
Directorate-General for the Presidency


Political Groups

PPE-DE Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats PSE Group of the Party of European Socialists ELDR Group of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party Verts/ALE Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left UEN Union for Europe of the Nations group EDD Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities NI Non-attached Members


AFET Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy BUDG Committee on Budgets CONT Committee on Budgetary Control LIBE Committee on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs JURI Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market ITRE Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EMPL Committee on Employment and Social Affairs ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy AGRI Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development PECH Committee on Fisheries RETT Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism CULT Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport DEVE Committee on Development and Cooperation AFCO Committee on Constitutional Affairs FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities PETI Committee on Petitions ENQU Temporary Committee of Inquiry (Intranet) (Internet)


Closed on : 11.11.2002 CONTENTS 3


Main decisions of the College of Quaestors ...... 6


Appointments/resignations/end of Members' terms of office...... 8


Written questions ...... 12 Question Time (B5-0494/2002)...... 27 Summary of Questions time - October 2002 ...... 29 Written declarations...... 30


Appointment of rapporteurs and draftsmen...... 34


Commission documents...... 38


Common Foreign and Security Policy

Declaration on the occasionof the elections to be held in Jamaica on 16 October...... 40 Declaration on the resumption of the Sudanese Peace Negotiations ...... 40 Declaration on the general elections in Pakistan ...... 41 Declaration on developments in South Asia ...... 41 Declaration on the ongoing fighting in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ...... 42 Declaration regarding North Corea Nuclear Programme ...... 43 Declaration concerning the extention of the common position on Burma/Myanmar ...... 44 Declaration on the cessation of hostilities in Somalia ...... 44 Declaration on the attempted coup in the Central African Republic ...... 45 Declaration following the Presidential election in Brazil on 27 October 2002 ...... 45 Declaration on Unimpeded Humanitarian Access in Sudan ...... 46 Declaration following the parliamentary elections in Bahrain ...... 46 Declaration on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism ...... 47

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 4 CONTENTS

European Economic and Social Committee

Plenary Assembly of 22, 23 an 24 October 2002 ...... 48


This document is available at : (Intranet) (Internet)

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 PRESIDENCY 5


Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 6 PRESIDENCY


The Chairmen-in-Office of the College of Quaestors, have circulated the following communications to the Members of the European Parliament:

No 30: Ban on smoking in official cars;

No 31: Use of secretarial assistance allowance appropriations (Item 3910) in respect of the 2 financial year

Further information may be obtained from the Secretariat of the College of Quaestors in:

Strasbourg : Salvador de Madariaga (SDM) Building, 6/20 Tel. 74195

Brussels : Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) Building, 8b/66 Tel. 43722


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Pursuant to Rule 8(3)

M. Pere ESTEVE (ELDR/ES) has resigned as a Member of the European Parliament with effect from 17 Octo ber 2002.

Parliament took note of his resignation at the sitting of 23 October 2002.



At its sitting of 24 September 2002 Parliament took note of the election of:

Mr Peder WACHTMEISTER to replace Mrs Gunilla CARLSSON (PPE-DE/SV), with effect from 23 October 2002.


Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 9


At its sitting of 6 November 2002 Parliament took note of the election of:

Mr Joan VALLVÉ to replace MrPere ESTEVE (ELDR/ES), with effect from 25 October 2002.


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Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 12 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES

WRITTEN QUESTIONS (Situation at 07.11.2002)

Author Subject No

Charles Tannock The cost of bank transfers and the Commission's powers E-2864/02 to authorise legal proceedings Christopher Huhne Budget balance forecasting record E-2865/02 Christopher Huhne Growth forecasting record E-2866/02 Christopher Huhne Growth forecasting record E-2867/02 Christopher Huhne Growth forecasting record E-2868/02 Christopher Huhne Relationship between growth and budget balance E-2869/02 Christopher Huhne Economic assumptions E-2870/02 Charles Tannock, Neil Parish and France's illegal ban on the import of British beef E-2871/02 Theresa Villiers Cancelled question E-2872/02 Mogens Camre EU financial support to the Palestinian Authority P-2873/02 Jonas Sjöstedt Early payment of subsidies to Irish farmers P-2874/02 Nelly Maes Illegal government support for the FN weapons factory P-2875/02 Stavros Xarchakos Health and welfare in Greece E-2876/02 Stavros Xarchakos Health and welfare in Greece E-2877/02 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Relocation of the tramline route in Athens E-2878/02 Ulla Sandbæk The Everything But Arms initiative E-2879/02 Giles Chichester Energy liberalisation progress in the EU E-2880/02 Theresa Villiers and Charles Selling of Irish newspapers E-2881/02 Tannock María Valenciano Martínez-Orozco Case brought by the Commission against the Kingdom of E-2882/02 Spain - Case C-358/01 - importation of cleaning agents containing bleach Ilda Figueiredo Community support E-2883/02 Erik Meijer Lack of adequate enforcement of rules protecting the E-2884/02 welfare of farm animals during transport Brice Hortefeux Civil defence E-2885/02

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Brice Hortefeux Price of newspapers E-2886/02 Cristiana Muscardini Fuel and pollution E-2887/02 Adriana Poli Bortone Floods in Salento -- intervention E-2888/02 Adriana Poli Bortone Coordination of Community aid measures E-2889/02 Hanja Maij-Weggen Arrest of a North Korean and her interpreter in China E-2890/02 Alexander de Roo Problems with the High Flux Reactor in Petten E-2891/02 Erik Meijer The danger of ruptures in cooling-water pipes at the High E-2892/02 Flux Reactor in Petten, the Netherlands, and failure to take measures to avert the danger Erik Meijer Contract awarded to an external company which is having E-2893/02 the EU website rebuilt by a Commission official Jens-Peter Bonde Bookkeeping in the Commission E-2894/02 Olivier Dupuis Arrest of Mr Wei Jingyi, bishop of the 'unofficial' Chinese E-2895/02 Catholic Church Kathleen Van Brempt Tobacco smuggling E-2896/02 Margrietus van den Berg Agreement of international rules concerning top-class E-2897/02 sport Alexander de Roo Courage of convictions E-2898/02 Nelly Maes Violations of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports E-2899/02 Hiltrud Breyer EU limits and reference values for electromagnetic fields E-2900/02 Hiltrud Breyer Studies of damage to health caused by pulsed frequencies E-2901/02 Struan Stevenson Competition policy E-2902/02 Benedetto Della Vedova Italy's infringement of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 E-2903/02 April 1979 as a result of Law No 7 of the Veneto Region of 14 March 2002 Nelly Maes Breton E-2904/02 Camilo Nogueira Román US/UK pre-emptive strike against Iraq E-2905/02 Camilo Nogueira Román The Galicia-Portugal and Galicia-France-central Europe E-2906/02 high-speed rail links Camilo Nogueira Román Siege of President Arafat's Palestinian headquarters by E-2907/02 Ariel Sharon's Israeli army María Valenciano Martínez-Orozco Progress of infringement proceedings No 93/2212 E-2908/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Democratic Republic of Congo E-2909/02

