Vol. 74: 263–277, 2015 AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Published online March 25 doi: 10.3354/ame01740 Aquat Microb Ecol

Protist diversity along a salinity gradient in a coastal lagoon

Sergio Balzano1,2,*, Elsa Abs1, Sophie C. Leterme1

1School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia 2Present address: Department of Marine Organic Biogeochemistry, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, PO Box 59, 1790AB Den Burg, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: The importance of microbial to aquatic systems has been widely acknowledged in the last decade, and the application of high-throughput sequencing techniques has revealed an astonishing diversity and high proportions of novel taxa. Most studies have focused either on marine or freshwater ecosystems; thus, information on estuarine communities is either incomplete or missing. We assessed the composition of microbial eukaryotes along a South Australian coastal lagoon affected by a broad (7 to 65 PSU) salinity gradient, the Coorong Lagoon. This lagoon extends for over 170 km from the mouth of the River Murray (Murray Mouth) south- wards, where the salinity increases up to hypersaline values. We sampled 5 stations during the austral summer and winter and sequenced the amplified V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene using Ion Torrent. Genetic libraries were mostly represented by reads from 5 phyla, with prevailing in summer, diatoms in winter and Haptophyta in the southernmost sampling sites. In spite of the broad spatial and temporal salinity changes observed, the communities of small eukaryotes clustered in 2 groups reflecting the sample location. Moreover, dissimilarities between samples were unaffected by differences in salinity, but increased with increasing geographic dis- tances. Microbial exchanges from the Coorong Lagoon towards both freshwater and seawater occur via the Murray Mouth and are likely to prevent the formation of communities adapted to local salinity conditions. However, such exchanges likely decrease with increasing distances from the Murray Mouth, resulting in distance-driven eukaryotic communities.

KEY WORDS: Microbial eukaryotes · V4 · 18S rRNA · Geographic distance · Weighted UniFrac · QIIME

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INTRODUCTION the 18S rRNA gene highlighted that a significant por- tion of taxa still remains to be uncovered (Cheung et Microbial eukaryotes make up an important com- al. 2010, Stoeck et al. 2010). ponent of aquatic ecosystems, playing crucial roles in Estuarine systems are hotspots for a range of bio- global primary production (Falkowski & Raven 2007) geochemical processes and harbour diverse micro- and carbon consumption (Sherr & Sherr 2002). PCR- bial communities adapted to broad salinity shifts. In based approaches on the diversity of the 18S rRNA spite of that, molecular approaches have been poorly gene followed by cloning/sequencing, and/or finger- applied to investigate protist diversity in estuarine printing techniques have been widely applied in the environments (Zinger et al. 2012), and no study last decade, revealing a massive diversity of aquatic focused on microbial eukaryotes has undertaken a protists (Lefranc et al. 2005, Vaulot et al. 2008, Loga- deep sequencing effort based on high-throughput res et al. 2014). Recently developed high-throughput sequencing techniques. Small communi- sequencing techniques applied on the V4 region of ties can undergo great spatial and temporal changes

*Corresponding author: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2015 · www.int-res.com 264 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015

in estuaries (Vigil et al. 2009) and include high pro- In the present study, we investigated summer and portions of undescribed taxa (Bazin et al. 2014). In winter microbial eukaryotes in the Coorong Lagoon inverse estuaries, evaporation rates can exceed by high-throughput amplicon sequencing of the V4 freshwater and seawater flows, resulting in salinities region of the 18S rRNA gene in order to evaluate the above seawater values. Subsequently, microorgan- composition of small eukaryotes at different salinities isms inhabiting inverse estuaries can tolerate greater and to understand whether the community structure salinity shifts compared to microbes from other estu- is controlled by salinity or other factors. aries. Similar to estuarine communities, hypersaline microbial eukaryotes are highly diverse and can include high proportions of novel taxa (Casamayor et MATERIALS AND METHODS al. 2013). For example, at least one-quarter of the 18S rRNA gene sequences recovered from Spanish Additional details on the methods are presented coastal and inland ponds (Triadó-Margarit & Casa - in Supplement 1 at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/ mayor 2013) as well as Spanish (Triadó-Margarit & a074p263_supp.pdf. Casamayor 2012), Tibetan (Wu et al. 2009) and Romanian (Keresztes et al. 2012) hypersaline lakes shared <97% similarity with known sequences. Both Sampling estuarine and hypersaline environments can thus harbour diverse and partially unexplored microbial Water samples were collected near the surface (i.e. communities. at 20 cm depth) from the Coorong Lagoon (Fig. 1) The Coorong Lagoon is an inverse estuary in South along a 96 km transect on 27 November 2012 and 23 Australia, extending from the mouth of the Murray June 2013. Water was collected at about 50 m from River (Murray Mouth) southwards for about 170 km the shore at 5 sampling sites: Murray Mouth, Long (Fig. 1). It is connected with both freshwater and sea- Point, Bonney Reserve, Parnka Point, and Salt Creek. water only at its northern end, and salinity subse- These sites correspond to sampling locations used in quently increases southwards until reaching hyper- saline conditions at the southernmost points (Webster 2010). The Coorong Lagoon undergoes strong sea- sonal and interannual salinity changes (Jendyk et al. 2014, S. C. Leterme et al. unpubl.) that affect the local ecosystems. Microbial communities in the Coorong Lagoon tend to become increasingly abun- dant southward, and distinct populations can occur at different salinities for both bacteria (Schapira et al. 2009, Pollet et al. 2010) and photosynthetic pico- eukaryotes (Schapira et al. 2010). The distribution of large (>5 µm) phytoplankton is also affected by salin- ity (Jendyk et al. 2014, S. C. Leterme et al. unpubl.), with Chlorophyta dominating brackish locations and dia toms prevailing in hypersaline conditions. In con- trast, metagenome sequencing of hypersaline water and sediment samples from the Coorong Lagoon revealed highly similar prokaryotic compositions for sediment samples at different salinities (37 to 136 PSU) and greater differences between water and sediment samples from the same location (Jeffries et al. 2011). Protist diversity could not be investigated in details from that study because only 1.5% of reads were affiliated to eukaryotes (Jeffries et al. 2011). This is due to the fact that bacteria in aquatic systems usu- ally outnumber eukaryotes, complicating meta - genomic studies based on eukaryote diversity (Piga- Fig. 1. Names and locations of the sampling sites within the neau et al. 2008, Vaulot et al. 2012). Coorong Lagoon Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 265

previous studies (Schapira et al. 2009, Pollet et al. and a sample-specific, 11 bp barcode (see Table S1 2010, Leterme et al. 2013, Jendyk et al. 2014). in Supplement 2 at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/ a074p263_supp.xls) to the 5 -end of the forward primer, and a P1 adaptor (5’-CCT CTC TAT GGG Ancillary data CAG TCG GTG AT-3’) to the 5’-end of the reverse primer as recommended by Life Technology (Mul- Temperature, salinity, and pH were measured in grave). PCR reactions were performed in 6 replicates situ at each sampling site using an AP-2000 multi - for each sample, and each reaction included about parameter probe (Aquaread). Nutrients were ana- 5 ng of template DNA, 0.35 µM of each primer, 2 U lysed in triplicate using standard colorimetric tech- Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (New niques (Hansen & Koroleff 2007), whereas bacteria, England Biolabs), 1× Q5 reaction buffer (New Eng- virus-like particles (VLP), cyanobacteria and photo- land Biolabs), 3.5 µM dNTP (Promega) and MQ synthetic picoeukaryotes were enumerated in tripli- water for a total volume of 20 µl. Since the annealing cate by flow cytometry (Marie et al. 1997). Small temperature of the reverse primer was significantly (<5 µm) and large (>5 µm) phytoplankton were lower than that of the forward primer, 2 subsequent counted by microscopy, and cells from the latter frac- thermal cycles with different annealing temperatures tion were identified based on key taxonomic features were used for the PCR as described previously (Tomas 1997, Hallegraef et al. 2010). (Stoeck et al. 2010, Logares et al. 2012). Specifically, PCR consisted of an initial denaturation at 98°C for 1 min, 14 cycles of 30 s at 98°C, 30 s at 53°C and 30 s Sample collection, DNA extraction, at 72°C, followed by 21 cycles of 30 s at 98°C, 30 s at PCR and sequencing 2 distinct annealing temperatures each for 3 of the 6 replicates (48 and 50°C), 30 s at 72°C, and a final For molecular analyses, 1 l water samples were extension at 72°C for 1 min. Replicate amplicons pre-filtered through 10 µm and then filtered through were then pooled and purified using a UltraClean 0.45 µm Sterivex filters (Merck Millipore). Lysis PCR kit (Mo-Bio Laboratories). Amplicons from dif- buffer was added to the filters as described previ- ferent samples were pooled together in equimolar ously (Marie et al. 2010) and the filters were flash- amounts and sequenced by Australian Genome frozen in liquid nitrogen and then stored at −80°C Research Facility (AGRF) using an Ion Torrent Per- until analysis. For DNA extraction, the lysis buffer sonal Genome Machine (PGM) provided with a was removed from the Sterivex filters (see Supple- 318 chip (Life Technology) and adapted for a maxi- ment 1) and the DNA was extracted as described mum read length of 400 bp (see Supplement 1). The previously (Balzano et al. 2012a). sequence data are available at National Centre for To amplify the eukaryotic V4 region of the 18S Biotechnology Information under submission ID rRNA gene, we used the universal forward pri - 1746288. Although Ion Torrent technology is affected mer V4F (5’-CCA GCA SCY GCG GTA ATT CC-3’) by higher error rates than other high-throughput (Stoeck et al. 2010) and a reverse primer V4RB sequencing platforms (Quail et al. 2012), it is still (5’-ACT TTC GTT CTT GAT YRR-3’), differing from suitable for amplicon sequencing if each read used the V4R primer (Stoeck et al. 2010) by the last nu- for further analyses is represented by at least 2 cleotide sequence. These primers bind to a central sequences (Bragg et al. 2013). region of the 18S rRNA gene; the binding sites are located between 565 and 584 bp for the forward primer and between 964 and 981 bp for the reverse Bioinformatic analyses primer, with respect to the 18S rRNA gene of Saccha- romyces cerevisiae (Stoeck et al. 2010). The reverse Full details on bioinformatics analyses are pro- primer used here was found to amplify a larger frac- vided in Supplement 1. About 2 500 000 raw reads tion of protists (85% of all classes), especially Hapto- were generated by 2 Ion Torrent runs, and sequence phyta — compared to the V4R primer used previously data were analysed using the Quantitative Insight In (Stoeck et al. 2010) — using testprime (www. arb-silva . Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline (Caporaso et al. de/ search/ testprime/). 2010). Replicate sequencing of known bacterial Primers were then modified for multiplex sequen- genomes highlighted that the quality scores provided cing on Ion Torrent by adding an A-adaptor (5’-CCA by the Ion Torrent run reports underestimated the TCT CAT CCC TGC GTG TCT CCG ACT- CAG-3’) real base accuracy (Bragg et al. 2013). Subsequently, 266 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015

