 5 DJ and pro- you ban? ducer Cut Chemist makes I won’t answer this one. Sorry. Fhis way back to Beijing this month. We spoke to him about his Presumably, you’re a lover of favorite reads, dreams of magazine vinyl. Do you have a similar cover stardom and the joy of the fondness for print media over printed word. digital forms of reading? I like books over digital. The smell of What was your favorite thing to a good old book is like the smell of read when you were a kid? an old record. The old paper smell … “Choose Your Own Adventure” I love it. You’re holding history in stories were my favorite – the books your hand. You can’t beat it. that had different endings and the reader had to blindly choose one. Which will die out first: the bookstore or the Which magazine “I thought the record store? would you most record store I thought the record like to see yourself store already died, on the cover of? already died” no? Starlog. It was a sci-fi mag from the early 1980s. I used to Someone once said the pen is read these all the time and wished mightier than the sword. Is the I could be on the cover one day. beat mightier than both? Probably because that would mean I The pen can stir up a deep range would have been a part of the world of emotions, and the beat evokes a of science fiction. primitive response. I’ve never known a beat to make me sad or angry. I’ll If you were forced to read only go with the beat. one genre of book for the rest of your life, what would you If your music tells a story, what’s choose? the first line? Probably mystery – that’s the kind of “Forget it, it’s too risky …” book I can never put down. Cut Chemist tells a beat-laden story at And if you were forced to ban Yugong Yishan on Mar 2. one book or author, what would photo: courtesy of the organizers of courtesy photo: March 2012 37 A DRINK WITH ... Mastermind Pancake Lee DJ and insurance man by Iain Shaw

rom Peng to Acupuncture, and families who can’t afford emergen- now Haze, Pancake Lee has cies. Every time I sell a contract, I Fmade his name with some of feel happy. It’s about more than just Beijing’s best electronic music crews making my commission. The same over the years. He talked to us about goes for music. If someone else is his school years, dual careers and happy in the soul, I’ll be happy too” which Beijing DJ will be the first to pen a memoir. On music “One musician I love is Trentemøller. On childhood His music and voice are neat, simple “I grew up in . It and beautiful – his music touches occurred to me that children were me deeply” Is This Beijing’s different depending on which district “I started DJing at parties in of Beijing they grew up in. The main Beijing in 2003 or 2004. At that time, Brainiest Bartender? difference was between those who disco was huge in Beijing. Opening a came from hutongs and those who club was more risky, and the chances Contestant: Anthony Tao, Kro’s Nest grew up in residential compounds” of success were much lower” Specialist Subject: Baseball “I was a naughty student at school, but performed well academi- On Haze cally. I was popular with the girls. I “Haze’s Yang Bing has been one GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SPECIALIST SUBJECT wanted to grow up to become a of the most important teachers How many muscles are in the The first “modern” World Series mathematician or a historian” I’ve had as a DJ. Because of that, human ear: six, eight or ten? took place in 1903. Who won? getting involved with Haze was Muscles, huh? Muscles in the human The Boston Pilgrims beat the Pitts- On the day job an easy decision for me. Our new ear. Muscles? Let’s go … ten. burgh Pirates. “I’m a Principal Consultant at China Haze Club Night will be the resident × √ Insurance Group. I’m responsible DJs’ first project as a team” What’s the name of Indonesia’s Who was the first President to mainly for presenting financial national airline? throw the opening-day pitch: plans and family protection plans On books The national airline. I think Jetstar is Harding, Taft or Wilson? to clients” “I think Jackson Lee should be the Singaporean, right? It’s not some- Oh, that’s a good one. I’m gonna go “Having a day job makes my life first Beijing DJ to publish a book thing as silly as Jakarta Air, is it? I’ll with Wilson. × as a DJ easier. It means I don’t have about the electronic scene here. He just go with Jetstar. × to think about DJing to make money, was the first Beijinger to start DJing, In which US state is the National Name an animal that can move just to relax and make some music” so he’s the best person to write Baseball Hall of Fame located? by jet propulsion. “My day job is something a good book” Cooperstown, New York. Unless it’s bigger than just selling Hmm. Animal … jet … propulsion Cooperstown, Pennsylvania. Oh, boy. … Jellyfish? insurance. It actually Haze Club Night √ New York. √ solves problems for launches on Which metal is the best What is the “Green Monster”? Mar 30. conductor of electricity? That’s the leftfield fence in Fenway Boy, I should get this. Let me think. Park, home of the Boston Red Sox. Ooh. This is where my high school √ science memorization isn’t helping. Who wrote the words to “Take Electrons. Metal. Eh … copper. × Me Out to the Ballgame”? Which capital city is largely Oh, boy. Much more difficult. Believe powered by geothermal energy? it or not, I knew this at one time. Oh. Let’s go with Reykjavik, Iceland. √ Take me out to the ballgame. Take me out with the crowd. Buy me pea- nuts and Cracker Jack. I don’t care if we never get back. No. ×

FINAL SCORE: 5/10 Verdict: OK, so Anthony isn’t a bartender, but he does oversee plenty of drinking at Kro’s Nest’s quiz night. For a quizmaster, we’d expect ten out of ten, but solid baseball knowledge gives Anthony a respectable five.

WIN BEER! Win a Leffe gift pack by telling us:

Cut Chemist was a member of which hip-hop group? photos: sui and nature zhang

Answers to [email protected]

Taft 8) New York 9) A wall at Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox 10) Jack Norworth Jack 10) Sox Red Boston the of home Park, Fenway at wall A 9) York New 8) Taft

just two examples 4) silver 5) Reykjavik 6) Boston Americans/Pilgrims 7) William Howard Howard William 7) Americans/Pilgrims Boston 6) Reykjavik 5) silver 4) examples two just

1) six 2) Garuda 3) Many cephalopods can move by jet propulsion – jellyfish and octopus are are octopus and jellyfish – propulsion jet by move can cephalopods Many 3) Garuda 2) six 1) Answers

38 March 2012 Music Have YOU MET

Goober Gun Smell that? It’s the scent of the ’80s. These British pop rockers write frizzy riffs reeking of big hair spray. At first whiff, music snobs may turn up their noses but then they end up head- banging along. What truly stinks is the troupe’s choice of band names – they formerly went by Rat:Daddy and then Idiot 3. The buzz Arena rock revivalists who can surely recite each and every Van Halen and Def Leppard lyric they were raised on. Key tracks “1979,” “Reasons,” “Feelings” They say: In a recent interview with Brit-blog “Unplug the Jukebox,” singer Ian Hardwick admitted the band took their new name from a retro, goo- spewing toy squirt-gun. We say: Their goofy band name definitely fits their sound – a splash of syrupy choruses and power chords that are bound to stick in your head. See them at: will pg.lost deliver a knockout performance on mar 30? MAO Livehouse on Mar 11. NEVER MISS A BEAT the PLAYLIST Badr Benjelloun hates missing out

his month brings a lot of musi- Liveshow Bar (jazz). More often in the scene. The organizers take cal goodness, including the than not though, listening to ten it upon themselves to provide this Treopening of 2 Kolegas, highly people butcher a classic is not my “fringe” atmosphere by encourag- anticipated warmer temperatures idea of fun. ing locals to get involved, bringing Tizzy Bac’s (hopefully), the return of JUE Festival I feel more at home in venues together various types of arts and Hui-Ting Chen and Voodoo Kungfu’s farewell tour. that foster and encourage an open- offering the chance to volunteer. I “This One’s for You” by Ed Harcourt. We’ll also see Jon Campbell back minded exchange, such as 13 Club, really like the idea. However, beware A beautiful melody, emotional lyrics, in town discussing his perspective Jianghu, Gulou 121 or 2 Kolegas. catching the virus that causes one to plus the appropriate brass. If you’re a of yaogun! That’s where the proverbial magic walk around with lensless . sentimentalist, you’ll shed tears at this So many things to do but so happens way after hours (think 3am). There’s no known cure! brilliant chamber pop ballad. little time. In the words of the ever- You might find yourself singing a There are many ways to get “Mary” by Noah & The Whale. A simple mercurial Freddie Mercury, “I want Nirvana tune or improvising some in touch with the soft, warm and song about strange affection. The strength of its sadness is increased it all”! I want the most interesting strange lyrics alongside members non-sterile underbelly of Beijing’s by a gentle folk style that also makes fun stuff when it comes to Beijing’s of Hanggai, Cui Jian, Bad Mamasan underground music scene while it’s it comforting. music scene. I want to hear the most or whichever random musician still somewhat naïve and innocent. “No Kind Words” by The Maccabees. interesting bands, hang out with happens to be standing next to Somehow, it always seems to end Sharp as a knife. Its precise and cool the rock zeroes and, above all, be you. Surgeon’s warning: Doing this with the swallowing of copious rhythm can pierce your heart or cut everywhere musicians are. too often might have unexpected amounts of chuan’r and lukewarm you in half. Open mic nights are an easy consequences on your Chinese! Do drinks. This will be especially true if “Lonely Boy” by The Black Keys. So way to connect to the scene and find not use words you learned from a the warmer days do indeed descend wild and powerful, full of black humor – like-minded people of all levels in drunken Ningxia musician in a busi- upon us. it includes all the cool elements you can imagine in alternative rock. places as diverse as Lush (rock), Ray- ness meeting. ing Temple (experimental noise), JUE Festival also provides a Badr Benjelloun is our guest music Catch Tizzy Bac’s bouncy piano/electro pop at Yugong Yishan on Mar 16. CD Blues Café (blues) or Jianghu great opportunity to get your foot contributor; see photos: jason mellstrÖm & courtesy of the organizers of jason mellstrÖm & courtesy photos: March 2012 39 REVIEWS LIVEHOUSE The Tree Ever Green Mr. Graceless At a time when nearly every young band is trying to impress everybody else with fashionable electronic technologies or the latest exotic instrument to be found only in Algeria, Mr. Graceless has done a great job with just guitar, bass and drums. This debut sounds like The Libertines plus Velvet Underground, minus the drugs. Their performance could use more practice but the songwriting is assured. Occasional vigorous riffs give away some of their eccentric thoughts, but on the whole, the songs are kept simple, neat and rather soothing. In fact, The Tree Ever Green displays the kind of peace and comfort that probably exists only in the minds of students. Whatever happens after their university graduation this summer, this album will always make them proud. Michelle Dai Standout tracks: “My Channel,” “Young Bird” (幼鸟) Like this? Try ... Velvet Underground & Nico (Velvet Underground), Carsick Cars

Please Use Your Body to Break Desire To Escape Residence A A公馆 On stage, Residence A is able to immerse you in their choice of euphoria, tangle or hysteria. On this tidy record, absent the overwhelming echoes of the livehouse, their magnetism is reduced. Suggestion: Turn it all the way up. Listening to the Fasten Your album straight through, you may hear the story of struggling youth. It opens softly with simple dreamy indie pop tunes, a post-punk vibe starts to make the scene ever more hysterical, suddenly an Seatbelt electronic track breaks the cycle, and then joy and relief at last with a few Death Cab For Cutie are no killers pop-rock tracks. The tracks are diverse in style but linked together by singer Zhaozhao’s penetrating voice. I found the first half fascinating, but your taste by Michelle Dai in music might lead to a different conclusion. Michelle Dai

Standout tracks: “Smell” (嗅), “Wedding March” (婚礼进行曲) hen Death Cab For Cutie And that became what I really enjoy Like this? Try ... The Strokes, P.K. 14, Wang Feng was making cassettes and till this day. Wselling them outside of Wicked game local clubs back in Bellingham, How much do you care if people il divo Washington, their “wildest fantasy like your music or not? I have made a very concerted effort Popera may be a relatively new genre but the clean-cut was to sell 40,000 records.” They’ve to not spend my time searching classical crossover quartet Il Divo has already established since sold millions and gained a out people’s opinions of myself. themselves as legendary. They may not be critically worldwide fan base. We spoke to We are a successful band but we acclaimed, but then again, very few Simon Cowell acts are. This frontman Ben Gibbard before their are not world-famous. We are very classical boy band is popular because they are manufactured, upcoming Beijing gig as part of the well-known to a specific type of which means their sixth album, Wicked Game, brings more JUE Festival. person. It’s not like I’m Lenny Kravitz of the same: over-the-top reworkings of pop, classical and Broadway hits, or something. We’ve been blessed immersed in melodrama. And that’s a good thing. This is pure indulgence – If you had another chance to by the success of our band, while the day off from a diet, that extra hour in bed, wearing expensive underwear name the band, what would you retaining virtual anonymity for to work. If Il Divo can get people interested in Verdi and Puccini, who were call it? the individuals in the the pop stars of their day, then maybe the world actually has something to I made a joke about band. thank Simon Cowell for. Jovan Belev calling it The Killers in “It’s not like 1998. Now I’m kind of Standout tracks: “Stay (Ven A Mi),” “Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partirò)” glad we had the name i’m lenny Tell us a fact about See Il Divo live at: MasterCard Center on Mar 1 we had. It has never kravitz or you that would been a trendy type of surprise your fans. HEAD OF THE QUEUE name. something” I have a very sour sense Roxette of humor. We’ve often Do you think the term “indie said amongst the band that if Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle rock” is overused these days? people could put a microphone in have been rocking the world as It’s not something that really bothers our tour bus and hear the kind of Roxette for over a quarter of a me. I guess it’s because I don’t see crass humor that’s being thrown century. With eight albums, a ten- our band as a standard-holder to around, we’d probably lose fans. year hiatus and a brain tumor all this term. behind them, they’re bringing their Is there anything you want to stadium rock to Beijing. What were you like in high know about China or Beijing? Reasons to go school? Are these clubs going to be crazy photos: courtesy of the organizers Listen to your heart. to open-top car rides singing along I tried to be into punk rock like smoky? How responsive are people Reasons to avoid to “Joyride.” everybody else in high school. I if you put up “please don’t smoke” The crowd might be a little older Where? went through that phase but things signs during the performance? than you’re used to. MasterCard Center that I started to feel connected with After the show, you wish ... When? when I was 13, 14 years old were Refrain from smoking when Death You lived somewhere more suited March 12 more melodic and underground. Cab plays at Tango as part of the JUE Festival on Mar 10.

40 March 2012 Style loose change FRESH OUT THE BOX After much delay, Christian Louboutin has finally opened up in Sanlitun Village North. If you don’t have RMB 4,000 to spend on a pair of heels, try 3.3 Shopping Center instead – the third floor carries tons of tributes. Nicolas Favard is hosting an exhibi- tion at his Sanlitun boutique featuring contemporary French jewelers, start- ing March 10. See our events directory for more details. Hong Kong-owned boutique LMC is throwing a new womenswear collec- tion launch party on, you guessed it, International Women’s Day (Mar 8) from 5-8pm. ELLE China has just become ELLE’s first bimonthly publication worldwide – perhaps in an effort to ramp up the competition against Vogue China. Issues will now be released on the 5th and 20th of each month, and cost RMB 10 each. Kick off JUE with the Warm Up to JUE Market on March 10, which will take place at Yuanfen Flow in 798 Art District. Expect plenty of unique arts and crafts, delectable edibles and captivating displays being touted by local vendors.

DEALS & STEALS LI BINGBING FOR LANE CRAWFORD'S 2012 SPRING CAMPAIGN, "THE PINNACLE OF STYLE" For all of March, readers of the Beijinger will receive a free scarf (see below) with every purchase of RMB 250 or more on Dutch Items Shanghai’s e- commerce site, STYLE-PHILE Just place your order as per usual, then send an email to webshop@ Tiffany Wang is exercising her prerogative to have a little fun with the subject, “the Beijinger’s promotion.” Don’t forget to re Chinese people losing such a progressive space like Wuhao store,, from Mar include the order number in the body taste for fakes? The Wall Street could exist here – and stowed away 10-24.) of the email. AJournal seems to think so, deep within the hutongs, no less? Speaking of online shopping, noting that international retailers Now that spring is on its way, be D.I.S (Dutch Items Shanghai) – are already “rejoicing” over this long- sure to make a trip down soon – their a Shanghai-based womenswear awaited shift. installations change by the season, brand designed by and for expats – I say, not so fast. Sure, I detect and the Water-Winter theme currently only has shops in Shang- change in the air – the emergence definitely deserves viewing. hai and Hong Kong, but Beijing of Luxbible (see WNS, p42) as a For the fourth year in a row, the residents get free shipping on all thriving online and brick-and-mortar JUE Music + Art Festival is coming purchases made via their online sales boutique being one case in point – to Beijing to “celebrate the best of channel ( but the prevalence of markets like our local creative community.” So Starting this month, Dutch label In honor of International Women’s Yashow and 3.3 Shopping Center far we have already been tipped Stills will also be stocked on their Day, the spas at both Ritz-Carlton suggests that we still have a long off about several exciting design website. And if that’s not incentive and at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing are way to go. collaborations, from ospop’s NEXT enough, see details on a reader gift offering special package deals for this Brands like Ricostru (see Atelier, GEN Photography Competition in Loose Change, right. month only: the Beauty Rejuvenation Treat (RMB 1,999) and the “Spa Lunch

.i. s p44) and those sold at Luxbible are (until Mar 3) to Nuandao’s Spring Of course, March being the only appealing to a very narrow Awakening Design Expo (Mar 17). month of International Women’s Break” (RMB 580+15%), respectively. market. The majority of China’s You can find out more about the Day (Mar 8), that deal alone won’t Visit and consumers are still straining to first event at; be enough to satisfy us ladies.

FOR D AND d AW for more information. find their own singular sartorial meanwhile, the Expo consists of Luckily, stores and spas around Men, don’t worry – you get perks, too. identity. a preview of several local brands town are exploding with discounts Bring in a copy of this magazine to Not that I’m complaining. The including Triple-Major, NLGX and parties in honor of this holiday; Spa de Feng and get a 120-minute process has been a great deal of fun Design Store and Lost & Found. stay tuned to for a massage and toning body scrub for to document, and full of pleasant (Their products will be available on full list of perks, coming soon. half price. surprises. Who would’ve known that Nuandao’s corresponding online s y of LAN E CR courte photoS: March 2012 41 WHAT’S NEW SHOPS

The Wellness Spa Daily 10am-midnight. Unit 103, Tower 26, Central Park, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6533 6922) 朝阳区朝阳门外大街6号新城国际26号楼103室

Imagine a warm stream of oil dripping continu- ously on your forehead. Though the sensation sounds reminiscent of Chinese water torture, it’s actually a deeply pleasurable component of the Ayurvedic “Head Over Heels” treatment (RMB 480 for 60 min), an Indian hair health and scalp massage offered exclusively at Hum- mingbird’s new offshoot spa. The Wellness Spa is more than twice the size of its original branch, and includes extravagant additions such as an espresso bar, a VIP room and an expanded menu – all the while maintaining the same reasonable rates. Owner May Cheng is committed to providing her clients with the very best, often lugging back organic oils from abroad to ensure quality control. She hints at changes to come for the first space, and while gospel of the rich she remains vague, it’s obvious she intends to make Hummingbird a lifestyle brand. Will she Luxbible be successful? We’ll have to let our revitalized Daily 11am-8pm. 6 Fangyuan Xilu (inside Lido Park), Chaoyang District (6435 3855) locks speak for themselves. Tiffany Wang 朝阳区芳园西路6号丽都公园内 Also try: Oriental Taipan Massage and Spa, Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat uxbible is not for the nouveau riche or first debuted via its e-commerce site, the bargain shopper. Only a fashion-savvy Founders Miao Lu and Larry Liang explain that Lcosmopolite could fully appreciate the elite they wanted to combine “online accessibility with offerings of this luxury lifestyle platform. offline luxury retail components.” The two make “Luxury is defined by experience, price is just a formidable team. With years of experience in a product,” Luxbible preaches. And the “experi- fashion and public relations in New York, Miao ence” begins well before you’ve even entered provides the vision and expertise behind luxury the premises. living, while Larry is the brains behind the execu- Everything has been carefully tailored to tion. They work with freelance buyers based in meet the needs of China’s increasingly discerning London and Milan who handpick each season’s consumers, from the secluded location (over- collection. Unianswer looking a scenic lake in tranquil Lido Park) and the Most of their products are by up-and-coming Daily 11am-9pm. Unit 101, Bldg 6, 29 Sanlitun Beijie, unique brand portfolio (mostly international niche designers (i.e. MSGM, Costa Noir, Chatcwin, AVIU), Chaoyang District (138 7188 2796) designers) to the top-notch customer service many of whom have been suppliers for top fash- 朝阳区三里屯北街29号6号楼101室 (complimentary product maintenance and a no- ion houses like Balenciaga and Marni – and sell Korean fashion just doesn’t garner the same hassle returns policy). like-quality constructed outerwear, denim jeans admiration among expats as it does locals. The This boutique took over the former Collective and fitted dresses for about 40 to 60 percent of girly frills, inflated prices and small sizes can be Luxury spa space a few months ago, but has only the price. off-putting – but that doesn’t mean they ought just finished with renovations. They carry the same You’ll notice few items bear flashy emblems to be shunned altogether. Keke (who studied exclusive range of all-natural beauty products as or even name tags. “Some people are more label- economics in San Francisco) and Nana (who for- before, supplemented now with exquisite clothes conscious,” Miao shrugs. “Our customers know merly worked at Harper’s Bazaar China) opened photo s : na and accessories. what quality is, and don’t need to be defined How and What boutique in Sanlitun Soho last Like more and more incoming labels, Luxbible by brands.” year. This new shop of theirs is much larger and ture zh an g and courte s y of l That is not to say established high-fashion stocks even more Korean labels, along with rela- brands aren’t available here. You’ll find vintage tively unknown names from Tokyo, Singapore Gucci and Chanel jewelry, as well as and Spain. Ultra-chic cocktail dresses, leather eveningwear by Lanvin and Valentino. But Miao jackets and fur capelets do await, but most of wants her clients to be guided by their eyes and the clothes are overpriced and border on tacky. hands, rather than a fumbling desire for status. You’ll have better luck with the accessories,

Just because you have money does not mean which range from McNelly oxfords to a limited uxbib l e and the you have taste. Luxbible only has eyes for those selection of wallets and handbags by Hermès, who do. Tiffany Wang Prada and Céline. Tiffany Wang Indulge in: Leather studded bag by How and Indulge in: 5+1 Annapurna double-threaded w e lln ss s p What (RMB 4,000) wool knit (RMB 7,000) Also try: Jan & Iti, L’sn Also try: Joyce, Lane Crawford a

42 March 2012 INSPECT A GADGET

iHome iP57 Portable Stereo System Unzip this magic little case to find an iPhone/ iPod speaker system. It’s powered by a built-in rechargeable battery (as well as AC adapter) to let you enjoy your favorite tunes anywhere ➌ you want. RMB 700 Pure One Flow Internet Radio ➊ In addition to all of your FM and DAB favorites, thousands of Internet radio stations are available Philips HMP7000B/93 wherever there’s Wi-Fi. Doubles as a speaker for HD Media Player other music players via the Aux-in connector. ➋ Not only is it compatible with any HD video format you can name, but you can stream video from your RMB 1,050 computer wirelessly. Never leave your sofa again! RMB 1,699

➍ ➎ B&O Play Beolit 12 It’s like an aluminum lunch- box that streams audio from your iOS devices wirelessly. Superb sound quality, as you’d Sony DEV-3 Digital Zooming Binoculars expect from Bang & Olufsen. It also doubles as an iOS Go out and observe distant objects at up to 10x optical zoom, and then device recharger via the USB go home and watch it all over again on HDTV. Yep, these binoculars can connector. capture 2-D and 3-D HD video and 7MP stills. RMB 5,700 RMB 9,888 body metrics by Joey Guo

Withings Wi-Fi Body Scale Don’t dread the scale – let it help you track your fitness progress. This slick ma- chine wirelessly trans- mits your weight data (weight, BMI, fat and lean muscle mass) to your iOS device, and graphs it over time. RMB 1,200

LARK Sleep Monitor Only fools underestimate the value of good sleep in staying healthy. This gadget quietly detects your sleep Withings Smart Blood Pressure Monitor patterns and offers custom- If you’re trying to cut back on salt – or stress – this is how you make made sleep advice accord- sure your new habits are paying off. This easy-to-use cuff displays your ingly. The wristband is also blood pressure on your iOS device and saves the data for easy tracking, designed to wake you up automatic graphing and evaluation over time. with gentle vibrations – perfect for couples who get RMB 950 up at different hours. Basic and Pro models available. RMB 700 and up All featured items also available on

February 2012 43 Get the Look

NAVY HOODED ANORAK FAUX MINK Zara. RMB 1,199 HOOD ANORAK Parka Jackets H&M. RMB 1,490 CLASSIC ANORAK by Tiffany Wang Uniqlo. RMB 299

his utilitarian jacket will help us transition from winter to spring. Give the parka Tsome modern edge by pairing it with dresses (for ladies) and slim-cut jeans (for men), topped off with ankle boots (for both). For store addresses, see Directory.


BRUCE WATERPROOF PARKA Candy & Caviar S/S12. RMB 2,100 atelier icostru is continually touted What appeal does it hold for the as one of China’s most local market? Rpromising emerging brands. I am almost certain that the mini- Headed by local designer Man- malism will eventually work to our chit Au, the one-year-old label advantage – people are beginning earns credit for its unwaveringly to recognize the need for classic sleek, pared-down clothing and styles and textures that are easy accessories – a refreshing departure to mix. from most of the overly embellished items seen around town. We asked What’s the first thing you ever Au about the privilege (and accom- sewed? panying pressures) of representing Before I ever studied design, I tried

China’s new era of talent. to make myself my own vest. photo s : courte s y of m

Very few Chinese designers have Are there any textiles you try to gained international recognition. avoid? What image do you try to present Any fabric that has been chemically

to the rest of the world? altered. an chit a Our team is super young, and so we’re

adept at gauging what China’s new Which celebrity can you see u, z

generation of stylish, free-thinking wearing your designs, and why? a r youth want. With everything we Faye Wong. The simplicity of my e cr a , lan design, we try to inject a bit of designs matches her subtle taste.

attitude. I think our passion and aw for d commitment to authenticity make a Name 5 things you only recently world of difference. learned to love. , u n iq l

Red wine o, topm What is the concept behind the Photography

Ricostru aesthetic? Reading maps an , c

Ricostru brings the emphasis back to Weibo and

craft and design. The visual concept Modern dance y & c

Manchit Au a is clean and comfortable – a reflec- vi a r and H &m by Tiffany Wang tion of my current mindset and living Browse Ricostru at BNC, Dong Liang conditions. Studio or

44 March 2012 ARTs+CULTURE Snapshots

ART The “Art in the Enlightenment” series at the is coming to a close. Those who enjoy a nice dollop of 18th-century philosophy with their museum-going may want one last visit or a seat at the free closing Forum (Mar 25). Art galleries are also defrosting, with new exhibits at Pekin Fine Arts, Chambers Fine Art, Arrow Factory, White Space, Long March Space, Alexander Ochs and the UCCA. Turner Prize-winning Scottish sound artist Susan Philipsz will also come through Beijing, unveiling new work at the Mizuma & One Gallery as part of the JUE Festival. CINEMA Naturally, a recent “holiday” means a glut of Chinese rom-coms in theaters, but that’s not all bad news (see our review for I Do, p47). If you’re looking for something with a little more testosterone, you won’t find it in War Horse or Happy Feet 2, both of which hit theaters here at the end of last month. You will, however, prob- ably find too much of it and nothing else in Killer Elite, which opened Feb 17 and stars Jason Statham, Robert De Niro and Clive Owen. French New Wave queen Agnes Varda brings her early photographic and video work shot in China back to town, with a lively exhibit at CAFA. Screenings of her films will also take place at the UCCA and BC MOMA, but we’ll get you those So many books, so many choices. jean françois Rauzier's "Angelica" At galerie paris-beijing, from mar 3 details via IN PRINT Seven syllables for you: literary festivals. If you can’t get enough of ART ATTACK the written word, this is the month for you. Catch the tail end of Capital Marilyn Mai is keeping her fingers in all the pages M’s festival, and be sure to snatch up your tickets (or get on the right ou are a lazy bum. When your eyes and mutters: “You realize this through a rare and controversial race- waiting lists) for The Bookworm’s bank account runs low, you has been done before, right? Peter change operation. Your observations blockbuster events. We highly (and shamelessly) recommend two original start daydreaming of ways to Hessler already wrote about trying throughout the journey will be price- Y new events, brought to you through a strike it rich doing as little as pos- to drive, and that Michael Levy guy less, original, tear-jerking. You begin to dangerous BLF partnership with your sible. You’ve asked around and it did the Jewish bit. Also, your stories bawl, thinking of the meteoric fame favorite magazine editors. Get your looks like the best way to do this is about fighting at Latte – not unique. this will bring you. Then you realize tickets for the Pop-Up Magazine and to write a book about your unique, My pet terrier got punted out last that this will involve a heck of a lot of Choose Your Own Adventure before crazy experiences in the Middle week and the video his poodle friend work. You decide to give yourself one we pay all the homeless people to buy them up. Kingdom. It will have pandas and took already went viral on Youku. You last weekend of revelry with your non- dragons and chopsticks on the need an angle.” You sigh. She’s prob- local countenance. This means: STAG E cover. You write your first paragraph ably right. To address this, you: • Getting rowdy at the Beijinger’s It’s a good time to let your inner Irish and celebrate by: • Find the nearest infographic on “Pop-Up Magazine” event. Turn out, and what better way than clap- ping along to a Celtic Song and Dance • Downing a whisky at Glen. Turn China memoir clichés and study to p59. Gala (Mar 3) at the lush Forbidden to p35. up. Turn to p2. • Making an appearance at the City Concert Hall? Meanwhile, over • Buying a parka. Turn to p44. • Hear real authors talk about their Forbidden City so tourists can at the NCPA, Oxford-born Daniel • Taking a nap. Turn to page … work. Turn to p58. ask to take photos with you one Harding conducts the Bavarian zzzz. • Do some research on writing, ed- last time. Turn to p20. Radio Symphony Orchestra (Mar iting, and how to get published. • Making a quick buck as the for- 9) and the Zhengzhou Song and A well-intentioned friend learns Dance Troupe make a spectacle of of your plans to become the next Turn to p12. eign face for a Chinese company. Luoshen, the goddess of love and great China memoirist and badgers Aha! You’ve got it: the perfect, Turn to p84. beauty (Mar 1-3). you into showing her what you’ve never-been-done angle. You will OK! Time for your first pigment got so far. As she reads, she rolls her actually become a Chinese person, injection … photo: courtesy of galerie paris-beijing courtesy photo: March 2012 45 FEATURE Call Me Igor shootin’ the breeze with gary shteyngart by Marilyn Mai

e’s loved by New York’s Lower East tired and small. Not at all. Unlike my last protagonist, my bald spot Siders, Russian Jews and hopefully is not shaped like Ohio. (It’s more West Virginia.) his mother, though not necessarily On what he’s most anxious about in that order. His novels, The Russian Oh, I’m anxious about everything no matter where On how he ditched his Russian accent HDebutante’s Handbook, Absurdistan and Super I am. Luckily, the frontiers of chemistry are shifting I practiced in front of the mirror. The diction Sad True Love Story are send-ups of everything as we speak. in Baywatch is actually very helpful. As are the from post-Soviet awakenings and American CPR tips. credit disasters to loserish love. Here, he waxes On the short story he’ll write to parody his Shteyngartian … trip here On how to go viral on YouTube Getting drunk off of , falling asleep at my own Two words: James and Franco. On his fate if he’d stuck with his original reading and then making some awful remark at a name, Igor meeting of the Politburo are all things I plan to do. On what’s been inspiring him lately I’d be an amazing Russian oligarch. Nickel, oil, alu- I mean, that Shteynfarb would plan to do. I like that book by that guy I’d never heard of, the minum, I would have had a hand in all of it. Instead, one set in Vietnam that took 30 years to write. I’m just another New York writer with lousy facial “You have to sleep with [We think he means Matterhorn, by Karl Marlantes. hair. Why the hell did we ever leave Russia? everyone you meet –Ed.] On what convinced him to come to Beijing in Manhattan” On his very productive writing routine China’s amazing. And insane. I’ve only been to I eat a small pheasant in the morning and one at Shenzhen on the Chinese mainland, and Hong On the future of the US and China night. That plus 1.5 liters of alcohol usually does Kong, but there’s something very addictive about The jury’s still out on where China is heading, but the trick. the place where the future is being manufactured. I know where the US is going. Just look up Argen- Also, as a former Soviet citizen I love pollution, tina on Wikipedia and substitute Washington for On how to get published especially when the particles are less than 2.5 Buenos Aires. You have to sleep with everyone you meet in photo: courtesy of G ary shteyngart micrometers in size. Manhattan until you stumble on the right person On writing more about China in the future in publishing. Try on their glasses. If they’re almost On what he’s looking forward to Sure. But it’s a little too big. I’m looking for some- completely blind, you’re getting warmer. All of it. I love food. I love duck and lamb. I love thing more Korea-sized. cities that are sprawling and out of control. When Try sleeping with someone at The Bookworm to get you fly back from, say, Hong Kong or Seoul, and On how autobiographical his nerdy leading into Shteyngart’s sold out BLF appearances on Mar land in New York, everything feels so old and men are 9 and 11. Or just get on the waiting list.

46 March 2012 REVIEWS Feature ART: THE NIGHTMARE GALERIE URS MEILE We all hear about the horrors of schooling in China: mara- thon studying, severe myopia, high-pressure tests, suicides. Artist Li Zhanyang has watched with trepidation as his 9-year-old daughter braves the academic gauntlet; now he comments on the experience in two new installations. In darkness, a fiberglass schoolgirl encased within walls of exam papers tilts her face upward as a cloud of schoolbags threatens to rain down metal blades. In a second installa- tion, Li plays on the uplifting and damning power of the little red worn by only the most outstanding students. Well-versed in realistic sculptures meant to push the viewer’s psychological state, Li approaches this topic in a little too cut-and-dry manner for it to be conceptu- ally stimulating. But it’ll be a chilling experience nonetheless. Marilyn Mai Break into a cold sweat at “The Nightmare” from Mar 3 to Apr 29 – part of the JUE Festival.

BOOK: JAMRACH’S MENAGERIE CAROL BIRCH Jaffy Brown is a working boy living a bleak, Dickensian life until he crosses paths with Jamrach, an exotic animals YU HUA IN 7 Q’S dealer. Soon, he’s swept up into a tiger’s mouth and later THE CHINESE AUTHOR TALKS WRITING, sent on a whaling ship to track down a dragon-like beast. Those looking for a whiff of adventure via Jaffy’s tales MORTUARIES AND SLEEP should be warned that there’s plenty more to sting the nostrils in this very visceral novel. From the scooping of by Marilyn Mai oil from a sperm whale’s head to the ailments, insanities and excretions of men at sea, Birch is the master of in-your- What’s been your biggest break- the stark honesty about China in face descriptions. In this work, she clothes them ever so slightly with a gauze through? your book? of Victorian-era romance. Though the narration is sometimes emotionally The best breakthrough an author My attitude about writing has always distant, the story weaves you in slowly and tightly until you’re completely can have is to forget his previous been about honesty, whether in my bound by its grim conclusion. Marilyn Mai successes. Each time he sits down novels or this nonfiction book. I love Sail the seas with Jaffy via Carol Birch’s talk at The Bookworm on Mar 17. to write, he should imagine himself my country. If some have said that a novice again. my work has a spirit of unyielding FILM: I DO (WO YUANYI) criticism, then I’d say this criticism SUN ZHOU In China in Ten Words, you con- arises out of my love for the country, fess to faking stomach pains to not from anywhere else. Li Bingbing plays Tang Weiwei, a beautiful, idealistic and avoid your father’s career-driven sheng nü (or “leftover female”) who insists on anger. Do you still “We’d take deep The stories from marrying for love despite pressure from friends and family do that? breaths from your childhood are to settle down. Yes, it’s been done. But a superb cast and No, there’s really no the best. Can you confident script set this one apart. Issues like status, com- need anymore. But the exhaust” share more with patibility, trust, self-respect and timing play out with wit sometimes when my us? and wisdom as Weiwei finds herself caught between a rich son complains his stomach hurts, I Back then my friends and I would prince from her past (Duan Yihong) and a loyal everyman suspect he’s faking it … often leave our little town and who wants her future (Sun Honglei). Throughout, gorgeous walk along the beach to the public saturated cinematography of Beijing’s skyline and posh locales casts the city You also describe finding peace road, where we’d wait for hours and as the glamorous global metropolis it aspires to be (or has already become?). and quiet on a cool burial stone hours, then jump and holler when a It’s too bad the ending is mildly unsatisfying, but if you’re in the mood for a in your hometown. Where can you big truck passed. We’d chase those solid, grown-up romantic comedy, this is the ticket. Marilyn Mai experience that now? trucks and take deep breaths from Say I Do in theaters around town. Actually, it was the cement bed of a the exhaust – we thought it smelled mortuary. That kind of quiet was a so sweet. STAGE: TIM CLARE’S DEATH DRIVE thing of the past. Beijing now is so THE BOOKWORM / PUNK rowdy. Even its mortuaries. What’s your writing routine? As long as I’m well fed and well-slept, It’s easy to hear the description “poetry meets stand-up What sparked your idea for China then I can write. But these days, the comedy” and groan, but trust us, this show’s worth catch- in Ten Words? former’s easier than the latter. Lately, ing. Clare first made waves at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival When I toured the States to publicize I always feel like I’m missing just one in 2010, where “Death Drive” landed on many a highlight the English version of my novel, hour of sleep from the night before, list. The performance, in which Tim shares about a botched Brothers, Allan Barr (who translated so before I write I lie down and try father-son suicide challenge and his unlikely dreams, now that novel) invited me to speak at to get it back. Inevitably, the day will makes its debut in Beijing. Sure, some of the poetry’s in Pomona College. As I prepared two pass without me getting that hour the rhyming (flabby/Punjabi), but it’s also in the physicality stories titled “People” and “Leader,” I back or writing anything. I haven’t of his stage presence, the way he waxes vulnerable about realized there was a book in this. On been very productive … being a loser … and in his ukulele. (What can we say? Tiny instruments are our way to the beach in Los Angeles, I profound.) But beyond the showmanship, Clare’s words resonate because officially decided I’d write it and Allan Yu Hua shares more than ten words they are dark, funny and painfully true. Marilyn Mai gleefully agreed to translate it. at The Bookworm on Mar 11 & 14. (His ourtesy of the organizers of ourtesy Take a ride with Clare as part of this year’s BLF on Mar 19 (The Bookworm) and events are sold out, but get yourselves Mar 21 (Punk). How are people responding to on the waiting list!) photos: C photos: March 2012 47 FEATURE BOOKSHELF SMELL THAT? A whIFF of CHINA’S MOST MYSTERIOUS ARTIST by Marilyn Mai

u Dexin never trained as an artist, and now he considers himself long retired. So even as the UCCA installs a seminal and ambitious retro- Gspective celebrating his work (they hope to take it on tour afterward), he’s fine observing from afar. One of the most tight-lipped of China’s early avant-garde artists, Gu is best known for using rotting food as part of his practice – meat, bananas, apples. It’s art that performs itself, and that you can often smell before you see. But there’s more: paintings, expansive collections of plastic and ceramic toys. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store.

Luka Lesson Australian Poetry Slam champion

The book on my shelf with the The book I hid before you came most sentimental value is The around was Lonely Planet Beijing. I’m Road to Rembetika by Gail Holst. doing terrible tourist-style research. It’s about the history of a certain Don’t tell anyone. style of popular music, “Rembetika,” which developed in Greece during My favorite book from childhood the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s. There are is The BFG by Roald Dahl. great old photos, lyrics and stories of days long gone of brave men and The character in a book I’ve had women living through hard times a crush on is the protagonist, Neri, by expressing themselves in both from Ocean Girl by Peter Hepworth. overtly angst-ridden and masterfully It also became a television series encoded ways. My parents are both when I was growing up. I thought Greek so it’s very dear to me. for sure I was the “ocean boy” she was looking for – she just hadn’t met The bookshelf I’d most like a peek me yet! I’m still in love with her. It’s a at is Frida Kahlo’s. Especially her bit ridiculous. sketch and idea books. The last book I read was Dying The book I wish I hadn’t read is Words by Nicholas Evans, about Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcaterra ... the loss of indigenous languages I love this book so so much, but I worldwide. There is a great chapter

don’t think I’ll read it again. To know about the Australian context called photos: courtesy of mylie nauendorf and the ucca it’s a true story is so sad. Such a great “Warramurrungunji’s Children.” book, but it is disturbing. Favorite quote from a book: Subway reading? Subway writing, “Doubt is a pain too lonely to know more like. I wrote much of my piece that Faith is his twin brother.” “The New Crusades” on a train. And – Khalil Gibran, The Prophet I like people-watching so I’m mostly reading faces and awkward public Luka Lesson will be performing and situations and writing about them, speaking at BLF events on Mar 11, 13, while pretending to listen to music 15, 16 and 17. See “The Important Thing is Not the Meat” at the UCCA, Mar 24-May 27. and be unaware.

48 March 2012 Sports AT THE BUZZER Jeremy Lin is whatever the current slang for “really quite good” is. He’s been dropping bombs in the NBA at the New York Knickerbockers. He’s gone from “guy who was cut by the Rockets and then sent to the D-league” to “the new Yao Ming” in under a month. In fact, he’s better than Yao as he’s already been to university. Harvard, no less.

In other hoop news, the NBA revealed that they drew 96 million viewers during their debut Celebration. And consider how that was before Jeremy Lin got everyone’s knickerbockers in a twist.

Both Mashup and Pyro Pizza are hosting beer pong tournaments in March. For those who doubt whether beer pong is a sport, it is. Just.

Beijing Cricket Club start their season this month. The highlight will be June’s Beijing International Cricket Sixes.

The Beijing Guardians have started training for the Beijing-Shanghai Bowl, which takes place in May.

Mashup are intermittently playing pickup football before they start their flag football season on April 13. To find out more, see

linsomnia? jeremy lin looks tired of all these puns on his name Hopefully the second-seed Beijing Ducks will still be going strong in the CBA Playoffs. The playoffs began on February 22. If the first round needs all five games, then they’ll play on Talking Balls March 2 in Beijing. Jonathan White Can’t See The Signs Football comes home to Gongti as both the Chinese Super League and AFC Champions’ League kick et yourself some passport Friendship Football Club’s season starts at 10am on Sunday, March 18. off. The continental competition’s photos and a pen. March has also resumed. This means you can leave the deci- group stage lasts into May, so there’s is the month of signing-up According to the always reliable sion until you’re still drunk from the a month or two to enjoy Asia’s show- G piece tournament. The provisional for sports. Wikipedia, other football codes exist. night before. schedule suggested home games The international women of This is certainly true in Beijing. The night before is, of course, St. against Shanghai Shenhua (Mar 16) Beijing Ladies Golfers have their The Beijing Bombers reprise their Patrick’s Day. The saint himself was and Tianjin Teda (Mar 30), but that season opening luncheon on March Aussie rules training while Beijing sporty enough to have St. Patrick’s has since vanished from the Internet. 8 (which, fittingly enough, is also GAA do the same for Gaelic football. Athletic named after him, and his International Women’s Day). The less They’re both readying themselves day is marked by two local rivals March’s Sports on TV (Beijing time) gender-specific Beijing Golfers get for their all-action compromise rules going head-to-head. The Beijing Mar 7-8 & 14-15 the march on them by starting their showdown on April 14. Hockey may Devils and the Beijing Aardvarks UEFA Champions’ League Round season on March 3 with their annual not be any kind of football at all, but reignite their rivalry by both having of 16 Polar Classic. you’ll be willing to forgive that when their registration nights for the new Mar 9 & 16 If golfers are outside, then you the payoff for Beijing Hockey Club’s season on March 17. The Devils are Europa League Round of 16 Mar 18 know it’s warmer weather – there is sessions is a trip to next month’s at The Den and the Aardvarks can be F1 Australian Grand Prix a reason that they call them fairways. Hong Kong Sixes. found yards away in Danger Doyle’s. Mar 25 Everyone’s getting in on the act, If you got involved in Heyrunning Both are promising you a season F1 Malaysian Grand Prix including us. We’re putting a team last month, you must be almost of rugby, related antics and a very Mar 28 & 29 in the ClubFootball Spring League ready for the 10km cross-country boozy sign-up night. It’ll be a foolish UEFA Champions’ League quarter- and we need you to play for us. slog of Harrowthon 2012. The event man who braves the no man’s land finals Mar 30 There’ll be news of how to sign up is in aid of Fengtai Orphanage so of Gung Ho! that evening. Europa League quarter-finals for Beijing’s newest five-a-side team there’s good reason to sign up. The Hopefully no one gets a wrist Every weekend on For fans of the better news is that they are willing injury from all this signing up. RBS Six Nations Rugby 11-a-side game, the International to take runners right until the race photo: nBA chin a photo: March 2012 49 FEATURE Badges of Honor A Guide To The 2012 CSL Season Team Logos

he CSL begins this month just before the CBA concludes for the Here’s a taster of the in-depth breakdown we’ve done of this season’s year. As befits a league that has just coaxed Nicolas Anelka to CBA logos. Look out for the full version on If you’d TShanghai and boasts some of the highest-paid players in the world, like to see the logos in the flesh, then scoot below for the details on it has team logos as interesting as some of the club’s owners. Beijing Guoan home games this month.

Relegation has robbed us of the two logos closest to a traditional football club’s. Chendgu’s relationship with Sheffield United explains

C theirs but Shenzhen Ruby sail alarmingly close to the design of River Plate. Maybe among the laurels, and stars nobody

M Teams Y will notice the design influence of Lazio (newly promoted Dalian Aerbin) and Motherwell (newly relocated Guizhou Renhe) in this CM

MY season’s teams. However, relegation has robbed us of the two logos closest to a traditional football club’s; Chengdu’s relationship


CMY with Sheffield United explains theirs, but Shenzhen Ruby sail alarmingly close to the design of River Plate.









CY Beijing Guoan ChangchunCY Yatai Dalian Aerbin Dalian Shide Guangzhou Guangzhou R&F Guizhou Renhe Hangzhou


K K Evergrande Greentown





MY Henan Sainty Liaoning Whowin Qingdao Shanghai Shanghai Tianjin Teda CY Construction Jonoon Luneng Shenhua Shenxin*



K M Footballs are the lifebloodY of any football team and the CSL wears its balls on its heart when it comes to logos. This is one element where the designersCM seem to have been told to go for broke, although most takes are a derivation of the classic Adidas Tango MY

matchball. Henan’sCY ball is notable for being the same size as waves while Qingdao’s has the ability to alter the shape of animals. Footballs CMY


Beijing Changchun Guangzhou Guangzhou Hangzhou Henan Qingdao Shandong Tianjin Guoan Yatai Evergrande R&F Greentown Construction Jonoon Luneng Teda

A diverse menagerie adorns the chests of CSL players. Changhcun’s dragon and Guizhou’s monkey are notable examples of Chinese influence in the design. Guangzhou R&F has the most authentic football club badge, despite only being formed in the close season. Animals Its crest features a pair of lions who are rampant (rearing in profile upon the hind legs with the forelegs extended). C


Y Big Cats Monkey CM Dragon Eagle



CMY Changchun Dalian Aerbin Guizhou Guangzhou Guangzhou R&F Liaoning Y Qingdao Shanghai CM

K Yatai Renhe Evergrande Whowin Jonoon Shenhua MY


The official site for buying Beijing Guoan tickets is Mar 10/11: vs. Guangzhou R&F CMY logos: courtesy of the c SL Tickets go on sale 14 days before each game. You need to register Mar 16: vs. Shanghai Shenhua K your application firstC – if successful, your tickets will be delivered Mar 20: vs. Brisbane Roar M

by post. Guoan willY play the following CSL and AFC Champions’ Mar 30: vs. Tianjin Teda League home games atCM the Workers’ Stadium this month. MY (Schedule is subject to change)


* As we went to printCMY the CSL confirrmed that Nanchang Hengyuan would be relocated to Shanghai and renamed Shanghai Shenxin

K 50 March 2012 living Q&A

JINDE CHARITIES Jinde Charities provides aid to all those in need, whether that entails obtaining cataract surgeries for the elderly, setting up irrigation systems in regions without clean water, or find- ing homes for AIDS-affected orphans. Given their commitment to so many different underprivileged communi- ties, we wondered how they are able to effectively distribute their time and money. We asked the vice director, John Ren Dahai, to elaborate on this as well as on the honor of being a selected charity recipient for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Irish Ball (Mar 17).

How did Jinde Charities first come together? When Mother Teresa died in 1997, Fr. JB Zhang (founder of Faith Press) was reminded of the importance of social service. He founded Jinde Charities, formally known as Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Center, that May in Shijiazhuang. We are the first non-profit organization (NPO) of the Chinese Catholic Church for social services, and we were officially registered as a foundation in May 2011.

How do you determine which communities need the most help? Our judgment is usually based on income, location, gender, etc. It’s hard to say who we have helped out the most. In recent years, we have done lots of disaster relief work; among the jinde charities helps keep spirits high after the sichuan earthquake victims, we’ve done more for children, those affected by AIDS and disease, and ethnic groups in remote areas.

