Propuneri de parteneriat: Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Europa pentru Cetăţeni, FP7


Şcoala secundară Skarpengland din sudul Norvegiei, regiunea , comuna , caută parteneri pentru un proiect educaţional ce urmează să fie depus ca aplicaţie în cadrul programului sectorial european Comenius. Unitatea şcolară dispune de clasele 1-10 şi are circa 60 de angajaţi, din care 30 de cadre didactice. Grupul ţintă pentru proiect este reprezentat de elevii cu vârste între 13-14 ani (clasele 7-8). Proiectul propus porneşte de la ideea că motivaţia este esenţială în procesul de învăţare şi este o mare provocare pentru toţi actorii implicaţi în domeniul educaţiei. Şcoala Skarpengland doreşte să crească gradul de motivaţie al elevilor, propunând un schimb de bune practici, informaţii, comunicare şi mobilitate concentrate în jurul acestui subiect. Pentru mai multe informaţii, potenţialii parteneri sunt rugaţi să contacteze direct responsabilii de proiect: [email protected] sau [email protected] (fişa proiect1)


Departamentul pentru educaţie al localităţii Filipstad doreşte să fie partener într-un proiect ce urmează să fie depus la viitorul apel al subprogramului Comenius, măsura Comenius Multilateral Project, din februarie 2012. Filipstad este în mod particular interesat de propunerile care au ca scop dezvoltarea noilor metode privind folosirea computerelor şi a mijloacelor TIC ca instrumente pedagogice în şcoala primară şi secundară. Potenţialii parteneri pot obţine mai multe informaţii de la Jan Ulvforsen, manager în cadrul departamentului pentru educaţie, [email protected], tel +46 590 61549, website: (fişa proiect2)

Leonardo da Vinci

Asociaţia autorităţilor locale din regiunea Gothenburg (GR), Suedia, caută parteneri interesaţi să participe la un proiect de mobilitate transnaţională aflat în derulare în cadrul programului sectorial european Leonardo da Vinci. Obiectivul este de a schimba idei şi experienţe privind integrarea pe piaţa muncii, lumea afacerilor şi servicii pentru refugiaţi. Contact direct pentru detalii la responsabilul de proiect pentru MMGR (Mobility for Multipliers in Gothenburg Region), Danuta Ciasnocha, [email protected], Mobile: +46 707 69 05 46. Data limită pentru exprimarea interesului : 30 noiembrie a.c. (fişa proiect3)

Europa pentru Cetăţeni

Administraţia districtului municipal Biržai din Lituania caută parteneri europeni interesaţi să participe la un proiect de 2 ani ce urmează să fie depus ca aplicaţie pentru o cofinanţare prin programul “Europe for Citizens”, acţiunea 1, măsura 1.2 – Reţea a oraşelor înfrăţite (« Network of twinned towns »). Obiectivul principal al proiectului este cooperarea între tineri şi persoane în vârstă, schimb de experienţă şi învăţare reciprocă, în contextul Anului european 2012 pentru îmbătrânirea activă şi solidaritate între generaţii. Data limită de exprimare a interesului : 25 noiembrie a.c. Contact: Jurga Bagamolovienė, International project coordinator, Biržai district municipality administration, [email protected], tel: +370 618 25832. (fişa proiect4)