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Fernando Fernández Martín Democratic Republic of Congo E-2910/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Dominican Republic E-2911/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Dominican Republic E-2912/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Niue E-2913/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Niue E-2914/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Palau E-2915/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Palau E-2916/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Papua New Guinea E-2917/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Papua New Guinea E-2918/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Rwanda E-2919/02 Fernando Fernández Martín Rwanda E-2920/02 Fernando Fernández Martín St Kitts and Nevis E-2921/02 Fernando Fernández Martín St Kitts and Nevis E-2922/02 Alexandros Alavanos Reliability of debt and deficit data for Greece P-2923/02 Roger Helmer Breach of Staff Regulation - Article 12 P-2924/02 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Effectiveness of training programmes in Greece P-2925/02 Ari Vatanen Repeated infringements of EU law by the Member States P-2926/02 Paulo Casaca Conflicts of interest in Community contracts P-2927/02 Margrietus van den Berg Temporary support for Dutch shipbuilding P-2928/02 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Ban on electronic games in Greece E-2929/02 Graham Watson Racing pigeon medicines E-2930/02 María Sornosa Martínez Priority for EU funding for high-speed rail links in Spain E-2931/02 that promote regional balance and economic and social cohesion Olivier Dupuis Persecution of the wife and son of Mr Hada, detained E-2932/02 leader of the Southern Mongolia Democratic Alliance Jorge Moreira Da Silva Application of the European Convention on the Academic E-2933/02 Recognition of University Qualifications (ETS 32) Jorge Moreira Da Silva Application of the European Convention on the Academic E-2934/02 Recognition of University Qualifications (ETS 32) Cristiana Muscardini, Roberta Discrimination against Italian culture abroad E-2935/02 Angelilli and Antonio Mussa

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Jules Maaten Commission report of May 2002 on the investment E-2936/02 climate in Poland, drawn up at the request of the government of the Netherlands Jan Mulder Antibiotics as additives in animal feedingstuffs E-2937/02 Jan Mulder Polish import restrictions on cut flowers from the E-2938/02 European Union Chris Davies Future of aromatherapy P-2939/02 Mikko Pesälä Delivery of aid to Afghanistan P-2940/02 Carlos Carnero González Report of the Unit for Administering the European Social P-2941/02 Fund (UAFSE/UAESF) on courses offered by IMEFE, attached to Madrid city council: withholding of the report and action by OLAF Konstantinos Hatzidakis Monitoring the implementation of rail projects in Greece E-2942/02 Hanja Maij-Weggen Child care situation in Member States and promoting child E-2943/02 care Erik Meijer Shrinkage and disappearance of lakes on Macedonia's E-2944/02 southern border due to abstraction of water for use in farming on the Greek side of the border Paulo Casaca Abuse of funds in Romania E-2945/02 Alexandros Alavanos Dangers to whales posed by the use of high-power active E-2946/02 sonar technology in naval exercises Alexandros Alavanos Rerouting of the tramline in Athens E-2947/02 Sebastiano Musumeci Shipwreck of illegal immigrants off Sicily P-2948/02 Ian Hudghton Fleet reductions P-2949/02 Juan Ojeda Sanz Information network on education in Europe P-2950/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Allocation of structural funds P-2951/02 Gabriele Stauner Hearing of Pascal Lamy by the Commission's Anti-Fraud E-2952/02 Unit Gabriele Stauner Volume of payments into and from the Commission's E-2953/02 bank accounts Gabriele Stauner Commission accounts with commercial banks E-2954/02 Charlotte Cederschiöld Data retention P-2955/02 María Rodríguez Ramos Application of the safeguard clause in respect of imports P-2956/02 into the EU of tinned mandarin-orange segments from China

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Giovanni Procacci Regulation (EC) No 1019/2002 concerning the labelling P-2957/02 of olive oil Dieter-Lebrecht Koch Commission Decision 2002/525/EC of 27 June 2002 E-2958/02 amending Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of life vehicles Chris Davies A2 (Lisbon-Algarve) motorway, Portugal E-2959/02 André Brie and Joost Lagendijk Minefields on the (eastern) border between Greece and E-2960/02 Turkey Giovanni Pittella Italian pharmacy system E-2961/02 Sérgio Marques Implementation of aid for Venezuela E-2962/02 Christa Klaß Financial participation by the EU in BSE monitoring P-2963/02 programmes James Fitzsimons 'Forest Focus' P-2964/02 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Television station providing information to farmers E-2965/02 Nicholas Clegg Circumstances for withdrawing from GATS commitments E-2966/02 Pere Esteve and Isidoro Sánchez Protection of Mediterranean forests E-2967/02 García Jens-Peter Bonde Open competition COM/A/6/01 - Administrators (A7/A6) E-2968/02 in the fields of external relations and management aid to non-member countries Bert Doorn Binding tariff information (BTI) database P-2969/02 Christa Prets Culture 2000 programme - closing date for submitting E-2970/02 projects for 'St Petersburg 2003' Christa Prets Directorate-General for Employment and Social Policy E-2971/02 Michl Ebner Funding the disposal of BSE risk material E-2972/02 Caroline Lucas Broiler chickens E-2973/02 Pere Esteve and Camilo Nogueira Granting of European aid to economic development in E-2974/02 Román rural areas in the administrative district of Safor Pere Esteve and Camilo Nogueira Interpretation of Article 87 of the EC Treaty with regard E-2975/02 Román to the planning agreement involving Real Madrid football club and the free competitive market Olivier Dupuis Inhumane prison conditions of Mr Latsamy Khamphoui E-2976/02 and Mr Feng Sackchittaphong

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Erik Meijer Distortion of competition as a result of the low costs of E-2977/02 employing Polish construction workers not covered by a collective agreement in the Member States of the European Union Paulo Casaca Adulteration of butter in the European Union E-2978/02 Anders Wijkman Large state subsidies to the German forestry industry E-2979/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Social clause in international fisheries agreements E-2980/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2981/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2982/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2983/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2984/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2985/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2986/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2987/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2988/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2989/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2990/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2991/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2992/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2993/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2994/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2995/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2996/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2997/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2998/02 Rosa Miguélez Ramos Measures to reduce fisheries accidents E-2999/02 Sir Robert Atkins, Guido Bodrato Unfair competition on the market for aluminium scrap E-3000/02 and Malcolm Harbour Winfried Menrad Wild birds Directive: different interpretations in the P-3001/02 Member States Eija-Riitta Korhola Legal safeguards for the victim, mobility of citizens, and P-3002/02 rape victims in the EU