What have been some of your most LIVING LA VIDA LOCAL successful projects so far? Tiffany Wang is making Guinness cupcakes Disaster relief, elderly care and HIV prevention.

s I was compiling events this Ball, which was voted “Best Party of tional Women’s Day 2012 Charity Which ones are you struggling with? month, it struck me how the Year” in our 2011 Reader Bar & Cocktail Reception (Mar 8) in Jinde wants to implement organic wide-ranging our selection Club Awards. You can expect a more Events. farming projects, but it is not easy to A market that kind of farming to peas- has become. On top of the de lavish affair than ever this year, which Meanwhile, innovators and ants hoping to make more income. rigueur Chinese cultural lectures marks the event’s 20th anniversary thinkers will be celebrated at and language classes, there are now in Beijing. As always there will be TEDxBFU’s “Life Is Different” event What do people need to know about also cooking workshops on every lovely green-and-black tuxedos (Mar 18), where they will initiate dia- China before lending a hand? type of cuisine from Korean (Mar and gowns and free-flow alcohol logue on engaging communities to Some people view China as rich, others say we are still poor. Jinde 26) to Burmese (Mar 24). Beijing all night long. Unfortunately, tickets participate in social enterprise and wants people to see the real China is truly morphing into an interna- are already sold out, so your only NGO work. Visit for in all its vastness. For example, while tional city. chance to snag a pair is through a list of all the speakers. there are billionaires in Beijing, Shang- Which is why we can expect to our exclusive reader giveaway (see And finally, onto a more so- hai and Shenzhen, there are also many celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (Mar 17) Fun & Games, p20). Did we mention bering subject: health. In our who don’t have enough food to eat in in all its gaiety. On the day, The proceeds go to charity? See our haste to immerse ourselves in the remote areas. Natural disasters occur every year, but China doesn’t have a Hutong is hosting its monthly interview with Jinde Charities community, we too often neglect functioning NGO system. HIV is still Seasonal Gourmet Cupcake Mak- (right), who tell us how they plan on our wellbeing. Here’s a way to spreading. The list goes on. ing Class – this time in the style of putting the donations to good use. bring the focus back to our bodies. What do you plan to do with the Guinness cupcakes topped off with But the Irish are not the only Beijing International SOS Clinic money raised from the Irish Ball? Baileys whipped cream. I’m not ones who get all the glory this hosts informative talks every month; The donations will be used for poor even a fan of cupcakes (I know, I month. Women also enjoy perks March brings us Heart Health patients and poor students. know … frosting makes me feel ill), galore on International Women’s (Mar 6) and Exercise Do’s and but this sounds like an irresistible Day (Mar 8) – read up on the spa Don’ts (Mar 20). Best of all, they’re Find out how you can help at combination. Later that evening and shopping discounts in the free! What excuse do we have not to comes the St. Patrick’s Day Irish Style section, and on the Interna- attend? See you there. photo: courtesy of jinde charities courtesy photo: March 2012 51 Hands-on ... Floral Fixation The sweat and tears behind the bouquet by Carleen Wang

always thought of flower arrang- lost. My anxiety only intensified ing as picking a bunch of different once I took a glance around the I types of flowers at random, toss- room. Everyone else seemed to be a ing them into a vase, then fiddling regular! My classmates all appeared around with them until they look focused and relaxed, solemnly mov- nice. Of course there had to be skill ing about as if they were embarking behind the process, but I never on some kind of spiritual journey. imagined it could be so intricate. For I started with one of the most some, flower arranging is an art, for basic arrangements, using four others a meditative hobby – but for wooden branches, three sets of most, I’d argue, it’s a big old waste roses and a couple leafy twigs. At of time. the bottom of the Perhaps I just lack Where was the big flower pot there was the patience. The a block of green flo- class I attended spe- vase to plop ral foam to hold the cializes in ikenobo, everything into? flowers in place. an age-old Japanese I felt my confu- flower arranging technique. I peered sion mounting. Where was the big in the way they were supposed to. can just buy a pre-arranged bouquet into the bucket our teacher had vase to plop everything into? With Or to face the sun. at a store nearby. For now, I’m still prepped for us and saw a pile of just a handful of flowers to work with, When my teacher came by, she trying to work out how such an ardu- wooden branches with small furry you’d think it would be so simple clicked her tongue in disapproval ous activity is supposed to keep you buds. This wasn’t at all what I’d had to group everything together. But I and, in a matter of minutes, redid feeling so zen. in mind. had to press hard to make sure each the entire thing and made it look When she began lecturing about stem was securely fastened – more presentable. I left feeling just as lost Sign up for an ikenobo class at how I must point certain flowers in onerous than it sounds. My strength as when I’d first arrived, only more 186 1138 3656 or ikenobo-beijing@ the direction of the sun, moon and wasn’t sufficient to keep the flowers disheartened. The good news is, if earth, I couldn’t help but feel very in place. My sticks refused to curve you can’t perfect your practice, you PLAYDATE I giggled, nervously. Alan has fast attitude has served him well in been snowboarding for over 20 years, life. He first moved to Beijing in 2000, used to compete professionally, and opened Hatsune (his very first res- currently serves as a judge at the taurant) in 2001, and now runs seven annual Nanshan Open. Meanwhile, restaurants in China and counting. I’d never snowboarded in my life – so None of his success has dimin- you can imagine my angst at having ished his love for snowboarding, to hit the slopes by his side. however – one of his favorite hobbies When we finally stepped outside, since his teen years. “There’s that one the air was quiet and still, except for moment when you feel like you’re the sounds of skidding snow and flying,” he raved, a faraway look in bodies whooshing by. his eyes. Inspiring words, particularly “Ready?” Alan grinned at me. when I found I could neither turn nor His enthusiasm was palpable – brake without falling on my butt. contagious, even. He glided sinuously At long last, we migrated to the in front of me, instructing me to keep high peaks where Alan could do my legs bent and my back straight. his thing. I watched him teeter in On the ride over, he’d been some- anticipation at the very top, before what evasive about what keeps him skimming down with grace and hooked on snowboarding. “Growing precision. As he approached the up, it was just kind of cool, you know?” jump, time seemed to stop – his body, alan wong he’d shrugged. But he was quick to suspended in mid-air, twirled like mad deny that doing jumps and running before landing in a perfect finish. restaurateur and snowboarder PHOTOS : judy zhou and courtesy of restaurants require any of the same He breezed up on his board, by Tiffany Wang skills. sending flakes of ice flying all around “Maybe perseverance,” he later us. A Chinese instructor standing acknowledged, reflectively. Both nearby stared at Alan, mouth agape. re you right-footed or “What?” just happened to be occupations he Alan simply lifted his and left-footed?” asked Alan “Turn around,” he commanded. enjoyed, and had needed to hone smiled. “Ready for round two?” “A Wong, the restaurateur I obediently obliged, only to find and perfect. The same goes for race behind Hatsune, Kagen and Karaiya myself shoved without warning from car driving and motor biking – other Entrance and equipment rental Spice House. We were standing in behind. I instinctively landed on my pastimes that satiate his thirst for start from RMB 120 per hour. Visit line at the equipment rental booth left foot. thrill. for more of Nanshan Nike Park. “You’re a lefty.” So far Alan’s nonchalant yet stead- information.

52 March 2012 EXPLORE Long Weekend Macau The cliché The Vegas of the East The reality In terms of casino revenue, it’s now bigger than Vegas. The former Por- tuguese colony also has a startlingly high life expectancy. The sights Colonial architecture and winding streets on the outside. Dice, bright lights, and money on the inside. Top destination The Venetian Macao is the latest, splashiest casino – featuring canals, gondolas and a fake Piazza San Marco. The food Cantonese food predominates, but you should also sample colonial fare. The most authentic caldo verde and feijoada will only be found in pricier Portuguese restaurants, while fusion Macanese dishes worth trying include Galinha a portuguesa and minchee chow dan. Why go now Perhaps you’ll be havin’ the luck o’ the Irish this month? Go get that pot of gold. What to bring Cash and lots of it. What to buy A new shirt after losing the one off your back. If you have any change Wish we were there ... packing our trunks for the Jaipur Elephant Festival, India, Mar 7 left, grab some almond cookies on the way out. Why you’ll want to stay Gambling is addictive. Why you’ll be glad to leave TRANSIT AUTHORITY The well’s run dry. Lauren McCarthy is studying the planets Visa info You won’t need a visa to get in. How- f you’d rather not choose your Tour are expected to go on sale. lish, that still leaves isiZulu, isiXhosa, ever, visitors who are here in China on own adventure, why not let your If that’s something you’d consider, Afrikaans, Sepedi, Setswana, Sesotho, a single-entry visa will need a new one adventure choose you? Taobao act fast. This year’s trip sold out in Xitsonga, SiSwati, Tshivenda and to get back into the mainland. I Flight information Travel has released a report on last 13 seconds. Those lucky 11 are isiNdebele. If you instead choose year’s travel numbers broken down currently in the middle of their 66- to hop on Swiss Air’s re-launched Weekend flights from Beijing start at RMB 2,000 on Air Macau. Alternatively, by astrological signs. Libra? You are day-long journey circumnavigating route to Zurich you’ve only a mere if you’re popping over from Hong the top traveler out of the 12 and the globe that cost RMB 660,000, or four national languages to worry Kong, a helicopter will get you across generally prefer somewhere in the 10,000 kuai a day. An earlier, cheaper about: German, French, Italian and the bay for nearly the same amount. south of China. If you’re a Taurus, alternative that will appeal to sport Romansh. you are more of a homebody. If you enthusiasts is Hong Kong’s Rugby Back in China, Context Travel happen to run into a big-spending Sevens (March 23-25). Look into has recently launched their scholar- tourist on the streets of Beijing or any deals being offered by Cathay Pacific. led walking tours in Beijing and other northern city, chances are high Their packages will sort out your Shanghai. While these are a great

that they are a Sagittarius. If you really flight as well as a ticket for a match. option for tourists and visitors,


V want to connect to your destination, While down there, you’d be best not expats who want to delve deeper TRA

Y will guide you to eating on the subway or discussing into Beijing’s art scene or various AIL the perfect location whether you dogs, locusts or pregnancy. facets of the city’s history will find need romance, like Cancers, or are a For the newest travel options, that there is a lot more to learn about demanding Scorpio. This year Aquar- South African Airlines has just the capital. And as winter draws to ians should head down to Hainan, launched a 15-hour non-stop flight an end, now is your last chance to while curious Geminis would do well between Beijing and Johannesburg. hit the slopes with Culture Yard. If with a quick break to Wuxi. Make sure to pack some translation snow is the last thing on your mind, If you’re looking for travel op- dictionaries when you go. South Great Wall hikes and camping trips portunities for this month, tickets Africa has 11 official languages, are starting back up in full force with

for Ctrip’s 2013 Around the World and while you may be set with Eng- Dandelion Hiking. photos: tianjin metropolitan polo club, D club, polo metropolitan tianjin photos: March 2012 53 FEATURE

Small World? Something Concrete Hong Kong in a New Light photos by Nick Otto

sk anyone what they remember of Hong Kong and they will likely describe an overwhelming landscape of tight, winding streets filled with blinking signs, wafting scents and compressed crowds.A But beneath the chaotic cacophony of trolley bells and food hawkers, it’s still possible to find a city of moody stillness and solitude.

Getting There Flights to Hong Kong start between RMB 2,000-3,000, with summer travel being more expensive. Most regional airlines fly direct from Beijing, except for China Eastern, which connects through Shanghai. Flight times are approximately three and a half hours.

54 March 2012 The temple holds over 200,000 woodblocks

The Parkhang Printing Temple March 2012 55 WHAT’S HAPPENING MON TUE WED THU FRI

MUSIC LIVING Nova Heart, Carsick Pies and Cars, Rustic and Chow down on pies and Deadly Cradle Death ales from around the world. See them off before they head Mmmm. RSVP to info@the- to SXSW. RMB 100, RMB 70 RMB 200 (includes (advance), RMB 60 (students, 2 pies and 6 beers), RMB 150 advance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (members). The Hutong (6404 (6404 2711) 3355) 01 02

MUSIC LIVING MUSIC Longjin Band International Women’s Lulu Galore & Sweet Nothing but reggae, mon. Free. Day Cocktail Leaf 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) Compass Box Whiskey celebrates The sweet sounds of ’50s swing the day with special half-price jazz. Smooth. Free. 9.30pm. cocktails, canapés and oysters. Temple (131 6107 0713) All profits go to charity. RMB 100+ (suggested donation). 5pm-late. Starfish (186 0120 3623) 07 08 09

BARS & CLUBS ARTS & CULTURE Laofei Independent BARS & CLUBS EXPLORE Lush Rush Week Rob Swift Hutong Tour: Poets, Mar 12-18. The launchpad for a Library The turntablist who’s done time Prime Ministers, week of meeting the fresh meat. A free multi-language film and with Herbie Hancock, Cypress and the Immortal Lush (8286 3566), Pyro Pizza book exchange. Free. 8pm. Hill and Fat Joe. RMB 100, RMB 80 Donkey (8286 6240) Modernista (136 9142 5744; see (advance). 9.30pm. Yugong Yishan Nightlife directory) What do an ostracized poet (6404 2711) and an enchanted donkey have in common? RMB 120, RMB 100 (members). 6pm. The Hutong (6404 3355; see Living directory) 12 13 15 16

BARS & CLUBS BARS & CLUBS BARS & CLUBS Open Mic Night Open Mic Comedy Take Me To Belgium Musicians, singers, poets, Get up, stand-up, make them II: The Magician rappers and ventriloquists all laugh? For more information, The Magician saws some nu- welcome. No need for advanced see www.comedyclubchina. house in half. RMB 120, RMB registration, but you will need com. Free. 8pm. Paddy O’Shea’s 80 (advance). 11pm. Haze some discernible talent. Bring (6415 6389) (5900 6128) your own instruments. Free. 8pm. 12SQM (6402 1554) 19 21 22 23

LIVING BARS & CLUBS BARS & CLUBS DINING BARS & CLUBS INN Monthly Meeting: Black Sun Quiz Night Martini Night Prime Rib Night Haze Club Night Leaving Beijing Testing times at Chaoyang Park Grey Goose martinis for RMB 70. 250-day Australian Stockyard Resident DJs Pancake Lee, Gather tips from INN’s panel of West Gate. Free. 8pm. Black Sun 6pm-2am. Atmosphere, China prime rib. RMB 260 (includes one Yang Bing, Kaize, Donald relocation experts ... if you have (6593 6909) World Summit Wing (6505 2299 beer or glass of wine). The Cut, Summer and Max Feelgood to go. RMB 50 (includes coffee, ext 6433) Fairmont Beijing (8507 3617) launch a monthly mashup of tea and pastries). 10am-noon. house, disco and more. RMB The Capital Club Athletic Center 50. 10pm. Haze (5900 6128) (8486 2225 ext 136). 26 27 28 29 30

56 March 2012 March SAT SUN

LIVING Chinese Landscape Beginner’s Painting Ink-and-water painting is a thousand- year-old tradition, and this class is designed for expats. RMB 160. 10am- noon. China Culture Center (6432 9341)


MUSIC DINING MEN Pudao Wines Blind Tasting Dance-punk and electro-pop from Buy or bring a bottle and join fellow Brooklyn-based feminists. RMB 100, RMB tasters in guessing each participant’s 70 (advance). 10pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 wine. Prizes for the top three tasters. 2711) Reservations essential: email beijing@ RMB 300 (non-mem- bers), free (members). 3pm. Pudao Wines (8590 3020) 10 11

ARTS & CULTURE SPORTS SLAM! Harrowthon Tim Clare and Luka Lesson perform for A 10km cross-country race through a rowdy poetry posse. RMB 100. 9pm. 2 Tongzhou in aid of the Fengtai Kolegas (6436 8998) orphanage. Harrowing. RMB 100. 10am. Sign up at events@harrow-

17 18

DINING SPORTS Chili Cook-off People’s Run Ten contestants, five judges, all-local HeyRunning’s monthly run is suitable ingredients. RMB 100 for ten tastings of for all. The first run is free if you bring chili and a free beer. 4-8pm. Great Leap a copy of the Beijinger. RMB 20. Noon. Brewery Chaoyang Park West Gate #3. See for more info.

24 25

March 2012 57 EVENTS The Bookworm International Literary Festival (Mar 9-23)

All events take place at The Bookworm with English translation. RMB 65. 8pm. English translation. RMB 65. 1pm. ponnat unless stated otherwise: More than sixty years after Irène Némi- The Time in Between: María Dueñas Mar 16 rovsky’s death at Auschwitz, her posthu- The Bookworm Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Solace: Belinda McKeon A dark tale of a Spanish dress maker goes mously published Suite Française swept Chaoyang District (6503 2050) 朝阳区工体 McKeon discusses life in modern Ireland under cover during WWII. RMB 65. 6pm. the international literary scene. Philip- 北路4号院 and the tension between “new” and “old” Pack Men – Football, Brotherhood ponnat gives us an intimate picture of the Ireland. RMB 65. 6pm. and Beer with Alan Blisset writer. RMB 80. 3pm. FICTION Three friends trapped in the madness of Mar 17 Mar 16 From Banished to Screwed: the 2008 UEFA Cup final in Manchester. Mar 10 Wolves Unleashed – How to Train Han Dong RMB 65. 8pm. Far to Go: Alison Pick Wolves for Film: Andrew Simpson A major voice in Chinese literature since Winner of the 2011 Canadian Jewish Book Mar 21 An interesting insight in to the life of a 1990’s, Screwed: a surreal tale of a high Award, Pick’s latest novel Far to Go is a Tibet: The Harmonious Land? With veteran wolf whisperer. The startling story school student, during the Cultural Revolu- riveting family epic set in Czechoslovakia Fan Wen of the wolf whisperer; Simpson a 20 year tion. RMB 65. Noon. during World War II. RMB 65. 4pm. Fan talks about interactions between veteran shares his. RMB 65. 3pm. Foreign Concession ethnic minorities, Han culture and foreign Friendly Fire: A.B. Yehoshua Online Chat: Drugs, Dreams and the In Shanghai author Xiao Bai’s novel, a missionaries on the Tibetan plateau. In Listen to stories from one of Israel’s lead- Making of China with Julia Lovell French-Chinese photographer becomes Chinese with English translation. 65 RMB. ing lights on his life and work, moderated Though Lovell is no longer able to attend entangled with international gunrunners 6pm. by Israeli Ambassador to China Amos BLF due to personal reasons, you can still and terrorists. In Chinese with English Nadai. RMB 80. 6pm Snow White and Russian Red: discuss the Opium War’s causes as well as translation. RMB 65. 6pm Comedy of (Dangerous) Errors: Dorota MasIowska its current resonance in China’s foreign Andrei Kurkov Jamrach’s Menagerie: Carol Birch The novelist talks about her work and policy with the author at a Live Chat on the Kurkov discusses his fascinatingly absurd Jamrach’s Menagerie is a fast-paced being the voice of a restless generation festival blog. See characters, the comic tragedy of post-So- adventure tale with a haunting twist. burdened by violence, drugs, immigration for details. Birch talks of dangers and instincts. RMB and unemployment. RMB 65. 8pm. viet Ukraine and why every writer should Mar 17 65. 8pm. have a pet penguin. RMB 80. 8pm. Mar 22 The Inside Track – Predicting the If you Didn’t Laugh, You’d Cry: Mar 18 Chick-lit with Chinese Chinese Economy: David Murphy & Humor, Satire and the Absurd with The Holy Woman: Qaisra Shahraz Characteristics: Jin Renshun James Kynge Andrei Kurkov & Gary Shteyngart The novel explores the complex relation- Come hear her intriguing view on who is Kynge and Murphy try to cut through the Greed, corruption, political scandal and ships in Muslim society. Here, Shahraz winning the battle of the sexes in modern murk to predict trends for China - and the corporate malfeasance run rampant. The focuses on the voice of women. RMB 65. China. In Chinese with English translation. world. RMB 80. 10am. 10am. RMB 65. 6pm. best solution? Make a joke. RMB 80. 4pm. Red Rock – Rock ‘n’ Roll in China: Mar 12 Men & Monsters: Albert Sánchez Mar 23 Jonathan Campbell Based on a True Story: Historical Piñol & Carol Birch The Maker of Heavenly Trousers Rebellious rock and roll seems at odds Fiction with Alison Pick & Justin Hill What happens to humans when we are A fascinating look into the Peking of old. with modern Chinese society. Find out The two authors discuss where to draw the pushed beyond our breaking point? Birch A panel of old China hands to discuss where this thriving underground scene is line between “history” and “fiction” when and Sánchez Piñol discuss. RMB 65. 12pm. and debate Varè’s infamous work. RMB headed. RMB 80. 4pm. 65. 1pm. writing novels inspired by real events from Better Living Through Plastic Explo- the past. RMB 65. 1pm. sives: Hung Huang, Zsuzsi Gartner POETRY Watch the Throne: Shieldwall with “Hilarious, exuberant, apocalyptic, NONFICTION Mar 16 Justin Hill heartstopping.” Canadian writer Gartner Mar 11 Kids Poetry Showcase Back to England in 1016, where the king- discusses her latest short story collection. A Wanderer’s World – Chinese Travel A special poetry showcase featuring local dom is burning at the hands of marauding RMB 65. 2pm. Writing: Xu Zhiyuan international school students. RMB 50. MB invaders. Warring factions fight over the Life to the Fullest -The Faster I Walk, The editor-in-chief of the Chinese edition 50. 10am. dying king’s . RMB 65. 8pm. of Business Weekly and a FT contributor the Smaller I Am: Kjersti Skomsvold Mar 22 is here to talk on his latest book, which Mar 13 Skomsvold’s novel follows a recluse near- Performance Poetry chronicles his adventures and journeys Ana Clavel in Conversation ing the end of her life who is afraid that Mixing poetry, comedy and the ukulele, around the world. RMB 65. 2pm. The author of Shipwrecked Body discusses she will die without anyone knowing she British performance poet Tim Clare has a gender identity, the complicated labyrinth lived. RMB 65. 4pm. Mar 13 unique method of storytelling. RMB 50. of the male body and the inspiration Bereft: Chris Womersley An Eye for Eternity: Mark McKenna 10am. behind her work. RMB 65. 8pm. Womersley discusses longing, justice and In his latest book, An Eye for Eternity: the Life of Manning Clark, McKenna discusses Mar 14 the stories we tell to heal the wounds of WORKSHOPS with Chris Warren of the Media Arts Alli- Pig Boy: JC Burke war. RMB 65. 6pm. ance this massive undertaking, seven years Mar 11 The Australian novelist often cuts right to The Day is Dark: Scandinavian Crime in the making. RMB 65. 1pm. Children’s Books with Peter Brown the heart of teenage lives and problems – Writing with Yrsa Sigurðardóttir Children’s books let the imagination run relationships, identity and changing Sigurðardóttir’s The Day is Dark is a grip- Different Realities: Writing Memoir wild. Brown leads an adult workshop on personalities. Join her as she reads from ping addition to the genre. RMB RMB 65. with Hong Ying & Maria Tumarkin how to use illustrations and narrative to and discusses her latest book Pig Boy. RMB 8pm. The stories mothers tell their daughters: create fun for the kids. RMB 280. 4pm. The 50. 10am. Tumarkin and Hong discuss how to hon- Hutong (6404 3355; see Living directory) Mar 19 estly write about the past. RMB 65. 6pm. Knifepoint – Chinese Spy Thrillers: The New Generation: Belinda Mar 13 Mai Jia McKeon & Kjersti Skomsvold Mar 14 SLAM! Children’s Workshop China’s best-known author of spy thrillers, Listen to two of Europe’s bright new liter- Here on Earth – the Natural History 2011 Australian National Slam winner Luka Mai discusses espionage, seduction and ary stars discuss their work, their process of the Planet: Tim Flannery & Jon Lesson teaches the tools of writing slam the thrill of the chase. In Chinese with and their inspiration. RMB 65. 1pm. Watts poetry and hip-hop. RMB 50. 10am. English translation. RMB 65. 6pm. Science writer Flannery discusses the The Underbelly: Chris Womersley, history of the planet and life on Earth with Mar 15 Mar 15 Paul French, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir The Guardian’s Jon Watts. RMB 80. 1pm Comic Strips Desire, Despair & Transformation: The three vastly different authors inves- llustrator Sally Kindberg shows us how Janette Turner Hospital & tigate the lives of thieves, murderers and Mar 15 to use comic strips to tell stories. RMB 50. Margo Lanagan drug dealers. RMB 65. 6pm. Hot Art: Joshua Knelman 10am. Do old tales, tragic heroes and myths mat- In his latest book, this Canadian journalist ter? These authors remind us that they do Mar 20 brings to light the mysterious world of Mar 17 with their modern retellings. RMB 65. 6pm. Celluloid Dreams: Zhu Wen & International art theft filled with cunning Comics with Sally Kindberg Murong Xuecun and eccentric characters. RMB 65. 1pm. Sally Kindberg teaches us how to simplify City of the Dragon with Di An Zhu and Murong discuss the challenges complicated information, use humour and Di’s works explore the complexities of writing for the Chinese film industry – the The Life of Irène Némirovsky and create narrative twists to tell a story in a modern relationships in China. In Chinese third largest in the world. In Chinese with Suite Francaise with Oliver Philip- comic strip. RMB 280. 4pm. The Hutong

58 March 2012 Looking for more? Tons more to do at (6404 3355; see Living directory) Tim Clare gives an encore performance of his brutally honest, hilarious and heartfelt Mar 18 show Death Drive. RMB 100. 7pm. Punk Food from Fiction (6410 5222; see Nightlife directory) JUE Music+Art Learn to make Turkish delight from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, tea cakes The Moira Monologues – a “One- for Alice on her adventure in Wonderland Woman” Performance and more! RMB 420. 11 am. The Hutong Alan Bissett performs his “one-woman” Festival (Mar 6-30) (6404 3355; see Living directory) show, based on stories and characters from his childhood in Falkirk. RMB 50. Expect creative handicrafts and fashion Teleplays with Qaisra Shahraz This was the full list of confirmed events at 10pm. designs, with food, art and music to match. What keeps us hooked? Shahraz takes you the time of going to print. JUE hopes to add Free. 11am-6pm. Yuanfen Flow (5978 9896) through the steps of writing for the small to this schedule: see screen. RMB 280. 2pm. TRANSLATION Mar 17 Mar 16 BARS & CLUBS Nuandao Spring Design Expo PANELS The Art of Translation Mar 9 Explore local brands. Free. 11am-6pm. Translation enables important cultural WHALE! Liang Dian Design Centre (6405 4909) Mar 17 exchange and understanding. Some of Ideas: Travel Voice DJs AttacksUnicorns, Bobby Dropper and Ongoing the best debate the art of translation. RMB A new concept rolling out at all the Word more. Free. 9pm. 4corners (6401 7797) Bike to JUE 65. 1pm. Alliance festivals, this panel invites Albert Mar 15 Mar 10-24. Cycle to events and pick up Sánchez Piñol from Catalonia, Zhang Lijia Mar 22 Rob Swift prize vouchers for NLGX. Free. Visit www. from China and Luka Lesson from Australia PathLight Magazine Ace turntablist. RMB 100, RMB 80 (ad- for the full list of venues. to debate how the writer’s role of giving Created by Paper Republic and People’s vance). 9.30pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711) voice to the voiceless takes root in differ- Literature Magazine, with Chinese writers ARTS & CULTURE ent parts of the world. RMB 65. 2pm. translated into English. RMB 80. 8pm. Mar 17 Making a Perfect Accident Mar 7 Mar 22 Translation SLAM: Sing Me a Song! The coolest electronic and new disco Film: Beijing Bastards They Think It’s All Over – Sports One song. Two translators. Endless pos- beats. Free. 9pm-2am. Siif (6406 9496) Zhang Yuan’s free-form portrait of China’s Writing sibilities. RMB 50. 10pm. then-nascent rock scene. RMB 40. 7.30pm. Alan Bissett, Rowan Simons and Peter MUSIC Riverbank Bar and Café (6506 8277) Simpson discuss with The Beijinger’s VISUAL ARTS Mar 9 Mar 14 Jonathan White why the narrative of sport Film: I’m Not There is can be so compelling. RMB 80. 1pm. Mar 15 Excess Luggage Footnotes: Electric Shadows – May Norwegian jazz trio. RMB 50. 9pm-mid- Who’s the best Dylan? RMB 40. 7.30pm. Mar 23 your Pen Grace the Page night. Hot Cat Club (6400 7868) Riverbank Bar and Café (6506 8277) New, Now, Next – A Discussion on A special short film screening for top Mar 16 e-Publishing in China and Abroad selections of submissions for BLF 2012. Mar 10 Bloody Woods Artist Talk: Susan Philipsz Michael Tamblyn of Kobo, Jo Lusby of Pen- Includes a live performance by Lesson. The art world’s favorite sound artist talks guin China and Scarlet He of Apabi discuss RMB 50. 10pm. Darkwave neoclassicists. RMB 40. 9pm- midnight. Blue Stream Bar (no tel) Scottish laments and winning the Turner what we can expect from e-publishing Prize. Free. 4pm. UCCA (5780 0200) and whether 2012 will be the year of the Death Cab for Cutie Chinese e-book. RMB 65. 6pm. See Livehouse, p40. Tickets at 187 0113 Mar 21 SOLD OUT 3908. RMB 360. 8pm. Tango (6425 5677) Film: Heima PERFORMANCE Visuals to match Sigur Rós’ sound. RMB Mar 9 Mid-spring: Tea Rockers Quintet 40. 7.30pm. Riverbank Bar and Café (6506 Mar 11 Chinese avant-garde. RMB 100. 2-5pm. 8277) Super Sad True Love Story Please Resist Me: a Performance He Tang Xu Guqin Studio Beisijie, 798 Art with Gary Shteyngart 2011 Australian National Poetry Slam District Mar 28 champion Luka Lesson brings his dynamic Film: 24 Hour Party People Mar 11 and powerful spoken word performance. Mar 10 Tribute to Manchester’s music scene. RMB Bluegrass Jam + Workshop RMB 80. 8pm. Tales from the Countryside 40. 7.30pm. Riverbank Bar and Café (6506 Randy Abel Stable’s country twangs. Free. with Liang Hong 8277; see Nightlife directory) Footnotes: David Thomas Broughton 9-11pm. Hot Cat Club (6400 7868) English folk singer-guitarist combine im- Tiger Head, Snake Tails: China today, Mar 29 Mar 16 provisation, unconventional instruments - how it got there and where it is head- Film: Esperando el Tsunami Tizzy Bac radios, televisions, natural field recordings ing with Jonathan Fenby This improvisatory film is part road movie, Rockers from Taiwan. RMB 200, RMB 150 and more. RMB 50. 10pm. part music doc and part arthouse. RMB 30. The Economist Panel (advance). 8pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 7.30pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) Mar 13 2711) A Funny Thing Happened … Ongoing Footnotes: Ciorras Beijing Improv Mar 17 Li Zhanyang: The Nightmare The Irish band Ciorras fuses new and old Qu Wanting Mar 3-Apr 29. A little girl faces the dangers Irish music. RMB 50. 10pm. Mar 11 Harbin singer-songwriter. RMB 120, RMB of China’s education system. Free. Galerie 80 (advance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 Mar 14 Unnatural Selection: the Conse- Urs Meile (6433 3393) Footnotes: Choose your own 2711) quences of a World Full of Men: Mara Susan Philipsz: It Means Nothing To Me Adventure Hvistendahl Mar 18 Mar 17-Apr 15. The Scottish sound artist You are a Beijinger! – you decide what hap- Courtney Wing has teamed up with her 80-year-old father. pens next. RMB 50. 10pm. The Death of Mao & the Birth of a Operatic pop or symphonic folk? RMB 30. New China with James Palmer Free. Mizuma & One Gallery (5127 3267) Mar 16 8-11pm. Jiang Liveshow Bar (6401 5269) Creative Fiction with Justin Hill Pop-Up Magazine Mar 23 LIVING A live action version of this very magazine? China in Ten Words with Yu Hua AM444 + ROM It’s all too real. RMB 80. 8pm. Mar 6 Jazzy and funked up. RMB 50. 9pm-mid- Live Concert Photography Mar 17 Mar 14 night. 2 Kolegas (6436 8998) Tips you can use at JUE gigs. Reserve at SLAM! China in Ten Words with Yu Hua Summer Lei and Bit Sound [email protected]. RMB 300. 7-9pm. Two dyanamic and powerful perform- Poetic sounds from award-bagging The Hutong (6404 3355) ance poets - Tim Clare and Luka Lesson. Mar 18 Taiwanese singer. RMB 260, RMB 200 (ad- Mar 20 RMB 100. 9pm. 2 Kolegas (6436 8998; see vance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711) Beyond Bibimbap: Korean Cuisine Nightlife directory) Walking Tour: Literary Beijing Mar 24 Andrew Ahn and CYJO unite food, art and Memoir with Tim Clare Mar 18 Friend or Foe + Rainbow Danger Club culture. Reserve at events@thehutong. Putong Hua – Animal Encounters Midnight in Peking with Paul French Straight-up rock. RMB 50, RMB 40 (stu- com. RMB 150. 7-9.30pm. The Hutong Live storytelling event with some the best dents). 9pm. 2 Kolegas (6436 8998) (6404 3355) of Beijing’s pub, playhouse, classroom and Mar 20 Mar 24 street corner storytellers. RMB 50. 10pm. Mar 30 Wolves, Rabbits & Dragons Pg.lost Greening the Beige: Trash to Art Mar 20 Sweet sounds. RMB 120, RMB 80 (advance). Or art from trash. Free. 10am-6pm. Yuan- Footnotes: Cabaret Mar 21 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711) fen Flow (5978 9896) Join Helena, Torbjorn and Alan as they Committing Journalism perform some of the great Cabaret songs STYLE Music Video and Animation Workshop from the past 100 years. RMB 50. 10pm. Innovative Israeli band Eatliz offers a For information about waiting lists for sold Mar 10 workshop on their creative process. Free. Mar 21 out events, contact The Bookworm. Warm Up to JUE Market 6-9pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) Death Drive

Your event miss the mag? No problem – post it to March 2012 59 day-by-day p60 WEEKLY p63 ongoing p65

EVENTSRMB 100 (two-day pass, students), RMB Painting aPr events deadline – mar 12 80 (one-day pass), RMB 60 (one-day pass, Ink-and-water painting is a thousand-year- students). Venue hidden behind a roast old tradition, and this class is designed es- send events to [email protected] chestnut stand, southwest corner of pecially for expats. RMB 160. 10am-noon. venue info can be found in the directory starting p67. Di’anmen Xidajie and Di’anmennei Dajie China Culture Center (6432 9341) all event details correct at time of going to press. Shaddai EXPLORE The Temple residents offer roots reggae Dreamer MAR 1 for reclining and relaxing. Free. 9.30pm. The Top Thirteen Snacks in Old See Mar 1. Temple (131 6107 0713) Beijing Discover the delicious Beijing snacks hid- MUSIC LIVING ARTS & CULTURE den in the hutongs. Free. Time TBD. Ninety Nova Heart, Carsick Cars, Rustic and Percent Travel (151 1791 6648) Pies and Ales Irish Connections: Celebration of Deadly Cradle Death Chow down on pies and ales from Irish Music, Song and Dance Some of Beijing’s finest join forces. RMB around the world. RSVP to info@the- Piper Davy Spillane of Riverdance fame, 100, RMB 70 (advance), RMB 60 (students, MAR 4 RMB 200 (includes 2 pies singer/harpist Katie Targett-Adams, the advance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711) and 6 beers), RMB 150 (members). The Celtic Connections Choir and the Drake Tribesmen MUSIC Reggae, gypsy and flamenco get the Sally Can’t Dance Xinjiang treatment. Free. 9.30pm. Temple See Mar 3. Day two of the experimental (131 6107 0713) Three to See music feast. ARTS & CULTURE art LIVING Dance Drama: Goddess and the Tea Market Tour to Maliandao Dreamer Beijing’s largest wholesale market offers The Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater teas from all over China and affordable bring us a spectacular production based teawares. RMB 250 (includes lunch). 10am- on the -era story of Luo 3pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) Shen, goddess of love and beauty. RMB 80-480. 7.30pm. NCPA Opera House (6655 EXPLORE 0000) Jundushan Ski Resort & Hot Springs LIVING Spend the day on the slopes and the af- ternoon in the spa. RMB 680. 9am. Culture BSK Cooking Class: Shanxi Noodles Yard (8404 4166; see Living directory) Make hand-rolled noodles from scratch, plus savory sauces to go with them. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Black Sesame Kitchen (136 MAR 6 9147 4408) EXPLORE LIVING British Club Coffee Morning Long Valley Village Camping Speaker TBD. No jeans or sneakers. RMB Until Mar 2. Great Wall camping resumes. 70, RMB 50 (members). 10am-noon. The Pack warm clothes. RMB 850. 9am. Capital Club (8486 2225 ext 260) Dandelion Hiking (156 5220 0950; see Ongoing from Mar 10: Beaches of Agnes Varda in China Sports directory) Photos of 1950s China with a New Wave twist. See photo, above. Talk: Heart Health Family physician Dr. Kersemakers gives Ongoing until Mar 25: Lee Kit – It’s Not An Easy Thing tips on preventing cardiovascular disease. MAR 2 Arrow Factory becomes a 1980s music shop. Register at [email protected]. Mar 16: Artist Talk: Susan Philipsz Free. 10am-11.30am. Beijing International SOS Clinic (6462 9112) BARS & CLUBS Find out how to convince people that sound is art. Part of JUE Festival. WOW Networking Cut Chemist Wonderful Outstanding Women and DJ Slide and No Go Die bring the former Hutong (6404 3355) School of Irish Dance make merry. RMB entrepreneurs of both genders welcome. Jurassic 5 man and DJ Shadow collaborator 30-580. 7.30pm. Forbidden City Concert Register at [email protected] or 139 1109 back to Beijing. RMB 150, RMB 100 (ad- Hall (6559 8285) 8002. RMB 130 (includes drink and lucky vance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711) MAR 3 Dance Drama: Goddess and the draw). 7.30pm-late. The Ritz-Carlton Homebase Electric Dreamer Beijing (5908 8131) Electronic music series featuring local tal- BARS & CLUBS ents. Free. 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) See Mar 1. Black Train MAR 7 Nassdak Udance’s Dave K and rising star ESA drop SPORTS Fresh tunes all night with the resident DJ. techno bombs. Free. 10pm. Lantern (135 Free. 9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) 0134 8785) The Polar Classic MUSIC The Beijing Golfers kick off the new season Pet Conspiracy Longjin Band Dim Sum Disco at Huatang International Golf Course with The local favorites return with a night of Nothing but reggae, mon. Free. 9.30pm. Enjoy dance music from disco to electro. a helping hand from the Wine Republic. electro disco. RMB 80. 11pm. Haze (5900 Temple (131 6107 0713) Two-for-one drinks before midnight. Free. For info on joining the club email golf@ 6128) 10pm. Haze (5900 6128) EXPLORE Sherlock Groove Eddie’s Weekend Eclectic beats all night. Free. 10pm. Q Bar Eddie Lv and Ou Yang house it up. Free. LIVING Chengchiabao Hiking (6595 9239) 10pm. Mo Lounge (6413 1019) Trek through farmland up to a rugged BSK Cooking Class: Sichuan section of the Wall. RMB 450. 9am. Nail the traditional spicy favorites like Favela Dandelion Hiking (156 5220 0950; see MUSIC kungpao chicken. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Latin dance rhythms from Bite-size Bud- Sports directory) Toy Head Band dha and Nassdak. Free. 9pm. The Bar at Black Sesame Kitchen (136 9147 4408) The Temple residents bring their rock- Migas (5208 6061) Chinese Kitchen: Dim Sum steady and ska riddims. Free. 9.30pm. Small bites and exciting flavors. RMB Temple (131 6107 0713) MAR 8 MUSIC 250, RMB 200 (members). 2-4.30pm. The ARTS & CULTURE Sally Can’t Dance Hutong (6404 3355) MUSIC D-22 is no more, but the experimental Chinese Landscape Beginner’s Dance Drama: Goddess and the festival lives on. RMB 150 (two-day pass), Randy Abel Stable

60 March 2012 Looking for more? Tons more to do at Bringing bluegrass and country to the and helps reunite a lonely Japanese grand- Local punks done good pogo their way EXPLORE table. Free. 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) mother with her estranged grandson. back home. RMB 50, RMB 40 (advance). RMB 40, RMB 30 (seniors + students), RMB 8pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) Panglongshan Great Wall Camping STYLE 25 (BC100 member), RMB 20 (BC V1000 Until Mar 15. Hiking combined with an member). 4pm. Broadway Cinematheque ARTS & CULTURE overnight at a local farmhouse at the foot Get Pretty for Spring MOMA (8438 8258) of the Wall. RMB 850. 9am. Dandelion Hik- Come preview and pre-order LMC’s spring Film: Tokyo Newcomer ing (156 5220 0950; see Sports directory) collection. Free gift with any purchase. See Mar 9. RSVP at [email protected]. 5-8pm. MAR 10 LMC (5135 7184) LIVING MAR 15 BARS & CLUBS Chinese Kitchen: Homemade Organic ARTS & CULTURE Tofu BARS & CLUBS D’Julz Film: Nine to Five Transform organic soybeans into perfectly French house and techno maestro. RMB Iwanna Party Harder Bus In honor of Women’s Day, Dolly Parton, creamy tofu. RMB 250 (includes take-home 100, RMB 60 (advance). 10pm. Lantern (135 All-you-can-drink tour around Beijing, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin wreak havoc in materials), RMB 200 (members). 10.30am- 0134 8785) 1pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) from the Bird’s Nest to the CCTV tower. the workplace. Free. 8pm. George’s (6553 Email [email protected] or call 136 6299; see Nightlife directory) Feel My Bicep Chinese Kitchen: TCM Culinary Series 8137 8153. RMB 80 (includes wine and Support from the Super Ayi Cleaning Team Learn three recipes that follow the beer). 8pm-late. Cheers Wines (6417 1796) SPORTS and Kaize. RMB 40. 10pm. Haze (5900 6128) nutritional principles of traditional Chinese medicine. RMB 280, RMB 250 (members). Season Opening Luncheon Funk Fever Third Anniversary MUSIC 11am-1.30pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) Surprise gifts and a generous serving of Beijing Ladies Golf launch the golf year End of the World your favorite funk classics. Free. 9pm. The in style. RMB 250 (lunch), RMB 400 (mem- Speed Dating Not the end of the world if you like ska and Bar at Migas (5208 6061) bership). 11am. Capital Club. Tickets at Here’s your chance to woo someone in just rockabilly swing. Free. 9.30pm. Temple six minutes. Reserve at www.fishbowl [email protected]. Infused (131 6107 0713) RMB 150 (includes drink and Tunes with Eddie Lv, Mickey Zhang and appetizers). 7pm-late. Ciro’s Pomodoro LIVING Azat. Free. 10pm. Punk (6410 5222) (5208 6008) LIVING INN Trekkie Mashup Beer Pong Tournament BSK Cooking Class: Winter Favorites Make new friends and explore Beijing’s se- Throw balls and get drunk. For information EXPLORE Warm up the body with braised winter cret gems together. Register before Mar 6 and registration, see bamboo shoots and hawthorn rice dump- at [email protected]. Free. 9.30am- RMB 100 (per team of two). Time TBD. Hutong Tour: Prophets, Prostitutes lings. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Black Sesame 2pm. National Art Museum of China (6401 Kokomo (6413 1019) and Spies Kitchen (136 9147 4408) 2252/7076; see A&C directory) Delve into the city’s sometimes seedy past. Pendulum RMB 120, RMB 100 (members). 10am- International Women’s Day Cocktail The live drum & bass team are back for noon. The Hutong (6404 3355; see Living Compass Box Whiskey celebrates the day more Beijing action. RMB 300, RMB 200 directory) MAR 16 with half-price cocktails, canapés and (advance). 10pm. Tango (6425 5677) oysters. All profits go to charity. For details, Jundushan Ski Resort & Hot Springs BARS & CLUBS contact [email protected]. RMB 100+ MUSIC See Mar 4. (suggested donation). 5pm-late. Starfish The Drop featuring The Unik (6416 5499) MEN Oshi and Tnem present dubstep, drum- Dance-punk and electro-pop from MAR 12 step, drum & bass and electro from a Brooklyn-based feminists. RMB 100, RMB master engineer. RMB 40 (includes one MAR 9 70 (advance). 10pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 BARS & CLUBS drink). 10pm. Earl Bar (8511 6646/51) 2711) Eddie’s Weekend First Anniversary DINING Lush Rush Week Ou Yang, QQ, Patrick Yu and friends get STYLE Mar 12-18. The launchpad for a week of the party on to celebrate with Eddie Billecart Salmon Champagne Dinner drinks specials and events as the new Lv. Free. 10pm. Mo Lounge (6413 1019) Five courses paired with champagnes from French Jewelry Exhibition semester gets underway. Lush (8286 3566), one of the world’s top champagne houses. The opening cocktail party for an exhibi- Pyro Pizza (8286 6240) Indoor Moonlighting RMB 988+15%. 7.30pm. Jaan, Raffles (8500 tion featuring seven contemporary French Usami and Patrick Yu get their moon suits 4331) jewellers. Free. 2-7pm. Nicolas Favard out to explore the musical cosmos. Free. (6413 0818) MAR 13 10pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) BARS & CLUBS SPORTS Metrowaves Club Night Boflex and Nassdak LIVING Berghain regular Efdemin plays the first Mashup Beer Pong Tournament of a new underground series. RMB 100. Disco and house until the small hours. Headhunter and Social Networking Free. 9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) Ping pong balls and pijiu. Good times. 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) Register at RMB 100 (per Opportunity knocks for career develop- Eddie’s Weekend team). Time TBD. Kokomo (6413 1019) ment. Register at [email protected] or MUSIC House and tech house. Free. 10pm. Mo 139 1109 8002. RMB 130 (includes drink Lounge (6413 1019) LIVING and canapés), RMB 90 (before Mar 12). We Are Not Invited 7.30pm-late. Flames, Hilton Wangfujing No one asked them but they will bring a Martin Eyerer BSK Cooking Class: With Color (5812 8888) guest DJ along. Free. 9.30pm. Temple (131 German techno master. RMB 100. 10pm. Simple Chinese dishes that incorporate the 6107 0713) Haze (5900 6128) rainbow, from three-mushroom stir-fry to SheJay: QQ three-color chicken. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. MAR 14 LIVING QQ drops the dance floor fillers. Free. Black Sesame Kitchen (136 9147 4408) Introduction to Green Tea 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) Global Kitchen: Pakistani DINING Get answers on how to choose it, make it Learn to make and at home. Pudao Wines Master Class: Bordeaux and store it. Reserve at contact@culture MUSIC RMB 250, RMB 200 (members). 2-4.30pm. and Burgundy RMB 70, RMB 50 (members). The Hutong (6404 3355) 1, 2, Swing Learn about wines, then drink them. 7-9pm. Culture Yard (8404 4166) Live gypsy jazz. Free. 8-10pm. Le Petit Reservations essential: email beijing@ Gourmand (6417 6095) RMB 500 (non-mem- EXPLORE MAR 11 bers), free (members). 8.30pm. Pudao Hutong Tour: Poets, Prime Ministers, Lulu Galore & Sweet Leaf Wines (8590 3020) The sweet sounds of ’50s swing jazz. and the Immortal Donkey Smooth. Free. 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 DINING What do an ostracized poet, a patriotic 0713) Pudao Wines Blind Tasting MUSIC prime minister, the oldest of the Eight Buy or bring a bottle and join fellow tasters Zhang Si’an Immortals, and an enchanted donkey have ARTS & CULTURE in guessing the origin, grape varietal and What’s French for experimental electro- in common? RMB 120, RMB 100 (members). vintage of each participant’s wine. Prizes folk? Free. 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) 6pm. The Hutong (6404 3355; see Living Symphony: Daniel Harding and the for the top three tasters. Reservations directory) Bavarian Radio Orchestra essential: email [email protected]. LIVING The conductor extraordinaire takes on RMB 300 (non-members), free (members). Brahms and Buckner, with solo violin from 3pm. Pudao Wines (8590 3020) Chinese Kitchen: Tastes of Beijing MAR 17 Christian Tetzlaff. RMB 200-980. 7.30pm. Learn more about the city you love NCPA Concert Hall (6655 0000) MUSIC through its traditional dishes. RMB 250, BARS & CLUBS Film: Tokyo Newcomer RMB 200 (members). 10.30am-1pm. The Homecoming, Beijing A Chinese Go champion lands in Tokyo Hutong (6404 3355) 1920s Chicago Charleston Party

Your event miss the mag? No problem – post it to March 2012 61 EVENTS Cabaret from the ladies of Moonglow Ancient Temple Zen Retreat Yunfoshan Ski Resort Burlesque. Free. 10pm. Modernista (136 Until Mar 18. For anyone who ever dreamt Spend a full day with your skis in the snow. LIVING 7127 4747) of living like a monk. Price TBD. Ninety RMB 680. 9am. Culture Yard (8404 4166; Lecture: Daoism, Confucianism and Percent Travel (151 1791 6648) see Living directory) Hot Pot Buddhism Monthly party featuring both international Learn more about the three religions that and local DJs. RMB 100 (includes one have shaped Chinese thought. RMB 70. drink). 11pm. Punk (6410 5222) MAR 18 MAR 20 7.30-9.30pm. China Culture Center (6432 9341) Let There Be House featuring LGBT DINING LIVING The Pipesmokers (Italy), Donald Summer and Kaize play. RMB 50 (RMB 20 goes to Healthy Bubbalicious BSK Cooking Class: Knife Skills MAR 22 LGBT). 10pm. Haze (5900 6128) The usual fun of the buffet brunch, with Improve your mincing, slicing and dicing. interactive games and nutritional informa- RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Black Sesame Kitchen Making A Perfect Accident tion to help you give your health a kick. (136 9147 4408) BARS & CLUBS DJ Sodapop brings the beats. Free. 9pm. RMB 498+15% (includes free-flow cham- Siif (6406 9496) FAME and PRAMS Networking Open Mic Night pagne). 11.30am-3pm. Seasonal Tastes, Dress to impress to meet fashion, arts and Get up, stand-up. For more information, Paul Kalkbrenner Westin Chaoyang (5922 8880) media industry types. Register at info@ see Free. Techno from the German powerhouse. or 139 1109 8002. RMB 130, 8pm. Paddy O’Shea’s (6415 6389) RMB 300, RMB 250 (advance). 10pm. Tango ARTS & CULTURE RMB 90 (before Mar 19). 7.30pm-late. Zeta (6425 5677) Food, Film & Friends: Greece Bar (5865 5050) MUSIC Sherlock Groove Feta cheese and Ulysses’ Gaze, by Theo INN Coffee Morning: Sanlitun Uygur Flamenco See Mar 2. Angelopoulos. RMB 240, RMB 200 Meet friends in the neighborhood. Free. Rhythmic guitar from the west. Free. (members), RMB 30 (screening only). 5pm St. Patrick’s Day at Q Bar 10am-noon. The Bookworm (6586 9507; 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) Enjoy a line of green cocktails. Free. 6pm- late. Q Bar (6595 9239) LIVING St. Patrick’s Day Bash Three to See INN Coffee Morning: Lido Discounts on green drinks, Celtic music Meet friends in the neighborhood. Free. and hourly trivia to get you thinking about MUSIC 10am-noon. Maan Coffee (8457 3470; see the Irish. Free. 8pm. 12SQM (6402 1554) Dining directory) Syndicate Sessions Kay C drops two hours of drum & bass, with Blackie, D-N and Donkey Tonk for MAR 23 backup. RMB 50. 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) BARS & CLUBS Tobias Patrick Footprint Varied beats, from Chicago house to Berlin Oscar Mulero, the “Spanish King of electro. Free. 9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 Techno,” holds court. RMB 100. 10pm. 6061) Lantern (135 0134 8785) M. Ross MUSIC The Science of Sounds man hits up Migas. The Beijing Beatles Free. 9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) They were once known as the Beijing Sherlock Groove Quarrymen. Free. 9.30pm. Temple (131 See Mar 2. 6107 0713) Take Me To Belgium II: The Magician ARTS & CULTURE NEON presents nu-disco hero The Magician, with Belgian beers and give- Film: Tokyo Newcomer aways. RMB 120, RMB 80 (advance). 11pm. See Mar 9. Haze (5900 6128) Mar 10: MEN The superimposing sounds of Brooklyn. See photo, above. Wine Tasting SPORTS Sample five South African wines. Reserva- Beijing Aardvarks Registration Night Mar 17: Qu Wanting tions essential: email lpgourmand@yahoo. Join the city’s Aardest rugby team. Pay Songs from Dongbei. Part of JUE Festival. com. RMB 258 (includes dinner following your season dues and drink free all night. Mar 30: Pg.lost wine tasting), RMB 130 (includes wine and appetizers). 7-8.30pm. Le Petit Gourmand Contact Marco at 152 1059 7834. 7pm. Dan- Find out what an “orchestra of the heart” sounds like. Part of JUE Festival. ger Doyle’s (6591 3337) (6417 6095) Zombie Disco Squad LIVING (cooking), 7.30pm (screening). The Hutong see Dining directory) The Squad returns to bring an infectious (159 0104 6127; see Living directory) Chinese Kitchen: Yunnan Talk: Exercise Do’s and Don’ts house beat. RMB 100 (includes one drink). Master China’s “in-cuisine,” chock-full of Head physiotherapist Sheilagh Anderson 11pm. Punk (6410 5222) wild veggies, mushrooms and spices. RMB SPORTS advises on how to improve your fitness 250, RMB 200 (members). 10am-12.30pm. Harrowthon regimen. Register at seminar@internation- MUSIC Free. 10am-11.30am. Beijing The Hutong (6404 3355) A 10km cross-country race through Jungle Mico Project Tongzhou in aid of the Fengtai orphanage. International SOS Clinic (6462 9112) Peking Opera Workshop The project enlist a guest DJ for their drum RMB 100. 10am. Sign up at events@harrow- Grasp the history, complexity and subtle- & bass-cum-dubstep shenanigans. Free. ties of this famous art form. Real actors MAR 21 9.30pm. Temple (131 6107 0713) talk rituals and makeup. RMB 150. 2-4pm. LIVING Zi You Sky China Culture Center (6432 9341) BARS & CLUBS Live band mixing French tunes with Seasonal Gourmet Cupcake Making Seasonal Gourmet Cupcake Making Chinese sounds. Free. 8-10pm. Le Petit Class Class Open Mic Night Gourmand (6417 6095) St. Patrick’s Day calls for Guinness cup- See Mar 17. Musicians, singers, poets, rappers and ventriloquists all welcome. No need for cakes with Bailey’s whipped cream. RMB TEDxBFU: Life Is Different LIVING advanced registration, but you will need 280, RMB 250 (members). 2-4.30pm. The The launch of TEDx’s brand new season, some discernible talent. BYO instruments. Wine and Woks Hutong (6404 3355) this time in collaboration with Beijing For- Free. 8pm. 12SQM (6402 1554) Not your typical Chinese cooking class, nor St. Patrick’s Day Irish Ball estry University. Innovators and thinkers your haughty wine tasting – this one’s got Beijing’s only green and black tie event – are again brought together to stimulate MUSIC the best of both. RMB 300, RMB 250 (mem- come celebrate the annual event’s 20th eager young minds. Price TBD. 2-6pm. 5/F, bers). 7-9.30pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) anniversary in Beijing. Book at 2012irish- BFU Library Auditorium (6233 8279) Union Bunny [email protected]. RMB 1,000. Time TBD. The music that rabbits committed to the EXPLORE Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel (5863 EXPLORE common ownership of the means of pro- 8888) duction would make. Free. 9.30pm. Temple Ancient City of Xi’an Hutong Tour: Prophets, Prostitutes (131 6107 0713) Until Mar 25. See the warriors and walled EXPLORE and Spies city over the weekend. RMB 3,400. China See Mar 11. Culture Center (6432 9341; see Living

62 March 2012 Looking for more? Tons more to do at directory) SPORTS Hutong (6404 3355) LIVING People’s Run Workshop MAR 24 HeyRunning’s monthly run is suitable for MAR 30 Get the nitty-gritty on what you really all. The first run is free if you bring a copy want to know, i.e. popular music and local of the Beijinger. RMB 20 (members). Noon. BARS & CLUBS slang. Reserve at contact@cultureyard. DINING Chaoyang Park West Gate #3. See www. net. RMB 75, RMB 60 (members). 7-8.40pm. for more info. Back Alley Chili Cook-Off Gunne & Zuckermann Culture Yard (8404 4166) Ten cooks showcase their chili-making Berlin duo release “The Language Of Us.” Life Drawing Club skills. To enter, send three sentences LIVING Free. 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) Draw live models. Beginners welcome. explaining “Why you and your chili are Chinese Kitchen: Homemade Organic Haze Club Night Register at [email protected]. RMB awesome” to backalleycookoff@gmail. Tofu Resident DJs Pancake Lee, Yang Bing, 60, RMB 50 (members). 7.30-9.30pm. The com before March 10. RMB 120, RMB 100 See Mar 11. 11am-1.30pm and 2.30-5pm. Kaize, Donald Summer and Max Feelgood Hutong (6404 3355) (advance). 4-8pm. Great Leap Brew- launch a monthly mashup of house, disco ery (5717 1399) Talk: China on Climate Change and more. RMB 50. 10pm. Haze (5900 6128) Tai Chi Class WRI’s principal advisor on climate and This ancient Chinese exercise promises to BARS & CLUBS energy in China, Deborah Seligsohn, Nassdak’s Birthday Bash foster a calm and tranquil mind. RMB 150, discusses what China is doing to address A gathering of DJs join together to cel- RMB 480 (4 classes). 10am-noon. China 87 Fei 87: Taxeee Tapes Edition pollution. Register at ebrate with the Migas resident. Free. 9pm. Culture Center (6432 9341) Get an exclusive tape custom-made for RMB 250, RMB 180 (members). 6.30-9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) playing in Beijing taxis. RMB 20 (includes The Westin Beijing Chaoyang (5922 8888) Street Love one drink). 11pm. School Bar (6402 8881) Streetkids celebrate their second TUESDAYS Devil and Angel Party EXPLORE anniversary by donating all ticket proceeds Heaven and hell in equal measure. Hutong Tour: Prophets, Prostitutes to Ai school for homeless children. DINING Themed shots available at the bar. RMB and Spies Sets from Kaize, Nassdak, Saul, Blackie and Steak Night 100 (includes one free drink). 9pm. Xiu, See Mar 11. Yauman. RMB 50 (after 10pm). 9pm. Punk Park Hyatt (8567 1108) (6410 5222) Buy-one-get-one-free on Flamme’s house Yunfoshan Ski Resort steak. Free. Flamme (6417 8608) Eddie’s Weekend See Mar 18. Eddie Lv and Donmy Liu spice the week- EXPLORE Temptation Tuesdays Drinks on Tuesday? Why not? Enjoy your fa- end up. Free. 10pm. Mo Lounge (6413 Pingyao Town vorite wines at 30% off. Modo (6415 7207) 1019) MAR 26 Until Apr 1. Visit the walled Henrik Schwarz city for a glimpse of traditional culture. BARS & CLUBS Resident Advisor ranked him as their LIVING RMB 2,500. China Culture Center (6432 fourth best live act of 2011. How could 9341; see Living directory) Black Sun Quiz Night you miss this? RMB 120, RMB 80 (advance). Global Kitchen: Korean Sichuan Panda Reserve and Leshan Testing times at Chaoyang Park West Gate. 11pm. Haze (5900 6128) Far more than just kimchi. RMB 250, RMB Buddha Free. 8pm. Black Sun (6593 6909) 200 (members). 10.30am-1pm. The Hutong Until Apr 1. Explore Sichuan through its Housing The Bar (6404 3355) Mesh Cocktail Tuesday Disco and house, with Moretso on clarinet. sights and food. RMB 5,500. China Culture Two-for-one on both passionfruit and Free. 9pm. The Bar at Migas (5208 6061) INN Monthly Meeting: Leaving Center (6432 9341; see Living directory) lychee martinis. Free. Mesh (6417 6688) Beijing Taiwanese Party Gather tips from INN’s panel of relocation Quiz Night Get your qipao on for the monthly theme experts to ensure a smooth and stress-free MAR 31 How many, when and where? Free. 8pm. party. Free. 9.30pm. Modernista (136 7127 departure. RMB 50 (includes coffee, tea Tim’s Texas Bar-B-Q (6591 9161) 4747) and pastries). 10am-noon. The Capital Club BARS & CLUBS Stumble Inn Quiz Night Yu Dig House Athletic Center (8486 2225 ext 136). How many beers do you have? Get a free Eddie’s Weekend Patrick Yu plays with support from Weng Tsingtao with every main course ordered, Eddie Lv and QQ bring the March party to a Weng. Free. 10pm. Lantern (135 0134 8785) and play for a gallon of beer in the quiz. MAR 27 riotous end. Free. 10pm. Mo Lounge (6413 Free. 7.30pm. The Stumble Inn (6417 7794) 1019) LIVING Tightass Tuesdays LIVING The Horses Happy hour all day – and all of the night. BSK Cooking Class: Vegetarian Laura Ingalls and clement Pony pairing up Dishes like Dongbei salad and twice- INN Night Out! Two-for-one drinks, two-for-one on for a back to back DJ set and production. ceviches if you get hungry. Free. Terra cooked tofu will keep your body happy Swap stories with newcomers and long- Price and time TBD. Haze (5900 6128) and healthy. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Black term residents about living in the nation’s (6591 9148) Sesame Kitchen (136 9147 4408) capital. RSVP by Mar 25 at innbeijing@ Pimp Daddy Suiki Free. 7-9pm. Flamme A journey through genres and generations ARTS & CULTURE Global Kitchen: Burmese International Grill (6417 8608; see Dining of electronic grooves. Free. 9pm. The Bar Abundant seafood flavors, spicy kicks and Laofei Independent Library directory) at Migas (5208 6061) sour essences. RMB 250, RMB 200 (mem- A free multi-language independent bers). 2-4.30pm. The Hutong (6404 3355) EXPLORE film and book exchange. Find Crime and MAR 28 Punishment in Spanish or The Little Prince in EXPLORE Huanghuacheng Wild Great Wall & Chinese. Free. 8pm. Modernista (136 9142 Silver Pagoda Forest 5744; see Nightlife directory) Gubeikou Wild Great Wall LIVING Step out of Beijing for a day of hiking Join them for a relaxed walk along one Chinese Kitchen: Tastes of Beijing and outdoor relaxing. RMB 370, RMB 320 SPORTS of the oldest parts of the Wild Great Wall, (advance). 8am. Culture Yard (8404 4166; See Mar 14. 2.30-5pm. Beijing Aardvarks then grab lunch in a local village. RMB see Living directory) 370, RMB 320 (advance). 8am. Culture Yard Rugby training. Meet from 6.30pm at (8404 4166; see Living directory) Wanginglou Camping Danger Doyle’s (6591 3337) MAR 29 Until Apr 1. A gorgeous sunrise and sunset Beijing Devils will be well worth the effort of this chal- Rugby training. Meet from 6.30pm at The lenging hike. RMB 850. 9am. Dandelion MAR 25 ARTS & CULTURE Den (6592 6290) Hiking (156 5220 0950; see Sports direc- DINING Artist Talk: Keren Cytter tory) Dodgeball The Israeli artist and writer gives an inside Ducking, diving and the like. Register at Pudao Wines Blind Tasting look at her new theater work “Show Real 8.30pm. Dongsi Olympic See Mar 11. Drama,” debuting in Beijing just two days MONDAYS Community Sports Culture Center later (at Penghao Theater). Free. UCCA ARTS & CULTURE Auditorium (5780 0200) DINING LIVING Talk: Enlightenment and Cultures of LIVING Temptation Mondays Beijing Guild Knitting Circle Knowledge Get over the Monday blues with 30% off Knit and crochet to your heart’s content; BSK Cooking Class: The ongoing “The Art of the Enlighten- any bottle of wine. Mosto (5208 6030) make new friends. Free. 1-4pm. Check ment” series at the National Museum You won’t ever have to buy ’em off the for locations (sub- comes to a close at this final dialogue ses- streets again. RMB 300. 10am-1pm. Black BARS & CLUBS ject to change every week). sion about exchanging knowledge across Sesame Kitchen (136 9147 4408) Calligraphy Course cultures. Free. 2-5pm. National Museum of Bookworm Pub Quiz Introduction to Chinese Herbs Until Mar 20. No knowledge of Chinese China Theater (6512 8910) Free drinks guaranteed, cash prize condi- Find out how all those herbs in your local characters necessary – just be enthusiastic pharmacy work. RMB 150. Time TBD. The tional upon supreme intelligence. RMB 5. 7.30pm. The Bookworm (6586 9507) and willing to hold a brush. RMB 160, RMB

Your event miss the mag? No problem – post it to March 2012 63 EVENTS 480 (4 classes). 10-11.30am. China Culture THURSDAYS (5865 5020) (8404 4166) Center (6432 9341) Seafood Grill Fridays DINING Fresh spread of just-caught lobster, fish, EXPLORE crab and other underwater delights, plus SUNDAYS Prime Rib Night , Tai Chi, Tea and the regular buffet. RMB 268+15%, RMB 250-day Australian Stockyard prime rib. Summer Palace 398+15% (includes one lobster and access DINING RMB 260 (includes one beer or glass of to seafood grill). 5.30-10pm. Kranzler’s, A full day of Chinese sites and culture. 360° Champagne Brunch wine). The Cut, Fairmont Beijing (8507 Kempinski Beijing Lufthansa Center (6465 RMB 450, RMB 350 (children under 12) + Enjoy a fine brunch spread, Mumm cham- 3617) 3388) RMB 150 (optional acrobatics show). 9am. pagne and the best homemade ice cream China Culture Center (6432 9341; see Living Steak Thursday in town. RMB 298-368+15%. 11.30am-3pm. directory) Enjoy tenderloin with a bowl of soup. RMB BARS & CLUBS 360°, Hilton Beijing Capital Airport (6458 148 (includes glass of house wine), RMB Basement 8888) 108 (no wine). Village Cafe (6410 5210) WEDNESDAYS Two-for-one drinks until midnight. Free. A Sunday Affair Weekly Canape Night 10pm. Punk (6410 5222) Sundays don’t get better than Veuve DINING Enjoy snacks as you sip wines from the Party Night Clicquot champagne with oysters, grilled wine machines. RMB 100 (non-members), Fun guaranteed with specials on shooters, meat, fresh cheese and luscious desserts. Curry Wednesday free (members). Pudao Wines (8590 3020) cocktails and bottles. Free. Black Sun (6593 RMB 398-498+15%. 11.30am-3pm. Garden Court, St. Regis (6460 6688) Three different curries offered. RMB 98. Wind Down at the Wine Club 6909) Village Cafe (6410 5210) Discover wine with sommelier Julia Zhu. Pink Fridays American Sunday Roast Wine and Dine Includes five wines, expert commentary LGBT-friendly evening showcasing pink Prime beef rib cut tableside with all the Free glass of wine with every three-course and canapés. RMB 150+15%. 6.30pm. One Piscos, Cosmos and daiquiris. Free. 5pm. trimmings. RMB 198+15%, RMB 98+15% set dinner. Free. Terra (6591 9148) East, Hilton Beijing (5865 5030) Terra (6591 9148) extra for wine buffet. Noon-3pm. One East, Hilton Beijing (5865 5030) Wednesday’s Roasts BARS & CLUBS Whiskey Night Weekend tradition moves midweek, with Get 15 percent discounts on bottles of Barolo Family Sunday roast beef, pork and leg of lamb, with Lost In China whiskey. 6pm-2am. Atmosphere, China Fresh pasta and risotto, with classic Italian all the traditional sides. 5.30-10.30pm. Live Latin music. Free. 9.30pm-12.30am. World Summit Wing (6505 2299 ext 6433) desserts and free-flow Italian wines. RMB Grange, Westin Beijing Chaoyang (5922 Ciro’s Pomodoro (5208 6008) 388+15%. 11.30am-2pm, 6-10pm. Barolo, Ritz-Carlton Beijing (5908 8151) 8888) Girls’ Night Out Wine Fever Two free drinks for ladies, 30 percent off SATURDAYS Bubbly Sundays Buy a bottle and get free-flow tapas. RMB all bottles of Absolut. 9pm-late. Xiu, Park Caviar, live seafood, tartare stations, 200. 8-10pm. Enoterra (5208 6076) Hyatt (8567 1108) DINING make-your-own sushi rolls, teppanyaki ice cream and much more. RMB 398+15% BARS & CLUBS Green Cap Quiz Night Dim Sum Brunch (includes free flow of champagne), RMB Where did she go? Free. 7.30pm. The Green All-you-can-eat dim sum. RMB 108+15%. 328+15% (free-flow wine and beer), RMB Divas’ Wednesday Cap (186 1174 7939) 11am-2.30pm. Horizon, Kerry Centre Hotel 168+15% (kids under 12), free (kids under (8565 2188) Buy-one-get-one-free on bottles of Moët Kro’s Quiz Night 6). 11.30am-3pm. Senses, Westin Financial & Chandon and champagne cocktails. Anthony and Jim rock the trivia. Free. 8pm. Feijoada Saturdays Street (6629 7810) Free. 9pm-midnight. Xiu (8567 1108) Kro’s Nest, Xiaoyun Lu (8391 3131) Feijoada for the weekend. RMB 128. Dim Sum Feast Sunday 11.30am-3pm. Alameda (6417 8084) Ladies’ Night at Ciro’s Sparkling & Canapes All-you-can-eat dim sum – with Dom Peri- Two-for-one cocktails and jazz. Free. Titular food and wine flow freely. RMB 280. Mexican Saturdays gnon if you like. RMB 288+15% (two peo- 6pm-midnight (band starts 9.30pm). Ciro’s 7-10pm. Terra (6591 9148) Fresh tortilla wraps with meat, seafood ple), RMB 1,998+15% (two people, includes Pomodoro (5208 6008) and vegetable fillings, quesadillas, free-flow Dom Perignon). Qi, Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street (6601 6666) Lush Pub Quiz SPORTS guacamole and margaritas. RMB 366+15% How many students does it take to change (regular buffet plus “Mexican Saturday” FIZZtastic Champagne Brunch Beijing Aardvarks offerings), RMB 268+15% (regular buffet a light bulb? Come early for a seat. Winners See Tuesdays. Premium Taittinger Champagne on take home a bottle of Jack. Free. 8pm. Lush only). Kranzler’s Restaurant & Bar, Kempin- free-flow and a lip-smacking array of inter- (8286 3566) Beijing Devils ski (6465 3388) national gastronomy, including lobsters See Tuesdays. and assorted goodies brought direct to Martini Night Sureño Tapas Lunch your table. RMB 388+15%. 11.30am-3pm. Grey Goose martinis for RMB 70. 6pm-2am. Expat Squash League Tapas menu of eight rotated weekly. RMB Vasco’s, Hilton Wangfujing (5812 8888 Atmosphere, China World Summit Wing Squash with expats in a league format. 178. 11.30am-3pm. Sureño, The Opposite ext 8411) (6505 2299 ext 6433) Court rental costs shared. Email william- House (6410 5240) [email protected] to sign up. 6.30pm. Grand CRU Brunch Paddy’s Quiz Taste Brazil Asia Pacific Building (near Ritan Park) One of Beijing’s most indulgent Sunday Which quiz host swears the most? Prizes SALT offers feijoada, Brazil’s national dish, brunches, enjoy Beluga caviar, winter for every round and more. Free. 8.30pm. as well as set meal options. RMB 188 (two black truffle and live lobster. RMB 688+15% Paddy O’Shea’s (6415 6389) LIVING courses), RMB 218 (three courses), RMB 168 (includes free-flow champagne, wine and Live Zen: Practice & Meditation (feijoada, per person). Noon-3pm. SALT The Brick Quiz Night martinis), kids 6-12 half price. 11.30am-3- Gain insight into the teachings and (6437 8457) Beijing’s only “common sense” quiz night. pm. CRU Steakhouse, JW Marriott Beijing practices of Zen Buddhism. RMB 150, RMB Free. 8pm. The Brick (139 1113 6564) (5908 8995) 400 (4 classes). 7.30-9.30pm. China Culture BARS & CLUBS Luce Sunday Brunch Whiskey on Wednesday Center (6432 9341) Bang Choose two, three or four courses of fresh, Discounts of 45-50% on special whiskey Bitesize Buddha DJs. Free. 10pm. Punk flavorful Italian cuisine. RMB 110-150. cocktails. There’s also a different whiskey EXPLORE (6410 5222) served half-price on the rocks every week. 11am-4pm. Luce (8402 4417) Free. 6-9pm. Q Bar (6595 9239) Great Wall at Mutianyu and Ming Champagne Cocktails S.T.A.Y Sunday Brunch Tombs Special cocktails made from fruit purees, Order a la carte, and add RMB 200 for Climb this less-commercialized section and 15% discounts on bottles of bubbly. SPORTS free-flow champagne. 11am-4pm. S.T.A.Y, of the Great Wall, alight by cable car or 6pm-2am. Atmosphere, China World Sum- Shangri-La (6841 2211 ext 6727) Angels Basketball toboggan, and visit the Ming Tombs in mit Wing (6505 2299 ext 6433) Wings not essential. Contact Changping. RMB 480, RMB 300 (children SALT Bubbly Sundays Elliot Johnson and the Taste of Soul [email protected] to play. RMB 80. 7pm. under 12). 9am. China Culture Center (6432 Two- or three-course brunches to round Band Near the Temple of Heaven. 9341; see Living directory) off a relaxing weekend. Pick from the new Authentic Chicago blues. Free. 9.30pm- wine list, splash out with a slightly indul- Ultimate Frisbee 12.30am. Ciro’s Pomodoro (5208 6008) Pickup sessions before the upcoming sea- gent cocktail or two or add RMB 150 for FRIDAYS free-flow drinking. RMB 168 (two courses), son. Email [email protected] for info. ARTS & CULTURE 7.30pm. Beijing City International School RMB 188 (three courses). SALT (6437 8457) DINING China Through Cinema Sunday Brunch On offer this month: Four Hong Kong guys EXPLORE Fish ‘n’ Chips Friday One of the best champagne brunches in staging a fake porno to bed their favorite town relies on quality rather than quantity. Pedicab Hutong Tour Soup, fish ‘n’ chips and a dessert. RMB 88. Japanese porn star (AV, Mar 10), Edward RMB 428+15% per person (includes free- Fill your day with a tour of Beijing’s alley- Village Cafe (6410 5210) Yang’s take on street gangs in 1960s flow champagne). VIC, Sofitel (8599 6666) ways, plus visits to a traditional courtyard MEAT Me! Taiwan (A Bright Summer Day, Mar 24) and house, an herbal pharmacy and a porcelain Australian tenderloin features in this meat- Jiang Wen’s In the Heat of the Sun (Mar 31). Sunday Brunch Bliss museum. RMB 400, RMB 300 (children heavy buffet. RMB 328+15%, RMB 108 Reservation required; email contact@ A feast of , seafood, and luscious 5-11). 9am-4.30pm. China Culture Center extra for free-flow house wine and Stella RMB 25 (includes soft desserts. RMB 438+15% (includes cham- (6432 9341; see Living directory) Artois. 6-11pm. Elements, Hilton Beijing drinks and popcorn). 7pm. Culture Yard pagne), RMB 348+15% (includes wine and

64 March 2012 Looking for more? Tons more to do at draft beer). 11.30am-3.30pm. Asia Bistro, (6505 2299 ext 6407) JW Marriott (5908 8995) Canadian Lobster & Foie Gras Sushi Sunday Lunch Buffet at Greenfish Mar 1-31. Sushi goes deluxe with top-end (Not available Mar 8-17.) Appetizers and ingredients. Honzen, Kempinski (6465 seafood from the buffet plus your choice 3388) of main course. RMB 218+15% (includes Caviar and Champagne Specials soft drinks, coffee and tea). 11.30am-2 Mar 19-Apr 1. A special menu featuring .30pm. Greenfish, Ritz-Carlton Beijing caviar and champagne pairings. China Financial Street (6629 6990) Grill and China Bar, Park Hyatt (8567 1838, Sureño Set Sunday Lunch 8567 1840) Enjoy a selection of tapas dishes, a soup Cepe Business Lunch and one main course from the menu. Mon-Fri. Three courses, with a fine selec- RMB 198+15%, RMB 298+15% (includes tion of antipasti and main courses. RMB Prosecco), RMB 398+15% (includes cham- 288+15%. 11.30am-2.30pm. Cepe, Ritz- pagne). Noon-3pm. Sureño, The Opposite Carlton Beijing Financial Street (6629 6996) House (6410 5240) Chef Jens at China Grill Ultimate Sunday Brunch All month. Chef Jens Muenchenbach Sunday brunch with Veuve Clicquot injects innovation into the menu with new sounds like a good idea. The organic sta- Western dishes. China Grill, Park Hyatt tion and superfood bar at this sumptuous Beijing (8567 1234) buffet means you can have your cake and eat it too. 11.30am-3pm. RMB 268+15% Claypot Double-Boiled Soup (includes wine and beer), RMB 368+15% Selection (includes free-flow champagne). BLD Cafe, Mon-Thu (until Mar 29). Healthy, tasty Renaissance Beijing Capital (5863 8223) soups complement the usual buffet spread. RMB 268+15%. 6-10pm. Elements, BARS & CLUBS Hilton Beijing (5865 5020) Mar 24: Henrik Schwarz Sunday Night Jam Session Colibri Set Lunch Things are looking up. The Taste of Soul Band play out the All month. Mix and match sandwiches, weekend. Free. 9.30pm-midnight. Ciro’s baked potatoes, soups, salads and quiches. RMB 48. Colibri Cafe (6417 0808) Pomodoro (5208 6008) [email protected]. RMB 100 SPORTS (class only; movie are free). 4-6pm (class), Dessert Delights at Lounge SPORTS 6.30pm-late (movie). Mandarin Plus (5785 IFFC 11-a-side League Mar 23-31. Sixteen verrine desserts to 3361) Beijing’s biggest expat-friendly full-size Beijing Golfers choose from, including blackberry and football tournament. Games take place at From Mar 11. Golf with fellow walk spoilers. Survival Chinese “Irish” varieties. RMB40-60 (all items Chaoyang Stadium and Side Park. More Prizes to be won for members. Details at From small talk to ordering food, you’ll half-price after 6pm). 2-8pm. The Lounge, details at [email protected]. be getting by on your own in Beijing in China World Summit Wing (6505 2299 no time. Reserve at contact@cultureyard. ext 6431) Beijing Guardians net. RMB 200. 10am-noon. Culture Yard American football that’s more full-on than Dumpling Deluge (8404 4166) ONGOING flag. Practice for the upcoming Beijing- All month. Both classics and new dim Shanghai Bowl. Contact beijingguard- DINING sum dishes available for a la carte or [email protected] for more info. 1pm. China all-you-can-eat. RMB 108+15% (set menu). American Football Center, Tongzhou. WEEKENDS 100% Pure Kiwi Tango 11.30am-2pm. Choy’s Seafood, Beijing Mar 12-17. Choose from three courses Marriott Hotel Northeast (5927 8888/8320) Expat Squash League DINING of New Zealand lamb, beef and seafood Squash with expats in a league format. Easter Treats before finishing with petit fours. RMB Court rental costs shared. Email wil- All-You-Can-Eat Asian Buffet Dinner Mar 3-Apr 9. Order slow-roasted lamb leg 408+15%. Sureño (6410 5240) liamfrisby@ to sign up. 7pm. All month (except Tuesdays). Signature (requires 24 hours advance notice), lamb area. dishes and street eats from all around Asia. Agua Set Lunch confit, hot cross buns, chocolate bunnies, RMB 228. 5.30-10pm. Hawka, Marriott City All month. Menus rotated weekly. RMB eggs and other delights. Kempi Deli (6465 HeyRunning Training Camp Wall (5811 8266) 88 (two courses), RMB 99 (three courses). 3388) Running, running and pink shorts. Full de- Noon-2pm. Agua (5208 6198) tails at RMB 500-700. All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Family-Style Italian Chaoyang Park. All month. More than 60 types of dim sum. Alameda’s Dinner Set All month. Tuscan flavors and shared RMB 168+15%. 11.30am-2.15pm. Yao Chi, All month. Alameda’s gorgeous dishes create a warm family atmosphere. Heyrobics Jukebox Sessions Grand Millennium Beijing (6530 9383) con Dolce Leche dessert is an option on RMB 748+15%. Daccapo, The Regent The same punishment but with your own their dinner set menu. Two- and three- Beijing (8522 1789) music. Full details at Aroma Gourmet Brunch course set dinners. RMB 178-198. Mon-Fri RMB 20 (members). Time TBD. Harrow Lobster, oysters, foie gras, international Feast Business Lunch 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun 6-11pm. Alameda International School. cheeses and a Sunday roast. Now featur- Mon-Fri. Choose a main then get stuck (6417 8084) ing new dishes by executive chef Bruno into the fabulous buffet selection. Hockey Correa. RMB 558+15% (includes unlimited Alameda Lunch Rapido RMB 138+15%. Feast, Sheraton Beijing Outdoor field hockey starts as the ice Piper Heidsieck champagne). 11.30am-3- Mon-Fri. Two- and three-course set Dongcheng (5798 8888) subsides. Pitch costs shared. Details at pm. Aroma, Ritz-Carlton Beijing (5908 lunches (RMB 79-98). 11.30am-3pm. [email protected] Noon. Taiyuan Feast Dinner Buffet 8161) Alameda (6417 8084) Diplomatic Compound Mon-Thu. New buffet restaurant Feast I Love Dim Sum Alio Olio Set Lunch showcases one of Beijing’s most lavish The Peloton Beijing Road Bike All-you-can-eat dim sum and at Mon-Fri. Five set menus offer pizza, pasta dinner spreads for a less-lavish price. Cycling Club wallet-friendly prices. RMB 99. Noon-2pm. and main courses. RMB 38-78. 11.30am- RMB 288+15%. Feast, Sheraton Beijing Road cycling for the serious and enthusi- Sun Palace, Crown Plaza Sun Palace Beijing 3pm. Alio Olio (6594 0938) Dongcheng (5798 8888) astic alike. Bikes are available for hire. To (6429 8888 ext 6332) register, email [email protected]. Australian Beef Greenfish Seafood Extravaganza Price TBD. 9am. Ride begins and ends at Luxurious Brunch at Maison Boulud All month. Try a 300g Australian short rib Fri-Sat (not available Mar 8-17). Get the TREK store near Chaoyang Park South Pick and choose from an array of delecta- steak for RMB 168+15%, or a 200g beef wrecked in a briny sea of crabs, scallops, Gate. ble courses. RMB 258 (four courses), RMB fillet for RMB 198+15%. Meats served with oysters and lobster, where the wine flows 218 (three courses), RMB 168 (two courses). choice of sauce, salad buffet also included. like the tide. RMB 388+15% (including Water Polo 11am-4pm. Maison Boulud (6559 9200) 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10.30pm. Texan Bar free-flowing wine and soft drinks), kids Beijing Ducks – no, not those Beijing Ducks & Grill, Metropark Lido Hotel (6437 6688 half-price. 5.30-9.30pm. Greenfish, Ritz- – return to the pool for treading water Pizza and Pasta Mania ext 1849) Carlton Beijing Financial Street (6601 6666 and bloodshed. All are welcome. Contact Unlimited pizza and pasta. RMB 189+15% ext 6255) [email protected] or (includes free-flow beer and soft drinks). BBQ Buffet Dinner [email protected]. Price TBD. 3pm. Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 6-10pm. Prego, Thu-Sat. Hearty German dishes, with Hungry for Hummus? International School of Beijing (carpool Westin Financial Street (6629 7815) meat, seafood, salads and desserts. RMB Mon-Fri. Middle Eastern favorite Rumi is from Dongzhimen). 168+15% (includes beer). 6-9pm. Villa offering a lunch buffet that includes many Tea at Tiananmen Castanea (6272 0130) of their most popular menu items. RMB 88. Enjoy a luxurious afternoon – nibble on an 11.30am-2.30pm. Rumi (8454 3838) LIVING array of freshly baked scones, finger sand- Blue Sky Dining at Nadaman King Crabs on the Grill Chinese Class & Movie Nights wiches, delectable cakes and pastries. RMB All month. New items include bara sushi All month. Alaskan king crab is the center- Brush up on your Mandarin before view- 138. 3.30-5.30pm. Capital M (6702 2727) and soup infused with medicinal herbs. piece of this month’s menu. All prices in- ing a popular Chinese film. Register at Nadaman, China World Summit Wing

Your event miss the mag? No problem – post it to March 2012 65 EVENTS clude 15% surcharge. Grill 79, China World Tue-Fri. Two or three courses with a glass Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng (5798 8888) Mar 10-Apr 18. In 1957, Varda was invited Summit Wing (6505 2299 ext 6424) of wine, local beer, or juice. RMB 98 (two by the government to capture China Yummy Yum Cha courses), RMB 128 (three courses). 11am-2- through her photography. Now, she be- Korean Delights Start your day off in proper Cantonese pm. Terra (6591 9148) ings those photos (and films) back. Free. Mar 8-17. Guest chef Soon Ki-Kim prepares style with unlimited dim sum delicacies. CAFA Art Museum (6477 1575) classic Korean dishes for buffet lunch and South China Oyster Specials RMB 108+15%. 7-10am. Jewel, Westin a la carte dinner. RMB 258+15% (lunch Mar 1-31. Oysters from the south, boiled, Beijing Financial Street (6629 7820) Tous Mes Voeux! buffet). 11.30am-2.30pm. Greenfish, Ritz- steamed, fried and braised with abalone Mar 17-30. Red Gate Gallery’s tireless man- Carlton Beijing Financial Street (6629 6990) sauce, XO sauce and more. Dragon Palace BARS & CLUBS ager Liyu Yeo is setting sail for Paris. This Restaurant, Kempinski (6465 3388) showing of his favorite Red Gate artists is Lobster Extravaganza The Greg Carroll Band his kiss goodbye. Free. Red Gate Gallery All month. Ten ways to enjoy lobster. Qi, Spring Party Delights Wed-Sat. Rock and more. Free. 9.30pm. (6525 1005) Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street (6601 Until Mar 31. Various Chinese, Western Eudora Station (6437 8331/8334) 6666) and buffet dinner packages available for Gu Dexin: The Important Thing is Not parties of 50 guests and upwards. RMB Sonic the Meat Lunch Express 528-668+15% per person. Ritz-Carlton Mon-Sat. Varied set of crowd-pleasers Mar 24-May 27. Rotting fruit, a sea of Mon-Fri. Two or three courses of pizza, Beijing (5908 8950) from the house band. Free. 9.30pm-late. plastic and fantastic paintings make up pasta and more Italian classics, plus coffee Xiu, Park Hyatt (8567 1108) this retrospective of one of China’s most or tea – and no service charge. RMB 118- Station-to-Station important avant-garde artists (see Feature, 168. 11.30am-2pm. Bene, Sheraton Beijing All month. Sixteen fresh gourmet stations Windy Barnes p48). RMB 15, Free (students with ID, mem- Dongcheng (5798 5888) each with its own specialization: foie gras, Tue-Sat. Jazz, pop, R&B and gospel bers). UCCA (5780 0200) seafood, rotisserie, Chinese barbecue, singer. Free. 8.45pm. Mix, Westin Beijing Lunch For Life at Lunar 8 Dim sum and more. RMB 288+15%, RMB Chaoyang (5922 8000) DO A BOOK All month. Three-course business lunch 158+15% (kids under 12). 6-10pm. Jing, The Until Mar 18. A bibliographic group show to set you up for the afternoon. RMB 88 Peninsula Beijing (8516 2888) STYLE including works by cheeky typographist (includes donation to Special Commune). Xu Bing, homo-curious sculptor Ain Cocke Noon-2.30pm. Lunar 8, The Fairmont Strawberries Women’s Day Spa Lunch and tchotchke photographer Hong Hao, Beijing (8507 3618) All month. Enjoy strawberry-themed after- Celebrate being a lady with a 60-minute among others. Free. White Space Beijing noon tea featuring cheesecake, strawberry aromatic massage and sumptuous buffet Lunch Pasta Set (8456 2054) tarts and jam. RMB 76 (includes cup of lunch. RMB 580+15%. Mon-Sat 10am-2pm. Four types of pasta to choose from, served coffee or tea), RMB 48 (cake only). 2.30-5 The Spa at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing (5812 Huang Rui: I-Ching Together with house salad and garlic bread. From .30pm. Lobby Lounge, Grand Millennium 8888 ext 8560) Until Mar 31. A fresh look at installation RMB 58. 11am-3pm. Flamme (6417 8608) (8587 6888) works by one of China’s longest-standing Modo Set Lunch contemporary artists, based on his explo- Sureño Set Lunch ARTS & CULTURE All month. Fresh, creative set lunch. RMB ration of the Book of Changes, the ancient Mon-Fri. Two or three courses. RMB 80, RMB 200 (free-flow sparkling and Chen Qingqing text that recognizes the power of chance 128-158+15%. Noon-2.30pm. Sureño, The house wines). Modo (6415 7207) Mar 1-19. Look back on the last twenty in our lives. Free. The Opposite House Opposite House (6410 5240) years of this pioneering feminist artist’s (6417 6688) Mughal’s Buffet Lunch Taking Time for Lunch eerie installations. RMB 20, RMB 10 (stu- Mon-Fri. Indian and Pakistani curries, Inside a Book a House of Gold: Art- Mon-Sat. 11.30am-2.30pm. Luxe lunch dents). (5876 0600) vegetable dishes and more. Noon-2.30pm. ists’ Editions with Parkett menus, Italian-style. RMB 148+15% (2 Mughal’s (6638 2160) Lee Kit: It’s Not An Easy Thing Until Apr 8. The world’s most renowned art courses), RMB 168+15% (3 courses), RMB Until Mar 25. The Hong Kong artist sets up journal sets up house across three rooms 188+15% (4 courses). Barolo, Ritz-Carlton New Menu at Yu shop to transport us to the eve of a music of the UCCA, displaying works by Damien Beijing (5908 8777) All month. All-new a la carte selections in- album release in 1989. Cue nostalgia, Hirst, Urs Fischer and others. RMB 15. UCCA cluding lobster, scallops with eggplant and White Valentine anticipation and loss. Free. Arrow Factory (8459 9269) Chef Ku’s Lamb Special. Yu, Ritz-Carlton Mar 14-17. Two romantic set meal options. (no tel) Beijing (5908 8111) Maartje Blans RMB 388-688 (per couple). Le Petit Gour- Huang Ran: Disruptive Desires, Tran- Until Apr 15. The Dutch mixed-media artist mand (6417 6095) Olé! Business Lunch quility, and the Loss of Lucidity crafts almost-sculptural works on wood All month. A quick two-course lunch, then Wine Ritual Mar 16-Apr 16. Catch this buzzy young and canvas. Free. Imagine Gallery (6438 back to work. RMB 60, RMB 70 (includes All month. Unwind in sophisticated sur- video and installation artist’s first solo 5747) glass of wine). 11am-3.30pm. Olé! (6595 rounding with free-flowing wines and show here before it moves on to the Frieze 9677) Francophone Film Festival cocktails. Canapes and snacks also pro- Art Fair in New York. Free. Long March Mar 3-Apr 1 (Sat & Sun only). Films from vided. RMB 198+15%. 5.30-7pm. Press Club Space (5978 9768) One East Set Lunch French-speaking countries all around the Bar, St. Regis Hotel (6460 6688 ext 2360) Mon-Fri. A light American set lunch. RMB Hong Lei: Mi Lou world, gathered for the pleasure of those 128+15% (two courses), RMB 138+15% Wine Tasting Classes Until Mar 25. The provocative photogra- who love the language of love. Films (three courses). Noon-2pm. One East, All month. Learn how to taste wines like pher, painter and installation artist shows shown mostly in French with Chinese sub- Hilton Beijing (5865 5030) the experts, and get your Wine & Spirit new works with a more muted aesthetic. titles. For more info: www.faguowenhua. Free. Chambers Fine Art (5127 3298) SALT Winter Days Education Trust certification. Class fees for com/francophonie. Free. 2-4pm. Alliance Mon-Fri. Add RMB 30 to your set lunch each of the three levels include all study Beijing-Berlin Project: Meet Again Francaise, BLCU Center (6553 2678 ext 209) materials, exam fees, and of course, wines. for a glass of wine or beer. RMB 98 (two Until Apr 1. Artists from global art’s two Jean-François Rauzier: Hyperphotos Dragon Phoenix Fine Wine Consulting courses), RMB 118 (three courses). Noon- “it” cities have formed a coop, melding Mar 3-Apr 18. Take a panoramic, layer (5960 4050, [email protected]) 3pm. SALT (6437 8457) their identities in layered woodcut prints. it with close-up details captured by a Free. Alexander Ochs Galleries Beijing SALTastation Yum Cha Dim Sum telephoto and give it a shot of M.C. (8456 2054) Mon-Sat. Five tasting courses paired with All month. All-you-can-eat dim sum. No Escher’s puzzling visuals, and you’ve got New and Old World wines. RMB 518 (food service charge. RMB 98. 11.30am-2pm. Yue, The Beaches of Agnes Varda in China Rauzier’s eye-catching art photography. and wine), RMB 318 (food only). SALT (6437 Free. Galerie Paris-Beijing (5978 9262) 8457) Sangria Special SPORTS All month. Buy-one-get-one-free on ClubFootball Men’s 5-a-side Leagues pitchers or glasses of sangria. 7-9pm. Olé All month. The new league starts March (6595 9677) 6; register before then. Players and teams welcome for all 12 divisions on week- Seafood Fascination nights. Register by calling 5130 6893/4/5/6, Fri-Sat. Indulge in seafood to ease or email [email protected]. More yourself into the weekend. Dinner only. info at RMB 328+15%. Feast, Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng (5798 8888) EXPLORE Set Winter Brunch Sat-Sun. Sets with Peruvian and Latin flair. Krabi Getaway Two courses RMB 158, RMB 328 (free-flow Six days soaking up the sun? Yes, please. beer and bubbly; three courses RMB 178, RMB 8,880. TUI China (8519 8800) RMB 358 (free-flow beer and bubbly). Romance on the Orient-Express 11am-4pm. Terra (6591 9148) Travel by train from Thailand to Malaysia. Set Winter Dinner Choose from six- or nine-day packages. Tue-Sun. Peruvian-influenced dinner sets. Prices start from RMB 22,110. Country RMB 178 (two courses), RMB 198 (three Holidays (+21 3222 0616) courses). 6-11pm. Terra (6591 9148) Ongoing: Women’s Day Spa Lunch Break Sail the Majestic Yangtze Set Winter Lunch Nothing like an oil massage and buffet lunch to make you feel like a woman. Spend four days cruising down Asia’s long- est river. RMB 5,480. TUI China (8519 8800)

66 March 2012 Looking for more? Tons more to do at dining p67 nightlife p75 style p76 arts & culture p78 sports p79 living p80 DIRECTORY explore p83 Pizza by LMPlus – Pizza The Sweet Spot – Bakeries, Delis & Candy DINING The Pizza Company – Pizza Symphony – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Prego – Italian Tadka – Indian/Pakistani Dining Directory Index Punjabi Indian Restaurant – Indian & Pakistani The Taj Pavilion – Indian/Pakistani Purple Haze Restaurant & Bar – Thai Tang Palace – Cantonese 360 Casual Dining – Buffets Han Wan Ju – Beijing Qi – Cantonese Tavola Italian Dining – Italian 4corners – Southeast Asian Haney Restaurant – Yunnan Rainbow – Yunnan Temple Restaurant Beijing – European 1001 Nights – Middle Eastern Hard Rock Cafe – American Red Orange – Buffet Terra – Central & South American A Food Affaire – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Haru Teppanyaki & Sushi Bar - Japanese Ri Chang – Cantonese TGI Friday’s – American Agua – Spanish Hatsune – Japanese Ristorante Sadler – Italian Thai Express – Thai Alameda – Contemporary International Hawka – Southeast Asian The Roadhouse at Mutianyu – Beijing Tong Luo Wan – Cantonese Alio Olio – Italian Hengshan Hui – Cantonese RoomBeijing – Contemporary International Tori Ton – Japanese Annie’s – Italian Home Plate Bar-B-Que – American Royal Smushi House – European Transit – Sichuan Aria – European Hong Bin Lou – Beijing Rug Bagel & Café – Cafés and Teahouses Trattoria La Gondola – Italian Aroma – Buffets Hong Lu – Beijing Rumi – Middle Eastern Turkish Mum – Middle Eastern Asia Bistro – Buffets Honzen – Japanese The Saddle Cantina – Central and South UME Café – Cafes and Teahouses The Astor Grill – Steakhouses Horizon – Cantonese American Union Bar & Grille – American Baozi Pu – Beijing Hot Bean Cooperative – Beijing SALT – Contemporary International Va Piano – Italian Barolo – Italian Huang Ting – Cantonese Scarlett – Contemporary International Va Va Voom – Vietnamese Bei – Japanese Huazai Chuan Bar – Barbecue & Teppanyaki Scene a Café – European Vasco’s – Buffets Bellagio – Taiwanese Hudiequan – Yunnan Schindler’s Anlegestelle (Schindler’s Docking The Veggie Table – Vegetarian Bene – Italian Huoguosi Xiaochidan – Beijing Station) – German VIC – Buffets Bian Bian Man Wu Fangtang – Beijing IFW – Contemporary Chinese Seasonal Tastes – Buffets Villa Castanea – German Biteapitta – Middle Eastern In and Out – Yunnan Senses – Buffets Village Cafe – Cafes & Teahouses Black Soil Impressions – Dongbei Invincible Ramen – Japanese Shanghai Min (Xiao Nan Guo) – Shanghai The Vineleaf – European BLD Cafe – Buffet Jaan – French Sherpa’s – Deliveries Vineyard Cafe – European Blue Frog – American Jewel – Cantonese Shin Yeh – Taiwanese WasPark – Cafés & Teahouses Bonbon Bins – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Jing – Buffets Sizzler – American Water - Contemporary International The Bookworm – Cafes & Teahouses Jing Wei Lou – Beijing South German Bakery, Cafe Konstanz and Xian Lao Man – Dumplings Brasserie Flo – French Jing Wei Mian Da Wang – Beijing Bodenseestube – German Xinjiang Flavour Delicious – Xinjiang Brazillian Churrascos – Central & South Jiumen Xiaochi – Beijing Spice Factory – Thai Xixiangzi – Hunan American Jusong – Contemporary Chinese Spring Organic Fish Restaurant – Sichuan Yao Chi – Cantonese Cafe Cha – Buffets Kagen – Japanese S.T.A.Y (Simple Table Alleno Yannick) – French YellowStone Restaurant & Bar – European Cafe de la Poste – French Kao Rou Le Starfish – Seafood Yotsuba – Japanese Cafe Noir – Cafes & Teahouses Kaorou Wang – Beijing Steak Exchange + Bar – Steakhouses Yu – Cantonese Café Swiss – European Karaiya Spice House – Hunan & Summer Palace – Huaiyang Yue – Cantonese Capital M – European Kempi Deli – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Sun Palace – Cantonese ZEN – Cantonese Carmen – Spanish Kerry’s Kitchen – Buffets Sunrise Noodle Restaurant – Japanese Zen5es – Cantonese CBD International Cuisine – Buffets Kerry’s Pantry – Bakeries, Delis and Candy Sureño – Mediterranean Zhuzhong Dalian Huoshao – Dumplings CCSweets – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Khajuraho – Indian/Pakistani Susu – Vietnamese Celestial Court – Cantonese Kranzler’s – Buffets Suzumei – Japanese Cepe – Italian The Kro’s Nest – Pizza Chao – Fusion Kuan Dian – Beijing Cheese & Wine Made In Heaven – Bakeries, La Pizza – Pizza Reader Restaurant Awards. 1) 10am-11pm. 6 Delis & Candy Lao Beijing Kaorou – Beijing American Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District. (6433 5058); 2) Chef Too – American Lao Beijing Zhajiangmian – Beijing Blue Frog Chow down on the signature Mon-Fri 10am-11pm, Sat-Sun 7am-11pm. Shop China Grill – Contemporary International Lau Pa Sak – Southeast Asian burgers or opt for a salad. Voted “Outstand- 833, Bldg 8, The Village at Sanlitun, 19 Sanlitun Choy’s Seafood – Cantonese Le Cabernet – French ing American” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Lu, Chaoyang District. (6417 1318) 新元素, 1) Chuan Ban – Sichuan Le Little Saigon – French Awards. 1) Daily 10am-2am. S4-30, 3/F, Bldg 朝阳区将太路6号; 2) 朝阳区三里屯路19号The Chuan Cheng Yuan - Hot Pot Le Petit Gourmand – French 4, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang Village南区8号楼833单元 Chun Bing Jing Wei Cai – Beijing Le Pre Lenotre – French District. (6417 4030); 2) 1/F Bldg 1, U-Town, Chynna – Contemporary Chinese Let’s Burger Plus – American Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District. (8561 2665) Ciro’s Pomodoro – Italian Let’s Seafood – Contemporary International 蓝蛙,1) 朝阳区三里屯北路19号三里屯Village4 Colibri Cafe – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Linhuxuan Restaurant – Beijing 号楼3层S4-30; 2) 朝阳区三丰北里悠唐生活广 Compass Grill - Contemporary International Longfusi Xiaochidian – Beijing 场1号楼1层 Comptoirs de France – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Luga’s – Central and South American Cornerstone – Italian Luga’s Little Italy – Italian CRU Steakhouse – Steakhouses Luga’s Pho Pho – Vietnamese The CUT Steak & Seafood Grill – Steakhouses Luga’s Villa – Central and South American Dahuaishu Grill – Beijing Lunar 8 – Fusion Da Dong Roast Duck – Beijing Duck Maan Coffee – Cafes & Teahouses Da Giuliano – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Made in China – Beijing Duck Dali Courtyard – Yunnan Maison Boulud – French Dali Renjia – Yunnan Malacca Legend – Southeast Asian Danieli’s – Italian Middle 8th Restaurant – Yunnan Din Tai Fung – Dumplings Migas Restaurant & Lounge – Spanish Donghuamen Night Market – Beijing Milano Café – Cafés and Teahouses Dragon Palace – Cantonese Ming Court – Cantonese Duck de Chine – Beijing Duck Mirch Masala – Indian/Pakistani East 33 – Buffets Miyabi - Japanese Fatburger American diner serving lean Element Fresh – American Modo – Contemporary International Australian beef burgers, freshly ground Elements – Cantonese Moment Cafe – Cafes & Teahouses daily and cooked to order. Burgers are ac- Ellingen Brauhaus – German Monsoon – Buffets companied by fries or homemade onion rings Enoterra – European Morel’s – European and hot wings. Voted “Outstanding Burger“ Er Yue Er Chunbing – Beijing Moscow Restaurant – Russian Chef Too Smart interior, well-trained staff, in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. 1) Essence – Buffets Mosto – Contemporary International delicious Australian steaks and indie American Daily 11am-10pm. 1-LB01, The Grand Summit, Fatburger – American Mr Shi’s Dumplings – Dumplings wines. Voted “Outstanding American” in our Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound (300 m Feast – Buffets Mughal’s Restaurant – Indian & Pakistani 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Tue-Fri 11am- north of the Kempinski Hotel’s main entrance), Flamme International Grill – Steakhouses My China – Beijing 2pm, 5-10pm; Sat-Sun 9.30am-3pm, 5-10pm. 19 East Dongfang Lu, Chaoyang District. (8532 Flour – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Najia Xiaoguan – Imperial Chaoyang Gongyuan Xilu (north of Block 8), 1878) 2) EB103, B1/F, Bldg 1, China World Mall, Fook Lam Moon – Cantonese Nathan’s Famous – American Chaoyang District. (6591 8676) 美西西餐厅, 朝 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. Fratelli Fresh – Italian Nishimura – Japanese 阳区朝阳公园西路枣营南里小区东门南侧 (6505 7789) 1) 朝阳区东方东路19号亮马乔外交 Fu Jia Lou – Beijing Noble Court – Cantonese Element Fresh American salads, smoothies, 公寓1号楼会所1层1号铺; 2) 朝阳区建国门外大 Fuel - Contemporary International Nola – American sandwiches and more. Popular weekend 街1号国贸商城地下1层EB103 Ganges Indian Restaurant – Indian/Pakistani Noodle Bar – Beijing brunch menu. Voted “Best American,” “Best Grandma’s Kitchen Sandwiches, gravy- Garden Court – Buffets Obentos – Japanese Brunch (Affordable),” “Best Sandwiches,” based dinners and high-powered desserts. Gori – Contemporary International Old Beijing Mending Roubing Restaurant – “Outstanding Family-Friendly Restaurant,“ Voted “Outstanding Family-Friendly Restau- Grand Cafe – Buffets Dumplings and “Outstanding Vegetarian“ in our 2011 Grandma’s Kitchen – American Olé Spanish Restaurant – Spanish Grange – Steakhouses One East – American Green Bites Dumpling Bar – Dumplings Ours – Japanese Free scarf! Greenfish – Buffets Park Side Bar & Grill – European The Grill – Steakhouses Paulaner Brauhaus – German Get a free scarf when you spend over RMB 250 on Dutch Items Grill 79 – Contemporary International Peking Legacy – Contemporary Chinese Shanghai’s online shop (! See p41 for Gui Wei – Beijing Pekotan – Bakeries, Delis & Candy Gung Ho! Gourmet Pizza Factory – Pizza Peter’s Tex-Mex Grill – American details. Haidilao Hot Pot – Hot Pot Pho La La – Vietnamese

