( 139 )

r ^ s rv^s


fPl. IX. anrl X.)


the last year the Trinf? Museum received several collections of

DURINGOoleoptera from West Africa, contaiuiug many interestiug and uew species. Besides .some smaller lots of from different localities of the Cougo R., from C!araeroons, Old Calabar, Bathurst (W. Afr.),aud Accra, the Museum acquired extensive collections from Loanda, French Loango, Gold Coast, and . Especially rich is the material collected by A. Mocqiierys during his visit to the Upper Knilu R. in French Loango, and most of the new species described in this paper are from that locality. The collection from Sierra Leone, made by Dr. W. G. Clements, represents a fine series of species of nearly all families, and includes many peculiar and hitherto unknown forms. Having now worked out the Longicornia of those collections, together with the African material of this family already contained in the Museum, 1 give a list of the known in addition to the of the forms species descriptions new ; the known " " species ticketed W. Afr. (withont exact locality) in the Museum's collection are left out, except a very few the occurrence of which in West Africa is of interest. Some South and East African forms are added. Intending to give a fuller account of the geographical relations of the West African beetles, when the whole collection is worked out, I here mention only some of the most striking facts derived chiefly from our knowledge of the African Cerambycidae. " The above-mentioned localities belong U) the West African Subregiou," the boundaries of which almost exactly agree with the limits of the range of the Buprestid J>dodi» in Africa. This genus is very abundant in the southern districts of the Palaearctic Region, and ranges over East and South Africa in a large number of species. The whole forest region of West Africa from Senegambia to , as well as Beuguela, is characterized by the total absence of Jidodis. One species {J. aeqiunoctiaUs (Oliv.), occurs fmm Senegambia to Abyssinia and Egypt, and the southern limit of its range may agree with the northern boundary of the West African Subregiou. The districts south of the Sahara occupied by this to species and by Sternocera inferrnpta (Oliv.) and St. casf.anea (Oliv.) correspond " R. Bowdler Sharpe's Sudanese Subregiou," which separates the West African as Subregiou from the great desert, and extends from Senegambia as far Abyssinia. Owing to our present ignorance of the Longicorn fauna of the Sudan, Nubia, and Abyssinia, I can add only two species of Cerambycini and three Lamiiui, the occurrence of which seems to me to be nearly restricted to the Sudanese Sub- and nituH- region ; these species are Obriaccam fmcutum (Chevr.) Cordylomera pennis Serv., both from Senegambia and Bahr el Abiad (Abyssinia), Binntoci'ro and Bahr tiifasciata (Fabr.) representeil in the Museum from Sierra Leone, , and el Abiad, Phryneta aurocincta (Gu6r.) from Senegambia and Bahr el Abiad, Ceratites jaspidem Serv. from the sami' localities. Then we find Hi/poeschrus ( 140 )

tlie R. sfriffos'js (Gyll.) from districts of the Senegal represented in Abyssinia by a similar form, H;/i>ocschrus strigosus abifssinicim snbsp. nov. : and it is of interest to note, that the genera Cajit/iarocnemis, Coelodon, and Pachydissus, which range over E. India and the eastern and southern parts of Africa, are also found in Sene- gambia, while they are evidently absent from the West African Subregion. The coleopterous fauna of the districts between the Benue R. and iSokoto is of a West African type, as far as I can tell from a number of species that form part of the collection made by Mr. P. Staudinger during the expedition of E. Hartert and P. to and of the are Staudinger Kano Sokoto (1885-6) ; many species identical with either those from Sierra Leone, or from the Gold Coast, or from the Knilu R. The southern boundary line is usually saiil to agree with the Quauza R. Our collection from Loanda is confined to such species as are either identical with, or closely allied to, species from the Congo R. or French Loango (Kuilu R.), and includes scarcely any South or East African form. When we come to examine the " " Longicornia described from Angola we find them mostly of the West African as well as those R. but also find the type, known from the Ui)i)er Quauza ; we fauna of these districts already intermingled witji a number of decideiUy South or East African genera, as Phi/llocneina, Closteromertis, Plirisaoma, and some others, a fact which sliows this country to be .it the junction of the West and South African fauna. These facts render it j)robable that the northern parts of Angola as a whole should go with the West African Subregion, and that we have to fi.x the limit of this south of tlie R. l)ut at determine the Subregion Quauza ; ]ireseut we cannot exactly southern boundary, even if there is an exact ])arting line, especially as most of the Longicornia known from this district have no other locality given but simply " Angola." The collections, however, made in this country incline me to suppose that the boundary line may commence at the coast south of the Quanza, and that inland it bends southward about as far as the thirteenth degree of southern latitude, and then curves northwards to the Up])er Congo. The districts of the Upper Congo, near the Stanley Falls, exhibit a West African coleopterous fauna intermingled with decidedly East African types, while a few West African forms (for example Mecosaspis) range as far east as Nyassa Land.

The West African Longicom fauna lias a large series of characteristic forms, besides many genera of a wider range. If we omit the new genera proposed in this paper, and also those occurriug only in Senegambia, we find at present more than T.5 genera confined to the West African Subregion. The great feature of the Longicorn fauna of these districts is the abundance of Callichromini. A series of genera of this conspicuous group is peculiar to West Africa, as Omopti/cha, Dictator, Synaptola, Gloniopkorus, Rhopalizus, Eulitopm, etc., while others (as Oxyprosopus and EuporuH) here occur in a large number of species, but are also represented by a few forms in the South and East of the Continent. Then there are the lyciform C'erambycini Ampkidesmus and Dinstelloptems, and the remarkable genera Allo- gaster, Pfyckolaemus, Oedaenoderus, and others. Among the Lamiini we meet with many peculiar forms, as Ecphora, Anauxesis, Petrognatha, Protonarthron, Plectro- scapus, Plagiomys, Eurysops, Pinacostcrna, Acridocephalu, etc., and find the follow- to ing groujjs be prevailing : Monnkammitii, Prosopocerini, Steniotomini, Trago- cephalini, PIn-ynetini, , and Saperdini. The Priottini have five genera to peculiar West Africa, two of which (Aiioeme and Sol/nrus) are of great interest, being without close relations to any other Prionid genus known at present. ( 141 )

the Of genera not restricted to the West x\frican Snbregion, Parani/ra, and are the Mallodon, Liopus, Psapliarochrns Xeotro]iical types ; genus Pamndi-a, numerous species of which are described from America, occurs also in AVest and South in the Oriental and on the Sandwich Is. Mallodoit is Africa, Region ; repre- sented in Africa one over the whole b}' species ranging Aethiopian Region, b}- a second in S. Africa, by a third in Arabia, and is also found in Australia; Liopus-AnA occur in Psapliarochrns West Africa in two species each, and are likewise repre- sented in the Palaearctic Region by some forms, two of which {Liopxs nebidosus (L.j, and Acanthocleres (Psapharochrm clampes Schrank.) are common enough and have a rather wide range. The occurrence of East Indian or Oriental types in the fauna of West Africa, well known in other classes of is , also met with among the Longicornia. The decidedly Oriental genera Batocera, Leprodera, Olenecamptus, and Glenea are represented {Glenea by a great number of species) in the West African Snbregion, while they are absent from the rest of the continent. Then we find SfAenias iu Africa and occurring West the Oriental Region, with the number of species almost iu both equal districts, and meet with many forms of the widespread genus Monokamimis both in E. India and W. Africa, and it is very remarkable to note that these genera are not yet found in the eastern parts of Ai'rica. The of Callichroma is allied to the Oriental proli:ra-gvox^]y closely genus Cldorirhluni ; and, lastly, of the West African genus ^fecosaspis, two species are said to occur in E. India. If we further take into consideration the affinities of the Oriental " " Longicorn fauna to that of East and South Africa—called fni'ther on E. S. Afi'ica —and also to that of all tiie African continent south of the desert, we sliall find one striking fact. The genera Cantkarocnemis, Megopis, and Pliilayathus have iu E. India and Africa (excluding W. Africa) almost the same number of species, and tlierefore may " " be called Eastern Afro-Indiau types ; the Oriental genera Pach/di.ssiis and Gnat/tolea are represented in E. S. Africa, while on the other hand Hoinalohu-hiuis of E. S. African type occurs in East India. The genus Polyzonas of the Oriental Region is very closely allied to the E. S. African genus Anubis. All these forms are entirely absent from the West African Snbregion (exclnding the districts of the Senegal R.). and E. S. Of the genera ranging over West Africa and the Oriental Region, one {Plocederus) may be called a West-African type, three {Promeces, Rhaplii- f-nfl are characteristic E. S. African forms three dopsiSi Ktinidia) ; again {Coptops, Praonetlia, and Apomeojna) are Oriental genera, and one {Nupse7-lia) is a decidedly further we find one Aethiopian genus ; genus {Xijstrocera) represented by a good number of species, both in the Aethioiiian and Oriental Regions. The West African Longicorn fauna includes therefore seven Oriental genera " " and one Western Afro-Indian genus, while only two West African genera occur in the six are absent from E. S. Africa. the Oriental Region ; of these forms On other hand, we know at present in the Longicorn fauna of E. S. Africa five " " Oriental genera, and meet with three genera of Eastern Afro-Indian type, while four E. S. African in the Oriental of these six genera are represented Region ; forms again are absent from the West African Snbregion. These numbers will be altered when oiu' knowledge of the Aethiopian fauna has increased, but they are enough to show, that West Africa and E. S. Africa both have affinities to the Oriental Region in almost the same degree, but in a (piite diflereut ( 142 ) manner. The Oriental types jirevail as regards the relations between the West " " African Subregion and the Oriental Region, while the Eastern Afro-Indian and E. S. African genera together are predominant in the affinities of E. S. Africa to tile Oriental Region.


cut. — in 1. Parandra gabonica Thorns. {AirL ii., p. 140) (omitted the Munich Catalogue). Kniln.

2. Cacoscelis oedipus Newm. Magalies Bcrge (Transvanl i. HivorsJale (Cape Colony).

:i. Cacoscelis lacordairei Pasc. Transvaal.

4. Tithoes yolofos (Dalm.). Sierra Leone.

o. Tithoes frontalis Har. Upper Congo. There is one specimen from Sierra Leone in the Mnsenm's collection, which I refer to this its are a little with some doubt species ; eyes smaller and the mandibles much longer than in the examples from the Upper Congo.

6. Dorycera spinicornis (Fabr.). Bathnrst (W. Afr.), Axim (W. Afr.), Kuilu.

T. Macrotoma palmata (Fabr.). Senegal.

s. Macrotoma prionopus AMiitc. Sierra Leone, Kuilu.

9. Macrotoma infans Qned. Kniln.

1'). Macrotoma viridesceus sp. uov. ?. .1/. nigro-picea, snbnitidii, olytris inter costas hand nitidis et couspicue

viridescentibns : lateribus breviter laevi prothorace spinosis, disco [wstice ; scutello instructo apice eniarginato, panels pnnctis ; elytris antice fortiter, dein usque ad apicem minutissime deusiter granulatis, disco qnatuor costis brunneis fortiter elevatis, ad costarnm latera serie irregulare punctis grossis. Long, ol mm., elytr. 37, lat. 15. Pitch wirli the black, shining, antennae (except their scape) and the costae of the brown the between these elytra ; space costae not shining, with a distinct tint of a colour. Head sage green strongly punctured ; a deej) groove between the near the of tlie latter the tubers eyes punctnlated only margin ; antemiary with a coarse jjunctnation. Scape of tlie antennae short, somewhat thickened towards tlie rather tij), coarsely and densely punctuated, and with a tubercle behind the middle. Protliorax convex, with the sides strongly declivous, the angles not recurved, the teeth acute the marginal but very short, j)osterior the longest : the disc longitudi- and in front without nally transversely im]iressed, nearly punctures behind ; sides of the prothorax very coarsely ]nuictuated, with the punctures (ontluent. Scutellum ( 143 )

with scarce : its longitniliiially iiii]ii'('sse(l, very ])uiic.tnres ajiex emai'giiiate. Elytra parallel, with tlie base rather strongly elevated near tiie scntelhim and shonlrter, granulated, tliese grannies moderately strong iit tlie base, then becoming- extremely dense and fine, and wanting at the extreme apex, which is coarsely and rugosely the suture and the outer as well as four carinae on each punctuated ; border, eh'tron, elevated, the carinae obsolete on the base, with a somewhat irregular row of coarse ])nuctures at each side. Fore margin of the prosternnm fringed with yellow brown hairs, the pubescence of th(i metasternnm dense brownish black, that of the abdomen of the same colour, but very sparse, whilst the coxae and trochanters are clothed with a yellowish grey pubescence. Process of the prosternnm excavated near the apex, with the tip strongly recurved, forming a strong tuliercle in front of the mesosternum. The latter rather broad and excavated. Fore tibiae with coarse and their inner and outer denticulated anterior punctures granules ; edges shortly ; femora beneath with tubercles at the base, with teeth near the apex. Intermediate femora and tibiae with short teeth at the inner edge, the tibiae, moreover, with shar]j tubercles all over. Hind femora wath very short teeth at the inner edge, hind tibiae without teeth, but covered with acnte granules. Hnh. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). A very couspicnous species, which may be easily distinguished by the elytra having strongly elevated costae, with the interstices of a peculiar greenish colour.

!1. Erioderus hirtus (l^'abr.). Magalies Berge (Transvaal).

12. Aulacopus thoracicalis sp. nov. antice vix lateribus dentibus anticis A. ater ; jirothorace angustato, denticulatis, latioribus, angulis posticis recurvatis, fortiter punctato, disco fere laevi, utrinque pone medium punctato, hoc spatio punctato jjostice versus latera curvato, j)raeterea disco lateraliter sjiatio longitudinal! impresso, punctato, postice cum area, punctata submediana fere unito. Elytra grosse punctata, postice leviter rugulosa, sutura bidentata, singulo qnatuor striis leviter elevatis, duabus basim attingentibus. Processus jjrosternalis angustus, marginatus. Long. 19 mm., elytr. 13, lat. 5. Black, shining, coarsely punctuated, with the punctures scarce between the the eyes, on the disc of the prothorax, on the scutellum, and on the elytra behind scutellum. Prothorax nearly as broad at the front margin as at the base, the sides with short teeth, wanting in front of the hind angles, the anterior teeth rather broad the disc has a there two areae of at ; peculiar structure, being punctures each side, the first punctulated space beginning near the front margin, running along the sides of the middle line and curving behind towards the sides, where it is almost

united with the second area at the sides of the disc ; both streak-like punctured areae are almost entirely surrounded with a smooth space. Scutellum semicircular. with the sides each Elytra toothed at the sutural angles, convex, parallel ; elytron with four slightly raised lines, two of wliicii extend to the base. Prosternnm coiU'sely punctuated, its process nearly smooth, narrow, and margineil at the sides

and tip. Metasternnm and apex of the abdomen witii yellowish grey hairs. All with coarse at the inner elsewhere almost sniooti] femora some punctures edges, ; the tibiae with coarse punctures. Hab. Gold (!oast. ( 144 )

13. Mallodon downesi Hope. Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Kniln, Congo, Loanda, Natal, Nossib^, B^kilns (Madagascar).

14. Colpoderus substriatiis Hiir.

Gold Coast (2,^, 1 ? ).

15. Colpoderus laevis sp. nov. stuirello

3. Long. 29 mm., elytr. 17, lat. 8^. 43 14. ?. „ „ , „ 26, „ This species is closely allied to G. substi'iatus Har., from which it differs the in especially in the flattened mandibles of male, the antennae of the male being mnch longer than the body, in the elytra having slight traces of raised lines only in the middle of tlic disc, and very faint and scarce rugosities in both sexes, so the are mnch more than in substriafus Har. the that elytra shining C ; prothorax of the male toothed at the sides in front of the sinus, that of the female with the front and with a small sinns behind the anterior whole part denticnlated, angles ; the punctuation of the abdomen is finer than in C. siibstriatiis Har. Hab. Kuilu (IJ, 2?, A. Mocquerys, 1892), (!ongo (1 ?).

10. Anoeme gahani sp. nov. J ?. yJ. rnfo-ferruginea, pubcsceus, m;iudibnlarum apice, ociilis autenuisque dense nigris. Caput canalicnlatum, granulato-pnnctatum ; prothorax transversus, lateribns dense antice constrictns, parnm rotnndatis, grannlato-punctatns ; elytra j)arallela, dense grosse punctata, sutura margineqne laterali carinata, carina media a ad rotnndatis et basi usque apicem conspicna, apicibus singulis ; metasternum abdomen nitida, primnm sparsim, alterum sparsissime pnnctatnm.

Long. 1 H mm., elvtr. 8, lat. 'i\. Hust\' rufous, clothed with a somewhat sjiarse pubescence, which is denser at the head and prothorax. Head extremel}' closely pnnctate-graunlate, the punctures coarse on the antennary tubers. Ti]> of the mandibles black, middle of the head canaliculated, forefront rather excavated. Antennae black, about a third longer than in the as as the in the tlio theibody mali;, long body femali' ; scape thickened, strongly granulated, and half as long as the third joint, the latter longer than the fourth, the following joints gradually diminishing in length, the last the same length as the the third to eleventh canaliculated. ninth ; joints strongly Prothorax punctate- granulate like the head, transverse, constricted in front, with the front margin and tlie sides rounded the disc scarcely emarginatc, ; somcwiiat convex at each side, with a slight middle line. .Scutellum punctuated, somewhat triangular, with ronnded. with tlie basal the tip broadly Elytra jiarallel, margin nearly straight : ( 145 )

and all over tlie shoulders densely verj' strongly punctuated ; rounded, each apex outer a discal obliquely rounded ; the suture, the marsiii, and carina on each elytron raised this discal carina extends the rather strongly and sharply ; from base to the apex, and is obsolete only at the extreme base and tip. Merasternum shining, rather finely punctulated, the punctures sjiarse in the middle. Abdomen also shining, with few punctures. Femora and tibiae compressed, the latter densely granular. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

This is the second species of the genus Anocme Gahan ( Tr. E. Soc, 1890, p. 299), whicli is founded on a black species described by Chevrolat under the name Ucme nigrita {Rev. ZooL, 1855, p. 183). Named in honour of Mr. Charles J. Gahan, to whose helj) in comparing our species with those of the British Museum collection I owe so very much.


Saphanidus gen. dov. Hirsutus, capite postice coarctato, oculis magnis, genis fere nullis, antennis articulo tertio scapo duplo lougiore, ])rothorace lato, lateribus rotuudatis, meilio spina armatis, elytris parallelis, subconvexis, apicibus singulis acuminatis, processu prosternali brevissimo, coxis anticis coutiguis, coxarum anticarum cavitatibus extns fortiter angulatis, femoribus validis, posticis abdominis apicem fere attingentibus. Closely allied to Sap/ianii.'s Laich., from which it differs in the long pubescence, in the longer antennae, the third joint of which is longer than the fourth, in the smaller eyes, which are much more separated underneath, etc.

17. Saphanidus viridescens sp. nov.

? . S. infra brunneus, supra obscure viridis, nitidus. Antennae nigro-brunneae, corpore longiores : prothorax longitudine tertia parte latior, disco sat depresso, parum inaequali, lateribus fortiter rotuudatis, medio spina acuta sed brevi armatis; rotundato scutellum elongatum, apice ; elytra subconvexa, pnnctulata, ad apicem fere laevia, lateribus parallelis, postice rotuudatis, apicibus acuminatis, singuliim elytrum disco qninque striis impressis, interstitiis (4) convexis, postice abbreviatis.

Prosternum leviter strigulosum, sparsim granulatum : metasternum dense granu- abdomen sat leviter late latum ; sparsim ]mnctulatum, segmento quinto ajiice basi et emarginato ; pedes brunneo-nigri, femora apice extremis excejrtis rnfo- ochracea.

Long. 18 mm., elytr. 13-i, lat. 4|. not With a moderately strong and very dense punctuation ; clothed with blackish brown erect hairs of two lengths. Upper surface dark green, shining, especially of the elytra. Head impressed in front of and behind the anteunary tubers. Antennae dark blackish brown, with the tip of the tenth joint reaching the apex of the elytra, the scape feebly thickened towards the tip, strongly punctured, a little shorter than the fourth Prothorax two-thirds as as disc, joint. long broad ; the faint the sides uneven, with some impressions ; strongly rounded, with a rather thin and sharp tooth in the middle. Scutellum much longer than broad, rather triangular, the rounded. somewhat behind the apex Elytra convex, especially ; ajiex commonly and at the suture into a five rounded, proilnced sharj) spine ; each elytron with longitudinal and slightly impressed stripes and the trace of a sixth, the interstices of which are convex. surface brown Under ; prosternum with fine transverse ridges 10 ( 146)

faint : and grannies meso- and metasternnm densely sranular ; abdomen pnnctnred, its fifth blackish seo:ment slightly emargiimte. Legs brown ; the femora (save their tip) rnfous ocbraceous. Hob. Loanda(l ?).

1>^. Hypoeschrus strig-osus abyssinicus snbs]). nov. H. gtriyoso Gyll. simillimus, sed dilutioi', protlioracis lateribus vix rotnndatis, elytris leviter triearinatis, carina exteriore obsoleta, omnibus versus apicem obsoletis. Long. 14 mm., elytr. ID, lat. 3^.

This form is paler tlian //. slrigosiia Gyll. : the raised lines of the elytra are feeble, with the obsolete whole exterior line is apical part ; the obsolete, and entirely wanting at the base. The third joint of the antennae is nearly twice as long as the scape, the fourth and filth joints a little .shorter than the third. Prosternum with transverse striae and some grannies. Hub. Abyssinia, Bahr-el-Abiad (Henglin).

19. Paroeme semifemorata (Chevr.). Knila, Ogowe, and Upper Congo. In the specimen from the Ui)per l^ongo l{. the black apical portion of tlie femora is mnch less extended than in those from Knilu and Ogowe.

20. Paroeme annulipes (Clievr.). Ogowe.

21. Xystrocera cyanella Chevr. Knilu. One male and two females, wliicli are slightly different from the type in the British Museum (Collection : the head, prothorax, and sides of tlie elytra not blue as are in the the are purple violet, they type specimen ; jirothorax lias no trace of a raised middle line. One of the two females has the underside more or less pitchy brown, with the abdomen luteous. This form, which I do not consider to be a distinct species, may be named Xystrocera cyanella ab. luteiventris nov. aberr.

-,;. Xystrocera minuta sp. nov.

. .V. viridis i ? ; vertice, j)rothoracis margiue angnsto antico et disco,

elytrornm lateribus pedibnsciue violaceis. (,!apiit grannlatnm. Prothorax Uiteriiius disco conliformi leviter rotuudatus, dense pnuctnlatus ; 6 spatio uitido sparsim ? disco transverse laevi. granulate ; sparsim granulato, granulis dispositis, medio Elytra grauulata. Prosternum grauulatum, antice regnlariter striatum. S abdo- minis segmenti ultimi parte dorsali elongata rotnudata parnm sjiatuliformi. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 3. Green, somewhat shining. Head entirely granular, the vertex pnr])le violet. Antennae black, the basal joints strongly granular. Elytra grannlar, tlie grannies stronger at the base and suture, the sides and the whole ajie.v dark violet : each elytron with two ncrvules. Scntellnm green, with minute grannies. Under surface bluish' green, or green with a tint of olive. Legs blue or greenish bine. S. Prosternum broader at the anterior margin than at the base, with the a discal area cordiforni sides nearly evenly rounded ; densely punctnlaled ; broad and granular, this an^a couuected in the middle line with a narrow and triangular ( 147 )

which is also space, granulated ; lioth grannlatpd spaces are violet for the most part, and their granules form irregular transverse rows. The dorsal part of the ultimate segment of the abdomen elongate, and rounded at the apex. ? . Prothorax sparingly granulated, the grannies forming irregular transverse rows at each side in ; impressed front and in the middle of the disc, these impressions smooth. Prosternum minutely striate all over, the striae stronger at the fore margin, and intermixed with some grannies. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, lHf)2). In one male the femora have a rufous ring near the middle. Has the appear- ance of A', ctfanella Chevr., from which it differs in colour, in tlie structure of the prothorax of the male, in the structure of the prosternum, etc.

23. Xysti'ocera lateralis Chevr. Kuilu, Gaboon. Varies from to blue the are or golden green greenish ; legs black, entirely rufous, or black with the middle of the femora rufous.

24. Xystrocera velutina sp. nov. c? S . A', aureo-viridis (c?), sen cyaneo-viridis (S); capite granuhito, vertice et laevi antennis scutello laevi medio impresso ; uigris ; ; elytris sntura lateri- busque nigro-velntinis, disco sat sparsim granulatis, pedibus nigris. S prothorace lateribus postice rotundato-dilatato, densiter punctulato, disco

imjiressione lyriformi aureo-nitida. parce granulosa : prosterno densissime minute antice striato punctnlato, ; abdominis segmenti ultimi parte dorsali elongata, apice paulo emarginata. ¥ prothorace lateribus leviter binodulosis, disco antice valde constricto, pone constrictionem dilatato, sparsim grauulato, in constrictione et in disci medio laevi, prosterno sparsissime granulato, antice striato. i. Long. 23 mm., elytr. 15^, lat. 5.

Male golden green, femnle greenish blue or blue. Head strongly granulated, the vertex impressed and smooth between the upper lobes of the eyes. Antennae black, their scape greenish blue. Scutellum green, with hardly any granules. Suture (save the apex) and sides of the elytra clothed with a black velvety disc and covered with but rather pubescence ; golden shining, strong sjiarse a line in the middle of the tlisc elevatetl. granules ; longitudinal conspicuously Metasternum and abdomen black, clothed with a grey pubescence. Legs black, their hind tibiae scarcely dilated towards the a])ex. (?. Prothorax as long as broad, with the sides rounded and dilated, especially a disc before the base, very .densely punctnlated ; lyriform impression on the side "olden and shining, covered with sparse granules ; each has two small and rather deeply impressed grooves, one at the side of the other, and a third in front of them near the anterior margin. Prosternum punctured like the prothorax, with a few granules, the anterior black (lart regularly transversely striate. Dorsal part of the last segment of the abdomen elongate and slightly emarginate. with a tint of Prothorax broader than ¥ . Head and prothorax pttrple. long, the rather broad and constrii'.tion shining, covered with sparse granules ; strong in front, and the middle of the disc smooth. Prosternum sparingly granulated^ with the anterior black part striate. ( 148 )

Hab. Kniln (A. Mocquerys, 1892), Gold Coast, Accra (W. Afr.). Two specimeus, one labelled "Gold (Joast" and the other "Accra," both females, bine that the head and tin^red are dark ; from Accra has prothorax strongly with fiery pnrple. Allied to A'. irititUiia (jned., the male of which is not yet known.

uov. 25. Xystrocera similis ^

Long, loj mm., elytr. 11, hit. 'A\. Golden green, shining. Head granulated, with the middle of the vertex impressed and smooth. Antennae black, somewhat pitchy. Prothorax as long as at the sides this of broad, very densely pnnctulated ; pnnctulated part the prothorax extends in the front constriction towards the disc, where the pnnctulated area is limited the disc and a narrow at the anterior rounded and sharply ; space the the disc margin sparingly granulated ; middle of entirely smooth, with a small impression in front of the scntellnm : the sides are slightly rounded, with a pnnctiform impression in the middle. Scutellnm grannlated, sliort and broad. the scntellnm and at the sides these Elyti'a dark green behind ; parts finely and disc more and densely graniilated ; much strongly sparsely grannlar, with a raised line almost smooth at the suture. Prosternnm with its ; apex finely pnnctulated , striate this anterior black portion regularly ; transversely impressed, imjircssion narrowly dilated behind in the middle. Dorsal jiart of the ultimate segment of the abdomen elongate and subtruncate, with the angles strongly rounded. Legs of the black, feebly tinged with brown ; middle femora rnfons, hind tibiae brownish pitchy. Female unknown. Hah. Kuiln (A. Mocquerys, 1892). of X. lateralis ('hevr. Ijut the Resembles small specimens ; pnnctulated area at each side of the jirothoras extends not so far towards the middh? line of tlie disc, and therefore both snbdiscal areae, approximated in X. lateralis Chevr., are rather broadly separated in A", similis sp. uov. Moreover, the scutellum is shorter and broader, the granules of the elytra are sparser, and the prosternnm has the above- mentioued impression which is wanting in X laternlis Chevr.

26. Xystrocera emarginata sp. nov. S. X. viridis, subnitida. Frons granulata, vertex grosse punctnlatus, medio impressione laevi instrnctus. Antennae uigrae. Prothorax deusiter puuctulatus, lateribus impressione punctiformi, disco spatio uitido fere laevi antice bilobo. Scutellum nigrum, punctulatimi, apice rotnndato. Elytra rngoso-granulata, sutnra angnstissime uigrescente. Prosternnm densiter punctulatnm, antice nigrum, depressnm, striatum. Abdominis segmenti ultimi jiars dorsalis profunde emarginata. Pedes rufo-testacei . femorum tibiarumque apices nigri, tarsi piceo- nigri. ( 149 )

Long. 14i mm., elytr. lu. lal. '^. Green, with the lieacl, prothorax, and abdomen rather shining. Head canaliculate, with the front sparingly granulated, and the vertex coarsely punctuated, impressed and smooth between the upper lobes of the eyes. Antennae black. Prothorax as as broad sides not with a constricted in front and posteriorly, long ; rounded, small disc with a and almost smooth which is round groove ; large shining area, sharply limited, broadest and bilobed in front, biangular at its sides, and posteriorly very narrowly dilated towards tlie base. Scutellum black, shining, sparingly its rounded. the suture pnnctulated ; apex Elytra rugosely granulated, very narrowly bordered with blackish blue. Prosternnm punctulated as the sides of the anterior and striate. the prothorax ; jiart black, depressed, transversely Metasternum and abdomen black. Dorsal part of the last segment of the abdomen the hind verj' deeply emarginate, bilobed. Legs very slender, especially tibiae, which are not broadened towards the tip : apex of the femora and tibiae and all tarsi brownish black or black, the remainder of the legs rufons. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Easily distinguished from small males of .Y. l/feralU ( !hcvr. and from the of the last X. simil/s sp. uov. by the sculpture of head and prothorax, by shape segment of the abdomen, a,nd by the slender legs.

27. Xystrocera laevis sp. uov. 3. A', viridis, nitidns; capite prothoracequc jjaulo cyanescentibus,-metasterno vertice abdomineque nigris. Caput medio fortiter canaliculatum, fronte granulata, laeve sat laevi, autennis nigris. Scutellum ; elytra sparsim grannlato-punctata, antice lateribus postice transverse rugulosis. Prosternnm deusiter ])unctnlatum, ut nigrum et leviter striatum. Pedes uigri, coxae quatuor anticae, femorum omnium medium, rufae. c?. Prothorax globosus, deusiter punctatus, disco impressioue lyriformi angusta, lateribus impressionibus tribns ])unctiformibus, omnibus impressionibus nitidis, j)aucis granulis iustructis. Pars dorsalis segmenti ultimi abdominalis elongato- rotundata, emarginata.

. laferaliter 5 Prothorax lateribus et disco inaequalis, granulatus ; segmentum ultimum abdominale apice emarginatum. Long. 2.5 mm., elytr. IT, lat. 6i. Green, feebly tinged with olive green and golden, shiuing. Head, prothorax, and prosternnm bluish green in one mnlr. Head canaliculate, front densely granulated, vertex smooth. Antennae black. Prothorax of the r$ globose, with a the disc somewhat depressed, densely punctulated ; narrow, almost lyriform, impression on the disc, two punctiform grooves in the middle of each side, and a small lateral groove near the I'rout margin, shining and very sparsely granulated. Prothorax of the ? shorter than broad, witli irregular impressions; disc flattened, with a longitudinal tubercle at each side posteriorly; slightly transversely mgulose, sides of the disc sparingly granulated, middle of the disc smooth. Scutellum with a few punctures. Elytra rather sparingly grannlate-punctnlate, the punctures denser at the suture and sides, the latter transversely rugulose posteriorly. Pro- sternum densely jjuuctulated in the cT, transversely rugulose and sparingly granulated in the its front black and striated in both sexes. Metasternum and j , margin abdomen black, e.xtreuiely tiuely punctulated, and clothed with a grey pubescence at the sides. Ley's black, with the four anterior coxae and the middle of all femora ( 150 ) ruf'ons or brick red; hind tibiiio t'eolily dilated towards the apex. Dorsal part of the last segmcut of the abdomeu of the c? elougate, with the apex ronnded laterally, and eiuarfrinate in the middle; the ventral part is also slightly emarginate. The last segment of the J emarginate. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 16!)2). Distinguished from other green species of this geuns chiefly by the sparse punctuation of the elj-tra, and by the shape and structure of the jirnthorax and last abdominal segment of the cf .

28. Xystrocera femorata (^'hevr. Sierra Leone, Gold Coast.

29. Xystrocera senegalensis King. Gold Coast.

30. Xystrocera marginipennis Murray. Mts.

31. Taurotagus subauvatus Gahan. Two specimens from Bogos, Abyssinia.

32. Taurotagus brevipennis Gahan. Sierra Leone.

33. Taurotagus vestitus sp. no\'. 5. T. , densissime griseo-olivaceo-viridi-scricans, colore pro luce variante; antennis articulo tertio scapo vix longiore; fronte medio late improssa; prothorace longitudine multo latiore, inaequali, fere subrectangnlare, disco convexo; processn prosternali ])Ostice tuberculiformi. Long. 27 mm., elytr. IS, lat. 8|. Black, densely clothed with a greyish olivaceous green pubescence, shot with yellowish and chocolate reflections; the latter takes the form of three indistinct trans- verse bands on the Middle of the front of the head elytra. strongly impressed ; median sulcus of the head obsolete on the vertex jwsteridrly. Antennat> broadened towards the tip, a fourth shorter than the body; third joint a little longer tlian the scape and as long as the fifth. Prothorax transverse, nearly rectangular, the sides faintly bisinuate, the disc convex and uneven. Each elytron has two feeble the is rounded uervules ; apex entirely ; punctuation extremely line, but there are some stronger punctures all over except at the apex. Process of the prosternum produced posteriorly into a broad and rounded tubercle. Hab. Sierra Leone (Dr. Clements).

34. Taurotagus klugi Lac. Mombasa (E. Afr.), Rustenburg (Transvaal).

35. Plocederus chloropterus Chevr. Kuilu and Upper Congo.

36. Plocederus melancholicus Gahan. Sierra Leone. ( l-'l )

uov. 37. Pachydissus farcifer sji. aiitennaram articnlis S. P. bnumeus, snbiinreo-grisen-pubescens ; pi'imis apicibus snlco modici aiitice iiarum iiicrassatis : protliDracc leviter irregulariter plicato,

acnte ; simplice, deinde bifnrrato : elj-tris aiMftibns singulis longe bispinosis capite transversa. iufra inter ocnlos transverse biplicato ; prostcrno plicatnra magna Long. 27 mm., elytr. 18, lat. 7i. notched Brown, clothed with a grey and somewhat goldi'ii imbescence. Head Iol)es of the its at each side of the front, feeldy sulcate between the u])per eyes ; each other nnderside with two strong and straight transverse folds, separated from and antenna clotlied by deep transverse grooves. Eyes large, the sinus between eye the the basal with a yellowish pubescence. Antennae abnut a fifth shorter than body, the third than the fourth. joints somewhat thickened at the apex, joint much longer with a tubercle at eacli side Protiiorax '[nite irregularly and feebly wrinkled, slight at the basal transverse in the middle ; disc with twn longitudinal grooves, beginning before the sulcus, being first parallel, then abruptly convergent, and lastly, middle, CDuflnent, and forming a short middle sulcus close to the anterior constriction of tlie between the is this and without ]irotliiirax ; the space grooves ]]entagonal (like j^) wrinkles. Scutellum broad and ronndi'd. Apex of each elytron truncate, with the with a and angles produced into two long and rather thin teeth. Prosternnm deep the rounded behind, but broad transverse groove ; process nearly vertically ileclivous. Legs paler than the body, witliout carinae. Ha/). Bahr-el-Abiad, Abyssinia (Heugliu).

38. Pachydissus (Derolus (iahan) subaureus sp. nov.

infra ; fronte l)revi : ? . P. niger, sabaurecj-imbescens :. capite multiplicato pro- thorace transverse plicato, plicaturis postice in disi;i medio interruptis : elytris pone snturam basim ad suturam leviter impressis, apicibus oblii[Uc trnncatis, ad spinosis ; fere femoribus leviter carinatis. ]irocessu prosteruali postice abrnptedeclivi, verticali. Long. 28 mm., elytr. 19, lat. 7|.

sliort : under- Black, covered with a golden pubescence. Front of the head very side of the head with many feeble and transverse grooves and wrinkles. Eyes large. Antennae a fourth shorter than the body, with the third joint about a half as long its Prothorax with trans- again as the fourth, and scarcely thickened towards tip. almost and verse wrinkles, which are quite irregular anteriorly, and regular, strong, the last of the wrinkles obsolete on the disc and oblique posteriorly ; posterior

the near tiie suture ; interru])ted in the middle. Elytra punctuated at base, especially Prosternal each apex obliquely truncate, witli the sutural angle spined. process The antero- rather narrow, and abruptly and almost vertically declivous posteriorly. the mesosternum. lateral process of the metasternum distinct, and nearly touching Hrib. Bahr-el-Abiad, Abyssinia (Heuglin).

311. Pachydissus (Derolus) arciferus Uahan. Bahr-el-Abiad, Abyssinia (llcuglui).

4ij. Ceratophorus hirticornis Serv. Gold Coast, Knilu, Upper Congo.

41. Cordylomera nitidipennis Serv. Senegal, Bogos (Abyssinia). ( 152 )

42. Cordylomera (?) apicalis Thorns. Kniln. \ sins^le female, which I refer with doubt to this species.

Sternangustum geu. nov. tubcrculis ?. Capite iuter antennas caualicnlato : fronte subvcrticali, iuipressa: ant(n)nis articulis basalibus antenniferis parns ; corpore qnarta parte brevioribus, articulo tertio articulis 5—10 siibtus modice pilosis, scapo arcnato, aequali, apicibus intus acute pnuluctis : jn-othorace uoduloso ; elytris elongatis, parallelis. apice subverticaliter communiter rotuudatis : processu prosternali lamclliformi, postice anticarum extns fortiter declivi ; cavitatibus co.xarnm ])Ostico apertis, augnlatis; femorilins versus le^^ter processu mesosternali parnm angnsto ; apicem incrassatis, tarsis posticis abdominis segmentum ((uartnm attiugentibus ; brevibus, posticis articnlo j)riiuo secnndo et tertio breviore. To be placed after Diiliimnrdntha Xewm.

43. Sternang^stum brunneum sp. uov.

S. St. brunneum, griseo-pnbesccns : aurpiuiis articulo tertio quarto duplo lateribus medio minute lougiore ; ])rothorace latitudiue paulo longioro, rotnudato, sutura sat disco binoduloso ; elytris apiceque pallidioribus, grosse punctatis, punctis versus apicem niinoribus, ])edibns pallidis. Long. 18 mm., elytr. 13, lat. 4 J. Of a cinnamon colour, with the base of the antennae, sutural part and apex of the elytra, and legs (except rhe tip of the femora) paler; clothed with a grey pubescence, and likewise with single long hairs, chiefly on the abdomen. Head sparingly p^int'tured, middle of the vertex impunctate : upper lobes of the eyes widely separated from each other. Scape of antennae distinctly arcuate, the second joint nearly half as long as the fourth, the latter scarcely longer than half the third. a little the sides Prothorax longer than broad, obsoletely punctured ; five feebly rouuded and slightly nodulose in the middle : disc with smooth and glabrous tubercles, one at each side in front of rhe middle roundeil, the third in the central line behind the middle elongate, and one at each side before the base feeble, besides one slight and transverse tubercle in front of the scutellum. Scutellum as long as broad, with the apex rounded. Elytra strongly punctured, the punctures finer at the apex, each puncture giving origin to a setnlose hair. Prosteruum with irregular and feeble transverse wrinkles. Metasternum and abdomen with very few distinct punctures. Eah. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

Agnitosternum gen. nov. Caput sujira fere planum, iVonte vix declivi, oculis supra approximatis, tuberculis nullis antennae vix antennarum ; elytrorum apicem attingentes, scapo conico arcuiito, quatnor articulis primis hirsutis, incrassatis, omnibus infra pilosis, ([uarto tertio longiore et quinto bn^viore, caeteris ilecrescentibus. Prothorax sub- rectangularis. Scutellum impressum. Elytra parallela. Processus prosternalis brevissimus fere nullus, coxarum anticarum cavitates extus valde angnlatae, coxae anticae conicae versus tarsi quatuor ; femora apiceui leviter incrassata, postici articulo j)rimo duobns sequentibus paulo longiore. Allied to Anisogaster Deyr., before which it may be jilaced. ( 153 )

44. Agnitosternum apicale sp. uov.

? . A. brumieum, pilosiim. Caput, miuutissime caualicnlatum, clensiter jfrauiilato- j]uuctatum. Antennae artii-ulis nuatiKir jjrimis nigro-liirsntis. Protliorax fere quailratns, densitev grannIato-i)unctatus. Scntellum laeve, apice rotnndato at nigrescente. Elytra nigro-brunnea, apice et disci jjarte postbasali pallidioribns, dense votundatis. Infra uitidnm i)nnctata, apieibus singnlatini oblicpic parnm ;

minute transverse striunlDsum ; metasternum et prosternum abdomen iiunctulata ; pedes brunnei, femorum niedid pallidiore, femnra postica segmenti tertii alidominalis basim attingeutia. Long, l^ mm., elytr. 10, lat. 21. Rufous clothed brown, with ratiier strong hairs, some of which are long, chiefly on the and abdomen. elytra Head and prothorax very densely granulate-jninctate, the former with a feeble longitudinal groove. Antennae a little shorter than the the fom- basal body ; joints thickened and villose with strong hairs, the tifth joint fringed underneath with long hairs, whilst the remaining joints have short and rather hairs a little sparse ; scape strongly jmnctnred, shorter than the fourth and a little than the third tlie fifth longer joint, longest, the remaining joints gradually in diminishing length ; the tip of the fourth and fifth joints blackish brown. as Prothorax long as broad : the sides all but straight, the disc rather flattened. Scutellum somewhat excavated, the lilackish apex rounded. Elytra parallel, dark brown, the apical fifth and a patch on each elytron behind the base of an ill-defined brown colour; the interstices pale densely punctuated, slightly transversely rugose ; the disc with a fine raised line. Under surface shining, jjrosternum faintly trans- versely wrinkled: metasternum and abdomen obsoletely punctured. Legs dark

brown, the middle of the femora ])aler. Hah. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

45. nov. Anisogaster brunneus sj).

'i . A. cinereo-sericans. medio leviter canaliculatum frons S brunneus, (Japut ; autice transverse sulcata vertex impressa, profunde ; pone antennas panels grauulis iustrnctus; prothorax longitudinc parum latior, antice posticeque constrictus, lateribus tubercnlo disco mnltiuodnloso medio rotundato, ; scutellum apice paulo dilatato- humeris rotundatnm ; elytra mtundatis prominentibns, apicibns acumiuatis, pune- tulata, punctis versus apieem sparsis, disco postice leviter unicarinato. Sterna


the fourth the second and third rather at the apex, partly covering ; densely fringed the apex with long and strong yellowish hairs. Feiuora rlavate, the posterior ones —broken in the mttle sjiecimen- -of the female reaehiui.' the apex of the third segment of the abdomen. Hub. KuUu (A. Monpierys. I^'.l•^>^ and (idld Coast.

4(). Anisog'aster robustus sp. nov.

cJ. A. praecedeiiti siniilis, roVmstior. uiitennis deiisins fnrtiteniue granulalis, tnbercnlo latnrali fere in jirothorace longiore, aenio, (dytris a]ii('.il>ns dentem ucutnm prnductis. Loni;-. l'.» nini., elytr. 1:5, lat. 4|. to In colour, pubescence, and form similar the ])recediug sjieeies. It is more robust, the antennae liave stroutjer granules, tlie ])rotliorax is a little longer and the lateral tubercles less broad and more acute, the scutoUum broader at the apex, and

the el3'tra jirodnced into a rather long and slun'p apical tooth. The femora are ones the of the strongly clavate, the posterior reaching ti]) elytra. Hab. Axim (\V. Afr.).

Antennica g<'n. nov. Type: A. niyri/irs sp. nov. ice Frons brevis, ant irausversim sulcata, autennarnm tuberculis nuUis ; antemme articulis 1—5 incrassatis, infra, pilosis; prothoras longitndiue panlo latior, parum

nodulosns : eljlra postice parum dilatata, singulum apice rotundatnm ; processus prosternalis lamelliformis, coxis globulosis valde snperatus, coxarum anticarnui

cavitates exlus valde angulatae, postice ajiertae : S abdominal 11 mis segiueutis i^uatnor primis ntrimpie impressioue ]innctiformi et ad Jianc injj)ressionem tuberculo minuto hirsuto instructis, segmento nltiiun iniiiciito, primo sccnndo parum longiore; j seg- meuto primo secuudo duplo longiore, secnndo lertiocjue ajiicc fimbriatis, tertio jwstice

excavato, c|uarto et quinto angustatis ; femora subdavata, postica alxlomiuis seg- ment! quarti apicem attingeiitia. Resembles the above-described genus Agnitosleriuim in the jieculiar form of the basal joints of the antennae, and the genus Anisogaster Deyr. in the shape and structure of the abdomen of the female.

