Can We Crowdsource Language Design?

Preston Tunnell Wilson∗ Justin Pombrio Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University Brown University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract (Community input processes are clearly a hybrid, but at best Most programming languages have been designed by com- they only suggest changes, which must then be approved by miŠees or individuals. What happens if, instead, we throw “the designers”.) open the design process and let lots of programmers weigh in Œere are fewer examples of language design conducted on semantic choices? Will they avoid well-known mistakes through extensive user studies and user input, though there like dynamic scope? What do they expect of aliasing? What are a few noteworthy examples that we discuss in section 11. kind of overloading behavior will they choose? None of these addresses comprehensive, general-purpose We investigate this issue by posing questions to program- languages. Furthermore, many of these results focus on mers on Amazon Mechanical Turk. We examine several lan- syntax, but relatively liŠle on the semantics, which is at least guage features, in each case using multiple-choice questions as important as syntax, even for beginners [11, 31]. to explore programmer preferences. We check the responses In this paper, we assess the feasibility of designing a lan- for consensus (agreement between people) and consistency guage to match the expectations and desires of programmers. (agreement across responses from one person). In general Concretely, we pose a series of questions on Amazon Me- we €nd low consistency and consensus, potential confusion chanical Turk (MTurk) to people with programming experi- over mainstream features, and arguably poor design choices. ence to explore the kinds of behaviors programmers would In short, this preliminary evidence does not argue in favor want to see. Our hope is to €nd one or both of: of designing languages based on programmer preference. Consistency For related questions, individuals answer CCS Concepts •So ware and its engineering → Gen- the same way. eral programming languages; •Social and professional Consensus Across individuals, we €nd similar answers. topics → History of programming languages; Neither one strictly implies the other. Each individual could Keywords crowdsourcing, language design, misconceptions, be internally consistent, but di‚erent people may wildly user studies disagree on what they expect. At the other extreme, people ACM Reference format: might not be internally consistent at all, but everyone may Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishna- agree in their (inconsistent) expectations. murthi. 2017. Can We Crowdsource Language Design?. In Proceed- Both properties have consequences for language design. ings of Onward, Vancouver, Canada, October 22–27, 2017 (Onward! If people generate consensus without consistency, we can ’17), 17 pages. still € a language to their desires, though the language may 10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn DOI: be unpredictable in surprising ways. On the other hand, if people are internally consistent even though they don’t 1 Introduction agree with each other, we could imagine creating “personal- Programming languages are clearly user interfaces: they ized” languages (using a mechanism like Racket’s #lang [9]), are how a programmer communicates their desires to the though the resulting languages would be confusing to peo- computer. design is therefore a form ple who don’t share their views. (Œis is already slightly the of user interface design. case: e.g., numerous scripting languages are super€cially Œere are many traditions in interface design, and in de- similar but have many subtle semantic di‚erences.) In an sign in general. One divisor between these traditions is how ideal world, people are both consistent and arrive at a con- design decisions are made. Sometimes, decisions are made sensus, in which case we could €t a language to their views by a small number of opinionated designers (think Apple). and the language would likely have predictable behavior. Œese have parallels in programming language design, from As BeŠeridge’s Law implies [1], we do not live in that individual designers to small commiŠees, and this is even world. Indeed, what we €nd is that in general, programmers codi€ed in (unocial) titles likes Benevolent Dictator for Life. exhibit neither consistency nor consensus. Naturally, however, this paper is only an initial salvo and the topic requires much ∗Last name is “Tunnell Wilson” (index under “T”). more exploration. Onward! ’17, Vancouver, Canada 2017. 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM...$15.00 Methodology We conducted surveys on MTurk, each fo- DOI: 10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn cusing on a language feature. Most of these surveys were Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi open for a week; we kept a few open longer to get enough re- sponses. We focused on mainstream features found in most languages. Œe tasks asked for previous programming expe- 0.5 0.6 rience, sometimes experience with that speci€c feature (like object-oriented programming), and asked people to report on their programming experience. Œose who did not list Height any experience were eliminated from the data analysis (as were duplicate respondents). We considered their responses A B 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 invalid and all others valid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 For each feature we asked respondents—called workers or 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Turkers—to tell us what they thought “a NEW programming Œe height of the point atdissimilarity which subtrees join gives the language would produce”. We then presented a series of average distance between the responses found in the subtrees, programs with multiple choices for the expected output of where the distance between two responses is the fraction each one. (Each question also asked if they would want a of answers on which they di‚er (i.e., normalized Hamming di‚erent answer, but workers rarely selected this option, so distance [13]). In this case, within each cluster the responses we don’t discuss it further.) For the programs, we purposely do not di‚er at all, so each cluster is joined at height 0. Be- used a syntax that was reminiscent of existing languages, tween the two clusters, responses always di‚er in 2 out of 3 but not identical to any particular one. Every question also answers, so they join at height 2/3. (We have been unable allowed “Error” and “Other”. All respondents were required to get our package to always show the full y-axis, i.e., to to give their reasoning behind their chosen answer; those height 1; sorry.) On the other hand, say everyone chose their who picked Error and Other were also asked to state their answers uniformly at random; the cluster tree might be:1 expectation. In the data analysis, for simplicity we binned all Error answers together, and likewise all Other responses 0.7

(even though this makes our measures look higher than they 0.6 really are). Our discussion will also be presented by language feature. 0.5 19 38 0.4 2 Height 15 47 0.3 1 8 5 2 Structure of the Data Analysis 18 24 31 40 50 28 16 26 23 43 49 29 46 13 20 22