March 2012 67 DIRECTORY / DINING rant” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. 区潮阳门北大街2号港澳中心瑞士酒店1层 1) Daily 9am-10pm. 47-2 Nanchizi Dajie, Symphony Wi-Fi, afternoon tea and breakfast Dongcheng District. (6528 2790); 2) Daily are all offered at this petite Central Park 10am-10pm. 28 Shique Hutong, Dongcheng bakery. Daily 8am-10pm. 105, Bldg 26, Central District. (8403 9452); 3) Daily 10am-11pm. 5/F, Park, 6 Chaowai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6533 Wudaokou Shopping Mall, Haidian District. 6956) 味感烘焙屋,朝阳区朝外大街6号新城国际 (6266 6105); 4) Daily 7.30am-11pm. 11A Xiushui 26号楼105号(近世贸天阶) Nanjie, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang District. (6503 2893); 5) Daily 7.30am-11pm. 1-2/F, Bldg B, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, BARBECUE & TEPPANYAKI Chaoyang District. (5869 3055/3056) 祖母厨 Huazai Chuan Bar Good for a post-booze 房, 1) 东城区南池子大街47-2号; 2) 东城区 chuan’r fest, with a good alcohol selection. 北新桥石雀胡同28号; 3) 海淀区五道口购物中 Daily 24hrs. 14 Xindong Lu (next to The James 心5层; 4) 朝阳区建国门外秀水南街甲11号(友 Joyce), Chaoyang District (no tel) 华仔串吧, 朝 谊商店后面); 5) 朝阳区东三环中路39号建外 阳区新东路14号 SohoB座1-2层 Hard Rock Cafe Burgers, pastas, cover bands BEIJING and those ubiquitous T-shirts. Daily 11.30am- Baozi Pu Fuel up with a steaming bowl of 2am. 1/F, Landmark Towers, 8 Dongsanhuan daoxiao mian – rustic shaved noodles topped Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6590 6688 ext 2571) with pork, fresh cilantro and a ladle of spicy 硬石餐厅, 朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河大厦西 broth (RMB 5). Or grab a takeout bag of fluffy 大堂1层 pork baozi (RMB 4). Daily 6.30am-9pm. 108 Home Plate Bar-B-Que Offering American Sundays: Dim Sum Feast Sunday Gulou Dongdajie (at the entrance to Nanluogu Southern classics from ribs to pulled pork Champagne and steamers. Xiang), Dongcheng District. (no tel) 包子铺, 东 and brisket. Daily 11am-10pm. 35 Xiaoyun Lu 城区鼓楼东大街108号 courtyard (from Dongsanhuan Beilu, head Bian Bian Manwu Fantang This turd- 20m north of Xiaoyun Lu intersection and take 旁边); 5) 朝阳区安贞西里华联商厦2层 Awards. Daily 7am-8.30pm. 1) Daily 7am-8 themed restaurant is one of Beijing’s strangest the first right), Chaoyang District. (5128 5584, TGI Friday’s White collar hangout exports .30pm. Beijing United Family Hospital and Clin- dining experiences. Daily 10am- 9.30pm. 91 [email protected]) 本垒美国餐, 朝阳 American-style burgers, salads and “Mexi- ics Shop Number 2, 2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang Dianmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District. 西城区地 区霄云路35号院(东三环北路,过霄云路路口,往北 can” food.. 1) Daily 11.30am-midnight. 1/F, District.; 2) Daily 7am-8.30pm. Beijing United 安门外大街91号(地安门商场南) 走20米,到第一个路口右转) Grand Skylight Catic Hotel, 18 Beichen Family Hospital and Clinics Shop Number 1, 2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District. (5927 7597); 3) Chun Bing Jing Wei Cai Yonghegong Dajie Let’s Burger Plus Takes the original Let’s Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8497 0650); 2) (across the street and to the south of Cafe de la Burger formula but with additions like pizza Daily 11.30am-midnight. 9-2 Jinchengfang Daily 7am-8.30pm. 1/F, Bldg 5, Hairun Interna- tional Apartment, 2B Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang Poste), Dongcheng District. (64-6 2183) 春饼京 burgers, sandwiches and croissants. Jie, Xicheng District. (6622 0880); 3) Daily 味菜, 东城区东城区雍和宫大街 LG46B, Sanlitun Village North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, 11.30am-midnight. Bldg C, Beijing Internation- District. (5135 7645); 4) Daily 7am-8.30pm. 55-1, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯 al Plaza, 19 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Xingfucun Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (6416 Dahuaishu Grill Specializes in tasty lao Village北区地下1层 District. (8526 3388); 4) Daily 11am-11.30pm. 2853); 5) Daily 7am-10.30pm. Door 102, Pacific Beijing tabletop grills of chilli-doused pork, Beijing Friendship Hotel, 1 Zhongguancun Century Place Department Store, 2A Gongti lamb, squid and kidney in a sweaty dining Nathan’s Famous American-style hot dogs. Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6539 2005); 6) Daily room. Daily 11am-10pm. 23 Meishuguan Daily 9.30am-9.30pm. 1) B107, B1/F, Raffles Nandajie, Haidian District. (6849 8738) 星期五 餐厅, 1) 朝阳区北辰东路18号凯迪克格兰云天大 7am-8.30pm. 2/F, Riviera Plaza, 5 Laiguangy- Dongjie (Northwest off National Art Museum), City, 1 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng Dis- ing Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8470 2347); Dongcheng District. (6400 8891) 大槐树烤肉馆, trict. (8409 8960); 2) Wanli Shopping Center, 酒店1层; 2) 西城区金城坊街9-2号; 3) 朝阳区 建国门外大街19号国际大厦C座; 4) 海淀区中关 7) Daily 7am-8.30pm. 1/F, East Lake Club, 35 东城区美术馆东街23号(美术馆路口西北角) 2 Bagou Lu (exit from Bagou station), Haidian Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Dongcheng District. 村南大街1号北京友谊宾馆 Donghuamen Night Market If you’re peck- District. (8256 6163) (6461 1525); 8) Daily 7am-8.30pm. 4 Ritan ish and strolling the Wangfujing area of an au- cn 东城区东直门南大街1号来福士购物中心B1- Union Bar & Grille The grill restaurant that’s Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8562 3355); 9) Daily tumn evening, stop by this lively strip of stalls 07; 2) 海淀区巴沟路2号 北京华联万柳购物中心 classy enough to bring a date. Mon-Fri 11am- 7am-8.30pm. L-111, Europlaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, for a snack. Donghuamen night market only 11pm,Sat-Sun 11am-12pm. S6-31, 3/F, Bldg Tianzhu Zhen, . (8046 6309); Nola Feast on Cajun dishes including boudin emerged in the early ‘80s, since when it has 6, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang 10) Daily 7am-8.30pm. Rm 102, 1/F, Bldg 15, balls, po’ boys and gumbo. Daily 10.30am-11- gathered more and more food stalls complete District. (6415 9117) 优年美式餐厅, 朝阳区三里 China Central Place, 89 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang pm. 11A Xiushui Nanjie, Chaoyang District. with screaming vendors and hungry crowds 朝阳区秀水南街11号 屯路19号三里屯Village6号楼3层S6-31 District. (6530 5480) 法派, 1) 朝阳区将台路2号 (8563 6215) of both locals and foreign travelers. The food 北京和睦家医院2店; 2) 朝阳区将台路2号北京 One East Modern American cuisine with a has to be seen to be believed. Almost anything 和睦家医院店; 3) 朝阳区将台路乙2号海润国际 large selection of US wines. Their set lunch Bakeries, Delis & candy you’d want (or in some cases, wouldn’t want) 公寓商业5号楼1层; 4) 朝阳区幸福村中路55-1 consists of light dishes that won’t make you A Food Affaire Tucked into a corner of the to try is on show, from innards and scorpions 号; 5) 朝阳区工体北路甲2号盈科中心商场102 sleepy when you head back to work. Mon-Fri April Gourmet, this is convenient for grocery to silkworms and sea horses. The food comes 单元; 6) 朝阳区来广营东路5号2楼东侧; 7) 东 noon-2pm, 6-10.30pm. 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 shoppers looking to grab some Western food cheap – most chuan’r (kebabs) cost only RMB 城区东直门外大街35号东湖俱乐部1层; 8) 朝阳 Dongfang Lu, Chaoyang District. (5865 5000 to go. Daily 8am-11pm. 1/F, 5 Xingfuyicunxili, 2-10. Just daring yourself to try out the odder 区日坛北路4号; 9) 顺义区裕翔路99号天竺镇欧 ext 5030) 东方路一号, 朝阳区东方路1号希尔 Chaoyang District. (135 0107 1114) 朝阳区幸福 items is a lot of fun in itself. Daily 4-10pm. 陆广场L111室; 10) 朝阳区建国路89号华贸中 顿酒店2层 一村西里5号绿叶子食品店 Donghuamen Dajie (west of Wangfujing 心15号楼102 Peter’s Tex-Mex Grill Voted “Outstand- Bonbon Bins American-branded candies, Pedestrian Street), Wangfujing, Dongcheng Da Giuliano Baby-sized desserts with an Ital- 东华门夜市, 东城区东城区王府井大街 ing Mexican / Tex-Mex” in our 2011 Reader sweets & chocolates for the confectionary- District. ian influence. 1 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang 往西东华门大街 Restaurant Awards. Mon-Fri 9.30am-11pm, crazy. (8525 3566) District (8454 4402) 朝阳区三里屯北小街1号 Sat-Sun 7.30am-11.30pm. 88A International CCSweets Gourmet, imported ingredients go Er Yue Er Chunbing Daily 11am-midnight. Flour This Sanlitun bakery specializes in Club, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang into the cupcakes and sweets made to order. Chaoyang Park West Gate, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区建国门外大街21号 cakes and light meals. Daily 9am-9pm. Store 二月二春饼, 朝阳区朝阳公园西门 District. (8532 2449) Daily 10am-8pm. Unit 109, Bldg 11, Central (6460 5986) 国际俱乐部88A 118, B1/F, Bldg A, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti Beilu, Park, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Fu Jia Lou Perennially packed, Fu Jia Lou is Chaoyang District (5785 3060) 朝阳区工体北路 District. (6533 6973) 喜喜饼,朝阳朝阳门外大街6 a true old-style Beijing experience, complete 三里屯SohoA座地下1层118铺 号新城国际11号楼109 with low wooden tables and chairs, hollering Kempi Deli Some of the best bread, cakes and Cheese and Wine Made In Heaven One of waiters and excellent zhajiang mian. Daily desserts in town. Discounts after 8pm (9pm Beijing’s best cheese selections, and always a 11am-2pm, 4.30-9.30pm. 23 Dongsishitiao weekends). Daily 7am-10pm. 1/F, Kempinski wine to match. Sun-Wed noon-midnight, Thu- (200m west of Poly Plaza), Dongcheng District. Hotel, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 5741) 福家楼, 东城区东四十条23号(保利 Sat noon-1.30am. 1-15 Chaoyang Gongyuan (8403 7831) 凯宾美食廊, 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店1层 Xilu (next to Jenny Lou's), Chaoyang District 大厦西200米) (6501 2901) 朝阳区朝阳公园西路1-15号 Kerry’s Pantry Salads, sandwiches and Gui Wei An almost upscale restaurant by absolutely decadent desserts. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, Colibri Cafe Colibri offers more than 20 barbecue standards. Only 80 skewers of wings 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (6561 8833) flavors of cupcakes, as well as sandwiches and are marinated here everyday, which shows 朝阳区光华路1号 coffee. Daily 10am-10pm. LG51, Sanlitun Vil- how much care goes into the process. 5-10pm. lage North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. Pekotan This deli and bakery offer amazing 20 Heizhima Hutong, Dongcheng District. (6417 0808) 蜂鸟, 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯 products, with a half-price offer at 8-9pm. (6407 5931) 鬼味烤翅, 东城区南锣鼓巷黑芝麻 Village北区地下1层 Daily 7am-10pm. Store 21-22, Bldg 12, Central 胡同20号 Park, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Hai Wan Ju 1) Daily 10.30am-10.30pm. 36 District. (6533 6605) 配口堂, 朝阳区朝阳门外大 Songyu Nanli, Chaoyang District. (8731 3518); Sizzler Enjoy unlimited trips to the salad bar 街6号新城国际12号楼21-22号 2) Daily 11am-11pm. 11 Zengguang Lu (south- along with steaks, seafood, ribs and other Rug Bagel & Cafe Small but authentic-tast- west corner of Ganjiakou Department Store), grilled treats at this American chain. 1) Daily ing bagels and a range of light meal choices. Haidian District. (8837 4993) 海碗居, 1) 朝阳 11am-9pm. 2/F, Jiamao Shopping Mall, 33 Daily 11.30am-10pm. Bldg 4, Lishui Jiayuan, 区松榆南里36号; 2) 海淀区增光路11号(甘家口 Guangshun Beidajie, Wangjing, Chaoyang Chaoyang Gongyuan Nanlu (opposite south 商场西南角) District. (6471 3876); 2) Daily 10am-10pm. gate of Chaoyang Park), Chaoyang District Hong Bin Lou This time-honored Hui B1-30 Glory Mall, 18 Chongwenmenwai Dajie, (8550 2722) 朝阳区朝阳公园南路丽水嘉园4号楼 restaurant serves the standards of halal Beijing . (6714 0399); 3) Daily 11am- (朝阳公园南门对面) cuisine, including halal Peking duck (prepared 9.30pm. FF16, Food Forum, B1/F, The Malls according to Muslim dietary law), shuan at Oriental Plaza, Dongcheng District. (8518 The Sweet Spot Great sandwiches, sweets and bread from this China World Hotel bakery. yangrou (scalded lamb) and feiniu huoguo 6315); 4) Daily 11am-10.30pm. International (succulent beef crock-pot). Daily 11am-2pm, Club, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Daily 9am-11.30pm. EB118, B1/F, China World Mall, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang 5-9pm. 11 Zhanlanguan Lu (at the intersection District. (6532 0475); 5) Daily 11am-10pm. 2/F, of Baiwanzhuang), Xicheng District. (6899 Anzhen Hualian Department Store, Anzhen District. (6505 0885) 朝阳区建国门外大街1号国 贸商城地1层EB118 2569/4560) Xili, Chaoyang District. (6441 9996) 时时乐, 1) hqfw.html 鸿宾楼, 西城区展览馆11号(百万 朝阳区望京广顺北大街嘉茂购物中心二层; 2) 崇 Comptoirs de France Offers freshly baked The Swiss Deli Offers an extensive range of 庄路口) 文区崇文门外大街18号 国瑞城购物中心 B1-30; rolls, baguettes, and loaves of bread alongside cakes, deli items and sweets. Daily 7am-10pm. Hong Lu Taking a fresh look at lao Beijing 3) 东城区东方新天地1区地铁层食通天大街FF16 pastries and chocolates. Voted “Outstanding 1/F Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Bei Dajie, cuisine, Hong Lu casts light on the true scope 商铺; 4) 朝阳区建国门外大街21号(国际俱乐部 Sandwiches” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Dongcheng District. (6553 2288 ext 2127) 东城

68 March 2012 DIRECTORY / DINING of this capital's cuisine. Daily 11.30am-11pm. 6 has a sit-down restaurant with private rooms. 朝阳区东三环中 standing Hotel Brunch” with Taste in our 2011 Sanlitun Nanlu (150m south of The Bookworm), 1) Fangjia Hutong, Andingmen Neidajie, 路61号北京富力万丽酒店 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 6.30-10.30am, Chaoyang District. (6593 8970) 朝阳区三里屯南 Dongcheng District.; 2) 1 Longfusi Qianjie, Cafe Cha A sumptuous buffet featuring a su- 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm.. 1/F, The Westin 路6号(书虫往南150米) Dongcheng District. (6406 0668) 隆福寺小吃 shi and sashimi station, pasta, pizza, Malaysian Beijing, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District. (6629 Hot Bean Cooperative Run by a group of hip 店, 1) 东城区安定门内大街方家胡同; 2) 东城 and tandoori specialties. Daily 6-10am, 7810) 味, 西城区金融大街乙9号北京金融街威斯 youngsters, the whimsical hand-painted walls 区隆福寺前街1号 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-9.30pm. Shangri-La 汀大酒店1层 and a big old tree in the middle of their court- My China Dine in the relaxed and friendly Hotel, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District. (6841 Seasonal Tastes Lively, cool, clean and fresh, yard make for a pleasant place to chill, but it’s atmosphere of My China at the Hilton Beijing 2211 ext 2715) 咖啡Cha, 海淀区紫竹院路29号 this buffet restaurant comes with interactive the chicken wings that are the main draw. Daily Capital Airport hotel, where you can sample 香格里拉饭店 cooking stations and healthful “super foods” 10am-10pm. Just inside Chaodou Hutong (50m classic at its most exquisite, or CBD International Cuisine Buffet restaurant corners that help jump start your day. On north of Jiaodaokou Nandajie and Kuan Jie try some distinctive and authentic dishes from featuring open kitchens and a combination of Sundays, Seasonal Tastes hosts “Bubbalicious,” intersection), Dongcheng District. (8401 6165) the famous culinary regions of Sichuan and Western and Asian favorites. Daily 6.30am-11- which readers voted as the “Best Hotel Brunch” 炒豆合作社, 东城区交道口南大街炒豆胡同 Hunan. Daily 11.30am-10pm. Hilton Beijing pm. Grand Millennium Beijing, , in our 2011 Restaurant Awards. Daily 6.30-10 Huguosi Xiaochidian Traditional Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Capital Interna- 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. .30am, 11.30am-3pm, 5.30-11pm. 2/F, Westin snacks served by this popular, hygienic, tional Airport, Chaoyang District. (6450 4889, (6530 9383) 朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心北京 Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, 腾香居, 朝阳区首都机场3 朝阳区 laozihao (historical brand). 1) Daily 5.30am-9- 6458 8888 ext 8901) 千禧大酒店 Chaoyang District. (5922 8888 ext 8102) 号航站希尔顿酒店 东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店2层 pm. 93 Huguosi Dajie, Xicheng District. (6618 East 33 International buffet restaurant featur- 1705); 2) Daily 6am-8pm. 180 Di'anmenwai Noodle Bar This hip 12-seat bar is not your ing Asian and Western treats plus a weekend Vasco’s International and Chinese culinary Dajie, Xicheng District. (6404 2946) 护国寺小吃 everyday mianguan’r. The ingredients are seafood buffet featuring live Boston lobster. hits with a Portuguese twist. On Sundays it 店, 1) 西城区护国寺大街93号; 2) 西城区地安 excellent, food prices reasonable (drinks less Daily 6.30am-10.30pm. Raffles , 33 hosts FIZZtastic, voted “Outstanding Hotel 门外大街180号 so). The menu is limited, but what they do Dongchangan Jie, Dongcheng District. (6526 Brunch” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Jing Wei Lou Traditional Beijing food like mi- they do very well indeed. Daily 11am-10pm. 3388 ext 5171) 东三十三, 东城区东长安街33号 Daily 6.30-10am, 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-11pm. ancha (a millet flour gruel), zha gezhi ( 1949 – The Hidden City, Courtyard 4, Gongti 北京饭店莱佛士 5/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Beilu (behind Pacific Century Place), Chaoyang Dongjie, Dongcheng District. (5812 8888) 东城 made from mung bean flour) and roast duck. Elements Open kitchen dining experience 1) Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9pm. 99 Fuxingmennei District. (6501 1949) 面吧, 朝阳区工体北路4号 区王府井东街8号希尔顿北京王府井酒店5层 院 (盈科中心南面) with “pan-Asian” cuisines and other culinary Dajie, Xicheng District. (5839 9511); 2) Daily styles from around the world prepared in five VIC International buffet dining with a smatter- 11am-2pm, 5-9pm. 181A Di’anmen Xidajie, The Roadhouse at Mutianyu Fantastic Great kitchens representing the different “elements” ing of Gallic touches. Mon-Fri 12pm-2.30pm, Xicheng District. (8322 6514); 3) Daily 11am-2- Wall views and hearty Chinese country food of cooking. Daily 6-10am, noon-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun 6-10.30pm. 6/F, Sofitel pm, 5pm-11.30pm. 1/F, Fuyou Binguan, 21 Tai- including fresh rainbow trout. Sat-Sun and 6-10pm. 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Hotel, Tower C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, VIC国际美食, pusi Jie, Xicheng District. (6605 2277); 4) Daily holidays 11am-3pm, or by prior appointment. Chaoyang District. (5865 5000 ext 5020) 元素 Chaoyang District. (8599 6666) 朝阳区建国路93号万达广场C座6层 10am-2pm, 5-9pm. 1/F, Unit 1, Wudongdalou 12 Mutianyu Village, . (6162 阁, 朝阳区东方路1号希尔顿酒店2层 A, courtyard 9, Chegongzhuang Dajie, Xicheng 6506) www.roadhouseatmutianyu.com大路馆 District, Xicheng District. (8839 5246) 京味楼, 儿, 怀柔区慕田峪村12号 Essence Market-fresh daily menus and inter- Cafes & teahouses 1) 西城区复兴门内大街99号; 2) 西城区地安门 national buffets with Asian & Western delights. 西大街甲181A号; 3) 西城区太仆寺街21号府右宾 Beijing Duck Daily 24hrs. Lobby level of Crowne Plaza Cafe Noir Pan-Asian cuisine and European 馆1楼; 4) 西城区西城区车公庄大街9号院五栋大 Beijing, 48 Wangfujing Avenue, Dongcheng classics served with a garden view. Daily 楼A栋1单元1楼 A Beijing duck institution with District. (6513 3388 ext 3) 西餐厅, 东城区王府 6.30am-midnight. Traders Upper East Hotel, multiple branches. Daily 11am-9.30pm. www. 井大街48号国际艺苑皇冠假日酒店内 2 Dongsihuan Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5907 Jing Wei Mian Da Wang This ornate, tourist- for locations. 8888) 朝阳区东四环北路2号上东盛贸酒店 friendly restaurant serves authentic dishes of Feast Buffet and a la carte with live cooking lao Beijing fare - hand-pulled noodles, cold Da Dong Roast Duck The “superlean” roast stations. Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 Maan Coffee Daily 9am-midnight. 7 Jiangtai dishes, snack foods and more. 10.30am-10 ducks are regularly hyped as the best in the North Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng Dis- Xilu, next to the entrance gate for Side Park, .30pm. 35 Xidajie, Di'anmen (just west of the city. Voted “Best Beijing Duck,” “Best Chinese trict. (5798 8888) 东城区东城区北三环路36号 across from Rosedale Hotel, Chaoyang District. Restaurant of the Year” and “Best For Impress- (8457 3470) 漫咖啡, 朝阳区将太西路7号 Di'anmen intersection facing Pingan Dadao), Garden Court Brasserie-style buffet featur- ing Visitors“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Dongcheng District. (6405 6666) 京味面大王, ing an extravagant Champagne brunch on Milano Café Tiny eatery with decent (if Awards. Daily 11am-10pm. 1) 5/F, Jinbao Dasha, 东城区地安门西大街35号 Sundays. Daily 6-10am,11.30am-2pm,6-11pm. standard) selection of Italian dishes. Daily Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District. (8522 1234); St. Regis Hotel, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, 10am-11pm. Unit 108, Bldg 11, Central Park, Jiumen Xiaochi Taste some of the best of 2) 1-2/F, Nanxincang International Plaza, 22A Chaoyang District. (6460 6688 ext 2340) 景苑咖 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District Beijing’s traditional snacks at this collection Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District. (5169 of laozihao (time-honored brand) snack stalls, 啡厅, 朝阳区建国门外大街21号国际俱乐部饭店 (6597 9008) 朝阳区朝阳门外大街6号新城国际 0329); 3) 3 Tuanjiehu Beikou, Dongsanhuan Lu, 11号楼108室 most of which were originally located in Qian- Chaoyang District. (6582 2892/4003) 北京大董 Grand Cafe Indulgent buffet featuring in- men but have been forced by redevelopment 烤鸭店, 1) 东城区金宝街金宝大厦5层; 2) 东城 ternational cuisines and homemade desserts. to move from their historic location. Daily 区东四十条甲22号南新仓国际大厦1~2楼; 3) 朝 Daily 24hrs (buffet 6.30-10.30am, 11.30am- 10am-10pm. 1 Xiaoyou Hutong, Xicheng Dis- 阳区团结湖北口3号楼东三环路 2.30pm, 5.30-10pm). Grand Hyatt, Oriental trict. (6402 5858) 九门小吃, 西城区孝友胡同1号 Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng Duck De Chine Voted "Outstanding Beijing District. (8518 1234 ext 3628) 凯菲厅, 东城区东 Kaorou Wang This laozihao restaurant Duck" in our 2011 Restaurant Awards. Daily 长安街1号东方广场东方君悦大酒店 specializes in Hui-style grilled beef and dishes, 11am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 1949, Courtyard lauded by the likes of Puyi and Guo Moruo. 1) 4, Gongti Beilu (opposite the south gate of Greenfish Floor-to-ceiling windows and 10.30am-9.30pm. 32B Zizhuyuan lu, Haidian Pacific Century Place Mall), Chaoyang District “flexitarian” cuisine – fresh and tasty food District. (6848 7031/7035); 2) Daily 10.30am- (6501 8881) 朝阳区工体北路4号院 (太平洋百 with a focus on vegetable and seafood dishes. 9.30pm. 185 Yonghegong Dajie, Dongcheng 货南门对面) Daily 6.30am-11pm. The Ritz-Carlton Financial District. (6406 9729); 3) Daily 10.30am-9.30pm. Street, 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Made in China This stylish joint on the first 58 Nanlishi Lu, Xicheng District. (6802 8180); Xicheng District. (6601 6666 ext 6255) 四季汇, floor of the Grand Hyatt offers some of the 4) Daily 10.30am-9.30pm. 69 Wanquanhe Lu, 西城区金城坊东街1号北京金融街丽思卡顿酒店 Haidian District. (6257 6888) 烤肉宛, 1) 海淀 city’s finest roast duck. Voted “Outstanding 区紫竹院路乙32号; 2) 东城区雍和宫大街185 Restaurant of the Year (Chinese)” in our 2011 Jing Watch the chefs in action at this minimal- 号; 3) 西城区南礼士路58号; 4) 海淀区万泉 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am-2 ist, open-plan restaurant serving decent Asian 河路69号 .30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 1/F, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 1 and Western cuisine. Daily 5.30am-11.30pm. Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng District. (6510 Basement of The Peninsula Beijing, 8 Jinyu Kuan Dian Hip youth chow down on chicken 9608) 长安一号, 东城区东长安街1号东方广场北 Hutong, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District. Moment Cafe Offers a variety of coffees, wings on the rooftop terrace of this Drum 京东方君悦大酒店1层 (6559 2888 ext 6714) 京, 东城区王府井金鱼胡 salted and sweet crepes, hot sandwiches Tower-area restaurant all throughout the 同8号王府半岛酒店地下1层 and salads all made with fresh, high quality year. Daily 11am-midnight. 135 Jiugulou Dajie, ingredients. Daily noon-10pm. B1-525, Sanlitun Xicheng District. (8404 0523) 宽店, 西城区旧 Buffets Kranzler’s This Kempinski venue’s claim to Soho, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8590 鼓楼大街135号 360 Casual Dining International buffet din- fame is their classy East-meets-West buffet with a range of German, Italian, Japanese and 0724) 朝阳区工体北路三里屯Soho B1-525 Lao Beijing Kaorou Marinated beef or ing whenever you need it. Daily 24hrs. Hilton Chinese specialties. A live jazz band and the Rug Bagel & Café Bagels, play area and free mutton grilled on a zhizi (Qing-style charcoal Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Capital Kempinski’s Kids Club round out the offerings. Wi-Fi make this a great addition to Chaoyang brazier) at your table. A nip of baijiu is the tra- International Airport, Chaoyang District. (6458 朝阳区首都机场3号航站希尔顿酒店 Daily 6am-midnight. 1/F, Kempinski Hotel, 50 Park. Tue-Sun 11.30am-10pm. Bldg 4, Lishui ditional tipple for this lao Beijing snack. Daily 8888) Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388 Jiayuan, Chaoyang Gongyuan Nanlu (opposite 11am-11pm. 4A, Longtoujing Hutong (near Aroma Aroma’s buffet offers many distinct ext 4222) 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾斯基饭店1层 South Gate of Chaoyang Park) Chaoyang Prince Gong's Mansion south of Houhai Lake), cuisines: Japanese, Indian, Chinese and South- District (8550 2722) 朝阳区朝阳公园南路丽水嘉 Xicheng District. (8322 2217) 老北京烤肉, 西城 east Asian, as well as Western favorites. Daily Kerry’s Kitchen Quality ingredients create 园4号楼(朝阳公园南门对面) 区龙头井胡同甲14号(近恭王府) 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. The Ritz-Carlton South-East Asian flavors in both buffet and a la carte settings. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, UME Café Filling pasta and sandwiches Lao Beijing Zhajiangmian Charming wait Hotel, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. 香溢, 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲83号 Chaoyang District. (6561 8833) 朝阳区光华路1号 featuring decent bread. Guanghualu Soho, staff efficiently attend to diners as they slurp (5908 8161) 丽思卡尔顿酒店 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区光华 on delicious, saucy noodles enough to feed Monsoon A contemporary buffet restaurant 路光华路Soho three people without burning a hole in your Asia Bistro Hotel-restaurant specializes in serving top-class seafood from around the wallet. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9pm. 29 Chongwen- cuisine from Thailand and Vietnam. 11.30am-3- world. Daily 6-10.30am, 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10- Village Cafe European and Southeast Asian menwai Dajie, Chongwen District. (6705 6705) pm on Sunday afternoons. Voted "Outstanding pm. InterContinental Beijing Financial Street, cuisine in a boutique space. Daily 24hr. 1/F, The 老北京炸酱面, 崇文区崇文门外大街29号 Hotel Brunch" in our 2010 Reader Restaurant 11 Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District. (5852 5916) 季 Opposite House, Bldg 1, Sanlitun Village, 11 候风, 西城区金融街11号洲际酒店 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6410 5210) 朝 Linhuxuan Restaurant 11am-2pm, Awards. Daily 6am-midnight.. Lobby, JW Mar- 阳区三里屯路11号三里屯Village1号楼瑜舍1层 5-9.30pm. 1-8 Huangsi Ave (near Anding- riott Hotel, 83 Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Red Orange Seasonal menus of Asian and menwai, Jiangzhaikou), Liuyin Park Lakeside, Chaoyang District. (5908 8511) 朝阳区建国路83 Western dishes, with an open kitchen for WasPark Cute and cheerful, this little 号JW万豪酒店 Dongcheng District. (8412 2679) 东城区安定门 cooking-to-order around the clock. Daily American joint make a mean burger. Mon-Fri 外蒋宅口柳荫公园湖畔黄寺大街甲8号 Beijing Bistro Buffet dining at its best. 2/F, 24 hrs. 1/F, Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing, 11.30am-10pm, Sat-Sun 1-10pm. Unit 2369, 3/F, Yunnan Dasha, Northeast corner of Taiyang- North Tower, Soho Shangdu, 8 Dongdaqiao Lu, Longfusi Xiaochidian Old school in every Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun 朝阳区霄云 gong Qiao and Xibahe, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5869 2884) 朝阳区东大桥路8 sense (from the food down to the decor and Lu, Chaoyang District. (5927 8888) 路甲26号海航大厦万豪酒店2层 Chaoyang District. (6429 8888 ext 6328) 红橙, 号Soho尚都北塔3层2369室 gruff, cafeteria-style service), this long-running 新云南皇冠假日酒店1层, 朝阳区东北三环西坝河 eatery serves traditional Hui dishes and BLD Cafe International buffet restaurant 太阳宫桥东北角 snacks, including lu da gun'r (rolling donkey), featuring showpiece Sunday brunch. Renais- Cantonese Senses Hosts Bubbly Sundays, one of the bao du (boiled tripe) and the infamous dou sance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Celestial Court Seafood and dim sum in zhi (fermented mung bean soup). Upstairs Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (5863 8223) www. most lavish brunches in town. Voted “Out-

March 2012 69 DIRECTORY / DINING a luxurious setting for those on an expense great clay-pot rice. Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang Chynna Serving Northern salads and bouillabaisse. Daily 11.30am-mid- account. Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10pm. District. 朝阳区东大桥路 and a range of other regional classics with a night. 1/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang 2/F, St Regis Hotel, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Wu Li Xiang Authentic Cantonese and modern twist. Daily 10.30am-2pm.5.30-11pm. District. (5208 6038) 朝阳区三里屯北街81号那 Chaoyang District. (6460 6688 ext 2460 or regional cuisines. Hong Kong-style dim sum 5/F Hilton Hotel Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing 里花园1层 2462) 天宝阁, 朝阳区建国门外大街21号北京国 served daily. Mon-Fri 11am-2pm, 5-10pm,Sat- Dongjie, Dongcheng District. (5812 8888) 东城 际俱乐部饭店2层 Sun 9am-4pm,5-10pm. Traders Upper East Ho- 区王府井希尔顿酒店王府井东街8号 Choy's Seafood Innovative seafood dishes tel, Beijing, 2 Dongsihuan Beilu (intersection Green T. House Tea-infused . inspired by the classics. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, of Xiaoyun Qiao and Fangyuan Xilu near Upper Daily 11am-11pm. 6 Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang 5.30-10.30pm. 2/F, Marriott Beijing Northeast, East Side), Chaoyang District (5907 8406) 朝阳 District. (6552 8310, 6552 8311) 紫云轩, 朝阳区 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (5927 区东四环北路2号(霄云桥和芳园西十字路口)北京 工体西路6号 8888) 采海轩,朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万 上东盛贸饭店 2-3 层 My China Classic Beijing and spicy Sichuan 豪酒店2层 Yao Chi The open kitchen is as lively as any in and Hunan cuisine cooked authentically by Dragon Palace and other the city, with around 20 chefs busying them- chefs from the region. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, specialties from around China prepared to selves on preparing the dim sum and other 5.30pm to 10pm. 2/F, Hilton Beiing Capital exquisite standards and served in an appro- Cantonese favorites. Daily 11am-2.30pm,5.30- Airport. (6458 8888 ext 8901) 北京首都机场希 priately elegant setting. Daily 11.30am-2pm, 10pm. Grand Millennium Beijing, Fortune 尔顿酒店2层 6-10pm. 1/F, Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang IFW Managed by the Park Hyatt, IFW offers Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 4217) 龙 District. (8587 6888) 瑶池中餐厅, 朝阳区东三 top quality cuisine from all around China, 苑中餐厅, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾斯基饭店1层 环中路7号 prepared at live cooking stations. Mon-Fri Fook Lam Moon Legendary Hong Kong Yu Voted “Outstanding 7.30am-10pm, Sat-Sun 10.30am-10pm. B1/F, institution with one simple principle: premium (High-End)“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Park Life, Yintai Center, 2 Jianguomenwai Modo Modern wine bar serving well over ingredients should be allowed to speak for Awards. Daily 11.30am-2pm, 6-10pm. 83A Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8567 1568) 悦食悦 a dozen wines by the glass, as well as small themselves. Voted “Outstanding New Restau- Jianguo Lu (inside the Ritz-Carlton Hotel), 香, 朝阳区朝阳区建国门外大街2号北京银泰中心 plates of tasty contemporary European cui- rant (Chinese)“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Chaoyang District. (5908 8111) 玉, 朝阳区建 悦·生活地下1层 sine. Also features Enomatic wine dispensers Awards. Mon-Fri 11.30am-3pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 国路甲83号 Jusong Mao-themed café and restaurant in to allow people to explore different wines. 4/F, China World Summit Wing, 1 Yue Cantonese with mainland influences. hip digs. Daily 11am-9.30pm. LG-15, Sanlitun Voted “Best New Retaurant (Non-Chinese)“ Waidajie, Chaoyang District. (6505 2299 ext Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 North Third Village North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Sun- 福临门,朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸大 6411) Ring Road East, Dongcheng District. (5798 District (6413 2275) 朝阳区三里屯路19号Village Thu noon-10pm, Fri-Sat noon-10.30pm. 3/F, 酒店4楼 8888) 东城区东城区北三环路36号 北区B1NLG-15号 Sanlitun Village South, Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang Hengshan Hui Serving Hong Kong staples: District. (6415 7207) 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯 ZEN Signature Cantonese dishes paired with Peking Legacy More style than substance, Village南区3楼 dim sum, milk tea and stir-fried noodles, Daily an impressive selection of fine wines and but a good kung pao chicken. Daily 11am-11- 1 0.30am-11.30pm. 1/F, Kerry EAS Logistics Chinese teas. Dishes are created using the pm. Northeast corner of Beixingqiao (subway Building (entrance at back of building), 21 freshest ingredients available and served in exit B), Dongzhimennei Dajie, Dongcheng 朝阳 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (6466 1211) a well-lit setting. 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10pm. District (6226 6368) 东城区东直门内大街(北新 区霄云路21号嘉里大通附楼1楼 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street, 11 桥地铁B出口) Horizon Good variety of Chinese dishes; Financial Street, Xicheng District. (5852 5918) classy atmosphere. Daily 11am-2.30pm, 5.30- 西城区金融街11号洲际酒店 Contemporary 10pm. 1/F, Shangri-La’s Kerry Hotel, 1 Guang- Zen5es A mix of authentic Cantonese supple- International hua Lu, Chaoyang District. (6561 8833 ext 41) mented by signature dishes from China’s other 海天阁, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心饭店1层 major regional cuisines - Beijing, Shanghai, Huang Ting Cantonese cuisine in elegant Sichuan, Hunan, and Zhejiang. Daily 11.30am- surroundings. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10pm. 2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 4/F, Westin Beijing B2/F, The Peninsula Beijing, 8 Jinyu Hutong, Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang Wangfujing Jie, Dongcheng District. (8516 District. (5922 8888 ext 8121) 朝阳区东三环北路 2888 ext 6707) 凰庭, 东城区王府井大街金鱼胡 7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店 同8号王府半岛酒店地下2层 Jewel Well-presented authentic Cantonese Central & South American cuisine and signature dishes from around Mosto Inventive, exciting contemporary food Brazillian Churrascos Latin-style grill with a South American touch. Voted “Best China. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. restaurant at the lobby level of the hotel. Daily 1/F, The Westin Beijing, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng Business Lunch,” “Best Steak,” “Outstand- 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm. 1/F, Crowne ing Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese),“ District. (6606 8866 ext 7820) 金城阁, 西城区金 Plaza Wuzhou, 8 Beisihuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang 融大街乙9号北京金融街威斯汀大酒店1层 “Outstanding For a Romantic Meal“ and “Out- District. (8498 2288) 朝阳区北四环中路8号五洲 standing Steak“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Ming Court Headed by a master chef trained 皇冠假日酒店1层 Awards. Daily noon-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. 3/F, at the two Michelin-star Ming Court at the Luga’s The tiny outpost where Luga launched Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang District. Langham Place in Hong Kong, it specializes his empire still does a brisk trade in burritos (5208 6030) 摸石头, 朝阳区三里屯北路81号那 in Cantonese and Shandong cuisine.Daily and cheap drinks. Daily 10am-3am. Sanlitun 里花园3层 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 1 Er Jing Alameda Contemporary fine dining with a Houjie (opposite Aperitivo), Chaoyang District. RoomBeijing Creative contemporary dining Road, Langham Place, Beijing Capital Airport. (6413 2786) 朝阳区三里屯后街同里对面 Brazilian twist. Voted “Outstanding Business Chaoyang District. (6457 5555) 明阁, 朝阳区首 Lunch” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. from former Blu Lobster chef Brian McKenna. 都机场二经路1号朗豪酒店 Luga's Villa Decent beers and Mexican food Daily 11.30am-3pm, 6-10.30pm. Sanlitun Sun-Wed 11am-midnight, Thu-Sat 11am-2am. ranging from enchiladas and burritos, to Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Centre, 2 Noble Court Fine Cantonese cuisine featuring Beijie, Chaoyang District. (6417 8084) 朝阳区 fajitas, nachos and more. Voted "Outstand- 三里屯北街 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District dim sum as well as seafood dishes. Mon-Fri ing Mexican / Tex-Mex" in our 2011 Reader (8517 2033) 朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心 11.30am-2.30pm, Sat-Sun 10.30am-2.30pm; Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am-3am. 7 Sanlitun China Grill Get a bird’s eye view of Beijing 301-302室 daily 5.30-10pm. B1/F, Grand Hyatt Beijing Beijie (behind 3.3 Shopping Center), Chaoyang while dining on grilled meats, seafood and Hotel, Oriental Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, District. (6416 2575) 朝阳区三里屯北街7号3.3 classical Chinese dishes. Daily 6-10.30am, Dongcheng District. (8518 1234 ext 3822) 悦 购物中心后 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 66/F, Park 庭, 东城区东长安街1号东方广场北京东方君悦 Hyatt Hotel, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang 大酒店地下1层 The Saddle Cantina Voted "Best Mexican District. (8567 1234) 北京亮, 朝阳区建国门外大 / Tex-Mex" in our 2011 Reader Restaurant 街2号柏悦酒店66层 Qi Enjoy a culinary journey that puts a Awards. Daily 11am-late. Nali Patio, 81 San- modern twist on several regional cuisines. litun Beilu (south of 3.3 Shopping Center), Compass Grill Fine steak and seafood served Daily 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10pm. 2/F, The Chaoyang District. (5208 6005) 朝阳区三里屯北 in elegant surroundings complete with six Ritz-Carlton, Financial Street, 1 Jinchengfang 路81号北京那里花园内西侧二层小楼 private rooms. Daily 5.30-11pm. Hilton Beiing Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District. (6601 Capital Airport. (6458 8888 ext 8901) 北京首都 6666) 金阁, 西城区金城坊东街1号金融街丽思 机场希尔顿酒店 卡顿酒店2层 Fuel Fun, funky restaurant serving pizzas, Ri Chang Best known for their claypot cas- gigantic ribs and one of Beijing’s biggest ham- seroles, Ri Chang will offer you a quick meal. burgers. Daily 11am-late. 1/F, Langham Place, 1 The service is speedy and the prices are cheap, Erjing Lu, Beijing Capital International Airport, but be prepared for a line. Daily 11am-3am. 72 Chaoyang District. (6457 5555) 朝阳区首都机场 Dongdan Beidajie, at the corner of Waijiaobu 二经路1号朗豪酒店 Hutong, Dongcheng District (6525 1783) 东城 Gori An international eatery with every- 区东单北大街72号外交部口内 thing from Thai to terriyaki opened by the SALT Innovative restaurant in a fresh modern Sun Palace Offers decent dim sum, Canton- much-loved Igosso/Pekotan team. Daily minimalist setting has weekly two-course or ese specialties and seafood cooked by Hong 11am-midnight. 1/F, Tower AB, The Office Park three-course set meals. Voted “Outstanding Kong chefs. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm. (Yuanyang Guanghua Guoji), 10 Jintong Xilu Business Lunch” and “Outstanding Steak” in 4/F, Crowne Plaza Sun Palace Beijing, Yunnan (near The Place), Chaoyang District. (8590 our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Mon-Sat Dasha, Northeast corner of Taiyanggong Qiao 6266) 朝阳区金桐西路10号远洋光华国际AB座1 noon-3pm, 6-10.30pm, Sun Brunch noon- and Xibahe, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang 楼(近世贸天阶) 4pm. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (west of Rosedale District. (6429 8888 ext 6332) 太阳宫中餐厅, 新 Hotel), Chaoyang District. (6437 8457) 盐, 朝 Grill 79 A captivating destination for inter- 云南皇冠假日酒店4层, 朝阳区东北三环西坝河 阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边) national dining. Savor the delicate flavors of 太阳宫桥东北角 TERRA Cevicheria and bar by the team simple, wild and fresh ingredients that each Scarlett Chic wine bar and restaurant. Daily Tang Palace Some of the best dim sum in behind SALT. Offering contemporary season has to offer. Mon-Thu & Sun noon-2am; 6pm-3am. Hotel G, 7A Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang town. Daily 7.30am-10.30pm. 1/F, Haoyue Peruvian cuisine and innovative cocktails. Fri-Sat noon-4am. 79/F, China World Summit District. (6552 2880) 朝阳区工体西路甲7号北 Jianguo Hotel, 17 Jianguomennei Dajie, Tue-Sun 11am-1am. 1 Sanlitun Nan Lu, Beijing, Wing, Phase 3, 1 京极栈内 Dongcheng District (6513 1288) 东城区东城区 Chaoyang District. (6591 9148) 朝阳区三里屯 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. Water Fusion cuisine by the lakeside. Specials 建国门内大街17号好苑建国商务酒店1楼 南路1号 (6505 2299 ext 6424) 朝阳区朝阳区建国门外大街 on set meals during the week plus afternoon Tong Luo Wan Down-to-earth spot serving 1号国贸大酒店79楼 tea until 5pm daily. Solana 15-4, 6 Chaoyang Contemporary Chinese Let’s Seafood Mussels, whole fish, seafood Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (5905 6008,