47. Antennica nigripes sji. nov.

(PL IX., tijr. 4.)

c? A. ; antice et $. pallide ferruginea cajiite postice plus minnsve nigro ; antennis medio fulvis mecho et nigris, 6 ; ])rothorace utrinque supra co.xarmn

cavitates : scutello rotundato nigro nigro, ferrngineo-marginato, apice ; elytris apice, sen dimidio apicali, Tiigris. singulo disco leviter bicarinato, omnino sat frossc

punctatis : gorpore infra jiarum nitido. Long. 13 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 2f. Ferruginous, without gloss on the up])erside, shining beneath. Upper snrfoce clothed with an short and dense extremely pubescence ; abdomen with some longer

hairs ; the of the with apex second segment fringed yellowish curled hairs : the third segment also fringed, but the hairs almost setaceous and of a dark brown colour. Head and prothorax without a distinct punctuation. Antennae black, those of the (S a third than the those of the ? almost longer body, extending to the ti]) of the the sixth and elytra ; two following joints black, or—chiefly in the viale—more

or less fulvous ; and third scape joint nearly equal in size, conical : the fifth cylin- drical : the five thickened basal joints very densely fringed underneath with long ( 155 ;

black hairs. Prothorax coustrictcd in I'mnt ami a( tiip base : the sides somewhat

in the middle : the disc flattened and binodulose at tlie sides of auguhited sliyhlly ; the three lougitndinal black fasciae one is phiced in the middle, broadest in front, and one at each side above tlie coxal cavities. Scutellum black, narrowly bordered with its rounded. rather all over feri'iiginous ; apex Elytra coarsely punctuated ; the black elevated apical half, or only the apical fifth, ; each elytron with two lines, which are abbreviated posteriorly. Frosternum ferruginous, its hind margin black,

the four anterior coxae also more or less feiriiginous : tlie rest of the under surl'ace, as well as of the in base of the tiliiae is brick red. legs, black ; the single d the The brushlike tufts of hairs at the side of the small lateral holes of the abdomen

of the c? are black. — The colour of the head varies as follows : Head with iu front black, two small ferruginous spots ; head ferruginous, with the front margin and a spot in the middle of the vertex black. Na/). Kniln (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

4^. Antennica lutea sp. nov. — 11 6 -A. lutea; verticis macula, antennarum aificuli (puinjue primi (>* desuulj tibiarum et feraorum elytrorumque apex nigri ; metasternum, abdomen, posticorum apices piceo-bruunei.

Long. 11 mm., elytr. .5 J, lat. li. Differs the iu its colour and smaller size from preceding species much paler ; are more slender tlie sixth the thickened basal joints of the antennae relatively ; and seventh joints are entirely luteous (the following joints are wanting). The lateral black fasciae of the feeble the scutellum its prothorax very ; shorter, apex more truncate; the mesosteruum and legs luteous; tarsi, metasternum, and abdomen brownish black. The bruslilike tufts of the abilominal tubercles

yellowish grey. Hu/k Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, ls92).

Delagoa gen. nov.

vestita : tubercula antennifera fere nulla Omnino singulis jrilis longis ; ocnlorum late articulis tertio lobi snperiores parvi, distantes ; antennae qnarto quinto apice rotuudatis spinosis ; prothorax elougatus ; elytra parallela, apicibus singulatim ; cavitates auticae coxarum anticarum rotundatae, postice apertae ; coxae globulosae, femora iim processuni prosternalem panlo supi'rantes ; clavata, postica segment abdominale tarsorum articnlus secundo quarliiin attingentia ; posticorum primus abdominis secundo tertia paruni loiigior ; segmeiitum jirimum parte longius. Allied to Ceresium Newm.

49. Delagoa fenestrata sp. nov.

(PL IX., fig. 2.) D. rul'o-testacea, omuino singulis pilis lougis griseis tecta, subuitida. Vertex reticiilati antennae articulis et prothorax ; uigrae, quatuor primis grosse punctatis ; lateribus medio subrotuiKhitus scutellum prothorax elongatus, biconstrictus, ; griseo- dense disco maculis duabus pubescens ; elytra grossissime punctata, nigra, singulo magnis testaceis, prima elongata ab basi usque ad medium se exteudente, secuuda ovali femora medio testacea. anteapicali ; pedes nigri, Long. 11 mm., elytr. 7|, lat. 2^. Rufous brick red, somewhat shining, all parts clothed with single long grey ( 156 ) hairs. Anteuuae with a tiut of brown the four basal black, ; joints densely rugosely punctured. Protliorax half as long again as broad, reticulated, slightly bicon- stricted, the sides with very obtuse angles in the middle. Scutellum rufons, with the margins blackish. Elytra black, coarsely and rngosely j)unctnated, the anterior margin of the l)asal punctures somewhat raised, which gives the base a granular the in appearance ; punctnres diminishing size towards the apex. Each elytron has two brick red disc is large maculae on the ; the first elongate and extends from behind the basal to the margin middle, the second anteapical and regularly elliptic. Prostcrnum transversely rugose, abdomen s])ariugly punctuated. Legs black, the middle of the femora nifnns brick red, tarsi dark ]>itchy brown, with the two last joints paler. Hab. Delagoa Bay.

Ceresida gen. nov.

cj ? . inter antennas concavum oculorum lobi Caput parura ; superiores parvi late distantes antennae ; (

apertae : femora clavata. postica {i) abdominis a])icem, sen (?) segmenti tertii apicem attingentia. To be placed before Ceresium Newm.

50. Ceresida sutui-alis sp. nov.

(Pi. IX., fig. 1.)

. C. c? ? ferrnginea, fenioribus medio rufis, pube brevissima vestita. Ca]mt fere

imj)nnctatum ; jirothorax lateribus aequabiliter snbrotundatns, c? latitudine (juarta ? latitudiui trans- jiarte longior, longitndine aei|uali. disco fcrc piano ; scutellum

versnm, subtruncatum, nigricans ; elytra sntnra margiuibusque externis uigri- cantibus, basi truncata, humeris prominulis rotundatis, irregulariter punctulata, singuhim disco nervo conspicuo elevato instructum. Prosteruum punctatum et

transverse : metasternum lateribus miuutissime ((?) rugosum punctatum ; abdomeu obsolete jinnctatum. Long. 14 mm., elytr. lo, hit. 3^. Ferruginous, densely clothed with an extremely short and tine grey pubescence. Head with obsolete jmncrnres on the vertex, chiefly in the ?, the remainder a fine middle sulcus not the small lobes of impuuctate ; extending beyond upper the eyes. iScajie of antennae granulate, the second joint relatively long. Protliorax finely punctured, about a ({uarter longer than broad and slightly biconstricted in the than in ? the

•"il. Obriaccum fuscatum Chevr. There are some examples from Bogos (Abyssiuia) wliicli I have to refer to this species, as they pretty well agree with Chevrolat's tyjie.

;">2. Chlorotyse vesparia Paso. Cape Colony.

Psebida gen. nov.

?. Ocnli : parvi, minute emargiuati anteuuarum tnbercula parva ilistautia : antennae cnrporis dimiilio panlu lougiores, scapo et articiilo tertio aei|ualibus, quurto (5° ad lU"'" iutns acntis fortiter sin- brevioribus, apice parum ; elytra abbreviata, rotundatam fere nullus gnlum apice ; processus prosternalis ; coxarnm anticarum cavitates extus valde coxis subconicis angulatae, postice apertae, ; mesosternum inter coxas valde depressum : pedes antici breviores, postiei elongati, femora tibiae tarsi brevissimi clavata, posticae arcuatae, ; abdomen segmentu primo maguo, secundo, tertio, qiuirto villosd-firaliriatis, secuiuhi I't (piarto medio impressis, tertio apice fortiter excaxato. Allied to Pst'h'tiiiii Pasc, from which it chiefly ditfers iii the length of the anteiuuil joints.

5-5. Psebida flava sp. nov.

(Pi. IX., fig. 3.)

. villosa omnibus tarsis ? Ps. flava, ; tibiis, postic.is antennisque (basi excepta)

alis atris l)asi luteis : nigris : posticis prothorace lougitudiue vix latiore, postice leviter lateribus rotundato, disco lateralitor noduloso constricto, jiaulo inconspicue ; carinatis. elytris huraeris Long. \\\ mm., elytr. 4^, lat. 3^. Yellow with a tint of fulvous, clothed throtighout with long erect hairs. Tip black head with a fine frontal of mandibles ; sulcus, flnely and rugosely punctured. Antennae black, the scape and second joint fulvous. Prothorax a little broader than long, truncate in front, constricted posteriorly, liase slightly rounded before the disc as scutellum ; sides feebly rounded, uneven. Scutellum nearly broad as long, with the apex rounded. Elytra not longer than head and prothorax together, first covering only the base of the abdominal segment ; the shoulders have an acute The first of is the and fourth carina. segment the abdomen large ; second, third, at the the is and are villose, and fringed apical margin ; third deeply broadly

excavated posteriorly : whilst the second and fourth segments have a broiid impression. In this structure of the abdomen P.S'6/V/a /'ffifa is similar to females oi Auisogaster Deyr. Posterior tibiae black and curved, their extreiue base fulvous. Hind tarsi dark brown above, yellowish brown underneath, with the claw joints fulvous. Hab. Kuiln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892).

Note.— Of the following genera belonging to Lacordaire's group UaUichromides, I give some of the principal cljaracters in order to show which forms 1 have referred in this jiaper to the difterent genera. I have to jiropose some new genera, as many of the new species do not tit in any of the genera hitherto known.

Eugoa I'iihrs. Type : Ti. ilalmanni Fiihrs. in (Uieeks a little dilated and i)rominent front ; antennae thick, much shorter in than the body botli sexes, with the sca]>e without toothlike (irocess at the apex : ( 1S8 )

sides : of the prothorax dilated, not toothed ; elytra rather broad and flattened

anterior coxal canties closed behind ; femora not clavate, hind ones mnch shorter

than the abdomen ; tibiae without a sharp keel at the outside. ^4- Eugoa dalmanni Fahrs. Delagoa Bay.

Omoptycha Qiied. Type : 0. falkensteini Qned. Similar to E'/yoa, but the autenuary scape is toothed, and the anterior coxal cavities are open behind. Male with the dorsal part of the sixth abdominal segment conspicuous.

r\n. Omoptycha clementsi sp. nov. ^

(PI. IX., tig. o.j

? . 0. ochracenm ; vertex nigro-cyanea. (.'apnt uiger ; antennae ferrugineae, versus apicem parum brunnesceutes, sca{)0 lenter arcaato, apice fortiter deutato, elytrornm apicem snperantes. Mandibnlae externe excavatae. Prothorax lateribus fortiter rotundato-dilatatns, niger, maculis tribns oohraceis, diiabus ad latera, nna parva media ante liasim sita, disco tritnberculato. Scntellum nigrum. Elytra cyanea, macula snbhumerali ochracea, minute deusiter crenulato-pnnctata, singnlum costis abbreviatis. obsolete tricostatnm, postice Sterna ferruginea, plagis nigris laete aurea vestita abdomen notata, pnbe ; uitidum, segmentorum apicibns pilis bruuueis. flavo-ochracei. Partes Pedes nigrae et cyaneae pube nigra, partes ochraeeae pube flava vestitae.

Long. 44 mm., elytr. 33, lat. 1 1 i.

Head ocbraceous, vertex and tip of maudibles black. Mandibles stroiisrlv excavated exteriorly, the base of the inner edge strongly depressed. Antennae brownish ochraceous, becoming towards the apex, extending beyond the tip of the the and as elytra ; scape finely punctuated slightly iircuafo, iialf long as the third joint and about equal in length with the fourth. Prothorax black, constricted its anteriorly and at the base : front margin, as well as that of the prosternum, fringed with short yellow hairs ; tlie sides strongly dilated, the dilated part rounded and liearing an ochraceous macula ; disc with the anterior constriction deep and hroad, and with three slightly raised nodosities, one at each sifle broad, and one in front of the scntellnm smaller, the latter rnt'ous. Scntellum black, narrow, and triangular. Elytra densely and finely shagreened, cyaneous, with an ochraceous

underneath tlie shoulders ; the sides each marginal spot parallel ; apex obliquely rounded : tlie slioulders are and their rounded prominent, tips ; each elytron with three slightly raised broad stripes, abbreviated much before the apex, the inter- mediate the the sutural the longest, shortest. Prosternum black, with a large transverse ochi'aceons patch in front of the coxae. Mesosterntim almost ochraceous, whilst the is metasternum ochraceous with a broiid black band anteriorly, its and hind e])iplenra margin bordered with black. Abdomen cyaneous, glossy with few punctures, chiefly near tlic apical margin of the segments, these punctures to hairs the giving origin brown ; fifth (last) segment mnch narrower than the its rounded. ochraceous. fourth, apex Legs pale The black and blue jiarts of the — the abdomen - are clothed with a black and short body except velvety pubescence ; the velvety pubescence of tlie ochraceous maculae is of a rich srolden colour. fhih. Sierra Ijcnne (\)t. Clements). ( '•59 )

50. Omoptycha mirabilis sp. nov. 6- O. nigTO-cvanea. Caput testacenm, verhice nigni. itnticp transverse im- pressiim, non excavatnm. Antennae testaceae, scapo vix arcuato. apice dentato. Prothorax niger, lateribus fortiter rlilatatis, parte dilatata antioe abrnpte constrieta, antice et discfi prominente, postice constrictns ; jinstine elevato, medio earinato. iScutellnm nigrum, triangnlare. Elytra protliorace paulo latiora, parallela, apicibus rotnndatis, leviter tricariuatnm minute obli(|ue singuhim ; punctato-chagrinata, epipleuris antice parum rufesoentibns. Prosterunm nigrum, margine antico fer- densiter rugineo, punctato-chagrinatnm : mesosternum nigrum, medio ochraceum ; metasternum ochraceum, antice et lateraliter pro maxima parte nigrum. Abdomen grossissime punctatum, segmento quinto emarginato. sexto parte dorsali brevi rotundata, quinto et sexto ferrugineis. Pedes testacei. Nigro-vebitiiia, sternorun: jiartes ochraceae pube flava vestitae. Long. 35 mm., elytr. 25, lat. 8f.

ol' Head brick red, with the vertex and ti]i mandibles black ; transversely behind the is impressed epistome. which somewhat elevated ; the front nearly plain, not densely but rather strongly punctured ; the a.ntenuary tubercles finely Mandibles covered with dense at the shagreened.— elongate— punctures outside. Antennae broken at the sixth joint in our specimen testaceous, the scape scarcely arcuate and not densely punctuated, with a very feeble longitudinal groove. Prothorax black, constricted in front and at the base, the front constriction deep and on tire ; the base with a broad upperside deeji transverse groove : the disc elevated in front of this its middle cariuatc the sides of the groove, ; prothorax the in strongly dilated, dilated [)art straiglit the middle, oblique posteriorly, and strongly produced in front into a rounded lobe. Scutellum triangular and narrow, black, its margins slightly jjitchy brown. El^vtra cyaneons, the outer margins in front bordered with each narrowly ferruginous ; finely shagreened ; elytron has three raised lines, the intermediate of which extends to the obliquely rounded apex. Prosteruum strongly puuctuate-shagreened, like the dilated j)art ol' the sides of the with the front prothorax ; black, margin ferruginous ; mesosternum blackish, with a brick red macula in the middle ; metasternum ferruginous, its front portion and sides nearly black. Alidomen bluish black, somewhat shining, with the fifth sixth and segments ferruginous ; the punctures arc very coarse, and couflneut here and there the fifth but not ; segment broadly deeply emarginate, the dorsal ])art of the sixth small and rounded. Legs testaceous. Body above clothed with a short black velvety pubescence ; the yellowish maculae of the metasternum covei-ed with a silky yellow jiubescence. " Hfil). One s]iecinien labelled West Africa."

Mecosaspis Thoms. Type : M. violafen Thoms.

JIuzzle and : antennae almost elongate triniigular thick, reaching the tip

of the : sides of with a conical tooth ; scutellum elytra ])rothorax long ; elytra

narrowed behind ; anterior coxal cavities closeil posteriorly : prosternal process

tuberded behind ; four anterior femora clavate, sinuate at the ajjcx or tuothed,

hind ones or : slender, tootln'd not four anterior tibiae sliarplv carinate.

y 57. Mecosaspis atripennis (Hope). .Senegal, Sierra Jjcone, Gold (loasl- ( i«o ) J >s. Mecosaspis magnifica sp. uov.

(PI. IX., fig. 0.)

? . .1/. basi cyanea, capite, prothorace, elytrornm aigro-velutina ; antenuis

nigris ; palpis ])edilins(|ue flavis ; nbdomine aenescente : mesn- et metasterno et abdomiue laete aurea vestitis. femora ]iube Elytra piiuctiilata ; postica elougata, dentata, elytrornm apiccm snpcrautia. 35 lat. 9. Long. mm., el3-tr. 2;"), Rich head bine, (save the front), protborax, and base of elytra very closely covered with a black Mandibles velvety pnbescenco. very long ; antennae black, not (jnite reaching the ajjex of the elytra. The protborax almost of the same shape and struct nre as that of M. atripennis (Hope). Scntellum not very long, with a few ridges only. Elytra extremely minutely and densely punctnlated on the pubescent basal part, the rest with a much sparser and stronger punctuation. Tubercle of the the of prosternal ])rocess very strong ; remainder the under surface brassy, clothed with a rich the golden pubescence. Legs yellow, posterior ones very slender ; hind femora but distinct toothed near the slightly ly apex, extending beyond the ti]i of the elytra. Hah. " Afr. occ."y 5f*. Mecosaspis chalybeata White). Gold Coast.

Callichromti is rhali/beatum White {Longic. VIL 1., p. 159) a true Mecosnsjjis, and has the priority over Mecosaspis chalybeata Thorns. If the latter really belongs to this genus, it has to lie renamed.

till. Mecosaspis violacea Thorns.

Two specimens from (Jameroons, which 1 refer to this species, have the upper side glossy black, tinged with olive green. ^ 01. Mecosaspis croesus Bates. Sierra Leone.

62. Mecosaspis nigosa sp. nov.

Allied to ,1/. riolacea Thorns., from which it may be easily differentiated by the strongly rngulose elytra, its shorter shape, and its small prosternal tubercle. ( 161 )

'53. Mecosaspis viridis sp. nov.

? . ^^. viridis, snbtiis parnm aurata, protlioraee elytris(|uf! (fascia longitudinali in disci medio exoepta) sparsatim nitiro-velutina. (!ai)nt fmiitis medio sparsissime punctatnm, fere laeve, antennarnm tnbe.renlis densiter minute pnnetulatis ; antennae nigrae, el)'trorum apicem fere attingentcs. Prothorax fortiter liiconstrictns ; disco elevate piano, antice posticeqne verticaliter docli^n, minnte pnnctnlato, linea angnsta media antice laevi lateribus transverse dente impressa ; postice paulo jilieatis, laterali et laevibiTs in spatio cirenmdentali ; constrictione ])ostica medio nniplioata. Scntellnra elongatnm, ranltiplicatnm. Elytra dense minute punctata. Processus prosternalis fortiter tuberculatus. Metasternnm et abdomen jinuctis singulis grossis instrncta, praeterea densiter minutissime punctulata. Pedes nigri, femora postica ante apicem emarginata, abdominis apicem panlo superantia. Long. 3U mm., elytr. 20, lat. SJ. Differs from M. chrysoqaste.r Bates, its nearest allied spe('ies, chiefly in the much finer punctuation of the liead, in the prothorax transversely ])licafe at the sides posteriorly, and in the colour being of a much less golden tint. H(d), (!ongo (without exact locality).

04. Mecosaspis rufipes sp. nov.

?. M. cyauea, autennis j/edibusque rnfis, supra sparsissime nigro-pubeseens. Caput tuberculis antenniferis verticeque dense minutissime, epistomate fortius sed sparsius punctatnm. Antennae corpore quinta parte breviores. Prothorax lateribus fortiter tuberculatus, tuberculo apice subrotundato ; disco subplanato, dense minu- tissime punctnlato, postice lateraliter transverse irregulariter plicate, linea media fere laevi instrncto circum tubercnlum laterale antice impressa postice ; spatio fere laevi basali laevi. Sctitellum sat sparsissime pnnctnlato ; constrictione breve, basi punctnlatum et transverse rngulosnm,

Its nearest allied species is M.atripennia (Hope), from which it is distinguished —besides colour and pubescence — by the strong but blnnt latera! tubercle of the prothorax, the sliorter mandibles, shorter elytra, and shorter hind femora. U ( 162 )

Cuuialtei'a gen. nov. Type : C robusta sp. nov. Allied to Mecos'ispis Thorns., bnt the scntelhun is short, the hind femora are much shorter than in Mecosaspis. and all femora are strongly toothed.

65. Cumaltera robusta sji. nov.

?. ('. viridis, caerulesceus, antcimis pedibusque uigris, femoribus medio rnfis, vertex medio tarsis argenteo-pilosis. Frons fortiter impressa, inaeqiialis, laevis, fortiter bisnlcato- posticp miunte pnni-tnlatns, sparsim nigro-velntinns. Prothorax • constrictns, disco elevato, convexo, postice latenilitor abrnpto, utrini)ne panim nigro-velntiuo et minutissime deusissimo pnnctiilato; liuea media glabra uitida, antice lateribns dente ante sparsim rngnloso-punctulata, impressa ; maguo acuto, con- dentem pliwitnra valde obsoleta instructis, circum dentem glabris, laevibus ; strictioiie autica laevi, postica irregulariter triplicata. Scntellum apice plicatnm, valde linea media profimde imjiressa. Elytra humeris promiunlis, rotmidatis, fortiter sed non dense transverse punctato-rugosa, singulum in basis medio, snb hnmeros, ad sntnram post medinm s]iarsim nigro-velutinum et minutissime pnuctnlatum. Sterna abdominisqne latera breviter argeuteo-pubescentia. Long. 44 mm., elytr. 31, lat. 12, Green, upper surface tinged with blue, under surface with a tint of golden colonr. Front rather without a transverse line behind the anteriorly deeply impressed ; the median not the anterior epistome ; longitudinal groove extending beyond margins of the eyes; the punctuation rather sparse and hue, finest aud dense on the antennary tubercles, except at their tip, which is nearly smooth. Vertex smooth in the middle, finely punctured and pubescent posteriorly. Antennae black, reaching the middle Prothorax constricted in front and at the base the of the elytra. strongly ; front constriction smooth, the posterior one with three abbreviated carinae, one above in one at each the first with the discal the middle aud side, nearly touching portion ; the lateral teeth and vrith an obsolete fold in front of them the strong acute, ; tubercles as well as the space surrounding them shining and smooth, with a very disc and clothed few punctures only ; elevated, convex, extremely finely ])unctuated, its line with a thin black velvety pubescence ; median glalirous, shining, and wrinkles the impressed in front, with some obsolete and punctures ; hind margin of the lUsc vertical at the sides before the basal constriction. Scntelhun triangular, with a sides with some coarse deej) longitudinal groove ; punctures, apex ti-ansversely wrinkled. Elytra anteriorly much broader than the base of the prothorax, narrowed the shoulders and behind, transversely rugosely punctulated ; jirorainent rounded ; a very narrow sutnral area, extending from before the middle to near the apex, tinged with aud clothed with a fine black blue, very finely punctulated thinly pnbescence ; each elytron has also a black pubescence and a minute punctuation in the middle of the base and underneath thi; shoulders. Under surface minutely punctulated.

Prosternum violet in the middle, with some transverse wrinkles ; metasternum with a few larger {)unctnres. Sterna aud sides of the abdomen clothed with a silvery pubescence. Legs black, middle of the femora rufous, tarsi silvery white. Hah. (J(mgo (without exact locality).

Synaptola Bates. Ty])e :

rounded or not toothed ; scntellnm short ; convex bluntly tubercled, elytra ; pro- all sternal process tubercled behind or evenly arched ; femora strongly toothed. ( 163 )

06. Synaptola brevicornis Bates. Sierra Leoue.

Three specimens are greenish l)lue tinged with jjurple, two entirely green.

67. Synaptola brevis sp. nov. /

J. iS. viridis, snbnitens, auteunis pedibusiiue nigris, corpore infra et tarsis piibe argentea vestitis. Caput dense riignloso-punctatum, antennarnm tuberculis deusins minntins punctatis. Prothorax tubercnlo laterali valde rotundato, sine deutis constrietioue antica vestigio, biconstrictns, supra obsoleta, basali vi.\ plicata, densiter Tiiinute linea disci et ruguLiso-punctulatus ; media impressione laterali supra tubercnlum fere laevibns, nitidis. Scutellum rugatum, sparsissime punctatum, medio laeve. Elytra omnino dense ruguloso-punetata, punctis ad basim parura minntioribus. Processus prosterni aer|nabiliter arcuatus. Corpus infra minutissime densiter punctulatum, singulis punctis grossis.

Long. 25 mm., elytr. lii, lat. 6. Distinguished from the other species of this genus by its uniformly green colour, which has only a very slight tint of blue, by its black antennae and legs, the silvery pubescence of the tarsi and under surface, by the shape of the prothorax, and the evenly rounded process of the prosternum. Hub. Sierra Leone (Dr. Clements) and Gold Coast.

68. Synaptola minor sp. nov. (J. S. bri'fis forma et colore simillima, sed dilfert corpore minore, sparsius punctato, proeessu prosternali postice uigro valde eonvexo, fere tuberculato. Long. 20 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 5. The punctuation of the prothorax, and of the base and sutiiral part of the

jS. breriti the elytra sparser than in ; scutellum smooth : abdominal segments in the middle its raised in the scarcely punctured ; prosternum convex, process middle line, convex posteriorly and nearly forming a tubercle. Hab. Gold Coast.

69. Synaptola pubiventris sp. nov. / (J. S. cyaneo-viridis, antenuis ]ieilibusque nigris, femoribus ijuatuor anticis medio rubro-testaceis, tarsis posticis argenteo-pilosis. Prothorax bicoustrictus, lateribus paucis punctis instructis, valde rotundato-dilatatus, sine tuberculo, dorso et linea mediana leviter transverse rngulosus punctatus, sparsim nigro-velutiuus ; vix glabra et laevi. Scutellum triangulare, antice punctulatum, basi medio laeve, confertissime postice transverse rugosum. Elytra puuctulata, sparsim nigro-velutiiia. Presternum transverse rugosum, postice tuberculo distincto timiido. Abdominis Infra segmenta postice emarginata. pube longa griseo-lutea vestita. Femora fortiter dentata, minute sparsim puuctulata. Long. 24 mm., eMr. 15, lat. 6. with a tint of on the under surface. Head Bluish green, golden elongate ;

cheeks before the eyes, and the front puuctnlated ; forefront notched in the middle; vertex transversely rngosely punctulated, with a very small and narrow smooth clothed with a thin black space between the eyes, velvety ])nbesceu('e like the and Antennae not the of the prothorax elytra. black, (juite reaching tij) elytra ; fifth third joint as long as the fourth and together. Prothorax slightly constricted sides dilated in front, strongly at the base ; and rounded, nearly impuuctate, without ( 164 )

tnbercle disc in ; somewhat elevated, plain the middle, vertically declivous iu front of the basal constriction, finely transversely rngnlose and ])unctnlated : the central line somewhat glabrous, bnt not quite smooth. tScutellum triangular, punctured, middle of its base impuuctate, apex with transverse wrinkles. Elytra densely rngosely jmnctnlated. Prosternum punctnlated and transversely rugose, its process strongly conve.x jiosteriorly, anil forming a broad and blunt tubercle. Under surface clothed with long l>uff grey hairs, which are dense at the apex of the abdominal segments. The latter emarginate. Legs black, middle of the minutely punctured femora brick red, hind tarsi silvery pubescent. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1802). Differs from S. armipes Bates iu the shape aud sculpture of the prothorax, in the process of the prosternum, pubescence of \\w under surface, and in the form of the abdominal segments.

Til. Synaptola rug^losa Bates. Knilu.

Philematium Tliomson. Type : Cerambi/xfemoralis Oliv.

< all Similar to 'aUichrmmi Serv. ; but femora sinuate at the a])ex, and the prosternal process convex or tubercied behind.

Philematium imperator Thorns. Upper Congo.

72. Philematium mocquerysi sj). nov.

transverse ; linea media autice laevi lateraliter postice plicato impressa ; lateribus et ante dentem dente acuto plicatura magna, lacvibus, panels i)unctis, instrnctis ; constrictione basali dorsaliter uuiplieata. Scittellum transverse plicatum, triangularc Elytra minute transverse punctulato-rugnlosa, antice ad suturani spatio minus i-U'^oso. Femora omnia acute deutata. Long. 26 mm., elytr. 16, lat. 7. bluish to with the Varies from green greeuisli bine, under surface greener. short, thin and black Pubescence of the npperside velvety ; that of the underside denser and silvery grey. Antennae and legs black, femora—except their liase and Head in tip—rufous, tarsi silvery grey. transversely impressed front of the eyes, tubers somewhat rather coarsely punctured ; antennary depressed, finely and in densely ])unctulated : the punctuation stronger one specimen. Lateral tootli and the fold in front 'of it disc of the prothorax nearly impuuctate ; elevate, its centre almost plain, finely punctnlated, transversely wrinkled laterally and unicarinate iu the middle. posteriorly : basal constriction Scutellum triangular, irregularly punctured and transversely wrinkled. Elytra very densely transversely little less and pnnctuliite-rugose, tlu- ridges a dense soraewliat stronger behind the distinct scutellum. Prosternal j)rocess with a slight bnt tubercle ])osteriorlv. All femora sharply toothed near the apex. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). ( 16S )

uuv. T2. Philematium longiceps s]i. rnfis iiiixiidibulis fortiter (?. P//. virido, infi-a anreo-nitens, antennis jiedibnsque ; fronte autice minu- elongatis (nt in genere Mecosaspis Thorns.) ; rugata, jiostice et iiiitc deiitem lateralem et tissime ])nuctnlat,a ; protborace supra impresso laevi, et ad lineaiu mediam disco postice transverse plicato, autice nigidoso, utrimiue

: scutello l)arum gibboso, constrictioue basali nniplicata lougitudinaliter nigoso,

: siitnra creberrime puuctnlati), triangnlave, apice obtnso elytris flavo-grisescentibns,

scntellnm sat : iufra hitea vestito, riignlns()-i>niictiitis, post nigosis corpore ])nbe fere tuberrulato, abdomiue processu prosteruali postice medio convexo, segmcutis femoribns fortiter dentatis, 4°, 5°, 6° late sed non i)rofnude emargiuatis, ]iosticis abdominis apicem minima superantil)us. Long. 25 mm., elytr. 16, lat. 0. with and Head long, reminding one of Mecosaspis Thorns., strong punctures of the and irregular wriuliles on the anterior part front, finely densely i)unctnred

with a few wrinkles ; between the eyes. Sides of the prothorax nearly impunctate, smooth a curved groove above and in front of the sharp lateral tooth entirely disc at each side close to the anterior and shining ; somewhat gibbous constriction, in and transversely wrinkled, these wrinkles feeble and irregular front, regular with strong towards the base. -Prothorax above at each side, and elytra clothed snture with a Tibiae and a thin black ])nbescence ; yellowish grey pubescence. tarsi covered with an ochraceous pile. Hah. Sierra Leone.

lliis its and Distinguished from the other species of genus by elongate head, its entirely rnfons antennae and legs.

Callichroma Serv. (nee Latr.).* Type: Cenimhi/z suturalis Fa\>v.

at least in the mtlt; Antennae slender, longer than the body, ; jirothorax

toothed or not so seutellum slmrt : arched ; laterally ; prosterual process regularly four anterior femora clavate or subclavate, iiind femora slender, not sinuate at the c of thi- four anterior or all tibiae carina! ; sixth abdominal apex ; tibiae, segment male conspicuous, sometimes rather long. not fit into the Some of the sjiecies hitherto referred to Callichroma, do genns —for example, 0. cuprewm Fahrs., ('. t/winzii White—and had better be separated. Bates, Gahan, and other excellent specialists pointed out the following species,

to other : standing in the Munich Catalogue under C'allic/iroma, as belonging genera calcaratum Chevr. is a P/iilematium, ckalijhe.aUmi White a Mecosaspis, carrori White a Philematium, fahricii Schonh. an O.rijprosopm, (jon/i White is a true Callichroma, laetim is a and synonym with t'hilematium hottentottMm \^w\., Hope Mecoa((spis, an and rire/is L. neoxenum. White an Aphroilisiwm, speciosum Dalm. (J.ri/prosop'is, (from Africa occ, not from Amer. mer.) a Fhilfm.afiiim.

74. Callichroma afrum (L.).

Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, and (Jameroons. One female specimen from the Gold Coast ditiers from the other examples I and tin- have seen, in having the colour of the antennae and legs pale rufous, iu the middle. I to name tliis wrinkling of the i)rothorax ipiite obsolete projiose form Cali/chrama afrum ab. obsoletum.

* Type of Latreille's genus Callichroma is Ciramlii/x (Armnin) iin'Sfhutius L.

166 )

To. Callichroma concentricale ^>. hdv.

r6. Calliclu'oma chrysogramma C'hevr. Kuilu.

77. Callichroma piliventris Bates. Kuilu, Gabonn.

78. Callichroma socius sp. uov.

? . C. aureo-viride. Genis ante oculos pauce punctulatis ; fronte sparsatim antice punctnlata, depressa et transverse rugata : antennis uigris, scajjo fere cylin- drico, rngoso-punctato. Prothorace valde dentato, ante dentem plicatnia distincta iustructo, biconstricto, lateribus lacvibns, supra ad raarginem anticum transverse disco medio verticaliter declivi plicato ; parum plauato, postice utrinque elevato, ad coustrictionem basalem, obsolete transverse rugose, medio jiunctulato-ruguloso, pube nigra sparsa vestito, linea media glabra antice laeviter imjiressa, basi fortiter

unicariuata. Scutello triangulare, sparsim rngoso-punctato : elytris j)ulie nigra, ad suturam tlava, vestitis, minutissime densiter ruguloso-punctulatis, juxta scutellum spatio glabro rngoso. Infra subtiliter griseo-pubescens, abdomine sparsis pilis

longis ; pedibus nigris, femoriun medio rufis. Long. 24 mm., elytr. 16, lat. 5^. This is one of the species whicii are allied to C. pilicentris Bates, in having the middle of the black femora rufous and the abilomen— besides the usual tine and short pubescence—clothed with longer hairs. The shape of the prothorax is nearly

like that of (J. hind is a fold aj'ram (L.) ; the part of the disc elevated, forming at each side close to the is basal constriction ; this fold vertical iinsteriorly. Hah. Cameroons (2 ? ).

79. Callichroma cranchi Wiiite. Kuilu and Loanda. ( 1«7 )

8it. Callichroma virescens sp. nov.

rufis. S. G. viride, infra sat anratnm ; Hiiteimis nigris ; jJedibiis CuiJiit rugose punctatum, inter oculos paucis striis longitudinalibus instrnctum. Pruthonix biconstrictus, disco postice verticaliter declivi, irregulariter transverse sfrigosus, iu

disci medio sine striis, sed minute j)nnc.tnlatns : dente lateral! et plicatnra ante enm basali subtilissime dis- laevibus ; sulco multiplicato. Elytra rnguloso-pnnctulata, tincte imdnlata, vix nigro-velntiua. Subtus sparsim griseo-pubescens. Long. 30 mm., elytr. 20, lat. S. Green, above slightly, imderneath more strongly tinged witli golden. .Vntennae black, legs rnfons, upper surface sparingly clothed with a fine and short black pubescence, underside with a whitish grey pubescence. Head deeply impressed in front, irregularly and rugosely punctured, with some longitudinal wrinkles at the tubers cheeks with a near the base of antennary ; striate, finely punctulated space biconstricted basal constriction with the the mandibles. Prothorax ; many striae, rather carina disc the centre one of which forms a sharp ; transversely plicate, striae regular close to the basal constriction, more irregular at the sides and in front, whilst the middle of the disc has only short and entirely irregular wrinkles and fine sides of the also somewhat but the lateral very punctures ; prothorax wrinkled, tooth and fold smooth. Elytra exceedingly finely punctulated and rugulose, tlie punctures more or less confluent, with some more conspicuous wrinkles near the there are which the an scutellum ; many slight imi)ressions give elytra undulating ajjpearance. Under surface finely punctulated, with some striae at the anterior margin of the prosternum, and with some larger punctures in front of tlie hind coxae. Sixth segment of the abdomen conical, its extreme base rufous. Hab. Gold Coast (IS). Allied to <'. rn:i/ic/t/Vlh\te. but the colour is much greener, the pubescence much sparser : the sculpture of the prothorax and the colour of the last abdominal segment are also different.

81. Callichroma rufipes Kolbe. Gold ('oast (many examples).

82. Callichroma fuligineum Gahan.

Bogos, Abyssinia (It) specimens).

83. Callichroma prolixum Bates. of the disc of the Kuilu, Lower and Upper ('(ingu. In one ¥ the whole prothorax is regularly plicate.

84. Callichroma collate sp. nov.

(H. IX., tig. :.) laleribns (?¥. C. laete auratum ; vertice, prothoracis parte antica, elytrornm minute et basi, antennis pedibus(^ue violaceis, tarsis posticis argeuteis. C^aput Prothorax punctatum, froute fortissime impressum, geuis rugulose striatum. fortiter deutatus, plicatura laterali valida iustructus, disco medio Ijituberculatus, linea mediana postice regulariter transverse plicatus. Scutellum impressa, punctu- infra latum, postice rugatum, nitidum. Elytra subtilissime rugulose pmictnlata. minutissime punctulatum, argeuteo-jiubescens, femora puuctis minutis instructa. lat. Long. 3U mm., elytr. 2U, (5|. ( 168 )

forefront somewhat ; vertex Head finely punctulated ; green, sHuing, rugnlose violet, with a <,'reen smooth si)ace between the upper lobes of the eyes. Antennae blackish blue, scape rather smooth, notched at the base, third joint much longer than the fonrth. Nearly the whole of the disc of the {)rotliorax dark blue, the anterior and basal constrictions lateral sides and base golden and glossy ; dee)) ; disc with two smooth tooth and fold strong ; regularly transversely wrinkled, tubercles behind the anterior constriction, with the space between also smooth ; basal groove with one acute carina. Scutellum golden, shining, slightly rugnlose, its middle line impressed. Elytra golden green, scarcely shining, the green colour off into blue at the sides and of the sntunil part gradually shading dark apex ; clothed finely rugosely punctulated. Body beneath golden, minutely punctulated, with a fine silvery pubescence. Head underneath with straight transverse striae. hind tarsi white femora Legs blue, femora finely punctured, ; posterior extending a little beyond the tip of the elytra in both sexes. Last abdominal segment of the nude rather small, its dorsal ])art rounded at the sides, fifth segment faintly emarginate. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

So. Callichroma discoidale Bates. Kuilu and Cameroons.

86. Callichroma imitator sp. nov.

? . C. infra aurco-viride, albo-griseo-sericans. Caput viridi-igneum, sjjleudens, irregulariter ruguloso-puuctalum. Antennae sat validae, nigrae, scapo violaceo fortissime rugoso-punctato. Prothorax igneus, nitidus, regnlariter transverse

; disco ante medium fere laevi lateri- plicatus sjjatio pauce punetato ; biconstrictns, bus valde dentatus. JScutellum viride, punctulatum. Elytra \nohiceo-nigra, sutura viridi-micantia, confertissime minime ruguloso-pnnctata. Infra densiter snbtilissime jjuuctulatum, pedibus c}aneis.

Long. 31 mm., elytr. 21, lat. 6J-. Head igneous, glossy, tinged witli green on the epistome and anteunary tubers, irregularly punctuated, the impressed part of the front almost smooth, vertex also punc- tured, somewhat rugose between the upper lobes of the eyes. Antennae rather thick, far of extending beyond the tip the elytra, lilack, the scape bhiisli and very rugose. Prothorax a rather small on bright igneous, very glossy, regularly plicate ; space the disc before the middle with a few constriction nearly smooth, punctures ; basal with or three four wrinkles. Scutellum green, rugosely punctulated at the sides. bluish suture Elytra black, rather narrowly bordered witli bluish green. Body beneath clothed golden green, all over with a tine wiiitish grey silky pubescence. lilue of the anterior Legs ; apex and intermediate tibiae, and tarsi covered with a brownish pubescence. Hah. Gold Coast. Its nearest allied species is C. sidcatulum White, which has likewise the head and and the bluish black with tiie protliorax igneous, elytra suture green ; but C. sulcatulain is less robust than C. imitator, the lateral teeth of the prothorax are shorter and the structure of the latter is different. r 169 )

^ 87. Callichroma tricolor sp. uov. C. d. elougatum, viridi-aurcuui ; capite, ])rothoracis par-te autica, scapo, elyt.ro- mm latei'ibus pedibusque violaceis aut uiji'nj-violaceis. Caput ruguloso jniiictatum, froute foi'titer transverse impressum, impressione laevi. Scapus anteuuarum valde

rngosns. Prothorax lateraliter et ad basim igiieus, bicoustrictus ; lateribus modice transverse antice laevi. Scutellum dentatis, laevibns ; disco regulariter plicato, vix igneuui, dense subtiliter transverse rugulosiim. Elytra angnsta, prothorace siiturali lata violaceo-viridi. Infra latiora, snbtilissiiue rugnloso-puuctulata , jiarte minutissime jjunctulatum, singulis puuctis grossis instruftum, griseo-albo-sericans. Femora quatnor antica snbtus fortiter rugosa, postica niinnte punctulata. Long. 25 mm., elytr. 17, lat. 4i. In coloration somewhat recalling Etiporiis stranyulatiis JServ. well as to C. imitator nov. Allied to G. sidcatulum White, as sp. ; distinguished from both species by its peculiar coloratiou, slender shape, strongly rugose antennary scape, and by the sculpture of the prothorax. Hab. Lnkolele (Upper Congo).

88. Callichroma sulcatulum White. Sierra Leone.

89. Callichroma micans Hope. Cape Coast Castle.

' ot). Callichroma coloratum sp. uov.

( fronte (? ? . C. variicolor, capite, prothorace sciitelloqae splendens. !aput aut fere vertice inter parum longitudiualiter strigulosum et pauce pnnctulatum, laeve, ocnlos laeve, snloo mediano autice et postice abbri!viato. Antennae nigrae aut lateribus fere violaceo-nigrae, st'apo rugose punctato, apice sulidentato. Prothorax laevis, dente laterali sat parvo et acuto, plicatura ante dentem ubsoleta, supra omnino regulariter transverse striatns, post medium spatio triangulare laevi uistructus. Scutellum sparsim punctnlatum. Elytra deusiter aequabiliter transverse ruguloso- Infra punctulata. Pedes nigro-violacei, tarsis uigris, femoribus dense punctatis. subtiliter griseo-argenteo-pubescens.

Colore varians :

1. Capite et prothorace auratis, scutello aureo-viridi, elytris laete purpureis (type). 2. Capite, prothorace scutelloque anreo-viridibns, elytris nigro-caeruleis, lateribus apiceque nigro-violaceo-purpureis. laete viridi-caerules- 3. Capite prothoraceqne igneis, scutello aural o, elytris centibus, lateribus et apice violaceis. 4. Cai)ite purpureo-obscuro-viridescente, prothorace nigro, laterilius purpuras- cente, scutello igneo-aurato, elytris viridil)ns, ajiice violaceo-nigris. Long. 21 li ram., elytr. 15, lat. 4|. it from The smooth area of the prothorax varies in size : in two males extends the base to the anterior constriction, in other specimens it reaches only the middle of the disc. Head and prothorax usually very glossy, but in one specimen the and prothorax without gloss. The prosternum has a line and dense punctuation, some transverse wrinkles area is limited at the sides a ; the punctured by regularly curved impressed line in the male. — Allied to G. episcopale Chevr., from which it differs—inter alia in having the ( 170 )

of the sides prothorax and a triangular area on tiie disc smooth. From C. chrys- aspis Bates it may be distinguished by its smaller size, its coloration, smd the silvery grey pubescence of the under surface. Hab. Kuiln, Gaboon, and Ogowe R. (A. Mocijnerys).

'•'1. Callichroma edentulum s]i. nov.

(PI. IX., tig. s.)

J ? . C viride, parom caernlescens, capite et jirothorace paulo anratum. Caput

froute longitudinaliteret anticc jiaulo transverse strigulosuni : tuberibus autentiiferis laevibus antennae acute postice ; nigrae, sciipo rugo.M), apice subdentato. I'rothorax elongutus, lateril)as tuberculo sat obtuso laevi instructus. edeutatus, omuiuo regu- lariter transverse striatus, disci medio singulis striis longitudiualibus. Scutellnm punctatum, medio linea laevi. Elytra caerulescentia, lateraliter violacea, sntura ab

(juinto jiarte antica usijue ad aj)irem late sat s|)arsatim griseo-flavo-jmbescentia. Prosternum minute ]iunctulatum, jiarum transverse rugulosum. Moris segmentum sextum abdominale parmu rnfum, quiutum emargiuatum. Infra subtiliter albo- sericaus. Pedes nigri, femoribus infra rngulose ])uiictatis. Long. 17i mm., elytr. W, hit. 3J. Head bluish green, transversely depressed and somewliat wrinkled behind the the median sulcus at this ejiistome, ending groove ; the declivous part of the front longitudinally striate, j)osterior side of the antennary tubers smooth. Antennae black, scape rugosely jiunctured, with a rather produced and acute tooth at the third than the fourth. apex ; joint longer Prothorax green, slightly tinged with somewhat like head golden, shining and scutellum ; broadest behind the the basal constriction sides swollen in middle, esjiecially strong ; and smooth the without a tooth with all middle, ; upjierside regular transverse ridges over, some of which — chiefly some of tlie posterior ones —are curved in the middle and run idong the central line. Scutellum green, punctured, with a smooth middle line. Elytra darker green, the sides broadly bordered witli violet, especially towards the the suture rather tine apex ; broadly clothed with a thin yellowish at the basal fifth this undulated jiubescence, except ; pubescent area somewhat with many oblique and feeble impressions. Bo

rugosely punctured ; hind tibiae with a loug carina, as the four anterior ones. llah. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, l»y2). Allied to V. episcopale Chevr. It may at once be distiuguisheil from C. episcopate and its congeners by the form of the anteunal scape, and by peculiar shape and wrinkling of the jirothonix.