In this section we describe our methods and how we will 0.2 9 6 3 4 organize the results. All the questions in one section (with 10 14 32 33 12 17 11 35 30 36 37 41 21 44 25 34 one exception: section 8.2) were answered by the same set of 0.1 7 workers, but no aŠempt was made to solicit the same workers 39 42 48 27 45 across sections. Œe €nal paper will be accompanied by a Œe cluster trees we €nd for our programming surveys link to the full questions and data sets. show weak clustering, but theredissimilarity are two incidental factors that may contribute to this. First, these trees are sensitive to the number of questions. When there are few questions 2.1 Comparisons (some of ours had fewer than 5), the height exaggerates dis- Within each section, we will compute consensus and consis- agreement. Second, we purposely asked questions with the tency for small groups of related questions. We furthermore potential for disagreement: there are plenty of straightfor- visualize these measurements as well as the spread of data ward programs whose behavior is uncontroversial, but they for most question comparisons. wouldn’t make useful survey questions for that very reason. We give a more technical description of our cluster trees Summary Tables When comparing answers to just two in appendix A.2. questions, we will summarize the results in a table. However, Consensus Consensus is how much workers give the same for comparisons between three (or more) questions, instead answers as each other. We measure it in two ways. First, we of showing an unwieldy n-dimensional table, we show a give the simple agreement probability p¯. Œis is the proba- cluster tree [16], as described below. bility that two random workers answered a random ques- tion the same way as each other. However, it is well un- Cluster Trees As an illustrative example of clustering, sup- derstood [6] that p¯ overstates agreement, because it does pose that there were three questions, and workers fell into not account for the fact that some agreement may be due to two camps, with the €rst camp always answering “1, 2, 3”, 1 More precisely, we ploŠed answers chosen uniformly at random to 8 and the second camp answering “1, 4, 5”. Œis produces the questions, each with 3 possible answers. Œese numbers were chosen to be following cluster tree: representative of our surveys. Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada chance. It is therefore standard to use an inter-coder reliabil- a detailed summary). We con€rm some known misconcep- ity metric that accounts for chance. We thus also report a tions here, and discover some new and unusual programmer metric called free-marginal κ [30], herea‰er simply κ. Œis expectations. is the level of agreement above chance, where “chance” is With this explanation, we can now begin our study of calculated assuming that for each question, each answer various language features. is equally likely to be chosen. κ scores range from −1 to 1, with negative scores representing less agreement than would 3 Binding and Scope be expected by chance, 0 representing plain chance, and 1 We surveyed Turkers on their expectations of scope and representing perfect agreement. parameter passing. We obtained 56 valid responses. Œe assumption that all answers are equi-probable is un- realistic, so κ scores may show higher agreement than they 3.1 Dynamic Scope should (though never lower). Unfortunately, we are unaware We begin by examining the following two programs and of a more appropriate metric of agreement. Œe notable al- comparing them. Both access identi€ers outside their static ternative is Fleiss’ κ score [10] (a generalization of Cohen’s scope, but in slightly di‚erent ways. In a statically-scoped κ). Fleiss’ κ is not applicable for many of our uses, however, language, both should produce an error. because it requires that each question have the same set of 1 func f(): possible answers. Fortunately, we will typically be highlight- 2 a = 14 ing how low the agreement scores are, so free-marginal κ is 3 func g(): the conservative direction to err in. We discuss our choice 4 a = 12 of agreement measures further in appendix A.1. 5 6 f() 7 g() Consistency Consensus measured how o‰en workers an- 8 print (a) swered a question the same way as each other. Consistency, on the other hand, measures how o‰en workers gave what 1 func f(): we consider to be consistent answers to a set of questions. 2 d = 32 For example, we asked what the programs "5" + 2 and 3 return g() 2 + "5" should produce, and we judged that the answers 4 ought to be the same, even though in some languages they 5 func g(): are di‚erent. 6 return d + 3 Similar to consensus, we report for consistency both p¯ 7 and (free-marginal) κ. When comparing answers to two 8 print (f()) questions, p¯ for consistency will typically be the sum along the diagonal. In addition, when we provide a consistency score, we will always describe what we took to be consistent print(f()) responses. Unlike with consensus, which is a pure measure- print(a) 3 32 35 Error Other ment, here there is room for readers to disagree with our 12 0.0% 0.0% 28.6% 19.6% 0.0% choices; other choices could result in di‚erent scores. 14 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 26 0.0% 3.6% 7.1% 1.8% 1.8% Error 1.8% 1.8% 7.1% 16.1% 1.8% 2.2 Overviews Other 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% Beyond looking at consensus and consistency for small sets of questions, there is also information to be gleaned by look- Sadly, the majority of Turkers expected some form of dy- ing at workers’ overall responses to a survey. O‰en, clusters namic scope. Of course, it is impossible to be sure from these of workers can be found who appear to have similar expec- studies what mental model they had of binding based on this tations. To explore this, we perform hierarchical clustering syntax (e.g., perhaps they assumed that all variables were analysis on the responses, plot the results as a tree, and label global and = only performed assignment, or that assignment some of the clusters we have found. to undeclared variables li‰ed those variables to an outer Additionally, sometimes Turkers’ expectations are at odds scope). We were aware of these issues and ambiguities but with well-established language behaviors such as lexical nevertheless used this syntax since it is common to many scope. When they are, their expectations can be classi€ed popular languages that loosely have static scope. Some an- as misconceptions. We will call out these cases. Œere is a swers are particularly inexplicable, such as the 19.6% who long history of literature on misconceptions that students chose (12, Error): why not pick Error for both? Perhaps they encounter when programming (Sorva [32, pg. 29] provides thought that a function’s local variables should be available Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

globally, but not from within other functions? Observe that 1 o = 3 only 16.1% chose (Error, Error). 2 func f(): 3 o = 27 Consensus We obtained a consensus of p¯: 0.339; κ: 0.174. 4 Consistency For consistency, we binned answers into · 5 func g(): accessing another function’s variables, · error, and · other, 6 o = 11 for both of these questions. We obtain p¯: 0.536; κ: 0.304. 7 8 f() 3.2 Accessing Formal Parameters 9 g() Œe next pair of questions asks Turkers whether the pro- 10 print (o) gram has access to formal parameters outside a function. print(o) Œese questions are similar to the previous ones, but focus 3 11 27 38 Error Other on formal parameters, which are arguably even more clearly “scoped”, a perception borne out by the data. Still, only 39.3% 28.6% 53.6% 1.8% 5.4% 8.9% 1.8% chose (Error, Error). Œe 11 answer corresponds to the top-level o being the o 1 func f(b): mutated in the functions. Œe 3 answer corresponds to in- 2 c = 8 troducing new bindings within each function scope. 3 return c + 5 Consensus We report a consensus of p¯: 0.369; κ: 0.243. As 4 there is no question to compare this to, there is no consis- 5 f(4) tency to report. 6 print (b) 3.4 Clustering All Responses 1 func f(e): 2 return e + 5 3 clusteredScope 4 func g(e): 5 return e * 2

6 43 13

0.6 0.8 A B 7 f(7) 24 41 8 g(3) 9 10

9 print (e) Height 2 8 46 29 53 56 42 19 38 7 12 1 4 5 16 37 23 27 40 55 50 34 31 21 26 44 51 15 17 52 54 print(e) 0.0 0.2 0.4 3 6 45 20 30 36 14 18 11 22 25 49 35 47 print(b) 3 6 7 10 24 Error Other 33 39 28 32 48 4 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% dissimilarity 8 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% Œe split between the “A”Agglomerative and “B” Coefficient clusters = 0.78 was entirely due 13 1.8% 5.4% 1.8% 1.8% 0.0% 17.9% 7.1% to the program in section 3.3. Œe workers in the “A” cluster 17 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% all expected this program to produce 11. Œe workers in Error 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 39.3% 1.8% the “B” cluster all expected 3. Œe remaining workers did Other 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.4% not have a majority opinion on this question. Workers in both “A” and “B” were split on whether the €rst program in section 3.1 would error or not. Consensus We calculated a consensus of p¯: 0.337; κ: 0.223. Œis low score can be seen in the two largest clusters of 39.3% 4 Single Inheritance and 17.9% while the rest of the groups consist of at most 7.1%. We measured how workers expected €eld and method access to work in the presence of single inheritance. We prefaced Consistency We binned answers into · the actual argument the questions with a quick primer for classes in our made-up value, · the return value, · error, and · other. We obtain a language and with class de€nitions common to the programs. consistency of p¯: 0.625; κ: 0.5. We had 48 valid responses. 3.3 Variable Shadowing Œe following question tests whether functions have separate bindings from top-level scope: Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

ac.f() ac.x 3 30 33 60 300 330 Error Other 3 4.2% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 2.1% 0.0% 2.1% 6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 300 2.1% 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 43.8% 0.0% 2.1% 2.1% 303 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 330 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 333 2.1% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Error 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.2% 0.0% Other 2.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 1. Comparison of Inheritance Answers