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Erik Meijer The quality, effectiveness and costs of the bookkeeping E-3003/02 systems used by the European Commission Eija-Riitta Korhola Legal safeguards for the victim, mobility of citizens, and E-3004/02 rape victims in the EU Albert Maat European shipbuilding sector E-3005/02 Hiltrud Breyer Complaint 427/2002 concerning pollution at a school - E-3006/02 infringement of Directive 89/391/EEC and the Convention on the Rights of the Child Patricia McKenna West Papuan self-determination E-3007/02 Elspeth Attwooll Foetal bovine welfare E-3008/02 Charlotte Cederschiöld Data retention E-3009/02 Chris Davies Humanitarian crisis, Northern Uganda E-3010/02 Eluned Morgan CAP subsidies to the UK royal family E-3011/02 Eluned Morgan Accounting for CAP E-3012/02 Eluned Morgan Sugar subsidies and the mid-term review of the CAP E-3013/02 Isidoro Sánchez García Official Commission delegation to Morocco: situation E-3014/02 regarding the EU-Morocco Action Plan Dominique Vlasto Management of funds granted by the ESF in France E-3015/02 Cristiana Muscardini Study of drug dependency and HIV infection E-3016/02 Luciano Caveri Protected designation for craft products E-3017/02 Luciano Caveri Heavy goods vehicle traffic through the Mont Blanc E-3018/02 tunnel Hanja Maij-Weggen Human rights and democracy in Burma E-3019/02 Alexander de Roo Adoption of a less stringent policy on fertiliser in the E-3020/02 Netherlands Margrietus van den Berg EU aid to Afghanistan E-3021/02 Joke Swiebel Termination of employment on grounds of age before an E-3022/02 employee has reached the age of eligibility for a State pension (65 in the Netherlands) permitted under Directive 2000/78/EC? Mariotto Segni Regional aid to combat blue tongue E-3023/02 Cristiana Muscardini Freedom of establishment for graduates of Italian E-3024/02 academies of music Camilo Nogueira Román Low hospital bed ratio in the EU E-3025/02

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Patricia McKenna EU-Sudan relations E-3026/02 Patricia McKenna EU-Sudan relations E-3027/02 Glyn Ford Friesland salvage operation E-3028/02 Concepció Ferrer Persecution of Catholics in Russia E-3029/02 Jaime Valdivielso de Cué Overpriced mobile-telephone roaming services E-3030/02 Olivier Dupuis Very worrying plight of Mr Mohamed Kamel Hamzaoui E-3031/02 Herman Vermeer and Albert Maat Negotiations with Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and E-3032/02 Russia on the international distribution of blue whiting catch quotas Marco Pannella Vietnam: 9-year prison sentence for a Montagnard who E-3033/02 sought political asylum in Cambodia Daniela Raschhofer EU aid for Objective 1 regions E-3034/02 Dorette Corbey Nature conservation in Malta E-3035/02 Dorette Corbey Nature conservation in Malta E-3036/02 Glyn Ford VAT on repairs to war memorials E-3037/02 Laura González Álvarez Bernardos reservoir (Segovia, Spain) and its repercussions E-3038/02 on the environment Caroline Lucas Iberian lynx E-3039/02 Ilda Figueiredo The interim revision of the CAP and the new system of E-3040/02 direct aids Paulo Casaca Proceedings taken out by the Commission at the Court of E-3041/02 Justice concerning conditions of public service in the Azores Paulo Casaca Regularisation of past situations in Portugal E-3042/02 Paulo Casaca Definition of extra-budgetary public sector deficit E-3043/02 Paulo Casaca Extra-budgetary expenditure in the Portuguese budget for E-3044/02 2003 Paulo Casaca Hospital privatisation in Portugal E-3045/02 Paulo Casaca Definition of the Portuguese public debt E-3046/02 Benedetto Della Vedova Compatibility of the Italian special wages guarantee fund P-3047/02 (CIGS) with Article 87 of the EC Treaty Jean-Claude Fruteau Regional policy P-3048/02 Wolfgang Ilgenfritz Effectiveness of the peer review procedure E-3049/02

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Bart Staes The use of epoxy derivatives in wine storage E-3050/02 Bart Staes Increased cancer risk from above-ground electricity E-3051/02 supply cables Bart Staes Implementation of water purification plant contract in E-3052/02 Sanski Most (Bosnia) Bart Staes Forestry development in the Democratic Republic of the E-3053/02 Congo (DRC) Bart Staes Commission position on Nepal E-3054/02 Claude Moraes General Agreement on Trade in Services P-3055/02 Massimo Carraro State aid for Alitalia P-3056/02 Klaus-Heiner Lehne Motor vehicle block exemption regulation E-3057/02 Jo Leinen Bank guarantees for non-governmental organisations E-3058/02 supporting Russian media as part of the Tacis programme Luciano Caveri Crisis at Fiat E-3059/02 Frank Vanhecke European Convention E-3060/02 Herbert Bösch Commission officials on leave E-3061/02 Cristiana Muscardini Global banking crisis E-3062/02 Theresa Villiers Transaction costs E-3063/02 Torben Lund Fatalities in connection with the slimming aid Letigen: P-3064/02 questionable approval procedure Roberta Angelilli National origin of food products P-3065/02 Terence Wynn Motor racing events and EU law E-3066/02 Roberta Angelilli Excise duty on wine E-3067/02 Roberta Angelilli Price patterns in Italy following the introduction of the E-3068/02 euro Roberta Angelilli Counterfeiting of Italian trademarked goods E-3069/02 Roberta Angelilli Counterfeiting of Italian fashion wear E-3070/02 Roberta Angelilli Special Commissioner for Traffic for the city of E-3071/02 María Rodríguez Ramos Uncontrolled dumping of coal waste in the municipality of E-3072/02 Ponferrada (Spain) Bart Staes Use of epoxy derivatives in the wine industry E-3073/02