Cloniophorus <^ued. Type : CI. mechovi Qued.

Antennae slender, surpassing the tip of the elytra in both sexes, scape short and thick, toothed at the ajiex. Prothorax toothed at the -sides. All femora or hind femora less latter four strongly clavate, so, the longer than the abdomen ;

anterior tibiae carinate ; anterior coxal cavities closed behind. ( 171 ) / 02. - Cloniophorus aurifer s]i. nov.

(I'l. IX., fig. in.)

c??. Very closejy allied to Gl. mechowi Qued, from which it ditfers in the following characters : middle of the front without longitudinal wrinkles, vertex entirely smooth in the middle, the discal impiinctate area of the prothora.\ extending far beyond the middle, the golden sutural macula of the elytra much shorter than in CI. with its anterior mechowi, margin nearly straight ; the four anterior femora are rather coarsely granulated. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 18'.»2).

' 93. Cloniophorus tricoloi' sp. nov.

(PL IX., fig. 9.) .,

. c? ? CI. infra aureo-viridis ; anteunis capite, pedisque cyaneis ; prothorace antice aurato-viridi, purpureo-violaceo-nitido ; elytris violaceis, plaga magna siaturali \nridescente. Frous vertex longitudinaliter irregulariter rngoso-striata ; laevis. Antennae articulo quarto tertio paulo lireviore. Prothorax paucis granulis minutissimis, antice et postice striis transversis, lateribus dente minuto, instructus. Scutellum impressum, fere laeve. Elytra densiter et sat grosse transverse ruguloso- basi medio fere laevia. deusiter subtiliter granulata, Prosternum grauulatum ; metasternum granulis irregulariter transversim dispositis instructum, abdomen pance puuctulatum, S segmeutis quinto et sexto trnncatis, vix emarginatis, ? segmento quinto truncato, tertio longitndine aequali. Long. 14 mm., elytr. 10, lat. 3i. Head front greenish blue, passing into violet in some specimens ; irregularly a longitudinally plicate ; middle of the vertex smooth, sides of the vertex with coarse punctuation. Antennae blue, tinged with violet, nearly lilack towards the third apex; 6 joint as long as the fifth, longer than the fourth; ? third joint longer than the others. Prothorax golden green, its front part lilue with a tint of purple, shining; ti'ansversely striate in front, and also with some transverse wrinkles close to the basal constriction a few almost smooth ; ; disc with very granules, lateral teeth small. Scutellum green, impressed, slightly rugulose at the sides. Elytra purple violet, with a broad sutural and ill-defined dark green area, extending from behind the base to the rather middle ; very densely and coarsely transversely pnnctulate-granulate, a basal space rather shining and with a few granules only. Prostenmm of the mule transversely striate in front, the remainder finely and the area extended to the midiUe of the densely punctulated ; punctured anteriorly sides of the prothorax (in front of the lateral teeth), and sharply limited laterally ; in the male the in J't; prosternum is irregularly striate, and densely punctured only the centre. Mesosternum, sides and anterior portion of the metasternum finely punctulated, the rest of the latter covered with sparse granules, which are arranged in irregular transverse rows here and there. Abdomen shining, almost impunctate in the middle, densely punctured at the sides. Sixth abdominal segment of the male very small, its ventral part scarcely visible, fifth segment truncate, with a faint as as the emargination. In the J'e male the fifth segment is truncate and long the third. Femora coarsely granulated, hind ones extending beyond the apex of elytra both in S and ?. Body beneath green, feebly tinged with gold; sides clothed witli a fine whitish pubescence. ( 172 )

Hab. Kuiln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892) and Loanda. In the specimens from Loanda the bine discal portion ot',the prothorax has some sliglit rngosities. /

94. Cloniophorus plicatus sp. uov. /

? . CI. 6 aureo-viridis ; iaj)ite, protlioracis mar-jine anrico, elvtrorum lateribus et autice apicibiis, pedibnsqne cyaneis. Frons sparsatim punctata, medio striis singulis vertex fere postice convergentibus ; regnlariter transverse striatus, medio sat laevis. Prothorax transverse striatus, spatio autico violaceo laevis, lateribus ante dentem plioatnra sat magna instructus. Scutellum impressum, singulatim punctatnm. Elytra jnxta sutnram sparsini subtiliter nigro-velntina, densissme pnnttnlato- Prosternnm transverse striatum granulosa. ; metasternum dense punctatum, lateraliter posticeque transverse plicatum ; abdominis segmentum primum dense iniiictatum, jiraeterea lateraliter transverse strigulosuni, caetera segmenta sparsius punctata, maris quintum profunde. sextnm levins emargiiiatum, sexti parte dorsali elongato-rotnndata ; feminae segmentum quintum ai)ice rotuudatnm, medio minute incessum. Femora postica abdominis apicem panlo superantia. Long. 20 mm., elytr. 13J, lat. 4i. Head bine, sparingly punctured in front, witli fine frontal longitudinal wrinkles which are vertex convergent posteriorly ; neck and transversely striate, middle of the latter with a smooth sirea. Antennae bluish, gradually becoming black towards the base of the almost tip ; scape imi)uuctate. Prothorax golden green, regularly the anterior transversely striate, jjortion blue and smootii ; the fold in front of the lateral tooth rather strong. Scutelhim golden green, almost smooth, impressed as in the otlier of sjiecies this genus. Elytra thirk green, faintly tinged with golden, apical sides witii libic jnut blue, bordered : clothed with a thin black velvety pubescence near the latter suture ; the itself glabrous. Body beneath golden green, with the front of the margin prostenuun black, and the ti]) of the abdomen bluish green. Prosternnm transversely rugose, metasternum rather densely punctuated, with some wrinkles in laterally front of tlie ])ostei'ior coxae. First abdominal segment closely and also the punctured, wrinkled at sides ; the remainder of the jibdomeu sparingly Fifth jmnctured. segment of the mole deej)ly emargiuate, sixth slightly emarginate, with the dor.sal and I'ounded fiftii of at part elongate ; segment the female rounded the with a apex, narrow emargiuatiou. I^egs blue', tip of the four anterior tibiae and the tarsi clothed with a brownish yellow ])id)escence. Pubescence of the sterna thin and Kind femora yellowish grey. extending only a little ijeyoud the tiji of the elytra. //'//'. Kuihi (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

95. Cloniophonis curvatoplicatus sp. nov. ? . CT. sujjra purpnreo-caeruknis, intra viridi-eyaneus, pedibus cyaneis. ( 'aput antice sparsim pnnctnlatum, inter oculos longitndinaliter rngosum, genis et vertice pone ocnlos grosse punctatum, vertice medio laeve. Antennae versus apicem nigrae, scapo brevi, fortiter rngato, apice dentato, basi profiinde impresso. Prothorax auratus, longitudine hititudini aequali, lateribus subrotundato-dilatatus, medio tnberculatiis, irregularitcr transverse plicatus, rngis plus minusve curvatis, posterioribus in disci medio versus anticum ascendentibns. Scutellum laeve, viridescens. Elytra area sntnrali elongata versus posticum attenuata viridana, basi medio sat sitarsim jnuic- dein tata, creberrinie transverse rugulosa, ad a))icem jmnctulata. Infra griseo-albo- sericans, prosternnm transverse rngulosum, femora subclavata, rugata. Long. \h\ mm., elytr. lui, lat. Z\. ( 173 )

Head lilne ; with line greenish epistome sparse punctures ; cheeks aud vertex

behind the ; iVoul eyes strougly punctured sparingly and feebly transversely wrinkled close to the epistome, longitudinally plicate in the middle, and almost smooth near the nnderneatli the eyes ; eyes are some strong wrinkles. Antennae bluish at the base black, ; scape strongly pnnctulated au

96. (?) Cloniophorus parva sp. uov.

(jl. ?. nigro-caeruleus ; prothorace aurato ; idytris viridescentibus : fronte vortiee medio laevi dentato strigulosa, ; scapo rugoso-punctato, ; prothorace elougato,

fortiter ileutato, transverse ])licato, spatio laterali ante tulierculum et disci medio (ab margine antico uscjne ad basim) laevi; scutello laevi; elytris multis striis minutis transversis et pnnctis circularibus sat niagnis ad basim sparsatiin dein dense instructa, obsolete Infra apicibus rugulosis. griseo-pubescens, dense jninctatus ; femorilms grosse punctatis, tibiis intermediis carinatis.

Long. 14 mm., elytr. 9, lat. :!. Head violet blue, slightly shining; front lon,t;itudinaHy striate, vertex with large circular and slightly impressed punctures, hut impunctate between the upper lobes of the eyes. Antennae dark blue; scape very coarsely punctuated, and produced into a tooth at the apex. Prothorax golden, somewhat brassy, sliining, longer than broad, feebly liiconstricted, strongly toothed at the sides, and with a rather obsolete fold in front of the lateral tooth the at ; wrinkling quite irregular the sides, somewhat more transverse on the disc a rather at front regularly ; large space the margin, the whole of the middle of the disc and the sides in front of and behind the lateral

tubercle smooth : basal constriction with two or three wrinkles. Scutellum bluish green, impunctate, rounded, and depressed. Elytra also bluish green, with the

sides and apes blue. The elytra have a peculiar sculpture : they are transversely and striate the connected with each are at the rugosely ; striae, other, sparse base, dense in the middle, and obsolete at the there are apex ; moreover, many large circular and rather deejjly impressed punctures, which become more aud more obsolete towards the rugulose apex. Base of the elytra rather shining. Body beneath dark blue, clothed with a thin grey pubescence. Sixth segment of the abdomen of the inah small and rounded, the fifth slightly emars'inate. Hub. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Reminds one of Proniecen. The femora are much more slender than in the

other species of Cloniopliorus, so that I have doubt if this species would not be better made the type of a new genus. ( 174 )

Eulitopus Bates. Tyi)e : Litojius (jlabricollis Murray.

Antennae not toothed ; front carinate at each side long ; scape ; prothorax sides tubercle four anterior femora biconstricted, without ; strongly clavate, posterior the of the fir.st ones slender, reaching beyond tip elytra ; joint of the hind tarsi much longer than the tliree remaining joints together, i ultimate abdominal segment with the dorsal part very much enlarged,

97. Eulitopus glabricollis (Murray). Bopoto (Upper Congo) [and Gold Coast?]. Only 3 males.

98. Eulitopus seminitidus Qued. Knilu and Loanda. A large series. E. glabricoUii< and E. seminitidus may be easily distinguished inter alia by the the coloration of elytra. In E. ylnhricollis the green colour of the sutural part of the elytra is sharply separated from the violet blue of the lateral parts at the discal nervule, whilst in E. seminitidus the dark green of the base and suture gradually shades into the dark blue of the ape.x and lateral margins.

fif». Eulitopus tenuis sji. nov.

(??.£. cyaneo-viridis : capite, prothorace, antennis pedibusque cyaneis, et lateribns violaceis. fronte minute elytrorum apicibus C'ajiut punctulatum ; pro- thorax biconstrictus, sparsim puuctulatus, in coustrictione basali parum plicatus, lateribns antice sat ; subtilissime se.xti angustatus elytra rugulosii, ; segmeuti abdominalis maris pars dorsalis clougata, subcoiiica. Long. 24 mm., elytr. 16, lat. 3J.

Head somewhat elongate, finely punctured ; prothorax broadest near the posterior constriction, the sides moderately rounded, rather gradually narrowed towards the front, not nearly so abruptly constricted anteriorly as in E. (jlabricMis to and E. seminitidus. In colour similar E. seminitidus ; but the base of the prothorax, the scutellum, and umler surface is nearly olive green, not golden green. Most of the specimens are smaller than E. seminitidus, but the smallest of the latter are not larger than the biggest of E. tenuis. The males of both s])ecies may be differentiated by the shape of the enlarged dorsal j)art of the sixth abdominal segment and the outline of tlie ])rothorax, the females by the colour and the sha])e of tlie prothorax. Hub. Loanda (more than 3<) sjiccimens).

nov. loii. Eulitopus gi-acilis sji. obscure E. infra viridi-cyanens ; cai)ite, jjrothurace pedibustjue cyaneis, elytris scutello viridi. minute pnrpureo-violacois, Caput elougatnm, sparsatim jjunctatum. Antennae corpore fere sesqui longiores, scapo cylindrico grosse punctato. Prothorax ad basim striis nitidus. sat pyriformis, pauce pnnctatus, panels transversis, Scutellum creberrime transverse laevc. Elytra valde elougata, rugoso-punctata ; singnlum Femora antica fortiter apice aeciuabiliter rotuudatnni. qnatnor clavata, jwstica elongata, sat gracilia. Long. 19 mm., elytr. 13, lat. 3. violet witli U])perside and leg.s dark blu<': elytra blue, tinged purple; antennae scutellum almost and tarsi nearly black; green. Head shining, impuuctate ; anten- narv tubers somewhat more densely ]innctnred; clieeks coarsely punctured beliind the ( 175 )

wrinkled ; eyes and somewhat throat concputrically wrinkled. Scajje nf antennne slender, almost cylindrical, coarsely but not densely imnctured. Prothorax sljo-htlv broader than in biconstrictcd, posteriorly front, almost pyriform ; punctuation basal constriction exceedingly sparse ; with some transverse wrinkles. Scutelluni and smooth. rather and triangular, Elytra strongly transversely rugate-punctate ; disc with a fine nervule. Under surface greenish blue, finely aud closely punctulated all over.

Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

Oxyprosopus Thoms. Type : Cerambi/JL: foeraU'us Oliv. Front and mandibles an acute elongate, forming triangular muzzle ; antennae about as as the or shorter thick, long body ; prothorax and elj-tra convex, the former rounded or tubercled at the sides ; anterior ccixal cavities closed behind : four anterior femora clavate or subclavate, posterior ones slender ; sixth abdominal segment of the male congpicnous.

101. Oxyprosopus cyliudricus Bates. Sierra I.eone.

102. Oxyprosopus caeruleus (Oliv.). Senegal.

103. Oxyprosopus speciosus (Dalm.). Sierra Leone.

104. Oxyprosopus viola sp. nov.

; antennis ^i. O. pnrpureo-violaceus pedibuscjne pro parte nigricantibus. Frons laevi sat impressione transversa instructa, sjiarsatim punctata ; antennarum tnberes vertex medio laevis. mimite densiter punctulati ; Antennarnm scapus cylindricus. antice disco Prothorax post medium rotnndato-dilatatns, posticeiiue angustatus ; declivi minute confertim jjarnm convexo, ad basim abrnpte ; parnm punctulatus, parte dilatata infra impressa. Scutellum minutissime ]mnctnlatum, pulic nigra vestitum. Elytra minute disperse, pro parte deusius, punctata, interstitiis puuctis miilto majoribns. Subtus pube grisea sparsatim vestita. Long. 26 mm., elytr. 18, lat. 6J. The single s])ecimen I have before me seems to be rubbed, as the prothorax aud elytra have only traces of a black velvety pnbesceni'e here and there, whilst the is i» pubescence of the scntellum dense. The species may distinguished partii'ularly by the shape of the prothorax, aud by the punctuation.

Violet, with a tint of purjjle ; antennae and legs blackish. Head with a sraooth transverse impression in front; the punctuation rather sjiarse before, and fine behind the middle of the vertex very dense aud imi)ression ; nearly impunctate. Antennae extending almost to the tip of the elytra; the scape cylindrical. Prothorax broadest beyond the middle, where the sides are swollen, finely punctured all over, and somewhat rugose at the sides close to the anterior margin, the punctures rather in the near the base sides in sparse middle, especially ; somewhat wrinkled front of the tumid disc vertical at the base. 8cutellum part ; convex, finely punc- tulated. Elytra minutelj- and rather sparingly punctulated, with the interstices much larger than the punctures, and with faint transverse rugosities here and there. Body beneath extremely finely punctured, clothed with a short silvery grey pubescence, punctuation of the femora coarser. llab. (iold Coast. . ( 176 )

105. Oxyprosopus myrtaceus sp. nov.

i. 0. viridi-cyaneus: ahtcuiiis jiedilmsciue violaceis; snpra aeqnabiliter sat dense iiigro-velutinus, infra argcnteo-sericaus, valde elongatns, fere cylindricns. Caput elongattim, froute pmictatum, tuberiVms antenuiferis densiter minntc pnnctatnm. latitudine Prothovax pariim longior, laterilms tnmido tuberculo distincto ; disco postice iitrinnuc sut dilatato, convpxo. minute ruguloso-jmnctatn. Scutcllum rotnii- dato-triangulare. Elytra subtilissime punctnlata. Tarsi quatuor antiei infra flavescente-grisei, postice infra argentei. Long. 27 mm., elytr. 20, lat. ii.

Dark green, tinged witli blue : the whole of tlie U])]H>r surface clothed with a moderately dense black velvety pubescence, not concealing the sculpture. Front of the head and mandibles elongate : upper lip blue, punctured, and some-

what truncate anteriorly, rounded at the sides ; cheek.s and forefront rugosely centre of the front less of the punctuated, punctured ; punctuation antennary tubers fine and dense. the very Antennae dark blue, not reaching ti]) of the elytra ; scape finely punctured. Protliorax longer than broad, finely pnnctulate-rngose all over, a narrow smooth tubercle anterior constriction except space above the lateral ; on slight and, especially the disc, broad and flat, basal constriction stronger ; sides in front of and close to the lateral tubercle somewhat sinuate; disc elevated and dilated posteriorly. Scntellum triangular, sides and apex feebly but visibly rounded. Elytra elongate, almost cylindrical, very finely ruguloso-punctnlate. Under surface clothed with a fine silvery pubescence, mi.xed with longer erect black

hairs ; the sculpture almost concealed by the pubescence, except on the prosternum, which shows some obsoletf^ transverse wrinkles in front. Sixth segment of the abdomen (Jj with the dorsal part rounded at the ai)ex, the ventral part very

short, fifth segment slightly eraarginate. Legs dark blue ; under surface of the four anterior tarsi yellowish grey, that of tln' hind tarsi more >ilvery. Hab. Loauda. -

106. iOxjrprosopus.glab'er sp. nov.

. uitidus ? 0. auroo-viridis, minute caerulescens, ; antennis pedibnsque nigris ; femoribus medio rufo-testaceis. L'ajiut antice transverse rugatum, punctatnm, vertice medio lacve. Autennarum scapus rugoso-punctatus. Prothorax lateribus dilatatus, valido tuberculo tumido et ante tuberculum plicatura transversa instructus, biconstrictus, lateraliter fere impnnctatus, disco sparsim punctatus et sparsim leviter rugatus, medio laevis. Scntellum triangulare, pauce punctatum. Elytra elongata, lateribus antice fere parallela, postice sat valde angustata, apicibus singulis parum minute sat et disco acumiuatis, vix subrotundatis ; sparsim rugulosa punctnlata, tarsi leviter binervata. Infra niinnte pnuctulatus ; griseo-sericantes. Long. 27 mm., elytr. 21), lat. 6^. Green, shining, somewhat golden, and here and there tinged with blue. Upper- under surface with traces of a short at the sides. side glabrous ; grey pubescence on tubers convex Head punctnlated, strongly rugose the forefront ; antennary middle of the vertex smooth. Antennae five-sixths as as the anteriorly ; long body,

toothed at the ; third as black ; scape scarcely apex, rugosely punctuated joint long with as tlie fourth and fifth together. Prothorax biconstricted, basal constriction some wrinkles; sides nearly impunctate, dilated, bearing a strong and blunt tubercle

; disc and a broad and slightly elevated fold in front of the tubercle sparingly ( 177 ) pniiftiiiifi'd, esi)eci;illy poshu-iorly towards tlic sides, where there are smue slight rugosities. Scntelhim triangular, almost impunctate. Elytra convex, nearly jiarallel, rounded and narrowed jjosteriorly, each apex very feebly rounded, almost acuminate ; transversely rugulose and si)aringly punctured, the ])unctnres obsolete at the ; suture before the disc with apex depressed njiox ; two slight nervules.

Underside ; middle of the finely punctuhited legs black, femora testaceous ; tarsi, especially tjie intermediate and hind ones, silvery grey. Hall. L(]anda.

lt)7. Oxyprosopus brevis sj). nov. 0. ?. viridis, aureo-nitens, sli]ii-u pube sparsissima nigra, infra sat deusa et vestita. longa griseo-sericea, Maudibulae elongatae, ajiice abrupte arcuatae. (Japut medio hoc sulco antice et tbrtiter profunde caualiculatum, postice abbreviate ; fronte antice densius in medio vertice quam jiunctulata ; inter oculos transverse infra rugato, genis oculos striatis. Antennae sat crassae, cori]ori fere aeijuales, nigrae, scapo lirevissimo, incrassato, aj)ice extus dentato, jiarum ruguloso, ad basim excavato, articulo tertio scapo jilns dnplo Iiiugiore. Frothorax latitudine brevior, lateraliter autice dilatatus, medio tuberculatus, postice fortiter constrietus, luteribus dense plicatis, iliseo medio subtilitcr ruguloso. Scutellum triangulare, sat magnum, dense punctulatuui. Elytra creberrime suiitiliter ruguloso-punctulata, ajiice com- versus muniter rotundata, posticumatteunatis (fere ut in gcneiti li/iojjaluus Thoms.J. rrosternum rugose piuictatum, parum transverse strigulosum, processu augusto, et metasternum et ])lano ; meso- alidomen densissime minutissime ruguloso- ultimum abdominale leviter puuctata ; segmeutum emarginatuni. Pedes iiigri ; femora medio rubro-testacea, quatuor antica clavata, postica minute iucrassata, tibiae elytrornm apicem superautia ; jiosticae fortiter compressae, versus ajiicciu_ parum dilatatae.

Long. 21 mm., elytr. 14, lat. .">. Vertex impressed and longitudinally and transversely irregularly wriiil

This short U.ii/jironoj/iin reminds one of Rlnipnlhus Tlioms. as regards tiie shape of the elytra.

Rhopalizida gen. nov. Type : ]!/>. riridana sp. nov.

Similar to Rliop

lt)S. Rhopalizida viridaua sjj. nov.V

(W. IX,, )ig. 11.) Rlt. viridis, parum aurata, supra sparsa pube nigra, infra ilensiore argentea

violaceis ; femoribus medio rubro-rulis. vestita ; antennis pedibusipie nigris parum Caput fronte dense, vertice densissime punctatum, sub oculos striatum. I'rothorax basi convexus, snbtilissime deusiter [mnctatus ; marginata, uuii)licata; lateribus fere ae(]uabilitor rotundatis. Sculellum triangnhire, basi dense punctatum. Elytra postice attenuata, ajiice commuiiiler rotuudata, angulis suturalibus subrounnlatis. Long. 1(3 mm., elylr. In', hil 4. VI ( 178 )

Dark grpeii. with a slight tint of ^oKleii, cliithcd above with a very sparse and short bhick iinlx'scciuu'. MiihUe sulcus of the head exlfndiii<; a very little beyond the anterior of the front and rather margin eyes ; densely coarsely punctured ; antennary tubers as well as the vertex minutely and closely puuctulated, the latter transversely impressed between the upper lobes of the eyes, with the centre of this I'rothorax and ini]iression smooth ; cheeks wrinkled. strongly evenly rouuded at the sides and is ; anterior constriction obsolete, very densely minutely punctured, as the whole of the disc constriction ; basal strong, finely rugulose, impnnctate, feebly with of the rounded sides I'oarser glossy, one transverse carina ; punctuation and less dense. Sculellum tinged with golden at the aj)ex, rugose, with the basal part densely punctulated. Elytra very closely and rugosely j)unctulated all over, each with a slightly raised nervule extending from the middle of the base to the ajiex. Under surface extremely finely and rugosely pimctured, covered ail over with a short l)luish black the base and silvery grey pubescence. Legs ; femora, except ajiex, reddish, jiosterior ones extending somewhat beyond the tip of the elytra.

Antennae bluish black, a little shorter than the body ; scape short, somewhat arcuate third not so and rugosely 2n;nctuated, notcKcTlit the Fase ; joint quite long 7 as the fourth the in length, the ; remaining joints gradually diniinishing ('xci'j)t eleventh, which is as long as the seventh. ll'ih. Knilu (A. Moccpierys, 189-J).

Rhopalizus Thorns. Tyjie : G:'ramhi/x iiifcnti Fabr. (= CalUchrnma cluicrnlnti Thorns.). Antennae setilbrm tool lied at the long, ; scajie strongly apex ; ]irothorax rounded or at anterior swollen the sides, not tubercled ; coxal cavities ojion behind ; all femora tibiae not carinate sixth of the strongly clavate, ; abdominal segment male inconspicuous. ,

1"''. Rhopalizus aureolineatus sp. uov.

? . lih. aureo-viridis : externis et sutnra obscurioribus elytrorum marginibus ; antennis femoribus anticis pedibns(jue nigris ; ipiataor medio, posticis medio infra, rutis. dense disco densiter Caput grosse puuctatum ; prothorax parum convexus, grosse puuctatus, antice parum irregulariter, et in basis coustrictione, transversim plicatus, coustrictione antica obsoleta, disco sine linea media laevi. Elytra versus apicem atteuuata, densiter grosse transversim rugoso-punctata, juxta siituram et ail latera sparsim nigro-velutiua. Long. 17 mm., elytr. 11, hit. 4|. The hind femora aie entirely black in one sjiecimen from Loanda, nearly black in two examples from Kuilu, and have a rather large rufous macula underneath in the type s])ecimen from Gaboon.

Hah. Gaboon (type), Kuilu (A. Moc([uery>, l-^fi^j, and Loanda. Similar to A'//. chloroUneatus Qued., but the elytra have a niucli coarser scul])ture, and are nearly as strongly attenuated towards the apex as in III), idtem (Fabr.) (= checiolati Thorns.), and the colour of the femora is different.

II". Rhopalizus euporidus sp. nor. \J i'i. lili. striato- aut viridis, cyanescens ; capite violaceo, lougitudinaliter (J) ruguloso-intnctato (?); antennis nigris, scajio violaceo; prothorace parum aurato, dorso antice capitis colore, irregulariter jjlicato, autic<' et in coustrictione basali transverse regulariter plicato; scutello acute triangulare, fere laevi : elytris lateribus ( 170 )

ct luimeriiis coijlri'l i>siiuc' : liigris, ad suturaiu juxta nitidis, i;r(issc (iiiuchilis prosteriio infra alliis, w\ iilidniucu vcstito transverse ruguloso ; corpora jjilis Inagis sjia.r>is ; pedibus nigro-cyaiicis, feinoribus cvam.Ms. hit. 4. Long, lo mm., clytr. '.ti, front Head blue, with the front somewhat glossy and greenish ; longitudinally in the in the cheeks wrinkled. finely striate i/i'df, rugosely punctured /'I'/nila ; Antennae almost black, with the scape blue and strongly rugose; in the ma/' not quite twice so long as the body, in the j'cm'iJc extending only a little beyond tln' with a violet blui' tip of the elytra. Prothorax green, tinged with golden, large

front striate and in tli(> l)asal constriction ; the patch at the margin ; anteriorly latter is strong, whilst the anterior one is rather feeble, but conspicuous on the the whole of the disc covered with and fine which upperside ; rugosities granules, form irregular wrinkles. Elytra dark green, sides and apex broadly did) black, suture and extreme base shining; densely reticulate-punctate, the punctures cir- disc a little elevated. Under surface cular and deeply impressed ; green, tinged with blue, clothed with long wlntish hairs, which are sparse on the abdomen. Prosternum rugosely punctulated in the male, the punctured area extending to the lower portions of the sides of the pronotuin, where it is sharply limited by line striate in the thickened an ingraved ; rugosely female. Legs black, i)arts of the femora violet blue. Ihih. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, ls92). Eight specimens. Similar to Illi. coluratus (^)ued., from which it may be distinginsheil by the structure of the prothora.x and elytra.

111. Rhopalizus nitens (Fabr.). Syn. : Rli. c/irrrolnii Thoms. Loanda, Kuilu, (iaboon, Accra (W. Afr.).

Eupoi'US i^erv. Type : E. tilraiujuhitns Serv. Similar to lihopaUzus Thoms., but the antennae of the female are thickened

towards the apex, or at least not attenuated ; senpe slender, without sharp apical

tooth biconstricted ; anterior coxal cavities dosed ; prothorax long, strongly

behind ; four anterior tibiae earinate.

112. Euporus strang'vilatus Serv. Syn. : rJiopaUzun tricolor Harold. Kuilu, ( 'ongo. and Loanda. The specimens from Kuilu have a green protliorax, whilst the prothorax is igneous in the s|)ecimcus from the Upper (and Lower ?) Congo.

11:1. Euporus sing^ularis sp. nov.

S. E. aureo-viridis : elytris lateribus aulenuis pedibns pie cyanesceutibus ; et Frons dense carinata capite prothorace igneis. grosse punctata, utrini(ue ; prothorax fortiter bicoustrictus, medio rotundatus, disco sat deplanatus, irregulariter antice laevi scutellnm grossissime punctatus, utrin(pic s])atio parvo ; elongatum,

humeris laevibus ; sublus acutum ; eljlra rugulose punctata, conspicue punctatus, prosterno fortiter ruguloso. 15 hit. 3. Long. mm., elytr. '.), Larger than E. i(/nico/lis Pasc, from Natal, to which it is similar in colour; the prothorax, however, has a ipiite different shape and structure. Puuc-tuation of head and iirolhorax very strong; the latter strongly liii-onslricted,' with tlie sides ( 180 )

dilated and the dise ratlier iSciitelluni and iuute sides nmirled, jilaiii. long ; feebly convergent from the base to about the middle, where tlioy suddenly become strongly coMversrent, so that tlie outline of the scutellnm nearly forms a pentagon. Huh. Bopoto (Upper Congo).

lit. nciv. y Eiiporus similis sji.

? . E. viridis latcribns et ; cajiite, inothoraeis parte aiitica, elytrornm apiee, aiitenuis pedibusqne violacci.s. Frons ufrinc^ue earinata. I'rothorax spleudens, elongatus, modice biconstrictus, medio leviter rotundatus, grossissime punctatus, antice lacvis. Elytra sulitilissime jinnctato-rugulosa, humeris laevihus, nitidis. Prosternniu metasternuni et abdomen grosse rugulosiim ; paucis singulis punctis miiiutissimis instructa, nitida. Long. l.T mm., elytr. 9, lat. 'i. Head blue, tinged with green at tlie anterior niarL:iii. coarsely but not densely pniirtiiated; front with an acute carina at eacli side; vertex impuuctatc in the iniildlc. Antennae blackish blue; scape rugose, with a rather feeble cicatrix. with blue in I'rdthiirax golden green, tinged the centre, the antciior jiart violet blue; sides slightly rounded in the michlle; disc with very coarse ])unctures, which are rather dense posteriorly; anterior constriction impuuctate, or sparingly punctuated here and there. Scutellura green, triangular, and acute; the sides a little curved. dark sides and dark blue shoulders Elytra green ; ajiex ; almost smooth and the rest of the entirely shining ; elytra punctate-rugate. Underside golden gresn, shining; abdomen with a tint of blue, except the basal segment, rrosternum metastcnium and abdomen dark rugose ; scarcidy imnctured. Legs violet blue.

Hub. Kuilu ; 8 females (A. Moc([uerys, LSii^j. This form resembles small of K. Serv. green specimens slramiulatits ; however, the prothorax is much more elongate, and its sides less rounded, the scape of the antennae much more slender, and the third joint relatively longer.

ll."). Euponis nasiitus

llii. Euporus plagiatus (Halm.). Sierra Leone.

IK. Euporus brevicornis ( Falu-.). Sierra Ijeone.

Litopus Serv. Type : //. ciolacens Serv. Antennae narrowed towards the apex in the 7nalc, not attenuated or a little thickened at the in the toothed at the apex /(jwafc ; scape apex: i)rothorax broad,

its sides rounded ; femora clavate.

11^. nov. Litopus virens s]i.

5. L. viridis; capite thoraceque cyanescentibus ; antennis basi viohicea exce]ita sutura tarsis tiigris, pedibus cyaneis ; i)ube aureo-tlava, tibiisijue brunneo-llava, corpore infia argentea, supra sparsa nigra vestitus. Cajnit punctis magnis cir- cnlaribus instructum, epistomate subtiliter jiunctnlatum, linea media iintice abbrcviata in vertice obsoleta, impressa. Sca])us aiitennaruni cicati'ice magna ai'uta, fortiter ruguloso-punctatus. I'rothorax hititndine paulo brcvior; latei'ibus luniide dilatatis, ( 181 )

feri' tulM'iTulatis aiitice distincte reticulatus, ; obsolete, postice constrictus, cdiisjiicue !Si:uti'lluiii paiu:u punctulatum, triaugiilare. Elytra densiter suLtilissimc pnnctulato-

rng'iilosa. Femora qiiatnor autiea grosse punctata, ])ostica suljtilius pnuL'tulata et infra leviter miiltitubereulata.

Long. •21) mm., elytr. 14, lat. 5.

and scnlcUuin liluisli uTecii and a little ; Greeu ; head, protliorax, glossy til)ia(^ of scape of antennae, femora, and hind liliie, the remainder antennae and as as the four anterior tibiae black ; the latter, well all tarsi, ckithed with a surface with traces of a black brownish yellow jiubescence. Upper ])ubesceuce ; short hairs surface suture bordered with dense and polden ; under silvery grey. Head covered with large circular and sliuhtly impressed punctures, and some- sulcus abbreviated in front what rugulose behind the antennary tubers ; median and obsolete on the vertex. Antennae reaching the apex of the elytra, tlie scape coarsely rugose, with a strong acute cicatrix. Prothorax conspicuously and rather regularly reticulated, a very little shorter than broad, sides dilated and rounded, the tubercle. Scutellum tip of the dilated part almost forming a triangular, si)aringly other. punctured, the apex acute iu one specimen, blunt in tlie Elytra very finely than puuctulate-rugulose. Process of the mesosteruum more raised in South anterior femora African species {L. latipes, dispur, etc.). Four coarsely iiunctiired ; with short and jMisterior ones finely pnnctulated and rough underneath, many very thin tubercles. H((lj. Kuiln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). In two specimens from the same locality the four anterior legs are reddish, with a tint of violelf blue.

nov. y.Eximia gen. nov. Typo : K. tricolor sp. not attenuated towards ? . Antennae extending to the tip of the elytra, thick,

notched at the base ; ci('atrix limited a the apex ; scape pyriform, by strong sharp

is into a tooth third much than the fourth ; carina, which produced ; joint longer at the seventh to tenth joints rather short, triangular and acute apex ; prothorax the sides dilated into a blunt similar to that of Ithopdliziis Thorns., but with liehind fifth abdominal tubercle : anterior coxal cavities open ; segment narrow, siih's all femora tibiae not carinate. longer than broad, with the parallel ; clavate, To be placed after IJtopu.s. y.'110. Eximia tricolor sp. nov.

(Ph IX., fig. l:!.,) el 5. /;. aureo-viridis. Caput violaceo-nigrnm, fronte igneo-auraluni nitidum, antice et fortiter utrin(|ue carinatuni, pauee pmictulatuiu, stdco mediano i]osticc Prothorax latitudiue abbreviato, vertiee medio impuiu-tatuiu, genis dense striatum. lateribns medio tuberculatus et antice lougitudini ae(piali, leviter biconstrictus, ad ]ilicatura sat magna laevi iustructus, pauee jainctulatus, igneo-auratus, marginem notato. anticnm ])laga lata postice rotnndata imrpnreo-violacea parum ignea Scutellum auratum, laeve, nitidum. Elytra viridia, pube brevissima nigra sjiarsim subtiliter vestita, sutura et margine basali et disci medio glabra, rugose punctata, transverse rugis antice ad suturam sat grossis. Prostermim dciusiter rugato- striatum. Abdomen lateribns dense, medio sparsatim punctatuni. Femora violacea, tibiae et tarsi infra argenteo- jjoslii^i, infra tenniter spinulosa, nigr

Head with violet Golden Erroen, head and prothorax sliininj;'. black, tingoil ; median snlcns stronsly and abrnjitly abbreviated anteriorly and on the vertex ; the front golden, wit it a tint of igneous, especially ou antennary tubers, acutely carinate at each side and finely and sparingly jiuuctured; vertex all but impunctate; \vith throat igneous, and densely plicate like the cheeks. Antennae black, tinged at the and half as as the third violet ; scape narrowed base, coarsely rngose, long as rather bicoustricted sides joint. Prothorax golden green, as long broad, feebly ; with a blunt tooth-like tabercle and with a fold before the middle ; pnnctnation disc more convex than in front, with a extremely s]iarse ; posteriorly large, fiery to tlie of the disc violet patch at the front margin, not ([uite extending middle and ronnded posteriorly. Scntellum golden green, shining, impunctate. Elytra dark green, clothed with a very short and thin black pubescence, which is wanting at disc the the snture and on the middle of the ; finely I'ugate-puuctulate, rugosities coarser near the scntellum. Under snrface covered with a silvery grey pubescence. metasternnm and sides of the abdomen Prosternnm rugosely plicate ; densely four puuctnlated, sparsely so in the middle of the latter. Femora greenish blue, latter anterior ones with sparse, hind ones with denser punctures, the finely spincd tibiae and tarsi l>lack. nuderueath ; nearly Hrib. Bopoto (Upper Congo). Two specimens, one almost twice as large as the of the first are above. other ; the Tueasnres given

Hospes gen. nov. Type : //. nifu/zfollis sp. nov. front Head without transverse impressed line behind the epistorae : somewhat thickened the as as the or a little elongate ; antennae towards apex, long body

toothed at the third than the fourth ; front longer ; scape apex ; joint longer margin a tubercle of the prothorax rounded above, sides with distinct ; elytra commonly

closi'd behind : all leuiora clavate ; ronnded at tlie apex : anterior coxal cavities four anti'rior tibiae with a short or long carina. To be jilaced after E.rimiti.

1~". nitidicollis nov. ^ Hospes s]i. (PI. IX., fig. 1:^.)

If. auratus antcnnis ; tibiis (J. viridis, j)aruni ; pedibusipie nigris quatuor sulco medio antice anticis paulo ])iccis. Caput nitidnm, siugulatim pnuctatum, leviter abbreviato. Scapus aiitennarnm fortiter rngulosus. Prothorax latitudine longior, singulis jmnctis instructus, nitidus, autice paulo, postice fortiter constrictus, dente laterali tuniido. Scntellum breve, rotundato-triaugnlare, nitidnm, pauce jiuuctatum. Elytra subtilissirae rugoso-jiunctata, sntura nitida, lateraliter parum Subtus sexti abdoniiiuilis ventralis cyanescentia. argenteo-serieeus ; segnienti pars vestitae. minima, dorsalis major. Tarsi et tibiae iiunlnor iintiiMc ]inl>e brunneo-Hava

Long. 14 mm., elytr. '.>h, lat. 3. and suture. Green, with a tint of golden, sliiniiig on lu^ad, prothorax, si'iiteihini, sulcus somewhat abbreviated in Head finely and sparsely ]]unctulated ; median of the lobes ol front, strongly so posteriorly, not reaching the hind margin u]iper has a the eyes. Antennae lilack. Tlie slmrt and very rugose scape strong cicatrix. Prothorax longer tlian broad, bicoustricted, with the front constriction fine transverse obsolete; and ; disc with some very ; finely very sjiaringly jiunctured wrinkles at the siiles lateral teeth Munt a little behind the middle, ; and standing the fold in front of the tooth feeble. Scntellum short, sides somewhat ronnded and ( is:i )

autl sjiariii.s'ly ]mnctur(M.l. Elytra very finely closely mgate-jiiini'tulate. Body

bem'iith covered with a silvery jjubesceuce. Le,s;s black ; four anterior tibiae and extreme base of the femora with a tint of ]iitchy lirown and elnthed witli a brownish

; four anteri(ir but not yellow pubescence femora rather coarsely densely punctured ; jinnctures of the hind femora close and minnte. Iliih. Kiiiln (A. ;\Ioei|nerys, 18'J2). /

^' 1-l.^Hospes gracilis sp. udv.

II. viridis aenescentij' ; ?. ; capite prothorace raacnla antica, elytris basi,

; anteunis tibiis tarsis lateribus, apice, sutura, femoribus(jne uigro-violaceis n'gris ; seapo j)arum violaceo, tarsis posticis jjube sat longa alba sericeis. Frons longitudi- et naliter striata, vertex medio laevis, ca])itis sulcns luedius antice postice valde abbreviatus. Prothorax subnitidus, latitndine longior, ad marginem anticum et ad latera laevis, disco regnlariter transverse plicatus, striis medio versus anticum enrvatis lateraliter sat ante dentem tnmida ; bicoustrictns, dente acnto, jdic^atnra instructns. Scutellum laeve, nitidum. Elytra snbtilissime nigatn-iiinictuta. Fe-

mora minute punctnlata. Variat : autennarum articulis basi rnfis. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 2\. Head elongate and somewhat prolonged into a muzzle, dark green, with a tint of olive front vertex the middle ; longitudinally jdicate, smooth, longitudinal groove of the head deep and abbreviated in front and on the vertex. Antennai' than the and longer body ( ? ) ; scape cylindrical, arcuate, rngosely punctured, abont twice as as scarcely toothed at the apex ; third joint slightly curved, long and ba^al the scajje. Protliorax longer than broad, with a feeble anterior strong constricti(}n the sides have a broad and rather blnut tooth ; smooth and glossy and, in of of the a small front the tooth, a distinct fold ; the whole disc, except s])ace at the anterior the wrinkles at the at margin, regularly jilicate ; beginning sides, the first lieing triiiisverse, then <'iu-ving towards the front, rnnning along middle, and the sides colour of the anterioi-ly recurving towards ; jn-othorax green, tinged witli golden at the sides; a large macula at tlie anterior margin, rounded posteriorly, dark violet blue, bordered with igneous. t>cutellum smooth and shining, with

dark blue ; e.u-h traces of rugosities at the ai)ex. Elytra finely rugate-punctate, elytron with abroad longitudinal but ill-defined green band, not reaching neilhei-

suture. Ijeneath clothe I the base nor the apex and not ([uite extending to the I'ody at tiie with a silvery ])ubesccnce. Filth segment of the ali.lomen rounded apex. tibiae tarsi hind tarsi covered with Femora violet, finely jiunctnlated ; and black, a rather long silky white pubescence.

IIiili. Kuibi (A. JIoei|uervs, IS'.c,'). / 1 -'-!. uov. Hospes puuctatus sji. //. olis(Uire viridi y. olisenre anri'o-vii'idis ; ciipiti' ; anteunis jieilibusipie piceo- rotundis nigris ; lenioribns parte incrassata ol)scure viridibus. t'ajint punctis uiagnis leviter impressis instructum. Antennae scapo grosse punctato, jnirum transverse rugato, articulo tertio scapo du])lo longiore. Prothorax latitndine niinule longior, punctis rotundis densiter tectus ut reticulatns, laleribus tubercnio conico postmediano, supra et infra tuberculnm albo-sericeus. Scutellum triangulan', laeve. Elytra densissime punctulata, transverse rngulosa, siugulum disco linea leviler elevata. Infra I'otnudatum. s])arsim albo-sericeus ; segmentum abdoiiiinale i|nin(nni apice 14 hit. Long. mm., elytr. 9A, :J|. ( 184 )

nolilen tint on the si Dark ijrceii, with a conspicuous jivothorax, iitolhim, elytra, and under snrt'ace. Punctures of head and prothorax circular and rather feehly dense on the so that the latter has a reticulated impressed ; very prothorax, also at the and as appearance. Punctures of the elytra circular, especially apex ; this of the is they arc confluent in the basal two-thirds, part elytra transversely some wrinkles at the anterior rugate-pnnctate. Prosternnni rngulose, margin Antennae and with a tint of ni'arly regularly transverse. legs black, jritchy brown, of the femora dark chieflv at the base of the tarsi ; the thickened part green, nearly black. Cicatrix of the autennary scape strong, produced into a sharp crest. Sides with a and with of the prothorax somewhat triangularly dilated, conical tubercle underneath and the nlher above the two spots of a white silky i)ubescence, one fold in front. tnbercle ; there is no lateral Hah. Kniln (A. Mocquerys, 189~'). similar to tirens nov. In sculjiture and form of the antennae and legs Litopus sp.

nov. 123. (? ) Hospes hypocritidus sp.

sat ; autennis J. //. obscure viridis, infra auratus peditmsipie brnnnoo-nigris. Capnt sulco mediano profuudo anticeet posticeabbreviatoinstrnctura, froute sparsius sat rotnndis. Antennae (piam vertice pnnctatum, punctis maguis corpore parura longiorcs, scapo rugoso-pnnctato, cicatrice magna, articulo tortin scajio duplo basi louHfiore, ',' ad In'"" apicib\is triangulariter acute dilatatis. Protliorax con- strictns, lateraliter post medium angnloso-dilatatus, lougitudinc paulo angustior, instructns. pnnctis rotnndis sat sparsis, ntrinque juxta medium disci densius sitis, Scntellum triangulare, fere laeve. Elytra creberrime rnguloso-punctata, disco linea levissinie elevata, margine externo et apicali minute oyanescontia. Sterna albo- articulus sericea, abdomen glabrum, panc<' minute punctatuni, tarsorum posticorum prirans eaeteris tertia parte longior. Long. 121 mni.^ dytr. 81, lat. 2L the of tlic Sides of the prothorax augulated, not tnbcrcled ; tip angulated part clothed with a white silky pubescence similar to that of the sterna. Punctuation of the front of the head near the middle line of the almost sparser eyes ; prothorax smooth, whilst the remainder of the disc is punctured, tlio punctures dense towards

the base. Prosternnm finely rngulose ; alidomen shining and nearly impiinctate : apex of the last alidominal segment rounded. llab. ('ongo (Stanley Pool).