4.1 Comparing Field and Method Access 4.2 Clustering All Responses

1 class A: 2 Int x = 3 clusteredInheritance 3 Int f(): 4 return x 5 Int g(): 15 6 return x + f() 0.6 0.8 1.0 4 7 9 17 7 31 47 48 12 30

8 class B extends A: Height

9 Int x = 30 5 18 27 34 26 10 Int f(): A B

11 return x 0.0 0.2 0.4 1 6 2 8 3 11 19 22 23 35 10 13 14 16 20 21 24 25 28 33 36 37 39 40 41 42 44 46 29 43 12 32 38 45 13 class C extends B: dissimilarity 14 Int x = 300 Agglomerative Coefficient = 0.82 15 Int g(): 16 return x + f()

Given this preface, we asked for the output for each of: Œe “A” cluster expected ac.f() to produce 30 (Java’s an- 1 A ac = C() swer). Œe “B” cluster expected it to produce 300, which 2 print(ac.x) corresponds to giving ac the type C instead of A. Both clus- ters “A” and “B” expected ac.x to produce 300 and ac.g() to produce the sum of these two. 1 A ac = C() “B”s answers are what we would get from translating into 2 print(ac.f()) Python, which would necessarily leave out the type annota- tion A on ac. Œus, maybe workers simply failed to notice the Œe results of these questions are shown in table 1. Notice annotation. We therefore posted another typed inheritance that only one person (2.1%) expected these programs to be- study, this one using two variables, one declared to have have as Java would (3 and 30, respectively). We also had a type A and the other C. Œis led 20% to conclude that anno- third question: tating with A was an error. Œis outcome was independent 1 A ac = C() of whether they listed having Java experience. 2 print(ac.g()) It is worth noting that not a single worker expected Java’s behavior across all the questions. We were curious to see No worker answered all three questions consistent with how similar but newer languages like C# and Kotlin fare. Java’s semantics. C# also goes against Turkers’ expectations: €eld lookup Consensus We report a consensus of p¯: 0.373; κ: 0.316. We behaves similarly to Java, and method access either gets do not report consistency as €eld and method access are the “highest” or “lowest” method, depending on whether the two separate semantic concepts and Java itself does not treat superclass’s method is declared with new or virtual. Kotlin, them consistently. in contrast, behaves according the the majority of workers’ Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

expectations—the €elds and methods of the “lowest” class 2 Answer.ObjectAliasing are accessed. Answer.NewSyntaxObjectAliasing Answer.FieldExpVarEvaluation

5 Records and Fields 0.8 We posed questions to Turkers about object aliasing and 12 dynamic €eld lookup. We received 64 valid responses.

5.1 Object Aliasing 0.4 0.6 Height

We created programs both in conventional €eld access syn- 21 8 15 28 41 38 tax (record.field) and in one conducive to dynamic €eld 34 access (record["field"]). We can compare between these A B

two syntaxes as a way to validate that workers interpreted 0.0 0.2 them the same way. We did not ask Turkers whether they 1 7 9 2 3 4 5 6 13 14 17 19 25 33 36 37 40 44 45 11 22 10 16 20 23 27 30 31 35 39 43 46 47 48 26 preferred one over the other. 18 24 42 29 32 We compare answers to the following three questions to dissimilarity explore workers’ expectations on aliasing: About 30% of workers (clusterAgglomerative “B”) Coefficient expected = 0.93 aliasing while another 30% (cluster “A”) expected no aliasing (potentially using a pass-by-copy semantics). Œe remaining workers did 1 func f(d): not have consistent expectations. 2 = "Batman" 3 c = {"name": "Bruce Wayne", "allowance": 2000} Consensus We report a consensus of p¯: 0.410; κ: 0.230. 4 f(c) 5 print( Consistency We report a consistency of p¯: 0.743; κ: 0.679 for binning answers into · nothing, · object aliasing, · no object aliasing, · error, and · other. Œough workers might have been split on whether object aliasing occurs naturally or 1 func f(e): not, few workers changed their opinion between the di‚erent 2 e["type"] = "cocoon" syntactical versions of this question. However, despite our 3 instructions on the equivalence of the two syntaxes, some 4 h = {"name": "Winky", "type": "caterpillar"} workers thought the [] form should error as these records 5 f(h) were not arrays. (We also tried this study with parenthetical 6 print(h["type"]) €eld access syntax, but this was confused with function calls.)

5.2 Dynamic Field Lookup For these questions, we asked what record["brick" + 1 func f(k): "house"] (or record["dog" + "house"] for one question) 2 day = "day" should produce while varying the €elds available in record. 3 k["birth" + day] = "today" 4 5 l = {"name": "Liam", "birthday": "tomorrow"} 1 s = {"doghouse": "red", "maker": "Brydon"} 6 f(l) 2 print(s["dog" + "house"]) 7 print(l["birthday"])

1 w = {"brick": 3, "house": 5} 2 print(w["brick" + "house"])

2Œis opens up a potential type soundness issue: if a subclass overrides a €elds with a subtype of the original €eld’s type, then assigning to the €eld 1 v = {"brick": 1, "house": 4, "brickhouse": 2} using the superclass could violate the €eld’s type signature in the subclass. 2 print(v["brick" + "house"]) Kotlin avoids this issue by not allowing a mutable €eld to be overridden with a subtype. Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

the workers in the le‰ group were split on these questions Answer.FieldExpStringsEvaluation Answer.FieldConflateEvaluation but tended to distribute. In short, the right group followed Answer.CompositeFieldAdded conventional language behavior, but the le‰ group did not.

