Thai-American Business T-AB Thai- American Business

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Thai-American Business T-AB Thai- American Business Thai-American Business T-AB Thai- American Business Journal of The American Chamber Of Commerce In Thailand Volume 5/2017 VOLUME 5/2017 VOLUME The American Chamber Of Commerce In Thailand The American Chamber Of Commerce Educating Thailand’s Future Workforce 12 Skills Trap - Thailand’s Education Efforts to Meet Industry Needs 16 How AMCHAM Companies can Promote Real Education Reform 20 Developing Talent in Thai Organizations 32 Joint Statement between the USA and the Kingdom of Thailand corAD-FinalA4-aw.pdf 1 8/24/2559 BE 8:40 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K THAI-AMERICAN BUSINESS ISSN-T-A 0125-0191 Contents Volume 5/2017 | Covering September - October 12 32 11 In Rememberance of His Majesty 24 VISTEC – Creating Knowledge King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Cutting-Edge Innovation in 12 Skills Trap – Thailand’s Thailand Education Efforts to Meet Industry 26 Four Ways to Race to 4.0 Needs 28 Ethical Supply Chain 16 How AMCHAM Companies can Management: Short Term Promote Real Education Reform Investments, Long Term Gains in Thailand through Better 32 Joint Statement between the Programming United States of America and the 20 Developing Talent in Thai Kingdom of Thailand Organizations 34 The Depreciating Value of Cash REGULAR FEATURES 6 President’s Remarks 36 Legal Updates: Recent Legal Changes Affecting Business 38 Member News 40 AMCHAM Executive Director’s Remarks 42 American Chamber Of Commerce In Thailand Foundation 42 46 Government Engagement 48 Events Roundup 52 Mark Your Calendars 54 Committee Meetings 58 New Members and Changes 61 AMCHAM Affinity Program 62 AMCHAM Membership: Why Join AMCHAM 48 52 Cover: Thailand Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha and U.S. President Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office at the White House on October 2, 2017. Photo courtesy of Thai Government Spokesman Bureau 4 Thai-American Business • Volume 5/2017 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS U.S. – THAI BILATERAL HONORARY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD RELATIONS U.S. Ambassador Glyn T. Davies AMCHAM BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2017 October also brought a big step for- ward in U.S.-Thai bilateral relations PRESIDENT Jeffrey Nygaard, Seagate with the visit of Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to the White PRESIDENT EMERITUS House on October 2. This was a Brad Middleton, Chevron first visit of a Thai Prime Minister to VICE PRESIDENTS the White House since 2005. In a David Carden, FedEx statement following the meeting, Mark Kaufman, Ford President Trump emphasized the TREASURER importance of trade between the Teera Phutrakul, JTFP two countries. The full text of the joint statement between the United SECRETARY Dale Lee, CoffeeWORKS States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand can be found on page 30. GOVERNORS Parnsiree Amatayakul, IBM In September, AMCHAM hosted a James Amatavivadhana, Minor International Dear members, reception for U.S. Secretary of Com- Herman Ehrlich, Conrad merce, Wilbur Ross. Secretary Ross Vira-Anong Chiranakhorn Phutrakul, Citibank October marked the one year an- met with business leaders to learn Ornkanya Pibuldham, Bank of America niversary since the heartbreaking about the challenges and opportuni- Steve Rich, Caterpillar loss of His Late Majesty King Bhu- ties for American companies in Thai- Jeremy R. Osterstock, Esso mibol Adulyadej and gave us an op- land and reiterated President Trump’s BOARD ADVISORS portunity to pay our last respects at commitment to Thailand and the David Lyman, Tilleke & Gibbins the Royal cremation ceremony. Thai Asia-Pacific region. Thank you to AMCHAM President in 1975, 1986 people were joined by world leaders Chevron and the U.S. Commercial Harold Vickery, Jr. Prem Tinsulanonda and guests from all over the world Service for sponsoring this event. International School AMCHAM President in 1984 to say their farewells to the revered monarch. BOARD ELECTIONS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Judy Benn It has been a profoundly sad year At the Annual General Meeting on not only for the Thai people, but also October 18 the membership elected for people who live in Thailand and the new members of the 2018-2019 those familiar with the benevolence Board of Governors. The following new Governors will serve two-year Thai-American Business is published bi-monthly by and dedication of the late King to his The American Chamber Of Commerce In Thailand country and his people. King Rama terms on AMCHAM’s Board: with offices at: 7th Floor, GPF Witthayu Tower A 93/1 Wireless Road, Bangkok 10330 IX’s reign was characterized by his Tel: +66 (0)2 254-1041 Fax: +66 (0)2 251-1605 loving and compassionate nature • David Nardone, Hemaraj Land & Email: [email protected] and his just and merciful ruling. He Development Website: designed and spearheaded count- • Gregory Bastien, American Axle & Editorial Advisory Board: Judy Benn, Harold Vickery, Jr. less development projects to im- Manufacturing Communications Director & Editor: prove the well-being of his people. • George Hartel, Newell Brands Deanna Despodov • Yukontorn ‘Vickie’ Wisadkosin, Email: [email protected] Ford Motor Company Artwork & Layout: Phaisan Nangnoi His loss was felt and mourned throughout the world. Life will never • Herman J. Ehrlich, Conrad Bangkok Production: Scand-Media Corp., Ltd • Jeremy R. Osterstock, Esso (Thai- Tel.: +66 (0)2 943-7166/8 Fax: +66 (0)2 943-7169 be the same for the Thai people and Email: [email protected] those whose lives were touched by land) Any opinions expressed in articles in this magazine the beloved late King, but as we enter • Parnsiree Amatayakul, IBM Thai- do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chamber. the reign of King Rama X we look for- land T-AB Magazine welcomes story and photo ward to another prosperous and sta- • Dale Lee, CoffeeWORKS contributions from AMCHAM members. Articles may be reproduced with acknowledgement, except for ble period. AMCHAM’s tribute to the those taken from other sources. late King can be found on page 11. (Continues on page 8) 66 Thai-AmericanThai-American Business Business • •Volume Volume 5/2017 5/2017 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the new made over the past five months, focusing on the U- Board members. Tapao airport development, the link-up of three in- ternational airports with high-speed trains, the Laem I would also like to thank the Election Supervision Chabang port development, the much-needed col- Committee consisting of: Gerald Margolis, Philip Morris; laboration in training in innovation-based areas, and Teera Phutrakul, JTFP, Tony Rodriguez, ICPA; and Lloyd the four-year smart visa. Wilson, Berkeley International School, for ensuring the election was fair, transparent, and ran smoothly. Many AMCHAM continues to work closely with the Royal thanks to those of you who voted, either at the Annual Thai Government on making Thailand 4.0 a reality General Meeting or by mailing your ballots to the AM- and as part of this effort this issue of T-AB Maga- CHAM office. The Chamber is only as strong and -dy zine focuses on education as a bedrock for the new namic as its members and we greatly appreciate your economy. involvement. Best Regards, THAILAND 4.0 AND THE EASTERN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR (EEC) The Secretary-General of the Eastern Economic Cor- ridor Office of Thailand, Dr. Kanit Sangsubhun, spoke at our monthly luncheon on September 27. Dr. Kanit Jeff Nygaard presented the EEC Development Plan and the progress President 8 Thai-American Business • Volume 5/2017 GO BEYOND THE CLASSROOM THE ISB ENVIRONMENTAL WILDERNESS CAMPUS ISB’s new 15-acre, state-of-the-art facility, located in Petchaburi province on the banks of Mae Prachan Reservoir, is a center of sustainability and outdoor education. It will be a place of exploration, adventure, research, and personal growth. Learners will build awareness and respect for the environment and community, while learning valuable, practical lessons in sustainability and sustainable systems. FACILITIES Accommodation Classrooms Canteen Swimming pool Boat house SUSTAINABILITY Grey Water System Solar power ENVIRONMENTAL WILDERNESS CAMPUS Waste management ACTIVITIES • Base for ISB Outdoor Education Programs • Field trips to the local botanical gardens FIND OUT MORE • Science, biology and ecology field studies • Artists and writers in residence programs • Environmental systems and societies field studies • IB Theory of Knowledge retreats • Geography Field studies • Duke of Edinburgh International Awards • Graduates’ life-readiness programs • Sports, Arts and Cultural Retreats In remembrance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. The beloved King will forever be remembered and his legacy will live on. Group of Chevron Companies in Thailand In remembrance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej For 70 years as the King of Thailand, His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyadej reigned of Thailand. over the country with righteousness during periods of social, economic, and devel- opment transformations. He journeyed through rivers and mountains in order to truly understand the life of his people and worked tirelessly on countless of projects to ease their poverty and starvation. His Majesty was respected internationally for his devotion to improving the livelihoods and wellbeing of his people. His dedication The beloved King will forever be remembered and sel�lessness re�lected that of father’s to his children. Through his actions, he and his legacy will live on. showed kindness for the bene�it of others; through his actions, he showed that working together. The passing of His Majesty was the greatest loss to the country. Group of Chevron Companies in Thailand differences can be overcome; through his actions, he showed that we are stronger We will always remember His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej as the true “Strength of the Land” and the true “King of Hearts”. EDUCATING THAILAND’S FUTURE WORKFORCE Skills Trap - Thailand’s Education Efforts to Meet Industry Needs Written by: Richard Bernhard and Rattana Lao pportunities for Thai eco- nomic growth are restricted due to Thailand’s inability to compete with low-wage Ocompetitors, while lacking the skills and research and innovation base required to compete with the innovative and technologically advanced countries that dominate higher-value sectors.
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