Tliis form reminds one of the dark green s])ecies of the genus Ib/pocrifi'n Fahrs. Il does not qnile lit into the genus Ifo.fpes, and may be the type of a new genus, as tlie anterior coxal cavities are not closed, and the tibiae not carinate.

Griphapex ,L:cn. mmv. Type : Gr. Scutellaria sp. nov. Antennae the with a thickened towards apex ; scape narrow, cylindrical, very siiort tooth at the all apex ; third and following joints strongly longitudinally third to fifth a sides of the without grooved, with sharp ajjical tooth ; prothorax tnbercle toothed all femora ; apices of the elytra truncate, witli the outer angles ; subdavate four anterior tarsi than ; tibiae carinate ; first joint of the posterior longer the three following together. Underside of the head convex ; anterior coxal cavities closed.

To bs placed after Ili/pocriles Fahrs. ( 185 )

]'-'4. Griphapex scutellaris sji. nov.

Gr. obscuro auratiis ; unteiiuis ?. viridis, pariiin podibnsquc cvaiicis : tiliiis vt tarsis fere infra ct scutello niuris ; corpore albo-sericcis. (Japut deusiter, verticis medio froute panim sj)ai'sius grosse puuctatiim ; elougata ; sulco medio antice ot abliveviato. postiee Antennae sca]» elongate, cylindrico, fortiter rugoso-piinctato, articnlo tertio soajio minnte longiore. Protliorax longitndine jiavum angnstior, lateribus medio rotnndatus, antice leviter, ad basim distiuctius constrictns, densiter Scntellnm UTOsse punctatns. sat magnum, triangnlare. Elytra versus aiiiuem basi j)arnm attenuata, recta, lateribus postice parnm cyanescentia, apice angnlo suturali minute externo in dentem sed uon rotnndato, latum, acutum, jirodncto ; creberrime rugnloso-pnnctata, disco liuea longitndinali levissime elevata. Infra fortiter dense punctatns, jiedilms fortiter rugato-punctatis, tiliiis apicibus et tarsis infra ])ube lutea vestitis.

Long, loi mm., elytr. 6^, lat. 2. and Upper nnder surface of the mesosternum, especially the scutelliim ami I he clothed with a white the rest epipleura, densely silky puliescence ; of the under surface as well as the dilated part of the sides of the prothorax have the same pubescence, but very much sparse !. liiil/. t'ameroons.

Helymaeus Thoms. Type : Litopus nofatirollis Perr. Antennae thickened towards the apex ; scape without tooth; 63-68 large; cheeks short ; rounded at the subconvex truncate at the prothorax sides, ; elytra apex ; anterior coxal cavities open ; femora clavate ; four anterior tibiae carinate.

1~-")- Helymaeus pallidiventris sp. nov. //. ; violaceis luitenuarnm niger elytris ; basi, abdomine pedil)Usi]ue pallide

rufis ; tibiis omnibus et tarsis posticis nigro-lirunneis. Capite et prothorace grosse hoc lateribus reticulato-puuctatis, aequabiliter rotnndato ; elytris grosse et jirofnude sternis reticulato-punctatis ; pube grisea, abdomine ])ube lutea vestitis. Long. 14 mm., elytr. in, lat. 4. Head and prothorax black, densely reticnlate-punctate, the punctures large, and circidar, slightly impressed. Anteuuae black, the three basal joints and nearly the whole of the fourth— in one also the base of the fifth— specimen pale rnfous ; seventh to tenth joints broadly triangular, the last deejily emarginate at each side. Prothorax evenly rounded at the sides. .Scutellum black and iminmctate. Elytra blue, reticnlate-punctate, the punctnres very deeply impressed. Sterna black, in one with a feeble tint of specimen pitchy lirown. Prosternum rugulose ; meta- sternum covered with a dense white pubescence nearly concealing the ratlier obsolete imnctuatioii. Abdomen almost Inteous very pale rnfous, ; legs (lale rnfous, except the blackish tarsi nml hind all tibiae. Posterior femora slightly clavate ; tenmra coarsely punctured. Hall. Caffraria.

Ditfers from its nearest allied ^iedta^,!!. jjalcsfris I'asc, eh icily in the colour of the antennae, nnder surface, and hind legs.

120. Semanotus feri'ugiueus s]i. nov. ?. S. antennis ferrugincus, pedibusqne nigris ; cainte canaliculato. post antennarnm tuberes nlriiii|uc parnni grauulato ; ]irotliorace antice constricto, ( 18fi )

snbrotniulato tulierculoso ; scutello medio dcpresso, laevi, apioe ; elvtris ad apicein miiintc dilatatis, rugose jmnctatis. Loug. 12 mm., elytr. 0, lat. -ih. Similar in colour to CaUidiiim sut/f/iii/ifinn L., but witli the antennae and legs entirely black. Head finely longitudinally canaliculate, witli a tran.sversc groove in front, and with some grannies behind the antennary tubers. Antennae a little longer than the body, third joint as long as the scape. Prothorax imi)nnetate, at the a in sides constricted anteriorly and base, with nodosity the middle of the ; disc tubercled in front of the sentellum, and witli a transverse median fold, which is in centre median line and distinct interrupted the ; very fine, only anteriorly and on the basal tubercle. Scutellum slightly truncate. Elytra a little dilated and somewhat posteriorly, strongly and densely ]iunctured, rugose ; the punctures less dense at the rounded and jiromiuent shoulder angles and at the extreme apex.

Body beneath clothed with a rather long pubescence, sparingly ])uinturo(l : prosternuni with extremely fine wrinkles. Hab. Knilu (A. Blocquerys, 1892).

127. Oedenoderus sphaericollis I'hevr. Sierra Leone (A. Mocquerys).

128. Xylotrechiis gahani Duv. Kuilu.

120. Xylotrechus anguliferus sp. nov.

. disco (S ? X niger, sparsatim griseo-pnbescens ; prothorace rngoso, maculis, in latere una mediana biloba, et una utroijue flexuosa nigris ; elytris maculis rufo- testaceis griseo-pubescentibus, prima elytris communi postscntellare magna, secunda macnla tertia antemediana snbhumerali parva, hac postice cum anguliformi counecta ; praeterea fascia transversa postmediana ad suturam parum dilatata. Infra margine postico metasterni et segmeuturnm duorum iirimorum abdominalium gi'isco-albo. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 7i, lat. :5. clothed with a rather thin Lateral carinae of the Black, grey pubescence. , front feebly flexuose. Prothorax convex, sides ronnded, especially in front of the

base; disc rugose, witli three black s]iots, one in the middle bilobed jxisterinrly, one at each side latter is a little frdui and ; the spot obliijuc and curved, extending in front of the sides of the disc towards the shoulder angles ; pubescence closer the sentellum. Scutellum roimded, bordered with greyish white hairs. Elytra black, with rufous streaks and the of the outer maculae and ; these markings basal jwrtion a the has also some hairs. Of margins covered with grey jmb(!scence ; ajiex grey the markings the first is a large oblong macula common to both elytra and not ipiite there reaching to the middle of the suture ; then are two very small spots, one beneath and the other above the humeral angle, and an anguliform line, with

the j)oint of the angle directed towards the base, stands close to the first macula,

is it a little and posteriorly connected with ; a transverse postmedian band abbreviated at the outer margins, slightly dilated, and not interrupted at the suture each The whole of the ; apex trnncate, with the angles shortly spined. hind margin of the metasternum and the sides of the hind uuirgins of the two first surface abdominal segments densely covered with a white pubescence ; upi)er of the last segment white. Hind femora of the male extending beyond the tip of the abdomen. ( 187 )

IIiiIj.. Knilii (A. Mdcqiierys, istr^j. Allied to A', galiaiii Duv., from which it rhicfly diflers in the markings of the elytra, as A', i/nliini has a sutural median macula shaj)ed like the head of au arrow staudiiiL;' iM/fore the postiuediau fascia.

inn. nov. Xylotrechus socius >\f.

?. A", ; froute carinis latcralilms arcnatis iiiger, griseo-pubescens ; j)rothoracis lateribns antic.e fere rectis disco ct postice rotniidatis, rnnjoso ; prothoracis elytrorum siii'iiatnris iit in A', a mj nilferns sp. nov., femoi'ibns rnfis, apicilms nigris. Long, lii^ mm., elytr. 6, lat. 25. close resemblance to A'. This species bears a very axcjidiffrHs sp. nov. : Imt the lateral carinac of the front are much more arcuate, the sides of the prothoi'ax much less rounded, nearly straight anteriorly, and the femora are rufous, with tlie tip of the four anterior and the apical lialf "f the jiosterior ones black. Hah. Kuilu (A. Moci|uerys, isn^).

131. Xylotrechus reichenowi Qucd. Kuilu. Ground colour of the elytra lilack, with a ilistinct tint of bine in the three sjiecimens of the Museum.

132. Xylotrechus x-maculatus sp. nov.

(PL IX., fig. 14.)

c? ?. A. froute carina niger, cinereo-pubesceus ; media obsoleta, carinis lateralilras nuilis maculis dnabus fasciis ; prothorace medio parvis elytriscpie nigris, fascia prima iiosthumerali angnliformi, secnuda ab liumero ad suturam, delude ab sutura ad marginem externum oblique desceudentc, tertia elytris commimi suturali intus sagittaeformi ; elytrorum ajucibns oblique truneatis, breviter, extus longe abdominalibus lateraliter albo- spinosis ; mesosterno et segmentis dunbus primis maculatis.

Long. 11 mm., elytr. 7, lat. 3. Black, clothed with a dense ashy grey ])nbescence. Head with an obsolete median carina is a trace. ; of the lateral ones there scarcely Prothorax convex ; sides more rounded posteriorly than before the middle ; centre of the disc with a transverse black macula, behind whicli is a faint grey spot : sides of the base with a small white spot close to the margin. Scutelliun grey. Elytra with au anguli- form at shoulders anotiier from the marking the sides behind the ; line, running shoulder to the suture and thence to the outer margin, forms a second angle : the mark a latter, together with that of the other elytron, forms au x-shaped ; post- median broad transverse fascia in the shape of the head of an arrow. Apex of the the elytra feebly convex, obliquely truncate, the outer angles strongly s]iined, inner and of ones shortly so. Sides of the ])osterior part of the meso- and metasternum the two basal segments of the abdomen densely covered with a white ])ubescence. Hah. Kuilu (A. Moc(juerys, 1892).

r.'>3. Xylotrechus mocquerysi sp. nov.

(PI. IX., fig. 1.-..)

. froute k-viter carina ? .V. niger, olivaceo-cinereo-]inbescens ; utriu(jue carinata, niedia (ilisoleta lateribns nu^cida ; iirotliorace medio macula du]dicata, minima, notato macula et fasciis nigris ; elytris postscutellare ferruginca nigris notatis, ( 188 ) nempc : liiiea anguliformi in basis medio, fascia angnsta oblii|iia a siitiira ad margiiioiu exterioreiu fascia transversa lata coxis et (U'sceiulcnte, jiosnuodiana ; abdominis scgmentonuii apicibiis jianuii picTO-bmnnois.

Long. Oi ram., elj-tr. G, lat. 2J. Black, witli the coxae, trochanters, liiud margins of the al)dominal segments, and tlie of the last of the antennae tip joints somewhat pitchy brown ; clothed with a rather dense olive grey pubescence. Lateral carinae of the front straight and feeble median carina obsolete. Siiles of the ; prothorax rounded jiosteriorly, much less so in front anterior a doubled ; margin narrowly ferrnginous ; nuKuia on the disc and a very small sjjot on each side black. Scutellum semicirenlar, entirely pubescent. Elytra convex at the ajiex and subtriuicate, with tlic outer angles and with the sutural ones a little a spined, very produced ; ferruginous, somewhat triangular, macula behiud the scutellum, and two black transverse bauds are to both the tirst is common elytra ; baud narrow, angnliform, with the point of the angle standing on the suture iu front of the middle and directed towards the the second broad and base, straight, gradually shading olf |)osteriorly ; moreover, there is an anguliform line in the middle of the base of each elytron, with the point of the also directed towards the base the of of angle ; pubescence the apical jiart the elytra is darker at the tip than in front of it. Hah. Knilu (A. Mocqnorys, 180x'). Named in honour of the collector.

Plag'ionotulus gen. nov. Type : PI. bjrkcn sp. nov. froiite ante ocnios subcarinata Capite parvo ; plana, ; antennis brevibus, valde approximatis, articnlis simplicibus, extus ad apicem vix triangulariter prodnctis, articulo tertio scapo cylindrico, panlo longiore ; prothorace globoso, caj)ite mnlto lat fortiter trnncatis tarsis lore ; elytris eonvexis, apicibus ; posticis articulo priino duobus se((uentibns mnlto longiore.

Distinguished chiefly by the narrow head witli I lie frmit llattened, and by I lie a]tproximate antennae. To be placed behind Xnlotrefhu.f Clievi-.

134. Plagionotulus lyricen sp. nov.

(I'l. l.\., II.l;-. Ki.) /'/. et vestitns reticulato nigi'r, pube grisea olivaceo-grisea ; prothorace ; scutello fascia in margine excepto nigro ; elytris transversa mcdiana sutura usque ad scutellum ascendente nigra, hac fascia maculam fere lyriformem includente, linea humerali nofatis praeterea nigra ; elytrorum a])ice sparsim pubcscente, extus intus brevilcr lateribus truncato, foi'titer, spinoso ; meso-metastcrno abdomi- neque segmenti primi parte apicali albis. Long. lOi mm., elytr. (ii, lat. :!. Black, clothed with a grey pubescence, whieli has a distinct olivaceous tint on head, prothorax, and base of the elytra. Basal half of the antennae black, the white the remainder ; scape longer than third joint. Prothorax a little broader than long, regularly reticulated, with the meshes of the net very feebly impressed. Scutellum a little the bordered with an rounded, very triangular ; black, margin olivaceous grey pubescence. Ai)ices of the elytra truncate, the outer angles strongly toothed, the sutural ones with a faint tooth only, the margin between the teeth a

little ; a very rounded black transverse antemedian fascia, common to both elytra, ( 189 )

extending on the sntnro td the scutenum, iiud incliidiuga lyriform grey marking, the of which does not reach tlie scntellnm tlie tip qnite ; pubescenee denser beyond the middle than at the apex, so that there is an ill-defined postmedian transverse grey band each a ; elytron has, moreover, humeral longitudinal black streak, the inside of wbicli is connected with the largo autemedian black macula by a very fine black line.

Hal). Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). — ( Kot<\ et li 'lijtm isrnegalcnsis Lajwrtc Gory. (JJo/iO;/r., p. 1,1'!. X VII., fig. 1 (J8) belongs to this genus. There is a mistake in the above-cited description of this as si)ecies, only the ai)ical half of fiie first abdominal segment is white, whilst the second segment is black.

l:^;">. Plagionotulus cinereus sp. nov. Fl. cinerea vestitus minute niger, pube ; jirothorace granulato ; elytris apicilms subrotundato-trnncatis, extus spinosis, macula humerali parva, fascia oblicpia ab basi fere ad medium marginis externi dcscendente antice bifurcata, fascia secunda mediana elytris commnni sagittaeformi in sntura ustpie ad scutcUum ascendente, his fasciis ad nigris ornatis, marginem exteriorem coniiexis ; raesosterno et meta- sterno macnla laterali abdomiuerjne segmenti primi jiarte apicali albis. Long. mm., elytr. o, lat. 21. Black, clothed with an ashy grey pubescence. Scape of the antennae as long as the third joint. Prothorax finely granular, a little more rounded posteriorly than before the middle. Jlarkings of fhe elytra similar to tliose of the jjreceding species, but the humeral line is short, and the large black sidj-basal baud sends out on each a fine short line elytron and which does not (piite extend to fhe basal margin. JIa//. Delagoa Bay.

Denticerus gea. nov. DifFert a genere praecedente autennarnm articulis apicc ntriinpK' deulatis, articulo tertio scapo longiore.


Long. 7 mm., elytr. 4^, lat. 2. with Black, clothed an ashy grey pubescence. Front densely and rugosely antennae punctured; reaching the nuddle of the elytra, feebly pitchy, chiefly at the

base ; third joint elongate. Prothorax regularly and rather strongly reticulated. Scntellnm triangular, black. Elytra obliquely truncate at the apex, rather strongly toothed at the outer angles, and feebly so at the inner ones, with a broad black transverse median band, which is narrowly dilated on the suture towards the scntellnm and is bordered with white in front before hairs, chiefly ; the baud in the middle of the base of each is a small black the ilyti-on inconspicuous spot ; grey pubescence sparse at tlie apex, the latter almost black. The first abdominal bears a white segment spot at eacli side, or its whole posterior part is wliite. Ih/). Kuiln (.\. Jbi.querys, 1892). ( 190 )

l;^7. Apiogaster rufiventris Piir. Knihi.

l;;^. Apiogaster minor >i'. uov.

A. : IVmoruiu liasi iiij;er flytris iiigro-viriililms ; c|uaf,uor posticoi-iun ct tolls tibiis rufis deusiter (luatiior posticis ; capite protlioracecjue grosse reticulato- hoc latitudinc Icviter lateribns et pimctatis ; dnplo Idiig'iore, postice constricto, liiioa aiitoscutellarc ullio-sei-iceis : scutolli) iilho luiigitiulinali tvausverso, tniiicato, ; clytris

Ijasi rectis, lateribus medio vix angiistatis, ai)icibus extus ai-iife spino.sis, antice versus iufra roticnlato-puuctatis, apieem subtilit«r rngiilosis ; lateribus albo- j)ubescens.

Ijong. (') mm., clytr. 4, lat. I3. 151ack, (elytra moderately tinged with bine at llie apex. Finnl plain, coaisely punctured, with a short and fine median line; vertex, protiioiax, and base of the elytra reticulate-punctate. Third joiid of the antennae a little longer than the thickened scajjc; fifth to tenth joints acute at the inside of the ai>ex. Trothorax about twice as long as bmad, slightly constricted at the base; sides a little rounded, — - the vertical jjarts of the sides as well as the jirosternum, except the front margin and a short longitudinal line in front of the scutellum, white. Scutellum white, transverse, and truncate. Elytra a very little narrowed in the middle, with the sides ronnded before the the lattei' with two at the outer apex, long S2)ines angles ; basal disc of each margin straight ; elytron longitudinally impressed. Under surface clothed with a white pubescence at the sides. Four hind tibiae and the base of the

four hind femora rufous ; tarsi brownish black. Hal). Gaboon (A. Mocquerys).

139. Ptycholaemus maciilipes Thoms. Kuilu.

1411. Ptycholaemus simplicicollis Thoms. Kuilu.

111. Ptycholaemus lativittis Har.

Congo (exact locality ?).

14:i. Amphidesmus platypterus Wesiw. Kuilu and Loauda. " labelled " liavc a dilferent of the the Two specimens Congo pattei'U elytra ; basal black region is reduced to a sutuial jintch, which is very narrow in one of the two exam])les.

143. Amphidesmus westermanni (Guer.).

Axim (W. AtV.).

114. Diastellopterus clavatus (Chevr.).

Ogowe 1{. ( 191 ;


1 !•>. luiv. Apomempsis bufoides sji.

soi'diilc A. iji,i;;ni, llavo-yriseo-squaniiuosa ; protliorai'e diialms lasciis obt^curis iiiitato. fronti' (_'a2)ite prcii'miilc ]i\iiii:tato, inter autennas panim coiicavo. Anteiiuis articulo tertio i'cre I'rotlioracc sca])0 dujilo luimiove. loiigitudiiie latitndini ae(piali, lateribus rntimdato, medio nuisiiiiinso, disco vix nodoso, jmnctis grossis iiistructo. Scntello lircvi, lato, rotnndato. Elytris punctis prot'nndis maguis, versus apit-em instcrtitiis luiimtioribns, iiistrnctis, nodnloso-elevatis ; siugulo elytro nonnnllis tuburciilis prope siituram, seriatim disi)ositis, iiistructo, iiiio pdstmediano parnm majore. Femoribus et tibiis aimulo nigro notatis. Long. 13 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 5. Disc of the jimtlidrax with only a tracts of a tubercle at each side in front, and with a very faintly raised median line. The jmnctnres of the elytra very large and at the where are much fim-r and also the inter- deep, except apex, they sparser ; stices of the punctures are raised and form here and there distinct munded tubercles; the tubercles of the disc near the suture somewhat stronger and arranged in two

rather regular rows : the first tubercle of the inner row placed at the base, the

second to fourth in front of the middle, one close behind the otlier, and the last and tubercle situated the rather largest beyond middle ; a second and inconspicuous row placed on the miildle of the disc at the outside of the first consists of three feeble tubercles. All these tubercles only moderately raised and more or less rounded, not pointed or crested. Hal/. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1S92). Similar to A.bafo (Chevr.), but differs from (his sjiecies in the shuvter pro- tlnirax, in the rounded scutellum, and in the elytra luit being impressed at the base and having the tubercles less raised.

141. miv. Apomempsis bispinosa sji.

A. nigra, sordide russo-griseo-squammosa, nigro-vuriegata. Fronte sparsim Antenni-s articulis 7 punctulata. uigris, 2°, 3°, i)°, apicibus griseis. Prothorace latitndini disco levissime Imigitudine aequali, sparsim punctulato, trigibboso ; hifi'ribus carina luediana armatis. Scutello bisjiinosa longitndine parum latiore, fortiter rotuudatis. nou augulis posticis Elytris gibbosis, ad apicem defiexis, jjost basim transverse sat antice depressis, sparsim, grossius ipuim jiostice, punctatis ; siugulo elytro tuberciilis qnatiior validis carinaeformibus, tribus j^rope sutnram, una inter secundum et tertinm parnm versus externum, sitis, jiraeterea multis tuberculis parvis instructis. Pedibus nigro-annnlatis, tibiis intermediis ad ajiicem sinuatis. Long. 15 mm., elytr. 10, lat. (i. Clothed with wood-brown scales, which are arranged in tliree streaks on the and in one broad median band on the a at each vertex, prothorax ; large patch side of the prothorax and two iiatches on each elytron, one situated in the middle, the other in front of the apex, are more or less indistinct and of a brownish black coliinv the ; whole of the upper surface, moreover, parti-coloured with black. Antennae black, with tlie tip of the third and fourth joints and with more than the half of the fifth and seventh covered witli a third and apical grey pubescence ; fourth joints together scarcely as long as all following joints. Prothorax with a feeble at of the impression each side middle of the disc, and witii three extremely ( 192 ) fiiiiif dorsal swellings. Elytra jiarallel, and cunimonly rounded at the apex, their siitnral part almost horizontal from the base to beyond the middle, then rather

deflexed the tubercles are in about four rows on each : suddenly ; arranged elytron tlie Hrst row, beginning in the middle of the base, consists of three short and strongly raised keels, the anterior of which bears three sharji tubercles; the second row, at the outside of the iirst, consists of about seven tubercles, the posterior of which is largest and placed a little behind the second (antemedian) tubercle of the first row; Ihe third row commences at tlie shoulder and consists of about ten tubercles, and the fourth row begins also at the shouhler and its tubercles gradually become minute behind; moreover, there are three or four faint tubercles at the with base near the scutellum. Abdomen black spots ; femora with one, tibiae with two blackish rings. llalj. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, Wd'i) and Loanda. This species is different in its general ajipearance from .,1. hnfo (C'hevr.) and as arc not it also ditt'ers in the intermediate hiifoidcs sj). nov., the elytra Inuujied ; tibiae being sinuate at the apex.

1 (-'. Apomempsis trispiuosa sp. nov.

A. nigra, sorilide griseo-squammosa. Frontc ad antennurnm Inheres paucis

articulo tcrtio ,j' jiuuctis grossis iustrucla. Antennis quarto dimidio, ad 11""' simul sumtis parum longiore. Prothorace kmgitudine fere dimidio latiore, disco lateribus medio leviter trigibboso, indistincte uigro-bimaculato, crista fortiter elevata trisj)inosa armato, spina autica miuore. Scutello fere semicirculare. Elytris bre- vissimis, convexis, post medium parum gibbosis, pone basim parnm transverse

tuberculis in sex seriebus instructo : serie depressis ; singulo elytro dispositis jirima prope snturam tuberculis duobns, serie secunda tuberculis octo, anteriore tubercuk) tuberculis 4 caeteris 3' in basis medio sito bifido, 2", 3", magnis, parvis ; seriebus (duobns tnlienulis), 4 (tuberculis (piatuor), o'' (tuberculis qnatnor) post de])res- sionem basalem incipieutibus, eorum tuberculis sat minutis : serie sexta tuberculis medio sat septem et spina acuta humerali ; elytris sparsim, lateraliter profimdius densius parum seriatim puuctatis. Femoribus et tibiis medio anuulo nigro uotatis. Long. C mm., elytr. 4, lat. 3. This sjiecies witli three lateral spines on the prothorax is perliajis the same ix. whicli Lacordaire mentions in (Jeiwra L'nlenpt., 1, ]). 27.s, note (2).

Praonethida gen. nov.

: divisis Difiert a gencre A/wmcmps/.i Pasc. Oculis ; prothonuc disco fortiter transverse elevatoacuto liitubeivulato. elevato ; proccssu prosternali

Type : Praoiiet/ni/a i/iorar/i-fil/s sp. nov. Thi' arc tliau in the sides of the elytra longer Apomempsis ; i)roiiionix are nearly straight and liavc^ a feeble trace of a tubercle. In general apj)earauce the species described below rLiniiids one of Pruonetka Pasc.

14:!. Praouethida thoracicalis sp. nov.

P. nigra, sordidc griseo-scpiamniosa, jiedilms breviter setulosis. Cajiite inter vertice laevi. Antennis arliculis antennas coucavo ; fronte punctata ; brunneo-nigris, tertio. et quarto conjunctis omnibus sequentibus simul sumtis multo lougioribus. Prothorace fortiter dense pnnctato, disco fortiter elevato, elevulione nigra antice ( 193 ) bituberculata, laferibns tnbercnlo minnto submediano armato. Scntello qnad- rangiilare. Eh-tris parallelis, postice commuuiter snbtruncato-rotundatis, ante

fortiter declivibns ; sat lateraliter seriatim apicem dense, parnm punctatis ; singnlo elytro crista basali inediana I'ortiter elevata bi- vel trifida, crista liumerali obsoleta,

5 tnberculis postmedianis, sic : • dispositis instructo. Tarsis brunneo-nigris.

Long. 12 mm., elytr. 8i, lat. 4|. Clothed with dirty grey scales, shading off into bmwn and black, and with sparse short whitish sctnlose hairs, which are denser especially on the apex of the eh'tra, on the under surface and legs. Front of the head with rather closely set deep punctures, vertex with some punctures only between the eyes. The discal elevation of the prothorax is highest in front and gradnally declivous towards the base; its anterior margin is impressed in the middle. Scutellum qnadrangnlar, with the angles somewhat rounded. Elytra with a tran.sverse greyish band behind the middle, and with the apex also pubescent grey. Of the five postmedian tubercles of each elytron the two posterior ones are larger than the three anterior.

Intermediate tibiae a little curved, and slightly constricted near the tip. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys).

144. Leprodera congoana Duviv. (lameroons.

145. Monohammus x-fulvum Bates.

Ogowe. Knihi. (Vmgo, and Loanda. Apparently a rather common species.

140. Monohammus centralis Duvnv. Axim (W. Afr.), Gold Coast, Kuilu. and Loanda.

147. Monohammus ruspator (Fabr.). Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Cameroons, and Kuilu.

148. Monohammus ruspator ab. basalts Chevr. Cameroons.

14'.i. Monohammus griseoplagiatus Tlioms. Gold Coast, Ogowe, Kuilu.

1 SO. Monohammus irroratus < 'hevr. Sierra Leone.

LtI Monohammus cineraceus sji. uov. infra d" S . J/, niger, aequabiliter ciuereo-juibesceus, supra ciuereo-irroratus. instructo antennis Capite paucis punctis ; fulvis, scapo nigro, minute densissime dorso punctulato. Prothorace inaequali, sparsim panctato. Scntello apice versus l.ntera seriatim, rotundato. Elytris irregulariter, punctatis, apicibus singulis rotundatis. Tiljiis tarsisque fulvis. Long. 20 mm., elytr. 15, lat. 7. Upper surface ashy grey, witli many blaciv spots, which almost form two transverse bands on the elytra, one in front of, and one behind the midtlle. Front of the head with a few jiuncturcs, vertex wilh some punctures only in the middle. the of tlie a little darker Antennae tawny, tij) joints ; scape black, covered with fine 13 ( 194 )

with some ones once and a lialf as closely placed punctures, intermixed larger ; lona: again as the body in the cf, and half as long again in the ?. Seutellnm more at the sides tiian in the middle. the densely pubescent Elytra punctuated ; punctures serially arranged at the sides, and faintly umbilicate at the base. Hah. KuUn (A. Mocinerys, IslV,').

152. Monohammus fulvaster sp. uov.

c?. .1/. uiger, fnlvo-cinereo-pubesccus, maculis vittisqne pallide oehraceis vertic.o inter oculos ornatns. Fronte singnlatim ])iiiictata : laevi, paucis jmuctis instructo, vittis tribus longitudinalibus ochraceo-luteis iiotato. Antenuis corpore dnplo et dimidio longioribus, articnlis basi griseis, scapo minutissime pnuctnlato. Prothovace longitudinc jianlo latiore, disco medio ante basim tuberculato, sparsissime o(^hraceis una dorsali punctalo, fiisciis (jiiaruor jiallido uotato, utrinqno ]ircipe medium, una laterali utrincpie sub dentem sita. Scutello subtriaugulare. Elytris ad snturam parum dejjressis, ajiicibus subtrnncatis, angulis suturalibus rotniidatis, externis breviter dentatis, sat tenniter et parum seriatim punctnlatis, mnltis maculis pallide oehraceis notatis. Long. ]r> mm., elytr. 10, lat. 5. still visible Tlie protlioracic tubercle on the disc near the base is feeble, but ; the lateral teeth are a little curved. Seutellnm impnnctate, of a somewhat triangular shape, with the apex rounded. Tlie punctures of the elytra are fine, and here and there tlmse of the base coarser and witli serially arranged ; somewhat umbilicate, the interstices raised to transverse the slight wrinkles, especially near seutellnm ; the suture feebly depressed, and the third interstice of the punctured rows somewhat raised. Under surface imimuetate, clothed with an uniformly coloured ])nbescence, which is a little move i'nlvons at the tip of the tibiae. Htib. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

153. nov. Monohammus griphiis sji. $. M. ater, infra griseo-, supra nigro-|iabescens et albo-variegatns. Capite fascia transversa ad I'rontis et genarum marginem sita, vitta angusta in utroque latere verticis ad ocnlonuu marginem, albis notato, paucis puuctis profnndis instructo anteunarum tuberibns Antennis ; impunctatis. corpore sesqui longioribus, articnlis basi albis. Prothorace disco inaequali, dente laterali valido, paucis pmictis j)rofundis instructo; ntriui|ne snjira dentem lateralem fiiscia recta longitudinali alba oruato. Scutello rotundato. Elytris basi dense grosse, apicem versus minutius, fascia ab hnmero ad suturae medium ubi puuctatis ; usque descendente, parum obsoleta, plagis irregularibiis una ante apicali, secuuda ajiicali, albis notatis. Long, l'.» mm., elytr. 13, lat. 6i. Uiijierside with a deep black j)ubesceuce. Front of the head with some sparse antennal tubers a transverse band at the of puncl;ures ; impnnctate ; margin the cheeks and front, and two narrow oblicjue streaks bordering the upper lobes of the eyes, of a white pubescence. Antennae half as long again as the body, with the bases of the third and three white second succeeding joints ; scape, and seventh joints also somewhat whitish at the base. Prothorax with scattered puncttjres and with three faint smooth nodosities disc lateral teeth sides on the ; large ; with an almost straight band situated above the lateral tooth. .Seutellnm impnnctate, ronnded, fringed at the margin with ashy grey hairs. Elytra very faintly truncate at the with the finer towards the apex, coarsely piuictate, punctures becoming apex ; ( 195 )

with wliitc each elytnin an oblic|iif' band extending from the shonlder to tlie middle of the sntuve, with the jwsterior ])art less sharply marked; and with two white patches, one small, situated at the apex, the other larger, reaching the outer margin and almost reaching the suture, jilaced in front of the apex; besides these markings there is a rather sparse white pubescence behind the scutellum and in the middle of the sides. Body beneath with a grey pubescence, which is denser at the sides of the sterna and first abdominal segment. Legs also pubescent grey, with a black near the of the femora tibia white in the middle. ring apex ; Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerj's, 1892). Resembles Gripliammii.t Vujatun sp. nov., but is a true Moiiohaminiin with a declivous mesosternnm.

154. Noserocera tuberosa Bates. Kuilu. Gaboon, ('amcroons.

Griphammus gen. nov. Tibiis intermediis incisura distincta instructis, mesosterni processu prodncto antice verticali, prosterno inter coxas elevato sulcato. Scapo cicatrice valida instructo ocnlorum iuferiore transversa fronte brevi ; parte ; ; prothorace disco inaequali, lateribus deute mediano armato ; pedibus anticis ((?) leviter elongatis, tarsis simjilicibns.

Type : Griphammus liqntus sp. nov. from Kuilu.

155. Griphammus ligatus sp. nov.

(PI. X., fig. 1.)

. (t. ater fascia alba antice frontalem cJ ? ; capitis margiuem cingente, dein lateraliter trans genas et prothoracem nsque ante elytrorum sutnrae medium continue ascendente, ornatus. Antennis (S) corpore dnplo, (?) tertia parte longioribus, scapo deusiter minute punctato, articuHs basi albis. Prothorace longitndine vix latiore, disco impressione magna hand profunda instructo. Scutello rotundato. Elytris postice albo-variegatis, irregulariter seriatim pnuctatis,

interstitiis prope snturam parum elevatis : apicibns truncatis. Corpore infra lateraliter (abdominis segmentis 3° et 4° exceptis) albo-pubcscente. Long. IS mm., elytr. 12, lat. 6.

Black, somewhat glossy ; with a white continuons band, bordering the front of the then from underneath the the margin heail, running— eyes beyond prothorax —including the lateral tooth to the suture of the elytra, ending there iu front of the middle. Head with fine and si)arse imnctures. Antennae of the cJ twice (or more) the length of the body, those of the female a third longer than the body. Prothorax with a large and transversely wrinkled discal impression, which in is continuons with a short longitudinal median groove front ; with coarse punctures at each side close to the base, and with some scattered punctures elsewhere, chiefly above the lateral teeth. Scutellum rounded, with a very lew white hairs at the sides. Elytra irregularly punctured at the sides, seriately punctured near the suture, with the interstices (about 4) of the rows raised,

especially in and beyond the middle ; the sntural region between the white bands, and the sj)ace at the outside of the bands black, the remainder of the a elytra irregularly spotted with white pubescence forming a conspicuous white in fronl u apical patch on each elytron toucliing black patch. Uuder surface ( 196 ) sparingly pubescent, almost glabrous. Sides of the metasternniu, of the a|)ical margin of the first abdominal segment, and of the basal margin of the second and of the last segment with a white pubescence. Femora with a rather inconspicuous ring near the apex. Hab. Kniln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892) and Loauda.

156. Bixadus sierricola Wliite. Sierra Leone and Gaboon.

black stitural varies in size in one of tiie The mark very much ; specimens from Gaboon this patch is almost absent.

lo7. Domitia lupunaria Thoms. Knihi.

Prodomitia gen. nov. ?. Tibiis intermediis incisnr.-t iPinfiuida instrnctis, mesosterno angusto, tuber- ciilato, oculis ])arte inferiore verticali, autennis articnlis basalibus brevissime ciliatis, elytris seriatim pnnctatis : corjwre toto pilis squamiformibus albis disperse vestito.

: cini'rea nov. Type Prriilomitiu s]). from Knilu. Difters from Doimtiu Thoms. ia the narrow and somewhat declivous meso- sternum bearing a tubercle in the middle, and in the scale-like hairs of tlie body.

15> Prodomitia squamigera sp. nov.

? . P. nigra, dense obscure olivaceo-pnbcscens, elytris incons])icue griseo- variegatis. Capite impnnctato, sine sulco mediauo. Antcnuis corpore quarta parte longioribns, articnlo tertio scapo fere duplo lougiore, articnlis basi et snmmo apice griseis. Prothorace longitudine latitndini aequali, antice et postice recte trnncato, sulcis transversis duobus auticis in disco obsoletis, duobus posticis profundis, deute laterali validn instructo. imimnctato. Scutelln rotimdato, dens- issime griseo-pnbesceute. Elytris stiiato-puuctatis, pnnctis ad apicem irregnlaribns, apicibns singulis trnncatis. Long. 13 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 4. Bla<'k, antennae and tibiae with a very feeble tint of pitchy. Tlie scale-like white hairs absent from the antennae except the scape. Disc of the prothora.x with a faint impression on each side. Scutellum as long as broad, rounded, covered with a very dense whitish pubescence, except in the middle of the base. Elytra rather witli hairs, at the sides inconspicuously spotted greyish-wliite esj)ecially ; the rows are not the extreme base and the punctured quite regular ; ajiex irregularly puuctui-ed, with the anterior border of the basal punctures each raised into a feeble interstices of granule ; the punctured rows somewhat raised near the suture. Under surface uniformly pubescent ashy grey. Hfih. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

ISO. Aderpas brunneus Thoms. A good immber of specimens from Ktulu and Gaboon seem to me to belong to this species. Each elytron has four real keels, two of which are feeble, whilst the of other species this genus bear some frequently interrupted lines formed by an erect Ou the of the keels are pubescence. — top rather strong setulose hairs, which also may be found but are much less conspicuous— in A. li /n'.olat u.i (Qhew.i and in A. sabjasciaftis sp. nov. (;197 )

l(i(i. Aderpas lineolatus (Chevr.).

Guld Coast. This species, placed in Acdiithocinus in tlie IVIunicli CatalofTue, agrees in all generic characters with the other species of Aderpas.

101. Aderpas griseus Thorns. Kuilu.

162. Aderpas subfasciatus sp. nov. A. abJomiue rufesceutibus piceo-uiger ; antennis, peJibasque ; griseo-albo- et fere antennis pubescens. Capita prothorace aequabiliter pubescentibus ; articulis

basi scntello lateribus rotnndato : basi griseis ; triaugnlare, elytris grosse, apicem

versns minute pnnctatis, albo-variegatis, fascia transversa, el}1;ris commuui. aute- mediana, sat Inconspicua, et maculis dnabiis postmedianis transverse dispositis densissime olivaceo-brunneis ; infra minutissime pnnctatus. Long. 10| mm., elytr. 7^, lat. :ii.

This is closely allied to ^-1. Thorns. but it be known species (/rUeas ; may by the dark pitchy colour of the boily, with the antennae, legs and abdomen reddish, by the even pabescence of head and prothorax, and by the more slender and less convex elytra with a iliiferent style of markings. The elytra have a transverse olivaceous brown band before the middle, abbreviated at the sides, and two spots of the same

colour behind the middle of each elytron ; the white spots are very small, whilst A. f/rixeus Thoms. has two median and one anteapical spot somewhat enlargt^d. A. lineolatus (Chevr.) is also closely allied, and differs chiefly in the fulvous grey pubescence, in the co.arser punctuation of the elytra, and in the apex of the latter being feebly emarginate, with the outer angles somewhat produced.

163. Aderpas punctulatus sp. nov. A. brunneo-niger, sparsim griseo-albo-pnbescens. Antennamm scapo articulo scutello tertio jiaulo lougiore; prothorace pnnctulato, lateribus snbrotundato, inermi; elrtris densissime snbrotundato, apice medio minute angnlato, albo-marginato ; grosse puuctatis, minute albo-maculatis, maculis uonnnllis post scutellum et ]JOst medium sitis tibiarnm parnm conspicuoribus ; ajncibus tarsisque nigro-pilosis. Long. 7 mm., elytr. 5, lat. 2^. Base of the antennae and the tibiae more reddish than the remainder of the body. The pubescence is rather sparse, and forms indistinct and very small white on the the miildle of each elvtron, and spots elytra ; one or two of the s]5ots before some more beyond the middle and at the sides are more conspicuous. The very there one dense punctures of the elytra are arranged in rows here and ; regular row at the suture extends from the middle to the apex. Hab. Knilu.

The dense punctuation of the elytra is the principal character, by which this of the hitherto small form may be easily distinguished from the other species genus known.

164. Acridocephala variegata Auriv. CamerooDS, Kuilu, and Loanda.

165. Coptops aedificator (Fabr.). Gold Coast, Old Calabar, Cameroons, Kuilu, Loanda. ( 198 )

1 •'>•). Ancylonotus tribulus ( Fabi-.). Gold Coast, Kuiln, t'oiitro. Luiimhi.

167. Oeax lichenis Diiviv. Gold Coast and Kuiln.

lii>. Lasiopezus variegatus CFabr.;. Gold ("oast, Ogowe, and Luanda. This species is omitted iu the ('atal. of Gemm. and Harold.

169. Lasiopezus nigromaculatus Qmd. KulIu.

ITm. Tecton quadrisignatum Clievr. Kuilu aud (Jameroons.

171. Prosopocera bipunctata (Diun). Accra (W. Afr.), Camerooiis.

1'2. Prosopocera ocellata Chevr. Kuilu.

173. Prosopocera antennata Gahau. Sierra Leone.

174. Prosopocera signatifrons Duviv. Gold Coast.

17o. Prosopocera punctulata sp. nov.

. P. c? ? infra olivaceo-Iuteo-, supra lutco-flavo-pubescens. Fronte sparsim vertice laevi. punctulata, Auteunis brunueis, (

Long. 23 mm., elrtr. Ifi, lat. 8. Derm of a brownish black tibiae tarsi colour ; antennae, aud more rufous brown. Upper surface clothed with a yellowish baft' pubescence, which has a tint of orange on the elytra. Scapes of antennae densely granulately punctuated half as above, long as the third joint, or slightly longer. Disc of the jirofhorax with the anterior transverse groove strongly bent backwards iu the middle, with a second but short transverse groove close behind the median part of the first, and with an shallow and uneven at each side these irregular impression behind ; impressions as well as the posterior parts of the sides of the prothorax somewhat punctured. Elytra irregularly and sparsely punctured, the punctures near the basal with a in front eacji in a margin granule ; puncture situated very small spot of a blackish brown with a short tooth at the sutural pubescence ; apices pointed angles. Under surfac* uniformly olivaceous buff, with an inconsi)icuously darker mark at the sides and in the middle of the abdominal segments. Hab. Kuilu (A. Moiiiuerys, 1892). ( 199 )

176. Prosopocera grisea sp. uov.

?. P. niger, gTiseo-pubescL'tis, iiigro-olivaceo-variegata. Fnmte grauulata. Anteimis coqjore rinarta parte longioribns, scajjo urticiilo teiiio breviure, minutissime pnuctnlato, praeterea pancis pnuctis grossis iustructo. Prothorace sulcis traiis- dorso versis auticis obsoletis, disco liitoraliter spatio grauulato. Elytris angulis snturalibus rectis, lateribus usque ad apicem dense grossissime, versus suturam spar- et Infra sim mitiutius, punctatis. ]iu))e ])anim flavescente vestita ; abdomine segmeuto ultimo apice emarginata. Loug. 21 mm., elytr. 14, lat. T^. Head and witli a short darlv prothorax grey pubescence ; elytra olive, spotted with grey. Head with an extremely tine punctuation, aud with dense minute the front with a faint at side granules on ; longitudinal groove each of the front, curved aud more densely pubescent : and with a small whitish grey spot in front, tuber. Grooves of tlie the of each anteunal prothorax very feeble on upperside ; a small brownish area at each side of the disc densely granular. Elytra somewiiat narrowed lieiiind, witli the apices commonly rounded, and with the sutural angles rectangular : the front border of the basal punctures of the elytra raised each into a minute at the side behind the shoulder of each stands a small granule ; elytron and rather inconspicuous brownish spot. Under surface clothed with a grey pubescence, which is slightly tinged with Viutf : the pubescence somewhat denser at the sides. Legs sjiotteil with brown. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). The coarse punctuation of the lateral part of the elytra from the base to the apex, in addition to the feeble anterior transverse grooves of the prothorax, will bt' sufficient to distinguish this species from any other of the genus Proso- pocera.

ITT. Prosopocera alboplagiata sp. nov.