0.8 6 Boolean Coercion We explored which values workers €nd “truthy” and “falsy”. Œe basic format of these questions is: 1 if (0) { 0.4 0.6

Height 2 print("blue pill") 3 } else { 8 2 13 15 12 22 31 46 4 print("red pill") A B 5 }

0.0 0.2 substituting other values for 0. For each question, the only 1 6 3 4 5 7 9 19 34 14 17 21 25 28 32 33 36 38 40 44 45 10 16 23 26 27 35 43 48 24 41 42 11 18 29 20 30 37 39 47 possible answers are: blue pill (corresponding to the value coercing to true), red pill (meaning the value coerced to

dissimilarity false), and (as always) “Error” and “Other”. Œe workers in the “B”Agglomerative cluster Coefficient evaluated = 0.94 the €eld-access We questioned Turkers on numbers, strings, and empty expression, and then accessed the €eld of that name (if it ex- data structures, and received 56 valid responses. As there isted). Œe “A” cluster was more interesting: they distributed are consistency issues with numbers and strings, we delay the operation across the €elds, thus choosing the answers 8 discussing it until a‰er comparing empty data structures. and 5 (by adding the values together). Consensus We report a consensus over these three ques- 6.1 Empty Aggregates: "", [], {} tions of p¯: 0.351; κ: 0.153. We consider the responses for "", [], and {}. Œe survey explained that [] means an empty list and {} means an empty Consistency If we consider the A cluster to all be consis- object. We obtain the following cluster tree: tent, and similarly the B cluster, we obtain a consistency of p¯: .785; κ: 0.677 (these bins are · the distributed €elds, · Answer.EmptyQuotes Answer.EmptySet the evaluated €eld expression value, and · other ). We can Answer.EmptyObject also check whether workers use the same operation (8 and 5 versus 35 and 14) when distributing. Œe corresponding bins are · adding the distributed €eld values, · concatenating 0.8 the distributed €eld values, · evaluating the €eld expression value then looking up the €eld, and · other. Œis yields p¯: 0.833; κ: 0.778. 0.4 0.6 Height 5.3 Clustering All Responses 1 2 25 45 19 27


clusteredRecords 0.0 0.2 0.8 9 4 5 3 6 7 8 28 29 41 43 10 12 21 23 24 26 32 34 38 39 42 44 17 22 50 53 13 16 31 35 36 40 46 51 55 47 56 15 18 33 52 37 54 14 30 48 49 11 20 0.6 dissimilarity Each of the four largest clustersAgglomerative Coefficient thought = 0.96 that these values 12

0.4 should all behave the same way. Cluster “B” thought that 22 18 2

Height each of these expressions should error in the test expression 9 8 28 32 34 15

0.2 position of a conditional; cluster “D” believed they should 6 7 37 11 29 all be falsy; cluster “A” picked Other for each; and cluster “C” 41 26 5 13 21 38 40 46 31 35 24 42 0.0 believed they should all be truthy. 1 3 4 19 14 17 25 33 36 44 45 10 23 43 48 20 30 39 47 16 27 Consensus No single cluster has a majority of workers, so

dissimilarity we obtain low consensus scores of p¯: 0.275; κ: -0.033. Œe grouping on the le‰ tendedAgglomerative Coefficient to expect = 0.81 no object aliasing while the grouping on the right thought aliasing occurs. Consistency "", [], and {} are all empty aggregates: of Interestingly, most of the workers on the right evaluated the characters, list elements, or €eld values, respectively. It is €eld-access expression €rst and then looked up the value; therefore plausible that they should all be treated identically Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi as boolean conditionals, and in fact Turkers largely agree. Binning answers into · true, · false, · error, and · other, we get a consistency of p¯: 0.726; κ: 0.635. clusteredBoolean

6.2 ‡e Remaining †estions 0.8

Œe rest of the truthy/falsy questions we asked were essen- 0.6 54 tially independent of one another, so we simply report how 1 27 52 many workers believed each value to be truthy/falsy/etc.: 0.4 4 Height 37 11 20 29 17 22 0.2 3 19 32 50 23 42 26 45 18 48 30 33

‹estion truthy falsy Error Other 15 34 16 35 36 51 21 7 2 46 31 0.0 8 6 0 19.6% 48.2% 8.9% 23.2% 47 56 25 40 55 13 14 49 53 12 39 44 9 5 15 37.5% 23.2% 19.6% 19.6% 28 41 43 24 10 38 "-1" 21.4% 28.6% 32.1% 17.9% dissimilarity NaN 12.5% 30.4% 30.4% 26.8% Only eight workers agreedAgglomerative with anyone Coefficient = 0.76 else for all questions— "0" 25.0% 30.4% 25.0% 19.6% everyone else answered distinctly. Generally, the workers in nil 14.3% 37.5% 25.0% 23.2% the le‰ area picked Other for most values, those in the middle true 51.8% 14.3% 7.1% 26.8% area picked true or false for a majority of questions, and those in the right area picked Error. Œe overall consensus Notably, workers expected 0—more than any other value— was correspondingly low: p¯: 0.278; κ: 0.036. to be falsy, likely from a boolean interpretation of 0 and 1 (as in C). 7 Numbers Œe number of people who picked Other is uncommonly We received 60 valid responses to questions about numbers. high for this survey. Œe majority of these workers reported We asked three questions, one of which was free-response, that they did not expect to see just a constant in the predi- so we leave it out of the comparisons below. cate position, and (in e‚ect) expected to see an expression that included an explicit comparison operator. Œis may Precision be a consequence of many traditional computing curricula, We asked workers to tell us what they expected the programs which do not usually show a raw constant in the predicate position, nor use a reduction semantics [7], which would 1 1 / 3 force a learner to confront this possibility. and In response to this, we sent out another survey with a variable assigned to the constant we wanted to test, and 1 2.5 + 2.125 the variable placed in the predicate position. Œis did not remove the original problem entirely (some workers still to produce, with answers that explored a variety of options expected a comparison), and introduced new diculties due of precision and presentation. Œeir answers were as follows: to a variable being in the predicate position (some workers thought the conditional would evaluate to true if the variable inside of it were assigned to anything at all). 2.5 + 2.125 Interestingly, 14.3% of workers expected true to be falsy. 1 / 3 4.6 4.625 Error Œese workers had similar reasoning as those who picked 0 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% Other. Œey gave one of two explanations: (i) since there was 0.3 3.3% 5.0% 0.0% no input to this comparison, the conditional would default 0.333 0.0% 8.3% 1.7% to false; or (ii) they expected that an implicit input was being 0.3333333333333 0.0% 31.7% 0.0% compared to true, and that this implicit input would most 0.3333. . . 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% likely be false. 0.3¯ 0.0% 11.7% 0.0% 1/3 0.0% 3.3% 0.0% 6.3 Clustering All Responses NaN 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% Œe full set of 10 questions tested the truthiness of: Error 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% Other 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% true, 0, "", NaN, nil, "0", "-1", [], {}, 15 (Œe second program had additional answers, such as 4 and We obtained the cluster tree: 5, which nobody picked.) Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

Consensus We obtain a consensus of p¯: 0.536; κ: 0.467. 8.1 Clustering All Responses Virtually every worker expected the answer to the second Beyond the questions described above, we also asked work- program to be precise, but for the €rst program fewer chose ers their expectations on "6" + "7" and "8" * "2". Œe any of the precise answers, and they were furthermore split overall cluster tree is: on the preferred output, resulting in a lower overall consen- sus score.

