held at D Kennedy’s, of tbe east end on Volcanic Eruptions ®lj£ CIlettgarrD |Uhis. MONEY. MONEY. Thursday evening where a large number of Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of friends spent a most enjoyable evening. joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cures'them ; —18 PÜBLZ8SB1>— The undersigned is prepared to loan money E J and Mrs McEwen, of Maxville, were also Old, Banning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, the guests of H A McNaughton on Tues- 2VBBT FBIDAT HOBBXK Q* at 5 percent on terms to sait borrov^ers. Bon Marche (]ounty (Correspondence Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Oats', BrnisM, —AT THH— CHABGBS BEASONABLK. Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chitblaii^ A large crowd attended preaching in the Best Pile cure on earth. Drives ont Pains aLBKOABBT "NEWS " PEINTIVQ OFKIOK FAIR DEALING ACCORDED TO ALL. Presbyterian church here on Easter Sun- MAIK STBEST. ALEXANDBXA, ONT PRIVATE MONEY AVAILABLE. and Aches. Snly 25 cts a box. Care Store day. The choir rendered a number of gnaranteed. Sold by Ostrom Bros, ft Co , FARMS FOR SALE. selections suitable for the occasion. Druggists. 2 TKRVS OF SOBSOBXPTiON—one dollAT per rear ANGUS MCDONALD, MAXVILLE Mr McKay, principal of tbe Alexandria if paid In ad ranee, or within three months from 22-ly Insurance Agent. BREADALBANE High School, passed through town on beginning of year, $1J6 per year if not ee paid. A great discount sale for the W B McDiarmid returned to McGill on ADTXBTXBIK9 KATKS—Transient adrertise- Who is to have the honor of giving us the Tuesday. Holidays in Men’s, Youths’ & Monday. first taffy pull this season ? Miss Louisa Aird, of Sandringham, was ments, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first In- We are pleased to note an improvement MARTINTOWN sertion, 8 cents per line for each sabaeqoent Boys’ fine Serge Suits in any Most of our sugar makers predict that a guest of Miss Netta McNaughton on J M Foulds, of New York city, is visiting nsertion. CANADA color at h^lf price. Men’s in the condition of Beeve Cameron. this season is not going to be a good one. Sabbath last. OoMT&ACT BATBS—The following table shows Miss Lizzie Burton has returned to Mrs A D Stewart left on Friday to visit A sleigh load of the youth and beanty at his brother’s, A R Foulds. enr ratef: for the insertiotx of adrertisemente for White and Colored Shirts, Col- Avonmore. John Christy returned to McGill on speeifled periods*,— ' ATLANTIC RflIl-WAY. Mr. Stewart at Lake Saranac saoitarinm. of Warina drove to the residence of Wm lars, Neckties at half price. After spending Easter at home, Miss M Alex D MoNab and family, of Vankleok Munroe where they wore most hospitably Saturday to resume his studies. Adrerf lsements, without spécifié directions, B MoDoagall returned to Ottawa Monday. Hill, are moving to the farm of Henry Camp St Mungo Sons of Scotland intend will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- entertained by the host and hostess. having a picnic about the middle of June. ngly. Transient adrertlsbrnents must be i^d The services of the Congregational Cains which he intends to work. Mr Munroe, onr popular cheesemaker, n advance The short quick route to Montreal, Que- church Sunday were conducted by E A Donald McIntosh has removed from the was in town on Sunday. Keep your eyes open for the date. Adrertisemente will be changed twice each bec, Halifax, New York, Boston, Philadel- Harding, Montreal, who was the guest of farm of the late John McTavish to the Miss Janey Munroe, Apple Hill, was a Mies Jennie Fonlds returned home on month if desired. For changes oftener than phia, and all intermediate points. Dress Goods B B Blyth the early part of the week. Robertson farm in West Hawkesbury. guest of Miss May Sinclair lately. Thursday ; we welcome her back to town. wice a month the oompositien most be paid for A jolly party of young people spent D T Muuro left on Friday for a short t regular rates. MARCH 12, 1899. We are pleased to see James Irvine in Rev Mr Gollan, of Dunvegan, preached Thursday evening at the residence of D our midst again. holiday with friends in Apple Hill. . Changes for contract advertisements must be in the Presbyterian church on Easter. The sale on the MoPhadden estate, on n the ollloe by noon on Tuesdays. We have the finest and newest Kennedy, 8th Kenyon, where they were We regret to announce this week the Miss Ina Urquhart was a guest of Mrs hospitably entertained by their genial host Tuesday, was well atteuded ; quite a lot of ITB. styles in Ladies Dress Goods, death of Peter A, youngest son of A D and D A McDougall on Sunday. IMO. and hostess. Mrs Stewart. He had been ill for some Miss Netta McNaughton retnrued to the stuff being disposed of at a good price. Muslins, Prints, Ready-made Mrs (Dr) McDiarmid returned to town time and passed «way on Monday, April Alexandria to resume her studies. ST. RAPHAELS 80 Inobes»^... $6000 $3000 $90.00 $T.00 on Friday from spending a few days visit- 10 inches...... 86X0 SOfiO 13.00 AOO Skirts and Shirt Waists will be 3rd. The funeral which took place on Malcolm McKenzie who is at present in Rev Father McRae, of Glen Nevis, visit- 0 inches...... UU» TfiO tfiO K K K B X XX XX ing friends at the Capital. Wednesday was largely attended. The Detroit, is ill with an attack of diabetis. 6.00 8A0 3.00 1.J0 P< 0Î 4 4 < (k A A A s,ild at a great discount. Come Her many friends will regret to learn of ed at Rev Father Fitzpatrick’s last week. bereaved parents have our deepest sym- We hope to bear of his speedy recovery. Mr Lamarre and his son, of St Poly- A. a. F. IfAODONALD, SSSS3S SS 3S and see our new goods. the serious illness of Mrs H Eippen who pathy in their hour of trial. rHOAA iHo>oo-t. Store will soon work np a large practice here. here is at present attending an examination ness here before he will be a welcome set- Joe Berard, batcher, has moved to Glen P P Christie was in Riceville the early in . Roy. His intention is to open a butcher tler in our midst. shop in that place. J^ACDONKLL A COSTELLO, < g* part of the week. Miss Gray and Miss Bates, of the Pablic The mail service owing to the rush in M. SIMON, H Algnire has gone on the stage. He School staff, and Hr Clothier, of the High business which your Fort Castick corres- F Dapnis, merchant, paid a business BA&BUTBBS, has soblet tbe contract of carrying the School staff, spent Easter at their respect- pondent gave due notice of a couple of visit to Montreal on the 5th inst. SoLxorroBS, NOTABIBS PUBLIC, ETC. S«s ALEXANDRIA, ONT. mail from Maxville to Apple Hill from J B ive homes. weeks ago has been extended to Mnskrat WARINA Alexandria, Ont. Bonneville the contractor. Will McKenzie, of -Eganville, visited Point and is running in a very systematic J. A.B£ACI>ONXZ.I.,Q.O. F.T. CosTBXX,o. I o If a geneaal wind fall in beards is any friends here at Easter. manner which our town folks would like to Snow has disappeared and lakes are seen lilies 4s along the roads. Money to Loan end 6 per cent. h‘ ^ • indication of spring oar citizens need have A very sad death occurred here on Sun- put under strict snrveilance after the 1st no hesitancy in putting away their furs, as day evening, the 2nd April, when Mrs of May. Sugar weather has arrived and the first daring tbe past week there has been a Norman McLeod who had been enjoying Norman McKay paid Alexondria a busi- question from our young people is “who general down fall of whiskers. excellent health all winter, died very sud- ness yisit on Monday. will give the first taffy pull ?” JJD^ABD H. TIFFANY, X a s a s a Miss G McEwen returned to Alexandria ; : ; i -4 Resolved that women are intellectually denly, the cause being heart failure. The Bov D C McRae spent Monday in Mont- ioœu)00 inferior to men” was the snbjeot of a well deceased lady was a sister of Charles and having spent her Easter holidays under . BABBXSTXB, KOTABT, ETC. H i Na § CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS contested debate in the Royal Templars John Northcott, merchants of this place. Dan J Macdonald wears a broader smile her parental roof. A nnmber of our young people from this Office—Over Post Office, Alexandria, Ont. Monday evening. The affirmative was led She leaves a husband and six children to than ever. It’s a boy this time. • : X X X X X xxs by Mrs E A Loney and the negative by mourn hes loss. Much sympathy is felt J A MoLachlan, of Fiddler’s Cornsrs, vicinity surprised A McRae, of Gravel §2 New Carpets in Brussels, Tapestries, Wools, Unions, Hemps, io all the Miss M A Garner. At the conclusion the for them in their sad bereavement. spent Tuesday ofternoon in town. Hill, on Friday last. An enjoyable even- vT~~ . -X Î8ÎSÎ8S2 SiSig 88 ing was spent by the lads and lassies, a . ^ ^ y^ElTQH, PBINOLE ft HARKNB88. latest shades and patterns at right prices. judges decided that the negative side bad An office will be built for J A Meinnos Miss Margaret Chisholm is spending tbe advanced the best arguments and deliver- on Main street beside the store now occupi- week with her mother and other friends in fact which is marked by their retnrning home in the small hours in the morning. f • BABBISTBBS, ed their decision accordingly. ed by D J Jamieson ft Sons. Alexandria. p, P A A AAA China and Japan Mattings. Just the thing for summer at 15, 20 ft 25o Irrespective of political leaning our citi- D K McLeod and his daughter, Miss Miss Maggie Munroe, of St Elmo, re- Floor Oilcloth at from 26c per sq. yd. up. Miss Kate M MeCnaig, of this place, was SOLIOITOBS IK THK SuPRSt» OOUBT, gssss“ sa ssa zens are unanimons in congratulating the Katie McLeod, of Laggan, have moved to married on Tuesday morning in Montreal turned to her duties as teacher on Monday. Montreal ‘Herald’ in its recent victory in the Hill and occupy the house lately occup- to John R Macdonald, of that city, and on There is a tendency for some of onr KOTARIE8 PCBXJC, Ac. Windou Shades in all colors, in plain and trimmed with fringe, lace, the case of Chief Hughes vs the ‘Herald.’ ied by Mrs J Mooney, on Bertha street. their honeymoon via Ottawa and other young lads to spend theit evenings away *Daily. Other trains daily except Sunday. down south and vioa versa. “Say boys L Cornwall, Ont. Tickets iBBued and baggage checked through and insertions. Don’t bay until yon see our stock in this line and Not that It was a victory over a man, bat i We were pleased to see Mrs Ferguson points, called on the bride’s father, Mal- to all points ia the OanadlanNorthwest,Western also all our new Wall P ipers. All lines complete in light and dark one of the first, in a crusade, that the (widow of the late Rev Dr Ferguson) in colm A MoCuaig, hero. Their many friends take a fool’s advice and spend yoor time JAUKS LBITOU, Q.C., B. A. PBIMOLB, States, fto., at reduced rates. Bee nearest agent tints. Special value i . X igrams with Ceiling and Friezes to match. above paper has been waging against offici- our midst once more. Mrs Ferguson here wish them much joy and a long and more profitably. for rates and information. al corruption in our Commercial Metro- Miss Alice MacLean, of Avonmore, is J. O. HARXNBSS. leaves shortly for Scotland where she in- happy life. 0. J. SMITH, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa. polis for some time. tends to make her home with friends. Donald Macdonald “Tailor,” is confined visiting friends in this vicinity. J. B. WALSH, Ass’t Gen. Pass. Agt., Ottawa. Cartain Poles. Oak, Natural Wood, Walnut, Ebony, White Enamel A P Purvis, dairy instructor for Glen- Mrs J Mode leaves this week for Mani- to his room with a severe attack of of grip We are sorry to hear of the departure of JOS. CORBETT ticket agent, Alexandria and Brass, with or without trimming. Extension Brass Poles for garrp, Stormont, Prescott and Bussell tou, Manitoba. but under the skilful treatment of Dr Kirk one of our most prominent young men, sash curtains and door draperies, Cnrvelettes, Arch Poles, Bto. counties, is at present making preparations Miss Keough and Miss K D Meinnes W0 hope to see him around soon. namely, John James MaoEwen, who left •M. ' - . for his season’s work. The action of the spent Easter in Ottawa. A R Macdonald and James McNaughton on Monday for the West. While we regret ^ SouerroB, his departure from our midst, we wish him Irish Point and Nottingham Lace Curtains, Swiss Muslins, Art association in re-appointing Mr Purvis will spent last Friday in Alexandria. OoKTXTAKOBR, NOTABT FOBLXO, AO. no doubt meet with the hearty endorsation LANCASTER 91 Miss Annie Conlin arrived home from success. $20,000 Muslins, Scrims, SUkalines, Art Draperies, Tapestries, Chenilles, etc., Miss Bertha Macdongall, of Maxville, ^ Alexandria, Ont. fop all purposes and at all prices. of cheese and dairymen throughout the The new building known as the “Tobin Montreal on Saturday evening. Her To Loan on First Class Mortgage Sec^ity at district, as bis work during the past seasons Block” is now the property of J3 Maopher- many friends are pleased to see her look so visited Miss Minnie MacEwen on Sunday. Low Bates of Interest. ... j Money to Loan at Low Bates of Intersst. folly warranted such an action. son, hotelkeeper. well after nndernomg a painful operation KIRK HILL Mortgages Purchased. A. L. SMITH, Furniture Coverings, Felts, Table Covers, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, J B Bonneville has sold his honso and Jr John McMillan, general merchant, of in the Montreal General Hospitrl. St. Lawrence Block, Alexandria. Bronzes, Alabastine, Kalsomine, etc. lot off Main St north, and his shoe shop on Alexandria, will commence business in John J Macdonald who had the misfor- John McSwoyn, of Dunvegan, was visit- Malborough St, to H Alguire, the price Lancaster on the 22nd inst. He will tune of dislocating bis ankle some two ing his son-in-law, N McLeod, on Wednes- paid is said to be $500. We understand day, the 5th. AOLEKNAN, LIDDELL ft CLINE, Everything you want for retouching np and furnishing for the jspring. occupy tbe ptemises previously occupied months ago, left for Montreal on Tuesday J^IVEEY STABLE. Mr Bonneville purposes moving with his by Messrs McDoneli ft Darragh. morning to have it set. We hope he will Sugar weather but poor flow of sap. family to Valleyfield about May 1st. A congregational meeting was held in BABSXSTKBS, The many friends of John McL Suther- be much benefited by tbe trip. Tbe People’s Store, Maxville, is the place where this stock is on ex- X' The London House has had a change-of land will notice, with considerable satisfac- Mrs Angus N Macdonald received a tele- tbe Free church Wednesday, tbe 5tb, to Stables—St. Catherine St. East. look up ways and means to commemorate SoLxoioBs, NOTABIXS, ETC., hibition. management. D Finlan, late of Green- tion, that he is now an assistant in the gram last week from Red Bluff, Colorado, field, has now charge of tbe above hostelry. post office department, Lancaster. stating the sad news of her son’s death of the fiftieth anniversary of building of tbe Oomwall, Oat. Bear of Grand Union Hotel. Tbe late tenant, W Dousett, has removed The Easter vestry meeting of the church pnenmonia at that place, after a short Kirk. to Car street, where he has leased a honse bf St John the Evangelist, Lancaster, illness. His name was Alexander A Mac- Mr Bates, of Yankleek Hill, was in the ÂB0H. MOMILLAM, - • • Proprietor. J. J. WIQHTMAN, naxville, Ont. from M J Fisher. proved to be a very encouraging one, not- donald, better known in tbe mining dis- neighborhoc^ on Saturday. B. B. MàCLBMKAN, Q.O. The local branch of the W 0 X U has withstanding the generous donations to tbe tricts of the West as “the mineral witch.” Miss Annie McKt^nzle and Miss Annabel passed a resolution condemning the Dom- church for building and furnishing fund The mmy friends of bis aged mother and McLeod returned to High School Alexand- ‘ ^ J. W. L1PDBIÆ. . H. OuMx, inion Government for their recent action now. materialized in a handsome edifice. grief-stricken eisters extend to them their ria, on Monday last. P. J, MACLBKNAM. MARRIAGE LICENSES in connection with the plebiscite. Tbe f‘he special offertories of the church of St heartfelt sympathy in their sad affliction. T© ©ÜR FRIENDS. same has been forwarded to Major McLen- ohn tbe Evangelist'bespeak a generous This is the Glen where in balmy spring ISSUED BY nan, our local member. spirit, they are as follows : BTBWABT BIRTM. A. R. McBAIN, And by our friends we mean every man and woman, A meeting of the Maxville Cheese Board Diocesan Mission Fund,advent col- The blackbirds whistle and Thrushes sing will be held in the Public Hail, on Satur- lection $ 17 84 Witli tbe hills surrounding and tbe SMiTH-xAt Alexandria, on Wednesday, boy and girl in the county of Glengarry we would say that day, 15th, at 1 p.m. A full attendance of Beaudette bounding. April 12th, 1899, the wife of A.L. Smith, BARUSTBR, ETC. 10-lm Williamstown, Ont. Superannuation Fund 17 24 this spring we are prepared to offer to the public better all interested parties is requested as busi- ^iphany collection ...» 7 72 An enchanting prospect all m the sping, of a son. goods and better bargains than ever before offered in this ness of importance is to be transacted. As and Orphan’s Fund 24 76 Where female beanty is never wanting. Lancaster, Ont. dairying is steadily coming to the fore as Missionary meeting offertory 32 00 At Lyman’s the stranger will a refuge one of onr national industries, our farmers find, ^ ^~ town. Among our leading lines we would mention Boots Divinity Student’s Fund 0 72 No Rlglit to Vgrliness. cheese and butter men should take a deep Either there or at Pennie’s if you do The woman who is lovely in face, form ’JOHN A. CHISHOLM Necessities & Shoes. For variety, style, general excellence and low price interest in all that concerns this very im- 8 105 48 require, and temper will always have friends, but portant branch of trade. You will find the author of these simple you will find that we are second to none. The chess players of Lancaster are de- one who would be attraetive must keep her Donald D Munroe accompanied by his health. If she is weak, sickly and all run BABBXSTXB, In Hats and Gents’ Furnishings we are strictly up-to- daughter, Miss Mary Jane, left for Mont- lighted with tbe success of W Stewart, in Spring Medicines. the Championship Chess Tournament re- DALHOUSIE MILLS * down, she will be nervous and irritable. If date. Don’t fail to examine our stock if you really want to real Thursday morning where Mr Munroe she has constipation or kidney trouble, her k.'. BOLIOITOB, CONYSTAMOBB, ETO. will undergo an operation in the Royal cently held in Montreal. The moat bril- Mr McIntosh, of Toronto, is here at Blood Purifying Tonics. liant flashes of strategic skill were the pro- impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, be stylishly dressed. Victoria Hospital for a cancerous growth. present buying bay. skin eruptions aud a wretched complexion. Cornwall, Ont. We hope that tbe operation may be highly duct of bis ingenious mind. Mr Stewart’s Prepared ready for use. Of course our other lines are full and complete as usual. effort is all the mure remarkable because G W Marjerrison spent Easter at Apple Electric Bitters is ths best medicine in tbe sucoessfal and trust that Mr Munroe may Hill. world to regulate stomach, hver and kid* Watch our next advertisement. soon be completely recovered. he conducts the royal campaign without Norman Morrison was at Yankleek Bill Also all kinds of Roots, Herbs, sight of tbe board. The master stroke of neysandxo purify tbe blood. It gives Notwithstanding the inclement weather last week. strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety $20,000 TO LOAH.