we used a phred quality threshold (20) lower than ment 1). For β-diversity, Bray-Curtis dissimilarities that typically used for other sequencing platform (i.e. and weighted UniFrac distances (Lozupone & Knight 25) to filter our reads, similar to a previous study 2005) were calculated between our different samples (Frank-Fahle et al. 2014). based on their OTU distribution and phylogenetic Reads ≤230 bp (Logares et al. 2012), with a phred differences, respectively. Bray-Curtis and weighted quality ≤20 over a 50 bp sliding window (Frank- UniFrac distances were then explored using non- Fahle et al. 2014), showing one or more nucleotide metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analyses, mismatches with the forward primer (Behnke et al. and the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arith- 2011) and >8 homopolymers were removed from the metic mean (UPGMA) dendrograms. NMDS plots dataset. Barcodes and forward primer sequences were generated using the R package ‘vegan’ (www. were trimmed, and reads were then truncated to cran.r-project.org/ web/packages/ vegan/ index .html). 230 bp length. Chimeric sequences were identified Jackknife support values for the UPGMA dendro- and removed using the UCHIME algorithm (Edgar et grams were calculated from 1000 permutations using al. 2011) by comparison with the Protist Ribosomal QIIME. Database (Guillou et al. 2013). Singletons (i.e. reads To investigate the influence of environmental con- not sharing 100% identity with at least another read) ditions and geographic distance to the composition of were identified using the UCLUST algorithm (Edgar small eukaryotes, Mantel tests were performed as 2010) and removed. Using the UCLUST algorithm, described previously (Pagaling et al. 2009, Martiny et we also clustered our reads into 1321 distinct Opera- al. 2011, Lepère et al. 2013). tional Taxonomic Units (OTUs) based on 97% se - quence similarity (see Table 2). To compare the diversity of the different samples, the dataset was RESULTS randomly subsampled to 16 855 reads per sample, which correspond to the number of sequences ob- Water properties tained from the less deeply sequenced sample (Mur- ray Mouth, November). Subsequently, the number of The water temperature in the Coorong Lagoon OTUs recovered decreased to 1204. Representative ranged from 18.9 to 25.6°C in November and from reads (1 sequence per OTU) were then aligned using 10.5 to 13°C in June, and increased southward as the MUSCLE (Edgar 2004), and a phylogenetic tree was sampling progressed during the day (Table 1). In constructed using a FastTree algorithm (Price et al. November, salinity was well above seawater values 2010). The taxonomic affiliation of the OTUs was (>50 PSU) at the 3 southernmost stations, whereas in inferred by comparison with the Protist Ribosomal June hypersaline waters were only found at Salt Database (Guillou et al. 2013) using the UCLUST Creek (Table 1). Salinity was <22 PSU for all the algorithm (Edgar 2010). A heatmap reflecting the other samples, and lower values were measured at taxonomic distribution of the major taxa was then the Murray Mouth compared to the other brackish constructed using the R package ‘gplots’ (www. sites (Table 1). The concentration of nutrients was cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gplots/index.html). also highly variable. In particular, high values of dis- For α-diversity, the Shannon (H) index (Shannon solved silica (>100 µM), ammonium (>850 µM) and 1948), Simpson-Gini (1−D) index (Hurlbert 1971) and nitrate/nitrite (>50 µM) were measured at Salt Creek, phylogenetic diversity (PD) (Faith 1992) were calcu- and to a lesser extent at Parnka Point (see Table S2 in lated. The proportion of OTUs shared between dif- Supplement 2 at www.int-res.com/ articles/suppl/ ferent samples was calculated using R (see Supple- a074p263_supp.xls).

Table 1. Sample locations and main physico-chemical characteristics

Sampling site Latitude Longitude Salinity (PSU) Temperature (°C) pH No. Name (°S) (°E) Nov−12 Jun−13 Nov−12 Jun−13 Nov−12 Jun−13

1 Murray Mouth 35.55 138.89 7.09 8.5 18.9 10.5 7.9 8 2 Long Point 35.69 139.16 20.3 14.6 21.1 10.7 8.2 7.9 3 Bonney Reserve 35.80 139.32 51.3 17.3 23.7 11 8.1 8.2 4 Parnka Point 36.16 139.65 54.4 21.1 24.1 11.5 8.3 8.4 5 Salt Creek 35.90 139.40 58.1 65.4 25.6 13 8.1 8.4 Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 267

Flow cytometry populations Teleaulax acuta (Cryptophyta) in November and by several Chlorophyta (Chlorohormidium sp., Cho- The abundance of bacteria was up to one order of datella sp., Crucigenia sp.) and cyanobacteria magnitude higher than typical seawater values and (Planktolyngbya contorta, Nodularia spumigena) in was greater at Parnka Point and Salt Creek during June (Table S3 in Supplement 2). Long Point both seasons. Both bacteria and VLP were more included a diverse diatom and Cryptophyta assem- abundant in November compared to June (Fig. 2). blage in November, whereas it was dominated by The photosynthetic picoplankton varied in abun- sp. (Cryptophyta) and to a lesser extent dance both between sites and between seasons, and by Chaetoceros sp. (diatom) in June. The other sam- was dominated by picoeukaryotes and Prochlorococ- pling sites were dominated by diatoms, with several cus (Fig. 2). Low abundances were measured at the species (Amphora sp., Cocconeis spp., Cyclotella Murray Mouth for both seasons, and abundances sp., Cylindrotheca closterium, Fragilaria sp., Navic- increased southward in June. ula spp. and Nitzschia spp.) observed in November and Chaetoceros spp. and C. closterium blooming in June (Table S3 in Supplement 2). Microscopy

Small cells (<5 µm) increased in abundance south- Ion Torrent PGM data: α-diversity and wards for both seasons, reaching about 107 cells taxonomic composition ml−1 in Parnka Point and Salt Creek (Fig. 3). The abundance of large (>5 µm) phytoplankton ranged We amplified the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene from 2.7 × 106 to 1.5 × 107. The highest values were from 10 µm pre-filtered water samples and con- generally found at Murray Mouth and at the 2 structed genetic libraries using Ion Torrent sequen- southernmost stations (Fig. 3). Overall, 56 taxa were cing. Since only a tiny proportion of our reads cov- identified to species level for large phytoplankton ered the entire V4 length of about 400 bp, we (see Table S3 in Supplement 2), and diatoms domi- retained all sequences ≥230 bp for a total of 477 303 nated all samples except at Long Point in June and reads. After removal of chimeras and singletons, and at the Murray Mouth during both seasons (Fig. 3). subsampling at an equal number of reads for all sam- Murray Mouth phytoplankton was dominated by ples, our dataset consisted in 168 550 good quality

November June 3 x 107 A B Bacteria 2 x 107 VLP ) –1 1 x 107


D 1.8 x 107 C Prochlorococcus Abundance (cells ml 1.2 x 107 Picoeukaryotes

6 x 10 6

0 Murray Long Point Bonney Parnka Salt Creek Murray Long Point Bonney Parnka Salt Creek Mouth Reserve Point Mouth Reserve Point Fig. 2. Abundance of (A,B) bacteria and virus-like particles (VLP), as well as (C,D) Prochlorococcus and photosynthetic pico- eukaryotes along the Coorong Lagoon in (A,C) November 2012 and (B,D) June 2013. Cells were enumerated using flow cytometry. Each sample was collected and analysed in triplicate, and error bars are standard deviation 268 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015

reads which clustered into 1204 OTUs based on 97% (Table 2). We inferred the taxonomic composition of sequence similarity (Table 2). our reads by comparison with the Protist Ribosomal Rarefaction curves of OTU richness, Shannon and Database (Guillou et al. 2013) and found a great Simpson-Gini indices as well as phylogenetic diver- seasonal and spatial variability among our samples sity were saturated for all the samples (see Fig. S1 in (Fig. 4). Reads affiliated to , Chloro- Supplement 1). The June community at Murray phyta, Heterokontophyta and Haptophyta were most Mouth was found to have the highest Shannon and frequently recovered among the libraries (Fig. 4). Simpson-Gini indices, whereas the November Salt The taxonomic affiliation of the OTUs found here as Creek sample was the most phylogenetically diverse well as their distribution among our samples are available in Table S4 in Supplement 2.

) reads were abundant in –1 2 x 107 most samples, whereas Heterokonto- A Cells < 5 µm phyta sequences, mostly associated with diatoms, were frequently re- 1 x 107 covered from June li bra ries from the Murray Mouth and Long Point. Chlorophyta reads were abundant in 0 Murray Long Bonney Parnka Salt November libraries from Long Point,

Abundance (cells ml Mouth Point Reserve Point Creek as well as November and June libra - November June ries from Bonney Reserve, Parnka

B November C June Abundance (cells ml Point and Salt Creek. High propor- 100 tions of Haptophyta reads were recov- 1.8 x 104 ered from the 3 southernmost sam- 75 pling sites in both seasons (Fig. 5). 1.2 x 104 50

6 x 103 25 Common OTUs and lineages –1

0 0 ) Relative proportion (%) Murray Long Bonney Parnka Salt Murray Long Bonney Parnka Salt Overall, few OTUs were common to Mouth Point Reserve Point Creek Mouth Point Reserve Point Creek more than 2 samples, and 277 OTUs Diatoms Dinoflagellates Cryptophyta Chlorophyta (corresponding to 22% of the dataset), Chrysophyceae Cyanobacteria Other Total > 5 µm were shared between the 2 seasons (i.e. found in at least in one November Fig. 3. Microscopy counts of plankton cells in the Coorong Lagoon. (A) Total abundance of cells <5 µm in November 2012 and June 2013, and total abun- and one June sample; Table 3). Only dance and relative proportions of large (>5 µm) phytoplankton taxa observed 1 OTU, associated with Pycnococca - along the Coorong Lagoon in (B) November 2012 and (C) June 2013 ceae, was found within all the sam-

Table 2. Sequencing results and analysis of microbial diversity. OTUs: operational taxonomic units; H: Shannon index; 1−D: Simpson-Gini index; PD: phylogenetic diversity

Date Sampling site No of reads OTUs Diversity indices No. Name Raw Filtered Subsampled H 1–D PD

27 Nov 2012 1 Murray Mouth 21 739 16 855 16 855 181 6.1 0.97 24 2 Long Point 24 201 21 049 16 855 178 2.2 0.49 24 3 Bonney Reserve 27 675 23 203 16 855 217 3.5 0.73 31 4 Parnka Point 35 206 28 317 16 855 264 5.1 0.94 35 5 Salt Creek 33 277 28 986 16 855 195 4.8 0.92 53 24 Jun 2013 1 Murray Mouth 73 253 47 137 16 855 463 5.1 0.87 40 2 Long Point 46 623 36 020 16 855 115 2.1 0.56 21 3 Bonney Reserve 45 694 28 746 16 855 301 5.1 0.94 34 4 Parnka Point 104 321 67 761 16 855 295 5.1 0.94 35 5 Salt Creek 65 314 45 237 16 855 157 3.5 0.80 23 Total 477 303 353 311 168 550 1 204 Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 269

A November B June these sites (20.3 and 51.3 PSU, respec- 100 tively). Other lineages were more restricted to a fraction of our sampling 80 sites. In particular, reads from Chaeto- ceros sp. were highly abundant (>50%) in Murray Mouth and Long 60 Point in June, and were not found in any other samples. 40

20 β-diversity Relative abundance (%)