Programul Cadru pentru Cercetare şi Dezvoltare

Erlangen AG (parteneriat de afaceri între Siemens AG, administraţia oraşului Erlangen şi Universitatea Friedrich – Alexander Erlangen Nuremberg) şi Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen- Nuremberg din Germania caută parteneri pentru un proiect ce urmează să fie depus în cadrul celui de-al 7-lea Program Cadru pentru Cercetare şi Dezvoltare (FP7), măsura "Energy-efficient Buildings", apel identificat: FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB. Obiectivul acestui proiect este dezvoltarea unei diagrame decizionale (´tree`), un fel de strategie pentru eficienţa energetică verde (“Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap”) şi pentru conceptele de renovare sustenabila a clădirilor istorice în zonele urbane, în contextul specific al condiţiilor climatice şi al schimbărilor climatice progresive. Potenţialii parteneri sunt: • IMM-uri implicate în domeniul eficienţei energetice. Acestea vor participa la activităţile de cercetare pentru realizarea strategiei de energie optimală în situaţiile de renovare a clădirilor istorice; • Oraşe/municipalităţi/administraţii locale sau regionale proprietare ale clădirilor istorice care doresc să pună în practică, în situaţiile de renovare a clădirilor istorice, strategia energetică realizată în cadrul proiectului. Data limită de exprimare a interesului este 11 noiembrie a.c. Contact pentru detalii si parteneriat Marco Wendel, Erlangen AG, [email protected], tel: + 49 9131-530 2801. (fişa proiect5)

Leonardo da Vinci

Primăria oraşului Borås, în calitate de coordonator, caută parteneri pentru un proiect social. Proiectul urmează să fie depus în cadrul subprogramului comunitar Leonardo Da Vinci – februarie 2012 - şi va avea ca scop schimbul de experienţe între personalul responsabil cu îngrijirea bătrânilor din diferite alte oraşe europene. Obiectivul principal este acela de a sensibiliza comunitatea locală şi a favoriza obţinerea unor noi cunoştinţe în domeniu, astfel încât să se creeze şi dezvolte condiţiile pentru îngrijirea persoanelor în vârstă, în special în ceea ce priveşte tratarea/primirea pacienţilor, problemele legate de demnitate, implicarea activă a utilizatorilor, etc. Data limită pentru manifestarea interesului este 8 noiembrie a.c., coordonatorul proiectului intenţionând să depună iniţial o aplicaţie privind cofinanţarea vizitei pregătitoare pentru proiect. Potenţialii parteneri pot contacta pentru informaţii pe Maria Björkman, responsabil în cadrul departamentului de cercetare şi dezvoltare al serviciului de îngrijiri geriatrice, oraşul Borås, [email protected] (cu copie catre [email protected]), tel. +46 33 358 698. (fişa proiect6) Skarpengland Lower Secondary School is looking for partners to a Lifelong Learning Program, Comenius partnership project

Summary Skarpengland lower secondary school is seeking partners from all of Europe to a Comenius partnership project. The project will focus, through exchange of experiences, on how the participating schools could increase the pupil’s motivation for learning. The chosen approach is put on how we can improve the pupils skills through good adults role model, classroom management and assessment for learning. Skarpengland is looking for partner schools with special emphasis on integration of pupils with special needs. Expected target groups are pupils from lower secondary school, aged 13-14.

Motivation Motivation is vital in the learning process. Increased motivation and subsequently improved learning strategies will improve the quality of the pupils and enhancing creativity. Furthermore motivation is vital for promoting equity and social cohesion. Skarpengland school believes that good role models plays an important part in motivation for learning and will therefore investigate how the role models can be used in the teaching.

Objectives The objective of the project is to increase the pupil’s motivation for learning. The project will focus, through exchange of experiences, on how the participating schools could increase the pupil’s motivation for learning. The chosen approach is put on how adults can be used as role models in the learning processes. A special emphasis will be put on how youth workers can be used as role models in the class room.

Expected results of the project:  Build awareness of the role the teachers plays in the classroom  Concrete experiences in teaching is done in other countries for adjusted to the level of the pupils  Peer evaluation of the approaches used for motivation and youth workers  Strengthen the digital competence and language

The target group are pupils aged 13-14.

