The Glengarry Vol
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THE GLENGARRY VOL. VIII. ALEXANDRIA ONT. FRIDAY. APRIL 14. 1899. NO. 12. held at D Kennedy’s, of tbe east end on Volcanic Eruptions ®lj£ CIlettgarrD |Uhis. MONEY. MONEY. Thursday evening where a large number of Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of friends spent a most enjoyable evening. joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cures'them ; —18 PÜBLZ8SB1>— The undersigned is prepared to loan money E J and Mrs McEwen, of Maxville, were also Old, Banning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, the guests of H A McNaughton on Tues- 2VBBT FBIDAT HOBBXK Q* at 5 percent on terms to sait borrov^ers. Bon Marche (]ounty (Correspondence Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Oats', BrnisM, —AT THH— CHABGBS BEASONABLK. Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chitblaii^ A large crowd attended preaching in the Best Pile cure on earth. Drives ont Pains aLBKOABBT "NEWS " PEINTIVQ OFKIOK FAIR DEALING ACCORDED TO ALL. Presbyterian church here on Easter Sun- MAIK STBEST. ALEXANDBXA, ONT PRIVATE MONEY AVAILABLE. and Aches. Snly 25 cts a box. Care Store day. The choir rendered a number of gnaranteed. Sold by Ostrom Bros, ft Co , FARMS FOR SALE. selections suitable for the occasion. Druggists. 2 TKRVS OF SOBSOBXPTiON—one dollAT per rear ANGUS MCDONALD, MAXVILLE Mr McKay, principal of tbe Alexandria if paid In ad ranee, or within three months from 22-ly Insurance Agent. BREADALBANE High School, passed through town on beginning of year, $1J6 per year if not ee paid. A great discount sale for the W B McDiarmid returned to McGill on ADTXBTXBIK9 KATKS—Transient adrertise- Who is to have the honor of giving us the Tuesday. Holidays in Men’s, Youths’ & Monday. first taffy pull this season ? Miss Louisa Aird, of Sandringham, was ments, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first In- We are pleased to note an improvement MARTINTOWN sertion, 8 cents per line for each sabaeqoent Boys’ fine Serge Suits in any Most of our sugar makers predict that a guest of Miss Netta McNaughton on J M Foulds, of New York city, is visiting nsertion. CANADA color at h^lf price. Men’s in the condition of Beeve Cameron. this season is not going to be a good one. Sabbath last. OoMT&ACT BATBS—The following table shows Miss Lizzie Burton has returned to Mrs A D Stewart left on Friday to visit A sleigh load of the youth and beanty at his brother’s, A R Foulds. enr ratef: for the insertiotx of adrertisemente for White and Colored Shirts, Col- Avonmore. John Christy returned to McGill on speeifled periods*,— ' ATLANTIC RflIl-WAY. Mr. Stewart at Lake Saranac saoitarinm. of Warina drove to the residence of Wm lars, Neckties at half price. After spending Easter at home, Miss M Alex D MoNab and family, of Vankleok Munroe where they wore most hospitably Saturday to resume his studies. Adrerf lsements, without spécifié directions, B MoDoagall returned to Ottawa Monday. Hill, are moving to the farm of Henry Camp St Mungo Sons of Scotland intend will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- entertained by the host and hostess. having a picnic about the middle of June. ngly. Transient adrertlsbrnents must be i^d The services of the Congregational Cains which he intends to work. Mr Munroe, onr popular cheesemaker, n advance The short quick route to Montreal, Que- church Sunday were conducted by E A Donald McIntosh has removed from the was in town on Sunday. Keep your eyes open for the date. Adrertisemente will be changed twice each bec, Halifax, New York, Boston, Philadel- Harding, Montreal, who was the guest of farm of the late John McTavish to the Miss Janey Munroe, Apple Hill, was a Mies Jennie Fonlds returned home on month if desired. For changes oftener than phia, and all intermediate points. Dress Goods B B Blyth the early part of the week. Robertson farm in West Hawkesbury. guest of Miss May Sinclair lately. Thursday ; we welcome her back to town. wice a month the oompositien most be paid for A jolly party of young people spent D T Muuro left on Friday for a short t regular rates. MARCH 12, 1899. We are pleased to see James Irvine in Rev Mr Gollan, of Dunvegan, preached Thursday evening at the residence of D our midst again. holiday with friends in Apple Hill. Changes for contract advertisements must be in the Presbyterian church on Easter. The sale on the MoPhadden estate, on n the ollloe by noon on Tuesdays. We have the finest and newest Kennedy, 8th Kenyon, where they were We regret to announce this week the Miss Ina Urquhart was a guest of Mrs hospitably entertained by their genial host Tuesday, was well atteuded ; quite a lot of ITB. styles in Ladies Dress Goods, death of Peter A, youngest son of A D and D A McDougall on Sunday. IMO. and hostess. Mrs Stewart. He had been ill for some Miss Netta McNaughton retnrued to the stuff being disposed of at a good price. Muslins, Prints, Ready-made Mrs (Dr) McDiarmid returned to town time and passed «way on Monday, April Alexandria to resume her studies. ST. RAPHAELS 80 Inobes»^... $6000 $3000 $90.00 $T.00 on Friday from spending a few days visit- 10 inches...... 