0 Murray Long Bonney Parnka Salt Murray Long Bonney Parnka Salt Similarities among the different Ion Mouth Point Reserve Point Creek Mouth Point Reserve Point Creek Torrent libra ries were investigated by Unclassified UPGMA based on both Bray-Curtis Other dissimilarities and weighted UniFrac Cercozoa Rhizaria Cryptophyta distances. Nov em ber and June sam- Prymnesiophyceae Haptophyta ples from the same site, or samples Pavlovophyceae Pirsonia from nearby stations collected during MAST Heterokontophyta the same season tended to group Eustigmatophyceae Dictyochophyceae together (Fig. 5). All but one node on Chrysophyceae the UPGMA tree had high (≥90%) Diatoms Fig. 4. Taxonomic composi- jackknife support values for both Trebouxiophyceae tion of small (<10 µm) pro- Pycnococcaceae Archaeplastida weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis dis- tists in the Coorong Lagoon Chlorophyceae during (A) November 2012 similarities. Two major clusters were Dinoflagellates and (B) June 2013, based on identified, one comprising Murray Alveolata Ion Torrent sequencing Mouth samples from both seasons and the Long Point June sample, and another ples, and a very low proportion of OTUs (<1%) were cluster including all the other samples. The reparti- shared among all samples from the same season. The tion of the libraries in these 2 major clusters was also proportion of OTUs found during both seasons was confirmed by NMDS analyses based on both weighted higher for the southern stations of the Lagoon. For UniFrac and Bray-Curtis dissimilarities (Fig. 6). example, over 20% of the OTUs were shared be- Accordingly, some common features in the taxo- tween November and June samples from the same nomic composition can be observed within each of station for Bonney Reserve, Parnka Point and Salt these 2 clusters, and more similarities occurred be - Creek, whereas this proportion decreased by half for tween libraries from the same or nearby sampling Murray Mouth and Long Point (Table 3). sites (Fig. 5). Several classes of freshwater ori- While very few OTUs were shared among multiple gin ( group II, Sphaeropleales, Chryso - samples, we found 15 phylogenetic lineages, at the chromulina, Chaetoceros sp., and Chrysophyceae- lowest taxonomic level available in the Protist Ribo- clade C) were abundant in the first group of samples. somal Database (L8), that included OTUs present in On the other hand, reads affiliated to Fabrea, Sues- ≥8 samples (Table 4). In particular, reads affiliated to siales, Chlorellales, Diacronema, Isochrysis, choano- (dinoflagellates), Chlorellales, and Pycno- flagellates, Chrysophyceae-clade F, and marine stra- coccaceae (Chlorophyta) were frequently re covered menopiles (MAST) were mostly recovered from the 3 (>99 reads) from at least 7 samples (Table 4). Surpris- southernmost stations during both seasons as well as ingly, the halophilic ciliate Fabrea was detec ted in 8 Long Point in November. libraries and frequently recovered from 5 of them (Fig. 6), including a brackish sample. However, it should be noted that our data reflect the presence but Influence of environmental conditions not the activity of microorganisms. Pycnococcaceae accounted for >50% of the reads in November The influence of environmental conditions and geo- libraries from Long Point and Bonney Reserve, in graphic distance on the small eukaryote community spite of the great differences in salinity measured at distribution was analysed with a Mantel test. Geo- 270 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015 50 Alveolata Rhizaria Archaeplastida Opistokontha Heterokontophyta 100 50 Ciliates Dinoflagellates Diatoms Salinity (PSU) Haptophyta Mamiellophyceae Prasino Clade V Cryptophyceae Cercozoa Trebouxiophyceae Chlorophyceae Relative abundance (%) Eustigmatophyceae Dictyochophyceae Chrysophyceae 10 20 30 40 0 Distance from Murray Mouth (Km) 0 15 30 45 60 Chrysochromulina Prymnesiaceae Choanoflagellates Sarcomonadea Thecofilosea Chaetoceros Thalassiosira centrics Other polar Amphora Navicula Other pennates Unidentified Clade C Clade F Pedinellales Nannochloropsis MAST Pirsonia Fabrea Haptoria Peritrichia Scuticociliata Prostomatea Choreotrichia Oligotrichia Gyrodinium Pfiesteriaceae Suessiales Lepidodinium Other dinoflagellates Syndiniales group I Syndiniales group II Syndiniales group III Dunaliella Sphaeropleales Mamiellaceae Bathycoccaceae Monomastigales Pycnococcaceae Picochlorum Other Chlorellales Choricystis Unidentified Diacronema Isochrysis Jun Salt Creek Nov Creek Salt 100/100 100/90 Nov Nov Point Parnka

100/90 Jun Jun Point Parnka

Jun 100/100 Bonney Bonney Reserve

100/__ Nov Bonney Bonney Reserve

Nov Nov 100/100 Long Point Jun Long Point 100/100 Jun next to the sample names in yellow-red and blue shades, respectively Mouth Murray 100/90 Nov Mouth Murray 0.1 MAST Fabrea Clade F Pirsonia Clade C Haptoria Navicula Amphora Oxyrrhis Dunaliella Perkinsea Peritrichia Choricystis Isochrysis Oligotrichia Gyrodinium Suessiales Pedinellales Picochlorum Unidentified Unidentified Prostomatea Thecofilosea Apicomplexa Diacronema Thalassiosira Lepidodinium Choreotrichia Chaetoceros Mamiellaceae Pfiesteriaceae Amphidinium Scuticociliata Sarcomonadea Prymnesiaceae Sphaeropleales Other pennates Monomastigales Nannochloropsis Phyllopharyngea Bathycoccaceae Cryptomonadales Choanoflagellates Pycnococcaceae Chrysochromulina Other Chlorellales Other polar centrics Other polar Syndiniales group III Fig. 5. Heatmap showing the relative abundance of representative operational taxonomic units (OTUs) classified at the low- the at representativeclassified relativeof (OTUs) the abundance units showing taxonomic Heatmap operational 5. Fig. est taxonomic level possible. Only taxa occurring in 2 or more samples, with a relative abundance >2% in at least 1 sample >10%for accounting areTaxa shown. are aresample 1 least at in sorted Taxa bold. in according classifi- taxonomic their to group pair unweighted on based composition microbial their in similarity the to accordingsorted are samples whereas cation hierarchicaltree(UPGMA) dis- UPGMA mean UniFrac The arithmetic weighted analyses. with on clustering method based tances is drawn next to the sample names, and numbers weighted UniFrac at and Bray-Curtis similarity, respectively. the The salinity and branch the distance fromindicate Murray Mouth the are indicated percentage of jackknife support for Syndiniales group I Syndiniales group II Other dinoflagellates Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 271

