
Lernmodul: Colonial History 164

The Thirteen

17th and

American History Module started: ______finished: ______

Set up as a trading post in 1607, Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement. After the arrival of the Pilgrims at the shores of the , more and more European followed soon Q after to colonize . Which European nations colonized the New World? And how did the thirteen British colonies, which were eventually established, differ from each other? Internet Video „Colonial America 1497- 1763” M M1 Map of the Thirteen Colonies M2 The Thirteen Colonies

The English played a major part in the colonization process; however, they were not the only European nation which colonized the New World. Russia, for example, established its first settlement in in the 17th century. 1 a) Watch the video “Colonial America” on YouTube. Draw a table with five columns and head the columns with the name of each nation engaged in the colonization process as shown in the video. List the settlements that each nation established. b) Explain the effects the colonization process had on the development of American society. Are they still present today?

English colonists mainly settled on the East

Coast of North America, eventually establishing the Thirteen Colonies, which can be classified into three groups. a) Look up the Thirteen Colonies in an atlas and fill in their names in the map (Worksheet M1). Find out when each of the Thirteen Colonies 2 was founded and write the date next to the name. Find the names of the five cities marked by a circle. b) Read the text M2 and draw a table with three columns. Match each one of the Thirteen Colonies to one group and write down the most important aspects about the colonies. c) Describe the picture and match it to one of

the groups of the table. Give reasons.

The Thirteen Colonies …


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Autorin dieses Moduls: Astrid Wegner, Köln segu von C.Pallaske steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported Lizenz Bildnachweis: in Plymouth Harbor, William Halsall, 1882: wikimedia.org (gemeinfrei); Plimoth Plantation, Foto von 2005: wikimedia.org (Urheber: Muns, CC BY SA 2.0); Tabakfarm 1670: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons