VOLUME VIII Members of the Executive Council

FEBRUARY 1, 1913

HoN. W. ScoTT ...... Premier and Minister of Education. HoN. J. A. CALDER...... Minister of Railways and Minister in charge of Highway Commission. }IoN. W. F. A. TuRG~ON... Attorney General and Pr-0vincial Secre- tary. lioN. V\ ·. R. l\foTHERWELL.. }\linister of Agriculture. HoN. A. P. McNAB ...... Minister of Public Works. HoN. G w. BELL ...... Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Telephones. HoN. GEo. LANGLEY...... Minister of Municipal Affairs.

HoN. J. A. SHEPPARD..... Speaker. ., J. F. BoLE, EsQ ...... Deputy Speaker. '' G. W. BROWN, Lieutenant Governor. [L.S.J CANADA: PROVINCE OF SASKATOHEWAK.


GEORGE THE FIFTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, KING, Defender of the. Faith, Emperor of India.

To OuR FAITHFUL TIIE lvIEMBERs elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, and to every one of you, GREETING:

T. A. COLCLOUGH, TlJHEREA.S, it is expedient for certain ff causes and considerations to con­ Deputy Attorney G.ene,ral } vene the Legislative Assembly of Our Province of Saskatchewan, \VE DO WILL that you and each of you and all others in this behalf interested, on THURSDAY, the FouRTEENTH day of the month of NOVEMBERnow next, at .our City of Regina, personally be and appear for the DESPATCH OF BusINEss there to take into consid­ eration the state and welfare of Our said Province of Saskatchewan and thereby to do as may see111necessary. Herein fail not.

IN TESTIMONY'WHEREOF, vVe have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province of Saskatchewan to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS, His Honour GEORGEWILLIAM BROWN, Lieutenant Governor -of Our Prov­ ince of Saskatchewan. At Our Government House in Our· City of Regina in Our said Province the FIFTEENTH day .of OcTOBER in the year of Our Lord, One thousand' nine hundred and twelve and in the THIRD year of Our Reign. By Command, EDW. J. WRIGHT, Deputy Provincial Secretary. JOURNALS






~~tthe First Session of the Third Legislative Assembly of the Province -of Saskatchewan begun on the fourteenth day of November, 1912, on which day, being the first day of the meeting of this Assem­ bly for the dispatch of business, J. W. :McLeod, Clerk of the Executive Council, delivered to S. Spencer Page, Clerk of the Legislative Assem­ bly, ce1;ti:ficates containing the names of such Members as had been retumed to serve in this Assembly, which is as follows: 12th November, 1912. To the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Saskat­ chewan,- This is to certify that by reason of the dissolution of tho Second Legislative Assembly of the Pr,ovince of Saskatchewan and in virtue of Writs of Election dated the seventeenth day of June last, and addressed to the hereinafter mentioned pels.ons as Returning Officers for the Electoral Divisions in the Province set opposite their respective names for the election of Members to represent the said Electoral Divisions in the Legislative Assembly, the following named persons have been gazetted as duly elected to represent the Electoral Divisions set forth below, as appears by the Returns to the said Writs, deposited Gf record in my office, viz. :

. Division. Member Elected. Returning Officer

1. Arm River George A. Scott H. M. Curtis 2. Battleford · S. S. Simpson Robt. Jefferson 3. Biggar C. H. Cawthorpe C. K. Playford 4. Cannington J. D. Stewart A. M. Stephen 5. Canora J. D. Robertson J. B. M!l iintosh 6. Estevan George A. Bell . Harry McLeo,;l 7. Eagle Creek G. H. Harris C. L. Mather 8. Francis :w. G. Robinson Lachlan McLean 10 NOVEMBER 14

Division. Member Elected. Returning Officer

9. Gull Lake D. Cameron Lochead E. E. Spackman, 10. Hanley J. W. MacNeill Jos. Craddock 11. Humboldt Hon. W. F. A. Turgeon Carl Mayer 12. Kerrobert Geo. H. Watson W. G. Stephen 13. Kindersley Hon. W. R. Motherwell J. D. McLeod 14. Kinistino E. H, Devline Andrew Jamieson 15. Last Mountain S. J. Latta E. F. Stedman 16. Lloydminster J.P. Lyle Harold Huxley 17. Lumsden F. C. Tate William Smith 18. Maple Creek D. J. Wylie F. C. B. Wilson 19. Melfort G. B. Johnston F. B. Goodwillie 20. Morse M. L. Leitch' A. Buhr 21. Moosomin A. S. Smith John C. Hilts 22. Milestone Berhard Larson J.M. Scott 23. Moose Jaw City W. B. Willoughby W. D. McIntyre 24. 'Moose Jaw County J. A. Sheppard Robert Baird 25. Moose Mountain R. A. Magee· A. B. Hill 26. North Battleford D. M. Finlayson F. Edwards 27. North Qu'Appelle J. A. McDonald J. W. Jolly 28. Pheasant Hills A. B. A. Cunningham G. F. Wanless 29. Pipestone R. J. Phin A. B. Potter 30. Prince Albert City J. E. Bradshaw M. B. Budgeon 31. Pelly J. K. Johnston E. C. Lawrence 32. Pinto Creek S. R. Moore D. J. Dupuis 33. Quill Plains W. H. Paulson G. A. Calvert 34. Redberry George Langley J. S. Goodrich 35. Regina City J. F. Bole F. B. Bradshaw 36. Rosthern Gerhard Er,s F. V. Rielly 37. Rosetown C. B. Mark L. M. Powell 38., Saltcoats Hon. J. A. Calder S. J. Mugford 39. Saskatoon City Hon. A. P. McNab R. 0. Kerans 40. Saskatoon County W. C. Sutherland G. H. L. Bigelow 41. Shellbrook S. J. Donaldson D.R. Ford 42. Souris R. Forsyth William Shearer 43. South Qu' Appelle F. W. G. Haultain Albert Stauffer 44., Swift Current Hon. Walter Scott Roy T. Graham 45. Thunder Creek Alex. Beaudreau W. T. Scott 46. Tramping Lake James M. Scott A. Bell 47. Touchwood G. M. Atkinson Neil McMillan 48. Vonda A. F. Totzke John H. Currie 49. ·wadena H. C. Pierce L. C. Wirtz 50. Weyburn R. M. Mitchell S. D. Boylan 51. Yorkton Thos. H. Garry A. D. Eckhardt

Your obedient servant, J. W. :McLEOD, Clerk of the Executive Council.

12th November, 1912. This is to certify that in virtue of a Writ of Election dated the nineteenth day of August last, and addressed to· J. S. Goodrich, Es­ quire, of Radisson, as Returning Officer for the Electoral Divison of Redberry, for the election of a member to represent the said Electoral Division irt the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, in the room of the Honourable George Langley; who accepted an office of emolu­ ment under the Crown, the Honourable George Langley, of Maymont, NOVEMBER14 11 has been duly returned as such representative, as appears by the Return to the said Writ, deposited of record in my office. J. W. McLEOD, Clerk of the Execidive Council. To S. SPENCJrn PAGE, EsQ., Clerlc of the Legislative Assenibly, Regina.

12th Noi'.ember, 1912. This is to certify that in virtue of a Writ of Election dated the nineteenth clay of August last and addressed to Harry McLeod, Es­ quire, of Estevan, as Returning Officer for the Electoral Division of Estevan, for the election of a Member to represent the said Electoral , Division in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan in the room of the Honourable George Alexander Bell, who accepted an office of emolument under the ·Crown, the Honourable George Alexander Bell, of Estevan, has been duly returned as such representative as appears by the Return to the said vYrit deposited of record in my office. J. W. McLEOD, Clerk of the Execui'ive Co'Uncil. To S. SPENCER PAGE, EsQ., Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Regina. 14th N ovembeT, 1912. This is to certify that by reason of the dissolution of the Second Legislative Assembly of the Province •of Saskatchewan and in .virtue of a \Yrit of Election dated the se-enteenth day of June last, addressed to Kenneth }.foPherson, of Bengough, as Returning Officer for the Elec­ toral Division of Willow Bunch, for the election of a :Member to repre­ sent the said Electoral Division in the Legislative Assembly, William W. Davidson, Esquire, of }.foose Jaw, has been duly returned as such representative as appears by the Return to the said vVTit deposited of record in my office. J. W. McLEOD, Clerk of the Execufrve Council. To S. SPENCER PAGE, EsQ., Clerk of .the Legislative ,1ssembly, Regina. 3 o'cLOCK P.:i\I, The }.fombers having been duly sworn and having subscribed the Roll containing the Oath repaired to their seats in the House.

3.15 o'cLOCK P.~r. His- Honour the Lieutenant Governor entered the House and° took his seat on the Throne. The Provincial Secretary then said: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor to info;:v:i you that he will defer stating the reasons for which he has 12 NOVEMBER 14

summoned the Legislature until the Legislative Assembly have elected a Speaker. It is, therefore, His Honour's pleasure tha.t the Legisla­ tive Assembly do n-0w proceed to the election of .a Speaker and present him here for His Honour's approbation. ' His Honour the Lieutenant Governor then retired from the House. :Mr. Scott then addressed himself to the Clerk ( who, standing up, bowed and then sat down), proposed to the House for their Speaker, John Albert Sheppard, Esquire, Member for the Electoral Division of Moose Jaw County, and moved that he do take the Chair of the House as Speaker, which resolution was seconded by Mr. Calder. The question being put by the Clerk it was- Resolved, unanimously, That John Albert :Sheppard, Esquire, do take the· Chair of this House as Speaker and the Clerk having declared John Albert Sheppard, Esquire, duly elected he was conducted by Messieurs Scott and Calder to the Chair, where he then said:

GENTLEMEN l - , I beg to express my grateful thanks and humble acknowledg1.nent ..---, · of the high honour the House has been pleased to confer on me, and while I leave the floor of this House to 'take the ·Speaker's Chair I feel that I also leave all political partisan feelings in order that I may discharge, with impartiality to all and to the best of my ability the various and important duties pertaining to the high office of the Speaker of the Legislative 1\.ssernbly of the Province of Saskatchewan. His Honour the Lieutenant Govemor then re-entered the House and took his seat on the Throne. The Speaker then addressed His Honour to the following effect: M.n IT PLEASE Y ouR HoNOUR,- The Legislative Assembly have elected me as. their speaker, al­ thoug·h I am but little able to fulfil the important duties thus assigned to me. If, in the performance ·of "those duties, I. sho{1ld at any time fall into error I pray that the fault may be imputed to me and n?t to the Assembly whose servant I am and who through me the better to enable them to discharge their duty to their King and country, hereby humbly claim aU their undoubted rights and privileges, especially that they may have ;freedom of speech in 'their debates, access to your person at all seasonable times, and that their proceedings may receive from you the most favourable consideration. The Provincial Secretary then said :

MR. SPF.AKER,- i I am c.ommanded by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor to declare to you that he freely confides in the duty and attach11;1ent of the Assembly to His :Majesty's person and Govemment, and not d01_1bting that their proceedings will be conducted with wisdom, temper and prudence, he grants, i,tnd upon all occasions will recognise and allow, their constitutional p1;ivileges. I am commanded also, to assure you that the Assembly shall have ready access to His Honour upon all seasonable occasions and that NOVEMBER 14 13

their proceedings as well as your words and actions will constantly receive from him the most favourable construction. His Honour was then pleased to open the Session with the fol­ lowing speech : zIR. SPEAKER AND GENTLEllIEN OF THE LEGISLATIVE AssEllIBLY: It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this, the first session of the Third Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. You are meeting during a time of great and general prosperity; the earth has given of its increase abundantly during the past season, and in every walk of life the beneficial results are evident. The province has recently been privileged to welcome in person his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, the Governor General of the Dominion, together with the Duchess of Connaught and their daughter the Princess Patricia. The keen.interest in the welfare of our people displayed by their Royal Highnesses will long be remem­ bered, and I feel that I am but voicing the general opinion in saying that we all heartily reciprocate the spirit of the gracious message which his Royal Highness was so good as to send to me when he ·was leaving the province on his retum journey east, in which expression was given to the feelings of enjoyment which our Royal visitors had had during their sojourn with us, and that the warmth of the welcome they had received everywhere they had been was much appreciated; When in Regina his Royal Highness was so good as to formally open this building and chamber upon their completion and dedicate them to the purposes for which they have been constructed. I do not doubt that the legislation that shall be enacted here from year to year shall be conceived and framed in the best interests of the people whom you represent. You have all heard of and rejoiced at the success achieved by the farmers of this province at the Dry Farming Congress recently held in Lethbridge in the Province of . To carry off the trophy for the best exhibit made by any state or province, as well as a number of indi- • vidual prizes, many of them being of the first rank, stamps the exhibits made by the pmvince as being of high excellence. The competition at the annual meetings of the Congress is keen, the competing exhibits representing the best that can be done for their several states by the authorities of the Agriculture Colleges and Departments of Agriculture of the majority of those states of the union in the central and western portions of the continent. To be successful in any degree under such conditions is remarkable and worthy of note. The A.gricnltural College is no;v meeting for the :first time within the walls of its own building on the grounds of the University of Sas­ katchewan at Saskatoon. The need for au institution of this nature is universally recognised and I feel assmed that your inte,rests in the work now being commenced and to be carried on through its means will be marked by snch tangible measures of appreciation as shaH result in placing the Agricultl1ral College of this province in the front rank of such institutions. You wiJl doubtless be pleased to learn that the Saskatchewan Co­ operative Elevator Company, an institution created by this .Asse111blyin 14 the interests of the farmers of the province, has successfully completed its first full year of operation and gi.ves every promise of fulfilling the highest expectations of those who were responsible for its organisation. You will I am sure join ·with me in expressing the hope that by careful management and wise control the operations of this company may be extended so as to bring relief and assistance to an ever increasing num­ ber of our grain growe1:s. The policy ·which was put into effect at the last session of the former Legislative Assembly, .under which has been commenced a con­ certed and organised effort to put the main roads of the province into such condition as shall render it practicable for the farmer to market his produce ,'l'ith the smallest possible expenditure of time or money is already showing good results. It is eamestly to be trusted that this good work shall be carried on in the spirit in which it has been com­ menced and that the tiine shall not be far distant when the disabilities in this direction that our farmers have been suffering from in the past shall have been removed. The rapid growth of the province and the consequent immense in­ crease in the public services devolving upon my govemment required me to add to the number of my advisers duri1ig the recess. To_ give efficacy to their work a reorganisation of some of the departments ~f the public service ,Yill be necessary and you will be asked to make provision for doing so. The live stock industry in this province in view of conditions at home and abroad calls for your serious consideration. The Legisla­ tive Assembly in thy past has given some assistance to this industry, but tlw present situation seems to call for greater activity in this direc0 tion. The advisability of providing means whereby the needs of our farmers and of our farms for more live stock may be met will no clonbt be: considered by you. attention will also be invited to the question of the present cost of loans to farmers, and you will be asked to make clue provision for holding an inquiry into the several phases of tho whole subject with a view to ascertaining the best soTution for this important problem. The qnestion of taking s,ome action tending towards the establishment of internal storage elevators wi11 also be. snhmittcd to you for consideration. Dnring the session yon will be called npon to consider several measmes of great interest to our people. Among these will be fonncl bills making pr,ovisions for direct legislation, consolidated schools, the abolition of local improvement districts and the regulation and control of loan companies. It is also proposed to adopt a better syst~m of muni­ cipal assessment, to modify the present method of assessment in town and village school districts and to place our rural telephone companies on a sounder :financial basis. Notwithstanding the fact that my government, carrying out the instrnctio11S of the last Assern b1y, has made repeated attempts to arrange for a conference with the federal anthorities for the purpose of discuss­ ing and ananging for the transfer to the province ,of its lands and other natural resonrces, the elate for such conference has not yet been :fixed. Under the circnrnstances and especially in view of th~ practically nn- NOVEMBER 14 15

animous mandate of the people my government feel that the question should again be submitted to you for consideration and for such action as may be deemed best in the interests of our province.


The Public Accounts of the province for the past fiscal year will be laid before you, as well as the estimates of revenues anrl expendi­ tures for 1913-14. These you will find have been prepared with all due regard to economy and the efficiency of the public service. I now invite your best attention to the business of the session and invoke the Divine blessing on your deliberations. His Honour was then pleased to retire.

::\Ir. Speaker informed the House that in order to prevent mistakes he had obtained a copy of the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor which was laid .on the table.

Ordered, That Mr. Scott have leave to introduce a Bill respecti11g the Administration of Oaths. Ile accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time. On motion of J\Ir. Scott, seconcled by }Ir. Calder, Ordered, That the Speech of his Honour the Lieutenant Governor be taken into consideration on :Monday next.

}Ioved by J\Ir. Scott, seconded by J\Ir. Calder, That the Votes and Proceedings of this House be printed after having first been perused by :Wir. Speaker and that he do appoint the printing thereof and that no person but such as he shall appoint shall presume to print the same. }\foved by J\Ir. Scott, seconded by :Mr. Calder, That the Select Standing Committees of the Hons& for the present Session he app.ointed for the following purposes: 1. Standing Orders; 2. Privileges and Elections; 3. Private Brns a11d Railways; 4. Pnhlic Accounts and Printing; 5. Agriculture and Municipal Law; 6. Law Amendments; 7. Education; 8. LilJTary; which said Committees shall severally he empmvered to inquire into and examine all such matters and things as shall be referred to them and shall report from time to time their operations and opinions thereon with power to send for persons, papers and records.

::\Ioved by J\Ir. Scott, seco11ded h,v J\Ir. Calder, That a Special C.ommittee consisting of Messrs. Smith, :Mitchell, "\Villong·hhy, Donaldson and the Mover and Seconder he appointed to prepare and report with all convenient speed a list of }\£embers to com­ pose the Select Standing Conm:iittees of this House. And then the House adj,ourued at 3.35 o'dock p.m. NOVEMBER 15


3 o'cLoc±c P.l\r. · Mr. Scott (Swift Current) from the Special Committee appointed to prepare and report lists of Members to compose the Select Standing Committees Ordered by _this House begs to report that they have pre­ pared lists of :Members accordingly ancl the same were read as follows: Standing Orders.:--1.Iessrs. Bole, ·willoughby, Scott (Swift Cur­ rent), Latta, 1.:foNab, Donaldson, Smith, Bradshaw, Lyle, :McDonald, Lochead, Robertson ancl Harris, and that five shall be a quorum. Privileges and Elections.-Messrs. Scott (Arm River), Turgeon, Wylie, Bole, ,Scott (Swift Current), Mitchell, Tate, Bell, Latta, Paul­ son, Smith, Willoughby, Finlayson, Larson, MacNeill, Robinson, Brad­ shaw, Watson, T.otzke, Lyle, Forsyth, Davidson, Devline, Ens, and that eight shall be _a quoi'um. Privcvte Bills and Railways.-Messrs. Mitchell, Calder, Smith, Willoughby, Turgeon, Phin, Scott (Tramping Lake), Langley, Wylie, Cunningham, Larson, :Magee, MacNeill, Bradshaw, Scott (Arm River), Totzke, Atkinson, Pierce, McDonald, Johnston (Melfort), Robertson; Simpson, Tate, Davidson, Moore, ancl that eight shall be a quorum. Public Accotmis and Prinhing.-1.Iessrs. :YiacN eill, Calder, Bole, Donaldson, ·Wylie, :McNab, Beaudreau, Latta, Bell, Davidson, Paulson, Phin, Finlayson, 0.nnningham, Bradshaw, Scott (Tramping Lake), Magee, Garry, :McDonald, ·watson, Harris, Leitch, Simpson, Tate, J olmston (Pelly), and that eight sha11 be a quorum. Agriculture and Municipal Lciw,::--l\Iessrs. Atkinson, :McNab, Beaudreau, Tate, Paulson, :Motherwell,· Finlayson, :McDonald, Phin, Langley, Stewart, Larson, Donaldson, Scott (Arm River), Garry, Totzke, Davidson, Lyle, Sutherland, Dcvline, Ens, Willoughby, Brad­ sha", Cawthorpe, Locheacl, and that eight shall he a quorum.

Lciw A1nend1nents.-l\Iessrs. Sutherland, Tmgeon, ..Willoughby, Stewart, :Magee, J\ifotherwelJ, :Mark, 'iVylie, Johnston (:Melfort), Pierce, Lochead, Donaldson, Johnston (Pe1ly), McDonald and Bradshaw, and that five shall he a quorum. Ecluccdion.-Messrs. -Stewart, Scott (Swift Current), Cunning­ ham, Tate, :iVIark, Motherwell, Robinson, Langley, Bradshaw, Scott (Tramping Lake), 'iVatson, Atkinson, McDonald, Forsyth, Johnston (:MeHort), Harris, Wylie, I:eitch, Ens, Cawthorpe, Pierce, Davids.on, Robertson, Simpson and \Villohghby, ancl that eight shall be a quorum. Librciry.-Mr. Speaker and Messrs. Leitch, Calder, ::Mitchell, Tate,· Bell, Bradshaw, Sutherland, Johnston (Pelly), Davidson, Moore, Garry and that £our shall be a quorum.

On motion ~f Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by Mr. Willoughby, Resolved', That this Honse cloth concur in the Report of the "Spe.cial Committee appointed to prepare and report ,lists of Members to compose the Select Standing Committees of the Hbuse. · And then the House adjourned at 3.10 o'cleJck p.m. N OVEl\IBE~ 18 17


3 o'cLOCK P.::.r. The followi~g petitions were presented: By 1Ir. Simpson,-Of R. G. Speers and :i\L II. :i\Ieredith praying for an Act to confirm and validate Agreement for sale re Lots 11 and 12 North of 19th Street, '\Vest of Central Avenue, Battleford. J3y :i\lr. W illoughby,-Of the City of Moose Jaw praying for an Act altering from 4½ to 5 per cent. rate of interest payable on certain debentures to be issued by the City of Moose Jaw. By :Mr. Willoughby,-Of the City of :Moose Jaw praying for an Act ratifying and, confirming certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw relating to the est.ablishment of a Public Library. By :i\lr. Bole,-Of Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corporation praying for an A'ct whereby the name of the Corporation may be changed to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation. . I Ordered, That Mr. Scott (Swift Cmrent) have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The School Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a seco1~d time on Thursday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Scott ( Swift Current) have leave to introduce a J3ill to amend The School Assessment Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and ~ Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next.

Ordered, That :i\Ir. Scott (Swift Current) haYe leave to introduce a Bi11 to amend The School Grants Act. He according presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next.

Ordered, That Mr. :i\fotherwell have leave to introduce a Bill re specti11g Bra11ds. He accordingly.presented the said Bi11 and the same was recei,recl and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read. a second time on '\Vednesclay next.

Ordered, That Mr. B€ll have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Treasury Department Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was recei,·ed and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on vVednesday next.

The Order of the Day being read for taking· into consideration the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the opening of the Session, 18 NOVEMBER 19

The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Speech into con­ sideration. Moved by Mr. Latta, seconded by Mr. Devline, That an Humble Address be presented t.o His ·Honour George William Brown, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan, as foUows: To His Honour George William Brown, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan.

l\L.Y IT PLEASE Y ouR HoNOUR,- W e, his Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative As­ sembly of the Province of Saskatchewan, in Sessi0n assembled, humbly thank your Honour for the gracious Speech which your Honour has been pleased to address to us at the opening of the present Session. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising thereupon, And the debate continuing, . On mo~ion of l\fr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Tate, Ordernd, That the debate be adjourned.

And then the House adjourned at 5;30 o'cl,ock p.m.


·3 o'cLOCK P.1\I. The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Bole,-Of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Com­ pany praying for an Act confirming the agreement made by them with the City of Regina. By Mr. Bole,-Of Dominion Trust Company praying for an Act enabling them to take over Dominion Trust Company, Limited. By Mr. Bole,~Of Peter McAra, Jr., and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The British 'iVestern Trust Corporation. By Mr. l\foN ab,-Of the City of Saskatoon praying for an Act to connrm a Survey of a Portion of the City of Saskatoon. By Mr. McN ab,-Of the City of Saskatoon praying for an Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan P•uwer Company.

The Order of the Day being read for resuming the adjourned debate on the Resolution moved by l\fr. Latta, seconded by Mr. Devline, That an lfomble Address be presented to His Honour George William Brown,.Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan, as follows : • · To His Honour George William Brown, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan. MAY IT PLEASE YouR HoNouR,- We, His :Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Saskatchewan, in Session assembled, NOVEMBER 20 19 humbly thank your honour for the gracious Speech which your Honour has been pleased to ad.dress to us at the opening of the present Session. A.ncl the debate continuing, On motion of Mr. Tate, seconded by :Mr. :McDonald, Ordered, That the debate be adjourned.

Auel then the House adjourned at 5.30 o'clock


3 o'cLOCK P.:;\f. The following petitions ·were presented: By Mr. Mitchell,-Of the Town of \Veyburn praying for an Act to confirm the Assessment .and Tax Rolls of the Town of Weyburn. By :Mr. Magee,-Of J. Lorne Campbell and thirty-six others praying for an Act to incorporate The Glenavon Hospital. By J\Ir. Stewart,-Of the Town of Arcola praying for an Act to authorise the Town of Arcola to borrow money for certain public works.

The following petitions were read and received: O:f R. G. Speers and 1L H. Meredith praying· for an Act to confirm and validate Agreement for Sale re lots 11 and 12 North of 19th Street, \Vest o:f Ce'i'itral Avenue, Battleford. Of City ,o:f :Moose Jaw praying for an Act altering from 41/2 to 5 per cent. rate o:f interest paya~)le on certain delJentures to be issued by .the City of Moose Jaw. Of the City o:f Moose .Taw praying for an Act ratifying and c011:firming certain Bylaws of the City o:f }Ioose Jaw relating to the establishment of a Pnhlic Tibrary. Of Saskatchewan Se,mrities and Trnsts Corporation praying· for an Act whereb)- the 11ame of the Corporation may be changed to "Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation."

Ordered. That :Mr. Turgeon have leave to introduce a J3ill respect­ ing Private Detectives. He accordingly presented the ·said J3il1 and the same was receiYed and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on :Mo11c1aynext.

Ordered, That Mr. Turgeon liave leaYe to introclnce a J3ill respect­ i11g Loan Cornnanies. He accordingly presented the said J3il1 and the same was recei,·ed and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on J\Ionday next.

Ordeied, That 1fr. Tnrp;eo11 have lean to introduce a Bill respect­ ing Circuses and Travelling Shows. He accordingly presented the said J3ill and the s:1me ,vas rrcei,·ed and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday 11ext. 20 NOVEMBER 20

Ordered, That :Mr. Calder have leave to introduce a Bill re- specting Rural Telephone Systems. . . He accordingly presented the said Bili and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on :Monday next.

l\fr. T1,l'geon, a Memtber of the Executive Council, laid on the Table tlJe following: . Annual Report under the provisions of Section 60 of The Liquor License Act by the Attorney General for license year 1912-1913. Convictions under The Liquor License Act from January 1, 1912, to October 31, 1912. Bartenders' Licenses issued for the year ending June 30, 1913. Commercial TraveHers' Licenses issued for the year ending ,Jnne 30, 1913. (Sessional Paper No. 1.)

l\fr. Turgeon, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: A detailed statement of all remissions made under An Act respect­ ing the Remission of Certain Penalties, being Chapter 29 of The Revised 'Statutes of -Saskatchewan 1909, during the fiscal year ending February 29, 1912. (Session al Paper No. 2.)

Mr. Turgeon, a liem:ber of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the foUowing: .A'nnnal Report of Regina Gaol for Fiscal Year 1911-1912. A1rnual Report of Prince Alibert Gaol for Fiscal year 1911-1912. Annual Report of Moosomin Gaol for Fiscal Year 1911-1912. ( Session al Paper No. 3.)

The Order of the Day being read for resuming the adjotuncd debate on the Resolution moved by }\fr. Latta, seconded by }\fr. Devlinn, That an Humble Address be presented! to His Honour George William Brorwn, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan, as foHows: To His Honour George \Villiam Brown, Lieutenant Governor of tho Province of Saskatchewan. lfAY rT .PLEASE Youn HoNouR,- We, His Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Saskatchewan, in Session assembled, humbly thank your Honour for the gracious Speech which your Honour has been pleased to address to us at the opening of the present Session. And the debate continuing, ·. It was moved in amendment by Mr. Tate, seconded by Mr. Brad­ shaw, That the foHowing words be addfd at the end of the question,­ While gladly joining with your Honour in expressing gratifica­ tion at the bountiful harvest and general prosperity,· as well as in ex­ pressing pleasure ~at having had the privilege of welcoming His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, the Governor Gen- NOVEMBER 21 21 eral of the Dominion, together with the Duchess of Connaught and their daughter the Princess Patricia and in reciprocating the spirit of his gracious message we must express our regret that no mention has been made in the Speech from the Throne of many of the import­ ant pledges, made by the Premier of the Province, ip. his manifesto, issued to the electors during the recent Provincial Campaign, viz.: 1. 1'..· Provincial Railway System radiating from the Hudson's Bay Road. 2. A Provincial Power Policy. 3. The Saskatchewan River Scheme. 4. The Development of Northern Saskatchewan. 5. Demonstration farms. 6. New Judicial Districts. 7. T'echnical Education. Auel ,ve particularly regret that no immediate effort is being made to provide cheap money for farmers or to provide internal storage elevators. And the Question being put on the amendment, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, A.nd the Question being again put on the amendment, It passed in the negative, And the main question being again proposed, It was resolved in the affirmative.

On motion of :Mr: Calder, seconded by Mr. Turgeon, Ordered, That the said Address be engrossed and presented to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor by such Members of the House as are of the Executive Council.

On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by :Mr. Calder, Ordered, That this House will on Monday next resolve itself into a Committee to consider .of the 'Supply to be granted to His :Majesty.

On motion of MT. Bell, seconded by il1r. Calder, Ordered, That this House will on Monday next resolve itself into a Committee to consider of the vVays and Means for raising the supply to be granted to His J\fajest y

And then the House adjourned at 10.30 .o'?lock p.m.


3 O'CLOCK P,J\f, The following petition was presented: By Mr. Bole,-Of A. R. Partridge and four .others praying for an Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limiffd, 22 NOVEMBER 21

The following petitions ,vere read and received: Of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company praying for an Act confirming the Agreement made by them with the City of Regina. Of Dominion Trust Company praying for an Act enabling them to take over Dominion Trust Company, Limited. Of Peter J\/IcA.ra, Jr., and two others praying for an Act to in­ corporate The British ·western Trust Corporation. Of the City of Saskatoon praying for an Act to confirm a Survey of a portion of the City of Sa,;katoon. Of the City of Saskatoon praying for an Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Power Company.

J\Ir. Lyle asked the Government the following questions: 1. Under the agreement entered into with the Federal authorities regarding the :Mounted Police is there any stipulation regarding the number -of men to be stationed in Saskatchewan? If so, what stipula­ tion? 2. What is the present strength of the Royal North-West J\founted Police Force and of the number how many are in Saskatchewan? 3. When does the existing agreement entered into by the Saskat­ chewan and Ottawa Governments expire? :i\Ir. Turgeon answered as follows: 1. Under the agreement entered into with the Federal authorities regarding the Mounted Police the strength of the force in Saskat­ chewan and Alberta is required to be maintained at five hundred. The agreement entered into does not make provision for any specific number of men to be stationed in Saskatchewan. 2. The strength of the Royal N orth-VYest :i\fountecl Police Force inclndi11g officers, noncommissioned officers and constables was 654 on September 30, 1912, of whom 335 were stationed in Saskatchewan. 3. The existing agreement entered into by the Saskatchewan and Ottawa Governments expires :i\Iarch 31, 1916. ' On motion of Mr. :Moore, seeondecl by J\fr. Larson. Resolved, That an hnmhle .Address he presented to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor praying that His Honour ·will cause to be laid before the House copies of all correspondence or other documents relati11g in any way to the question -of the transfer to the Province of its lands and other natural resources.

On motion of Mr. Paulson, seconded by J\/Ir. Devline, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. A list of the elevators hnilt or purchased by the Saskatchewan Do-operative Elevator Company during the years 1911 and 1912 in­ dicafo1g the location, capacity and cost of each. 2. The amount of money advanced by the Govermnent on account of such elevators for each of the said years. 3. The :financial standing of the company at the close of its first year 0£ operation. NOVEMBER 21 23

On motion of :M:r. Leitch, seconded by 111r. Phin, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. Number of Rural Telephone Companies incorporated in the Province during each of the years 1908-1912 inclusive. 2. Number of miles of telephone lines constructed by these com­ panies during each of the said yeaTS. 3. Number of subscribers served by the said companies during each of the said years. 4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying telephone service through rural c.ompanies including the cost of telephone poles. 5. The number of applications now on hand for the organisation of rural telephone companies.

On motion •Of :M:r. Bradshaw, seconded by JIIr. ,Vylie, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor praying that His Honour will cause to be laid before this House copies of all Orders in Council relating in any ,vay to the Guarantee of Bonds of any Railway Company upon any line of Railway within the Province of Saskatchewan.

Ordered, That Mr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Rural :M:unicipalities Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday next.

Ordered, That JIIr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill respect­ ing Local Improvement Districts. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday next.

Ordered, That :M:r. Jlfotherwell have leave to introduce a. Bill respecting Noxious Weeds. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on :Monday next.

Mr. :i\fotherwell, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Seventh annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Saskatchewan 1911. ( Sessional Paper. No. 4.)

Jl,Ir. Jlfotherwell, a :M:ember of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Second annual report of the Director of Agricultural Extension on the work of the Agricultural Societies of Saskatchmvan during 1911. (Sessional Paper No. 5.) 24 NOVEMBER 22

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 4) respecting Brands. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Oommitte,e of the Whole Honse at the next sitting of the House. · ·

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the · Bill (No. 5) to amend The·Treasnry Depadment Act. The said Bill w"as accordingly read a s.econd time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whoie House ~t the next sitting of the Rou'se.

And then the 1Ionse acljo1in~e~l at 4 o'clock p.m.


3 o'cLOCK P.l\I. The following petitions ,vere read and received: Of the Town of ,Veybnrn praying for an Act to confirm the Assessment and Tax Rolls of the ~own of Weyburn. Of J., Lorne Campbell and thirty-six others praying for an Act fo incorporate The Glenavon J-Iospital. Of the Town of A.rcola 1jraying for an Act to authorise the Town of Arcola to borrow money for certain public -works.

Mr. Bole from the Sta11ding Oovimittee of Standing Orders pre­ sented the following report: , Your Committetl, have examined the petition of the City of Saska­ toon praying for an Act to ·confirm a Survey of a Portion of the City of Saskatoon and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have bqen com­ plied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. · Your Committee have also examined the petition of the City of Saskatoon praying for an Act to incorprorato The Saskatchewan Power Company and find, that the provisions of Ru1e 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. , Yonr Committee haw examined the petition of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Line~ Company praying for an Act confirming the Agreement made by them with the City of Regina and, find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. · Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Oommittee have e'.xaminecl the petition of R. G. Speers and J\L H. Tuieredith praying for an Act to confirm and validate Agreement NOVEMBER 22- 25

for sale Te Lots 11 and 12 north of 19th Street, West Central Avenue, Battleford, and find that the provisions -of Rule 51 have been complied with. . Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committee have ,examined the :petition of the Saskatche,.van Securities and Trusts Corporation praying for an Act whereby the name of the Corporation may be changed to Saskatche,van General Trusts Corporation and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Com1nittce recommend that learn be given to introduce the Bill. On motion of 1.Ir. Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

:Mr. Cunningham asked the Government the following question: 1. Has the Government any knowledge as to when the necessary Judges will be ap:pointed for the new Judicial Districts recently

created? If so, when will these appointments be made ·1 :Mr. Turg·eon answered as follows: The appointment of ·the necessary Judges of the new Judicial Districts is a matter within the jurisdiction of the Federal Govern­ ment. It is the intention of this Government at an early elate to take up with the Federal Government the matter of these appointments.

:Mr. ·willoughby asked the Government the following question: "\\That steps have been taken to establish additional Judicial Dis0 tricts and what is the J uclicial centre and what the territorial units of each, if created? J\fr. Turgeon answered as follows: 1. An Order was made in Council on October 1, 1912; directing that a proclamation issue declaring that the provisions of The District Courts Act dividing the Province into eight J uclicial Districts be rescinded and that the_ Province for the purpose of. the said Act be divided into seventeen J'lldicial Districts as provided therein. 2. The centres of the new Judicial Districts are respectively Arcola, Moosomin, Y orkton, Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Battleforcl, Scott, Kerrobert, Kindersley, Swift Current, Estevan, Melville, vVynyard, vVeyburn and Humboldt. 3. The respective territorial units of the said new Judicial Dis­ tricts are set out in the said Order in Council.

:Mr. Forsyth asked the Government the following questions: 1. ,Vhat steps, if any, have the Government taken with regard to the matter of holdi,ng an enquiry into the question of the feasibility of generating and transmitting electrical power from the Souris coal fields~ · 2. If such enquiry has been held is it the intention of the Govern­ ment to submit to the House at this Session a report thei·eon? 3. If so, ·when may such report be expected? 26 NOVEMBER 22

Mr. Bell answered as follows: . 1. The Government by an Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council placed· the matter in the hands of the chairman of t~e High­ way Commission. Engineers were employed and have carried on an investigation during the summer. 2. Yes. 3. In the course of a few days.

:M:oved by Mr. Motherwell, sec.onded by Mr. Calder, That this House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the vVhole House to consider a proposed Resolution respecting fees to be paid in connection with the record of brands. Mr. Scott (Swift Current), a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the House that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, reoom­ mends it to the consideration of the House. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do now lea,re the Ohair. The House acc-0rding]y resolved itself into a Committee and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Resolution was according'y read a first time . .Ordered, That the Resolution be read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a second time and con­ currerl in. That it ·is expedient to provide that the following Tariff of Fees be authorised in connection with the record of brands: On application for allotment or renewal or reallotment of a brand ...... $2.00 On application for change in the record of a brand ...... 1.00 On every transfer of a recorded brand ...... 1.00 For every search of the brand record ...... 50 For every certified extract from the bran~l record, ...... 50 On motion of :i\fr. Motherwell, seconded by Mr. Calder, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to. the Committee of the Whole House on Bill (No. 4) respecting Brands with instruc­ tions that they have power to make provision therein pursuant thereto.

Ordered, That Mr. McNab have leave to introduce a Bill to con­ firm a Survey of a Portion •of the City of Sa~katoon. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday next.

Ordered, That Mr. McNab have leave to introduce a Bill to con- fer certain Powers upon the City of Saskatoon. . He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read. the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday next N OVEl\IBER 22 27

Ordered, That :Mr. Bole have leaYe to introduce a Bill to confirm a certain bylaw of the City .of Regina. and certain Agreements and a Lease entered into between the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Line Company and the Oitr of Regina. He accordingly presented the said Bill nnd the same was received and read the first time, and . Ordered, To be read a ilecond time on Monday next.

Mr. Turgeon, a :iYiember of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: A.1111ua1l Report of the University of Saskatchewan, 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 6.)

The Order of the Day being read £or the· second reading of the Bill (No. 2) to amend The School Assessment Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 3) to amend The School Grants Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today.

Moved by Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by Mr. Calder, That this House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole Rouse to consider a, proposed Resolution respecting Grants to Schools. l\fa·. Sc·ott (ISwift Current), a Mem'ber of the Executive Council, then acquainted the House that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motirm, recommends it to the consideration of the House. Ordered, T~at Mr. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohllir and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Resolution be n.ow read a first time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Resolution be read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a second time and con­ curred in. That it is expedient to provide that out of any money appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose there shall be payable in aid of elementary education the following grants: To every school district that provides conveyance as required by section 167a of The School Act and. in accordance wtih the regulations of the department in that behalf a sum to be determined by the Lieu- 2s NOVEMBER 22 tenant Governor in Council but oot to exceed one-third of the actual cost of such conveyance as shown by proper vouchers therefor. On inotion ofl\Ir. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by l\Ir. CaMer, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole Rouse on Bill (No. 3) to amend The School Grants Act with instructions that they have power to make provision therein pur­ suant thereto.

The House a.ccording to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 4) respecting Brands and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and l\fr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 5) to amend The Treasury Department Act and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. ' Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to the Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (Wo. 3) to amend The School Grants Act. and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to moYe for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Com­ mittee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 2) to amencl The School Assessment Act and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported that th.e Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received .and that the Com­ mittee have leav:e to sit again at the next sitt1ng of the House.

On motion of Mr. Willoughby, seconded by ]\fr. Donaldson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return show- ing: i A copy of t;he rehun made by the Returning Officer for the electQral district of Cumberland at the recent election therein held and all papers and documents re1JMing to the holding of the said election and of the official and other correspondence between the Returning Officer and any member of the Government or the Clerk of• the Execu­ tive Council. NOVEMBER 25 29

On niotion of :Mr. Larson, seconded by Mr. Smith, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return show- ing: 1. The number of rural municipalities established during each of the years The Rural Municipality Act has been in operation. 2. The number of small local improvement districts now in ex­ istence. 3. A map of the Province indicating those po1·tions of it which ,are under municipal or local improvement district government.

On motion of Mr. Phin, seconded by :Mr. Scott (Tramping Lake), Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return show­ ing: 1. The number of licensecl stallion districts organised in the Province during the current year. 2. A map indicating their several boundaries.

On motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, Ordered, .That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: Copies of all correspondence, papers and docunients in any way relating to the proposed transfer by the Government of Saskatchewan to the City of Prince Albert of the Provincial Jail property. And then the House adjourned at 5 o'clock p.m.


3 o' CLOCK l'.:c\L The following petitions were presented: By 1.Ir. }l,ifoDonald,-Of P. A. Salter and three others praying for an Act to incorporate the village of Halcarres as a town under thG name of The Town of Balcarres. By nfr. Finlayson,-Of D. Bracker and thirty-two others praying for an Act to incorporate The North Battleforcl Chib.

The following petition was read and received: Of A. R. Partridge and four others praying for an A.ct to incor­ porate The Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited.

] Bo_le from the Standing Committee of Standing Orders pre­ sented the following report: Your Committee have examined the petition of the Town 'of · .Aircola j)raying for an Act to authorise the Town of A.rcola to borrow money for certain public works and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be g·iven to introduce the Bi11. Your Committee have also examined the petition of the City of J\foose Jaw praying for an Act altering from four and one-half to five 30 NOVEMBER 25 per cent. rate of interest payable on certain debentures to be issued by the City of .Moose Jaw, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 havtJ been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committee have also examined the petition of the City of Moose Jaw praying for an Act ratifying and confirming certain bylaws of the City of J\foose Jaw relating to the establishment of a Pnblic Library, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Oornmittee recommend that leave be given to introclnce the Bill . Your Committee have also examined the petition of the Town of Weyburn praying for an Act to confirm the Assessment and Tax Rolls of the Town of Weyburn, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your C'Ommittee recommend that foave be given to introduce the Bill. On motion of :01:r. Bole, seconded by Ur. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

J' vYatson asked the Government the following question: Is it the intention .of the Government to extend next spring the Long Distance Telephone Line from Rosetown to J\Iacklin? Mr. Calder answered as follows: The Government has not as yet decided its long distance con;truc­ tion programme for the year 1913. The proposed Rosetown-Mack1in line is included in the programme to be considered.

Mr. Simpso11 asked the Governmcnt the following question: 1. At what points in the Province has the Government arranged for Normal Sessions for third class students? 2. Is it the intention of the Government that Normal Sessions should ibe held at these points annually. If so, when is it proposed to pro.vide the necessary buildings? 3. Does the Government intend to establish in the north-western part of Saskatchewan a permanent normal school for the training of first and second class teachers. If so when and where? :Mr. Scott (Sw.ift Current) answered as follows: 1. Arrangements have been made to hold Normal Sessions for third class students at :i\foosomin, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Estevan, Y orkton, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon. 2. The points at which Normal Sessions are held for third class teachers is determined each year by the number of students applying and their residence. Permanent centres are not fixed. 3. Not immediately. There are at present permanent Normal Schools for the training of first and second class teachers at Regina and Saskatoon, and there is not yet a sufficient nu1n1ber of students to war­ rant the estaplishment of a third Normal School NOVEMBER 25 31

]\fr. Bradshaw asked the Government the following question: Has the Government of Saskatchewan received for its considera­ tion and approval from the Canadian Northern Railway Company, the route, right of way or location plans for a line of railway running in a north-easterly direction from Prince Albert to a point on the Govern­ ment Hudson Bay Railway at or near Split Lake? If so, on what date were the plans received and have they been approved of by the Government? If received and not approved of when will the said _plans be con­ sidered by the Government? :M:r. Calder answered as follows,: 1. Yes. A map showing proposed route of a branch from Prince Albert to a point on the east side of township 51 range 19 west of the third meridian. 2. September 25, 1912. No. 3. Within the near future.

J\fr. Bradshaw asked the Government the following question: Has the Government of Saskatchewan completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company for the construction of a railway and traffic bridge across the South Saskatchewan river at or near St. Louis crossing? If arrangements are not completed for the bridge, what is the cause of the delay? . vVill the Government give the House the assurance that this bridge will be provided for during the years 1912 or 1913 ? J\fr. Calder answered as follows: 1. The Government has not completed any arrangement for the constrnction of a joint railway and traffic bridge at St. Louis. 2. The Government understands that the construction of the railway bridge has been delayed because the Railway Company con­ cerned was unable this year owing to the condition of the L01idon money market to secure the funds necessary to carry .out many of its under­ takings. 3. The Government is not in a position to give such assnrance.

Moved by J\Ir. Scott ( Swift Cnrrent), seconded by J\fr. Calder, That whereas, during the Sta,skatehewan Provincial Elections of 1912 the Government of the Dominion of Canada, in an endeavor to bring about the overthrow of the Administration then and now in office in this Province, did by unconstitutional and illegal methods partici­ pate in the conduct of the campaign in the interests of one of the Pro­ vincial parties; And whereas such interference consisted partly of statements and declarations of policy made at. public gatherings in this Province by Ministers of the Federal Government affecting the constitutional rela­ tions of the said Government and the Government of this Province, such statements and declarations being of such a nature as to indicate the inauguration within Canada of a r;dically new and dangerous policy in regard to such relations between the Government of Canada and the Government of the respecti,·e province af Canada; 32 NOVEMBER 25

And whereas snch inteaerence consisted partly in the participation by unlawful methods of a large number of officials of the Dominion Govermnent and particularly of the Department of the Inter1or in the said campaign; And whereas subsequent to the said elections the Honourable Robert Rogers, the :Minister in charge of the said Department of the Interior, speaking at the city of Montreal in explanati.on of the result of the s,aid campaign and of the defeat of the political party npon whose. behalf the aforesaid federal influence hacl been exercised,. is reported· in the :iVIontreal Gazelle in its issi.w of September 23, 11)12, to have said as follows: "Sentiment in the Province- of Saskatchewan in favonr of reci­ procity?" he said. "N.o, no. In that province •we have a very large­ foreign population, and I want to say here that a. great many of these foreigners have taken on the responsibilities of om Canadian citizen­ ship. I say furthel' that such as have are numbered among our best citizens and our most loyal British subjects. Unfortunately, we have another class who have not assumed these responsibilities, and it was to that class that the Liberal party and the Libera} press of that prov­ ince made their appeal in the recent contest. Yon naturally ask me what purpose they could have to serve in appealing to a class of men who were neither British subjects by birth or naturalisation and who. could not for that reason exercise their franchise. "My answer is that if these men lived in any other province in Canada than in Saskatchewan they could not exercise their franchise, but you all know that we have a Dominion naturalisation law in Canada. That law is supported, maintained and upheld in every prov­ ince of the Dominion to the exte11t that each province places upon its statute book an oath ·which every elector who asks for a ballot is obliged . to take before voting to the effect that he is either a British subject by birth or naturalisation. It existed upon tl1e statute book of Saskat:­ chewan until a fow days previoils to the e1ectio11. Then the Premier, of that Province introdncecl an Act by which they wiped ont that part of. the oath where a man was obliged to swear that he was a British s1I'b­ ject. That was to enable them to pnll the vote in favour- of and in sym­ pathy with them in that 0ontest. It was the result of that vote that elected and returned that Government. That method was practised in every county within the borders of the Province."

Much l1nproper Voting.

