The Trezevant Family in America Has Been to Me a Labor of Love, and an Agreeable Employ Ment for Idle Hours During the Past Eighteen Years
THE TREZEVANT FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES From the date of the arrival of Daniel Trezevant, Huguenot, at Charles Town, South Carolina, in 1685, to the present date BY JOHN TIMOTHEE TREZEVANT COLUMBIA, s. C. PRINTED FOR J. T. TREZEVANT BY THE STATE COMPANY 1914 <J--L--f- ~ ........,.....~.,,,,.,,,,_.~ff......_._.. ______ ~ - ~ ,,-,..,,f. 1·,,. 1 r:tu_ OJLA_ ~ ~,,- C:◄ _,__. 0 . ~ ~ ~~ .._ ;1_--~ t;,-/~ f ll--<!...-LLA ~_-_~~- -/ -LJ: ....:--c....~:_:.-..... (...L,.A.~~~, ~--c-,,&,,"""- /..&. ~ ~ ~- ~-~~-~ ' ~~~ ~-e ~-~~ t;;:-1:IJ2_ ~,.ZJt -~ ~~A~ ~,1-~A ~ ~---~ ~ ~ ~~~'-- o...t:: Re.__: ~f - +~ ~ 7A~ .1..-~_ R;;-a..;~4--; ~----- ~ ~~...._ ~ 1 ~ ~/~j,,"'11 ,~--~ - ~Jr ~c..Ali..- - j 6t ---- - ~ ' r--- ~ ,4e ~~--..... ~~- f- £PG_ ~ ,-¥-'-~ , _ ~l f-----~,<_..c-, >.~LU~• .,," ~ J ~.,--1,1,'I ~ ~--~- ~ efi; al- ~__,__ ..>7 / 3/120~~~~~ /I h~~I~ . I PREFACE This somewhat sketchy account of the Trezevant family in America has been to me a labor of love, and an agreeable employ ment for idle hours during the past eighteen years. My investi gations included a journey to Maintenon, the French village from whence the family fled to America. I found that during the wars of the French Revolution all records, civil and religious, of that immediate section were entirely destroyed, and in consequence the oldest records of the family available commence in the year 1685 at Charleston, S. C., with the signature of Daniel Trezevant affixed to his oath of allegiance to King James. While I have made free use of all historical data available, this record could not have been completed but :for- the invaluable aid rendered me by Mr.
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