? . P. nigro-bruunea, olivaceo-brunneo-pubescens. Autennis corpore brevioribus, scapo articulo tertio paulo longiore. Prothorace lateribus plaga magna nivea, autice versus discum ascendente, infra cum plaga nivea meso-metasteruali unita, notato. Scutello niveo, rotundato. Elytris sparsissime punctatis, ad humeros panels granulis glabris instructis, macula basali piriformi communi, marginem basalem non attin- gente, et plaga magna laterali mediana niveis, praeterea punctis duobus nigris, uuo laterali posthumerali, uno discoidali submediano, notatis. Loug. 28 mm., elytr. 20, lat. 11. Clothed with a mummy brown pubescence. Head with an extremely liue punctuation, and with some coarse scattered punctures, chiefly between the antennae aud near the upper lobes of the eyes. Prothorax a third broader than long, with curved on the disc the latter with the anterior transverse groove rather strongly ; a broad shallow median impression, with a feeble and somewhat oblique longitudinal groove at each side of the impression, and with another oblique and rather deep towards the sides the between groove running from the basal constriction ; spaces the raised lateral teeth near the basal constriction ; the grooves somewhat ; placed whole of the sides covered with a snowy-white patch extending upwards to the disc middle liue also white in front and at the base. wth anteriorly ; feebly Elytra black at the shoulders there sparse jjunctures, and with some glabrous granules ; are three markings of the snowy-white colour of the lateral patch of the prothorax. ( 200 )

one of them is basal and sutnral, anteriorly just fondling the scntellnra, rounded in front and narrowed behind; another is phieed at the side of each elytron, of the and occupying the median half of the latenvl part elytra, extending internally rounded are situated at the bevoud the middle of the disc ; two black spots margin liehind the the second smaller and of the median patch, one lateral i>lace

178. Prosopocera fryi Murray. Kuilu.

Agnitogaster geu. nov.

Diflfert a geuere Prosopocera Blanch. : c^apite snlco arcuaro interantennali fere ultimo densiter vel autice nullo ; abdomiue segmento impressione 3-''""™i pilosa, instructo tibiis carinatis. pilosa postice glabra, ;

: from Kuilu. Type Agnitogaster oariegatus s]). nov.,

170. nov. Agnitogaster variegatus sjj. vestitus. A. nigro-liruiiiieus, supra jiube uigro-olivacea Capite froute grauulato, pone oculos griseo. Antennis corjiore jwirurn longioribus, articulis basi griseis, scapn brevi, grauulato, artictdo tertio scapo duplo h)Mgiore. I'rothorace dente lateraU parum arcaato armato, antice et postice transverse bisnlcato, disco me

Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, lii'i)'^) and Loanda. ( 201 )

\^'K Agnitog'aster fasciatus sp. nov.

,1. iiiger, sHjira olivacu^Hbrumn'o-pubt'sceiis. Capito medio f.eimitei- canaliculato; IViiLite vei'tice laevi. Auteiiiiis gi'auulata; corjiure qiiaita parte lougioi'ibus, scapo articnlu tertio grauuloso, scapo triplo lougiore, articnlis basi griseis. Prothorace basi fortius coustricto quam antice, laevi, laleribus jsarum rotmidato, iuermi. Scntello rotnndato. Elytris sparsim puactnlatis, apicibus siugnlatim rotuudatis, fascia basali commniii ad hiimeros fascia abbreviata, transversa mediana obliqiia ad sutnram macula iu iuti-rrupta. auteapicali siuguli elytri medio sita, margiue duabus a])icali, maculisque parvis lateralibus, una sub-, una posthumerali, griseis notatis. Infra griseo-pubescens ; abdominis segmenti ultimi impressionis parte postica rufo-ocliraceo-pilosa. Long. 16 mm., elytr. 11, lat. o. Sides of the liead grey, vertex with an exceedingly tine and inconspicuous punctuation. Scape of antennae very short, not reaching the front margin of the The latter at the and with a dark olivaceous prothorax. grey sides, band ; the first of the two anterior transverse grooves dee]), the second feeble, and both of them obsolete on the disc basal sinuate at each side. ; margin Elytra with a sparse punctuation, which is almost concealed by the pubescence; with a basal straight grey baud, extending from une slioulder to the other, and not touching the basal margin, and with another broad and somewhat obli(}ue grey median band, in- terru])ted at the suture, and not quite extending to the outer margins of the

besides these there the colour of the : elytra ; bands are some markings of bands a small spot underneath the shoulder, a rounded lateral macula in front of the inedian band, some very small lateral spots liehind tiie liand, and a hwge macula situated in the middle of the disc in front of the the half of the suture apex ; ajiical and the apical margin are also pubescent grey. Under surface grey; posterior part of the impression (in the hist abdominal segment covered with ochraceous rufous hairs, (larina of the tibiae very conspicuous. Outer edges of the intermediate tiljiae clothed with a mummy browu pubescence. Hab. Sierra Lecme.

isl. Alphitopola bipunctata Thorns. KuiJn, Bopoto (Upper (Jongoj.

1 ">•-. Alphitopola pallida Thorns. Ogowe.

l^-i. nov. Alphitopola flava s|i.

c?. A. rnfa, infra olivaceo-flavo-, supra fiavo-tomeutosa, antennis pedibusque pube grisea vestita. Antennis corpore tertia parte longioribus. Prothorace laseiis duabus dorsalibiis antice ajqiroximatis, et fascia in utroque latere sub tubei'culum sita obscure olivaceis, praeterea macula parva nigra tubercnlum niinutissimura laterale includente, notato. Scntello truncato, latitndine longitudini aeijuali. Elytris elon- gatis, grosse sat dense, versus sutnram sjiarsins, jiunctatis, omnino tlavo-variegatis, macula magna autemediana, sccunda anteiipirali, discoidalibus, flavis. lat. 5. Long. IT mm., elytr. 1:^', Toraentum of the ujiper surface canary yellow. Antennae reaching the apex of the elytra with tiie eighth joint, thinly grey pubescent. The tomentum forms two large discal spots on each elytron, one of them situated in front of the middle, longer ( 202 ) than broad and somewhat obliqne, the other rouudod, and placed before the apex ; the rest of the elytra brownish jmbescent, and densely parti-coloured with canary yellow. Under surface clothed with an olivaceous yellow pubescence. Legs thinly »nter of the surface of the tarsi pubescent grey ; edges tibiae, and under tawny ochraceous. Hab. Knilu (A. Moctiaerys, 1x92).

Its nearest allied species is A. /hicosigiiuta t'hevr., from which it cliiefly diflfers in the jjrothonix having a black spot at each side, and in the elytra being longer and more coarsely j)unctured.

Ocularia gen. uov. Scapo cicatrice aperta. imgnlis divaricatis simplicibns, tibiis iutermediis iucisnra distincta instmctis. Geuis oculis frontis lateribus compressis, simplicibxs, rotuudatis ; antennis vel corpore triplo ((uadrnpln longioribns ; ])rothorace capite (cum ocnlis) mnlto

lateribus iuermi ; et mesosterni angustiore, processibns prosterni angustis ; pedibus

: tarsis anticis anticis elongatis tibiis panlo brovioribns, subtus longe pilosis, articulo

arcuato. : primo elongato, ]iarum Tj-pc 0. upicali.-i sp. nov. fi-om Gaboon. are devoid of The eyes upj)er lobes, but there is a fine line rnnuiug nji from the eye to the vertex. In general appearance the species described below remiud one of the Pasc. very much genus Xyaste from the JIalayan region ; but they cannot be •' " placed in the group Sajierdides of Lacordaire, as the antennal scape is cicatrised the tibiae are and intermediate grooved. Ocularia may provisionally be put in the ' group Proso])ocerides."

184. Ocularia apicalis sji. uov.

(PL X., fig. 19.) 0. nigro-bruuuea, elytris fulvo-rnfis, tenuiter griseo-jiubesceus. Capite medio

caualiculato : antennis vel nigris nigro-brunneis, corpore ipuidruplo longioribus, articulis 2°—h" interdnm dilntioril)us, s<"ipo profhoracis basim attingente. Protho- antice et ad basim race postice trnncato, constricto. lateraliter subrecto, longitudine latiore. Scutello subrotundato. nigro, Elytris antice ad suturam planis, ])ostice convexis, apicibus trnncatis, ae(|Uiibiliter et ])arum seriatim jiunctatis. Long. T mm., elytr. 4i, hit. 2;^. Varying in colour from black to rnlbus brown. Head with a fine smooth median line. Prothorax or brown with black, the centre of the disc of a blackish colour ; broadest near the front margin, constricted at the base, transversely channelled as well as in the basal constriction anteriorly ; the anterior chaimel shallower than the jiosterior one, and l)ecoming obsolete on the disc. Extreme apex of the elvtra blackish, suddenly narrowed and a very little prolonged, with the angles nearly rectangular. black Legs or brownish black, witli the tibiae usually of a somewhat paler colour. Hab. Gaboon and Ogowe H. (.\. Aloccpierys).

185. Ocularia brunnea sp. nov. 0. rufo-testacea antennis ; (articuhiruni summa basi excepta). corpore infra, feniorum anticorum basi, ]iedibns(|ue qnatnor jiosticis nigris. abdomine apice rufo. Elytris apicibus jiarnm oblique trnncatis. angulis fortiter rotuudatis.

Long. h\ mm., elytr. 4f, lat. IJ. ( 203 )

This species has a close resemblance to small s|)ecimeus of the foregoing cue, from which it may be distiagnislied by the liiUomug characters: Upper

surface niiiformly rufons brick red : antennae black, with the extreme base of the third and all following joints rufons. Apex of the elytra somewhat oblii[uclv truncate, not prolonged, and strongly rounded at both angles. Under surface black, with the apex of the abdomen rufous. Legs 1 /lack, anterior ones (excejit their base) rufous.

Hab. Gaboon (A. Mocipierys).

ls6. Ocularia cineracea sp. nov.

(). obscure ciuerea medio canaliculato anteunis brnnnea, pube variegata ; capite ; rufo lateribus corpore triplo longioribus, scapo ; prothorace longitudiue latiore, levissime rotundato. basi constricto, antice et postice transverse sulcato, sulco antico

dorso obsoleto scutello latitndiue rotundato ; omuiuo dense ; longiore, apice elytris pnnctatis, apicibus parum oblique truncatis, augulis suturalibus fortiter, externis minus rotundatis.

Long. 4i mm., elytr. '^, lat. H. Blackish brown, with the antenual tubercles, the two first joints of the antennae and the extreme base of the other joints of a rufous colour, with the legs and sides of the under surface almost black. Elytra densely punctured all over, clothed with irregular patches of a grey pubescence. The apex of the elytra is shaped as in 0. brunnea sp. nov., but the outer angles are less rounded. The scutellum is longer than in the other two species, and the antennae somewhat shorter. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). This small species will be easily recognised by the densely punctured elytra, and by the grey pubescence of the latter confined to spots and small patches.

187. Zographus plicaticoUis Thnms. Cape of (iood Hope and Transvaal.

1>^'^. Pinacosterna nachtigali Han Kuilu, Congo, and Loanda. A largo number of specimens, which vary in size and shape, as well as in extent of the tawny jjubescence. Sides of prothorax with or without tawny fmbescence ; elytra with one or two tawny spots each, and partly or totally spotted with grey. Front of the head grey or tawny. Sterna with the whole of the sides tawny, or only spotted with tawny. Abdomen spotted with tawny at the sides, or uniformly black.

1^0. Sternotomis chrysopras Voet. (Jold Coast, Ogowe, Kuilu, Congo, and Loanda.

l!»ii. Sternotomis bifasciatus ( Kabr.j (= imperialis (Fabr.)). Gold Coast, Cameroous, Ogowe, Lower Congo, Bopoto (Upper Congo), and Loanda.

I'M. Sternotomis variabilis

I'-i-. Sternotomis tagarvei Westw. Cameroous, Ogowe.

l'J;i. Sternotomis dubocagei Coquer. Lukolele and Bopoto (Upper C!ongo). ( 204 )

l'.i4 Sternotomis virescens Westw.

Gold (.'oast and ( ongo.

U)5. Sternotomis callais Fairm.

Kuilii. L'ougo, and Loanda.

19(i. Sternotomis mirabilis (Dniry). Sierra Leone. Gold Coast, and Congo.

107. Sternotomis cnixnigra Hoiie. Sierra Leoue.

\\>s. Phosphorus angolator (Oliv.). Gold Coast.

10'.). Phosphorus gabonator Thoms. Kuilii.

200. Phosphorus jansoni Clievr. Sierra Leone.

2111. Tragocephala buqueti Tlioms. Gaboon, Knilu.

2112. Tragocephala g^erini White. Kniln.


Old ( 'alabar.

204. Tragocephala pulchra sp. nov.

(PI. X., fig. 2.)

iuti'r f'asciis 7'. atra ; frontc ntnn(|ue fascia (ililii|na aiignsta, antennas ntris()ne vprtice vitta lateraiiter fascia unitis, utrimine oldinua ]ii)stio{' latiore,— protborace longitndinali— deutem lateralem mm includcnte, elytris sntnra ct niaonlis tribns anteapicalibns, toniento abdominis et pedinm griseo-caernleis. Elytrornni fascia antemediauii ad bumeros basim attingentc metastcrnoi|ue cinnamomeis. Long. 23 mm., elytr. 17, lat. 7. Front with a rather narrow streak at cacb side rimuiug from the liiud angles of vertex both streaks are united between the the cheeks to the anterior part of the ; antennary tubers. Scntellnra pubescent like the snture. The broad brown band at the shonblers it is of the basal part of the elytra sliades off into blnisJi grey ; narrowly interrupted at the suture, and inclndc^s a large and rounded black scutellar spot; tip of the shoulders also black. Base and sides of the abdominal segments clothed with a bluish each with a black at the grey pubescence ; segment spot sides. Hab. Lukolele (Upjier Congo). Allied to T. buqueti Thoms. and 7\ senatoria Chevr.

205. Tragocephala caerulescens sp. nov.

(PI. X., fig. 3.)

?. T. atra; fmnte verticeqne ntrinque vitta lougitiidiuali obliqiia, protborace lateraliter fascia longitndinali lata, elvtris fascia transversa basali ad hnmeros basim ( 205 )

fascia vaMo attingeute, postiin'rliaiia ()bli(|iia aiisciistn. macula arcnnta aiitoapicali (in ante banc, maculam diiabus mai!ulis siiijriilo ('lytro), parvis, florpfiretjue iutVa caenileo- glaucis. Metastenio latei'aliter macnla aiigiista ct abdomiiie si'trmmitoniiu medio Pt macnlis lateralibns atris. Antcnuis corpDi-e panira hrcviorilms. idyn-is basi ad humeros impresso-emargiuatis. Long. 27 mm., elytr. 19, lat. 7i. The outline of this peouliarly enlonred spccios is almost like that dl' T. (/uprini which likewise has White, au oblique band on the front of the head bordering the anterior ol' the cheeks in margin and ending front of the antennary tuber ; the base of the is elytra deeply emarginate near the shoulders in both specie.?. In T. caerulescei7.i the prothoraoic vitta includes the black lateral tubercle: the basal fascia of the elytra is narrowly interrupted at the suture and bears a short line in front each towards the scutidlum shoulder (on elytron) ruuniag ; angles black. The second banil narrow, beginning above the a])ex of the first abdominal segment, at first somewhat straight and then strongly ()iJii(iie. Hah. Kuihi (A. Mocquerys, lSi)2).

2U0. nov. Tragocephala occidentalis sji. T. tota vertice vitta fascia nigra ; froute, utrinque obliqua, prothorace laterali infra ])Ostice latiore, elytris corporeque pallide griseo-fulvis ; elytris maculis uigris notatis, prima communi circumscutellare, secuuda humerali miuutissima, tertia post- humerali ad marginem exteriorem sita, quarta sutuvali lata triangulare, antice fere ab ad rotundnta, medio us(pte aj)icem exteusa ; praeterea elytrorum marginis externi tertia parte apicali, abdominalium segmentorum maculis parvis lateralibus et medio macula nigris ; elytris ante medium parva communi hrunuea. Antennis latei-alis corpore longioribus ; prothorace dente ijostmediano tumido apice truucato. Long. 22 mm., elytr. 16, lat 7. Hah. Congo (exact locality ?). Allied to T. mniszechi Thorns, from Natal.

207. Tragocepliala gorilla Thoms. .\ small series of specimens from different localities, though considerablv varv- ing in size as well as in pattern of elytra, are to be referred, I believe, to this species. a. In the typical form with the maj-kings of an ochraceous colour, the longitudinal broad band of the elytra includes three black spots at the sides, the first of them is on the shoulder the third almost in the middle of the placed angle, elytron ; pubes- cence ol' the under surface olive buff, tinged with tawny. Gold Coast. b. Colour of the markings and under surface olive yellow. Ogowe K. c. Third lateral spot enlarged. (Jold Coast and Kuilu. d. This spot enlarged and connected with the black region of the suture. Gold Coast.

2US. Tragocephala mocquerysi sp. nov.

? . T. atra; I'asciis maculisque flavis oruala. Kroute ante oculos linea brevi et in medio vitta ad verticem veitice vitta usque extensa, utrinque obliqua, ; prothorace fascia lalerali (postice albida) ct macula aiitescutellare, elytris basi vittis duabus k)ngitudinalibas, una media basim exfremam non attingente, secunda sublmmerali fascia ad marginem exteriorem sita, transversa mediana fere divisa in partes tres, maculaqne anteajiicali flavis notatis. Praeterea elytro singulo post fasciam (206 )

mediaiiain iluobns, ct sutnnili albis. ( infra flavo-toiuentoso imnctis aus:nlo "orpoiv ; metasterno uiacnla elougata laternli, se

medio : latitndiiie grisescentibus. Elongata anteimis cor])ori aecinalilnis ; ])rotlioraee jiarum longiore, dente lateral! {)ostmediaiio sat brevi. Loug. 1(3 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 4i. Htrb. Ogowe R. (A. Moccperys, 1^92). Similar in shape to T. galatliea Chevr., bnt different in colour and pattern of the markings.

2i>9. Tragocephala confluens sp. nov. ?. T. atra fronte vert ice vitta sat ; plaga magna trianguhui', ntrimque obliqua lata, prothorace fascia laterali pone dentem parum angustata, elytris fascia basali ad snturam vix interrupta—singulis humeralibns ot spatio circnm scutelluni nigris, — fascia mediana oblii|na ad suturani dilatata, in singnlo disco cum fascia basali con- nexa, maculaque anteapicali sat magna ochraceis albo-cinctis. Post fasciam medianam in tribns albis transverse elrtrnrnm singnlo elytro pnnctis dispositis ;

jirothorace medio ante basim macula parva alba ; scntello apice pance griseo-pubes- cente. Sternis ef abdominis segmeutis secuudo ad ipiartnm lateraliter ochraceis et basi et et ultimi macula nigro-maculatis ; segmentornm medio, segmenti laterali griseis. Pedibus griseo-pubescentibus, femoribus macula ochracea ornatis. Antennis

corpore paulo brevioribus : prothorace dente laterali postmediano minute arcuato.

Aherr. a. : Elytrornm fascia basali ad suturam valde interrupta et cum fascia mediana hand connexa.

Aherr. h. : Ut sub a, sed prothorace sine macula basali. Long. 22 mm., elytr. 16^, lat. ~\. Hah. Gold Coast, Gaboon, Ogowe. a is allied The variety mentioned suh closely to T. caatnia Thoms.; its shape is, however, more slender, and the bands of the elytra are bordered with white. Scntellum sometimes entirely black.

210. Tragocephala castnia Thoms.

'• Sierra Leone and ('ongo.'"

211. Tragocephala ochracea sp. nov.

? T. nigra, fasciis maculiscpie ochraceis ornata. Fronte ante oculos linea lata fascia lateribus vertice transversa, medio longitndinali parallelis ; utrinque fascia obliqua. Antennis (j) corpore brevioribus. Prothorace utrinque fascia lougitudi- nali dentem lateralem includente, hoc acnto, distincte arcuato, postmediano, apice basi scntellum latitudini fere nigro ; ante emarginata ; longitudine aivpiali (dentibus lateraiibus exclusis). Elytris basi ochraceis, spatio ad scntellum et angulis humer- alibus nigris exceptis, fascia submediana sat angusta, ad suturam versus posticum dilatata, macula anteapicali sat magna irregulare, ante banc macnlam duabus (in singnlo elytro) pnnctis ochraceis, nngnlo suturali albo-marginato. Cor]>ore infra metasterno lateraliter aiacnla ochracco-tomentoso ; longitndinali abdomiuisque segmentis medio et macula laterali glabris nigris. Long. 22 mm., elytr. 16, lat. T-i. Distinguished from its nearest allied species T. rlonontn sp. nov. by the some- what stouter form, the darker yellow colour of the bauds and under surface, the ( 207 ) shape of the frontal marking, the shorter autenuae, anil by tlie hitoral teeth of the acnter and the prothorax lieing more arenate ; moreover t)lack space near rhe scutellnm is much smaller, and the apical spot larger. From T. castnia Thoms. it again differs chiefly in the form of the frontal marking in the much straighter basal band of the elytra, in the median baud being also straighter and narrower, and in the longer prothorax. Hah. Kuilu (A. i\Ioc(|Herys, 1892). Only female specimens.

212. Tragocephala elongata sp. nov.

(J ? . T. nigra, supra nigro-, infra viridi-griseo-pubescens, fasciis et maculis pallide flavis nrnata. Fronte plaga magna, vertice et prothorace utriuqne fascia longitndinali, fasciis prothoracis pone tuberculum laterale albidis. Elytris fascia transversa basali juxta humeros basim attingeutc (humerali angulo ipso nigro) minute arcuata, fascia mediana transversa ad suturam parum versus posticnm dilatata, macula anteapicali parva longe ovata, jiallide flavis, ante maculam anteapicalcm uno

vel duobus jjunctis albis notatis : anguhi suturali anguste albo-margiuato. Meta- steruo lateraliter plaga lougitudinali abdomiuisque segmentis medio et lateribus maculis glabris nigris notatis. Antennis J corpore tertia parte longioribus, ? corpori aequalibus; prothorace longitndine Lititudini fere aequali, basi ante scntellum minute dente laterali medium sito emarginata, paruui post ; elytris elongatis. lat. Long. 19 mm., elytr. 14, fij. Pubescence of all specimens of the large series in the Museum's collection grey with a eonspiciions tint of a greenish colour, sometimes shading into tawny. In some examples the shoulder angles, usually black, are coloured like the basal fascia at tlie elytra. The pale yellow patch at the front varies in size, being in some specimens rather narrow and triangular, and in others large and with the tip ex- tending beyond the antenual tubercles: the streaks of the vertex are also somewhat variable in breadth and length. H(tb. Kuilu (A. Mocfpierys, 1892) and Loanda. The basal fascia is interrupted at tlie suture m one s])ecimen, which moreover is somewhat stouter than the others, and lietween the two parts of the band are two small white spots, one on each side of the suture. Allied is T. castnia Thoms., but the shape is much more slender, the porthorax and elytra are relatively longer, the bands of the elytra are straighter, and the apical spot is narrower and more longitudinally placed.

213. Tragocephala nobilis (Fabr.). " Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Kuilu, and Congo."

214. Tragocephala phidias sp. nov.

. T. abdomine rufo : ad abdomen J brunneo-nigra, nign.i-, griseo-pubescens ; vertice oculos fascia froute ferruginea, genis griseo-tiavis ; utriuque pone obliijua fascia laterali et lata fascia transversa ferru- notato : prothorace elytris postmediana gineis. Antennis Corpori aequalibus : prothoracis tuberculo laterali postmediano obrnso.

Long. 17 mm., elytr. 12, lat. o. Front of the head, except the anteunal luljercles, a longitudinal and somewhat oblique streak at each side of the vertex, a broad lougtudinal band at the sides of the the from the middle prothorax, a very broad transverse band on elytra exteuding two-thirds of the distance to the apex, and the outer margin underneath the shoulders ( 208 ) of a ferrnginiins coloiir. the remainder of tlie iii)per surface black. Protliorax as long as broad, with a short and blnut tubercle in front of the basal constriction. Elytra almost parallel, with each apex rather regularly rounded. Under surface brownish black, coxae aud abdomen rufous ; sterna and legs clothed with a blackish a fulvous the the hairs pile ; abdomen with grey pubescence, except apex, where are black. Hab. Ogowe R. (A. Mocquerys). Allied to T. galathea Chevr., from which it may be distinguished by the dift'erent pattern of the elytra.

215. Tragocephala basalis sp. nov.

(PL X., fig. 4.)

$. T. atra ; genis fnlvo-albis : tota fronte, vertice utriuque pone oculos vitta obliqua, prothorace fascia laterali elytris

216. Tragocephala grisea sp. nov.

. T. inter et in ? fnlvo-griseo-pubescens ; antennis, capite antennas verticis medio, prothorace fascia mediana lougitudiuali, elytris basi extrema, angnlis humeralibus, suturae dimidio autico fasciisque duabus transversis nigris, fascia prima post basim, secunda latiore post medium sitis. Abdomine medio et maculis latera- libus vel atris. Prothorace antennis validis nigris rugoso ; ; processu mesosternali sat angusto, prosternali fortiter versus anticum producto. Long. '2i mm., elytr. 16i, lat. 8. Upper and under surface covered with a dense grey jiubesceuce tinged with tawny. The hjngiludinal black band on the middle of the vertex and that of the prothorax rather narrow. The anterior transverse band of the elytra narrowed at the towards the suture behind the outer margins, broadened ; second baud are tliree small black spots on each elytron, one ou the disc, and two at the outer margin, these latter placed one far behind the other. The middle of the abdominal segments each with a black at sides. glabrous (rubbed ?) ; segment triangular spot the Hob. Delagoa Bay. Allied to T. ducalis White. The species of Tragocephala with thick antennae,

and narrow mesosternal process \_T. jucunda Gory, ducalis White, daphnis Thorns.,

f'ormos'i (Oliv.), and others] form a rather natural grou]) of this genus : all those allied species are from East aud South Afi'ica or from Madagascar. ( 209 )

Poemenesperus laetus Tlioms. Kiiilii.

218. Poemenesperus taeniatus sp. nov.

(PI. X., fig. 5.)

t? ? . P. Frons ad ocnlos dousius .iter, nigro-jrabpscens. sparsim, albo-pnbescens ; vitta alba vertex utrinqne lougitudiiiali uotatus. Antennae articnlis 3° ad 6"™, et 1 1" basi, articnlis 2' ad ."i"'" apice extremo, articnlis S" ad 10'"" totis albis. Prothorax fascia alba ; disco antice et transverse lateral! lougitndiuali postice bisnlcato ; dente laterali snbmediano, longo, jjarnm arcuatn. Scntellnm magnnm, rotnndatum. Elytra fiiscia angnsta alba ali basi prope lunneros obliijne ad sntnrae medinm, deiii sntnrae paralleja nsqne adqnartam partem apicaleni descendeute, nbi cnm fascia lineiforrai nnita est transversa obliipia ; siugnlo elytro praeterea macnla rotnndata parva alba ante apieem ncitato. Meso- et metasternnm latcraliter alba. Abdomen lateribns, et pedes albo-macnlati. Processus prosternalis angnstns, nnitubercnlatns, mesosternalis valde coxas non snperans ; jirodnctns, tnberciilo longo apice rotnndo armatns.

Long. 15 mm., elytr. 10, lat. 5. Black, clotlied witli a very short and fine black pubescence. Front covered with sliort and sparse white liairs, which are denser at the inner margins of the eyes, and at the front margins of tlie cheeks. Upperside with a narrow longitudinal white streak at eacli side, rnnning from behind the npper lobes of the eyes along the sides of the prothorax to the shonlders, and from here oblicpiely to the middle of the to the snture snture, then going parallel and ending at the beginning of the a])ical fonrth of tlie elytra, where it is united or nearly united with a transverse band. The latter is also white and runs from the sides of the elytra above the base of the second abdominal .segment somewhat oblicjnely towards the snture. The longitudinal band is broadest on the prothorax, and includes the black lateral tooth as well as a lilack basal spot behind the tooth. Spots at the sides of the abdominal segments small, those of the last segment larger. Anterior and intermediate legs clothed with a sparse white pubescence, which is somewhat denser in the middle of the tibiae hind femora femora and ; entirely white, hind tibiae with a white ring. Upperside of the two basal joints of all tarsi more or less white. Front of the head with a dense and very fine punctuation. Lateral teeth of the prothorax placed a little beyond the middle, large and somewhat arcuate. Scutellum with traces of a basal white spot. Elytra coarsely, towards the tip more finely punctuated, with the dense in the middle towards the punctures very sides : tip of each elytron somewhat truncate. Process of the prosternum narrow, bearing a rather sharp tubercle of the between the coxae ; process mesosterunm strongly produced underneath and rounded at the The distinctly compressed, tiji. white bands are sometimes tinged with yellow. Hal). Knilu, and Ogowe K. (A. Mocquerys, lM)".i). The shape of the ja'olhorax and the structure of the pro- and mesosternum are of difierent from tluit of the type sj)ecies the genus {Poemenesperus laetus Thoms.).

21'.t. Poemenesperus ligatus sj). nov.

(PL X., tig. 0.) ad oculos tj ? . P. ater. Frons sparsim, densins albo-pnbescens. Anteimae articnlis tertio et quarto apice extremo, quarto et quinto extrema basi albis. Pro- et his thorax luarginibus antico postico albis, fasciis transversis sui)ra coxarnm 14 ( 210 )

cavitatos unitis dente laferali arcnato. ; valido, acnto, conico, El}-!™ sntnrae dimiilio basali et fasciis dnabus fascia al) exteruo ante alttis, prima margine medium iis(jiie ad snturam post medium desceudente, secunda primae parallela anteapicali snturam noil alba in attingente ; singulo clytro jiraeterca gutta parva anirulo suturali, et una vel duabns macnlis minutis post basis medium sitis uotato, interdum sine maculis

basalibns : antice doin punctatioue grossa, minutiore ; apice singulo minute emar- Infra meso et metasterni lateribus ginato. sparsiiu albo-pnbescens ; albis: abdnmine albo, segmentornm margiue apicali nigro, parte nigra ad latera dilatata. (J. Processus jmisrernalis transverse elevatns, comjiressus, medio parnni tuber- mesostcrnalis valde versus infra cnliforrais ; latns, jirodiictus, apice rotuudatus, antice verticalis.

?. Processus jirosterualis tmusvcrse elcvaiiis, i(im|irtssus, acute bituberculatus; mesosternalis latns, valde prominens, antice verticalis et excavatus, versus posticum declivis et oonvexus, margine antico rotundato. Long. 18 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 6i. Clothed with a fine grey pubescence. Front with a wliite streak at each and the of side, bordering the dieeks eyes ; base mandibles also white. Anterior and posterior constriction of the prothorax white, hind margin itself narrowly in black ; the basal white band broadened front of the scutellum. Scntellum broader than long and rounded, white near the apex. The first of tlie two narrow white streaks of the elytra begins—with its hind margin— at the sides above the tip of the metasternal ejiisteruum, tlie second above the third abdominal segment. of the abdomen with a the other First segment s])arse pubescence ; segments white, with the apical border, and with a semicircular lateral spot unit eel with the apical margin, black. Legs greyish white, spotted with black. Two liasal joints of the tarsi white above. Ildb. Kuilu and Ogowe U. (A. Mocquerys). Thougli the process of the pro- and mesosternum of two mule specimens are of three I (piite different from those female examples, have no doubt that these specimens belong to one species, as there is no other difference between them, either in shape and structure or in pattern of the markings.

2"^o. nov. Poemenesperus fulvomarmoratus sj).

infra ( i P. niger ; oclirace()-luteo-i)ul)escens, nigro-maculatus. 'aj)ite fasciis quinqne et geuarum margine antico ochraceo-luteis, tribus froutalibus, una utriuque oculorum ad jjone oculos a ])arto superiore genarum margiuem descendente. Pro-

thorace marginibus antico et basali ochraceo-luteis : dente lateral! fortiter arcnato.

Elytris sparsim punctatis, ochraceo-fulvo-marmoratis. Processu prosternali lata, transversae mesosternali valde antice forma cariuae ; elevato, lato, verticali et parum concavo.

Tiong. 15 mm., elytr. 11, lat. (ii. Antennae entirely bhwk. Anterior and basal margins of the ])rothorax bordered

with ochraceous buff; these two transverse bands are narrowest on the disc, and united above the coxal cavities. Scutellum very broad and rounded. Elytra marbled with ochreous tawny, streak-like markings, which are mostly transverse, or less confluent two of these streaks form a rather and more ; cons])icuous trans-

four : verse median band, including black spots on each elytron another streak, situated in front of the apex near tlie outer margin, is almost circular, and comprises (211 )

witli a a( ca.cli one black sjiot. A1)(lomoii black ;i])ical s]iot side of the segments. Legs with a black ring in the middle of both the femora anil tibiae. Tarsi black. Hab. Lnkolele (Upper Congo). Similar in api>earance and structure to P. laetus Thorns., but entirely diiFerent from this species in colour and ]iatti'rn : the metasternal process, too. is a little broader and less elevate.

-221. Poemenesperus marmoratus sp. nov. I. P. fasciis niger ; olivaceo-griseo-pubescons, nigro-marmoratus. (Japite dnabns frontalibus, macula in genis sita, macula postoculare nigris notato, ut fere toto vertice, panels punctis ad oindorum partes sujieriores instructo. Antennis articulis duobus primis nigris, tertio et quarto brnnueis, caeteris ochraceis. Pro- thorace laevi, dente lateral! parum arcuato armato, dorso fasciis curvatis flexuosis et maculis nigris et linea mediana olivaceo-grisea notato. Elytris margine basali

])7'ope hnmeris impresso, lateribus retrorsum pauce attenuatis, usque ad apicem profnnde punctatis, ajacibus singulis parum trimcatis, dense conlluenter nigro-varie- gatis, macula communi postbasali, fascia flexuosa posthumerali, fascia angulata postmediana snturam non attingentc, nigris conspicnis. (Vu'pore infra pedibusque abdomine lateraliter sparsius nigro-maculatis ; maculis majoribus nigris notato. Long. 15 mm., ehtr. 12, lat. Oi. First segment of the abdomen with the basal part of the sides black, the other segments bearing two black spots at each side, one of them basal, and the other apical, and situated a little more towards the middle. The process of the prosternum two short tubercles between the coxae the ? of P. bears (as ligntim sj). nov.) ; the mesosternal process is large, convex, vertical, and excavated in front. Hnh. Kuilu.

This sjjecies reminds one very mucli of Plin/iieta n/i/rop/'/os'i Auriv., Pwlii/.^ifoln miiiik'd Bates, and other forms of a similar colour and st\'le of marking, Init it is ;v true Tragocephalid ivith divergent claws.

222. Poemenesperus phrynetoides sp. nov. P. niger; dense olivaceo-grisco-pnbescens, nigro-marmoratus. Capite postice fere toto nigro. Antennis articulis tribus primis nigris, caeteris ochraceis. Prothorace dorso linea mediana impressa instructo, fortiter rugato, dente latri-ali valido parum arcuato armato. Scutello semicirculare. Elytris margine basali prope humeros impressis, ad basim densius, versus apicem sparsim profunde punctatis, punctis nigris, apicibus minute emargiuatis, fascia transversa jiost- humerali irregulare ad sutnram late interrupta nigra, ornatis. Infra nigro-

; femoribus macula basali tibiis fnlva marmoratus nigra notatis ; apieibns pube tuberculo sat vestitis. Processu prosternali intercoxali acute instructo ; meso- sternali valido, longe porrecto, sed non acnto. Long. 20^ mm., elytr. 13i, lat. 8i. Front of the head ashy, with some feeble blackish spots, and with a very fine neck in punctuation ; vertex and black, with some small greyish spots the middle. Extreme tips of the antennal joints clothed with a white pubescence. Disc of the prothorax strongly rugose, with an impressed midiUe line, anti with two transverse

and somewhat oblique impressions at each side ; the lateral teeth strong, somewhat curved, not pointed, and placed in the middle. Elytra very faintly narrowed behind, strongly puncture

towards the the shoulders, and more finely and sparsely pnnotured a])ex ; pnnotnres are black, and confluent here and there. Each elytron with two black patches behind the shonlder, forming a kind of transverse band, and behind this band with iu front of the is situated a rather an ashy grey ])atch ; apex incons])iciions angiilated marbled with black of tlie transverse band. Under surface and legs ; middle metasteruum nearly uniformly olivaceous ashy grey. Intercoxal tubercle of the the coxae mesosteriuil ranch prosternum strong, suri^assing ; process very raised, longer than broad, with the tip rounded. Hub. Knilu (A. Moc(juerys, 1892). Reminds one also very much of Plirt/neta and Puchystola.

223. Nyctopais mysteriosus Tiioms. Knilu.

iiov. 224. Nyctopais mysticus sji.

. iV. infra et t? ? niger ; ciiio]-po-]inbescens nigro-maculatns. Prothorax fascia laterali sub dentem lateralem sita antice et postice versus dorsum cnrvata, fascia secunda supra coxarum cavitates, uotatns. Elytra fascia basali marginem basalem hand attingente ad humeros abbreviata, secnnda mediana marginem lateralem macula et non attingente ; praeterea singnlo elytro parva posthumerali laterali, multis maculis notato fasciis et maculis ante apicem niinutis, ; griseo-flavis. S. Long. 11 mm., elvtra 7, lat. 3i.

?. ,r 10 V "„ 11, „ si- Differs from N. mysferiosas Thoms. in the prothoracic lateral bantl running undemeatii the lateral tooth, and being curved towards tlie disc in front and at the base, with the anterior part dorsally not extending to the middle of the margin. The basal fascia is jilaced farther from the basal margin than in the middle band does not extend to the outer N. ira/steriosus ; border, and the new species has a marginal spot Ijehind the shoulders which is wanting iu N. mysterioms. The elytra are of the same form as iu the latter. Hah. Gold C!oast.

22.5. nov. Nyctopais fasciatus sj). iV. niger; fronte, antennarum articularis K) et lU" (a])icibus extremis exceptis) et toto antico et lateribus —fascia sub dentem 11°, prothoracis— margine longituclinali lateralem nigra, el\-trorum fasciis, una basali, altera mediaiia, et macula anteapicali irregnlare et pnncto in apicibus, griseo-albis parum caerulescentibus ut corpore infra; sternis et abdomine lateraliter maculis nigris notata, praeterea abdominalium medio lateraliter segmentorum uigro ; ])edibus nigro-maculatis. Elytris grosse, versus sutnram minutius j)nnctatis. Long 17 mm., elytr. 11^, lat. 6J. The ])ubescence of the front extending just to the tine transverse groove between the antennal tubercles. Lateral band of the prothorax including the is black. Anterior transverse tooth, the ti]) of which band of the elytra abbrcviateil the basal near the scutellum the at the slioulders, reaching margin ; second band situated in the middle, a little arcuate laterally; the macula in front of the apex forming an irregular third band, including some black punctures. llab. Kuiln (A. Moci|uerys, 1892). in Differs from i\'. mysteriosus Thoms. its jiroportionally longer elytra, witJi a different colour and pattern of the marldngs. ( al3 )

Armatosterna gen. nov. DifFert a genere Cdllimifion Blanch, processu prosteriiali tnl)ercnlo verticali acnto intercosali coxas fere snjierante arniato.

226. nov. Armatosterna spinifera sjj. S^. A. rnbra; antenuarum articulis V ad 0'"" apice, T° ad ultimuni tot is 5' vel 4° et 5° infra albis nigris, ; capita spavsim albo-pubescente, vertice ul:nn(jue vittis dnabns notato vittis longitndinalibus nigris ; protliorace qninque nigro- brnnueis, inter vittas lateribns tnberculo sat lato et brevi albo-pubesceute, armato ; scutello macnla triaugulare, nigro-ljrnuneo ; elytris commnni triangulare ab scntello usque fere ad medium et marginis lateralis et suturae extensa, angulo humerali arcuata inter fasciaque anteapicali paruni bruuneo-nigris ; regione banc fasciam et basalem macnlam triangnlarem ])laga irregnlare albo-pubescente vel maculis minutis et macnla suturali uotata basi albis, parva nigro-brunnea ; grosse dense punctata, versus et minutis punctis apicem s])arsis ; singnlo apice emarginato, intus breviter, extus longe dentate. Infra uigrescens, sparsim griseo-albo-pubescens, lateraliter maculis alljis notata.

Long. 1(3 mm,, elytr. 1U|, lat. o. Vertex with one blackish streak at each side behind the antennae, and witli one or behind the the white of two eyes ; sparse pubescence the head denser between tlie streaks. of the antennal black the last five Tip joints ; joints entirely or with a reddish on the underside fourth and fifth black, spot ; joints, or only the fifth, white underneath. The white pubescence of the prothorax denser anteriorly and posteriorly between the streaks, aud especially so above the coxal cavities. Punctures of the elytra coarse at the base, arranged in rows near the shoulders, lieciimiug minute and sparse from behind the middle, and nearly wanting at the apex. Elytra with a broad triangular blackish patch at the base, common to both elytra, extending from the scutellum almost to the middle of the suture, aud laterally so before the middle of the outer margins, with the humeral side somewhat incurved; the shoulder angles, a transverse band liefore the apex, aud a small spot at the suture behind the middle also blackish or brownish black the in ; sjiace front of the ante-apical band bears an ill-defined triangular white jiatch, or some small and more or less confluent white spots. Body beneath blackish laterally, clothed with a sparse white pirbescence, forming spots on the sides, chiefly on the abdomen. Femora Ijlackish, with reddish spots. Hub. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892) and Loanda. Closely allied to Armatosterna buquetiana (White) (in the Munich Catalogue as Trwiocephala hu

227. Armatosterna buquetiana (White). Gold Coast.

22s. Callimation g^racile sp. nov. Verticis C. ]iallicli' rulirum, grisesccus, clougiiluni. prothnracisipic (piinqnc vittis longitndinalibus contiuuis, scutello, elytrorum maculis jiarvis tribus sutu- ralibns elytris communibus, trilms vel qnatuor lateralibus auguloqne humerali, ( 214 )

uonnullis maciilis albis iiotatis auteuuis articnlis nigro-lirimiieis ; praeterea elytris ; 1° ad (j""' apice, caeteris totis uigris, 0° vel 4 ad 0""' iufia albo-maculatis. I'ro- dente lateral: brevi armatus ad tliorax loiigitudine paulo latior, ; elyti'a parallela, snturam deprcssa, seriatim punctata, apice laevia, aiigulo snturali acnto, liaud dentato, cxtoriuri- deutato. lufra lateraliter uigresccuK, pariim ullio-maculatuiu- Pedes niliri. Long. 16i mm., elytr. lUi, lat. 4i. The reddish j)arts clothed with a fine fnivons pubescence; elytra, especially their posterior portion, sides of the under surface, and h-gs somewhat s]>otted with a white pubescence. Vertex with five longitudinal blackish brown bands continued as live bands of the same colour ou the prothorax, with the spaces lietweeu more or less white, more so at the sides of the prothorax. Scutellum triangular, blackish brown. Of the sutural spots of the elytra, common to both elytra, the first is somewhat triangular, placed l)ehind the scutellum; the second oblong, almost in the the third the behind the middle. At the outer there middle ; and smallest, margin

: n behind the are four sjjots one, faint, jilaced on the tip of the shoulder ; second shoidiler, transverse and a little curved; a third in the middle, united in one with the second sutural and a fourth in front of the trans- specimen spot ; apex, verse', nearly reaching the sutnre, broadest and blackest at the outer margin. of of the rather the whole of the The rows punctures elytra regular ; almost last third imi)unctate, or nearly so. Under surface with a white streak above to the sides somewhat blackish. the anterior coxal cavities, continued metasternum ;

Legs unicolorous, with a faintly blackish sjjot at the anterior femora and tibiae. of the rounded that of the rather Process prostemum ; mesosternum narrow, horizontal, and produced into a sliort tubercle. Hob. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 181)2).

Lux gen. nov. Oculoruni ioljis iuferioribus brevissimis tuberibus magnis prominulis ; genis ;

antenniferis sat autennis articulis tertio et, longis ; ijuarto aequalibus ; prothorace laterilius inermi rotundato mesosternali ; jjrocessu j)roslernali angusto, sulcato, ; parum declivi, tuberculo parvo armato. Allied to GallimiAtioii Blanch., but distinguished from (his genus by (lie aliovc- mentioued characters.

229. nov. Lux pulchra sj).

IJ. fasciis riitis albo-cinctis ornat a. Antennae nigro-brunnea, maculis(juc nigrae ; disco scutellum dense prothorax inaecjualis ; a]iice rotundatuni. Elytra grosse punctata, jmnctis ad basim confluentibus, fasciis tril>us et maeulis duabus elytris communibns notata antice et meso- ; apice snbtrun(^ato-rotundato. Metasternum sternum albo-maculata illud maeulis uotatum. ; praeterea utrintjue duabus nigris Abdominis segmenta apice albo-fulvo-pubescentia. Long. 15 mm., elytr. iDl, lat. 5. Blackish brown, with the elytra of a redder colour; clothed with a white and reddish pubescence, forming bands and spots. Head deeply imjjressed between the antennal tubercles, and with a fine transverse groove immediately in front of the

. Prothorax a little than bicoustricted disc eyes. longer broad, slightly ; faintly nodulose, with some glabrous (nibbed ?) spots. Elytra strongly punctured all over; three bands and two spots, all common to botli elytra, reddisli and bordered with --i^^ ( )

the first baud at the extreme base and a whitish pubescence ; placed externally runuiug from the inside of the shoulder angles to about the end of the anterior of the outer the second band to the behind quarter margin ; parallel first, beginning at the external with the third liaiid, which the postscntellar sjiot and united margin of the fifth uf the reaches the suture at about the beginning a]jical ; apical margin elytra clothed with a reddish and white pubescence. Hab. Gold Coast.

230. Rhaphidopsis virens sp. nfiv.

c??. 7vV/. nigra, infra viridi-seric-uus ei subcaerulescens, supra fasciis maculisque viridibus jjarum fulvescentibus ornata. t'aput viride, vertice uigro, uculis viridi- cinctis. Prothorax fasciis duabus transversis nigris notatus. Elytra fasciis transversis, una basali, secnnda mediana, maciilaque magna obliipia anteapicali \iridi-marmorata ornata, inter fascias et ad apicem ; sparsim puuctulata. Long. 'M mm., elytr. IT, lat. 7^. is in nm- Varying in the pattern of the elytra. The aiiical macula wanting ma/e in another the median liand is also specimen ; exami)le wanting. Hfi6. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, IsOi;). Imt the colour is In shape closely allied to L'//. jjidc/icl/a (Westw.), dittereut, and the punctuation of the sides of the elytra is much finer and sparser. No/c. —The a-euus Cluuiestkfs Chevr., omitted \)\ Lacordaire in his Geu

I. Chariesthes Chevr. {Rev. ZooL, 1858, p. 312).

i. Tyjie : Sapcrda hdla Dalm. (Schoenh., Sijn. Ins., 3, A])]!., p. 170). \el Scapo cicatrice parva instructo, elytris apice rotundatis snliacumiuatis, non tubercnlatn. processn prosternali rotnndato, mesosternali declivi vel subverticali

II. Graciella gen. no v. c. Type : Uharii'sthrx concinnu Chevr. {I. p. 315). Scapo sine cicatrice, elytris apice trnncatis, processn jirosternali rotnndato, mesosternali subverticali, margiue rotnndato.

III. Murosternum gen. nov.

: dalmiaiui (jhcvr. Ty]ie C/uireiMl/u'g (/. f., ji. 315). Scajio sine cicatrice, elytris singulis apice rotundatis vel acnmiuatis, processibns prosternali et mesosternali elevatis, antice perpendiculatis. ( 216 )

Thorns. IV. Aplieniastus (^Arc/t. Ent., 1858, ii., p. 191). Type: Aplieniastus rutilas sp. nov. (= A. rubidus Thorns, [nee Clievr.]). ScajJO sine cicatrice, elytris singulis apice rotuudatis vel subacutis, processn prosteruali rotundato, mesosleruali autice verticali, margiue rotundato.

2;51. Chariesthes elegans sp. uov.

6 ? . Ch. nifo-testacea, pube laeta albo-viridi vestita. Antennae uigrae, articulis primo et secundo testaceis. Caput inter antennas macula transversa brunnea ni)tatum. Protliorax vittis quinque longitndinalibus bruuneis ornatus. Scutellum bruuuL'nin, medio viridi-pnbescens. Elytra siguaturis albo-viridibns notata, scilicet: macula prima sat magna elytris communi cordiformi, scutellum amplectente, l)lerumque ad suturam iuterrupta, secunda juxta humerum ad margiuem basalem sita parva, tertia elongata pone liumerum ad marginem exteriorem, quarta mediana ovata prope suturam, quinta i)ostmediaua parva rotuudata margiuali, praeterea ])Iaga magna anteapicali irregulare al) margiue lateral! fere ad suturam extensa, transverse inclndeute tertio duo puncta nigra (in siugulo elytro) disposita ; puucto uigro post humerum ad latus site.

Variat : («) forma typica maculis sejiaratis ; maculis tertia et confluentibus (J)) quarta ;

(f) punctis uigris anteapicalibns conjuuctis ;

(d) forma minore, maculis 1", 2", 3", 4" confluentibus, capite sine fascia brunnea Interanteuiiali.

Long. lU mm., elytr. 7, lat. 'i. Head with a brown band between the antennae, and usually with a second but ill-detiued one in the centre of the front. In most specimens the base of the tliinl and fourth antenual joints of the brick red colour of the two basal ones. Sides of the elytra somewhat darker than the disc, and almost blackish before the large apical patch. The latter sinuate liehind, and this sinus also somewhat blackish. Tiic first broicii band, obliquely runuing from the shoulder to the suture, sends out a fine brown line to the basal margin near the shoulders, and is usually connected with the postmediaii hrown band by a second line. The small mentioned above under be another but form, {(I'), may new species, as the Museum contains a single specimen only with imfjerfect antennae, I refer it

to Ch. cleijd.HS. ILih. Kuilu and Gaboon (A. Mocquerys, 1892). This differs from its nearest allied in species form, Ch. laetisshna Bates,—chiefly tlie colour of the antennae being rufous only at the two basal joints in a few examples the base of third aud fourth joints is also rufous —in the wanting of an aiitemedian discal black spot on each elytron, aud iu the somewhat different pattern of the markings. As these differences are found in a dozen sjjecimens, I regard Ch. elegans as a distinct species.

2;32. Chariesthes laetissima Bates.

In one rather small specimen from Kuilu the humeral oblitpie brown streak is not extended to the suture, and the postmediau transverse bifurcate band is very narrow. Anotiier specimen from C!ameroons has the greeuish pubescence occupying the whole of the is the brown nearly elytra ; there scarcely a trace of humeral band, and of the second streak ouly the lateral part is visible. In all specimens the black spots of the elytra are sharply marked.

( 217 )

'iS'.i. Chariesthes bella (I)aliu. ).

are of n, Sierra Leouc. Two male specimens v(M'y pale I'.oloiir, the legs ami base ol anteuuae lieing almost buff; in both the humeral oblique rufous Ituti' streak is in one of them reduced to a narrow and short the very small, spot ; transverse median baud is also very short.

:.';U. Chariesthes bella carissima (Westw.). Some specimens from Uehigoa Bay differ from the typical form from Sierra Leoue in the pubescence being of an ashy grey colour, with a slight tint of pearl blue the head has one on the the of the antennae is ; spot only front, scajie much stronger, the scutellum is entirely rufous, and the rufous bands of the elytra are much broader than in Gk. bella.

I refer these specimens to AVestwood's Sapcnia cannsiimi {Ann. Mni/. N. IL, I believe is a local form o{ Lamia bella Dalm. viii., 1841, \). 124), which

23.J. Chariesthes fi'eya sp. uov.

(PI. X., figs. 8 and 0.)

(? ? . Cli. pallide ochracea. Caput dense albo-viridi-tomentosnm, vertice postice uigro. Antennae uigrae, 3 corpore duplo et dimidio, ? duplo longiores. Pi'othorax dense albo-viridi-tomentosus, fascia lata mediana nigra notatus. Scutellum nigrum. Elytra tertia parte basali pallide ochracea, delude nigrae, fascia transversa plus minusve flexuosa in elytrorum quarta parte apicali sita et (in singulo elytro) macula parvii anteapicali griseo-caernleis ornata. Meso- et metasternum latoraliter virides- ceuti-tomentosa. Tarsi brunnei vel uigro-bruunei. 9 lat. 2t. Long. mm., elytr. (3, Thinl and fourth joints of the black antennae sometimes pitchy. Scutellum black and rounded. Elytra a little less convex than in the other species of Chai'iestltcs. Sides of the prothorax usually with only one black spot in the basal constriction, but sometimes with a second one in the anterior constriction. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

236. Chariesthes autennata sp. nov.

3 ? . Gil. flavo-brunnea, pube viridi-alba vestita. Antennis, elytrorum apice tarsisque nigris. Vertice et jirothorace quinque vittis Ijrunneis, elytro singulo

maculis quinque viridi-albis notatis, scilicet : jn-ima basali elougata prope suturam, secunda parva sub humerum, tertia posthumerali ovata, cum prima connexa, quiuta anteapicali magna antice rotundata, postice angulata, extus profundissime sinuata, fere annuliformi. S Antennae corpore jilus triplo, ? plus duplo longioribus.

Long. 10 mm., elytr. 7, lat. 3. of Yellowish l^rown, with the up])er lip, mandibles, antennae, apical part elytra, and tarsi black with a that has a feeble tint of this ; whitish pubescence green, transverse pubescence confined on the elytra to a number of spots. Head without a brown marking between the antennae, but marked with two brown spots or inu! vertex and short transverse baud in the centre of the front ; neck brown, prolhorax brown. with five longitudinal and continuous brown streaks. Antennal tubercles whitish Scutellum regularly rounded al the apex, clotlu'd witii a rather sparse pubescence, which is absent in some specimens. Of the five markings of each than elytron the first is placed close to the scutellum and suture, and is longer behind its sutural is and the exterior one broad, pointed ; margin straight, obliquely ( 218) riiunded the secoud is vorv ; small, and stands nuderneath the shoulder ; the third is ovate, tlian and antemedian the fourth is longer broiul, lateral, ; median and sutural, similar in to tlie and connected witli tlie first liasal the fifth is shajie third, spot ; and almost ol' the of the letter in largest, anteapical, shape (_', but broader front and jjointed posteriori)-. Hah. Old Calabar.

This species may be easily distinguished from other forms with a somewhat similar style of marking by the antennae being very long in both sexes.

2:^7. Chariesthes formosa sp. nov.

Cli. t??. fnlvo-ln'Uiuica, ]iuljr albn-viriili (irnata, pediiiu> alidoniiiiei[ne jialli- dioribus. Aniennis nigris. C'apite inter antennas fascia brunnea uotato. Prothorace vitlis longitudinalibus qninqnc brnnneis ornato. Scutello brunueo. Elytra nniculis duabus communibus, prima basali scutellnm amjdectente, ad suturam sat late intorrnjita, 2)ostice rotundata, secunda in snturae medio sita ovala; ])raetei'ea singulo elytro maculis (i nolato, una ad basini ]irope hnmernm, secunda sub hnmernm ad tertia angidiim basalem, antcmediana subovata jn-ojx' marginem e.xteriorem,

Variat : maculis scutellare et prima, secunda eftertia, (piarta. ct (juinla vel ipiarta et quinta et se.Kta confiuentibus. Long. 9 mm., elytr. 04, hit. :i. to Similar Cli. lactLssimo, Bates, bnl ililfci's cliietiy in the jiatteni, and in the entirely black colour of tlu' antennae.

Hub. Kuilu (A. :\Iocquerys, 1S1)2).

23s. Chariesthes quadrivittata sp. nov.

S ?. Cli. jialiide feri'uginea, pube vii'idi-suifurea veslita. t'apile macula frontali minuta et prothorace villis longitudinalibus (piatucn- nigro-brunneis notatis. Anteuuis fere nigris, S coriwre triplo, ? i)lns dujilo longioribus, S artionlis tertio quartoqne sulfureo. piceis. Scutello Elytris maculis viridi-sulfareis oriuit.is, prima communi jiostscntellare jiarum elongata, secunda et tiuiia basalibus ])arvis, una infra, altera supra augulum liumeraleni sita, (|uarta ante mediana laterali ]>arum ol)liqua, jilaga sat magna anteajiicali, iiuerdum cum area apicali viridi-sulfurea conjuncta, liac area in singido elytro duas maculas nigras includente, unam liuciformem siitaralem, alteram Iriangularem lateralem.

Long. 8 mm., elytr. Tii, hit. 2|. The large patcli wliich occupies nearly the wliole of the posterior hall' of the elytra is nearer the midille on the .suture tluin on the sides, and is cmarginate anteriorly. In one specimen the postscutellar elongate mark and the apical patch are connected with each other. The two black markings near the ape.\ are variable in and form, being confluent in one specimen, have almost the siiai>e of the musical letter c). Hab. Gaboon. Its nearest allied sjiecies is Ch. {Lamia) amoena (Dalra.j, the jjrothora.x of which has also four brownish vittae. The latter species wants the small frontal spot, and bears on the base of the elytra a small greenish yellow marking, not occurring in Gh. the scutellnm is with quaclririltata ; also dift'erent in colour, being entirely covered a or sulpiuu- ju'imrose yellow pnbescence in Ch. qiuulrwittata. ( ^19 )

2'MK Chariesthes nobilis sp. uov.

(PI. X., fig. ')

? . C'k. supra, 'nigra, inl'ra ochracea, pnbe alba vestita. (Japut froiite medio brunneum, inter antennas et in vertice nigrum, macnia ])arva elongata alba inter oculornm partes siiperiores sita, notatum. Antennae corjioi-c dnjilo (?) longiores, articnlis toto et tertio basi lateo-rufis. uigrae ; soajjo, secnndo Prothorax duabns macnlis nigris notatns, una dorsali ad marginem auteriorem magna, secunda pjarva in medio laternm sita. Elytra angulo humerali ochracea, singulura elytrnm macnlis tribus nigris notatum, i)riina laterali autemediana, secunda antemediana discoidali, tertia laterali in postmediana ; praeterea suturae medio macula nigra communi alliis rotunda ; parte a]]icali nigra dujibus macnlis transverse disjiositis ornata. Infra lateraliter alba.

lat. Long. 9| mm., elytr. (5|, :!J. The white pubescence has a very fainl tint of yell

latter bearing a narrow longitudinal white sjiot. Tlie dorsal black marking of the prothorax extending beyond the middle of the disc. JScutellum white, almost semicircular. The apical i^uartcr of the elytra black, with two white spots on

each elytron placed in the middle of the black region : one, rounded, near the outer the a little than the near the suture. Sides margin ; second, longer first, of the under surface white, except the base of the second, third, and fourth alidominal segments, where the white pubescence is wanting. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mowiuerys, 1892).

2411. Chariesthes multinotata Chevr.

Kuilu. Only one specimen of rather small size, the head of which wants the black met with in Chevrolat's its have not spots type ; elytra eighteen spots, twenty, as the first basal one on each elytron is wanting.

Graciella gen. nov.

For generic characters see p. •Jlo.

241. Graciella couciuna (Chevr.). Ktiilu, Ogowe K., Fernando Po.

242. Graciella compacta sp. nov. ¥.

secunda mediana rotunda, tertia anteapicali ad suturam minute intcrrupta ; praeterea singulum elytrnm macnlis quinque notatum, una liasali j)rope scutellum sita rotunda, caeteris lateralibus, una posthumerali parva, secunda majore, rotunda, antemediana, tertia postmediana sat jiarva leviter transversa, (juarta anteapicali minuta, posthumerali subaeqiiali. Infra lateraliter alba.

Long. 0^ mm., elytr. 6|, lat. :J|. Scape and second joint of the blackish brown antennae of a tawny ochreous at each colour, with a slight tint of rufous. Head with a straight white band side of of the the front, extending from the ant(MUhil tubes to the base epistome ; ( 220 ) vertex with a white mark between the upper parts of the eyes, divided iuto two short lobes beliind. Scntelhim of the colour of the elytra. The latter with three white and rouuded spots on the suture, common to both elytra, the first the smallest, the second the largest, and the third somewhat interrupted at the

besides these there are five white on each : one suture ; markings spots elytron beside the scntellnm, circular, touching the basal margin, and four along the side, the second of which, placed in front of tlie middle, is the largest and of a circuhir shape. Punctuation of the elytra strong and rather thick, the punctures becoming sparser and smaller towards the apex. Alxlomen somewhat darker remainder of the the of the than the body ; posterior ])arts segments laterally covered with a white pubescence as the sides of the sterna. Hab. Ogowe E. (A. Mocquerys).

"243. Graciella trivittata s^p. im>v.

in froutis medio

244. Graciella zanzibarica sp. nov.

cj. (jr. ferruginea, pedibus pallidioribus. Caput album, linea mediana frontali et fascia transversa iuterautennali bruuueis uotatnm, vertice brnnneo macula sat magna interoculare alba. Antennae ferrugineae, articulis apice nigrescentibus. Prothorax albus, fasciis longitudiualibus tribus brunneis ornatns, mediana lata in medio disci sat fortiter dilatata. Elytra albo-macnlata, tribus maculis commuuibus suturalibus, et quinque in singnlo elytro, notata.

Long, fjj mm., elytr. 4, lat. 2.

Ferruginous, with head and j)r(ithorax of a brownish colour, and with the tip of the antennal joints, especially of the last ones, blackish. The front of the head, except a longitudinal median streak, the cheeks, a band behind each eye, and a somewhat triangular and rather large spot in the middle of the vertex, densely covered with a white jnibesceuce. Tlie median band of the prothorax broad, narrowed in front and behind the lateral bent ; brown streaks anteriorly somewhat upwards. Scutellum entirely ferruginous. Elytra with three sutnral rounded markings : one rather small spot i)laced behind the base, a second behind the middle, broader than and a third long, situated in front of the apex, feebly interrupted at the suture ; each elytron bearing, moreover, five white spots : one at the base near the scutellum, of an almost semicircular shape, and four along the sides, the first of them small, standing liehiud the shoulder, the second placed almost in the middle, large and ( 221 ) rouiul. thf fifth in the onter angle of the apex, and the fonrth in front of the fifth, liides of the meso- and nietastenuim and of the posterior margins of the fonr basal abdominal segments covered with a white jmlieseence, fifth segment of the abdomen with a white s]iot at each side. Legs ochreons. Halt. Zanzibar. In the to pattern of elytra closely- allied Gr. concinna (Chevr.), differing, however, from this species in tlie colonr of tin' antennae and in the style of marking of the prothorax. From Gr. frtrittata sp. nov., again, it may be distingnished by the colonr of the antennae, by the form of tlie ])rothoracic brown bands, and by the pattern of the elytra.

Murosternum gen. nov. For generic characters see p. 21o.

24o. Murosternum mocqiierysi sj). nov.

(PI. X., fig. 10.) J/, fnlvnm. Capite i)allide ochraceo, vertice ochraceo, post oculos pnncto nigro notato autennis infra fnlvo. ; nigris, scapo parnm rngnloso, Prothorace flavo, lateraliter macula basali alba in elytrornm basim coutinuata ornato. Elytris nigris, fascia obliqua a scntello ad margiuem exteriorem descendente, macula minnta antemediana elytris cnmmnni, fasciaqne transversa postmediana ochraceis. Meta- et Pedilms anticis steruo abdomine uigris. qnatuor rnfo-fiilvis, posticis nigris, tarsis posticis fnlvescentibus.

Long. 11 mm., elytr. 7^, lat. 4. Head pale ochreons, clothed with rather sparse wliite hairs on tlie front and behind each colour. cheeks ; a small spot eye of a black Antennae black, a third than the on the and longer body ; scape tawny underside, punctnlated above, the with apex somewhat rugose and granular. Anterior constriction of the jiro- thorax very feeble, and the anterior transverse groove entirely disapjiearing on sides with a white at the which is the n])perside ; patch base, continued to the base of the elytra at the inside of the shoulder. Scntellnm ochreons and semi- circular. Elytra with an oblique ochraceous baud running from the scutellum to the outer margin, bordering the basal white marking, and laterally shading off into the the white, chiefly towards base, underneath shoulders ; the remainder of the elytra black, except a small spot standing almost in the middle upon the suture a transverse which are both of an ochreous colour this and postmedian band, ; baud a very little curved on each elytron, and not quite reaching the external margins. Apex of the elytra with a grey pubescence. Meso- and metasternum white, with tint of olive biiff. black the a faint Abdomen ; apex slightly pitchy, and clothed with a somewhat greyish pubescence. Anterior and intermediate legs tawny their tarsi with a third ochreous ; posterior legs black, brownish, buff-coloured joint. Hab. Ogowe R. (A. Mocquerys).

246. Murosternum molitor sp. nov. M. brnuneum, pube alba vestitum. Antennis nigris, articulis basalibus pube parum viridescente, ut tarsis supra, ornatis. Vertice postice iu medio et prothoracis tribus vittis longitudinalibus bruuneis. Scntello subtrapezoidali, sparsim albo- pubesceute. Elytris signatnris brnnneis notatis, in singnlo elytro prima postscutelhuv et secunda antemediana linearibus, tertia longitndinali lineil'ormi ah luuuero usque ( 222 ) trans meilinm doscendonte et parnm flextiosa, praeterca maenlis tribns vel ([uatiior irregularibns parvis postruediaiiis. Pedibus t'ulvis, tarsis obscurioribus. Long. 11 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 4i. Derm brown, densely covered with a white pubescence, which is faintl}- tinged with greenish bniF, chiefly on the antennae and tarsi. Head wanting tlie white pubescence in the iiiiiklle of the vertex immediately in front of the protliorax. Antennae black, about a fifth longer than the body. Anterior transverse groove of the prothorax very distinct, even on the upperside, and the basal one still of the three brown streaks the median one is broad and stronger ; longitudinal narrowed at the base, while the lateral ones are narrow. Scntellum much broader than long, almost of the shape of a trapezium, and clothed with sparse white hairs. Each elytron bears some brown markings : one standing behind the scntellum, a second also from the shoulder of a short linear shape ; linear, extending beyond a but the middle of the elytra, and sligiitly flesuose ; third linear, short, placed near three or four small and the suture in front of the middle ; and irregular spots, placed between apex and middle of the elytra. Pnbescence of the under surface much so that the colour of the sparser than that of the upperside, derm shows through, with the tarsi darker. Meso- especially in the middle. Legs tawny, somewhat sternum vertically precipitous, somewhat elevated, and with the margin rounded. Hab. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, lf<02).

247. Murosternum pentagonale sp. no v.

(PI. X., fig. 11.)

M. obscure bruunenm, pnbe oehraceo-alba vestitum. Anteunis uigris. Capite brunueis notatis. vertice macula ])arva, prothorace lineis quinqne, Elytro singulo signatnris brunueis ornato, scilicet : maculis jirima postl)asali discoidali liaeiformi minuta tertia obliqua, secunda posthumerali marginal! rotunda, parva rotunda post maculam ocliraceo-albam inclu- ]>rimam sita, rpiarta luediana laterali peutagouali subsuttirali dente, (luinta j)arva liaeiformi jwstmediana parum undulata, sexta transversa anteapicali snbflexuosa, suturam et marginem externum attingente, et latus Tarsis sejitima apicali cum anteapicali ad suturam coujuncta. nigris. lirunneis lateralibns fere Variat : protlioritcis fasciis evanescentibus, elytrorum iinca hnmerali cum macula ])entag<)nali eonjuncta. Long. 10 mm., elytr. 7^, lat. 4. Blackish brown, covered with a dense pubescence of a bull' colour. Antennae black, more than lialf as long again as the body. Vertex with a brown spot in five rather narrow front of the prothoi-ax. The latter with aud blackish brown of the streaks, one of wliicli is placed on the vertical part sides, stopj)iug short before the base. Scntellum densely covered with a bufi' pubescence. Suture of tlie aud some on the elytra from the scntellum to middle, markings each elytron the anterior line as well as the transverse median aud dark brown ; longitudinal sutural and the anteapical linear nuirkings are somewhat waved, the first of them with the tarsi blackish. very faintly so. Legs of a tawny colour, Hab. Ogowe R. (A. Mocquerys).

24n. Murosternum dalmani (Chevr.).

Sierra Leone and Gold ( 'oast. ( 223 )

i;40. Apheniastus rutilus ^|l. nov. c??. ^. testaceiis. Auteiiuae Caput im|iunetiitiim. uigTiir, articiilis (|iiiu-to ad octavnm basi piceis, quarto iufra basi albu-pubesceute. Prothorax impuuctatus dorso ante constrictiouem basalem impressioue pai-va iustnu-tus. Elytra punctata, iuterstitiis puuctis multo majoribus. Prosteruuni in utnM|Uc latere macula alba, parum ante ansulum externum coxae ea-vitatis sita, notatum. Meso- et metasternnm lateribus albo-pnbesceutia, hoc nitjruni. illud ti'sta<'cuui. Pedes ni

Long. 12 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 4|. Usually the fourth antenual joint only is white underneath, but in some examples the four basal joints are more or less white on the underside. The prothorax, though uuicolorous in most sjjecimens, bears sometimes a small white spot on each side near the anterior margin. Hub. Kuilu and Ogowe K. (A. Moc-nuerysj. This species agrees cpiite well with Thomsou's description and figure of

rubidii.s Thoms. ( in llaplieninstim (iwr 'hevr.) giveu Arcli. Entom., ii., p. 192, 4, 7. Ill Tiiomson " pi. fig. 8i/st. Ccramb., ]i. 117, ijuotes by mistake //. rubUlas Tiioms. Syn. : H. raJ'aH Thoms." As far as I am aware, Thomson never pub-

lished a species of Hajiheiuaslas under the name of ra/'iis. L'hevrolut's II. {Meiosa ?) rubii/un is quite a different species, of smaller size aud paler colour,

of the black. The of ^4. will : with the ti]> elytra sjnouymy rtitilt/s accordiugly read rutilus uov. Aplienia.stiis sp. = Iliiplu'idii.stus iiibk/us Thoms. (/«'r Chevrolat) PI. {Arc/,. I'.iiL, ii., ]i. U»2, IV., flg. 7).

2;ii). Apheniastus aualis sp. nov. A. ochraceo-lutea vestitus. rufis S. ferrugineus, pube Auteunis ; basi nigra, apice brunneo. Prothorace fasciis tribus longitudiualibus sat iucousjiicuis ferrugineis, praeterea in utroque latere fascia nigra, notato. Elytris sat sparsim punctatis, Infra, et mesosterni medio et femoribis apice nigrie. niger ; ])rosteruo ((uatuor auticis rufis.

Long. 8 mm., elj^tr. 6, lat. 2^. the of the Upper surface, except black apex elytra, clolhfd with a p;ile ochreous pubescence, confined on the prothorax to four longitudinul Ininds. Scape and second joint of the antennae black; third to sixth joints pale rufous, with the apices blackish; the remainder blackish; antennae a quarter their length longer than the body. Scutellnm slightly trapeziform, and rounded at the ai>ex. Punctures rather strong at the base, diminishing in size towards the apex, and with the inter- stices larger than the punctures. Apex of elytra, about a quarter the length, of a black colour. Metasternnm and alxlomen also black. Four anterior femora rufous, with their blackish tibae and tarsi and the hind black. Under surface tip ; legs pitchy with sparse gtey hairs, whicli are much i-loser at the sides of the metasternnm. Hab. Sierra Leone.

uov. 27)1. Apheniastus apicalis sj).

i%. A. f'rrugiueus, pubi^ ochraceo-lutea vestitus. Auteunis nigris, articulo quarto basi Inteo. Elytris sat sparsim punctatis, apice nigris. Infra niger, meso- et metasterno lateraliter cinereo-pubescentibus. Pedes nigri. Long. lOi mm., elytr. 7A, lat. SA. ( 224 )

Anteniiao black, three times tlie length of tlie bndy in tlie i, and one-and- Lalf time in the ?, basal halt' of the fnurth joint of a bntf colour. Prothorax

withont longitudinal streaks, except a faint and more or less blackish median line, which is a little more conspicuous near the front margin. Scntcllum rounded. the Ehtra witli a scattered punctuation; apical jiart (about ith the length of the surface bhxck elytra) of a Idack colour. Under and legs ; middle of tlie ])rosternnn-i pitchy. Mesosternum somewhat sparsely, and the episterna of the metasteruum densely ashy grey pubescent. Hab. Sierra I,eone.

2ri2. Proctocera senegalensis (Thoms.). Kniln, Gaboon.

2"!:',. Proctocera scalaris < hevr. Gold Coast. Kniln, Gaboon.

254. Diastocera trifasciata (Fabr.). Sierra Leone, Senegal. P)aln-eI-Abiad (Heuglin).

2.);"). Ceroplesis quinquefasciata (Fabr.). Bopoto (Upper Congo).

2.")(). Ceroplesis fissa liar. Bojioto (Upper t'ongo).

2.")T. Ceroplesis orientalis (Hbst.). " Bojioto (Upper Congo), Congo," Galiniin, Angola.

2i)f<. Ceroplesis mechowi Qned. Bopoto (Upper ('ongo).

25'.!. Ceroplesis minuta sp. nov. tuberibns verticalibus S. C. nigra ; antennanmi api)roximatis. Prothorace distiucte latitndine longitudini aequali, lateribns vi.x, dorso transverse bisulcato vel biconstricto, tuberculo laterali nullo, disco pauce irregulare, praecipue ad basim minute traiisversim strignloso. .Scntello ajnce truncato, augnlis rotundatis. fasciis Elytris dense rugose punctatis, toto margine laterali, apice, qninque trau.s- versis fere regulariter dispositis rufis, prima et secunda, quarta et quinta ad suturam nnitis, prima in medio cnni ramificatione obli(|ne versus scntelhnu directa : sntura parum rufescente. Long. 14 J mm., elytr. Hi, lat. 3f. This very small and narrow species is allied to C. quinqucj'asciata (Fabr.) as of the but it be at once regards the narrow bands elytra ; may distinguislied by distinct lateral tootli on the its size, by the absence of a prothorax, the latter behind the of tin- having only a slight trace of a tubercle middle sides, and by the outer margin of tlie elytra being entirely rnfons. Ilab. Natal.

20n. Moecha hecate Chcvr.

Gold ('oast, Kiger, Cameroims. Kiiilii, Bopirfo (U])])er Congo), and Loaiida. ( 22o )

-fil. Gnathoenia irrorata sp. nov.

i. G. iiiarra ; cinereo-pubesceiis, siijira mnltis pilis erectis vestita. Caput olivaceo-lirimneum, distinote canaliculatum. Prothorax capitis colore, disco spar- minute latevaliter irrossioribus sissime piiuctnlatiis, puuctis instruc.tns ; dente laterali sat magfno; basi transverse sulcata. Elytra minute nifrro-lirnnneo-macnjata, basi extrema conspicne grannlafa, <>-rosse ]]nnctata. post basim snbito miuntins punetulata; (alio liniuerali tiiberculato. Long. 18 mm., elvtr. 12, lat. s. witli Antennae black, a feeble tint of jiitchy colour ; base of the joints a little greyer than the remaining. The sparse and minute punctuation of the prothorax is stronger above the lateral teeth. Scutellnm olivaceous brown, with the sides grey. Elytra covered with a grey pubescence and with very small brownish black spots, whicli are somewhat denser in the middle and at the base apex ; coarsely punctuated, the punctures confluent at the shoulders, the iutei'stices forming grannies chiefly at the basal margin and underneath the shoulders, the latter bearing a rather strong tubercle. Behind the base the punctures diminish in size rather suddenly, and are minute from the middle to the tip. Each puncture of the upper surface bears a short and black setulose uaii-. Under surface usually clothed with an ashy grey of the ultimate of the abdomen covered with hairs pulicscence ; apex segment longer of a somewhat fulvous colour. Ajiical part of the tibiae black, except the extreme

tip, where the hairs are yellowish, as in the middle of the intermediate tibiae and on the underside of the tarsi. Mesosternal process with a blunt tubercle in front. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Its nearest allied species is On. renevfft Thorns., which has the punctuation much denser and coarser at the sides of the prothorax, the basal transverse groove shallower, the punctuation ol' the ajjical half of the elytra coarser, with tlie punctures forming short rows, chiefly near the outer margins. The setulose hairs are sparser in G. eenefea, and the elytra of the latter are spotted with a, white pubescence, the spots arranged here and there in longitudinal rows.

262. Gnathoenia albomaculata Quid.

'• Congo."

263. Gnathoenia venerea Thoms. " Congo," Ogowe, Kuilu, and Loanda. 1 have some doubt if the specimens l'n)m Kuilu and Loanda really belong to G. venerea, as all examples of the very large series have a more or less large irregular white patch on each elytron iu front of the middle. The greyish pubescence of the middle region of the elytra is absent in most specimens, and the elytra are a " little more convex and slightly longer than in the specimen from (,'ougo." 1 propose for this form from Kuilu and Loanda the name 0. venerea ab. alboplagiata.

264. Gnathoenia bialbata Fairm. Kuilu and Loanda. A large series.

265. Eurysops esau ('hevr. Gold Coast and Knilu.

20(i. Phryneta aurocincta Gu^r. Sierra Leoue, Gaboon, and Bahr-el-Aliiad (Heuglin). 15 ( 226 )

'-iiiT. Phryneta spinator ab. obscura (Oliv.). Gold ( 'oast and Bopoto (Upper Cougo).

268. Phryneta macularis Har. Bopoto (Upjier Congo).

269. (?) Phryneta coeca ( 'licvr. Ogowe.

270. Chreostes obesa (Westw.). Magalies Berge (Transvaal).

271. Homelix litui-ata (Qned.). " Kuilii and (!ongo." This species is wrongly placed, 1 l)elieve, in the genus Eun/sops Thorns. It differs from this genus in the form of the head, structure of antennae and mesothorax, etc., and agrees quite well witli Homelix.

^ 272. no v. Homelix variegata s]). //. brunneo-nigra, pube griseo-lutea variegata. Antennis uiiieoIoril)us. us(|ne ad crassis. Prothoraco ilisco medio dente aj)ieem depresso, quadribulboso ; laterali subrecto sat brevi, hand acnto. Elytris post medium nounullis maculis i)runneo- sat seriatim uigris uotatis, basi foveolato-punctatis, punctis profnnde imjiressis rotnudatis, sed sub humeros trausversis deusissimis, versus apicem miUto minu- tioribus. Processu prosteruali lougo, arcuato, mesosteriiali brevissimo. Long. 25 mm., elytr. Is, lat. S^. Clothed with a greyish buff pubescence, and spotted with black, blackish brown, and grey. Structure of the prothorax similar to that of Eurysops liturata Qued., but are less and the bulljons of the disc less raised the the grooves deep jiarts ; lateral teeth rather short and somewhat blunt. Punctures on the base of the elytra rounded and very deep, those behind and under the shoulders distinctly transverse and very deep. Each elytron with an irregular macula behind the middle, and with a smaller first near the suture both ill-delined .-ind one in front of the ; spots brownish black. Legs densely spotted with black; sides of each abdominal segment witli a rounded blackish spot; pro- and mesosternnm witli a longitudinal streak of a whitish buff colour, rather feeble on the prosternum. Hah. Knilu (A. Moccjuerys, l.s92). This species is a true Homelix as regards the form of the head and antennae and the structure of the pro- and mesosternnm.

273. Synhomelix annulicornis (Chevr.). Sierra Leone.

274. Pachystola erinaceus sp. nov. P. sordide nigra ; pube griseo-brunuea nigro-variegata obtecta, supra pilis erectis longis griseis et brunneis vestita. Prothorax multi-tuberculatus, tubercnlis lateraliter validis. Elytra fere parallela, usque trans medium tubercnlata, dein sparsim jjunctata. Processus prosterni rotnndatus, mesosterni tleclivis medio pro- fnnde snicatus. Abdominis segmenta lateraliter macula nigro-brunnea notata, segnicntniu ultimura medio profunde impressum. Long. :iO mm., elytr. 22, lat. 11. ( 227 )

Covered with a greyish brown ]iubescence shading off into black, chiefly on the ujiper surface. The setnlose hairs of the underside brownish gre)' or grey, those of the and brown besides these hairs uj)perside long, erect, ; the upper surface, especially the elytra, has shorter erect hairs of a whitish grey colour. Disc of with tubercles at the sides, three of which are raised those prothorax large more ; in feeble tubercles are the the middle of the disc ; the punctured ; anterior trans- verse groove obsolete in the middle : the lateral teeth broad at the base, and suddenly narrowed in the middle. Scutellum longer than broad, strongly rounded at the apex. Elytra for moi'e than half their length covered with shining round tubercles, which are denser and larger at the base, and smaller and si)arser in the and denser at the middle ; punctuation very scarce, more conspicuous apex. Hab. Taveta (E. Afr.). Allied to P. fidiqirwsa C'hevr.

2T5. Pachystola lapidosa Thorns. Gold Coast, Oameroons, Luanda.

276. Pachystola texata (Chevr.). Kuilu.

277. Pachystola tibialis sp. nov.

? . P. nigra ; olivaceo-ciuereo-marmorata. ('apite minute punctulato, medio subtiliter canaliculato. Antennis scapo nigro, articulis 2* et 3° brunneis, caeteris ochraceis. Prothdrace laevi, lateribus medio dente valido acuto armato. Scntello rotuudato. Elytris parallelis, jmstice rotundatis, apicibus paulo obliiiue truncafis, in olivaceo-cinereis sitis punctulatis, punctis guttis ; singulo elytro macula parva subhumerali, macula transversa magna antemediana, duabus maculis postmedianis transverse dispositis, una laterali transversa parte discoidali parum versus posticum directa, una sutnrali rotunda pauce versus anticum sita, cum illius parte discoidali Infra tibiis rubro-fulvis. fere unita, nigris uotato. nigro-marmorata ; tarsisque Long. 21 mm., elytr. 14. lat. 7i. The black markings of the elytra are arranged almost as in P. signaticornis (Chevr.). The lateral spot underneath the shoulder small and rounded, the second macula in front of the middle transverse, neither reaching the outer margin nor the lateral also the suture, and broadest towards suture ; the postmediau patch transverse, touching the outer margin, and its discal part somewhat bent towards the of the sutural rounded, and in front tip elytra ; postmediau spot placed of, but close to, the discal part of the postmeilian patch. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892).

278. Pachystola signaticornis (Chevr.).

Sierra Leone, Gold ( 'oast.

•.!7'.i. Temnoscelis biemarginata Chevr. Sierra Leone.

28ti Protonarthron diabolicum Thoms. Ogowe. Kuilu, Loanda.


J?. Pi'- densiter gris(•o-fh^vo-|)ulH^(lns. nigni-niacuhitum, supra ]iilis singulis

; rectis antennis articulis tertio et infra longis nigris vestitura genis ; nigris. quarto ( 228 )

3° ad nltimura basi albis liasi morliee pauce ciliatis, ; prothorace pnnctato, constricto, lati-ribus fere rectis, aiiticc latiore. disco utniii|iie irregulariter triraiicnlato : scntollo elvtris ante ct griseo, ajjice trimcato-emargiiiato ; punctatis, nigro-marmoratis, post medium macnlis et transversis fasciis notatis, angulis suturalibns subrotundatis. lat. 4. Loiij,'. 13 miu., elytr. '.•, elothed a Head punctured, with deuse yellowish cinereous pubescence ; with a fine glabrous median sulcus : cheeks short and not dilated. Mandibles smooth as in Pr. iliabolictim Thorns, (whilst they are longitudinally striped or rugose in all species of Acmocera Thorns, that I know). Antennae of the male scarcely twice as long as the body, those of the female a third longer than the body : sca])e few hairs glabrous, finely and transversely rugate-granulate, with a underneath ; third and fourth joints fringed with rather sparse hairs, the fifth has also some long hairs base of the third and all white. all ; following joints Prothorax punctured with the smaller than the interstices broader over, punctures ; than long, broadest in constricted at the and at the sides the front, slightly base, nearly straight ; to that of the liead a of three black colour similar ; disc with row irregular maculae as as at each side. Scutellum grey, long broad ; the apex subtruncate and feebly emarginate. Elytra jinnctured like the prothorax, the punctures forming rows here and there, and each giving origin to an erect black hair ; pubescence yellowish ashy grey, variegated with black jiatches and spots, which almost form two irregular in transverse bands, one front of, and one behind, the middle ; the base also black beside the scutellum, and the ape.x has one larger black spot and a small one in

it front of ; besides these markings which seem to be constant, there are some more small spots, chiefly in the middle. Pubescence of the under surface similar in colour to that of the upperside. Metastcrnum punctured laterally : abdomen with long grey hairs ; the extreme base of the abdominal segments, a small spot on the posterior femora, and the tip of the tibiae black. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 189^). The relatively short antennae of the mulr, with the basal joints sparingly fringed witli long hairs, give this species an appearance which is somewhat difterent from that of Pr. diabolicmn Thoms.; but, in other respects, it agrees (|uite well with this species, so that there is no doubt that both species belong to one genus.

2.S2. Acmocera anthribioides I'hevr.

Gold ( 'oast, Kuilu, Loanda.

283. Acmocera compi-essa ( Kabr.). Gold ('oast (common).

2^4. Acmocera olympiana Thorns. Gold Coast, Kuilu.

285. Acmocera varians sp. nov.

A. atra ; minusve minntissime i% plus griseo-pubescens ; capite j)uuctulat.o ; vertice medio densins pubescente: prothorace brevi, impunctato, deute laterali basi

: s(>utello basi approxiiuato subtrapezoidali ; elytris convexis, si)arsini, medio

densius : grossius ])nnctatis, apice fere impunctatis ; colore variante (a) Elytris atris, sparsissime griseo-pubescentibus, fascia postmediaua trans- versa lata atra, linea ante hanc fasciam sita et macula irregnlare basali juxtn sntnram ct linea nndulata, notatis ; anteapieali griseo-albis, forma ti/pica ; ( 220 )

at in sed fascia ;ilra (h) («), pdslicc grisfD-allio-margiiiiita ; ut in et sed di'iisc (c) isigiiaturis {a) (/;), clj'tris practen^a griscw-piibesceul.ilms ; liueis siituraiu {(l) ut sul) (J)), sed griseo-albis ad oiirvatis et unitis, in siiigiilo elytvo signatnram siibcivcularem formantibus : omnino in {(') corpore griseo-pubeseeiitc, clytri) singulo medio maeniia magna basali et liiica valde nigra albo-margiuata ; macula a.nteapicali obsoletis. Long. 10 mm., elytr. ID, lat. 6.

Tbe I'orms described under («), {il), and (c), liave sui^li an entire!}- different a]i]iear- ance as regards the pattern of tlie elytra, tinit 1 at Krst believeil (liem to represent three distinct species. But as the punctuation, the outline of tlie jjrothorax, the of form of the elytra, the shape the femora, i^iv., are entirely the same in a good number of specimens of the various forms, whilst they are diii'erent in tlie other species of this genus, I consider all these different-looking s])ecimeus to lielong to one species, especially as there are examples witli an intermediate coloration.

Punctuation of the head exceedingly fine ; middle of the vertex and sometinu-s a triangnlar sjiace in the centre of the front more densely pu))escent. Antennae grey, with the tip of the third joint lilack. Prothorax about a third shorter than long, with a transverse in front and al t1ie l)ase lateral teeth impnnctate, deep groove ; close to the basal constriction. Scntellum truncate af the ajiex. Elytra convex, narrowed towards the tip in the mulr, much less so in the ffmale; base beside the scntellum, a])ex, and sometimes the Ijasal imjjression near the shoulder almost im- pnnctate, whilst the middle of the disc is rather coarsely and more densely in close punctured ; specimens with a pubescence the punctures seem to be smaller, as ai'e more or less concealed the hairs. Femora rather slender they by ; posterior ones with a black ring near the apex. Hah. Kniln [formae («)-(«)] (A. Mocquerys, 1892) and Loauda [formae («) and (h)-].

280. Acmocera convexa ^p. nov.

r? ?. .l.tugra; cinereo-brnnueo-pubescens, maculis miuutis griseo-fiavis ornata ;

linea fronte ; vertice medio capite utrinque sub oculos grisea notato ; biguttata deusius articulis basi tertio ; pubcsceute ; antennarum griseis, a]iice nigro-piloso ])rothorace laevi, disco couve.'co, panels maculis parvis notato, dente laterali basi scutello truncato htimero a])proximato, j)aruiu arcuato ; apice ; elytris convexis, minute rotundato fere recto, parum sparsim grauulato-punctatis, apice commuuiter rotundatis, maculis parvis jdus miuusvc t ransversis, ante apicem lineam transver- sam inconspicuam uudulatam formantibus, notatis ; lemoribus sat gracilibus, medio annulo nigro ornatis.

Long. 14 mnt., elytr. 9i, lat. ^t^. Black, covered with a brownish and somewhat asiiy jiubescence. Front of the fine head finely and rather densely granulated ; vertex smooth, with punctures only two small in the (H'ntre of the front, and the middle of the behind the eyes ; s])ots vertex more densely puliescent. Antennae and legs with a grey pubesi'ence ; the of whitish the of tlie third one black and clothed witli black base the joints ; apex im- hairs; the tip of the fourth and fifth also more or less blackish. Prothorax teetii pnnctate, disc evenly convex between the usual transverse grooves ; lateral ])laced close to the basal constriction, and somewhat curved. Scntellum tra])ezi- with the form, broader than long. Flytra convex, distinctly narrowed l)eliin(i, shoulders imerstices of the than the slightly mnnded ; imnctures larger punctures. ( 230 ) the interior border of each of the hitter somewhat elevated and forming a small granule. Spots of the elytra small, arranged in iuconspicnous transverse lines here one of which near the is little distinct and there, apex a more ; apex narrowly bordered with a grey pubescence. Hob. Cameroous. Similar in colour to A. undulata Qued., from which it is distinguished by the much shorter neck of the male, by the shaj>e and structure of the prnthorax, elytra, and femora in both sexes.

287. Acmocera undulata Qued. " Kuilu, Congo," Loanda.

288. Acmocera bimaculata Thorns. Kuilu.

289. Acmocera isidoris Chevr. Gold Coast.

290. Acmocera apicalis sp. nov.

A. atra uou dilatatis S ; griseo-pubescens ; geuis ; {)rothorace impuuctato, laterali sat basi latitudine paruni breviore, dente parvo obtuso, approximato ; cariuatis fere rectis basi deusius elytris humeris j)romiuulis ; sparsim, medio grossins punctatis, apice lae\abus, macula irregulare humerali, fascia postmediana ad notatis abdominis suturam parum interrupta, fasciaque apicali atris, ; segmentis lateraliter et toto sjiatio parvo segmeuto ultimo sj)arsius pubesceutibus, nigris ; femoribus subpeduuculatis. 14 lat. 5. Long. mm., elytr. ',), clothed with a Head the cheeks Black, grey pubescence. finely punctured ;

straight. Prothorax about three (juarters tlie breadth long, ini])uuctate : the lateral teeth cons]iicuously short and rather blunt, phiced close to the basal groove. of the and carinate at the Shoulders elytra jjromiuent ; punctuation sparse base,

a little denser in the middle, and almost entirely wanting at the apex of the elytron ; of the black and shining markings of the latter the humeral macitla is irregular, the postmedian fascia is broadest near the suture, where it is narrowly iiitcrruiJled, and not extend to the outer the and the fasciae does cjuite margin ; postmedian a])ical are separated only by a narrow oblique grey baud; femora distinctly clavate. .ffaA. "Congo.""