70 March 2012 DIRECTORY / DINING 137 0113 1533 English) 子水,朝阳区朝阳公园路6 Zhuzhong Dalian Huoshao Dumplings 11.30am-2.30pm. 23 Songzhusi Temple, S.T.A.Y (Simple Table Alleno Yannick) 号蓝色港湾国际商区15-4 truly are the star here, but try their baodu. 55 Shatan Beijie, Dongcheng District (8400 2232) Simple, communal-style French food by a Gulou Xidajie, Xicheng District (6401 2342) 铸 东城区沙滩北街嵩祝寺23号 Michelin chef. Tue-Sat 11.30am-2.30pm, DELIVERIES 钟褡裢火烧, 西城区鼓楼西大街55号 The Vineleaf Sister to Wudaoying sweet- 5.30-10pm, Sun 11am-4pm. Valley Wing 1/F, Shangri-La Hotel, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian Sherpa’s Fast, friendly and straight to your heart Vineyard Café, this tiny eatery serves European British gastropub food with interesting draft District. (8882 6727) 海淀区紫竹院路29号北京香 front door, Sherpa's is a third-party food 格里拉饭店新阁一层 delivery service. Notable restaurants on their Aria Inventive European food from monthly beers. Daily (closed Tuesdays) 11.30am-2 books include Hatsune, Hercules and La Pizza. changing menus. Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm, .45pm, 6-10.15pm. 9 Jianchang Hutong (east They'll also deliver additional beverages 5.30-10pm; Sat-Sun 5.30-10pm. 2/F, of Yonghe Villas), Dongcheng District (6407 Fusion alongside your order. Daily 9.30am-10.30pm China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, 6308) 东城区箭厂胡同9号(近五道营胡同)) CHAO Located in Solana with an open inte- (40 0600 6209) Chaoyang District. (6505 2266 ext 38, 6505 Vineyard Cafe Hip hutong cafe specializes rior, CHAO serves up a variety of fusion foods 3318) 阿郦雅, 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大 in comfort food and hearty breakfasts. Voted with a French touch, with daily homemade Dongbei 饭店二层 “Outstanding Brunch” in our 2011 Reader bread and an extensive wine list. Daily 11am- Café Swiss Serving a delectable spread of Restaurant Awards. Tue-Sun 11.30am-10 11pm. RS-17, Bldg 11, Solana, 6 Chaoyang Black Soil Impressions Out-of-the-way, but .30pm, closed Mon. 31 Wudaoying Hutong, Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (5905 1778) the go-to for homesick Dongbeiren wanting traditional Swiss specialties, European Cuisine and Asian delights. Daily 6:30am-10pm. Swis- Dongcheng District. (6402 7961) 葡萄院儿, 东 潮, 朝阳区朝阳公园路6号蓝色港湾11栋RS-17号 a fix. Daily 11am-10pm. Building 1, Anhuili 2nd 城区五道营胡同31号 Qu, Huizhong Lu, Chaoyang District (6498 sotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Bei Dajie, Dongcheng Lunar 8 Lunar 8's menu is a blend of all-things 5015) 朝阳区慧忠路安慧里二区1号楼(近北苑路) District. (6553 2288) 东城区潮阳门北大街2号 YellowStone Restaurant & Bar A relaxed Asian - choose from Chinese, Japanese, Capital M Classy European cooking and Bei- atmosphere for informal dining and casual Southeast Asian and Indian dishes, including Dumplings jing’s best view across Qianmen. Voted “Best drinks. Daily 9am-1am. Crowne Plaza Park sashimi, chicken tikka, sweet and sour prawns Brunch” and “Outstanding For a Romantic View Wuzhou, Bldg 28, 8 Beichen Donglu, and more. 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. The Meal“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Chaoyang District. (6481 7000) 黄玉石, 朝阳 Fairmont Beijing, 8 Yong'an Dongli, Jian- Mon-Fri 11am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun 区北辰东路8 guomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8507 11.30am-5pm, 6-10.30pm. 3/F, 2 Qianmen 3618) 朝阳区建国门外大街,永安东里8号 Pedestrian Street, Chongwen District. (6702 French 2727) 崇文区前门步行街2号3层 German Enoterra Unpretentious, reasonably priced Ellingen Brauhaus Enjoy hearty Ger- wine bar in that serves good food as well.Daily man dishes then wash it down with some 10am-2am. D405, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, home-made German beer. Daily 11am-2am. Chaoyang District. (5208 6076) 朝阳区三里屯路 B114-B115, Financial Street Shopping mall, 81号那里花园D405室 Xicheng District Morel’s Sanlitun stalwart serves Belgian-style Paulaner Brauhaus One of Beijing’s best steak tartare from locally bred beef and tasty choices for authentic (if pricey) German mussels. Voted “Outstanding French (Afford- food. The Paulaner brews its own beer. Daily ble)“ in our 2011 Restaurant Awards. Mon-Sat 11am-1am. Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao 11.30am-1am. Gongti Beilu (opposite Workers’ Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 5732) Gymnasium North Gate, northwest corner of 普拉那啤酒坊餐厅, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾 Din Tai Fung Taste just one dumpling to Chunxiu Lu), Dongcheng District. (6416 8802) 斯基饭店 know why they’re famous around the world. 东城区莫劳龙玺西餐, 工体北路春秀路西北角工 Schindler’s Anlegestelle (Schindler’s Voted “Best Dim Sum” in our 2011 Reader 人体育馆北门对面 Restaurant Awards. 1) Mon-Fri 11.30am-9 Docking Station) The Sanlitun sister of .30pm, Sat-Sun 11am-10pm. 7/F, Dangdai Schindler’s Tankstelle has great sausages, Shangcheng, 40 Zhongguancun Dajie, Haidian Brasserie Flo Owned by the powerful Flo pork knuckle and draft beers. Daily 11am-late. District. (6269 6726); 2) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, Group, and now a Beijing institution. French 10 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District. 5-10pm. 24 Xinyuan Xili Zhongjie, Chaoyang classics include the onion soup and profiter- (6463 1108) 申德勒码头餐厅, 朝阳区三里屯北 District. (6462 4502); 3) Daily 11.30am-9.30pm. oles. Voted “Best French (Affordable)” in our 小街10号 6/F, Shin Kong Place, China Central Place, 87 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. 18 Xiaoyun South German Bakery, Cafe Konstanz Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (6533 1536); 4) Lu, Chaoyang District. (6595 5135) 北京福楼餐 and Bodenseestube Provides a variety of B1-1/F, Grand Pacific Mall, 133 Xidan Beidajie, 厅,朝阳区霄云路18号 German and European rye, wheat and white Xicheng District. (6615 9028) 鼎泰丰, 1) 海淀 Cafe de la Poste Beijing’s French com- breads, along with tasty homemade cakes and 区中关村大街40号当代商城7层; 2) 朝阳区新源 munity pack in every night for steaks, salads, sweets. Restaurant daily 9am-10pm. Bakery 西里中街24号; 3) 朝阳区建国路87号华贸中心新 cheese and wine. Daily noon-3pm, 6pm-late. daily 7am-10pm. 27 Haoyun Jie (Lucky Street), 光天地6层; 4) 西城区西单北大街133号君太百 58 Yonghegong Dajie, Dongcheng District. 29 Zaoying Lu, Chaoyang District. (5867 0201) 货地下1层及1层 (6402 7047) 东城区雍和宫大街58号 德南面包房, 朝阳区枣营路29号好运街27号 Jaan A light and innovative interpretation of Villa Castanea Located next to the Summer classic French cuisine in a regal period setting. Palace, this restaurant has one of the largest Daily noon-2pm, 6.30-10pm. Raffles Beijing private gardens in Beijing – suitable for Hotel, 33 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng outdoor commercial activities and weddings. District. (8500 4186, 6526 3388 ext 4186) 家安, It serves German and Western fare, including 东城区东长安街33号北京饭店莱佛士 home-brewed beer and crispy pork knuckle. Daily 11am-10pm. 266 Wan’an Donglu, Pu‘an Le Cabernet French bistro opens its summer Dian, Haidian District. (6272 0130; 6272 0131) terrace, serving wine, juice cocktail, beer 七叶香山, 海淀区万安东路普安店266号 and ice creams. Daily 9am-midnight. Novotel Peace Beijing, 3 Jinyu Hutong, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District. (6512 8833 ext 7621) 卡 Hot Pot 本妮法餐厅, 东城区王府井金鱼胡同3号诺富特 Chuan Cheng Yuan Sichuan-style hot pot. 1) 和平宾馆 B1 Guorui Shopping Center, 18 Chongwen- Le Little Saigon Cute colonial-style French- menwai Dajie, Chongwen District. (6714 7859); Vietnamese bistro. Daily 11.30-midnight. 141 2) A 106 Jianwai Soho, 39 Sanhuan Zhonglu, Jiugulou Dajie, Dongcheng District. (6401 Chaoyang District. (5869 9986); 3) 323 3/F Viva 8465) 西贡在巴黎, 东城区旧鼓楼大街141号 Shopping Mall, Fuli City, 65 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Shuangjing, Chaoyang District. Green Bites Dumpling Bar Healthy Le Petit Gourmand Warm and cozy space (5903 7388); 4) B1-15A Wangjing Jiamao Shop- steamed dumplings & slow-cooked soup with a menu featuring crepes and couscous. ping Center, 33 Guangshun Dajie, Chaoyang delivered to your door. Daily 10.30am-9.30pm. Sun-Thu 9.30am-midnight, Fri-Sat 9.30am- District. (6475 5385); 5) B1 Food Court, Zhong- Unit 5-106, 1/F, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti Beilu, Park Side Bar & Grill This family-friendly 1am. 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, guancun Shopping Center, 15 Zhongguancun Chaoyang District. (8590 0475) 绿盒子蒸饺,朝 restaurant featuring a pleasant garden terrace Chaoyang District. (6417 6095, fax 6413 0765) Dajie, Haidian District. (5986 3783); 6) L4-29 阳区工体北路三里屯Soho 1层5-106室 is ideal for both dating or family dining. Burg- 小美食家, 朝 Jiamao Shopping Center, 1 Xizhimenwai Mr. Shi’s Dumplings Small hole-in-the-wall ers, steaks, wings, salads, sandwiches, steaks 阳区三里屯后街同里3层 Dajie, Xicheng District. (5830 2423); 7) 116 serves fried and boiled dumplings as well and other Western fare, complemented by a Le Pré Lenôtre Exudes all the pomp of fine B1 Huamao Shopping Center, 81 Jianguo Lu, as jia chang cai. 74 Baochao Hutong, Gulou healthy wine list. Daily 10am-late. 9-6 Jiangtai French dining and matches it with profes- Chaoyang District. (5876 4619) 川成元麻辣香 Dong Dajie (walk north on Baochao Hutong Xilu (opposite Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang sional service and accomplished food. Voted 锅, 1) 崇文区崇文区崇文门外大街18号国瑞购物 until the western end of Gulou Dong Dajie), District. (6444 6555) 园景, 朝阳区将台西路9-6 “Outstanding French (High-End)“ in our 2011 中心B1楼; 2) 朝阳区朝阳区东三环中路39号建外 Dongcheng District (8405 0399) 东城区鼓楼东 号(珀丽酒店对面) Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am-2 SOHO A座106室; 3) 朝阳区朝阳区东三环中路 大街, 宝钞胡同74号 Royal Smushi House Sushi-sized smorre- .30pm, 6.30-11.30pm. 6/F, Sofitel Hotel, Bldg 65号富力广场南区3楼323号; 4) 朝阳区朝阳区广 Old Beijing Mending Roubing Restaurant brod, a bakery and a formal dining restaurant C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang 顺北大街33号望京嘉茂购物中心B1-15A; 5) 海 More than just roubing, try a whole host of in one space. Daily 7am-10.30pm. 12 Dongzhi- District. (8599 6666) 朝阳区建国路93号万达广 淀区海淀区中关村大街15号中关村广场购物中心 old Beijing snacks here. Daily 10am-10pm. menwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6416 9664) 场C座6层 B1楼大食代内; 6) 西城区西城区西直门外大街1 号嘉茂购物中心L4-29; 7) 朝阳区朝阳区建国路 Xirongxian Hutong, Xicheng District (no tel) 西 皇家慕喜, 朝阳区东直门外大街12号 Maison Boulud Famous New York chef 81号华贸购物中心B1楼116号 城区,西绒线胡同 Scene a Cafe This two-level restaurant Daniel Boulud brings his take on French food Xian Lao Man This Beijing institution offers a buffet with a wide selection of pastas, to Beijing. Excellent food and service. Voted Haidilao Hot Pot This popular eatery is as fa- doesn’t skimp on the stuffing: big chubby salads, mains and desserts made in eight “Best French (high-end),” “Best Service," mous for its hospitality as it is for its authentic dumplings. Daily 10am-10pm.1) 252 And- differently themed open kitchens. Daily 6am- "Best for a Romantic Meal,” “Best Wine List” Sichuan cuisine. Voted “Best Hot Pot,” “Out- ingmennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (6404 1am. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai and “Non-Chinese Restaurant of the Year” in standing Restaurant of the Year (Chinese),” 6944); 2) 316 Dongsi Beidajie, Dongcheng Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6505 2266 ext 35) 咖 our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Mon-Fri and “Outstanding Service“ in our 2011 Reader District (8402 5779); 3) 7-2 Shunsha Jie, Shunyi 啡苑, 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店 11.30am-2pm, 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun 11am-4- Restaurant Awards. 1) Daily 24hrs. 2A Bai- pm, 6-10.30pm. Ch’ien Men 23, 23 Qianmen jiazhuang Lu, Chaoyang District. (6595 2982); District (5213 4777) 1) 东城区安定门内大街252 Temple Restaurant Beijing High-end Dongdajie, Dongcheng District. (6559 9200) 布 2) Daily 24hrs. 7/F, New Wedding Shopping 号 ; 2) 东城区东四北大街316号 ; 3) 顺义区顺 French cuisine set in a fresh, modern context. 鲁宫法餐厅, 东城区前门东大街23号 Center, 109 Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng District. 沙路商业街7-2号 Mon-Sat 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10pm, Sun

March 2012 71 DIRECTORY / DINING (6617 4063); 3) Daily 10.30am-3am. 3/F, Beiyue up authentic Indian and Pakistani tandoori 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng “Outstanding Italian (High-End)“ in our 2011 Dasha, 2A Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District. and curry dishes. Voted “Outstanding Indian/ District. (6629 6996) 意味轩, 西城区金城坊东街 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am-2 (8463 9300) 海底捞火锅, 1) 朝阳区白家庄路甲 Pakistani” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant 1号北京金融街丽思卡顿酒店大堂 .30pm, 6pm-10.30pm. 2/F, The Grand Summit, 2号; 2) 西城区西单北大街109号婚庆大楼7层; Awards. Daily 11am-3pm, 6-11pm. 4/F, Nali Section B, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Mansion, 3) 朝阳区惠新东街甲2号北奥大厦3层 Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (5208 19 Dongfang Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8532 6082/134) 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层 5068) 塔沃拉意大利餐厅, 朝阳区东方东路19号 亮马桥外交公寓会所2层 Huaiyang Punjabi Indian Restaurant Serves up tasty Summer Palace Light and delicious Huai- Punjabi cuisine with a focus on tandoor- Trattoria La Gondola The Kempinski’s yang and Cantonese cuisine cooked with flair. roasted meats. Daily 11.15am-11.15pm. C-8, Italian restaurant boasts elegant decor and Check out their daily tea cocktails and French 2/F, Lucky Street, Chaoyang Gongyuan Lu, an extensive wine list. The menu offers pasta, Bordeaux selections. Voted “Outstanding Chaoyang District. (5867 0221/23) 本杰比, 朝 risotto, veal and seafood, among a host of Cantonese Restaurant (High-End)“ in our 2011 阳区朝阳公园路好运街2楼C-8号 other Italian classics. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am- Tadka Sleek décor, comfy seating and one of and 5.30-11pm. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liang- 2pm, 6-10pm. Lobby, China World Hotel, 1 the richest Indian dining experiences in the maqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 意大利威尼斯餐厅,朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. city. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 2/F, 5707) 亮马桥路50号 (6505 2266 ext 34) 夏宫中餐厅, 朝阳区建国门 Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun 外大街1号中国大饭店大堂 Lu, Chaoyang District. (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云 Va Piano Chic contemporary setting com- Wumingju Elaborate dishes with a distinct 路甲26号海航大厦万豪酒店2层 bined with freshly baked pizza, authentic pas- Jiangsu and Huaiyang flavor. Daily 11am-2pm, The Taj Pavilion Friendly management tas, delightful desserts and a long list of wines. 5-9.30pm. 32 Zaoying Beili, Maizidian Jie, and some of Beijing’s finest Indian food. Daily 5.30-10pm. InterContinental Beichen, 8 朝 Chaoyang District. (6502 1568) 无名居,朝阳区 Voted “Outstanding Indian/Pakistani” in Beichen Xilu, Chaoyang District. (8437 1360) Ciro’s Pomodoro This spacious Italian diner 阳区北辰西路8号北京北辰洲际酒店 麦子店街枣营北里32号 our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily has nightly performances, DJs, live bands, 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. 1) L222, Euro- a long extended bar, and alfresco seating. plaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, Tianzhu Zhen, Shunyi Japanese Hunan & Hubei Daily 11am-3am. 81 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8046 3238); 2) China Overseas Plaza, District. (5208 6008) 波莫多洛, 朝阳区三里屯 Bei A contemporary Asian restaurant, with Karaiya Spice House Well-executed Hunan Chaoyang District. (136 9302 8663); 3) 3/F, fare, sound service and a laidback ambience. 北路81号 a range of reinterpreted traditional dishes Holiday Inn Lido, Jiangtai Lu, Shoudu Jichang from Japan, Northern China and Korea. Daily Daily 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10pm. Bldg 8, Cornerstone Back-to-basics Italian-American Lu, Chaoyang District. (6436 7678, 6437 6688 5.30-10.30pm. B1/F, The Opposite House, Bldg Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang ext 3811) 泰姬楼印度餐厅, 1) 顺义区天竺镇裕 dining. Cornerstone lets the ingredients do 朝阳区朝阳区三里屯路19号 1, Sanlitun Village, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6415 3535) 翔路99号欧陆时尚购物中心L222室; 2) 朝阳区国 the talking with simple, enjoyable dishes, The Village南区8号楼 District. (6410 5230) 北, 朝阳区三里屯路11号三 贸往西北中海广场; 3) 朝阳区首都机场路将台路 salads, seasonal soups, homemade desserts, 里屯Village1号楼瑜舍地下1层 Xixiangzi Spicy Hunan cuisine. 36 Dingfu 丽都假日酒店广场缤纷廊3层 freshly squeezed juices and a good wine Jie, Xicheng District. (no tel) 西城区定阜街36 selection. Daily 10am-11pm. Unit 105, World Haru Teppanyaki and Sushi Bar Simple, 号(庆王府旁) Italian Financial Center, 1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, elegant collection of small private rooms each Chaoyang District. (8587 8488) 朝阳区东三环中 featuring a teppenyaki grill. Daily 11.30am-2- Alio Olio Classic, tasty and affordable 路1号环球金融中心105 pm, 5.30pm-10pm. 1) Unit N4-30, 3/F, Sanlitun imperial Italian cuisine. West gate of Chaoyang Park, Village North, 11 Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang Daccapo The Regent’s Italian restaurant Najia Xiaoguan Consistently well-executed Chaoyang District. (6594 0938) 朝阳区朝阳 District. (6415 2112); 2) 902 Pinnacle Plaza, comes with plenty of contemporary flair, Manchu cuisine without the swanky atmos- 公园西门 Jingshun Lu, Shunyi District. (8046 5112) 尚 impeccable service. The menu, designed by phere. 1) Daily 11.30am-10pm. 10 Yonganli 水长廊铁板烧餐厅, 1) 朝阳区三里屯路11号院 Michelin Star Chef Mario Cittadini, stays true (south of the LG Twin Towers), Jianguomenwai (Village北区)能号楼3层N4-30单元; 2) 顺义区 to Italian regional cooking. Daily noon-2 Dajie, Chaoyang District (6567 3663); 2) Daily 天竺镇开发区荣祥广场902 .30pm, 6-10.30pm. 2/F, The Regent Beijing, 99 11.30am-10pm. 1 Yikesong (south of Botanical Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District. (8522 1789) Hatsune Specializes in unique sushi and Gardens crossroad), Fragrant Hills, Haidian 迪卡博意大利餐厅, 东城区金宝街99号北京丽 hand rolls. Voted “Best Japanese” in our 2011 District (8259 8588) 那家小馆,1) 朝阳区建国门 晶酒店2层 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am- 外大街永安里10号(双子座大厦南侧); 2) 海淀区 2pm, 5.30-10pm. 1) 2/F, Heqiao Bldg C, 8A 香山一棵松29号(植物园十字路口南) Danieli’s Elegant Italian restaurant in the St. Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (6581 3939); Regis hotel offers classic Italian fare, including 2) S8-30 (Opposite Element Fresh), Bldg 8, San- freshly made pasta and a selection of Italian Indian/Pakistani litun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. wines. Mon-Fri 11.30am-2pm, 6-10pm, (6415 3939) 隐泉日本料理, 1) 朝阳区光华路甲8 Ganges Indian Restaurant Southern Sat-Sun 6-10pm. 2/F, St Regis Hotel, 21 Jian- and northern Indian classics like chicken 号和乔大厦C座2层; 2) 朝阳区三里屯路19号The guomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6460 Village南区8号楼S8-30 tikka masala and lamb rogan josh. Voted 6688 ext 2441) 丹尼艾丽意大利餐厅, 朝阳区建 “Best Indian/Pakistani” in our 2011 Reader 国门外大街21号国际俱乐部饭店2层 Honzen Contemporary Japanese, featuring a Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am-11pm. 1) S93-3, tempting selection of sushi, sashimi, tempura Fratelli Fresh The spotless open kitchen pro- Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang and grilled dishes. Mon-Sat 11.30am-2pm, duces fresh Tuscan-fare: pastas, wood-fired District. (6416 0181/6121); 2) 6/F, Wudaokou 5.30-10pm. Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao Annie’s Unpretentious, affordable and pizzas, meat and fish, as well as large T-bone U-Center, Chengfu Lu, Haidian District. (6262 Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 4200) 朝 popular Italian chain. Voted “Best Italian 7944); 3) 5/B, Hairun International Apartment, steaks. Daily 10.30am-2.30pm, 5-10.30pm. 阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾斯基饭店 2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District. (5135 8353); (Affordable)” and “Best Family-Friendly 1/F, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Invincible Ramen All the elements combine 4) 138A, B1/F, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Restaurant” in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. for Beijing’s most divine ramen. Daily 11am- Chaoyang District. (6587 2999); 5) 2/F, Paddy Awards. 1) 11am-11pm. Ritan High Life 2-3-93, (5863 8203) 朝阳区朝阳区东三环中路61号北京 10.30pm. 32 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. O'Shea's, 28 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang (across from Ritan Park North Gate), Chaoyang 富力万丽酒店1层 District. (8569 3031); 2) Daily 11.30am-11pm. (6467 7688) 无敌家 浜骨汤创作面坊, 朝阳区 District. (6417 0900) 恒河印度餐厅, 1) 朝阳区 Luga’s Little Italy Italian classics from Luga. 16 Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (6503 霄云路32号 三里屯路19号三里屯VillageS93-3; 2) 海淀区 Daily 11am-11pm. Above Luga’s Villa, Sanlitun 3871); 3) Daily 11am-11pm. West Gate of Soho 成府路U-CENTER6层; 3) 朝阳区将台路2号海 Houjie, Chaoyang District. (6413 2786) 朝阳区 Kagen Stainless steel tables and cool New Town, 88 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. 润国际公寓底商5号; 4) 朝阳区光华路9号世贸 三里屯后街 electronica music accompany tasty mari- 天阶地下1层138A; 5) 朝阳区东直门外大街28号 (8589 8366); 4) Daily 11am-11pm. A1 Nongzhan nated meat grilled fresh at each table. Daily Nanlu, Chaoyang District. (6591 1931); 5) Prego A modern Italian restaurant serving 爱尔兰酒吧2层 10.30am-2pm, 5.30-9.30pm. B1/F, Bldg C, authentic regional home-style dishes pre- Daily 11am-11pm. Jiuxianqiao, Jiangtai Lu, Heqiao Dasha, 8 Guanghua Donglu, Chaoyang pared by an Italian chef. Daily 11am-11.30pm. Shangye Jie, Chaoyang District. (6436 3735); District. (6583 6830) 火源, 朝阳区光华东路8号 6) Daily 11.30am-11pm. Across from Western 1/F, The Westin Beijing, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng 和乔大厦C座地下1层 Academy Beijing, 5 Laiguangying Donglu, District. (6606 8866 ext 7815) 意大利餐厅, 西 Chaoyang District. (8470 4768) 7) Daily 城区金融大街乙9号北京金融街威斯汀大酒店1层 Miyabi With live cooking stations and private rooms, Miyabi offers a range of dining experi- 11am-11pm. 1/F, Ruisai Business Building, 2 Ristorante Sadler Owned by two-star ences. Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 North Dongsanhuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6568 Michelin chef Claudio Sadler, this restaurant Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng District. 5890); 8) Daily 11am-11pm. 1/F, Bldg 3, Gongti delivers well-executed dishes in a contem- (5798 8888) 东城区东城区北三环路36号 Donglu, Chaoyang District (8587 1469); 9) porary fine-dining setting. Daily noon-2pm, Daily 11am-11pm. 1/F, Tower AB, The Office 6.30-10.30pm. Ch’ien Men 23, 23 Qianmen Nadaman Enjoy the traditional taste of Park (Yuanyang Guanghua International), 10 Dongdajie, Dongcheng District. (6559 1399) Japanese cuisine. Daily 11.30am-2pm. 4/F, Jintong Xilu (near Central Park/The Place) 安 东城区前门东大街23号 China World Summit Wing, China World 妮, 1) 朝阳区神路街39号日坛上街2-3-93; 2) Trade Center Phase 3, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, 朝阳区东三环路16号; 3) 朝阳区建国路88号 Chaoyang District (6505 2299 ext 6407) 朝阳区 Soho现代城西门; 4) 朝阳区农展南路甲1号 (朝 建国门外大街1号4层 阳公园西门南侧); 5) 朝阳区酒仙桥将台路商业 街; 6) 朝阳区来广营东路5号京西学校对面; 7) Nishimura Teppanyaki, robatayaki, sushi and 朝阳区东三环南路2号瑞赛大厦商务楼1层; 8) 朝 more in a stylish setting. Daily 11.30am-2 阳区工体东路3号楼1层; 9) 朝阳区金桐西路10号 .30pm, 6-10pm. Shangri-La Hotel, 29 Zizhuy- uan Lu, Haidian District. (6841 2211 ext 2719) Khajuraho Taking inspiration from the 远洋光华国际AB座1楼(近新城国际/世贸天阶) 西村餐厅, 海淀区紫竹院路29号香格里拉饭店2层 temple cooking of Khajuraho, this brand-new Barolo Casual yet upscale Italian with a Obentos Healthy, fresh bento delivery Sanlitun Soho restaurant serves healthy gleaming open kitchen and superior service. service. Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat-Sun 10am- Indian food. Daily 11.30am-10.30pm. 1122-1-2, Mon-Sat 11.30am-2pm, 6-10pm. 2/F, The 10pm. Unit 106-107, Bldg 9, Central Park, 6 Bldg 1, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang Ritz-Carlton Hotel, China Central Place, 83A Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District District (8527 0464) 朝阳区工体北路三里屯 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (5908 8151) 巴 本之味,朝阳区朝阳门外 soho1号楼1122-1-2 罗洛, 朝阳区建国路甲83 (6597 0085, 6597 0223) 大街新城国际9号楼106-107室 Mirch Masala Tasty, authentic and afford- Bene Lively Italian restaurant with a home- Ours Boozy, meaty barbecue heaven. Daily able in a pleasant, well-lit environment. Vegan style feel. Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 11am-10pm. 6 Haoyun Jie, 1-5 Chaoyang friendly. Daily 11am-10.30pm. 1 Jingyang North Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District (5867 0206, Hutong (50m west off Nanluogu Xiang) District. (5798 8888) 东城区东城区北三环路36号 Dongcheng District. (6406 4347) 东城区景阳胡 5246 6252) 我们的日式烧肉屋, 朝阳区朝阳公园 Tavola Excellent Neapolitan-style Italian 同1号(南锣鼓巷往东50米) Cepe Authentic northern Italian cuisine in a 路1-5号好运街6号 modern, trendy setting. Daily 11am-2.30pm, cuisine in a setting that works equally well Sunrise Noodle Restaurant Japanese-style Mughal's Restaurant Friendly staff serve 6-10.30pm. The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street, for intimate dinners or group events. Voted

72 March 2012 DIRECTORY / DINING ramen plus delicious side dishes. Daily 11am- District (5135 8557) 叫板!比萨 1) 朝阳区工体东 10.30pm. Intersection Jiangtai Lu and Jiangtai 路中国红街3号楼; 2) 朝阳区将台路2号海润国际 Shangwu Lu, Chaoyang District (6438 6892) 公寓(将台路和方园西路的十字路口) 日出拉面, 朝阳区将台路商业街(将台路口) The Kro’s Nest Huge pizzas and innovations Suzumei A great corner nook Japanese res- like pizza sliders. Voted “Outstanding New taurant and bar that offer a bit of everything; Restaurant (Non-Chinese)“ and “Outstanding eel over rice, yakitori, sashimi and more. Mon- Pizza“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Sat 5pm-midnight. Mon-Sat 5pm-midnight. 1) Daily 10-2am (kitchen closes 11pm). Court- 1/F, Bldg 6, Sanyuanli residential compound yard 4, Gongti Beilu (across from Salsa Caribe), (north side), 2 Xinyuan Jie, Chaoyang District. Chaoyang District. (8523 6655); 2) Mon-Thu (6466 0204) 朝阳区新源街2号三源里小区6号 10am-midnight, Fri-Sun 10-1am. 35 Xiaoyun 楼1层北侧 Lu, Chaoyang District. (8391 3131) 乌巢, 1) 朝 阳区工体北路4号院 (卡利宾拉丁舞俱乐部对面); Tori Ton Yakitori and more, from the 2) 朝阳区霄云路35号 ex-manager of Tori Tei. Daily 5.30pm-1am. Alleyway opposite Workers’ Stadium East La Pizza A large brick oven in view promises Gate (behind China View), Chaoyang District for an authentic Italian feel. Daily 10.30am- (156 9988 5500) 鸟屯, 朝阳区工体东门对面中 3pm, 6-11pm. SA-48, Bldg 3, Solana Mall, 6 国红街后面 Chaoyang Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District. Yotsuba Incomparably fresh, traditional (5905 6106); 2) 1/F, 3.3 Mall, 33 Sanlitun Lu, 1) 朝阳区朝阳 Japanese fare. Reservations recommended. Chaoyang District. (5136 5582) 公园路6号蓝色港湾国际商区3号楼SA-48; 2) 朝 1) Tue-Sun 5-11pm. Next to Bldg 2, Xinyuan 阳区朝阳区三里屯路33号3.3服装大厦西北角底商 Xili Zhongjie (near Xindong Lu), Chaoyang District. (6467 1837); 2) Daily 11.30am-2pm, Pizza by LMPlus Fantastic Italian-style 5-10pm. 2/F, Bldg 8, Lakeview Place, Dragon pizza. Daily 11am-11pm. Unit 111, Tower Bay Villa, Shayu Huanlu, Houshayu, Shunyi 11, Central Park, Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, District. (8042 2284) 四叶, 1) 朝阳区新源西里 Chaoyang District. (6597 0108) 朝阳区朝阳门外 中街2号楼旁(近新东路); 2) 顺义区后沙峪镇沙 大街6号新城国际11号楼111号 峪环路8号楼2层 The Pizza Company Speedy and reliable pizza deliveries from locations across Beijing. Mediterranean Delivery (4008 113 113) 1) West of Hualian George’s Mediterranean Cuisine Owned department store, 2/F, 102 Lishi Beilu, by a Hong Kong native, this hidden gem Xicheng District; 2) 1/F, 40 Chongwai Daijie, offers some of the best Greek moussaka in Chongwen District; 3) West of Wumei depart- town. Daily noon-3pm, 6-10pm. 1A Fangcaodi ment store, 3-5 Fang Zhuang Xin Shi Dai, 9 Beixiang, Chaoyang District. (8561 3357) 佐治 Pufang Lu, ; 4) Unit B, Bldg 7, 地中海餐厅, 朝阳区芳草地北巷甲1号 Huaqingjiayuan, Wudaokou, Haidian District; 5) SO801, Zone A, Soho New Town, Jianguo Sureño Modern Mediterranean cuisine from Lu, Chaoyang District; 6) B1/F, Times Square, a beautiful open kitchen with wood-fired Changan Xiejie, Xicheng District; 7) Stall 0102, ovens. Voted “Best Italian (High-End)” in our 2/F, Zone A, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. in our 2011 Zhonglu, Chaoyang District; 8) B1-25, Glory Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily noon-3 Mall, 18 Chongwai Dajie, Chongwen District; .30pm, 6-10.30pm. B1/F, The Opposite House, 9) B-10 U-Town, Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang Sanlitun Village, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District; 10) 100m east of Caihong Xincheng, District. (6410 5240) 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯 Huang Village, ; 11) 1/F Xi Rong Village瑜舍地下1层 Ge, West Fourth Ring Road North, Haidian Dis- trict; 12) Bldg 5 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District; Middle Eastern 13) 102, Zone A, Shifengguoji Bldg, Pingfang 1001 Nights Some of the best Middle Eastern Xiang Huangshan Mudian, Chaoyang District; 1) 西城 food in Beijing plus nightly belly dancing. 14) 14 Shunyuanli, Chaoyang District. 区阜成门华联商厦西侧二层 ; 2) 崇文区崇文外 Voted “Outstanding Middle Eastern” in our 搜秀商城一层; 3) 丰台区蒲方路9号方庄新世代 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am- 大厦一层; 4)海淀区五道口华清嘉圆7号楼B号; 2am. Gongti Beilu (opposite Zhaolong Hotel), 5) 朝阳区建国路88号 现代城A区SO801 ; 6) 西 Chaoyang District. (6532 4050) 夜, 朝阳区工 城区西长安街首都时代广场地下一层; 7) 朝阳区 体北路兆龙饭店对面 东三环中路39号建外SOHO A座2层0102; 8) 崇 Biteapitta Falafels, hummus, sandwiches and 文区崇外大街18号国瑞购物中心地下 一层25号 shawarma. Voted "Best Middle Eastern” in our 商铺B1-25; 9) 朝阳区三丰北里1-3号楼悠唐生 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am- 活广场地下 一层B10 ; 10) 大兴区黄村镇彩虹 11pm. 2/F, Tongli Studio, Sanlitun Houjie, 新城北门物美东100米 ; 11) 海淀区西四环北路 Chaoyang District. (6467 2961) 吧嗒饼, 朝阳区 136号西荣阁大厦; 12) 朝阳区蒋台路商业街5号 三里屯后街同里2层 楼; 13) 朝阳区平房乡黄杉木店世丰国际大厦A 座 102号; 14) 朝阳区顺源里14号

RUSSIAN Moscow Restaurant A spacious dining room and decently-priced vodka makes this Russian eatery a great party place. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9pm. 135 Xizhimenwai Dajie (inside Beijing Exhibition Center), Xicheng District (6835 4454) 西城区西直门外大街135号北展中心内 Traktirr Pushkin Both traditional and contemporary Russian cuisine right next to the Russian embassy. Daily 10am-10pm. 5-15 Dongzhimennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (8407 8158) 彼得堡俄餐厅, 东城区东直门内大 街5-15号

SEAFOOD Rumi Its plush, minimalist interior is inviting, Starfish Great oysters, wines and house but the savory kebabs seal the deal. Voted cocktails. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10pm. 22-1 “Outstanding Middle Eastern” in our 2011 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (opposite Canadian Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11.30am- embassy), Chaoyang District (6416 9838)朝阳 midnight. 1A Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. 区东直门外大街22-1号(加拿大使馆对面) (8454 3838) 入迷, 朝阳区工体北路甲1号 Turkish Mum Traditional Turkish fare and Shanghai a good wine list. Daily 11.30am-11.30pm. 3 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8532 3979) 土 Shanghai Min (Xiao Nan Guo) Established 耳其妈妈, 朝阳区工体北路3号 in 1987, this restaurant chain serves traditional Shanghai cuisine in a contemporary interior. (40 0820 9777) 1) Daily 11am-2pm, 5pm-10pm. Pizza 2/F, Jinbao Plaza, 89 Jingbao Jie, Dongcheng Gung Ho! Gourmet Pizza Factory Pizza District; 2) Rm 301, 3/F, China Life Center, delivery service offering gourmet pies. Voted 17 Jinrong Dajie, Xicheng District; 3) Stall “Outstanding Pizza“ in our 2011 Reader CC16, B1/F, Oriental Plaza, Wangfujing Dajie, Restaurant Awards. 1) Daily 11am-11pm. Bldg. Dongcheng District; 4) Stall 401-A, 4/F, IFC 3, China View, Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang Mall, 1-3 Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District; District. (8587 1404/1370); 2) Daily 11am-11pm. 5) 3/F, Bldg 1, Sanlitun Soho, 8 Gongti Beilu, Shop 2, Hairun International Apartments, cor- Chaoyang District. 小南国 1)东城金宝街89号 ner Jiangtai Lu and Fangyuan Xilu, Chaoyang 金宝大厦; 2) 西城金融大街17号中国人寿中心3

March 2012 73 DIRECTORY / DINING 楼301; 3) 东城王府井大街东方新天地广场地下 with a good wine selection. 6/F, Nali Patio, 81 District. (6501 9345) 紫苏庭, 东城区东四六 一层CC18号;4)朝阳新源南路1-3号都汇天地 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (5208 6061) 米 条1号 商场4层401-A号;5)朝阳工体北路8号三里屯 家思, 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园6层 Spice Factory Innovative, contemporary Soho一栋3层 Thai food without the kitschy trappings. Daily Steakhouses 6-10pm. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu (above d Sichuan The Astor Grill Grain-fed tenderloin steak, lounge), Chaoyang District. (6585 2386) 朝阳区 Chuan Ban A reputation for being the most cigars and an extensive wine list. Mon-Fri 工体北路4号院 (d lounge 楼上) authentic Sichuan cuisine in town. Voted 11.30am-2pm; daily 6-10pm. 3/F, St. Regis “Outstanding Sichuan” in our 2011 Reader Hotel Apartments, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Restaurant Awards. Mon-Fri 7-9am, 10.50am- Chaoyang District. (6460 6688 ext 2637) 艾斯 2pm, 4.50-9.30pm; Sat-Sun 7am-10pm. 5 特扒房, 朝阳区建国门外大街21号国际俱乐部 Gongyuan Toutiao, Jianguomennei Dajie, 饭店公寓3层 Dongcheng District. (6512 2277 ext 6101) 川办 CRU Steakhouse The sleek, warm design 餐厅, 东城区建国门内贡院头条5号 of CRU is reflective of the rich, refined cuts Spring Organic Fish Restaurant Healthy served up by its open kitchen. Voted “Out- Sichuan food prepared with quality standing Steak“ in our 2011 Reader Restaurant ingredients. Fresh fish, seasonal vegetables, Awards. Daily 11.30am-2pm, 6-10pm. 2/F, JW dishes available in the evenings. Daily 3-11pm. truffles and mushroom. Daily 10am-2.30pm, Marriott Hotel, China Central Place, 83 Jianguo Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing, 6A East Beisan- 5-9.30pm. 1) 23A Taiping Lu, Haidian District. Lu, Chaoyang District. (5908 8530) 朝阳区建国 huan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3440) 朝 (6818 1113); 2) 11 Jianhua Nanlu, Jianguomen- 路83号华贸中心JW万豪酒店2层 阳区北三环东路甲6号,北京皇家大饭店 wai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6566 8001; 182 The CUT Steak & Seafood Grill Features 0165 2683 for English) 同和春野生鱼庄, 1) 海 Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar With an a wide selection of prime quality imported 淀区太平路甲23号; 2) 朝阳区建外大街建华 open kitchen and live entertainment, this res- beef, fresh seafood and poultry roasted to 南路11号 taurant serves 250-day, grain-fed Australian perfection. “Outstanding Steak” in the Beijin- Angus steaks, charcoal grilled to perfection. Transit A high-end venue offering an expen- ger 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Tue-Sat There’s also a fantastic wine selection, and Thai Express Convenience and speed are sive menu of Sichuan cuisine. Daily 6-10pm. 6-11pm. Fairmont Beijing Hotel, 8 Yong’an some incredible desserts. Daily 11.30am-2- the essence here, with efficient service and N4-36, Sanlintun Village North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Dongli, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang pm, 5.30-10.30pm. InterContinental Beijing a chilli-coded menu. Strengths lie in their Chaoyang District (6417 9090) 朝阳区三里屯路 District. (8507 3630) 刃, 朝阳区建国门外大街永 Financial Street, 11 Financial Street, Xicheng 11号三里屯Village北区N4-36号 安东里8号华彬费尔蒙酒店 simpler curries and a commendable . District. (5852 5921) 西城区金融街11号洲际酒店 Daily 11am-10.30pm. 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (next to the International Southeast Asian Taiwanese Club) (8532-1073)朝阳区建国门外大街21号(国 4corners Daily 11am-midnight. 27 Dashibei Bellagio See and be seen at these Taiwanese 际俱乐部旁边) Hutong (near west end of Yandai Xiejie), hipster eateries, perfect for late night sweet Xicheng District (6401 7797) 西城区大石碑胡同 treats. Daily 11am-4am. 35 Xiaoyun Lu, Vegetarian 27号(烟袋斜街西口附近) Chaoyang District. (8451 9988); 2) Daily 11am- Hawka Equal parts Chinese street food, 10pm. Rm 6, 5/F, 1 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Indian delicacies, Thai and Singaporean treats. Dongcheng District. (8409 8075); 3) Daily Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall, 7 Jianguomen 11am-4am. 6 Gongti Xilu, south of the Gongti Nandajie, Dongcheng District (5811 8888 ext 100 Bowling Alley, Chaoyang District. (6551 8266) 东城区建国门南大街7号北京万豪酒店 3533); 4) Daily 11am-10pm. R-25 Zhongguan- cun Plaza, 15 Zhongguancun Dajie, Haidian Lau Pa Sak One of Beijing’s only joints District. (5172 1340); 5) Daily 10am-10pm. for close-to-authentic Singaporean hawker 6F-19, 131 Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng District. fare. Daily 11am-11pm. Xindong Lu (opposite (5971 6529); 6) Daily 10am-10pm. 1/F, Bldg 1, Canadian Embassy), Chaoyang District (6417 16 Guangshun Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8476 0952) 朝阳区新东路加拿大使馆对面 4645); 7) Daily 11am-2am. Bldg 4, Area 2 Anhui Beili, Yayuncun, Chaoyang District. (6489 Flamme International Grill This stylish 4300); 8) Daily 11am-10pm. 6/F, Shin Kong two-floor bar and grill features American Place, 87 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (6530 steaks. Voted “Outstanding New Restaurant 5658) 鹿港小镇, 1) 朝阳区霄云路35号; 2) 东 (Non-Chinese)“ and “Outstanding Steak“ in 城区东直门南大街1号5层6号; 3) 朝阳区工体西 our 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 路6号(工体100南边); 4) 海淀区中关村大街15 11am-midnight. S4-33, Sanlitun Village, 19 号中关村广场商业步行街R-25号; 5) 西城区西 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6417 8608) 朝 单北大街131号6F-19号; 6) 朝阳区广顺大街16 The Veggie Table Fresh, safe and sustainable 阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village3楼S4-33室 号院1号楼1层; 7) 朝阳区亚运村安慧北里2区4 vegan cuisine using high-quality ingredients. Unwind in a cozy, sunny non-smoking setting Grange Grill This steakhouse serves mean 号楼(炎黄艺术馆斜对面); 8) 朝阳区建国路87 featuring comfy couches and large windows. and delicate cuts with dipping sauces doled 号新光天地6层 Try their veggie burgers, organic vegan out of beakers and pipettes. Mon-Fri 11.30- Shin Yeh Authentic ingredients from Taiwan. chocolate cake and signature apple-basil mo- 3pm (lunch), daily 5.30-11pm (dinner). 2/F, Daily 11.30am-3pm, 5.30pm-midnight. 6 jito. Twice-weekly organic vegetable pickup Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Gongti Xilu (ground floor of the Gongti 100 available. Wed-Mon 11am-11pm. 19 Wudaoy- Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5922 8888) 朝阳区东 bowling alley), Chaoyang District. (6552 5066); ing Hutong, Dongcheng District. (6446 2073) 三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店 2) Daily 11am-10pm. Bldg 4, Xinzhongguan- 吃素的,东城区五道营胡同19号 cun Dasha, 19 Zhongguancun Dajie, Haidian District. (8248 6288) 欣叶, 1) 朝阳区工体西路 Malacca Legend Elaborate Malaysian 6号(工体100一层); 2) 海淀区中关村大街19号 Vietnamese restaurant boasts serene water views (Luoma 新中关大厦4楼 Luga’s Pho Pho This small restaurant serves Lake location) and zesty Southeast Asian authentic Vietnamese-style pho, nem and cuisine. Daily 11am-10pm. 1) 1/F Building B, Thai Vietnamese coffee. Daily 10am-3am. Above Ocean International Center, 58 East 4th Ring Luga’s, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District. Road, Chaoyang District. (5908 0075); 2) On (6413 2786) 朝阳区三里屯后街同里对面 the banks of Luoma lake, Houshayu, Shunyi Pho La La Convenient, bright and serves up District. (8049 8902) 马六甲传奇, 1) 朝阳区朝 a mean bowl of pho. Daily 11am-10pm. 2/F, 阳区东四环路58号远洋国际中心B座1层; 2) 顺义 Xingfucun Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (6417 区后沙峪镇罗马湖畔 7103) 朝阳区幸福村中路2层 Spanish Susu New Vietnamese restaurant staffed by two chefs from Saigon and run by the people Agua Fine Spanish dining. Voted "Best from Tuk Tuk Thai and Stone Boat. Tue-Sun Spanish Restaurant" and “Outstanding New 11am-11pm. 10 Qianliang Hutong Xixiang, Restaurant (Non-Chinese)“ in our 2011 Reader Dongcheng District. (8400 2699) 苏苏会, 东城 Restaurant Awards. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun 区钱粮胡同西巷10号 Lu, Chaoyang District. (5208 6188) 朝阳区三里 屯路81号那里花园4层 Va Va Voom Classic Vietnamese fare. Daily 11am-11pm. S4-32, 3/F, Bldg 4, Sanlitun Village Carmen Tapas plates, hearty salads, South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6416 paella and roasted whole suckling pig. Voted 3732, 6417 2210) 越时代, 朝阳区三里屯路19号 “Outstanding Spanish” in our 2011 Reader 三里屯Village南区4号楼3层S4-32 Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am-2am. Beside Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beijie, Chaoyang Purple Haze Restaurant & Bar Xinjiang District. (6417 8038) 朝阳区三里屯北街81号( served amongst purple hues. Books, coffee 哪里花园边) and Wi-Fi create the perfect atmosphere for a Xinjiang Flavour Delicious Classic, cheap Xinjiang eats. Ya’er Hutong, Xicheng District. Ole Spanish Restaurant Three floors: the lazy afternoon. Voted “Best Thai” in our 2011 西城区帽儿胡同 first is a bar and lounge, the second is for Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily 11am-11 tapas, and the top floor focuses on fine dining. .30pm. Opposite the north gate of the Work- Sun-Wed 11am-midnight, Thu 11am-2am, ers’ Stadium (behind ICBC Bank), Chaoyang Yunnan Fri- Sat 11am-4am. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu District. (6413 0899) 紫苏庭, 朝阳区工体北门对 面胡同工商银行后 Dali Courtyard Atmospheric decor, easy- (next to Salsa Caribe), Chaoyang District. (6595 going hospitality and delicious set menu. 9677) 朝阳区工体北路4号院(卡利宾旁边) Purple Haze Courtyard Authentic Thai Voted “Outstanding Restaurant of the Year Migas Restaurant & Lounge Headed by cuisine in rustic hutong digs. Voted “Best Thai” (Chinese),” “Outstanding Outdoor Dining“ chefs from Spain, this stylish restaurant serves The Grill Steaks and seafood grilled on an in our 2010 Reader Restaurant Awards. Daily and “Outstanding Yunnan“ in our 2011 Reader up a wide selection of modern Spanish tapas open flame with a Scandinavian twist. Chinese 11am-11.30pm. 1 Dongsi Liutiao, Dongcheng Restaurant Awards. Daily 10am-9.30pm. 67