86X0 SOfiO 13.00 AOO Skirts and Shirt Waists will be 3rd. The funeral which took place on Malcolm McKenzie who is at present in Rev Father McRae, of Glen Nevis, visit- 0 inches...... UU» TfiO tfiO K K K B X XX XX ing friends at the Capital. Wednesday was largely attended. The Detroit, is ill with an attack of diabetis. 6.00 8A0 3.00 1.J0 P< 0Î 4 4 < (k A A A s,ild at a great discount. Come Her many friends will regret to learn of ed at Rev Father Fitzpatrick’s last week. bereaved parents have our deepest sym- We hope to bear of his speedy recovery. Mr Lamarre and his son, of St Poly- A. a. F. IfAODONALD, SSSS3S SS 3S and see our new goods. the serious illness of Mrs H Eippen who pathy in their hour of trial. rHOAA <SIO has been confined to her room for some GLEN NEVIS carpe, paid St Raphaels a business visit on Editor and Manager Miss Jennie McLaurio left on Friday the 5th. of April. xxa;xx xii-xx- last for Lake Saranac. Owing to the boom in our hamlet this A A A* A A : : ; A A : McKinnon ft Edward’s saw mill was spring all tbe vacant houses are occupied Miss Allie A McLennan has returned 33333 S j I jSg i closed down for a few days the latter part VANKLEEK HILL and real estate is going up ; Mr Ritchie, home from Osgoode where she had been Sustnws 5twct0rg, eoto<s<o«c -v : : : ni Bon Marche of the week for repairs. Dougald and Mrs Cameron, of Rat Port- blacksmith of Glen Norman, has purchased visiting friends for the past few weeks. We understand that a Mr Morrow, a age, spent a few days with friends here tbe vacant lot on the corner of Main and F Lafrance, merchant, was in Crysler XXXXXXX XX XX Saturday attending the funeral of his A A dentist from Bnssell will soon locate hare. this week. 7th streets and intends buildizg on it at LEGAL. liJ s • ^ 28 38 We have no doubt bat that a good dentist Mr Keys, principal of the Public School once. As Mr Ritchie has been doing busi- : ; : oo>iHo>oo-t. Store will soon work np a large practice here. here is at present attending an examination ness here before he will be a welcome set- Joe Berard, batcher, has moved to Glen P P Christie was in Riceville the early in Toronto. Roy. His intention is to open a butcher tler in our midst. shop in that place. J^ACDONKLL A COSTELLO, < g* part of the week. Miss Gray and Miss Bates, of the Pablic The mail service owing to the rush in M. SIMON, H Algnire has gone on the stage. He School staff, and Hr Clothier, of the High business which your Fort Castick corres- F Dapnis, merchant, paid a business BA&BUTBBS, has soblet tbe contract of carrying the School staff, spent Easter at their respect- pondent gave due notice of a couple of visit to Montreal on the 5th inst. SoLxorroBS, NOTABIBS PUBLIC, ETC. S«s ALEXANDRIA, ONT. mail from Maxville to Apple Hill from J B ive homes. weeks ago has been extended to Mnskrat WARINA Alexandria, Ont. Bonneville the contractor. Will McKenzie, of -Eganville, visited Point and is running in a very systematic J. A.B£ACI>ONXZ.I.,Q.O. F.T. CosTBXX,o. I o If a geneaal wind fall in beards is any friends here at Easter. manner which our town folks would like to Snow has disappeared and lakes are seen lilies 4s along the roads. Money to Loan end 6 per cent. h‘ ^ • indication of spring oar citizens need have A very sad death occurred here on Sun- put under strict snrveilance after the 1st no hesitancy in putting away their furs, as day evening, the 2nd April, when Mrs of May. Sugar weather has arrived and the first daring tbe past week there has been a Norman McLeod who had been enjoying Norman McKay paid Alexondria a busi- question from our young people is “who general down fall of whiskers. excellent health all winter, died very sud- ness yisit on Monday. will give the first taffy pull ?” JJD^ABD H. TIFFANY, X a s a s a Miss G McEwen returned to Alexandria ; : ; i -4 Resolved that women are intellectually denly, the cause being heart failure.