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Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Towards sustainable agriculture for developing countries - P-3074/02 Baringdorf conference to be held by the Commission's Research D-G, 30-31 January 2003 Ulpu Iivari Double taxation of orchestras P-3075/02 Glyn Ford Racism in football E-3076/02 Michael Cashman Organisations that find funding E-3077/02 Ulpu Iivari Double taxation of orchestras E-3078/02 Erik Meijer Winding up of the investigation into international E-3079/02 involvement in fraud with subsidies for flax growing in Spain and introduction of measures to avoid a repetition Erik Meijer Financial negotiations instead of conviction for fraud in E-3080/02 the building sector to prevent the firms concerned from being excluded from the EU market Erik Meijer Circumvention of US legislation by a data retention E-3081/02 requirement for electronic communications in the EU Jonas Sjöstedt Failure in Sweden of EIB preferential loans for small E-3082/02 businesses Jonas Sjöstedt Failure in Sweden of EIB preferential loans for small E-3083/02 businesses Jonas Sjöstedt Slimming agent Letigen E-3084/02 Jonas Sjöstedt Competition on the feed market in Sweden E-3085/02 Jonas Sjöstedt Professional drivers with poor eyesight E-3086/02 Jonas Sjöstedt State aid to the German pulp industry E-3087/02 Bob van den Bos Cat and dog fur E-3088/02 Antonio Di Pietro Safe Driving Centre in Luxembourg E-3089/02 Jan Mulder Increase in available maximum guaranteed quantities of E-3090/02 hemp and flax in the Netherlands Ilda Figueiredo Implementation of the Structural Funds and the 'n+2' rule E-3091/02 Luciana Sbarbati New rules for the marketing of olive oil P-3092/02 José Ribeiro e Castro Alleged infringement by Portugal in the area of P-3093/02 environmental policy in connection with the building of a motorway Klaus-Heiner Lehne Gas appliances directive E-3094/02 María Valenciano Martínez-Orozco The Objective 2 programme for the Madrid region for E-3095/02 1997-1999

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Brice Hortefeux Financial control E-3096/02 Joaquim Miranda (Possible) complaint by the Commission against Portugal E-3097/02 concerning the construction of a paper recycling plant in Mourão José Ribeiro e Castro Representative for cooperation with Macau E-3098/02 Alexandros Alavanos Genocide by AIDS in poor countries as a result of E-3099/02 President Bush's insistence on American condoms Laura González Álvarez Workplace accidents in Spain E-3100/02 Torben Lund Hazardous PPD substances should be banned in cosmetics E-3101/02 Roberta Angelilli Public day nurseries in Rome E-3102/02 Bart Staes Identification of football supporters at European matches E-3103/02 Nelly Maes Ban on Batasuna E-3104/02 Erik Meijer Export of radioactive waste from EU countries as an E-3105/02 important source of income for Serbia during and after the Milosevic period Erik Meijer Serious environmental pollution in the Borska Rek valley E-3106/02 in Serbia as a result of the unnecessary use of radioactive waste imported from EU countries in copper mining Cristiana Muscardini 'Suicide bomber' Barbie E-3107/02 Cristiana Muscardini Marijuana-induced brain damage E-3108/02 Cristiana Muscardini Risks arising from assisted fertilisation E-3109/02 Camilo Nogueira Román Crimes committed by the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel E-3110/02 Sharon Charles Tannock State aids to the French electricity sector E-3111/02 Charles Tannock Legality or otherwise of intercepting vessels on the high E-3112/02 seas Charles Tannock Religious freedom in Laos E-3113/02 Charles Tannock Treatment of children suffering from HIV/AIDS in E-3114/02 Romania Charles Tannock Closure of a Protestant church in Iskenderun, Turkey E-3115/02 Charles Tannock Update on the evaluation of fenthion E-3116/02 Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna Galician mussels - protected designation of origin E-3117/02 Marie-Thérèse Hermange European Union funding in the water sector E-3118/02 Geoffrey Van Orden EU funding of Greek judicial and prison services P-3119/02

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Glyn Ford Federal Mogul planned closure E-3120/02 Richard Howitt Safety of human rights workers in Colombia E-3121/02 Jaime Valdivielso de Cué Boycott of European dot-coms in the United States E-3122/02 Erik Meijer Mutual recognition of registry office records and E-3123/02 residence documents between the Member States in the interests of citizens moving within the Community Erik Meijer Lack of standardisation of batteries and adapters for the E-3124/02 supply of electric power for portable equipment Giuseppe Di Lello Finuoli Dismissal of Augusto Fichtner P-3125/02 Graham Watson Singapore Opposition leaders E-3126/02 Jan Dhaene Information for travellers using international trains E-3127/02 Jan Dhaene Information for travellers using international trains E-3128/02 Jan Dhaene Data relating to bicycles on the website of the E-3129/02 Commission and Eurostat Ilda Figueiredo WTO negotiations on the General Agreement on Trade in E-3130/02 Services Alexander de Roo Gas plant at Kirkop, Malta E-3131/02 Samuli Pohjamo Representation of the different languages in Commission E-3132/02 departments Cristiana Muscardini Tolerated levels of anabolic steroids E-3133/02 Cristiana Muscardini Smog-related deaths E-3134/02 Glyn Ford Prescription-only medicines and racing pigeons P-3135/02 Mihail Papayannakis Route for oversized loads P-3136/02 Sérgio Marques European Programme for Reconstruction and P-3137/02 Development in South Africa Mihail Papayannakis Implementation of the Community initiative Leader+ in E-3138/02 Greece Gordon Adam Genetic susceptibility of individuals to specific foodstuffs E-3139/02 within Framework Programme 6 Giacomo Santini Unlawfulness of Directive 91/67/EEC E-3140/02 Erik Meijer EU Member States' use of target figures for the admission, E-3141/02 reception and deportation of asylum seekers regardless of the reasons why individuals have fled their countries Sérgio Marques Common VAT system E-3142/02

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Christa Randzio-Plath Article 14 of the Protocol on the privileges and E-3143/02 immunities of the European Communities of 8 April 1965 Herbert Bösch Privatisations in Bulgaria E-3144/02 Theresa Zabell Invoicing of phone calls interrupted owing to failure of E-3145/02 the mobile phone network Theresa Zabell Advertising messages from mobile phone operators E-3146/02 Roberta Angelilli Use of EU funding by metropolitan areas E-3147/02 Sebastiano Musumeci Pakistani terrorists in the Mediterranean E-3148/02 Ilda Figueiredo Community programme to combat poverty and social E-3149/02 exclusion Ilda Figueiredo Application of the Stability Pact E-3150/02 Ilda Figueiredo Moratorium on the authorisation of new genetically E-3151/02 modified organisms Camilo Nogueira Román The European Union and the multinational nature of the E-3152/02 Spanish state Hélène Flautre, Bart Staes and Jan Cross border PCB contamination E-3153/02 Dhaene Avril Doyle Arsenic in animal nutrition E-3154/02 Avril Doyle Pension rights E-3155/02 Isidoro Sánchez García Measures to establish an area of freedom, security and E-3156/02 justice in the EU Yasmine Boudjenah The effects of Agent Orange on health and the E-3157/02 environment in Vietnam Erik Meijer Delay in taxation of foreign-owned savings accounts due E-3158/02 to indecision as to whether to abolish banking secrecy or to introduce taxation at source Erik Meijer Application of the most effective methods of combating E-3159/02 corporate fraud to companies operating or listed inside and outside the EU Rosa Miguélez Ramos Illegal commercial practices by Greek aquaculture E-3160/02 enterprises Erik Meijer International companies such as McDonald's which can E-3161/02 ignore the European social model, national rules and the green paper on social responsibility W.G. van Velzen Threat to the integrity of networks and the Commission's E-3162/02 role in this connection