^ Barks, Wines, Etc., which you can the taffy social in the Temperance Hail on combination tactics was evolved while de- P. A. HUOT. fending a Guico-Piano opening against T Miss Bathurst, of Montreal, who has skin, rich complexion. It will make a good- purchase and prepare your own .Friday evening was a very sucoessfal been visiting friends here for some time, looking, charming woman of a run-dowo affair. A goodly number were present and Bolster, of Lancaster. Tbe diamond flash left for her home on Saturday last. MEDICAL. blood purifier. Other articles re- Was when he sacrificed bis queen, if the invalid. Only 50 cents at Ostrom Bros ft besides partaking of a plentiful supply of A J McDonald is spending tbe week in Co.’s Drug Store. 2 quired at this season : taffy the guests indulged in a number of effedt had not been calculated with mathe- Montreal. ^ L. MCDONALD, M.D„ games which were greatly enjoyed. matical precision, loss of the game would John Morrison, of L’Orignal, is renewing Dkiinfectants, Etc Guay ft Co are making extensive im- have followed, but the perfect soundness of acquaintances here at present. Now For Spring Goods. provements on their building on Mechanic the sacrifice was demonstrated by securing A meeting of the patrons of the Croil ft Alexandria, Ont. street, are at present having a galvanized a mate in a game of seventeen moves. McCullough butter factory was held on Chloride of Lime iron front put on the building. When This game brought the brilliancy prize to Saturday last and was well attended. A TESTIMONIALS. Office and Besidenoe—Kenyon street: Carbolic Acid We have always taken the lead in this part of completed they will have one ■ of tbe most Lancaster, which is a handsome solid gold Patterson was appointed chairman of tbe the country and we propose to maintain our np-tO'date furniture stores in the county. J medal. meeting. After some time beiug spent in The following is what our own people Insect Powder Hoople, the well known tinsmith and roof- T Bolster was not fortunate in the pre- diSGUBsing the advisability of manufactur- have to siy of ths “Homo Comfort front place in the future as in the past. Our er, has charge of the work, which is suffi- liminary rounds- of the contest, all such ing cheese during the summer months, it Ranges” :— B. G. V. KIBK, Copperas were expected to play off for what is called D Stock of : cient guarantee that it will be O.K. was moved by NDMorrison seconded byJR Wrought Iron Range Co., Limited GLEN BOBEBTBON. An institution, the want of which, is the consolation prize ; in this coutest Mr McLeod that tbe old method of manufact- London Purple greatly felt by our citizens, bat more es- Bolster played stronger chess, he secured uring batter be continued, carried. A vote Toronto, Ont. PHYSICIAN, SBKGBON, die. pocially by our business men, is a branch the prize. The chess players of Lancaster of thanks was tendered Mr Dubame To whom it may concern : Hellebore of some chartered bank to be opened here, are indebted to Mr Bolster for his services for tbe harmonious relations which Office and residence in the house lately to the game, he has done more than any ooonpied by Mr. D. McCnllooh, Main Carbonate of Copper and we. have no hesitancy in saying that existed between him and tbe patrons last I have been using the. “Home Comfort” DRESS tfie opening of the same would not only other man to foster the interests of tbe year, after which tbe meeting adjourned. Eauge for three years and find it fully up Street, Glen Bobertson. / Paris Green prove a great oonvenience but also a paying to my expectations. It is durable and well investment for tbe bank as our town is in tC On Tuesday evening a number of the SPRING CREEK suited for a kitchen stove. For cooking B. MCLENNAN, The purest and best of these for the centre of a first class farming and “boys” of the village met in the MeSae We regret to report that Miss C Mac- purposes 1 know of none that will ^ve D dairy country and also in close proximity Hotel, to give a tangible expression of their more satisfaction. With best wishes sale by GOODS.. esteem for Clare Sutherland, who left on intosh still continues poorly. to a nnmber of villages where considerable Office and Besidenoe—Kenyon Spring Creek population is increasing. I remain yonrs trnly, ■ is as usual up-to-date and the ladies appreciate business is carried on. Wednesday evening to take a situation in Latest : a boy and a girl at D K McLeod’s. Rev. D. Macdonald. JOHN McLEISTER, Rt Wor Bro Rook, D D G M for St Law- in Boston. In the name of the boys, W J Miss Mary McGillivray was tbe guest of Glen Robertson, Ont., March 25tfa, ’99. Street, Alexandria. the fact. rence^District No 15, accompanied by Bro Stafford presented “Clare” with a hand- Mrs J M McCuaig on Thursday last. Druggist and Chemist. Raveroft, of Prescott, paid Maxville Lodge some travelling bag. A gallant from the north was dear- Alexandria, Ont. Our house supplies are unlimited and before A F ft A M an official visit on Tuesday On Monday evening, at a special com- bunting in onr hamlet one evening last 1 have purchased a Home Comfort g'OWES ft FITZPATRICK, DENTISTS. evenirig ; a goodly number of the members munication of the Lancaster Lodge No207, Range four years ago, which is as good as A F ft A M, George Rook, D D G M, of the the day I bought it. Splendid hrster and Head Office-Vankleek Hill. you begin house cleaning come and see our being present. After the exemplification of Miss Violet MoLanrio, Breadalbaoe, who ]srOTICE. the work in the several degrees on the per- St Lawrence District No 15, paid his has been sojoarning in onr midst lor a few baker, Saves half the fuel. Wouldn’t Carpets, Mattings, Floor Oilcloths, Curtain formance of which, the Rt Wor Bro com- official visit and was cordially received by take $100 for it if I could not get another Dr. Howoa will be in Maxville twice the brethren. The attendance was quits days during the past week, has returned to just like it. . each month. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap> Poles, Curtains, Etc. All other lines kept con- plimented the officers of the local lodge, her studies at Yankleek Hill. plieation will be made to His Excellency stantly in stock. the members, accompanied by their lady ' A party was held at the residence of Jas Angus D. McGregor. r'- Bee Local Notice for Dates. the Governor General in Council, on Mon- friends, retired to the main part of the McLeod by a few of the young ^o- Public Hall, where an excellent spread had ÇVe purchased a Home Comfort Range day, the 22nd day of May; 1899, at the Bismark’s Iron Nerve ple of this district. A very enjoyable even- four years ago, and are pleased to say it D. MoNAUGHTON, D.V.S., City of Ottawa, at the hour of eleven been prepared by the well known caterer, ing was spent. o*olock in the forenoon, when all persons B Garner. The tables presented a very Was the result of his splendid health. The majority of our farmers are at gives entire satisfaction. It is a good may appear and be heard, to sanction an McCallum & Edwards, attractive appearanco, and were a worthy Indomitable will and tremendoos energy present engaged in that sweet, but arduona l^ker and heater and saves fuel. This Veterinary Inspector for Glen- agreement entered into between the Ot- Maxville, Oht. production of Mr Garner’s culinary skill. are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kid- task—sugar making. They report a scant certificate you can use in any manner you garry, will apply taberoulin test tawa, Arnprior & Parry Bound Bailway G W Shepherd, W M, occupied the chair, neys and Bowels are out of order. If you flow of sap bat a superior quality in com- see proper. to snob animals as are exported Company and tbe Canada Atlantic Bail- and at tbe conclusion of the supper pro- want these qualities and tbe success they parison to that of latter years. F. N. Lortie, Glen Robertson. from Canada to meet the re- way Company for the amalgamation of posed toast of “The Queen and Craft” in bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They Rumor is current that the lonely resid- J. A. McKinnon, Fassifern. quirements of United States re- injuinjXTLTinf.TUxnjxruTJT.rLnnjT-ruTjTj’.n.TJTJTJimxnxiAnnnn/ir^^ an appropriate speech, which was respond- develop every power of brain and body. said Companies, in accordance with and Only 35c at Ostrom Bros. & Co.’s Drug ent of the cottage by the riverside is about D. A. McDonald, Glen Saadfield. gulations for inspection of breed- under the provisions of the Statutes in that ed to by the singing of the National An- to take uato himself a “fair.” Congratu- A. B. McDonald, ing and milch cows. Certificate behalf made and provided. them. “Tbe Grand Lodge of Canada,” Store. 2 lations. F. D. McRae, will be accepted by UnitedStates Dated at Ottawa, the 24th day of “The Ladies” and the “Visiting Brethern” We noticed some time ago that the Mrs. A. McDonald, autbmdties. March, A.D., 1899. The Object of our Endeavor were proposed and severally responded to ST. ELMO worthy Dalkeith scribe accused us of tak- F. Lafrance, Parties dtsiring my services will by Bros Book, S Henry, T W Munro and Rev Mr Leitoh and Ceril Berkley were ing an interest in “their” boys and also D. McGillis, Bt. Raphaels. CHBISTIE, GREENE ft GREENE. Raycroft. This very enjoyable evening saying it was “too bad.” Yes, like the receive prompt attention by 10-9 Solicitors for the Applicants. in Cornwall on Monday of last week. Francis Trottier, Lochiel. oommunioating with In this store is to supply was brought to a close by the Junior War- R B Anderson and Peter MoKercher story of the eggs two bad. Donald A. Bethune, St. Anne de Prescott. for immediate wear just den’s toast, proposed by Bro M L Stewart were in the Commercial Metropolis on Several of the Dalkeith boys passed James C. Campbell, D. O. ricNaughton, D.V.S., and the singing of Auld Lang Syne. Saturday. through our hamlet on Sunday evening Anna McIntosh, Martintown. La^an, Ont. such smart looking, cor- DALKEITH Miss Campbell, of Dalkeith, was visiting en route for tbe Kirk Hill churoh. Frank Sova, The roads are nearly gone for sleighing. at D Ferguson’s last week. We are pleased to see the genial counten- Mrs. D. J. McDonald, rect, well-made clothing Everyone says their syrup is tbe best. Sandy and Mrs Cameron wero visiting ance of our school teacher, Miss T Mo- Angus H. McDonald, Glen Roy. Farm Implements Gillivray in our midst agaiu, after spend- Jos Lepell, MISCELLANEOUS. Send us a sample. in Bloomington recently. as an order placed two or D A and Mrs McEwen, of Warina, ing her Easter holidays at her parental D. H. McDonald, Green Valley. H H and Mrs Leggat, of Ottawa, were home, Laggan. f*- three weeks ahead will visiting at D McIntosh’s this week. visited their friends in town last week. Alex Leclair, ^ >BGB HEAKKDEN, D Wm McGilUvray was on a trip to A pleasant evening was spent by a D Fr«*.ser and son are at present busily W. L. McEvoy, North Lancaster. ... For Sale. buy from the best tailors. Montreal Tuesday. number of the yaung people on Thursday engaged in sawing for the Montreal market. Mrs. McRae, Glen Nevis. -r Miss Maggie McIntosh returned to Ott- at the residence of D Kennedy. Moise Bertbianme, To attain that object we John Danis, IssvBB OP MABBUOI LIOKKSXS, awa Monday after spending Easter Holi- A Separator is being put in the St The undersigned having days at home. Elmo cheese factory under the supervision His Life was Saved. Mike Hynes, been appointed agent for the have put in a well assort- L Stackhouse, Ottawa, was in town Fri- of Duncan McPherson, of Lancaster. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Alfred Ranger, Alexandria, Ontario. ed stock of day. MrHardiug, of McGill, occupied tbe Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful Alphonse Leganlt, Ste. Martha, Que. celebrated McCormick Man- Milton McQuade, CAR agent, of this Congregational pulpit on Sabbath after- deliverance from a fcigblful death. In Pierre Giroux, ufacturing Co., of CbicagOj place, has left to fill a more lucrative posi- telling of it he says : “I was taken with Thomas Barry, Ste. Justine de Newton. IiIVEET STABLE. tion at Moose Cresk. Ho faithfully per- We are pleased to state that Mrs D A Typhoid Fever that ran into Pneumonia. John J. McRae, and Bissell Bros., of Fergus, formed his duties as agent here for four McDougall who had her foot injured by a My lungs became hardened. I was so Mrs. D. McRae, Main Street, Alexandria, Ont., has now on view in his SHOBEY’S READY TAILORED CLOTHING and a half years and well deserved bis late horse running away, is now restored to her weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Noth R. A. McDonald, promotion. While congratulating Milton normal coodltion. ing helped me. I expected to soon die of Mrs. A. J. McDonald, Glen Norman. (South of the Bridge.) ware rooms Samples of Im- on bis preferment we all exceedingly regret Some of our young men got a sadden Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s* Mrs. Hugh McDonald, JoBK MCMABTIK, Proprietor. proved Farm Machinery of which we are authorized by H. Shorey & Co., of to lose one who possessed such excellent surprise on Wednesday evening. One of New Discovery. One boUlo gave great Mrs. N. N. McDonald, McCormick. qualities. In his position as agent here be the boys who is light on fool says be will relief. I continued to uss it, and now am I. B. Ostrom, Alexandria. Good Horses and Bigs. Prices Moderate. all kinds and invites inspection illontreal, to guarantee to you to the fullest extent. always showed himself to be coarteous and stay in tbe business as long as the crust is well and strong. I can’t say too much in Jas. Newton, Yankleek Hill. thereof. We keep jjonstantly If this is the class of goods you want, we shall be glad obliging and at all times was a thorough its praise.” This marvellons medicine is Mrs. J. W. Kennedy, Apple Hill. ONALD J. MAODONELL, gentlemen. We will always be pleased to Joe Lalonde who was away for tbe the surest and quickest cure in the world Wm. A..Snider, North Lancaster. D on hand repairs of all kinds. to see you at your earliest convenience. hear of bis success wherever he may be. winter returned to town. for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular Emily D. McDonald, Bridge End. He is succeeded by Charlie Bowles, of - Sugar weather has arrived and taffy sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free Mrs. D. McRae, North Lancaster. LIOBNSBD AUOTXONBXB, WM.-DEWAR, Ottawa. Wo welcome Mr Bowles among parlies are all the go. at Ostrom Bros, ft Co’s. Drug Store ; every John McKenzie, McCrimmon.-u#^ Mrs. P. Molutosh, Breadalba&é. Alexandria, Out. Lancaster, Ont. A. LECLAIR, General Merchant, North Lancaster, Ont- Tbe first taffy party of tbe season was bottle guaranteed. 2 THE GLENGARRY NEWS, ALEXANDRIA, ONT., APRIL 14, 1899. j

bad become so great adepts at pulling the J. W. WEEQAR, Maxville, Ont. %\)t Jtctos. wool over the eyes of the eloctors, that the Liberals after an eighteen years’ stretch of THE SAMOAN AFFAIR. MR, W, BONN’S CASE DOINGS OF THE WEEK General Conveyancer, Apprlser, etc. frigid Opposition would be in anything but Commissioiior in High Court of Justice. Money to loan on real ostato on favorable terms. A. G. F. MACDONALD, EDITOR. a helpless condition, when confronted by EMPEROR WILLIAM SPEAKS PLAINLY Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cure Another ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND tho problems of government, but in this ON THE SUBJECT. Dundas Man. THE WORLD The slander session. their exceeding vanity led them astray and for three years they have been obliged to He Considers the Ne-nr Governmont Il> Uo Was Afflicted With Rheumatism for Pimiod, Ponctiiated and Preserved in Six Years—All Efforts Failed to Re- Canada loves any man who is hated by look upon their opponents carrying on gov- leffut—Action of the llritlsh and Ameri- iMthy Pai'agraphs for tlie Perusal of R-I-P-A-N-S emmental affairs in a manner that for lieve or Cure Till he took Dodd’s ibe Tappers. can Warships Considered a Violation of Kidney Pills. Practical People — Personal, Poiltleal honesty, integrity and business capacity, and Profitable. ATTENTION has never been eqaalled in this conntry. the Samoa Act. The modern stand- SiftoD did not resort to personal abase ; Dundas, April 10th,—“Gentlemen,” re- Sir Wilfrid Laurier in selecting his col- London, April 10.—The Berlin correspon- marked Mr. 'William Dunn, a well-known SPORTING. dent of The Standard says : “After »e- ard Family Medi- hence his speech was in striking contrast leagues for the Cabinet, sought men of ex- telephone lineman, to a groop of his fellow- England won the international cham- is directed to my ceivlng Mr. White, the American Ambnssa- pionship football match on Sjiturday at to the Hibbert Tapper slang whanging perience, men of purpose and men of ex- dor, and Sir Prank Lascelles, tho British workmen, “Gentlemen, I have suffered cine : Cures the Ambassador, last week, and explaining lo untold agony from Rheumatism daring Birmingham by a score of 3 to 1. oonte^t^v^h his own strength. ecutive ability. Tho result has been most them Germanys’ attitude regarding Samoa, the past twelve months. A person THE RBLIGIOCS WOULD. gratifying to the country, and despite the Emperor William sent Instructions to the who had not felt the pangs of this painful The London correspondent of Paris Lc common every-day German Ambassadors In London and Wash- malady cannot conceive the torture it in- A life-long career of bravery, upright affirmation of Conservatives on all sides ington to the general effect that Germany Matin says that tho sncccasor of Pope ills of humanity. that the electors are fairly yearning to considers the new government of Samoa flicts upon its victims. I could get nothing Leo XIII. will be CaixUnal Vaughan, New Spring and living and patriotism is no safe-guard from Illegal, and the action of the Brtlsh and to give me relief, although I doctored con- ArchbishoD of Westminster. return to the arms of Toryism, the bye- Americans a clear violation of the Samoa stantly, and took various remedies. Tapper abuse ; General Gascoigne and elections in every case give tham the laugh. Act. The report of the behavior of Ad- "Then I began using Dodd’s Kidney Pills THE DEAD. miral Kautz toward the Gorman cruiser The Rev. P. I). Perkins, pastor of tho Major 'Walsh have both been attacked by a Not only do the bye-elections do so, bat and almost immediately a decided change Summer Falke has given umbrage throughout the for the better took place. I used, altogether Methodist Church at Morrlsville, N.Y., when high muck-a-mucks like Foster go empire; and It Is considered certain that Tapper in a cowardly fashion ; it hurts If the report is confirmed tho United States three boxes of Dodd,s Kidney Pills, and am was stricken with piralysis while riding the Tappers more than any one else. into a province like New Brunswick to will readily admit Germany’s right to sat- happy to say I am thoroughly cured. You his bicycle in Syracuse, and ho died on help his political friends, the party is al- isfaction, and will repair Admiral Kautz's may talk of doctors and their medicines, Friday afternoon. Dress Goods errors. It Is hoped, however, that the ac- SUICIDES. most annihilated. That doesn’t look rich counts are exaggerated. but give me Dodd’s Kidney Pills.” F. C. Wade gave a Yankee correspondent Mr. Dunn’s remarks are in a line with Henry do Wolfe, editorial writer for for the Tories. the publicly-expressed assertions of thou- The Woosocket, K.I., Evening Reporter, Correct in all details and with a complete stock of who became too personal and offensive at However, it is little wonder that the The Independence of Tongn. sands of other grateful men and women, comniittotl suicide by shooting near the Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, Lawns, Sateens, Dawson City a dose of medicine, which party would need a spring medicine now or rx>ndoD, April 10.—A despatch to The who have been cured of Rheumatism by grove of his wife, who was buried yester- RUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES Times from Melbourne says that private ad- Dodd’s Kidney Pills. day in South Uxbridge. Cretonnes, Sheetings, Ginghams, Carpets', Floor was taken by absorption through the hide ; stimulation of some kind. The leaders, vices have been received from the Tonga Islands that the captain of the British Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in F with party objects only in view, have POLITICS—CANADIAN. 700 ACRES Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, should he meet Sir “Hibby” he might try warship Tauranga and tho British Vice- tlieblood. SHRUBS, ROSES, VINES AND Constil recently concluded an arrangement Tho deposit of $500 in the Brockvillo blustered and fumed and fonnd fault and Uric Acid is left in the blood by diseased election case was on Friday taken out of SEED POTATOES. Blouses, Ties, Gloves, Etc. it on him also ; it had a good effect on the made themselves ridiculous before a people with the king of tho Islands, binding hlni kidneys, which are unable to filter it ont. not to part with his sovereign rights or to The only way to cure Rheumatism, is to court. This procectling was the last of 40 "WE have the largest assortment and em- other gentleman. who are feeling the throb of prosperity cede, sell or mortgage any of his territory similar ones in connection with protests Every man, woman and child in the County are to any foreign power. Great Britain will remove the Uric Acid. The only way this ploy the very latest and most improved under a LiberalGovernment and who know guarantee the Independence of the kingdom. can be done is by the Kidneys. The kid- which did not go to trial. Brockvillo has methods for propagating. All stock care- invited to examine my New Stock of neys cannot do it unless they are strong and the last record of this anomalous, fully packed under our personal supervis- It transpires that the Tdry detectives that the Opposition from the top down pro- for by the amendment of the election law claimed with frenzied wails in and prior to Fighting Expedition S«*nt. healthy. ion, and all new varieties tested at our trial who went to the Yukon at 9250 per month Dodd’s Kidney Pills make the Kidneys in tho last session of the Ontario Legia- farms before being catalogued. These are 1896 that the advent to power of a Liberal Manila, April lO.-At nightfall on Sat- latiîre protests entered must be tried, all BOOTS and SHOES. to hunt for scandals did not wait to find day night Generals Lawton and King strong and and healthy—make them do the only testing orchards connecled with administration could mean only ruin for launched an expedition of three gunboats, their work properly by making them able “saw-offs” having been made illegal. any Nursersy in the Dominion them ; it appears the Tappers were in such with 1500 picked men In canoes, In tow of the country. The facts have shown they the gunboats. The object of the expedition to do it. PURELY PERSONAL. J. D. King’s Goods lead in fine wear as most ladies a burry they had to deliver scandals ahead were false prophets. Is to cross the lake, capture Santa Cruz and There can be no Uric Acid in yoûr blood There are 39 claimant.s of the estate left Agents wanted to represent us know. Prices are right. sweep the country to the south. if you use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. That is a While the Liberal Government is taking by James Lyson, the Australian million- Special attention given to Park, Cemetery of their discovery ; or in other words work The expedition consists of eight companies fact that'cannot be disputed. It follows, and Boulevard orders. Estimates fur- advantage of every opportunity to advance of the 14th Infantry, three companies of aire, who died recently without known Hats, Ties and Shirts are up-to-date as usual here. them up to order. the 4th Cavalry, four of tho North Dakota then, that you cannot possibly have Rheu- heirs worth about $25,000,000. nished for supplying entire orchards. Volunteers, four of the Idaho Volunteers, matism if you use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Canada’s interests, while by actions more Kx-Secretary Shennan has now so far "Why buy of foreign concerns or of mid- two mountain guns and 200 sharpshooters Try them and be convinced. dlemen when yon can purchase as cheaply than words, and unlike their opponents of the 14th Infantry. At the mouth of the recovered from hi.s recent attack of pneu- A Tailor-Fit Suit aud Nobby Hat ; you can have -Just as soon as Canada wants to see the they are doing wonders for Imperial Unity, Pasig River the men will be transferred monia that he is able to be about the from us and get better value. them right here at a reasonable price. from the canoes to the three gunboats, the Our stock is Canadian gi-own andacclim- Tappers in good humour and pay the price, while they are succeeding in governing the Laguna de Bay, Oosto and Naplnda Santa house. Tho condition of Mrs. Sherman MEETS ONCE IN FuUlt YKAH«. has also improved to tho degree that she distant Yukon as well as any part of the Cruz, The objective point of the expedition Catalogue (English or French) free on My tables are loaded with Dinner Sets, China Tea they know how ; give them the purse is at the extreme end of the lake. is able to walk. older provinces are governed, we have the Preparations for the ZôtU .tnnlT.-r*arT application. Sets and Fancy China Ware. strings of. (jauada and all will be bright THE LABOR WORI.D. members of the Opposition at Ottawa M. LODBKT'S GALLANTRY. Pan-Presbyterl»n Cnnnei’. and beautifnl as a spring morning ; other- All danger of a strike by the Hamilton STOHE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. chewing the rag at an average rate of about Washington, D.C., April 10.—The Execu- city moulders has passed. They met on A Car of Ensilage Seed Corn expected every day- wise, the mercury will oontinne to fall and Franeii President Honored His Mother tive Committee appointed at tlio meeting FONTHILL NURSERIES four hours a man. They arc saying no- on His Official Tour. of the Fan-Prosbyierian CouncH nt Glupg->w Thursday evening and decided to accept direct from the growers. Only from this car lot we will have thunder, thunder, thunder. thing that has not already been said, and four years ago to intike preparations for th« tho manufacturers' offer of ton per cent. The Leading Canadian Tree Men Paris, April 10.—One episode In President meeting which is to he held In Wnshingt‘>u are you sure of New and Selected Seed. 'Vou as usual, they are proving nothing they do Loubet’s Journey throws all else into the Tho majority of the Toronto pattern- on Sept. 27, 1800, will assemble in tho First makers who went on strike have returned cannot afford to run the risk of buying from mill say. Their patriotism is of the kind that shade, and that Is the meeting between the Presbyterian Church In Klchmoml next The election for Brookville will be short mother and her son. In the midst of the Thursday. The Rev William Henry Roberts. to their labors at the wages they asked men. official procession the President suddenly and sharp ; the contestants are W.H. Corn- refuses to be of any service to the country, D.D., LL.D., of Philadelphia, Stated Clerk for,' Owing to tho great demand for unless they are entrusted with power. At espied his mother seated In the little terrace of the General Assembly of the United pattern-workers, the firms were unable stock, a life-long^ resident who makes garden overlooking the street. The Presi- States, and the Rev. 'William Coven, J).l>., SeedS“Clover, Timothy, Carrots, Mangels, Tares at present it is, “country be hanged ; power is dent, who was In full evening dress, ordered LL.D., President of Knox College, Toronto, to hold out against tho low prices. money in the four corners of the globe and his carriage to stop. He sprung to tho are In charge, and have arranged a program what wo want.” ground, exclaiming: “For the moment I of exercises for the council at the Washing- FOR BIEN OF WAR. J. ROBERTSON, spends it in Brockvillo, and an outsider, When the government appeals to tho cease to be President!” He ran up the ton meeting, In which they desite the ap Bad water at Malolos is causing much steps and was through the side gate lead- proval of their colleagues. sickness among General MacArthur’s Plain and Fancy Bread the Hon. Peter White, who failed to carry country on its record, the Conservative ing to tho garden before his mother was Historical Themes. men. One hundred and twenty-five mon aware of bis presence. He clasped her In Baker and Confectioner. JNO. MCMILLAN, North Renfrew at the lost general election. party, there is every reason to believe, will his arms, kissing her over and over again, As this meeting will be the twenty-fifth have been prostrated with diarrhoea and then have occasion to understand that while tears filled not only their eyes but the annlvcrsury of the organization of the Pau- dysentery from this cause. eyes of the hundreds of witnesses of the I’resbyterlan Council, and the close of the Main Street, - Alexandria, Ont. Canadians aro pleasod with a government tender, simple scene. The Paris correspond- century, the reports and addresses will be Gen, Otis has sent a despatch replying - Cream Bread a Specialty - Whitney is just a bit foxy ; he, full of ents accompanying the President on his tour somewhat of a historical character. Some to enquiries made in regard to one Huber, that has done so much in the right direc- of the chief themes will be: “The growth cunning, gets Mr. John McLaughlin, of all refer to the Incident In their telegrams, as follows: “Huber, hospital corps, in- A large variety of The I^ancaster Store will be opened about Saturday, tion. pronouncing It the most notable occurrence of the Influence of Calvinism in missionary sultent pri.soner; passed 'beyond lines Stormont, big, good-natured and full of They feel thankful for the removal of the of the journey. work and national life,” “The results ac- Chocolate and the 22nd. complished and the progress made by the without permission, seven days before Cream Candies, Biscuits confidence in Whitney’s integrity to move school question from polities, they feel that Presbyterian Church "during the century,” hostilities commençai, having camera and TO VISIT IRELAND AGAIN. “The comparative Influence of different re- revolver. Bcllcval to bo alive,” and Cakes on hand. under the Fielding tariff they have enjoyed ligions upon life, society, politics and a resolntion, the purpose of which was to morals,” “Practical matters in modern de- CASUALTIES. advantages that they never would have bad Duke and Dnclisss of York Agaiu for out out the appropriation for the Public velopment of church work,” “Special char- Alice Senecal, aged 3, and Best Strong Baker’s under Tory .rule. The building of the Erin’s Isle. acteristics of the Presbyterian system,” Lachapelle, aged 3, fell from a bedroom Works Department, leaving Hon. Mr. “The relation of the church to sociological Flour for sale at Crow’s Nest Pass Ry. not only stimulated Dublin, April 10.—The Duke and Duchess questions.” window on Saturday in£o tho street at of York will this week pay their second vlsll lowest price. Harty not one cent for either running ex- mining in British Columbia, but the to Ireland within two years. They Intend Montreal and the first died from her arrangement with the C.P. R. secured such ^ attend a number of public functions. D03IINI0N P.4RLIA3IENT. Injuries. The other may recover. penses or salary. Whitney dare not make •On their arrival Jq.HublIn on Monday they reduced freight rates as to prove of the While sawing wood with a steam saw such a motion himself, but he gets the will become thelgucsts ol the liOrd-Lleuteu- Another Week Given Over to Discnsslog gt Keepawa, Man., Thur.sday, John greatest benefit to the western settler and ant of Ireland, Earl Cadogan, and will at- tend the Punchestown and Leopardstown the Address iu Reply. McPhail was ln.sf.anrly killal by the saw Alexandria Bakery. Stormont "sawney” to do a fool-trick to to those who shipped manufactured articles races, the vlce-regal ball at Dublin Castle, Ottawa, April 10.—Beyond the Introduc- breaking and a pi«co .striking him on the The Footsteps of . . . serve a party end. from the east. Need we mention the re- tho Dublin Society's cattle show, and Mill tion of some private bills and the reading head. .lame.s Stevenson had his right arm also pay a short visit to the Marquis of of a few others a second time, there was almost severed at tho shoulder, and the duction in the postal rate, the cold storage Ormonde, at Kllkenay Castle. nothing before the House except the de- The Prince of Wales has left Cannes and bate on the address In reply to the speech fingers of his left hand badly cut by Returning Customers Hon. Mr. SUton’s great speech in reply arrangements and the scores of other Is now on his way back to England. riom the throne—practically now known another piece. things that have helped to make the coun- Nearly all of the other prominent people as the Yukon debate since the charges CRIME AND CRIBIINALS. to Sir Charles Hibbert Tapper on ore leaving the lUvlern. As tho season Is made by Sir Charles H. Tupper. Smillie & Tell the story of satisfied patrons of our tailoring estab- try prosperous and for which credit is due drawing to a close the trains from Nice The week began with Hon. Mr. SIfton’s Two out of the (our mmxJcrcrs at Daw- lishment. We couldn’t begin to tell you about the the Yukon oharges was one of to the Laurier Government, and yet Sir and Cannes to Paris are filled with pas- reply to Sir Charles, which occupied near- son City have died—the oldest of the sengers, and all the berths of the sleeping ly six hours in delivery, and was In the three Indians and the boy. In the cases Robertson... special lines of Spring Suitings, Pantings, 'Vesting and the most masterly efforts ever Charles Tupper, the leader of the great cars have been secured for the next three mature of a general denial, with full ex- of the other two a further respite has Overcoatings we have just received delivered in the Canadian Commons, and Conservative party, a man whose years planations of the difficulties met by the Sash Door Administration and how they were met. been granted. We would just say, if you are interested in your should warrant judicious utterances from The other speakers during the week were: and Shingle completely demoralized the hopes of those Tho Britishers In Egypt. Mr. Borden (Halifax), Mr. D. C. Fraser An insane Italian barber in East Had- personal appearance, you cannot fail to be interested in his lips says, “The present prosperity is dam, Conn., shot and seriouriy wounded Manufacturers.. who depended on the Tapper Jr. to make London, April 10.—The report of Baron (Guysboro, N.S.l, Col. Prior (Victoria), Mr, our elegant display. The Style, Fit, Material and the due to the national policy of the Conserva- Cromer, the Britlrfi Agent and Consul-Gen- lAdgbton McCarthy (North Slmcoe), Mr. John B, Golston. The Italian was pur- big politisai capital out of the Yukon ad- eral In Egypt, Is looked upon as being a John Ross Robertson (East Toronto), Mr. fuod and shot to death by a posse of k full ate c’i of Price are all mighty arguments in favor of buying from tives.” If an ordinary man ventured an wonderful story of progress and the trl- Maxwell (Vancouver, B.C.), Mr. Campbell angry citizens ministration. Mr. Siftop is not afraid to assertion half so foolish, school boys wonld un'ph of administrative foresight and mili- U^ont). Mr. Henderson (llalton), Mr. Ga- LatbSt Clapboards, us. If you never tried it, do so now. Here’s your tary vigor. He advocates extending the neng (Charlotte), Mr. Powell (Ottawa), and Santiago Meniphy, alias Mexican Mor- Sashes, Doors, Shinéles, opportunity. meet any oharges that may be made, and langh at him. If to the national policy is railroad from Khartoum through Abuh-Hara Mr. McAllister. phy, wanted in tho City of Mexico on the Patent Bee Boxes due the credit of the present prosperity, the to Godarlf and Kassala, to Suakim, and On Saturday at midnight the report of charge of embezzling $i0,000 in bank And all material required in if a thorough investigation can discover thus tap tho territory about the Upper Nile, the Auditor-General was laid on the table old nag must have been enjoying a nap of the House. funds, was arrested at the Stratford finishing off houses, kept A. A. SRROUL. which Sir Samuel Baker called “the gran- constantly on hand at right any faults the perpetrators will get what during several years of Tory rule when ary of the Soudan.” The British agent al- Hotel in Kansas City, Mo., on Thursday. MAXVILLE, ONT. business depression was experienced on all so makes a significant remark, that “school prices. Custom Shinglo they deserve. But the unreasonable bowls hands. statistics show that French *3 dying out A POPULAR 8ELECTION. THE BUSINESS WORLD. catting a specialty. of a disgruntled press and party will never There is no denying that the Opposition as the language of the middle classes and A telegram from Montreal says that NOTICE—Kiln drying,plan- English has already largely taken Its Washington Officials Pleased by Britain’s tho Consumers* syndicate of Now York, ing and matching done. members are within their rights in talking place.” Appointment of Mr. Elliott, convince the electors that Hon. Clifford against time, but the publio will have an with 1500,000 capital, is oiganizing to SATISFACTION GUAXUîîTEED. Washington,April 1').—The appointment of Sifton is anything but a most efihoient opportnnity of learning what the aims and The Spanish Lansuase Decreed. engage In the Canadian domestic and Lancaster Machine "Works, objects of the party really are. Air. Charles N. Elliott as Samoan com- foreign meat traffic. 5millie & Robertson, Minister of the Crown. Madrid, April 10.—The following despatch missioner gave much satisfaction In Govern- Lancaster, Ont. from Manila Is printed hero: “Agulnaldo ment and diplomatic circles, as Mr. Elliott John Hood, proprietor of tho Tifft MAXVILLE, ONT Gentlemen,—I have used one of your has Issued a decree, directing that Spanish is a member of the Embassy Staff, and dur- House, Buffalo, and David Isaacs, pro- • TRUE TO THEIR PLEDGE. ing his brief service here has made many Jubilee Circular Sawing Machines, for two shall be the official language throughout prietor of the Prospect House, Niagara seasons and am perfectly satisfied with the For the first time in many years persons the archipelago, and protesting against the friends. Falls,.N.Y., have secured a lease of the American pretension to force the use of Mr. Elliott has the reputation of being work done by it. I have used other saw- who are entitled to vote in Brockville and The promises made by the leader of the ^ünglfsh on the natives M'ho do not know one of the brightest lights among that Cataract House at the latter place. ing machines but find yours the fastest only those who are entitled to vote in that Liberal party previous to the general school of young Englishmen who have at- The Barry dock (Loudon) directors Read and cutting and lightest running of them all, tached themselves to the British foreign have acceptai American tenders for the CAPITAL CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE elections of 1896, in respect of the then service during the last decade. H* Is an Or- doing more work than any other make. oonstituenoy will have the privilege of The Qaeen Will Officiate. construction of several locomotives. They existing tariff, was to the effect that the ientalist of high repute, and has In a brief Corner of Bank and Spark With a 26 inch saw I can cut a twelve inch casting their votes without a fear of being London, April 10.—The Queen will lay space of time acquired an experience in assert that they will get quicker delivery Profit.... stick without turning it. When cutting tariff should not be suddenly or violently the foundation stone of the new South dealing with the half civilized races that at a price $600 less per engine, with Streets, Ottawa. small sticks I put about eight inches under overwhelmed by the votes of imported non- Kensington buildings In May or June, with will, without doubt, make his services of modified to the injury of the industrial elaborate ceremonies. A melancholy in- value to the Samoan Commission. equal workmanship. the heel of my power and then had to residents as well as by many of those who interests of tho country. The Liberal terest Is attached to the affair, as Her Charles Norton Elliott was born In 1801, Demoralization was everywhere and THE BEST IN THE OTTAWA VALLEY. apply the brake frequently. Ibe machine Majesty Is determined that it shall he her the son of Rev. E. Elliott of Mlllbrook, millions upon millions dwindled away in will cat easily 25 cords of hard wood a day. measure of tariff reform was in the direc- last appearance under similar elrcuhi- bave passed beyond to the happy bunting Jersey. He was eondon of a quarrel over a latly. A. M. GRIMES, reside in the constituency and bad been April 1 for California, to rival the recent 88-ly Proprietor proBperty os they have enjoyed since the trip of daggers, the messenger boy sent to GAR LORDS OF GOODS Seven Fersons Shot. A marriage bureau at Berlin has sent there several years as well as young men tariff reform of tho Liberal Government Chicago, arrived here last evening on the drummers throughout the country to in- London,Apl. 10.—During an entertainment Cunard Liner Etruria. The lad was met at who had passed the 21 year limit had to had time to produce its legitimate effects. representing a battle between the British the dock by a representative of a Broadway^ crease its business. The agents report NOTICE. COMING IN We all know in Peterborough that the and Chinese at Oadby on Saturday toilrist agency,' and, after being photograph- favorable receptions everywhere and the look silently on as though they were miuors evening, seven persons wore shot, one ol ed, was rushed to the Christopher-streef novelty is proving successful.- most important of our local manufacturing whom Is dying. Muzzle-loading guns were ferry. He left later for the West ovfr th»' NOTICE is hereby given that applica- or lunatics. The Liberals promised to The entries for the great Horse Show to establishments have been running night used, which it was not knoM-n were leaded. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road; tion will be made to the PaiUament of All kinds dry goods, clothing, paints, oils, barbwire and repeal the iniquitous Franchise Act and Elsey, who is 16 years of age, was dresse<^ be held In Toronto Armouries on Thurs- Canada, at the present session thereof, for and day, and the same conditions prevail In his messenger uniform. On bis bead was day, Friday and Saturday next are hardware of all kinds. Boots and shoes to fit anyone from in this as in everything else they have kept Another Stagre Bcanty. perched a little round English cap, bearing’ an Act confirming a Deed of Amalgama throughout the country. Those cironm- L(ffidon, April 10.—Miss Blair, a daughter the number 118. Elsey was sent to thU ab^dy fall, and in harness, saddle horse tiou between the Ottawa, Ariiprior and babyhood to the oldest age and at all prices. B. Simon in- their pledge. stances afford proof that the ante-electicu of the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland by country by Henry McCalmont, member oi and hunting classes are ahead of the Parry Sound Railway Company and the tends to hustle this summer for all he is worth. Therefore her firs-t husband, the late Capt. Blair, hat Parliament for Newmarket In the Con» record. Canada Atlantic Railway Company, and to promises of the Liberals have been fulfilled decided to go on the stage, and will join servatlve Interest, and well known as a During the month of Maroh the emi- see his goods and prices. in both the letter and tho spirit.—Peter- NYIlson Barrett’s company. She Is a tall, sportsman. He is to deliver a letter at an incorporate the said Companies into one The very best Timothy Seed sold cheaper than any- The Hnghes — Herald (Montreal) libel handsome girl. address in Hanford, California. grations to Canada from British ports Corporation under the name of tho suit is over, the jury after a trial lasting borough Examiner. wero 1,845 English, 13 Irish, 140 Scotch ‘Canada Atlantic Railway Comp.aoy,’ with where else. As you all know I pay the highest prices for Disked the Lives of PotlentH. A 3Tuc)>-Nnm«d Man. and 1,168 foreigners. The emigrations to powers as in tho several Acts relatiug to eggs. two weeks bringing in a verdict of not Australia numbered 948, to the Cape the said Companies respectively, are con- Berlin, April 10.—Dr. Bosse, the Prussian Lindsay, Ont., April lO.-Chlef of Police guilty. For a long time The Herald has Minister of Education, has ordered an In- Bell of Llnds.iy made an Important arrest 1,238 and the United States 0,751. tained, and to authorize the said Company SICK WOMEN vestigation Into Prof. Foerster’s charges here Saturday of one Robert Reakes, alias On Saturday tho French ambassador to consolidate the debenture debt of the B. SIMON, Greenfield. been putting up a strong fight against civic are invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, that many scientists, including those of lh< Alonzo Thompson, alias Frank White, alias at "Washington, M. Cam'bon, presented said amalgamating Companies respectively, Breslau University cHnlc and the Gormat Colline, alias Doyle, wanted at Little Val- President McKinley, for tho American and for that purpose to issue bonds, de maladmioistration and the fight has been chief consulting physician to the In- hospitals, Indulge In dangerous experlmcnti ley, Cattaraugus County, New York, by valids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, M’lth patients. The charges involve somt Joseph E. Hazzard, sheriff, for grand' lar- people, two magnificent sovres vases from bontures or securities upon tho railway of against great odds, Among those ofiaciale scientists of world-wide reputation and th< ceny on a bench warrant. A hundred dol- the late President Faure to commemorate the Company, or any portion or portions Buffalo, N. Y., by letter, without fee or lars reward Is offered for his arrest. Reakes ^wbose conduct demanded criticism the charge of any kind. Dr. Pierce is a Is a professional wrestler. He was a^ the opening of tho Franco-American thereof, and to provide for tho redemption Had Not Been Introduced. cable on 17th Aug. last. of the outstanding bonds of tho said amal- Herald thought was Chief of Police Hughes specialist in the diseases of vromen. He rested while walking in company with hi* How about your , . has treated over half-a-million women London,April 10.—The Stella disaster fur- wife on the main street. The next Ponton trial may be held in gamating Companies respectively, and the and an article appeared. iu the Herald in for diseases of the womanly organs and nished an incident typical of Englishmen Toronto. The case was argued on Satur- substitution of new securities therefor. SPRING SUIT ^ beyond everybody on earth. Three drench- ninety-eight out of every hund^ women Gomez’s N«w Program. Dated the 24th day cf March, A.D., 1899. November last that chief Hnghes consider- ed siu-vlvors, after riding for 15 hours across day, but Justice Robertson withheld he has treated have been absolutely and an upturned boat, were picked up and sent Havana, April 7.—The Cuban Military judgment until he bad consulted his CHRISTIE, GREENE & GREENE, and OYEReOHT f ed was strong enongh to warrant his enter- perfectly cured. Every letter received to their destinations. Assembly being dead, Gen. Maximo Go- brother judges. Mr. Osier had mentioned 10-9 Solicitors for tho Applicants. by Dr. Pierce, is treated as a purely per- The reporters chanced to meet one and mez will take up his program of solidify- Toronto, and if the Crown gets a change Come and see our f 12 and 914 suits made to order of the finest ing an action for criminal libel. That the got his story. They asked for the name;i ing the Cuban people Into a party that Serges, Kerseys and Scotch Tweed. Also a cheaper range at 80 and sonal and private communication and its and homes of his companions and he answer- shall, without ceasing, urge the United of venue it will have to supply the funds 810. We show a Spring and Fall Overcoating in Covert Cloth,Whip» jury thought from the evidence brought in contents guarded as a sacred confidence. ed: “I do not know. I did not ask, Wa States to withdraw from the island. His for tho procurement and the payment of cord and Melton In all colors at 98, 910, 912 and 915. One hundred All answers to these letters are sent in hadn’t been introduced.” purpose is to make the people seem to have all witnesses for the defence. that the Herald was justified in its state- but one emotion, but one desire—the Pants Patterns, made-to-order, reduced to 92 per pair. One hundred sealed envelopes bearing upon them no thought of Independence and of absolute and fifty Pants Patterns reduced to 95 per pair, and a large variety ments, is shown by the verdict. We beg printing or advertising whatever. FAINTED IN THE PULPIT. separation from thp United States. ^ Write to doctor. It is no use for of the I^st imported worsted pants patterns at 95 and 96 per pair. to congratulate the Herald on the outcome Sensational Occurrence at the Central sick women to write to a man unless he Life Imxirlsonnieut For Debt. F. E. CHARRON, Alexandria, Ont. of their trial and trust that it may long is a doctor. It is no use to “write to a Methodist Church nt Woodstock, New York, April 10.—According to a de- woman ” imless the woman is a doctor. Ont., on Sunday Nisbt. cision handed down by Judge Blair of the continue to uphold parity in the civic Write to a woman about cookery or any Hundson County, N. J., Court of Sessions, Central Max Woodstock, Ont., April 10.—The large a man who Is Imprisoned iu that State for LICENSE DISTRICT OF GLENGARRY. administration of the city of Montreal. branch of housekeeping, because she is congrégation nt the Central Methodist debt may remain In jail for life unless some a woman and knows. But it is of no use Church was thrown Into a stale of the wild- special law is passed by Congress to re- PURLIC NOTICE to write to a woman about disease unless est consternation last night, occasioned by lease him. THEY FIND IT BARD TO tho pastor, Rev. S. Sellery, falling In a faint is hereby given that a meeting of tho Board of The Maxville Marble Works she has a doctor’s training and diploma. Marble ville License CommisKioners for the License District . TAKE THEIR MEDICINE. In the pulpit. Mr. Sellery. was preaching as A woman who isn't a doctor Is ]ust as dan* usual, w’hen he suddenly stopped ppoaklng Wwllaiid Canal <>p.-itlug April 24. of Glengarry will bo held according to law in ferous as a man who isn’t a doctor, when and put his hand to his forehead. His face Montreal, April 7.—The secretary of the The strain of the speeches being deliver- she undertakes to treat disease. became very pale. “My friends,” said he Board of Trade has received notification The Queen’s Hall, Alexandria, Birthday in a halting tone, ns he held on to the pul- rioin Mr. Colllngwood Schrleber-that the Works Ont. There is no qualified woman physician ed daily in the House of Commons at Otta- pit. “a strange fainting spell has come over Welland Canal will be ready to lock vesseif Monuments 80 far as is known connected with any r me. something that only happened to mo througli on the 24th Inst. L J wa, is very much the same as that of the proprietary medicine put up for women. once before In my life. I must sit down.” Saturday, April 22nd, A.D., 1899. editorial matter in all the Conservative Even the “bearded woman,” the man He Immediately fell forward over tho j)ul- who advertises “write to a woman” is plt. Ills eyes rolled and ho grasped con- Prizo l-'itrhtK I.ngal in Colorado. Monuments, Tablets, at 10 o'clock a,m, to consider applications for new^apers. They have been forced to re- vulsively with bis hands, as a person trying Lioensoa and granting the saiuo for the Lkcpsè Headstones Presents not a qualified physician and stands toç Denver, Col., April 7.—Governor Thomas alize that the people threw them out of to save himself from drowning. Immediate- yesterday signed tho bill pa.ssed by the year 18fK>and 1900. That tho following |lst in- much lu fear of the law to claim that he is. ly half a dozen men dashed up the pulpit "1^ 'Headstones cludes tho names of all applicants not iipder General Assembly legalizing prize fighting license during the current License vear of 1898 power in 18dC, and ever since then they There is no other physician, male os- stairs and caught Mr, Sellery Just as bo was When coiuioeted by licensed clubs. As by arrangements made Vlth de^lon ^bile falling backwards. Di’. Odium was among la Marble and granite and 1899, and the kind of licepso applied for Boy them from F. T. M(^o, have eridently felt that this action simply female, who, like Dr. Pierce has a record them, he being in the congregation, ’i'he with the place where they propose carrying on on a touf of iuspootipn this sqpam«|r to the larg^ If ax ville, you wpuM secure indicated temporary imbecility on the part of oyer thirty years, as chief consulting stricken pastor was laid on the pulpit sofa, As we are practical workmen and order quarries in Canada and United States, we are the worth of yopr inoney. physician of a well known institution, while women screamed and the greatest our marble and granite direct, we will give Catherine McDonald, Greouficld. Keuv®u Tp., of the sAekreate, and that in a brief, very confusion prevailed. Tavern License. lu a position to handle apd execute all orders |B Watches gold and silver making a specialty of the private treat- our customers the benefit of reduced rates. Edward Duemo, Gleuco House, WilUaiustowii, brief, time the latter would regain their jneut of women’s diseases. After the doctor had worked over him Marble or Granite of whatever sise or nature ladies 4nd geatlsmop's- for a minute or two, Mr. Sellery opened hI4 FAllM FOR SALE. Valuable horses and cattle for sale at all Cbarlottenburgh Tp„ Tavern License. Brooohss, rings, fancy goods, senses and never miss an opportunity of Write to the doctor—Dr. R. "V. Pierce, eyes. Immediately he remembered what Alexander L. McKay, Canada Atlantic Hotel, PlauB and designs drawn and estimates furnish- hud happened and asked them to tell the The undorKigned offers for salo his valuable Alexandria (Station), Tavern License. mirrors ^0. The ohsapesk and turning the Liberal Government down and Buffalo, N. Y. Wm. S. McDonell, Dalhousie Mills, Lancaster. od free of cost. Write for terms and prices. Women realize Dr. Pierce’s ability congregation not to go away. Ho .soon sat farm Lot No. E j 28 in the 9th Con. of tlie Town- Ue5igns the latest best, showing the party with “the instinct .of up and wanted to go on with his sermon, ship of Lochiel, containing 100 acres. About 60 Tavern License. when they read his great work the Com- but the doctor would not allow it. To cover acres cleared, balance mixed bush. Good build- Prices rock bottom That twenty-three Tavern Licenses wore CLOCKS CLOCKS government” that they had returned repen- mon Sense Medical Adviser, ioo8-pages ; the confusion, one of the men In the choir ings, well fenced, convenient to school, church granted during the current year ]898 and 1899 And that applications for twenty-noveuTavern McLean, Kennedy tant to the fold. . On this foundation the sent free on receipt of stamps to defray sang a solo. Mrs. Sellery was lu the con- and chceso factoay. For farther particulart' Ail stylos and tlZiS. Repairing a specialty gregation and assisted those who were at- apply to Frith & Price, » Props. Licenses have been received for tho Liconco Tories built their hopes. It was a found- cost of customs and mailing only. Send tending to her husband. JOHN D. MCINTOSH. year 1899 and 1900. 31 one-cent stamps for paper-bound McCrimmon, Ont. O. Merkley’s old stand, W. J. iIcNAUGHTON. & Robertson ation of sand. F. T. MÜNR©, edition, or 50 stamps for cloth. Address or to JOHN R. McLAURIN. Mechanic, St., Maxville. Inspector. MAXVILLE, - . . . ONT Maxville, Ont. It never occurred to these people, who Dr. £L V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ll-3m Vaukleek Hill, Out. Lancaster, April 8xd, 1899. D-2 THE GLENGARRY NEWS, ALEXANDRIA, ONT., APRIL 14. 1899.