Activities The project will focus on the following phases:  Information: Exchange of information of the national schools systems that the partner schools are part of, information of chosen strategies for motivation and the role of youth workers. o Communication by email o Mobility 1 (Meeting): Presentations between the partner schools and role plays of different approaches to motivation.  Best practice: Exchange of experience between the partner schools on the chosen strategies for motivation and the use of role models in the classroom. o Communication by email o Establish, through social media, an arena for exchange of experience o Mobility 2 (Meeting): Presentation between the partner schools and discussion of the presentation. Participation in real classroom activities in the host school.  Evaluation: Assessment of strength and weaknesses of the different models and possible recommendation on how the models can be improved. A special focus will be on how the role of youth workers in the class room. o Communication of reports by the partner schools by email o Mobility 3 (Meeting): Presentation of results, discuss and agree on recommendation o Testing: Possible testing and implementation of some of the proposed recommendation of the partners

Our institution Skarpengland skole is an elementary (age 6-13) and lower secondary school (age 13-16), which is located in small town Øvrebø in Venessla Municipality (ab.13 000 inhabitants), 20 km from . The schools have about 300 pupils, also with special needs and 30 teachers. School has no experience in Comenius projects.


 Skarpengland school: (0047) 38150930  Nancy Riise Kvamsdal: [email protected]  Liv Kari Bjerland: [email protected]

Project Search from West Sweden

Programme: Comenius Multilateral Projects Deadline: 2nd February 2012 Contact Name: Jan Ulvforsen person: Title/profession: Development manager for the Department of Education E‐mail: [email protected] Telephone: +46 590 61549 Address: Filipstads kommun, Box 303, 682 27 Filipstad, Sweden Website: Organisation: The Municipality of Filipstad Filipstad is a municipality situated in the south‐west part of Sweden. 10.500 inhabitants live in a peripheral area of 1545 km² and 6000 of them in urban areas. The food industry and engineering are the most important sectors. Filipstad has two universities, one for Mining and Civil Engineering/Metallurgy and Material Technology, and one for Forest Technician Education.

The Department of Education is responsible for preschool and compulsory school, upper‐secondary school and adult education. Project idea: The Department of Education in the Municipality of Filipstad is pleased to communicate you their interest in participating as a project partner in a proposal within a Comenius Multilateral Project. Filipstad is particularly interested in a proposal which has the objective to develop new methods for using computers/ICT as pedagogical tools in primary and secondary schools.

Filipstad would like to improve students’ opportunities to use the computer as an educational tool and are today providing one computer to each student from grade 6 (students aged 12 years and up) and also one computer to each teacher. However, it is not enough to only provide computers, when lacking innovative methods to use them for education purposes. Filipstad Municipality would therefore like to participate in a project that provides tools for and train teachers in how to best utilise innovative ICT‐based pedagogical methods. As the ICT maturity in Sweden is quite high among students and teachers, Filipstad would be a suitable partner for such a project.

There is a growing interest in Sweden in the development of ICT as an integrated tool in education, hence, to develop and test new pedagogical methods in the learning environment is a great priority for Filipstad.

Please contact us if your organisation is looking to submit a project proposal as lead partner, and if you are looking for additional partners for the proposal. Partners Schools, universities in all EU countries preparing a bid for Comenius searched: Multilateral Projects Key words: Using ICT/Computer as a pedagogical tool

Partner Search from West Sweden

Programme: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility project Deadline: deadline for expression of interest November 30th, 2011 Contact person: Name: Danuta Ciasnocha Title/profession: project leader for MMGR (Mobility for Multipliers in Gothenburg Region) E‐mail: [email protected] Mobile: +46 707 69 05 46

Organisation The Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR) is an association bringing together thirteen municipalities in western Sweden. The member municipalities are Ale, Alingsås, Göteborg, Härryda, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn, and Öckerö. Combined, the population of these municipalities is 900 000.

The task of the association is to promote co‐operation over municipal borders and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience within the region. GR focuses on such issues as regional planning, internationalization, environment, traffic, labour market, welfare and social services, competence development, education, and research.

Project idea: GR is now looking for European partners interested in participating in an ongoing transnational mobility project under the frame of the Leonardo da Vinci, Mobility Programme.

The partners in the “Mobility for Multipliers in Gothenburg Region” project lead by the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities carry out exchanges of experience and best practice between staff working in Europe within a range of professions, including project managers and education and training coordinators. GR is particularly interested in involving staff within the Services for Employment, Business and Refugee Support.

GR is searching for entities willing to be the host organisation within this mobility project, receiving 1‐2 members of staff for 1 week of job‐ shadowing. The participants in question work with: 1. Unemployed people – by supporting them in the process of entering the labour market 2. Companies – by ensuring good relations between the municipality and the private sector 3. Refugees – by providing opportunities for them to successfully integrate in the community and to enter the labour market.

If you are interested in hosting the representatives from GR, we would like to ask you to fill in the partner information form and to sign the Letter of intent (both attached to this email) and send them to us as soon as possible and no later than November 30th , 2011.

Partners European Local authorities services for Employment, Business and searched: Refugee Support. Key words: Exchange of ideas and experience within labour market, business and refugee support services. Co‐operation over municipal borders. Project period: June 2010‐2012 – Visits to be carried out during the Spring of 2012


For the project under Europe for Citizens programme Action 1- Measure 1.2 – Network of twinned towns

2011-11-03 Date

Name of organization Birzai district municipality administration

Contact person Jurga Bagamolovienė Public relation specialist, international project coordinator

Address Vytauto street 38, LT-41143 Biržai

Country Lithuania

Telephone no. +370 618 25832

Fax no. +370 450 43134

E-mail [email protected]


Language spoken: English, Russian

Please describe your organization (target group, activities, etc.): The history of the town is connected with the aristocratic Radvila (RADZIWILL) family, which kept house in Birzai from the beginning of the 16th century to 1811. K. Radvila built a castle in Birzai in 1589. In 1575 the Apasčia and Agluona Rivers were dammed up, Lake Sirvena was formed. This lake, about 400 years old, is the oldest artificial lake in Lithuania.

The land of Biržai has a high gypsum content and numerous underground rivers, caves and caverns. As a result, the land of Birzai is dotted with over 2000 sink holes which appear when the ground caves in. They range in size from small holes to craters big enough to swallow a house. Some are dry while others are filled with water from underground sources.

After Lithuania regained independence in 1990, Birzai district municipality was formed. Now it

Please fill in the Partner Request Form and send it back to us by e-mail [email protected]

includes 8 wards and is governed by Birzai district municipality council which consists of 25 councilors. Mayor is the head of the Council and whole municipality. Birzai district municipality administration is responsible for implementation of the Council’s decisions. Birzai district municipality administration is run by Administration director and consists of 15 Departments. 236 employees work in Municipality administration and 8 wards which are the part of Administration. The work of Municipality council and Municipality administration is strictly regulated according the law of Local Self –Government of Lithuanian Republic. Municipality is a member of The Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania. The Association has it’s delegation to the Standing Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership of the Local and regional Authorities (COPPEM). The association works with CLRAE, CEMR and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Municipality provides various types of services citizens need. One of its functions is to organize activities for different age groups of citizens, help them to prepare various projects, coordinate international exchange, organize meetings with the citizens from partner towns, support the ideas of citizens and help them with their implementation.

Do you have any experience in EU programs? Programme "Europe for citizens" Action 1- Measure 1.1 projects in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Please describe your project idea (project theme, place, partners, etc.) 2012 year is announced as a Year of Active Aging and Solidarity among Generations. At the same time the idea of volunteering is also one of the priorities. Considering this Birzai district municipality prepares the project including 2 age groups: elderly people and youth. In Birzai there are quit a lot of organizations uniting elderly people. The Third Age University and the Association of Elderly People are the biggest ones. They are already performing some volunteer actions and are really willing to meet other elderly people from other countries, discuss the way elderly people organizations act abroad, what are their priorities, work methods and establish personal relations among the elderly persons from other countries for the future cooperation. Young people are very active in Birzai as well. Thought Birzai has only few formal youth organizations, strong informal youth works a lot under the supervision of Youth work coordinator who is the part of Municipality administration staff. The main idea of the project is: older people have lot of knowledge, they are like an experts and live witnesses of the history of their towns. On the other hand, young people are excellent in using modern technologies and they feel free in virtual life of nowadays. So why not to try to unite these 2 things? Modern technologies + history?