graphic distance between sites significantly affected graphic distance (n = 50, R = 0.32 and 0.42, respec- the small eukaryote community, whereas the exam- tively; Fig. 6) and the highest dissimilarity values ined environmental variables did not seem to have a often occurred between the 2 farthest sampling sites substantial influence (Table 5). This was confirmed by (i.e. Murray Mouth and Salt Creek). In contrast, no re- the fact that both Bray-Curtis and weighted UniFrac lationship was found between small eukaryote dis- dissimilarities between the different protist communi- similarities and temperature or salinity (Fig. 6). ties significantly increased as function of their geo-

DISCUSSION Table 3. Proportions of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) shared among different groups of samples. Samples were grouped either by location, season or salinity We assessed protist diversity through a coastal lagoon affected by a broad (7.1 to 65.4 PSU) salinity Cluster Cluster Shared OTUs gradient and applied high-throughput amplicon size No. % sequencing techniques to an estuarine environment for the first time. The hypervariable V4 region of the November−June 2 277 23 18S rRNA gene provides a detailed overview of pro- Murray Mouth 2 56 9 Long Point 2 27 9 tist diversity (Stoeck et al. 2010, Logares et al. 2012) Bonney Reserve 2 106 20 although it can fail to identify some classes in deeper Parnka Point 2 120 21 taxonomic details. Similar to the results of a previous Salt Creek 2 72 20 study (Mangot et al. 2013) a good portion of dinofla- North lagoon−November 3 15 1 gellate reads could not be identified further because South lagoon−November 2 115 25 North lagoon−June 3 31 4 of the poor resolution of the 18S rRNA gene for this South lagoon−June 2 128 28 class (Saldarriaga et al. 2004, Logares et al. 2007). 17-21 PSU 4 11 1 Our data do not provide evidence for live micro- 50-65 PSU 4 46 5 organisms only, but rather for the total community, 50-65 PSU−November 3 64 10 17-21 PSU−June 3 19 3 including dead and senescent cells. North lagoon 6 4 0 Although the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene is South lagoon 4 58 6 416 bp long, reads as short as 200 bp can still be June 5 2 0 suitable for downstream analyses (Behnke et al. November 5 10 0 All 10 1 0 2011). In the present study, the taxonomic composi- tion of 343 311 reads >230 bp was similar to that obtained from a lower proportion Table 4. List of phylotypes at the lowest taxonomic level (L8), present in at least 8 (40 953) of longer (>350 bp) reads samples (see Fig. S2 in Supplement 1 at www. int-res.com/ articles/ suppl/ Group Taxon No of samples present a074p263_supp. pdf), al though it At least >9 >99 included more unassigned reads. 1 read reads reads The high proportion of unassigned sequences (Fig. 4) is thus related Ciliates Fabrea 8 6 5 Oligotrichia 9 6 2 to the read length rather than Dinoflagellates Pfiesteriaceae 9 7 3 sequencing artefacts. We used all Suessiales 10 9 7 reads >230 bp for downstream Syndiniales group II clade 14 8 7 2 analyses because they provided Syndiniales group II clade 39 8 4 0 fully saturated rarefaction curves Chlorophyta Chlorellales 9 8 8 (Fig. S1). Pycnococcaceae 10 9 7 Heterokontophyta Chrysophyceae- 8 6 2 Synurophyceae clade F Nannochloropsis 8 8 3 Large phytoplankton Raphid pennates 10 8 3 Cryptophyta Cryptomonadales 8 4 1 The taxonomic composition of Katablepharidophyta Leucocryptos 8 5 2 large phytoplankton found here Haptophyta Diacronema 9 8 6 agrees with a previous study Isochrisis 8 7 4 based on a much larger dataset 272 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015

A) Bray-Curtis Stress = 0.018 B) Weighted UniFrac Stress = 0.022 MM-Nov LP-Jun 1.0 0.5 SC-Jun MM-Jun SC-Nov BR-Jun PP-Nov 0.5 0.0 SC-Nov BR-Jun PP-Nov NMDS2 NMDS2 BR-Nov 0.0 PP-Jun −0.5 MM-Nov MM-Jun BR-Jun LP-NovBR-Nov

−0.5 LP-Jun SC-Jun −1.0 LP-Nov −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1012 NMDS1 NMDS1

C) Distance D) Salinity Bray-Curtis Weighted UniFrac Bray-Curtis Weighted UniFrac 1.8 1.8 R² = 0.3199 R² = 0.4172 R² = 0.022 R² = 0.058

1.2 1.2

0.6 0.6

0.0 0.0 Community dissimilarity 0 20406080100120 dissimilarity Community 020406080 Geographic distance (km) Salinity difference (PSU)

E) Temperature Fig. 6. (A,B) Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) Bray-Curtis Weighted UniFrac charts based on (A) Bray-Curtis and (B) weighted UniFrac 1.8 R² = 0.0142 R² = 0.0072 distances, respectively, for the small eukaryote communi- ties. The stress values are <0.05 which gives an excellent 1.2 representation of the dissimilarities. Correlation between community dissimilarity and (C) geographic distances as well as (D) salinity and (E) temperature differences between 0.6 the different sampling locations. The R2 of the correlations are indicated in the panels. Samples are labelled with the 0.0 station name followed by the sampling date (November or