y E'VA MARCOUX T. Welsh, who for some time has filled a rOR SALE. On Thursday of last week, while the two good position in Munro, McIntosh & Co.’s 7\ WELL little daughters ofEsdras andMrs.Marcoux, carriage making establishment, left this Bees for Sale-Iô hives of bees for We Don’t 30-2nd Con.Lochiehwere boiling sugar near week for Russell where he is about to start sale cheap. Apply to their father’s house,the dress of tbe younger business for himself. We wish Mr. Welsh Substitute. one, Eva, aged five years, caught Are and every success. JAS. C. McLAURIN, DRESSED MHN in a moment she was enveloped in flames. Miss Lizzie McDonald who, for some 10 4 Dalkeith. One maker’s goods when another’s Her sister did all in her power to render time past, had been the guest of Allan J is specified. We put tbe very assistance to the burning child and bnrnt and Mrs McDonald, returned on Tuesday purest and best grades of every- la he who is suitably clothed for hia means, his occupation and the season her hands attempting to remove the blaz- to her home at Sault St Marie. Daring thing into oar prescriptions and ing garments. The fire was finally extin- her visit here Miss McDonald made many SEED WHEAT FOR SALE. we give them the same scrupu- See W. J. Simpsoa’fl $1.00 ambrella ; the FINE COACHES lous care as if we were going to best out. guished, but despite all that conld be done warm friends who will look with hope to A. Markson, The Popular Store, has clothing that will suit you, at prices that Some magnificent additions have recent- for the sufferering girl, she expired the fol- future visits from her. A limited quantity of A 1 wheat suitable take them ourselves. We enjoy will bear comparison with those of any other store in town. Call and examine The maple syrup season is on now and ly been made to the rolling stock of the C. lowing afternoon. The remains were for seed. See sample at NEWS Office. doing it, take pride in telling it, our New Spring Suita. They are beauties, made in the latest styles, and never iafify partes are fashionable. A. Ry. in the shape of handsome and ex- taken to Coteau on Saturday morning for A. G. F. MACDONALD, and we feel proud when you find before was clothing sold so cheap as they are now at Markson’s. No trouble to pensive new cars, that are up to-date in interrment. Mr. and Mrs. Marcoux were 8-tf Alexandria, Ont. it out. That’s what they say and show them. If yon want yonr watch to keep good every respect, possess every modern do at B.O.&Co’s. Live and learn time have it repaired by H. R. Cnddon. absent at the time of the fatal accident in Excruciating Pains. about our profession by watching Dress Goods, Silks and Dress Trimmings. We are showing the finest range luxury and convenience and were manu- Coteau, where they intend shortly to re- Irvea * McMillan this week shipped a factured at Pullman, Ills. They were put move. Tbe sad and sudden news caused a FARM FOR SA.LE. and reading our advertisements of latest Dress Goods in all shades. Shot Silks and Fancy Silks, Jets, Gimps, fine car load of stock to the Montreal on the road on Wednesday afternoon’s fast severe shock to the parents, to whom we weekly. Find ns in our store, Mill Silk Lace, Bibbons, etc. market. train to Montreal and created considerable Square, Alexandria, where they extend our deepest sympathy in their THE VICTIM A WELL KNOWN, POPULAR That valuable property Lot No. 21 In tbe Special Bargains in short ends of grey and white Cottons. We offer them at interest at every town along the line, where affliction. 6th Con. of Lochiel, containinglOO acres, 50 acres sell the celebrated Sarsaparilla > Eggs are so scarce in Canada that the people flocked to see them. The HOTEL CLERK. cleared, balance under good heavy bush, 9 acres Compound and anything else you 15c per pound. ^ Montreal dealers have been getting in eggs coaches are indeed a credit to the road. HOWEY—McLEAN maple, balance mixed wood. For further par- want in the line of Patent Medi- from New York. Uculary apply to cines or Drugs. A new lot of new Prints received (his week. Beautiful Patterns at low prices. MRS. HUGH JACQUES A juLt but very pretty wedding took DOUGALD A. McMILLAN, See WX Simpson’s celebrated "Stanley” place at tbe residence of H. McLean, Main After Other Medicines Failed He n-4 Kirk Hill, Ont. Our Stock of Boots and Shoes for Spring and Summer wear is all in, and we waterproofs, serviceable, up-to-date, fine It is seldom we are called to record the St., on Wednesday evening, when bis eldest was Cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink Ostrom Bros &60 are able to fit every man and woman, boy, girl and child with the best and most qnality, low in price. death of one who has reached the century Pills—Every Dose Counted In the daughter, Christy A., was united in wed- MEDICAL HALL. comfortable footwear at the lowest prices. mark, but this week there died at the resi- lock to William H. Howey, late_ manager Battle Against Pain. TO RENT OR FOR SALE. Why is there so mnch music in the air ? dence of her son-in-law, John Michaud, Mill Square, Alexandria, Ont. Bargains in Lace Curtains, Créions, Art Muslins, Bed Spreads, Table Covers, Don’t yon know you can get the latest of the butter factory. Only the immediate The undersigned has been instructed by Mrs. Mrs. Hugh Jacques, who, it is said, had family relatives of the bride being present. Tapestry and Hemp Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, etc. TOpular music at Cuddon’s Jewellery Store There is no more popular hotel clerk in John A. Macdonell (Greenfield), to rent or sell for 10c. a copy. reached that ripe old age. The funeral The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J. Cor- her beautiful brick residence in Alexandria. It took place on Tuesday afternoon to St. Eastern Ontario than Mr. Peter MoDonell, is one of the most desirable properties in town, MILLINERY—Our display in Millinery this spring is the finest ever shown in mack. As the contracting parties were bas soft and hard water, electric light, aud town- The sales of New Spring Hats is going on rushingly, as the styles are The regular monthly meeting of the Lan- Finnan’s Cathedral, the services being con- two of our most popnlar young people, the of (be Grand Union Hotel, Alexandria.- At caster W. C. T. U. will be held in the Tem- ducted by Rev. D. D. McMillan. The re- furnace and has extensive grounds and out- lovely. Come early and secure the finest Hat or Bonnet for the Spring at the hearty congratulations and best wishes of the present time Mr. McDonell is in the buildings. For farther particulars apply to lowest prices. perance Hall, on Wednesday next, at 2 mains were then interred in the cemetery. their many friends are extended to the GEORGE HEARNDEN, o’clock p.m. A LEADING MILK SHIPPER newly wedded pair. They left on Wed- enjoyment of perfect health and a stranger 11- Real Estate Agt., Alexandria. Highest price paid for Eggs. Grain, Hides, and all kinds of farm produce. J. F. McGregor, of the firm of McGregor nesday evening for Oxford Mills, Ont., on a meeting him for the first time could not OYLE'S iiiimii Among Glengarry’s foremost dairy men and McIUe, informs us that he will buy no visit to the groom’s family, where they will imagine that a man with the healthy glow more pressé hay this season. is Robert McDonald, of Maple Grove, Lan- spend a few days and on their return to FOR SALE. caster, who has a herd of sixty of the finest town will proce^ direct to Bradley, South and energetic manner of Mr. McDonell If you want the very latest styles iu hats, cattle to be found on any farm in the Dakota, where Mr. Howey has a lucrative oould ever have felt a symptom of disease. A first class Wheelbarrow will be sold at a very spring caps, neckties, fancy shirts and col- county. For the past twelve years he has position awaiting him. A large number of There is a story, however, in connection low price. Apply here ULLETIN. R. MARKSON, supplied milk to J. D.Dancan,of Montreal, Main Street, Blexandria, Ont. lars, go to É. MoArthur’Sf the FasbionaMe friends were at tbe depot to wish them bon with tbe splendid degree of health attained NEWS OFFICE. B Tailor, Maxville, Ont. and to this gentleman he is at present send- voyage.—(Maxville correspondence). ing forty-eight gallons of milk daily. Of by him that is worth telling. It is a well Provender Grinding every Tues- course this represents but a small propor- TRAMPS known fact that a few years ago he was day and Saturday. Ground feed for sale. FOR SALE. tion of the milk prodnoed by Mr.McDonald. The tramps are again becoming a nuis- the victim of tbe most excruciating pains Pumps, ready-made and made to order.— Thequantity shipped will be largelyincreas- M. Campbell, Athol. 52-3m ance. Quite frequently citizens are accost- of rheumatism. Knowing these facts a EGGS FOK HATCHING — Light and Dark ed as the season advances. ed in the evening by knights of the road Brahmas, Barred Rocks, Silver Wyandottes* ‘News’ reporter called ou Mr. McDonell Black Mlnorcas and Silver Hamburgs. Don’t order your spring suit till you see CLEAN UP YOUR YARDS who are desirous of securing shelter for the the splendid display of Worsteds and night. They desire no other accommoda- for the purpose of eliciting fuller particu- $1.25 for 13 Eggs $2.00 “ 26 “ Do You Know If You Are... tweeds in every style and . price at E. Mc- At this season of the year it will be tion than the coop, but the following day lars. Without hesitati^ he attributed his Arthur’s, the Fashionable Tailor, Maxville, found that even in the best kept yards, a MoMASTER BROS, they wander from house to house seeking present sound state of health to tbe use of Ont. large amount of refuse, etc., has accumu- food. It is in this respect that they are 12-2 Laggan, Ont. WHY lated during the winter. It will of course a confounded nuisance. Should one or à Dr. Williame’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Interested in Spring Goods, let us show you what we DENTISTRY - Dr. Reid, dentist, be the the duty of the Board of Health to number of tbe gentry arrive in town at a "I am,” said he "33 years of age, but three graduate of Philadelphia Dental College see that all such refuse is destroyed, and have. We are showing more and better goods at better and of the B.C.D.S. of Ontario. Successor late hour, they probably look for haylofts years ago I did not expect to live this long. SITUATION WANTED. this store is the retail grocery that nothing but the best ^nitary condi- or stables wherein to spend the night. That prices than ever before, and will be pleased to have you to Dr. V. H. Lyon. Ofiice NEWS building, tions obtain in the town. Citizens should, At that time I was connected with tbe By your^ man with a few months experience Alexandria.L-Painless extraction. they are dangerous, no one can deny, from in general store. Business college graduate. and provision headquarters of call and examine our stock and get prices. however, obviate the necessity of having the ohanoe of fire starting wherever they Commercial hotel here and as part of my Could furnish.reference from present employe Alexandria, do you know The band boys are having practices the health ofifioer warn them by taking may put up. They are seldom so great duties was to drive tbe busses to and from Apply to P.O. Box 129, Maxville. 11 1 proper steps at the earliest date possible. re^larly and are fall of enthusiasm. moralists they won’t indulge in a pipe. the G.A.R. station, I was exposed to all why ? Well it is for a num- What they want next is financial backing By following this course, , not only may a They are in every sense a most undesirable ber of reasons ; from the citizens and the organization is lot of trouble be saved, but a lot of disease burden on the community. It might be kinds of weather and subjected to tbe most WAITTED. Top Prices for Produce. bound to fi^onrish. may be averted. well to compel every one of them seen with- sudden extremes of heat and cold. Along We trade fair and square ; in the limits of the town to put in a few in the early spring I was suddenly attack- APPRENTICE WANTED—A sharp intelligent Oommissloner Hall deserves credit for ^ A VALUABLE COW boy to learn the printing trade.—The NEW». our store’s reputation is as the efiEloient manner In which he is keep- hours breaking stone. It is a great cure ed with the most terrible pains in my Adolphe Gauthier, 2-4th Kenyon, is the for tramp^ for they are tramps from limbs and body. I sought relief in doctors bright as a new dollar; we can ing the street crossings clean these days possessor of a fine cow, and it is doubtful if when mud abounds. their aversiou to work of any kind and be- and then in patent medicines, but all to no J. F. Cattanach, North Lancaster. he could now be induced to part with her. cause there is nothing they could do that purpose ; nothing seemed to afford relief. TENDERS. supply big orders quickly ; At the present time she is a very dignified The Queen’s Hotel» Alexandria, leaves them so free from exertion as tramp- For two months I was a helpless invalid, Sealed Tenders will be received by the under- We buy many things in car the leading hotel in the connty. Best "bossy” and feels considerably above the ing. suffering constantly the most exoruoiating signéd at his residence, Maxville, up to noon on wines, liquors and cigars. Large and com- common herd. The reason is neither far pains. My hands and feet swelled and I Tnursdav, April 27th, 1899, for the erection of a load lots ; we sell cheaply ; to seek nor hard to find if yon visit Mr. Brick Church lor the Presbyterian Congr^atlon modious rooms; Meals at all hours. F. was positive the end was approaching. My at Maxville. no store quotes lower prices— Diyoume, proprietor. Gauthier’s farm, for there can be seen two heart was affected and indeed I was almost Plans and specifleatisns can bo seen at the fine calves, each of which weighed 60 lbs. in despair, when fortunately a friend of residence of the undersigned. Tbe lowest or that is, in the same quality of I A travelling cornet pla;yer on Tuesday at birth, and each of which claims this any tender not necessarily accepted. Evening filled the air with melody. He SeFS0nals. our family recommended the use of Dr. goods ; you do not meet dis- favored bovine as her mother. They are Williams’ Pink Pills. I began using them (Sgd). JOHN DAVIDSON, was a mere youth and was working his twins and the complacent old cow feels Sec. of Com. appointment here ; never have way to Montreal, but his playing was all in May, 1896, and had taken three boxes Maxville, April Ctb, ’99. little interest in anything outside her hand- before I noticed any change, but from that right. He was well patronized by Alex- some offspring of 1899. B. Simon, Greenfield, was in town on to bring anything back on andrians. Monday. time every dose counted. Tbe blood seem- Cleveland A CHANGE IN THE LAW ed to thrill through my veins and by the LOST, account of the quality ; when ' Now that Americans have got it into Rory McLeod, Kirk Hill, was in town on time I had finished the fifth box every you get it at Boyle’s it’s sure their oraniums that logs out in Ontario Heretofore, it has been necessary for Monday. trace of the disease had vanished. Ever On Thursday, March 30th, 1899, between ? must be sawn in Ontario, they will begin parties requiring burial certificates to go to since then I have been working hard and Schell’s siding, Domie, or near there and to be nice enough to put in ? sawing operations in all the towns aronnd their municipal clerk for same, and at Thos Sturrock, Laggan, was in town on Bicycles... Tuesday. frequently long over time, but have con- Alexandria, a gra^ cutter robe with dark your mouth. the Georgian Bay. This will mean more times this entailed considerable incon- tinued in excellent health. Whenever 1 lining. Finder will much oblige by leaving prosperity in that region. venienoe to those who had a long distance feel the slightest symptom of tbe trouble I to go. The law in this respect has been Andrew Hart, of Lochiel, was in town same at this office. 10- . , Tramps look for the coop now as the on Monday. use the pills for a day or so and soon feel changed and after this, when a burial cer- as well as ever. I feel that I owe my weather is getting warmer. One, how- tificate is requirod. it may be furnished by John A McLeod, Kirk Hill, was in town ever, this week, more aristocratic in his health to Dr. Williams Pink Pills and the municipal clerk nearest the person re- on Monday. never lose an opportunity of recommend- FAINTS AND OILS. For notions that the average "Meandering quiring same. This will prove of great Muggins” refused to be entertained in so John R MeLeod, surveyor, was in town ing them to ethers suffering as I was. For paints and oils* of all descriptions call at Blow convenience to people living close to Alex- “the old stand." P. LESLIE'S, Alexandria. obiU, comfortless and inhospitable quart- andria,but outside town who were formerly on Tuesday. \ ers as Alexandria’s Town Hall. He would obliged to go to their own township olerks Archie McKinno^x Greenfield, was in WANTED. prefer to brouse where luxury abounded. but who can now come to Alexandria. town yesterday. PASTURAGE. Easter Your The little fox horse owned by J.F. Sauve, A GOOD SHOT Colin McRae, of Glen N^tman, was in A good general servant. Good wages to the ^ carter, of this place, died last Saturday right one. Parties desirous of pasturing cattle on tbe 1 We are informed by a gentlemen living a town yesterday. \ JNO. SIMPSON, property of the Estate Hon. D. A. Macdonald, ^ evening. While in the stable .that night Alexandria. must notify tbe undersigned on or before April he was Idoked by another horse, which short distance from here that, on Tuesday D H McGillivray, Pine Grove, was in 25th. The very best Sugar Cured caused him to fall against the. boarding of last a flock of fifteen wild geese hovered town on Monday. DAN CHÂRLEBOI6. Own ^6 stall. A few boards were broken and over several farms east of the village from. Ham, every ham guaranteed. II a.m. till 4 p.m. During the afternoon a Donald R McLennan, Lochiel, was in AUCTION SALE. one punctured bis side. Medical aid was town on Tuesday. Best Sugar Cured Breakfast gammoned, but it was considered advisable young man driving a sleigh along the road At the residence of Jerry Lagrue, Sl-8tb Ck>n. to bleed him. "Cuok” was certainly an between the 2nd and 3rd Con. and who Reeve McCaskill, of Lochiel, was in Charlottenburgh, on Thursday, April 20th, 1899. Bacon, choice rolled Spiced old favorite ; he was twenty-six years old, evidently was prepared for game, palled a town on Tuesday. D. J. Macdonell, Auctioneer. Barred Plponth Rock Bacon, pure family Lard, also Horn. and was higUy prized by Mr. Sauve, having rifle and at a mstance of over three hun- 1 been In his posse^on for the last eighteen dred yards shot one of the geese. The shot Dougald McKinnon, of McCrimmon, was Matthew’s Rose Brand Lard, years. was a remarkable one, and particularly so, in town yesterday. as the birds were on the ground. Our in- Mias Annie McMillan, Lochiel, was in RELIABLE REMEDIES. best in Canada. Get our ^■5 Pimples positively cured. This re; formant was too far away to distinguish town on Saturday. prices on ham and bacon ; medy is not a cure-all, but we refund Almost every farmer & stock raiser is feed- EGGS r We’re “blowing our own horn,” along with the r the young man, but he couldn’t help ad- money, in any case where pimples or black- miring the good shot. A. J. McDonald, of Greenfield, was in ing McLeister’s Condition Powder, a blood you will find them i cent rest of our fellow citizens—but ours is a different heads, from whatever cause, are not com- town on Tuesday. ' purifying tonio carefully prepared. FOR HATCHING pletely oared in from one to five applica- FIRE BRIGADE CONCERT If you knew of something that would per lb. cheaper than any- sort of a horn. It is a business horn, with a busi- Mrs. A. McCormick, of Lochiel, was in tions. A soothing, healing powder rubbed We do not hear so very much now about cure your cough you would have no objec- where in town. ness end to it, and we’re blowing it for YOUR good on face or affected part with soft cloth. town on Tuesday. tion to paying 25o for a bottle of it. Mo- Buy Eggs from the best strain of Barred Rocks 3 as well as our own. That is why we have plenty this concert in aid of the Are brigade. The In Canada. My birds have won at the leading' Apply before retiring and in morning wash matter sboiild not be permitted to drop. Duncan and Mrs Morrison, Laggan, were Leister’s Cough Syrup has cured others eastern shows. of help in blowing—why hundreds of people are off with pure oastile soap and warm water. The members of the brigade are worthy of in town on Friday. and it will cure you. 11^1ill sell- Eggs from my well known pr After two or three applications, or in many log Barred Rocks at 81.50 per Setting. constantly blowing for ns. We want you to be every encouragement and they are also in D D McRae, of Glen Norman, was in Send for circnlarf. cases, after one application, face will be a position to find the good effects of any I can be seen, at any time at Douihee's Meat posted about bicycles (that is why we advertise as C town on Saturday. Fresh found soft and clear, without a trace of pecuinary aid they may be forthcoming. Market. we do), so that you can tell CLEVEUANDS from blemish. Results marvellous. Send 50c. They are diligent in their practices and are A. G. F. Macdonald, editor of the ‘News,’ CHAS. LAROSE, the inferior or the just as good kind. for one box and full directions.