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Marjo Matikainen-Kallström and Nuclear energy in Bulgaria E-3163/02 Christian Rovsing Marjo Matikainen-Kallström and Nuclear energy in Bulgaria E-3164/02 Christian Rovsing Ieke van den Burg Entitlement to unemployment benefit following E-3165/02 disablement and a move to a different country of residence Emma Bonino The Joola disaster E-3166/02 Daniela Raschhofer Subsidy fraud involving agricultural exports E-3167/02 Patricia McKenna Carrier liability E-3168/02 Eluned Morgan CAP dairy payments E-3169/02 Marie Isler Béguin EU control and oversight of nuclear loads travelling over E-3170/02 Community territory Werner Langen VAT exemption for private management companies in P-3171/02 Germany Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna 'Heavily fisheries-dependent' regions, relative stability and P-3172/02 access to fisheries resources Charles Tannock EU funding of the Palestinian Territories P-3173/02 Dorette Corbey Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy E-3174/02 Charles Tannock The issue of Market Economy Status for the Ukraine E-3175/02 Charles Tannock Debt and the Growth and Stability Pact E-3176/02 Charles Tannock The Integrity of the Growth and Stability Pact E-3177/02 Charles Tannock Eurostat figures E-3178/02 Charles Tannock Persecution of Christians in Vietnam E-3179/02 Charles Tannock The Extension of the Block Exemption from Competition E-3180/02 Law Charles Tannock Terrorism and the Middle East Peace Process E-3181/02 Charles Tannock Access to Kaliningrad E-3182/02 Astrid Thors Distortion of open and fair competition in public P-3183/02 procurement, access to documents Robert Evans Disability Living Allowance P-3184/02 Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca Autonomous Community taxes on premises occupied by P-3185/02 large commercial companies Eluned Morgan Protection of pensions E-3186/02

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 26 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES

Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna Heavily fisheries-dependent regions, relative stability and E-3187/02 access to fishery resources María Sornosa Martínez Protection of the Almenara marshland site of Community E-3188/02 interest (Spain) Adriana Poli Bortone New olive oil labelling rules E-3189/02


Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES 27

QUESTION TIME (B5-0494/02) on 22 and 23 October 2002

27 Questions (Rule 43)

Author Subject No


Camilo NOGUEIRA Milk production in the Commission's proposed revision of H-0606/02 ROMÁN the CAP Josu ORTUONDO Declaration by the EU Presidency concerning the island of H-0608/02 LARREA Perejil Alexandros ALAVANOS Dramatic decline in the income of cotton producers in Greece H-0610/02 Bart STAES Binding nature of the European Union Code of Conduct on H-0612/02 arms exports Mihail PAPAYANNAKIS International Criminal Court H-0616/02 Carlos CARNERO Agreement with the United States on immunity vis-à-vis the H-0667/02 GONZÁLEZ International Criminal Court Sarah LUDFORD International Criminal Court H-0681/02 Efstratios KORAKAS EU-USA agreement on deportations, secret police operations H-0623/02 and communications surveillance María IZQUIERDO ROJO New opportunities as regards relations with Libya H-0626/02 Lennart SACRÉDEUS Neighbouring country status for Ukraine H-0629/02 Bernd POSSELT The EU and Macedonia H-0631/02 Olivier DUPUIS Abduction of Mr Ali Khanbiev, a doctor, in Chechnya H-0634/02 Paulo CASACA Human rights H-0638/02 Konstantinos Promotion of police-state mentality and informer culture in H-0648/02 ALYSSANDRAKIS EUROPOL text


Raimon OBIOLS i GERMÀ Food crisis in the Tindouf refugee camps H-0645/02 Lennart SACRÉDEUS Allegations concerning use of EU aid to finance terrorist H-0630/02 activities in Palestine

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José GIL-ROBLES GIL- Russian Federation - expulsion of Catholic priests H-0688/02 DELGADO



Erik MEIJER Preparing, buying and using a special bookkeeping system by H-0707/02 the European Commission


María IZQUIERDO ROJO Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation in the H-0654/02 granting of visas /rev. 1 Rodi KRATSA- Combating paedophilia H-0659/02 TSAGAROPOULOU Ioannis MARINOS Designation of terrorists as 'political prisoners' H-0664/02


Richard CORBETT Livestock markets H-0613/02 Philip BUSHILL- Food safety H-0633/02 MATTHEWS Mary BANOTTI Diabetes H-0639/02 Marit PAULSEN Salmonella and meat preparations H-0660/02 Jonas SJÖSTEDT Salmonella in marinated meat H-0669/02 Joachim WUERMELING Export ban on cigarettes - WHO Framework Convention on H-0673/02 Tobacco Control


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No. of No. of Questions Supplementary Lapsed Questions Questions Representatives Institution questions questions with questions questions withdrawn already on of the other tabled taken written (author by the the agenda Institutions answer absent) author

Council 37 14 20 8 3 0 0 Mr. HAARDER

Commission 71 13 58 7 0 0 0 Mr. NIELSON Mr. PATTEN Mrs. SCHREYER Mr. VITORINO Mr. BYRNE

Total 108 27 78 15 3 0 0

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 30 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES


No. EP. No. Author Subject Tabled Closed on: Signatures

13/2002 323.196 Daniel DUCARME On rejection of the mid-term review of the Common 23.09.2002 23.12.2002 6 Agricultural Policy

14/2002 323.497 Marco PANNELLA, Paula CASACA, On the violation of the fundamental rights of the 23.09.2002 23.12.2002 17 Daniel Marc COHN-BENDIT, Chris people of Vietnam and the release of religious leaders DAVIES et Charles TANNOCK

15/2002 323.498 Marco PANNELLA, Paulo CASACA, On the violation of the fundamental rights of the 23.09.2002 23.12.2002 16 Daniel COHN-BENDIT, Chris people of Vietnam and respect for the rights of DAVIES et Charles TANNOCK Montagnards

1 Situation as at 24.10.2002

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16/2002 323.719 Freddy BLACK On support for the mid-term review of the common 02.10.2002 02.01.2003 7 agricultural policy

17/2002 323.955 Jo LEINEN, Alain LAMASSOURE, On the election of the President of the European 17.10.2003 17.01.2002 45 Cecilia MALMSTRÖM, Monica Commission by the European Parliament FRASSONI and Mihail PAPAYANNAKIS

18/2002 324.277 James PROVAN, Jan MULDER and On applying codecision to decisions taken under 21.10.2002 21.01.2003 24 Terence WYNN Article 37 of the Treaty

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Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 34 COMMITTEES

APPOINTMENT OF RAPPORTEURS AND DRAFTSMEN (Referral: R = Responsible / O = Opinion)

Name Subject Committee Date Doc.