291. Acmocera aberrans sp. nov.

^ . A. rectis auteunis

punctulato : prothorace brevi, antice transverse bi-, basaliter unisulcato, sparsissime

deute laterali ; scutello nigro-puuctuhito ; apice trnucato, basi approximato trapezi- formi versus in humeris subrectis ; elytris apicem utroque sexu attenuatis ; carinatis ; grosse punctatis, apice fere laevibus ; fascia transversa postbasali subclavatis. indistiucta uigrescente et maculis parvis griseis ornatis ; femoribus

1 1 Long. mm., elytr. 7, lat. :i^. Black, densely covered with an ashy grey pubescence. Basal joints of the antennae underneath with hairs these hairs are not denser at the fringed long ; tij) of the third joint, as they are in other species of Acmocera. Prothorax a third ( ^31 )

shorter than broad, strongly constricted at the base, and deepl}- transversely bisulcate in front. Elytra with an ill-defined straight and transverse blackish baud behind the base, and with some very small yellowish grey spots in and behind the middle, these spots almost forming a postmedian nndnlate transverse streak.

Under surface uniformly grey : third and fourth joints of the tarsi and the tip of the four posterior tibiae dark brown. H<(b. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). The slender scape of the antennae, the straight cheeks not beinj; dilated, and the truncate lateral teeth of the ])rothoriix are very remarkable in this species.

Discoceps gen. nov.

? . inter antennas concavo : froute S ("apite rotundata, verticali, plana ; genis et ocnlis auteunis infra ad carinato-compressis ; (articulis septimo decimum minus) fimbriatis lateribus dentato scutello ; prothorace brevi, ; rotundato ; elytris convexis, basi juxta humeros imjiressis ; tibiis carinatis, intermediis incessuva valde obsoleta

instructis : femoribus clavatis.

The jieculiar shape of the head is the principal character which distinguishes this genus from Acmocei-a.

292. Discoceps fasciatus sp. nov.

. uiger, cinereu-pubesceus, sparsis pilis nigris erectis vestitns. Caput medio leviter canaliculatum. Auteunarum articuli quintas, septimus, nouus, ultimus nigri. Prothorax longitndine duj'lo latior, dente laterali conico jiarum ])Ost medium sito. Elytra fascia lata antemediana fulva, et ante apicem maculis minntis griseis notata, convexa, grosse, versus apicem disi)erse, punctata. Long. lOi mm., elytr. 6^, kit. 4^. Head finely granulated, with a transverse impression behind the antenual tubercles the line more or less obsolete. ; longitudinal impressed Antennae half as long again as the body in the irude, a little longer than the body in the with the of the third and fourth and the whole of female ; ashy grey, tip joints the fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh less pubescent and almost black. Scutellum nearly as long as broad, rounded at the apex. Elytra convex, chiefly at the base, narrowed towards the apex, esijecially in the male; coarsely and somewhat rugoselx in size shoulders not a broad punctured, with the punctures unequal ; produced ; in of the with and rather straight band front middle tawny ; apex spotted gre\'.

: tibiae Under surface uniformly ashy grey extreme tiji of the clothed with a black pubescence. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, l,s92). Resembling Eumimetes harohli Qued. in size as well as in colour.

Latisternum gen. uov. (Acmoceriuortim). oculis divisis anteunarum ?. Fronte magna, genis dilatatis, ; scapo elongato ; laterali valido armato basi prothorace dorso tritubercuhito, dente ; elytris latis,

cnneatis et mesosternali latissimis, : tihiis sine ; processibus prosteruali depressis carinis, intermediis apicem versus profunde incisis. Differs from Acmocera especially in the entirely divided eyes, in the 1)riPiid and flattened process of the pro- and niesosternum, and in the tibiae being devoid of a " carina nsuallv met with in other irenera of Acmocerides." ( 232 )

293. Latisteruum pulchruin sp. nov.

? . L. uiurum, fulvo-cinereo-i)ubescens. Capite genis et i'roiite paucis punctis nigris, vertice pone ociilos duabus fasciis lougituJiualibus luteo-griseis notato. Antennavum scapo prothoracis medium attingente. Prothoracis basi ntrinque sinuata, lateribus aiitice et postice transverse bicanaliculatis, disco quiuiiue-uoduloso, ttiberculis posticis et deutibus lateraJibus validis pnnctis uigris instnictis. Scutello magno, rotundato. Elytris brevibus, versus apicem attenuatis, inter liiimerum et scutellnm tabercnlo sat acnto instructis, panctulatis, basi granulato-pimctatis, maculis transversis liiteo-griseis et nigris oruatis. Pedibus nigro-auuiilatis. 11 lat. 8. Long. 17 mm., elytr. J, Scape of the antennae slender, very finely punctuated, with some granules and transverse wrinkles at the inside. The longitudinal grooves at each side of the front of the head narrow and straight, standing at right angles to the transverse groove behind the epistome; middle groove of the head feeble anteriorly. Pubescence of head and ])rothorax somewluit paler here and there. Eaeh elytron with five small black spots, one placed behind the scutellum and including a grey spot, a second behind the shoulder, two at the beginning of the last third, and one before the apex at the outer of these which stands in front margin ; each spots touches a grey spot of the black one, and in the middle of the elytron and near the apex are some more grey markings. Femora and tibiae with two black rings each. Hab. Loanda.

204. Olenecamptus triplagiatus ^). nov.

(). rufo-bruunens, antennis pedilmsiiue pallidioribns, griseo-pubescens. Vertice albo ; autennarum scapo granulato ; {)rothorace retrorsum augustato, biconstricto, scutello basi albo transverse plicato ; rotundato, excepta ; elytris punctatis, piunctis versus apicem minutis, macula basali communi usijue ad utrosque humeros extensa, postice rotundata, fascia postmediana communi margines laterales non attingente, albis ornatis.

Long. 16 mm., elytr. 11, lat. 4. Brown, with tJie u{)per surface of a paler brown colour, and with the antennae and rufous buif clothed with a fine convex. legs ; grey pubescence. Eyes strongly Vertex white, with a very feeble tint of buff. Scape of antennae strongly granular. Prothorax as long as broad, narrowed behind, covered with transverse ridges. Scutellum rounded, with the apical half white. Elytra bearing a large basal patch, another extending from one shoulder to the other and rounded behind ; large patch situated beyond the middle, also common to both elytra, much broader than long, side to the lateral both somewhat rounded at each and not extending margins ; patches are coloured like that of the vertex, and arc bordered with -.i narrow dark brown line. Hab. Gold Coast.

2Mb. nov. Olenecamptus albidus sji. 0. brunneus ; corpore infra, capite autennarum scapo piceo-uigris, antennis pedibusque jiallide fulvis : pube alba vestitus. Fronte et genis sparsim albo- tomentosis, macula postoculare et vertice albis. Prothorace latitudine lougiore, albo, vittis brunneis notato, una mediana autice abbreviata, una lateral!, una supra coxae cavitatem sita. Scutello rotundato, albo, basi brunneo. Elytris parallelis. ( 233 )

acumiiiiitis ; ;i]liis, bniimeis apicibus singulis luarginilms ; singulo elytro macula discoiilaJi miuuta autemediana cum margine teuuissime counexa, fascia augusta postmediaoa parum obliijua suturum uon attiageute, cum margiue couflucute, fascia transversa arcuata anteainciili cum margine et suturae ]iarte liruuufa apicali con- Hneiite, brunneis notatu. Infra lateribus al1)o-maculatus.

Long. 124 mm., elytr. 8i, lat. 3. Brown, with the bead, scape of antennae, and under surface blackish, with the remainder of the antennae and the legs pale tawny; clothed with a white ])ubesceuce. Head sparsely jjubescent on ihe front and cheeks, with a small spot behind each eye and the whole of the vertex white, except a very small brown spot on the vertex close to the prothorax. Antennae 1^ the length of the body, with the scape strongly granular. Prothorax longer than broad, white, with five brown bands, one median and abbreviated in front, one situated in the middle of each side, and one immediately above the coxal cavities, the latter less marked than the others. .Elytra pointed at

the apex, coarsely jmuctuated, with the punctures very dense at the sides ; white, rather bordered with each narrowly brown at the base, sides, and apex ; elytron with three markings of the brown colour of the derm: one small spot situated on the disc in front of the middle, conuecteil with the brown margin by a very tine brown line, a transverse and rather narrow Inind behind the middle, somewhat oblique, not exteniling to the suture, and united with the margin, and finally an anteapical transverse narrow streak, laterally united with the margin, curved on the disc, and connected with the snture, the apical part of which (from this baud to the tip) is also brown. Under surface white on the sides of the meso- and metasternum, the latter with a lirown longitudinal mark; sides of the abdominal segments with a blackish spot surrounded with a jiubescent white space. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

290. Anauxesis atrata Chevr. Kuilu.

297. Anauxesis calabarica Chevr.

Sierra Leone, Kuilu.

208. basalis sp. nov.

2 . anteunis 6 F. nigra, densiter cinereo-tomentosum ; capite sparsim puni'tato ;

{6) corjiorc duplo, (?J parum loiigioribus, articuloriuu apicibus nigris ; prothorace nigro-punctato, siilcis transversis antico et postico in medio sat curvatis, dente laterali scutello latiore postmediaoo subacuto minute arcuato ; longitudine duplo ; elytris basi parum tlavo-tomentosis, omniuo maculis parvis albis ornatis, grosse et coufertim metasteruo latei'aliter albo. parum punctatis ; Long. 16 mm., elytr. 11, lat. 7. Black, covered with a very short ashy grey pubescence. Punctures of the front of the head and prothorax black, somewhat crowded on the elytra, and very coarse liut not dense at the base of the latter. The numerous small white spots of the elytra are united here and there, and form very short and irregular transverse linear markings. Tip of tibiae and the tarsi black. Hal). Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1802) and Loanda. in some specimens ticketed ''Congo" the spots of the elytra are almost entirely wanting. ( 234 )

As reganls the shape, this s])ecies is allied to R. maculirornis Thoms., but the lateral teeth of the prothoinx are very much shorter, ami the antennae of the male are much longer than iu F. maculicorniis, while the ]iuncturation and iDJiiur are also different.

2911. Frea leucostictica (White).

Gold Coast. (Under Pliiiiwifotitcni'i hi the Munich Catahigue.)

:^'|". Frea malachitica sp. nov.

ri. X., fig. 13.)

? . /'. vestita : antennis S nigra, pube griseo-viridi ; capite parce punctato articulis basi se.xta nigris, viridi-griseis, (d") corpore quarta, (?) parte longioribus ; dente vi.x arcuato scutelln ]irothorace nigro-pnuctulato, lateral! postmediauo ;

tertia : longitudine jiarte latiore ; elytris deusiter punctatis humeris oblinur truncatis binodulosis tibiis extus basi intermediis medio ; apiceqne nigro, praeterea griseo-pubescentibas. Long. 17 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 7. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys). Easily distiugnished from all species of Fn'a liithertu known by Ihc peculiar verdigris colour of the pubescence.

:i01. Frea grisea ^p. nov.

c? ? . F. nigra, ciiiereo-jiubesccus, elytris Icviter gnseo-albo-irroratis. Fnins pauce punctata: antennae (?) elytrorum medium attingentcs (J iucomjilotae), articnJis ([uinto ad decimnm brevissimis. Prothorax sulcis transversis antico et jiostico dorso parum obsoletis, disperse punctulatns, disco impmictato, convexo, laterali brevi, valde dente iiostmediano , Scutellum transversum. Elytra convexa, juxta humeros leviter impressa. iiumeris rotuudatis, punctata, punctis post humeros majoribus.

Long. 12 mm., elytr. U, lat. -jj.

Black, covered with a short ashy grey pubescence. Punctuation of t he tVoni of the head conspicuous, but very s])arse. Fifth joint of the antennae half as long as the third, fifth and following ones gradually diininisliing iu length. Prothorax narrowed towards the front margin. Scutellum nearly three times as broad as long in femora in the ?, not quite so broad the c^. Under surface uniforndy ashy grey ; with some blackish spots. Hab. Cameroons and Gaboon.

Its nearest allied species is F. senilis (White), from which it dift'ers in the very short antennae, in the more convex prothorax, with the lateral teeth smaller and closer to the base, iu the elytra being convex even at tlie base and having the shoulders much less jirominent, and in the less well-marked spots of the elytra.

Frea senilis (Wiiite). Sierra Leone. l^Phymatosteriia senilis White of the Munich Catalogue.)

;i"2. Frea sparsilis sp. nov. c??. F. nigra, ciuereo-pubescens, uigro-maculata. Frons nigro-pnnciulata, medio macula bimaculatus. Antenuarnm articuli utrinquc parva notata ; vertex apice uigri. Prothorax dorso laleralitcr fascia irrcgularc longitudiuali bi-iuterrupla, ( 235 )

maciila mediana triangulare anti-basali, praoteri'a multis guttis nigris, notatus, dente latcrali arcuato magno iustructus. Elytra retrorsnm panim angustata, multis iu merlio maculis parvis plus minusve confluentibus uigvis aiit olivaceo-brumieis I'otuudis iiotata, pniictis prnfuiide impressis coiispicuis, iiiterstitiis puuctis duplo majoribus iiistracta. Corpus iufra et ])edes aeipabiliter tomeutosi. Loug. 17 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 6^. Similar in colour and shape to Etunimetcs sparsa (King.), but it is a true Frea, and closely allied to F. maculicornis (T homs.). Narrower and less convex than F. inacidicornis (Thoms.). Head with two small Ijlack spots in the centre

303. Frea maculicornis Thoms. " Kuilu, Congo," Loanda.

304. Eumimetes attenuatus sjj. uov. aut olivaceo-cinereo-tomentosus. Frous (??.£. niger piceo-niger, punctulata ; vel antennae corpore dimidio (

3uo. Eumimetes haroldi Qued. Kuilu, Loauda.

306. Eumimetes curta (Chevr.). fyold Coast. (P//i//»afoster/ia curta Chevr. of the Munich Catalogue).

3U7. cristatus sp. nov.

S % . C. niger, ciuereo-pubesceus, pubc lirunnea iucouspicue maculatus. Frous punctulata. Prothorax sulcis transversis autico et postico dorso levibus, dente laterali valido obtuso : disco lat(^raliter sparsim nigro punctulato. Scutellum apice rutuiidato-truncatum. Elytra humeris productis, basi medio tuberculo albo apice uigro-penicillato, post basini crista brevi longe nigro-pilosa, j)raeterea tribns tuber- culis parvis nigro-pilusis armatis, duabus transverse dispositis pone medium, tertia ( 236 )

sitis ; basi irrosse hunierales iniimta in quaita ])arte a]iicali jmiictata, post augulos miiiutiorilnis. tbrtiter grauiilata, punctis versus apicem Long. Ui mm., elytr. 12, lat. 8. Pubescence whitish ashy grey, tinged with tawny browu, this colour forming and sculelliun. Antennae rather short faint s])0ts chiefly on the vertex, prothora.x, the of tlie in the and and thin, extending only a little beyond tiji elytra mule, reaching somewhat beyond the middle of the elytra in the female. The tubercle at is rather the behind the the basal margin of the elytra high ; second, placed first, hairs. forms a short crest, densely covered with rather long and entirely black Of the outer one is the smallest. Besides these tubercles the two ])Ostiuediau tubercles there are three faintly raised lines on each elytron, becoming somewhat more con- is a little erect. The spicuous here and there where their pubescence punctuation tlii' shoulder with the interstices very coarse and confluent beliind angles, partly

; with some small dark forming granules. Under suH'acc uniformly grey legs spots ; a dense tarsi beneath tawny brown : last ubdoniinal segment of the male witli grey" pile. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mociiuerys, 1892).

;5i>s. Crossotus robustus sp. uov. C plumotiKs iServ. similis, capile inter autcwuias minus impresso, anteunis infra sparsim fimbriatis, prothorace lateribus bituberculato, disco scutelloque albo-griseis, scutello aj)ice rotuudato.

Long. Is mm., elytr. 1:5, lat. .'s. with brown disc Stouter than C. plumosus Serv. Pubescence gre)-, mottled ;

I if prothonix and scutellum conspicuously greyish white. Third auteuual joint toothlike tubercle longer than the scajie. Sides of the prothorax with a second large and in front of the usual lateral tooth ; the tubercles of tlie disc less transverse as iu more raised than in (J. pluinosas. Tubercles and pnuctuatiou of the elytra but the of each is with a trace of C. plumosu-ti ; tip elytron truncate, scarcely emargination. Outer edges of the intermediate tibiae clothed with a black pile. Hab. Senegal.

309. Crossotus virgatus

nov. :ilO. Crossotus irroratus sji. Pro- (? ? . (". niger, olivaceo-cinereo-tomeutosus. Caput pauce puuctatum. Scutellum thorax lineis tribus indistiuctis obscuris ; disco convexo, nigro-puuctulato. grlseo-album, linea media angusta obscura. Elytra antice grosse, versus apicem minute punctata, basi medio tuberculo acuto uigro apiite glabro armata, mediana plaga transversa irregulare obscura, et lineis lougitudiualibus ex maculis parvis alternatim articuli griseo-albis et nigro-brunneis formatis, notata. Tibiarum apices et tarsorum tertii uigri. Long. 14 mm., elytr. lo, lal. lii. Black, covered with an ashy grey pul)escence, tinged witli olivaienus. Antennae somewhat pitchy, base of the joints whitish grey. The central one of the three dark ( 237 ) clnrsal streaks nf tlie prnthorax narrow, anil in ono specimen obsolete. Scntellnm broader than long, rcetiHiirnlar, aiiil whitish irri'V, with a uarrow and short brown is median line. Elytra witli one rnberole ouly ; this placed in the middle

:ill. Crossotus collaris <'hevr. Cameroons and Ogowe.

312. Crossotus unifasciatus (Tlioms.). Kniln.

313. Dichostates nigroguttatus sp. uov.

(J ? . I), brevis, infra griseo-albo-, supra olivaceo-brunueo-puljescens et griseo- variegatns. Prothorax inermis, margine antico utriufpie pone oculos subacute minute tuberculatus, basi subrecta ; dorso sparsim punctulato. Scutellum transversum, trajieziformi, longitudine duplo latins. Elytra in basis medio tuberculo griseo- brunneo-pubescente armata, juxta humeros leviter impressa; singulo elytro duabus rotundis densiter guttis nigro-pilosis ornato, prima postbasali, secunda minore ])ost- inter sat mediana, guttas plaga griseo-alba conspicua, apice griseo-albo-irrorato ; sat aequabiliter jmuctata, punctis pone humeros parum coufluentibns. Pedes nigro- guttulati. Long. 12 mm., dytr. 8|, lat. (5A. olivaceous with the sides Upper surface brown, of the prothorax, a large region in the middle of the elytra, and the apical part of the latter conspicuously marbled or irrorated with greyish white. Prothorax convex, basal margin faintly widened in front of the scutellum. Elytra almost wedge-shaped, with the shoulder angles rounded with the confluent ; uniformly punctured, punctures behind the shoulders ; the latter bearing some granules ou the outer steep part. Hub. Kuilu (A. Modiuerys, 1892). One of the short s])ecies having the ]n-othorax without the usual hiteral teeth.

314. Dichostates lobatus sp. nov.

. D. multis a brevis, niger, maculis miniitis griseis aut flavo-griseis vestitus, infra laterilms Prothorax fulvo-pubescens. convexus, lateribus subrotundatus ; basi versus scutellum dilatata et transverse disco strigulosa ; lateraliter dis|)erse sparsim antico punctulato : margine jiost oculos tuberculo sat magno arinato. Scutellum longituiline triplo latins. Elytra brevia, minute convexa, humeris prominulis olilioue sub tnmcatis, basi fortiter transverse rugata, humeros parum granulata, dein grosse

punctata : singulo elytro macula antemediana rotundata fulva, et gutta postmediana parva pube erecta nigra tecta, notato. C 238 )

Long. ]4i mra., elytr. in, lat. 8J. Upper side auil legs feelily spotted with grey or fulvous grey, some of the spots on the vertex and two on the prothorax near the front margin more conspicuous. Prothorax narrowed towards the anterior distinctly margin ; base sinuate at each side, the median lobe bearing three transverse grooves, two of which are more distinct than the third, and finely transversely striate. Shoulders of the elytra prominent and obliquely truncate, their posterior angle ])roduced into a strong tubercle. Apical margin of the elytra clothed with a black pile. Sides of the under surface tawny pubescent, with some small and glabrous black spots. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1802) and Upper Congo.

31o. Dichostates acuminatus sp. nov.

i . D. brevis, niger, tenuissime griseo-maculato-pubescens, infra lateraliter pube fnlva tectus. Prothorax lateribns retrorsimi dihitatis, ante constrietionem basalem fere tubercuhitis, marginc antico post oculos tulxu-culo sat acut.o arniato. Scntellum transversum, apice minute rotundato. Elytra humeris subrotniidatis, sutnra pone scntellum parum elevata, cuneiformia, antice grossissime rngato-punctata et parum granulata, dein ad latera grossissime densiter, ad suturam sparsins et parum minutius fnlva et )nmctata ; singulo elytro dnabus guttis, mediana postmediana nigra, parvis rotimdis notato.

Long. 9 mm., elytr. 6i, lat. 5i. Prothorax strongly and evenly dUated liehinJ, and aiirnptly constricted at the the latter widened in the with two base ; slightly middle, transverse grooves. Punctuation of the elytra very coarse, except at the suture behind the middle, where are rather the confluent at the the punctures minute ; punctures base, forming irregular and more or less transverse grooves, with the interstices raised and, chiefly underneath the shoulders, somewhat granular. Second spot of the elytra formed by erect deep black hairs. Ea,h. Kuilu (A. Moc([uerys, 1892). Allied to I). lobatHS sp. nov., from which it may be distinguished by the shape of the prothorax and the rounded humeral angles. The anterior spot of the elytra, standing in the middle in I). firiciiiinntii>i, is larger in J>. Inhatus and placed some- what in front of the middle. Under surface alike in both species.

Cinciunata gen. nov. (Crossotinorum). Fronte i)arnm convexa, genis rotuudatis, oculis parvis divisis, antenuis corpore lougioribus, scapo elougato, protlioracis basim subattiugente, omnibus articulis infra timbriatis. Prothorace iuermi, subrectaugnlare. Femoribus brevibus validis. Near Eumimetes Lacord., from which it difters in the rounded cheeks, in the antennae having a much longer scape and all the joints fringed underneath with long hairs, in tlie protliora.x being almost straight at the sides and without tubercle, and in the depressed jjrocess of the j)ro- antl mesosternum.

:ili). fasciata sp. nov.

(PI. X., fig. 14.) (J?. C. niger, griseo-vel ciuereo-i)ubesceiis. Caput medio tenuiter canali- culatnm, post tuberes anteimiferos sulco transverse instructum, impunctatum. Antennae (S) coqiore dimidio, (?) quarta parte longiores, scapo et articulo tertio leviter arcnatis, articulis basi densins pubescentibus. Prothorax hmgitudine tertia ( 239 ) parte latior, antice et postice tmncatns et transverse snlcatns, laevis. Scntellnm tomentosum. basi i-ctrorsnin leviter convexa apice Elytra truncata, attenuata, ; snbseriatim grauulato-jrauetata, iiiterstitiis maciilis mimitis giiseis, ante apicem noiiDullis distinctioribns uotatis fascia transversa antice ; postbasali iii<;ra [lostice grisea sat lata oriiata. Metasternum densiter griseo-tomentosiim. Long. lo| mm., elytr. 10^, lat. 0. Head and withimt distinct of prothorax punctuation ; scape antennae trans- versely rugose and granular. Disc of prothorax with a faint transverse impression in the midille, besides tjie anterior and posterior transverse grooves. Scutelhim a little broader than the witji the long ; apex truncate, angles strongly rounded. convex even at the base shoulder with the itself Elytra ; rectangular angle rounded ; punctuation unequal, tliere being largo and minute punctures, arranged in more or less regular rows, the interstices of wliich arc sported with a fulvous grey pubescence. Upper surface with longer and sparse setaceous hairs, esjM'cially on the fiont of the head and on the base oi' the elytra. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1S92).

Mimiculus gen. nov. ((.'rossotinoruiuj. ?. Differt ab geuere Euiiiinietes prothorai'i' laferibus sine tuberculo, processu prosternali rotundato, mesosternali deolivi.

:517. Mimiculus maculatus sp. nov.

S. .)/. : frdnfc instructa antennis uiger, griseo-pubescens panels pimctis ; articulis fere disco apice nigris, scapo cyliudriiM) ; ]irotliorace punctulato, utrin(iue ad hunieros et in medio macula nigro ; elytris profunde pnnctatis, magna irregularc ad suturam maculis uotatis infra nigra, parvis ; aequabilitrr griseus. Long. 9 mm., elytr. 6, lat. 4J. clothed with a of the of Black, grey (somewhat ashy) pubescence ; tip joints the rufous palpi ; antennae witli the middle of the tliird and tlu^ tip of the fourth, si.xth, eighth, tenth, and eleventh joints black. Prothorax evenly punctured, blackish on the sides of the disc. Elytra with deep round punctures, the centre of each puncture bearing a grey scale, the interstices larger than the punctures. Each elytron with some small brownish black spots in the middle near the suture, and with two irregular large patches of the same colour, one placed on the slioulder and the other beyond the middle of the disc. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, \m>).

Bourbonia gen. uov. (? Hebecerinorum). Coxarum intermediarum cavitatibus clausis, tibiis intermediis extus incisis, imgulis divaricatis. Antennae corpore longiores, articulis tertio ad sextum apice longe pilosis. Prothorax margine antico post oculos bitubercnlatus, lateribus medio dente obtuso armatus, disco multituberculatus. Scutellum emarginatum. Elytra basi protliorace fere duplo latiora, retrorsum attennala. grauulato-tuberculata. Prossus pro- et mesosternalis depressi.

;!lN. Bourbonia bifasciata sji. nov. B. atra, brnnneo-pubcscejis. Froiite qnatnor, vertice dualuis liueis griseis notatis. Autennarum scajw conico, ])arce rugoso, articulis omnibus basi griseo-

tomentosis, iijiice (praeci])ue tertio ad sextum) iiigro-pilosis. Prothorace griseo- tomentoso, t\iberculis glabris, lougitudine quarta parte latiore, antice sat fortiter ( 240 ) transverse snlcato, linpa media irregulare elevata. Sontello apice ntrinqne brnniieo- Icviter tubercidis nonuullis piloso. Elvtris angulis sutnralibns deutatis, glabris, ornatis. Prosterno conflneritibus, dnabus fasciis trausversis griseis rugoso ; meta^ abdomine medio lateraliter sterno siiarsitn tuberculato ; lacvi, paiicis pimctis et tibianira jrrossis instructo ; femorum apiiibiis tarsisque nigri.-i. Loug. 22 mm., elytr. Ki, lat. 1". Hab. Isle de Bourbon. " " This very queer species does not quite lit into the group oi Hebcseddes of Lacordaire, as the intermediate tibiae have a deep incision.

Lagrida iren. nov. (? Hebecerinorum). sine tibiis iutermediis 5 . 8capo cicatrice, nngulis divaricatis, simplieibus, clausis. t'route ocnlis coxarnm cavitatibus intermediarnm — rectangnlare ; emargi- natis; antennis ($) eorpore brevioribns, articulis 6' 11' brevibus; prothorace autice lateribus dente valido arcuato armato et ])0stice fortiter transverse bisulcato, ; elvtris prothoracis basi mnlto latioribns, convexis, brevibus (forma generis Lrif/rida); arcuato coxis auticis fortiter processu prosternali aeqnabiliter ; angnhitis, jirocessnm mesosterno antice fere rotnndato. prosterui non superantibus ; verticali, margine I cannot find any genus of Lamiini to which Lagrida is allied. As regards the characters of the scape, intermediate tibiae, and claws, I provisionally place " it in the group of Hi^h^s^cides.'" tliongh its general apj)earance is quite dili'ereut from the species of this group.

31!i. Lagrida rufa sp. nov. - (PI. X., fig. 12.)

9. L. rufo-fulva, pube sparsa grisea vestita, antennis jiedibusque nigrescentibus. Caput impunctatum, medio canaliculatum, inter antennas concavnm, liuca transversa Aiitcnnarnin imjjressa arcuata interantenuali insti-uctum. scaj)us elongatus, fere cylindricus, articulo tertio aequalis, quarto medio rufo. Prothorax laevis, antice et postice transverse bisulcatns, margine basali ntrinqne parum sinuatus, lateribus dente magno acuto arcuato armatus. Scuteilum truncatnm. Elytra latitudine dense (ad basim) dujdo lou<>iora, singulo apice rotuudata, grosse punctata. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 5. Head with a liorseshoe-shaped impression between the antennae, as it is found in the Prosopocerini and Tragocephalini. Middle of the fourth joint the of the eleventh rufous third iiud of the antennae on the underside and tip ; fourth joints i'ringed underneath with some short hairs. Prothorax half its length of the four transverse channels one is near the anterior broader tlian long ; placed and one near the posterior margin, and the others in front of and behind the lateral teeth; the cliannels are deep, even on the disc. Scuteilum as long as broad, surface blackish the truncate at the apex. Under impunctate. Legs ; femora, rufous beneath. particularly the anterior ones, Hab. kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

320. Theticus denticollis sp. nov.

Til. flavescente vertitus antennis iiiger, jtube grisea parnui ; pedibusque brunueis. (Japite jnnictulato, vertice antice iinpresso. Antennis articulis apicibus dense piibescentilms. Prothorace longitudiue mnlto latiore, sat dense pnnctato, ( 241 ) disco tiiberculis dnobns instnicto. Sontello iere semicirculare, iijiice parniu elevato. comiminiter ad Elytris apice rotmidafis, fortiter, sutnram jiarniii seriatim, pnnctatis; tuberculo fariuaclbrmi basali autice et singulo elytro ])ost,ice fortius elevata, tubercnlo postmediauo cariiiacformi |)arum minus elevato, armatis. Long. 7^ mm., elytr. 5, lat. 2|. somewhat with l)Iai-k Pubescence spotted bvownish and yellowish u-rey. witli faint raised lines at Elytra two e.xceedingly the outside of the jiosterior keel-like tubercle.

Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). This sjjeeies diii'ers from Th. bisbinodidus Qued., which also has two tubercles the on the disc of prothorax, chiefly in the elytra having each only one ]JOStmediau tubercle.

:V21. Theticus similis sp. nov.

Th. denticoUis sp. nov. aflinis, sed ditfert : prothorace hand tuberculato, elytrorum carina basali breviore, non siibintei'rupta, simplice, carina posteriore longiore. Long. 0^ mm., elytr. 4A, lat. 2^. The punctuation of the elytra is somewhat more regular and denser than in

Th. denticoUis sj). nov., the jjunctures being arranged in rows even on the middle of the disc. The anterior crest is vertical behind and tufted with a black pile ; the postmediau carina is long and more strongly declivous behind than in front, with the most elevated part black, whilst the anterior declivous portion is whitish. Hah. Gaboon (A. Mocquerys).

322. Theticus biarcuatus Thorns. Kuilu.

323. Praouetha cristata sp. nov.

P. brnnneo-nigra, pube sordide griseo-flava vestita, nigro- et fnlvo-variegata. fortiter Antennis infra sat ciliatis, scapo articulo tertio fere aeiiuali, quarto arcu;ito. Prothorace versus posticum paruni attenuato, disco sat gibboso, medio longitudinaliter depresso, plaga magna mediana longitndiuali alba notato. Scutello rotundatn, albo, fulvo-maculato. macula scutellare alba uotatis apice Elytris ; singulo elvtro tuber- cnlo basali albo-piloso, sutura et quatuor lineis irregularibns elevatia, his lineis multis cristulis nigro-pilosis instructis. Long. 14 mm., elytr. 10, lat. 5. Brownish black, clothed with a tawny grey pubescence, mottled with black and short white setulose hairs the is tawny, and also vritb and ; jmbescence olive grey round the pmictures of the elytra. Head impnuctatc. Base of the autennal joints towards the and rounded grey. Prothorax a little narrowed base, feebly anteriorly, near the base disc and with an obli([ue deep transverse groove ; swollen, longitudi- Scutellum nally dei)ressed in the middle, s]iaringly ]iunctured. longer than broad, and rounded at the apex. Suture and four lines on each elytron raised and clothed the first keel is much more raised at the with tufts of blacl; hairs ; base, forming a white liairs and somewhat curved consjiicuous crest, tufted with anteriorly, behind in rather tubercle at the of the the base, ending a strong beginning ajiical quarter ;

the second keel is a little shorter and very feeble from behind the base : the third is in a tubercle in front of the and the strouo-er than the second, ending placed apex ; 16 ( 242 )

fourth is also feeble from the base to behind the miiMle, and ends in a second

anteapical tubercle. Under surface almost uniformly dirty yellowish grey. Hah. Gold Coast. Easily distinguished from P. licheimi Duv. by the sculpture of the elytra.

nov. 324. Belodera subfasciata s|>.

inter B. brunneo-nigra, olivaceo-cinereo-puliesccus. ('a[iiti' antennas fortiter impresso et punctato. Autennis corpori aecpialibus, infra breviter ciliatis, bruuneis, articnlis basi luteis, tertio parum arcuato. Prothorace latitndine parum breviore, dente laterali mediano antice fortius quam posticc coustricto, imjmuetato ; parum arcuato. Scutello Inteo-albd-pubescentc, apice rotundato. Elytris apieibus suli- truncatis, a basi ad apiccm gradatim leviter atteuuatis, snbconvexis, liumeris rotundatis, autice seriatim, |)0stice irregulariter sat sjiarsim pnuctnlatis, parum olivaceo-brnnneo-variegatis, in singulo elytro macula obliqua mediana et macula sat notatis. Infra iintea]iicali nigro-olivaceis iuconspicuis ai'i|u:iliilitc'r pubescens ; tiliiis tarsisque plus niinusvc rufis. lat. 3. Long. 9 mm., elytr. (^^, Clothed with an olivaceous ashy grey pubescence; elytra particoloured with dark oliv<> brown and two on each also dark idive ; protliorax markings elytron Tlie first is and in the middle the second is brown. patch-like mark oblique placed ; more rounded, and stands in front of the apex. Pidieseencc of the scutellnm olive buff. Head punctured only in the impression between the antennae. Prothorax with a few (three or four) punctures at each side, and with some faint spots of a at tlie paler ))ul)esceuee. Punctuation of tlie elytra ratiier fine, irregular apex, and

in .-ire about six of nearly regularly seriate Iront : there mws punctures between suture and shoulder. Hah. Gaboon.

Belodera Thorns., Syst. Ceramh., 18(54, p. 'i'12 = Stenosomn Mills.. 1839;

Slenosoma Leach, Crustacea, 1815, has the ])riority of date.

325. Sophronica punctata sp. nov.

S. bruunea, sparsim cinereo-pubescens, supra deusissime fortiter punctata. Oculis brevissimis tuberibus anteuniferis raagnis, genis ; deplanatis. Autennis corjtore multo iougioribns, infra sparsim longe ciliatis, articulo tertio et scapo et articulo quarto breviore. Prothorace antice et postice subconstricto, lateribus medio parum rotundato, iuerrai. Scutello rotundato. Elytris elongatis, apieibus angulis externis subacuminatis lineis tribus et sutura ; singulo elytro (basi e.xcepta) elevatis. Tibiis carinatis, anticis et posticis arcuatis, anticis extus serratis.

Long. (5| mm., elytr. 5, lat. 1^. Clothed with a sparse bat rather long pubescence, which forms some very faint spots on the apical half of the elytra (about three on each elytron, and arranged in one row). Punctuation very dense, witii the punctures somewhat continent on the prothorax. Tiic latter a little longer than broad, with tlie anterior and iwsterior constrictions broad and shallow disc in front ; depressed, especially and behind. the Suture, except basal portion, and three lines on each elytron, rather feebly and the lines raised, interrupted here and there. Outer edges of the four posterior tiljiae clothed with short bristles.

Hub. Kuiln (A. Mocquerys, 1892). ( 243 )

326. nov. Sophronica pilosa sji.

S. uigrn-brunnea, fere nigra, sparsim gri8eo-pul)esceiis. pilis Inncris lininiieo- et sat dense vestita. fortiter iiifrris griseis Capite pinictato. Antennis soapo articalo tertio longiore. Prnthorafie fortissime paruin eontiuenter punctata, lougitudine latitudini lateribus rornndatis. aeqnali ; Elytris apicibus singulis subrotundatis, et 1 — fortiter seriatim pnuctatis, sutura interstitiis 4° elevatis. antice et postice abbreviatis.

Long. 13 mm., el^-tr. 9, lat. 3i.

Brownish black, clothed with a s]iarse gi'ey pubescence, which has a faint tint of bnff, and covered with I'ather ilense and long hairs, which are partly .grey and brownish all the hairs of are ])artly ; nearly the antennae l)lackish, those of the head and prothora.x grey. Head stnnigly pnnctnred, with the front convex and mucli broader than long. Antennae shorter than the body, with the scape a little longer than the third joint. Prothorax as long as broad, with the front margin feebly rounded and the basal one straight. Scutellnm rounded. Elytra somewhat narrowed behind, nnth each ronnded less so at the sntnre apex strongly externally, ; punctna- tion coarse but not dense, and gradually liecoming finer towards the apex, irregular at the seriate near the sutni'e tlie interstices of the four sides, ; punctured rows, on each elytron, and the sntnre elevated, except in front and behind. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

327. Hippopsicon lacteolum Tlioms. Sierra Leone, Kniln.

328. Hippopsicon luteolum Qned. Gaboon.

Anauxesida sj). nov. Oculis antennis divisis, parte sujieriore minuta ; longissimis, infra, vel infra et articulo supra, hirsntis, scapo elytrorum basim attingente, tertio (juarto ae([uali vel

panlo longiore ; elytrorum ajjicibus emarginatis, quadrispiuosis.

Type : Anauxesida cuneata sp. nov. Allied to Hyllisia Pasc, from which it diiFers chiefly in the antennae being fringed at least at the base, in the long antennal scape extending beyond tlie scntellum, and in the spined apices of the elytra. The two sjjccies of this geuus remind one very much of Anauxesis Thorns, by their elongate sha])e as well as by the white colour of one of the apical jomts of the antennae.

329. Anauxesida cuneata sj). nov.

A. piceo-nigra, irregulariter dense ])unctata, cinereo-pubescens, fasciis longi- tudinalibus sat iuconspicuis glabris notata. Fronte parum convexa. Antennis infra corjMjre ])lusquam triplo longioribus, artii'ulis jirimis ciliatis, tertio ad scxtum

basi extrema pallide jiiceis. uoiio plusquani ilimidio apicali luteo, albo-iiiloso. Prothorace leviter biconstricto, lateribus levissime mtinidatis, lalitudine quarta parte longiore. Scutello rotundato. Elytris retrorsuni gradatim angustatis, fortiter disco basi hnmeros apicibus sinuatis, angulis spinosis ; piano ; juxta lateribus deflexis. Fenioribus maxima tarsis imj)ressa ; tibiisque pro parte piceis, nigro-brunneis. Long. 1(1 mm., elytr. 7, lat. 2. ( 244 )

confined to three streaks on tlie The ver)- fine ashy grey pubescence longitudinal iiud more or less confluent bauds protliorax, and to some iuconspicnoiis longitudinal rather and thick. Front of the head on the elytra. The punctuation strong somewhat convex, with a fine smooth median line. Scape of antennae distinctly the thickened towards the tip, a little longer than the third joint, and latter a little somewhat the longer than the fourth. The liase of the elytra impressed behind each with two raised lines scutellnm and close to the shoulders ; elytron feebly towards the sides. Legs more or less pitchy, with the tarsi of a darker colour. Tip of the tibiae clothed with a golden pile. Huh. Kuilu (A Mnc(iuerys, 1892).

330. Anauxesida lineata sp. nov.

A. nigra, cinereo-pnbescens. Capite fronte fere piano, sat minute punctulato. Antennis corpore duplo et dimidio longioribus, omnino hirsutis, sca]JO valde lioc elongato, articulo tertio parum longiore, quarto panlo longiore, nono (ajjice e.xtremo excepto) albo et albo-hirsuto. Prothorace latitudine duplo longiore, iintiee et postice vis coustricto, lateribus recto, grosse conflnenter punctato. Scutello rotundato. Elytris retrorsum leviter attenuatis, sat dense, ad apicem s])arsim punctatis, apicibus emarginatis, augnlis fortiter spinosis. lat. 2. Long. 13 mm., elytr. !), Black, elothcd with a fine ashy grey pubescence, which is confined to three longitudinal and rather iueon.spicuons streaks on the vertex, protliorax, and each of and elytron. Scape antennae feebly gradually thickened towards the tip, hali' as long as the elytra. Punctuation of the ]>rothorax stronger than that of the head. Disc of the flattened, with a in front elytra slight longitudinal impression ; snture behind the scutellnm also somewhat impressed ; punctuation dense and rather strong, finer and sparser at the apex, with the punctures of tlie .sides arranged in irregnlar rows. Presternum transversely seriately punctured. Hind femora reaching the apex of the second abdominal segment. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1«92).

331. Hippopsis nematocera Guer. Sierra Leone.

332. Psapharochrus eximius sp. nov. Pa. antennis J. brunneo-niger, pedibusque rufescentibns, femorum parte incrassata infra nigra ; olivaceo-griseo-, supra olivaceo-fulvo-pubescens, supra Fronte et verticis griseo-variegatns. parte anteriore singulis punctis grossis instmctis. Antennis articnlis basi griseis, scapo ad basim et toto articulo tertio snlcatis. Prothora(* carina longitudinaliter mediana acuta armato, disco ntriuque nodositate sat magna instracto, in de])ressionibus dorsi grosse et parum dense punctato. Scutello apice leviter emarginato. Elj'tris dense grosse punctatis, externis suturalibus rotnndatis sutnra apicibus angidis productis, ; nigro-gnttnlata : singulo elytro fascia transversa postmediana angnsta valde obliqna nigro-brnnuea ni suturam ni marginem externum attingente, notato et duobus carinis levihus discoidalibus instructo, carina interiore ad basim sat fortiter elevata et parum serrulata, exteriore ante medium obsoleta. Femoribns posticis ad basim carinatis. • ( .245 )

Long. 15 mm., elytr. 11, lat. n|. Head with large and deep scattered punctures, especially near the eyes on the front in and vertex, and the middle of the front : neck, cheeks, and antenna! tubers with a streak each impimctate ; grey before auteanal tnber and with the sjiace between the antennae also somewhat densely pubescent grey. Joints of the antennae

smooth of the and l)ase of all : ; tip basal, the joints grey third joint and base of the scape with a longitudinal groove. Lateral teeth of the prothorax conical and almost at the the pointed tij) ; pubescence of the disc feebly particoloured with grey near the median carina. Scutellum grey along the median line, longer than broad, with the ajiex truncate and slightly sinnate. Elytra coarsely and densely punctured, the punctures becoming sparser behind near the suture, which is somewhat depressed, each to a scale-like puncture giving origin short, hair ; of the two feeble carinae of

each elytron, the interior one is strongly raised at the base, and bears granules : the second is obsolete on the basal half of the in front of the entirely eljjtron ; apex there is the trace of a third and lateral raised line. Each elytron with a faint grey longitudinal and somewhat curved streak between the discal carinae in front of the middle, and with a second streak of the same colour before the first near the suture these the of ; markings are not very conspicuous, as remainder the elytra is

particoloured with grey : two other streaks, also rather inconspicuous, of a blackish brown colour : one running from the middle of the interior carina obliijnely backwards to the side and not reaching the lateral margin, the second standing in front of the apex. Under surface uniformly pubescent olive grey. Tibiae with two slight olive tawny rings. Hah. Kuiln (A. Mociiuerys, 1892). This is the second African of the American the species genus I'sapkarockrin ; first species known from Africa was Ph. gorilla Thoms.

333. Liopus mocquerysi sp. miv.

(PL X., tig. 15.)

f» (?. Long. mm., elytr. iji, lat. 3i. Pitchy brown, with the mouth, base of autennal joints and femora, and the middle of the tibiae of a buff with a fine and somewhat colour ; clothed silky- grey pubescence, which is tinged with tawny. Prothorax and elytra minutely s])otted with black, the elyt.ra, too, bearing a narrow transverse postmedian streak, which is curved on eacli disc;. Head and prothorax without distinct punc- tuation, except the basal constriction, which bears some transversely arranged larger punctures. Scape of antennae reaching the base of the jirotliorax, entirely rufous; tip of the remaining joints blackish. Scutellum somewhat varying in shape, the apex being sometimes emarginate, sometimes nearly rounded. Elytra rather finely and irregularly punctulated, each with traces of thi-ee raised lines. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1802) and Loauda. ( 246 )

334. Liopus africanus sp. uov.

(PI. X., fig. hx) L. auteniianiiu articuloniiu i '}. aigro-bnuiDeus; elytris piceis; (scapo e.\CL'pto) medio Inteis flavescente feinorumque basi et tibiarnm ; pnbe jjrisea pariim vestitns, albo-variegatns. Scapo uiiri'o-brnniieo, elytronim basim attiiiiieiite. Prothorace disco punctulato, constriclioiu' liasnli puuctis prot'iuidis iiistriurto, dente laterali versus posticnm diiecto armato. Elytro siugulo bicarinato; carina interna brevi, ia basis medio fortius elcvata; irregulariter punctato, i)ost basim depresso, hac depres- banc sions utrisque elytris commnni albo-jrabescente ; post plagam albescentem fascia obli'ina nigrescente et in ajiice macula niiria aiitice pube alba cincta, uotato. tnbiformc. $. Segraeiitum abdominale ultimum Long. 11 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 4\. Dark brown, \v\ih the middle of the umlci- snilace almost l>lack. Antennae buff black, the extreme base of the joints of a colour, e.xi'ept the scape, which is entirely brownish black. Lateral teeth of the prothorax varying in size. Scutelliun longer than broad, with the sides nearly straight and with the apex either emar- ginate, or truncate, or slightly rounded. Elytra with a large and very shallow impression in front of the middle, common to both, and rather thinly covered with a white pubes('ence, tliis white ])atch bordered behind with a transverse and some- what oblique blackish band; ajx'x of each elytron with a black spot, not quite reaching the suture, and spotted with white before this macula. Each elytron bearing two distinct keels, both of them stopjnng beyond the middle, the interior one more raised in front nf rlie ilciiression; punctuation irregnlar, and sparse at the apex. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892) and Loauda.

nov. 335. Exocentrus nonymoides >i).