"In one constitnency where thina;s were by no means at their worst, 1,914 votes were polled, and of these 214 votes were cast by men who wei'e not naturalised Hritish subjects. In addition to that, over three· hundred loyal British subjects in that same county were denied the franchise to irhich they had a right. As the result the Liberal candidate was elected by a majority of eighty. That is what the Liberal press calls sentiment in favour of reciprocity. Among the classes of people to whom I refer there may he a strong sentiment of something ·else as well, as was -evidenced on the day following when a motor procession was organised to do honour to the,mier. Some of NOVEMBER 25 33

those taking part felt that full and complete honour could not be done without decorating their motors with the Stars and Stripes. That is what these men called sentiment in favour of reciprocity. How could there be an honest sentiment in favour of reciprocity in view of what has occurred since the recent contest?" And in the J.Vlontreal Star of the same date' to have said as follows:

"Our friends the Li1berals as I said before are proud of the victory their party gained in the P•rovince of Saskatchewan in the provincial elections; and: they claim that it is proof that there is a very strong sentiment in favour of reciprocity in that part of the country at least. Well, let me explain to you what that sentiment consists of. There are in the Prrovince of Saskatchewan a very large mm1:ber of foreigners, many of them have become very good citizens of this country, some of them are even real examples of loyalty and devotion to the Crown and flag. But there are also a number of others who have never consented to take the oath of allegiance and who still have the right to vote, and · let me say that it is to the latter that the Liberals appealed most par­ ticularly during the last elections in the Province of Saskatchewan. If those men were livi11g in any other part of the country they ·would no"t be allowed to exercise the franchise, because every man ·who wishes to cast his ballot is required to swear, if called upon to do so, that he is a British subject. In Saskatchewan that obligation has been removed from the statute books, ancli this was done by the Liberals so that they might obtain the support of that class of foreigners. These conditions existed in every county of the province at the time of the elections, and in one particular county 2'14 votes were given by men who had not the right to claim the title of British subjects!" (Cries of "Shame!") A.nd whereas the said statements of the Honourable Robert Rogers contain allegations which if true indicate the existence within Saskat­ chewan of a condition of a-ffai'rs dangerous to the national life of this Dominion, and which if false are a grave defamation of the Govern­ ment and the people of this Province; And whereas it is of the utmost importance that the fullest investi­ gation to be held into the foregoing matters, viz.: the interference of the Dominion Government in the said election campaign and the statements made by the said Honourable Rdbert Rogers in explanation oi the result of the said campaign; Therefore be it resolved, That the select Standing Committee of this Honse on Privileges and Elections shaH immediately a1Tange for and comluct an inquiry into the said several matters, and that the said committee he instructed to report to this House its findings upon the said inquiry. And the Question 'being proposed, And a debate arising thereupon, It was moved in amendment by :Mr. Willoughby, seconded by 1\1:r. Wylie, That all word:s after "That" in the Resolution be struck ont and the following substituted therefor: And whereas at the elections held in 1905 and 1908 for the Legis­ lative Assembly of Saskatchewan, the Honoifrahle Frank Oliver, then NOVEMBER 25

;Minister of the. Interio'e, ,and J'd:inisters of the Alberta Govemment, did Jake an actire .part in such elections in favour of the Liberal party; , Apel :whereas Ministers of the Alberta Government did participate in the electioi1s of 1912; And whereas the holding an inquiry before the Committee on Privileges and Elections could not be concluded at the present Session o~ the Asseml:ily for want of time; and as it is · desirable that such matters should be speedily· investigat~d; And whereas, the said Connnittee is, to some extent, composed of Members of the Assembly whose retnm was affected by the improper and unfair election lists used at the election of 1912: And whereas, persons not entitled to the franchise were encouraged to place their names on such lists; And whereas voters were induced by supporters of the Govern- 1nent to believe that they could vote, whether aliens 01· otherwise, if their names appeared on uhe lists; And whereas, in the iuteresits of good go,·ernme.11 t in the Province it is expedient that the matters referred to in the recitals of the resolution and all other matters pertaining to ·the late elections should be impartially investigated as well as the matters re:fer:'•.:d to herein; Therefore be it resolved that all matters referred to in the ~aid resolution of the Honourable the Premier, including all matters referrecl to herein, and more particularly the election lists used at the election of 1912, and methods of their preparation with special reference to the names of qualified electors omitted from such lists and names of nnqnalified voters placed thereon be referred for investigation to a commission composed of Judges of .the Supreme Court of Saskatche­ wan, with power to hold sittings at the most convenient places therefor and call for all papers and docnments and to summon all 11ecessary witnesses and that such Commission do report to this Honse. And the Question being pnt- on th() amendment, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Qnestion being again put on the amendment, The Hon~e divided and the names being called for were taken dow11 as follows : • YEAS. :Messieurs

Willoughby Donaldson Wylie Bradshaw Davidson Tate nfcDonald-7

NAYS. J\Iessieurs

Scott (Swift Cnrrent) Latta Phin · Tnro·eon Forsyth i\fagee Finl~vson Bole Motherwell ·' I John;ton (nfelfort) Calder Atkinson , Ens Bell La~gley ..Mitchell Smith Sutherland Scott (Ai'm River) MacNeill Robinson N OVEJ\IBER 25 35

Lochead Ro1bertson Pierce Devline Beaudreau Larson Oawthorp Paulson Cunningham Leitch J\Iool'e Scott (Tramping Lake)-33 So it passed in the negative . .A.nd the main Question being again proposed, It was moYed in amendment by :i\fr. Calder, seconded by ).fc. Motherwell, That all the words after "resolved" to the end of the qnestiou lie left ont, and the following words be i·nsertecl instead thereof: That the following mernbel's of this Assembly, namel_Y: Messrs. Tate, Bole, Bradshaw, Magee and l\IacNeill, be appointed a Special OommitteG with full power and anthority to inquire into and Ulvr·sti­ gate the several matters referred to in the recitals to this resolution and that for this purpose the rnid Committee have power to s11111111011 witnesses "to girn evidence on oath and to produce such docnments, papers, records and things as the Committee may deem requisite to the full and proper investigwtion of the matters they are hereby ap­ pointed to inquire into; And be it fnrther resolved, that 'the said Committee be empowered to report to this Assembly from time to time evidence as well as its -findings with regard to any aiicl all of the matters to be investigated by it. And the Question being put on the amendment, The House divided and the names being eaJlecl for were taken down as follows:

YEAS. Messienrs

Scott (Swift Current) Leitch lviageo Calder Latta· Turgeon Finlayson Bole Johnston (:i\Ielfort) Bell 1\fotherwell Ens Smith .Atkinson :i\fitchell 1\facN eill Langley Scott ( Arm Ri vC>r) Robertson Sutherland Beaudreau Robinson Lochead Pierce Dev line Paulson Larson Cawthorp :i\fooro Cunningham Scott (Tramping Phin Forsyth~ Lake)-33

NAYS. 1\fessieurs

Willoughby Donalclf;on Wylie Bradshaw Davidson Tato :McDonald-7 36 NOVEMBER 25

So it passed in the affirmative. And the main Question as am~nded being proposed, It passed on division in the affirmative.

Ordered, That Mr. Willoughby have leave to introduce a Bill to ratify Bylaws 538, 655· and 656 ,0£ the City 0£ Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read th.e first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on ,¥ ednesday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Willoughby have leave to introduce a Bill to provide for payment 0£ interest under certain bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw. He accordingly pres,ented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Wednesday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Mitchell have leave to introduce a Bill to con­ firm the Assessment and Tax Rolls 0£ the Town 0£ Weyburn. . He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and · Ordered, To be read a second time on Wednesday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Simpson have leave to ·intr.oduce a Bill to confirm and make valid a Certain Agreement 0£ Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Congregation 0£ the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in. the Town 0£ Battleford and F. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster and the sale to them of certain lots, namely, lots 11 and 12 on the north side of Nineteenth street, west 0£ Central Avenue in the Town of Battleford and to authorise the said trustees to execute a legal and proper transfer conveying the title to said lots to the said F. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster. He accordingly presented the s!!id Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on vVednesday next.

Mr. McNab, a Member 0£ the Executive C.ouncil, laid on the Table the following: Annual report 0£ the Department 0£ Public Works 0£ the Prov­ ince of Saskatchewan for the financial year ending February 28, 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 7.)

Mr. Calder, a Member .of the Executive Council laid on the Table the :following: Return to an Order 0£ the House dated N.ovember 21, 1912, showing: · l. Number 0£ Rural Telephone Companies incorporated in the Province during each 0£ the years 1908-1912 inclusive. NOVEMBER 26 37

2. Number of miles of telephone lines constructed by these com-

panies during each of the said y:ears. 1 3. Number of served by the said companies during each of the said years. 4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying telephone service through rural companies including the cost of telephone poles. 5. The number of applications now on hand for the organisation of rural telephone companies. ( Sessional Paper No. 8.)

.And the House having continued to sit until five minute~ after 12 o'clock Tuesday morning adjourned.


3 o'oLOCK P.M. The following petition was presented: By Mr. Bole,-Of Richard Doyne MacDonnell and Joseph Camp­ bell praying for an .Act to incorporate The Prairie Loan and Invest­ ment C111npany.

Mr. Bole from the Standing Committee on Standing Orders pre­ sented the following report: Your Committee have examined the petition of J. Lorne Campbell and. thirty-six others praying for an .Act to incorporate the Glenavon Hospital, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complie(i with. Your committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. . Your Committee have also exa:rµined the petition of .A. R. Part­ ridge and four others praying for an .Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committ,ee have also examined the petition of Dominion Trust Company praying for an .Act enabling them to take over Dom­ inion Trust Company, Limited, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given t•o introduce the Bill : Your Committee have also ex3.D?.ined the pe1:ition of Peter Mc.Ara, Jr., and two others praying for an .Act to incorporate The British Western Trust Corporation, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. On motion of Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in. 38 Nov-EMBER 26

nlr. Bole, from the Standing Committee on St.anding Order;,, presented the following report: Your Committee recommends that the date of the reception of petitions for Private Bills as defined in Rule No. 49 be extended until and including ,Vednesday, December 4, 1912. And, that the elate for the presentation of Prin1te Bills to the Honse as defined in Rule No. 4,9 be similarly extended until and including ,Vednesday, December 11, 1912. On motion of Mr. Bole, seeomlc:d by :i\Ir. Bradshmv, Ordered, That the report be now concurred in. / :Oir. Mitchell asked the Government the folLowing question: Has the Government had any notice as to the grain blockade at Colgate and ,\Vebster? If so, what steps have been taken to reliew the situation? Mr. ?ifotherwcll answefed as fol1ows: l es. A resolution of the Colgate Boanl of Tr,,llt> nud a com­ munication' fr,om a citizen of ,V c,bster respecting t hi~ q ncstion were received. The superintendent of the district of the Carntdian Northern Railway upon which these points are situated. was commmiicated with ,vi th out delay and urged to provide relief for" these points. No reply has been received from the Canadian Northern Railway up to the present time.

:Mr. Stewart asked the Govermnent the following question: Has the :Minister of Railways reerivecl any c,0111m1micatio11from ,Vordsworth, ,Vlllmar or Browning regarding the car ~hortagc existing in that section of the province? If so what steps has the ~Iinister taken to relieve the intolerable conditions existing at the aborn mentioned places 2 " }.fr. Calder answered as follows: Yes, a communication from }.Jr. Adam Ge,offrey, of ,Villmar. Upon receipt of complaint the matter was taken up with .the general manager of the Canadian Northern Railway, who. replied that he had issned iustrnctio11s to ha\'C~ a supply of cars furnished as soon as possible. ~fr. Loclwad asked the Government the following questions: 1. 7\Vhat steps, if any. have the Government taken to place the purpose and provisions of The Hail Insurance Act passed at the last Session before the rural districts? 2. Has the Government any information as to the m1mber of nrnnicipalities or districts in which the hail insurance bylaw will be submitted to a vote this year, the number in which the council have decided that it shall be s1;bmitted, and the number in which uo action m the matter has ben1 taken? }.fr_ J\fotherwell answered as follows: 1. The eonncils :of all the nrnnicipalities and local impro,·emcnt · districts in t11c Province have been comm\micated with by the Depart­ ment of Agricnltnre several time;, in order to insure that the matter of introducing and submitting the rcqnisite hyllrn; won1cl he given con- NOVEMBER 26 39

sicleration by each council. Bulletins upon the subject have been fumished from time to time to the agricultural, daily, municipal and weekly journals. The co-operation of the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association in directing attention to the provisions of the A.ct was asked aml secured. A speaker has been supplied by the department to address meetings of ratepayers and grain growers whenever a request to that effect has been received. Some 12,000 copies of The Hail Insurance Act in English, French, German and Rnthenian, and 40,000 copies of a simple explanation of the provisions of the Act have been distributed either direct from the department in response to requests or through the medium of municipal secretaries and a heavy generial correspondence upon the subject has been conducted. · 2. Yes. 154 municipalities or districts have advised the depart­ ment that the requisite bylaw has been given first and second rradings by their council and will he submitted to a vote of the ratepayers. at the municipal elections. 35 municipalities or districts have advised the department that their council, after giving the matter consideration, has decided to take no action therein. 82 municipalities or districts liave made no response to the various communications addressed to them by the department upon this question.

l\Ir. Lochead asked the Govemment the following questions: 1. How many Agricultural Societies were organised in the Prov- ince during the current year? 2. Date of such organisation? 3. Location of each society? l\fr. Motherwell answered as follows: 1. ·15 societies. 2 and 3:

Name of Society Place of Business Dale o.f Organisation Brock Agricultural Society ...... Brock ...... January 12 Colgate Agricultural Society ...... Colgate ...... February 14 Invermay Agricultural Society ...... Invermuy ...... February 14 r.Hdale Agricultural Society ...... Midule ...... Murch 4 Fertile Valley Agricultural Society ...... Bounty ...... Murch 14 Imperial Agricultural Society ...... Imperial...... Murch 25 Watrous Agricultural Society ...... W utrous ...... Murch 25 Plenty Agricultural Society ...... Plenty ...... May 22 Kerrobert Agricultural Society ...... Kerrobert ...... May 23 Pelly Agricultural Society ...... Pelly ...... June 24 Elfros Agricultural Society ...... Elfros ...... June 29 Southey Agricultural Society ...... Southey ...... July 16 Estevan Agricultmul Society ...... Estevan ...... July 17 Shellbrook Agricultural Society ...... Shellbrook ...... August 30 Tuntallon Agricultural Society ...... Tantullon ...... November 9

On motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Scott (Tramping Lake), Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Retnrn show­ ing: 1. The results of the Provincial General Elections of 1908 and 1912 under the following headings: (a) Name of constituencies ; (b) Name of candidates; 40 NOVEMBER 26

(-c) Vote cast for each candidate; (d) Majority of successful candidates: 2. A comparative statement of the result of the general elections of 1908 and 1912 in the constituencies of Souris, Cannington, South Qu' Appelle, Moose Mountain, Pipestone, Moosomin, Pheasant Hill, Saltcoats, Last ]\fountain, Estevan, W eyburn and Milestone under the following heads : (a) Total vote oa:st ; (b) Vote for each candidate; (c) Majority.

On motion of Mr. Devline, seconded by Mr. Robinson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return show­ ing: 1. A list of the local improvements, including roads, bridges and other public works authorised by the Public Works Department or the Highways Commission in the constituency of Prince Albert during the year·1912. 2. A statement of the amounts so autJ:rorised to be expended by local councils. 3. The amount expended to date on the several improvements ref erred to. 4. The reason, if any, why any work' authorised has not been undertaken or completed. 5. A. list of the said improvements upon which work was stopped after July 11, 1912, and the reason therefor in each case.

On motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by :iYir. Bole, Ordered, That an order of the House do issue for a Return show­ ing: · The name and house address of the persons comprising the Com0 mission appointed to investigate the matter of Technical Education.

Ordered, That Mr. Bole have leave to introduce a Bill respecting Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corporation and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next.

Mr. McNab,, a Member of the Executive Council, laid· on the Table the following: Report of the Board of Highway Commissioners of the Province of Saskatchewan for the season of 1912. up to October31. (Sessional Paper No. 9.)

Mr. Motherwell, a Member of t'he Executive Oouncil, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: N OVEl\IBER 26 41

1. The number of licensed stallion districts organised in the Prov­ inoe during the current year. 2. A map indicating their several boundaries. (Sessional Paper No. 10.)

Moved by MT. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. Scott, That this House do now adjourn, And a debate arising thereupon, And the debate continuing, The said motion was by leave withdrawn.

Ordered, That Mr. Bole have leave to introduce a Bill to incor­ porate The Farmers' Co--operative Company, Limited. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the· same was received and read the first time, and · Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Bole have leave to introduce a Bill to incor­ porate The British Western Trust Corporation. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next.

..Mr. Bell, a Member of the Executive Council, Jaid on the Table the following: Statement of Facts concerning Temporary Loans reiuired to be submitted to the Legislative Assembly by Section 11 of Cliapter ·12 of the Revised Statutes 1909. (Sessional Paper No. 11.) Ordered, That 1\fr. Magee have leave to introduce a Bill to incor­ porate the Glenavon Hospital. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next. Mr. Bell, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Public Accounts of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year ended February 29, 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 12) Statement of Special Warrants issued during the year 1911-12. (Sessional Paper No. 13.) Ordered, That 1\fr. Bole have leave to introduce a Bill respecting The Dominion Trust Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Thursday next.

On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Calder, Ordered, That the Public Accounts of the Province of Saskat­ chewan for the Financial Year ending February 29, 1912, and the 42 NOVEMBER 26

Statement 9f Special \Varrants during the :'.'5'ear 1911-12 prepared by th~ Provincial 1\.uditor be referred to the S elect Standing CommitWe on Public Accounts and Prii1ting:

:M:r. Speaker laid on the Table of the House the Report of th.e Librarian. (& essional Paper No. 14.)

The Order of the Day being read. for . the sec,011dTeading of the Bill (No. 6) respecting Private Detectives, The saicl Bill was accordingly Tead a seaond time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Oomn~ittee 0£ the \Yhole House today.

The Order 0£ the Day being read for th~ second reading 0£ the BiH (No. 8) respecting Circuses and Travelling Shows. The saicl Bill was accordingly read a se<2ond time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Oonunittee of the \Vhole House today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No.-1) to amend The S<;hool Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To he committed to a Comn,ittee of the Whole Hons!? tomorrow.

The O~der of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bi11 (No. 13) respecting a Survey of a Portion of the City of Saskatoon. The S!aid Bill was accordingly read a sticond time, aml Ordered, To he referred to the Sta,nding Committee. on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 14) conferring certain Powers upon tl1e City of Saskatoon. The said Bi11 was accordingly read a second time. and . Ordered, To he referred to 1hc Standing Committee on Private Bi11s and Railways.

nfoved by Jib•. Turgeon, seconded·by ~tf r.S Scott ( 1wift Current), That this House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the \Vhole House to consider a proposed Resolution respecting fees to he paid by Private Detectives. nfr. Scott (Swift Current), a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the Honse that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the consideration .of the House . • Ordtirecl, That :Nir. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resnrnecl the Ohair and :Mr. Bok reported that the Committee had come to a Rr-solntion. Orderecl, That the report be now receiYed. N OVEi\iBER 26 43

Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Resolution be read a second time. The said Resolution was, accordingly read a second time and ccncnrred in. That it is expedient to provide that. persons desirous of being licensed as private detectives be required to pay an application fee of $100 for licens·e to conduct such business for the term of one year from the elate thereof and a fee for a renewal of such license of $100 per annum. On motion of Mr. Turgeon, seconded by Scott ( Swift Cur­ rent). Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole Honse on the Bill (No. 6) respecting Private Detectives w1th instructions that they have power to make provision therein pur­ ;:uant thereto.

On motion of 3.Ir. Scott (Swift Onrrf:'nt), seconded by :Mr. Calder, Ordered, That James Franklin Bole, ~Iember for the Electoral District of Regina City, be Deputy Speaker of this Ilonse.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the '\Vhole on the Bill (No. 6) respecting Private Detectives aucl after Borne time spe11t therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the-Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and t1hat the Committee ha\·e ]eave to sit again at the next sitting of the Honse.

Mr. Bell, a :Member of the Executive Council, delivered to Mr. Speaker a message from His Honom the Lieutenant Governor signed by His Honour. And the message was read by :Mr. Speal(er (all the Members of the Honse standing and 'being uncovered) and is as followeth:

G. ·w. BRowx, Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor transmits estimates of certain sums required for the service of the province for the twelve months ending February 28, 1913, and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly. (Ses~ional Paper No. 15.) On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by :Mr. Calder, Ordered, That the l\fessage of His Honour the Lieutenant Gorern.or together with the estimates accompanying the sarrie he re­ ferred to the Committee of Supply.

And then the House adjourned at 5 o'clock p.m. 44 NOVEMBER 27


3 o'cLOCK P.:M. The following petition was presented: By Mr. Bradshaw,-Of Nelson W. Morton and four others pray­ ing for an Act to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan.

The following petitions were read and received: Of P.A. Salter and three others praying for an Act to incorporate the village of Balcarres as a town under the name of The Town of Balcarres. Of D. Bracker and thirty-two others praying for an Act to incor- porate The North Battleford Club. ·

Ordered, That Mr.' McNab have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Public Highways Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first• time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next. ·

Ordered, That Mr. McNab have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Public Works Act; · He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the :fir1st time, and Ordered, To be read a second tim0 on Friday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Public Health Act. He accordingly pre'sented the said Bill and the same was received and. read the first time, and · Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

Ordered, That Mr. Motherwell have leave to introduce a Bill to amend A.n Act for the Protection of Game. He accordingly presented the said Bill ancl the same was received and read the first time, ancl Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

Mr. Langley, a :Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: 1. The number of rural municipalities established during each of the years The Rural Municipality Act has been in opeiation. 2. The number of small improvement districts now in ex­ istence. 3. A map of the Province indicating those portions of it which are under municipal or local improvement district government. · (Sessional Paper No. 16.) NOVEMBER 27 45

111:r.Calder, a :Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Report of the Railway, Telegraph and Telephone Department for the Financial Year ended February 29, 1912. · (Sessional Paper No. 17.) Ordered, That Mr. Stewart have leave to introduce a Bill to authorise the Town of .Arcola to borrow money for certain public works. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next. The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 12) respecting Noxious .Weeds. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the ·whole House at the next sitting of the House. The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 18) to confirm the .Assessment and Tax Rolls of tht Town of ..Weyburn. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. The Order of the Day being Tead for the second reading of the Bill ' (No. 19) to confirm and make valid a Certain .Agreement of Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Congregation of the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in the Town of Battleford and F. G . .Atkinson and G . .A. Foster and the sale to them of certain lots, namely, lots 11 and 12 on the north side -of Nineteenth street, west of Central avenue, in the Town of Battleford and to authorise the said Trustees to execute a legal and proper transfer conveying th~ title to said lots to the said F. G . .Atkinson and G . .A. Foster. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 15) confirming an .AgTeement between the City of Regina and the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 1) to amend The School .Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. . Ordered, That the Report be n.ow received and that the Commi.t­ tee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House. 46 NOVEMBER 27

The Order of the Day being read for the House in Committee of Supply. On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Calder, Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair. The Honse accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of Supply.

In the Committee.""

No. 1. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars be granted to His :M:ajesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Public Debt. No. 2. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding :five thousand three hundred and forty-nine dollars and forty-eight cents be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending J?ebruary 28, 1910, for Civil Govem­ ment (Executive Council). No. 3. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding five thousand five lrnnclrcd dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending Yebrnary 28, 1!)13, for Civil Govemment (Attomey General's Depart­ ment). No. 4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one thousand si~ hun­ dred and fifty clol1ars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Provincial Secre- - tary's Department). No. 5. Resoked, That a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars lie granted to His l\lajesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Goveriunen t. (Treasury Department). No. 6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding three thousand one hundred and :fifty dollars be granted to His Maj csty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Agriculture Depart­ ment). :Ko. 7. Resolved, That a sum notexceeding two thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for OiYil Government (Education Department). No. 8. Resolved, That a suin not exceeding one thousand six hun- 1hed and fifty dollars be granted to I-Iis Majesty for the fiscal year end­ ing l•'c>hrnni;y 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Government Printer's office). , . · No. 9. Reso1ved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-six thousand eight hnndrecl c1o11ars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Legis1ation. No, 10. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars be granted to. Hi~ Majesty for the fiscal year anding· February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Snprc>me, District and Snrrogate Courts). No. 11. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dol- 1ars be granted to His J\tlaj,esty for the fiscal year ending Febrnary 28, 1913, for Administration of ,Justice ( Criminal Investigations). No. 12. Resolved, That a s~1m not exceeding five hundred and forty dollars be· granted to His :Majesty for the fiscal year ending F0brnarJ' 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Gaols). N OVEl\IBER 27 47

No. 13. Resolved, That a sum uot exceeding' twenty~nine thotwrn

No. 16. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty th.ousand dol­ lars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Public VVorks Chargeable to Income (Public Buildings). No. 17. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and thirty thousand doUars be gran,ted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913; for Public Works Chargeable to Income ( Public Im pr.ovemen ts). No. 18. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hunµred and thirty thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Public Works Chargeable to Capital (Public Buildings).

On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by }\fr. Calder, Ordered, That the Resolutions from the Committee of Supply for the Financial Year ending February .28, 1913, be now read a first time. The said Resolutions were accordingly read a first time. On motion of }\fr. Bell, seconded by ]\fr. Calder, Ordered, That the Resolutions be now read a second time. The said Resolutions were accordingly read a second time and agreed to as follows : No. 1. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Public Debt. No. 2. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding five thousand three hundred and forty-nine dollars and forty-eight cents be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Govern­ ment (Executive Council). No. 3. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the :fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Attorne_y General's Depart­ ment). No. 4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one thousand six hun­ dred and fifty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year end­ ing February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Provincial Secretary's Department). No. 5. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars be gra;nted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 191'3, for Civil G.oYernmcnt (Treasury Department). No. 6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding three thousand one' hundred and fifty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Agriculture Depart. ment). No. 7. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, £or Civil Government (Educati.on Depart:r:nent). No. 8. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Civil Government (Government Printer's office). NOVEMBER 27 49

No. 9. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-six thousand · eight hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the £_seal year ending February 28, 1913, for Legislation. No. 10. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding three thousand dol­ lars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Supreme, District and Surrogate Courts). No. 11. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice ( Criminal Investigations). No. 12. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding five hundred and forty. dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Gaols) . .No. 13. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-nine thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 2.8, 1913, for Administration of Justice ( Police, Prisoners and Insane). No. 14. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-five dollars be granted to His :iYLajesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Registration of Land Titles). No. 15. Resqlved, That a sm;n not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Administration of Justice (Administration of The Liquor License Act). · No. 16. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding· thirty thousand dol­ lars be granted to His :Majesty: for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Pub1ic \Yorks Chargeable to Income (Public Bnildings). No. 17. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and thirty thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Public Vlorks Chargeable to Income ( Public Im prov em en ts). No. 18. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and thirty thousand do1lars he granted to His 1hjesty for the fiscal yem ending Febrnary 28, 1913, for Public Works Chargeable to Capital (Public Buildings). No. 19. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand doHars he granted to His Majesty for the fis0al year end­ ing February 28, 1913, for Public Works Chargeable to Capital (Eleva­ tors). No. 20. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-seven thous­ and one hundred d.ollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending FebruarY, 28, 1913, for Public Works Chargeable to Capital (Education). No. 21. Res.olvecl, That a sum not exceeding ten thousand five hundred dollars be granted to His :Wiajesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Agriculture and Statistics (Assistance to Live Stock Industry). No. 22. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding sixty-four thousand five hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending 50 NOVEMBER 28

February 28, 1913, for Agriculture and Statistics (Assistance to Dairy and Poultry Interests).· No. 23. ResolYed, That a sum 110t exceeding four thous,and dollars be granted to His Majesty for the :fiscal year ending February 28, ,1913, for Agriculture and Statistics (Publicity and Statistical Work). No. 24, Resolved, That a sum not exceeding eight thousand dol­ lars be granted to His :l\Iajesty for the fiscal year ending Febrnary 28, 1913, for Agriculture and Statistics (\Veed Control and Garn,e Pro­ tection). No. 25. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two thousand seven !mndred and ninety-six dollars and twenty-nine cents be granted to His JLajesty fo1· the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Agriculture . and Statistics (Miscellaneous Services). · No. 26. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding nine thonsaud dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, (Bureau of Public Health). No. 27. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one lrnnched and eighty-three thousand fom hundred and fifty dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Miscellaneous Chargeable to Income. No. 28. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Miscellaneous Chargeable to Capital. No. 29. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one thous:md three hundred and seventy-five dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1913, for Telephones Chargealble to Income,

Ancl then the Honse adjourned at 5.10 o'clock p.m.


The following petitions were presented: By I\Ir. J\foN ab,-Of A\ F: Simpson and five others praying for an Act to incorporate The N orthei;n Clnb. ' By J\Ir. Garry,-Of Joseph Caldwell m1d others prayi1ig for an Act to incorporate The Western Prudential Investment Company,, Limited. By Mr. Wi1loughby,-Of Harry Franklin Stirk and five others praying for an Act to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. By Mr. Bole,-Of Ambrose Cl!arke Hunt and two others praying, for an Act to incorporate. The Commercial Club. · The following petition was read .,and received: Of Richard Doyne J\facDonnell and J 9seph Campbell praying ~o;i.· an Act to incorporate The Prairie Loan and I1westment Company .

. Mr. Bole, from the Stancliug Committee on Standing Orders, pre,- sented the following report: · · · NOVEMBER 28 51

Your Committee have examined the petition of D. Bracker and thirty-two others praying for an Act to incorporate the North Battle­ ford Club, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. 011 motion of :Th-Ir.Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, '.I;hat the Report be now concurred in.

:Mr. Cawthorpe asked the Govemment the following questions: 1. Has a charter been granted to t:he Grand Trunk Railway for a branch line from Grandora on the main line t.o and connecting with ~heir Biggar- line ? 2. Has any survey been made? 3. Has the Government any knowledge as to when the construction of said line will be commenced? :Mr. Calder answered as follows: 1. Yes, from a point at or near Gran

}\fr. Cawthorpe asked the Govemment the following question: Has the Government received any communication from points on the Goose Lake Branch of the Canadian Northern Railway regarding the car shortage. If so, what steps have been taken to relieve Hwcon­ geste~ 'points? :M:r. Calder answered as follows : The Governme11t has received no such communication.

1fr. Bradshaw asked the Government the following qncstion: Is it the inte11tion of the Government to arrange for the extension of the Government Telepho11e System in Prince .A.lbert City this year to meet the increased requirements of the citizens~ :M:r. Calder answered as follows: Yes, during the year 1913.

On motion of 1Ir. 'IVilloughby, seconded by Mr. 'IVylie, Ordered, That an humble petition be presented to His Honour the Lieutenant ..Govemor praying that His Honour will cause to be laid before the Honse all correspondence between the Government of this P.rovince and the late Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier touching the transfer by the Dominion of Canada to this Province of the public lands and natural resources of the Province.

Ordered, That Mr. Finlayson have lea,ve to introduce a Bill to incorporate The North Battleford Club. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Monday next. 52 NOVEMBER 28

Mr. Scott, a Member of the Execut_ive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, show­ ing: The name and house address of the persons comprising the Com­ mission appointed to investigate the matter of Technical Education. ( Session:1 Paper No. 18.)

::M:r.Bell, a :M:emb'er of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the :following : Report on Enquiry into practicability of producing Power at Coal Centres a,nd distributing it throughout the Province. (Sessional Paper No. 19.)

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 10) to amend The Rural Municipalities Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Rouse at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 11) respecting· Local Improvement Districts. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading oi the Bill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the ·whole House today. · ·

The' Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 20) respecting Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corpora­ tion and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trust Corpora- tion. · The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being readfor the second reading of the Bill (No. 21) to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and , Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the BiU (No. 23) to incorporate The Glehavon Hospital. The· said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private­ Bills and Railways. NOVEMBER 29 53

The•Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 24) respecting The Dominion Trust Company. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. • Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 5) to amend The Treasury Department Act, and after some time spent therein l\Ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to. move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to. sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to 01~der resolved itself into Committee of · the Whole on the Bill (No. 12) respecting Noxious Weeds, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and l\Ir. Bole reported that the 'Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.'

And then the House adjourned at 5.15 o'clock p.m.


3 o' CLOCK P.:ilf.

Mr. Bole, from the Special Committee on the Election Oharge_s, presented the .following report : Your Committee request that leave be given to employ the requisite stenographic assistance during the course of the inquiry. On motion of Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

Mr. Mitchen, from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, presented the following report: The Standing Committee have had under consideration the follow­ ing Bill and have agreed to report the same: Bill (No. 14) to confer certain Powers upon the City of Saska­ toon. 54 NOVEMBER 29

On motion of :Mr. :Mitchell, seconded by :Mr. Sutherland, Ordered, That the Report be now received.

Mr. Bradshaw asked the Govemment the following qnestio11s: 1. Is 1Ir. ·wm. Grant, a former Member of this Assembly for the Constituency of Yonda, now in the employ of the Government of Saskat­ chewan'? 2. If so, what position does he occupy and what is the amount of salary paid t.o him ? 3. If not now employed, has he been acting for or on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan at any time during the year Hl12 '? 4:If so, in what capacity and in which department? Mr. 1\IcN ab answered as follows: · 1. ·wm.Grant is now employed by the Highway Commis~ion. 2. Inspector of Higlnyrays in Biggar, Eagle Creek aml Saskatoon County. ,Yages, $G per day.

Mr. Davids.on asked the Government the following qnestiolls: 1. What action has the Goverm11ent of Saskatche,,'.an taken withiu the past twelve months for the construction or extension of railway through or within the limits of the CoDStituency of Willow :Bunch? 2. If no action has been taken, what is the programme of th~3 Government for railway extension dnring the year 191)3 within the district named? Mr. Calder answered as follows: 1. The Government has made provision for an extension of the :Maryfield line, a distance of GO miles, and has also continued to urge upon the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the necessity for extend­ ing their Weyburn-Lethbridge branch. 2. The Government understands that the construction of the two lines referred to will be proceeded ·with as rapidly as possible clnring 1913.

1\Ir. Scott, a 1\fomber of the Executive Council) laid 011 the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated November 21, 1912, showing: Copies of all correspondence or other documents relating in any way to the question of the transfer to the Province of its lands and other natural resources. ( Sessional Paper No. 20.)

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading •of the Bill (No. 28) to amend chapter 128 of The Revised Statutes of Saskat­ chewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the P'l·otection of Game." The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, T.o be committed to a Committee of the Whole Honse at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (N 10. 29) to authorise the TO'Wll of Arcola to Borrow Mioney for Certain P~cW~& . DECEMBER 2 55

The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the. St'antling Comi11ittee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the I:3ill (No. 16) to ratify Byla,vs 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day bei11g read for the sec011d realling of the Bill (No. 17) to provide for payment of Interest nuder certain Bylaws of the City of 1Ioose Jaw. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the 'Whole on the Bill (No. 9) res1'lecting Rural Telephone Systems, and after some time spent therein 1£r. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the Honse.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 10) to amend The Rural :i\fonicipalities Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole repo1:tecl that the Committee had made some pr6gress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 5.30 o'clock p.111.


3 o'CLOCK P.?.r.

The follmving petitions were read and received: Of Nelson ,V. 1\Iorton and four others praying for an Act to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan. Of A. F. Simpson andfive others praying for an Act to incorporate The Northern Club. . - Of Joseph Caldwell and others praying for an Act to inc,orpornte The 'vVestern Prudential Investment Company, Limited. Of Harry Franklin Stirk and .five others praying for an Act to in­ corporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. 56 DECEMBER 3

Of Ambrose Clarke Hunt and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The Commercial Club.

Mr. Forsyth asked the Government the following questions: 1. What steps, if any, have been taken by the Canadian Northern Railway Company towards the construction of its branch line north­ ward from Bienfait to join the Regina-Brandon main line? 2. Have the surveys for this line been .completed, and if so has the route. been approved by the Government? 3. Can the Government give an assurance that this branch will be completed in 1913? Mr. Calder answered as follows: 1. The company during the present year had survey parties in field to locate the line. 2. The surveys for a gene;:al route selected: by company have been completed but such route has not as yet been approved. 3. The present understanding with the company is that construc­ tion work on this line will be commenced in 1913 and it is hoped the line will be completed by the end of the year.

:iYfovedby Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, That this House do now adjourn, And a debate arising thereupon, And the debate continuing, The said motion was by leave withdrawn.

The Rouse according to Order again resolved itself into Com­ mittee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 12) respecting Noxious Weeds, and after some time spent therein :Wir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. MacN eill reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have lea:ve to sit again at the next' sitting of the House.

The House according to Order again resolved itself into Ooml mittee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair rand Mr. Mitchell reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again.· Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House. And then the House adjourned at 5.25 o'clock p.m.

REGINA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1912. 3 o'oiocK P.M. The following p~tition was presented: By Mr. Bole,-Of Avory B. Yager and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The Empire Mortgage Trust Company. DECEMBER 3 57

Mr. Bole from the Standing Committee on Standing Orders pre­ sented the :following report: Your Committee have examined the petition of Harry :Franklin Stirk and :five others praying :for an Act to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committee have also examined the petition of Nelson W. Morton and four others praying for an Act to incorporate The Secur­ ity Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. On motion of Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

nifr. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Priv:ate Bills and Rail ways presented the :following report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to repor1; as follows : Your Committee have had under consideration the :following Bills and haYe agreed to report the same with amendments: . I3ill (No. 18) to .confirm the Assessment and Tax Rolls of the Town of Weyburn. J3i11 (No. 16) to ratify Bylaws 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library. · ~ill (No. 17) to provide for payment of interest under certain Bylaws of the City of :Moose Jaw. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, seconded iby Mr. Sutherland, Ordered, That the Report be now received.

:Mr. Willoughby asked the Government the following questions: 1. What is the capital expenditure on each registry office in the ,Province erected by the Government? 2. What is the value of each registry office turned o.ver by the Dominion of Canada to the Province? 3. What is the annual cost of maintenance of each of the offices in questions 1 and 2 ? 4. What is the amount of the Assurance :Fund in connection with Lancl Titles Act turned over to the Province? 5. What is the amount of such Fund? 6. What claims, giving names and amounts, have been paid out 0£ the Fund? Mr. Bell answered as folJows: 1. The capital expenditure on each registry office in the Prov- ince created by the Government is as follows: Regina ...... $138,800.60 Moose Jaw ...... 63,367.95 Cannington ...... 2.2,949.87 58 DECEMBER 3

}.foosomin ...... 2,691.80 Prince Albert ...... Nil Saskatoon ...... G0,549.69 Yorkton ...... : ...... · 38,667.02 Battleford ...... 43,161.SG 2. The value of each Registry Office turned over by the Dominion to the Province was·: Battleford ...... $ · 2,232.00 Regina (furniture only) ...... 1,749.75 Prince Albert (furniture only) ...... 26.00 3. The cost of maintenance of each of the Registry Offices re­ ferred to in questions 1 _and 2 for the fiscal year 1911-12 was: Regina ...... $ 3,305.06 :Mo~ose Jaw ...... 2,087.35 . Cannington ...... Nil 1Ioosornin ...... Nil Prince Albert ...... 900.00 Saskatoon ...... 2,090.94 Yorkton ...... · ...... 1,017.34 Battleford ...... 950.35 4. The amount of the Assuraiice Fund turned over to the Prov­ ince was $125,621.12, being the collections from July 1, 1886, to September 7, 1906, with interest thereon to December 28, 1908. 5. The amount of the Assurance Fund is, under subsection (3) of section 154 of The Land Titles Act, maintained at $75,000, the amount of the collections in excess of t_hat sum being transferred to the General Revenue Fund. 6. The claims that have been paid out of the Fund arc: Acheson & Shannon ...... $ ii.00 A. M. Lenglet...... 5.70 Sylvester Manufacturing Company...... 17.59 J. J. Sparrow ...... 404.56 Kidd & Clements ...... 224.54 G. ·Jensen ...... 5.20 H. 0. Powell ...... 195.80 Mackenzie, Brown & Co...... ] {l.00 J. R. Near...... 10.00 Seaborn, Taylor, Pope & Quirk ...... ·...... 12.00 Parker & Livingstone ...... ·...... 67.95 R. D. '\Vorsle;(...... 70.65 H. R. Finlay ...... 91.26 Beaver Lumber Company...... 257.59 W. J. Hay ...... 4,039.37 Isaac Rosen ...... , ...... 192.71 J. G. Nicholson ...... 622.45 Hall Co., L_td., Winnipeg...... 15.45 Canada Life Assurance Company...... 480.98 Munson, Allan & Co ...... L...... 6.40 Minister of Agriculture ...... • ...... 185.83 :Minister of Agricnltnre ...... 266.96 DECEMBER 3 59

:Minister of .Agriculture ...... - 171.16 :Munson, Allan & Co ...... S.OO :Minister of Agriculture ...... :211.90 Beaver L11111ber Co ...... :29.lB

On motion of J\fr. "\Villoughby,· seconded by Mr. Wylie, Oi·dered, That an Order of the House. do issue for a Return showing: 1. The names of all inspectors and foremen employed by the High,vay Commission on the Go\'ernment gang during 101:2. 2. The date each began work aml period during which work clone. 3. Tho rate of wages paid. 4. The aggregate amount drawn by each.

On motion of Mr. Willoughby, seconded by l\Ir. Wylie, Ordered, That an Order of the Honse cl.o issue for a Return showing: 1. What sheriffs in this province are paid py fees and those by salaries~ 2. "\Vhat are the net returns to the Government for each office in which the sheriff is paid by fees~ 3. "\Vhat are the net amounts received and retained by each sheriff paid by fees~ 4. ·what salaries do sheriffs receive who are paid by salaries~

Ordered, That Mr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill to amend. Tho City Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same ,vas received and read tho £rst time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

01·der<'d, That 1fr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Town Act. He accordingl:v presented the said Bill, and the same was received and read the £rst time, and Onlererl, To be read a second time on Friday next.

Orde1wl, That 1fr. Langley have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Village Act. He- accordingly presented the said Bill aml the same was received and read the tlrst time. and Ordcrerl, To he read a second time on Friday next. 0l'f1end, That ?th·. Bradshaw have leave to introduce a Bill to incorporate The Secnrity :Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan. Ho accordingly prcscn ted the said Bill ancl the same was receiv:ecl and read tho fo·st time, and Ordered. To be read a sccnnrl time on Friday nexi. Ordered. That :Mr. Willoughby havP leave to intro(lncc a Bill to incorporate :i\fooi'e Jaw, Lin1itcd. 60 DECEMBER 4

He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 22) to incorporate The British Western Trust Corporation. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 30) to incorporate the North. Battleford Club. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred t-0 the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No 11) respecting Local Improvement Dis­ tricts, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed 'the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the. Committee had made some pro­ gress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that .the Com­ mittee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 5.10 o'clock p.m.


3 o' CLOCK The following petitions were presented: By Mr. Bole-Of Julius Friedman and two others praying for an Act to incorporate Regina-Moose Jaw Interurban Railway~ By Mr. Sutherland-Of F. A. Blain and four others pr~ying for an Act t-0 incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon. By Mr. McNab-Of J. 0. Hettle and. four others praying for an Act to incorporate Saskatoon Banking and Loan yompany,

Mr. Bole from the Standing Committee on Standing Orders pre- sented the following report: · Your Committee have examined the petition of Richard Doyne MacDonnell and Joseph Campbell praying for an Act to incorporate The Prairie Loan and Inve;,tment Company, and find that the pro­ visions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. On motion of Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in. DECEMBER 4 61

Mr. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to report as follows : Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bills, and have agreed to report the same with amendments: Bill (No. 15) to confirm a certain Bylaw of the City of Regina . and Certai.n Agreements and a Lease entered into between the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the City of Regina. Bill (N.o. 23) to incorporate the Glenavon Hospital. Bill (No. 24) respecting the Dominion Trust Company. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Ordered, Tha,t the Report be now received.

:iYir. Beaudreau asked the Government the following questions: 1. How many well boring machines does the Government own? 2. Where were they operated during the present year? 3. Is it the intention .of the Government to co-operate with and assist municipalities in sinking test wells in those areas of the Province where a supply of water is scarce? Mr. :i\foN ab answered as follows: 1. One. 2. Not operated. 3. Not considered. Mr. Simpson asked the Government the following questions: 1. Is the Go.v,ernment aware of the fact that the Department of the Interior recently made arrangements for the sale .of a large area -of school lands situated in Saskatchewan? 2. Was such sale aTranged for and held with the consent and approval of the Government of Saskatchewan? If i1ot, why not? 3. Who was responsible for the selection of the lands to be sold and the fixing of the upset price? 4. What has been the practice in the past regarding the questi-0n -of arranging for the sale .of school lands ? Mr. Bell answered as follows: 1. Yes. 2. No. For the reason that the Government of Saskatchewan was not ~onsulted by the Federal authorities respecting any features of the sales in question. 3. The Government has no -knowledge respecting the person or persons responsible for the selection of the lands in question and the fixing o:f their upset price. 4. Prior to the last sale arranged for the officers of the Interior Department and its School Lands branch made it a practice to confer with and secure the appr.oval of the Saskatchewan Government regard­ ing all details connected wtih any general sale of school lands proposed to be held.

Ordered, That Mr. 1\1:cNab have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Steam Boilers Act. 62 DECEMBER 4

He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was receil'ecl and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

The Order o.f the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 25) to amend The Public, Highways Act. Tho said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Hon~e at the next ~itting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 26) to amend The Public ·works .Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the vYhole Ifonse at the next sitting of the House.

On motion of :M:r. ,Johnston (J\ilelfort), seconded by Jvfr. Atkin­ son. Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Retnrn showing: 1. The names ,of the branch lines of railway, the construction of which has been provided for by bond guarantees together with a state­ ment indicating: (a) The length of line. ( b) JI.files of steel laid. ( c) Miles of grading ready for steel. (cl) Date upon which line must be completed. 2. A list of such branches upon which DO grading has as yet been done indicating the surveys completed or under way. L •

On moti.on of "Mr. Scott (Tramping Lake), seconded by J\Ir. Watson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: The number of 11ames on the Provincial Voters' Lists used in the General Election of 1!)12 and number of votrs polled tabulated as follows: (a) Name of constituency; (b) Name of each poll indicating number of votes on list and number of votes polled ; ( c) Total number of nan~es on list for constitncncy and total number of votes polled; ( cl) The nnmber of votes cast for each candidate and the majority of the elected candidate. ·

On motion of Mr. Jviark, seconded by Mr. Harris, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Retnrn showing: 1. The name and location of every ferry in the Province operated by the Government. DECEMBER 4 63

2. The original cost of installing each such ferry. 3. The cost of maintaining and operating each snch ferry clnring the year 1D12. 4. The extent to which each such ferry m1s used dming the year 1912.

On motion of Mr. Lyle, seconded by nir. Robertson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Retnrn showing: . 1. The names of places where sheep.sales were held in the Prov­ ince during the current year. 2. The number of applications receiYed from intending pur- chasers. 3. The number of sheep sold, incli'cating grade and price. 4. The number of sheep remaining unsold.

On motion of Ur. Wylie, seconded by :Mr. Donaldson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. The total cost of the Legislative Buildings to date including: (a) The cost of site; (b) The improvements to the same; ( c) The cost of buildings; ( d) The cost -0f furnishings ; ( e) The total estimated cost to ~omplete the building.

On motion of :Mr. \Vylie, seconded by :Mr. Donaldson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: The total cost of the preparation of the voters' lists during the present year.

On motion of nir. ·wylie, seconded by :Mr. Donaldson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. The number of arrests made dnring· the proYincial ,election campaign for _alleged violation of The Elections Act. 2. The number of persons arrested. 3 Tho number of convictions secured. 4. The number released without being brought to trial.

On motion of :Mr. Simpson, seconded by :Mr. Finlayson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issne for a Return shov,;ing: 1. Copies of all correspondence carried on between the Govern­ ment of Saskatchewan and the Ottawa Government or any of its officials with respect to the sale of school lands recently arranged for and now being held. 2. A statement of all school lands sold prior to July l, 1912, in­ dicating: 64 DECEMBER 4

(a) The area sold ; (b) The total selling price; ( c) The amount o:f principal paid; (d) The amount o:f unpaid principal; ( e) The total amount deducted :for expenses and administra­ tion; (f) The irate o:f interest paid to the Province; 3. A statement indicating: (a) The number o:f parcels o:f school lands included in the sale recently arranged :for; ( b) The total area o:f these parcels.

Moved by 1\1:r. v\7illoughby, seconded by Mr. Wylie, That it is expedient that' the G-0vernment should take such meas­ ures as may be necessary to authorise and empower the appointment o:f counsel to represent the Government and Opposition, respectively, at the pending inquiry re Elections before the Select Committee o:f the House. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising thereupon, And the debate continuing, And the Question being again proposed, The House divided and the names being called :for were taken down as :follows :

YEAS, Messieurs Willoughby Donaldson Wylie Bradshaw Davidson Tate-6

NAYS.' Messieurs Scott ( Swi:ft Current) Bola l\foNab Turgeon Calder Motherwell Stewart Garry Johnston (Pelly) Finlayson Atkinson Johnston (Mel:fort) Bell Langley Ens Smith Sutherland Mitchell MacNeill Totzke Scott ( Arm River) Robertson Lyle Lochead Beaud1eau Devline Paulson Moore Larson Leitch Latta :Magee Mark Forsyth Harris Scot.t (Tramping Lake)' Watson-37 So .it passed in the negative.

On motion o:f Mr. Davidson, seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That an Order o:f the House do issue for a Return• showing: DECEMBER 4 G5

From J au nary 1, 1912, to elate, a statement i11 detail ,of a11 moneys expended by or on behalf of the yoYernmcnt of Saskatchcmrn in ·what is now the 'Willow Bunch Constituency.

:Moved by ::i\lr. Sutherland, secouclecl by :Mr. :Magee, ,Vhereas during recent years the more aclvan:ced countries of the civilised world have recognised the necessity and are making ample provision for carrying 011 a class of educational work intended to im­ prove, the skill, efficiency and scientific knowledge of their farmers, mechanics ancl artisans, thereby materially increasing the earning power and wealth 0£ those nations; And whereas it has come 1o be generally recognised 'that the existing school systems of Canada do not make proper aud sufficient provision for furnishing the masses_ of the people with a tcclmical, industrial or agricultural training; And whereas it is in the interest of the Dominion as a ,,·hole that this educational problem should be grappled with and soh·ecl by the adoption of an aggressive policy involving upon _each prm·incc the amiual expenditure- of a very large sum of money; Therefore be it resolved that in the 'Opinion of this Home it is desirable: (a) That tho Parliament of Canada should appropriate an­ nually for a period of years a sufficient sum nf money to enable each of the provinces to improve and cxtcrnl its educational system so as to suitably provide for the'class of training and education above cited; (b) That the moneys appropriated by Parliament for this purpose be granted to the several provinces of Canada on the basis of population,; ( c) That each of tho said Provinces be required to cntrr, into an undertaking to the effect that any grants thns received shall be expended solely for the pmpose for which it is voted. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Questi.on being again proposed, It passed nnanimonsly.

On motion of ~Ir. Snthcrland, seconded by ::i\Ir. ::i\Iagec, . Resolved, That an Humble Address be presented to His Honom the Licntcnant Governor praying that copies of a Rcsolnhon conccl'Jl­ ing Technical Education be forwarded to the Secretary of State for Canada for transniission to His Royal Highness the Governor General in Council, and to the Provincial Secretary of each of the Canadian prov.inces for transmission to the Lieutenant Governor in Connril of each such province. 66 DECEMBER 5

Tlw fol\cmiug 1wti tions were presented: By :Mr. 'Willoughby-Of Ji'rank Garnet and seven others praying :for an Act to incorporate The Graml LodgP of Saskatchewan of the Loyal 01·d~r of }foosc•. Hy }Ir. Bole-Of Hugh a\rmom arnl five others prayrng for au Act t.o incorporate The Assiniboi1i Trnst Compauy.

Ordon i1, That }Ir. Calder ha,·e kayo 1o introduce a J3ill to ameml The Railway aml' Telephone Act. Ifo aecol'(1ingly presented the snicl Bill and the same was reeeivrd and read the• first time, and Ordrrocl, To be read a second time on :Friday next.

Ordered, That ::\fr. Calder have leaYe to inirodnco a Bill rospccti11g tho Department of Railways. Ho accon1ingly presented tho said Bil], and the same was recc•ived arnl read the first time, and Ordered, To he read n sec-orn1 time on Friday next.

s\ncl thrn tho Honse adjonmed at i5.30 o'clock p.m.

REGLNA, TIIURd the fo1lowing renort.: Y om Corn mi ttoe lrnY;exami11ecl the petition of P. A: Snlte1· and throe others praying for Au Act to incorporate the Village of Ba1canes as a Tuw11 nmlel" the name of tho 'J'lown of Balcarros, and fin,1 that tho provisions of Rnle 51 concerning tho advertisement have not been fully comp1 iecl with, lmt ;y01u Committee recomnwnd that lea vc be given to introdnce the Dill. On motion o"f :i\lr. Bole, seconded hy :i\Ir. 13radshaw, Ordered, Thnt the Report he now c011C1UTeclin.

