ASA EG Fourteen working Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark 16-17 March, 2017 Reference ASA 14/Info 1 Title Practical information for participants Submitted by ASA EG ITA together with the Host CONTACT PERSONS Chairman The Host Mr.Bernt Bull Mr. Emil Bengtsson Ministry of Health and Care Services Nordic Council of Ministers P.O.Box 8011 Dep Ved Stranden 18 Einar Gerhardsens plass 3 DK-1061 København K N-0030 Oslo Phone: +45 29 69 29 17 Phone: + 47 22247682
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected], Ms. Nina Karlsson ITA Nordic Welfare Centre Dr. Zaza Tsereteli, MD, MPH c/o Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (THL) Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway PB 30, FI-00271 Helsingfors Tartu mnt 16-18, Visiting address: Mannerheimvägen 168 B 10126 Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 5 26 93 15 Phone: +358 458720270 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] Skype: Zaza.Tsereteli MEETING VENUE & ACCOMMODATION Recommended accommodation: Nordic Council of Minister Ved Stranden 18 Hotel Admiral DK-1061 Copenhagen K Tel.: +45 33 96 02 00 Toldbodgade 24 – 28 E-mail:
[email protected] DK-1253 København +45 33 74 14 14 The meeting room “Jotunheim” (one floor down from the reception) ASA EG. 14 Info 1. Practical information for participants Page 1 Hotel Copenhagen Strand, Havnegade 37 1058 Copenhagen K Danmark Tel: + 45 3348 9900 E-mail:
[email protected] CONFIRMATION OF PARTICIPATION Kindly confirm your participation by means of the on-line registration form which is available at the NDPHS website,asa_14__copenhagen Please note that this form requires that you provide several pieces of information, which is essential for the Local Organizers to be able to assist the participants in organizational matters, and for this reason it needs to be submitted not later than March 3, 2017 ACCOMMODATION The hosts recommended Two Hotels, which are within the walking distance from the meeting place – Admiral Hotel, and Hotel Copenhagen Strand.