Community dissimilarity Community 0 5 10 15 20 June): MM = Murray Mouth, LP = Long Point, BR = Bonney Temperature difference (°C) Reserve, PP = Parnka Point, SC = Salt Creek

Table 5. Mantel test comparison between community vari- Lores 2004, Marshall et al. 2005) and are likely to be ability (measured as Bray-Curtis dissimilarity as well as more adapted to salinity shifts from freshwater to weighted UniFrac distances) and temperature, salinity, en vi - ronmental conditions, and the geographic distance between brackish conditions, such as those that occur in the sampling sites. When the correlation is significant both ρ- vicinity of the Murray Mouth. In spite of the compa- and p-values are underlined (p < 0.05) or in bold (p < 0.01). rable salinities measured during the different sea- ENV = environmental data sons at Murray Mouth (Table 1), the November com- munity was dominated by marine species typically Factor Community distance occurring in South Australian coastal waters (Leterme Bray-Curtis Weighted UniFrac et al. 2014, S. Balzano et al. unpubl. data), whereas ρ p ρ p the June community was mainly comprised of fresh- Temperature 0.12 0.17 −0.09 0.73 water Chlorophyta and cyanobacteria which can Salinity 0.15 0.14 0.24 0.05 occur in the River Murray (Codd et al. 1994) or other Distance 0.42 0.02 0.54 0.006 freshwater bodies (Guiry & Guiry 2014). ENV 0.26 0.11 0.33 0.08 The phytoplankton community composition at the other stations of the Coorong Lagoon (Fig. 3) sug- (Jendyk et al. 2014) and reflects the general phyto- gests better adaptation among diatoms to salinity plankton distribution in estuarine waters. Chloro- increases that can exceed seawater values. Consis- phyta and Cryptophyta are typically found in brack- tent with this, some of the diatom species abundant ish environments (Pinckney et al. 1998, Murrel & here were previously observed in other hypersaline Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 273

environments (Clavero et al. 2000, Gilabert 2001) summer and winter libraries from the 3 southernmost and successfully cultured in the laboratory under stations, as well as Long Point November library are similar high salinities (Clavero et al. 2000, Leterme et mostly represented by typically marine (Bathycoc- al. 2010). caceae, Pycnococcaceae, Chry so phy ceae clade F, MAST) and estuarine (Oxyrrhis, Diacronema and Isochrysis) taxa as well as known halophilic genera Small eukaryotes: community clustering and (Fabrea, Dunaliella) (Pandey & Yeragi 2004, Seoane shared lineages et al. 2009, Bendif et al. 2011, Not et al. 2012, Guiry & Guiry 2014). These differences are also evident from The high abundances of bacteria, viruses, Pro chlo - a trophic point of view, whereby diatoms are the most rococcus and picoeukaryotes found here (Fig. 2), and representative photosynthetic eukaryotes at Murray the southward increase measured for most popula- Mouth during both seasons and at Long Point in tions is consistent with previous studies (Schapira et June, whereas key marine picoplankters from the al. 2009, 2010, Pollet et al. 2010). The high values are families Bathycoccaceae and Pycnococcaceae domi- likely due to the shallowness of the lagoon, which nated reads from photosynthetic taxa at the other sta- allows light penetration throughout the water column, tions. Similarly, the hetero trophic taxa mostly repre- and wind stress, which promotes nutrient ex changes. sented within our libraries were freshwater ciliates The higher abundances measured at the southern and Syndiniales group II for Murray Mouth, and Fab- stations might be associated with the lower water rea, Oxyrrhis and MAST for the other stations. turnover rates occurring there, resulting in limited The composition of microbial eukaryotes may thus microbial exchanges between the lagoon and both change significantly for the different stations, al- seawater and freshwater. though halophilic taxa occurred throughout the Our data (Figs. 4 & 5) confirm that estuarine pro- Coorong Lagoon. Beside the known halophilic gen- tists are highly diverse, can include representatives era Fabrea and Dunaliella, our hypersaline samples from most eukaryotic supergroups (Vigil et al. 2009, were highly represented by reads from the diatom Bazin et al. 2014), and similar to other aquatic envi- Amphora and the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyr - ronments (Marie et al. 2010, Mangot et al. 2013), rhis, which were occasionally observed in hyper- eukaryotic genetic libraries can be dominated by saline waters (Buskey et al. 1998, Caric et al. 2011, Alveolata. Keresztes et al. 2012). Moreover, the brackish libra - The high proportion of reads assigned to Chaeto- ries were dominated by some taxa such as Scuticocil- ceros sp., recovered from Murray Mouth and Long iata, Sphaeropleales and Chrysophyceae-clade C, Point in June (Fig. 4) are likely associated with a which have a likely freshwater origin but can include phytoplankton bloom. In June, Chaetoceros spp. halotolerant species previously found in inland and bloomed in Long Point and Bonney Reserve (see coastal hypersaline lakes (Elloumi et al. 2006, Triadó- Table S3 in Supplement 2 at www.int-res.com/ Margarit & Casamayor 2013). articles/suppl/a074p263_supp.xls) and spores or In spite of the wide variability in taxonomic compo- small cells (i.e. unidentifiable in light microscopy) sition, the occurrence of 15 phylotypes in most of the were also likely present in Murray Mouth resulting samples (Table 4) suggests the presence of tempo- in high proportions of Chaetoceros spp. reads recov- rally and spatially persistent phylogenetic lineages ered from that sample (Fig. 6). Chaetoceros species (Shade & Handelsman 2012) in the Coorong Lagoon. can bloom in coastal and estuarine environments Some of these lineages (Suessiales, Chlorellales, (Trigueros et al. 2002, Ake-Castillo et al. 2004) and Raphid Pennates, Cryptomonadales) are present in dominate nanoplankton and picoplankton libraries most samples because they include a vast number of (Balzano et al. 2012b). different taxa which could not be discriminated by Results from both UPGMA and NMDS indicate that the current techniques. Beside these groups, the November and June Murray Mouth communities presence of other persistent lineages at the genus showed some similarities with June Long Point com- (Fabrea, Nannochloropsis, Leucocryptos, Dia cro- munity and differed significantly from all other com- nema, Isochrysis) or genus-equivalent (Syndiniales munities sampled from the Coorong Lagoon (Figs. 5 group II clade 14, Syndiniales group II clade 39) level & 6). Microbial communities from these 3 samples might reflect either the ability to survive or grow include higher proportions of freshwater taxa (Hapto - across a wide salinity range, or a heterogeneous pop- ria, Scuticociliata, Prostomatea, Choreotrichia, Sphae - ulation structure for these taxa. Populations adapted ro pleales, Chrysophyceae-clade C; Fig. 5), whereas to different ecological niches can occur within the 274 Aquat Microb Ecol 74: 263–277, 2015

same genus as reported for (Foulon et number the others, resulting in a specific salinity- al. 2008) and Ostreococcus (Demir-Hilton et al. 2011), related signature for the local community. Autoch- and species from the same genus can also differ in thonous communities adapted to local environmental their salinity tolerance (Maier Brown et al. 2006, conditions can be formed in estuaries if microbial Balzano et al. 2011). growth rates exceed water residence time, as found The presence of the hypersaline ciliate Fabrea for bacteria (Crump et al. 2004). Information about (Pandey & Yeragi 2004) in most of our libraries, microbial activities and doubling time is not available including a brackish sample (Table 4) is surprising. in the present study but our data suggest that at Our data only reflect microorganism abundance and least for some species, growth rates were not signifi- not their activity; therefore, we do not know whether cantly higher than water turnover, preventing the the sequences found here reflect active Fabrea cells. formation of stable communities adapted to local However, it is remarkable that reads from fresh- salinity conditions. water, marine and hypersaline taxa were frequently The Coorong Lagoon consists of a long, narrow recovered from most of the samples, which span channel with restricted water exchanges connected across a broad salinity range. to the River Murray and the Southern Ocean only at Syndiniales, which include 2 persistent lineages the Murray Mouth. As a consequence, the Murray found here (Table 4) can contribute to the decay of Mouth is highly affected by both freshwater and sea- phytoplankton blooms in estuaries (Chambouvet et water inputs, whereas water exchanges at the other al. 2008) as well as coastal lagoons (Chambouvet et stations are limited and thus turnover rates decrease al. 2011), and their presence among the genetic southward (Webster 2010). Horizontal water mixing libraries suggests a similar role in the Coorong at the southern stations of the Coorong Lagoon is Lagoon. Parasitic eukaryotes are an important com- mostly driven by wind stress (Webster 2010) and is ponent of aquatic ecosystems and their ecological likely to be lower than at the Murray Mouth. The role in controlling phytoplankton populations is Coorong Lagoon is therefore likely to exchange increasingly evident (Guillou et al. 2008, Christaki et microbes with both freshwater and seawater at rates al. 2014). that decrease southward. As a consequence, micro- bial communities appear to be more influenced by nearby stations than by local environmental condi- Microbial community structure tions. For example, Long Point station in November (although brackish) was more influenced by the In spite of the broad gradients occurring spatially nearby hypersaline station Bonney Reserve (Fig. 1) and seasonally, results from the Mantel test, which than by the brackish Murray Mouth (Figs. 5 & 6). allows estimation of the influence of different condi- The biogeography of planktonic protists is currently tions on the microbial community structure, indicates under debate, although there is increasing evidence that salinity does not shape the distribution of small of dispersal limitation as recently demonstrated for eukaryotes in the Coorong Lagoon (Table 5). This microbial eukaryotes inhabiting soils (Bates et al. was also confirmed by the fact that both the Bray- 2013) and seawater sediments (Bik et al. 2012) across Curtis and the UniFrac dissimilarities between the broad geographic distances. At a smaller scale, a pri- different samples did not significantly increase with mary influence of the geographic distance to the dis- increasing salinities (Fig. 6) and that UPGMA den- tribution of freshwater protists has been recently drograms (Fig. 5) and NMDS analyses based on both demonstrated by comparing microbial communities Bray-Curtis and weighted UniFrac (Fig. 6) indicated in 6 lakes in France (Lepère et al. 2013). In contrast that samples from both brackish and hypersaline with the Coorong Lagoon, where all the sampling environments can cluster together (Fig. 6). Geo- sites were connected by water and the greatest dis- graphic distance is thus the main driver controlling tance between them was 96 km, the lakes investigates our communities of smaller eukaryotes (Table 5, by Lepère et al. (2013) were further apart (up to Fig. 6). This suggests that the exchanges of microbes 200 km) and were separated by physical barriers. In between the different sampled stations are slow spite of the shorter distances and the lack of physical enough to allow the formation of distinct communi- barriers which would facilitate the dispersal of mi- ties with similarities decreasing with distance. On the crobes throughout the Coorong Lagoon, community other hand, such exchanges are likely to be fast dissimilarities between different samples increased enough to prevent species within each community with increasing distance (Fig. 6). Prokaryotic commu- that are adapted to the local salinity to grow and out- nities can experience dispersal limitations at geo- Balzano et al.: Protist diversity along a salinity gradient 275

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Editorial responsibility: Urania Christaki, Submitted: July 29, 2014; Accepted: January 15, 2015 Wimereux, France Proofs received from author(s): March 16, 2015