Activities: We ask young people to introduce older ones with modern technologies, especially film cameras and the ways digital record can be edited to make a film. After such lessons seniors would be asked to make movies about the way they remember, see and understand the history of their town, what they think is the most important and valuable, that their generations wants to say to those who will live after them. Of course young people will remain as consultants in this work. On the final event all films will be presented and the DVD with all of them will be produced.

Elderly people are familiar with traditional crafts and national cuisine. During the visits elderly people will share their knowledge with young people.

Target groups and partners: Elderly people (60+), young people (16-29) and project coordinators in all partner countries

When do you want to do the project?

The application will be submitted by Birzai district municipality by 1st February 2012. Project duration: September 2012 – August 2014

Please fill in the Partner Request Form and send it back to us by e-mail [email protected]

Partner countries of preference (if any)

Language of the project English (main) and Russian (in the countries where it is possible)

Extra information about project

Date until this partner request is valid: Birzai would like to get in touch with interested partners before the 25th November so that they may start planning for a potential collaboration.

Please fill in the Partner Request Form and send it back to us by e-mail [email protected]

Partner Search

Programme: Leonardo da Vinci Preparatory visit and Mobility project Contact Name: Maria Björkman person: Title/profession: Quality development officer, Research and development, Geriatric Care, City of Boras E‐mail: [email protected] Please also send a copy to [email protected] Telephone: +46 33 358 698 Address: City of Boras, SDF Oster, 501 80 Boras Organisation: Borås is a municipality of approx. 103 000 inhabitants in the western part of Sweden. As the second largest municipality in western Sweden, Borås offers a rich choice of public services, trade and commerce, cultural events, recreation and education, as well as a highly specialized labour market. Proximity to both Gothenburg and Landvetter International Airport is a major asset.

Borås and its surroundings is the textile and fashion center of Sweden. The manufacturing industry was an important part of the city up until the 1970ies. The increased need for labour during the fifties and sixties resulted in labour immigration. Today this has an impact on the city services and especially on the elderly care.

Borås, like all municipalities in Sweden, has the responsibility to provide elderly care services to all inhabitants. The City of Borås is divided into three administrative city districts. The City District East (Öster) has responsibility for the elderly care in the overall city perspective, but all city districts provide their inhabitants with the service.

Project idea: Sweden has, since January 2011 introduced a set of values in the Social Services Act. This implies increased user involvement with regards to dignity and well‐being issues. Elderly care in Borås Municipality aims to improve treatment/reception of patients with respect to their dignity. We want to develop our work with treatment/reception issues in an international perspective and are therefore looking for a partner municipality that has the same interest and has experience in this area.

The Research and development department for Geriatric Care in Borås has a mandate from the Municipality board to implement the National Value System, which is a new aspect within the Social Services Act. Our focus is to increase the knowledge and awareness concerning Dignity, Wellbeing, Dignified treatment and User Influence /Participation.

Between 2006 – 2008, Borås was granted national funding to train the staff within all areas of elderly care in ethic values. This has improved the awareness of these issues and Borås is now keen to develop this further. The new national legislation has encouraged a greater focus on these issues.

Through staff exchanges between elderly care personnel with other municipalities in Europe, Borås aims to raise awareness and knowledge to create the conditions for the development of elderly care in the fields of treatment/reception of patients, dignity issues and increased user involvement.