Consistency We looked for consistency across the ques- clusteredNumsAndStrings tions in choosing precise answers: this means binning to- gether the several precise representations for the €rst ques- B tion (e.g., 1/3 with 0.3¯). Œus, the bins are · precise, · not 13 24 precise, · error, and · other. Œis resulted in a score of p¯: 0.6 0.8 43 A 4 8

0.383; κ: 0.248, which is not very high. 12 Height 7 14

However, this classi€cation conƒates two issues. One 17 19 29 15 21 25

is the internal representation of the quotient, the other is 27 1 26 37 33 41 45 18 32 20 38 44

what the computer will output [33]. Many of the workers 2 3 10 11 22 0.0 0.2 0.4 28 31 who picked 0.3333333333333 mentioned that the computer 23 36 5 9 6 30 39 42 16 34 35 would truncate the display. Only three (out of 19) mentioned 40 anything about ƒoating point numbers. Œus, if we instead dissimilarity code 0.3333333333333 as precise in the classi€cation above, Œe “A” cluster is characterizedAgglomerative Coefficient byexpecting = 0.72 a majority of we obtain a consistency of p¯: 0.700; κ: 0.630. the operations to error. Œe “B” cluster expected almost all operations to produce some value. 8 Number and String Operations 8.2 Type Annotations We now move on to common binary operations with num- Œe content here was actually part of the types survey (sec- bers and strings as operands. We asked 12 questions, and tion 9), so we do not include its responses in the clustering received 45 valid responses. above. We provided the following question: We constructed most of these questions in analogous pairs. We give the consensus and consistency scores for each ques- 1 x: String = "5" 3 tion pair below, and will describe the consistency bins next: 2 y: Int = 3 3 print (x + y) Consensus Consistency ‹estion1 ‹estion2 p¯ κ p¯ κ We include it here to see what e‚ect including type anno- "5" + 2 2 + "5" 0.232 0.122 0.933 0.924 tations has on producing a value or an Error. Without type 3 * "4" "4" * 3 0.224 0.138 0.822 0.802 annotations, 33% of workers expected this program to error. "123"-"3" "123"-"2" 0.209 0.121 0.911 0.898 With type annotations, 41% of workers expected it to error. "xyz"-"z" "xyz"-"y" 0.352 0.223 0.911 0.893 Œis di‚erence is not statistically signi€cant (two-sample "1234"/4 "XXXX"/4 0.358 0.269 0.622 0.528 t-test, p-value = 0.458). Interestingly, a larger percentage of workers in the Types survey than workers in the Number and Workers were generally consistent on each question pair. String Operations survey expected string concatenation to Œere were a large number of bins, but most workers fell occur: 36% vs 13%. Œis di‚erence is statistically signi€cant into just these few: (two-sample t-test, p-value = 0.008). + · error, · addition (converting strings to numbers as necessary), and · string concatenation 9 Types - · error, · subtraction, and · removal of the right operand We ask Turkers whether the argument to a function can be from the le‰ of a di‚erent type than the formal parameter, and whether * · error, · string repetition, · multiplication (converting an error is produced when incompatible types are used in strings to numbers, and producing a number), and · an operation. We also probed their expectations of what are multiplication (converting strings to numbers, and commonly run-time errors. We have 49 valid responses. producing a string) / · error, · producing the €rst character of the le‰ operand, 9.1 Re-Assignment or Re-Binding and · producing NaN We reassigned a variable to a value of a di‚erent type. How- ever, we used the conventional = syntax, which can be in- 3 Œe subtraction and division questions had space around the operator; we terpreted as either assignment or (re-)binding. We used two omit it here for space. variants, distinguished only by a type annotation, to see Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

whether their interpretation of = was changed by the anno- Answer.StringToIntParam tation: Answer.TwoToString Answer.StringFourToNumber 1 x: Number = 3 2 x = " hello " 34 3 print (x) 0.8 1.0

1 x: Number = 3 2 x: String = "hello"

print (x) 0.4 0.6 3 Height

A 8 18 16 48 27 47 11 x: String = "hello" B C x = "hello" 3 hello Error Other 0.0 0.2

3 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 5 3 6 7 9 2 4 19 25 35 13 15 17 20 21 23 24 26 29 31 32 36 37 39 40 42 43 45 46 49 10 30 33 12 14 22 41 44 28 38 hello 4.1% 22.4% 4.1% 0.0%

Error 0.0% 36.7% 26.5% 2.0% dissimilarity Other 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% One might expect that TurkersAgglomerative are Coefficient more = 0.93 likely to think these programs error because the type is explicitly mentioned in the function header. Œis is in contrast to binary operators, Œe 36.7% group suggests that the type annotation made which are o‰en overloaded. a di‚erence. Œe workers in this group explained: that the Indeed, the large “A” cluster contains those workers who variable was re-declared as a string; that its type was changed expected the majority of these programs to error. Œe inner to be a string; that it was reassigned to be a string variable; “B” cluster contains those workers who expected every one or that a new variable was declared. of these programs to error. Œe “C” cluster contains the Consensus We obtained a consensus of p¯: 0.492; κ: 0.323. workers who expected these programs to produce a value, Œis low agreement is due to the three large groupings of except for three workers in the middle, who expected the responses. €rst program to error. Consistency We consider two possible ways to be consis- Consensus We report p¯: 0.505; κ: 0.367. Again, this can be tent. It’s certainly consistent to report Error in both cases. aŠributed to the number of workers who expected all three We bin answers into · the original value, · the mutated value, programs to error. · error, and · other. Œis obtains p¯ 0.490; κ: 0.320. We are also Consistency We use a coarse form of consistency: · whether willing to consider that the annotation makes the second these programs are expected to error or · not or · other. With program legal, making Error and hello consistent. As these that loose expectation, we report p¯ 0.755; κ: 0.633. two are now consistent, we can only bin answers into · the original value, · type annotation makes the second program 9.3 Clustering All Responses valid, and · other. Œis scores p¯: 0.429; κ: 0.143.

