Volume 5, Number 1 San Francisco Field Ornithologists JOURNAL 2004 SFFO SFFO Journal Volume 5, Number 1 2004 Contents 3 2004 Systematic Species List David Armstrong and Hugh Cotter 16 Glen Park Canyon, 2004 in Detail David Armstrong 17 Sutro Heights, 2004 in Detail Myra Ulvang 18 Birds of Alcatraz Lew Ellingham, Chris Hellwig and Matt Zlatunich ______________________________________________________ Front cover photo: Dickcissel ©2004 David Nelson Editor: Mark W. Eaton Mark W.
[email protected] 1524 36th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122 San Francisco Field Ornithologist’s Home Page http://www.sffo.org All material ©2004, 2005 San Francisco Field Ornithologists. Additional portions may also be copyrighted by the individuals who generated those portions. 2004 Journal, San Francisco Field Ornithologists 2 2004 San Francisco City Highlights David Armstrong and Hugh Cotter 2004 was a good year for birding in San Francisco with a total of 274 species being recorded within the City boundaries. While spring and fall migrations were not the best in recent years, with very few “typical” vagrant warblers seen, there were a number of excellent birds recorded within the City limits. New species added to the City List in 2004 included; Eurasian Collared Dove in April, Dickcissel in September and Laughing Gull in December. The second confirmed City record of Lapland Longspur was found in October as were the third and fourth known records of White-winged Dove. It was also a good year for normally rare City species such as Harlequin Duck and Blue-winged Teal which appeared in above normal numbers. Also of note was the confirmation of California Gull breeding on Alcatraz Island, the first record outside of the tip of Alameda NWR that is in San Francisco County and one of very few breeding records for San Francisco.