Mass limits for three-axle buses Decision regulation impact statement November 2018 Report outline Title Mass limits for three-axle buses Type of report Decision regulation impact statement Purpose To recommend changes to mass limits for three-axle buses to optimise the three-axle bus market, without compromising safety. Abstract The National Transport Commission (NTC) investigated whether there is a need to increase the mass limits that apply to three-axle buses. The NTC considered the tare mass and loaded mass these buses carry and the implications of a potential increase in three-axle bus mass limits. This paper presents our findings which consider industry impact, risks and benefits. It is based on research and stakeholder engagement with states and territories and industry. Key words Three-axle, bus, mass, loading, capacity, coach, tourist bus, tourism, passengers, baggage allowance, double decker Contact National Transport Commission Level 3/600 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph: (03) 9236 5000 Email:
[email protected] Mass limits for three-axle buses COAG Decision regulation impact statement November 2018 ii Contents Report outline ii Executive summary 1 Recommendations and next steps 2 Implementation 3 1 Context 4 1.1 Objectives 4 1.2 Background 5 1.2.1 Current mass limits 5 1.2.2 Utilisation of three-axle buses in Australia 8 1.2.3 The problem 10 1.2.4 Two-axle bus mass limits 10 1.3 Issues 11 1.3.1 Buses are regularly running overloaded 11 1.3.2 Urban congestion management 12 1.3.3 Legislated technology requirements