9.2 Incorrect Argument Types clusteredTypes We now examine expectations when actual arguments do B not match the formal ones. 8

1 func f(s: String) -> Number : 4 33 47

2 12 / s A 11 34 16 3 print(f(2)) 0.4 0.6 Height 12 41 1 7 27 36 10

1 func f(i: Number): 37 32 2 30 2 print (i + 1) 18 25 3 0.0 0.2 9 5 29 35 43 20 39 26 45 14 48 15 17 28 38 3 19 31 6 46 13 21 24 40 42 22 44 4 f(" one ") 23 49

dissimilarity 1 func f(s: Number) -> Number : Œe large “A” cluster containsAgglomerative Coefficient workers = 0.74 who thought that 2 return 12 / s the majority of programs should error while the remaining 3 print(f("4")) workers, in “B”, thought that the majority of these programs should produce a value. Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

9.4 Runtime Error print(f(3)) To check whether workers who didn’t expect annotation print(f(2)) 3 30 Error Other errors would expect any errors at all, we included a question 5 0.0% 65.3% 2.0% 0.0% that would result in an out-of-bounds error. 7 2.0% 6.1% 4.1% 2.0% 1 func getFifthElement(a: Array) -> Int : 10 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% 0.0% 2 return a[5] Error 0.0% 6.1% 6.1% 0.0% 3 Other 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4 v: Array = [1, 4, 9] 5 print(getFifthElement(v)) Table 2. Comparison of Top-Level State Answers About 82% of workers expected the program to error. One worker picked 4; three workers picked 9. None of these 10.2 Local Bindings workers had a helpful explanation. Five workers picked “Other.” Two of the €ve gave clear explanations. One said We next explored Turkers’ expectations of nested scopes and that it should error, but mentioned that Array is “not further lambdas. typed as a general container.” Œe other worker expected 1 func make_lambda(): it to return null. (In an earlier version of this study, one 2 h = 2 respondent picked the answer 9 because they counted the 3 return lambda(x): return x - h end commas as elements...) 4 5 h = 13 9.5 Strictly Typed vs Scripting Languages 6 f = make_lambda() We also asked these Turkers whether they preferred “strong- 7 print(f(20)) ly/static typed languages” or “scripting languages”. Eighteen responded that they preferred scripting languages while 31 print(f(20)) responded that they preferred typed languages. 5 7 18 Error Other We correlated these preferences against whether the work- ers ended up in clusters “A” and “B” (which roughly corre- 2.0% 18.4% 44.9% 26.5% 8.2% spond, respectively, to “typed” and “scripting” responses). We obtained a Pearson’s correlation of 0.210, which is— A surprising number of workers expected make lambda curiously—only a slight correlation. to error. Four out of these 13 workers thought that f was the same function as make lambda, and were therefore confused 10 Closures and Lambdas to see a parameter (20) being passed. Œree workers com- Œis survey began by showing an example of how we use plained that the variable x wasn’t de€ned. Œe remaining lambdas in this language. We received 49 valid responses. workers did not have helpful explanations.

10.1 Top-Level State Consensus We report p¯: 0.298; κ: 0.123. As this is a singu- lar question, we do not report consistency. We €rst consider how closures interact with top-level state. 1 z = 5 10.3 Closure Creation 2 f = lambda(x): return x + z end 1 func hello(name): 3 z = 3 2 return lambda(): print("Hello, " + name) end 4 print(f(2)) 3 1 f = lambda(y): return y * b end 4 hiJ = hello("Jack") 2 b = 10 5 hiP = hello("Peter") 3 print(f(3)) 6 hiJ () Œese programs resulted in table 2. Answer Percentage Consensus We report p¯: 0.579; κ: 0.484. Jack 4.1% Consistency We consider the answers 5 and 30 consistent Hello, Jack 67.3% (the same behavior as a language like Scheme). We also Hello, JackPeter 2.0% consider 7 and Error to be consistent. Binning all other Hello, JackHello, Peter 16.3% values as having some other semantic model (resulting in Error 8.2% bins of · Scheme-like, · closing over the store, and · other), Other 2.0% we obtained a consistency of p¯: 0.714; κ: 0.571. Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

Fortunately, two-thirds of workers correctly understood how whereas we are looking at a wide range of language features closures should work. Unfortunately, one-sixth thought that to identify a holistic language design in the process. the print statement was invoked twice. Kaijanaho proposes using results from research papers to design programming languages [15] and o‚ers a useful Consensus We report a consensus of p¯: 0.479; κ: 0.414. critique on using Cohen’s κ in these kinds of studies. His Again, there is no question to compare this question to, so recommendations, which include Fleiss’ κ, all su‚er from there is no consistency to calculate. the problem outlined at the beginning of this paper—namely, they all assume that each question has the same set of possi- 10.4 Clustering All Responses ble answers. We cluster all questions over all workers. Œere have also been many studies of student learning and misconceptions [2, 4, 31] that have the potential to impact language design. See Sorva [32, pg. 29] for an overview. Our

clusteredClosure surveys have a similar format of questions and choices of answers (corresponding to common interpretations). We too have found a number of problematic expectations that 11 programmers hold (section 13). However, there are three 29 0.6 0.8 major di‚erences between that literature and this paper: B 12 42 38 A •

Height Œose papers almost uniquely focus on a certain de€- 8 6 4 20 15 30 25 39 44 13 36 nition of introductory programming classes. In con- 24 trast, MTurk workers are required to be adults (18 40 28 33 35 49 37 43 46 16 48

0.0 0.2 0.4 and older) and many are working professionals. 1 3 2 5 7 9 21 22 45 10 41 14 17 26 31 47 23 27 18 34 19 32 • Corresponding to the focus, those papers examine a narrow set of features, such as variables, loops, and

dissimilarity Œe “A” and “B” clustersAgglomerative are split Coefficient on = 0.77make lambda. Œose function calls. Our work extends beyond this set in in “A” expected either 7 or Error while the workers in “B” both directions, to more advanced features such as expected 18. Œe remaining workers usually only di‚ered the interaction between inheritance and types, and by one question. to features taken for granted, like numbers. Similarly, we are also more focused on some of the edge cases 11 Related Work of language behavior, which introductory courses would usually not cover and hence not test. Several languages have been designed around user studies. • Finally, there is a major di‚erence in goals. Œat work Most of these have focused on novice programmers. For is aŠempting to study whether programmers under- instance, LOGO’s turtle geometry was based on systems stand the semantics of the languages they work with. that children could handle [29]; the natural programming In contrast, we did not start with any €xed language, project [28] conducted studies of child programmers to drive and instead wanted to explore what workers would the language’s design; and Python’s predecessor, ABC [27], want their languages to do. Œis results in a fairly was designed to be easy to learn for beginners. In contrast, di‚erent set of actual questions. we do not limit ourselves to beginner features. Other research has focused on more speci€c topics: ‹o- Nevertheless, we were able to reproduce some of those €nd- rum’s [34] syntax is based on user studies; Hanenberg and ings, such as Fleury’s observation that novices expected others have studied speci€c language features [18, 24, 36]; functions to fall back on dynamic scope when a variable was and there have been several studies of programming envi- otherwise unbound [11] (section 3.1). ronments and tools [19, 22] that end up having at least some Œere has been some work on crowdsourcing program- impact on language design itself. Our studies, on the other ming environments as well. For instance, Hartmann et al. hand, focus on overall language design, and in particular on develop a system that recommends bug €xes based on cor- semantic, rather than syntactic features. rections that peers have made [14], and Mooty et al. crowd- Miller et al. [25] describe how to use programmers’ ex- source API documentation [26]. Our study focused entirely pectations to drive language design. Œey observe that the on language design, ignoring the programming environment, semantics of a language as designed, as implemented, and though it does point out some misconceptions that could as understood by users tend to all be distinct. Œey improve limit the e‚ectiveness of crowdsourced explanations. Yedalog by making its speci€cation more similar to its users’ expectations. Œeir observations about users are somewhat similar to ours. A major di‚erence is that they are focused 12 ‡reats to Validity on improving one particular feature of an existing language, Our work has several threats to validity, including these. Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

First is the use of MTurk itself. Œough our criterion times, do we see a major di‚erence? It is known that the for Turkers mentioned programming experience, and we time of day has some impact on MTurk (in part due to the eliminated those who did not select any languages, we did large population of workers from the USA and India) [23], not €rst verify their programming ability. By providing but other, more subtle variables may also be at play. In multiple-choice answers, we may have made it even easier addition, programmer aŠitudes are clearly shaped by the for cheaters to click at random. To prevent this, we did force languages they use: worker responses in the era of Pascal, workers to explain their reasoning for every answer. Most C, and Ada may have been very di‚erent than they are now workers provided answers that were not nonsensical (and when languages like JavaScript, Ruby, and Python—with all unlike what we might get from non-programmers or naive their peculiarities [3]—have broad followings. bots). Œerefore, we have some faith in the responses. Nevertheless, other researchers have found that up to 40% 13 Language Design Consequences of Turker responses can be considered uninformative [17], a Until this point in the paper, we have mostly only reported ratio that may also apply to us. Œat said, MTurk is known €ndings factually, o‚ering relatively liŠle commentary. Œe to be a good forum for €nding technically quali€ed work- goal of this study, however, is to understand the conse- ers [23], so while we believe it is worth considering stronger quences for language design, which we now discuss. barriers, we do not believe the use of MTurk is itself inher- It is tempting, a priori, to expect that workers would sim- ently questionable. To make sure that we only surveyed ply choose answers that are consistent with whatever lan- quali€ed Turkers, we could have included simple questions guage they use most, i.e., regurgitate existing design deci- by which we could €lter out workers who answered incor- sions. However, we €nd that even this is not the case, as in rectly. many cases workers make choices that are not consistent Second is the nature of questions and answers. Œree with any mainstream language: for instance, distributing things characterize our quizzes: the sample programs were addition over €eld access, and accessing function parameters short, they did not mix many features, and they provided outside the function. Whether it is because they do not un- multiple-choice answers. Œe short programs and multiple- derstand their languages well enough, or dislike the choices choice answers were intended to make the tasks quick to already made, or (in rare cases, like section 4) perhaps simply complete, in keeping with recommendations for MTurk [20]. do not interact in the same way with these features in their However, each of these is an important restriction, and li‰ing daily programming, is a maŠer for further investigation. them might result in fairly di‚erent responses. Our overarching conclusion is that we do not see enough Œird is that workers might have been biased towards consistency or consensus amongst workers to suggest canon- believing that programs were valid and did not error. To ical language designs. One could argue that these studies mitigate this, we explicitly made “Error” an answer choice show two camps of workers: those who expect an ML-like and gave it just as much visibility of any of the other answer or strict language and those who expect a scripting-like choices. Furthermore, many workers did expect programs language. Œe workers in the strict camp expected narrow to error. Œerefore, we do not believe this is a major threat behavior including static scoping, type annotations being to validity. respected, minimal operator overloading, and only boolean Fourth is that workers might have been inƒuenced by expressions in the predicate position of conditionals. Œe the syntax of our programs. We tried to mitigate this by workers who fell into the scripting camp wanted rich be- explicitly choosing a unique syntax. Nevertheless, some havior, but they didn’t agree on exactly what that behavior individual features (such as indentation, the JavaScript-like should be. map structures) might have biased the workers towards those However, there are still some puzzling clumps of work- languages’ behaviors. ers. Indeed, even in places where we see large clusters of Fi‰h is the expertise and quali€cation of our audience, agreement, they tend to point in directions languages should over which we have no real control. How would these an- probably not take: for instance, permiŠing dynamic scope, swers vary if we ran a similar study with students at various and allowing annotations on function parameters to be ig- stages (high school, €rst-year college, about to graduate), nored. Future work needs to explore why programmers professional programmers, department want these behaviors, whether they understand the conse- faculty members, or for that maŠer participants at a pro- quences of programming in languages that work this way gramming languages conference? It would be particularly (especially when some of these features interact), and—most interesting to explore variations between this last group and importantly—whether even small amounts of training can everyone else. Œat said, all these audiences—including the dissuade them from making these choices [8]. One hopes Turkers—use these languages, so we should not be too quick that if workers were shown the consequences of their choices to dismiss the expectations of the MTurk workers. then they would be willing to reconsider. However, even so, Finally, we have not yet investigated the stability of these research is cognitive psychology [5] has shown that miscon- opinions. If we ask many more workers, or ask at di‚erent ceptions are dicult to un-learn. Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada Preston Tunnell Wilson, Justin Pombrio, and Shriram Krishnamurthi

