The University of Texas at Austin CHE 350 – Chemical Engineering Materials Unique#14440; Spring 2015 Instructor: Delia Milliron telephone: 232-5702 office: NHB 6.404; office hours Th 9:30-10:30am, F 3:00-4:00pm email:
[email protected] TA: Ankit Agrawal office: CPE 4.470; office hours M, Th 3:00-4:30pm email:
[email protected] Meeting times: Lecture T/Th 8:00-9:30am – NOA 1.126 This course provides an introduction to Materials Science and Engineering. Materials Science focuses on understanding the structure-property relationships of solids and condensed phases; i.e., how materials respond to applied stimuli, such as light, electricity, and mechanical forces. By understanding the fundamental relationships between atomic structure and properties, materials can be designed and fabricated to elicit a desired set of properties. Text: Craig R. Barrett, William D. Nix, Alan S. Tetelman, “The Principles of Engineering Materials,” revised printing (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey). Prerequisites: Upper division standing; Ch 353 with a grade of at least a C-; admission to an appropriate major sequence or consent of the department. Course Requirements: The courseworK will consist of reading, homeworK, in-class quizzes, mid- term exams, and a final exam: Grading: Homework (due Tuesdays) & in-class quizzes 20% Mid-term exams (during lecture, 3/3 and 4/21) 45% Final exam (2-5pm, 5/19) 35% Grades are not curved: >88% (A); 85-88 (A-); 82-85 (B+); 73-82% (B); 70-73 (B-); 67-70 (C+); 58- 67% (C); 55-58 (C-); 50-55% (D); <50% (F) The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities.