BY E'Mail/taxlPos! I le' dh tlvlritrr trtvtstorsll. coMMlsstoNnll, -,;i1r ru/rx ntvtstr,t', ont"ue, s \l\lBAt-rllR 6 r o.Xr\I ruloSql \ict ijcl.Z2- bl-ra2l NOTII!CAI'ION p*r,rte o o'".ncnt in R & DNl l)eFn ttrr lct'r No' 10772/R&DM -'1n l)ni\i, r . Samb.lDur lus been dL2O.l()2O2O. Rc\. u t)ir(nnd (, nnrisio cr, Nodhcar mdnioral olm*d b oll,icrlhulidt'! or.x..cJh! odc drv- !'!pir)s nr vic\\rhc rirual ud 'lcchc jnJr \rL :u"' :rronrc. or rlrc oc.ot. ro' r. rrJ Ub ri' U'\bio' J'trnL' " !!!qi!!r!!,lqufr""";i-- l I An[nl Ilrqoll l !1!!.,1sq{ . tt,) futlusingMnl't- l2.oi,2o2l L I -l ,s-0rr0rt 3 $o*,11.,,q^i, u,, *.,rifru,l-',,-r*itl ,*--l1t,"lHa ,sJs.tori I (conjhar t6-06-2021 5 ^niib"tttrrt l 31,08,2021 ^,*,t"t*'n** -sx"rd"t -l lll" ?rl,lt:tnzt 6 !nd*, -

..r, 1r.06,2021 l";;,rkns"brr'rn,,ril n.""t 20,rr.2021 -tal'l,,,lkh.- 6 {"tir-

No. t1tr /ccn ^lemo ..nv r.Mrdrd ro rl.( ('41,\ror, {n;L''. Bola1gtr' Brteh' }imnjna Slbm0puJ ltq'Jstr r or'san' s*a-r,i'-a Sub-' oio.ror' a dul a'u"llik_ lJlldl'r" lJ(l'r' p;Ifr. g^.1', hdamrr'. Kcony'r' Anrd3l'ur' clmrpul soncnu' Bi'mdjpui i*ai i.r,. r*-p"+ -a n. iitor ii'romur:onJnJ n(e'saq'di"

, .r\ *"1 titL9 'aq Cr .(l ior iromrtron CoPY io ardcJ r. 'l

Mc6oN0 600 /cctr Depdnm'nl' 4"". Lnvarded to Ih. Ui. Sc'{rrry. Rc\cnl' d Disqcr VrlaFcrcn' "ii"i;;;*;;- Puoric R"'ation odr'h. ;"j;, .s -,.'q b'"'-' in i'lm:'or ''rd - o r " l'c" $ " o"p"**,.Oai"r,, Lrhut'Jr.a\ 'r ''o| "'1i"''

McnoNo. 6ol /ccn Dt.?LnlDo21 Diti''oni Od'hl C6ov lda,.ded r. rl Pcv^l.'c Dakio i roatr^'o1c' r|cnLJl nc -ampl_ ror tr rom{ and rccessrrv a('iol' .."al"l'.",o* o*"i"", 'on

M.noNo.6Oz Di >I/ol/202r

High Coun, Cuaockrunde. SccEl.rv lo Covend Raj

6ot Dt. ?L101t2021 DiBlo D$rdffihM a] fo trd.d to Srolion Didror' Altshbafl sdbalpu'SElDn ' *"** tr' i- ro boader dENe$s *".-1[i't,r.-*-r.,'r"["i"ri.. -a ^ri"n' '^qncsr'd in G. fonn @nins Esional Nes. THE COLLECTOR AND DISTRICT IVAGISTRATE: KEONJHAR [4emo No. 9.qi /c&[4 ,ur. k t/ztzl Copy along with its enclosures foMarded to Supe ntendent of Police, Kjr/ PD,DRDAJ PA, ITDA, Kir/ / PD,DIJD,a,/ Zilla Pa shad/ DFO, Kjr/ All Sub-collectors/ All Tahasildars/ All BDOS/ All CDPOS/ Deputy Collectors/ Asst Colleclors/ DWO/ DPMU/ DPO/ DSR/ DEO/ lt4ining Ofllcer/ Excise/ DSWO/ DSSO/ DCPO/ CSO/ DLC/ All DLOS ofKeonjhar Districtfor information & necessary action.

Copy to DlO, NlC, Keonjhar for addition in Disl. Webpage.

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