:Mr. Robinson askerl the Government tho following qnestioll.s: 1. How mauy gnu and game licenses were issued by tho Gm·ern- rne11t during tho current year? 2. V{hat is the total re\·em10 recoirncl. front this source? ::.\fr.. :i\Iotherwe11 answered as follows: 1. The retnrns are as yet incomplete owing to the fact that the year has not y<•t closed. H.etnrns have been received up to and includ­ ing Novemher 30th for: (a) 8480 $ 1.00 Resident hir<1 game licenses. (b) 24 $10. 00 N ome.sident 6 day game bird licenses. (c) 7 $2if>.00 Nomesident season game bird licenses. (cl) li56 $ 2.00 Resident big game licenses. 2. The total receipts from 1fnrch 1 np to November 30 are $7.00G.0,1. . DECEMBER 5 67

}Ir. Totzke asked the Government the f.allowing qnestion: Is it the intention of the Government during the present Session of the Honse to intrndncc a Bill handing over to the Unin'rsity of Saskat­ chewan the control and regulation of the variou,; profes;;ions practised in tho Province ? J\{r. Scott (Swift Cnrre11t) tfllSWererl as follows: Tho Government has 1wt. as yet reached a decision respecting this important matter. :Mr. Johnston (Pelly) asked the Government the fol1owing ques­ tions: I. 1Vill the long tlistauee telephone line be eonstrncted nex~ snmmer from Cai10ra eastward throngh Kmnsack aml other stations 011 tho Canadian N orthem Railway to the Manitoba bonndar,v? 2. ·wm connection he then rnacle at or llear Togo with the 1\Iani­ toba long distance line and the necessary arrangements with the 1\Iani­ toba Government eompleto(l for telephone connection with J\lnnitobn poi11ts? J\fr. Calder answered as follows: 1. Constrnctiou programme for. next season has not yet !won dc­ c!ided npon. The line from Ca11orn eastward will be eon-:;idere(l witl:1 others when decision is being arrived at. 2. The :Manitoba Commission will he apprnaehecl with a Yiew t.o making; arrangements for connection with the Manitoba system at or nen t· ~rogo. ?.fr. Magee asked the Goven1m( nt tlw following questions: 1. ·what steps, if ~my, han' bern taken by the Canadian Xorthem Railway Company in eounedirm of the two lines of raihrny in the sonthern portion of the ~IoosP :\fq1rntain const·itnency guaranteed 1,y the T,egislatnre at its last session'? 2. ·when is it expected thar. gracling \\·ill lw eo111111011ee

?v[ove,l hy Mr. Robinson. sfe01Hled h,v :\fr. Johnston Ofclfort), ,Vhercas in 'IYestPrn CaHada thP cost of prod11ci11g grain and the cost of livi11g have steadily increased for a nmuber of years past; And whrreas the farmers of Saskatchewan arc at prr,srnt being depriYed of the advantage of the l:nitrcl States grain markets, thereby entailing a lo~s to them of millions of rlcillars annnallv: An

And ,1'heteas such partial relief may be attained by adjusting the tariff la,v of Canada so as to bring· about a lowering of the price of rough lumber, cement, coal oil, gasoline, traction engines, separators and farm implements generally; And whereas snch a relief measure is the more warranted because in spite· of ample protection for a 1011g term of years the Canadian mannfactnrers· of agricultural machinery and supplies arc nnable to satisfy··the home demand; · Therefore be it resolved that in the opinion of this House it is the duty of the Government of Cairncla at the present session of Parliament to introduce and further legislation that will have as its objects: (a) The entry into C~nada free of duty oJ lumber, all grades of gasoline, coal oil, machine and lubricating oils; (b) A substantial reduction if not abrogation of the duties upon cement and all kinds of agricultnral machinery and imple­ ments; ( c) A.n immediate increase of the British preference and the grad- ual nltimato of free trade within the ]~mpire. A11d the Qnestion being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, On motion of Wi11ongl~by, seconded by }\fr. Donaldson, Ordered, That the debate be adjonrnell.

On motion of J\Ir. ,Vatson, seconded by J\Ir. Scott (Tramping Lake), Ordered, That an Order of the House clo issue. for a Return show­ ing: l. The number of sch0,ol districts in Saskatchewan on each of the following dates: September l, lD05; December 31, 1905; December 31, 1906; December ;n, 1907; December 31, 1908; Dceemb'er 31, 190(); December 31, lD10; December 31, 191 l; December 1, 1Dl2. 2. The nnmber of school rooms or departments ( including high school departments) maintained in each _of the following towns anr1 cities dnring each of the years lD05 to 1Dl2, inclusive: Moosornin, Indian Head, Regina, }\r[,oose Jaw, Swift Current, \Veylmm, Estevan, Saskatoon, Prince Albel't, Y orkton, Battleforcl ancl North Battleford.,

On motion of :i\[itche11, soconclccl by }\fr. Sutherland, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Rctnm showing: l. Thenumher of miles of railway graded in the Province dnri11g the year 1Dl2, giving the location of such grading. 2. Tho nnmher of miles of steel laid l1y railway companies dnring the year 1Dl2, showing location. 3. A list .c\f the hrat1ch railways whose routes have been approved by the Goven1111ent during the year 1()12. 4. A list of the surveys made on other lines aided by the Govern­ ment, the general rontes of which have not yet been approYed. DECE:.\IBER 6 69

On motion of :Mr. \Vylie, seconded by :Mr. J3raclshaw, Ordered, That an Order of tho House do issne for a Retum showing: The amount paid to The Leader Publishing C01'npany for work done for the Govemment from JI.Iarch 1 until December 1, 1012.

On motion of 1.Ir. 'Wylie, seconded by 1.Ir. Bradshaw, Ordered, That an Order of the Honse do issne for a Return showing: 1. The 1rnmes of special co11stables ·employed by the Government during the months of June and July, 1912. 2. The amounts paid to each. 3. The leDgth of time that each constable was in the employ of the Government. Bell, a Member of the Execntirn Council, ]aid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House elated November 21, 1912, shmving: 1. A list ,of the elevators built or piuchasec1 by the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elorntor Company clming the years 1911 and 1()12, in­ dicating the location, capacity anc1 cost of each. 2. The amount of money advanced by the Gm-ermnent on account of such elevators for each of the said years. B. The £nancial standing o:f the company at the close ,of its £rst year of operation. ( Sessional J:>aper No. 21.)

::\fr. Scott, a Member of the Executirn Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated N ovembcr 22, 1912, shrywing: A copy .of the retnrn made by the Rei urning Officer for the Elect­ oral District of Cumberland at the recent election therein held and all papers and documents relating to the holding of the said election and of the official and other correspondence hetwren the Returning Officer and any member of the Gove1'innent oi· the Clerk of the Executive Connci1. (Sessional Paper N,o. 22.)

c\nd then the lfoi1Se adjoumed at 5.30 o'clock p.m.



The following petitions were read and received: Of Avory B. Yager and two others praying for an Act to incor­ porate The Empire :Mortgage Trust Company. Of Julius Friedman and two others praying for an Act to incor­ porate Regina-Moose Jaw Interm;ban Raihvay. 70 DECEMBER 6

_ Of F. A. Blain and four others praying for an Act to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon. Of J. 0. Het,tle and four others praying· for an Act to incorporate ' Saskatoon Banking and Loan Company. , Of Frank Garnet and seven others praying· for an Act to incorpor­ ate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of :Moose. Of Hngh, Armour and five othei,s praying for an Act to incorpor­ ate The Assiniboia Trust Company.

:i\Ir. :Mitchell from the Stan

:i\Ir. Cawthorpe asked the GoYernmeut the following qnestion: Has the Government any knowledge reganling a coal shortage in the Province. If so, what is being done by the GoYernment to relieve the same? ' ?lfr. }\fotherwell answered as follows: The Government has knowledge of a coal· shortage ,existing at the present time at only one p,oint in the Province, namely, the village of Harris on the Goose Lake branch of the Canadian N orthem Rail­ way. Steps were taken several clays ago to secnre such information as to delayed shipments as would enable the department to hasten the movement to I-Iarris of such coal as. was on order and an assm·anec• was received the Canadian Northern Railway Snperintendent for the district that all shipments of coal, and particnlarJ~, those consigned to point·s on the branch line of railway mentioned were receiving special cons_ideration.

Ordered, That 1Ir. 13o1e have leave to introdnce a Bill to incorpor~ ate The Prairie Loan and I1westment Compai~y. • He accordingly presented the said 13ill and the same was recel"<'(l and read thr first time, ai1d Ordered, To he read a sec.and lime on :Monday next.

Ordered, That Mr. :McDonald have leaYe to introdnce a Rill to incorporate the Village of Balcarrc,; as a Town :Mnnicipality. DECEMBER 6 71

He accorclingl:Y presented the said Bill and the same was received and re!jd the first time, and O{·dered, To be read a second time on Monday next.

]ifo\·ed by 1ifr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by 1Ir. Turgeon, ·whereas by a resolution of this Honse adopted on the twenty-fifth day of November, 1012, Messrs. Bole, Bradshaw, 1foX ei11, 1ifoGee and Tate, 11110mbersof this House, were appointed a select committee for the purpose of holdi11g an inquiry into certain matters set out iu the said resolution; And ,d1ereas the said committee is now holding its sittings and <:unclucting the saicl Inquiry; And whereas certain telegrams were forward-eel by rhe said com­ mittee through the chairman thernof to the Honourable Dr. Roche and the Honourable Mr. Rogers notifying them of the sittings of the said committee and offering them an opportunity to attend the said sittings and prod nee evicle11ee thereat ; And ·whereas snbseqnently on the second day of December, 1912, an article entitled "Scott's Flimsy Subterfuge" was published in The Daily P1·oi-ince JYen·spaper of Regina of which the foUowiug paragraphs arc• extracts: "It is to be hoped that Hon. Robert Rogers and Hou. Dr. Roche "treat the telegrams sent q1em by the Scott Government partisan in­ " vestigating committee with the contempt the.y deserve." "To appear before the partisan committee appointed by the Scott "Government ,rnuld be to subject themselves to indignity and nnfair­ "ness. The persounel of 1he government portion of the committee is "snfficirnt to gnnrantre this. After Premier Scott refused an inde­ "pencknt com;ni,.:sion there is no hope of fairness fro1:n his partisau "committee. 1Je~s1·s. Rogers and Roche are not responsible t.o the "Scott G0Yen1111rnt, and ,nrnld he foolish to countenance its a1trmpt to '·hide its crooked work b_y r<'cognising the partisan cormi1it1ec." "The commit1ee is a farce, a cheap political trick of a gang of "political trieksters, and JHessrf'. Rogers and Roche shonld treat it as "sneh." And whereas on 1hc third clay of December, 1012, another article rntitlecl "The Packed .Tnr,Y," was published in the said Daily Province of which the following paragraphs are extracts: "1ifr. Turgeon has said that The Prom:nce has been guilty of con­ ·"tempt toward the Lrgislatnre. The P1·01·i11cehas nothing in retract, ' "allfl if its words hear the constrnc1inn placed npon them by'Mr. Tnr­ "geon th0 Legislatnre is rcspousible." "If Hon. Robert Rogers or Hon. Dr. Roche recognise the partisan "tribnnal of a go,·ernment elected by the most infarnons 1nrthods they ''will be assisting in degrading pnblic life. Imagine jnstice Bole, "}IcN eill and Magee, bnt more especially imagine fair play from these "men when they are the creahues of T11rgeo11, Calder and Scott." And whereas in the 011inion of this House the aforesaid extracts and 1·h0 ge11eral tenor of the articles from which thr_y are 1aken con­ ,c:titnt0: 72 DECEMBER 9

(a) A libel upon certain members of this House in their capacity as members of the aforesaid select committee; (b) A contempt against the honour and dignity of this House and a select committee thereof; ( c) An infringement of one of the most important privileges of this House. Therefore this House desires to place on record its disapproval of the said publications. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Question being again proposed, The House divi,led and the names being called for were taken down as follows:

YEAS. :1Icssieurs

Scott (Swift Current) Calder .A.tkinson Turgeon Garry Langley Finlayson Simpson Sutherland Johnston (:i\:Ielfort) Bell Totzke Ens '." :HacNeill Lyle 1\1:itcheli Robertson Larson Scott (Atm River) Beaudreau Mark Lochead Paulson Scott (Tramping Lake) Leitch .., Harris Cunningham Latta :McNab Bole ::\fotherwell-31

XAYS. ::\fessieurs- Jlradshaw Wylie-2

So it was resolved in the affirmative.

Ancl then the ·House adjourned at 5.30 o'clock p.m.


3 o'cLOCK P.::ir.

::\Ir. Dole, from the Standing Committee on Standing Orders presented the following report: Your committee have examined the petition of J,oseph Calch·ell and others praying for an Act to incorporate The \V estern Prndential Investment Company, Limited, and :find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. DECEt.iBER 9 73

Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introclnce tho Bill. Your Committee have als.o examined the petition of Hugh Armonr all(] fo·c others })raying for an-Act to incorporate The Assiniboia Trust Company and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Y onr Committee have also examined the petition of Ambrose Clarke Hunt and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The Commercial Olub and find that the provisions of Rule 51 have been complied with. Your Committee recommend that leave Le given to introduce the Bill. On motion of J\Ir. Bole, seconded by J\Ir. "\Villonghby, Ordered, That the Report be nm\· concmred in. ~Ir. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private J3ills and Railways presented the following report: The Standing Committee on PTirnte Bills and Railways beg to report as follows: Your Committee hm·e had under consideration the following Bill and hnYe agreed to report tho same: Bill (No. 30) to incorporate The North Battleford Club. Your Committee have also had under consideration the following Dills and have agreed to report the same wtih amendments: Dill (No. 21) to incorporate the Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limi1e(1. J3ill (No. 22) to incorporate the 13ritish "\Nestern Trust Corpora- tion. On motion of Mr. J\1i tchell, seconded by J\Ir. MacN eill, Ordered, That the Report he now received. J\foved by J\Ir. Turgeon, seconded by J\Ir. :.McNab, That the House do immediately resolve itself into a Oommi ttce of the ·whole Honse to consider a prop,osed Resolution respecting fees to he paid by Circuses and Travelling Shows. Mr. Scott (Swift Current), a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the Honse that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the consideration of the Honse. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The Rouse accordingly resolved itself into a Committee and after some time spent therein J\1:r. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a first time. -Ordered, That the Resolution he read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a second titne and concurred in. 74 DECEMBER 9

That it is expedient to provide that app1icm~ts for license to ex­ hibit any menagerie, circus, ·wild west show, trained animal show or show of ai_1y kind whatrnever oe reqnirecl to pay for such lieense the snms following for every day upon which the show is to be exhibited in Saskatchewan, namely: For every circns, menagcri<:>, wild west show and not more than oue side show if travelling with Over twenty cars ...... $100 ·with twenty cars or less...... 50 Every other trained animal show .... , ...... 15 ]',or eaclr additional Hide show...... 10 Aml for every other show snch sum as rnay Im dctnmined by the 1n·ovincial secretary for every clay npon which the show is licei.1Srcl to be exhibited: Provided that if any such show is exhibited as part of an inclns­ trial <.'xhibition or agricnltnral fair the applicaut shall pay snch liccme fee as the provincial secretary_ mny impose bnt not in excess of the fees sPt ont above for the particular el ass of show; and the provincial sc'cretary rnay lrnn\ reganl to any special circumstances of the case mid may if he rleem aclYisable impose H nominal fee. On motion of 1fr. Tnrgco11, seconded hy }Ir. McNab, . O1'<1erccl. That the sairl Rcsnlntin11 he referred to tlw Committee of the \Vhole JJomc 011 the :Bill (Xn. 8) respecting Cirenses awl Travelling Shmrn ,rith i11strnctinus thnt they Jinye power to make · pro:•ision thel'cin pnrsmmt thereto.

Orclerer1, That. }Ir. I<'inlayson haYe leave to introclncc a Bill to incot'poratc \Vester11 Prndential Invcstrnent aud Trust Company. He nrcol'(1i11gly pt'esentcd the ~nid Bill nnd the same was receiYed and rPa

Or,lel'((l. That J\fi-. Dole lHffe leuvP to introduce a Bill to incor­ porate• The Cnm111ercial Club. HP aeco1'flingly p1·esp1Jle<1the said Bill and the same was recefr•ecl arnl rPn-d the fi1·st. time, and Orderec1, To be read a srr-oll(l time on \Vc<1nes(1ay 110xt.

Onlerc.d. That Mr. Bole lrn,·e leave 1o introdncc a Bill to incor­ poratP· Assinibnia Tmst Company. He aceordingly presented the said Bill and the same was recein;cl andread the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on '\Veclnesday next.

The Order of the Day being read for tlw second reading of the Bill (No. 36) to amend The Steam Boilers .Act, The said Bill was accordingly read a: second time, and Ordered, To be cowmitted to a Committee of the Whole Honse· at the next sitting of the Honse. DECEMBER 9 75

The Oi·der of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 39) to incorporate The Prairie Loan and Investment Com­ pa11y, The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee m1 Prinite Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 40) to i,1corporate the Village of J3alcarres as a Town l\Innicipality, The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on PriYate Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the J3ill (No. 34) to incorporate The Secnrity Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan. The said Bill was accordingly read a secoml time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Dills and Railways. The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 35) to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. Tho said Dill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Raihrnys.

The Order of the Day being read for the acljonrned debate on the Resolution moved by l\Ir. Robinson, seconded by Mr. J,olmston (Mel­ fort). \"Vhereas in "\Vestern Canada the cost of producing grain and the cost of living have steadily increased for a number of years past; And whereas the farmers of Saskatchewan are at present being deprived of the adrnutages of the Unitecl States grain markets, thereby (•ntailing a loss t'o them of millions ,of dollars annnally; And whereas it is desirable that steps shonlcl immediately be taken to bring abon t at least a partial measnre of relief for the enormous loss thus snstainecl ; And whereas snch partial relief may he attainccl by adjnsting the tariff law of Canada so as to bring abont a lowering of the price of rongh lnmber, cement, coal oil, gasoline, traction engines, separators and farm, implements generally; And whereas snch a relief measure is the more warranted because iil spite of ample protection for a long term of years the Canadian mannfacturers -of agricultnral machinery and snpplies are nnable to c'atisfy the home demand; Therefore be it resolved that in the opinion of this House it is the duty of the Government of Canada at the present session of Parlia­ ment to introdnce and further legislation that will have as its objects: (a) The entry into Canada free of duty of lumber, all grades of gasoline, coal oil, machine and lubricating oils; 7o D1~cEl\mER 9.

(b) A substantial reduction if not abrogation of the duties upon cement ancl all kinds of agricultural machinery and imple-. men ts; ( c) 1\.11 immediate increase of the British preference and the · · gradual ultimate of free trade within the Empire. And the debate continuing, It was moved in amendment by :Hr. '\Villoughby, seconded by :Mr. Wylie, That all the words after "that" be struck out and the :following· substituted: That ,vhereas the. people of Canada by their verdict on September 21, 1911, declared for Mr. Borden's policy of a tariff commission; And whereas the creation of such commission was thwarted bv the action of the Senate of Canada; ., And whereas it is expedient that prompt, adequate and impartial inquiry be made into the whole question of the Customs tariff and its beari'ng on the various industries and trade of Canada haYing regard specially to agriculture: And whereas Federal legislation pending the report of such com­ mission on tariff ,matters would be premature; Therefore be it resolved that this House do respectfully petition the P·arliarnent of Canada to carry into- effect the expressed wi11 of the people. And a1 debate •arising, And the debate continuing, .And the Question being put on the amendment, The House divided and the names being called for were taken down as follows:

YEAS. ~f essienrs Willoughby Wylie ~fcDonakl-3

NAYS. 11:essieurs Scott ('Swift Current) J3iilo :l\IcNab Finlayson Simpson 1fotherwell }\i(itcheH Bt:ll .Tohnston (Pelly) Scott ( Arm Rivel·} Smith Atkinson Lcichead 1hcNeill J:angley Cawthorpe Robertson 'Lyle· Latta Beaudreau Robinson Forsyth . :i\foore ·. Larson Watso11 Phirt Cmminghari1 Scott ( Tramping Lake).;...2s :soifpassed,in the,negative. And the main Q1iestion,being·againproposed, • , , The;Ifoi1s.e..,cfo,ided and the naines called for: were -taken down as follows:::,· ., ,·, DECEMBER 9 77

YEAS. :i\Iessieurs

Scott (Swift Cnrreut) J3ole :i\foNab Finlayson Simpson Motherwell :i\IitcheH J3ell Johnston (Pelly) Scott (Arm lfo·er) Smith Atkinson Locheacl :i\1facNeill J,angley Cawthorpe Roib'erts0n Lyle_ Latta Beaudreau Robinson Forsyth :i\Ioore Larson 'iYatson Phin Cunning-ham Scott (Trampi11g Lake)-28 NAYS. ::\Iessienrs

"\Villono·hbvb V ::\fcDonald-2

So it was resolved in the affinnati,·e.

::\foved by :i\Ir. Robinson, secomled by ::\Ir. Lochead, Resohed, That au lllmible address be pyesentecl to His Honour­ the Lieutenant Gm·ernor, praying that a copy of a Resolution respect­ ing certain proposed alterations in the Canadian tariff be forwarded to the Secretary of State for Cm1ada for transmission to His Royal Highness the Governor General in Council.

On motion of Mr. :Moore, seconded by 1Ir. Cawthorpc, Ordered, That an Order of the Honse do issue for ·a Hctnrn showing: 1. The number of wolves killed in the province dnring each year since the ,Vol£ Bounty Act has been in operation .. 2. The amount of wolf bounty paid each year by the Go,·ermnent. ,3. The number of Local Improvement Districts. and Hurn] }Innici­ palities: ( a-) Formed into \vol£ bounty districts; (b) Not formed into such districts.

On motion of ::\Ir'. Lyle, seconded by Mr. :B'1inlayson, Ordered, That an order of the Honse do issue for a Return slw-wing: All correspondence between the Government and the Can'nclinn Northern Railway Company relating to the laying of steel from Edam north-west on the North Battleforcl-.Athabasca line of the said railway co1111)any. ·

T,he House according to Order resol vcd itself in to Comwi ttec of the· ,Yhole on the Bill (No. 14) to confer certain Powers npon the City of Saskatoon, and after some time spent therein ::\lr. Speaker resnmetL the Chair, and Mr. T~ole reported the Bill. ' 78 DECEMBER 9

Ordered, That the Report be 110w 1"Ccei\·ed. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 14) be read a third time on \V ed­ nesclay next. .

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole .ou the Bill (No. 18) to confirm.the Assessment and Tax Hol1s of the Town of Weylmrn, and.after some,,time spent therein .Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. 13ole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now Teceivecl. 0Tdered, That the ]3ill (No. 18) be read a third time on Wed­ nesday next.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 1G) to ratify Bylaws Nos. G38, GGGand GGG of the City of :Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library, and after some time spent therein }\fr. Speaker resnmecl the Chair and :Ml'. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be 110w received. The said ameuclments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. JG) be read a third time on Wed­ nesday next.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the 1iVhole on tho ]3i11 (No. 17) to provide for payrnen t of Interest nuder certain Byla\vs of tho City of :Hoose Jaw, and after some time $pent therein J\fr. Speaker resumed the Chair and J\fr. Bole rc1iorted the Bill with amendments. Owlered, That the Report be now recei vec1. Tlic ~nid amendments ·were then twice read and agreed tq. Ordered, That the J3ill (No. 17) be road a third .time on vVc(l­ ncsday next.

The Honse according to Orrlcr resolved itsc1f .into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 23) to i11corporatc the Glenavon Hospital, and after some time spent therein l\Ii-. Speaker resumed the Chai1· arnl l\h. Bole reported the Bill with amcnchnents. 0nlered, That the Report _he now received.. Tlw said amendments were then twice read and agreed 1:b. Ordered, That tho Bill (No. 28) be read a tbi~d time on Wrd- 11esday next. 1

The Honse according to Order 1·esolvecl itself into Committee of the Whole on the BiH (No. 24) respecting the Dominion Trnst Coma pany, and after some time spent therein J\fr. Speaker resnmed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. 0nlered, That the Report be now received. The said :imend-mcnts were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the J3i1l (No. 24) be ;cad a third time on We

T'lrn House according to Order agah1 resolved itself into Com­ mittee of the W·hole on the Bill (No. 4) respecting Brands, and after DECEMBER 10 79 some time spe11t therein ;ii r. Speaker rcsmneJ. the Chair a11J 1lr. Bole r~ported the Bill with amernlmc11ts. Ordered, That the Report be 110w rccciYcd. -The said amen elm en ts were then twice read and agrccLl to Ordered, That the Bill (Ro. 4) be read n third time on \\ccrl- uesday next. The Honse according to Order again resol\-ed itsdf i11to Com­ mittee of the ·whole on the Bill (:No. 11) respecting Local lmprove­ rne11t Districts, ai1d after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair aml :Mr. }litchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Onlererl, That the Bill (No. 11) be reacl a third time 011 \Ved- nesday next. - The Honse according to Order again resolYecl itself into Commit­ tee of the vYhole 011 the l3ill (:No. 12) respecting Noxious 'Weeds, and after some time spent therein 1'Ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported


il" O ' CLOCK P.-:-r. :Mr. Bole from the Standing ConnnittcP on Standing Onlcrs pre­ srntrcl the following report: 80 DECEMBER 10

Your Committee have examined the petition o·f J .. 0. I-Iettle and four others praying for an Act to incorporate Saskatoon 13anking anci Loan Company and find that the provisions of Rule .51 have been com- plied with. · Your Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committee have examined the petition of Avory 13.. Yager and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The Empire Mortgage Trust Company and find that the provisions of Rule 51 concerning the advertisement have not been folly complied with, but your Committee recommend that leave he given to introduce the J3ill.. On motion ,of :i\lr. Bole, seconded hy }\fr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

:i\fr. Bole from the Select Committee on Privileges and Elections presented the following report: In view of the situation which arose in the Committee on JTriday last, and which was reported to the House on that date, and as a result of which the work of the Committee has since been suspended, the Co1mnittcc now deems it advisable to make an interim report on the evidence so far admitted to the said Committee. As to the first question to be inquired into, viz. : the uncomtitu­ ti01rnl aml illegal participation of the Federal Government in the recent provincial elections, copies ,vcre filed of the following news­ papers: the Regina Daily Pro-vince of June 11, 1912, the Saskatoon Phoenix and the Saskatoon Btar of June 27, 1912, and the Yorkton Enterprise of June 27, 1912. These newspapers contain reports of speeches delivered i11 Saskatchewan by the Hon. Dr. Roche, then Secre­ tary of State, upon .the question ..of the transfer by the Dominion to the province of the natural resources of the province. Certificates of conviction and of the depo.sitions in the cases of King v. Alfred Smyth and the cases of King v. Lange were also filed. These d,ocmnents go fo show the nsq of intimidation and other illegal methods by homestead inspectors and others in the said election. . As to the charges made hy the Hon. Robert Rogers, copies were fi1ecl of the :Montreal Btar and the :i\lontreal Gazette of September 23, 1912, containing reports of :M:r. Rogers' speech at Montreal on Septem­ ber 21, 1912; these reports are similar to the quotations set out in the Resolntion appointing this Committee. Evidence was also given by 1 Ur. Phin, M.L.A., and Charles Whitman, registrar of voters' lists for the Electoral Division of Pipestone, as to the conditions of the voters' lists in tho said electoral division. Telegrams were sent on N ovcmher 29th hy the Committee to Hon. Dr. Roche and Hon. Mr. Rogers, calling their attention to the reports of their speeches above referred to and offering them au opportunity to explain their statements, and in the case of l\,[r. Rogers to pr,ove the charges made. No reply to these telegrams has been received hy the Committee. · J\foyed by J\Ir. J3ole, sec.onded by }\fr. 1fagce. That tho Report be now received. DECEMBER 10 81

Ancl the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Question being again proposed, Ii; was resolved in the affirmative.

011 motion of :i\Ir. Ens, seconded by :i\fr. Totzke, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. The number of epidemics of disease which broke ont in the Province during the year 1!.l12, indicating: (a) The nature of such epidemics; , (b) The number of deaths in the case of each class. 2. The steps taken by the Bnreau of Public Health to suppress Traehoma.

Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by :i\Ir. Garry, That, whereas 148 rural municipalities or Local improvement dis­ tricts out of the 269 municipalities. or districts at present organised have 1iow been gazetted wolf bounty districts; And whereas the union of rural municipalities at its conventiou of 1911 resolved that it ,vould be in the interests of the whole province to form all municipalities and districts into w,olf bounty districts; Therefore be it resolved that, in the opinion of this House, it is in the best interests of the foie stock, poultry and game interests of the province that all rural municipalities and local improvement dis­ tricts should be .\.'equired by law to be organised as wolf bounty districts.

JHm·ecl by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by }Ir. :\Vylie, That in view of the contemplated action of the Honourable David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer in the British House of Commons, by means of which it is intended to tax the income of British i1westors in Canada,· this House urges upon the Dominion Government the urgent necessity of protesting against such action on the ground that such a tax would have a tendency to interfere with the flow of British capital toward the colonies, thereby seriously affecting the development of Canada as a whole, and particularly the ·west. And the Question being proposed, The said motio1~ ,ms by leave ,withdrawn.

Orde1'ecl, That :i\Ir. Tmgeon have leave to•introduce a Bill respect­ ing Direct Legislation. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was receiveJ and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

1Ioved by Mr. McNab, seconded by nfr. Turgeon, That this ·House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House to consider a proposed Resolution respecting fees to be paid for Inspection of Boilers and Firem@n's Certificates. S2 DECEMBER 10

}\fr. Scott (Swift Omrent), a }\fomber of the Executirn Council, then acquainted the House that His Honoui· the Lieutenant Govemor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the consideration of the House. Ordered, That :Mr. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The House' accordingly resolved itself into a Oonunittec and after some time spent therein 1\ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and }\fr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, That the Report be no\v r.eceived. Ordered, That the Resolution he u.ow read a first time. The said Resolution wa;; accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Resolution be read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a second time and con­ curred in'. '"That it is expedient that upon completion of his inspection the iuspector shall issue to the owner ,of the boilei· an inspection cettificate and the owner shall pay the inspector for such inspection and the issue of such certificate a fee of $5 for each boiler not exceeding 'i:5 horse power and a fee of $10 for each boiler exceeding 75 horse power: "Provided that the fee for the inspection of and the issue of an insp1:ction certificate for a heating boiler carrying less than 15 pounds pressnre but exceeding 20 horse power shall be $3." On motion of ::i\.1:r.J\foN ab, seconded by llfr. Turgeon, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to the Committee of the ..\Vhole House on Bill (No. 36) to amend The Steam J3oilers Act with instructions that they have power to make provision therein pursuant thereto.

'}\:fr. McNab, a Member of the Executive Council, laitl on the Table the following: Retmi1 to an Order of the House elated N owmher 2G, 1012,, showing: 1. A list of the local improvements, inclucli11g roads, Uridgcs and other public works authorised by the Public ,Yorks DcpaYt111cnt or 1hc Highways Commission iu the co11stitnency of Prince Albert dming tho year 1012. 2. A statement of the amounts so anthoriscd to be expended hy local eonncils. 3. The amount expended to .date on ,the several improvements rdo-rcd to. 4-. The reason, if any, why any work authorised has not been nnclcrtaken or completed. 5. A list of the said improvements upon which work was stopped after Jn]y 11, J DJ2, and the reason therefor in each case. ( Sessional Paper No. 24.)

:Mr. Motherwell, a :Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the followi11g: Retnrn to' mt Order of the Honse dated December 4, Hl12, ~bowing: DECEMBER 11 83

1. The names of places where sheep sales were held in the Prov­ ince chiring the cnrrent year. 2. The number of applications received from intending pm- chasers. ;}. The number 'of sheep rnld, indicating grade and prize. 4. The number of sheep remaining unsold. ~ ( Sessional Pa per No. 2 i"i.)

And then the Honse adjourned at 5.30 o'clock p.m.


3 o' CLOCK l'.~l.

:i\Ir. Bole from the Standing Committee on Standing Orders, pre- sented the following report: , "\~our Committee have examined the petition of F. A. Blain and fonr others praying for an A.ct to incorporate Presbyterian Theologi­ cal College at Saskatoon, and find that the pr,ovisions of Rule 51 con­ cerning the advertisement have not been fnlly complied with, but yom Committee recommend that leave be given to introduce the Bill. Your Committee have also had examined the petition of J nlius Friedman and two others praying for an Act to. incorporate Regina- 1\Ioose Jaw Interurban Railway, and find that the provisions of Rule 51 concerning the advertisement have not been fully complied ,vith, hut ;vonr committee recommend that leaTe be given to introdnce the Bill. Yom Committee haYe also examined the petition of D. Qnirk and eight others praying for an Act to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of :i\Ioose, and find that the pro­ Yisions of Rule 51 have not been complied with, but yonr Committee recommend that leave be given to introd 11ee the Bill. On motion of :Mr. 13~1~,seconded hy-nfr. Bradshaw, Ordered, That the Report he 110w concurred in.

1\[r. J\Iitchell, from the Standing Committee on Prirnte Dills and Railways, presented the following report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to report as follows: Yonr Committee have had under consideration the follo,ving Bills. and have ap:reed to report the same: "· Bill (No. 20) respecting Saska tche,van Secnri ties and Trusts Corporation, and _to change its name to Saskatchewan General Tmsts Corporation. Bill (No. 29) to authorise the Toiwn of Arcola to Bonow JfoneY for certain Public Works. , ·· On motion of 1\Ir. 1\Iitchell, seconded by :Mr. :l\IacN eill, Ordered, That the Report be now received.

:Mr. :Mark asked the Government the following questions: 1. What effort is being made hy the Government to promote rail- 84 DECEMBER 11 way construction throughout district enrbracing southem portion of . Rose town Constituency? 2. When is it expected the Canadian Northem Railway .Company will proceed with the laying of steel upon the grade completed westward from :M:ackorir, also upon grade completed South from Mackorir? :Nh. Bell answered as follows: 1. Arrangements have been made by the Government for the construction of two railways to ·serve the territory in question, namely: (n) An extension southward and south-westward through the Duck Lake country of the Delisle branch of the Canadian N orthem Railway; (b) An extension of the :Moose Jaw-Riverside branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Construction work will be continued on the first of these lines in 1913 with a view to having a considerable mileage completed to carry out next season's crop. , The second line will be completed to the Saskatchewan River dm­ ing 1913, and negotiations are now under way with the Railway Com­ pany concerned to undertake construction work west of the River early in 1913 in order that steel may be laid with the least possible delay upon the completion of the bridge at the crossing of the river. 2. Track laying is being proceeded with at the present time.

Ordered, That Mr. J\ricN ab have leave to introduce a Bill to :nc,n·­ porate The Saskatoon Banki;ng and Loan Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next. Ordered, That J\fr. Willoughby l~ave leave to introduce a l3ill to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of Moose. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was recei\·ecl and read the first time, and Orcle:red, To be read a second time on Friday next.

Ordered, That 1-\fr. Bole have leave. to introduce a l3ill to incor­ porate the Regina-Moose Jaw Interurban Railway. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a secon\l .time on Friday next. Orcle!'ed, That Mr. Sutherland have leave to introduce a Bill to incorporate The P:cc,;J::.yterian T1heological College at Saskatoon. Ho accordingly presei1ted the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and ' Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next. Orclered, That :l\Ir. l3ole have leave to'introduce a Bill to incor­ porate Empire :Mortgage Trust Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was receiYed and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next. DECEMBER 11 85

Ordered, That Mr. Mothenvell hm-e leave to introduce a Bill respecting '\Volf Bounties. Ile accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday next.

1'Ir. :i\IcNab, a :i\Iember of the Executirn Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to au Order of the Honse dated December 3, 1012, show­ ing: 1. The names of all inspectors and foremen employed by the High- way Commission on the Government gang dming lfJ12. 2. The date each began work and period during which work done. a. The rate of wages paid. 4. The ag·gregate amount dra ,vn by each. ( Session al Paper No. 2 G.)

:i\fr. Turgeon, a Member ,,f the Execntive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the Honse dated December 3, 1912, show- ing: 1. '\Vhat sheriffs in this Province are paid by fees and those by salaries? 2. ''\Vhat are _the net returns to\the Government for each office in which the sheriff is paid by fees? 3. vYhat are the net amounts received and retained by each sheriff paid by fees? 4. :what salaries do sheriffs receive who are paid by salaries? (Sessional Paper No. 27.)

:i\Ir. Scott, a :i\Iemher of the Executi,·e Council, laid on the Table the following: _ Retnrn to an Order of the House dated November 28, 1912, sho·w- rng: . All correspondence between the Government of this province and the late Government of Sir vVilfrid Lanrier, touching the transfer by the· :Dominion of Canada to this province of the pn'blic lands and JJatnral resonrces of the province. (Sessional Paper No. 28.)

::\foved hy }lr. Tmg('liH, s(•cimded by ?lfr. Be11, · "\Vhereas at the· last Session of rhe Parliament of Canada a 13i11 was introduced by the Dominion Government providing for the expen­ diture by the said Government of certain sums of monev in the con­ strnctio1{ and improvement of· highwnys in the ,·arions ·: pro\'i11ces of Canada; And wherea's it is reported; to be the intention of the Domiuion Government to infrocl.nce similar' legislation at the present s_ession of the Padiarnei1t of Ca11ada: And whereas accorcli1{g to the true intent and interp1;et~ tion of the Canadian constitution the cont~·ol of highways and of all subjects per­ taining to, tl1e builcling ancl improvt11g of highways within ri province are matters of provincial concern; · · 86 DECEMBER 11

And whereas as a consequence it would seem that any action taken by the Parliament of Canada assumi11g to ve,,t the control of such mat­ ters irr the Government of Canada and to provide for the expenditure thereon of moneys taken from the revenue of Canada, constitutes: L An attempt to usurp the jurisdiction of the .Provincial Legis­ latures in a matter of purely provincial concern; 2. An assumption that expenditures should be made upon the comtructioh and improvement of highways in the various provinces in addition to the amounts which the said Provinces are in a financial position to make and consequently that the subsidies granted the several provinces under the terms of Confederation are inadequate for the proper carrying on of important works of provincial responsibility; Therefore be it resolved that this House deems it to be its duty to direct the attention of the Federal and Provincial Governments of Canada to the constitutional question involved in the contBmplated action of the Federal Government with respect to the imprornment and construction of highways; And be it further resolved that in the opinion of thi,, Honse it is desirable before any further action is taken by the Federal authorities in the direction of providing for high,Yay constn1etion and improvement in the several provinces of Canada that the Governments of the S[\id provinces, should be called together in conference with the Federal authorities for the folloi\ving purposes, namely: . (a) T11e consideration of the constitutional question involved in the said proposed action of the Dominion Government'; ( b) The consideration of the advisability of so increasi ug tho annual grants and subsidies payable to the several provinces to enable them to make proper provision for any additional expenditure that may be necessary for highwa.Y construction and improvement. , And the Question being pl'oposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, On motion of :Ufr. Lochcid, seconded hy Mr. Beaudreau, Ordered, That the debate be adjourned.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 4) respecting Brands, 0n1erer1, That the Hill (No. 4) be now read a third time. The eaid BiH was accordina;ly read a third time. Resoh,ed, That this Dill do now pass and be intitnlcd "An Act respecting Brands."

The O~·dcr of the Day being read for the third reatling of the Bill (Xo. 11) respecing Local Improvement Districts, Ordered, That the BiH (No. 11) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and. be intitnled "An Act respecting Local Improvement Districts."

The Orde'r of the Day bein'g read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 12') respecting Noxious ·weeds, DECEMBER 11 87

Ordered, That the Bill (No. 12) be now read a third time. The saic1 Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and he intitnled "Au Act respecting N oxions 1l'-l eeds."

The Order of the Day being rcacl fol' the thil'd reading of the J3i11 (No. 14) to confer certain Power,; npon the City of Saskatoon, Ordered, That the Bill (No. 14) be now read a third time. The said I3iH was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass a11d be intitnled " ..\n Act to confer certain Powers upon the City of Sas1,atoon.''

The Order of the Day being read fol' the thi nl reading of the Bill (:No. 18) to confirm the Assessment and T.1x Holla of rltc 1'.-l\rn of \Veylmrn, Ordered, That the J3ill (No. lS) he 110w 1·e,Hl a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. . Hcsohed, That this Bill

The Ol'del' of the Day being reacl for the third reading of the l3ill (So. Hi) to rntify Bylaws ili3S, G5G am1 (i5(j of the City ;f }l[oose Jaw relating to a I::>nblic Library, Orclc1·<'cl, That the Bill (:No. lG) he uow read a third time. The sai;"i and 6;"56 of the City of ~Ioose Jaw relating to a Public Library."

The Onler of the Day heing read for the thil'

The 01·der of the Day being read for the third reading of the .Bill (No. 23) to incorporate The Glenavon Hospital, Ordered, That the Bill (No. 23) be now reacl a third time. The said BiH was accordingl_y read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be i11~irnled ".:\n ..\rt ,to incorporate The Glenavon Hospital.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 24) respecting the Dominion Trust Company, Ordered, That the Bill (No. 2"4) be now read a third time. The said I3iH was accordingly read a third time. · Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled ''An Act respecting the Dominion Trnst Company." 88 DECEMBER 11

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the- ·whole on the Bill (No. 15) to confirm a Bylaw of the City of Regina and certain Agreements and a Lease entered into between_ the Grand Trunk Pacific J3ranch Lines Company and the City of Regma, and after some time spent therein J\Ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and J\lr. Bole reported the Bill ·with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. 0Tdered, That the Dill (No. 15) be read a third time .at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the· Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 42) to incorporate The Commercial ClulJ, The said Bill was ac'cordingl v read a second time. and Ordered, To b~ referred t~ "'the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 30) to incorpon1te The North Battleford C1ubi and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and :M:r. Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered. That the Bill (No. 30) be read a third time at the next sitting of the.House. · , ·

The House according to Order i:esolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the BiJI (No. 21)) to incorporate The :Farmers' Co-oper­

ative Company, Limited, and after1 some time spent therein J\Ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and J\fr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit agarn. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Commit­ tee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House. The House according to -Order resohecl itself into Committee of the Whole 011 the Bill (No. 25) to amend The Public Highways Act, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Ur. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. , The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 25) 'he read a third time at the next sitting of the House. The House aDcording to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 26) to amend The Public Works Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr: Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the ·Bill (No. 26) be read a third time at the next sitting of the Rouse. ·

The Rouse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole 011 the BiH (No. 8) respecting Circuses and Travelling DECEMBER 12 89

Shows, and after some time spent therein 1lr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the 11-eport be now received. _ The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. , Ordered, That the Bill (No. 8) be read a third time at the ne:is.·t sitting ,of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Hill (No. 19 )- to confirm and make valid a cer­ tain Agreement of Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Con­ gregation of the Gardiner P.res'byterian Church in the Town of Battle­ ford and F. G. J\tkinson and G. A. Foster, and after some time spent therein 1Ir. S1peaker resumed the Chair and 1Ir. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progn:'-ss and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received, and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the Honse.

The House according to Order resolved its elf into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No'. 2·2) to incorporate The British Western Trust Corporation, and after some time spent therein 1lr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and 1fr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 22) be read a third time at the next sitting. of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 10.10 o'clock p.m.


3 o'cLOCK l'.::lf.

1Ir. :Mitchell from the Standing Committee .on Prirnte Bills and Railways presented the following report: The Standing Committee on I>rivate Bills and Railways beg to report as follows : Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bill and have agreed to report the same with amendments: Bill (No. 34) to incorporate the Secmity Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan. On motion of nfr. 1Iitche11, seconded by 1{r. nfocNcill, Ordered, That the Report he now received.

On motion of nfr. :Mark, seconded by ?lfr. Harris, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. ,Vhat has been the capital expenditme upon the ferry at Outlook for the years 1907, mos, 1!)09, 1910, 1911, rn12? 90 DECEMBER 13

2. "That has been the cost of maintenance of this ferry during each of these years?

:i\fr. Bole, the Chairman of the Select, Committee on the Election Charges, laid on the Table the following: · •rhe minutes df the meetings of the Committee together with other papere. (Sessional Paper No. 29.)

:i\Ir. Turgeon, a Member o'f the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Retnrn to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: The arnonnt paid to The Leader l:)ublishing Company for work done for the Government from :i\farch 1 until December 1, 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 30.)

The House· according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 28) to amend chapter 128 -of The Re­ vised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Pro­ tecti.on of Game," and after some time spent therein :i\-Ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and· Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress a11Clhad directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report he now received and that the Committee have leave to sit4tgaih at.the next sitting of the Honse.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the \Yhole on the Bill (No. 3G) to amc-ncl The Steam Boilers Act, and after some time spent therein :Nir. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. · Ordered, That the Report he now received and that the Committee haYc leaye to sit again at the next sitting of the Honse.

And then the Honse acljonrnccl rt ii.30 o'clock p.rn.

REGINA, FRIDAY, DECE11[13En rn, mu.

4 o'cLOCK l'.)l .

. l\Ir. :i\IacNeill from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following repol't: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Hailways beg to report as follows: Yonr Committee have had nuder consideration the following Bill and agreed to report the s,une with amendments: Bill (No. 39) to incorporate The Trust and Loan Company of . \Vestern Canada. On motion of llfr. 1Iac:Nci1L seconded bv Mr. Scott (Arm River), Orderecl, That the Report be nmY recei~·ed. DECEMBER 13 91

::\Ir. WiJlonghby asked the GO\·ernment the following questions: 1. Has the Government in its employ one :i\Ieyers, said to be a school inspector? 2. Has the Government or Highway Commission in its employ one Eisenhart~ 3. Is the Government aware that the said Meyers and Eisenhart teak an active part in the recent South Qn' Appe1le bye election at \Tibank and l)ayin polling districts? :i\fr. Scott answered as follows: 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. No. The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 25) to amend the Public Highways Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 25) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be inti"tn1ed "An Act to amend The Public Highways Act." The Orsler of the Day heing read for the third reading of the J3i11 (No. 26) to amend The Public \V.orks Act. · Ordered, That the Bill (No. 26) he now read a thinl time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act to amend Tho Pnblic \Vorks Act."

The Order of the Day being read for the third rending of the Bill (No. 8) respecting Circnses and Travelling Shows. Ordered, That the J3ill (No. 8) be 110w read a third time. The said Bill was accordingl~· read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act respecting Circnses and Tra,·elling Shows."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 1;'\) to confirm a certain Jlylaw of the Cit_y of Regina and cert.ain Agreements and a lease entered into between the Grand Trunk Pacific Bnmch Lims Company a11cl the City of Regina. ,\nd the Qne~tion being proposed, It was moved in amendment by ::\fr. Bradshaw, seconded by ~fr. Tatr, That 1hr Order for the third reading of the said 13ill he dis­ chargcc1 and that the Bill he referred to the Committee on Private J3il1s and Raihvays for the purpose of mal,:jng the following amendment: 1. To insert a Clause providing for the indorsation of the prin- ciplC' of the Bill by the dnly qnalified Electors of the City of Regina. 1\ncl a debate arising, And the clebate continning, ,\ncl the Question being pnt 011 the amendment, The Honse divided and the uamrs heing called for 1Yere taken . ~ do\\'n as fo11ows: 92 DECEMBER 13

YEAS, }\fossieu rs Donaldson ,Vylie J3radshaw Davidson Tate Loch.cad Pierce Cawthorpe-8

NAYS. J\Iessienrs Scott (Swift Current) J\foNab Turgeon Motherwell Garry Johnston (PelJy) Finlayson Simpson Atkinson Johnston (J\I:elfort) Langley :l\IacN eill Totzke Scott (Arm River) Robertson Beaudreau Devline Paulson Moore Leitch Cunningba~n Latta Mark Forsyth Harris Scott (Tramping Lake) Vi!iUonghhy-27

So it passed in :the negative. And the main Question being again proposed, It was Resolved on division in the affirmative. The said Bill was accordingly read a th.ird time. Resolved, That this Bill ,do now pass and be intituled "An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Regina and Certain Agree­ ments and a Lease entered into between the Grand Tru'nk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the City of Regina."

The 'Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 30) to incorporate The North Battleford Club. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 30) be now read a third time. The said Bill was. accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to incorporate The North Battleford Club."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 22) to incorporate The British ·v?estern Trusts Corporation. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 22) be now read a third time, The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act to incorporate The British ,Vestern Trusts Corporation."

The House according t,o Order again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 36) to amend The Steam Boilei·s Act and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. · Ordered, That the Report be now received. 'fhe said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 36) be read a third time at the next sitting of the House. DECEMBER 13 93

The House according to Order again resolved itself into Committee of the "Whole on the Dill (No. G) respecting Private:"Detcctives, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and }\fr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments \~'ere then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (Ko. U) be read a third time at the next sitti11g of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself int,o Committee of the \Vhole on the Bill (No. 20) respecting Saska tchmvan Secnri ties and Trusts Corporation and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and i\Ir. Dole reported the Bi11. Ordered, That the Report be now receivecl. / Ordered, That the Bill (No. 20) be read a third time at the next sitting .of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the "Whole on the Bill (No. 29) to authorise the Town of Arcola to Borrow Money for certain Public \Vorks, and after s.ome time spent therein Mr. Speaker resum~cl the Chair and nfr. Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the I3ill (No. 2{)) be read a third time at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (N-0. 21) to incorporate The Farmers' Co­ operative Company, Limited, and after some time spent therein nir. Speaker resnmed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amend­ ments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 21) be read a third time at the next sitting of the House.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the "\Vlwle on the Bill (No. 34) to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan, and after some time spent, therein l\Ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and J\fr. Bole reported the Bill with amend­ ments. Ordered, That the Report he now received. The said amendments \vere then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 34) he read a third time at the next ·sitting of the House.

The Honse, according to Order again resolved itself into Com­ mittee of the "\Vhole on the Bill (No. lO) to 'amend The Rnral Munici­ valities Act, and after some time spent therein J\fr. Speaker resumed 94 DECEMBER 16

the Ohair and :Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leaye to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Commitree have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

llfr. Turgeon, a :Member .of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: . 1 Report on the Educational work of the University of Saskat­ dwwan for the year ending June 30, 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 31.)

·Mr. :McNab, a :Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Tabln the following: Retum to an Order .of the House dated December 12,. 1Dl2? showing: 1. ·what has been the capital expenditure npon the ferry at Out­ look for the years 1907, 1908, 1!)09, lDlO, 1911, 1912? 2. 1:Vhat has hr.en the cost of maintenance of this fcny dnring each of these years? (Sessional Paper No. 32.)

And then the House adjourned at 9.35 o'clock p.m. ,' • I


3 o'cLOCK I'.;\[, Tlrn following petition was presented: I3y J\fr. ]3radshaw,-Of the City of J>rince Albert praying for an Act to confirm Bylaw No. 45 of the City of Prince Albert con­ ceming the removal of certain restricti vc conditions on certain land within the city.