74 March 2012 DIRECTORY / DINING–NIGHTLIFE Xiaojingchang Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, District. (6505 2299 ext 6433) 朝阳区光华路国 Entero Whiskey bar that’s cool like bebop and Dongcheng District. (8404 1430) 大理, 东城区 贸3期80层(中国大饭店北侧) sunglasses and bongos. Has a karaoke room 鼓楼东大街小经厂胡同67号 Black Sun Bar Bargain-basement drinks, and darts competitions. Daily 7pm-midnight. Dali Renjia Authentic and cheap Yunnan a pool table, darts, foosball, the original 1 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (8451 0554) 朝 eats. Daily 10.30am-11pm. 80 Baochao Hutong caipirinha recipe and a patio. Daily 5.30pm- 阳区新源里1号(新东路往北到左家庄桥右转50 (100m north of Gulou Dongdajie), Dongcheng 3am. West gate of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang 米 见路口右转) District. (158 1039 2366) 大理人家, 东城区宝钞 District. (6593 6909) 黑太阳, 朝阳区朝阳公 胡同80号(鼓楼东大街往北走100米) 园西门 Haney Restaurant Opened by the proprie- Blue Frog See Dining Directory under tors of the old Dali Renjia, Haney’s offerings “American.” stick close to traditional. Daily 11am-midnight. The Bookworm See Dining Directory under 107 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, “Cafes & Teahouses” Dongcheng District (6401 3318) 东城区鼓楼东 大街宝钞胡同107号 The Brick Food and cheap drink in this Sh- uangjing neighborhood pub where fun is the In and Out One of Beijing’s best Yunnan res- name of the game. Daily 4pm-late. Unit 2-11, taurants excels both in taste and design. Daily Bldg 2, Tianzhi Jiaozi, 31 Guangqu Lu (north- Huxley’s Shut Up and Drink: Not much more 11am-10pm. 1 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang east corner of Shuangjing Qiao), Chaoyang 一坐一忘, 朝 need be said. Daily 6pm-late. Yandai Xiejie District. (8454 0086/6467 5235) District. (134 2616 6677) 朝阳区双井桥东北角广 阳区三里屯北小街1号 (the street running diagonally between the 渠路31号院天之骄子2号楼底商2-11 Drum Tower and Yinding Bridge), Xicheng Hudiequan Seriously comprehensive dish Buzz Chill out and relax in this intimate District. (6402 7825) 德彼酒吧, 西城区烟袋 selection by the Dali Representative Office bar that features signature cocktails and an 斜街16号 restaurant. Daily 7-9am, 11am-1.30pm, 5-9pm. extensive collection of premium whiskeys, co- Ichikura This tiny bar packs in as good a 1/F, Hudiequan Binguan (north of Picai gnacs, wines and ports. Mon-Sat 6pm-1.30am. variety of single malt whiskies as you’ll find in Hutong), 55 Xixie Jie, Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng 1/F, The Westin Beijing, 9B Financial Street, Eudora Station Bar and Restaurant Ameri- 蝴蝶泉, 西城区西单北大街 Beijing. 2/F (entrance via stairs at south wall District (6615 6583) Xicheng District. (6606 8866 ext 7825) 西城区 can food, a great terrace and live music. Greg 西斜街55号(辟才胡同北边)蝴蝶泉宾馆1层 of Chaoyang Theater), Chaoyang Theater, 36 金融大街乙9号北京金融街威斯汀大酒店1层 Carroll Band featuring singer Greg Carroll Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6507 Middle 8th Restaurant Comfortable, hip (who formerly performed with Robert Palmer), CD Blues Café A loungey sit-down music plays a mix of Latin-influenced blues, jazz and 1107) 朝阳区东三环北路36号朝阳剧场南侧 Yunnan restaurant. 1) Daily 11am-11.30pm. venue, that allows you to float in and out of rock & roll Wed-Sat 9.30pm-1am. Daily 9am- The Irish Volunteer This Irish bar stays true Zhongba Lou, Sanlitun Zhongjie, Chaoyang performances. Drinks are serviceable, beers 2am. 6 Fangyuan Xilu (opposite Lido Plaza), to the Irish culture, Guinness included (RMB District. (6413 0629); 2) Daily 11am-10.30pm. range from RMB 15, cocktails from RMB 35. Chaoyang District. (6437 8331/8813) 朝阳区芳 60). This two-room saloon also offers food. R17, Zhongguancun Pedestrian Mall, 15 Daily 4pm-late. Nongzhangguan Lu (south of 园西路6号(丽都广场对面) Daily 9am-2am. Jiangtai Lu (opposite the east Zhongguancun Dajie, Haidian District. (5172 the Agricultural Exhibition Hall), Dongsan- 中八楼, 1) 朝阳区三里屯中街中八楼; 2) gate of the Lido Hotel), Chaoyang District. 朝 1728) huan Lu, Chaoyang District. (65068288) 朝阳区 Flames Flawlessly mixed drinks. Live per- 海淀区中关村大街15号中关村广场步行街R17 阳区高家园小区平房311号(丽都饭店东门对面) 东三环路农展馆大门往南300米 formances add an air of relaxation. Daily 11am- 1am. Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Jiang Hu Liveshow Bar Live music. Daily Rainbow Authentic Yunnan cuisine in fan- Centro A surprisingly comfortable spot Dongjie, Dongcheng District. (5812 8888) 东城 7pm-2am. 7 Dongmianhua Hutong, Jiaodaok- tastic surroundings.. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, to down drinks from bottled beers to blue 区王府井东街8号北京王府井西尔顿 ou Nandajie, Dongcheng District. (6401 4611) 5.30-10pm. 5/F, Crowne Plaza Sun Palace cheese martinis. Nightly live jazz performanc- 江湖酒吧, 东城区交道口南大街东棉花胡同7号 Beijing, Yunnan Dasha, Northeast corner of es. Daily 24hrs. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Fubar A speakeasy with a fine selection of Taiyanggong Qiao and Xibahe, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (6561 8833 ext 42) 炫酷, drinks. Sun-Thu 2pm-2am, Fri-Sat 2pm-4am. Kokomo Sporting a top-class terrace and Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6429 8888 ext 6425) 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心饭店1层 Behind Stadium Dog, Gate 10, Workers’ Sta- superior cocktails. Sun-Thu 6pm-2am, Fri-Sat 彩云天, 新云南皇冠假日酒店5层, 朝阳区东北三 dium, Chaoyang District. (6593 8227) 福吧, 朝 6pm-4am. 4/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Champagne Bar Molecular mixology comes 环西坝河太阳宫桥东北角 阳区工体东路工人体育场东门内10号进口 Chaoyang District. (6413 1019, kokomobei- to town, plus bubbles. Daily 6pm-midnight. [email protected]) 朝 2/F, Fairmont Beijing, 8 Yong’an Dongli, George’s Smart cocktail bar from Beijing bar 阳区三里屯后街同里4层 NIGHTLIFE Chaoyang District. (8511 7777) 朝阳区建国门外 veteran George Zhou. Daily 3pm-2am. Near 大街永安东里8号北京华彬费尔蒙酒店2层 Gate 12, east side of Workers’ Stadium, Gongti Lantern Techno and other types of electronic Donglu, Chaoyang District. (6553 6299) 朝阳区 music from the Acupuncture Records team. bars & clubs China Bar With one of the best views in 工体东路工人体育场东门内12号进口 Thu-Sat 9pm-late. 100m north of Workers’ town, this is definitely a place to impress. Daily 12SQM Good beer and whiskey selection. Stadium West Gate, (in the basement behind 5pm-1am. 65/F, Park Hyatt, 2 Jianguomenwai Glen One of the finest collections of single Daily noon-1am. Corner of Nanluogu Xiang Xuxian Lou restaurant), Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8567 1234) 朝阳区建 malts in the city. Daily 6pm-2am. 203, Taiyue and Fuxiang Hutong, Dongcheng District. District. (135 0134 8785) 灯笼, 朝阳区工体西路 国门外大街2号 Suites, 16 Nansanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6402 1554, [email protected]) www. (6591 1191) 格兰高地, 朝阳区南三里屯16号泰 工体西门往北走100米(许仙楼后面地下1层) 东城区南锣鼓巷福祥1号 d lounge Beautiful place, beautiful drinks, 悦豪庭2层203 Le Petit Gourmand Enjoy a warm and cozy beautiful people all converge at this sleek 13 Club Hefty, dark and covered in graffiti. space featuring crepes and couscous while venue south of Sanlitun. Daily 8pm-late. Great Leap Brewing Currently closed, Featuring mostly rock, metal and punk bands, browsing their library of over 9,000 books and Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu (across from Rock & but available for private events. Tue-Sat with shows almost every night. Sun-Thu wireless internet. Sun-Thu 9.30am-midnight, Roll Club), Chaoyang District. (6593 7710) 朝阳 3pm-midnight, Sun 3-8pm. 6 Doujiao Hutong 8pm-2am, Fri-Sat 8pm-3am. 161 Chengfu Lu Fri-Sat 9.30am-1am. 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanli- 区工体北路4号 (from Di’anmenwai Dajie, walk east down (Lanqiying bus stop; doorway is recessed in Fangzhuanchang Hutong until you hit Doujiao tun Houjie, Chaoyang District. (6417 6095, fax a small alley next to Da Waguan Restaurant), The Den Watch sports until dawn; stick Hutong. Turn right then follow the road round 6413 0765) 小 Haidian District. (8261 9267) 13俱乐部, 海淀 around for brunch. Voted “Outstanding to the left), Dongcheng District. (5717 1399) 大 美食家, 朝阳区三里屯后街同里3层 区成府路蓝旗营车站下车,马路南边即是(瓦罐 Late-Night Dining“ in our 2011 Restaurant 跃, 东城区豆角胡同6号 Lobby Lounge (Grand Millennium) 1/F, 饭馆的西边) Awards. Daily 24hrs. 4 Gongti Donglu (next to Grand Millennium Beijing, Fortune Plaza, 7 City Hotel’s main entrance), Chaoyang District. Green Cap Bar, The Irish-run bar for the 2 Kolegas Intimate music venue. 21 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (6592 6290) 敦煌, 朝阳区工体东路4号城市宾 Lido-Shunyi crowd. Live sports, Irish bar food Liangmaqiao Lu (inside the drive-in movie (6530 9383) 朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心 馆正门旁边 and more. Tue-Sun noon-late. Beside Western theater park), Chaoyang District. (6436 8998, Academy of Beijing, Laiguangying Donglu (off Long Bar Cocktails and live music by Termi- [email protected]) 两个 Earl Bar A combination of cheap drinks and the Airport Expressway), Chaoyang District. nal 3. Daily 4pm-1am. Hilton Beijing Capital 好朋友, 朝阳区亮马桥路21号(燕莎桥往东1500 DJs as well as regular weekend events makes 爱尔兰老人酒吧, 朝阳区来广营东路(北京京西 Airport, Terminal 3, Capital International 米路北汽车电影院内) for an attractive venue. Daily 6.30pm-2am. 学校旁边) Airport, Chaoyang District. (6458 8888) 朝阳区 1 Dongdan Beidajie next to Peninsula Hotel, 4corners Daily 11am-midnight. 27 Dashibei 首都机场3号航站希尔顿酒店 伯爵酒吧, Grinders A good selection of beer and afford- Hutong (near west end of Yandai Xiejie), Dongcheng District. (8511 6646/51) 东城区东单北大街1号王府饭店东侧胡同内 able wine as well as huge hoagies and other Loong Bar A large, classy bar with the size, Xicheng District (6401 7797) 西城区大石碑胡同 North American classics. Daily 10am-2am. ambition and prices to be Centro redux. 27号(烟袋斜街西口附近) East Shore Live Jazz Cafe Great for jazz Unit 3-02, Bldg 2, Tianzhi Jiaozi, 31 Guangqu Daily 5.30pm-2am. 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel, 83 with a view of Houhai. Daily 2.30pm-2am. 2/F, Alanting 1/F, Forte International Apartment, Lu (northeast corner of Shuangjing Qiao), Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang 2 Qianhai Nanyanlu (just to the west of the 235 Chaoyang Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8571 Chaoyang District. (8775 1847) 朝阳区双井桥东 District. (5908 8906) 龙吧, 朝阳区华贸中心建国 post office on Di’anmenwai Dajie), Xicheng 5168) 阿兰亭咖啡, 朝阳区朝阳北路235号复地 北角广渠路31号院天之骄子2号楼底商3-02 路83号JW万豪酒店2层 东岸咖啡, 西城区地安门外 国际公寓1层 District. (8403 2131) 大街前海南沿2号楼2层 Gulou 121 Enjoy a clash between a saloon The Lounge (China World Summit Wing) Apothecary Cocktails prepared with class bar and Chinese kitsch, as well as a selection Sip a martini with unrivalled views of the El Nido/Bar No. 59 Tiny bar, huge beer and care. Also features a menu of Creole of cheap beers, whiskeys and cocktails. Daily capital. Daily 6.30am-1am. 80/F, China World selection, and absinthe too. Daily 4pm-late. dishes prepared using house-made ingredi- 2pm-late. 121 Jiugulou Dajie, Dongcheng Summit Wing Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, 59 Fangjia Hutong (enter from Andingmennei ents. Tue-Sat 7pm-late, Sun 6pm-late (kitchen District. (8404 3430) 鼓楼121, 东城区旧鼓楼 Chaoyang District. (6505 2299 ext 6431) 酒廊, Dajie), Dongcheng District. (8402 9495) 东城区 closes 1am). 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beilu, 大街121号 朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸大酒店80层 方家胡同59号(丛安定门内大街往东走20米) Chaoyang District. (5208 6040) 朝阳区三里屯北 Havana Bar 22 varieties of rum. Tapas at the Lush A caffeinated study spot by day and by 路81号那里花园3层 Enoterra Wine bar that serves good food bar and cigars in the cigar divan. Daily 5pm- night a place to cut loose. Daily 24hrs. 2/F, as well. Voted “Outstanding Wine List” in the Aria See Dining Directory under “European.” 1.30am. Grand Millennium Beijing, Fortune Bldg 1, Huaqing Jiayuan, Chengfu Lu (across Beijinger’s 2011 Reader Restaurant Awards. Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang from the Wudaokou light-rail station), Haidian Atmosphere Bar Expect spectacular views Daily 10am-2am. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun District. (6530 9383) 朝阳区东三环中路7号财 District. (8286 3566) on a good day at Beijing’s highest bar. Failing Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5208 6076) 朝阳区三 富中心 海淀区成府路华清嘉园1号楼2层(五道口城铁 that, you can count on the drinks being good. 里屯北路81号那里花园4层 Daily noon-2am. 80/F, China World Summit Haze Electronic music in the basement. 站对面) Wing, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Thu-Sat 9pm-late. B1/F, On the Corner Cafe, Mako Live House Mid-sized live music and Guanghualu Soho, Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang events space brings the noise to Shuangjing. District. 朝阳区光华路光华路Soho地下1层 Daily 5pm-late. Inside Hongdian Art Fac- Hot Cat Club Decent live music, dodgy tory, Courtyard 36 (500m south of Carrefour Free Smushi! drinks. Daily 10am-late. 46 Fangjia Hutong Shuangjing, inside small alley), Guangqu Lu, (just south of Guozijian Jie), Dongcheng Chaoyang District. (5205 1112/3) 麻雀, 朝阳区 To win a business set lunch for two at the Royal Smushi House, District. (6400 7868) 东城区方家胡同46号艺术园 广渠路36号院红点艺术工厂内(幸福贝贝南边) answer this question: Where did the smushi originate? Email 区(国子监南临) Mao Mao Chong Great cocktails, house [email protected]. vodka infusions and house-designed T-shirts are this bar’s trademarks. Wed-Thu 7pm-

March 2012 75 DIRECTORY / NIGHTLIFE–STYLE midnight, Fri-Sat 7.30pm-1am. 12 Banchang District. (6526 3388 ext 4181) 作家酒吧, 东城区 Hutong (east off Nanluogu Xiang), Dongcheng 东长安街33号, 北京饭店莱佛士一层 District. (159 9264 6024) 毛毛虫, 东城区板厂胡 Xiu A summer-friendly terrace plus much 同12号(南锣鼓巷往东走) more in the luxuriant lounge. Mon-Fri Maison Camus High-end cognacs and 11.30am-2.30pm, 6pm-late, Sat-Sun 6pm-late. Bordeaux and Burgundy wines for the con- Park Hyatt (entrance across from the hotel noisseur. Daily 4pm-midnight. 4/F, Reignwood lobby), 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Center, 8 Yong’an Dongli, Jianguomenwai District. (5867 1108) 秀, 朝阳区朝阳区建国门 Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8523 5703, 8528 外大街2号 9518) 卡慕世家酒廊, 朝阳区建国门外大街永安 Yugong Yishan This live music venue is a 东里8号华彬中心4层 perfect spot for more discriminating drunken MAO Livehouse The capital’s premier music debauchery. Daily 7pm-late. 3-2 Zhangz- venue. Daily 4pm-late. 111 Gulou Dongdajie, izhong Lu (100m west of Zhangzizhong Lu Dongcheng District. (6402 5080) 光芒, 东城区 subway station), Dongcheng District. (6404 鼓楼东大街111号 2711) 愚公移山, 东城区平安大道张自忠路3-2号 Mesh Equally at home to post-retail therapy (地铁五号线张自忠路站往西100米) or a night on the tiles. Daily 5pm-2am. 1/F, The Zeta Bar Boasts style, chrome cages that Opposite House, Bldg 1, Sanlitun Village, 11 house the extensive wine collection hang Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6417 6688) 朝 from the high ceiling. Mon-Thu 6pm-2am, Fri- 阳区三里屯路11号三里屯Village1号楼瑜舍1层 Sun 6pm-3am, Sun close. 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 Migas Spanish restaurant doubles as one of Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang Sanlitun’s most popular nightlife haunts. Daily District. (5865 5050) 颐达吧, 朝阳区东三环北路 10am-3pm, 5-11pm. 6/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun 东方路1号希尔顿饭店2层 Lu, Chaoyang District. (5208 6061) 米家思, 朝 阳区三里屯路81号那里花园6层 concert/festival venues Sundays: S.T.A.Y Sunday Brunch Mix (Westin Chaoyang) Live jazz in the MasterCard Center 69 Fuxing Lu, Haidian evenings and an extensive selection of cham- You’ll never want to leave. District (6828 6386) 万事达中心, 海淀区复兴 pagnes, wines and whiskey. Daily 5pm-1am. 路69号 1/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Pudao Wines Try before you buy, with wines Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5922 8000) 朝阳区东 to be sampled from multiple dispensers. Xiang, Dongcheng District. (6406 9496) 如果, 三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店 Daily noon- 10pm. Unit F1-01, Tower AB, The 东城区鼓楼东大街北锣鼓巷67号 STYLE Mo Lounge A laid-back lounge downstairs Office Park, 10 Jintong West Road, Chaoyang Spark Beautiful people and slick design at Accessories & jewelry from Kokomo. Sun-Thu 6pm-2am, Fri-Sat District (8590 3020) 金桐西路10号远洋光华国 this Taipei-based nightclub’s Beijing outpost. 6pm-4am. 4/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, 际AB座F1-01 B108, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang Christian Louboutin French luxury Chaoyang District. (6413 1019) 朝阳区三里屯 Punk A mixture of urban and neo-Gothic District. 朝阳区光华路9号世贸天阶B108 shoemaker brings his renowned red-soled 后街同里4层 footwear to Beijing. N4-10, Sanlitun Village where big name DJs spin an eclectic mix. Tue- The Stumble Inn Daily 10am-2am. S3-31, North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. Modernista Enjoy regular live music with a Sat 8pm-3am. B1/F, The Opposite House, Bldg 3/F, Sanlitun Village South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, 朝阳区三里屯路 glass of absinthe. Tues-Sun 3pm-3am. 44 Bao- 1, Sanlitun Village, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang Chaoyang District. (6417 7794) 朝阳区三里屯路 11号Village北区N2-17单 chao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District. (6410 5222) 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯 19号三里屯Village南区3号楼3层S3-31 District. (136 7127 4747) 东城区鼓楼东大街宝 Village1号楼瑜舍地下1层 D-SATA by CuR: DimSum of all things The Swan with Two Necks Daily 10am-late. 钞胡同44号 Asian Handmade couture clutches for the Q Bar Quality tunes and top-notch cocktails. Pinnacle Plaza), Tianzhu Real Estate Develop- ethical and eco-chic fashionista. Daily 1-9pm Mokihi Intimate, atmospheric cocktail bar of- Nice terrace. Daily 5pm-2am. Top floor of ment Zone, Shunyi District. 顺义区天竺开发 fers masterful drinks. Daily 6pm-3am. 3/F, C12 Eastern Inn Hotel, 6 Baijiazhuang Lu (the south 区荣祥广场 or by appointment. Unit A116, 1/F, Nali Patio, Haoyun Jie, Chaoyang District. (5867 0244) 朝 end of Sanlitun Nanlu), Chaoyang District. 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (5208 6066, 阳区好运街C12商铺3层 (6595 9239) 朝阳区百家庄6号(朝阳门医院北门 Tango Karaoke, with a nightclub at Yonghe- 134 3966 4067, [email protected]) www.d-sata. 东100米)三里屯南路逸羽连锁酒店顶楼 gong. Daily 24hrs. 1) South Gate of Ditan Park com, 朝阳区三里屯路 (next to Jin Ding Xuan restaurant), Dongcheng 81号那里花园A116室 R Lounge This huge hotel bar is perfect for District. (6425 5677/6428 2288); 2) Gongti Xilu hosting an event. 4/F, Renaissance Beijing (beneath Gongti 100 bowling alley), Chaoyang Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, District. (6551 9988) 糖果, 1) 东城区地坛公园 Chaoyang District. 朝阳区东三环中路61号北京 南门; 2) 朝阳区工体西路工体100保龄球馆下面 富力万丽酒店4层 Terra A variety of food from skewers of octo- Raying Temple Avant-garde concerts, pus to soy-marinated pork and much more. improvisational sessions and band rehearsals. Tue-Sun, 11-1am. 1 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang Daily 4pm-midnight. East End of Qunfang District. (6591 9148) 朝阳区三里屯南路1号 Zhongyi Jie (West Gate of Yucai Middle School), Liyuan Town, Tongzhou District. (137 Tim’s Texas Bar-B-Q Meat-eater friendly 1698 0276, [email protected]) www.nojiji. bar-restaurant with popular quiz night. 2 com 小雷音俱乐部, 通州区梨园镇群芳中一街东 for 1 happy hour every Monday-Friday from 首(育才学校西门) 3-7pm. Daily 9am-midnight. 14 Dongdaqiao Lu (on the corner of Guanghua Lu), Chaoyang Redmoon Redmoon at the Grand Hyatt in- District. (6591 9161) Tim’s 熏烤房, 朝阳区东 cludes a wine bar, sushi bar and cigar lounge, 大桥路14号贵友大厦正北200米 all sleekly designed to cater to the executive set. Daily 5pm-1am. 1/F, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Tonic Lounge A modern, cozy bar offering Nanjie Two floors packed with exchange stu- Beijing Oriental Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, a selection of mixed drinks, wine by the glass dents. Low prices. Daily 5pm-5am. Courtyard Dongcheng District. (6510 9366, 8518 1234 and aperitifs. The bar is well designed with a 4, Gongti Beilu (opposite to Banana Leaf), Kavenna Diamond Provides high-class ext 6366) 东方亮, 东城区东长安街1号东方君 stunning bar counter, a low ceiling and com- Chaoyang District. (6413 0963) 南街, 朝阳区工 diamond accessories, classical engagement 悦酒店大厅 fortable lounge seating. Daily 10am-12.30am. 体北路4号院蕉叶对面 Lobby Level of Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, and wedding rings. Unique, personalized Rendez-vous Bar & Lounge Relaxing place orders including re-styling are gladly NL Food & Sports Bar Live sports and Chaoyang District. (5865 5000 ext 5060) 汤尼 to meet friends and clients for drinks and accepted. Daily 10.30am-7.30pm. Unit 23, 1/F, pub grub, with a few Dutch specialties. B1/F, 酒廊, 朝阳区北京希尔顿酒店大堂 snacks. Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Fortune Mall (behind the Millennium Hotel), TYG Center, C2 Dongsanhuan Beilu (north of Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 4200) 朝阳 Twilight Cocktails made with style, and 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. Xiaoyun Lu intersection), Chaoyang District. 区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号 hard-to-find whiskeys. Pizza, pasta and other (6533 0236, 137 0120 0304, [email protected]) (133 1126 0980) 朝阳区东三环北路C2天元港中心 snacks available. Mon-Sat 11.30am-2.30pm, 卡文那钻石, 朝阳区东三环中路7号北京财富购 (东三环和霄云路的路口北侧)地下1层 The Ritz-Carlton Bar Light live music and a 6pm-2am. (Behind Starbucks) 3/F, 0102, Bldg 物中心一层23号 lounge atmosphere. Daily 6pm-1am. The Ritz- Paddy O’Shea’s The best Guinness in town 5, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Carlton Beijing, 83A Jianguo Road, Chaoyang Nicolas Favard A centrally located at Beijing’s first genuine Irish pub. Quiz nights Chaoyang District. (5900 5376) 暮光, 朝阳区东 District. (5908 8131) 丽思卡尔顿吧, 朝阳区朝阳 showroom for the chic, avant-garde creations every Wed from 8pm, with well-sponsored 三环中路39号建外Soho5号0102单元3层 区建国路93号华贸中心 of jeweler Nicolas Favard, who has worked on prizes. Daily 10am-late. 28 Dongzhimenwai V.A. Cafe & Bar This small cafe-bar is well commission in Beijing for several years. While Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6415 6389) www. Riverbank Café & Bar 1/F, FX Hotel, 39 equipped for weekly flamenco and jazz you can simply drop by and pick up whatever 朝阳区东直门外大街28号 Maizidian Xijie, Chaoyang District. (6506 8277) performances. Daily 2pm-late. 13 Wudaoying takes your fancy, we recommend arranging a 朝阳区麦子店西街39号富驿时尚酒店1层 Paulaner Brauhaus One of Beijing’s best Hutong, Dongcheng District. (5844 3638) 东城 visit when Favard himself is in the store. Daily choices for authentic, if pricey, German Salud Infused rums. Mon-Fri 3pm-late, 区五道营胡同13号 11am-8pm. 28 Sanlitun Lu (in the alleyway food, the Paulaner brews its own beer. Daily Sat-Sun noon-late. 1) Opposite Tongli Studio, What Bar Tiny bar hosting local rock bands. just west of Sanlitun Village North), Chaoyang 11am-1am. Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District.; 2) 66 Daily 4pm-late. 72 Beichang Jie (just north of District. (6413 0818) Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 3388 ext 5732) Nanluogu Xiang, Dongcheng District. (6402 the west gate of the Forbidden City), Xicheng 朝阳区三里屯路28号(三里屯Village北区西侧) 普拉那啤酒坊餐厅, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号凯宾 5086) 老伍, 1) 朝阳区三里屯后街同里对面; 2) District. (133 4112 2757) 什么酒吧, 西城区北长 斯基饭店 东城区南锣鼓巷66号 街72号(故宫西门往北) BEAUTY PARLORS & SPAS Plush Filled with natural light and overlook- School Wudaoying Hutong bar started by a The World of Suzie Wong Club Part 1930’s 99 Massage and Spa Center Daily 11am- ing a modern zen garden. Daily 7am-1am. consortium of Beijing and Shanghai-based Shanghai opium den and part postmodern midnight. Rm 703, E-Tower C12, Guanghua Lu, 1/F, The Westin Beijing, 9B Financial Street, events promoters serves as a “refuge for alter- lounge. Daily 8.30pm-late. 1A Nongzhanguan Chaoyang District. (6501 0799) 99按摩中心, 朝 Xicheng District. (6606 8866 ext 7825) 西城区 native music fans seeking electro fun.” Daily Lu (west gate of Chaoyang Park), Chaoyang 阳区光华路丙12号数码01大厦703室(嘉里中心与 金融大街乙9号北京金融街威斯汀大酒店1层 8pm-late. 53 Wudaoying Hutong, Chaoyang District. (6500 3377) 苏西黄, 朝阳区农展馆路甲 国贸之间) District. (6402 8881, schoolbegins@gmail. Press Club Bar Nixon drank here, you know. 1号朝阳公园西门 com) 朝阳区五道营胡同53号 Anantara Spa Daily 10am-10pm (flexible Daily 5pm-1am. 1/F, St. Regis Hotel Beijing, 21 Writers Bar Caviar and oysters complement opening hours on request). The Commune, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Dongcheng District. Siif A mixture of frat-house dance floor, a the wide selection of cocktails and cigars. Shuiguan Great Wall, Badaling Gaosulu, (6460 6688 ext 2360) 记者吧, 东城区建国门外 ground level bar and an upstairs chill-out area Daily noon-midnight. Raffles Beijing Hotel, Yanqing County. (8118 1888 ext 5100/01, 大街21号北京国际俱乐部饭店1层 with a balcony. Daily 1pm-2am. 67 Beiluogu Main Lobby, 33 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng [email protected]) 延庆县八

76 March 2012 DIRECTORY / STYLE 达岭高速路水关长城出口长城脚下的公社凯宾 区幸福村中路55 2177); 3) Daily 11am-3am. Sunjoy Mansion, com) 临枫男士健康会馆, 斯基饭店 1) 朝阳区光华路2号阳光100 C306; 2) 朝阳区 Heavenly Spa by Westin Daily 9am-10pm. 6 Ritan Lu, Chaoyang District. (6502 5722); 农展北路枣营北里宾都苑204室 Angel Hands Enjoy vigorous deep-tissue 1) The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsan- 4) Daily 10am-12.30am. B/1-3F, Shuncheng massage, soothing and gentle massage, or huan Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5922 8888); 2) Hotel, 26A Financial Street, Xicheng District. Tai Dian Massage Salon Japanese brand a combination of both. Daily 24 hours. Rm Daily 9am-10pm. The Westin Beijing Financial (6621 8622); 5) Daily 10am-12.30am. Bldg 25, with 25 years of expertise. 1) Daily 10am-2am. 1801, Bldg 2, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Street, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District. (6629 Central Park Phase 3, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Rm 305, Bldg 6, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsan- Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (8631 0801) 朝阳 7878) 威斯汀天梦水疗中心, 1) 朝阳区朝阳区东 Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6597 0015); 6) Daily huan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (5869 8200, 区东三环中路39号建外Soho2号楼1801室 三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀大饭店; 2) 西城区 11am-1am. Rm 101, Bldg B, Winterless Center, 5869 0707) ; 2) Daily 10am-2am. Bldg 4, Area 2, 西城区威斯汀大酒店金融街9B 1 Xidawang Lu, Chaoyang District. (6538 8086) Shuanghuayuan Nanli (100m west of Melody Aqua Salus Urban Retreat 1) Daily noon- 东方大班保健休闲会所, 1) KTV), Chaoyang District. (8751 6223) 1)泰殿养 midnight. 1-17 Lucky Street, 1 Chaoyang Herborist Spa Offers the time-honored 朝阳区芳园西路甲2号丽都广场9号公寓2层; 2) 生会馆, 朝阳区东三环中路39号建外Soho6号楼 Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (6501 6639, traditional Chinese health and beauty care 朝阳区新东路1号沈记靓汤旁; 3) 朝阳区日坛路6 305室 2) 朝阳区双花园南里三区四号楼 (双井麦 [email protected]); 2) Taiyue Height system. Daily 10am-10pm. S9-30, Sanlitun 号新族大厦院内; 4) 西城区西城区金融街甲26号 乐迪向西一百米华夏银行北侧) 106, 16 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District. Village South, 19 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang 顺成饭店地下一层; 5) 朝阳区朝外大街6号新城 (6501-2881, [email protected]) www. District. (6416 5179, 6416 5962, 400 888 2155) 国际公寓三期25号楼; 6) 朝阳区西大望路1号温 TATA International hair salon provides a 良泉都市怡疗三里屯会馆, 1) 朝 朝阳区三里屯Village 特莱中心B座101 complete range of hairstyling and beauty 阳区朝阳公园路1号 好运街1-17号; 2) 朝阳区 南区9号楼 S9-30 spa services, with an international team from 朝阳区南三里屯16号泰悦豪庭底商106 Origin Spa Offers a smaller, more refined Hummingbird Therapeutic Retreat Hum- England and France, China and Hong Kong. spa menu in a larger, airier setting. Decorated Daily 10am-10pm. Workers’ Stadium North Beijing Salon Vajra Catering to clients mingbird has a range of therapeutic massages with dark wood, flowing water and plants, who demand very personal service. Mon-Sat starting at RMB 150-225, and also offers facials, Gate, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. (8511 you’ll feel as though you’ve retreated to a 3880) 朝阳区工体北路工人体育场北门 10am-8pm. S106, Glory World Apartments, waxing and manicures. Daily 10am-midnight. Southeast Asian spa the moment you enter. 18 Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang District. (6551 Unit 103, Bldg 3, Central Park, 6 Chaowai Dajie, The practitioners are professionally trained Toni & Guy British international hair salon 6461/2/3) 画间沙龙, 朝阳区 Chaoyang District. (6597 9119) 一体保健会所, and educated, which shows in the firm, effec- chain. 1) Daily 10am-10pm. 3 Units, 3/F, Tower 工体西路18号光彩国际公寓S106 朝阳区朝外大街6号新城国际3号楼103 tive and relatively pain-free Chinese meridian 8, South Area, Sanlitun Village, Chaoyang Bodhi Sense Just like its original Gongti I.O Spa Indoor and outdoor pools abound, massage. Most rooms come with a private District. (6417 4188); 2) Daily 10am-9pm. 1/F, branch, but more private. Daily 11am-12 along with the usual spa services. Inside shower and toilet, and many with a bathtub, Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan .30am. 2/F, Somerset Grand Fortune Garden, Workers’ Stadium East Gate (towards south), the complimentary snack bar. Manicures and Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6461 8368); 3) Unit 46 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (8440 Chaoyang District. (6588 3228/82) 私人会所, pedicures also available. Daily 11-12.30am. 2/F, 303, Tower C Office Bldg, Yintai Center, 2 1495) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号盛捷副景苑公寓2层 朝阳区工体东南边茉莉餐厅旁边 Bldg AB, Lan Chou Ming Zuo, Jiqingli, Chaowai Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6552 9599) www. (8517 1292); 4) Daily 10am-9pm. 4/F Seasons Bodhi Therapeutic Retreat Offers a I Spa Local spa chain with English-speaking 本源, 朝阳区朝外大街吉庆 Place Shopping Centre, 2 Jinchengfang Jie, variety of professional treatments, as well as staff offers aromatherapy massage, Thai 里蓝筹名座AB座2层 Xicheng District. (6622 0316); 5) Daily 10am- complimentary food and snacks cooked up by massage, scrubs, wraps, facials, floral bath, 9pm. Rm105-106, Block F, Sunshine 100, 2 their Thai chef. Daily 11am-12.30am. 17 Gongti steaming, TCM and foot reflexology. All Peninsula Spa by ESPA 12 treatment Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (6585 9288); Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6417 9595) www. rooms are private suites. Special packages rooms and private locker facilities. 3/F, The 6) Daily 10am-9pm. 1/F, Oriental Plaza, 1 菩提会所, 朝阳区工体北路17号 for couples are also available. 1) Daily 11am- Peninsula, 8 Jinyuhutong, Wangfujing, Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng District. (8518 东城 11pm. 1/F, Yuyuanhui Club, South of Gongdesi Dongcheng District. (8516 2888 ext 6090) 2646); 7) Daily 10am-10pm. Units F4-04 & 05, Catherine de France Hair and Beauty 区东城区王府井金鱼胡同8号2王府半岛酒店三层 Salon International and local stylists, color- Bridge (northwest to Summer Palace), Haidian ECMall, 1A Danling Jie, Haidian District (8248 ists and beauticians offer an holistic hair District. (6287 9868); 2) 6/F, Hilton Beijing Quan Spa at Marriott Beijing City Wall 3435, fax 8248 3301) 托尼英盖, 1) 朝阳区三里 and beauty experience. Daily 10am-8pm. Capital Airport,Terminal 3, Beijing Capital Daily 3pm-midnight. 7 Jianguomen Nandajie, 屯Village南区8号楼3层3单元; 2) 朝阳区朝阳区 2/F, Riviera Plaza, 5 Laiguangying Donglu, International Airport, Shunyi District. (6450 Dongcheng District. (5811 8187) 东城区建国 东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿酒店大堂1层; 3) 朝 Chaoyang District. (8470 4639, 150 1081 6856, 4777); 3) 10am-midnight. B1/F, Traders Upper 门南大街7号 阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心写字楼C座3层303 [email protected]) 朝阳区来广营东路5号 East Hotel, Lido, Dongsihuan Beilu, Chaoyang 商铺; 4) 西城区金城纺街2号金融街购物中心四 District. (5907 8877); 4) 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel The Ritz-Carlton Spa China Central Place, 香江广场2层 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5908 层L404; 5) 朝阳区光华路2号阳光100国际公寓F Beijing, China Central Place, 83 Jianguo Lu, 座105-106号; 6) 东城区东长安街1号东方广场 8080/8081) 朝阳区建国路83号华贸中心 db tanning Daily, 11am-9pm. Rm 307, Bldg Chaoyang District. (5908 8380); 5) 1/F, Gehua 汇贤豪庭1层; 7) 海淀区丹棱街甲1号欧美汇购 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu,, New Century Hotel, 19 Gulouwai Dajie, Salon 88 An international chain of hair salons 物中心4层04-05 Chaoyang District. (5900 0427) db 日晒沙龙, Chaoyang District. (6202 8888 ext 6666); 6) offering consistent quality at economical 朝阳区东三环中路39号建外Soho4号楼307商铺 Daily noon-11pm. 5/F, Tower 2, Taiyue Suites, prices. Daily 9am-10pm. 1) 6712 6081. 118 The Wellness Spa by Hummingbird Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District. (6507 1517, Carrefour Fu Gui Yuan, Block 3, South Dong- Hummingbird Therapeutic Retreat's second Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat Interna- branch. The Wellness Spa's facilities are twice tional spa brand with an exhaustive menu 8595 2277 ext 5666) 泰美好, 1) HuaShi, Chongwen District.; 2) 394 Zhongtan- 海淀区功德寺桥南御园汇会所1层(颐和园西北 cun, East Xiaokou Town, . as big as they are at the original location, of spa packages. Daily 10am-1am. 1) 1/F, boasting a 32 customer capacity, a custom- Grand Summit Plaza, 19 Dongfang Donglu 角); 2) 顺义区北京首都机场3号航站楼北京机 (139 1135 2069); 3) PJWJ 103, Huacai Center, 16 场希尔顿酒店6层(3号航站楼附近); 3) 朝阳区 Guangshun Dajie, Chaoyang District. (136 0115 made Ayurvedic massage bed and Hum- (100m north of Lufthansa Center), Chaoyang mingbird's first-ever VIP suite. Bldg 26, Central District. (8532 3122); 2) 60 Donghuamen Ave 东四环北路阳光上东上东盛贸饭店地下1层; 4) 0326); 4) Daily 9am-10pm. 1/F, Chuangyijia 朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号北京JW万豪酒店2 Carrefour, 6B Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang Park, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang (near The Peninsula Hotel and Oriental Plaza), 朝阳区朝阳门外大街6号新 层; 5) 朝阳区鼓楼外大街19号歌华开元大酒店 District. (139 1055 3427); 5) Daily 9am-10pm. District. (6533 6922) Dongcheng District. (6527 9368); 3) B1/F, 城国际26号楼 Eastern Hotel, Nansanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang 1层 (原华北大酒店); 6) 朝阳区三里屯南路泰 Store 310, Tongzhou Carrefour, 48 Jiukeshu District. (6593 6066) 悠庭保健会所, 1) 朝阳区 悦豪庭2座5层 Xilu, Tongzhou District. (137 0117 9323); 6) Willow Stream Spa Fairmont Beijing, 朝阳区燕莎桥东方东路19号外交会所1层(燕莎中 I-Spa Daily 10.30am-midnight (last appoint- Daily 9am-10pm. 109, Shuangjing Carrefour, 8 Yongan Dongli, Jianguomenwai Dajie, 朝阳区建国门外大街永安东 心路北100米); 2) 东城区东城区东华门大街60 ment 11pm). 6/F, InterContinental Financial Jiulong Shangsha, 31 Guangqu Lu, Chaoyang Chaoyang District. 里8号北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 号(近王府饭店和东方广场); 3) 朝阳区朝阳区三 Street Beijing, 11 Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District. District. (139 1016 9259); 7) Daily 9am-10pm. 里屯南路逸羽酒店1层 (5852 5888 ext 5601) 西城区金融街11号金融街 107-108, Maliandao Carrefour, 11 Maliandao Wonderful Massage Center Offers a variety Lu, Xuanwu District. (135 0101 1627); 8) Daily Eric Paris Salon International hairstyling 洲际酒店6层 of treatments, including oil massage, foot 9am-10pm. B1/F, 15-16, Zhongguancun Car- massage, full body massage and Thai mas- service. Daily 10am-8pm. 1) 43 Sanlitun Hou- Kocoon The same quality of service as at its refour, Zhongguancun Xiqu, Haidian District. jie, Chaoyang District. (135 0137 2971); 2) Stall previous Nali Patio branch, only now in The sage. Reliable services and convenient loca- (136 0139 2562) 1) 崇文区东花市南里三区底商 tion. Rm 101, 1/F, Bldg 13, West Gate of Central 123, Kerry Centre Shopping Mall, 1 Guanghua Opposite House. Tue-Sun 10.30am-8.30pm. 裙房富贵苑家乐福118号; 2) 昌平区东小口镇中 Lu, Chaoyang District. (139 1179 8376); 3) Lido B1/F, The Opposite House, Sanlitun Village Park, Chaowai Dajie (across from World City), 滩村394号家乐福购物中心No.212; 3) 朝阳区广 Chaoyang District. (5243 7258, 133 9161 6582) Hotel, 112 Jichang Lu, Chaoyang District. (135 North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. 顺大街16号华彩中心PJWJ 103; 4) 朝阳区北三 朝阳区朝外大街新城国际西门13号楼1层101室( 0107 5843) 爱丽克美容美发, 1) 朝阳区三里屯 (6417 6688 ext 5008) www.kocoonspalounge. 环东路乙6号创益佳家乐福一层; 5) 通州区九棵 世界城对面) 后街43号; 2) 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心商场 com 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯Village北区瑜 树西路48号通州家乐福310号; 6) 朝阳区广渠路 123; 3) 朝阳区机场路112号丽都饭店 舍地下1层 31号九龙商厦双井家乐福109号; 7) 宣武区马连 Yishengyuan-Beijing Health Center essensuals Sister brand to Toni & Guy. 1) LeSpa Daily 11am-11pm. 5/F, Sofitel Beijing, 道路11号马连道家乐福107-108; 8) 海淀区中关 Services include acupuncture, taiji, qigong, Daily 10am-10pm. Rm. 105-106, Tower F, Bldg C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang 村西区中关村家乐福地下一层15&16号 yoga and fitness, acu-facials, massage and Sunshine 100, 2 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (8599 6666) diet, diagnosis and treatment by famous TCM Salon de France Hair and Beauty Salon physicians, and Daoland dynamic fitness. District (6585 9288, fax 6585 9388); 2) Daily 朝阳区建国路93号万达广场C座索菲特酒店5层 With a trained team of international and local 10am-9pm. Unit 303, 3/F, IFC Mall, 1-3 Xinyuan Mon-Wed, Sat-Sun 8.30am-5.30pm, Thu-Fri Long Island Massage & Spa Chinese stylists, colorists and beauticians, this salon 8.30am-9.30pm. 8 Fangjiayuan Hutong, Nanlu, Chaoyang District (8444 2388, fax 8444 mixes French chic with modern simplicity to 2488); 3) Daily 9am-10pm. Unit 15/16, 4/F, and Thai-style massage and reflexology. Chaoyangmennei Nanxiaojie, Dongcheng 1) Daily 11am-2am. 14A Guanghua Lu (5/F, create a relaxed atmosphere for a wide range District. (6514 0806) Chaoyang Joy City, Chaoyang Beilu,Chaoyang of image consulting, hair beauty services, District (8551 5800); 4) Daily 10am-9pm. Unit Nuo’an Bldg, southwest of the Kerry Centre), 颐生院-中医养生保健, 东城区朝阳门内南小街 Chaoyang District. (5130 9718, 6591 6247); 2) manicures and pedicures, waxing, facial and 228, B1, Tower B, Sanlitun Soho, 8 Gongti body treatments, make-up and tanning. Daily 大方家胡同芳嘉园甲8号 Beilu, Chaoyang District (5935 9717) 彩秀, 1) Daily 11am-1am. B1/F, Jiahui Center, 6 Jiqingli, Dongcheng District. (6551 6112/13) www. 10am-8pm. Nali Mall, Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang 朝阳区光华路2号阳光100国际公寓F座1层105- District. (6417 3029, 159 0146 0954, 138 1037 BODY & HEALTH 106; 2) 朝阳区新源南路1-3号都汇天地商场3层 长岛健身, 1) 朝阳区光 华路甲14号(嘉里中心西南侧诺安大厦5层); 2) 4763, [email protected]) 风色云边 Elite Nutrition Center Exclusive retailer 303号; 3) 朝阳区朝阳北路101号朝阳大悦城4层 美容美发中心, 朝阳区三里屯路那里市场内 15/16号; 4)朝阳区工人体育场北路8号院三里屯 东城区吉庆里6号佳汇中心地下1层 for hundreds of imported health goods. 1) Soho B座B1-228室 The Luxury Massage Center The Luxury The Spa at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Daily 7am-10pm. D-Space, Bldg 7, Richmond Nine treatment suites, including a Vichy Park, 9 Fangyuan Xili, Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang Franck Provost World-famous hair salon Massage Center provides Chinese massage, Thai massage and aromatic oil massage. 30 shower room where guests can lie on a District. (8457 8258, [email protected]. with highly trained stylists and colorists. Daily bed and let the full-body cascade of water cn); 2) Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat-Sun 10.30am- 10am-10pm. Shop D2001-1, 2/F, Shin Kong percent off for first visit. Rm 2121, Van Palace Center (East Tower), Guandongdian Nanjie, pulse away all their fatigues and pains. Daily 7.30pm. Unit 0159A, Bldg C, Chaowai Soho, 6 Place, 87 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (6530 10am-11pm. 6/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. 7696/7669) 朝阳区建国路87号新光天地二层 Chaoyang District. (136 8335 2960) 朝阳区关东 店南街旺座中心东塔2121室 Wangfujing East Street, Dongcheng District. (5900 4538, [email protected]) www. D2001-1店铺 (5812 8888 ext 8560) 东城区王府井东大街8号北 盈奥营养中心, 1) 朝阳区将 Frost Coffee, Nails and Cocktails Nailcare, Oriental Taipan Massage and Spa Relax 京王府井希尔顿6层 台路芳园南里9号院7号楼; 2) 朝阳区朝阳门外大 in style among rose-scented water features, 街6号朝外SohoC座0159A massages, facials and other spa services, with Spa de Feng Men-only spa. Daily noon- an adjoining cafe/cocktail bar serving refresh- soft music and helpful, friendly staff. Healthy fruit juices and snacks included. 1) Daily 11am- midnight. 1) C306, Sunshine 100, 2 Guanghua Creation Tattoo Tattooing, body piercing ments. Mon-Fri 7:30am-2am, Sat & Sun 11am- Lu, Chaoyang District. (5100 1330, reserva- and all the accessories that come with. Daily 2am. 55 Xingfucun Zhonglu (in the alleyway 12.30am. 2/F, Block 9, Lido Place, 2A Fangyuan Xilu, Chaoyang District. (6437 6299); 2) Daily [email protected]); 2) Binduyuan A204, 15 11am-8pm. Rm 4309, 3/F, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 20m west of Argana), Chaoyang District. (6417 Zaoying Beili, Nongzhanguan Beilu, Chaoyang 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. 5430, [email protected]) 朝阳 11am-12.30am. B1/F, 1 Xindong Lu (next to Shenji Best Soup), Chaoyang District. (8532 District. (6501 6639, reservation@spadefeng. (5869 1886, [email protected]) www.

March 2012 77 DIRECTORY / STYLE–A&C 天喜莿青, 朝阳区朝阳区东三 around China and partly of items designed 环中路39号建外Soho4号楼3层4309号 by the store’s owners. Daily 10.30am-8pm. 42 Guozijian Dajie, Dongcheng District. (6401 Boutiques & specialty shops 1855) 失物招领, 东城区国子监大街42号 Brand New China (BNC) Media mogul Torana Tibetan Rugs Handmade rugs and and would-be Chinese Oprah’s latest vanity custom rugs from our own workshop in Lhasa. project is this large space selling well-made Antique rugs and textiles. 10am-8.30pm. Unit knick-knacks, clothing and accessories by L1-110, 1/F, Europlaza Mall, Shunyi District. local designers. (6416 9045) 薄荷糯米葱, 朝阳 (8459 0785) 顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆广 区三里屯Village北区地下1层NLG-09 场L1-110 candy & caviar Asian American designer Candy Lin describes her line as “simplicity with a bit of madness.” She merges clas- sic structures with bold details, producing designs that are both versatile and unique. Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm, or call for appointment. Suite 1905, Bldg 4, China Central Place, 89 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (5203 6581) 朝阳区建国路89号 华贸商务楼4号楼1905 Dong Liang Studio This hip Wudaoying Hutong stalwart is devoted to featuring young Saturdays: Mexican Saturdays Chinese designers, from Vega Zaishi Wang to Wrap up for the weekend. Uma Wang. Daily 11am-9pm. 26 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District. (8404 7648) 东城 区五道营胡同26号 10am-9.30pm. B1/F, China World Shopping FEI Space Hipster trendy Chinese clothing Mall, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang Dis- trict. (6505 5540); 2) Daily 11am-10pm. Room labels, such as Boundless by Zhang Da (RMB Villa Lifestyles Villa Lifestyles has been serv- C101, First Floor, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beijie, 500-1000), can be found here, as well as an ing the Beijing community for more than five Chaoyang District. (5208 6022) 1) 朝阳区建国 assortment of kitschy household products, years. Providing you with quality name brand like Dulton kitchen clocks and tea sets. Ad- 门外大街国贸商城地下1层; 2) 朝阳区三里屯北 街81号那里花园1层C101 products backed by great service, they have ditionally, international brands such as Ligia the widest selection of BBQs and accessories, Dias and Alyssa Norton are carefully curated H&M Fast-fashion at its best. Daily 10am- the Mosquito Magnet, trampolines, IQAir air into the selection. Tues-Sun 10.30am-5pm. 10pm. 1) Xidan Joy City, 131 Xidan Beidajie, purifiers, Bissell Vacuums and more. Stop by B-01, Dashanzi 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Xicheng District. (6706 0508); 2) Glory Mall, their Shunyi showroom or visit their website Lu, Chaoyang District. (5978 9580) 朝阳区酒仙 18 Chongwenmen Dajie, Chongwen District. to have a look at what's new. 4/F, Europlaza, 桥路4号798艺术区B-01 (6715 6676); 3) Raffles City, 1 Dongzhimen 99 Yuxiang Lu, Tianzhu Town, Shunyi District. Jan & Iti The understated clothes here tend Nandajie, Dongcheng District. (8409 4199); (8046 1260, 6457 1922, [email protected]) to reflect the latest Korean fashion trends. 4) Oumeihui Shopping Mall, A1 Danling Jie, 顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99 Daily 11am-9.30pm. Rm 0106A, Villa 5, Jianwai Haidian District. (8248 8976); 5) Qianmen 号欧陆广场4层 Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang Avenue Store, Building A16, Qianmen Dajie, District. (5869 6210) 朝阳区朝阳区东三环中路39 Dongcheng District. (6706 0508) 1) 西城区西 shopping malls & markets 号建外Soho5号别墅104 单北大街131号西单大悦城; 2) 崇文区崇文门大 街18号国瑞城; 3) 东城区东直门南大街1号来福 IQ Air While little can be done about outdoor 3.3 Shopping Center The 21,000sqm, five- Joyce Lane Crawford’s more avant-garde and 士广场; 4) 海淀区丹棱街甲1号欧美汇购物中心 air pollution, you can certainly make a differ- floor shopping center has more than 300 fashion-forward sister store. Daily 10am-9 ence with the air you breathe in your home or shops, as well as Coolth KTV, Lisa Tailor and .30pm. Shop 3L103-104, Block 3, China World Uniqlo Japanese fast-fashion at its best. Bldg office. IQAir has been the top-rated air purifier Lily Nails. Daily 11am-11pm. 33 Sanlitun Beijie, Shopping Mall, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, 10, South District, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanli- brand for more than a decade. The Health Chaoyang District. (6417 8886) Chaoyang District. (6288 8383) www.joyce. tun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6413 1320) www. Pro 250 is their most popular product and is 3.3服饰大厦, 朝阳区三里屯北街33号 com 朝阳区建国门外大街1号国贸商城3L103-4 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village 南区10号楼 considered by most to be the best all-around Yashow Market Packed with gaggles of free- L’snA Beijing chain store packed mostly with air cleaning system available. With their Hy- spending tourists and name brand knock-offs. Zara 1) Unit 63-65, Viva Plaza, Fulicheng, colorful, glittery clothes and accessories. Daily perHEPA technology, you are guaranteed near Daily 9.30am-9pm. 58 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang Zhong Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District.; 10.30am-10.30pm. 1) 393 Dongsi Beidajie, perfect levels of efficiency for the life of your District. (6415 1726) 雅秀市场, 朝阳区工体 Dongcheng District. (6400 3493) 塞纳.左, 1) 2) Mon-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sun 11am-10pm. machine. IQAir China specializes in bringing 北路58号 东城区东成区东四北大街393号 1B1-6, Solana, 6 Chaoyang Gongyuan Lu, clean air solutions to both residential and Chaoyang District. (5905 6100); 3) Daily 10am- commercial users. 1) 5/F, Household Appliance Lane Crawford Luxury brand department 10pm. The Place, 9A Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang store from Hong Kong. Daily 10am-9pm. L130, Area, Youyi Shopping City, 52 Liangmaqiao Arts & Culture District. (6587 1341/49); 4) Daily 10am-10pm. Lu, Chaoyang District. (158 0136 1601, info@ Seasons Place, 2 Jinchengfang Jie, Financial Joy City, 131 Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng District. 西城区金; 2) 5/F, Shin Kong Place, 87 Street, Xicheng District. (6622 0808) (5971 6350) 1) 朝阳区东三环双 Bookstores 融街金城坊街2号金融街购物中心L130 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (5738 2401, 井富力城63-65号; 2) 朝阳区朝阳公园路6号蓝 [email protected]); 3) Rm 2201, Air China The Bookworm 1) Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun LMC Founded by three Hong Kong design- 色港湾国际商区1B1-6; 3) 朝阳区光华路甲9号 Plaza, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8447 8am-5pm. First courtyard, Hegezhuang Vil- ers, this high-end boutique targets women 世贸天阶; 4) 西城区西单北大街131号大悦城 5800, 400 650 1266, [email protected]); lage, Shunyi District. (6431 2108, books@ both young and mature who are willing to 4) 4/F, 417 Seasons Place, 2 Jinchengfang; 2) Daily 9am-2am. pay more money for an elegantly designed, Home Decor Jie, Xicheng District. (6622 0179, info@iqair- Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. demure and polished wardrobe. Daily 11am-; 5) 4/F, Europlaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, (6586 9507) 书虫书吧, 1) 顺义区崔各庄乡,何 10pm. 2/F, Shop 2, Hairun International Apart- Beijing Torana Clean Air Center Tianzhu, Shunyi District. (6457 1922, info@ 各庄村一号院; 2) 朝阳区工体北路4号院 ment, 2A Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District. (5135 Air purifiers from Blueair and Alen Air, 1) 朝阳 Page One This addition to Beijing's book- 7184) 朝阳区将台路2号海润国际公寓商业2号2层 pollution masks from Totobobo. Free home 区亮马桥路52号燕莎友谊商城5层; 2) 朝阳区建 store scene offers the best selection under assessments and delivery. 1) 10.30am-6.30pm. NLGX Design Store A Beijing-based 国路87号新光天地5层生活家电区; 3) 朝阳区霄 one roof (in art/design, food & wine, bestsell- Unit 308, Pinnacle Plaza, Shunyi District. independent apparel brand and design com- 云路36号国航大厦2201-02室; 4) 西城区金城坊 ers, classics, etc.), with competitive prices for (8046 1091); 2) 10am-8.30pm. Unit L1-110, 1/F, munity. Sun-Thu 9.30am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am- 街金融街417号四层; 5) 顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99 English-language material. 10am-9.30pm. Europlaza Mall, Shunyi District. (8459 0785) midnight. 33 Nanluogu Xiang, Dongcheng 号欧陆广场4层 B2/F, China World Summit Wing, 1 Jian- 1) 顺义 District. (6404 8088) 东城区南 guomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (8535 区天竺镇花梨坎村南“荣祥广场308室; 2) 顺义 Lily’s Antiques Furniture The most famous 锣鼓巷33号 1055, [email protected]) 区天竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆广场L1-110 furniture dealer in Beijing, renowned for its Triple-Major Concept store renowned for authentic antiques and reproductions. 1) 朝阳区建国门外大街 its exclusive range of experimental design- Casa Pagoda Belgian-run furniture Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 69 1号国贸商城三期地下2层 ers. Tue-Sun 1-8pm. 81 Baochao Hutong, company combines classic European flair Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang Dis- Dongcheng District. (840 20763) www.triple- with Asian influences to create high-quality, trict. Contact Lily Quan (138 0139 6309) (8579 Cinemas environmentally-friendly furniture. Mon- 2458); 2) Visit by Appointment. Factory and 东城区宝钞胡同81号 Broadway Cinematheque MOMA (BC Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 11am-8pm. 6 Sanlitun Warehouse Address, Baimiao industry area, Wuhao This boutique-cum-art space is lo- MOMA) North area of Dongzhimen MOMA, Nanlu, Chaoyang District. (6591 3491) www. Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact cated in a traditional courtyard setting, featur- 1 Xiangheyuan Lu, Dongzhimen, Chaoyang 朝阳区三里屯南路6号 Lily Quan (138 0139 6309) www.lilysantiques. ing a curated selection of Chinese and French District. (8438 8258) 当 com 华伦古典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条 designers. Wed-Sun 2-8pm, or by appoint- Chang & Biorck A Scandinavian home 代MOMA百老汇电影中心, 朝阳区东直门香河园 街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址,通州区宋庄镇白庙 ment. 35 Mao’er Hutong, Dongcheng District. accessories store stocked with colorful, 路1号, 万国城北区(二环路东北角) 村工业大院 (6400 5435; 189 1135 5035) environmentally-friendly products made by well-known designers who blend 五号, 东城区帽儿胡同35号 Linfeng Tibetan Artistic Firm Sells authen- Galleries Scandinavian and Chinese concepts of style. tic Tibetan furnitures, carpets and handicrafts, Daily 10am-10pm. 2-19A, 1/F, Bldg 2, Sanlitun clothing with antique pieces and reproductions. Alexander Ochs Gallery Tues-Sun 10am-6- Village South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang Showroom opens everyday for visiting. To pm. (Will be closed for Summer Aug 1-22.) 255 American Apparel Savor the irony of buy- District. (8400 2296) 朝阳区三里屯南路19号三里 visit the warehouse for more selections, call Caochangdi, Jichang Fulu, Chaoyang District. ing clothes made in the USA in China. 1) Daily 屯Village南区2号楼1层2-19A单元 for reservation. Daily 8.30am-8.30 pm. 1) 158 (8456 2054, [email protected]) Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang Dis- trict. (5167 3683, [email protected]); 2) Stall 1, Alliance Française de Pekin 1) 103 Desh- all you can eat! Row B, Panjiayuan Market, Chaoyang District. engmennei Dajie, Xihai, Xicheng District. ([email protected]) 5167 3683, www.lftibetan- (6404 2643); 2) Rm 421, Block 2, Beijing Lan- To win a lunch or dinner buffet at Seasoning All Day Dining 北京灵峰藏艺古典家具店, 1) 朝阳区高碑 guage and Culture University, 15 Xueyuan Lu, Restaurant, tell us: Where was the world’s first Holiday Inn? 店家具街158号; 2) 朝阳区潘家园市场乙排1号 Haidian District. (8230 3619); 3) 18 Gongti Xilu, Guangcai International Mansion, Chaoyang Email your answer to [email protected]. Lost and Found Its stock made up in part of household odds and ends collected from District. (6553 2678) 北京法语培训中心, 1) 西