MAIJ-WEGGEN Access to documents: opening to the AFCO (O) 04.11.02 C5-0417/02 (PPE-DE) public of the historical archives of the EEC and the ECSC

MORILLON Towards integrated management of the AFET (O) 05.11.02 C5-0505/02 (PPE-DE) external borders of the Member States of the European Union

PPE-DE Group Support for agriculture and rural AGRI (R) 05.11.02 C5-0497/02 development measures in Central and Eastern European applicant countries

PSE Group Animal health requirements applicable to AGRI (R) 05.11.02 C5-0478/02 trade in and imports of bovine semen (amending Directive 88/407/EEC)

VERTS/ALE Community comparative tests and trials AGRI (R) 05.11.02 C5-0476/02 Group concerning marketing of seeds and planting material (amending ten directives)

PSE Group Financial Regulation applicable to the CONT (R) 22.10.02 C5-0361/02 ninth European Development Fund

SBARBATI Third-country nationals: conditions of EMPL (O) 23.10.02 C5-0502/02 (ELDR) entry and residence for studies, vocational training or voluntary service

JACKSON Reinforcement of controls on movements ENVI (R) 04.11.02 C5-0477/02 (PPE-DE) of ovine and caprine animals (amendment of Directive 91/6/EEC)

DYBKJÆR Higher education: cooperation with third FEMM (O) 05.11.02 C5-0360/02 (ELDR) countries (Erasmus World programme, 2004-2008)

EVANS Measures to combat AIDS, malaria and FEMM (O) 05.11.02 C5-0392/02 (VERTS/ALE) tuberculosis in developing countries: research programme (EDCTP)

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 COMMITTEES 35

Name Subject Committee Date Doc.

VALENCIANO The information and communication FEMM (O) 05.11.02 C5-0506/02 MARTINEZ- strategy for the European Union OROZCO (PSE)

MAYER Statute for a European cooperative JURI (O) 05.11.02 C3-0123/92 (PPE-DE) society with regard to the involvement of employees

OREJA Third-country nationals: conditions of JURI (O) 05.11.02 C5-0502/02 (PPE-DE) entry and residence for studies, vocational training or voluntary service

KLAMT Rights of victims of crime: European LIBE (R) 05.11.02 C5-0467/02 (PPE-DE) Network of National Contact Points for Restorative Justice

NICHOLSON Air transport: insurance requirements for RETT (R) 05.11.02 C5-0455/02 (PPE-DE) air carriers and airport operators


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Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 38 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS


Reports and Communications

Subject Referral Doc.

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council AGRI SEC (02) 961 on EAGFF Guarantee Section expenditure - Early warning system - No CONT final 8/2002

Commission working document on the planned Community patent ITRE COM (02) 480 jurisdiction JURI final

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the AGRI COM (02) 481 Council: The European Community response to the flooding in Austria, ENVI final Germany and several applicant countries - A solidarity-based initiative RETT BUDG

Council Regulation concerning Community surveillance of imports of ITRE COM (02) 482 hard coal originating in third countries final

Report from the Commisison to the Council and the European PECH COM (02) 483 Parliamenton the intermediate results of the multi-annual guidance final programmes for the fishing fleets at 30 June 2002

Annual Report 2001 from the Commission to the Council and the ITRE COM (02) 490 European Parliament on the EC development policy and the DEVE final implementation of the external assistance

Communication from the Commission: More Research for Europe - ECON COM (02) 499 Towards 3% of GDP JURI final ITRE

Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and CULT COM (02) 502 the Economic and Social Committee on the public lending right in the ECON final European Union JURI


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153/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the occasion of the elections to be held in Jamaica on 16 October Brussels, 14 October 2002

The European Union is closely monitoring the electoral process in Jamaica, and the elections to be held on 16 October, and welcomes the appeals made by the main political parties for those elections to be free and peaceful. Similarly, the European Union welcomes the political parties' adoption of a "code of conduct" to govern the process and the appointment of a political ombudsman who will ensure that it is open and above board. These measures are a positive indication of the parties' commitment to eradicating political violence.

Nevertheless, the European Union notes with concern the brutal killings that have taken place over the past few weeks.

The European Union hopes that the forthcoming elections will help to build a violence-free society in Jamaica.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this declaration.


154/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the resumption of the Sudanese Peace Negotiations Brussels, 14 October 2002

The European Union welcomes the fact that the government of Sudan and the SPLM/A have resumed peace negotiations today, 14 October 2002. In particular the European Union welcomes the announcement that both parties have agreed to a cessation of hostilities in all areas following the signature of a memorandum of understanding.

The European Union calls on all parties to take necessary measures to facilitate the peace negotiations and to work actively towards the settlement of a just and viable peace.

The European Union expresses its full and continued support for the IGAD peace process, Kenya's facilitative role therein and those external partners who play a crucial role in the process.

The European Union reiterates its readiness to give strong support to a peace agreement and accompany Sudan on a path of peace consolidation.

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The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the general elections in Pakistan Brussels, 15 October 2002

The European Union welcomes the completion of multi-party National and Provincial elections in Pakistan. The elections are a step in the gradual transition to full democracy in Pakistan. The European Union hopes all parties and political forces will work together to achieve good governance and functioning democratic institutions in Pakistan and the transfer of power from a military to a civilian administration.

The European Union will continue to watch the process closely and stay engaged with Pakistan throughout its transition to democracy.

An EU Election Observation Mission monitored the elections and issued a statement on its preliminary findings on 12 October 2002. The European Union commends the Pakistani authorities for their cooperation with the EU Observer Mission and for assuring a widely secure and violence-free election day. However, the European Union is concerned about reports of manipulation and encourages the Election Commission to follow up on complaints about the election process.

Furthermore, and after the conclusion of both the electoral process in Jammu & Kashmir and elections in Pakistan, the European Union calls on India and Pakistan to take steps to de-escalate tension between them and to resume as soon as possible a diplomatic dialogue on all issues that divide them, including Kashmir.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus and Malta, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.


156/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on developments in South Asia Brussels, 18 October 2002

The European Union welcomes the announcement by the Government of India to withdraw a significant number of troops from the Indo-Pakistani border. The decision underscores the Government of India’s willingness to de-escalate the conflict and play a stabilising role in South Asia.

Furthermore, the European Union welcomes the reponse by Pakistan and their announcement of withdrawal of troops from the border to India.

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The European Union hopes that these very important initial steps will be followed by futher initatives to de- escalate tensions and build confidence between the parties. The European Union in this context recalls the importance of ending all terrorism in the region.