}.fr. 1:Vylie asked the Government the following question: Is the' Hon. George Langley still a Director of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company? :Mr. Langley answered as follows: Yes.

::\fr. Willoughby asked the Govemment. the following questions: J. 1Vhat amount has been transforrcd from the Assurance Fnnd under The Land Titles Act to the General R6vcnue Fund since the administration of The Land Titles Act was taken over by the Province i 2. \Vhat was the net revenue to the Province from the administra- tion of The Land Titles Act in fiscal year 1!)]1.!12? a. What are the circumstances under which 1V. J. Hay clrew $4-,0:JQ.37 Assmance Fund? Ur. :Bell answered ns follows: J. The amount that has been transferreit from the Assnrance Fund nnder The Land Titles Act to the General Revenue F1md since the DECEMBER 16 95

administration of The Land Titles .A.ct was taken over bv,, the Province is $565,086.50. 2 .. ·The net revenue to the Province from the. administration of The La~td Titles 1\.ct in fiscal year 1911-12 was $219,138)33. 3. W. ,r. Hay was paid $4,0:)9);7 from the Assurance Fnucl by reason of the loss accruing to him through a certificate with respect to tho north-west quarter of sectio1i. 2 township 10 range 1G west of the second meridian, hdving been issned on the thirteenth clay of :March, HJOG, hy tho Registrar of the Assiniboia Land Registration District which failed to clisclose a mortgage against the said land.

Orderc,d, That Mr. Scott (Swift Cnrrent) have leave to introduce a J3i1] to amend The Secondary Education Act. He accordingly presented the said J3i1l and the same was received nnd read the first time, ancl Ordered, To be read a srcond time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That Mr. Calder have leave to introduce a Bill to amend Certain Acts respecting the Gllarantees of Certain Securities of the ' Graml Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be reacl a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That ::\Ir. Calder have leave to introduce a Bill tD amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Canadian Northern Rail way Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Orclerecl, To be read n second time on Friday, J annary 3, 1913.

Onlerrcl, That }Ir. Calder have leave to intr,ocluce a Bill respecting Certain Aid towards the Construction of Terminals of the Grauel Trunk Pacifie Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trnnl( Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. He accordingly presented the said Bill ancl the same was receivecl ancl read the first time, and Orclerecl, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913. Ordered, That Ilfr. Calder have leave to introduce a Bill to anthorise the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Grand Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company. He accordingly presrnted the said Bill and the same was received a11f1 read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on J<'riclay, January il, 1913. Ordered, That }.fr. Tnrgeon have leave to introduce a Dill respect­ ing The Saskatchewan Snrveys Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first tinw. and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913. 96 DECEMBER 16

Ordered, That 1fr. Tnrgeon Jiave leave to introduce a Bill to pro­ vide for Special Surveys. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same ,ms received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That }\fr. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to regulate Pool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restanrants. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That Mr. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to amend an Act respecting Commissioners to A.dminister Oaths. . He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered·, That J\ir. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to amend the Act to prevent the Employment of Female Labom in certain Capacities. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same wa~ received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read, a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That 1ir .. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Act respecting the Confirmation of Sales of Land for Taxes. · He accordingly pre$ented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To ·be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That 1fr_. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Assignments Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That l\fr. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill t.o ame11d The Judicature Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January_ 3, 1913.

Ordered, That :M:r. Turgeon have leave to -introduce a Bill to amend The Land Titles Ad. · He accordingly presented the said Bi11 and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That l\fr. Turgeon 1rnvc leave to introduce a Bill to amend The Statute Law. DECE:MIIER 16 97

He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913; Ordered, That Mr. Bell have leave to introduce a Bill to ratify and confirm a certain Agreement between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co-operafo:e Elevator Company, Limited.· He accordingly presented the said Bill· and the same was recei vecl and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

Ordered, That :i\1:r. Bell have leave to introduce a Bill respecting the City of Regina. · He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

:Moved by Mr. Ens, seconded by :i\fr. Totzke, That this House do now adjourn. And a debate arising thereupon, And the debate continuing, The said motion was by leave withdrawn.

The Order of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the Resolution moved by Mr. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. Bell: Whereas at the last session of the Parliament of Canada a Bill was introduced by the Dominion Government providing for the ex­ penditure by the said Government of certain sums of money in the construction and improvement of highways in the various provinces of Canada; And whereas it is reported to be the intention of the Dominion Government to introduce similar legislation at the present session of the Parliament of Canada; Anc~ whereas according to the true intent and interpretation of the Canadian constitution the control of highway.s and of all subjects pertaining to the building and improving of highways within a province are matters of provincial concern ; And whereas as a consequence it ·would seem that any action taken by the Parliament of Canada assuming to vest the control of such mat­ ters in the Government of Canada and to provide for the expenditure thereon o:f moneys taken from the revenue of Canada constitutes: 1. An atte~pt to usurp the jurisdiction of the Provincial Legis­ lature in a matter of purely provincial concern; 2. An assumption that expenditures should be made upon the construction and improvement of highways in the various provinces·~ in addition to the amounts which the said provinces are in a financial position to make and consequently that the subsidies granted the several provinces under the terms of Confederation are inadequate for the proper carrying on of important works of provincial responsibility; Therefore be it resolved that this Honse deems it to be its cluty to direct the attention of the Federal and Provincial Governments of 98 DECEMBER 16

Canada to the constitutional question involved in the contemplated action 0£ the Federal Government with respect to the improvement and construction 0£ highways; And be it further resolved that in the opinion 0£ this House it is desirable before any further action is taken by the Federal authorities in the direction of providing for highway construction and improve­ ment in the several provinces of Canada that the Governments 0£ the said provinces should be called together in conference with the Federal authorities for the following purposes, namely: · (a) The consider_ation of the constitutional question involved in the said proposed action of the Dominion Government. (b) The consideration of the advisability of so increasing the annual grants and subsidies payable to the several province.s to enable them to make proper provision for an additional expenditure that may be necessary for highway construction and improvement. And the debate continuing, And the Question being proposed, It was moved in amendment by Mr. Wylie, seconded by Mr. Davidson, That all the words after "That" be struck out, and the following substituted: That whereas the Government of the Dominion of Canada intro­ duced at its last session an Act to Encourage and Assist the Improve- . ment 0£ highways; And whereas the passing of such Act was defeated- by the action 0£ the Senate of Canada; And whereas the G0vernment of the Dominion 0£ Canada has signified its intention of reintroducing the said Bill at the present ses­ sion thereof ; And whereas by the provisions of the said proposed Act the same would come into effect in Saskatchewan only on its receiving the approval of the Legislatnre of the Province and the consent of the Lieutenant Governor in Council; · Therefore he it resolved, That this House do express its approyal of the announced poJicy .of the Dominion Government to aid in the construction and improvement of the Highways of the- Province and that the Lieutenant Governor in Council be requested to give his approval to such measure in the event of the.same being passed by the Dominion Government. · A'lld a debate arising, And the debate continuing, On motion of Mr. Tate, seconded by Mr. Davidson, Ordered, That the debate he adjourned.

I The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of -the Bill (No. 36) to amend The Steam B.oi1ers Act. Ordered, That the BiU (No. 36) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bi11 d~ 'now pas~ and be intitnled "An Act to amend The Steam Boilers Act." DECEMBER 16 99

The OTder of the Day being read: for the third: reading of the Bill (No. 6) respecting Private Detectives. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 6) be now read a third tiri1e. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pas~ and be intitnled "An Act respecting Private Detectives."

The Order of the Day being read :for the second reading of the Bill (No. 37) to amend an Act respecting the Department of Railways, Telegraphs and Telephones. The said Bill was accordingly rear! a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the ·vlhole House today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second re:iding of the Bill (No. 38) respecting the Department of Railways. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 7) respecting Loan Companies. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered. To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today. ,

The following petition was presented_: By JHr. 1icN ab,-Of J. D. Ferguson and seven others praying for an Act to incorporate The Country Club of Saskatoon.

Moved by Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by J\fr. Tate, That in view of the marked progress being made on the Continent , of America by the movement in favour of equal fra11chise this House hereby sig·nifies its ap1Jrornl of the extension of the franchise to women. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, _ On motion of Mr. Pierce, seco11i:1edby Mr. Ca,vthorpe, Ordered, That the debate be adjourned.

The Order of the Da~· being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 20) respecting Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corporation and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 20) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do 1ww pass and be intitnlrd "An Act respecting Saskatchewan Securities and Trnsts Corporation and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation.

'I"he Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 29) to authorise the Town of Arcola to Borrow :Money for certain Pnblic Works. 100 DECEMBER 16

Ordered, That the Bill (No. 29) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time.

Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An ..A.ct to authorise the Town of Arcola to Borrow :Money for certain Public Works."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 21) to incorporate The F,amners' Co-operative Supply Com­ pany, Limited. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 21) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass, and be intituled "An Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Supply Company, Limited."

The Order of the Day being read for· the third reading of the Bill (No .. 34) to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 34) be now read a third time. The said Bill was ·accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan."

The_ Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 49) to incorporate Empire Mortgage Trust Company. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time. and Ordered, to be referred to· the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 41) to incorporate Western Prudential Investment Company, Limited. The said Bill was acccordingly read a second time, and Ordered. To. be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. . The Order of the Day being read for the ·second reading of the Bill (No. 43) to incorporate Assiniboia Trust Company. The said Bill was acccordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Stancl!ng Committee 011 Private BiHs and Railways. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 39) to incorporate The Trnst and Loan Comna11y of Western Canada, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumecl the Ohair and ?.fr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordefod, That the Report be no,v received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. . Ordered, That the _Bill (No. 39) be read a third time at the next sitting of the Honse. Ordered, That Mr. Bell ha,-e leave to introduce a Bill to ratifr certain instruments execnted hy His }.fajest:v the King t.o the Canaclia~ \


Bank of Commerce as security for The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited. _ He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on Friday, January 3, 1913.

:Mr. Scott, a :i\Iem'ber of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following : Return to au Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, show­ ing: 1. The results of the Provincial General Elections of 1908 and 1912 under the following headings: (a) Name of constituencies ; (b) Name of candidates; ( c) Vote cast for each candidate ; ( d) :Majority of successful candidates. 2. A comparafrrn statement of the results of the General Elections of 1908 and 1912 in the constituencies of Souris, Cannington, South Qu' Appelle, :Moose Mountain, Pipestone, 1.foosomin, Pheasant Hill, Saltcoats, Last lVIounj;aiu, Estevan, 'IVeyburn and 1Iilestone under the following heads: (a) Total vote cast; (b) Vote for each cam1idate; (c) :Majority. (Sessional Paper Xo. 33)

The House according to Order again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on tl1e Bill (No. 10) to amend The Rural Municipalities Act, and after some time spent therein lVIr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 10) be read a third time at the next sitting of the House.

And then the Bouse adjourned at 10.40 o'clock p.m.

REGINA, TUESDAY, DEOEM:BER 17, 1912. 3 0°CLOCK P.M. lVIr. Mitchell, from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following Report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to present the following report: Your Committee have had under consideration the following ~ill, and have agreed to report the same : Bill (No. 42) to incorporate The Commercial Club. On motion of :Mr. :Mitchell, seconded by Mr. MacNeill, Ordered, That the Report be 1ww received.

} Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following report: \ 102 DECEMBER 17

From the _Standing Committee on Pr,ivate Bills and Railways I beg to present the following report : Your Committee recommend that the fees paid for the following Private Bills: Bill (No. 23) to incorporate The Glen a von Hospital. Bill (No. 40) to incorporate the Village of Balcarres as a Town Municipality be remitted less the cost of printing. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, s_econded by Mr. MacNeill, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

Mr._ Cawthorpe asked the Government the following ,questions: 1. What quantity of Live Stock has been shipped into the Provine~ by the Government and Breeders' Association, classi:fied as follows: ' (a) Horses, male and female ? (b) Cattle, male and female? ( c) Swine, mal_e and female? 2. The average cost and selling price? 3. Names of places and dates where sales were held? Mr. Motherwell answered as fo11ows: 1. (a) No horses have been shipped in either by the Government or by The Horse Breeders' Association. (b) 350 head of cattle shipped in by The Cattle Breeders' Association, assisted by Government: 50 males, all pure bred, 300 females, 50 of which were pure bred, the balance grade., ( c) No swine have !been shipped in either by the Government or by The Swine Breed'ers' Association. 2. _The average cost of grade cows at shipping point was around $65 to $70. The average selling price of grade cows from $70 to $75. The average cost of pure bred cows at shipping point was around $150. The average selling price of purebred cows was around $160. 3. The first series of sales were conducted from May 25 to June 10, 1912, at the following places: Carlyle, Moosomin, Y orkton, Birch Hills, and N. Battleford. The second series of sales were held from November 20 to Decem­ ber 17, 1912, at the following places: J'vfoosomin, :iYielfort, Lfoydminster ( 2 sales), N. Ba ttleford, Kindersley, Zealandia, Rosetown· and Lashburn. '

Mr. Willoughby asked the Government the following questions: 1. What was the cause for adjourning the date fixed for holding the pending election at Athabasca?_ 2. What expense was incurred thereby? Mr. Scott answered as follows: 1. Election had to he postponed on account of error made by returning officer in not allowing four weeks between date of nomina­ tion and polling day as provided for in section 20 of The Athabasca Act. ' 2. No statement of expenses has yet been received from returning officer. DECEMBER 17 103

On motion of Mr. Willoughby, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, Ordered, That an Order of the House do issue for a Return showing: 1. The total expenditure by constituencies under The Public High­ ways Act from 1st January, 1912, to 1st December, 1912. 2. The like expenditures under The Public Works Act and where and how spent. 3. Whnt municipalities refused to co-operate with tho Board of Highway Commissioners. 4. What municipalities received grants from the said Board with­ out contributing a like amount to that supplied by the Board. 5. The names of all employees of the Highway Commissioners for above period, the place where employee worked, and the wages paid such employee. 6. The total amount of yards of dirt moved in each constituency and the amount paid therefor, showing each job separately. 7. All correspondence between the Board of Highway Commis­ sioners and municipalities or any any member of a municipal council, or any official or member of the Government relating to the expenditure of money by the said Board during said period.. 8. Copies of all vouchers and papers :filed with the Board for expenditures by such Board during said period.

On motion of Mr. Bok seconded by 11:r. n:IacN eill. Resolved, That the Report from the Select Committee on the Election Enquiry which was received on Tuesday the tenth day 0£ December be now concurred in.

On motion of Mr. Scott (Swift Cnrrent) second'ecl by :M:r. Calder, Resolved, That when this ·House adjourns today it do stand adjQurnecl to three o'clock in the afternoon of Friday, the third clay of Jannary, 1913, and that when the Honse acljonrns on Friday, the third clay of January, 1913. it do stand adjourned until 11 o'clock a.m. on Saturday, the. fourth clay of January, 1913.

The Orde1; of the Day being read for the adjourned debate on the amendment moved by :iYir. Wylie, seconded by :Mr. Davidson, to the Resolution moved by J\!Ir. Tnrgeon, seconded by Mr. Be11, Whereas at the last session of the Parliament of Canada a Bill was introduced by the 'Dominion Gover;nnent providing for the expen­ diture by the said Government of certain snms ·of money in the con­ struction and improvement of high·ways in the various provinces of Canada: And whereas it is reported to be the intention of the Dominion Government to introduce similar legislation at the present session of the Parliament of Canada; And whereas according to the true intent and interpretation of the Canadian constitution the control of highways and of a1J subjects pertaining to the building and improving of highways within a pro­ vince are matters of provincial concern: And whereas as a consequence it would seem that any act.ion taken by the Parliament of Canada assnrning to vest the control of such 104 DECEMBER 17 matters in the Government of Canada and to provide for the expendi­ ture thereon of moneys taken from the revenue of Canada, constitutes: 1. An attempt to usurp the jurisdiction of the Provincial Legisla­ tures in a matter of purely Provincial concern; 2. An assumption that expenditures should be made upon the construction and improvement of highways in the various provinces in addition to the amounts which the said Provinces are in a financial position to make and consequently that the subsidies granted the several provinces under the terms of Confederation are inadequate for the proper carrying on of important works of provincial responsibility; Therefore he it resolved that this House deems it to be its duty to direct the attention of the Federal and Provincial Governments of Canada to the constitutional question involved in the contemplated action of the Federal Government with respect to the improvement and constrnction of highways; · And he it fu'rther resolved that in the opinion of this House it is desirable before any further action is taken by the Federal authori­ tiPs in the direction of providing for highway co.nstruction and improve­ ment in the several provinces of Canada that the Governments of the said provinces should be called together in conference with the Federal anthorities for the following purposes, namely: (a) The consideration of the constitutional question involved in the said proposed action of the Dominion Government; (b) The consideration of the advisability of so increasing the anm1al grants and subsidies payable to the several provinces to enable them to make proper provision for any additional expenditure that may be necessary for highway construction and improvement. ~.\nd the debate continuing, And the Question being put on the amendment, The House divided, and the names being called for were taken down as fol1ows: YEAS. :Messieurs Willoughby Donaldson Wylie Bradshaw Davidson Tate-6

NAYS, :Messieurs Scott ( Swift uurrent) Forsvth Harris Tnrgeon Bole" McNab Ste;art Calder :Motherwell Finlayson Bell T.angley Johnston (:M:elfort) 1facN eill Sutherland Scott (Arm River) Beanclreau Totzke Dev line Paulson Pierce Cawthorpe Moore Larson Leitch Phin Cnnningham Scott ( Tramping Lake) 1\fa gee W a tson_::__30

So it passed in the negative. DECEMBER 17 105

And the main Question being again proposed, The House divided and the names1 being called for were taken down as follows :

YEAS. :Messieurs Scott ( Swift Current) Bole :i\IcNab Turgeon Calder :Motherwell Stewart Finlayson ,Johnston (:Melfort) Bell LanglE,;y Sutherland :M:acNeill Totzke Scott (Arm River) Beaudreau Devline Phin Pierce Ca,vthorpe Moore Larson Leitch Paulson Cunningham Magee Forsyth Hanis Scott (Tramping Lake)vVatsou-'.30

NAYS. Messieurs Willoughby Donaldson Wylie Bradshaw Davidson Tate-6

So it was resolved in the affirmative.

·Moved by :M:r. Turgeon, seconded by :M:r. Bell, Resolved, That an Humble Address be presented to His Ho11our the Lieutenant Governor praying that he will cause to be forwarded to the Secretary of State for Canada a copy of the Resolnti.on respecti11g Highways for transmission to His Royal Highness the Gornrnor Gen­ eral in Council and also a copy to the Provincial Secretary of each of the Provinces of Canada for transmission to the Lieutenant Governol' in Conncil.

:M:r. Calder, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Tnhk the following: . Return to an Order of the House dated NoYember 21, rnn. showing: Copies of all Orders in Council relating in any way to the Gnnr­ m1tee of Bonds of any Railway Company upon any line of Railway within the Prm·ince of Saskatchewan. (Sessional Paper No. 34)

M:r. Langley, a Member of the Executive Council. laid on the Ta hle the following : Return to an Order of the House dated December· 10, rn12. showing: 1. The number of epidemics of disease which broke out in the Province during the year 1912, indicating: (a) The nature of such epidemics; (b) The number of deaths in the case of each class. 2. The steps taken by the Bureau of Public Health to suppress Trachoma. ('~essional Paper No. 3i'i) 106 DECEMBER 17

Mr. Langley, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table' the following: . . Annual Report of the Department of Municipal Affairs of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year 1911-12, ending February 29, 1912. · (Sessional Paper No. 36) Mr. Motherwell, a Member of the Executive Council, laid •on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated December 9, 1912, showing: 1. The number of wolves killed in the province during each year since the Wolf Bounty Act has been in operation. . · 2. The amount of wolf bounty paid each year by the Government. 3. The number of Local Improvement Districts and Rural Munici­ palities (a) Formed into wolf bounty districts. (b) N o.t formed into such districts. (Session~l Paper No. 3'7) Mr. Tmgeon, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Tahle the following: Return to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1\H2, showing: 1. The names of special constables employed by the Government during the months of June and ,July, 1912. 2. The amounts paid to each. 3. ':Dhe length -of time that each constable was in the employ of the Government. · (Sessional Paper No. 38)

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bi11, (No. 10) to amend The Rmal nfonicipality Act. Ordered, That the Bi11 (No. 10) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accor'dingly read a third tirrie. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "~~n .Act to amend The Rnral :Municipality Act."

The Order -0f the Day being read for the second reading ~f the _Bill (No. 50) respecting-Wolf Bounties. . The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To l)e committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the Rouse.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of thee Bill (No. 33) to amend The Village Act. · The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and· Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole IfousE: at the next sitting of the Rouse.

The Order of the Day being read fo:ii the second reading of the Bi11 (No. 44) respecting Direct Legislation. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time; and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the Rouse. JANUARY 3 107

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 39) to incorporate The Trust and Loan Company of Western Canada. ' Ordered, That the Bill (No. 39) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, T'hat this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to incorporate The Trust and Loan Company of 1Vestern Canada."



3 0, CLOCK P.nL

The following petitions being before the House for reception: Of the City of Prince Albert praying for an Act to confirm Bylaw No. 45 of the City of Prince Albert concerning the removal of certain restrictive conditions on certain lands within the city. Of J. D. Ferguson and seven others praying for an Act to incor­ porate The Country Club of Saskatoon.

Mr. Speaker made the following announcement: The time for the presentation 0£ petitions for Private Bills, as extended by Order 0£ the House, expired on December 4, 1912, so the petitions cannot be· received. ·

Ordered, That Mr. Scott (Swift Current) have leave to i1{troduce a Bill to extend the effect of chapter 70 of the Statutes of 1912-13, being an Act to provide for payment of interest under certain bylaws o:f the City oLMoose Jaw. On motion of Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by 1Ir. Wil- loughby, Ordered. That the Bill be now read a first time. The said Bill was accordingly read a first time. On.motion 0£ Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by 1fr. Wil- loughby, Ordered, That the Bill (No. 69) be now read a sec<:?ndtime. The said Bill was accordingly read a second· time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 69) to extend the effect of chapter 70 of the Statutes 0£ 1912-13, being an Act to provide for payment of interest under certain bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. :Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. 108 JANUARY 3

On motion of J\!Ir. Scott, seconded by 1lr. Willoughby, Ordered, That the Bill (No. 69) be read a third time today. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to extend the effect of Chapter 70 of the Statutes of 1912-13, being an Act to provide for payment of interest under certain bylaws of the City oi Moose Jaw."

Mr. Speaker informed the House that the Clerk of the House had received from the Clerk of the Executive Council the fol1owing certificate:

GovER-N?.lENT OF THE PROVINCE OF SAsKA.TCIIKWA.N. Office of the Execiliive Council. Regina, December 24, 1912. This is to certify that by reason of the resignation of F. \V. G. Haultain, Esquire, Member elect for the Electoral Division of Sonth Qu' Appelle and in virtue of a vVrit of Election dated the eighth day of ;November last addressed to Albert Stauffer, of Sintalnta, as Return­ ing Officer for the Electoral Division of South Qu' Appelle, for the election of a Member to represent the said Electoral Division in the Legislative Assembly, Joseph Glenn, Esquire, of Indian Head, has been duly returned as such representative as appears by the Return to the said "\Vrit, deposited of record in my office.

J. w. ::V1cLEOD, C'lerk of the Exec1di1;e Council.

Joseph Glenn, Esquire, :Member for the Electoral Di vision of , South Qn' Appelle, having previously taken the oath accbrding to law 'and subscribed before His Honour the Lieutenant Governor the Book containing the same, took his seat 'in the House.

Mr. Scott, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, show-

The total cost of the preparation of the voters' lists during the present year. ( Sessional Paper No. 39.)

Mr. Scott, a :Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the Honse elated December 4, 1912, show­ ing: From January 1, 1912, to date a statement in detail of aU moneys expended by or on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan in what is now the Willow Bnnch Constituency. , ( Sessional Paper No. 40.) JANUARY 3 109

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the· Bill (No. 56) respecting The Saskatchewan Surveys Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the ·whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 57) to provide for Special Surveys. The said Bill was accordingly read a second· time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole. House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 58) to regulate Pool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the "\Vhole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 50) respecting Commissioners to .lulminister Oaths. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 64) to amend The Land Titles Act. The said Bill was accordingly Tead a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at ' the next sitting of the House.

The Order ,of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 66) to ratify and confirm a certain Agreement between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, dated December 6, 1912. 'The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 67) re&pecting the City of Regina. ' The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 68) to ratify certain instruments executed by His Majesty the King to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as security for the Sas­ katchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and 110 JANUARY 3

Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Honse at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 27) to amend The Public Health Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

3.45 O'CLOCK P.~r. His Honour George William Brown, the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan, being seated on the Throne. The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly read the titles of the Bills to be assented to as follows : An Act respecting Brands. An Act respecting Local Improvement Districts. · An Act respecting Noxious \Veeds. An Act to confer certain Powers upon the City of Saskatoon. An Act to confirm the Assessment and Tax Rolls of the Town of Weybnm. An Act to ratify Bylaws 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library. . An Act to provide for payment of Interest under certain Bylaws of the City of :Moose Jaw. An Act to incorporate The Glenavon Hospital. An Act respecting the Dominion Trust Company. An Act to amend The Public· Highways Act. An Act to amend The Public Works Act. An Act respecting Circuses and Travelling, Shows. An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of the City of Regina and cer­ tain A.greements and a Lease entered into between the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines O.ompnny and the City of Regina. An Act to incorporate The North Battleford Club. An Act to incorporate The British Westem Ti·nsts Corporation. An Act to amend The Steam Boilers Act. , A1i Act respecting Private Detectives. An Act respecting Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corpora­ tion and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corpora­ tion. An Act to authorise the Town of Arcola to borrow :Money for certain Public Works. · " An Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Supply Com­ pany, Limited. An Act to incorporate The Security Mortgage Company of Sas­ katchewan. An Act to amend The Rnral Mnnicinality Act. , An Act to incorporate The Trnst and Loan Company of Western Canada.. JANUARY 3 111

An Act to extend the effect of Chapter 70 of the Statutes of 1912- 19, being an Act to provide for Payment of Interest under certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw. The assent to these Bills was announced by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in the following words: "In His j\fajesty's name, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth assent to these Bills."

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 31) to amend The City Act. The saia' Bill ·was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 32) to amend The Town Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed t.o a Committee-of the \-Vhole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the 'Bill (No. 52) to amend certain Acts respecting the Guarantees of certain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company. The said Bill was -accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Commit.tee of the v"Vhole Honse at the next sit6ng of the House.

The Order of the· Day being read for the second reading of the J3ill (No. 53) to amend certain Acts respecti:ng the Guarantee of cer­ tain Securities of the Canadian Northern Rail way Company. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the \-Vhole House at the next sitting of the House.

On motion of Mr. Calder, seconded by 11:r. Scott (Swift Current), Ordered, That the Order for the second reading of the Bill (No. 55) be discharged and the Bi11 withdrawn.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 45) to incorporate The Saskatoon Banking and Loan Com­ pany. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, anfl Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private BilJs and Railways., The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 46) to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of Moose. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways. 112 JANUARY 3

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 47) to incorporate the Regina-1foose ,Jaw Interurban Rail­ way. TJ1e said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and . Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 48) to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Sas­ katoon. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the vVhole on the Bill (No. 5) to amend The 'Treasury Department Act, and after some time spent therein }.fr. Si1eaker resumed the Chair and ::Wlr.Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. , Ordered, That the Bill (No. 5) be read a third time on :Monday next. The Rous~ according to Order resolved i.tself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 2.) to amend The School Assessment Act, and after some time spent therein JHr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :iYir. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 2) be read a third time on :Monday next. The House according to Order again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 3) to amend The School Grants Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair arid :M:r. Scott (Arm River) reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed t.o. Order, That the Bill (No. 3) be read a third time on :Monday next.

The House according to Order resolved itself 'into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems, and after some time spent therein Tulr. Speaker resumed tlrn Chair and :M:r. Scott (Arm River) reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed h_im t,o move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Com­ mittee hav~ leave to sit again at the next sitting of the Honse.

The House accorclii~g to Order again resohed itself into Committee Ji the Whole on the Bill (No. 28) to amend chapter 128 of The Revised JANUARY 3 113

Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game," and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Scott (Arm River) reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Com­ mittee have leave to sit again at the next sitting· of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 37) to amend an Act respecting the Depart­ ment of Railways, Telegraphs and Telephones, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Scott (},rm River) reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 37) be read a third time on Monday next.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 7) respecting Loan Companies, and afte1 some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and 1Ir. Scott (Arm River) reported that the Committee had risen.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 38) respeeting the Department of Rail­ 'ways, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and :Mr. Scott (Arm River) reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 38) be read a third time on Monday next.

The Rouse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 50) respecting Wolf Bounties, and after some time spe;nt therein 11r. Speaker resumed the Ohair and 1[r. Scott (Arm River) reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the, Bill (No. 50) be read a third time on Monday next. . The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 19) to confirm and make valid a certain . Agreement of Sale entered into between the Trustees of the congrega- · tion of the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in the Town of Battleford and F. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster, and after some time spent therein :M:r. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Scott (Arm River) reported the Bill ,vith amendments. Ordered, That the Report he now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the BiH (No. 19) be read a third time on l\Ionday next. 114 JANUARY 4

The Rouse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 33) to amend The Village Act, and after some time spent therein }\fr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and :M:r. Stewart reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. , Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

I Mr. McNab, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House dated December· 4, 1912, show­ ing: 1. The name and location of every ferry in the Province operated by the Government. 2. The original cost of installing each such ferry. 3. The cost of maintaining and operating each such ferry during the year 1912. 4. The extent to which each such ferry was used during the year 1912. (Sessional Paper No. 41.)

And then the House adjourned at 10.55 o'clock p.m.


11 o' CLOCK .A..M.

Mr. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to report as :follows : · Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bill and have agreed to report the same with amendments:. Bill No. 49. Empire J\fortgage Trust Company. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, seconded by ]\fr. MacN eill, Ordered, That the Report be now received.

Mr. Watso:µ asked the Government the following questions: 1. In what year did the Canadian Pacific Railway commence con" struction work from 1foose Jaw westward on the Moose Jaw-Lacombe Branch Canadian Pacific Railway and to what point was it completed in said year.? 2. In what year did construction work begin from Lacombe east­ ward on the said Branch and to what point was it completed in said year? . 3. In what year did construction begin from Stettler eastward and to what point was it completed? 4. In what year did constrnction begin from Castor eastvvard and to what point was it completed in said year? JANUARY 4 115

5. The number of miles yet to be completed on said line and has the Government any knowledge when said line will be completed? 6. How many times has extension been granted to the said com- pany for completion of said line ? Mr. Calder answered as follows: 1. In 1905; 14 miles were graded. 2. No inf-0r1nation. 3. No information. 4. No information. 5. The 0.P.R. expect to grade west from Kerrobert in 1913. 6. No information.

J\/Ir. Watson asked the Govemment the follo-wing question: Has the Government any info_rmation as t.o when the Canadian Pacific Railway Company intend laying steel on their line. graded from Kerrobert to 'iVilkie? }.fr. Calder answered as follo-tvs : The 0.P.R. expect to lay steel between Kerrobert and 'iVilkie m 1913.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 60) to amend the Act to prevent the employment of Female Labour in certain capacities. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the 'iVhole Honse at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 62) to amend The Assignments Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered. To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House at the next sitti~1g of the Honse. '

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 63) to amend The J udicatnre Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the 'iVhole House at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 52) to amend certain Acts respecting the Guarantee of certain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company, and after some time spent therein }.fr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole. reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 52) be read a third time at the next sitting of the Honse.

The House according to Order iesolved itself into Committee of the 'iVho1e on the Bi11 (-Yo. 53) to nmend certain Acts respecting the 116 JANUARY 4

Guarantee of certain Securities of the 0anadfan N orthe'rn · Railway Company, and after .some time spent therein Mr. Speaker •resumed the Ohair and :Mr. Bole,.reported· the Bill. , Ordered, That the Report be. now received.

Ordered, That the Bill (No1 53) be read a third tinie at the next sitting of the House. ' · Mr. Mitchell from· the Standing Committee on _Private Bills and Railways presented the following report: . · The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to report as follows: , Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bills and have agreed to report the same wi~h amendments. · Bill No. 35 to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. Bill No, 41 'to· incorporate W esterrr Prudential. Investment Com- pany, I~imited. · · . ' , On motion of Mr. Mitchell~ seconded by Mr. 1facNeill, Ordei·ed, That ~he Report be now received.

The House according to Order resolved itself int

' The House according to o;der resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 44) to provide for the initiation or approval of Legislation by the Electors, and l.,lfter some time spent therein Mr. Sp.eaker resumed the Ohair ancl Mr. Mitchell reported' that the Com­ mittee had made some progress ancl had directed him to move for leave to sit again. . , Ordered, That the Report received and that the Gommittee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House. · · · Mr. Bell, a ;Member of the ·Executive Council, delivered to l\fr. Speaker a message from His Honour the Lieutenant Govemo'r signed by 'His Honour. And the Message was read by Mr. Speaker ( all the Members of the House standing and being uncovered) and is as followeth : · G. w. BROWN, Lieutenant Govemo1·; The Lie1;itena:ii.t Governor, transmits · estimates 0£ ,certain sums required for the service of tp.e ·Province for the fourteen months ending April, 30, 1914, and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly. 1 ' ( Sessional Paper No. 42,) . - ' I On motion of. Mr .. Bell, seconded by Mr. Calder,' OrdeJ.ied, That the said Message, together with the Estimates accon1panying the same,· bereferred to thEi Oommitt-0e of Supply. . . JANUARY 4 117

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 66) to ratify and confirm a certain Agree­ i;nent between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Ele­ vator Company, elated 6th December, 1912, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and 1\ir. :Moore reported the Bill with amendments: Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 66) be read a third time at the. next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the "Whole on the Bill (No. 68) to ratify certain instruments executed by His 1\fajesty the King to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as security for the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, and after some time spent therein 1\ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. 1\ioore reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House acc,orcling to Order resolved itself into Committee of the \Vhole on the Bill (No. 27) to amend The Public Health Act, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. 1\ioore reported the Bill ,vtih amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were .then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 27) be read a third time on Tuesday next.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 32) to amend The Town Act, and after some time spent therein 1\Ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Tuir. Bole reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that Committee lrnve leave to sit again at the next sitting of the }Louse.

On motion of :Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by J\/Ir. Wil­ loug·hby, Ordered, That in the lists of l\[cmbers composing the Select Standing Committees appoi11ted by the Honse on November 15, 11)12, the name of Mr. Glenn do replace that of 1\fr. Bradshaw upon the Committee on Agriculture and :Municipal Law; and that of :M:r. 1\fo­ Donald npon the Committee on Standing Orders; and that of Mr. vVil­ longhby npon the Committee on Education; also that ihe name of 1\fr. Willoughby do replace that of 1\fr. J\/IcDonalcl upon the Committee of Public Accounts and Printing. 118 JANUARY 6

On motion of M:r. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by M:r. Calder, Ordered, That on and after Monday next when this House ad­ journs it do stand adjourned to 11 o'clock a.m. of the foll'owing day and if the business of the day be not concluded at 1 o'clock Mr. Speaker shall leave the Ohair until 3 o'clock p.m.

lmd then the House adjourned at 10.35 o'clock p.m.


Mr. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following report: The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to present the following report: · Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bills and have agreed to report the same with amendments: Bill (No. 43) to incorporate Assiniboia Trust Company. Bill (No. 48) to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon. On motion of :M:r. Mitchell, seconded by Mr .. :Moore, Ordered, That the Report be now received.

On motion of Mr. Scott ( Swift Current), seconded by Mr. Calder, Ordered, That on and after today during the Session Government Business shall have precedence on all days after the Order of Questions put by-Members. ·

Ordered, That Mr. Turgeon have leave to intr-0duce a Bill to amend The Liquor License Act. . He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time. Ordered, To be read a second time on vVednesday next.

Moved by Mr. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. Scott ( Swift Current), . Th!ft this House do immediately resolve itself~into a Committee 0£ the Whole House to consider a Resolution respecting fees to be paid for licenses for Pool or Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restau­ rants. Mr. Scott, a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the House that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the corn:;ideration of the House. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported that the Committee had made some progress and had dfrected him to move for leave to sit again. JANUARY 6 119

Ordered, That.the Report be n,ow received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

Ordered, That :Mr: Bell have leave to introduce. a Bill to amend The Ooi·porations Taxation Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on •ff ednesday next.

Moved by :Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Scott ( Swift Current), That this House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee o:f the Whole House to consider a Resolution respecting certain fees paid under the Corporations Taxation Act. .Mr. Scott, a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the House that His Honour the Lieutenant Govern,or, having been in­ formed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the con­ sideration of the House. Ordered, That J\!Ir. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Or.dered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Resoluti,0n be read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly i:ead a second time and concurred in. That it is expedient that the following taxes shall be payable 1rnder the provisions of The Corporations Taxation Aqt, namely: First-Every bank doing or transacting business directly or in- directly within Saskatchewan: (a) In any incorporated city ...... $300 (b) In any incorporated town ...... 100 ( c) For every other branch office of the bank...... 25 Secondly-Every telegraph company and every railway or other company which o,vns, leases or operates a line or linrs or part of a line • or lines of telegraph operat~cl in Saskatchewan .and does therein or carries .on in connection therewith a general commercial telegraph bnsiness in Saskatchewan : ((I}) For every branch office of the company in any incor- porated city ...... $125 (b) For every branch office of the company in any incor­ porated town ...... 50 ( c) For every branch office of the company in any incor­ porated village ...... 20 Thirdly-Every express company doing or transacting bnsiness direct1,y or indirectly within Saskatchewan: (a) For every head office of th0 c9mpany in every incor- porated cit_v ...... $250 And for every branch office of the company in any city. . 50 120 JANUARY 6

(b) For every branch office of the company in every incor- porated to,vn ...... 100 ( c) For every branch office of the company in any incor- porated village ...... 40 On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Scott ( Swift Current), Ordered, That the said Resolutions be referred to the Committee 0f the Whole House on ,the Bill to ameIJ.d The Corporations Taxation Act with instructions that they have power to make provision therein pursuant thereto.

Ordered, That :i\Ir. Bell have leave to introduce a Bill to amend the Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Co-operative Ele,·ator Com­ pany. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time on 'iVednesday next.

:Moved by Mr. Bell: seconded by Mr. Calder, That this House do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the ,Vhole House to consider a Resolution respecting an advance to the City of Reg·ina. :M:r. Scott, a Member of the Executive Council, then acquainted the House that His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed of the subject matter of the motion, recommends it to the consideration of the House.- Ordered, That 1rfr. Speaker do now leave the Chair. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee, and after some time spent therein 1ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Resolution was accordingly re3:d a.first time. Ordered, That the Resolution be read a second time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a second time and C(.ncurred in. That it is expedient to provide that the Lieute:nant Governor in Council shall have, power and authority to pay an advance to the City of Regina of $500,000 for the purpose of enabling the City to afford relief to sn fferers by the cyclone of June 30th last. On motion of Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Calder, Ordered, That the said Resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole Honse on Bill (No. 67) respecting the City of Regina with instructions that they hm·e power to :!Ylake provision therein pursuant hitherto.

:Moved by :Mr. Calder, seconded by l\Ir. Scott ( Swift Current), That this House do immediately resohe itself into Committee of the vVhole t.o consider a Resolution r~specting the Guarantee of certain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Br~nch Lines Company and the Granfl Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. JANUARY 6 121

Resolved' that the Lieutenant Governor in Council be authorised on such terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act respecting certain aid towards the construction of terminals of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company as may be agreed on with the company to guarantee the pay1i1ent of the principal and interest of the bonds, debentures, debenture stock or other securities (hereinafter called "Securities") of the company to the extent for the purpose and upon the terms hereinafter set forth: That the total amount of securities to be so guaranteed shall not exceed the sum of $ , the said securities may be in whole or in part payable in lawful money of Canada or in its equivalent in sterling or other money; the rate of interest thereon shall be at the rate of four per centum per annum payable half yearly and the prin­ cipal .shall be payable in thirty years from the passing of the said Act. That the securities shall be secured by one or more deeds of trust by way of mortgage or charge to a, trustee or trustees approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, and such deed or deeds of trust shall grant a mortgage or charge subject as hereinafter provided upon the terminals specified in the schedule to the said Act and with respect to which the securities secured thereby are issued and the tolls, revenues and income arising or to arise therefrom and the rights, privileges, franchises and powers of the company now or hereafter held or enjoyed in respect of the terminals and in the operation and maintenance thereof. Such mortgage or charge shall, however, be subject to such charges upon the said terminals, tolls, re.venues, income, rights, privi­ leges, franchise and powers as may exist under mortgages or deeds of trust by way of mortgage now or hereafter made securing the securities guaranteed or to be guaranteed by the Province by virtue of the Acts of Saskatchewan, Chapter 4 of the Statutes of 1908-9, Chapter 5 of the Statutes of 1909, Chapter 13 of the Statutes of 1912 and Chapter 14 of the Statutes of 1912 or any of the said Acts. That the securities authorised to be guaranteed in respect of the terminals specified in the schedule to the said Act may be to an amonnt equal to but not exceeding the actual expenditure heretofore terminals provided that such expenditure for the purpose of such guarantee but not otherwise shall not, except as otherwise provided in the said Act, exceed for any terminal the amount set opposite such terminal in the said schedule. That the kind of securities to be guaranteed and the form and terms thereof and the form and terms of the deed or deeds of trust bv way of mortgage securing the same and the times and manner of th~ issue of the secnrities and disposition of the moneys to be raised thereon by sale, pledge or otherwise pending the expenditure of such moneys for the purposes of the terminals and the form and manner of the guarantee or guarantees from time to time or 'at any time g·iven in respect thereof shall be such as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may approve. That the said ,2.11arantee or guarantees shall be signed by the Provincial Treasurei: or such other officer as may be desig1rnted by 122 JANUARY 6 the Lieutenant Governor in Council and upon being so signed the Province of Saskatchewan shall become liable for the payment of the principal and interest of the securities guaranteed according to the tenor thereof and the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall be author­ ised to make arrangements for supplying the money necessary to fulfil the requirements of the said• guarantee or guarantees and to advance the amount necessary for that purpose out of the general revenues of the Province and in the hands o:£ any purchaser, pledgee or other person acquiring any of such securities the said guarantee or guarantees so signed shall be conclusive evidence that the requirements of the said Act with respect to the guaranteed securities and the deeds of trust and all matters relating thereto have been complied with. That the granting of the aid authorised shall be subject to the fol­ lowing express terms and conditions to be inserted in an agreement to be executed by the company before the execution of the said de.ed or deeds of trust and the said guarantees. 1. ThB company shall p1;ocee/1 with the making of necessary plans, specifications and surveys for each of the said terminals with all reason­ able diligence and to the satisfaction of the :Minister of Railways. 2. The company shall construct the said terminals to a standard to the satisfaction of the :Minister of Railways. 3. The company shall pay the workmen and labourers employed in or about the construction of the said terminals such rates of wages as may be currently payable to workmen and labourers engaged in similar occupation in the districts in which said terminals are being constructed. 4. The company shall purchase within th: province from mer­ chants and dealers located and cafrying on business therein the materials and supplies used in and about the co11struction of the said terminals in so far as such purchase can be made upon terms and conditions equally favourable to the company as those obtainable else­ where. 5. In all contracts or subcontracts providing for or relating to or affecting the construction of the said terminal or any part or part's thereof the company shall provide effectually for carrying out the provisions of clauses 3 and 4 of this section. 6. The company shall not alienate, lease· or dispose of the said terminals or any of them in any manner whatsoever nor shall it amal­ gamate with any other railway company or enter into any agreement or adopt any other method for the purpose of placing any of the said terminals under the control, management or operation in whole or in part of any other railway company '1Vithout the sanction of the Lieu­ tenant Governor in Council first had and obtained. 7. The agreement authorised by this section shall be in such form and contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of the said Act as the· Lieutenant Govemor in Council may approve. That subject to the proviso herein contained the deed or deeds of trust (hereinafter called "The Original Instruments") securing the securities authorised to be guaranteed rn'ay provide for the issue from JANUARY 6 123

time to time and ranking pari passu with the said securities and with­ out preference or priority one over the other of additional securities of similar kind, tenor and effect in respect of any of the terminals mentioned in the schedule to the said Act and also additional securities of similar kind, tenor and effect also making· pari passu and without preference or priority as aforesaid in respect of additional terminals ( other than those mentioned in the schedule) in the Province of Saskatchewan to be hereafter constructed by the company but in amonnt not exceeding the actual expenditure made by the company for and in respect of such additional terminals: Provided always that before any such additional securities are issued the guarantee by the Province of the payment of the principal and interest thereof shall first have been authorised and the amounts to be issued in respect of such terminals shall first have been fixed by the Legislative Assembly and that such guarantee shall first have been given pursuant thereto. That a supplementary deed or deeds of trust (herein called "Sup­ plementary Instruments") covering the said terminals mentioned in the schedule to the said Act in respect of which additional securities are authorised to be issued or such additional terminals as afore­ mentioned, as the case may be, in the form approved by the Lieutenant , Governor in Council shall from time to time be taken to the trustees o:£ the original instruments; and such additional securities shall be issued under the terms of the original instruments and supplementary instruments which together with the mortgaged premises covered by the original and supplementary instruments shall form the secnrity :£or all securities issued thereunder in the same manner and with the same effect as if the original instrument and supplementary instru­ ment or .instruments formed together but one instrument and as if all the securities issued or to be issued under the original or supple­ mentary instruments were issued under ,one instrument. That i:£ on the completion of any of the terminals it is ascertained that the expenditure on any such terminal or the aggregate expendi­ ture on all the said. terminals is less than the amount specified in the said schedule with respect to said terminal or the aggregate amount specified for all of the said terminals by reason whereof there remains a snrplps of secmities to be issued or that there is a surplus of pro­ ceeds ,of money realised by sale, pledge or otherwise of the securities issued the· Lieutenant Go\'ernor in Council may authorise the issne ancl sale of such surplus of securities ancl the application by the com­ pany of the proceeds thereof or the application by the company of the said surplus of proceeds or ,of both or either ,of snch proceeds in or in respect of any of the other termina1s mentioned in the schedule hereto or additional or other terminals at other places in the Province of Saskatchewan approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. That a supplementary deed or deeds of trust covering the addi­ tional or other termi_nals which may be constructed by the compa11y nuder section 14 of tli'e said Act at such other places shall he taken to the trustees of the original instrnme1its rnertioned in the said Act , in the provisions of section 12 of the saicl Act shall where not incon- 124 JANUARY 6

sistent with tlie · said se~tion 14 apply to the said supplementary deed and to the securities which_ may be issued and guaranteed in deeds and to the securities which may be issued and guaranteed in pursuance thereof. · SCHEDULE. For terminals at the following places: (a) For terminals at or neiµ: Saskatoon ...... $1,200,000 (b) For terminals, at or near Moose Jaw .. ·...... 850,000 (c) For terminals at or near Regina ...... 850,000 ( d) For terminals ~t or near S,vift · Current ..... , . 450,000 (e) For at ,or near Prince Albert...... 350,000 (f) For term1nals. at or near Battleford ...... 100,000 And the Question bE)ing .proposed, And a debate ariaing, And the debate continuing, ,And the Question being again proposed, It was resolved in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Calder, seconded by Mr. Scott ( Swift Current), Orl:lered, That the said Resolution be referred to the Committee · of the Whole on the Bill (No. 54) with instructions that it have power to 1nake provision therein pursuant thereto.

I Ordered, That Mr. Langley h·ave leave to introduce a Bill to 1 amend The Rural Municipality.Act (No. 2) .. _He accordingly presented the saiil Bi!l and the same was received and read the first tim:e, and Ordered, To he read a second time on Wednesday next.

· Mr. Scott, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the House elated December 4, 1912, show- ing: · · 1. Copies of all correspondence carried 011 between the Govern- . ment of Sask::ttchewan and the Ottawa Government or any of' its officials with respect to the sale 'of school lands recently arranged for \ and now b_ein:gheld. .. 2. A statement of all school lands solcl, prior to July 1, 19+2, indicating: (a) The area sold; · (b) The total selling price; ( c) The amount of p~-incipal paid; ( d) .The amount of unpaid principal'; (e) The total amount deducted for expenses ,and administra- tion; · · (f) The rate of interest paid to the .Province. ' 1 3. A statement indicating: . , · . (a) The number of parcels of school lands included in the sale recently arranged; · (b) The area ,of these parcels. (Sessi.oria1 Paper No. 43;) JANUARY 6 125

The Order of the Day being read for the second rnading of the Bill (No. 51) to amend The Secondary Education Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a SBcond time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the ..Whole Hol~se :at the next sitting of the House. '

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the · Bill (No. 54) respecting Certain Aid towards the Construction of Terminals of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the 'Whole House at the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 61) respecting the Confirmation of Sales of Land for Taxes. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole House ,at. the next sitting of the House.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 65) to amend The Statute Law. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Hons~ at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. GO) to amend the Act to prevent the em­ ployment of Female Labour in certain capacities, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill. Ordered That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 60) ·be read a third time on Wed- 1iesday next. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 62) to amend The Assignments Act, and after some .time spent thei:ein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments 'were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 62) be read a third time on Wed- :nesday next. The House according to Orde~· resolved itself into Committee of the Whole .on the Bill (No. 63) to amend The Judicature Act, and after' some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and :Wir. Mitchell reported the Bill. 'Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 63) be read a third time on Wed­ nesday next. 126 JANUARY 6

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. :Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 9) be 'read a third time on Wed- nesday next.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Com1~1ittee of , the Whole on the Bill (No. 31) to amend The City Act, and after some time spent therein :i\Ir. Speaker resumed the chair and Mr. :1'Iitchel1 reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be Dow received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 1) to aimmd The School Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 1) be read a third time on Wednesday next. ·

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 56) respecting·The Saskatchewan Surveys Act, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Mitchell reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be DOWreceived and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 51) to provide for Special Surveys, and after some time spent therein J\fr. Speaker resumed the ·Chair and Mr. Mitchell reported that the Committee had made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The H01isc according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 59) respecting Commissioners to administer Oaths, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker rnsumed the Chair and :Nir. Mitchell reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 59) be read a third time on 'iVed­ nesday next. JANUARY 7 127

The House according to the Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 41) to iJ:1corporate Western Prudential Investment Company, Limited, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed · the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 41) be read a third time on Wed- nesday next. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 42) to incorporate The Commercial Club, and after some time spent therein JYir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 42) be read a third time on vYed­ nesday next. The House according to Order resolved itself i:rito Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 49) to incorporate Empire :Mortgage Trust Company, and after some time spent therein }\fr. Speaker resume·d the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The ~aid amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 49) be read a third time on Wed- nesday next. - The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the· Whole on the Bill (No. 35) to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited, and after some tifoe spent therein :M:r. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the· Bill (No. 35) be read a third ti 1t10 cu \V ed- nesday next. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 67) respecting the City of Regina, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill, Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 67) be read a third time on 1Yed­ nesday next. And then the House adjourned at 11.40 o'clock p.m.