In the first instance, the City of Borås wishes to carry out a preparatory visit (deadline 15th of November), in order to develop the project proposal and make a full application for a Leonardo da Vinci mobility project in February 2012 (deadline 3 February 2012).

Borås would be very grateful if you could consider the proposal, and if you would be able to give an answer about participation as soon as possible and before 8 November to take part in the preparatory action and 30 November for the mobility project.

Partners Municipalities with experience in working with treatment/reception issues in searched: elderly care services Key words: Treatment/reception issues in elderly care Project period: March 2012‐February 2014

GEER – Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap

(Outline Proposal)

Basic Idea:

Developing a decision diagram (´tree`), a so called Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap, for sustainable refurbishment concepts for historic buildings in urban districts in due specific consideration of the climatic conditions and the prevalent progressing climate change. The developed concepts within the Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap will be underlying a reality check in form of a test implementation within several demonstration projects.

Work Plan:

Work Package 1: Management (Erlangen AG)

Work Package 2: Dissemination (Erlangen AG)

Work Package 3: Data collection (basis for the Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap)

3.1 Climate

3.1.1 Classification of climate zones (+ microclimate in urban districts)

3.1.2 Climate change in European context ( shift of climate zones)

3.2 Determination of sustainable energy resources

 Which green energy resources are available that are qualified for using in regard to historic buildings in the urban context?

3.3 Building and construction materials and related methods

 Which convenient, particularly innovative, materials and methods (techniques) are generally available or conceivable for an appropriate refurbishment of historic buildings?

3.4 Classification of urban building stock

 Firstly: Definition of terms, e.g. historic building, etc. (architects …)

 Secondly: Classification of historic buildings (or complexes of) into specific classes  quick assignment within the decision diagram (´tree`)

Work Package 4: Analysis  Developing a concept / decision diagram (´tree`) / Roadmap

(In general, all considerations have to be reconcilable with the EU energy efficiency standards)

4.1 Analysis of the different energy requirement patterns and building parameters (Heating, cooling, floor space, square meter, dimensions of living space and garden area, etc.)

4.2 Generating a causal system between…

Climate zone

Type of building

Specific energy requirements

( sustainable, efficient combination of different regenerative energy resources, e.g. near-surface, very shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling, solar panels for the electricity supply of a thermal heat pump, etc.)

4.3 Merging the respective parameters to a single cooking recipe ( concept / decision diagram (´tree`) / Roadmap

4.4 Visualisation of the results using a GI-System or CAD/ArchiCAD System

 dynamic component to take the issue of climate change into account

 graphical illustration of the Green Energy Efficiency Roadmap

Work Package 5: Testing (verifying the resulting Roadmap of WP4)

5.1 Test regions for each climate zone within the European consortium have to be determined

5.2 Testing the draft version of D4.4

 improvements should be incorporated into the Roadmap

5.3 Setting up a full version of D4.4 (Web User Interface in each country specific language?!)

Specific information:

Call identifier: FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB

Topic: EeB.Energy.2012.6.6-3 – Concepts and solutions for improving energy efficiency of historic buildings, in particular at urban district scale

Deadline: 1 December 2011

Information on the project: The indicative funding is 5 Mio €. The funding rate is 100 % for management and dissemination, up to 75 % for research activities and 50 % for demonstration activities. 35 % of the budget has to be allocated on SMEs.

The consortium will comprise research institutions, public institutions (municipalities, regional governments) from (almost) each climate zone across Europe, SMEs with skills in energy efficiency topics. Fixed partners currently are: Erlangen AG (Management and Dissemination) and the Friedrich-Alexander- University Erlangen- Nuremberg - Geo-Center of Northern Bavaria.

For further questions please contact:

Marco Wendel ERLANGEN AG Henkestr. 91 91052 Erlangen Tel.: 09131-530 2801 Fax: 09131-530 1392 mail to: [email protected]