The European Union again calls on India and Pakistan to resume as soon as possible a diplomatic dialogue on all issues that divide them, including Kashmir. The European Union stands ready to work with both parties and with others in the international community in order to further defuse the crisis between India and Pakistan and bring about lasting peace in the region.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus and Malta, and the EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.


157/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the ongoing fighting in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Brussels, 22 October 2002

The European Union expresses its serious concern about the recent violent clashes in the eastern and north- eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and about the political implications of the renewed fighting as well as the humanitarian consequences for theCongolese population.

The EU is concerned that the renewed tensions could lead to an unravelling of the impressive progress, which has been made recently on the basis of the Pretoria and Luanda agreements.

The EU calls on all armed groups and militias operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to refrain from military activities and to work for a political settlement of the conflict in the framework of the Inter- Congolese Dialogue, now that the foreign troops are completing their withdrawal from the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The EU encourages the parties to the Pretoria and Luanda agreements to work together in a constructive manner to build confidence and restore stability in the areas where fighting has erupted.

While welcoming the statement of the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo asking armed groups to cease hostilities in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the EU also calls on all the governments, military forces and any other organization or individual to cease all support to any of the groups involved in the fighting in the east of the DRC and Burundi, and to use their influence on these groups in order to persuade them to cease immediately any military activity.

The EU is seriously concerned by the rise in human rights violations in the Ituri region and urges the parties to the conflict to respect the human rights of the population.

The EU calls on the UNSC urgently to consider steps to defuse the tension in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in particular to review the mandate of MONUC and consider increasing its monitoring presence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The EU calls on the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to cooperate fully, with MONUC and

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all other parties concerned, with regard to DDRRR. In particular, improved cooperation on the DDRRR- process in Kamina (access by MONUC to ex-combatants, removal of those FDLR members obstructing the process) is urgently needed.

The EU appeals to all stakeholders in the Inter-Congolese Dialogue to step up the ongoing efforts to find a global, inclusive agreement with a view to establishing a transitional government.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.



Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union regarding North Korea Nuclear Programme Brussels, 18 October 2002

The EU expresses its deep concern over reports from the US Special Envoy's visit to DPRK, that the DPRK has admitted conducting a clandestine nuclear weapon programme. The European Union urges North Korea to immediately offer clarification on the issues.

Such a programme is a serious breach of the North Korean commitments under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, The International Atomic Energy Agency safeguard agreement as well as the Joint Declaration between North and South Korea on Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and the Agreed Framework. It also calls into question the KEDO project.

The EU calls on North Korea to take immediate steps to comply with international non-proliferation commitments and eliminate its nuclear weapons programme in a verifiable manner, in accordance with its IAEA Safeguards Agreement.

The European Union hopes that the recent progress in the peace process in the Korean Peninsula will not be jeopardised.

The European Union stands ready to work with all parties to find a peaceful resolution to this situation.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.


Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 44 GENERAL INFORMATION


Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union regarding a declaration by the Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus and Malta and the EFTA countries Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area concerning the extension of the Common Position on Burma/Myanmar Brussels, 28 October 2002

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus and Malta and the EFTA countries Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, declare that they share the objectives of common position 2002/.../CFSP defined by the Council of the European Union on 21 October 2002 on the basis of Article 15 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the extension of the Common Position on Burma/Myanmar. They will ensure that their national policies conform to that common position.

The European Union takes note of this commitment and welcomes it.


160/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the cessation of hostilities in Somalia Brussels, 31 October 2002

The European Union welcomes the declaration on the cessation of hostilities and on the structure and principles of the peace and reconciliation process for Somalia adopted by the Somali parties meeting in Eldoret at the first Conference of the IGAD-sponsored peace and reconciliation process. That agreement represents a fundamental step that will ensure a wide consensual basis for the process.

The European Union congratulates all the participants on this demonstration of their desire for peace, stability and normality, which is also the dearest wish of the Somali people and invites them to continue their efforts in this direction. The EU is reassured by the announcement that the second phase of the process will start on 1 November with a view to deliberations by the parties on core issues of the process. This will be a very crucial phase, and the real commitment of all parties in the quest for solutions will be decisive.

The European Union reiterates its full support to the peace process sponsored by the IGAD and the efforts of the Technical Committee, coordinated by Kenya, which has played a crucial role in achieving this significant outcome.

The European Union reiterates its readiness to lend its political, financial and technical support to the proceedings of the Eldoret Conference and to contribute further to the development of the country as and when tangible progress is made towards reconciliation, peace and security.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.

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161/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the attempted coup in the Central African Republic Brussels, 30 October 2002

The European Union firmly condemns the further attempted coup d'état in the Central African Republic and deplores the resulting loss of human life. The European Union reaffirms its attachment to the principles of the African Union and condemns any recourse to force to obtain political change.

The European Union appeals to the rebel soldiers to lay down their arms. The European Union urges the countries in the region to respect the sovereignty and integrity of the territory of the Central African Republic. The European Union calls in particular upon neighbouring countries to monitor the activities of nationals of the Central African Republic in order to prevent them from carrying out destabilising operations from within their territories.

The European Union calls on all nationals of the Central African Republic to continue along the road towards reconciliation and national reconstruction and appeals to all political leaders to resume the political dialogue forthwith.

The European Union recalls the arrangements adopted at the Summit of the Heads of State at Libreville on 2 October 2002 and stresses the urgency of their implementation.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.


162/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union following the Presidential election in Brazil on 27 October 2002 Brussels, 29 October 2002

The European Union congratulates Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his victory and wishes him every success in his future task as President of Brazil.

The European Union reaffirms its commitment to continue its excellent relations with Brazil and to further enhance political dialogue, trade relations and economic links.

The European Union has confidence in the strength of the Brazilian economy and its potential for further growth and looks forward to working closely with the new Brazilian Government, also with a view to strengthening Mercosur, and reiterates the EU commitment to continue to make further progress in the ongoing EU-Mercosur negotiations.

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 46 GENERAL INFORMATION

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this declaration. ______

164/2002/rev. Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union On Unimpeded Humanitarian Access in Sudan Brussels, 6 November 2002 Sudan Donor Statement

The United States, the European Union, Norway, Canada, Japan and Switzerland welcome the signing on 15 October by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cessation of Hostilities which commits both parties to unimpeded humanitarian access to all areas and to all people in need. We expect both parties to fulfill their obligations immediately to facilitate the implementation of humanitarian assistance programs. We are encouraged by the resumption of the Inter-Government Authority on Development peace talks and applaud the critical role by the Government of Kenya in bringing this about.

The humanitarian situation in Sudan remains dire, especially in areas long-denied humanitarian access. The donor community stands ready to support the United Nations and its partners in ensuring the provision of unhindered humanitarian access - including carrying out needs and security assessments - throughout Sudan. We underscore the importance of ensuring the safety and security of all humanitarian workers as humanitarian programs are expanded throughout Sudan.