78 March 2012 DIRECTORY / A&C–SPORTS District, Chaoyang District. (159 1080 3790) 哪 城区德胜门内大街103号; 2) 海淀区学院路15号 里哪里艺术空间, 朝阳区草场地村319-1 艺术东 北京语言文化大学教学2号楼421室; 3) 朝阳区工 区A区内 (机场辅路由南往北五环外第一个路口 体西路18号光彩国际公寓 路东, 长建驾校对面路口) Arario Beijing Tue-Sun 10am-7pm. Inside White Space Beijing Tue-Sun noon-6pm. Chaoyang Liquor Factory, Beihuqu, Anwaibei- Airport Service Road, No. 255 Caochangdi, yuan, Chaoyang District. (5202 3800, info@ Chaoyang District. (8456 2054) www.alexan- 朝 空白空间, 朝阳区机场辅 阳区安外北苑北湖渠朝阳酒艺术园 路草场地255号 Arrow Factory 38 Jianchang Hutong (Off XYZ Gallery Daily 10.30am-6.30pm. Dashan- Guozijian Jie), Dongcheng District. zi art district, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang 箭厂空间, 东城区箭厂胡同38 District. (8459 9299) 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号大山 号(国子监街内) 子艺术区 ArtMia Tue-Sun 10am-6pm. 261 Caochangdi, Yuanfen Flow Qixing Donglu (off 4 Jiuxi- Cuigezhuang, Chaoyang District. (8457 4550) anqiao Lu, near At Cafe), Chaoyang District. 朝阳区机场辅路崔各庄草场地 缘分汇, 朝阳区4酒仙桥 261号 路合七星东路(近爱特咖啡) Art Base 1 Area D, Shunbai Lu, Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang, Chaoyang District. miscellaneous (6433 6920) 一号地国际艺术区, 朝阳区崔各庄乡 合各庄村顺白路一号地国际艺术园D区 Beijing American Center Jingguang Center, Suite 2801, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区京广中 Beijing Center for the Arts Daily 10am- 心,2801室 Mar 16: The Drop featuring The Unik 10pm. 23, Qianmen Dongdajie, Dongcheng Leaving other DJs in the shade. District. (6559 8008) 天安时间当代艺术中心, 东 Gallery Hotel Inside the north gate of Work- 城区前门东大街23号 ers’ Stadium, Chaoyang District (no tel) 瑞居酒 店, 朝阳区工人体育场北门内 National Centre For The Performing Arts GOLF Chambers Fine Art Tue-Sun 10am-6pm. (NCPA) 2 Chang’an Jie, Xicheng District. Landgent Center 20 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Beijing Golfers Club Join a great group Red No.1-D, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District. (6655 0000) 国家大剧院, 西 Chaoyang District. (8771 5506) 乐成中心, 朝阳 of golfers every Sunday at different courses (5127 3298, [email protected]) www. 城区西长安街2号 chambersfineart.com前波画廊, 朝阳区草场 区朝阳区东三环中路20号 around Beijing. Members enjoy discounted Hall Inside Peking Uni- golf rates and official USGA handicap registra- 地红一号D座 Mandarin Plus B1-535, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti versity, 5A Yiheyuan Lu, Haidian District. (6275 tion. Players of all levels welcome. www. Beilu, Chaoyang District. (5785 3361, contact@ Galerie Paris-Beijing Mon-Sun 11am-7pm. 1278) 北大百年纪念礼堂, 798 Dashanzi Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, 海淀区颐和园路甲5号北京大学内 Chaoyang District, Chaoyang District. (5978 卓一汇众, 朝阳区工体北路三里屯Soho, B1-535 Beijing Ladies Golf (beijingladiesgolf@ Plato Theater 3/F, Bldg B, Oriental Media 9262, [email protected]) 巴 The Opposite House Bldg 1, Sanlitun Village Center, 4 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. 黎•北京画廊, 朝阳区朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山 North, 11 Sanlitun Lu (north of 3.3 Shopping (400 000 0404) 北京戏逍堂柏拉图剧场, 朝阳区 子艺术区 Center), Chaoyang District. (6417 6688, an- GYMS & FITNESS CENTERS 光华路4号东方梅地亚中心B座三层 Galerie Urs Meile Lucerne-Beijing Tue- [email protected]) www.theop- Health Club Daily 6am-11pm. 6/F, Beijing Sun 11am-6.30pm. 104 Caochangdi Village, 朝阳区三里屯路11号三里屯 Poly Theatre Poly Plaza, 14 Dongzhimen Marriott Hotel, 26 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang Dis- Cuigezhuang, Chaoyang District. (6433 3393, Village北区1号楼 Nandajie, Dongcheng District. (6500 1188 ext trict. (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦 fax 6433 0203) 麦勒 5126/5127) 保利剧院, 万豪酒店6层健身房 东城区东直门南大街14号保利大厦1层 画廊, 朝阳区草场地村104号 Heyrobics Also known as Jympa or Swedish Green T. House Gallery 1) Daily 11.30am-11 CAFA Art Museum Tue-Sun 9.30am-5 Tianqiao Acrobatics Theater 95 Tianqiao gymnastics. .30pm. 318 Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang, .30pm (last ticket at 5pm). 8 Huajiadi Nanjie, Shichang Lu (east end of Beiwei Lu, opposite Chaoyang District. (8456 4922 ext 8); 2) Daily Chaoyang District. (6477 1575) 中央美术学院美 Tianqiao Theater), Xuanwu District. (6303 天桥杂技剧场, 宣武区北纬路东口天桥 ski & snowboard 10.30am-2.30pm, 6pm-midnight. 6 Gongti 术馆, 朝阳区朝阳区花家地南街8号 7449) Xilu, Chaoyang District. (6552 8310/8311) 市场街95号 Nanshan Ski Village Beijing Nanshan Ski Vil- China Millennium Monument Museum lage lies in the south of Miyun County, 108km 紫云轩, 1) 朝 Trojan House Theater 22 International Art of Digital Arts (CMoDA) B1/F, Area A, Bldg from Siyuan Bridge and is one of the area’s top 阳区崔各庄乡合各庄村318号; 2) 朝阳区工体 Street, Pingod, 32 Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang 9A, China Millennium Monument, Fuxing Lu, ski resorts, Nanshan has ten well-groomed 西路6号 District, Chaoyang District. (5711 0860/5711 Xicheng District. (5980 2315) 中华世纪坛数字艺 trails for skiers of all levels and a snowboard 2128) 木马剧场, 朝阳区朝阳区百子湾路32号22 Imagine Gallery Tue-Sun, 10.30am-5.30pm. 术馆, 西城区复兴路甲9号中华世纪坛A区B1层 park (Nanshan Mellow Park) with a halfpipe, 8 Feijiacun Yishu Gongzuoshi, Feijiacun, 院街艺术区 The National Museum of China Free to four kickers and six rails – all served by a quad- Laiguangying Donglu, Chaoyang District. the public. Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. East side of ruple chairlift, a double chairlift and nine T- (6438 5747, 139 1091 7965, laetitia.gauden@ Tian’anmen Square, Dongcheng District. (6512 bars. Admission RMB 20. Rental RMB 100/2hr, www.imagine-gallery. SPORTS 8910, fax 6525 6774) 中国国 RMB 150/2hr (weekend) or RMB 160/2hr com 想象画廊, 朝阳区来广营东路同达生态园对 家博物馆, 东城区天安门广场东侧 (holidays). Lodging available. Take the shuttle 面费家村东路8号艺术工作室 Diving bus (RMB 40 round trip) from Dongzhimen, Si Shang Art Museum By appointment until Instituto Cervantes 1A Gongti Nanlu, SinoScuba Offers safe, family scuba diving 8.30am every Sat and Sun. 8.30am-5.30pm. Feb 2012. Huosi Lu Dong, Zhangxizhuang, Chaoyang District. (5879 9666) www.pekin. services - Underwater activities, including Shengshuitou Cun, Henanzhai Town, Miyun Shunyi District. (6949 1028) http://www. 北京塞万提斯学院, 朝阳区工体 swimming with dolphins and full certification County. (8909 1909) 密云县河南寨镇圣水头村 寺上美术馆, 顺义区张喜庄火寺路东 南路甲1号 courses. Classes available in Chinese and Nike Nanshan Park Opening December 寺上美术馆 English (135 0116 3629, steven@sinoscuba. Long March Space Tue-Sun 11am-7- 17th and located within Nanshan Ski Village, Today Art Museum Daily 9am-5pm. Pingod com) pm. Dashanzi art district, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, the NIKE Nanshan Park features a medium & Space, 32 Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District. Chaoyang District. (5978 9768, lm@long- large double kicker line, a plethora of rail & jib (5862 1100) 今日 美术馆, 朝阳区百子湾路32号 长征空间, 朝阳区大山子艺术区 Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Mizuma & One Gallery Wed-Sun 10am- (UCCA) Tue-Sun 10am-7pm. Dashanzi Art 6pm. 241-15 Caochangdi, Cuigezhuang, District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. Chaoyang District. (5127 3267, info@mizuma- (8459 9269) 尤伦斯当代艺术 朝阳区机场 中心, 朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子艺术区 辅路崔各庄草场地241-15号 White Box Museum of Art B07, 2 Jiauxian- O Gallery 9/F HuaLi Dasha, 58 JinBao Jie, qiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (5978 4800) http:// Dongcheng District. (8520 6000) 奥美零空间画 白盒子艺术馆, 朝阳区 廊, 东城区金宝街58号华丽大厦9层 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区路B07号 Pekin Fine Arts Wed-Sun 10am-6pm. 241,Caochangdi, Cuigezhuang,, Chaoyang Theaters District. (5127 3220) 艺门画廊, 朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地村241号 Beijing Concert Hall 1 Beixinhuajie, Xicheng District. (6605 7006/5812) 北京音乐厅, 西城区 Red Gate Gallery Daily 9am-5pm. 1/F & 4/F, 北新华街1号 Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwenmen Dongdajie, Chongwen District. (6525 1005) Beijing EE City Theatre 10/F, Joy City, 101 红门画廊, 崇文区崇 Chaoyang Beilu (at the intersection of Qing- 文门东大街东便门角楼楼上 nian Lu), Chaoyang District. (5705 0707) 北京蓝 天城剧场, 朝阳区朝阳北路101号(青年路口东北 Tang Contemporary Gallery Tue-Sun 角)大悦城10层 10.30am-6.30pm. Dashanzi art district, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District. (6436 Beijing Exhibition Theater 135 Xizhimenwai 3518/3658, [email protected]) Dajie, Xicheng District. (6835 4455) 北京展览馆 当代唐人艺术中 剧场, 西城区西直门外大街135号 心, 朝阳区酒仙桥路2号, 大山子艺术区 Forbidden City Concert Hall Inside Zhong- Three Shadows Photography Art shan Park, Xichang’an Jie, Xicheng District. Centre Tue-Sun 10am-6pm. 155 East End (6559 8285) 中山公园音乐堂, Art, Caochangdi Village (Next to Platform 西城区西长安街中山公园内 China), Chaoyang District. (6432 2663) www. Daily 8.30am-3pm, 三影堂摄影艺术中心, 朝阳区 but closed during government meetings. RMB 草场地艺术东区155号(站台中国旁) 30, RMB 15 (children). West side of Tian’anmen Where Where Art Space 319-1 East End Square, Dongcheng District. (6309 6156) 人民 Art (Zone A), Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang 大会堂, 东城区天安门广场西侧

March 2012 79 DIRECTORY / SPORTS–LIVING options, and constantly updates itself as the workshops, training sessions and retreats independently organized TED event. TEDx is 北京美中宜和妇儿医院, 朝阳区朝阳区 season progresses. As the most meticulously with guest teachers. Mon-Thu 7.15am-9.30pm, a program of local, self-organized events that 芳园西路9号 maintained park in China, there’s something Fri-Sun 7.15am-8pm. 6/F, Bldg 17 Gongti Beilu bring people together to exchange informa- for everyone with beginner jumps and boxes (across from the north gate of Workers’ Sta- tion and ideas. to learn on, as well more serious features that dium), Chaoyang District. (6413 0774, info@ VIVA: Beijing Professional Women’s Net- will challenge advanced riders. Nanshan Ski 瑜珈苑, work Career support network for professional Village, Shengshuitou Village, Henanzhai 朝阳区工体北路17号楼6层工人体育场北门对面 women. ([email protected]) www. Town, Miyun County. (8909 1909 ski resort, 138 1045 9745 park) 南山公园, 密云县河南寨 VENUES 圣水头村 Beijing Shougang Basketball Center COOKING SCHOOLS Qiaobo Ice and Snow World Daily 9am- 10pm. 6 Shunan Lu, Shunyi District. (6941 159 Fushi Lu, . (8829 6158) Black Sesame Kitchen Food writer Jen-Lin 1991) 乔波冰雪世界, 顺义区 北京首钢篮球中心, 石景山区阜石路159号 Liu's cooking school. 3 Heizhima Hutong, 顺安路6号 Workers’ Stadium Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang Dongcheng District. (136 9147 4408, black- District. (6501 6655 ext 5033) 工人体育场, 朝 [email protected]) www.blacksesa- 东城区黑芝麻胡同3号 TEAM SPORTS 阳区工体北路 The Hutong Informal cooking school that Aardvarks Rugby Club Contact Dave (135 also offers workshops focused on intercultural 2224 8133, [email protected]) 地豚橄 LIVING friendship and learning. 1 Jiudaowan Zhongx- 榄球俱乐部 iang Hutong (southeast of Beixinqiao subway Beijing Devils Rugby Football Club Community Groups station), Dongcheng District. (6404 3355, Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Founded ([email protected]) www. [email protected]) in Hong Kong in 1958, Bayley & Jackson has The Beijing Guild An informal crafts group 东城区九道湾中巷胡同1号(北新桥地铁站东南边) grown into a comprehensive health care pro- that meets weekly to knit, crochet and engage vider that accepts over 40 major international Bejiing Bombers Xiaowuji Football Ground, in other crafts. ([email protected]) insurance plans. Services include (but are not Xiaowuji Lu, just east of Xiaowuji Qiao on the CULTURAL Groups limited to) Family Medicine, Dental, Health East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District. British Club of Beijing Membership RMB The Capital Club This private club caters Checkups, Pediatrics, Obgyn, General Surgery, ([email protected]) 小武基足球场, 朝 100; meeting fees RMB 30 (members), RMB 50 to Beijing’s senior business community. 50/F, Staff Dietician and TCM. Mon-Sat 9am-6pm. 7 阳区东四环路小武基桥往东 (non-members). Meetings held at the Capital Capital Mansion, 6 Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, Club, where a dress code of no jeans or sneak- Beijing Cricket ([email protected]) District. (8486 2225 ext 260, member@the- [email protected]) 庇 ers is enforced. ([email protected]) 北京板球俱乐部 利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛东路7号 Irish Network China (INC) A not-for-profit Beijing Gaelic Football Club (beijingaa@ China Culture Center (CCC) Kent Center, 29 Beijing DCN Orthopedic Hospital A pre- organization whose aim is to promote and 爱尔兰足球 Anjialou, Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. ferred medical service provider cooperating encourage exchange and understanding of Beijing Guardians (beijingguardians@ (6432 9341/1041, [email protected]) with international healthcare insurance com- business, cultural and sporting ties between 朝阳区亮马桥路 panies. Offers a broad range of both inpatient the Irish and Chinese communities in Beijing. 29号安家楼肯特中心院内 and outpatient expert services in orthopedic ClubFootball 9am-6pm. Unit A212, Door 3, ([email protected]) http://www. surgery, spine surgery, sport medicine, trauma A1 Zone, Huadeng Building, 14 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Culture Yard A fun environment for locals and fracture care, and rehabilitation. Open 24 Chaoyang District. (5130 6893/4/5/6, coach- and expats alike to interact. 9am-late. 10 hours a day, including clinical and pharmacy [email protected]) www.clubfootball. Shique Hutong, Dongcheng District. (8404 Education services. 19 Fushi Lu, Haidian District. (5271 万国群星足球俱乐部, 朝阳区酒仙桥路14 4166, [email protected]) www.culture- 3366, 5271 3366 (fax), [email protected]) 号兆维华登大厦A1区3门212室 东城区石雀胡同10号 Beijing Rego British School Follows on the heels of two successful schools in Tianjin and 德尔康尼骨科医院版权所有, FC Group Previously known as the Fortune International Friendship Football Club Shanghai and caters to students from the sur- 海淀区阜石路19号 Connection Club, the FC Group is dedicated (IFFC) Contact Robert (1571 005 0115, info@ rounding Shunyi area with its array of educa- to bringing together business profession- tional facilities and age-appropriate resources als, business managers, expatriates, human on campus. 15 Liyuan Jie, Tianzhu County, resource managers, and headhunters for its YOGA & PILATES Shunyi District. (8416 7718, sarah.hancock@ monthly events. (139 1109 8002 (Colin), colin@ 北京瑞金英国学 Fine Yoga Offers traditional ashtanga yoga for all levels, with experienced instructors. 校, 2) 顺义区顺义区天竺镇丽苑街15号 Fishbowl Events Social opportunities for 16/F, Tower 2, Blue Castle International Center, Mandarin Plus Provides high quality and people to mingle. 3 Xi Dawang Lu,Chaoyang District, Chaoyang customized education together with unique District. (8599 9566, 153 0008 6931) www. International Newcomers’ Network Func- cultural opportunities. Experienced teachers fine-yoga.com梵音瑜珈, 朝阳区西大望路蓝堡 tion Rm, 3/F, Athletic Center, Capital Mansion, will make tailor-made study plans for you. 国际中心会所 6 Xinyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District. (8486 B1-535, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang 2225 ext 110, [email protected]) www. Soma Hot Yoga With Huiping Mo Main- District. (5785 3361, Contact@mandarin-plus. 朝阳区新源南路6号京城大厦康 land China’s first official Bikram Yoga Studio org) 卓一汇众, 朝阳 乐中心3层 featuring Bikram China representative Huip- 区工体北路三里屯Soho, B1-535 ing Mo and Bikram certified instructor John Rotaract Beijing Rotaract Beijing collabo- Rutgers EMBA Program Rutgers offers Williams. Daily 10am-6.45pm. 5/F, Bldg E, Pa- rates with existing volunteer organizations in a fully accredited 14-month Executive MBA cific Century Place, 2A Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang order to provide the community easy access (EMBA) program designed for working profes- District. (6539 3434, 139 1051 3285) somaho- to a variety of ongoing volunteer opportuni- sionals who want to remain on the job while PCC盈科会所, 朝阳区工体北路甲2 ties, with the added benefits of professional obtaining a US MBA. Classes are taught in Beijing HarMoniCare Women and Chil- 号盈科中心E座5层 development and networking. www.rotaract- English once a month over a nine-day period, dren’s Hospital (HMC) Beijing HarMoniCare Women and Children’s Hospital (HMC) offers Yoga Yard They offer specialized classes held all day on two consecutive Saturdays and Sundays, and three hours per night for medical services both Chinese and western such as prenatal and postnatal yoga, intro- TEDxBeijing TEDxBeijing is the Beijing mem- families with JCI (Joint Commission Interna- duction to yoga, restorative yoga, and other ber of the worldwide TEDx family, where x = two nights during the intervening week. 5/F, China Life Tower, 16 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, tional) standard. HMC is strategic partner of Chaoyang District. (5877 1706/7) www.rut- PHMI and cooperates with Teaching Hospital 新泽西州立大学EMBA项目, 朝 of Harvard Medical School—Boston Women’s 阳区朝阳门外大街16号中国人寿大厦5层 Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Mas- sachusetts General Hospital. Located next to Olympic Forest Park, HMC covers an area of Medical Services 13,000 square meters. HMC is a medical center 21st Century Health Care - Beijing Glory in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics. A2 Clinic Glory Clinic was established in 1998 Xiaoguan Beili, Beiyuan Lu, Chaoyang District. and offers high standard, integrative pre- (6499 0000, [email protected]) ventive health screenings and medical care 朝阳区北苑路小关北里甲2号 in a quiet and comfortable environment. Internationally trained doctors and nurses provide care for internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, dentistry, pediatrics, ENT, immu- nization, ophthalmology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and specialist appointment. The health screening department offers com- prehensive customized health screenings for individuals and corporate clients. Direct billing with international insurers is pro- vided. Languages spoken: English, Japanese, Korean, German, Chinese. Mon-Fri 8am-7- pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang Dis- trict. (84446168(English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese)6468 6021(Korean)) http://www. 朝阳区亮马桥路40号 Amcare Women’s & Children’s Hospital Offers high-quality medical services with Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Fifteen years a focus on maternity care, women’s health of eye care experience, including emergency and pediatrics. Foreign language support treatment, telephone consultations, laser Mar 16: metrowaves club night program available on request. 8am-4.30pm. 9 vision corrective surgery and preventative Efdemin makes waves. Fangyuan Xilu, Chaoyang District. (6434 2388 care. On-site shop sells frames and . The 24hr hotline, 800 610 6200) www.amcare. VIP clinic has English-speaking staff, many of

80 March 2012 DIRECTORY / LIVING whom trained overseas. Offers direct billing Rehabilitation Issues. World leader & Pioneer to many international insurance companies. in Regenerative Medicine. Member of Asia Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Pacific Medicine (APMG) the leading, and Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. the largest, International-Standard Medical (6771 5558, [email protected]) Services Group in Asia. 12 Tiantan Nanli (800m 英智眼科医院, 朝阳区潘 west of the South Gate of the Temple of 家园南里12号潘家园大厦1层,4-5层 Heaven), Chongwen District. (8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 崇文区天坛南 里12号(天坛南门往西800米) Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic Pro- vides easily accessible, high-quality medical services and wellness promotion in the Beijing suburbs. Family medicine, family counseling, physical therapy, pediatrics, integrative medicine and travel medicine services are available throughout the week. Mon -Thu 9:30am - 7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. Unit 818, Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate De- velopment Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) www.unitedfamilyhospitals. com 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发区 荣祥广场818号

Beijing International SOS Clinic One of the world’s leading international healthcare, medical and security assistance company with 66% of the world’s Fortune 500 companies choosing International SOS. Since 1989, Inter- national SOS has led international-standard medical care in China, with a 24/7 alarm Mar 16: Tizzy Bac center hotline, a dedicated air ambulance, four international quality clinics staffed with These hipsters are hands on. expat and foreign doctors and 200+ network of medical service partners. International SOS Beijing clinic is the city’s leading family District. (6559 6769) 北京 backed by leading technology, including the practice and specialist services clinic, repre- 西美斯医疗美容诊所, 东城区东城区长安街10号 most advanced MRI and CT scans available sented by 15 nationalities, including English, 长安俱乐部7层 from a private hospital in China. The hospital French, Japanese, German, Spanish, Korean Cosmetic Surgery Center Located in the currently provides services in family medicine, and Chinese-speaking doctors. Offers 24/7 Third Hospital of Beijing University, this is the pediatrics, gynecology, general surgery, tradi- Emergency Services, GP, Pediatrics, Gyne- earliest professional department for plastic tional Chinese medicine (TCM), and dentistry. cology, specialists, Pharmacy, Psychology, surgery in China. Specializes in cosmeticand Direct billing is available for many insurance Physiotherapy, Dentistry and Orthodontics, plastic surgeries. 38 ShangdixinxiLu, Haidian providers. 9 Jiuxianqiao Beilu, Chaoyang Optometry. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am- District. (8289 0216) 北医三院 District, Chaoyang District. (400 UR OASIS (876 6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 上地门诊部医学美容中心, 海淀区上地信息路38 2747)) 朝阳区朝阳区酒仙 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 号上地数码大厦B座 桥北路9号 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, china.inquiries@ Vista Medical Center Medical services www.internationalsos. Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, including family and internal medicine, OB/ com, 北京国际救援中 Beijing Beijing’s first joint-venture medical 心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心一座105室 organization operates according to GYN, pediatrics, dentistry, ophthalmology, international standards, has a high-quality in- dermatology, ENT, TCM, physiotherapy, Beijing International SOS Dental, Or- ternational administration system and highly psychiatry, imaging laboratory and pharmacy thodontics Clinic Provides comprehensive trained medical staff. Daily 9am-9pm (after service. Also offers pre- and postnatal care dental services for the whole family, including 9pm minimal staff on duty). 9/F, office tower of and infant health check-ups. English-speaking routine cleaning, X-rays, fillings, whitening, the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen staff onsite 24hrs a day. A consultation with crowns, bridges and cosmetic makeovers. Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 a GP costs RMB 660. Direct billing with more Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港 than 40 international insurance providers. Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. 澳国际医务诊所, 东城区朝阳门北大街2号港澳中 Daily 24hrs. B29, Kerry Centre, 1 Guanghua Lu, (6462 0333) 北京国际 Beijing United Family Hospital Interna- 心瑞士酒店办公楼9层 Chaoyang District. (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, SOS齿科,畸齿矫正诊所, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎 tional-standard hospital with inpatient and [email protected]) 维 中心一座105室 outpatient services. Wide range of medical International Medical Center (IMC) For- 世达诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29 eign doctors are on-site 24hrs a day, offering Beijing New Century Harmony Pediatric and surgical specialties provided, emer- a wide range of medical services, including Clinic As a satellite clinic of renowned Beijing gency room and ICU open 24 hours. Mon-Sat family medicine, psychological services, Mental Health Services New Century International Children’s Hospital, 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. dental, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, TCM, etc. English, Beijing International SOS Clinic Family Beijing New Century Harmony Pediatric Clinic 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang Chinese, Arabic, Russian are spoken. Drop-in Counseling Center Two counselors offer has a strong team of experienced pediatri- District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 service for travelers, on-site X-ray, ultrasound, services that include individual therapy, cians and nurses from China and overseas. 7200) 北京和 laboratory. Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa couple relations, family dynamics, parent and Harmony Pediatric Clinic provides a full 睦家医院, 朝阳区将台路2号 Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. child relations and stress management. Suite range of multi-lingual healthcare services Bioscor Beijing Clinic International clinic (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, marketing@ 105, Bldg 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, on a 7x24basis (7x12. 9am to 9pm during for cosmetic medicine, specializing in cos- 北京国际医疗中心,朝阳 区亮马 Chaoyang District. (6462 0333, china.inquir- soft opening period). K-01, Bldg 19, Harmony metic surgery, skincare, hair regrowth, and 桥路50号燕莎中心写字楼1层S106 [email protected]) Business Center, Liyuan Street, Tianzhu Zhen, anti-ageing techniques. Appointments with, 北京国际救 Shunyi District. (6456 2599) New Century International Children’s an Australian surgeon and physician available. 援中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心一座105室 cn 北京新世纪荣和儿科门诊部, 顺义区天竺镇丽 Rm 1008, E-Tower, 12 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang Hospital (NCICH) China’s premier interna- 苑街荣和商业中心19号楼K-01 District. (6503 5706/7, [email protected]. tional children’s hospital provides affordable Beijing United Psychological Health pediatric care at international standards. Center BJU’s mental health professionals Beijing Puhua International Clinic The cn) 澳保加医疗美容诊 Claims to have Beijing’s most qualified doctors are all licensed in their home countries and free-standing, outpatient and primary/ 所, 朝阳区光华路12号数码01大厦1008室(嘉里 and nurses, with private, safe family rooms have the credentials to practice legally in specialty-care facility of the pioneering 中心对面) and imported state-of-the-art equipment. China. This team is dedicated to improving Puhua International Hospital. Located near Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Dr. David Their English-speaking staff offer a full range the health and well-being of Beijing’s diverse the Jinsong Station, the Clinic is open daily Zhang is an American National Board Exam of children’s healthcare services. Daily 8am- community and practice only the highest from 0900-1800, and is open for urgent care, Certificated chiropractic doctor, a Texas 5pm (full services), daily 24hrs (A+E services). standards of mental health care. Their very primary care, family medicine as well as licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, and a 56 Nanlishi Lu (next to the east gate of the experienced staff of multicultural, multi- specialty care in all essential areas. Puhua specialist in Chinese medicine. He provides Beijing Children’s Hospital), Xicheng District. lingual psychologists and psychiatrists can Clinic is unique in offering: Chiropractic Care, chiropractic, physiotherapy, and other manual (6802 5588) 北京新世纪国 respond to personal, relationship, family and an American-Style Eye (Ophthalmology) Dept; therapies for back pain, sciatica, and other 际儿童医院, 西城区南礼士路56号 (北京儿童医 children’s issues. BJU’s counseling services are and also a Podiatry Dept.Direct-Billing with conditions, as well as acupuncture and natural 院东门南侧) available in three all major Insurers; Membership Plan available. medicine treatments. Tue, Wed, Thur and locations in the city. For further information Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, OASIS Healthcare OASIS is a full-service Sat 9.30am-6.30pm,. Beijing Internal Medi- and appointments call 5927 7067. 1) Inside Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District. (8773 5522, private hospital. Their international medical cal Center, S110, 1/F, Lufthansa Center Office Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic, Unit 818, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) www.puhuaclinic. team provides patient-centered care in a building, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang Dis- Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate Develop- com 北京普华门诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号 trict. (6464 9828, 8448 3449) 朝阳区北京国际医 modern facility designed for comfort, safety and privacy. OASIS offers attentive service in ment Zone, Shunyi District. (fcreception@ Beijing Puhua International Hospital 疗中心中国北京朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心写 a soothing environment and expert medicine; 2) Inside Beijing United Family The first International-Standard Hospital in 字楼一层 S110 Beijing. Open in Beijing since 1994. Inpatient, CMS Clinic American cosmetic/aesthetic Outpatient, Surgery, Inpatient Care and medical services including laser skin ICU Services. English-speaking staff on treatments, hair loss/removal, cosmetic discount to luxury! 24/7 call. Wide range of Medical, Surgical surgeries and anti-aging therapeutics for and Consulting Services. Direct-billling men and women. Free consultations avail- Bring in a copy of the Beijinger to Origin Spa and get 30 percent with International Insurance Companies. able. BeijingTower (Chang’an Club Bldg) 7/F, off any treatment during the month of March. The reference-level Medical Facility in Suite 701, 10 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng Beijing for all Neurology, Neurosurgery and

March 2012 81 DIRECTORY / LIVING Jianguomen Health & Wellness Center, B1/F, Kent Center, 29 Liangmaqiao Lu, Anjialou 号楼302室 China HIV/AIDS Information Network The St. Regis Residence, St. Regis Hotel, 21 (shares a courtyard with China Culture Beijing Huiling Community Services (CHAIN) This GONGO is dedicated to HIV/ Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. Center), Chaoyang District. (8456 1939/40/41, (BJHL) Beijing Huiling Community Services AIDS awareness and building a nation-wide ([email protected]); 3) Inside Beijing [email protected]) www.ICVSASIA. for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities seeks HIV/AIDS information resource network. 7-101, United Family Hospital, 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the com 北京新天地国际动物医院, 朝阳区安家楼亮 to improve the lives of the mentally disabled. Bldg 1, Courtyard 68, Fuchang Jie, Xuanwu Lido area), Chaoyang District. (fcreception@ 马桥路29号肯特中心院子内 Through community-based activities, BJHL District. (8313 3253, [email protected]) 中国红丝带网, 宣武区福长 Lee Pet Beijing’s largest pet store, offer- facilitates trainees' independence and teaches 北京和睦家 life skills. Unit 307, Yanle Business Bldg, 100 街68号院1号楼7单元101室 医院诊所, 1) 顺义区天竺开发区荣祥广场818单 ing not only a diverse range of imported Yanle Hutong, Dongcheng District. (8402 Chinese Juvenile Rights Protection Cent- 元北京和睦家医院诊所内; 2) 朝阳区建国门外 products, but also in-house grooming, 9532, [email protected]) er 4/F, Attachment Bldg, 212 Zhouzhuangzi, 大街21号北京国际俱乐部饭店公寓楼地下1层北 photography and kennel services. 1) Mon-Fri 东城区演乐胡同100号演乐商务楼307 Fengbei Lu, Fengtai District. (6381 3995/3362, 京和睦家健康中心内; 3) 朝阳区将台路2号北京 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun 10am-9.30pm. Unit 3097, Fax 6383 5279) 中国青 和睦家医院内 Bldg A, Chaowai Soho, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Bethel China Foundation A not-for-profit Dajie, Chaoyang District. (5900 5499); 2) Rm organization that provides foster care, 少年维权中心, 丰台区丰北路周庄子212号附 IMC Psychological and Family 4119, 4/F, Golden Resources Shopping Mall, education and professional training for 属楼4层 Counseling Services English-speaking 1 Yuanda Lu, Haidian District. (8887 0706); 3) Chinese orphans who are blind or visually Compassion for Migrant Children A Adult and Child Psychologist, licensed to B118, B1/F, Longde Square Shopping Mall, 186 impaired. The Project’s training center, named nonprofit organization founded in early practice in China, offers individual, couple, Litang Lu, Changping District. (8484 1916); 4) The Love is Blind Project, is located on a 17- 2006 to help China’s urban migrant children marriage and family therapy. He also con- Bldg 4, Landgent Chateau, 33 Guangqu Lu, acre property, near a small village outside primarily through social and educational ducts psychological, neuropsychological / Chaoyang District. (8776 9602) www.leepet. Beijing. The organization was founded in programs. Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm. Rm 233, educational testing, biofeedback therapy and com 乐宠, 1)朝阳区朝阳门外大街6号朝外SOHO 2002 by a French couple, Guillaume and 2/F, Xintai Building, 8 Xiaguangli, Chaoyang hypnosis. He offers treatment for depression, A座3层3097; 2)海淀区远大路1号金源新燕莎4 Delphine Gauvain. Doudianzhen Jiaodao, District. (6465 6100/1, volunteer@cmc-china. anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders, sexual 层4119; 3)昌平区立汤路186号龙德广场地下1层 Liugu Daocun, . (8031 org) 打工子弟爱心会, 朝 difficulties, alcohol and substance abuse, ADD, B118; 4)朝阳区广渠路33号石韵浩庭4号楼4底商 0383, 8031 0683 (guest house), 8031 0483 阳区霞光里8号鑫泰大厦2层233室 ADHD, autism, and learning problems in chil- (medical house), [email protected]) www. Lee Pet Animal Hospital Full-service veteri- Crazy Bake Gives mental patients a chance dren. Speaks Chinese, Farsi and conversational 房山区房山区窦店镇交道六 nary center. Daily 24hrs. Unit 5-6, 9 Lincui Lu, to improve their lives through meaningful Japanese. Daily 24hrs. S106, 1/F, Lufthansa 股道村 Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. Chaoyang District. (5821 3503) 乐宠丽派特动物 work. Place orders for their delicious pastries (158 0131 9796, 6465 1561/2/3) www.imcclin- 医院, 朝阳区林萃路9号5-6底商. 电话 BICCO (Beijing International Committee by calling 137 1821 1334 or visiting www. 朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心写字楼 for Chinese Orphans) A volunteer group that helps Chinese orphans with medical 1层S106 RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS The Culture Development Center for problems. Volunteer opportunities listed on Rural Women Rural women's support group. Peking University Sixth Hospital (Insti- The River of Grace Church Sunday their website. ([email protected]) Rm 301, Bldg A, Jiali Dasha, 180 Beiyuanlu, tute of Mental Health) A World Health Or- Services begin at 10am and are open to all 北京国际援助中国孤儿委员会 ganization Collaborating Center and the top foreign passport holders. 2/F, Great Hotel, 1 Chaoyang District. (6498 0110, Fax 6498 3764, mental health institution in China with both Zuojiazhuang, Chaoyang District. (6466 1680) Building Opportunity With Support [email protected]) 北京农 outpatient and inpatient services. Providing 朝阳区左家庄1号北 (BOWS) A small and growing not-for-profit 家女文化发展中心, 朝阳区北苑路180号加利大 evaluation, diagnoses, pharmacological and 京贵国酒店二层 dedicated to providing support, informal 厦A座301室 counseling, education and a safe environment psychological therapies of various mental Dongjen Center for Human Rights Educa- for girls and young women. (136 4125 2617, disorders and psychological distresses. Mon- tion and Action A nonprofit organization Volunteer and NGOs [email protected]) Fri 8-11.30am and 1.30-5pm, Sat 8-11.30am. 51 that provides education about human rights Huayuanbeilu (100m north of Peking Universi- Beijing 1+1 A Chinese NGO in partnership CAI Empowers the children of migrant to the public and takes action for individuals ty Third Hospital), Haidian District. (8280 1989 with BBC that promotes the participation of laborers through creative arts education and who have had human rights violations. In (English), Chinese (8280 1984), dr_tian@126. visually impaired people in radio. Rm 604, team sports. Four core values – confidence, the past DCHREA has worked specifically com) 北京大学第六医院(精神 Bldg 22, Area 2, Xiluoyuan, Fengtai District. courage, commitment and care – are with individuals and groups who have been 卫生研究所), 海淀区花园北路51号 (北医三院 (6725 9507, fax 6725 9407, www.oneplusone. taught through the programs. Comprised stigmatized for being HIV/AIDS positive. 19 西侧100米路北) 北京一加一文化交流中心, 丰台区西罗园 of professionals, artists, art teachers and Dashiqiao Hutong, Jiu Gulou Dajie, Xicheng 二区22号楼604室 Vista Medical Center Vista’s mental health students, CAI is always looking for volunteers District. (8403 4803) 西城区旧鼓楼大街大石桥 care team includes a psychiatrist, two Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection to teach at migrant schools on term-time 胡同18号 Saturdays and at an intensive summer camp. psychologists and a counselor. They offer Center (CHP) CHP is a national resource Friends of Nature FON promotes Other opportunities are also available. (8454 counseling for interpersonal issues, including center for heritage conservation, equipping environmental protection and sustainable 9633, [email protected]) marriage, divorce and parenting, emotional local communities with awareness, strategy, development through education and 儿童才艺行动 disorders including depression, grief, organization, practical skills and training advocacy. They also welcome volunteers. Rm anxiety, as well as stress and anger to preserve cultural heritage at local levels. Chaoyang Library Retirees English Lan- 301, Wanbo Office Bldg, 53 Ganyu Hutong, management. They also specialize in Those who have tips on suspect behavior guage Club This group of retirees meets Dongcheng District. (6523 2040, 6512 0929, working with children and their families regarding cultural relics or sites should call every Sunday from 2-4pm at Chaoyang Fax 6528 6069, [email protected]) www.fon. as they navigate expat life in China. They the hotline. Rm 309, Bldg E, 46 Fangjia Hutong Library to practice English conversation. 自然之友, 东城区甘雨胡同53号万博写 work with individuals, couples, families and (just south of Guozijian Jie), Dongcheng Volunteer English teachers welcome. 字楼368室 groups. Our counseling services are avail- District. (6403 6532, 6403 6632 (fax)) www. ([email protected]) able in English, Japanese, Persian, Hindi and 北京文化遗产保护中心, 东城区方家 Gift of Hope Gift of Hope is a social Chi Heng Foundation CHF provides Chinese. Medical prescriptions are available. 胡同46号艺术园区(国子监南临)E座309室 enterprise that is owned and managed by education and support for AIDS orphans in Daily 24hrs. B29, Kerry Centre, 1 Guanghua Lu, people with disabilities and empowers the Beijing Fengtai Lizhi Healing Center A Central China and promotes AIDS awareness Chaoyang District. (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, disabled community. Gift of Hope provides boarding school for mentally disabled adults across the country. Rm 801, Bldg 6, Wanda [email protected]) 维 a variety of products and services including that focuses on teaching vocational skills and Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District. (5820 世达诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29 handmade gifts and crafts, leadership self-care. 93 Fengxi Beili (southeast of Fengxi 8574, [email protected]) training, team building, folk art workshops, Tielu Dongxiaoqu), Fengtai District. (5185 智行基金会, 朝阳区建国路93号万达广场6楼801. motivational speeches and trips. Profits are Pet Care/Animal Welfare 6801, fax 8360 2479) 北京丰台 used to empower the disabled community 利智康复中心, 丰台区丰西北里93号(丰西铁路 China Chaoyang AIDS Volunteer Or- Doggy Thoughts CBT Dennis Schenk providing training and job opportunities 东小区东南角) ganization Chinese NGO that focuses on provides private canine behavior training MSM rights protection, AIDS prevention to people with disabilities with the goal of sessions for aspiring and/or struggling dog Beijing Horizon Educational Center awareness and condom marketing. Rm 1002, improving their lives. (service@giftofhope- owners. (137 1802 7490 (English), 134 6639 (BHEC) BHEC seeks to promote fair Chaoyang District Center for Disease Control 7349 (Chinese), [email protected], development in education by providing and Prevention, 25 Huaweili, Panjiayuan, Global Village Beijing Environmental resources for teachers in underprivileged Chaoyang District. (8096 8456, 8778 9709, protection NGO. Rm 301, Bldg C, Huazhan areas. Rm 302, Bldg 2, Liheng Mingyuan, 23 International Center for Veterinary [email protected], 朝阳 International Department, 12 Yumin Lu, Nanbinhe Lu, Xuanwu District. (6348 0852, Services (ICVS) All services in English and 华人AIDS干预工作组, 朝阳区潘家园华威里25号 Chaoyang District. (8225 2046/2047, Fax 8225 [email protected]) 北京泓德中育文 Mandarin. Licensed rabies vaccines. Mon-Sat 朝阳区疾病预防控制中心1002 2045) 北京地球村环境文化 化发展中心, 宣武区南滨河路23号立恒名苑23 8am-8pm; Sun 10am-7pm (by appointment). 中心, 朝阳区裕民路12号华展国际公寓C座301室

82 March 2012 DIRECTORY / LIVING–EXPLORE Green Earth Volunteers (GEV) One of Xingfuyuan Gongyu, 16 Gongti Beilu, China's oldest local environmental NGOs, Chaoyang District. (communications@ GEV aims to serve as a vehicle for grassroots public participation through encouraging 朝阳区工体北路16号幸福园公寓1402 volunteerism. Join them for their weekly Saturday River Walks around the city for the Migrant Children's Foundation (MCF) The chance to make new friends and appreciate MCF is a non-profit organization that aims nature. 21 Paoju Hutong, Dongcheng District. to enrich the lives of disadvantaged children (8403 9930, [email protected]) eng. in China through volunteering. Their main 绿家园志愿者, 东城区炮局胡同21 projects currently include Beijing Buddies and The Volunteer Program. Greenpeace This international organization promotes peace and the protection of New Hope Foundation Provides care, the natural world. 19/F, Bldg E-2, Lanchou medical treatment and a home for babies Mingzuo, Jiqingli, Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, with surgically correctable deformities. 97 Chaoyang District. (6554 6931, Fax 6554 6932) Zhongxin Jie, Guojiawu Cun, Shunyi District. 朝阳区朝阳门外大 (6142 4156 ext. 76, joyce@hopefosterhome. 街吉庆里蓝筹名座E座2单元19层 com) 希望, 顺义 区顺义区郭家务村中心街97号 Handicap International An international solidarity organization working to prevent New Life Centre A residential center for disabilities, improve the lives of the disabled, underprivileged youth in Shunyi to learn and support their efforts to become self- technical skills. Volunteers and donations reliant. (6532 0219/0221, public@handicap-int. welcome. Operation Blessing Beijing Humanitarian Hua Dan Project Hua Dan works with organization helping orphans, disabled migrants in participatory theater workshops children, and the elderly in Beijing. Rm to foster creativity and develop self- 106, Golden Land Bldg, 32 Liangmaqiao Lu, awareness. Volunteers needed. Contact Chaoyang District. (6466 9296, fax 6466 9256, Caroline Watson (8175 3894, 158 0144 7681, [email protected]) 视博恩, Mar 2: Pies and Ales [email protected]) 朝阳区亮马桥路32号高斓大厦106室 Only this flaky when they’re homemade. International Network for Bamboo and Operation Smile China An international Rattan (INBAR) INBAR aims to further medical charity that provides free cleft lip and palate repair surgeries to children worldwide. sustainable development through improving (formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund) is hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. the social, economic and environmental ([email protected]) www. Staffed by professional travel consultants. Apt, working on projects to preserve and protect implications of bamboo and rattan China’s vast and diverse environmental 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua production and use. 8 Futong Dongdajie, Plan China An international, non-affiliated resources and treasures. Sign up to volunteer Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, fit@ Wangjing, Chaoyang District. (6470 6161, humanitarian organization that focuses on online. Wen Hua Gong, Working People's www.kingdomtravel. [email protected]) 国际竹藤组织, children's issues. C-305, Baijiazhuang Business Cultural Palace (east of ), 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光华路 朝阳区望京阜通东大街8号 Center, 3 Baijiazhuang Lu, Chaoyang District. Dongcheng District. (6511 6211) www. SOHO 2号楼718室 JGI China – Roots & Shoots The Jane (6592 1333, fax 6592 8228, 世界自然基金会, 东城区天安门 Ninety Percent Travel (151 1791 Goodall Institute in China focuses on www.plan-international. 东侧劳动人民文化宫东门内文华宫世界自然基金 6648, [email protected]) environmental awareness and sustainable 国际计划中国, 朝阳区白家庄路甲3号白 会北京办事处 development, devoting much of its energies 家庄商务中心C-305 Xingfu Gongcheng (Program of Happi- Specializes in leisure and to Roots & Shoots, an environmental and Sunflower Travel Prevention Through Education (PTE) ness) A Chinese micro-lending organization business travel, offering international and humanitarian education program for NGO that aims to improve HIV/AIDS awareness that supports impoverished mothers. 12 domestic trips, and customized trips to create students. Rm 1309, Beijing City International and develop local school-based HIV/AIDS Dahui Donglu, Haidian District. (6217 9760, fax a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza School (BCIS), 77 Baiziwan Naner Lu, prevention programs. 6217 3494) 幸福工程, 海 Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361) Chaoyang District. (6778 3115/5802, fax 6778 淀区大慧东路12号, Dongcheng 2757, [email protected]) 珍 Rotary Club of Beijing A cross-section of 东城区东直门外大街48号东 古道尔 / 根与芽, 朝阳区百子湾南2路77号北京 local businesses and professional leaders who District. (8447 6361) 方银座B座22D) 乐成国际学校1309室 come together to build lifelong friendships, promote high ethical standards and provide EXPLORE Jinde Charities A Catholic non-profit that TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services volunteer service to others in need of help. from an international team. Offers city tours, assists people needing emergency aid after Meets 12.30 every Tue at the Kempinski Hotel. Airlines natural disasters, as well as the poor, the tour packages with special interest groups (139 1072 9087, [email protected]) www. Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 and individual travel arrangements all over elderly and those affected by AIDS and illness. 北京扶轮社 (8686 0053, [email protected]) Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Rural China Education Foundation A 2001) 加拿大航空, 朝阳区 Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian JUMP! Foundation Founded in 2006, volunteer-based organization that supports 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心C201 countries. Unit 921-926, Bright China Chang JUMP! Foundation is an international non- rural education in China. RCEF has many An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, profit organization that focuses on student Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai volunteer opportunities, especially for International Mansion, 12A Chaoyangmenwai Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, private- leadership training, experiential education 途易, 东城区建国门 summer and year-long teachers. www. Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) www. [email protected]) and global development. They're partnered 乡村教育促进会 内大街7号光华长安大厦2座921-926 with 25 other organizations across the globe, 法国航空, 朝阳区朝阳门外大 with the mission to empower youth to grow Save China's Tigers A charity that aims 街甲12号昆泰国际大厦1号楼1609室 as individuals and develop into leaders in to prevent the South Chinese Tiger from Korean Air 901-3, Hyundai Motor Towers, their community and the world. House of going extinct. PO Box 1928, Chinese Forestry 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, take 5 Knowledge, Victoria Gardens, Chaoyang Park, Academy, Haidian District. (6286 6588, 133 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄 拯救中 15 Xilu, Chaoyang District. (6538 6482) www. 6683 5722) 云路38号现代汽车大厦901-3号 国虎, 海淀区中国林业科学研究院北京1928信箱 朝阳区朝阳公园西路15号 Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 维多利亚花园公寓 Shelterbox International disaster relief 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 FOR WOMEN Kaifeng Deaf School (KDS) A project by agency. ([email protected]) http://www. 1867) 土耳其航空, 亮马桥路50号 Harmony Outreach, Kaifeng Deaf School 燕莎中心W103 85 Broads has become home to approximately 60 The Starfish Project Founded in 2006, United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A, Gate- The Beijing chapter of this global children. Most of the children’s parents this socially responsible jewelry business way Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsanhuan Lu, network of ambitious women. www. are poor farmers or migrant workers. Not developed in order to provide exploited Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) www.united. knowing how to deal with a deaf child, many women in Asia with alternate employment. com 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三环路霞光里18号 families virtually abandon their children Besides helping them to build sustainable 佳程广场A座15层C/D1 or make them feel valueless and unloved. livelihoods, the Starfish Project also offers VIVA The goal at KDS is to provide the children them counseling, vocational training, A career support network for with a nurturing environment where they language acquisition, family education, Travel Agencies women. will be loved while they are taught how to healthcare access as well as housing. Support Beijing Citybus Tour Service Daily overcome their hearing disabilities. For the cause by buying their jewelry or donating 9am-8pm. Rm 1207, Scitech Tower, 22 WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUP these children, graduation is when they have on their website. (volunteer@starfish-project. Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 A safe environment for women to been sufficiently prepared and equipped com) 650 0760) 北京赛笛芭 to go to regular public schools and/or to 诗城市观光旅行社, 朝阳区建国门外大街22号赛 come and express themselves. RMB UNICEF 12 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. 250/session. www.small-steps- function in society. (John@harmonyoutreach. (6532 3131) 朝阳区三里屯 特大厦1207室 org, [email protected]) www. 路12号 Beijing Tourism Group (BTG) 18 UN Volunteers ( Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Chaoyang District The Library Project The Library Project (150 1008 9588) 朝阳 WOMEN WHO WINE donates books and libraries to under financed Wokai Wokai is a small, directed non- 区朝阳门 南大街 18号 The only requirements are two X schools and orphanages in the developing profit that works as an intermediary for Context Travel (+1 215 392 0303, info@ chromosomes and a bottle of wine. world. In 2010 they plan to complete 350 rural microfinance in China. [email protected] elementary school and orphanage library Wuxun Education Foundation Wuxun Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, donations. Volunteers welcome. (159 2955 is dedicated to improving the quality of INSPIRED 6183, [email protected]) www.library- Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, education for rural children. As well as An inspirational platform to support providing dormitory and classroom supplies, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, [email protected]) www. Magic Hospital They work with sick, this nonprofit also works with city schools to the professional and personal de- 朝阳区东三环中路39号 hospitalized, handicapped, orphaned, provide training programs for rural teachers. velopment needs of expat-accom- 建外Soho11号楼2804 abused and at risk children aged 0-18 who ([email protected]) panying spouses. www.inspiredbei- are permanently or temporarily deprived WWF-China One of the world’s leading Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate of a carefree and fun childhood. Unit 1402, environmental organizations, the WWF and holiday travel planning and offers airline,