11 o' CLOCK A.:i'IL Mr. :Mitchell from the ~tanding Committee on Private Bills and Railways presente

The Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to report as follows : . Your Committee have had under consideration the following Bill and have agreed to report the same with amendments: Bill (No. 45) to incorporate the. J. 0. Hettle Company. . On niotion of Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. Scott (-Arm River), Ordered, That the Report be now received.

Mr. Mitchell from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways presented the following Report: From the Standiug Committee on Private Bills and Railways I beg to present the following report : Your Committee recommend that fees paid for the following Private Bills: Bill to incorporate the Northern Club be remitted. Bill respect~ng Lands in. the City of Prince Albert be remitted less the cost of printing. 1 Bill (No. 48) to incorporate the Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon be remitted less the cost of printing. Onmotion of Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. Scott (Arm River)~ Ordered, That the Report be concurred in.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of .the Whole on the Bill (No. 43) to 'incorporate Assiniboia Trust Com­ pany, dnd after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the­ Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 43) be read a third time on Thursday next.

The House accordii1g to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 48) to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and }\fr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice i•ead and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 48) be read athird time on Thursday next.

The Order of the Day being read for the thi.rd reading of the Bill (No. 5) to amend The Treasury Department Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 5) be now read a third time . . The said Bill was accordingfy read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act 'to amend The Treasury Department Act."

. The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill tN o. 2) to amend The School Assessment Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 2) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. JANUARY 7 129

Resolved, That this Bill do 1ww pass and be inti tnled "An Act to amend The School Assessment Act."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 3) to amend The School Grants Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 3) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass arn] be inti tnlecl "An Act to amend The School Grants A.ct."

The Order of the Day bei11g read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 37) to amend An Act respecting the Department of Railways, Telegraphs and Telephones. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 37) be 110\\' read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be inti1n1ccl ",\11 Act to amend An Act respecting the Department of Railways, Telegraphs aud Telephones."

The Order of the Da3' being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 38) respecting the Department of Railways. . Ordered, That the Bill (No. 38) he now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass aml be intitnled ":\n Act respecting the Department of Railways."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the ]3il1 (No. 19) to confirm and make valid a Certain Agreemrnt of Sale entered int,o between the Trustees of the Congregation of the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in the Town of Battleford and Ji'. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 19) be now read a third tirne. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act to confirm and make valid a CPrtain Agreement of Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Congregation of the Gardiner Presbyterian Chnrch in the Town of Battleford and Ji'. G. Atkinson and G. A. Ji'oster.''

The Order of the Day being read for tl:ie Honse in Comm ii tee of Supply. On motion of :Mr. Bell, seconded by Ilfr. Scott ( Swift Cmrent), Ordered, That ::\Ir. Speaker clo now leave the Chair. , The House accordingly resoked itself into Committee of Snpply.

In the Committee.

No. 2. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars he granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Lieu­ tenant Governor's Office). 130 JANUARY 7

No. 3. Resolved, That a sum not excEeding fifty-eight thousand :five hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-five cents be granted to Ris Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Executive Council). No. 4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty thousand one hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-five cents be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (l'i..ttorney General's Department). No. 5. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Govemment (Pro- vincial Secretary's Department). . No. 6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding forty-eight thousand and thirty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Treasury Department). No. 7. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-seven thousand five hunched and forty dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the four­ teen months endi11g April 30, 19H, for Civil Government (Public ·works Department). No. 1. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding six hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Public Debt. No. 8. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty-eight thousand two hundred and sixty-five dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Agri­ culture Department). No. 9. Resolved, That a sunJ:1not exceeding thirty-eight thousand six lmndrecl and thirty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Education Department). No. 10. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding four thousa·ud· three hundred and seventy dollars be granted to His lviajesty foi· the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Railway Department). No. 11. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-three thou­ sand eight hundred and twenty dollars be gTanted to His Majesty for the fomteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Telephone Department). No. 12. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding forty-two thousand four hundred and six dollars and sixty-five cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending 'April 30, 1914, for Oivil Government (Municipal Department.). , No. 13. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding seventeen thousand seven lrnrnhed a11Clsixteen do11ars and sixJy-six cents be granted to His 1'Iajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Goven1111e11t(Government Printer's Office). No. 1-L Resolved, That a snm n.ot exceedi11g one hundred thou­ sand nine hnndrecl and seventy dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fomteen months ending.April ao, 1914, for Legislation. JANUARY 7 131

No. 15. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and ninety-six thousand and seventy-three dollars and eighteen cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending ~\.pril 30, 19H, for Administration of Justice (Supreme, District and Surrogate Courts). No. 16. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding tw,o thonsnnd six hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Justice (Police :Magis­ ti'a tes' Courts). No. 17. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding sixty thousand six hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fomteen months ending April 30, 191t1, for Administration of Justice (Criminal In­ vestigations). , No. 18. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollnrs and ninety-nine cents be grnntecl to His J\fajesty for the fourteen months ending April :10, l!ll-1-, for Administration of Justice (Gaols). No. 19. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding two hnnclrPd and ninety-one thonsand one hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending ~li_pril 30, 1914, f01; ~\.clrninistration of Justice (Police, Prisoners and Insane). No. 20. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding hrn hnll(lrrd and' forty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars and :ii fty-ni1w cents he grant.eel to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Jnstice (Registration of Land Ti1les). No. 21. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding seYenty-mie tlwmancl cl.ollnrs be granted to His Majesty for the fomteen months rnding April 30, 1914, for Administration of Justice (Administration of Liqnor Licens_e Act). No. 22. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding ten thonsand dol­ lars be granted to His Majesty for thr fonrtren months ending April BO, 1914, for Administration of .Tustice (:Misccllancons Legal Services). No. 2:3. 1lesolved, That a snm n.ot exceeding one lnmclrrcl and sixty thonsancl three hundred and seventy-eight dollars nncl sixly-fonr cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months rnding .A.pril 30, 1914, ·for Public ·works Chargeable to Income (Pnblic l3nildings­ Snlaries and ]vfaintenance). No. 2.4. Resolved, That a s11111not exceeding sennty-threr tbon­ sancl :five hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Pnblic ,Yorks Chargeable to In­ come (Miscellaneous Services). No. 25. Resolved, That a srnn not rxcreLl-ing one rnillio11 seven lrnnd1wl nnd six thonsand dollars be granted to His J\lnjestY for the fonrtern months ending April ao, 1914, for Public ·works Chnrgeahle to Capital (Public Buildings-Contrncti.on). No. 26. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fonr hundred thon­ snncl dollars he granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months end­ ing April 30, 1014, for Public Works Chargeable to Ol;lpital .(Jfiscel­ laneous Services). 132 JANUARY 7

No. 27: Resolved, That a sum not exceeding six hundred and thirty thonsau to General AgTicultnral Interests). . No. 31. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding sixty-eight thousand six hunched rrnd thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents be granted to His }Iajesty for the fourteen months ending; April BO, 1fl14, for Agriculture and Statistics (Assistance to Live Stock Industry). No. 32. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two lrnndred and ninety-five thousand nine lnmdrecl dollars 1Je grnntecl to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics ( Assistance to Dairy and Poult.ry Industry). No. 33. Res,olvecl, That a snm not exceeding twenty-seven thou­ sand four hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents he granted to His :i\fajesty for the fourteen 1110nths €nding April 30, 1914, for Agricnlture and Statistics (Puhlici ty and Statistical \\Tork). No. 34. Ueeolved, That a sum not exceedii1g eight thousand nine lrnndrecl and eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents .be granted to His ?.Iajesty for the fourteen months ending April BO, 1!)14, for Agriculture and Statistics (Bacteriological Laboratory). No. 35. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fomteen thousand nine hnnclred and sixty-six dollars aml sixt_'i'-six cent.s be granted ·to His :Olajcsty for the fourteen months ending· April 30, · Hll4, for AgTicnlture and Statistics (Weed Control ancl Game Protection). No. 3H. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fifty-eight thousand two hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April BO, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics (Bureau of Labom). · No. Wi. Resolved, That. a snm not exceeding twenty thousand one hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for AgTicnltme ancl Statistics (::\;[isceUaneous Services). No. 88. 11csolvecl, That a snm not exceeding one hundred and forty-nine thonsancl one hundred and twenty clol]ars be granted to His :Majesty for the fomteen months ending April BO, 1914, for Bureau of Public Heal th. No. 39. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-eight thou­ sand and twenty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fomteen months cnding April BO, 1914, for Neg·lectecl and Dependent Children. JANUARY 7 133·

No. 40. Resolved, That a snm not. exceeding seventy-five thou­ sa1J(l five hundred aud fifty dollars be granted to His j\fajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1D14, for ::\fiscelJaneons ( Charge­ able to Income). No. 41. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding oue hundred thou­ sand dollars be granted to His :Majesty.for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Miscellaneous (Chargeable to Capital). No. 42. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding fifty thonsancl dollars be granted to His :Majesty for t'he fourteen months e11Cli11gApril 30, 1014, for Telephones ( Chargeable to Income). No. 43. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding one million and sixt_y thonsancl dollars he granted to llis :Majesty for the f,1urt0en months euding April 30, 1D14, for Telephones (Chargeable to Capital). No. 44. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding nine 1nmclrec1 and seTenty-firn thousand dollars be granted to His Majesty for the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1014, for Telephones ( Chargeable to Telephone Revenue). Resolutions to be reported. :i\fr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :i\Ir. Bole reported .that the Committee had come to several Resolutions. Ordered, That the Report be received at the next Bitting of the Honsr. and the ·Honse will at its next. sitting resoh·e itself into said Committee.

i\Iovecl 'by :\Ir. ·willonghby, secoude1l 11,v:Mr. Bradshaw, That this Honse express its approval of the new Bank Act intro­ duced as Ilill No. 3G in t:he Domini011 Parliament, in so far as the same makes provision for the lending to a farmer of money on the security of threshed grain, and to a rancher, of money on the secmity of his cattle. And the Q11estion being proposed It passed mwnimonsly. l\Ioved by :i\I r. Bole, seeonclecl by Mr. Totzke, That whereas it has been the policy of the Govemmrnt in pro­ viding for the constrnction of publie ·works to insert in all contracts a clause for the payrnrnt of a fair and reasonable rate of wages to all \YOrkmen engaged on snch works or in lien of such clause a schedule setting forth the mininrnm "·ages to he paid such ·workmen; And whereas it is desirable that this policy which has bem so beneficial to the wage earning classes employed on public works should be extended to all undertakings o\·er which the Government has control. Therefore he it rcsolvecl that in the opinion of J-his Honse the Government shonlcl take snch steps as m•p necessary to apply its fair wage policy to all pr,ox,incinl works and nnrlertakings over which it has or .may exercise the necessary control for this purpose.

::ivio,·ed by :i\Ir. Simpson, ,;:econded by Mr. Ens, That whereas on the third day of February, 1911, the following resolution \ms unanimously passed bv this Honse, namely: Resolved, that this Honse is of the opinion that the time has arrived when the lands set apart by the Parliament of Canada as an 134 JANUARY 8

endowment for school purposes together with all moneys which havo accrued from the sale of such lands should be under the control and administration of the provincial authorities and the Government of Saskatchewan should continue its negotiations with the Government of Canada for the purpose of having the said endowment transferred to the Province ; And whereas the attention of the Government of Canada has been directed to the said resolution; ' And whereas no action has been taken by the Government of Can­ ada to transfer the control and administration of the said endowment to the provincial authorities; Therefore be it resolved that the Government of Saskatchewan should continue to urge up,on the Federal authorities the desirability of having transferred to the Province at an early date the control and administration of the said endow1nent; , And be it ,further resolved that this House is of the opinion ,that until such time as the said endowment is transferred to the Province none of the lands belonging to the endowment shoulll be sold without the approval of the Government of Saskatchewan. And a debate arising,, And the debate continuing, On motion of Mr. Bradshaw, seconded by l\fr. Willoughby, Ordered, That the debate be acljonrned. And then the House a


11 o'cLOCK A.:\[. l\Ir. J\[acN eill, from the Stan cling Committee on Public Accounts and Printing, presented the following Tl,eport: , The Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing beg to report as follows: That one thousand (1,000) copies' of the Report dealing with prac­ ticability of producing power at coal centres and distributing it throug:h­ ont the Province, as laid on the Table of the Honse, but without the plates included therein, be printed. On motion of Mr. Bole, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, Ordered, That the Report be now concnrrecl in.

l\fr. :Mitchell, from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, presented the following Report:' The Standing Committee on Prirnte Bills a;nd Railways beg to report as follows: , Your Committee have had nuder consideration the following B1ll, and have agreed to report the same wi,t1h amendments. Bill (No. 47) to incorporate the Regina-Moose Jaw Interurhan Railway. . On motion of J\fr. ::Mitchell, seconded by J\ir. Scott (Arm River), Ordered, That -the Report he n'ow received. JANUARY 8 135

The Order of the Day .being read for the adjourned debate on the Resolution rnornd by Mr. Simpson, seconded by Mr. Ens, That whereas on the third day of :February, 1911, the following resolution was unanimously passed by this House, namely: Resolved, that this Honse is of the opinion that the time has nrri,·ed when the lands set apart by the Parliament of Canada as an cndo,rn10nt for school purposes together with all moneys which. have .nccrnecl from the sale of such lands should be under the control and administration of the provincial authorities and the Government ,0f Saskatchewan should continue its negotiations with the Gm'emmeut of Canada for the purpose of having tl;e said endowment transferred to the Province; And whereas the attention of the Government of Canada has been directed to the said resolution; And whereas no action has been taken by the Government of Can­ Hcla to transfer the control and adminis1tration of 1.1hesaid endowment to the provincial authorities; Therefore be it resolved that the Government of Saskatchewan should continue to urge upon the :Federal authorities the desirability of haYing transferred to the Province a.t an early elate the control and administration of the said endowment. And be it further resolved that this House is of the opinion that nntil such time as the said endowment is transferred to the PrO\;ince 110ne of the lands belonging to the end1owment should be sold without the approval of the Government of Saskatchewan. And the debate continuing, And the Q1_.1estionbeing again proposed, It was resolved in the affirma:tirn.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill / (No. 60) to prevent the employment of Female Labour in Certain Capacities. · Ordered, That the Bill (No. GO) he now read a third time. . The said Dill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pas,, and be intitulecl "1\.11 Act to prevent the employment of :Female Labour in 'Certain Capacities."

The Order of the Day being re;cl for the third reading of the Bill (No. G2) t,o amend The Assignm.ents Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 62) be now read a thinl time. The said Bill was according-1,-v reml a thir

The Order of the Dav being read for t.he third reading of the Bill (No. 63) to amend The ,Jmlicatm'e Act. ' Ordered, That. the Bill (No. fi3) lie now read a third time. The said Bill wa..~ accordinglv read a third time. ·Resolved, That this Bill cl~ ·~1ow pass and be intitnled "An Act to amend The Juclicatnre Act." 136 JANUARY 8

The Order of the Day bei1ig rea<1 fo1· the third reading of the J3ill (No. 9) respecting Rural Telephone Systems. Ordered, That the J3ill (No. D) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, T·bat this Bill do nmv pass and be intituled "An A.\ct respecting Rural Telephone Systems."

The Order of the Day being read fo1· the thirc1 reading of the Bill (No. 59) respecting Commissioners to Administer Oaths. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 59) he now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnlecl "An ~\ct respecting Commissioners to Administer Oaths."

The Order of the Day being- read fol' the third rea,1iug of the Bill (No. 27) to amend The Public Health Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 27) be now read a t~1inl time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An A\ct to amend The Public Health Act."

The Order of ·the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 50) respecting Wolf Bounties. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 50) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, T1hat this Bill cl~ 'now pass aucl be intitnled "An Act respecting "\Volf Bounties."

. The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the 13ill (No. 52) to amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantees of Orrtain i-;Pcnrities of the Grand Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company. It was moved in amendment by :Mr. \Villoug·hby, seconded by ::\fr. Davidson, That the Order for the third reading of Bill (No. 52) lw

111aybe given by the Lieutenant Governor in Council from time to time for the erection of stations, the number of the same and the intervals at which the stoppages shall be made at such s1ations for the accomn10- d ation of the public. 3. The rates for passengers and freight which may be charged by each of the. said companies on the said railways shall be such as may he approved by the Lieute1iant Governor in Conncil and each by said companies shall comply with any conditions now or hereafter imposed by any Act respecting the g1·m1ting of aid to railways. , 4. The location of the said lines, in so far as not ~]ready bnilt shall be subject to the approval of the Lientenant Governor in Council having regard to the feasibilit:r of the ronte and engineering clifficnlties. 5. Provided, That the terms, directions and reqniremont.s of the Lieutenant Governor in Council and all powers hereby granted shall not be inconsistent with any order or regulations from time to time issued or made by the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada or other compete1it anthority nuder the provisions of any Act of the Parliament of Canada applicable to any of the sairl lines. And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Question being put on the amendment, The House divided ::ui'cl the names being called for were taken clown as follows:

YEAS. l\Iessienrs \Villonghby Donaldson Glenn Bradshaw Da,·idson-5.

NAYS. Messieurs

Scott ( Swift Current) Garry Johnston (Pelly) Tnrgeon Simpson Atkinson Stewart Bell Langley Finla_yson Smith Sutherland Johnston (Melfort) l\facNeill Totzke Mitchell Robertson Lyk Scott (Arm River) Beaudreau Pierce

Lochead ~ Paulson Larson Devline l\Ioore Cunningham Cawthorpe Phin Mark Leitch l\Iagee Scott (Tram1)in/! Latta ' Harris Lake) Bole :McNab Watson Calder 1\fotherwell-40

So it passed in the negative. 138 JANUARY 8

And the main Question being again proposed The House divided and the names being called for were taken down as follows: YEAS. 111:essieurs Scott (Swift Current) Calder Johnston ( Pelly) Turgeon Garry Atkinson Stewart Simpson Langley Finlayson. Bc11 Sutherland :Mitchell Smith Totzke .Johnston ( :M:elfort) :M:acNeill Lyle Scott ( Arm River) Robc1;tso_1 Pierce Lochead Beaudreau Larson Devline Panlson Cunningham Cawthorpe 11foore Mark Leitch Phin Scott (Tramping Latta Magee Lake) Bole Harris Watson Motherwell McNab-40

NAYS. Messieurs Willoughby Donaldson Glenn Bradshaw Davidson-5.

So it was resolved in the affirmative. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. ResolYed, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnlecl "Au Act to amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantees of Certain Securities of the Gra~1d Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company.

The Order ·of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No: 53) to amend Certain A~t:,, respecting the Guarantee of Certain Securities of The Canadian Northern Railway. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 53) be now read a third time., The said Bill was accordingly read a thiTd time. · Resolved, That t1his Bill do now pass 'aml be intituled "An Act to amend Certain Acts respect,ing the Gnarantee of Certain Securities of the Canadian Northern Railway Company."

The O\·der of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 66) to ratify and confirm a certain Agreement between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co~operative Elevator Company, Limited, elated 6th December, 1912. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 66) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill. do now pass and he intituled "An Act to ratify and oonfirm a certain Agreement between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, dated 6th December, 1912. JANUARY 8 139

~ The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 35) to incorporate 11Joose Jaw Securities, Limited. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 35) be now read a third fime. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled ".An Act to incorporate 11Ioose Jaw Securities, Limited."

Ti10 Order ·of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (Ko. 41) to incorporate ·western Prudential Investment Company, Limited. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 41) be now read a third time. The said Bill ,vas accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass arrd be intituled "A.11 Act to incorporate VVestern Prudential Investment and Trust Company."

The Order-of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 42) to incorporate The Commercial Club. · Ordered, That the Bill (No. 42) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resoked, That this BiH do now pass mrd be i11titulecl "An A.ct to incorporate T·he Commercial Club." •

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 49) to incorporate Empire }fortgage Trust Company. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 49) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to incorporate Empire Mortgage Trust Company."

The Or,der of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 67) respecting the City of Regina. On moti'on of J\fr. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. }.foNab, Ordered. That the Bill be not now read a third time but that the Order for tl{e third reading of the said Bill be dis~hargecl and that the said Bill be referred back to the Committee of the W·hole House ·with power to make the following amendment. To strike out sections 9 an'Cl 10 thereof and to sn',hstitute therefor the following section: 9. Notwithstanding anything contained in chapter 49 of the Revised Statu,tes of Saskatchewan as amended at this present session or in any act in force in Saskatchewan, no appliqation for the confir­ mation o:f any sale for taxes of any land in the City of Regina shall in case such sale was made prior to the first day of January, 1900, he made or heal'd a:6ter the first d-ay of July, 1913; and in the case of all said sales in which no application t-0 confirm is made on or before the said d·ate, the sale shall be and become null and voi:d and the rights and interests of ·all parties concerned shall be the same as if the said sale had not been ma:de. (2) A public notice stating the effect of this section shall, prior to the first clay of July, 1913. be published by the said City of Regina 140 JANUARY 8 in four c.onseci1tive issncs of The Sa;~l,:atchcwan Gnzette and once in each week clming eight consecutive weeks in a newc'paper published in the said City. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. G7) respecting t:he City of ,Regina and nfter some time spent therein :Mr. ~peaker resumed the Chair aud J\Ir. Bole reported the J3j1] with amendments. Ordered, That the report be now,received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That tho Bill (No. 67) be read a third time today.

The Order o.f t,he Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. G7) respecting the City of Regina. Ordered, That the Bill (No.' G7) be now rea.d a thii·d time. The said Bill was accordingly rend a third time. Hecoh·ed, That this Bill ·c10 now pass and be intitnlcd "An Act respecting the City of Regina."

:Moved by J\lr .. Turgeon, seconded by Mr. Scott (Swift O11rrcnt), That this Honse do· immediatelv resolve itself into a Committee of the ·whole House to cmisider a Re~olntion respecting fees to be paid for licenses for pool or billiard rooms, bowling a.Jleys and re::;tm11•1mt~. :l\fr. Scott, a nfornbe1· of the Executive Conncil, then acqnainted the House t.lrnt His Honour the :Lieutenant Governor luwi11g bee11 informed of the stlbject matter o:f the motion, reconrnien(ls it to t:he consideration of the Honse. Ordernd, That J\Ir. Speaker do now leaYe the Chair. The Honse accordingly resohwl itself into a Corn mi ttee, ancl after some time spellt thereiril :l\fr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reporte·cl that the Committee had come to a Resolntioll. Ordered, That the Report he 110w 11eceived. Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a first time. The said Hesolntion was accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Hesolnt.ion be read a second time. The said Resolntiori was accordingly reffd ·a second time, aml concurred in. That it is expedient to provide that the following fees shall be payable for licenses for pool or billiard rooms, bowling alleys or restaurants, namely: For pool ·room or billiard room license: Upon the first table ...... $15.00 Upon each acklitional table ...... 5.00 For a bowling alle}' Jicense: . Upon/ the first alley ...... , . 15.00 Upon each additional alley ...... 10.00 Fo.r a restaurant license: In a city ...... -:·... : ...... , .. • ...... , . 15.00 In .. a to,vn ...... : .. : ... .-... : .: ...... ·;. .. 10.00 JANUARY 8 141

On motion of :M:r. Turgeon, scconclecl by Calder, Ordered, That the Resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole House on Bi11 (No. r;s) with instructions that they have power to make provision therein pnrsna11t thereto.

:i\fr. :i\fo:Nah, a :.i'.Iember of the Exccnti,·e Con11cil, laill on the Table the following: Retmn to -an Order of the Honse dnted November 22, llH2, showing: Copies of all conesponclence, pnpers and clocnments, in any wny relating to the proposeµ transfer 1:ly the Government of Saskatchewan to the City of Prince ~\lhert of the Provincial ,Tail property. (Sessional Paper No. 44.)

1.Ir. :i\foN ab, a Member of the Executive Council, laid on the Table the following: Return to an Order of the Honse dated December 17, 1912, showing: 1. The total expem1itnrc by collstirnencies nuder The Pnblic Higlrn·ays Act from 1st January, 1912, to 1st December, 1H12. 2. The like expenditures under The Public Works Act and where -and how spent. 3. vVhat J\{unicipaliti_es refused to cu-operate with the lfoani of Highway Commissioners ? 4. ·what J\hmicipalities received grants from t.he said Board without contributing a like amount to that supplied by the Board? 5. The names of al1 employee~ of the Highway Commissioners for aboYe period, the place where employee worked, and the wages paid such employee. G. The total amount of yards of dir1t mo,,ecl in each constituency, mid the amount paid therefor, showing each .ioh separately. 7. Al1 correspondence between the Board of Highway Commis­ sioners and ~Innieipalities or any member of a 1.Innicipal Connei1, or any offieia1 or member of the Gornrnme11t relating to the expenditnre of money by the said Board ch1ring sai(1 pcrioc1. 8. Copies of all voneh.ers and papers fi1ed with the Board for expenditnres hy such Board dnring sairl period. (Sessional Paper No. 4:i.)

1.Ir. Tnrgeoll, a :Mcrn ber of the Excenti ve Com1eil, laid on the Table the fo1lowing: Return to an Order of the Honse elated Dec-ember 4. 1012, showing: 1. The nmll'hcr of arrests made dnring the provincial e1cction campaign for alleged violation of The Elections Act. 2. The nnrnlJer of persons arrested. 3. The nnmhrr of corn·ietions secnred. 4. The nmriher relcase

On motion of ;wn.Simpson, seconded ,by Mr. A·tkinson, · Ordered, That an Humble Address •be presented to His Honour the L_ieutenant Governor praying that a copy of the Resolution relat­ ing to School Land Endowments be forwarded to t,he Secretary of State for Canada for transmission to His Royal Highness the Gornr­ nor General in COl{ncil.

Mr. ::i\litchell, from the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, presented the following report: 'l,'he Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways beg to present the following report: Your CommitJtee recon:nnend that the fee paid for the following Private Bill, Bill (No. 46) to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of Moose be remitted less t:he cost of printing. On motion of Mr. Mitchell, s~conded by Mr. rS~ott ( Arm River), Ordered, That the Report be· now concurred in.

The House according to Order resolved itself intf Cormnitee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 58) to regulate Pool Roorn,s, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report ·be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 58) be read a third time at the next sitting of the Ho11s0. I The Order of the D~y being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. 72) to amend the Act to incorporate the Saska tche~rnn Co­ o_pernfo·e Elevator Company. 1'he said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Hon.;:e today.

the Honse according to Order resolved itself. into Committee of . i;he Whole on the Bill (No. 72) to amend the .Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Elevator Company, and ,after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. · Ordered, That the report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 72) be read a third time on Friday next.

Th.e Order of the Day being read for t,he second reading of the rnn (No. 71) to amend The Corporations Taxation .Act. The said Bill was accordingly' read a second time, and Ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House today. JANUARY 8 143

The House according to Order rewlved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 71) to amend The CorporatioJ.?.S Taxation Act, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resnmerl tl10 Ohair and Mr. Bole reJiorted the Bill with amendment.s. Ordered, That the Report he now received. The said amendments ·were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 71) he read a third time on Friday next.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Corn mi ttee of tb0 "\Vhole on the Bill ( No. 54) respecting certain Aid towards the Construction of Terminals of The Grand Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Com­ pany, and after some time spent therein J\Ir. Speaker resmned the Ohair and :Mr. Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report he now recei,~ed. Ordered, That the BiH (No. 54) he read a third time on Friday next. The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 28) to amend Chapter 128 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1900, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game," and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report he nmv received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 28) be read a third time on Friday next.

]vioved hy Mr. Scott (Swift Current), seconded by J\fr. Be11, / That whereas the Government of the Dominion of Canada is pledged to the policy of transferring to Saskatchewan tl~e public domain within its liinits; And whereas the Government of Saskatchewan. pursuant to a Resolution of this House passed at its last Session, has directed the attention of the Dominion Govemment to th,e expediency of making the said transfer at as early a date as possible; And whereas notwithstanding its said pledge and the representa­ tions made by the Government of Saskatchewan the GoYernmrnt of Canada has as yet taken no action towards arranging for the saicl transfer; ' And whereas in the interests of this Province and of Qairncla a, a whole it is desirable that the (Jnestions i1wo1Yed in the mattel" of the said transfer be settled forthwith: Therefore he it resolved that in the opinion of this Honse the, Government of Saskatchewan should continue to urge npon the Gm·­ ernment of Canada the necessity of arranging for the said transfer without further delay./ - And a debate arising, - A:nd the debate continuing, It was moved in" amendment hY :l\Ir. B.raclshaw, seconded hy Mr. \Yylie. . 144 [JANUARY 8

That all the words after "that" be struck out and the following substituted: Whereas the Hon. Walter Scott, PTemier of the Province of Sas­ katchewan, by ac<3epting such office on the granting of Autonomy to the Province i1idorsed the ::i.ttitude and position of the Government of Sir "'\Vilfricl Laurier in withholding from the ProvinGe its natural resources; . . And whereas in the elections held for this Assembly in 1905 and 1D08 the people snstainecl the position of the Hon. Walter Scott on the Laml Question; And whereas at the, said elections •of 1905 and 1908 the Hon. ·walter Scott being Premier of the Province took the position that the so-called Land Qnestion had been finally and constitutionally settled, and that snch settlement mncle h,y the Autonomy Bill of a cash payment ,v'as better for the Province than obtaining its naturnl resources; And whereas the }dembers of the Government and their snpporters declared in the election of 1912, that the dominant issue wns Reci­ procity; And whereas the people of this Province have never been given any direct mandate to this Government to demand the natural resources thereof;· And whereas this Province has suffered damage by the attitnde of the Government in preventing expression of opinion on the land ques­ tion and thereby delaying a proper settlement of the question; Therefore he it resolved nntil such time as the electors of the Prm·ince shall give au nneqnivocal mandate in favour of demanding its natural resources in lien of the present subsidy any action of this IIouse woulc1 'be premature. A11d the qnestion being put on the amendment, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Qnestjon being again pnt on the amendment. The Honrn divided and the names being called foi· were taken down as follows :


lVIessienrs Wylie-1 NAYS.


Scott (Swift Current) Harris :McNab Tbrgeon Garry Motherwell Stewart Simpson ,Tohnston (Pelly) Finlavson Bell Atkinson .Tolrn;ton ( 1\folfort) Smith Langley Mitchell NfacNeill Totzke Scott (Ai'm Ri,ver) Robertson Pierce Devline Beaudreau Larson JANUARY 9 145

Oawthorpe Paulson Cunningham Leitch Moore Scott ( Tramping Lake) Latta Phin Mark Forsvth Magee ·watson Bolc_::__37

So it passed-in the negative. Arn.l the main Question being proposed. It was resolved in the affirmative. ,, Ordered, That :Mr. Bell have leave to introduce a Bill to further amend The Corporations Taxation Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time. and Ordered, To be re;d a second time at the next sifting of tht' Honse.

And then the House adjourned at 11.50 o'clock p.m.


11 o'cLOCK A.M, The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 58) to reg1ilate P,ool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 58) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to reg}1late Pool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Res­ taurants."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 43) to incorporate Assiniboia Trnst Company. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 43) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act to incorporate Assiniboia Trust Company."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 48) to incorpoi·ate the Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon. . Ordered, That the Bill (No. 48) be nffw read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to incorporate the Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon."

:Moved by Mr. Turgeon, seconded by :Mr. Scott (Swift Current), Whereas the Hon. Robert Rogers, ex-Minister of the In_terior, and now Minister of Public ·works in the Government of Canada, speaking at Montreal on the 21st day of September, 1912, in reference to the , I


Saskatchewan Provincial electi011 of 1912, is reported in the 1Iontreal Daily Star of September 23, 1912, and in the :Montreal Gazett,e of the same date to have made statements to the following effect: (a) That there exists in the Province of Saskatchewan a large class of foreigners who do not wish to become British sub­ jects and who are animated by an anti-British and anti- Canadian sentiment; · · (b) That the Liberal Party made their appeal particularly to this class of men in the said election; ( c) That the election law of Saskatchewan was desig110d pur­ posely to allow this class of people and aliens generally to vote without acquiring the qualifications of British citizen- ship; . ( cl) That the. voters' lists were prepared in such a manner t:hat a Jarge number of these anti-British and anti-Canadian for­ eig11ers and of aliens generally were unJa:-ivfully placed upon such lists and a large number of duly qualified British sub- jects were unl~wfully omitted from such lists; · ( e) That the Liberal Party won the said election on account of votes impr.ope.rly cast by the aforesaid foreigners a11cl by aliens generally and of the unlawful exclusion from the franchise of duly qualified British subjects. And whereas the aforesaid statements constitute charges which if true indicate the existence ·within Saskatchewan of a condition of affairs dangerous to the national life of this Dominion and if false are a grave defamation of the Govemment and the people of this Province; And whereas this House, desirous of having an inquiry made into these charges and other matters of importance eoncerning the said Provincial election of 1912, did on November 25, 1912, appoint a Select Committee of the House to inquire into the same; And whereas on November 29, 1912, a telegram was forwarded by the said Select Committee to the Hon. Robert Rogers calling his attention to the aforesaid newspaper reports of his speech and offering him an opportunity to substantiate the charges made by him; And whereas the said Hon. Robert Rogers did not reply to the said telegram or produce any evidence before the said Select Com­ mittee in substantiation of the aforesaid charges; And whereas in the opinion of this Honse the aforesaid charges are false and constitnte a serious defamation of the people and the Government of this Province ; ' And whereas in the opinion -of this House the conduct of the said Hon. Robert Rogers in publishing the aforesaid charges and refusing subsequently to substantiate . the same before the tribunal properly constituted for that purpose by this House is regTettable and repre­ hensible; Therefore be it resolved that this House_ express its. regret at the aforesaid conduct of the Hon. Robert Rogers, and is of the opinion that the Government of Saskatchewan shonld take steps to call thereto the attention .of His Royal Highness .the Govemor General in Council and of the Parliament of Canada. JANUARY 9 147

.And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, A.ncl the Question being again proposed, It was resolved in the affirmative.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 47) to incorporate the Regina-:Ofoose Jaw Interurban Railway, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and :01:r. Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 47) be read a third time at the next sitting o:£ the House.

Moved by Mr. Calder, seconded by :Ofr. Scott (.Swift Current), That whereas it is the declared policy of the Government of Canada to transfer to the Province of Saskatchewan its public domain; And whereas on the fourteenth clay of :Ofarch, 1912, the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan unanimously passed a resolution to the effect that the Government of Saskatchewan should proceed with negotiations with the G-0vernment of Canada as speedily as possible for the purpose of having transferred to the Province its public domain; And whereas pursuant to the unanimous wish of the Assembly expressed by the said resolution steps have been taken by the Govern­ ment of Saskatchewan to arrange for a conference with the Federal authorities for the purpose of having transferred to the Province its • public domain; ' And whereas subsequent thereto and during and immediately prior to the general Provtncial elections held in Saskatchewan in July, 1912, the Hon. Dr. Roche, the then Secretary qf State in the Federal Government, attended and addressed public political gatherings in the Pro,·ince; And ,vhereas the followi'ng are extracts from the reported speeches made at these gatherings by the said Hon. Dr. Roche: "Mr. Borden would not be right in forcing the resources upon an umvilling people as represented in' the Pwvincial Legislature, he de­ clared. He did not thi11k that that was the wish of the people, though that had been the expression of their representatives in the House. If the people returned Haultain, and he believed they would, they would be in a position to give Mr. Borden a real expression of their opinion." ( Reginct Daily Province, June 11, 1912.) "Mr. Borden at that time favonred the handing over of your public domain," continued Dr. Roche. "Putting the question seriously, would it be fair, and would it be right for ::i\fr. Borden to force his former policy on an unwilling people? Any other result than the placing of the Haultain party in power on July 11 would he tantamount to saying that you were satisfied with your present conditions." (Saslcatoon Daily Pham.ix, June 27, 1912.) "If you desire to secure the ownership of your public domain and if you w.ould assure the Government at Ottawa you are in earnest 148 JANUARY 9 on this question, you cannot do it in any more co1ivincing m!lnner than by sending to Regina the men who have held the opinion in spite of all oppo•sition, that the lands of this Province should be returned to the people of Saskatche,van. "If the Scott Government is returned the Ottawa Government will he perfectly justified in assuming that the people of Saskatchewan do not want the public domain. Premier Borden intends to fulfil his pledges and return to Saskatchewan and Alberta the public domain belonging to these Provinces, but you can realise how difficult this will be if the Scott Government is elected, a Government which has no sympathy with such a policy and which is on record as being un­ alterably opposed to· it." (The Yorl,:ton E1derprise, .June 27, 1912.) And whereas this House is of opinion that the said statements reported to have been made by the said Hon. Dr. Roche constitute: (a) A dangerous departure from the recog11ised policy of non­ partisan consideration which has heretofore existed and in the interest of Confederation should continue to exist in the treatrnei1t by the Federal Govemment of questions affecting the constitutional relations of Canada as a whole and auy or whole of the Provinces of Canada; (b,) An attempt to intimidate and coerce the electors of Saskat­ chewan in the exercise of their franchise. And whereas the said Hon. Dr. Roche has neglected and refused to explain his position with regard to the said reports although invited ,to do so; Therefore be it resohecl that in the opinion of this House the matters herein refened to a1·e of such a grave character as to demand that they be brought to the attention of His Royal Highness the Governor General in Council and of the :Parliament of ·Canada. The Order of the Day being read for the· second reading of the Bill (No. 73) to amend The Rmal J\funicipality Act (No. 2). The said ]3i11 was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the \Vhole Honse today. Mr. :McNab, a J\fomber of the Executive Council, ]aicl on the Table the. following: Retmn to an Order of the Honse elated December 4-, 1912, show- mg: 1. The total cost of the Lrgislative Bnildi11gs to elate, including: (a) Tho cost of site; (b) Tho improvements to the same; ( c) The cost of buildings ; ( d) The cost of furnishings; ( e) The t.otal estimated cost to complete tho building. (Scssional Paper No. 47.) Moved by J\fr. Motherwell, seconded by Mr. Langley, vVhereas at the last session of this Assembly it was "resolved that in the opinion of this Hol1se the Government of Canada shonlcl JANUARY 9 149 institute an inquiry to dcterrnine if any system of interior storage is commercially feasible am\ such as wi11 tend to prevent the recur­ rence of the present unfortunate condition of affairs in the Province due to the lack of outlets and such additional markets as wonlcl tend to keep pace with onr exportable surplus including off gri1tle grain" and no action wonld appear to have been taken by the said Govern­ ment with this object in view; And wh('.reas in spite of improved transportation facilities and continued fine weather throughout the late fall and early winter the congestion of grain at initial shippiug points that has prevailecl dur­ ing almost every fall and \Yinter of recent years still continues; And whereas while this condition can only be permanently remedied by the introduction of mixed farming and thr seeming of additional ontlets the general opinion prevails that some system of interior storage is necessary io take cnrr of onr grain as quickly as it is 110w offered on the primary market; And whereas recent inquiries indicate that there is a probability that if properly organised and administered nuder one executive body, such as the Canada Grain Commission in conjunction with lake or ocean terminal or transfer elevators, terminal ele,·ators at railway centres in Saskatchewan and Alberta might afford some measure of relief if operated in every particular as p~~blic terminals; And whereas the oneration of such elevators as public terminals ",onld obvionsly necessitate the grading and weighing of grain into and ont ,of snch terminals by officers of the Canada Grain Commission; And whereas t!Je Saskatche,rnn Grain Growers' L\ssociation at its last annnal convention nnaui rnonsh· indnrsell by resolution· the plan of "a system of storage elevators a't central poi1{t,; with terminal facilities" and snbseqnenily in September made represe11tations to the Govermurnt of Saskatchcm1n asking that it nrge upon the Govern­ ment of Canada the 11cecl for the innnediatc> provision of sneh storage facilities ; Auel whereas the providing of snfficient and termirn1l storage facilities is within th(' jnrisdic1ion and acknowledged policy of the Government of Canada; Therefore be it resolYed that it is stiJl the opinion of this House that the Govcrnrnent of Onnacla should institute an inqniry to cleter­ rnine the feasibility of erecting and operating terminal storage elevators at interi.or railway centres in conjunction with govenrnwnt or railway owned and operated terminals at lake or ocC'an ports. And the Question being proposed, And a dcbatt, arising, And tlw debate coutinnina:. And the Question being ag;~in pro11osed, It was resolved in the affirmatiYe.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 313') to amend The Village Act, ancl after some time spent therein :Ml'. Speaker resumed the Ohair all(l l[r. Sutherland reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now Teceivecl. 150 JANUARY 9

The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 33) be read a third time at the next Bitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee 0£ the \Vhole on the Bill (No. 32) to amend The Town Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and }\fr. Mitchell. reported that the Committee had made some prqgress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House.

The House ·according to Order resolved itself into Uonnnittee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 73) to amend The Rural Tulunicipality Act (No. 2), and after some time spent therein 11:r. Speaker resumed the Ohair and :Mr. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. • Ordered, That the Report be now :received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 73) he read a third time at the next sitting of the House.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee 0£ the Whole on the Bill (No. 44) to provide for the initiation or approval of Legislation by the Electors, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair, and l\fr. Sutherland reported the· Bill with amendments. · Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments wei'e then twice read and agreed to. Ordered,' That the Bill (No. 44) be read a third time at the next sitting .of the Honse.

Ordered, That l\fr. Turgeon have leave to introduce a Bill to sub­ mit to the Electors the question of the adoption 0£ The Direct Legisla­ tion Act. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the first time, and Ordered, To be read a second time today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading 0£ the Bill (No. 75) to submit to the Electors the questions of the adoption of The Direct Legislation Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second. time,· and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole Honse today.

The House accordingly resolved itself into Committee of the Whole .on the Bill (No. 75) to submit to the Electors the question 0£ the adoption of The Direct Legislation Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 75). be read a third time today. JANUARY 10 151

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 7 5) to submit to the Electors the question of the adoption of The Direct Legislation Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 75) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. 1 Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to submit to the Electors the Qnestion of the adoption of The Direct Legis­ lation Act."

And then the House adjourned at 11.50 o'clock p.m. ·


11 o' CLOCI,:: A.l\I,. The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 71) to amt;nd The Corporations Taxation Act. Ordered, That the Bill (X o. 71) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resoh·ed, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act." ·

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 72) to amend an Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Elevator Company. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 72) be no\\· read a third time. 1he said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do llOW pass and be intitnled :'An Act to amend An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 54) respecting certain Aid towards the Construction of Terminals of the Grand Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 54) be now Tead a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now l)ass and be intituled '".,\..n Act respecti11g certain Aid towards the Construction of 'Termirn1ls of the Grand Trnnk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trnnk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company."

The Order of the Day bring read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 28) to amend Chapter 128 of The Re.vised Statutes of Saskat­ chewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game." Ordered, That the Bill (N,o. 28) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordi11g]y read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend Chapter 128 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game." 152 JANUARY 10

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 33) to amend The Village .Act; · 1 Ordered, That the Bill No. 33 be now read a third time. The said Bill ·was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do n.ow pass and be intitnlecl "An Act to mnend The Village Act." /

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Bill (No. '70) to amend The Liquor License Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of the Whole I-Iouse today.

Moved by J.\Ir. Bell, seconded by Mr. Calder, That; this Honse do immediately resolve itself into a Committee of the 1Vhole House to consider a resolution respecting certain fees to be paid under The Corporations Taxation Act.· J\fr. Scott, a J\fomber of the Executive Council, then acquainted the Honse that His Honour the Lieutenant Go,•ernor, having been h1formecl of the subject matter of the motion, recon;mencls it uto, the consideration of the House. Ordered, That J\ir. Speaker clo now lem·e the Ohair, The }fouse accordingly resolved itself into a Committee, and after some time spent therein J\fr. · Speaker resumed the Ohair and J\fr. Mitchell reported that the Committee had come to a resolution. Ordered, That the Report be now received. . Ordered, That the Resolution be now read a. first time. The said Resolution was accordingly read a first time. Ordered, That the Resolntion be read a second time. The said Resolution was acc9rdingly read a second time nncl con­ curred in. Resolved, Every Company that owns, controls or occupies any timber area or timber berth within the Province of Saskatchewan by reason of any title deed, lease, agreement or otherwise shall pay the followi11g taxes, namely: (a) For every acre of ]and compi·isecl within the limits of such timber area or timber berth .... , . , ...... 1 cent (b) .For every acre of land comprised within the limits of every such timber area or timber berth within the Province on which timber has been cut during the preceding year ...... 3 cents On motion of J\fr. Bell, seconded by J\fr. Calder, Ordered, That the said Resolutions be referred to the Committee of the 1Vhole House on the Bill- to fnrthei· amend The Oorporatidns Taxation Act with instructions that they have power to make provision therein pursuant thereto.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading" of the Bill (No. 74) to further amend The Corporations Taxation Act. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and · JANUARY 10 153

Ordered, To be committed to a Committee of th'e \Vhole House today.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the ·whole on the Bill (No. 74) to. fmther amend The Corporations Taxation Act, and after some time spent therein :M:r. Speaker resumed the Chair and 1Ir. :;\Iitchell reported the Bi11 with amendments. Ordered, That the Report he now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 74) be read a third time at the next sitting of the Honse.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the "\Vhole on the Bi11 (No. 51) to amend The Secondary Edncation Act, and after some time spent therein :Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. 1Iitchel1 reported that the Committee hacl made some progress and hacl directe

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the "\Vhole on the Bill (No. 68) to ratify certain instruments executed by His Majesty the King to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as secnrity for The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, and after some time spent therein J\fr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and J\1:r. Mitchell reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered,-That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice rend and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 68) be read a third time at the nP.xt sitting of the I! onse.

The Order of the Day being read for the third rending of the Bill (No. 4'7) to incorp,ornte the Regina-.i\foose .Taw Internrbnn Railway. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 47). he now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitn]ed ".\.r; 1\.ct to incorporate the Reginn-.i\foose Jaw Interurban Railway."

Moved by Mr. Bell, s0c011(led hy Mr. Scott (Swift C1L'rent), That the Rewlntions from the Committee of Supply for the fonr- teen months ending April :30, 1914, he 110w rend a first time. And the Question ,being proposed, .And a dehatu arising, .And the debate continning, And the Question being again proposed, -It was resolved in the affirmati,,e. The said Resolutions were accordingly rc'nd a first time. On motion of .i\fr. Be11, seconded by Mr. Se,ott ( Swift Current), Ordered, That said Resol11tio11s be 1-iow read a second time. The said RPsolntions were accordingly rPacl a seco1Hl time and agreed to. 154 JANUARY 10

No. 1. Resolved, That a sum 11ot exceeding six hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the four­ ceen months ending April 30, 1914, for Public Debt. No. 2. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two thousand four 'hundred and sixty-three dollars be granted to H;is Majesty for the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914:, for Civil Government (Lieutenant Governor's Office). No. 3. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fifty-i;ight thousand five hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-five cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government ( Council). No. 4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty thousand one lnmdred and sixteen dollars and sixty-five cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Gov­ ernment (Attorney General's Department). N.o. 5. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars be granted to His l\Jajesty for the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914:, for Civil Government (Provincial Secretary's Department). Xo. 6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding forty-eight thousand and thirty dollars be granted to His J\fajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Govemment (Treasury Department). No. 7. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-seven thousand five hundred and forty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Public vVorks Department). . No. 8. Resolyed, That 'a sum not exceeding thirty-eig-ht thonsa11d two hundred and sixty-five dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government,(Agricul­ tnro Department). No. 9. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding thirty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the ,four­ teen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Education Department). No. 10. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding four thonsand three hundred and seventy dollars be granted t.o His Majesty for the fonrteen months ending.April 30, 1014, for Civil Government (Railway Depart­ ment). No. 11. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-three thousancl eight hundred and twenty, dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Government (Tele­ phone Department). No. 12. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding forty-two th.ousand fom hnmlred and six dollars aml sixtv-five cents he granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months c•11ding"April 30, 191( for Civil Gov­ ernment (:i\{nnicipal Department). No. 13. Hesolvecl, That a snm not exceeding seventeen thonsancl seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six ce11ts be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Civil Gov­ ernment (Government Printer's Office). JANUARY 10 155

No. 14. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred thou­ sand nine hundred and seventy dollars pe granted to His .?\1:ajesty fo1· the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Legislation. No. 15. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hnndred and ninety-six thousand and seventy-three dollars and eighteen cents be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Justice (Supreme District and Surrogate Courts). No. 16. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two thousand six hundred dollars be granied to His 1iajesty for the fourteen months ending A1)ril 30, 1914, for Admi11istration of Justice (Police 11:agis­ trates' Courts). No. 17. ReE,olved, That a snm not excee.cling sixty thousand six hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Justice (Criminal In­ vestigations). No. 18. Resolved, That a· sum not exceeding thirty-seven thou­ sand four hundred and forty-nine clolJars and ni11ety-nine cents he granted to His J\Iajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for .Administration of Justice (Gaols). No. 19. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two hundred and ninety-one thousand one hundred dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months endi11g April 30, 1914, for Admi11istration of Justice (Police, Prisoners and Insane). No. 20. Res,olvecl, That a s1111111ot exceeding two hundred and forty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-six dZllars and fifty-nine cents be granted to His .?iiajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Jnstice (Registration of Laud Titles). No. 2.1. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding seventy-one thousand dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Administration of Justice (Administration of J..,iq11or License Act). No. 2'2. Re;:;olrncL That a snm not exceeding t\Yo thonsancl dollars he granted to His ::\{ajesty for the fomteen months e11ding A:pril 30, 1914, for Administration of Jnstic(' (Miscellaneous Legal Services). No. 23. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding 011e lrnnclrccl and sixty thonsancl three lnmdred and seventy-eight dollars and sixty-four cents be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Public \forks Chargeable to Income (Public Bnildings;­ Salaries aml :Maintenance). No. 24. Resolved. That a sum not exceecling sevcntv-three thou­ sand £.vo hnnclrecl dollars be granted to His 1\laj~sty for "the fomteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Public ,•forks Chargeable to Income (J\.tiiscellaneous Services). No. 25. Resolved, That a sum not exceediug one million seven hundred aJ1cl six thonsand clol1ars he granted to His :1fojesty for the fomteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Pnh1ic \Yorks Chargeable to Capital (Pnblic Bnilchngs-Cons1ruction). No. 26. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding four hundred thou­ sand clol1ars be granted to His 1Iajesty for the fonrteen months end­ ing April 30, Hl14-, for Public Works Chargeable to Capital (1Iisce1- laneous Services). 156 JANUARY 10

No. 27: Resol~red, That a sum not excerding six hundred and thirty thousand dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Public Improvements ( Chargeable to Income). No. 28. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one million five hunched thousand dollars be granted to His J\fajesty for the fonrteen months em1ing April 30, 1914, for Public Improvements (Chargeable to Capital). · No. 29. Resolved, That a sum not excerding seven hnndred and one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars he granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Education. No. 30. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding sixty-four thousand nine hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months eiiding April 30, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics (Assist­ ance to General Agricnltnral Interests). No. 31. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding sixty-eight thousand six lrnnclred and thirty-th rec dollars and thirty-three cents be granted to His :Majesty for the fomtecn months ending April 30, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics (Assistance to Live Stock Industry). No. 32. Resolved, That ·a sum not exceeding two linndrecl and ninety-five thousand nine hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty :for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Agricultnre aud Statistics (Assistance to Dairy and Poultry Indn~try). No. 33. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding twenty-seven thou­ sand fom hund~·ed and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents be granted to His :1fojesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Agricnltnre and Statistics (Pnblicity and Statistical Work). ,No. 34. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents be granted to His l\fajesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Agri­ culture and Statistics (Bacteriological Laboratoq). No. 35. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fourteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents be granted to His Majesty for the foi.uteen m.onths ending April 30, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics C\Yeed Control and Game Protection). No. 3G. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding fifty-eight thonsand two hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Agricnltnre and Statistics (Bureau of Labour). No. 37. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty thon·sancl one hundred dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fo11rtee11 months ending April 30, 1914, for Agriculture and Statistics (:Miscellaneous Services). No. 38. Resolved, That a snrn not exceeding one hundred and forty-nine thousand one lnmdred and twenty dollars be granted to His Majesty for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1()14, for Bureau of Public Health. No. 39. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding twenty-eight thou­ sand and twenty dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fourteen mortlhs ending April 30, 1914, for Neglected and Dependent Children. JANUARY 10 157

No. 40. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding seventy-five thousand fh·e hundred and fifty dollars be granted to His J\lajesty for the fourteen months ending ..c'qwil 30, 1914, for J\Iiscellaneons ( Chargeable. to In-

come). · 1 No. 41. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding one hnndrecl tho1wancl do1lars be granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Miscellaneous (Chargeable to Capital). N.o. 42. Resohed, That a s11111not exceeding fifty thousand dollars be granted to His :Majesty for the fonrteen months ending April 30, 1914, for Telephones ( Chargeable to Income). No. 43. Resolved, That a snm not exceeding one million nnd sixty thonsand do1!m·s be granted to His Mnjesty for the fonrteen ,nontbs ending April 30, lfl14, for Telephones ( Chargeable t,o Capital). No. 44. Resolved, That a sum not exceecling uine lrnndred and seventy-five thousand dollars be granted to His J\Yajesty for the four­ teen months ending April HO, 1014, for Telephones (Chargeable to Telephone Hevenne).