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.


166/2002 Statement by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union following the parliamentary elections in Bahrain Brussels, 5 November 2002

The European Union welcomes the development of the electoral process in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which demonstrates that Bahrain and the Bahraini people have taken important steps towards the development of a democratic State. With the parliamentary elections on 24 and 31 October 2002 the Bahraini population has been given the opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote. The European Union notes with satisfaction that the parliamentary elections have been conducted in a calm and orderly way which has also been recognized by the opposition. The European Union also welcomes the fact that women were able to participate in the elections. is convinced that the new government, on the firm basis of the rule of

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law and compliance with human rights and fundamental freedoms, will be able to meet fully the aspiration for peace and prosperity of all its people.

The European Union will continue to stand by the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Bahraini people in their striving for democratic reform.


167/2002 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union, the Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism Brussels, 11 November 2002

The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, declare that they share the objectives of Council Common Position 2002/847/CFSP of 28 October 2002 updating Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism and repealing Common Position 2002/462/CFSP. They will ensure that their national policies conform to that common position. The European Union takes note of this commitment and welcomes it.


Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 48 GENERAL INFORMATION




Full text versions of EESC opinions are available in the 11 official languages on the Committee's website at the following address: ("Documents")


This session was marked by the installation of the new Committee, whose members were appointed by the Council on 17 September 2002 for the period from 21 September 2002 to 20 September 2006 (see OJ L 253 of 21.9.2002). The Committee proceeded to elect its new Bureau under the chairmanship of the oldest member present.

Mr Roger Briesch was elected president of the European Economic and Social Committee for a term of two years by 173 votes to three, with six abstentions. Mr Briesch, 69, is a trade unionist from Lorraine, France, who was previously president of the EESC's Workers Group (now renamed the Employees Group). Mr Nielsen (Denmark – Various Interests Group) and Mr Frerichs (Germany – Employers Group) were elected vice-presidents of the EESC.


During its working meeting the Committee adopted the following opinions, which included an exploratory opinion on transport safety requested by the Commission.

• Transport safety Rapporteur: Mrs Bredima Savopoulou (Employers – EL) References : Exploratory opinion – CESE 1156/2002

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Key points:

The EESC believes that steps should be taken internationally to address the causes of terrorism and other threats to society, and not just seek to eliminate their effects, and underlines the need to:

• equip ships, aircraft, airports and port facilities for the possibility of encountering terrorist attacks or other forms of criminal intentions; • strengthen co-operation between the various administrations of the EU Member States (immigration, customs, airport authorities and port authorities) and coordinate the decision-making processes in international fora and at EU level in order to avoid possible inconsistencies between international and Community rules; • apply security requirements uniformly and without discrimination; these measures must not compromise normal trade flows; • assess new security measures in relation to the objectives they pursue, their costs and their impact on traffic. They should not restrain the personal human rights of citizens nor the constitutional order of individual states.

As regards the financing of transport safety, which currently varies from country to country, the EESC feels that the question requires a harmonised approach within the EU and that governments should undertake coordinated action in drawing up a comprehensive policy for financing and guaranteeing the highest level of security possible for sea and air travel.

Contact: Mr Luis Lobo (tel.: 32 2 546 9717 - e-mail: [email protected])

* * *

• Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a multi-annual programme (2003-2005) for the monitoring of eEurope, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network and information security (MODINIS) Rapporteur: Mr Retureau (Employees - F) References: COM(2002) 425 final – 2002/0187 CNS – CESE 1157/2002

Key points:

The Committee fully supports the MODINIS programme.

The EESC would encourage benchmarking as an essential common mechanism for analysis for all studies and actions in the field of the Information Society.

The Committee endorses the priority given to broadband networks in the programme. It also feels that the development of high-speed access is a key requirement for Europeans and should be viewed as a service of general interest, readily accessible throughout the Community at affordable cost.

Bulletin 18.11.2002 - EN - PE 320.292 50 GENERAL INFORMATION

The Committee recommends not only that the programme should aim to promote a substantial increase in society's awareness of network and information security issues, but also that it should try to reconcile the need to protect information and networks with users' rights and civil liberties.

Contact : Mr Raffaele Del Fiore (tel.: 32 2 546 9794 - e-mail: [email protected])

* * *

• Drug dependence Rapporteur-general: Mrs Le Nouail-Marliere (Employees – F) References: COM(2002) 201 final – 2002/0098(CNS) – CESE 1159/2002

Key points:

The EESC notes that this recommendation focuses on the aim of reducing drugs-related health damage, and in particular encompasses information and risk prevention, as well as specific responses to the need to reduce the demand for drugs; it does not tackle the reduction of supply. The EESC regrets, however, that the aims specified in the recommendation lack an interface dimension which would encourage the pooling of efforts in different fields: health, police, education, social services and employment.

Risk factors are changing all the time and protective measures must keep pace.

Prevention and forms of action to curb drug dependence can be incorporated into occupational health and safety programmes. The workplace may not necessarily be the source of drug dependence but it can be an environment where such situations become entrenched. The social partners should be mobilized, along with the traditional players in the health and social sectors, in framing combined prevention/reintegration programmes to assist drug-dependent workers where necessary.

Contact: Stefania Barbesta (tel.: 32 2 546 9510 - e-mail: [email protected])

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• Provisions for dealing with exceptional natural disasters in applicant countries Rapporteur-general: Mr Kienle (Employers - D) References: COM(2002) 519 final – 2002/0227 CNS – CESE 1161/2002

Key points:

The Committee approves the proposal, which it regards as a sensible adjunct to the Commission proposal establishing an EU Solidarity Fund to deal with natural disasters.

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On the other hand, the Committee regrets the enormous start-up problems and administrative difficulties involved in implementing SAPARD.

Contact: Ms Georgine Willems (tel.: 32 2 546 9471 - e-mail: [email protected]

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• European Union Solidarity Fund Rapporteur: Mr Kienle (Employers - D) Reference : COM(2002) 514 final – 2002/0228 (CNS) – CESE 1158/2002

Key points:

The EESC supports the Commission proposal. It recommends that clear eligibility criteria be established for allocating resources from the Fund. The Committee acknowledges that support from other Community financial instruments is also necessary and stresses the importance of flood prevention measures.

Contact : Mr Roberto Pietrasanta (tel.: 32 2 546 9313 - e-mail : [email protected])

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• Reduced VAT rates – Labour-intensive services Rapporteur: Mr Ladrille (Employees - B) Reference: COM(2002) 525 final – 2002/0230 (CNS) – CESE 1160/2002

Key points:

The Committee approves the Commission's proposal.

Contact: Mr Roberto Pietrasanta (tel.: 32 2 546 9313 - e-mail: [email protected])


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Summary of resolutions and decisions adopted, subjects discussed in plenary and action taken

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