Power Pends Jordanian Aide Named US Vows Allied Unity Hunt for Hijacker Goes On
, . - - 7 ' ~ ’ ‘J4ciJi&^s^argest EvenitiglWeivspaper ■ 68th year, 199th issue TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19‘7) e n d power to border war NEW DELHI (UPD-^Pres- reports said. earlier Indian commanders lud pends Ident Nixon sent personal Four civilians were killed and authority to take broad steps In messages to India, Pakistan 14 wounded in a Pakistani ar protecting their defensive posi and the Soviet Union today tillery attack on the town of tions. WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e urging an end to fighting along Bfllurghat, ahmit__18(L_inik“s _AU-India fiadlQ_sald-Qne-hour. Senate today considers a bill to the Indla-Pakistan border. nortlrtf Calcutta, Sunday. blacltdul exercises would be give President Nixon control U.S. Amba^'d^r to India Fighting, which started In the held tonight in the New Delhi over the economy for 17 more Kenneth B. i^ating delivered brea Saturday, still was going' area. months —power so va^ some Nixon's m esjige to Prime on today. On the political front, Indian Democrats warned that Con Minister Indira G^dhi In a 30- India, claiming Pakistan Prune Mmlsler Indira Gandhi gress would rue voting for it. minute meeting. troops threatened their defen reportedly rejected a proposal Sen. William Proxmire, D- Following the meeting with sive positions, moved Into to bring the Indian-Paklstan Wis., said he would fight the Keating, Mrs. Gandhi met for 20 Pakistan in the Dlnajpur area dispute before the U.N. Sei;urity bill. He predicted consumers minutes with her senior cabinet and desb-oyed three Pakistani Council .-the 15-member body and workers alike would be up advisers.
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