The Order of the DaY being read for ihe Honse in Committee of

\Vavs and J\Ieans. · ~ · On motion of J\fr. BelL seconded by J\fr. Scott (Swift Cnrrent), Ordered, That J\fr. Speaker do now leave the Ohair. The Honse accordingly resolved itself into Committee of Ways ancl Means. In the 001nmittee.

RPsolrnd, That towards making good the supply granted to His }\fajesty on account of certain expenses of the Pnblic Senice for the fiscal year ending Febrnary 28, 1013 1 the sum of .one million five hnn­ drecl aucl six thonsand five hnndred and fifty-five dollars a11d seventy­ seven cents he granted ont of tlw General Revenue of the Province. Resolved, That towards making good the Supply granted to His J\lajesty on acconnt of certain expenses of the Pnhlic Service for the :fiscal period ending April 30, 11)14, the smn of nine million two hnn­ drecl and thirtv thousand five hundred and sevenh·-two dollars and ninety-nine ce;1ts be .gTanted ont of the General· Revenue of the Pr0Yii1cc. ,. ,. Resolved, That towards making good the Snpply granted to His Majesty on acconnt of certain expenses of the Public Service for the fiscal period ending April HO, 1014, the sum of nine hnnclrecl nnd seventy-fo'e thousand dolla1·s be granted out of the Telephone Reveune of tho PrO\·ince. J1esolu tions to be reported. J\Ir. Speaker resmned the Chair and J\Ir. Dole reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutiorn,. Ordered, That the Report be now received. On motion of }\fr. J3ell, seconded b,v J\Ir. Scott (Swift Current), Ordered, That the Resolntions from the Committee o·f ,y ays and J\I cans be now read a first time. The said Resolntions were accordingly read a first time. On motion of }\fr. BP11, seconded by 1Ir. Scott'(Swift Onrrent), 158 JANUARY 11

Ordered, TJrnt the Resolutions be now read a second time. The .said Resolutions were according1y read a second time and agreed to.

\ Ordered, That l\fr. Bell have leave to introduce a Bill for granting to His :Majesty certain Sums of J\foney for the Public Service of the Fiscal Periods encling1:espectively the Twenty-eighth day of ]Tebrnary, 1913, and the Thirtieth day of April, 1914. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was receirnd and read the first time, and ' Ordered. That the Bill be now read a second time. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be read a third time today. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitn1ccl "An Act for granting to His :Majesty certain Sums of Money for the Public Service -0f the Fiscal Periods ending respectively the Twenty-eighth day of February, 1913, and the Thirtieth day of April, 1914." I The House ac~ording to Order resolved itself into Oommi ttcc of the Whole on the Bill (No. 51) to amend The Secondary Education Act, and after some time spent therein :M:r. Speaker resumed the Ohair and J\Lr. J3d1e reported the Bill. · Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That tha Bill (No. 51) be read a third time at the next' sitting of the Honse. The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 61) respecting the Oonfi.rmation o:f Sales of Land for Taxes, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker rcs11mecl the Ohair and J\ir. Bole. reported the Bill. Ordered, That the Report be now received. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 61) be read a third time today.

The Order 0£ the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 61) respecting the Confirmation of Sales of Land for Taxes. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 61) be now read a third .time. The said ~i11 was_ acc9rclingly read a third tir:1e .. Resolved, That th1S Bill do now pass and be rntituled "A.n Act to amend an Act respecting the Conformation of Sales of Land for Taxes."

The Honse according to Orde.r resolved itself into Committee 1of the Whole on the £ill (No. 70) to amend The Liquor License Act and nftor some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and l\ir. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. · Ordered, That the Report be now received. Tlie said amendments were then twice read and agreed fo. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 70) be read a third time at the next sitting of the House. SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1913. And the House having continued to sit till af1er twelve of the clock on Saturday morning. JANUARY 11 159

J\foved by Mr. 1IacN eill, seconded by Mr. Pierce, 1'{hereas it appears from evidence now before this House that certain officials of the Dominion Government and particularly of the Department of the Interior participated in an illicit manner by means of attempted. bribery, coercion and intimidation in the provincial general electi,on campaign of 1912. And whereas in the opinion_ of this House the said conduct of the said officials is extremely reprehensible and should be brought to the attention of the Parliament and Government of Canada; Therefore be it resolved that the Government of Saskatchewan communicate at once with the Government of. Canada concerning the said matter. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the crebate continuing, And the Question being again proposed, It was resolved in the affirmative.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the ,Vhole 011 the Bill (No. 56) respecting The Saskatchewan Surrnys Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill ·with amendments: Ordered, That the Report be now received. The' said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 5 G) l.;e read a third time at the next sitting of the Honse.

The Honse according· to Order resolved itself into Committee of the ,Whole on the ]3ill (No. 57) to provide for Special Surveys, and after some time spent therein J\Ir. Speaker resumed the Chair and :Mr. Bole reported the Bill ·with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were .then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 57) be read a thircl time at the next sitting of the House.

:Mr. Sutherland from the Standing Committee on Agricu1tm0 and .M"11nicipa1 Law presented the following Report: The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Municipal Law beg: to report as follo,vs: That. certain infonnati,011 has been presented to the Committee cin the subject of Cheaper :Money for Agricultural Development which it is desirable in the pub1ic interest should be printed for general dis­ tribution under the authority of the Legislature and your Committee therefore recomrnencl that the said information be published forth­ with. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, seconded by },,fr, Bole, Orclerecl, That the Report be now concurred in.

The Honse according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (1-f~. 65) to nrnencl The Statute Law, ancl after 160 JANUARY 11

::::ometime spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and J\fr. ::\Ioore rep,orted that the Committee ha.!i made some progress and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be now received and that the Committee have leave to sit again at the. next sitting of the Honse. , •

Ordered, That Mr. Calder have leave to introduce a Bill respecting the Sale or Leas~ of certainlands belonging to His Majesty. He accordingly presented the said Bill and the same was received and read the fii'.st time, and Ordered, To be read a second time today.

The Order of the Day being read for the second reading of the Dill (No, 77) respecting the Sale or Lease of certain lands belonging to His Majesty. _ The said Bill was accmclingly read a second time, and Ordered, To be committed to a Oommitte-e of the '\Vhole Honse today.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 77) respecti11g the Sale or Lease of certain lands belonging to His J\'Iajesty, and after some time spent therein J\Ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair aii~l Mr. Bole reported the Bill . . Ordered, That the Report be now Teceived. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 77) be read a third time today.

The Order of the Day being read for th~ third reading of the Bill (No. 77) respecting the Sale or Lease of certain lands belonging to His Majesty. · ordered, That the Bill (No. 77) be now read a third time. The said BiU was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intitnled "An Act respecting the Sale or Lease of certain lands ·belonging to His :iviajesty."

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 32) to amend The Town 1\,_ct, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. :M:oore reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the ·Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 32) be read a third time today.

The Order -of the Day being read for the thirc1 reading of the Bill (N 9. 32) to amend The Town Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 32) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. · Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The lown Act."

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Bill (No. 45) to incorporate the J. Q; Hettle Com- JANUARY 11 161

pany, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to .. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 45) be read a third time today.

/ The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 45) to incorporate the J. 0. Hettle Company. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 45) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass arld be intituled "An Act to incorporate the J. 0. Hettle Company."

Moved by l\tir. Latta, seconded by Mr. Cunningham, WheTeas under The Animal Contagious Diseases Act passed by tbe Parliament of Canada ten years ago provision was made for• the com­ pensation of owners of horses, cattle, sheep or swine killed on account of having contracted certain infectious or contagious diseases; And whereas the value of all these kinds of farm live sfock but particn]arly of horses has almost doubled in the last decade so that compensation based on the maximum value determined by the said Act no longer represents a fair proportion of the value of animals killed; 1'._nd whereas the present very low rate of valuation and conse­ quently of compensation is likely to act as an incentive to owners to not report cases of such diseases even ,vhen they are known to exist and thus encourag·e rather than check the spreading of such diseases; Therefore be in resolved that in the opinion of this House the maximum valuation of all classes of live stock, both grade and pure bred but particularly of horses, upon which compensation under the said Act is based should be materially increased. And the Question being proposed, And a debate arising, And the debate continuing, And the Question being again proposed, It was resolved in the affirmative.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of ·· the '\Yhole on the Bill (No. 64) to amend The Land Titles Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr. Bole reported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 64) be read a third time at the next &itting of the House.

And then the Rouse, having continued to sit until thirty minutes d'ter 1 o'clock on Saturday morning adjourned. 162 JANUARY 11


11 O'CLOCK A. M. I The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 74) to further amend The Corporations Taxation 'Ae,t. Ordered, T·hat the Bill (No. ,74) ·be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be iutituled "An Act · to further amend The Corporations Taxation Act."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 51) to amend The Secondary Education Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 51) be now read a third time. · The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Ar!t to amend The Secondary Education Act."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 44) to provide for the initiation or approval of Legislation Ly the Electors. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 44) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to provide for the initiati.on or approval of Legislation by the Electors."

The Order of the Day being read for the third rea'ding of the Bill (No. 73) to amend The Rural :Municipality Act (No. 2). Ordered, That the Bill (No. 73) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The Rural :Municipality Act (No. 2)."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 70) to amend The Liquor License Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 70) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That th:i:s Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The Lici,uor License ~!\.ct."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading 0£ the Bill (No. 56) respecting Saskatchewan Surveys Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 56) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this' Bill do now pass and be intituled "The Sas­ katchewan Surveys Act."

The- Order of the Day being read · for .the third reading of the Bill (No. 57) to provide for Special Surveys. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 57) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. JANUARY 11 163

Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to provide for Special Surveys."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 64) to amend The Land Titles Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 64) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pasf] and be intituled "An Act lo amend The Land Titles Act."

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the J3ill (No. 68) to authorise the execution of certain instrurnrnts by His Majesty to the Canadian Bank of Cqmmerce as security for the Sas­ katchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 68) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An .A.ct to authorise the execution of certain instruments by His :Majesty to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as security for the Saskatchewan Co­ r,perative Elevator Company, Limited."

Mr. 1,facN eill from the Stan din@: Committee of Public Accounts and Printing presented the following Report: The Standing Committee on A.gTicultnre and Municipal Law beg ti"' report as follows: That they recommend that 20,000 copies of the information pre­ ,,entecl to the House on the subject of Cheaper Money for Agricultural Development together with the Speech delivered on the said snbject by the Premier be printed and distributed. On motion of l\fr. MacN eill, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, Ordered, That the Report be now concurred in.

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committee of 1he Whole on the Bill (N~. 31) to amend The City Act, and after some time spent therein Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair and 1fr. Bole re­ ported the Bill with amendments. Ordered, That the Report be now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 31) be read a third time today.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 31) to amend The City Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 31) be now read a third time. The said Bill was aceordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act. to amend The City Act."

The House according to Order resolved itself into Committe of the Whole on the Bill (No. 65) to amend The Statute Law, and afte1 some time spent therein "i\ir. Speaker resumed the Ohair and Mr. Bal, reported the Bill with amendments. 164 JANUARY 11

Ordered, That the Report be ·now received. The said amendments were then twice read and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 65) be read a third time today.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading of the Bill (No. 65) to amend The Statute Law. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 65) be now read a third time. The said Bill was acoo:i:dingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The Statute Law."

Mr. Speaker informed the House that the Clerk of the House had received from the Clerk of the Executive Council the following


Office of the Executive Council.

Regina, January 11, 1918. This is to certify that by reason of the dissolution of the Second Legislative Assembly of the Province of 1Saskatchewan and in virtue of a Writ of Election dated the seventeenth day of June last, addressed to Wilfrid Latour, of Battleford, as Returning Officer for the Electoral Division of Athabasca (who subsequently resigned and was replaced by Joseph D. Letourneau, of St. Hippolyte, in pursuance of an Order made in Council on the sixth day of July, 1912) for the election of a member to represent the said Electoral Division in the Legislative Assembly, Joseph 0. Nolin, Esquire, has been duly returned as such representative as appears by the Return to the said Writ, deposited 0£ record in my office.. J. W. :McLEOD, Clerk Executive· Council.

The Order of the Day being read for the third reading cf the Bill (No. 1) to amend The School Act. Ordered, That the Bill (No. 1) be now read a third time. The said Bill was accordingly read a third time. Resolved, That this Bill do now pass and be intituled "An Act to amend The :School Act."

Joseph 0. Nolin, Esquire, Member for the Electoral Division 0£ Athabasca, having previously taken the Oath according to law and subscribed before His Honour the Lieutenant Governor the Book con­ taining the same, took his seat in the House. 3.30 P.M. His Honour George William Brown, the Lieutenant Governor of the Pr.ovince of Saskatchewan, being seated on the Throne, The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly read the titles of the Bills to be assented to as follows : JANUARY 11 165

An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act. An Act to amend The School .A!ssessment Act. An Act to amend The School Grants Act. An Act to amend An Act respecting the Department o:f Rail­ ways, Telegraphs and Telephones. An Act respecting the Department o:f Railways. An Act to confirm and make valid a Certain Agreement o:f Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Congregation o:f the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in the Town o:f Battleford, and F. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster. An Act to amend An Act to prevent the employment. o:f Female Labour in Certain Capacities. An Act to amend The Assignments Act. An Act to amend The Judicature Act. An Act respecting Rural Telephone Systems. An Act to amend An Act respecting Commissioners ·to Admin- ister Oaths. An Act to amend The Public Health Act. An Act respecting Wolf Bounties. An Act to amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantee o:f Certain Securities o:f the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company. An Act to amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Canadian Northern Railway Company. An Act to ratify and confirm a certain Agreement between the Government and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, dated 6th December, 1912. An Act to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. An Act to incorporate Western Prudential Investment and Trust Company. An Act to incorporate the Commercial Club. An Arct to incorporate Empire Mortgage Trust Company. .A.n Act respecting the City of Regina. An Act to regulate Pool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants. An Act to incorporate Assiniboia Trust Company. An Act to incorporate the Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon. An Act to submit to the Electors the Question of the adoption of The Direct Legislation Act. An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act. An Act to amend An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Co­ operative Elevator Company. An Act respecting certain Aid towards the Construction o:f Terminals of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. An Act to amend Chapter 128 of The Revised Statutes o:f Saskat­ chewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game." An Act to amend The Village Act. An Act to incorporate the Regina-Moose Jaw Interurban Rail- . way. 166 JANUARY 11

An Act to amend An Act respecting the Co_n:6.rmation of Sales of Land for Taxes. An Act respecting the Sale or Lease .of certain Lands belonging to His Majesty. An Act to amend The Town Act. An Act to incorporate the J. 0. Hettle Company. An Act to further amend The Corporations Taxation Act An Act to amend The Secondai·y Education Act. An Act to provide for the initiation ,or approval of Legislation by the Electors. An Act to amend The Rural Municipality Act (No. 2), An Act to amend The Liquor License Act. The Saskatchewan Surveys Act. An Act to provide for Special Surveys. An Act to amend The Land Titles Act. A.n Act to authorise the execution of certain instruments hv His ::VIajesty to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as Security f~~. the Baskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited. An Act to amend The City Act. An Act to amend The Statute Law. An Act to amend The School Act. The assent to these Bills was announced by the Clerk of the Legis­ lative Assembly in the following words: "In His Majesty's name His Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth assent to these Bills." Mr. Speaker then said: MA y IT PLEASE y OUR HONOUR: The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Saskatchewan in session assembled approach Your Honour at the close of their labours with sentiments of unfeigned loyalty and humbly 1beg to present for Your Honour's acceptance a Bill intitulecl "An Act for granting to His Majesty certain Sums of Money for the Public Service of the Fiscal Years. ending respectively the twenty-eighth clay of February, 1913, and the thirtieth day of April, 1914," thus placing at the clisuosal of His Majesty the means by which the Government can be made efficient for the service and welfare -of the Province. The assent to thi~ Bill was announced by the Clerk of the Legis­ lative Assembly in the following words: "In His Majesty's name His Honour the Lieutenant Govemor doth thank the Legislative Assembly, accepts their benevolence and t!ssents to this Bill." His Honour then delivered the folJowing speech: M-n. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE L1mrnLATIVE AssEMBLY: · It is now· my duty to relieve you from your attendance at this the first Session of our Third Legislature and in doing so I desire to give yon the assurance that your deliberations and w.ork during the Session will be of very considerable benefit to the people of the Province. Your action in providing for a further and fuller inquiry into the problem of cheaper money and the allied questions of agricultural JANUARY 11 167

and co-operative credit will, I am sure, meet with universal approba­ tion. The additional provision which you have made for railway and telephone development throughout the province is certain to be heartily indorsed by all interested. The many original and amending Acts which you have consid­ ered and passed will without doubt prove of great benefit in the general administration of public affairs. Your enactment of a measure embodying the principle of the initiative and referendum involves a radical change in our existing ::ystem of making law and for this reason I have no doubt that your decision to have the matter referred to the electors of the province for their sanction will meet w'ith general approval. GENTLE:lrnN OF THE LEGISLATIVE Assm,rnLY: I thank you for the liberal provision you have made to meet the requirements of the public service. I now take leave of you expressing the fullest confidence that your labours of the Session will materially advance the interests of our Province and trusting that the blessings of Providence may continue to rest upon our people. The Hon. Mr. Turgeon then said: JV[R. SPEARER AND GENTLEMEN OF THE LEGISLATIVE AssE~IBL Y: It is His Honour the Lieutenant Governor's will and pleasure that this Legislative Assembly be prorogued until it pleases His .Honour to summon the same for the despatch of business, and the o Legislative Assembly is accordingly prorogued. SESSION AL PAPERS










1.-Amrnal report under the provisions of 'Section 60 of The Liq nor License .A!ct by the Attorney General for license year 1912-19113. Convictions under the Liquor License Act from January 1, 1912, to October 31, 1912. Bartenders' Licenses issued for the year ending June 30, 1913. Commercial Travellers' Licenses issued for the year ending June 30; 19'13.

2.-A detailed statement of all rem1ss1ons made under an .Act respecting the Remission of Certain Penalties, being Chapter 29 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909 during the fiscal year ending February 29, 1912.

3.~Annual report of Regina Gaol for Fiscal Year 1911-1912. Annual report of Prince Albert Gaol for Fiiscal year 1911-1912. Annual report of l\ioosomin Gaol for Fiscal Year 1911-1912.

4.-Seventh annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Saskatchewan, 1911.

5.-Second annual report of the Director of Agricultural Exten­ sion on the work of the .Agricultural Societies of Saskatchewan during 1911.

6 ..,-Annual report of University of Saskatchewan, 1912.

7.-Annual report of the Department of Public Works of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year ending February 28, 1912.

8.-Return to a11 Order of the House dated November 21, 1912, showing: 1. Number of Rural Telephone Companies incorporated in the Province during each of the years 1908-1912 inclusive. 2. Number of miles of telephone lines constructed by these companies during each of the said years. 3. Number of subscribers served ·by the said companies dur­ ing each of the said years. 4 SESSION AL p APERS

4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying tele­ phone service through rural companies including the cost of telephone poles. 5. The number of applications now on hand for the organisa­ tion of rural telephone companies.

9.----illeport of the Board of Highway Commissioners of the Prov­ ince of Saskatchewan foi· the season of 1912, 'up to October 31.

10.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: , 1. The numbered of licensed stallion districts organised in the 'Province during the current year. 2 . .A map indicating their several. boundaries.

11.--:Statement of Facts concerning- Temporary Loans, required to be submitted to the Legislative .Assembly by Section 11 of Chapter 12 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909.

12.~Public accounts of the P,rovince of Saskatchewan for the Fin­ ancial Year ended February 29, 1912.

13.-Statement of Special Warrants issued during the year 1911-12.

14.-Mr. Speaker laid on the Table of the House the report of the Librarian.

15.-The Lieutenant Governor transmits Estimates of certain sums required for the service of the Province for the twelve months ending, February 28, 1913, and recommends the sa~ne to the Legislative Assembly.

16.-Return to an Order of the House, dated November 22, 1912, showing: 1. The number of rural municipalities established during eaqh of the years The Rural Municipality .A.ct has been in operation. . , 2. The number of small local improvement districts now in existence. 3 . .A map of the Province indicating those portions of it which are under municipal or local improvement district government.

17.-Report of Railway, Telegraph and Telephone Department for the Financial Year ended February 29, J912. -

18.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, showing: The name and house ad.dress of the persons comprising the Com­ mission appointed to investigate the ll}atter of Technical Education. SESS!ONAL p APERS 5

19.-Report on Inquiry into practicability of producing Power at Coal Centres and distributing it throughout the Province.

20.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 21, 1912, showing: Copies of all correspondence or other documents relating· in any way to the question of the transfer to the Province of its lands and other natural resources.

21.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 21, 1912, showing: 1. A list of the elevators built or purchased by the Saskat­ chewan Co-operative Elevator Company during the years 1911 and 1912, indicating· the location, capacity and, cost of each. 2. The amount of money advanced by the Government on nccount o:f such elevators for each of the said years. 3. The :financial standing of the company at the close of its :first year of operation.

22.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: A copy of the return made by the Returning officer for the elec­ toral district of Cumberland at the recent election therein held and all papers and documents 1;elating to the holding· of the said election and of the official and other correspondence between the Returning Officer and any memlber of the Government or the Clerk of the Executive Council.

23.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: 1. The n'umber of school districts in Saskatchewan on each of the following dates: September 1, 1905; December 31, 1905; December 31, 1906; December 31, 1907; December 31, 1908; December 31, 1909; December 31, 1910; December 31, 1911; December 1, 1912. 2. The number of school rooms or departments (including high school departments) maintained in each of the fol­ lowing towns and cities during each of the years 1905 to 1912, inclusive: :M:oosomin, Indian Head, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Weyburn, Estevan, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Y.orkton, Battleford and North Battleford.

24.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, showing: · 1. A list of the local improvements, including roads, bridges, and other Public Works authorised by the Public Works Department or the Highways Commission in the con­ stituency of Prince Albert during the year 1912. • 2. A statement of the amounts so authorised to be expended by Local Councils. 6 SESSION AL p APERS

3. The amount expended to date on the several improve­ ments referred to. 4. The reason, if any, why any work authorised has not been undertaken or completed. . 5. A list of the said improvements upon which work was stopped after July 11, 1912, and the reason therefor, in each case.

25.-:-----Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 191~, showing: 1. The names of places where sheep sales were held in the Province d11ring the current year. 2. The number of applications received from intending pnr· chasers. 3. The number of sheep sold, indicating grade and price. 4. The number of sheep remaining unsold.

26.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 3, 1912, showing: 1. The names of all inspectors and foremen employed by the Highway Commission on the Government gang duriiig 1912: 2. The date each began work and period during which ·work done. · 3. The rate -of wages paid. 4. The aggregate aniount drawn 1by each.

27.-Retnrn to an Order of the House dated 'December 3, 1912, showing: l. What sheriffs in this Province are paid by fees and those by salaries? ~- What are the net returns to the Government for each office in which the sheriff is paid by fees ? 3. What are the :het amounts receivecl and retained by each sheriff paid by fees? 4. What salaries do sheriffs receive ·who are paid by salaries?

I 28.-Return 1o an Order of the House dated November 28, 1912, showing: All correspondence between the Government of this Province and the late Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, touching the transfer by the Dominion of Canada to this Province of the public lauds and natural resources of the Province.

29.-Mr. Bole, the chairman of the Select Committee on the Election Charges, laid on the Table the following:, The minutes -of the meetings of the Committee together with other papers.

30.-Return to ~n Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: SESSION AL p APERS 7

,The amount paid to The Leader Publishing Company for work done for the Government from March 1 until December 1, 1912.

31.-Report on the Educational Work; 0£ the University 0£ Sas­ katchewan for the year ending June 30, 1912.

32.-Return to al). Order 0£ the House dated December 12, 1912, showing: 1. What has been the capital expenditure upon the ferry at Outlook for the years 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912? 2. What has been the cost of maintenance of this ferry dur­ ing each of these years ?

3K-Return to an Order of the Rouse elated November 28, 1912, showing: 1. The results of the Provincial General Elections of 1908 and 1912 under the following headings: (a) Name 0£ constituencies; (b) Name 0£ candidates; ( c) Vote cast for each candidate ; ( d) Majority of successful candidates. 2. A comparative statement of the results of the General Elections of 1908 and 1912 in the constituencies of Souris, Cannington, South Qu' Appelle, :Moose Mountain, Pipe­ stone, :M:oosomin, Pheasant Rill, Saltcoats, Last Moun-1 tain, Estevan, Weyburn and :Milestone under the follow­ ing heads: (a) Total vote cast; (b) Vote. for each candidate; (c) :Majority.

34.-Return to an Order of the House dated N o-yember 21, 1912, showing: Copies 0£ a11 Orders in Council relating in any way to the Guar­ antee 0£ Bonds of any Railway Company upon any line of Railway within the Province of Saskatchewan.

35.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 10, 1912, . showing: 1. The number of epidemics of disease which broke out in the Province during the year 1912, indicating: (a) The nature of such epidemics; (b) The number of deaths in the case of each class. 2. The steps taken by the Bureau of Public Realth to sup­ press Trachoma.

2G.-Annual Report of theDepartment of :M:unicipalA:ffairs of the J>rovince 0£ Saskatchewan for the Financial Year 1911-12 ending­ February 29, 1912. 8 SESSION AL p APERS

37.-Return to an Order of the House dated ,December 9, 1912, showing: 1. The number of wolves killed in the Province during each yeitr since The \'Vol£ Bounty Act has been in operation. 2. The amount of wolf bounty paid each year by the Gov­ ernment. 3. The number of Local Improvement Districts and Rural Municipalities: (a) Formed into wolf bounty districts;· (b) Not formed'into such districts.

38.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: 1. The na~nes of special constables employed by ·the Gov­ ernment during the months of June and July, 1912. 2. The amounts paid to each. 3. The length of time that each constable was in the employ of the Government.

39.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: The total cost of the preparation of the voters' lists during the present year.

40.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: From January 1, 1912. to date, a statement in detail of all moneys · expended by or on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan in what is now the Willow Bunch Constituency.

41.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1. The name and location of every ferry in the Province operated by the Government. 2. The original cost of installing each such ferry. 3. The cost of maintaining and operating each such ferry during the year 1912. 4. The extent to ·which each such ferry ·was used during the year 1912.

42.-The Lieutenant Govemor transmits estimates of certain sums required for the service of the Province for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, and recommend.s the same to the Legislative Assembly.

43.-Return to an Order of the Hons~ dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1. Copies of all correspondence carried on between the Gov­ ermnen t of Saskatchewan and the Ottawa Government or any of its officials with respect to the sale of school lands recently arranged for and now being held. SESSIONAL PAPERS . 9

2. A statement o:f all school lands sold prior to July 1, 1912, indicating: (a) The area sold ; (b) The total selling price; ( c) The amount of principal" paid; ( d) The amount of unpaid. principal; ( e) The total amount deducted for expenses and admin­ istration; (f) The rate of interest paid to the Province. 3. A statement indicating: (a) The number of parcels of school lands included in the sale recently arranged; .. (b) The area of these parcels.

44.-Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: Copies of all correspondence, papers and documents in any way relating to the proposed transfer by the Government of Saskatchewan to the City of Prince Albert of the Provincial Jail property.

45.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 17, 1912, Bhowing: 1. The total expenditure by constituencies under The Public Highways Act from January 1, 1912, to December 1, 1912. 2. The like expenditures under The Public -works Act and where and how spent. 3. What municipalities refused to co-operate with the Board of Highway Oommissioners ? 4. vVhat municipalities received grants from the said Board without contributing a like amount to that supplied by the Board? 5. The names of all employees of the Highway Com­ missioners for above period, the place where employee worked and the wages paid such employee. 6. The total amount of yards of dirt moved in each con­ stituency and the amount paid therefor, showing each job separately. 7. All correspondence between the Board of Highway Com­ missioners and municipalities or any member of a munici­ pal council or any official or member of the Government relating to the expenditure of money by the said Board during said period. 8. Copies of all vouchers and papers filed with the Board for expenditures by such board during said period. ,

46.-Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1. The number of arrests made during the Provincial Elec­ tion campaign for alleged ·violation of The Elections Act. 2. The number of persons arrested. 10 SESSIONAL PAPERS

3. The number, of convictions secured. 4. The number released without being brought to trial.

47.-Return to an Order of the House






SESSION 1912,,,13



To an Order of the Legislative Assembly dated November 21, 1912: 1. Number of Rural Telephone Ooinpanies incorporated in the Province during each of the years 1908-1912 inclusive. 2. Number of miles of telephone lines constructed by these com­ panies during each of the said years. 3. Number of subscribers served by the said companies during each of the said years. 4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying telephone service through rural companies including the cost of poles. 5. The number of applications now on hand for the organisation of rural telephone companies. (Signed) w. F. A. TURGEON, Provincial Secretary. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, REGINA, November 25, 1912.

1. Number of Rural Telephone Companies incorporated m the Province during each of the years 1908-1912 inclusive: 1908 ...... 31 1909 ...... 45 1910 ...... 66 1911 ...... 109 1912 (to October 31)...... 85

336 2. Number of miles of telephone lines constructed by these com- panies during each of said years : 1908 ...... 890 1909 ...... 1,247 1910 ...... ,: ...... 1,343 1911 ...... ; ...... 2,328 1912 (to October 31) ...... 1,732*

7,540 *Of this amount there is probably about 75 miles of line, construc­ tion of which is not actually completed but is under way.

3. Number of subscribers served by the said companies during each of said years: . 1908 ...... 954 1909 ...... 1,258 1910 ...... 1,378 1911 ...... -...... 2,558 · 1912 (to October 31) ...... 1,865


4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying telephone r,ervice through Rural Telephone Companies including the cost of telephone·poles: $145 to $215, according to number of circuits. 5. The number of applications now on hand for the organisation of Rural Telephone Companitis: 12.

SESSI0NAL PAPER No 10. To an Order of the Legislative Assembly dated November 22, 1912: 1. The number of licensed stalli~n districts organised in the province during the current.year. 2. A map indicating their several boundaries. (Signed) W. F. A. TURGEON, Provincial Sec1·eta1·y. SECRETARY'SOFFICE, REGINA, November 26, 1912. llfemorandum for the Provincial Secretary. The Licensed Stallion District. 1. The following forty-six Rural Municipalities and Local Im­ provement Districts have petitioned the Minister of Agriculture to be incorporated within the Licensed Stallion District on and after the first of May, 1913: Rural Mimicipalities.-Lakeside No. 338, Caledonia No. 99, Touchwood No. 248, Kellross No. 247, Eagle Creek N.o. 376, Mc­ Craney No. 282, Lajord No. 128, Silverwood No. 123, Wilton N.o. 4-72, Wolseley No. 155, Weyburn No. 67, Chester No. 125, Swift Cur- 1·ent No. 137, Morris No. 312, Park No. 375, Rudy No. 284, Walpole .N"o. 92, Cory No. 344, Prairie N.o. 408, Millington No. 249, Huron No. 223, Abernethy No. 186, Wellington No. 97, Grand View No. 349, Rosedale No. 283, Viscount No. 341, Tecumseh No. 65, Perdue No. 346, Birch Hills No. 460, Brock No. 64, Loganton No. 345, Battle River N.o. 438, Golden West No. 95 and Emerald No. 277. Local Tmprovenient Disfricts.-Nos. 93, 216, 129, 278, 109, 151, 189, 246, 275, 222, 4 and 211. 2. I herewith enclose a map of the Province of Saskatchewan show­ ing the Rural Municipalities and Local Improvement Districts that have petitioned to be incorporated within th'e Licensed Stallion District.

SESSION AL PAPE·R No. 16. To an Order of the Legislative Assembly, dated November 22, 1912: 1. The numb~r of rural municipalities established during each of the years The Rural M11.nicipality Act has been in operation. 2. The number of small local improvement districts now in exist­ ence. 3, A map of the Province indicating those portions of it which are under municipal or local improvement district government. (Signed) W. F. A. TURGEON, Provin?ial Secretary. APPENDIX 5 i::,ECRETARY's OFFICE, REGINA, Nov~1nber 27, 1912.

1. Number of .Rural Municipalities in Saskatchewan showing the year of their organisation: ·

Number Organised Year of Organisation. 2 1884 (Under old Municipal Act, Rural) 74 1909 44 1910 52 1911 28 1912

200 (Total number)

2. Number of existing Local Improvement Districts: 90. The 1912 information herein contained is in respect of December 9, 1912.


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly, dated November 21,

1912: 1 1. A list of the elevators built or purchased by the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company during the years 1911 and 1912, indicating the location, capacity and cost of each. 2. The amount of money advanced by the Government on account of such elevators for each of the said years. 3. The financial standing of the company at the close of its first year of operation. (Signed) w. F .. A. TURGEON, Provincial Secretary.

Statement showing the Elevators built or purchased by The Saskatche­ wan Co-operative Elevator Company during the year 1911, indicating"the location, capacity and cost of each.

Location Capacity Cost Remarks i"t.even ...... 30,000 $8,100.00 Browning ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Brooking ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Bangor ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Cymric ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Colgate...... 30,000 8,100.00 Cupar ...... 40,000 9,780.00 Cupar ...... 40,000 9,488.20 Faildon ...... 30,000 8,200.00 I ;undurn ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Duval...... 30,000 8,200.00 l rnfold ...... 40,000 9,300.00 Conquest ...... 30,000 8,100.00 6 APPENDIX

,Location Capacity Cost Remarks

Rienzi...... 30,000 $8,100.00 Goodwater ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Hanley ... ; ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Indi ...... 30,000 8,100.00 !tuna ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Juniata ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Parry ...... 40,000 9,400.00 Lampman ...... 30,000 8,100.00. Normanton ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Avonlea ...... 30,000 8,200.00 Ohan ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Perdue ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Rosetown ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Radville ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Sutherland ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Swanson ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Salvador ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Senlac ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Tilney ...... 30,000 8,200.00 Briercrest ...... 30,000 8,050.00 Briercrest ...... ,. 30,000 8,050.00 Tugaske ...... 30,000 8,100,00 Unity ...... 30,000 s,100:00 Vanscoy ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Waldeck ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Willmar ...... 40,000 9,500.00 Waldron ...... 30,000 8,100.00 Wilhelm ...... 30,000 8,200.00 Govan ...... 30,000 7,550.00 (Elevator burned May 28, 1912. Gov. loan with interest repaid.) Stockholm ...... 30,000 5,300.00 Strassburg ...... 30,000 7,550.00 Tantallon ...... 30,000 5,300.00 Estevan ...... 40,000 6,271.20

Statement showing the Elevators built or purchased by the Saskatche­ wan Co-operative Elevator Company during the year 1912, indicating the locati?n, capacity and cost of each.

Location Capacity Cost Remarks

Aberdeen ...... 30,000 $7,950.00 Amazon ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Anglia...... 30,000 7,950.00 Beadle ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Bethune ..... , ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Birch Hills ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Borden ...... ·...... 30,000 7,950.00 Broadacres ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Colfax ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Colo'nsay ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Cut Knife ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Dafoe ...... 30,000 7,950,00 Davidson ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Denholm ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Dysart ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Elfros ...... 30,000 7,950.00 APPENDIX 7

Location Capacity Cost Remarks

Elstow ...... 30,000 87,950.00 Expanse ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Fairlight ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Foam Lake ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Harris ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Howell ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Humboldt ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Keddleston ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Keeler ...... 20,000 7,950.00 Under construction Kindersley ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Lashburn ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Liberty ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Maidstone ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Marshall ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Meota ...... 30,000 · 7,950.00 Nether hill ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Parkbeg ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Paynton ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Penzance ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Pleasant Valley ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Punnichy ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Radium ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Edwin ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Rockhaven ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Ruddell ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Rutan ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Ryerson ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Semans ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Silton ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Simpson ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Stalwart ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Tate ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Tessier ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Tisdale ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Tregarva ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Yawn ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Viscount ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Waseca ...... :-...... 30,000 7,950.00 Zenith ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Abernethy ...... 40,000 7,650.00 Guernsey ...... 30,000 5,900.00 Mozart ...... 25,000 5,807.25 Wawota ...... 25,000 6,650.00 Langham ...... 25,000 6,650.00 Hazelcliffe ...... 27,500 4,650.00 Archive ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Brough ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Buttress ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Bratton ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Craven ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Cedoux ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Dunkirk ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Doonside ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Eastview ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Earl Grey ...... 40,000 9,750.00 Floral ... · ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Gray ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Gerald ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Lindley ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Luseland ...... : ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Milden ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Markinch ...... 40,000 9,750.00 Rainton ...... : . . . 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Rocanville ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction Spy Hill ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction StonyBeach ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction 8 APPENDIX

Location Capacity Cost Remarks

Sta,rCity ...... 30,000 $7,950.00 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction ~~~d!~~::::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30,000 7,950.00 Weldon ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Govan ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Lewvan ...... 40,000 9,750.00 Under construction Riceton ...... 30,000 7,950.00 Strongfield ...... •... 30,000 7,950.00 Under construction

2. The amount of money advanced by the Government on account of such elevators for each of the said years: 1911 ...... ·...... $314,000.00 1912 (to date)·...... 495,708.70 3. The financial standing of the Company at the close of its first year of operation. See page 9 (OPPOSITE). SASKATCHEWAN Co-oPERA'rrvE ELEVATOR Cm.1PANY, LIMITED

Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended July 31, 1912. Dr. Cr. To Grain Purchases...... $1,055,917.53 By Gmin Sales (net proceeds). $1,064,148.75 Wheat ...... $801,622.60 Wheat .. . . $976,478.70 Oats...... 27,267.33 Oats .... . 34,841.99 Barley...... 1,453.75 Barley .. . 2,060.87 Flax...... 225,573.85 Flax ...... 221,351.13 ----$1,234,732. 69 " Station Expenses (Agents' wages, help, and all Less: expenses incurred at Elevators) ...... 30,828.79 Hedging Account. 14,871.67 " Elevator repairs and renewals ...... 1,123.06 Freight ...... 147,098.26 " Travelling Superintendents' Salaries and Ex- • Interest on Freight ... 49.64 penses, and General Superintendent's Ex- Commissions ... 7,335.43 penses ...... 5,957.30 Premiums .. 846.21 " Elevator Site Rents and Taxes ...... 1,968.80 Terminal Storagn. 382.73 " Interest, Discount and Exchange ...... 16,388.70 170,583.94 Less rebate on Interest ...... 1,569.90 14,818.80 " Stontge and Handling Charges. 38,523.66 " Provision for Interest to 31st July, 1912, on " Forfeitnres ...... 5,610.00 Provincial Government Loan'for 1911 Con­ " Rent received (Stockholm Coal struction, First instalment of which Loan Shed) ...... 15.00 is payable 31st August, 1913 ...... 10,223.20 " Grain Stocks valued at Street, " Insurance ...... 7,369.91 prices, 31st ,July, 1912. 103,373.61 " Auditors' Fees and Expenses ...... 1,105.91 ·wheat ...... 59,933.45 " Directors' Fees and Expenses ...... 1,013.35 Oats ...... 1,628.46 " General Expenses, Office Supplies, etc ...... 1,536.79 Flax ...... 41,811.70 " Head Office Salaries ...... 10,112.40 " Stationery Stocks ...... 1,474.00 " Legal Expenses ...... 66.40 "Postages ...... 527.37 " Printing and Stationery ...... 3,274.90 " Rent and Light ...... 1,259.00 " Telegrams and Telephones ...... 1,968.64 " Elevator Licenses ...... 90.00 '' Depreciation-Office Furniture ...... 788.93 SASKATCHEWAN CO-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR COMPANY, LIMITED.

Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended July 31, 1912. " Amount of loss on Govan Elevator destroyed by fire ...... $ 274.68 " Contingent Account (provision for disputed account) ...... 457.66 " Depreciation-Elevator Buildings and Plant 1911 Construction ...... 10,000.00 " Balance, being Profit carried down ... : ...... 52,461.60 $1,213,145.02 ·$1,213,145. 02

Directors' Recommendations with respect to Disposal of Surplus-31st July, 1912. To Dividend recommended by the Directors at 6 per cent. on By Net Profit for Financial Year ended 31st July, 1912, as per Shares allotted prior to April 1st, 1912: Profit and Loss Account ...... $ 52,461.60 Six per cent. on amount paid on such Shares, viz: $61,042.50 ...... $ 3,662.55 To Surplus, carried down ...... 48,799.05 52,461.60

To Trading Reserve Fund ...... 24,399.53 Being ·50 per cent. of surplus after dividend as above, as sanctioned by subclause D, clause 3, section 20 of the BySurplusbroughtdown...... $ 48,799.05 Act of Incorporation ...... To Elevator Reserve Fund ...... 24,399.52 Under clause 4, section 20 of the }...ct of Incorporation

$ 48,799.05 BALANCE SHEET as a(July 31st, 1912.

ASSETS LIABILITIES ELEVATORS ...... $479,402.60 SHARE CAPITAL AUTHORISED $1,500,000.00 1911 Construction ...... $351,554.69 Less depreciation...... · 10,000.00 SHARE CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED 1911 Organisation ..... 8,171 Shares at $50 ..... $408,550.00 341,554.69 1912 Organisation ..... 15,373 Shares at $50. . . . . 768,650.00 1912 Construction...... $260,114.44 Less Outstanding Accounts. 122,266.53 137,847.91 23,544 $1,177,200.00 ACCOUNTS OWING TO TI-m SHARE CAPITAL PAID ...... $176,580.00 COMPANY ...... [G,494.45 At April 1, 1912, 1911- OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIT- 0rganisation ...... 8,139 Shares at $7.50... 61,042.50 TINGS ...... 1,577.78 At July 31, 1912, 1911- Less depreciation ...... 788.93 0rganisation...... 32 Shares at 7 .50. . . 240. 00 788.85 STOCKS ...... 104,847.Gl 8,171 61,282.50 In Houses and in Transit ...... 103,373.61 At July 311 1~12, 1912- , Wheat ...... 59,933.45 Orgamsat10n ...... 15,373 Shares at 7 .50 ..... 115,297.50 Oats ...... 1,628.46 Flax ...... 41,811.70 23,544 176,580.00 Stationery ...... 1,474.00 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN...... 3~3,694. 79 Loan...... 383,298.49 cAsf:nTLit~fs,Ii!t¾flJ1ii 66,353.78 1911 Construction...... 315,723.49 PRELIMINARY EXPENSES ...... 22,044.80 1912 Construction...... 67,575.00 1911 Organisation and Construction 10,883.91 1912 Organisation and Construction 8,727.39 Interest to date...... 10,396.30 1911 Construction...... 10,223.20 19,611.30 1912 Construction...... 173. 10 Chargeable to 1912-13 Operat_inp; ... 2,433.50 SASKATCHEWAN Co-oPERA'l'IVE ELEVATOR COMPANY, L~MITED.

Balance Sheet as at July 31, 1912

INSURANCE PREMIUMS ...... $460.49 l3ILLS PAYABLE ...... $45,000.00 Unexpired portion of premi\lms paid $724.19 ACCOUNTS OWING BY THE COlVIPANY ... . 3,559.23 Less premiums unpaid ...... 263.70 OUTSTANDING CASH GRAIN TICKETS .. 7,953.46 APPLICATION MONEYS NOT ALLOTTED LLOYD MINSTER SITE ...... 300.00 AT DATE ...... 117.50 TAXES ...... 1,326.00 Estimated for 1912...... $2,046.00 Less amount chargeable to ensuing Financial Year...... 720.00 PROFIT for year ending July. 31, 1912, as per separate statement ...... , ...... 52,461.60

$680, 6\)2. 58 $680,692. 58

I have examined the Books and Accounts of The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, for the period ended 31st July, 1912, and beg to certify that in my opinion the above Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the Company's affairs as shown by the Books of the Company. I have verified the cash at Bank and at Head Office, and have inspected the acknowledgments from the Locals' Paymasters with respect to moneys in their possession belonging to the Company at the encl of the Company's Financial Year. The Grain Stocks shown on the Balance Sheet have been certified as correct by the General Superintendent of. the Operating Department and countersigned by the General Manager. THOMAS GRANT, C.A., Auditor to the Company. APPENDIX 13


To an Order of t,he Legislative Assembly, dated December 5, 1912: 1. The number of school districts in Saskatchewan on each of the following dates: · September 1, 1905; December 31, 1905; December 31, 1906; December 31, 1907; December 31, 1908; December 31, 1909; December 31, 1910; December 31, 1911; December 1, 1912. 2. The number of school rooms or departments (including high .. school departments) maintained in each of the following towns and cities during each -of the years 1905 to 1912, inclusive: Moosomin, Indian Head, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current. Weyburn, Estevan, Saskatoon, Prince Albert. Yorkton, Batfle­ ford and North Batt]eford. (Signed) W. F. A. TuRGEON, Provincial Secretary.

1. The number of School Districts m Saskatchewan on each of the 'following dates: September 1, 1905 ...... 896 December 31, 1905...... 942 December 31, 1906 .. . 1,190 Decem]?er 31, 1907 .. . 1,436 December 31, 1908,. 1,753 December 31, 1909 .. . 2,044 December 31, 1910 ... . 2,298 December 31, 1911 ... . 2,570 December 1, 1912...... 2,932

2. The number of _school rooms or departments including high school ·departments maintained in each of the following towns and cities during ·each of the years 1905 to 1912 inclusive: Moosomin,Indian Head, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Weyburn, Estevan, Saskatoon, Prince Albert,' Yorkton, Battleford and North Battleford.

Moosomin~ 1905 ...... 8 1906 ...... 8 1907 ...... 8 1908 ...... 9 1909 ...... 10 1910 ...... 10 1911 ...... 10 1912 ...... 10 Indian Head-1905 ...... 6 1906 ...... 7 1907 ...... 7 1908 ...... 7 1909 ...... 8 1910 ...... 8 1911 ...... 8 1912 .. . 8 'Regina-1905 ...... 18 1906 ...... 24 1907 ...... 29 1908 ... .. 37 1909 ...... 45 1910 ...... 50 1911 .. , ... . 58 1912 ...... 76 14 APPENDIX

Moose Jaw-1905 ...... , 14 1906,...... 19 1907 ...... "'•.. 19 1908...... 24 1909...... 30 1910...... 39 1911 ...... : . . 45 1912...... 52 Swift Current-1905...... 2 1906...... 2 1907 ...... 3 1908...... 4 1909...... 4 1910...... • 5 1911...... 8 1912...... 9 W eyburn-1905. ·...... 3 1906 ...... 5 1907...... 7 1908...... 7 1909...... 8 1910...... 10 1911...... '12 1912...... 13 Estevan-1905...... 2 1906...... 4 1907...... 5 1908...... 6 1909...... 7 1910...... 8 1911...... 10 1912...... 12 Saskatoon-1905...... 6 1906...... 8- 1907...... 14 1908...... 21 1909...... 30 1910...... 42 1911...... 60 1912...... 67 Prince Albert-1905 ...... rn 1906...... 10 1907...... 11 1908...... 14 1909 ...... ,...... 17 1910...... IS 1911...... 26 1912...... 29 Yorkton-1905...... 6 1906...... 7 1907...... 8 1908...... 9 1909 ...... ·...... 10 1910...... 12 1911...... 13 1912...... 14 Battleford-1905 ...... 4 1906...... 4 1907 ...... : ...... 5 1908...... 5 1909...... 7 1910 ...... : ...... 7 1911...... 6 1912 ..... : ...... : ...... 5 North Battleford-1905 (Not Open) ...... • • • 1906...... 3 1907...... 4 1908...... 4 1909...... 8 1910...... 8 1911 ...... :...... 10 1912 ...... '...... 12 The figures for 1912 are based on Returns for the term ended June 30. APPENDIX 15 SESSION.AL PAPER No. 26.

To an Order of the I"egislative As·sen1bly, dated December 3, 1912: 1. The names of all inspectors and foremen emploved bv the Highway Commission on the Government gang d uri11g 1 }):12. 2. The date each began work and period during which work done. 3. The rate of wages paid. 4. The aggregate amount drawn by each. (Signed) 1iY. F. A.. TmwEOK, Provincial Secr~tary.