—Ion Medi- a credit to the town. It is not their fault visited Ottawa this week. THRON HILL fARM Fruits cine Co.,25 St.Edward St.«Montreal. 2-3m Box 234. 11-4 Cornwall, Ont. that the insurance rates have not been John and J. J. McMaster, of Laggan, LANCASTER, ONT., CANADA. Anyone can claim this or that, but that doesn’t 3 A FRIENDLY VISIT reduced. Some steps should be taken to were in town on Tuesday. have an entertainment given under their We have received a very large make it so. Hie Grace Archbishop Gauthier and Rev. auspices, whether by local talent or other- Duncan W Campbell, of McCrimmon, Settings of White Wyandottes and Barred Father Mea, of Eingston, were the guests wise and the concert should be patronized was in town on Monday. Plymouth Rock Eggs at 81.50 for 13. A few shipment of fruit for Easter We can ABSOLUTELY and POSITIVELY tr . over Sunday of His Lordship Bishop Mac- White Wyandotte Cockerels still on band at by everyone.. $1.00 each. prove to you that you receive more for your money c donell. Rev. Father Mea celebrated High D R Macdonald, MPP, Williamsfcown, trade which must be sold at SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE wsts in town on Tuesday. Prolific variety of Seed Oats, veilded 75 bushels AUBHEY’S AD. in a Cleveland Bicycle than any other. Better join Mass at St. Finnan’s cathedral and preach- to the acre. Price 60c per 34 lbs. A very fine shortest notice. We can sup- ed an eloquent sermon. Daring HisGraco’s A matt«>r that should be taken up by our C. H. Wood and C. A. Edgely, Maxville, sample of Silver Hulled Buckwheat at 8^ per our Cleveland band. We ACKNOWLEDGE no ' visit here be received many pleasant calls citizens and one that no time should be were in town yesterday, 48 lbs. First-Class Laundry Work ply you with Oranges,Lemons superior and ADMIT no equals to the Cleveland. from old friends in Alexandria. lost in remedying, is the terrible effîuvia Real Norway Spruce Trees, three years old’ done as usual at the Alex- and Apples cheaper than you 3 Mrs Lawrence and her sou, Gordon, left from six to twelve inches high, grown from seed. SELLING FAST arising frequently from the mill pond, on Wednesday for Brodie. They form most beautiful ornamental speci- andria Hand Laundry. can buy them in Montreal, t particularly during the evenings. Stran- mens for lawns, and will clip into excellent The Cleveland is the World Standard for excellence. J. A. McMillan is selling bicycles by the E H Tiffany, barrister, paid Ottawa a ornamental forms and hedges. score. The reason for this, is that he is gers coming to town this time of the year, For Pickles, Sauces, Catsup naturally with such a condition existing, business visit on Wednesday. The most prolific and hardy varieties of Owing to our greatly in- c selling a good wheel at reasonable prices ; form a very unfavorable opinion of the Strawberry and all other kinds of small fruit of any kind at lowest prices a combination of conditions that cannot Donald John and Mrs McDonald, Lag- plants. creasing business we have fail to make a business fiourisb. Just place. If a color conld bo painted gan, were in town on Friday. you can get them here. half so disagreeable to the sight 1500 Bags for s 12-1 yr been compelled to erect new read bis ad apd see what else be handles as this unpleasant odor is to the N K McCrimmon, merchant, of McCrim- and commodious quarters We have also for sale Munro, McIntosh & Co’s besides The Cleveland Wheels. There are olefactory nerve, it would be enough to moD, was in town on Monday. c 3 Carriages, D. D. McMillan and Son’s Carriages, Wag- Munro McIntosh and D. D. MoMUlan & strike one blind. The Board of Health A. S. McBain, and will be pleased to see Son’s carriages, farm impiemeuts of all should take the matter up. A good sani- N. K. McCrimmon, merchant, of Mc- Canned Goods of gons, Milk Waggons, &c.; the Massey-Harris Imple- kinds and a dozeu other things. Give him tary condition cannot exist where people Crimmon, was in town on Monday. our old customers after we ments ; the Wilkinson Plough Co’s Steel Rollers ; the a cfUl. Any Description. have to breathe against their will. Let Mrs. S. R. and Roddie McLeod, of Glen change at the Corner of St. 3 Canadian Threshing Mill, of St. Remi and the Wilson C HOME COMFORT RANGES something be done. Robertson, were in town on Monday. Paul and Dominion Sts. hand-made Harness, of Smith’s Falls. The snow is gone and. the Home Comfort A GREAT MONTH Roddie MoCormick left on Monday for We challenge competitors to surpass any of these ^ Range people h^.ve put up their sleighs and There is every indication here that pros- Sudbury, Ont. We wish him success. Our stock of Chocolates, ^ got out their waggons for the summer. perity is still on the boom for the amount D. R. McDonald, of Ottawa, visited H. AUBREY, goods, from the standpoints of Quality, Durability or The salesmen, we learn, are doing a most Bon Bons and Confectionery 3 of business done in Alexandria, despite well friends here the early part of the week. Price. extensive business throughout the county, known disadvantages, is still phenomenal. Main Street, - Alexandria, Ont. is all fresh and toothsome. and where ever they placed rangea pre- Some of our institutions deserve the great- Duncan McDoaald, of the Soulanges uioualy, .they meet with nothing but est credit for the enterprise they display, Canal, visited friends hero on Tuesday. Prices to suit everybody. D. D. McMillan & Son, graise for the advantages the Home and in this regard Munro & McIntosh are 3 C Dr. L. Ÿ. McIntosh and Gilbert McIn- Comfort possesses over all other ranges. second to one. Enterprise, however, brings tosh, of Apple Hill, were in town yesterday. EYE SIGHT ALEXANDRIA, ONT. , A FAST SPECIAL its reward and this reward the firm is ex- scientifically Another car of Flour in periencing daily in the shape of an ever in- Miles A. McMillan and John D. Mc- On Saturday a special train flew over the Doncll, Lochiel, were in town on Monday. -, tested. Spec- this week, also one car of 0- A. Ry. at the rate of a mile a minute. creasing business. March was for them a Feed. Our sales on flour c 3 The passengers were being taken to Mon- record breaking month. Never in their Dan J. Weir arrived home this week j tacles proper- ' treal to witness a matinee in Her Majesty’s previous history has any one month shown from Wisconsin on a visit to Greenfield ] this year are double of last, Theatre. The phenomenal time of fity-one so vast an amount of business done by friends. ly fitted. them, and the a^regate for tbe month was so far, why ? Because you minutes from Ottawa to Alexandria, a dis- Mrs. Alexander McDonald, of Cardinal, Satisfaction guaranteed or after a week’s tance of fifty-six miles, was made As the 100 per cent, in advance of the same trial your money refunded. always get just what you month’s business in 1898. That is the Ont.,' was in town this week visiting tracks were clear and everything was in friends. fine running order, there was not the kind>of industry that helps a town. JOHN McLEISTER, want. If you buy the best ■lightest danger of an accident. The C. A. A. F. & A. M. Dan D McMillan and Mrs Bandy Me-' Druggist & Optician, Alexandria, Ont. flour you get it. Ry* is a record breaker on time. McMillan, of Lochiel, were in tawu on- On Wednesday evening Rt. W. Bro. Tuesday. ARCHBISHOP O'OONNOR Book, of Prescott, D. D. G. M. of St. Law- Neil W. McCrimmon arrived here yester- We have always on hand a SPRING The appointment of His Grace Arch- rence District No. 1«‘>, A.F. & A.M., accom- panied'by Bro. Raycroft, also of Prescott, day from Drummond, Bayfield Co., Wis., good supply of Bran, Shorts, Msbop O’Connor to the head of the Arch- on an extended visit toMcCrimmou friends. FIRST-SLASS episcopal See of Toronto, is one the an > paid his official visit to Alexandria Lodge Provender, Crushed Corn, nouncoment of which will be received with No. 439, A. F. & A. M. A number of bre- H. K. Wright, of the Union Bank satisfaction by the people of Ontario, irres- thcrn were present from Maxville, includ- attended a dance given by tbe Westmount Hominy Feed, etc. In spite pective of class or creed. His Grace ing Wor. Bros. Henry and Sheppard, and Dance Club in Montreal on Monday even- of the fact that feed is very SUITINGS possesses in a pre-eminent degree the Bros. T. W. Munro, A. J. MoEwen, John- ing. natural qualities that fit him for the posi- son Hoople, W. Barnhart and D. P. Mc- high at present, there is a tion. He is also an acoomplished scholar Diarmid. Tbe proceedings of the evening Tom Lowe, of Bearbrook, who bad been and a man of broad and generous views. were exceedingly interesting and the Wor- the guest for some days of Ben Cole and Meats. large quantity sold. shipfulMaster and officers of tbe lodge were other friends here, returned home on Mon- ^ A NEW REFRIGERATOR highlycomplimentedbyBt.Wor.Bro.Bookon day evening. Before putting aside your winter clothing Sabourin Bros, ore determined to be up- the efficient manner in which the work was Dan MoMaster, of Caledonia Springs, Having purchased a number of Fine Stall That wonderful Victorine leave your order for a to-date at any ccak. At great expense,they done. The brethern then repaired to the was in town this week. His many friends Fed Steers from Mr. A. G. F. Macdonald, for washing—everybody now have invests in a new refrigerator for Grand Union hotel, where a banquet was were very much pleased to see Mr. Mc- their butdier shop that is guaranteed to' given. The chair was filled by W. M. Master in town. we are prepared to furnish our customers is using it. Don’t fear, it keep meat untainted for twenty-one days Tiffany in his usual efficient manner, and with the best Meats of all kinds that the will do the work if used ac- in tae”bottçst weather. It is twelve feet' it is needless to say that amp*e justice was Jas Hope, of Glen Robertson, and Mr Spring suit each way and is done in the most finished done to the good things provided by Mine Ellis, who is a fellow-student at McGill market supplies. cording to directions. manner ; the builder being Charles Racette Host Cameron. Medical College, Montreal, of Mr Hope’s, of this place. This fact alone will guar- PRESENTATION AT LOCH GARRY were in town on Monday. We have purchased P. Bougie’s butcher antee a first-olaes job. Mies Cassie Campbell, who had been the business and rented the shop in Harrison’s Ring up No. 25, leave your and ^ At the conclusion of the service of Mass guest for some weeks of her brother, Rev. spring overcoat THE BON MARCHE STORE at Loch Garry chapel, on Easter Sunday, Block where he carried on business until order as I have secured extra As we have been too busy to write an ad- two of the young ladies of the plaee, in be- Father Campbell, of Dickenson’s Landing help, goods will be promptly vertisement or quote you price of our big half of the congregation, stepped forward returned home this week. recently. ■tock of dry goods, olotbing, boots and and presented Rev. Father McMillan with Dougald P. Kennedy, 4th Kenyon, left delivered. I have a full line of samples of English ■boee, hats aud caps, we are simply writing a well merited token of the esteem in which this week for ’Vancouver, B.O. Mr. Ken- 1000 Cakes of ice for sale at lowest prices. Worsted and Scotch and Irish Tweeds, this local to invite you to call and see our he was held and the deep appreciation feltfor nedy leaves behind him many warm friends prices for yourself. We will give special bis earnest efforts, under trying difficulties, all of-whom wish him every saccess. Buy Meat now as prices are continually rising. also a full set of bargains iu all lines for one week. For of ministering to their spiritual wants, by fresh eggs we pay the highest price of any the Roman Catholic people of Loch Garry Miss Bella McCrimmon, who bad been Here are some of our prices : ■tore in the village. - Don’t sell till you see and vicinity. The presentation took the spending a few daws the guest of her sister, the Bon Marche Store. form of a well filled purse. Before the Miss Annie L McCrimmon, of Queen’s pantings PAINFUL BUT NOT SERIOUS University, Kingston, returned home on reverend gentleman had time to reply, a Saturday evening. First-Class Steak 12c lb. Sirloin Roasts 12c lb. On Thursday of last week. Miss Bslla large proportion of ‘the congregation had McRae, of lot No. 22-lst Con. of Lochiel, left tbe chapel, and ho was obliged to defer ^Tan^San, or.some such name, was the Breast Stew 8c lb' Front Quarter Roasts loclb Can make a very servicable suit cheap. met waith a painful, if not a serious acci- thanking tbe people for tbe kindness shown designation of one of our visitors this week. Shanks 5c lb. Flanks 6c lb. Call and look over my samples. dent, by which she suetained a fracture of until last Sunday, when he . expressed his He hoped to start a laundry bat could not the left arm near the ehoulder ; the frao- gratitude ID his'usual easy and graceful induce anyone to put in fixtnres for the pur- Fit and workmanship guaranteed. ' tore Û but slight and Miss McRae, we are manner. We beg to congratulate Father pose in any building he could get to rent, pleased to learn, is doing as well as could McMillsn upon the appreciation shown for nor did he wish to make tbe outlay him- McDonald & Meloche, ^ DO expected with the skilful treatment of his services by the good people who come self. The result was be left town the 1 .Dr« A. L. Macdonald. • under his charge. same evening. Bougie’s Old S(and, Main Street, Alexandria, Ont. F. L. MALONE. THE GLENGARRY NEWS, ALEXANDRIA, ONT., APRIL 14. 1899. TUB SCTKOA? TATSH IN room—U'.L'y were’in the library, and 1 UNION BANK i:»’IT i:» ^ ’I? out so as to meet him face to The Ulsmurck Article In the First Issue face in the hall.” ;©ur ©ttawa Letter'/ of The Dnilj Mall. OF CANADA- A Woman’s Crime, “ Describe him, please.” London, April 10.—The first Issue of the if if Kate complied, and the detective In- Sunday edition of The Daily Mail contains CAPITAL, Paid-np, - - - • j)2,000,000 OTTAWA, April 10—When in OppoeitioD, stantly recognized the picture she a statement by Dr. Schweninger, for many REST, 350,000 if drew. It was Bradwardine. Liberals strongly and determinedly pro- ears Prince Bismarck’s physician, In whi'*h if " Miss Seaton,” said he, gravely, "you e relates the old Chancellor’s thirty years’ HEAD OFFICE, QUEBEC. have done a brave and wise thing. The tested against all unfair and noscrupalons struggle with do.-Uli. While hunting In aNDREW if A THRILLING STORY OF LOVE AND ADVENTURE. Sweden In August, 1837, he fell from bis THOMPSON, PreBident. man you describe is an enemy, not legislation snc'i as that of the Gerry- horse, experiencing thereafter a slight pain only to iMr. Bathurst, but to Miss Ar- HON. E. J. PRICE, Vice-ProBident. mander, the Franchise Act and other Tory In his left leg. Ho visited a quack doctor E. E. WEBB, if myn. Mr. Bathurst saved her from at Heidelberg, who ordered the application death at his hands. I hope it will not measures equally as selfish and iniquitous, of a plaster before proceeding on his l«uir- General Manager. t Sow Good Seed be long before you may know the and such protests were declared by Con- ney home by train. The chief Ingredient ALEXANDRIA BRANCH. if Red Cob, BY BAWBENCE M. LYJSTCH. whole truth, meanwhile, you have put Of the plaster was Spanish fly. The F’rince i? M A GENERAL BANEINO BUSINESS TBANSACTKP Yellow Dent, us on our guard. I will tell you this servatives to be mads solely for obstructive awoke In the night in violent pain. He much now. We hope, not only to clear purposes. During each succeeding session tore off the plaster and disclosed a deep Drafts isBued payable at all points in Canada if Ensilage Corn, if^ wound, which was perfectly black. A burn- and the principal cities in the United States Author of “John Arthur’* Ward,” “The Diamond Coterie,' Miss Armyn’s name, but to find the of their long regime, they loudly denounced ing inflammation developed, ond It was Great Britain, Franco, & Bermuda Early Learning, true criminal, and you may, nay, you thought that amputation of the log would if Pride of the North, i^ “Affainst Odd*,*’ Etc., Etc. have, aided in this. Now about the the Opposition for pursuing what they be necessary. treatment caused BRANCHES Alexandria* keys. Can you help us there ?” maliciously termed a plan of studied ob- temporary modifications of the pain. Luit it Boissovain. , Carberry, Deloraine Glen- Mammoth Southern Sweet.' Kate’s eyes gleamed with the light recurred frequently until his death. Ills boro, Gretna, Bamiota, Hartnoy, Hastinga, Hol- if i:^ of a sudden resolve. struction. This was always their favorite physicians on several occasions to’:l him be land, Indian Head, Lethbridge, Macleod, Mani- “Yes,” she said, with decision; “I plaint until the country by its incessant was within a hand's grasp of death. tou. Melita, Montreal. Merrickville. Minnodosa, Jason Bradwardine, for very shame, Moose Jaw, Moosomin, Morden, Neepawa, Nor- if WHEAT, Then he turns about and surveys the win. 1 am a favourite with the house- iteration, almost came to regard Liberal i^ had waited to be released by the bal- keeper. I know where she keeps the wood, Ottawa, Quebec, Shelburne, Smith,a Falls, room, to assure hkmeelf that every- EKOLAN'O LEADS IN DBINKINO. Souris, Toronto, Virden, Wawanesa, Wiarton, PEAS, let mistress, fearing her questioning keys. I will get them, and you shall Opposition in Parliament as synonymous we thing is just os when he first enter- Wiuohestor and Winnipeg. if i^ ed; he moves a chadr a little, shake* less than an encounter with strange have them.” with obstruction. The nape That She Had Fallen Behind BARLEY. men, or, perhaps, the police. For long " When ?” SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. out the folds of a curtain, surveys In It ii therefore but natural to suppose ITnrealized* the same manner the dressing-room hours he had lain there, growing stiff “ To-morow morning. Will that be In if i^ and boudoir, and then, like a shadow, and sore, under the pressure of his time ?” that now, since these woald-be educators London, April 0.—An official statement Deposits of 81.00 and apwards received, and Special prices to Mer- bonds, to be jeered at, at last, by the just issued shows England to be the great- he steals away, closing the door be- “ Ample. How wlll I receive them ?” of public opinioft in matters parliamentary onrrent rates of interest allowed. if cunning ballet mistress, and to be left, “ I walk every morning; if you can est drinking nation In the world, a dis- Intorot added to the principal at the end of chants and Farmers’Clubs. hind, and re-entens no more. covery which has astonished her people, May and November in each year. Still the wax tapers shed their mel- still a prisoner. promenade the avenue then, say for and political have come to occupy the He now tried his last resort; he who hoped she had fallen behind in the Special attention given to collection of Com- if Shipped to any Station. low light; still the little bronze dock two or three blocks south from here, benches on the left, that they would make alcoholic race. mercial Paper and Farmers' Sales Notes. if lifted up his voice and cried loudly at nine o’clock, I will be there—^vith ticks off the moments, and still Aura some effort, at least, to practice what they Of beer England drinks 30.31 gallons per Durand slumbers cn, with calm, fer help; again and again he called, the keys.” head per annum; America, 12.20; Germany, We are now issning Money Orders pay- if~ uptuîned face and regular breath- but no help came; and lying there the " Thanks, Mr. Jocelyn was sure we have so long preached to others. But 23.50: France, 5.10. Wine—England able at par atany brancli of any Charter- entrapped villain swore a terrible oath, might depend on you.” drinks .39 gnllon.s; America, .44; Germany, ing. Truly Mrs. Hlchards Is a having so preached they themselves have 1.34: France, 21.80. ed Bank in Canada, excepting'the Yukon wor.derful magnetizer. It is grey that once free, he would hunt down Again a rosy blush overspread the District, at the following rates :— if and slay the man that had caught become violent obstructionists. No more Of spirits England drinks 1.02 per head; ^ Have it For Sale. McDonald & Robb, dawn before the sleeper w'ak- girl’s face. America, .84; Germany and France both ei s, which she does with a start, and and caged him; albeit he did not then “ I am ready to do anything to serve conclusive evidence is needed to prove the 1.80. Under $10 8 cents Valleyfield know that man's name. Lenore,” she said. This gives England’s total consumption- if^ if a sudden exclamation. She sits up, obstructive tactics of the Opposition than $10 to $20 10 cents Roller Mills, Loklng about her in bewilderment, At nine o’clock that, evening an offi- “And you have served her. Have no S2.7Î gallons; America’s, 13.48; Germany’s, $20 to $30 12 cents then she springs suddenly from her cer lounging about the otrance of a further uneasiness about this meddler, has beeu disclosed by the debate on the 28.73; France, 28.70. if certain West-sjde politv station was The drinking of wine Is decreasing in $30 to $50 14 cents if bed, and runs to the dresslng-ropni. Miss Seaton; you have balked his address. On the ICth of March parliament VALLEYFIELD, - QUE. approached by a ragged gamin, who England, while that of spirits and beer J. R. PROCTOR, The little clock tells her it is near game, and T will look after him hence- Is mcreaslng. morning; she goes to the window then, slipped into his hand a note, and then forth.” op3ued and since that date public business Manager if if and peers out through the blinds. Yes, ran away at the top oS his speed. The A few more words and tliey separ- has been kept in abeyance while Tory officer gazed after hinri, muttered some- MARCH TRADE RETURNS. day is breaking; but how grey It ia ated, and .'i.s Francis Ferrars walked leaders, and their following, talk the weary if if if if if if if if if if if ifififi^if ^ "Can It be possible ?” ^mutters - the thing under \>s breath, and went briskly towards his “ quartera ” once girl. " Did I allow that woman to put leisurely inside. There, by the gas- niore, he muttered: “So, Mr. Bradwar- hours away for a month in the vague hope lir Loals Davies* I’lan to Train Canadian Furniture light, he rend this scrawl :— dine, we have not done with you yet.” Fishermen fer the Navy. me to sleep, and have I slept all night A man Is alone In house No.— N— of fishing out of the administration of like this ?” Suddenly she darts to the street, bound hand and foot: go and re- affairs in the Yukon district something London, April 10.—The March trade re- bed and lifts the pillow. lease him, and then " spot ” him. He turns show the following changes in the at Rock ” Ah, they are there,” she says, Is a grand rascal. CHAPTER XLV. which may fasten a scandal upon that ad- Imports from Canada in Canadian bottoms, drawirig a breath of relief. ” I put them Thus it happened that after ten AT THE MASQUERADE. miDÎstration or involve some government I.e., from Halifax and St. John, compared there, just as I did all the rest, for ef- o'clock at night, the " grand rascal ” with the returns §1 last year: Increases, fect, and I did sleep after all. The was visited by a pocse of police, and It was the night of the masquerade official in a discreditable transaction. It tattle, ^000; corn, £3000; bacon, £600i); Bottom day had been trying, bdt I did not was set at liberty, after having been ball ; the night on which Miss Annin makes no difference, however, how much oams, £11,000; butter, slight; pulp, £7000; know that I needed sleep so much. had desired that Aura Durand should Umber, £.3000; lumber, £24,000. Decreases, a helpless prisoner since 10 a.m., twelve the country suffers so long as party inter- Wheat, £18.000; flour, £11.000; peas, £2000; Sap Buckets, $6.50 and $S per hundred. Nothing is disturbed; they left all the long hours. He was very cautious accumpa;:y her. Miss Annin had in- theese, £32,000; fish, £13,000; horses, £1000. Prices. candles burning, I suppose, thinking after that, for he knew himself for a sisted, too, that " Cousin Charles ” ests are promoted seems to be the Tory The reports which have been cabled over Sap Spouts, 60c. per hundred. that I should, waken soon.” marked man. He even made some should not accompany them. There had creed. The discussion upon the address *f Sir Ix)uis Davies’ plan for training Can.i- She puts her hand to her throat, and feeble attempts at a disguise. But he been some sharp skirmishing between Slnn fishermen for the Imperial navy creates Pans, $6.50 each. draws forth the chain with Its pendent w'as not quenched yet. In the quietest these two young ladies. But in the allows so wide a range in debate that it wide Interest here. Developments are Syrup Cans, 75c. per dozen. manner possible he set about a new end. Miss Annin had triumphed, and embraces almost everything a member eagerly awaited. Pails, extra heavy, 3 for $i ; Medium, 3 for 50c. So far I am safe,” she mutters, work. For long hours of several days Charles Durand reposed at home in S would like to talk abo'ut under the sun. To " and I will make assurance doubly he searched files of city papers, and Ignorance of all that he might have Oumblers Jumped nt It. Wire Nails, 52.50 per keg. sure, even now.” illustrate this fact, it may be pointed out finally his search was rewarded. He enjoyed ; while the two young ladies, Xjondon,April 10.—The week’s chief gamb- Then she begins a hurried toilet. Not had found the full account of the Arte- each with a secret dread of the other at that last week a New Brunswick member ling was done over the new electric call ParlorSuites^iS.oo to $45.00 a dainty morning neglige; she arrays veldt tragedy. He hed assured heart, mingled with the masked and of the opposition side entered iuto a ful- board erected in the Stock Exchange. For- Sideboards 7.50 to 18.00 At P. LESLIE’S, hor.self in a plain dark dress, sitoh as himself of the truth Of Lenore’s brilliant throng at the Tip Top’s mas- merly a stentorian waiter shouted out the society never saw upon the form of statement. Then his courage re- querade. Such a scene os It was ; such some dissertation upon Sir Charles Tap- names of brokers whose clients were wait- Main Street, Alexandria, Ont. Aura Durand: she wraps about her a Extensidn vived, his assurance returned to him. glow, and glitter ; such bursts of mu- per’s political life from its start to the ing outside. Now an experimental hoard grey travelling shawl, and over her hat He devised a new scheme, and set sic ; such ripples and shouts of laugh- has been erected. It is covered with white Tables 6.50 to 10.50 she ties a thick, dark veil. Then she about its accomplishment. One day ter ; such knights and ladies of high presc-nt time. He would doubtless have ground glass with squares on which are goes again to the closet; opens It, pulls he boldly approached the Artevcldt black figures from one to fifty, represent- degree; such an assembly of guests vei'tureJ to penetrate a little into the ing that number of firms. When a brilli- from about her neck the slender chain, mansion, rang the bell, and asked to from long-closed tombs ; of elves from Iron Beds, dark or white, doable and unlocks the trunk; (hurriedly, care- vaguc aod niist> fu’ure had he not sudden- ant electric light shines behind a figure ft see Mrs. Arteveldt " upon important other planets: of beings from the im- rtprescntatlve of that firm knows that a or single. lessly she pulls out one thing after an- private business.” Of course he ob- possible realm ; and they were so ly awakened to ihc consciousness that ' other, and finally she draws forth the client I.s waiting. tained a hearing; not only this, he clever and condescending, and social there was a strange silence on bis side of The Idle brokers immediately saw specn- black valise. In another moment the came the next day, and the next. withal. There were the Queen of iative posslbllitlos. A bank was formed Mattresses of (he latest styles at candles are extinguished, the trunk Is the House and that the e^es of all the from $.75 to $5.00. SUGAR MAKING^ One day a gentlom:in rang the bell Scots, Darnley and Queen Elizabeth, and odds at first of 44 to 1 were offered refilled and closed, and Aura Durand and asked for Kate Seaton. She came sundry of would-be leaders of the Tory agallnst a particular number. Then it was glides from her room, locks the door all on the best of terms. And they down, expecting, hoping, to see Rob chatted and danced w'lth Washington, seen that certain numbers showed fre- carefully behind her, and, cautiously, party, from Foster down to Davin, wore quently, and the odds against them wera Lounges in leather, carpet or plash Jocelyn; but the foce that met hers Napoleon and Marie Antoinette. There silently, passes through the broad hall, %yaa a strajige one. The gentleman flashing stern disapproval at this members’ shortened. A chance on odd or oven num- at from $4.76 to $10.00. IS NEAR AT HAND. do-wn the stairs, and finally pauses at arose os she entered the room, and was Old Mother Hubbard waltzing bers is quoted at even monej*. The figures the street door. Carefully she draws laudation of the Senior Tapper. are mostly off, and the bookies are now presented to her a letter, saying cour- madly witii a big Cardinal ; and asking a shade in their favor. As the call back the bolts, and lets down the teously :— Marth.'i Washington taking an Ice Apart from the desperate hope that by Chairs of all descriptions ; also Funeral chain, then, with the black valise beard is proving a success from the point Do you require—Sap Buckets, " Miss Seaton, I bring a letter of in- with Robin Hood. Then the brigands obstructing the passage of the Address for of view of the stock exchange arrange- Supplies, Coffins and Shrouds in all lines tightly clutched In her small hand, she at very moderate prices. - troduction. from Mr. Jocelyn; it also and gyp.sies, the pages and fairies; a time, some kind of an indictment might nicnfs. Its uncertainties are sure to provide hurries out, down the stately steps, explains my business here, I believe.” ccMstnnt opportunity for specnlatlon. The highest market price paid for Grain, Cans, Pails, Spiles or any other and aftvay. the Nights and Mornings, the flower Kate took the note, bowed, blushed, girls, the harlequins, the monks, the be found against the government in the Eggs, Etc., Etc. Call and you will be It is not yet fairly daybreak, the and opened it. It was brief, to. the Sugar Making Supplies P If so, streets are silent, deserted; she glides nuns, the fiends and the graces, they administration of the Yukon, there is Jaafln McCarthy’s Eyeslg-ht. satisfied. I-cInt, and* altogether cl’aracteristic of v»ere all there. Through this gllttcr- swiftly on, and out from somewhere Rob Jocelyn. Thus it read clearly revealed the Tory sobeme that by London, April 10.—Justin McCarthy, suffer- call and learn our prices before glides an almost imperceptibU grey .ing, varied throng moved two daugh- ing from a double cataract, underwent a H. D. ncGILLI5, Dear Miss Seaton.—This will introduce ters of Araby, hand clasped In hand; their policy of obstruction they may be shadow, that follows, seeming hardly to to you the first and best of Engll.sli de- preliminary operation this week in a private Glen Robertson,Ont purchasing elsewhere. be a human thing in that grey morning their snowy flowing veils thrown back, able to create the false impression upon hospital at Margate for removal on the tectives, Mr, Francis Ferrars, who will their bright eyes gleaming out from right eye. He stood the operation admir- mist. On she goes upon her strange er- call upon you In my stead, I being, to the minds of the electorate th^t behind all ably. He will be- six weeks under treat* rand, and on glide.') the shadow, f^e my deep regret, unable to leave busi- behind their velvet masks, and wan- dering restlessly over the throng. They this deluge of otherwise useless talk there nient before both cataracts are removed. ROB. MCLENNAN. 1ms been moving nearer and nearer to ness for a moment now. Can you con- His health was wonderfully restored by a trive to get from Mrs. A ’s house- looked like affectionate sister hourls, might possibly be something crooked which the lake ; on to w'bere a dark pier Is keeper the keys of the closed-up house ? long stay .*it Westgate-on-Sea, and he looks dimly outlined through the gloom. She who had stolai from the harem for forward to returning to L-ondon and hl.s Banque d’Hochelaga, This by request of Mr. Bathurst. .’f a brief hour of pleasure, and were the Government desires to keep concealed glides out upon this pier, out, until she they can be got without the knowledge Parliamentary duties when the operation is stands at the end ; then she bends for- of Mrs. Artevcldt it will be better. Please somewhat overawed by ail this glow from the public ken. completed. Hoad Office, Montreal. ward, swings the black valiso to and reply by Ferrars. By the bye—he is and dazzle. Thus they looked, as REPEAL OF TBS OESRTHANDXR. Bargains in fro, and suddenly lets go her hold upon the present protector and champion of they paused in a little alcove of vines L-j— A , who Is well, and, I believe, and flowers; but this Is what they During the coarse of bis speech upon the ■ oir Many Ar« Lost. it ; the swaying Impulse given It sends Capital subscribed $2,000,000 said Address, Sir Charles Tapper intimated London, April 10—The British steamer It but over the water, and then It falls, Capital paid up 1,125,000 New Spring Goods and, with a dull splash, disappears from “ I don’t see any such mask, and Cato foundered 16 miles north of I>ong- ROBERT JOCELYN. we have been all through the rooms; that a most determined opposition would ships Lighthouse, on the coast of Coru- Rest 450.000 sight, several feet from the pier. For M-all. The captain, his wife and six others ^ Our Spring and Summer stock is now full and complets in every line. Kate Sepjton Icoked up from the per- you have come on a fool’s errand.” . be made against the passage of the gov- Guarantee Fund 20,000 a moment she gazes at thé place where “Stuff !” It was the hour! who had of the ship’s company have been landed Cr. Profit and Losa 5,496 ^ Splendid assortment of Boys’ Clothing. It went down, as if half expecting to usal of this rnl.ssive, the colour com- ernment’s bill to readjust the boundary at Milford Haven by a steamer trawler. taken the lead that made this answer. Boys’ two piece Earl suits (made in Scotland) regular price $3.75, our see it reappear; then she turns, and ing and going in her oheeks, her one lines of the gerrymandered counties. The thought that she might hear ^od news “ I tell you I saw the bm for the cos- F. X. ST. CHARLES, President. ^ price $2.70. swiftly retraces her steps. And still tume; he will come as Lara; we have JUSTICE FIELD DEAD. the grey shadow is behind her. of Lenoro. plain inference which may be gathered ROBT. BICKERDIKE, Yice-Pres. ^ Boys’ three piece Early suits (made in Scotland) regular price $4.50, our “Oh, slw,” she cried, breathlessly, only to wait.” ^ price $3.69. from his remarks upon this subject is that One of the Four Famous Sens of David DIKECTORS ^ -I CHAPTER XLIV. “ Mr. Jocelyn tells me that you are “ And what then ?” Men’s Suits, Canadian and Scotch Tweeds and English Serges, $3.44, “ And then see who she Is.” although the act would of course pass the Diidlry Field. Chas. Cbaput, J. D. Rolland, and J. A. a friend to Miss Armyn. Tell me, is gj $1 20, $5 65, $7.50 to $10. BRADWARDINB AGAIN. she safe ? is she well ?” “ And after that ?” Commons,it would perhaps mcetwitha fate Yaillancourt. “After that'—” with a short, bitter Washington, April 10.—Justice Stephen J. Special lines of odd Trousers, Vests and Coata very cheep. “ She is safe and well. Miss Seaton," similiar to that of the Yukon Railway Bill Field (retired), of the U. S. Supreme Court M. J. A. Prendergast, Manager. Great bargains in Raincoats and Boots and Shoes. What has become of Jason Bradwar- replied he, with a smile, “ and she laugh, “ I may c«k your advice.” died here at 6.30 lust evening, from nil- C. A. Giroux, Assistant Manager. dine 7 We must now look after hjm, wants to see you very m-uch. Some “ Bah ! I know what will happen. of last session, when it came up for con- ments Incident to old age. Judge Field was and gather up a few threads that be- day soon, I hope that you may visit There will be a scene, raving, recrim- 82 years old. At the time of his retirement, sideration before that venerable body of AGENCIES :—Three Rivers, Sorel, Joliette, E. MCARTHUR, long to our fabric. her with safety.” inations; and then—reconciliation. I two years ago, after serving 34 years, be When Mrs. Harris returned from her know* you.” Tories in the Upper Chamber. The faith- had been In bad health for some time, hut Louiseville, Valleyfield, Winnipeg, Notre The Fashionable Tailor, Maxville, Ont. fruitless errand to the two young Suddenly a shadow fell upon the " Not so well as you will—later. ful majority in the Senate has received its his ambition to serve on the Supreme Court Dame Street West, Montreal, St. Cather- girl’s face. There will be no scene: neither will bench longer than Chief Jusilee M.arshall ine Street East, Montreal, Quebec, Sher All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles and Oil for sale. ladies, who only existed In tbe brain instructions to dispose of the redistribution had induced him to refuse retirement, al- of the ingenious Mr. Bradwardine, she “ Then—she is In the city,” she said, there be any blood shed. My dear, though long past the legal age, until after brooke and Vankleek Hill. came filled with wTatb, despite the "ex- gravely. “ Mr. Ferrars, I have some- I shall come back to you, and shall measure, and it is not at all likely that it Id.s term had exceeded that of the first chief Agents in Chicago, New York, Lon^.on, tenuating circumstances ” of new hat thing to communicate to Mr. Bathurst, ruin him, that Is all.” will disregard the summons to again do its (ustlce, Eug., Franco and Germany. and shawl and the carriage. She rang something that he should know. Is he The second hourl started back. Stephen Johnson Field was born at Wad- the bell furiously, and w'hen, after —where I could see him ?” “ Ruin him !” she exclaimed. “ That partisan duty at the pary behest. AUhougb dam, Conn., Nov, 4. 1816. He was the son VANKLEEK HILL BRANCH. waiting a little time, no one responded, “ I am sorry that I cannot inform will bo to ruin yourself.” the Older went forth before any intimation of David Dudley Field and one of four you, Miss Seaton. If you feel that you “ Not—if I am within the pale of brothers who because so famous—David D. MeINNES, she gave the door a vigorous shake ; bad been given by the Premier of what the Dudley, Cyrus W and Henry M. Field be- to her surprlse,she found that it opened, could trust Mr. Jocelyn—or—myself, as respectability,” with a mocking laugh. 42-1 yr Manager, provisions of the redistribution bill would ing the other members of the quartet—that end then Mrs. Harris bounced In. The our Interests are one with his—we “ Not If I am protected by you.” tl'.elr names are known throughout he first thing to meet her eye was a letter, would endeavour to communicate with “ And that you will not be.” probably enact, yot that fact bad no weight world. In 18.39 ho became Chief Jusilee, him.” “ That I will be I Domt be a fool, which lay upon the floor, directly at with Tory leaders lor they fully recognize succeeding Chief Justice David S, Terry. In the foot of the stairs ; a letter which Kate hesitated for a moment, and please.” 1863 President Lincoln appointed him Asso- TWO Neil Bathurst had let fall, unperceived then said :— The second hour! moved forward a tiat repeal of the gerrymander acts must ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of the “ If you are the present protector of by Lenore, when they left the housa step and then uttered a sudden ex- benefit the Liberal party by removing the United States, and he held that position Good Eyes. Lenore, you, too, should know of this, clamation. " See,” she said, turning until his retirement on Dec. 1, 1807. I think. In telling you, I must betray to the other, " yonder comes your scandalously unfair advantage which these Many people have only one the confidence of my patroness. But Lara, and he Is in excellent company; The ballet mistress picked It up; it acts gave to Conservative interests. UE*8 DOWN ON THE FRENCHMEN. and don’t know it. Try this : WHS addresed to herself, and she she is implacable against Lenore.” on one side a priest and on the other “ If it affects Miss Armyn or Mr. By some strange fiction of the imagina- opened It hurriedly, her eyes 'lllatlng the devil.” Conieqaeatly He Set Fire to the French Close the right and endeavor Bathurst, Miss Seat#n, you should not True- enough, advancing toward tion Tory Senators appear to be seized with astonishment as she read these hesitate; this is not an ordinary case,” J.obxter Factory. to read with the left eye alone; lines : them, came Lara, Mephistopheles, and with the idea that while yielding a servile said Francis Ferrars. a funereal-looking monk; and not far St.John’s, Nfid.,April 10.—Graham Taylor, make a corresponding test Madarer—The man who has called him- “ Be seated, Mr. Ferrars," said Kate, behind them a ^ey nun, with meekly- ac:]uiescence to the demands of their a settler of Bonne Bay, on the west coast self Senor Castro is an impostor and a with right eye. This is a sim- with sudden resolve, at the same time folded hands and drooping head, mov- leaders, they can at the same time demon- Of Newfoundland, has confessed that be set criminal. He brought yourself and your seating herself. ” I will tell you all fire to the French Lobster Factory on St. ple but very effective test for young charge here in order to gain the ed after. that I know.” “ Well,” said the houri, who had last strate to the public that constitutional John’s Island, Intending to provoke a <-rlsls opportunity to murder the latter; this In the treaty shore question. He has been discovering the relative power he will attempt during your absence. If, The detective took a seat near her, spoken. “There Is your Lara; now to function of independence which Sena- and she went on hurriedly ;— arrested on a charge of arson. When under of the eyes. when you return, you find both missing, find his fair enslaver.” tors wore to exercise in the plan of examination before Magistrate Avery of if at First You Don’t know that be has accomplished his ob- “ Sevenal days ago a man called to The three masks were directly op- Bonne Bay, Taylor declared that It ^’as Properly fitted glasses help to ject- If he is here, he has failed. see Mrs. Arteveldt, sending up word posite them now, and the eyes of Me- government devised by the framers of the time the Frenchmen were cleared off the preserve the organ of sight for yea'-a. BeWarnU against In any way aiding or that his business was Important. She phistopheles fell upon them. federal constitution. The motive which coast. He gloried In his deed, and boasted Succeed, sheltering this man, otherwise you will went down all eagerness, of course, “ Houris !” he cried, dropping the that no Newfoundland jury would evoi- con. Our Optician Fits Properly and will involve yourself In difficulties and dan- and in a little more than an hour re- arm of Lara. “ Houris escaped from induces the Opposition to denonnee any be happy to test your eyes at any time. Advertise Again, turned terribly excited; and this is the the Sultan. Look at them. Friar attempt to reform and render the Senate e A DETECTIVE. sum of what she told me. In her half Lawrence.” useful branch of the government is a toe Mrs. Harris was thoroughly astbn- hysterical way. The man had intro- But the monk crossed himself de- BOLSTER & eO. . Ished. She gazed about her for a mo- duced himself as a detective from voutly. “ Th.?y are pagans," he thinly veiled hypocrisy to deceive anybody. ment, and then started up the stairs, abroad; he said tha4 he had been em- groaned. “They are not like The Senate, as it is now composed, is un- calling, as she went, the assumed name ployed to find the mother of Lenore Druggists and Opticians, this holy sister,” putting h.Is doubtedly a highly useful body just now to of I.euore. From above a voice an- Anmyii; she, Lenore’s mother, having hand out as the grey nun approached. Lancaster, Ont BW'ered ; It was a man’s voice, and she fled from home after purloining a will The second houri laughed, a soft, assist the Tory party in carrying oat its that would enrioh certain ones ^V!hom followed the sound, approaching the ccoing laugh. “ You are powerless to plans of opposition to a successful isam door of the room where lay the bound she hated. He. had pursued her in harm us, oh Satan,” she said, in the man. She looked in ; ' her late em- order to regain the will, but finding softest of tones, drawing near his sul- It can, and may, prevent the righting o ployer lay ‘^here, fettered and helpless. that the mother was dead, and being phuric majesty. “ We are promised the great wrong in respect to the Gerry FARMS F(^ SALE. informed that her papers were all in her Then her courage rose; she was Mrs. Paradise.” mander ads. It can perpetuate tbit Harris once more. She stood in the daughtec’s possession, he had turned “ But I enter Paradise,” quoth Me- Lot 25-8 Lancaster, 100 acres. doorway and surveyed him coolly. his attention to Lenore, of course. Three phlstopheles, bending toward her, and wrong so long as it contains within iu Lot 1-9 Charlottenburgh 94 acres. times, so he said, he had found her, “ Are you taking a nap, Senor 7 ” she suddenly seizing her hand. " Como walls a Tory majority and its powers con- Lot 36 0 Charlottenburgh 150 acres. asked, sarcastically.Where ,1a, my and. each time . sh-e had escaped him, fair one, I will show you my kingdom, A 3 acre lot witli good house and stable beauty ? How came you in her twice through the interference of a end then—you shall”—he paused, and tinue as arbitrary as they are at present. known as the Mainvillo property at Glen young man whom he believed to be a the monk finished the sentence. “ And The outcome of senatorial action npon the Robertson. Get something and cut these ropes, detective. He had some reason for then—you shall know purgatory. believing that Mrs. Arteveldt wa,s be- redistribution bill when it comes before the A 1 acre lot with good frame house, quick,” cried the man. ”I have been Houri, begone.” newly painted, stable and shed known as ing trifled with by the detective in her The houri laughed again, and snf- Senate will be awaited with much curiosity robbed and nearly murdered.” employ, and oame to her privately, and thi Roi or King property at Glen Robert- ” How y<'U talk,”—seating herself fered the Prince of Darkness to lead and iutercst. composedly pear the door,—” was my as a friend, in the interest of justice her away. At the same moment Lara and right. If Mrs. Arteveldt would turned impatiently, made a sign to the There is no real cause for opposition to One village lot in WilHamstown, contain- pretty girl mprdered ? " favour him Nvith a description of the ing about 2 acres, has good frame house *• No; she ran away. Cut these ropes, monk, and moved across the vast hall. the repeal of the gerrymander, and the man who was operating for her, he As he did so, the first houri, casting a -and stables, is situated opposite post office ; Mrs. Harris, quick,”- could then tell her if his suspicions proposition does not appear to excite any " I don't know about that,” said tho glance in the direction taken by her and one village lot in South Lancaster, w'ere co-rrect. As you may guess, geuuino protest in the country against the containing one acre, with good stables and ballf^t mi8tJ*c«s, reflectively. "What he beguiled heu pi “ If it is within my satanic power.” ing after the seals of office, to regain them rand ; that you are an Impostor.” to the description of Mr. Bathurst, Or A. LECLAIR, bus, Ga.. 1888. writhed, and gnashed his teeth In She looked back with a pretty bird- will find it to their ad- darted In. knocked him down with some like motion of the head, and then lifted at the first opportunity. Apart from that North Lancaster, Ont. 42-3m HIGHEST AWARDS—St. Louis Agricultural liTiIx>tent rage. iron weapon, and fled with the givl, Mechanical Association, 1889. ” Own up that you tried to murder leaving him lying senseless. All this her eyes again to his. consideration, however, exists the honest vantage to write this “ You can,” she whispered, eagerly, 4;OtD MEDALS and 6 DIPLOMAS—World's Colum- that sweet girl, and that you were had disturbed Mrs. Arteveldt, and put and only niotlvs upon which this reform is office for one of our latest bian Expo8itiOF\Chica^^^ defeated. Oh, I know you ! " all manner of absurd ideas into her “ It is only to convey a scrap of payer Into the hand of the knight Lara,” bated- The redistribution bill is designed HIG HEST AWARDS—Western Fair Association, Lon- " Then don’t ask useleas questions. I head. She doclared her intention of up-to-date sample books don jCanada^lS®^ see you are in the plot, too,” he snarl- sending for her lav^ yer, but the man He gazed intently down into those to expunge from the statute book the dis- appealing eyes for a mcment, and of horse cuts and price Tie Bank of Ottawa SIX GOLD ME DALSand Diplomas—Cal.Midwinter Fai r.'94. ed. " 1 paid you for all you did. Set held her to a promise to hold his com- graceful outrage committed by the Conser- me free and I will give you more munications as confidential, saying that then he said :— SILVER MEDAL-Industrial Exposition, Toronto, Can., U95 Satan submits; givq me the paper. vatives through their gerrymander act of list. Booklet sent free HEAD OFFICE, OTTAWA, ONT. money.” if she would say nothing about the 34^5,584 Home Comfort RttngVM Sold to Jan., I80T Mrs. HaiTls arose and dfigw h?r man- affair, but would Inform him when Houri.” 1^2 which was purposely enacted to block on application. She drew from her l)odlce a scrap CAPITAL (anthorized) $2.000,000 iT^lüuîfîe lUostrated Is sold only from onr own wagons at a ..V’î*Je ,about her like a Spartan. she would receive a visit from Mr. Liberal chances of success as far as possible uniform prico throughout Canada and the United Slates. “ I am a theatrical agent, Mr. IJar,” Bathurst, he would be near, and trace of paper and pressed it into his hand. CAPITAL (fully paid up) $1.500,000. said, grandly. " I don’t éPP^Rt out the hiding-place of poor Lenore. “ Watt for me,” he whispered, and in the province of Ontario. This act was The News, REST - * • $1,170,000 Mado of open hearth, cold rolled Hteel-plato and malleable in a moment was striding through the Iron—will latt a llfe-Umo vdth ordinary care. J5ribcs from assassins.' J ' believe Ip He hf^s been here two or thrçe times, so glaringly unjust that not long after it DIKECTOnS. and every visit seems more and more throng. Alexandria, Ont. striking such nien as you when they are had been put into operation, it provoked down. Top wouldn’t like to have mè to unsettle Mrs. Arteveldfg faith in “ Oh !” whispered the houri imdsir CHARLES MAGEE, President. Mr. Bathurst. His brief reports of late, her breath; “she did not think that the severest condemnation of its provisions GEORGE HAY, Vioe Presidont. WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO., LIMITED get you some more toilet ladies, would Founded 1664. Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 you ? No ! Them goqd-day, ^rhaps and his mysterious absence from the I would dare so much. But I do net city, she constnues against him-^nd I choose to have them quarrel yet.” from a prominent supporter of the Comer- Hon. Geo. Bryson, Sen., Alex Fraser, John Faoterlos. Salesrooms and Offices: TORONTO, CANADA, and ST. lOt'ftS, 910. LE>send some one to put yqii loose,afteç At this moment the monk and the vative admiuistratoa, the late D’Alton Mc- Mather, David Maclaren, D. Murphy. a while; but'I may forget it, my mem- believe that she has promised to in- Western Salesrooms and Offless : DENVER, COLO. ' form this man as soon fts she has heard nun glided by like two ghosts, and sat BRANCHES — Alexandria, Arnprior, iSTWe manufoct’sre and carry a complete stoclc of Rotoi BonireB and Kitchen ffoodst also tbe ory is so defective,” APd with a cheer- down near her in a shadowy recess. Carthy, who expressed sincere regrat that Money from hi--inalthough she has not told Unequa.led HOME COMFORT S’TEEL FURNACES. Write for catalosue and prices. ful nod and a mocking laugh. Mrs. A few moments later Lara held in his he bad allowed party loyalty to lead him Bracebridge, Carleton Place, Dauphin, Harris crossed the hall, gathered to- hand a scrap of paper containing these To Loan. Man , Hawkesbury, Keewatin, Kemptville, gether her few effects, and shook the Mr. Ferrars was listening to this very into committiog so great an injustice in WERE VERY SUCCESSFUL—Mr. J. A. Latimer, divisional auperintend- gravely, and when Kate ceased speak- Mattawa, Montreal, Ottawa (Head Office) entp of the Wrought Irou Company Limited, of Toronto, and his staff of salesmen who dust of that house from her feet. supporting the Tory gerrymander act. The For 5 per cent, and upwards according to lie Wellington St.; Ottawa, 186 Bank St.; •' I flatter rnyself that was well done.” ing. he sat for a few , moments in “ Be cautious: you are watched. The have been located at Owen Sound with headquarters at the Seldon Houee tinco Nov- thoughtful silence, then he asked ;— houri In the silver tunic Is Nina.” redistribution bill will at last free Ontario amount required and security offered Ottawa, 137 Rideau St.; Parry Sound, ember 20th, leave on Saturday for Montreal. During their stay here they have sold ahe said, a» sh*» went down stairs. ” I " Did you see this man, Miss Sea- Pembroke, Portage la Prairie, Rat Portage, piade the man think that I know some- Lara road these words, and then be Liberals in many counties from bondage eight car loads of Home Comfort Ranges—family size—to the best class of people of ton ?” crumflecl the paper in his hand and Mortgages Bought, Farms for Sale. Renfrew, Toronto, Winnipeg, Man. thing, and th^'n he owned up. I could ■’ Yes; I believed him, from the first, which they have endured for the past nine- Bruce and Grey Counties, also two of the largest hotel outfits to the Seldon House and pot afford to help him. I don’t . run walked indolently on, pausing a. mo- teen years under the shameful gerryman- Agent for TheFarmers and Traders A general banking bnsiucss transacted. Queen’s Hotel ever brought into this county- Mr. Latimer and his staff have by their to be an enemy to Mr. Bathurst, and Life and Accident Insurance Co., ^»cumcr to any detectives, not if 1 know I wanted to see him, so that if it ment to chat with a flower girl, a fairy, der. Interest allowed on deposits at current rates. honorable dealing evidently won the confidence of the entire community. The vast jr.ypclf. But I must find out more or a gypsy. Presently he paused be- and The Atlas Loan Company. amount of business which they have done is evidence of itself of the satisfaction which''Nmaj seemed right to give warning, I would fcre a pretty page all glittering in blue AloxaQdrla Brunch: about thl«, and about the girl.” be able to describe him; the second I TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. GEORGE HEABNDEN. their ranges have given. They made twice the number of sales during (his visit than And Mrs. Harris went back to the and gold. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail lime he came 1 in tha dr»wln«-- Druggists refund the money If It foils to OFFICE : JAMES MARTIN. they did when here five years ago when they covered tbe same territory. friendly roof of Mrs. Home, the pro- {To be continued). Manager. phetess. Cure. 25c. Simpson's Bloek Alexondrlat Ontario* Owen Sound Timei. J