Œe €nding on dynamic scope is particularly disturbing, lack of aliasing [35]. In addition, it suggests that lan- since it is quite clear that no maŠer how much program- guage tutorials and documentation must explicitly mers may €nd it appealing for small programs, it is unlikely teach users about aliasing behavior in the language, to return in any carefully-designed language. Indeed, even especially in the presence of mutation. languages that have included it by accident or lack of fore- • We €nd a morass when it comes to truthiness (and thought (e.g., Python and JavaScript) have evolved to remove falsehood) (section 6). Œis may be unsurprising given it as much as possible. It is certainly worth investigating the variation between languages in the €eld: just be- whether workers even recognize terms like “dynamic scope”, tween Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP, there is lit- have any (negative) associations with it, and can recognize tle to no agreement on which values are truthy/falsy, it in a program. It is also unclear whether programmers each having distinct tables—even though each pre- understand the negative consequences dynamic scope has sumably represents what its designers thought was for the construction of tools. It may be that educating, or “obvious”. Œe danger of permiŠing such variation is even priming, them along these lines may result in di‚erent that programmers are bound to get confused when stated preferences. they switch between languages, especially within the We also noticed intriguing behavior on other features: same application (e.g., a Web application that uses a JavaScript front-end and Python back-end). For this • On numbers (section 7), many workers preferred ex- reason, it seems safer to allow only values of a distinct act arithmetic, and this number grows even higher Boolean type in the conditional position. if we account for the di‚erence between evaluation In summary, it is dicult to learn one clear message from and printing. Œis is inconsistent with the behavior these studies, but there do seem to be two themes. One is that of most mainstream languages, which (a) make an workers seem to have diculty agreeing, and even at being arti€cial distinction between integers and ƒoats, and consistent on unusual features. Œis makes it dicult to (b) whose ƒoats fail to obey several well-understood design a language around their preferences. Œe other is that mathematical properties (such as associativity and some standard features (such as inheritance and overloading) distributivity). It is unclear whether programmers that have a complex semantics are not easily predictable by compartmentalize and mode-shi‰ between “numbers” programmers. Œese should therefore either be avoided or and “computer numbers”, or whether they incorrectly at least explained well, with aŠention paid to corner cases. believe numbers in programming languages behave like their mathematical counterparts. Anecdotally, we certainly see evidence—for instance, on program- Acknowledgments mer discussion fora—of developers su‚ering from the Œis work was partially supported by the NSF. We would laŠer misconception. like to thank Natasha Danas for advice on conducting stud- • With inheritance (section 4), as no worker expected ies on Mechanical Turk. We would also like to thank our these questions to perform as Java does, one should anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback. question how natural Java’s approach is. We were also surprised by how briŠle their understanding was, with small changes to programs shi‰ing their expec- References tations signi€cantly. [1] 2017. BeŠeridge’s law of headlines. h‚ps:// • Operator overloading (section 8) showed that workers Be‚eridge%27s law of headlines. (2017). Accessed: 2017-04-20. have consistent interpretations for + and -, but not [2] Piraye Bayman and Richard E. Mayer. 1983. A diagnosis of beginning so for other binary operations. Œis suggests that at programmers’ misconceptions of BASIC programming statements. Commun. ACM 26, 9 (1983). DOI:h‚p:// least all the other cases ought to be made an error. 358408 • In the case of aliasing (section 5.1), we were surprised [3] Gary Bernhardt. 2012. Wat. A lightning talk from CodeMash. (2012). by the number of programmers who did not expect h‚ps://www.destroyallso object aliasing across a function call. Œis is inconsis- [4] Benedict Du Boulay. 1986. 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A Methodology to those two questions. (Consistent answers are those we A.1 Measuring Agreement judged to be consistent, as described in each comparison.) Although it may seem unusual, in terms of inter-coder reli- Both consistency and consensus are measures of agreement. ability, the “raters” are questions and the “cases” are workers. We will €rst describe how to measure agreement in general, In general, the “raters” aŠempt to categorize each “case”, and and then state how this applies to consistency and consen- one looks for agreement among the raters for each case. For sus. As stated earlier, our questions were primarily multiple- the consistency measure, the questions are being used to cat- choice, but had “Other” and “Error” as write-in questions, egorize the workers in terms of which consistent viewpoint and we binned all Error answers together, and likewise all they have, and we look for agreement among the questions Other responses. for each worker. Œis is also the interpretation needed for p¯ In general, agreement can be measured between a set of to be computed as above. raters that give answers in a set of cases. Œe naive measure of agreement p¯ is the probability that two random raters agree on a random case. However, some of this “agreement” A.2 Clustering Analysis may have occurred by chance. Œis is not accounted for in p¯, Hierarchical clustering is performed by €rst computing all but it is accounted for in inter-coder reliability metrics, or pairwise dissimilarities between observations, and then us- “kappa” scores. Œere are two notable options: Fleiss’ κ [10] ing those dissimilarities to (recursively) group the observa- (which is a generalization of Cohen’s κ), and free-marginal tions into clusters. In our case, an observation in a survey κ [30]. is the vector of answers given by a worker. We excluded Fleiss’ κ is not applicable for many of our use cases be- the questions about prior programming experience, and the cause it requires that each question have the same set of (rare) open ended questions, since clustering would not be possible answers. Additionally, it gives inappropriately low meaningful on them. Œis le‰ only the questions with cate- agreement scores when there are few cases, which is o‰en gorical answers. our situation. In the extreme, when there is only one case, Fleiss’ κ cannot be positive (it may be negative, 0, or unde- €ned). Œis is due to the (unrealistic) assumption in Fleiss’ κ Clustering Algorithm that the actual distribution of answers for questions is exactly Our precise method of clustering can be explained concisely the observed distribution. in one sentence; however it is ripe with terminology that Free-marginal κ, on the other hand, assumes that the ac- many readers may be unfamiliar with. We therefore state tual distribution of answers is uniform. Œis is also an unre- the sentence and then explain the terminology: alistic assumption. Since we aŠempted to provide answers for all plausible interpretations for each question (including misinterpretations), “Other” need not have been chosen at We used agglomerative hierarchical cluster- all. For the same reason, many of the answers we provided ing with a Hamming distance function and an were for fringe interpretations of the program, which could “average” linkage criterion. plausibly not have been picked at all. As a consequence, free-marginal κ scores are higher than they should be (as a Clustering is used to €nd groups of “similar” observations. uniform distribution minimizes agreement by chance). Similarity is de€ned with respect to a distance function, in Since we argue that agreement scores are low, it would be our case normalized Hamming distance. disingenuous to report Fleiss’ κ scores even in cases where Hierarchical clustering produces a tree whose leaves are it is technically applicable. We therefore report only free- observations and whose subtrees are clusters. Subtrees have marginal κ. Of course, since we make our data freely avail- a height between 0 and 1, and shorter subtrees are tighter able, readers may perform their own analyses as well. clusters (i.e., shorter subtrees have smaller distances between their leaves). Consensus For consensus, p¯ can be measured as follows: Agglomerative hierarchical clustering computes the tree (i) pick a question uniformly at random; (ii) pick two workers boŠom-up. Initially, every observation is a singleton tree. uniformly at random; (iii) p¯ is the probability that those two Recursively, two of the most similar clusters are joined to workers answered that question the same way. form a new tree, whose height is their dissimilarity. Œis In terms of inter-coder reliability, the “raters” are workers metric of similarity between clusters is chosen, and is called and the “cases” are questions. the linkage criterion. We used the average distance between individual observations as the linkage criterion because it Consistency For consistency, p¯ can be measures as follows: seemed more appropriate than the alternatives (such as min- (i) pick a worker uniformly at random; (ii) pick two questions imum or maximum distance between clusters). (of the subset under consideration) uniformly at random; (iii) We computed the plots using the daisy and agnes func- p¯ is the probability that that worker gave consistent answers tions in R’s cluster package [21]. Can We Crowdsource Language Design? Onward! ’17, October 22–27, 2017, Vancouver, Canada

Distance Function We stated that we used Hamming distance. Technically, the library function we invoked uses Gower’s distance func- tion [12, equation (5)], but in our case these are equivalent. Œe exact formula is: Xn sijk δijkwk k=1 dij = Xn δijkwk k=1 In our case:

• dij is the computed distance (i.e., dissimilarity) be- tween the answers given by the i’th and j’th workers. • n is the number of questions. • sijk is 1 if worker i and worker j disagreed on question k, or 0 otherwise. • δijk is used to handle questions that were not an- swered. None of our questions were optional, so δijk = 1. • wk is the relative weight given to the k’th question. We weighted each question equally, so wk = 1. Œus, for us dij is simply the fraction of questions on which workers i and j disagreed: Pn sijk d = k=1 ij n Equivalently, this is the Hamming distance [13] divided by the number of questions.