March 2012 83 ClassifiedsCommercial and service classifieds cost RMB 300 for the first 20 words, and RMB 15 International Wonderland - 首开幸 Arkyard Real Estate for each additional word. To submit a clas- 福广场: 北京方舟雅度房地产经纪有限公司 sified ad: 1) e-mail: [email protected]; 1 Br, 95-120m², ¥7,500 Hotline: +8610- 8407 7007 / 8007 2) submit your ad directly on line at www. 2 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥10,000 13366288719 (24h); 3) fax to 5820 7895. Free ads Regentland/Worker Stadium/ Email: [email protected] will be placed on a space-available basis and DongsishItiao - 瑞士公寓: WWW.ARKYARD.NET at the discretion of the editor. Deadline: the 1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥9,500 15th of each month. For more information on 2 Br, 125m², ¥14,000 Apartment for Rent how to place a classified advertisement in The 3 Br, 140m², ¥17,000 Line 2: Dongzhimen / Dongsishitiao/ Beijinger call our new number: 5820 7700-822 Guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩国际: Chaoyangmen/ Andingmen 3 Br. 217m², ¥20,000 Unit:sqm Unit: rmb/mon. 1room(share)12-35 2,000- 4,000 Global conference 4 Br. 270m², ¥25,000 (100-300/daily) see more at 1bedroom 46-80 3,500- 5,500 Lufthansa Area: 2bedroom 55-90 4,800-6,500 Build your career and CV. Join One Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO 2bedroom 90-120 6,500-9,500 Young World in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Oct 北京公馆: 3bedroom 90-150 6,500-13,000 18-22, 2012. This global conference attracts 1 Br. 80m², ¥13,000 Duplex 120-250 9,500-20,000 Regus is the world’s largest provider of the brightest youth in environment, global 3 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000 workplace solutions, with products and business leadership and world health from Line 10: Sanlitun/Guomao Gemini Grove - 星源汇 services ranging from fully equipped offices to 180 countries. Delegates must be less than /Taiyanggong/Sanyuanqiao/Tuanjiehu/ 1 Br. 80m², ¥11,000 professional meeting rooms, business lounges 29 yrs old and be active in their community. Chaoyang Park 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 and the world’s largest network of video com- Attending costs US$5,200, which covers flight, Studio 45-65 4500-6500 munication studios. hotel, visa, food. Contact faith.brewitt@have- 1bedroom 55-120 5500-10000 Tel: +86 400 120 1205, for more info. 2bedroom 80-150 7000-15000 1. Regus China Life Tower: 5/F China Life CBD Area: 3bedroom 120-200 9000-20000 Tower, 16 Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang Jobs Offered - Professional Central Park - 新城国际: 4bedroom 150-300 15000-30000 District. 中国北京朝阳区朝阳门外大街16号中 Studio, 75m², ¥9,000 国人寿大厦5层 see more at 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 2. Regus China World Tower 3:15/F China Courtyard for Rent 2 Br. 125m², ¥16,000 World Tower 3, 1Jianguomenwai Avenue, MaxEn Education ( Tian’anmen/Jingshan/Houhai/Nan- 2 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥16,000 Chaoyang District. 中国北京朝阳区建国门外大 is a joint venture formed by McGraw-Hill luoguxiang/Gulou/Lama temple/Beixin- 3 Br. 190m², ¥20,000 街1号国贸中心3座15层 Education ( and New qiao/Dongsi 3 Br. 220m², ¥ 23,000 3. Regus IFC [New]: 10/F, IFC East Tower, 8 Jian- Oriental Education& Technology Group(www. 1bedroom 50-80 5,000-7,000 4 Br. 265m², ¥33,000 guomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District中国北 . It provides premier, after-school 2bedroom 80-150 7,000-15,000 Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道: 京朝阳区建国门外大街8号国际金融中心10层 program to advance the 21st century skills of 3bedroom 90-250 9, 000-30,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥9,500 4. Regus Kerry Centre: 11/F Kerry Centre,North young learners between 4 and 17 years old, 4bedroom 120-500 12,000-50,000 teaching English language, math and science 2 Br. 158m², ¥14,500 Tower, 1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District中 in a full immersion environment. At present 3 Br. 300m², ¥25,000 国北京朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心北楼11层 MaxEn has opened teaching centers in Bei- Fortune Plaza - 财富中心: An apartment in 798 art zone, 5. Regus Lufthansa Center: C203 Lufthansa jing, Tianjin, Fuzhou and Chengdu. 1 Br. 70m², ¥8,500 Hongyuan Apt. The apt is 133 square meters, Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang Working Location: Beijing, China 2 Br. 140m², ¥14,000 high floor, facing the south, very comfortable District中国北京朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎 Working hours: 40 hours per week 3 Br. 205m², ¥19,000 and sunny, 3 big bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 中心C203 Qualification Requirements: Global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际: both with windows, and also a balcony, newly 6. Regus NCI Tower: 15/F NCI Tower, 12 A Jian- Native English Speakers Studio. 80m², ¥9,000 decorated and fully furnished. The location is guomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District 2 years of working experience after college 2 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 very comfortable cause just in the entrance 中国北京朝阳区建国门外大街甲12号新华保 graduation 3 Br. 260m², ¥19,000 of 798 art zone, with a big supermarket 险大厦15层 Education major preferred CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品: downstairs. 7. Regus Pacific Century Place: 14/F IBM TEFL or TESOL preferred 2 Br. 115m², ¥10,000 I prefer to rent to a family with stable job, the Tower, PCP, 2A Workers Stadium Road North, MaxEn Offer: 2 Br. 148m², ¥12,000 rental will be 7600RMB include heating fee Chaoyang District 中国北京朝阳区工体北路甲 New Teacher: 13,000 RMB per month before 3 Br. 170m², ¥15,000 and management fee. If you are interested, 2号IBM大厦14层 tax please contact me: [email protected] 8. Regus Prosper Center [New]: 6/F Tower Contact: Please send your resume, first page or 13401038360. (no agent disturb) 2, Prosper Center: No.5 Guang Hua Road, Chaoyang District 中国北京朝阳区光华路5号 of passport and 1 current picture to Ashley Jia Dawanglu Area: (HR Staff) at [email protected] Service - Agents: Real Estate 世界财富中心2号楼6层 China Central Place - 华贸中心: 9. Regus Financial Street Excel Centre: 12/F Services - Accommodation 2 Br. 125m², ¥14,000 see more at Financial Street Excel Centre,6 Wudinghou 3 Br. 165m², ¥16,000 Street, Xicheng District 中国北京西城区武定 see more at Real Estate Law Service Gemdale Int›l Garden - 金地国际: 侯街6号卓著国际金融中心12层 Our experienced real estate attorneys provide 2 Br. 148m², ¥15,000 10. Regus Zhongguancun Metropolis Tower: Beijing Service Apartment for Rent quality legal services to help foreign citizens 3 Br. 199m², ¥20,000 7/F Metropolis Tower,2 Dongsan Street, Daily/Monthly/Yearly to purchase and sell real properties in China. Zhongguancun Xi Zone, Haidian District @ Sublet.CN FULL SERVICE: We also do related litigations. 10th Floor, 中国北京海淀区中关村西区东三街2号欧美 24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993 China World Tower, No.1 Jianguo Menwai 汇大厦7层 Email: [email protected] Chaoyang Park Area: Avenue,Beijing 100004. Tel: (8610) 5706 8302. 11. Regus China Central Place [Coming soon] Palm Spring - 棕榈泉: Email: [email protected]. Website: www. 9/F Tower 2 China Central Place, 79 Jianguo 2 Br. 138m², ¥14,000 Road, Chaoyang District Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area: 3 Br. 192m², ¥20,000 中国北京市朝阳区建国路79号华贸中心(2号 Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or 3 Br. 218m², ¥24,000 JRE Corporate has rapidly expanded since 楼)9层100025 ¥3,900/month; Park Avenue - 公园大道: its foundation into one of the largest real 12. Regus Parkview Green [Coming soon] Seasons Park - 海晟名苑: 2 Br. 174m², ¥16,000 estate companies focusing on residential 15/F Office Building A, Parkview Green, 9 Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥390/ 3 Br. 180m², ¥18,000 services. We boast the widest range of prop- Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District night or ¥5,700/month; 3 Br. 193m², ¥26,000 erties, the lowest prices and the value-added 中国北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号芳草地办公楼 1 Br, 75m², ¥580/night or ¥7,900/month; Oceanwide Int’l Residential District complete after-sales services throughout A座15楼100020 2 Br, 100m², ¥10,000 - 泛海国际: the whole lease term. Tel:5108 8028, 5108 3 Br. 185m², ¥15,000 8048, 13701080877 Fax: 5108 8039 Email: 2 Br, 128m², ¥13,000 Vantone Commercial Center 4 Br. 245m², ¥22,000 Joanna@joannarealestate. 2+1 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 provides tenants a fully serviced office and Greenlake Place - 观湖国际: 3 Br, 160m², ¥15,000 conference center environment in the heart 3 Br. 173m², ¥13,000 4 Br, 250m², ¥25,000 Services - Business Center of both Chaoyang Business District and 逸盛阁: 3 Br. 192m², ¥15,000 East Avenue – see more at Financial Street. Our center located on the top 4 Br. 260m², ¥25,000 1 Br, 85m², Special Offer at ¥ 9,000 floors of Vantone Center Tower D offers you Beijing Golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓: 1 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,000 SBC Business Service (Beijing) Co., Ltd. fantastic panoramic views with professionally 3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000 2 Br, 130m², ¥ 17,000 Hotline: +86 10 59231166 trained staff to support all your daily business Star River - 星河湾: Shimao Gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三: Http: needs. New World Vantone Business Center is 3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 7,500 SBC was founded in 1995 as a leading business ideally situated along the 2nd Ring Rd inside 1 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 13,000 service and company register agency in Hong a landmark building. In addition, we have in- 2 Br, 144 m², from ¥17,000 Kong. SBC is your best partner in setting up house catering available to offer you the con- New MOMA - 万国城: Courtyard for Lease: your representative office and in looking venience of hosting events without seeking Studio, 100m², ¥8,500 Qianmen 6 Br. 300m², Roof Terrance for instant office or virtual office services. In outside vendors. The Center is outfitted with 2 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 ¥45,000 Beijing, SBC provides 52 offices to you, with high-end telecommunication, conference 3 Br, 245m², ¥20,000 Dongsi Vila Style plus basement, 4+2 Br. over 2300sqm space. At SBC, our mission is to audio, video, lighting and office equipment Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO: 320m², ¥55,000 facilitate you to open the door to the world ensuring unsurpassed quality and efficiency. 1 Br, 120m², ¥14,000 of maximum possibilities with minimum cost. Tel: 010 2 Br, 150m², ¥19,500 Top Product: 1. Instant Office, 2. Virtual Office , 8804 7200,5905 5905 2 Br, 170m² ¥20,000 3. Conference Service, 4. Registration Support. 3+1 Br, 245m², ¥30,000 Add: 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, No. 18 Xiaguan- 3+1 Br, 260m², ¥33,000 gli, North Road, East Third Ring, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

84 March 2012 CLASSIFIEDS Services - Ayi / Housekeeping SERVICE - PET CARE IT is so easy – CenturyTang provide IT see more at Beijing TOP-A Vehicle Service Co., see more at Ltd Outsourcing Service from ¥300/ month for enterprise, IT Outsourcing include: Beijing TOP-A Vehicle Service provides: Doctors Beck and Stone Pet Health Care Server maintenance & troubleshooting; Beijing Ex-PATS Service Healthy, *English-speaking driver Center PC maintenance & troubleshooting; Soft- reliable, experienced, English-speaking *Long-short term leasing Get full, international standard, pet care with ware troubleshooting & update; Printer housemaid / nanny. Free agency and *Airport-Pick up/Drop off open Western and highly trained Chinese & Network equipment maintenance; En- Classifieds 24- hour English service. Medical and *Sedan, Van and Bus veterinarians, nurses and medical technicians. Accident insurance covered. EXPATS We, EX-PATS Life Group, also serves Hospitals are also emergency crisis centers. terprise level Anti-virus; Weekly/Monthly Life Group also serves with Mandarin, with Mandarin, housemaid, Visa, Ambulances available for collection and drop backup/restore. Contact Eric Wu at 1350 car leasing, Visa, English-speaking driver, driving license, vehicle registration off of pets. Daily, 24 hours. Shop 0153, Tower 120 8862 or 010-5979 5301. Website: driver, driving license, vehicle registra- service Tel: 64381634, 13501237792 ada. B, Chaowai Soho, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, tion. Tel: 64381634, 13501237792 ada. [email protected] Chaoyang District. Daily 9am-7pm 5869 6401, [email protected] 400 103 8686 (for appointments, pet pick-up Services - Translation/Writing and emergencies) see more at Easy Life-Maid service First Choice Car Rental Service Lee Pet PetSmart, America’s largest retailer PrimeTrans Professional & reliable English speaking maid Co., Ltd. of pet products and services, operates on offers comprehensive translation services that (Ayi) available. Customers’ satisfaction guar- * Long term leasing for family or business. this side of the globe under the name Lee help you overcome your business barriers. anteed. Full time & part time. Housecleaning, * Short term leasing for travelling, Pet. Its Chaowai Soho branch is now Beijing’s Quality, prompt and worry-free! Call George: Babysitting, Ironing, Chinese-western cook- RMB200-RMB800/day largest pet store, offering not only a diverse 010 81732035, 13501089053, primetrans2000@ ing, Call 13811227395 www.maidservicebj. * English-speaking drivers range of imported products, but also in-house com email: [email protected] * Airport-Pick up/ drop off. grooming,photography and kennel services. * Sedan (Audi, Passat, Elantra etc.), Mon-Fri 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun 10am-9.30pm. Unit Micromice Translation: JNY Home service Van (Buick Gl8, JinBei, Ford, Benz), Bus 3097, Bldg A, Chaowai Soho, 6 Chaoyangmen- Free for First 100 Words! Staffs from China Dai- Experienced English-speaking or non-English- Tel: 400-004-1199, wai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5900 5499) 朝阳区 ly offer you most reliable and qualified transla- speaking nannies (ayis) with reference letters 13810156525(24 hours) 朝阳门外大街6号朝外SOHO A座3层3097 tion. 100 language,5000 linguistic experts, are available for chores, babysitting etc. Email: [email protected] Web: Leepet chain stores’ location: all types of files and meetings. 13801130910, 24-hour translation service. www.saybeijing. 1. Golden Resources Shopping Mall 4th [email protected] cn 13426362833 Beijing Top Rated Car Rental Service Co. floor; Suite: 4119 乐宠金源新燕莎MALL店: 北 京市海淀区远大路1号金源燕莎购物中心 Maid in China Ayi Housekeeping Service Ltd. We will provide you with: Services - Language Training 4层西侧4119 (停车楼4层E28口) 电话: 010- Maid in China provides services: maternity * Long/Short term leasing see more at help, nanny services, babysitting, Philippine * Daily car service 88870706 Ayi, Chinese Tutor, driver with car and Chinese * Sight-seeing car service, Tailor-made car 2. Longde Square Shopping Mall Suite: 龙德广场 Driving License. Tel: 13910672349 / 84569551/ service B118,tangli road, Changpin district 店 北京市昌平区立汤路186号龙德广场地下一 Email: [email protected] * Airport-Pick up / Drop off : * Sedan (AudiA6, AudiA6L, Passat, Accord, 层B118铺位, 电话: 010-84841916 Beijing Sunnyhome Housekeeping Lacross2.4 ,BenzMB100,Benz Vito, 3. Land gent chateau store #4 building, Service Co., Ltd: Professional team provides Hyundai) and Buses guangqu road, Chaoyang district. 石韵浩庭 reliable experienced Ayi Service, Driver, Car * Native drivers with good English 店: 北京市朝阳区广渠路33号石韵浩庭04号楼 rental, tourist information, Theatre Tickets More information please: Tel.: 86-10-65047266 04底商, 电话: 010-87769602 Booking ( Acrobatic, Peking opera, Kungfu) / 65047256 Tel. For free: 400-004-1910, 4. Leepet animal hospital ( 24 hours) #9 Lincui etc. 13031160727(Eng) Web: Street, Chaoyang District 乐宠丽派特动物医 Tel: 010-52884727 13621188413 (24hours) E-mail: [email protected] 院: 北京市朝阳区林萃路9号院5-6底商, 电话: Website: Address: Room 1012 Huaye Center Building B 010-58213503 Hotline: English: 138 1029 5757 E-mail:[email protected] Mid East 4th Ring Road 39 Chaoyang District Beijing International Center for Veterinary We provide professional household Services (ICVS) services including nannies, babysitters, Beijing Top Level Car Rental Service ICVS is a professionally managed and afford- maids, daily care, housekeeping, and drivers. Co,.Ltd able full service international standard animal Insurance covered. More than 4000 clients. Long term and Short term Car Leasing for hospital and pet care facility. All doctors are Contact No. 010-67083312. business or family travel legally licensed in the PRC. Services include The Frontiers School- Makes Chinese Airport pick up/ drop off internal medicine, hospitalization, spay/ Easy The Housekeeping Service Center of Sight-seeing / Business neuter, soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries, Founded in 2003 by a team of dedicated Beijing ( BHTIC) Buick /Honda /Toyota/Faw volkswagen/ dentistry, dermatology, blood tests, labora- language teachers, we offer full and part time Do you want the liable, honest, hard-working Hyundai tory diagnostics, X-rays, ultrasound, legal courses as well as programs tailored specifi- and excellent Ayi? More information please call 13911206276(24 vaccinations, prescription pet foods, behavior cally to you or your company’s requirements counseling and obedience training, import/ We can help you. hours) – backed up by after-course support and export advice, pet adoption counseling and Website: Email:[email protected] competitive pricing in Beijing’s most acces- more. Boarding kennel, grooming salon, Tele: 010-85289532 Address:Room 3005,Guangchen sible location. SAFE pet foods and pet shop available. All Cell phone: 13691466053 Building,No.16 Zuojiazhuang Road,Chaoyang Make the right choice for your Chinese Lan- services in Mandarin and English. Licensed Email: [email protected] District,Beijing. guage Journey –choose The Frontiers School. rabies vaccinations for export. Kent Center, 29 Beijing Ayi Service Company provides the Liangmaqiao Lu, Anjialou (shares a courtyard Services - Yoga Beijing Mandarin School Founded in 1998, experience and professional ayies (Nanny), with China Culture Center), Chaoyang District. and also had the honor to serve over 50 cor- driver and western cooking chef for foreigner see more at Mon-Sat 8am-8pm; Sun 10am-7pm (by ap- porate companies and embassies. More than families. And teach ayies western cooking pointment) 010-8456 1939/1940/1941 70 full-time teachers, tailor-made textbooks, etc. Contact on: 60409096, 13641137690 (24 He Yoga Studio Winter Promotion IPCA training center, VISA service. New group hours) email: [email protected]; Services - IT / Computer class will start on March 5th and 13th. Interme- website: Monthly: 500RMB Trimestral: 1000RMB see more at diate & advanced group class starts just with Body Beautification\ Vertebrate-Ovarian 3 people.VIP Private Classes during 4pm-7pm, Services - Air Purifiers Care Yoga register 120 hours get 30 hours free. BMS Cul- see more at Figure Training Ballet\ Children Ballet\ ture Club—42nd Event (Calligraphy), March Pilates 20th, 13:30-15:30. FREE to join, 43rd Event (Kite IQAir: Air pollution is a major environmental Address: Oakwood, GuangMing Apart- DIY-Making), March 29th, RMB50. concern for everyone. The air we breath ment, Sheraton Hotel E-tower: Room 904-905, 9/F Tel: 6508 1026 effects our health and well-being. IQAir has 13811402080 Fax: 6508 1126 been providing clean air solutions for more Guangming Hotel: Room 0709, 7/F Tel: 8441 than 45 years. With a certified actual efficiency 8391 /186 1173 6419 of at least 99.97%, our Health Pro 250 model Services - Relocation Firms [email protected] has received more #1 ratings than any other product on the market. Call today for a free air see more at quality assessment of your home or office. The New Concept Mandarin School The Seven Seas Worldwide Save up to 50%! choice of many Embassies and Fortune 500 IQAir Store: Room 2201-02, Air China Plaza, 36 We’re the first choice when it comes to mov- Xiao Yun Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing 北京 companies around China. Discover how ing baggage internationally from one box up effective and enjoyable Mandarin language 市朝阳区霄云路36号国航大厦2201-02室 Tel: 3 to 2M . We offer a global, door-to-door service learning can be. Proven Methodology spe- 010-8447 5800 / 5488 Service Hotline: 400- with prices starting from RMB 999 by sea and 6501266 E-mail: info@ cially developed for Western Expats. Full-time RMB 1580 by air. Call our 24/7 multilingual professional trainers. In-house developed hotline now on 400 181 6698 for an instant Computer and Email Specialists: Call CAN- training materials including Online Study quote or book online at www.sevenseas- DIS for free network security audits. CANDIS spe- Tools and DVDs to help you review between Services - car rental cializes in office network installation with 24/7 classes. Take 1-2 lessons per week, or our see more at intensive classes when you have more time. Asian Express is an expert in international, Bi Lingual Support. Services include structured cabling, telephone systems, network installa- Private, Small Group and Corporate Training Beijing Executive Services domestic, local household goods and office tion, dedicated broadband and hosting services. courses can be arranged based on your avail- Car service - Van and car rental with English moving, storage and full relocation services. Tel: 010-6464 0108 ability. 20,000 clients have been empowered speaking drivers; Fair price with long term We have been servicing Mainland China since with Mandarin communication skills through contract and short term sightseeing. Buick 1979, which makes us one of the most expe- NCM centers all around China. Call us to book Honda Audi etc. Many choices. rienced moving companies. Call today and a one-hour free demo lesson. www.newcon- Email: [email protected] get an obligation FREE quotation from our Cell: 138 0122 7668 multilingual expat staff. Tel: (010) 8580-1471 Have Web: Fax: (010) 8580-1475 Email: beijing@aemovers. a classified ad to list? Website: E-mail [email protected]

March 2012 85 CLASSIFIEDS Fesco International Teaching Center: studios to four bedroom penthouse and center. Bldg 6, 33 Guangshun Bei Dajie, Mandarin and Cultural Courses terrace apartments, all exquisitely furnished Chaoyang District. 6479 2323. http://www. 85618287 85636133 in elegant and stylish decor. Enjoy a modern lifestyle with our fitness center, health and [email protected] beauty day spa, business center and beauti- Fraser Suites CBD, Beijing [email protected] fully landscaped private gardens. Choose to “The 357 Gold-Standard Beijing apartment dine in your own apartment or in our Mediter- features contemporary concepts designed Berlitz is for people who are serious about ranean or Chinese restaurants or enjoy our in- for luxury living. Interior furnishings are speaking a new language. Join us for a free room private dining service. Each apartment international in appeal, complemented by demonstration ad experience the Berlitz is fitted with a state-of-the-art air purification Chinese motifs to reflect the rich heritage of Method of over 131 years. Sign Up now! Add: and air conditioning system which ensures the location. A complete range of facilities in- Suit 801, Sunjoy Mansion, No.6 Ritan Road 99.9% pure, triple filtered air, so you can trust cluding meetings rooms, business centre, and Contact person: [email protected] in Oakwood and breathe easy. 8 Dongzhimen- an extensively-equipped gymnasium means Tel:6593 0478. Website: wai Xiejie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, you will always have everything you need at China. 010-5995 2888. www.oakwoodasia. hand. Convenience is the buzzword for Fraser SERVICE - Health com/oakwood-residence-beijing Suites CBD, Beijing. The Subway No. 1 line and Subway No. 9 line lie just a few minutes away, see more at Embassy House and the residence is situated in the inside The Bridge School 32-story apartments boast no more than road of trunk lines spanning different direc- Guangming Hotel: Room503, 5/F. six units per floor, with spacious bedrooms, tions. A scenic park nearby ensures an idyllic Tel: 84517605 Fax: 64680287. bathrooms, living rooms and kitchens. Fa- balance between business and relaxation.” 7 E-tower: Room903, 9/F. cilities include fitness center, pool, bar, cafe, Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. 5908 6000, Tel: 65064409 Fax: 65046389. business center, playroom, library and more. 400 817 1188 Capital Paradise Club: Concierge service available. 18 Donzhimen- Tel: 80466114 Fax: 80461707. wai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District 010-8449 Luxury Serviced Residence Riviera Resident Service Center: 9000 (leasing hotline), 010-6415 4724 The Luxury Serviced Residence Beijing is Som- Tel: 84703587 Fax: 84308068 erset’s flagship property in the capital city of Sanlitun Tongguang Tower: Room 8013, Fraser Residence CBD China. The spacious comfort and personalised Tel: 65389422 fax: 65389455 “With a home at Fraser Residence CBD East, services make your stay in Beijing convenient Dongzhimen Yufei Building Room 901 Beijing, you’ll get beauty and luxury both and comfortable. Located in central Beijing, Tel: 15712845017, 64163990 inside and out. The view of the modern this serviced residence is an ideal corporate E-mail:[email protected] cityscape and beautiful landscaped gardens housing option for executives on project as- provide a perfect backdrop for the contem- signment and interim stay. A welcome alterna- The Bridge School has a history of 19 years porary concepts of your stylish apartment tive to a hotel, the apartments are spacious, and 6 locations in Beijing, has been voted in Beijing. From the exclusive elevator ac- secure and comfortable with the benefits of the Best School in the cess to the separate living room, dining and superb services and facilities that you desire. City Weekend reader’s choice survey. There Angel Hands Enjoy vigorous deep-tissue kitchen areas, from the tasteful furnishing Many historical destinations, dining and shop- are about 140 committed teachers and over massage, soothing and gentle massage, or to beautiful finishes, each detail is meticu- ping opportunities are accessible by walking 60 contracted companies/ embassies. Our a combination of both. Daily 24 hours. Rm lously considered to create a comfortable or a short drive. You can relax and enjoy the own textbooks including memory cards and 1801, Bldg 2, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan and cosy haven for your family. Your accom- comforts of these luxury serviced apartments 朝阳 CDs are published by Beijing Culture and Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. (8631 0801) modation in Beijing in this Beijing Apart- in Beijing while on business travel or leisure 区东三环中路 号建外 号楼 室 Language University, and we are the official 39 Soho2 1801 ment Hotel provides total comfort better holiday. The Scandinavian interior design and test centre for HSK and BCT exam. There are than any other Beijng hotels. For recreation, the use of natural light and space give each over 5000 worldwide students studying at you can enjoy in-house facilities such as the duplex apartment a spacious and comfortable The Bridge School annually. gymnasium with jet pool, steam and sauna, ambience. There are layout options for one to DVD movie library, all-day dining, members’ three-bedrooms. Every apartment has a fully- iHappy Mandarin School lounge and snooker lounge. The Business equipped kitchen, full-length windows for Make Chinese easy and fun! Centre offers a range of secretarial services natural light, a home entertainment system * Innovative iHappy method makes learning and meeting spaces while round-the-clock and broadband Internet line. These comfort- easy through role play, topic discussion, or reception, concierge and security services able serviced accommodation units offer music appreciation. mean help is always at hand.” Block B, comfort, privacy and space, while you explore * 1-on-2 quality course: pay one and get Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsihuan- the exciting and unique city of Beijing on busi- another one free. zhonglu, Chaoyang District 010-5870 9188 ness or holiday. 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang * Group class: maximum of 6 persons per District. 6566 2200 group. * Free demo class and free after-class tutor The St. Regis Residence Marriott Executive Apartments Beijing everyday, free learning materials! Built in 2001 the Residences at The St. Palm Springs * Highly competitive price. Flexible time and Regis Beijing consist of 64 fully furnished Choose from 1,2, and 3-bedroom serviced location. units (1-4 bedrooms) boasting natural hot apartments with stunning views of the estate * Help your visa conversion, extension. spring water, comfortable beds, tastefully garden, Chaoyang Park and the city skyline. Campus: furnished living rooms, carefully fitted Apartments are ideal for short or extended 1. Room 3106, Building No.9, Jianwai SOHO, The Luxury Massage Center provides bathrooms or fully equipped kitchens. stay. Features on-site shopping center, weekly Chaoyang. (朝阳区建外SOHO 9号楼3106室) Chinese massage, Thai massage, Aromatic Short term rate starts from CNY2,070 +15% housekeeping and restaurants. Members- 2. Room 903, Peking University Resource oil massage. 30% off for first visit. Tel: 136 service charge for a two-bedroom residence only club featuring whirlpool with natural Building, Haidian. (海淀区北京大学资源大 8335 2960 (maximum 4 guests), or CNY2,270 +15% ser- hot springs, sauna, indoor 55m swimming 厦903室) Address:Room 2121, East tower of Van Palace vice charge for a three-bedroom residence pool and 24-hour fitness center. 8 Chaoyang 010-59002125 010-59002875 / skype: ihap- Center, Guandongdian Nanjie, Chaoyang (maximum 6 guests). 21 Jianguomenwai Gongyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District. pychinese / district.(朝阳区关东店南街旺座中心东塔 Dajie, Chaoyang District. 6460 6688 2121室) Metropolis Inn The Pentagram Chinese Language Millennium Residences This high class commercial style apartment is Institute (PCLI) SERVICE - Service apartment Offers 329 Serviced Residences from the 3rd very near to the World Trade Center business 1. Tailoring made learning plan for VIP. to 31st floor of the apartment building in district, Sanlitun Bar Street, Secondary Em- see more at 2. New group class for beginner starts each month. one, two and three bedroom configura- bassy District. Near to Subway Line 10. Taiyue 3. Key account plan for the companies and Ascott Beijing “Ascott Beijing offers tions. Each apartment is comprehensively Heights, 16 Sanlitun Nanlu, Chaoyang District. embassies. luxurious serviced accommodation with equipped including: Large screen HDTV LCD 132 6168 0017. 4. Varied cultural activities, convenient traffic comprehensive personalized services and televisions; fully equipped kitchen featuring location and Chinese style classrooms, all Pingod Apartments facilities. It is centrally located to make refrigerator, full size oven, washer/dryer, this will impress you. This large residential compound in the your business travel, weekend retreat or microwave, kettle, toaster, rice cooker and 5. Visa service/ free Chinese test and pick-up service Shuangjing area features 10 apartment extended stay convenient and enjoyable. all dining ware; luxuriously appointed, hotel Order the courses on www.pentagram- buildings with 1-4 bedroom units ranging in Designed for discerning executives and style bedrooms and bathrooms with marble will get 5% discount! size from 80sqm to 164sqm, as well as studios, their families, the residences are spacious highlights and expansive views of the city. [email protected] duplexes and lofts. A large garden dominates and private with elegant and refined Three times per week room cleaning service Tel: +86 10 6500 5755 Room 301, RuiChen the center and just north of the compound is decor. Ascott Beijing serviced apartments (twice weekly refreshing of all interior International center, No.13, NongZhangGuan the 22 International Art Street, with its many imbues a sense of refinement and style. linen). Residents can enjoy all restaurants South Road, Chaoyang District. galleries, cafes, boutiques and restaurants, Neo-Asian lines inspire the elegant interior and bars operated by the Grand Millen- nium Hotel, special membership fee to the as well as the Today Art Museum. The Pingod Dongfang Shangshu Language School with exquisite Asian artwork adorning the Service Apartments are also on the north side. hallways. Each of the residences from one Oxygen Health Club and preferential rates • Master the curriculum by participating in of the MTM. Beijing Fortune Plaza, Bldg 6, The KEer Apple Kindergarten and BCIS are a play. to three-bedroom layouts as well as the just adjacent to the compound. 32 Baiziwan three and four-bedroom penthouses are de- 7 Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District 010- • Free trial opera classes on the 1st and 15th of 8588 2888 Lu (south of Guomao Qiao and north of Sh- every month. signed for distinguishing tastes and needs uangjing Qiao), Chaoyang District. 5876 9999 • Flexible time table to suit your schedule. of the international traveler. Fully-equipped kitchens, home entertainment system and Fairmont Residence • Courtyard classroom suitable for small Located in Wangjing, Fairmont has 150 service Swissotel Beijing classes of 6 to 8 students. elegant furnishings are provided to make Though the rooms are fairly small, the large your stay convenient and comfortable. The apartments include furnished studios, one- • Internship opportunities. bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom swimming pool, the diverse dining options • Kids winter camp and summer camp. twelve penthouses offer panoramic views of and central location of this five-star hotel this majestic city.” environment units. Most of the rooms include • We provide Home Tutoring! fully-equipped kitchenette, satellite TV appeal to both leisure and business travelers. • All-include service: visa, transport from 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 010- RMB 2,755-7,180. 6567 8100 channels, broad band internet etc. The air airport, accommodation and more. condition system is equipped with fresh air Offers 62 serviced apartments with full ameni- Contact us: Tel: 010-6400 3968/ 156 1108 3371 ties. 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng Oakwood Residence Beijing ventilation system in order to upgrade the Address: No.12 Beixiang wazi Hutong, Bei- District. 6553 2288 Experience the comfort of a contempo- air quality. Onsite restaurant includes Cafe O, luoguxiang. (北锣鼓巷北下洼子胡同12号院) featuring Western and Asian cuisines and a rary home at Oakwood Residence Beijing. The Apartments on Financial Street breakfast buffet, and facilities include a fitness Oakwood Residence Beijing offers 406 fully This five-star, all-suite accommodation center, business center, laundry and massage equipped luxury apartments ranging from provides deluxe and spacious lodgings for

86 March 2012 CLASSIFIEDS however long you want to stay in Beijing, minds for a stimulating meal in this relaxing Mon-Fri 7pm-midnight, Sat-Sun 24hrs. discount cards (RMB 500/30% discount; RMB China. The hotel also boasts leisure facilities comfortable refuge. Al fresco seating in the 010-8279 6405 1000/50% discount). 4/F, South Bldg, The that guarantee a fun-filled vacation, such summer and wood-fired oven in the winter. Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. Daily as a health club, sauna, and tennis court. 1 Voted “Outstanding French (Affordable)” in Beijing Hash House Harriers 10am-10pm Jinchengfang Jie, Xicheng District. 6606 5588 the Beijinger’s 2011 Restaurant Awards. 3/F, “The drinking club with a running problem.” Easy run or walk around Beijing every Sunday Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang SERVICE - Theaters District. Sun-Thu 9.30am -midnight, Fri-Sat afternoon followed by more beer than you see more at The Westin Beijing, Executive Resi- 9.30am-1am. 6417 6095, fax 6413 0765 could possibly drink, lots of noise and a meal. dences Occasional out-of-town trips. RMB 20/run, Beijing Playhouse The Westin Beijing has two towers rising 26 Poplar Kids Republic Bookstore RMB 60/run and meal. Usually meets at Tim’s China’s English community theater presents stories high, one with 486 luxurious rooms One of China’s first and most extensive Texas Roadhouse. contemporary live semi-professional theater and suites and the other with 194 Executive children’s bookstores. More than 3,000 il- productions, performed in English with Chi- Residences. All units offer state-of-the-art au- lustrated storybooks from Europe, America, beijinghhh nese subtitles. Professional acting experience diovisual equipment, an abundance of natural Japan and China are on sale, including not necessary and nationality not important, light, and complimentary wireless High Speed favorites such as The Very Hungry Caterpil- SERVICE - Museum though ability to perform in English is Internet Access. 9B Financial Street, Xicheng lar, The Giving Tree, and Badger’s Painting see more at required. Balizhuang (E 4th Ring Rd) 100025 District. [email protected] Gifts. The store encourages children and Chaoyang 5 Houbalizhuang, Yew Chung Int’l 6606 8866 their parents to stop by, read together and China National Film Museum School, East gate of Honglingjin Park, Chaoy- enjoy the in-store facilities, which include The largest national film museum in the world ang District. 13718908922 Warwick International Apartments a comfortable play area. On weekends, a has 20 exhibition halls, in which are displayed Beijing free storytelling hour is offered and often 4,000 photos that cover 1,500 movies and 450 Chaoyang Culture Center/TNT Theater Built way back in 1996, Warwick offer guests filmmakers. Most content in Chinese. Free. followed up with arts and crafts activities. This center hosts over 500 performances, the space and facilities of an attractive home- Reservations required (5165 4567). 9 Nanying Rm 1362, Bldg 13, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dong- exhibitions and movies per every year — it’s from-home, with a well-equipped kitchenette Lu, Chaoyang District. Tue-Sun 9am-4.30pm sanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District. Daily the biggest cultural center in China. Nine and seating area. An airport shuttle will de- 10am-7pm 5869 3032 (last entry 4pm). 6431 9548 liver you to your home in Beijing, where there Theatre, Chaoyang Art Showing Hall, Phoenix Theatre, and Puppet Museum are all located is free high-speed internet access, plus a DVD Foreign Languages Bookstore in the main building. The secondary building player and the choice of premium television For foreign language books, the aptly-named Two hundred meters east of Muxidi subway houses arts training: music, dancing, calligra- channels. English-speaking reception staff will Foreign Languages Bookstore is far and away station lies the Capital Museum. This six-story phy, painting, and English courses. Corner of welcome you at all hours and will be able to the largest and most diverse bookstore in building houses 11 exhibition halls displaying Jintai Xilu and Chaoyangmenwai Dajie (east of assist with tours and tickets. 7A Nanshuiguan, town. Here, you’ll find locally published for- ancient : statues, jade Jingguang Qiao), Chaoyang District. 8599 6011 Guangqumen, Chongwen District. 6715 1166 eign language books on the first floor, sheet utensils, ancient calligraphy and paintings, music books on the fifth floor, and on the restored old Beijing city views and precious Warwick International Apartments relics of old Beijing operas. Two temporary recently-opened sixth floor, a tea shop and China Children’s Art Theater Beijing exhibition halls on the first floor and base- sale books. 235 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng Situated 1,500 meters northwest of Dongdan Built way back in 1996, Warwick offer guests ment level display artistic and cultural exhibits District. Daily 9.30am-9.30pm 6512 6903 Station, this four-story playhouse presents the space and facilities of an attractive home- from around the world. Free. Reservation is plays and musicals for children in Chinese all from-home, with a well-equipped kitchenette necessary. Temporary exhibitions are charged. SERVICE - Travel year long. Every weekend, the Holiday Classic and seating area. An airport shuttle will de- Audio self-guided tours in Chinese and Eng- Theatre Hall on the fourth floor puts on plays liver you to your home in Beijing, where there see more at lish available for rent at the entrance. starting at 10am, and performers even talk to is free high-speed internet access, plus a DVD 16 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District. Beijing Hikers the audience after each play. Performances player and the choice of premium television Tue-Sun 9am-5pm. 6337 0491/2. Hikes of varying difficulty in villages near Bei- channels. English-speaking reception staff will include the Chinese classic Ma Lan Hua, Snow jing. Open to everyone. Call for info on hikes welcome you at all hours and will be able to Chinese Military History Museum White and the Seven Dwarves, and A Journey and what to bring. Prices vary for overnight assist with tours and tickets. 7A Nanshuiguan, With 5,000 years worth of war paraphernalia, With Hans Christian Andersen, among others. hikes; weekend hikes are RMB 250/300 (adult), Guangqumen, Chongwen District. 6715 1166 this museum will curl the toes of any military The Ma Lan Hua Art School that connects half price for children under 12, including buff. The collection includes AK-47s, flame to the theater offers acting, recitation and round trip transport, snacks and drinks throwers, US tanks captured during the dance classes for kids ages 5-12. 64 Dongan- SERVICE - Library/bookstores after the hike, detailed map of the hike and Korean War, U2 wreckage, ancient weaponry men Dajie, west of Wangfujing, Dongcheng professional guidance. Advance reservations see more at and uniforms, as well as exhibits on the “War District. Daily 9am-9pm 6521 1425 necessary. RMB 200/yr membership gets a of Resistance against Japanese Aggression” Capital Library 10% discount on regular hikes. Rm 601, Bldg National Theater Company of China and the war against the “Eight Power Allied Chinese films are shown every Wed at 2pm 2, Xinhualian Ligang, 26 Jiuxianqiao Zhonglu, “The National Theatre of China (NTC) is the Forces.” If your revolutionary fervor is still not for free. Tickets available at 12.30pm. Chaoyang District. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm 6432 largest state-level performing art organiza- ignited, then maybe the display of socialist While its range of foreign language books is 2786 tion of the People’s Republic of China. It was realist artwork will do the trick. Good place to not as impressive as the National Library’s, founded on Dec 25th, 2001 when the former pick up military gewgaws and army souvenirs. it does offer foreigners the option of bor- Beijing Impression China National Youth Theatre and China Na- Based in Beijing, Beijing Impression offers Kids dig the place also. 9 Fuxing Lu, Haidian rowing books. It costs RMB 10 to process a tional Experimental Theatre were combined. flexible tours with accommodating itineraries. District. Daily 8.30am-4.30pm 6686 6244 reader’s card and, depending on the type Home to a wealth of talents across the per- English-speaking guides available. Staff are of card you choose, a deposit ranging from forming arts, NTC offers a platform where tra- Beijingers who know the city well and are Confucius Temple and Guozijian RMB 100-500. Foreign language newspa- dition meets modernity and state-of-the-art ready to assist travelers at any time. In addi- The Confucius Temple is located 400 meters to pers and periodicals can also be accessed tion to offering travel services, the company the southwest of Yonghegong Station. It was performance is pursued to nurture theatrical and regular lectures are organized on week- also provides travel tips, information, pictures first built in 1302 and served as an altar where masterpieces. NTC brings together the most ends. 88 Dongsanhuan Nanlu, Chaoyang and videos. Rm 0219, Moma Building, 199 intellectuals from the Yuan, Ming and Qing talented artists and art managers in China. District Daily 9am-7.30pm 6735 8114 http:// Chaoyang Beilu, Chaoyang District. 6400 dynasties offered their respects to Confucius. NTC has won almost all the national prizes for 0300, 139 1097 2927 Now it has become a museum exhibiting performance and has become the nation’s engraved stones, old Chinese doorbells and strongest team of creators and experienced National Library Bicycle Kingdom drums, bronze and jade utensils, paintings arts managers. NTC focuses on producing This national institution has a great range Rents a variety of bikes and . Prices and calligraphic works, antique musical instru- original plays, and has performed many fine of English and other foreign language edi- range from RMB 60-120 for a single day and ments and ancient Chinese currencies. Every works of contemporary dramatists. NTC is tions, including periodicals and academic from RMB 35-57 per day for a week or longer, September, a ritual celebrating Confucius’s featured in three drama series which include titles. Foreigners can only access the books and depend on the bike rented. Reservation birthday takes place here, in which a music serious dramas, comedies and experimental at the library and are not permitted to bor- recommended and deposits vary. Also offers and dance ceremony from the Qing dynasty forms of theatrical arts. On one hand, NTC row, but the selection makes it well worth guided bike tours.34 Dong Huangchenggen maintains roots in the classics to demonstrate the trip. Their website has a searchable is performed. 13 Guozijian Jie (near the Lama Nanjie, Dongcheng District 133 8140 0738 Temple’s main gate), Dongcheng District. the humanity and charm of theater. On the online database that is available in both other hand, it acts as a leader in pioneering Chinese and English. Reader’s cards are Daily 8am-5pm (last ticket 4.30pm). RMB 10, RMB 5 (students) 8401 1977 new trends of theater as an avant-garde available for RMB 5/month or RMB 20/year. SERVICE - Sports power for innovative creation.” NTC offers an 33 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Haidian Dis- open stage where young theatrical talents see more at SERVICE - play center trict Daily 9am-9pm 8854 5593/4089 http:// with new innovative productions. NTC main- Beijing Climbing Club see more at tains the highest standards of excellence for Beijing Climbing Club runs regular weekend all of its stage-performances, based on a solid The Bookworm Family Box Educational and Recrea- rock-climbing trips for aspiring climbers business foundation, and utilizing the latest in This sleek lending library and bookshop tional Center of all abilities to scenic locations around theater and research technologies. As a result, has the best selection of English language Beijing. They offer a safe and hassle free way Family Box is a British family centre combining NTC has earned its status throughout the books and magazines in town and is often for anyone based in Beijing to get out and education and recreation. Children ages 0-12 generation as the flagship theater in China. As cheaper than Amazon et al. The bibliophile experience this amazing sport first hand. They and their families have more than enough the first-class theater in China and renowned manager arranges a fabulous lecture series use qualified western/bilingual guides and space to play in the 6,000sqm, three-storey throughout the globe, NTC is leading the way that features both local and international operate to western safety standards. They building. Kids will enjoy the large scale climb- in the development of drama both at home authors. Other draw cards include the roof- also meet regularly during the week at climb- ing frame, Mickey Mouse play area, swimming and abroad. The president of NTC is Zhou top terrace, comfy couches and a kitchen ing walls in the city, and operate a website pool, Sensory Room, Soft Island and Craft Zhiqiang. Vice-president includes Yan Fengqi that serves European fare. Quiz night every at which Room. They also run courses and activities (also the secretary of the company’s Party Monday at 7.30pm. Courtyard 4, Gongti provides information about our services and based on the UK early years curriculum. Other Committee), Wang Xiaoying, Zha Mingzhe and Beilu, Chaoyang District. Daily 9am-2am information about the climbing scene in gen- facilities include: party hosting, catering, Shi Lifen. 45 Mao’er Hutong, Di’anmen Dajie, 010-6586 9507 http://www.chinabook- eral, for independent climbers in Beijing. coffee shop, and crèche facility. Bldg 4, 51 Dongcheng District 6403 1099, 6404 3653 Wangjing Beilu, Chaoyang District. Sat-Thu 9am-8pm, Fri 10am-8pm 6478 6163 Le Petit Gourmand ATer Tango Club Warm, cozy and oh-so-softly-lit cosmopoli- ATer Tango Club is organized by bunch of Yu Kids Island tan, this French eatery not only serves some Argentine Tango fans. They provide Argentine The Place’s well-kitted indoor play area of the best crepes in town, they also boast Tango classes in all levels as well as organizing boasts a palm tree carousel, a bouncy slide, Have a library of over 9,000 titles (with plans to traditional milongas every Tuesday and waterfall tunnel and a wind room filled with reach 20,000). Membership will set you Saturday. huge balloons – all well-padded for maximum a classified ad to list? back RMB 150 for six months, and RMB 300 a Rm 428, Bldg C, Dongsheng Plaza, 8 Zhong- safety. Come and go as you like with a RMB 50 E-mail [email protected] year. Bring your appetite and your studious guancun Donglu, Haidian District day pass; frequent funners will benefit from

March 2012 87 PEKING MAN Trapped in the Water Closet preschoolers of the world, unite by George Ding

y earliest memory involves me being locked vent or window perhaps – but to no avail. I tried the door in a bathroom. but it wouldn’t budge. Through it I could hear the echo I was three and both my parents were of cartoons down the hall. Then it hit me: it was naptime. studying in America, so I was left in the care I was stuck in solitary while everyone else was sleeping ofM my grandmother. Every morning she led me through or watching Tom chase Jerry around with a rolling pin. At the hutongs of central Beijing to the preschool near her the thought of this, I broke down crying. home. My eyes were dry by the time the door opened again. It was one of the better schools in the area, but its An hour had passed. shell of dull, gray brick filled me with foreboding. Two The teacher looked at me and said, “Have you learned stone lions stood guard on either side of the massive your lesson?” main gate. To my three-year-old self, the place seemed After school let out, I ran outside, into the loving arms like a prison. of my grandmother. I didn’t tell her what had happened. The incident occurred early in the school year, during If she’d known, she would have called the school. They lunchtime. would have given the teacher a slap on the wrist and she We students sat in rows on long metal benches as the would have simply treated me worse. No, my vengeance teachers placed chopsticks, rice, and tomato and egg soup would have to take another form. on the table in front of us. I flooded my rice with soup but The next day, carrot soup was on the menu. I finished left the tomatoes in the soup bowl like fish in a drained everything but the carrots and sat quietly in my chair. lake. I’ve never been a fan of vegetables. My classmates begged me to eat them but I explained At the end of lunch, the teachers proceeded down to them the righteousness of nonviolent protest. As the each row, collecting the bowls. I didn’t know at the time teacher dragged me away, I raised a fist to my brethren, that students were expected to finish every last bit of food telling them to stand strong, for the freedom to eschew but as I looked around at everyone else’s bowls, I noticed healthy food was one worth dying for. they were all polished to a shine. I protested that day and every day thereafter. As time The teacher paused when she got to me. passed and I grew accustomed to spending my naptime “Why didn’t you finish your lunch?” locked in that bathroom, it became less frightening if no “I don’t like vegetables,” I said. less disgusting. “Do you know how hard farmers had to work to After a few months, I decided to see if I could get grow these tomatoes? And you want to just throw them the teacher’s attention. I turned on all the faucets and away.” watched as the water pooled and spilled over the sink. She placed the bowl back in front of me. Then I walked back and forth, flushing all the toilets. I “Eat them,” she growled. flooded Tartarus. “No.” Sure enough, the teacher burst through the door a The teacher’s hand clamped down on my arm. She few minutes later. yanked me out of my chair and dragged me out of the She looked incredulously at the water park I had cre- cafeteria. My classmates regarded me like a man being ated, then hurried to shut off all the faucets. But she knew led to the gallows; some scrambled to finish whatever full well that if she left, I’d just turn them all on again. She was left of their lunch. She hauled me down the hallway had two choices: either let me go, or spend naptime with to the boy’s bathroom and threw me in. The door locked me in the boy’s bathroom from here on out. She stared at behind me. me and I stared right back. My eyes, adjusting to the darkness, revealed the horrors I was paroled. little by little: a long trough that lined the far wall, filling As fate would have it, I never finished that year of pre- the room with a smell of concentrated urea; crouch toilets school. Shortly after my fourth birthday, my grandmother caked with muddy streaks, sliding toward a dark hole took me to America, where I was reunited with my parents gaping from the ground like the maw of Tartarus; rusted and spent the rest of my childhood being a bad student faucets that disgorged their murky contents into clogged in American schools. But during that year of preschool, I sinks; detritus layered on a floor covered in dirt. had indeed learned my lesson: Don’t eat your vegetables, I spun around, looking for some kind of opening – a and never let anyone push you around.

88 March 2012