Name Date of \Vork Rate of Pny Total Amount Paid · to November 15 (~tiestion 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4

A.yles, U. B...... i\Iay 21 to date .. 86.00 per day .... 813.54.00 Benjamin, \V. \Y .... May 15 to elate. 6 . 00 per clay . 546.00 Blackburn, T. D .... June 3 to date .. 6. 00 per day. 432.00 Bird, .J. R...... July 1 to elate .. 6.00 per day. 474.00 Coles, A...... June 1 to date ... 6.00 per day. 438.00 Campbell, D. L.. . i\fay 6 to date. 6.00 per day .. 762.00 Daley, J. S...... August 1 to date. 6.00 per clay .. 294.00 Docherty, J ...... August 1 to dato. 6. 00 per day. 348.00 Grant, W...... July 12 to date 6.00 per day 576.00 Hunter, E. F.. . . May G to date. 6 . 00 per day . 732.00 Kissack, I<'.. . . . i\fav 9 to date. 6. 00 per day. 696.00 Lovell, \V... Ap1~il Hl to date .. 6.00 per day .. . 846.00 Lecoq, P...... September lG .to 21. 6. 00 per day ...... 36.00 Machan, J...... August 1 to date .... . 6. 00 per day. 354.00 Miskiman, J. H.. . . July 25 to elate .... . 6 . 00 per clay .. 510.00 McMillan, A.. . . August 1 to clnte .... . 6. 00 per day. 312.00 McBcth, M...... 'July :31 to elate .. . 6. 00 per day. 204.00 McCallurn,. A.. . August 1 to llate. 6 .00 per day .. 366.00 McFadyen, P... . . May 7 to June 7. 6. 00 per day ..... 78.00 Nelson, J. A.. . . June 3 to elate .. 4. 00 per clay .. 204.00 Olson, A...... ,JunP 1 to dat.e .. 6. 00 JH'r day . 618.00 Ozmun, \Y...... July 19 to August·31 6. 00 per day .. 228.00 O'Menra, D, H.. . . June 22 to datP ... 6. 00 per day. 282.00 Parker, \V. G... . . August. 1 to clat(i. 5. 00 per day. 265.00

Peacock, T. IC. '. May 16 to date. 6. 00 per day ... 852.00 Russell, J...... Jufr 22 to date .. 6. 00 per day. 174.00 · Swanson, 0...... M:iv 15 to date .... 6. 00 per day. 792.00 Speara, E...... !August 5 to date. 6. 00 per day. 360.00 Stanley, R...... Auvust 1 io date 6 . 00 ner da v . 312.00 FOREMEN

Name I Period of Work Rate of Pay Total Amount Paid ------\ Andres, G. J.. . . l\fay 28 to Sept. 14 ... 84. 00 per day .. 8301.00 Arncil, W ...... July 25 to Aug. 15. 4. 00 per dny .. 52.00 Bailey, B. A...... Aug. 19 to Sept. 1'4. . 4. 00 per clay ...... 56.00 Beelby, \Y...... May 17 to October 2G 4. 00 per day ...... 488.00 Bonnell, W. N ...... ,Tune 24 to.October 12 4. 00 per clay ...... 160.00 Boyd, J ...... May 16 to Oct. 5. . . . 4. 00 per day ...... 492.00 Bruce, \Y ...... ,Tune 17 to Oct. 17. . . 4. 00 per day ...... 68.00 Busby, W ...... April 19 to Sept. 16 . 4.00 per day ...... 552.00 Bustard, H ...... July 5 to Oct. Hi.. . . . 4. 00 per day .. 252.00 Campbell, C. E...... July 23 to Aug. 19. 4. 00 per day ...... 102.00 16 APPENDIX


Name Period of Work Rate of Pay Total Amount Paid

Campbell, L. J ...... July 17 to Oct. 8 ..... $4. 00 per day ...... $236.00 Chapman, R ...... July 22 to Oct. 1. .... 4. 00 per day ...... 396.00 Cum!llin~s, F ...... , Sept. 1 to Nov. 22 ... 4.00 per day ...... 96.00 Curtm, C ...... ]\fay 27 to July 30 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 200.00 Dahl, 13...... ,July 27 to Aug. 21 ... 4.00 per day ...... 86.00 Donaldson, J. S ...... June 16 to Sept. 9 ... 4.00 per day ...... 290.00 Findlay, .J...... May 10 to Sept. 21 .. 4.00 per day ...... 458.00 Findlay, G. T...... June 25 to Oct. 15 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 408.00 Forrcstier, J. M ..... June 26'to Oct. 31 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 306.00 Foss, P. G ...... May 13 to Sept. 13 .. 4.00 per day ...... 406.00 Foster, W. G ...... June 5 to Sept. 15 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 284.00 Frissel, A. E ...... June 29 to Aug. 30 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 364.00 Gerrish, J ...... April 19 to Nov. 14 .. 4.00 per day ...... 560.00 Hamilton, S ...... June 18 to Sept. 30:. 4.00 per day ...... 366.00 Hassard, .T...... ,June 1 to Oct. 15 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 312.00 Harvey, H ...... July 1 to Sept. 30 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 336.00 Kenzie, F ...... June 28 to Oct. 14 .•. 4. 00 per day ...... 175.00 Keith, J ...... June Aug. 14 ... 4.00 per day ...... 190.00 King, W. G ...... Aug. l to Sept. 15 ... 4.00 per day ...... 260.00 Kohlen, E ...... June 1 to Nov. 4 ..... 4.00 per day ...... 500.00 Kormil, V ...... July 8 to Oct. 31. .... 4. 00 per clay ...... 312.00 Lemont, G ...... Aug. 19 to Oct. 4 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 160.00 Lesco, S ...... May 17 to Oct. 29 ... 4. 00 per clay ...... 256.00 Lecoq, P ...... July 26 to Aug. 15 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 56.00 Lily, J. A ...... July 15 to Nov. 23 ... 4.00 per clay ...... 308.00 Longworth, J ...... July 1 to Aug. 31 .... 3. 50 pei· day ...... 66.50 Longworth, H ...... July 22 to Aug. 24 ... 3.50 per day ...... 24.50 Lovell, 'iV...... March 16 to April 16. 4. 00 lJer clay ..... 168.00 Machan, J ...... May 16 to July 31 ... 4.00 per day ...... 96.00 MacKay, H ...... June 1 to Sept. 28 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 312.00 Murray, ·w...... May 25 to Oct. 31 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 490.00 McCallum, G ...... June 16 to .July 16 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 56.00 McDonald, L. H ..... May 16 to Sept. 9 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 309.00 McEachern, A ...... July 23 to Nov. 21 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 175.00 McFarlane, H. A ...... July 23 to Oct. 15 ... 4.00 per day ...... 196.00 McGrath, Mac ...... ,. May 23 to Oct. 30 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 288.00 MacKay, W. G ...... Sept. 1 to Nov. 1 .... 4.00 per day ...... 206.00 McLeod ...... Aug. 26 to Sept. 14 .. 4.00 per clay ...... 52.00 McNabb, D ...... June 17 to Oct. 31 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 418.00 McVeigh, W ...... June 4 to Aug. 7 ..... 4.00 per clay ...... 135.00 Nault, E...... ,July 29 to Sept. 30 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 220.00 Nelson, W. E...... July 8 to Oct. 23 ..... 4.00 per day ...... 582.00 Olson, A ...... April 6 to May 20 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 108.00 Patmore, L...... June 1 to Oct. 19 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 410.00 Paulson, C ...... July 29 to Oct. 31. .. 4. 00 per day ...... 320.00 Parkinson, C ...... July 16 to Sept. 23 ... 4.00 per day .._ .... 224.00 Pederson, 0 ...... July 23 to Oct. 31 .... 4.00 per day ...... 292.00 Pentland, R...... May 16 to Oct. 16 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 506.00 Quale, J ...... June 17 to Aug. 23 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 228.00 Reid, R. C ...... June 24 to Oct. 21 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 232.00 Reaburn, R ...... Aug. 16 to Oct. 12 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 148.00 Riddall, .J. H ...... June 27 to Oct. 28 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 352.00 Rodger, A. W ...... June 25 to Nov. 11 .. 4.00 per day . .. . . 336.00 Robison, M ...... June 28 to Nov. 8 .. :. 4.00 per day ...... 100.00 Roddy, T ...... June 11 to Aug. 17 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 236.00 Rude, C ...... Aug. 8 to Sept. 20 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 152.00 Sproule ...... June 27 to Nov. 1 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 456.00 Strong, T ...... July 25 to Sept. 6 .... 4. 25 per day ...... 165.50 Simpson,. A ...... June 29 to Oct. 15 ... 4.00 per day ...... 356.00 Unger, Q ...... July 1 to Oct. 30 ..... 4. 00 per day ...... 234.00 Walton, G ...... Aug. 1 to Oct. 21 .... 4. 00 per day ...... 237.00 Whittlesey, J ...... July 24 to Ock 25 ... 4. 00 per day ...... 204.00 APPENDIX 17


Name Period of \Vork Rates of Pay Total Amount Paid

Daley, J. S ...... June 11 to July 31 ... $5. 00 per clay.. . . S200.00 Francis, E. F ...... July 22 to Sept. 15., 5.00 per day ...... 175.00 Lecoq, P ...... Aug. 16 to Sept. 15. . 5. 00 per day .... . 130.00 McCallum, G ...... July 16 to Oct. 15. . . 5. 00 per day ...... 450.00 McFadyen, P ...... June 1 to Oct. 20. . . 5. 00 per clay ...... 400.00 McGuire, S. W ...... July 22 to Oct. 31... 5. 00 per day ...... 367.00 Knox, G ...... Aug. 1 to Oct. 30... 5.00 per clay ...... 260.00 Mayhew, T ...... May 11 to Oct. 31. . 5. 00 per day ...... 201.00 1\foKenzie, G ...... July 23 to Sept. 30... 5. 00 per day. . . .. 100.00 McRae, K ...... June 10 to Sept. 25. . 5. 00 per day ...... 483.00 Ozmun, W ...... May 15 to Oct. 31 ... 5.00 per day ...... 220.00 Palmer, L ...... Aug. 16 to Oct. 15. . . 5. 00 per. day. . .. 185.00 Smith, T. IL ...... July 8 to Oct. 31 . . . . 5. 00 per clay. . . .. 597.00 Strandluncl, M ...... Aug. 16 to Oct. 31. 5. 00 per day. . .. . 240.00 Sprague, F. F ...... June 27 to Nov. 1. ... 5.00 per day ... . .588.00


Return to a11 Order of the Legislative Asse111bly dated ="on•mber 2G, 1!)]2: 1. The resnlts of the Proviucial Geu eral Elections of 1008 and 1912 under the follmving headings: (a) Name of coustitnencies. (b) Name of candidates. ( c) Vote cast for each canclicla tc. ( d) )Jajority of snccessfnl caudidatcs. 2 ... :\. comparatiYe statement of the results of the General Elections of 1908 and 1912 in the co11stituencies of Souris, Canningt0n, South Qu' Appelle, }foose .Monntain, Pipestone, 1Iootiomin. I>lwasant llilL Saltcoats, Last ,}fountain, Esternn, \\Tcyb11rn and :.Milestone under the following heads: (a) Total vote cast. (b) Vote for each candidate. ( c) }Iaj ority. (Signed) W. F. A. TuR~mox. Provincial 8ecrclal'y. SECRI,TARY's OFFICE, REGIKA, December JG, 1912.

RESULT of Provincial Elect-ion held in 1908.

Division Candidates Votes Polled l\fajority

Athabasca. ... J. 0. Nolin...... 252 A. T. Bernard...... · 9 243 Arm River ...... Geo. A. Scott. . . . . 777 B. J. Bott...... 688 89 Battleford...... S.S. Simpson...... 912 A. C. Dewar...... 793 119 18 APPENDIX

RESULT of Provincial Election held in 1908-Continued.

Division Candidates Votes Polled Majority

Cannington ...... "...... J. D. Stewart...... 1,173 Peter McLellan ...... 996 177 Canara ...... J. D. Robertson ...... 450 Wm. Johnston ...... 206 244 Duck Lake ...... Hon. W. F. A. Turgeon ... . 514 Frank Turcot ...... 382 132 Estevan ...... George A. Bell ...... : 828 Henry Yardley ...... 526 302 Francis ...... J. J. Stevenson ...... 976 .J. W. Mahan ...... 877 99 Hanley ...... J. W. MacN eill ...... 704 P. M. Heinrichs ...... 658 46 Humboldt ...... D. B. Neely ...... 759 L. L. Kramer ...... 394 365 Kinistino ...... Thos. Sanderson ...... 888 G. B. Johnston ...... 1,000 112 Last Mountain ...... S. J. Latta ...... 906 T. A. Anderson ...... 1,204 298 Lloydminster...... H. C. Lisle ...... 680 H. R. Miles ...... 644 36 Milestone...... Hon . .J. A. Calder ...... 1,031 A. E. Whitmore ...... 1,097 68 Moose Jaw County ...... J. A. Sheppard ...... 1,128 Henry Dorrell ...... 1,109 19 Moose Jaw City ...... J. IL Green ...... 682 J. H. Wellington ...... 763 81 over 0. B. Fysh ...... 6fi Green Maple Creek ...... 'vY. IL Abbott ...... 305 D. J. Wylie ...... 613 308 Moose ]\fountain...... C. J. Rosborough ...... 974 vY. Elliott ...... 1,023 49 Moosomin...... A. S. Smith ...... 1,026 David Ellis ...... 963 (i3 North Qu'Appelle ...... Hon. W.R. Motherwell .. . 848 J. A .. McDonald ...... \!90 142 North Battleford. . . D. M. Finlayson ...... 5\lO E. A. Craig ...... 495' 95 Pheasant_ Hills...... H. W. Lindsay ...... 626 H. H. Willway...... 828 202 Pelly...... J. IC. ,Johnston ...... 363 R. S. Dundas .... . 331 ;32 Pipestone.. Jas. Robinson ...... 560 A. B. Gillis ...... 1,004 444 Prince Albert County ...... Andrew Knox ...... 272 8. J. Donaldson ...... 447 175 Prince Albert City ...... Hon. W. F. A. Turgeon ... . 430 .J. E. Bradshaw ... : ...... 614 184 Regina County...... Robert Sinton ...... 773 F. C. Tate...... 1,149 37(i Regina City. .J. F. Bo'e ...... 1,274 H. W. Ltiird ...... 1,010 2(i4 Redbcrry. . . .. George Langley ...... 595 C. P. Evans ...... 483 112 Rosthcrn...... Gerhard Ens ...... 474 A. D. Stewart ...... 258 216 Swift Current.. . .. Hon. Walter Scott ...... 699 W. 0. Smyth ...... 401 298 Saskatoon City...... A. P. McNab ...... 794 J. H. Wilson ...... 717 77 Saskatoon County .. ·...... W. C. Sutherland ...... 781 P. P. Sommerfeld ...... 766 15 Souris...... John Young.· ...... : . 741 Archibald Riddell ...... , 1,132 391 APPENDIX 19

RESULT of Provincial Election held in 1908-..:.Continued.

Division Candidates Votes Polled Majority

Saltcoats ...... Thomas MacNutt ...... 1,002 A. C. Thompson ...... 541 461 South Qu'Appelle ...... EliWiliiamson ...... 748 F. \Y. G. Haultain ...... 1,056 308 Touchwood ...... G. M. Atkinson ...... 566 Joseph Hollis ...... 412 154 W eyburn ...... R. M. Mitchell ...... 760 George Beisch el ...... 732 28 Wadena ...... II. C. Pierce ...... 661 R. H. Nicholson ...... 395 266 Vonda ...... A. F. Totzke ...... 452 W. Mackay ...... 174 278over F. R. Wright...... 321 Mackay Y orkton ...... Thos. H. Garry ...... 845 W. D. Dunlop ...... 616 229

Total Liberal vote polled ...... 29,819 Total Conservative vote polled ...... 28,496 Total Independent vote polled ...... 387 Total ... 58,702 Liberal majority over Conservatives ... 1,323

RESULT of Provincial Election held July 11, 1912.

Division Candidates Votes Polled Majority

Arm River ...... George A. Scott ...... 1,138 F. H. Whitelock ...... 502 636 over John Gibson ...... 245 Whitelock Battleford...... S. S. Simpson ...... 568 Robert Ovens ...... 338 230 Biggar ...... C, H. Cawthorpe ...... 754 L. MacDonald ...... 552 202 Cannington ...... J. D. Stewart ...... 1,238 C. E. D. Wood ...... 688 550 Canora ...... J. D. Robertson ...... 683 W. :McGregor ...... 368 315 over 1\1. Gabora ...... 102 McGregor Estevan ...... George A. Bell...... 1,087 Henry Yardley ...... 566 521 Eagle Creek ...... ·.· .. ,(.}. H.. Harris ...... 808 J. G. Laycock ...... 619 189 Francis ...... W. G. Robinson ... , ..... ·! 1,087 J. W. Mahan ...... : .. , 700 387 Gull Lake ...... D. C. Lochead ...... 1 637 J.B. Swanston ...... i 610 27 Hanley ...... J. \V. MacNeill ...... 1,138 J. R. Hamilton .... '.·...... 708 430 Humboldt ...... \V_.F. A.Turgeon .... . 1,073 A. D. MacIntosh .... , .... . 349 724 Kerrobert ...... Geo. H. Watson ...... 1,078 J.M. Hanbidge ...... 577 501 Kindersley ...... Hon. W.R. l\fotherwell .. . 1,004 .J.M. Toombs ...... 915 89 20 APPENDIX

RESULT of Provincial Election held July 11, 1912-Continued.

Division Candidates Votes Polled Majority

Kinistino ...... E. H. Devline ...... 914 G. H. Giles ...... 438 476 Last Mountain ...... S. ,J. Latta ...... 1,449 T. A. Anderson ...... 793 656 Lloydminster ...... J. P. Ly le ...... 606 0. H. Price ...... : .. . 517 89over A. H. Longton ...... 402 Price Lumsden ...... James Russell ...... 809 F. C. Tate ...... 950 141 Maple Creek ...... N. L. Robson ...... 492 D. J. Wylie ...... 669 177 Melfort ...... G. B. Johnston ...... 818 T. C. Spence ...... 646 172 Morse ...... M. L. Leitch ...... 876 H. M. Klassen ...... 548 328 Moosomin ...... Alex. S. Smith .... . 1,14() E. L. Elwood ...... 874 272 Milestone ...... Bernhart Larson ...... 1,050 T. J. How ...... 861 189 Moose Jaw City ...... E. C. Matthews ...... 791 W. B. Willoughby .... , ... . 951 160 over H. Peters ...... 58 Matthews Moose Jaw County ...... J. A. Sheppard ...... 973 F. W. Green ...... ' .... . 622 351 Moose Mountain ...... R. A. Magee ...... 1,001 W. Elliott ...... 896 105 North Battleford ...... D. M. Finlayson ...... 1,116 • J. A. Foley ...... 891 225 North Qu'Appelle ...... J. A. McLaughlin ...... 837 J. A. McDonald ...... 882 45 Pheasant Hills ...... A. B. A. Cunningham .... . 1,143 H. H. Willway ...... 831 312 Pinto Creek ...... S. R. Moore ...... 440 A. Marcotte ...... 1 332 108 Pipestone ...... R. J. Phin ...... 1,006 A. B. Gillis ...... 982 24 Prince Albert City ...... Thos. Robertson·...... 626 J ...E. Bradshaw. 947 321 Pelly ...... J: K. Johnston ...... 685 E. J. Johnson ...... 680 5 Quill Plains ...... W. H. Paulson ...... 1,281 · A. E. Bence ...... 940 341 Redberry ...... _...... George Langley ...... 1,014 R. M. Pitts ...... 520 494 Regina City ...... J. F. Bole ...... 1,898 J. F. L. Embury ...... 1,596 302 Rosetown ...... C. B. Marie ...... 997 C. W. Ferry ...... 804 193 Rosthern ...... Gerhard Ens ...... 718 Geo. Braden ...... 590 128 Saltcoats ...... Hon. J. A. Calder ...... 1,357 .James Nixon ...... 475 882 Saskatoon City ...... Hon. A. P. McNab ...... 1,460 H. E. Munroe ...... 1,349 111 Saskatoon County ...... W. C. Sutherland ...... 922 W. H. Bulmer...... 500 422 Shellbrook ...... ·...... Alex. McOwan ...... 343 S. J. Donaldson ...... 478 13.5 Souris...... R. Forsyth ...... 756 J. J. Heaslip ...... 722 34 South Qu'Appelle ...... D. Railton ...... 703 F. W. G. Haultain ...... 753 5Q APPENDIX 21

REsuur of Provincial- Election held July 11, 1912-Continiled.

Division Candidates Votes Polled Majority

Swift Current ...... Hon. Walter Scott ...... 768 F. G. Forster ...... 565 203 Thunder Creek...... A. Beaudreau ...... 1,244 A. D. Gallaugher ...... 1,025 219 Tramping Lake...... James M. Scott ...... 1,117 R. J. Speers ...... 878 239 Touchwood ...... G. M. Atkinson ...... 1,066 Wm. Brice ...... 456 610 Vonda ...... A. F. Totzke ...... 1,106 F. R. Wright ...... 384 722 over G. A. Lerew ...... 127 Wright \Vadena ...... H. C. Pierce ...... 778 J. H. Hearn ...... 496 282 Weyburn ...... R. M. Mitchell ...... 1,433 G. M. Bowman ..... , ...... 904 529 Willow Bunch ...... S. C. Wright .... . 810 Wm. Davidson ...... 825 15 Y orkton ...... Thos. H. Garry .. 999 W. D. Dunlop ...... 746 253

N .B.-The name of the Liber11l candidate is given first in ~ach case, the Conservative cimdidate second and the Independent third. Total Liberal votes polled...... 49,841 Total Conservative votes polled...... 36,424 Total Independent votes polled...... -----. 1,318 Total...... 87,583 Liberal majority over Conservatives ...... 13,417 CoMPARA'l'IVE S'I'A'rEMENT of Results of the General Elections of 1908 and 1912 in Undermentioned Divisions.

1908 1912

/ Total·No. Conser- Division Total No. Conser- Majority Division Liberal Majority of Votes Liberal vative of Votes vatiye

Souris ...... 1,873 741 1,132 391 Souris ...... 1,478 756 722 34 Cannington ...... 2,169 1,173 996 177 Cannington ...... 1,926 1,238 688 550 South Qu' Appelle ... 1,804 748 1,056 308 South (~u' Appelle ... 1,456 703 753 50 Moose Mountain .... 1,997 974 1,023 49 Moose Mountain ... · 1,897 1,001 896 105 Pipestone ...... 1,564 560 1,004 444 Pipestone ...... 1,988 1,006 982 24 Moosomin ...... 1,989 1,026 . 963 63 Moosomin ...... 2,020 1,146 874 272 Pheasant Hills ...... 1,454 626 828 202 Pheasant Hills ...... 1,974 1,143 831 312 Saltcoats ...... 1,543 1,002 541 461 Saltroats ...... 1,832 1,357 475 882 Last Mountain ..... 2,108 904 1,204 300 Last Mountain ..... 2,242 1,449 793 656 Estevan ...... 1,354 828 526 302 Estevan ...... 1,653 1,087 566 521 Weyburn ...... 1,492 760 732 28 Weyburn ...... 2,337 1,433 904 529 Milestone ...... 2,128 1,031 1,097 66 Milestone ...... 1,911 1,050 861 189 21,475 10,373 11,102 22,714 13,369 9,345

11,102 13,369 10,373 9,345 Conservative Majority (1908) ...... 729 .Liberal lVIajority (1912) ...... 4,024 APPENDIX 23


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly dated December 10, lfl12: 1. The number of wolves ki1led in the Province during each year since The Wolf Bounty Act has been in operation. 2. The amount of wolf bounty paid each year by the Government. 3. The number of Local Improvement Districts and Rural :Municipalities: (a) Formed into wolf bounty clistricts. (b) Not formed into such districts. (Signed) W. F. A. TURGEON, Pro-vincial Secretary. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, REGINA, December 13, 1912.

1. Year Wolves 1907 .. - ...... - ...... _...... _ 2,649 1908 ...... - . - .. - . , ...... - .. - . - ...... - · · · · · · · - · · · · · · · 15,186 1909 .. - ... - .... - ...... - ...... ·. - . · · ...... · · 11,310 [ 1910 ... - ...... - ...... - ...... _.... _...... _.... . 9,187 1911 ...... 10,156 1912 ...... (not available) 2. Year Bounty Paid 1907...... $1,323.00 1908 ...... ; ...... 7,932.00 1909 ...... 6,690.00 1910 ...... 5,588.00 1911...... : ... . 6,518.50 1912 ...... ' ...... (not available) 3. (a) There are 146 Local Improvement Districts and Rural Municipal- ities formed into wolf bounty disti;icts. 1 (b) On the 9th December, 1912, there were 121 Local Improvement Districts and Rural Municipalities not included in any wolf bounty dis., trict.

SEi.Li_PE-R~o. 38.

To an Order of the Legislatirn .A!ssembly elated December 5. 1DJ 2: 1. The nam·es of special constables em.ployed 1by the Government during the months of June and Jnly, 1912. 2. The amounts paid to each. 3. The length of time that each constable was 111 the employ of the Government. (Signed) ,v. F. A. TURGEON, Provincial Secreta.ry.

SPECIAL CONSTABLES employed during June and July. ------'Name I Amount Time Malcolm McKenzie ...... ,-S--2u-~.-o-o- 5 days R. B. Gates ...... ····I 415.97 26 " Geo. T. Dale .. ···1 126.00 14 " D. C. Lynch .. 25 " Frank Currie .. . .::1 lit;~ 2 " E. E. Lackey .. 15.00 3 ,, Auguste Pacaud ..... ::1 275.95 28 " 24 APPENDIX

SPECIAL CONSTABLES employed during June and July-Continued. Name Amount Time W. R. Gardiner ...... $126.00 10 days 'John Gordon ...... ' ...... 321.20 24 ,, Harvey Creighton ...... ,99.85 12 " T. Lincoln ...... 15.00 3 " A. C. Garner ...... 9.25 1 " W. Christmas ...... ,55.00 8 " 51.75 8 " bhaa:~:i;~!ng ..·.· .·:::: .· : .·: : : ; : .· : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 330.80 40 " A. T. Breton ...... ::S....•...• 214.85 26 " R. W. Delbridge ...... · 156.85 18 " E. R. Phaneuf ...... 25.35 3 " W. H. Bell ...... 266.6.5 25 " W. Hicock ...... 310.90 25 " G. Lubeck ...... , ...... 165.55 23 " G. S. Read...... 238.50 23 " L.Roy ...... ·...... 230.10 21 " E. Hanley ...... • ... ••·•• 190.10 24 ,, W. Williams...... 195.85 25 " L. Plisson ...... , ...... 113.60 11 " L. Turner ...... 47.35 5 " N. Theiser ...... 179.75 18 " J. D. Bragg ...... ·· .. ······ 70.00 7 " Geo. Yorke ...... 170.20 25 E. Stewart ...... 54.00 6 ", A. J. Hammond ...... 232.75 26 " A. P. Medkie ...... 237.95 · 22 " C. A. Roberts ...... 148.00 17 " C. Lorenz ...... 25.00 4 " P. Glassman ...... 50.00 10 " M. T. Ross ...... , ...... 50.00 10 " .J. Potvin ...... • ... •.• .. 185.60 8 " -Emile Dorais ...... 77.50 10 " E. J. Driver ...... 35.00 4 " Carl Flugal ...... 30.00 6 " W. Nicholson ...... 23.95 3 " C. W. Doan ...... · 40.00 3 " W.R. Spears ...... 50.00 10. " W . .J. McKessock ...... 220.00 26 " C. B. Fitzsimmons ...... 21.00 3 " C. E. Gordon ...... 23.00 3 " H. T. Gordon ...... 20.00 4 " W. MacKenzie ...... 248.25 24 " C. R. Nicholson ...... 52.60 5 " Frank Linstrom ...... 35.00 4 " .Jesse Mahlum ...... 40.00 4 " .James Danielson ...... 37.00 4 " W.W. York ...... 35.00 4 " Frank Howson ...... 62.00 4 " R. Ballantyne ...... 39.00 7 " 28.00 4 " i. i~f!:y.·..... ·.· : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~' :: : : : : : : : : : : : ·: : : : : : : : : : : 20.00 4 " B. Timmins ..... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30.00 4 " W. J. Schmitt .... ,...... 59.00 5 " W. H. Downs ...... 34.00 4 " .Jacob Smith ...... 33.00 3 " H.J. Glass ...... 199.50 24 " Bernard Phillip, ...... "4.50 9 " John Mclvor ...... -- .. 10.00 2 " W. J. Perry ...... 10.00 2 " D. McNaughton ...... 10.00 2 " F. Hazeldeane ...... • .. 5.00 1 " G. Smith ...... 5.00 1 " D. J. Michasiw ...... 30.00 6 " Andre Budnarczuk ... , ...... 30.00 6 " Fred. Bishop ...... 15.00 3, " Henry .Lensch ...... 10.00 2 " Frank Sharp ...... 5.00 1 " J. A. Eiden ...... 5.00 1 " APPENDIX 25


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly elated December 4, 1D12: 1. The name and location of every ferry in the Province operated by the Government. 2. The original cost of installing each such ferry. 3. The cost of maintaining and operatii1g each such ferry during tlie year 1912. 4. The extent to which ,each such ferry was used fluring the year 1912. See page 26. (Signed) 'iV. F. A. Tmw1cox, Prouincinl Becrefory. 4. The extent to which 3. The cost of maintaining and operating 1. The name and location of every ferry in the pro- 2. The original cost of each these .ferries were used vince operated by the government. installing each ferry. such ferry during the year 1912. during the year 1912. (Returns to November 1, 1912) (Returns to Nov. 1, 1912) I Name I Location Cost Maintenance Operation Traffic Fort Pitt ...... Sec. 11-53-27-3 $1,166.22 $ 218.13 $ 630.00 3,534 Lashburn ...... " 17-51-24-3 2,577.21 418.57 582.00 925 Paynton ...... " 36-47-21-3 1,549.28 489.61 907.50 4,223 Bresaylor ...... " 20-46-19-3 2,561.24 335.56 615.00 - 5,460 Delmas ...... " 34-45-18-3 -- 2,569.20 126.86 624.00 3,015 Maymont ...... " 20 and 21-'11-13-3 3,755.39 172.98 600.00 7,433 Radisson ...... " 26-39-11-3 2,836.,53 2,974.45 1,086.50 4,130 Henrietta ...... " 19-39-9-3 2,329.64 166.13 591.00 2,731 -- Hepburn ...... " 23-41-7-3 3,577.62 nil 72.00 227 Petrofkit ...... " 30-42-6-3 .542.84 219.06 501.00 7,596 Tiefengrund ...... " 31-43-.5-3 5,614.97 - 119.39 609.00 17,852 Carlton ...... " 5-4.5-4-3 No record 1,551.73 606.00 5,340 Vi'ingard ...... " 6-46-3-3 1,039.03 2,592.64 591.00 3,980 Cecil ...... " 3.5-49-24-2 4,236.50 38.79 489.00 3,454 Birson ...... " 25-47-24-2 No record 336.79 615.00 4,278 Adams ...... " 46-25-2 No record 586.20 603.00 5,180 St. Louis ...... " 13-45-27-2 1,023.36 1,151.04 609.00 7,898 St. Laurent ...... " 16-44-1-3 200.00 163.60 615.00 5,128 Batochc ...... " 18-43-1-3 No record 1,407.08 615.00 9,478 Gabriels ...... " 13-42-1-3 1;980.00 758.77 606.00 5,360 Fish Creek ...... " 1-42-3-3 681.85 541.57 912.50 24,385 Hague ...... " 6-41-2-3 No record 176.92 615.00 7,463 Osler ...... " 18-39-3-3 641.52 1,564.38 597.00 6,945 vVarman ...... " 26-38-6-3 1,996.79 736.93 597.00 2,154 Outlook ...... " 16-29-8-3 .5,889.22 2,102.70 2,142.00 46,304 Elbow ...... " 8-25-5-3 2,366.99 597.90 1,158.00 16,135 Riverside ...... " 3-23-7-3 5,614.03 436.20 1,177.00 10,111 Log Valley ...... " 3-21-8-3 3,799.07 488.33 . 1,094.00 1,324 Herbert ...... " 19-20-10-3 ,1,,128.12 122.04 621.00 5,266 Sask. Landing ...... " 35-19-15-3 1,202.41 1,717.23 1,144.00 12,324 Pennant...... " 4-20-17-3 5,946.40 nil 237.00 3,756 Cabri ...... " 19 and 20-20-17-3 4,833.07 nil 63.00 : 116 :Maple Creek ...... " 27-23-25-3 No record 289.32 615.00 5,067 APPENDIX 27


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly dated Deceill'ber 4, 1()12: 1. Copies of all correspondence carried on between the Govern­ ment of Saskatchewan and the Ottawa Government or any of its officials with respect to the sale of school lands recently arranged for and now being held. 2. A statement of all school lands sold prior to July 1, 1912, indicating: (a) Tho nrea sold. ( L•J The total ,-elling price. ( c) The amount of principal paid. ( d) The amount of unpaid principal. ( e) The total arnoun t deducted for expenses and administration. (f) The rate of interest paid to the Province. 3 .. A.' statement indicating: (a) The number of parcels of school lands included in the sale recently arranged. · ( b) The area of these parcels. (Signed) vY. :F. A. Tu1w1wx, Prov·incial Secretary.

1. Copies of all correspondence carried on bet-ween the Govern­ ment of Saskatchewan and the Ottawa Government or nny of its officials ·with respect to the sale of school lands recently arra\1gecl for and now being held: November 23, 1!!12. DEAR SI'R.- I observe from ne\YSpaper reports that school lands have recently been offered for sale by public auction at various points in this prov­ ince. This is a matter causing some surprise as no such sa]p in the past has been held without this Government having been first consulted in the matter and ils acl vicP solicited, both as to the general question of the advisability ,of the sale and as to the cletnils of the parcels to be offered. An nnclcrstnuding to the effect that. snch action shall alwaJs be taken prior to any sale has been in existence between your Depart­ ment and this Govm·nrnent for some years, and l cmmot cn11ceirn of nny reason why this praeticc shonlcl iufrc ·been clep::rl'tecl frou't in the case of the present sales. Yon will, of com·;:e, readily nm1erstarn1 ,hat JJO qnestion is raised as to the right of the Jiinistcr of the Inie)·ior in this mattee, but I would point cint that these lands in this Prnvince nrc set apart by Statute as· an· emlm\'nient for pnrposl:S of erlncatiou aml that the moneys arising from their sale fol'll1s a fond in yonr frnst, the beneficial interest in ·which is in the Go-vrnin1eut of this Pro\·ince. From this point of ,·iew yo11 will, I htl\'e no doubt, agree with me that \\'e have an interest in this' inatte1· that folly warrants 01li' heliC'-f that we shonlcl he consulted before any of these lai~ds are sold. Our opinions on this 1'nattc1· are strongl,v held, mid go so fai· as to lead 11s to consider that, no ·matte1· what the teclmical 1·ights may he• 01· \\·heri' the final rci­ sponsib51ity mny lle. no sale of ~ch6ol lamls shni1lcl lw held i11 thi:s provi11c·e.,_,;iho11t the fonnal ccfosent of this Go\·er111'iie11t is first ohtainet1. 28 APPENDIX

I shall be glad to 1earn now that this matter has. been brought to your attention, that you approve of the understanding to which I have 1·eferred and that it shall be g~ven due effect in future. Yonrs truly, 1 (Signed) 'IVALTER SCOTT. The Hon. W. ,J. Roche, :i\Iinister of the Interior, Ottawa.

Ottawa, December 5, 1912 . .l\[y Dr-;.-...n:i\[n. ScoTT,- y our favour of the tweu~y.-third ultimo has come to hand, in which yon sd forth your Yiews regarding future sales of school lands in the Province of Saskatchewan. These views will receive clue considcra­ ti,on at my hands. (Signed) W. J. Rocrrn. Hon. ,Yalter Scott, Regina.

2. Statement of all School Lands sold prior to July 1, 1912. (a) Area sold...... 487,000 acres (b) Total selling price...... $6,572,732.51 (c) Amount of principal paid to March 31, 1912...... $2,218,545.64 (No later reports available) (d) Amount of principal on March 31, 1912, unpaid...... $4,354,186.87 (e) Amount deducted for expenses and administration. Expenses and administration are not deducted from principal moneys, but are paid out of revenue collections: Deductions made: 1905-06 (Sept. to June)...... $5,684.39 1906-07 (July to March) ...... , 5,508.08 1907-08...... 7,064.75 1908-09...... 6,947.00 1909-10...... 9,120.32 1910-11 ...... 13,991.64 1911-12 ...... ' ...... "9,521.11 To March, 1912 ...... $57,837.29 (f) Rate of interest paid to province: On principal moneys, 3 per cent. , On unpaid balances of principal, 5 per cent. less deductions for expenses.

October 24, 18 9. DEAR 1[R. SMART,- As the legislation with regard to school. lands was passed last session I presume there will be no fudher difficulty on that score with regard to the sale of school lands in the Territories. I· now enclose you a list of the lands which I would recommend to he sold dming the coming winter. I have taken a good deal of trouble to obtain full information with regard •to all these lands, and in each case the section is recommended to he sold hv the local member of the district in which it is situated and by other "people with whom T have had correspondence on the subject. None of the land included in the list has been vah1.ed as low as $7 per acre, and in many instances I am led to believe that sections can be sold for prices ranging from $10 to as high as $20 an acre. We recommend that the upset price in all cases sho1.ild he $7 per acre and with that as a minimum price I APPENDIX 29

cannot see any reason why these Ja'nds should not be placed on the market during the coming season. ·we have had a good crop this year and tlwre wi11 he a tendency on the part of the farmers all over the country to increase their acreage. The month of December woulcl be a good time for holding a sale, but I presume tlu:it all the details will h0 arrange

Ottawa. November D, lSDD. DEAR }lR. I-L\ULTAL\'_,- Referring to y,0111·letter of the twrnty-fonrth ultimo with regard io a sale of school land,; in the Territories, aecording to the list for­ warded, I beg to statc> that I am arranging to have the sale take place at the garliest possible· date. It. would be quite impossible, howe,·er, to hold it in the month of December, and I will: arrange it for the month of .January if yon think it would be suitable. There are some eight parcels mentioned iu the list, which are now nsed. for grazing purposes, ancLit requires a year's notice to determine a lease of this kind, so that I presume these parcels cannot be offered for sale this year unless the lessees are willing to relinquish their right to a year's 110tice. They are now being written to on the subject. I presume the saie should be held at Qu' Appelle, although I thi11k there would be no difference as to convenience as between Indian Head and Qn' Appelle. Yours very truly, ( Signed) ,Lurns .\.. s~L\RT. Deputy ilfinister. Hon. F. 'IV. G. Haultain, Premier and .\ttorney Gelleral, Regi1ia.

.Jan nary 12, moo. The :Minister of the lnt·erior, Ottawa. 'IVonld strongly urge postponement of sale of school lands in Territories. No notice of sale vet puhlishecl and six weeks' well dis­ tributed notice at least reqnireci'. (Signed) F. W. G. lL.uLTAE\'".

Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1900. Hon. F. \\'. G. Haultain, Regina. VVill postpone date of sale till -first week i11 March. Will that do . .J As. A. s~L\RT_. Deputy Jll inister .

.January 16, moo. Deputy Minister of Interior, Ottawa. First March will suit S'.ll<' school hwds. List lands to be offered :3hould be published at once as well as wide notice of sale gfren . .J. H. Ross. 30 APPENDIX

.Ottawa, :M:ay 18, 1909. Hon. 1N alter Scott, Regina; . Has anv decisi.on been reached 1:egarding School Land Sales Sas- 0

ka tchewan this :fall ~ ~

Regina, Sask., 11:ay 18, 1909. W.W. Cory, Deputy :Minister of Interior, Ottawa. '\Ve favour preparation for some sales. '\Vill write yon soon m­ dicating loc.ali ties. '\VALTER ScoTT. I .. May 18, 1909. DEAR Sni,- Yestcrday I received your wire inquiring as to whether decision has been received by us regarding school laml sales in Saskatchewan this fall, and I at once replied to effect that ,ve favour immediate prepara­ tions for some sales and that I should write you soon indicating localities. After consultation I beg .to advise in favour of preparations being carried on for sales this fall at the follo,,;ing places: lY cyburn, , Frwncis, Hanley, Sask:a.toon and Strassburg. '\Ve should like it understood that we are to ha,'e the liberty later in the seas.on, if untoward conditions arise and the prospect ,)f favour­ able sales becomes not so good, to advise that the sales be not gone on with. If with the information in possession of your Defiartment you may be of opinion tha.t the points I have 1rnmed are not in the best districts ,vi thin the Province for school land sales this fall, we shall be glad to give consideration to any suggestions yon may have to offer. May I suggest that it will be a(frisahle to advertise the sales for sixty clays if possi1hle and in any case not'less than thirty clays. Yours since1:ely, · (Signed) ' VVAL'l'ER ScoTT. W. W. Cory, Esq., De1wty Minister of the Interior, Ottawa.

Office of the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, May 29, 1909. D.1~AR i\In. ScoTT)- / · I am in receipt of yonr Jetter of the nineteenth instant with regard to the question of school land s!\les in Saskatchewan. I may say jn 1'0p1y that from ou1· ex.Perience in'the past it has been fonnd ver.v much 1n0re convenient to the public and in the interests of the School Endo·mnent Fund to hold the sales ill the month of J nne i11stead Gf in the Fan of the year. The proper advertising of the same ,always involves eonsiderah1e expenditure all(l it is therefore important that once it has been decided to hold a sale anywhere no diange ,honlcl .A.PPENDIX 31

subsequently be made in so far as that district is concerned. If you agree with my view I would suggest that the sales mentioned in your letter be delayed until June of next year. However I will be quite pleased to have our inspector consult your Department so that we can come. to a satisfactory understanding· in this relation, and if you agree to this proposal I will have instructions given accordingly. Yours f(lithfully, (Signed) vv. w. CoRY, Deputy 1liiniste1-.

-DEAR :i\fa. CORY,- June '8, 1909. In reply to your letter of :i\iay 29 regarding school lands sales I would say that we will raise no objection against deferring the sales in Saskatchewan until June of next year. It may be, ho\\'ever, that changing conditions in .the meantime will make it ,vise to decide upon

Department of the Interior. Srn,- Ottawa, July 27, 1909. A letter has been received from ::\Ir. Hines, President of the :@armers' Railway Company of :i\ielfort, Saskatchewan, asking that section 11 townshp 45 range 19 west of the second meridian be put up at auction at an early date so as to afford the company an oppor- tunity of acquiring it for a townsite. . He also states that there are a nnmber of other sections iu that locality which might he offered at the same time with advantage to the fund, and mentions specially section 2~1 township 44 range 19; sec­ tion 29 township 45 range 17: section 11 tmvnship 44 range 20; and section 29 township 43 range 20; all west of the second meridian, and states that there nre also a 1111rn11Jerof other· sections near Star Oity and Ki11istino which mig·ht he offered at the same time. Before any steps are taken in this matter it is thought proper to ask for an expression of the vie,Ys of your Government as to the achisability of holding any sales of schoo1 lands in Saslrntchcwan this year. I am to add that it is very c1onbtfnl in any case ·whether ii: would be possible to make the necessary preparations for the sale this fall, as arrangements ha,·e to be made for .sales at , Stcttle1·, Lacombe and the 11orth-wcstern part of ::Uanitoha, and as the lists won1d have to hr out ready for distrihntion b;v the first of October, there is wry little time to spare. Under all the circumstances it would perhaps be better to defer the sale of the lands mentioned hy :i\fr. Ilinrs nntil next spring, hnt the Department wonld he glad to hear from :von in the rnattm·. · Your obedient senant, P. G. KEYES, Secrntary. 32 APPENDIX

Regi11a, January 26, 1910. HoN. "\VALTER Sco:r:r,­ On 221. Ingram here today. "Tis.hes decision regarding school lands sale. think we should proceed shall I close arrangements. J. A. CALDER.

Strathcona, Alb., Jan. 26, 1910.

Think Ingram should proceed with examination in districts sug· gested for sales om decision should not be expected until foll results of examination are before ns. · "\VALTER SCOTT.

Ottawa, February 25, l!H0. DEAR Srn,- In fnrther reference to your suggestion that there should be an inspection of surrounding la11ds in connection with and supplementary to our present inspection of school lands, I beg to say that on inquiry I find that to secme the additional information desirecl would need the appointment of at least two or three additional inspectors, with a corresponding addition to the charges on the school funds. It would also tend towards delay in holding the usual auction sales. Otherwise there does not seem to be any difficulty in the way. Before _taking any action, however, I should like to be informed defiuitejy by your Government as to what information they desired to lrnve. Yours very truly, (Signed) Hon. Walter Scott, Regina.

:March 7, 1910. Re Inspection of School Lwnds. DEAR Srn,- Yom letter of the twenty-fifth ultimo dealing with the. above matter and addressed to :Mr. Scott has been referred t.o me. From what yon state it would appear that l\fr. Scott in his request to you did not make quite clear the object we have in view· and as the matter is of considerable importance I wiH again place it before yon for yonr early consideration·. Under the existing· arraugement for the administration of the School Lands Trust there is a general understanding, I believe, be­ tween your Department and the Provincial Governments that no lauds will be offered for sale or otherwise disposed of without our approval. From time to time as sales have been contemplated approval has been sought and granted. Occasionally, however, we have found .om;selves in the position· of not kno,ving what action to take in view of the fact that certain of the lands in question had not been inspected and valued. This was the case recently in connection with a number of the sales now being arranged for yon by your Department through :Mr. Ingram. APPENDIX 33

In view of the fact that it will be necessary from. time to time in futnre years to arrange for other sales the thought occurred to ns that it would be advisable during the course of this and next year to have you arrange for a careful and thorough inspection of all school lauds in what might be regarded as the settled portions of Saskatchewan or at least in those areas whefo sales will likely be held during the conrse of say the next five years. If this is done now anything in the natnre o:f a hurried inspection can be avoided. In yonr letter of the twenty­ fifth ultimo you speak of an inspection of lands adjacent to or smTonnct­ ing school lands. Personally I cannot see any necessity for this. To rny mind all that should be necessary is to inspect the school lands themselves, the inspector's report to include all observations respecting the char~cter of the soil and subsoil, the area under water, the amount of scrub and timber and hay lands and other details of that nature which might very well be worked out by the officials of the School Lands Branch of your Department.- At the same time the inspector should be required to :fix the actual value of the land at the time of his in­ spection. If all this is d011e now we should on Yery short notice be able to arrange for sales at future dates, knowing exactly where we stand. The information which we will have on hand will enable us to ap­ prove any selection of lands thought desirable and at the same time we should have no difficulty in arriving at a fair upset price to be fixed in accordance with the general value of lands at the time of sale. The value of the land as originally £xed at the 'time of inspection will be found very helpful for this purpose. In case you agree with the general proposition I would suggest that . two special inspectors be appointed for the purpose and as the Province is Qhiefiy concerned in the matter I think you will agree with me that it is only proper that the officials to be appointed should meet with . our approval. If the work is to be undertaken ,ve are anxious that it should he clone thoroug·hly by perfectly reliable inspectors. It will be understood, of course, that their salaries and expenses will be paid out of the proceeds of our School Lands Trnst Fund. I shall be glad if you will let me know at au early date what yon think of the general schenrn. If anything is to be done matters should he so arranged that inspection can be begun as soon as the snow is off the • ground. It also occurs to me that inspection should be carried on only during the summer season and that the inspectors should understand that their appointment is merely temporary. Yours very truly, (1Signecl) J. A. ,CALDER. Hon. Frank Oliver, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa.

House of Commou~. Jion. J. A. Calder, Regina, Sask. Ottawa, March 30, 1911 . .Re SE. 29-19-22 ll' 2 DEAR MR. 0ALDER,- This is a school quarter near Disley. Last year the Canadian Northern had the right to take gravel off the land and I believe that 34 APPENDIX

Peter. Lyall & Son also took gravel from there and this caused a great deal of difficulty among gravel dealers in Regina. Some men in •the vicinity of Disley have been asking for a gravel lease this year, but under all the circumstances the Department has de­ cided to give gravel rights to 11-0 one. I believe the Provincial Govern­ ment has i11Strncted the Department not to sell any school lands this ,year. No harm could be clone by selling this quarter section, and I w01ild suggest that you agree to have this quarter put up for sale at nnb1ic auction so that the people in the vicin1ty oi Disley wo:ulcl get the right to buy it. · Yours trnly, (Signed) w. J\L IIL\.RTIN.

House of Commons. April 19, 1911. [Ion. J. fi. Calder, Regina. Re SW. 29-19-22 lV2 Dr.u~ :l\{n. 0ALDER,- I ,note you some time ago nsking that you request the Depart­ ·:,c1lt of J nterior to sell this quarter section. There arc some people in_ 1 be vicinity of Disley who want to take gravel from it nnd owing to the position tnken by the department here no lease can be obtained for this purpose. I should judge that you would have no particnlar objec­ tion to allow it to be sold as apparently it is only useful for gravel purposes. Yours truly,. (Signecl) W. ::.'IL:l\Lunrx.

April 20, 1P11. _

Dmrn J\frL :M,1.wrrx,- I am in receipt of yom lettei· of the 30th ultiino in which yon re­ quest that the consent of our Government should qe gi,·en for· the! sale of the above mentioned school land as it is required by the public for 1he p'urpose of securing -gravel. In teply -I may state tltri t if the Tu­ teri oe, Department will· ·write us officially regarding the rnatter the necessary consent will be given. · Yours truly, (Signed) J. A. CA'LDER. W. M. :Martin, Esq., JYI.P., H onso 0£ Commons, Ottawa.

Office of the Deputy JVLinister of the Interior . . OUawn, April 2G, 1 p11.

In order t.o close ont nnmel"Olls applicati011s foe permits (.o l'Cmove- _ gravel from the south-west quarter of section 20 towush-ip l!1 n'rnge 21 1\'CSL-0£ the second rner.idian it is desirer] to have this qnm'ter· sc1ction put up at,auctio·n at once ifat all possihle: I unclel'stand thnt the qnar-' APPENDIX 35 ter section is unfit for anything except gravel, and as you are probably aware we have no legislation under which grm·el permits could be i:::sued in this case. As the building season is about to open I would be glad to hear from you at an early date in order that we may proceei:l with the necessary preliminary arrangements. Youfa truly, W.W. OonY, Honourable J. A. Calder, Deputy Minister. J\IIinister of Education, Regina, Sask. ~fay 10, 1911. DEArt Srn,- I am in receipt of your letter of the twenty-sixth ultimo rn reference to the sale of SW. quarter of section 29 town­ ship 19 range 22 west of . the second, and may state in reply that the Government of the Province of Saskatchewan has no objection to this quarter section being sold as it is understood that it is required for gravel purposes. Yours truly, (Signed) J. A. CALDER. 'f\T. '\Y. Cory, Esq., Deputy ~Iinister of the liiterior, Ottawa.


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly, dated December 4, 1D12: 1. The nnrn her of arrests made

The number of ar­ rests made dur­ ing the Provin­ 'lihc names of cial Election The number of The number released for al­ persons ar­ convictions without being Campaign rested. leged violation secured. brought to trial. of The Elec­ tion Act.

Seven ...... Robert Millar. of Morse .... : The accpsed escaped from the custody of · the officer at Moose Jaw. Tviarsh Jackson, ofvY adena .. Case waR dismiss­ ed by i\Iagistrate Trant of Regina. 36 APPENDIX

The number of ar­ rests made dur­ ing the Provin­ cial Election The names of The number of • The number released Campaign for al­ persons ar- convictions without being leged violation rested. secured. brought to trial. of The Elec­ tion Act.

Arthur Smith, exact place of arrest not known ...... Convicted ...... Case was tried be­ fore Magistrate Trant of Regina; accused fined $50.00, appealed; appeal was with­ drawn later and fine was paid. F. J. Lange, of Denzel] ...... Convicted ...... Accused was found guilty on two charges and sen­ tenced to impris­ onment of one day each on both charges. Wm. Shields, of· Swift Current Case dismissed by Magistrate Trant. Peter McLaren, of Gull Lake. Case was dismissed. Victor Orr, of Maple Creek Information laid by D. J. Wylie, ac­ cused appeared be­ fore J. I<'. Monck, Maple Creek, charged with per­ jury under section 172 of The Crimi­ nal Code. Dismissed for want of prosecution.


To an Order of the Legislative Assembly dated December 4, 1912: 1. The total cost of the Legislative Buildings to date, including: (a) Tihe cost of site. (b) The improvements to the same. (c) The cost of buildings. (d) The cost of furnishing's. (e) The total estimated cost. (Signed) w. F. A. TURGEON, SECRET.A.RY'S OFFICE, Provincial Secretary. REGINA, January 9, 191S. APPENDIX 37

1. The total cost of the Legislative Buildings to elate, inclmliug: (a) The cost of site ...... $ 96,348.80 ( b) The improvement to the same ...... 113,308.63 ( c) The cost of buildings ...... , .. . 1,893,flSS.60 ( cl) The cost of furnishings ...... 192,041.!Hl ( e) The total estimated cost · to complete the building ...... ;39,094.27 INDEX·



MEANING OF TERMS USED: 1 R.-First Reading. C. of W.-Committee of Whole 2 R.-Second Reading. P.-Passed. 3 R.-Third Reading. A.-Assent.


Ordered Presented ACCOUNTS· AND PAPERS-


1. Annual Report under the provisions of Section GO of The Liquor License Act by the Attorney General for license year 1912-1913. Convictions under The Liquor License Act from January 1, 1912, to October 31, 1912. Bartenders' Licenses issued for the year ending June 30, 1913. Commercial Travellers' Licenses issued for the year ending June 30, 1913. 20

REMISSION OF FINES: 2. A detailed statement of all remissions made under au Act respecting the Remission of Certain Penalties, being Chapter 29 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, dlll'ing the fiscal year ending February 29, 1912. 20 REPORTS OF JAILS: 3.'Annual Report of Regina Jail for Fiscal Year 1911-1912. Annual Report of Prince Albert Jail for Fiscal Year 1911-1912. Annual Report of J\foosomin Jail for Fiscal Year 1911- 1912. 20 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: ·t Seventh Annual Report of the Department of Agricul­ ture of the Province .of Saskatchewan, 1911. 23 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION: 5. Second Annual Report of the Director of Agricultmal Extension on the work of the Agricultural Societies of Saskatchewan during 1911. 23 THE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN: G. Annual Report of the University of SaRkatchewau, 1912. 27 2 INDEX

ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS-Contimied. Ordered Presented


7. Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year ending February 28, 1912. 36

RURAL TELEPHONE Cm.IPANIES: 8. Return to an Order of the House dated November 21, · 1912, showing: 1 . Number of Rural Telephone Companies incorporated in the Province during each of the years 1908-1912 inclusive. 2. Number of mile,; of telephone lines constructed by these companies during each of the said years. 3 . Number of subscribers served by the said companies during each of the said years: 4. The approximate capital cost per mile of supplying telephone service through rural companies including the cost of telephone poles. 5 . The number of applications now on hand for the organisation of rural telephone companies. 23 36

HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS: 9. Report of the Board of Highway Commissioners of the Province of Saskatchewan for the season of1912, up to October 31. · ····· · · · 40

LICENSED STALLION DISTRICTS:· 10. Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of licensed stallion districts organised in the Province during the current year. 2. A map indicating their several boundaries. 29 41

TEMPORARY LOAN; 11. Statement of Facts concerning Temporary Loans, required to be submitted to the Legislative Assembly by Section 11 of Chapter 12 of the Revised Statutes 1909. 41

Pum,Ic AccouNTS: 12. Public Accounts of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year ended February 29, 1912. 41

SPECIAL ·wARRANTS: 13. Statement of Special Warrants issuedduring t,he year 1911-12. 41

LIBRARY REPORT: 14. Mr. Speaker laid on the Table of the House the Report of the Librarian. 42

ESTIMATE OF SU!',! REQUIRED I•'OR PROVINCIAL SERVICE; 15. The Lieutenant Governor transmits Estimates of cer­ tain sums required for the service of the Province for the twelve months ending February 28, 1913, and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly. 43 INDEX 3

ACCOUNTS AND PA.PERS-Continued. Ordered Presented

'RURAL MUNICIPALITIES: 16. Return to an Order of the House, dated November 22, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of rural municipalities established during each of the years The Rural Municipality Act has been in operation. 2. The number of small local improvement districts now in existence. . 3. A map of the Province indicating those portions of it which are under municipal or local improvement district government. 29 44


17. Report of the Railway, Telegraph and Telephone Department for the Financial Year ended February 29, 1912. 45

TECHNICAL EDUCATION: 18. Return to an Order of.the House, dated November 26, 1912, showing: The name and house address of the persons comprising the Commission appointed to investigate the matter of Technical Education. 40 52

POWER AT COAL CENTRES: 19. Report on Inquiry into practicability of prqducing Power at Coal Centres and distributing it throughout the Province. 52

CORRESPONDENCE RE NATURAL RESOURCES: 20. Return to an Order of the House elated November 21, 1912, showing: Copies of all correspondence or other documents relating in any way to the question of the transfer to the Province of its lands and other natural resources. 22 54


21. Return to an Order of the House elated November 21, 1912, showing: 1 . A list of the elevators built or purchased by the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company during the years 1911 and 1912, indicating the location, capacity and cost of each. 2. The amount of money advanced by the Government on account of such elevators for each of the said years. 3 . The financial standing of the company at the close of its first year of operation. 22 69

ELECTION IN Cu1IBERLAND: 22. Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: A copy of the return made by the Returning Officer for the electoral district of Cumberland at the recent election therein held and all papers and documents relating to the holding of the said election and of the official and other correspondence between the Returning Officer and any member of the Government or the Clerk of the Executive Council. 28 69 4 INDEX

Ordered Presented ACCOUNTS AN:Q P APERS~Contirmed. SCHOOL DISTRICTS: • 23. Return to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of school districts in Saskatchewan on each of the following dates: September 1, 1905. December 31, 1905. December 31, 1906. December 31, 1907. December 31, 1908. December 31, 1909. December 31, 1910. December 31, 1911. December 1, 1912. 2. The number of school rooms or departments (includ­ ing high school departments) maintained in each of the following towns and cities during each of the years 1905 to 1912, inclusive: Moosomin, Indian· Head, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, vVeyburn, , Estevan, Saskatoon,. Prince Albert, Y orkton, Battle­ ford and North Battleford. 68 79


24. Return to an Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, showing: 1 . A list of the local improvements, including roads, bridges and other Public Works authorised by the Public Works Department or the Highways Com­ mission in the constituency of Prince Albert during . the year 1912. 2. A statement of the amounts so authorised to be ex­ pended by Local Councils. 3 . The amount expended to date on the several im­ provements referred to. 4. The reason, if any, why any work authorised has not been undertaken or completed . .5. A list of the said improvements upon which work was stopped after July 11, 1912, and the reason therefor, in each case. 40 82


2.5. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1 . The names of places where sheep sales were held in the Province during the current year. 2. The number of applications received from intending purchasers. 3 . The number of sheep sold, indicating grade and price. 4. The number of sheep remaining unsold. 63 83

INSPECTORS AND FOREMEN EMPLOYED BY GOVERNMENT. 26. Return to an Ordor of the House elated December 3, 1912, showing: 1 . The names of all inspectors and foremen employed by the Highway Commission on the Government gang during 1912. 2. The elate each began work and period during which work clone. 3 . The rate of wages paid. 4. The aggregate a_mount drawn by each. 59 85 INDEX 5

Ordered Presented ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS-Continued.

RESPECTING SHERIFFS: 27. Return to an Order of the House dated December 3, 1912, showing:· 1 . What Sheriffs in this Province are paid by fees and those by salaries? 2. 1.Vhat are the net returns to the Government for each office in which the Sheriff is paid by fees? 3. What are the net amounts received and retained by each Sheriff·paid by fees? 4. What salaries do Sheriffs receive who are paid by salaries? 59 85

CORRESPONDENCE RE NATURAL RESOURCES: 28. Return to an Order of the House dated November 28, 1912, showing: All correspondence between the Government of this Province and the late Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, touching the transfer by the Dominion of Canada to this Province of the public lands and natural resources of the Province. 51 85

ELEC'rION CHARGES: 29. Mr. Bole, The Chairman of The Select Committee on the Election Charges laid on the Table the following: The minutes of the meetings of the Committee together with other papers. 90

A110U1"T PAID TO LEADER PunusmNG CmrPANY: 30. Rctum to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: The amount; paid to The Leader Publishing Company for ,;vork clone for the Government from March 1 until December 1, 1912. 69 90


31. Report on the Educational work of the University of Saskatchewan for the year ending June 30, 1912. 94

OUTLOOK FERRY: 32. Return to an Order of the House dated ·December 12, 1912, showing: l . What has been the capital expenditure upon the ferry at Outlook for the years 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, Hlll, 1912? 2 . 1Vhat has been t,he cost of maintenance of this ferry during each of these years? , 89 94

GENERAL ELEC'l'IONS 1908 AND 1912: 33. Return to an Order of the House dated November 26, 1912, showing: 1. The results of the Provincial General Elections of 1908 and 1912 under the following headings: (a) Name of constituencies. · (b) Name of candidates. (c) Vote cast for each candidate. (d) Majority of successful candidates. 6 INDEX

ACCOUNTS AND P APERS:._Continued. Ordered Presented 2 . A comparative statement of the results of the General Elections of 1908 and 1912 in the constituencies of Souris, Cannington, South Qu' Appelle, Moose Mountain, Pipestone, Moosomin, Pheasant, Hill, Saltcoats, Last Mountain, Estevan, \Veyburn and Milestone under the follO\ving heads: (a) Total vote cast. (b) Vote for each candidate. (c) Majority. 39 101

GUARANTEE OF RAILWAY BONDS. 34. Return to an Order of the House dated November 21, 1912, showing: Copies of all Orders in Council relating in any ,vay to the Guarantee of Bonds of any Railway Company upon any line of Railway within the Province of Saskatchewan. 23 105

RESPECTING DISEASES: 35. Return td an Order of the House dated December 10, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of epidemics of disease which broke out in the Province during the year 1912, indicating: (a) The nature of such epidemics. (b) The number of deaths in the case of each class. 2. The steps taken by the Bureau of Public Health to suppress Trachoma. · 81 105

DEPARTMEN'l' OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS: 36. Annual Report of the Department or'Municipal Affairs of the Province of Saskatchewan for the Financial Year 1911- 12, ending February 29, 1912. 103

\V OLF BOUNTIES: 37. Return to an Order of the House dated December 9, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of wolves killed in the province during each year since the Wolf Bounty Act has been in operation. 2. The amount of wolf bounty paid each year by the Government. 3. The number of Local Improvement Districts and Rural Municipalities (a) Formed into wolf bounty districts. (b) Not formed into such districts. 77 106

SPECIAL CONSTABLES: 38. Return to an Order of the House dated December 5, 1912, showing: 1 . The names of special constables employed by the Government during the months of June and July, 1912. 2 . The amounts paid to each. 3 . The length of time that each constable was in the employ of the Government. 69 106


39. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: . · The total cost of the preparation of the voters' lists during _the present year. 63 108 INDEX 7

Ordered Presented ACC01JNTS AND PAPERS-Continued.

GOVERNMENT ExPisNDITURE IN vVILLOW BUNCH CON­ STITUENCY: 40. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: From January 1, 1912, to date, a statement in detail of all moneys expended by or on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan in what is now the Willow Bunch Con­ stituency. 65 108

RESPECTING FERRIES: 41. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 191~, showing: 1 . The name and location of every ferry in the Province operated by the Government. 2 . The original cost, of installing each such ferry. 3. The cost of maintaining and operating each such ferry during the year 1912 .. 4. The extent to which each such ferry was used during the year 1912. 62 114

EsTDIATES OF SUM REQUIRED FOR ·PROVINCIAL SERVICE: 42. The Lieutenant Governor transmits estimates of certain sums required for the service of the Province for the fourteen months ending April 30, 1914, and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly. 116

CORRESPONDENCE RE SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS: 43. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1. Copies of all correspondence carried on between the Government of Saskatchewan and the Ottawa Government or any of its officials with respect to the sale of school lands recently a1Tanged for and now being held. 2. A statement of all school lands sold prior to July 1, 1912, indicating: (a) The area sold. (b) The total selling price. (c) The amount of principal paid. (d) The amount of unpaid principal. (e) The total amount deducted for expenses and administration. (f) The rate of interest paid to the Province. 3. A statement indicating: (a) The number of parcels of school lands included in the sale recently arranged. (b) The area of these parcels. 63 124

CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO PRINCE ALBERT JAIL PROPERTY: 44. Return to an Order of the House dated November 22, 1912, showing: Copies of all correspondence, papers and documents, in any way relating to the proposed transfer by the Govern­ ment of Saskatchewan to the City of Prince Albert of the Provincial Jail Property. 29 141

PUBLIC vV ORKS EXPENDITURES, ETC., BY CONSTITUENCIES: 45. Return to an Order of the House dated December 17, 1912, showing: · 1 . The total expenditure by constituencies under The Public Highways Act from 1st January, 1912, to 1st December, 1912. 8 INDEX

Ordered Presented ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS-Continued. 2. The like expenditures under The Public Works Act and where and how spent. 3. What. Municipalities refused to co-operate with the Board of Highway Commissioners? 4. What Municipalities received grants from the. said Board without contributing a like amount to that supplied by the Board? · 5 . The names of all employees of the Highway Com­ missioners for above period, the place where employee worked, and the wages paid such employee. 6 . The total amount of yards of dirt moved in each constituency and the amount paid therefor, showing each job separately. 7. All correspondence between the Board of Highway Commissioners and Municipalities or any member of a Municipal Council, or any official or member of the Government relating to the expenditure· of money by the said Board during said period. 8 . Copies of all vouchers and papers filed with the Board for expenditmes by such Board during said period. · 103 14t


46. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1 . The number of arrests made during the provincial election campaign for alleged violation of The Elec­ tioiis Act. 2. The number of persons arrested. 3. The.number of convictions secured. 4. The number released without being orought to trial. 63 141


47. Return to an Order of the House dated December 4, 1912, showing: 1. The total cost of t,he Legislative Buildings to date, including: (a) The cost of site. (b) The improvements to the same. (c) The cosL of buildings. (cl) The cost of furnishings. (e) The total estimated cost to complete the building. 63 14&



1. The names of the branch lines of railway the con­ struction of which has been provided for by bond guarantees together with a statement indicating: (a) The length of line. (b) Miles of steel laid. . (c) Miles of grading ready for steel. (cl) Date upon which line must be completed. 2 . A list of such branches upon ,vhich no grading has as yet been done indicath1g the surveys completed or under way. 62 INDEX 9

ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS-Continued. Ordered Presented

2. RESPECTING PROVINCIAL VOTERS' Lrn·rs AND VOTES POLLED AT ELECTIONS, 1912; The number of names on the Provincial Voters' Lists used in the General Election of 1912 and number of votes polled tabulated as follows: (a) Name of constituency. (b) Name of each poll indicating number of votes on list and number of votes polled. ( c) Total number of names on list for cons ti tu ency and total number of votes polled. (d) The number of votes cast for each candidate and the majority of the elected candidate. 62

3. RESPECTING MILES OF RAILWAY GRADED AND STEEL LAID, ETC., IN THE PROVINCE: 1 . The number of miles of railway graded in the Province during the year 1912, giving the location of such grading. 2. The number of miles of steel laid by railway com­ panies during the year 1912, showing location. 3 . A list of the branch railways whose routes have been approved by the Government during the year 1912. 4 . A list of the surveys made on other lines aided by the Government, the general routes of which have not yet been approved. 68

4, CorrnESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE GOVERNl\!ENT AND C.N.R. RESPECTING LAYING OF STEEL FROMED,L\1 N.W. ON NORTH BATTLEFORD-ATHABASCALINE: All correspondence between the Government and the Canadian Northern Railway Company relating to the laying of steel from Edam north-west on the North Battleford­ Athabasca line of the said railway company. 77

B BILLS INTRODUCED: Bill introduced and read pro jorma before the consideration of the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, 15. THE ScHOOL AcT: (No. 1) An Act to amend The School Act. (Mr. Scott, Swift Current.) 1 R., 17. 2 R., 42. C. of W., l15, 116, 126. 3 R., 164. P., 164. A., 166.

THE ScHOOL AssEss111ENT AcT: (No. 2) An Act to amend The School Assessment Act. (Mr. Scott, Swift Current.) 1 R., 17. 2 R., 27. C. of W., 28, 112. 3 R., 128. P., 128. A., 165.

THE ScHOOL GRANTS AcT: (No. 3) An Act to amend The School Grants Act. (Mr. Scott, Swift Current.) 1 R., 17. 2 R., 27. C. of W., 28; 112. 3 R., 129. P., 129. A,, 165.

RESPE.CTING BRANDS; (No. 4) An Act respecting Brands. (Mr. Motherwell.) 1 R., 17. 2 R., 24. C. of W., 28, 78. 3 R., 86. P., 86. A.,llO. THE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT ACT; (No. 5) An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 17. 2 R., 24. C. of W., 28, 53, 112. 3 R., 128. P., 128. A., 165. 10 INDEX

RESPECTING PRIVATE DETECTIVES: (No. 6) An Act respecting Private Detectives. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 19. 2 R., 42. C. of W., 43, 93. 3 R., 99. P.,199. A., 110.

RESPECTING LOAN COMPANIES: (No. 7) An Act respecting Loan Companies. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 19. 2 R., 99. Committee rose, 113. -


(No. 8) An Act respecting Circuses and Travelling Shows. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 19. 2 R., 42. C. of W., 88. 3 R., 91. P., 91. A., 110.

RESPECTING RURAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS: (No. 9) An Act respecting Rural Telephone Systems. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 20. 2 R., 52. C. of W., 53, 55, 56, 112, 126. 3 R., 136. P., 136. A., 165.

THE RURAL MUNICIPALITIES AcT: (No. 10) An Act to amend The Rural Municipalities Act. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R., 23. 2 R., 52. C. of W., 55, 79, 93, 101. 3 R., 106. P., 106. A., 110.

LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS: (No. 11) An Act respecting Local Improvement Districts. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R., 23. 2 R., 52. C. of \V., 60, 79. 3 R., 86. P., 86. A., 110.

NOXIOUS WEEDS: (No. 12) An Act respecting Noxious Weeds. (Mr. Motherwell.) 1 R., 23. 2 R., 45. C. of Vl1., 53, 56, 79. 3 R., 86. P., 87. A., 110.


(No. 13) An Act to confirm a Survey of a Portion of the City of Saskatoon. (Mr. McNab.) 1 R., 26. '2 R., 42. Refe1Ted to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 42.

To CoNFER CERTAIN PowERs U'PON THE CITY OF SASKATOON: (No. 14) An Act to confer certain Powers upon the City of Saskatoon. (Mr. McNab.) 1 R., 26. 2 R., 42. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 42. Reported, 53. C. of \V., 77. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A. 110.

CITY OF REGINA AND G. T. P. BRANCH LINES Co.: (No. 15) An Act to confirm a certain bylaw of the City of Regina and certain Agreements and a Lease entered into between the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the City of Regina. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 27. 2 R., 45. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 45. Reported, 61. C. of W., 88. Amendment to 3 R., 91; defeated, 92. 3 R.,, 92. P., 92. A., 110.

MOOSE JAW PUBLIC LIDRARY BYLAWS: (No. 16) An Act to ratify Bylaws 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library. (Mr. Willoughby.) 1 R., 36. 2 R., 55. Re­ ferred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 55. Reported, 57. C. of W., 78. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A., 110.


(No. 17) An Act to provide for payment 0£,interest under certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw. (Mr. Willoughby.) 1 R., 36. 2 R., 55. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 55. Reported, 57, C. of W., 78. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A., 110. INDEX 11

AsSESS11ENT AND TAX ROLLS OF THE TowN OF vVEYBURN: (No. 18) An Act to confirm the Assessment and Tax Rolls of the Town of Wey­ burn. (Mr. Mitchell.) · 1 R., 36. 2 R., 45. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 45. Reported, 57. 0. of W., 78. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A., 110.

SALE o~· LoTS, GARDINER PRESBYTERIAN OnuRCH: (No. 19) An Act to confirm and make valid a Certain Agreement of Sale entered into between the Trustees of the Congregation of the Gardiner Presbyterian Church in the Town of Battleford and F. G. Atkinson and G. A. Foster. (Mr. Simpson.) 1 IL, 36. 2 R., 45. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 45. Report11d, 70. 0. of W., 89, 113. 3 R., 129. P., 129. A., 165. i:lASKATCHl~WANGENERAL TRUSTS O0HPORA'I'ION: (No. 20) An Act respecting Saskatchewan Becurities and Trusts Corporation and to change its name to Saskatchewan General Trusts Corporation. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 40. 2 R., 52. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills. and Railways, 52. Reported, 83. 0. of \V., 93. 3 R., 99. P., 99. A., 110.

TnE FA1nmns' Co-OPERATIVE SUPPLY CmrPANY, LnnTED: (No. 21) An Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Supply Company, Limited. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 41. 2 R., 52. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 52. Reported, 73. 0. of W., 88, 93. 3 R., 100. P., 100. A., 110.

Tm, BRITISH \VEsTEHN T1rns1• CORPORATION: (No. 22) An Act to incorporate The British \Vestern Trust Corporation. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 41. 2 R., 60. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 60. Reported, 73. 0. of \V., 89. 3 R., 92. P., 92. A. 110.

THE GLENAVON HOSPITAL: (No. 23) An Act to incorporate The Glenavon Hospital. (Mr. Magee). 1 R., 41. 2 R., 52. Refen·ed to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 52. Reported, 61. 0. of W., 78. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A., 110. Refund of fee, 102.

Do1nN10N TRUST COMPANY: (No. ~4) An Act respecting The Dominion Trust Company. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 41. 2 R., 53. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 53. Reported, 61. 0. of W., 78. 3 R., 87. P., 87. A., 110.

THE PUBLIC HIGIIWAYs AcT: (No. 25) An Act to amend The Public Highways Act (Mr. McNab.) 1 R., 44. 2 R., 62. 0. of W., 88. 3 R., 91. P., 91. A., 110.

THE PUBLIC \VoRKs AcT: (No. 26) An Act to amend The Public Works Act. (Mr. McNab.) 1 R., 44. 2 R., 62. 0. of W., 88. 3 R.,-91. P., 91. A., 110.

THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT: (No. 27) An Act to amend The Public Health Act. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R., 44. 2 R., 110. 0. of W., 117. 3 R., 137. P., 137. A., 165.

PROTECTION OF GAll!E: (No. 28) An Act to amend Chapter 128 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, intituled "An Act for the Protection of Game." (Mr. Motherwell.) 1 R., 44. 2 R., 54. 0. of W., 90, 112, 143. 3 R., 151. P., 151. A., 165. 12 INDEX.

TowN OF AucoLA TO Bouuow MoNEY: (No. 29) An Act to authorise the Town of Arcola to BoITow Mbney for Certain Public Works. (Mr. Stewart.) 1 R., 45. 2 R., 54. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 55. Reported, 83. C. Qf W., 93. 3 R., 99. P., 100. A., 110.

THE NORTH BA'rTLEFOUDCLUB: (No. 30) An incorporate The North Battleford Club. (Mr. Finlayson.) 1 R., 51. 2 R., 60. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 60. Reported, 73. C. of W., 88. 3 R., 92. P., 92. A., 110.

THE CITY AcT: (No. 31) . An Act to amend The City Act. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R., 59. 2 R., 111. C. of \V., 126, 163: 3 R., 163. P., 163. A., 166. THE TowN Ac·r: (No. 32) An Act to amend The Town Act. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R.; 59. 2 R., 111. C. of W., 117, 150, 160. 3 R., 160. P., 160. A., 166.

THE VILLAGEAcT: (No. 33) An Act to amend The Village Act. (Mr. Langley.) 1 R., 59. 2 R., 106. C. of W., 114, 149. 3 R., 152. P., 152'. A., 165.

THE SECURITY MORTGAGECOMPANY OF SASKATCHEWAN: (No. 34) An Act to incorporate The Security Mortgage Co. of Saskatchewan. (Mr. Bradshaw,) 1 IL, 59. 2 R., 75. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 75. Reported; 89. C. of W., 93. 3 R., 100. P., 100. A., 110.

MOOSE JAW SECURITIES, LIMITED: (No. 35) An Act to incorporate Moose Jaw Securities, Limited. (Mr. Willough­ by.) 1 R., 59. 2 R., 75. RefeITed to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 75. Reported, 116. C. of W., 127. 3 R., 139. P., 139. A., 165.

THE STEAM BoILERs AcT: (No. 36) An Act to amend The Steam Boilers Act. (l\fr. McNab.) 1 R., 61. 2 R., 74. C. of W., 90, 92. 3 R., 98. P., 98. A., 110.

THE DEPART.MENTOF RAILWAYS, TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES: (No. 37) An Act to amend An Act respecting the Department of Railways, Telegraphs and Telephones. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 66. 2 R., 99. C. of W., 1.13. 3 R., 129. P., 129. A., 165.

THE DEPARTMENTOF RAILWAYS: (No. 38) An Act respecting the Department of Railways. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 66. 2 R., 99. C. of W., 113. 3 R., 129. P., 129. A., 165.

THE TRUST ANDLOAN COMPANYOF WESTERN CANADA: (No. 39) An Act to incorporate The Trust and Loan Company of Western Canada. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 70. 2 R., 75. RefeITed to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 75. Reported, 90. C. of W., 100. 3 R., 107. P., 107. A.,110. '

VILLAGE OF BALCARRES: (No. 40) An Act to incorporate the Village of Balcarres as a Town Municipality. (Mr. McDonald).· ·1 ·R., 70. 2 R., 75. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 75. Reported, 102. 3 R., . . .. P., . . .. A., .... Refund of Fee, 102. INDEX . 13

·wEsTERN PRpDENTIAL INVESTMENT Co., LTn.: (No. 41) An Act to incorporate ·western Prudential Investment. and Trust Company. (Mr. Finlayson.) 1 R., 74. 2 R., 100 .• Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 100. Reported, 116. C. of W., 127. 3 R., 139. P., 139. A.. , 165.


(No. 42) An Act to incorporate The Commercial Club. (lVIr. Bole.) 1 R., 74. 2 R., 88. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 88. Reported, 101. . C. of vV., 127. 3 R., 139. P., 139. A., 165.

AssrNIBOIA TRUST CmrPANY: (No. 43) An Act to incorporate Assiniboia Trust Company. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 74. 2 R., 100. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 100. Reported, 118. C. of W., 128. 3 R., 145. P., 145. A., 165.

DIRECT LEGISLATION: (No. 44) An Act respecting Direct Legislation. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 81. 2 R., 106. C. of W., 116, 150. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

J. 0. HETTLE COMPANY: (No. 45) An Act to incorporate the J. 0. Hettle Company. (Mr. McNab.) 1 R., 84. 2 R., 111. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 111. Reported, 128. C. of W., 160. 3 R., 161. P., 161. A., 166

THE GRAND LODGE OF SASKATCHEWAN OF THE LOYAL ORDim OF MoosE: (No. 46) An Act to incorporate The Grand Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose. (Mr. Willoughby.) 1 R., 84. 2 R., 111. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 111. Refund of Fee, 142.

REGINA-i'doosE JAW lN'l'ERURBAN RAILWAY: (No. 47) An Act to incorporate the Regina-Moose Jaw Interurban Railway. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 84. 2 R., 112. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 112. Reported, 134. C. of W., 147. 3 R., 153. P., 153. A., 16,5.

PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE: (No. 48) An Act to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College of Saskatoon at Saskatoon. (Mr. Sutherland.) 1 R., 84. 2 R., 112. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 112. Reported,,118. C. of W., 128. 3 R., 145. P., 145. A., 16,5. Refund of Fee, 128.


(No. •19) An Act to incorporate Empire Mortgage Trust Company. (Mr. Bole.) 1 R., 84. 2 R., 100. Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills and Railways, 100. Reported, 114. C. of W., 127. 3 R., 139. P., 139. A., 165.

1VOLF BOUNTIES: (No. 50) An Act respecting Wolf Bounties. (i\fr. Motherwell.) 1 R., 85. 2 R., 106. C. of W., 113. 3 R., 136. P., 186. A., 165.

SECONDARY EDUCA'l'ION: (No. 51) An Act to amend The Secondary Education Act .. (Mr. Scott, Swift Current.) 1 R., 95. 2 R., 125. C. of W., 153, 158. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

GuAND T1rnNK.PAcIFic BRANCH LINES Co,IPANY: (No. 52) An Act to amend Certain Acts respecting the Guarantees of Certain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company. (Mr. Calder.) 1 IL, 95. 2 R., llL C. of W., 115. Order for 3 R., 1:36. Amendment, 136. 3 R., 1:38. P., 138. A., 165. 14 INDEX

CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY: (No. 53) An Act to amend Cei-tain Acts respecting the Guarantee of Certain Securities of the Canadian Northern Railway Company. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 95. 2 R., 111. C. of W., 115. 3 R., 138. P., 138. A., 165.

GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC BRANCH LINES Cm1PANY AND THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC SASKATCHEWAN RAILWAY COMPANY: (No. 54) An Act respecting Certain Aid towards the Construction of Terminals of •the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 95. 2 R., 125. C. of W., 143. 3 R., 151. P., 151. A., 165.

GRAND TRUNK PAciF1c BRANCH LINES COMPANY: (No. 55). An Act to authorise the Guarantee of Ce~·tain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 95. Order for 2 R., discharged, 111.

SASKATCHEWAN SURVEYS: (No. 56) The Saskatchewan Surveys Act. (Mr. Turgeoi1.) 1 R., 95. 2 R., 109. C. of W., 126, 159. 3 R., '162. P., 162. A., 166.

SPECIAL SURVEYS: (No. 57) An Act to provide for Special Surveys. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 IL, 109. C. of W., 126, 159. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

POOL Ro0111s, BILLIARD Romrs, BOWLING ALLEYS AND RESTAURANTS: (No. 58) An Act to regulate Pool Rooms, Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 109. C. of vV., 142. 3 IL, 145. P., 145. A., 165.

COll!l\!ISSIONERS •ro ADJl,IINISTER OATHS: (No. 59) An Act to amend An Act respecting Commissioners to Administer Oaths. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 109. C. of W., 126. 3 R., 136. P., 136. A., 165.

EMPLOYMENT OF FEMALE LABOUR: (No. 60) An Act to amend the Act to prevent the employment of Female Labour in certain capacities. (Mr. Turgeon). 1 R., 96. 2 R., 115. C. of W., 125. 3 R., 135. P., 135. A., 165.

SALES OF LAND FOR TAXES'. (No. 61) An Act to am!)nd the Act respecting the confirmation of Sales of Land for Taxes. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1. R., 96. 2 R., 125. C. of 'Y-, 158. 3 R., 158. P., 158. A., 166.

ASSIGNMENTS ACT'. (No. 62) An Act to amend. The Assignments 1\ct. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 115. C. of W., 125. 3 R., 135. P., 135. A., 165.

JUDICATURE AcT: (No. 63) An Act to amend The Judicature Act. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 115. C. of W., 125. .3 R., 135. P., 135. A., 165.

LAND TITLES AcT: (No. 64) An Act to amend The Land Titles Act. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 109. C. of W., 161. 3 R., 163. P., 163. A., 166. INDEX 15

STATUTE LAW: (No. 65) An Act to amend The Statute Law. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 96. 2 R., 125. C. of W., 159, 163. 3 R., 164. P., 164. A., 166.

SASKATCHEWANCo-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR Cm,1PANY: (No. 66) An Act to ratify and confirm a certain Agreement between the Govern­ ment and The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited, dated 6th December, 1912. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 97. 2 R., 109. C. of W., 117. 3 R., 138. P., 138. A., 165.

CITY OF REGINA: (No. 67) An Act respecting the City of Regina. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 97. 2 R., 109. C. of W., 127. Order for 3 R., 139. Referred back to C. of W., 139. C. of 1V., 140. 3 R., 140. P., 140. A., 165.

SASKATCHEWANCO-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR COMPANY: (No. 68) An Act to ratify certain instruments executed by his Majesty to the Canadian Bank of Commerce as security for the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company, Limited. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 100. 2'R., 109. C. of '.V., 117, 153. 3 R., 163. P., 163. A., 166.

To PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST UNDER CERTAIN BYLAWS OF THE CITY 0~' MoosE JAw: (No. 69) An Act to extend the effect of Chapter 70 of the Statutes of 1912-13, being an Act to provide fcfr payment of interest under certain bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw. (Mr. Scott, Swift Current.) 1 R., 107. 2 R., 107. C. of W., 107. 3 IL, 108. P., 108. A., 111.


(No. 70) An Act to amend The Liquor License Act. (1Vlr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 118. _2 R., 152. C. of W., 158. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

CORPORATIONSTAXATION AcT: (No. 71) An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 119. 2 R., 142. C. of ,V., 143. 3 R., 151. P., ur1. A., 165.

SASKATCHE,YANCO-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR C01!PANY.: (No. 72) An Act to amend an Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 120. 2 R., 142. C. of W., 142. 3 R., 151. P., 151. A., 165.

RURAL MUNICIPALITIES AcT (No. 2): (No. 73) An Act, to amend The Rural Municipalities Act (No. 2). (Mr, Langley.) 1 R, 12,1. 2 IL, 148. C. of W., 150. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

CORPORATIONSTAXATION ACT: (No. 74) An Act to further amend The Corporations Taxation Act. (Mr. Bell.) 1 R., 145. 2 R., 152. C. of W., 153. 3 R., 162. P., 162. A., 166.

ADOPTION01•' THE DmEC'l' LEGISLATIONAc·r: (No. 7 5) An Act to submit to the Electors the Question of the Adoption of The Direct Legislntion Act. (Mr. Turgeon.) 1 R., 150. 2 R., 150. C. of W. 150. 3 R., 151. P., 151. A., 165. '


(N·o. 77) An Act respecting the Sale or Lease of Certain Lands belonging to His Majesty. (Mr. Calder.) 1 R., 160. 2 R., 160. C. of W., 160. 3 R., 160. P., 160. A., 166.


Certificate from Clerk of Executive Council as to election of Members, 9. Certificate from Clerk of the Executive Council as to election of the Hon. G. Langley as Member for Redben-y, 10. . . Certificate from Clerk of Executive Council as to election of the Hon. G. A. Bell as Member for Estevan, 11. Certificate from Clerk of the Executive Council as to election of W. W. Davidson Esq. as Member for Willow Bunch, 11. . Certificate from Clerk of Executive Council as to election of J. Glenn, Esq., as Member for South Qu'Appelle, 108. Certificate from Clerk of Executive Council as to election of J. 0. Nolin, Esq., as Member for Athabasca, 164;


Reads W.!rs of Bills to be assented to, 110, 165.


To strike Standing Committees, 15. Report, 16. . Special Committee appointed to inquire into certain charges in connect:on with the elections of 1912, 35. Report, 53, 80. Concurred in, 103.


Appointment of eight Standing Committees, 15. Committee of selection ap- pointed, 15. Report, 16. Concurred in, 16. (1) Standing Orders. Report, 24, 29, 37, 38, 51, 57, 60, 66, 72, 79, 83. (2) PrivilegeR and 'Elections. (3) Private Bills and Railways. Report, 53, 57, 61, 70, 73, 83, 89, 90, 101, 102, 114, 116, 118, 128, 134, 142. (4) Public Aecounts and Printing. Public Accounts referred to, 41. Report, 134, 163. (5) Agricultural and Municipal Law. Report, 159. (6) Lnw Amendments. (7) Education. (8) Libmry. Refund of fees paid for private Bills, 102, 142, 128.


Transmission of, 43, 116. Refen-ed to Committee of Supply, 43, 116.


Certificates from Clerk of, 9, 10, 11, 164. INDEX 17 L LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Summoned, 7.

MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENTS: Meets for Despatch of Business, 9. Adjourned, 103, 118. Prorogued, 167. Alteration of dates under rule, 49, 38. Hours of Session, 103, 118. Motions to adjourn, 41, 56, 97. Order of business, 118. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Proclamation, 7. Speech from Throne at opening of Session, 13. Day' appointed for consideration of Speech, 15. Resolution for an address in reply, 17. Amendment defeated, 21. Agreed to, 21. Ordered to be engrossed and presented, 21. Recommends Financial Resolutions to consideration of House, 43, 116. Assents to Bills, 110, 166. Speech from Throne at close of Session, 166. Prorogues the Legislature, 167. M MEMBERS: Members sworn, 11, 108, 164. Introduction of Members, J. Glenn, 108; J. Nolin, 164. J.\'1ESSAGES FROM HIS HONOUR: Transmitting Estimates, 43, 116. p PETITIONS: 1. Of R. G. Speers and M. H. 1\1:eredith praying for an Act to confirm and validate Agreement for Sale re Lots 11 and 12 North of 19th Street, \Yest of Central Avenue, Battleford, 17. Received, 19. Reported, 24. 2. Of the City of Moose Jaw praying for an Act altering from 4½ to 5 per cent. rate of interest payable on certain debentures to be issued by the City of ·Moose Jaw, 17. Received, 19. Reported, 20. 3. Of the City of Moose Jaw praying for an Act ratifying and confirming certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw relating to the establishment of a Public Library, 17. Received, 19. Reported, 30. 4. Of Saskatchewan Securities and Trusts Corporation praying for an Act whereby the name of the Corporation may be changed to Saskatchewan· General Trust Corporation, 17. Re?eived, 19. Reported, 25. 5 . Of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company praying for an Act con­ firming the Agreement made by them with the City of Regina, 18. Received, 22. Repo~'ted, 24. 6. Of Dominion Trust Company praying for an Act enabling them to take over Dominion Trust Company, Limited, 18. Received, 22. Reported, 37. 7. Of Peter McAra, Jr., and two others pr;1ying for an Act to incorporate The British ·western Trnst Corporation, 18. Received, 22. Reported, 37. 8. Of the City of Sasklitoon praying for an Act to confirm a Survey of a portion of the City of Saskatoon, 18. Received, 22. Reported, 2,1. 9. Of the City of Saskatoon praying for. an Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Power Company, 18. Received, 22. Reported, 24. 18 INDEX

10. Of the Town of W eyburn praying for an Act to confirm· the Assessment and: Tax Rolls of the Town of W eyburn, 19. Received, 24. Reported, 30. 11. Of J. Lorne Campbell and thirty-sh: others praying for an Act to incorporate· The Glenavon Hospital, 19. Received, 24. Reported, 37. 12. Of the Town of Arcola praying for an Act to authorise the Town of Arcola to bor­ row money for certain public works, 19. Received, 24. Reported, 29. 13. Of A. R. Partridge and four others praying for an Act to incorporate The Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited, 21. Received, 29, Reported, 37. 14. Of P. A. Salter and three others praying for an Act to incorporate the Village of Balcarres as a town under the name of The Town of Balcarres, 29. Received, 44. Reported, 66. 15. Of D. Bracker and thirty-two others praying for an Act to incorporate The· North Battleford Club, 29. Received, 44. Reported, 51. 16. Of Richard Doyne MacDonnell and ,Joseph Campbell praying -for an Act to­ incorporate The Prairie Loan and Investment Company, 37. Received, 50. Reported, 60. ,/ 17. Of Nelson W. Morton and four others p1~ying for an Act to incorporate The· Security Mortgage Company of Saskatchewan, 44. Received, 55. Re­ ported, 57. 18 . Of A. F. Simpson and five others praying for an Act to incorporate The Northern Club, 50. Received, 55. 19. Of Joseph Caldwell and others praying for an Act to incorporate The Western. Prudential Investmynt Company, Limited, 50. Received, 55. Reported, 72. 20. Of Harry Franklin Stirk and five others praying for an Act to incorporatC' Moose Jaw Securities Limited, 50. Received, 55. Reported, 57. I 21. Of Ambrose Clarke Hunt and two othei·s praying for an Act to incorporate· The Commercial Club, 50. Received, 56. Reported, 73.

22. Of Avary B. Yager and two others praying for an Act to incorporate The· Empire Mortgage Trust Company, 58. Received, 68. Reported, 80.

23. Of Julius Friedman and two others prnyi~g for an Act to incorporate Regina­ Moose Jaw Inter-Urban Railway, 60. Received, 69. Reported, 83.

24. Of Ii'. A. Blain and four others praying for an Act to incorporate Presbyterian Theological College at Saskatoon, 60. Received, 70. Reported, 83. • 25. Of J. 0. Hettle and four others praying for an Act to incorporate Saskatoon Banking and Loan Company, 60. Received, 70. Reported, 80.

26. Of Frank Garnet and seven others prnying for an Act to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Loyal Order of Moose, 66. Received, 70. Re­ ported, 83. 27 . Of Hugh Armour and five others praying for an Act to incorpornte The Assini­ boia Trust Company, 66. Received, 70. Reported, 73.

28. Of the City of Prince Albert praying for an Act to confirm Bylaw No. 45 of the City of Prince Albert concerning the removal of certain restrictive conditions. on certain land within the City, 9,1. Unable to be received, 107.

29. Of J. D. Ferguson and seven others praying for an Act to incorporate The· Country Club of Saskatoon, 99. Unable to be received, 107.

PROVINCIAL SECRETARY: Concerning election of Speaker, 11. Address to Speaker, 12. Announces prorogation, 167. INDEX 19

PRIVATE BILLS: Alteration of date under rule 49, 38.

Q QUESTIONS: Mr. Lyle: Respecting the R.N.W.M.P., 22.

Mr. Cunningham: Respecting the appointment of Judges to the new Judicial Districts, 25. Mr. Willoughby: Respecting additional Judicial,Districts, 25.

Mr. Forsyth: Respecting the generation and transmission of electrical power from the Souris Coal Fields, 25.

Mr. ·watson: Respecting the Long Distance Telephone Line from Rosetown to Macklin, 30. Mr. Simpson: Respecting Normal School Sessions, 30.

Mr. Bradshaw: Respecting the C.N.R. Co.'s plans for a line of raihvay from Prince Albert to a point on the Government Hudson Bay Railway near Split Lake, 31. Mr. Bradshaw: Respecting a railway and traffic bridge across the South Saskat- chewan River at or near St. Louis crossing, 31. Mr. Mitchell: Respecting grain blockade at Colgate and Webster, 38. Mr. Stewart: Respecting car shortage at \Vi!lmar, 38. Mr. Lochhead: Respecting Hail Insurance, 38. Jl,fr. Lochhead: Respecting Agricultural Societies, 39.

Mr. Cawthorpe: Respecting a branch line from Grandora on the Grand Trunk Railway, 51.

l\fr. Cawthorpe: Respecting car shortage on Goose Lake• brnnch of C.N.R., 51.

lvir. Bradshaw: Respecting extension of the Government Telephone System in Prince Albert, 51. Mr. Bradshaw: Respecting William Grant, 54. !vir. Davidson: the construction of a railway line in the Willow Bunch Constituency, 54.

Mr. Forsyth: Respecting the construction of a branch line from Bienfait on the C.N.R. to join the Regina-Brandon main line, 56. ·

Mr. '\Yilloughby: Respecting Capital Expenditure on each Registry Office, etc., 57.' Mr. Beaudreau: Respecting well boring machines, 61.

Mr. Simpson: Respecti11~ Sale of School Lands, .61. Mr. Robinson: Respecting Gun and Game Licenses, 66.

Mr. Totzke: Respecting the handing over to the University of Saskatchewan the control of the various professions practised in the Province, 67. Mr. Johnston (Pelly): Respecting the const111ction of a Long Distance Telephone Line from Canora to Kamsack and other.stations on the C.N.R. to l\fonitoba boundary, 67 .. 20 INDEX

Mr. Magee: Respecting steps taken by the C. N. R. Co. in connection with the two lines of Railway in Moose Mountain District guaranteed by the Legislature at its last session, 67. Mr. Cawtl}orpe: Respecting coal shortage in the Province, 70.

Mr. Mark: Respecting railway construction in southern portion of .Rosetown Constituency, 83. Mr. Willoughby: Respecting Mr. Meyers and Mr. Eisenhart, 91. Mr. Wylie: Respecting the Hon. George Langley, 94. Mr. \Villoughby: Respecting the amount transferred from the Assurance Fund under The Land Titles Act, 94. Mr. Cawthorpe: Respecting the quantity of Live Stock shipped into the Province by the Government and Breeders' Association, 102. Mr. Willoughby: Respecting the election in Athabasca, 102. Mr. Watson: Respecting railway construction by the C.P.R. in the. western part , of the Province, 114. · Mr. Watson: Respecting laying of steel by the C.P.R. between Kerrobert and Wilkie, 115.

R RESOLUTIONS: Mr. Motherwell: Respecting fees to be paid in connection with the record of brands. 26. Referred to C. of_W. on Bill (No. 4), 26.

l\fr. Scott (Swift Current): Respecting grants to Schools, 27. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 8), 28.

Mr. Scott (Swift Current): Respecting the participation of Members of the Do­ minion Government in the Saskatchewan Provincial Elections of 1912, 31. Amendll;1ent, 38. Amendment, 35. Agreed to, 35.

Mr. Turgeon: Respecting fees to be paid by Private Detectives, 42. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 6), 43. Mr. Willoughby: Respecting appointment of counsel to represent the Government and Opposition at the Election Enquiry, 64. Defeated, 64.

Mr. Sutherland: Respecting the extension of the technical educational system, 65· Agreed to, 65. Transmission to Governor General, 65. Mr. Robinson: Respecting the Tariff Law of Canada, 67. Amendment defeated, 76. Agreed to, 77. Transmission to Governor General, 77.

Mr. Scott (Swift Current): Respecting certain articles that appeared in the "Daily Province" of Regina concerning the Election Enquiry, 71. Agreed to, 72. Mr. Turgeon: Respecting fees to be paid by Circuses and Travelling Shows, 73. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 8), 74. Mr. Stewart: Respecting \Volf Bounty Districts, 81. Agreed to, 81. Mr. Bradshaw: Respecting Intended Tax on Income of British Investors in Canada, 81. Withdrawn, 81. Mr. McNab: Respecting fees to be paid for Inspection of Boilers and Fi.remen's Certificates, 81. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 36), 82.

Mr. Turgeon: Respecting the Dominion Government and the improvement and construction of highways,' '85. Amendment, 98. Defeated, 104. Agreed to, 105. Transmission to Governor General, 105. INDEX 21

Mr. Bradshaw: Respecting the extension of the franchise to women,. 99.

Mr. Scott (Swift Current): Respecting changing of names on Select Standing Committees, 117. Agreed to, 117.

Mr. Turgeon: Respecting fees to be paid for licenses for Pool or Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alleys and Restaurants, 118, 140. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 58), 141.

Mr. Bell:. Respecting ,certain fees paid under the Corporations Taxation Act, 119. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 71), 120.

Mr. Bell: Respecting an Advance to the City of Regina, 120. Referred to C. of W. on Bill (No. 67), 120 ..

Mr. Calder: Respecting the Guarantee of certain Securities of the Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company and the Grand Tr.unk Pacific Saskatchewan Railway Company, 120. Refen·ed to C. of W. on Bill (No. 54), 124.

Mr. Willoughby: Respecting the new Bank Act introduced in the Dominion House, 133. Agreed to, 133.

Mr. Bole: Respecting fair wage policy, 133. Agreed to, 133.

Mr. Simpson: Respecting School Endowments, 133. Agreed to, 135. Trans­ mission to Governor General, 142.

Mr. Scott (Swift Current): Respecting the transfer of the Public Domain by the Dominion Government to Saskatchewan, 143. Amendment defeated, 144 . .Agreed to, 145.

Mr. Turgeon: Respecting the Hon. Robert Rogers, 145. Agreed to, 147.

Mr. Calder: Respecting Dr. Roche, 147. Agreed to, 148.

Mr. Motherwell: Respecting terminal storage elevators, 148: Agreed to, 149.

Mr. Bell: Respecting certain fees to be paid under The Corporations Taxation Act, 152. Refen-ed to C. of W. on Bill (No. 74), 152.

Mr. MacNeill: Respecting the part certain Officials of the Dominion Government took in the Provincial General Election of 1912, 159. Agreed to, 159.

Mr. Latta: Respecting The Animal Contagious Diseases Act, 161. Agreed to, 161.

s SPEAKER: Election of ·Speaker, 12. Address of Speaker to His Honour, 12. Reports copy of His Honour's Speech, 15. Presents Supply Bill, 166. Deputy, election of, 43.

SUPPLY: House agrees to resolve itself into Committee of Supply, 21. House in Committee of Supply, 46, 129. Estimates referred, 43, 116. First Reading of Resolutions, 48, 153. Second Reading of Resolutions, 48, 153. 22 INDEX V YQTE-S AND PROC_EEPJ:NGS: Ordered to be printed, 15. w

WAYS. AND MEANS: I House agrees to resolve itself int0 a Committee of Ways and Means, 21. House iu_ Committee, 157. - Resolutions reported, 157. FirstJleading of Resolutions. 157. Second Reading of Resolutions, 158.