E. antenuarum articulis basi ; S- nigro-piceus, brunneo-pubescens ; griseis prothorace post dentem lateralem versus posticnm directiuu siuuato; elytris seriatim, ad suturam irregulariter, punctatis, punctis autice parnm grossis, apicibns fere hievibus, interstitiis griseo-maculatis; singulo elytro octo seriebus pilorum erectorum setaceorum vestito.

Long. Ti mm., elytr. 5, lat. 2^. Dark pitchy black, clothed with a tine dark brown imbescence intermixed with grey. Base of the autennal joints grey. Head and prothorax extremely finely and the lateral teeth of the and directed densely ptmctnlated ; ])rothorax long sharp,

liackwards. Scutellum triangular and rounded at the tip. Elytra spotted with giey, with rather regular rows of punctures, except qviite near the suture, where the is tiie coarse at the and punctuation irregular ; punctures rather base, becoming finer behind each has rows of ; the aj)ex itself almost impunctate ; elytron eight long setulose hairs. Middle of the tibiae grey, their lip and the upper surface of the tarsi black. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Recalls the genus Konyma Pasc, but is a trne E.rocenlriia.

33(1. Exocentrus grisescens sp. uov.

$. R. nigro-])iceas, cinereo-])ubescens, pube ])arnm fulvesceiite, albo-griseo- articulis basi lateralem variegatus ; anteunarimi griseis; prothorace post dentem ( 247 )

versus directnm ]>osticiim simiato; elytris subconvexis, 8 seriebus pilonini loiiiroruiu setaceorum vestitis, iuter has series subtiliter til)iis jiunctuliitis ; rufis. Long. 7 mm., elvtr. 5|, lat. 2§. Differs from the {irecediug: sjtecies chiefly in I he shorter ami more convex with a fine elytra, very and (jnite irregular pnuctuation. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892).

337. Exocentrus brevis sj). nov. c?. E. brevis, uigro-bruuneus, griseo-variegatus ; ore, antennarum articaloruni (scapo incluso) basi, femornm et tibiarum basi extrema rufis ; capite prothorace densissime seriatim granulatis ; elytris grosse punctatis, apico laevibus, 8 seriebiis pilorum setaceornm longorum vestitis.

Long. .5 mm., elj'tr. 4, lat. 2. Pubescence somewhat with olivaceous sparse, tinged ; elytra irregularly spotted with Sides of the grey. prothorax slightly angnlated in front of the tooth, with the latter rather directed backwards. suddenly Scutellum grey. ElHra densely and with the coarsely jjunctured, ajiex almost im])unctate ; the punctures somewhat and in not nmbilicate, arranged quite regular rows ; suture and middle of the disc very faintly depressed, sides rather suddenly vertical. Hub. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). This form be may easily distinguished from tiie other African species of this the genus by gramdar head and prothorax, and by the peculiar outline of the latter.

338. Exocentrus subfasciatus sp. uov. E. bruuneus, sjjarsim griseo-jjubescens ; ore, genis, antennarum articulorum,

femorum basi luteis : tibiarunique caj)ite prothoracei)ue impunctatis ; elytris minute medium fascia jmnctulatis, [lost elytris communi littera M simili uotatis, subcouvexis, erectis jiilis setaceis nigris in 8 seriebus dispositis vestitis. Long. .5 mm., elytr. A^, lat. 2. Brown with the ; mouth, base of all antenna! joints, and of femora and tibiae of a liutf colour with the ; cheeks, margins of the prothorax, autl tip of the pru- thoracie teeth rufous. Pubescence rather sparse. Base of the anteunal joints grey. Lateral teeth of the prothorax very sharp, and directed to the shoulder angles of tlie elytra. Scutellnm pitchy and somewhat triangular. Elytra with a transverse blackish zigzag streak, extending from one outer margin to the other and similar in to the letter Each bears rows of erect setulose hairs shajie M- elytron eight ; the interstices between the hairs of the same row clothed with ii very faintly erect grey jjubescence. Tip of the tibiae and tarsi black. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). The of single s])ecimen the collection seems to be a female : the antennae are imperfect, and the abdomen is covered with gum, so tluit 1 cannot make out the sex.

339. (?) Exocentrus antennalis sj). nov.

S . E. ater ; anteunis articulis 2" ad 4"'" pro maxima. ])arte, caeteris apicibns extremis tarsisquc rutis, scai)o subnigro, elytrorum liasim attingeute. Prothorace lateribus sat dente anteliasali recto, triangulare lato, brevi, ajjice acuto, armato ; constrictioue basali punctis profundis transverse dispositis iustructa. Elytris uonnnllis fasciis transversis et maculis inconspicuis gris{ns : lenidribus parum clavatis. Long. 4 mm., elytr. 3, lat. li. ( 248 )

A very peculiar species as regards the long and thin untennae. not fringed of three times the of the the nnderneaih with hairs, and length hody ; anteuual scape much thicker than tlie remaining joints, and extending to the base of the elytra. Black, clothed with a fine black pubescence, and particoloured with grey on the elytra, the grey hairs confined to some faint transverse streaks and spots. Antennae tawny, with the second to fourth joints and the base of the remaining ones of a rufous colour. Prothorax only a little shorter tliaii broad, the sides rounded in front, straight in the middle, with the lateral tooth placed immediately before the basal constriction. Punctuation of the upper surface very inconspicnous, even on the elytra, except the basal groove of the prothorax, wliich bears deeply impressed punctures. Tarsi rufous. Hub. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). This species does not fit in the genus Exocenlrua Muls., aud may be the type allied to Pasc. but as I have a of a new genus Acalolepta ; only single specimen before me, I provisionally refer the species to Exocentrus Muls.

340. Glenea gahani sp. nov.

(PI. X, fig. 17.)

?. 61. nigra; fronte, genis, fasciisque duabus in verticis medio sitis griseis, macula froutali mediaua rotunda nigra. Antennis nigris. Prothorace capitis colore, maculis qiiatuor nigris notato, duabus discoidalibus apjiroximatis et una in utriusqne lateris medio. Scutello seraicirculare, griseo. Elytris postice bicarinatis, internis breviter sed externis dentatis apicibns trnncatis, angulis acute, longe ; griseis. ana apic.ali densius pubescente : singulo elytro diuibus maculis ante- apicalibns nigris luitato, una sat inconspicua parva ante aream ajiicalem, secunda transversa multo majore marginem exteriorem attingente in ilia area, sitis. Corj)ore infra lateribus pube griseo-flavescente vestita. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 8i, lat. ;U. Front of the head, cheeks, two longitudinal streaks in the middle of the vertex confluent between the upper lobes of the eyes, the prothorax, scntellum, and the a])ical quarter of the elytra densely covered with an ashy grey i)ubesceuce which is slightly tinged \ntii butl". Front of the liead with a black spot in the middle. Pinictuatiou of tiie head sparse and coarse. Antennae of the length of the body (?). Prothorax a little shorter than broad, broadest in front, and feebly narrowed towards the base four ; with black spots, one placed at each side, of a rounded shajie, and two in the of centre the disc, rounded anteriorly and pointe

The pubesceuce of the vertex has ii tawny tint in one specimen. 1 have much, pleasure in naming this species in honour of Mr. (Charles J. Gahan for aid derived from his contributions to otu' Icnowledge of this pretty genus.

341. Glenea lunulata sp. nov. G. infra $. nigra, medio pedibnsijue rnfis, LJytris ad scutellum iuconsiiicue brunnescentibus. macula in fascia frontali in Capite genis situ, ntroij[ue latere, vitta iu oblique ntrinque vertice, prothorace utrinijue fasciis duabus longitudinalibus, elytrisque signaturis et sutura albis. Singulo elytro siguaturis quatuor notato, in medio basis sita liueare prima longitudiuali, sccuuda prope humerum lineare, prima mnlto breviorc, tertia mediajia transversa, suturam uon attiugente, fere sublaterali rotuudata autice semilunare, quarta auteapicali parum ; uni-, postice lateraliter bicarinato, disco ad carinam longitudinaliter pi-ofunde impresso; apice bispinoso, spinis acutis. Long. 12 mm., elytr. 8i, lat. 3^. Black, with bauds and spots of a white pubesceuce. Head with scattered there at punctures, somewhat crowded here aud ; with a white band each side of the front, a spot on the cheeks, and an oblique streak at each side of the vertex, anteridrly Ijordering the upper lobes of the eyes. Scape of antennae with a fine punctuation and with some large punctures. Prothorax as long as broad, con- stricted before the aud rounded at the sides with base, slightly ; two longitudinal and lateral streaks, one immediately above the coxal cavities and the other almost on a level with the shoulders. Scutellum rounded, and clothed with a white pube- scence at the posterior margin. Elytra somewhat brownish ou the base close to the

scutellum ; the white of the suture rather pubescence sparse posteriorly ; each four two of which are and of a linear elytron bearing markings, longitudinal shape ; the first a little longer than a quarter the length of the elytra, placed iu the middle of the base aud at the extreme basal the second at of beginning marghi ; the inside the shorter than the first the third in shoulder, ; transverse, standing the middle, touching the carina but not the suture, somewhat rounded in front and sinuate behiud and the iu ; fourth also touching the carina, placed the apex, and of a somewhat rounded form. The tip of each elytron truncate, with both angles aud with the Under surface rufous sharply spined, outer spine prolonged. ; sides aud the whole last segment of the abdomen black or uearlj' so, the former clothed with a white pubescence. Legs rufous aud sparsely pubescent, with the claw joints of a pitchy colour. Hah. Kuilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Similar iu but different in colour of style of marking to G. pioella (Chevr. ), the legs and iu the number of the spots of the elytra.

342. G-lenea puella (Chevr.).

Cameriious. Que specimen only, whicli agrees with Ciievrolat's type.

343. Glenea puella ab. assimilis ab. uuw

A good number of sjiecimens from Kuilu difi'ei- ci)nstantiy IVom G. pnella ((!hevr.) in the following cluiracters. The size is somewhat larger; the front of the head lias a longitudinal band at each side instead of being entirely greyish white the and in some pubescent ; middle streak of the prothorax is much narrower speci- ( 250 ) mens alnicist and the scutellnm is absent, pnbescent white only at the tip. Since I have seen only two specimens of 0. pxiella (Chevr.), I am doubtful wholher to separate the form from Knihi as a distinct s])ecies or as an aberration. Hah. Kuihi (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

344. Glenea ossifera sp. nov.

(PI. X.. fig. 18.)

G. fasciis et ?. nigra, maculis albis ornata. Cuiiite ad ntraqiie latera fascia longitudinal! a frontis margine autico usque ad ijrotiioraccm continuata, nou in- terrnpta, praeterca macula in geuis sita, notato. Prothorace septem vittis albis ornato, nna in utriusque lateris medio sita ob.soleta. Scutcllo apice albo. Elytris sutura et margine apicali et (in singnlo elytro) siguaturis quatuor albis minute fiavescentibns : vitta longitudiuali basali mcdiana ad apicem ilihitata, sat ossiformi, linea angusta longitudinali ad basini prope humerum incipiente usque multo trans medium descendente, macula post mediana rotunda prope snturam sita, cum sutura non confluente, linea anteapicali transversa, obliqua, brcvi. Long. 1.5 mm., elytr. in, lat. .5. Derm entirely black, clothed with a wliite pubescence of a feeble buff tint, con- to lines fined and spots on the upper surface. Head with a spot on the cheeks and with one longitudinal streak at each side of the front, continued to the posterior of the part vertex, the two streaks ajiproximate on the vertex and not interrui>ted on the autennal tubers neck with a ; very narrow streak behind each eye. Antennae shorter than the body. Prothorax with a narrow median streak, a band at each side of the disc, rather broad and somewhat dilated at the basal margin, with another broad band above the coxal cavities and a slightly marked streak in the middle of the sides. Suture — — esjjecially inunediately before the middle and apical margin of the white eacli elytra (lubescent ; elytron bearing four markings, one linear aud of about a longitudinal, quarter the length of the elytra, placed in the middle of the base and somewhat dilated at the tip ; a second line, much narrower than the first, from the base the running near shoidder to about the beginning of the ajiical a third linear quarter ; but transverse and oblique marking standing in the middle of the and apical fifth; lastly a rounded sjiot beyond the middle near the suture. truncate the The tip of elytra with short and sharp sutural sjnnes and with much longer outer ones. Punctuation of the elytra regular at the sides, with one punctured row in the wliite lateral line. Sides of the under surface white ; each abdominal a black segment bearing lateral sjjot, which is deeply sinuate in front of tlie last segment. The latter truncate, with the angles produced into a short tooth. Hab. Loanda.

Allied to G. nrcuxita (Chevr.) as well as to G. pnella ((Jhevr.), but is easily distinguished from both of them liy the pattern of the elytra.

345. Glenea atra s]). nov.

. G. S atra, fasciis et maculis albis ornata. C'apite fasciis duabus inter antennas interruptis et macula in genis sita notato. Prothorace vittis quinqne, praeterea in utriusque lateris medio macula (vel fascia?) obsoleta notato. Scutello all)o. Elytris

maculis 12 : (in singuh) elytro 0) signatis, nemj)e prima lineare basali mediaiui longitudinali, elytrorum tertia parte fere longiore, tribus maculis jiarvis prope carinain in impi'cssioue longitudinali profundi discoidali sitis, quinta postmediana ( 251 )

juxta suturam, I'otundala, sexta jiostrema anteapicali, uiiuuta, transversa; suliira intus cxtus alba ; siugulo apice oblique emargiiiato, acumiiiato, spiuoso. Abdominis segmento ultimo apiee cmarginato, augulis rotuudatis. Antenuis (cf) corpore longiovibus, articulo octavo elvtrorum apicem attingentibus. Long. 15 mm., elytr. 10, lat. 5. This form diiFers from the preceding speciet; in having the vittae of the head interrupted at the antennal ttdjers, in the scutellnm being entirely covered with a white pubescence, in the basal linear marking of the elytra being longer and narrower, and in the sides uf the disc of the elytra bearing three small spots instead of a long thin line. The usual longitudinal impression beside the carina of the elytra is very deep in this species, and the apices are obliquely emarginate. The last abdominal segment without spines at the apex. Hub. t'ameroons. Two males.

In general appearance this species is so closely allied to the preceding, that I have some doubt if the above-given differences are of specific or sexual character, and it is possible that G. atra may turn out to be the male of G. ossifera.

H4(i. Glenea giraffa (bahu.j. Gold (Joast.

:!4T. Glenea mephisto Thorns.

Ivuilu. The two liasal streaks of each elytron vary in length, and are sometimes

confluent, or almost so, with the median sjiots.

348. Glenea occidentalis sp. nov.

. G. frontis c? 5 nigra, dapite interdum picescente ; genis, lateribus, verticis quatuor vittis luteo-cinereis vel cinereis. Autennis nigris, corpore (

sulitruncatis, intus acute dentatis, extus louge spiuosis ; singulo elytro macula mediana magna transversa parum oldiqiia, suturam non attiugente, notato, area apicali elytri tertia parte occupante maculam subrotundam cinereo-fulvam vel cineream inclndente, nigris, hac area cum macula mediana sub carinam lateralem

conjnncta. Infra rufa, lateraliter luteo-cinereo- vel ciuereo-pubescens : sternis lateribus, abdomine toto segmento ultimo, caeteris segmentis macula laterali nigris vel uigricantibus. Fedibus totis rufis.

Long. iS 11 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 3f.

V ? 15 „ „ 11,. „ 4^. The black nr brownish median band on the front of the head bears a grey pubescence on the middle line, especially Ijehind. 8cutelluni of a black or brown colour, clothed at the apex with a more or less sparse buft' pile. The median black mark of the elytra is very large, ;ind occni)ies about a quarter of the length of the

the is and does not extend to the suture : the elytra ; mark sliglitly nblicpie, ijuite apical black region includes a more (ir l(!ss rounded spot coloured like the base of the elytra and placed close to the aj)ical margin. Sides of the elytra underneath the carina are either black from before the middle to the apex, or entirely brown. an

This species closely resembles G. quinquelineata (Cbevr.), l'«t is usually smaller, with the sides of the prothorax bearing two black Hues iusteuil of oue, with the rufous space between the two black rejfions of the elytra much smaller, the outer spine of the a])ex much longer, anil the puuctuation of the elytra much finer. the has a trace of a mediau line Moreover, prothorax only grey ; the anterior and posterior margins of the median black mark of the elytra are more or less parallel, standing s(miewhat nbliiiuely to the suture, and the ajmial spot is more or less rounded and situated close to tlie apical margin of the elytra.

349. Glenea quinquelineata f<'hevr.). Cameroons Mts. and Old ('alubar.

3511. Glenea gabonica (Thorns.). Sierra Leone.

351. Glenea cana sp. uov.

J J. G. nigra. C'apite in geuis miuuilii sat magna, vittis duabus in vertice approximatis, griseis notato. Prothorace vittis quimjue griseis ornato, una media, una utrinqne dorso-Iaterali, una utrinque snpracoxali. Elytris rufo-testaceis, sparsim fascia lata antemediana in sutura leviter griseo-pubescentibus ; interrupta, elytrorum quiiitam partem occiipante, et quarta parte apicali uigris, liac regione antice in sutura iucludente sutura inter mcdianae fasciae et sinuata maculam albo-griseam ; partes, disco ad hnjus fasciae marginem jiosticum deusius griseo-alb()-])ubcscentibus. Long. 13 mm., elytr. 9, lat. 4. the of the in the and not so Antennae reaching beyond tij) elytra male, i[nite long as the body in the female. Head with a large white spot on the cheeks, and with two white streaks on the front, which are continuous above with two white lines on the middle of the vertex. Prothorax rather coarsely punctured, with three white streaks on the disc and one band at each side immediately above the coxal cavities. >Scutellum black. Elytra rufous, with a distinct tint of brick red, clothed with a fine whitish grey pubescence, which is denser at the suture, especially between the two parts of the antemediau black area, and at the hind margin of the latter the but rather the in rows at ; punctuation coarse, sparse, punctures arranged the base—six rows between suture; and slionhler. Tiji of earli elytron oblie^nely emarginate, with tlie sntural angle produced into a liroad and pointed tooth, and of the surface white meta- with the e.xternal one spiued. Sides under greyish ; four basal of the abdomen with a sternum with a black lateral streak ; segments of flie under surface clothed with a black basal mark at each side ; tlie remainder rather sparse whitish grey pubescence. Legs Miuk, witli the trochanters and knees somewhat rufous. Hob. C'ameroons.

Differs from G. qtdnquelineata (t'hevr.) in tlie lilack colour of the legs, the shape of the median black region of the elytra, and in the form of the apical greyish the of the is also the of the l)ase spot ; pubescence elytra dilferent, and punctuation of the elytra is much more regular.

302. Glenea fasciata (Fabr.).

(jiold Coast. ( 253 )

353. Glenea (?) sylvia Thoms.

I refer with donlit to this species some si)ecimcns from tlic (iold ( 'oast,, as they are in a rather bad condition.

3.54. Nupserha vittata sp. nov.

(? 5 . iV. nigra. Capite ochracoo, macula magna frontali, vittis duobns occiiiitali- ante sita notato lins, maenla postociilare prothoracem uigri.s ; frontis lateribns et macula in genis sita albis. Antennis nigris, articniis quarto ad septimum griseo- sericeis, scapo elongato, articulis ])rimo ad tertium infra longe pilosis. Prothorace ochraceo, latitudine parum longiore, disco duabus liueis, lateribus fascia lata nigris liuea notato. notato. Scntello ochraceo, ntrinque nigra Elytris ochraceis : [)arte minus truncatis vel apicali (parum quam dimidio) nigra ; apicibus emargiuatis, internis angulis esternis longe spinosis, plus minusve acuminatis ; fortiter seriatim puuctatis, apice extremo fere impunctato ; singulo elytro tricarinato, spatio inter carinas primam et seeundam post medium elevato. (Jorpore infra pedibusque nigris, prosteruo, mesosterni medio femoribusciue quatuor anticis infra sordide luteis vel ochraceis.

Long. 104 mm., elytr. 7A, lat. 3. Mouth blackish brown, with the palpi of a paler colour. Base of the mandibles, epistome, sides of the front, cheeks, a streak above the four anterior coxae, and the apical margins of the abdominal segments clothed witli a white pubescence. The black streak behind the upper lobe of each eye runs along the sides of the middle line of the prothorax to the scntellum, and borders the latter. Elytra somewliat in the in the their more narrowed behind

355. Nupserha antennalis sp. nov.

. JV. ochraceo-lutea. i J (.,'apite fortiter puuctato. Antennis nigris, articulis 8°— 11" luteo-albis, ultimo apice nigro. Prothorace convexo, medio fere carinato. lateraliter gibboso, fortiter punctato. Scutello apice rotundato. Elj-tris nigris, inter suturam et costam lutescentibus et mediam griseo-pubescentibus ; basi extrema lutea fortiter ; aj)icibus oblique subemarginatis, quadridentatis ; fortiter seriatim punctatis, summo apice laevibus. Metasterni parte postica vel lateribus nigris. Abdomine segmento quinto leviter late emarginato (cf) vel subemarginato (?), sexto (J, parte dorsali) ])arvo emarginato. Tibiis tarsiscpie nigro-piceis vel fere nigris. Long. (S lU mm., elytr. 7J, lat. 2.

„ '^ \' „ "„ 12, „ 4. ( 254)

Ochreons bnff, with the nnder surface more bnff, clothed with a rather long pile. Head concave between the antennae, coarsely punctured, with the punctures denser on the front than on the vertex. Antennae extending beyond the apex of the elytra in both sexes —rcacliiug the apex with the ninth joint in the male, with the tenth in the /e«ia/e—black, sometimes a little pitchy; eighth to eleventh joints very pale bnff, almost white, witli the tip of the eleventh black again. Prothorax middle of the disc a little broader than long, coarsely and densely punctured ; raised and somewhat keeled, and its sides somewhat swollen at the base. Scntellnm almost triangular, with the apex rounded. Each elytron with two keels, one lateriil discal in there is a third but feeble keel and one ; large specimens very between the discal one and the suture. Elytra narrowed behind, black, with the extreme base of a buff colour, and with the impressed part —between suture and — clothed with a tl)e discal carina more pitchy, and grey pubescence ; punctuation is strong at the base, finer towards the ajiex, and quite absent at the extreme tip. Metasternum black or blackish, with the front part Inteous, or of a bnff colour, with tlie sides l)lackish behind. Abdomen slightly pitchy at the sides of the second third in one the fifth and and segment specimen ; apex of segment feebly in the in the of tlie sixth broadly emarginate c?, almost truncate ? ; apex segment slightly emarginate again. Apical half of the four anterior tibiae, tlie whole of the hind tibiae, and all tarsi black or ])itchy black.

llab. Kuilu (A. Mociuerys, ]f<'-J--i).

3n(). Nupserha capitata sp. nov.

Differt a iV. antennalis sp. nov. : capita nigro, fortius punctate, elytrorum carina laterali fortius elevata.

1 1 lat. Long. mm., elytr. fs, 2^.

This form differs from N. a/ntennalis sp. nov. only in the above-meutioned characters, and is otherwise so closely allied to this species that I have some doubt whether it is a distinct species or only a variety. Hah. Knilu (A. Mocquerys, 1892).

3;')7. Nupserha bidentata (Fabr.). Cameroons.

358. Nupserha basalis Erichs. Bengnela.

359. Nupserha deusta (Dalm.), Sierra Leone.

3611. Nupserha (?) bidentula (Dalm.). from in Some sjiecimens t'amemous und Ugowe (cJcJ? ? ), with a black spot the middle of the vertex, seem to me to belong to this species.

3(11. Nupserha punctata sp. nov.

(?. A". Inteo-ochracea. (Japite fortiter punctato, maculis quatuor nigris, una postice in medio frontis, secunda j)Ostice in vertice, una obsoleta utiin(jne pone notato. Antennis ocnlos sitis. — elytrorum ajucem pauce superautilms, nigris, parum picescentibus, articulis 4^ 7° plus minusve sordide luteis. I'rothorace grosse scd panim sparsins quam capite jnmctato, dorso utrinipie macula rotundii,. lateribus ( 255 ) supra coxarnm cavitates macnla majore basali nigris notato. Scntello apice snb- rotniidato. Elytris siriKnlis carinis tribus iustructis, carina interna leviore, apice fortiter bidentatis, plus quam tertia parte apieali nigris. Pro- et mesosterno luteis, lateraliter metasterno macnla laterali lutea hoc nigro ; nigro, triangulare magna tertio et notato ; abdomine nigro, segmentis quarto apieibus pallide fuhas, qninto ad apicem impresso, subemarginato, sexto etiaiii subemargiuato, angulis rotundo.

Femoribus luteis, intermediis parte apieali snperiore, posticis dimidio apieali nigris ; tibiis antieis luteis, parte ajncali antiee pieeis, intermediis piceo-nigris basi pallidi- totis tarsis oribns, posticis nigris ; brunneo-nigris, apieibus nigro-l)runneis. lat. 2. Long. 8 mm., el3'tr. 5J, The black spot on the front of the liead stands farther behind than in N. hidenfuln (Dalm.), as it is placed just on a level witli the anterior margin oi' the

TJie of the antennae is short and : upper lobes of the e^'es. scape slightly piriform the the the are of a buff colour the fourth joint, except base, and fifth, except apex, ; the sixtli and seventh are more brownish buff, whilst the following joints are pitchy black. The punctuation of the elytra is strong, even at the apex. Hall. Stanley Pool (Congo).

362. Paroberea obscuritarsis (Chevr.).

Old Calabar. This species belongs to Faroherea Kolbe, tlie males of which bear two short spines on the metasternum, close to the impressed middle line. iiut I tind in this and the These spines are not mentioned liy Kolbe, them following


363. Paroberea fuscipes Kolbe.

Two specimens from Sierra Leone agree with a pair from Bismarkburg (from

Berlin ; but the of the front of the head is the Museum) punctuation much sparser ; of is at tiie suture and sides the are that the elytra irregular ; legs darker, and entirely black in the female.

364. Paroberea similis sp. nov.

$ 5 . Differt a P. fuscipes Kolbe : prothorace parum longiore, elytris quarta parte apieali nigris, regiilariter seriatim punctatis. Long. 15i mm., elytr. IH, lat. 3^. Head and prothorax somewhat more rufous than the elytra. The prothorax is a little longer than in P. fuscipes Kolbe. The punctuation of the elytra is regular, even near the scutellum and tlie outer margins, and becomes slightly irregular at the beginning of the black apical region. The latter occupies a quarter the length of the elytra. Hab. Kniln (A. Mocquerys, 1892). Many specimens, which all have the aliove- given characters.

366. Synnupserha frontalis sp. nov.

iS. ochracea. Labro ef J. ciypeo uigro-linnmeis. (.'apite nigro ; fronte, genis, macula verticis vitta mediana ochraceis fronte utrinque pone oculos, ; puncto uigro mediano notata. Antenuis nigris, articulis quarto et qninto (apiee excepto) ochniceis. Prothorace lateribus pauce rotundato, dorso utrinque punctis duobus nigris, uno ad marginem anticuni, seeundo et liasim sito, et lateribus fascia lata supracoxali nigra, notato. iScutello apice nigro. Elytris apieibus oblique truncatis, angulis acute ( 256 )

ad dentatis, tertia parte apirali nigris ; singnlo elytro hicarinato, grosse, a]ncem niosostenii anticis miiintius, pniiotato. Prnstenio, parte intereoxali, femoribnsque infVii lirnnueo-ochraceis. Coxis anticis piceo-nigris, qnatnor postieis brunneo-piccis. sexto Alidoiniiie segmento iniiuto tnmcato, ad margiuem apicalem impresso, (parte dorsali) parvo, subemarginato. Loug. 1 1 mm., elytr. 8, lat. 2i. to of the Head densely and coarsely j)nnctnre(l. Antennae extending tlie-tij) ehl:™, with the whole lonrth joint and the basal half of the fifth oehrcoiis buff. bieon.stricted lateral between the Prothorax as long as broad, slightly ; region anterior and basal blaek spots covered with golden silky pubescence like the ochreous lateral with fine raised parts of the head. Each elytron with two strong keels, and a line near the suture. Underside of the head, tlie prosteruum, intercoxal part of the mesosternum, four anterior coxae and all trochauter.s, and the under suiface of tlie or colour four anterior femora of a more or less ochreous brown pitcliy brown ; the remainder of the under surface and legs black. Hah. Kuilu (A. Moc(iuerys, 1892). 1 refer to this species, with some doubt, i\w» smaller nude specimens— one from '• Cameroons and the other from Guiuee." Tlie frontal i)art of the head of these examples is elongate, the base of the fourth to sixth antenual joints pale ochreous. The two black spots at each side of the prothorax are connected by a slight blackish brown streak, the legs and abdomen are more pitcliy, and tlie abdomen is narrowed towards the apex, with the sixth segment very short and somewhat rounded at the tip.

36(J. Synnupserha cylindrica sp. nov.

S. supra ochracea. Caj)ite fronie, parte postoculare, verticis vitta lata mcdiana, nigro. Antennis nigris, brevibus, articulis scapo e-xcepto compressis, infra pilosis. dorsali et lateribns totis Prothorace latitudine breviore ; fascia mediana snpra coxas nigris. Scutello nigro. Elytris i|uinta ])arte apicali nigris, convexis, snb- cvlindricis, apicibus valde oblique truucatis, augulis dentatis, irregulariter grosse tricarinato. infra et medio mesosterni piiuctatis ; singnlo Corpore nigro ; prosteruo femoribus anticis infra sordide luteis Inteis ; pedibus nigris, quatuor ; abdomine segmento quiiito canaliculate, apice emarginato. Long. \'-l mm., elytr. 0, lat. :j.

Head black ; its a narrow line at each side of the the underside, — front, bordering— inner margin of the eyes, and the vertex except a broad black median streak of an oclireous cok)ur. Mouth black, with the palpi luteous at the base and jntchy at the bulf lieliiud the coarse and vertex apex. Pubescence silky eyes ; jjuactuation thick, with very large shallow punctures between the eyes. Antennae black, extending only a little beyond the middle of the elytra, with the joints thick and, especially the third to sixth, compressed. Basal joints somewhat villose, and fringed underneath with long hairs. Prothorax a fourth broader than long, sparingly punctured, and clolliecl tlio sides of the streiik a lateral witli a golden silky ])ile at disc; a median and broad band, touching the coxal cavities, black, the rest ochreous. Scntellum quadrangular, black. Elytra convex, a very little dilated behind, with the sides rounded near the the of each with both apex; tij) elytron very oblicjuely truncate, angles shortly

the and thick ; each with three iliscal spined ; ]mnctuatiou irregular, strong, elytron carinae, witii the four interstices, between these carinae and tlie raised suture and outer ( 257 )

almost in lircndth. Under suvfiice margin, e(|Uiil black, witii the middle of tlie pro- and mesosternum, all trochantens and the underside of the fnnr anterior femora more or less buff coloured, with the eoxae pitchy. Fiftii abdominal sesrment with a fine and with the longitudinal groove, apical edge eraarginate. Hind femora reai-hing the apical margin of the second abdominal segment. Hah. Sierra Leone.

3(i7. Nitocris dux sp. nov.

,V. atra. in fronte et J?. Capite ochraceo, prope ocnlonun jiartes superiores fortiter et sat dense pnnctato. Protliorace autice ochraceo, punctis grossis instrueto. Sciitello albescente-sericco. Elytris angnstis, medio valde attentiatis, postice parum dilatatis, apicibus rotundatis, hand emarginatis, fortiter dense puuctatis, leviter nnicarinatis. Abdomine segmentis primo toto, secuudo medio argenteo-albo-sericeis, (luarto et qninto (et 6 sexto) leviter :ilbo-sericeis. Prosterno, coxis et femoribns qnatuor anticis oehraceis, femoribns posticis medium (S) vel (?) fere apicem fsegmenti secuudi abdomiualis attingentibus.

S . Segmento quinto abdomiuali elongato, ad apicem impresso, margine apicali medio sat sinuato sexti dorsali profunde ; parte elongata, apice rotnndata, partem ventralem amplectente.

? . Segmento quinto abdomiuali apice medio in processum setig(>rum ])roductii. Long. i!2J (abd. excepto) mm., elytr. 17, lat. 4i. Black, shining, with a very slight tint of olive green ou the base of the elytra. Four or seven basal joints of tiie antennae black or nearly black, the remaining joints tawny, tip of the last joint blackish. Anterior part of the pronotiim—about a third the length^its sides for the most jtart, and the whole prosternum, of an ochreous colour. Elytra reaching the base of the fifth abdominal segment, strongly and with finer and at the densely ])unctured, the punctures sj)arser apex ; the discal imjjression deep, but the keel beside it distinct only anteriorly. Femura and coxae of the four anterior legs ochreous, their tibiae brownish black, and their tarsi blackish with the third and fourth almost hind brown, joints tawny ; legs black, the tip of their tarsi somewhat tawny. First segment of the abdomen silky white, second segment with a silky white pubescence in the middle, and with a small at each side third black or like tawny s])0t ; entirely slightly sdky white the remainder.

S • Fifth abdominal segment elongate, witli a longitudinal iin]jression, which is V)roader the the basal its near apex and does not extend to margin ; apex nai-rowly, but rather sinuate dorsal of the sixth also excavated deeply, ; part segment elongate, underneath and concealing the ventral part. ?. Fifth segment somewhat conical, produced at the ajiex into a tooth-like short bristles the whole with ])rocess, bearing many ; apex usually villose, long hairs.

Hdh. Kniln (A. Moccpierys, 1892). May be easily recognised by the long abdomen and the rounded apex of the elytra.


S ?. A. atra. Caiiitc, pronoto et prosterno autice, autennarum scajio ochraceo- testaceis. Antiiinis versus apicem fulvis, tarsis et, elytrornm apicibus parum

: et secmido fnlvescentibus ; scutello griseo-sericeo alidomine segmentis i)rimo 17 ( 258 )

saf laevi argeuteo-sericeis. Elj-tris spatio iiostscutellare maguo nitido, medio Femoribtjs angnstatis, postice dilatatis, apicibns emargiiiatis. postieis apicem seginenti secundi abdominalis attingeiitibus. (?. Seginento i|ninto abdominali apice aiiguste sinuato ; sexto pavvo, parte vix dorsali paiue prominente, ln'unnesceuto, a])ice euiarginata. levissime ?. Segmeiito i|ninto medio de))resso, !i]iice subtrniieato-emargiiiato, pygidio bnmiieo. Long. 22 mm., elytr. 17, lat. 4i. the tVom whicli it ditt'eis in the Closely—allied to preceding species, t'ollowing : of ochreous and ochreous characters Scape antennae ; prothovax prosfernnm only in front with a much smooth behind the ; elytra mach broader, larger space the basal of the scutellum, and with the apices emarginate ; two segments abdomen entirely silky white, with a tint of buff, the two last segments shorter than in little iV. <92).

•50!). nov. Nitocris regina sji.

¥. X. atra, nitida. Capite ocliraceo, fronte et verticis medio punctuhito. Antennis versus apicem fulvis, scapo ochraceo, macula nigra notato. Prothorace autice et toto prosterno ochraceis. Scutello albo-serieeo. Elytris medio modice attenuatis, postice dilatatis, parnm brtmneseentibus, apicibus emarginatis, spatio basali scutellum amplecteute laevi. Abdomiue segmentis primo et —lateribus exceptis—secuudo albo-sericeis, ultimo (?) ante apicem minute constricto, ad apicem leviter transverse impresso, basi canaliculato, apice truncato. Omnibus coxis et femoribus (piatuor anticis ochraceis. Femoribus jiosticis apicem segmenti secundi abdominalis attingeutibus. Long. 25 mm., elytr. 19|, lat. 5. Hub. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). Similar to iV. dxix sp. nov. in colour of liead, protliornx. i'oui' anterior femora, and two basal segments of the abdomen, but differing from that species in the finer punctuation of the head, in the colour of the antennal scape, in the broadei-, and, at the apex, emarginate elytra, and in the form of tlie broader and truncate last segment of the abdomen. From A', pi'inceps sp. nov., to which it is allied in the broad form and jieculiar colour of the elytra, which are glossy black, with a feeble tint of olive green, it may be easily distinguished by the different colour of the prosternum, four anterior legs and scape, and by the finer punctuation of the head, the truncate last segment of the abdomen bearing a transverse impression close to the ajiex, and by some minor characters.

37ii. Nitocris coelebs sp. nov.

A', atra 6- ; capite, prothoracis parte autica, prosterno, (piatuor femoribus anticis ochraceo-luteis antennis ; fulvis, versus basim nigris. (lapite fronte laevi, vertice inter ocidos paucis puuctis instnicto. Prothorace vix j)nnctato. Scutello albo-sericeo, elougato, apice rotundato. Elytris basi cxcepta bruuneo-nigris, medio sat fortiter attenuatis, postice parum dilatatis, apicibus oblique emarginatis, quadri- deutatis ; singulo elj-tro juxta impressioneui suturaleni leviter carinato. Abdoniiiic segmentis primo et (lateribus exceptis) secundo albo-sericeis, tertio quartoque macula laterali apicali ochraceo-aureo-sericea notatis ; quarto margine ;ipicali, quintu ( 259 )

(>t Lasali marginibns apicali fiilvescentibus, qniiito (r^) imiii-cssioiii Icvi triaug-iilare basim uoii attiiigeiite iustvucto, margiue apicali veiitrali aiigiiste, dursali latius sexti dorsali sat rotumlata. emargiuato ; jiarte parva, apice Femoribus jK)sticis apicem segmeuti secundi abdominalis attingeiitibus. Loug. 20 mm., elytr. 15, lat. 4.

Postei'iov trochanters oelireons ; mesostormim and a])ex of the two basal segments of the abdomen somewhat pitchy. Piuictnation of the front of the head very feeble. Hab. Gold Coast.

This species ditfers from N. regina sp. nov. in the smaller size, in the the black the colour of the antenual scape, in third and fourth abdominal segments bearing an ochreous mark at each side, in the very feeble punctuation of the front of the head, and in the longer scutelhun.

37 1 . Nitrocis atra sp. uov.

?. X. atra ; capite, prosterui parte autica, scapo (macula apicali nigra excejita), femoribus auticis ochraceis antennis versus basi quatuor ; apicem fulvis, excepta abdomiue et pallide ochi'aceo-tomentosis ; segmeutis primo secundo luteo- (minute olivaceo-) sericeis, segmento ijuiuto medio rufo. Capite inter antennas sat fortiter impresso, froute sparsim, vertice inter oculos densins fortiusque pnnctato. Pro- thorace sparsim, ad basim grossissime dense ]iuuctato, latitudine longitudini fere ae(juali. Scutello apice truncato, plus minusve flaveseente-sericeo. Elytris medio angustatis, postice dilatatis, dense, ad basim juxta, liumeros sat irregulariter, ])unc- tatis acutis ; apicibus late, parum oblique, emarginatis, angulis ; singulo elytro antice obsolete uuicarinato. Abdomine segmento cpiinto (?) infra canaliculato,

ad apicem transverse impresso, margine apicali late emargiuato : parte dorsali ad apicem ])arte vertrali multo imgustiore. Femm-ilius posticis abdominis scgmeiiti secundi apicem attingentibus. Long. IT mm., elytr. 12, lat. :i. Head ochreous, rather strongly concave between the antennae. First joint its of the latter rufous ochreous, upperside more or less blackish brown ; second and four or live succeeding joints black, the remainder tawny. Protliorax ii little longer than broad, with a s])arse and somewhat crowded punctuation, the punctures dense and very coarse at the base. Elytra densely punctured, with the at the shoulder the and jiunctures ii-regular the base near ; apices broadly somewhat obliquely emarginate, with both angles produced into a short jiointed tooth the rather bordered with a ; sutural depression deej) anteriorly, slight keel, which is more distinct in Iront of the middle. Prosterumn ochreous anteriorly and in the middle, with the ochreous region somewhat extended up to the disc at the front mesosternum Idaek. with Two margin ; tinged tawny. basal with olive fourth segments of the abdomen silky wJiite, faintly tinged ; third,

a, fint ol' of the lilth rnfous and tifth segments black witli brown, middle ; the latter with a longitudinal channel. deej)est in— the middle, with the apical margin somewhat recurved and broadly emarginate and with the apical jiart of the lateral of the fifth and margin l)ent above ; dorsal pai't segment strongly convex, rufous near the ajiex, with the apical margin somewhat flattened and emarginate, and narrower than the ventral part. Femora and coxae of the four anterior legs ochreous, with the tarsi more or less tawny. Posterior femora just reaching the apex of the second abdominal segment. ( 260 )

Hab. Kuiln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). Ill one sjiecimeu the shoiildeis are brown; iu a secouil the mesnstenira, posterior coxae, and trochanters ochreons, and the posterior tarsi of a tawny colour.

372. Nitocris frontalis sp. nov.

S ? . .V. atra : capite, jtrothoracis et prosterni partt; antica, scajjo anteunaruiu ochraceo-flavis femoribns tarsorum sordidc ; coxis, anticis, apicibus — ni<(ro-l"ulvis ; elytroriim sutnrae parte basali, abdominis segmentis tribus primis hiteribus tertii e.Kceptis — hiteo-sericeis, parum olivaceis. Capite inter antennas jiarum depresso, fere piano, fronte convexo, sat dense punctato. Prothorace painni sjiarsiin et crasse punctato. 8cutello apice subrotundato. Elytris medio atteuuatis, ])ostice dilatatis acmniuatis. ; singulo bicarinato, apice parum oblique emarginato, augulis et ciueracea obtectis Abdoraine segmentis quarto quinto pube parum ; (^ninto brunncscente, (d) impre.ssionc triaugidare basiin non attingent(^ instrncto, ajiiee sonlide truncato, (?) ajjicc leviter emarginato, parte dorsali {d^) Ititea, subtruncato. Femoribus posticis abdominis segraenti secuudi marginem apicalem attingentibus (6) vel fere attingentibus (?). lat. Long. 18 mm., elj-tr. l;i, -i^. The pubescence of the scutcllnm is of a dark buff <'ah)ur. The jiiuictuation of the elytra is regular at the base. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). Differs from its nearest allied species, N. it.lra sp. nov., in the sparser and more regular punctuation of the elrtra, in the coloui' of the prothorax, })rosternum, and four anterior legs, in the fifth abdominal segment being devoid of a transverse im])ression at the ajjcx, and having the apical margin not recurved, and in the suture being clothed anteriorly with a silky buff pubescence.

3T:i. Nitocris servilis sp. nov.

? . N. basi olivacea atra, elytrorum parum ; capite, prothoracis— j)arte antica, prosterno, antennarum acapo (apice excepto) et articulis 7° 11", pedibus anticis, co.Kis iutermediis ochraceis ; scutello albo-olivaceo-sericeo ; abdomine segmentis 1° et 2°, et segiuentorum 3" et 4' medio albo-cinereo-sericeis; tarsis plus minusve fulvo-

iiigris. Capite inter antennas coucavo, sat deuse grosse punctato. Prothorace latitudine parutn longiore, medio et basaliter dense grosse jiunctato. Scutello fere rectangulare,

latitudine longiore. Elytris medio modice attennatis, postice dilatatis ; singulo carinis dnabns obsoletis instrncto ; apicibus oblique subtruncato-emarginatis, externis sutnralibns ad sat angulis mnlto longioribus ; basim sparsim regulariter seriatim punclatis. Abdomine segmcnto ultimo (?) versus apicem parum angustato, medio leviter canaliculato, apice parum impresso, margine apicali subemargiuafo ; jiartc dorsali convexa subtruncata. Femoribns posticis apicem segmenti secuudi abdominalis hand attingentibus.

Long. 17i mm., elytr. \'Z{, lat. 2j. The black and glossy elytra have a peculiar olive groeu tint, such as may be iu seen N. regina sp. uov. and in N. dux sp. nov. The mesosteruum, intermediate legs, posterior trochanters, and the last abdominal segment are feebly tinged with tawny. Most of the long hairs of tlie abdomen, especially at its apex, are of a buff colour.

Hah. Kuiln (A. Mocqnerys, 1892). The is as in lY. in prothorax long as aim sji. nov., and somewhat longer than

N. with the in . frontalis sp. nov., upjierside similar colour to that oi' N fronlalia ; ( 2fil )

whilst the uuder surface is coloured as in N. atra. The antennae are a little longer than in hoth species. The forelegs are ochraceous, with tlie tarsi feebly tawu}', whilst the anterior legs are black in -V. atra and .V. frontalis, with the femora of an ochreous colour.

:iT4. Nitocris thoracica s]). uov.

•^"— 1 . anteuuaruui articulis 6 N. atra ; capite, 1", prothoracc (disco obscuriore), femoribus quatuor anticis, omnibus coxis, segmentisi[ue duobus primis abdominalibus oehvaceis his caeteris ferrugineis vel ; segmentis pallide aureo-sericeis, margine rufo-brunneis tibiis femoribus tarsis apicali. quinto medio ; quatuor anticis, postici.s, antennarnm infra omnibus nigro-fulvis ; scapo supra nigro-brunneo, ferrugineo. Oapite inter antennas coucavo, sparsim, inter oculorum ]);i,rtes superiores deusius, coustrictioue basali punctato. Prothorace latitudine quarta jiarte longiore, et dorso postice ad latera grosse punctato. Scutollo ai)ice parnm cineraceo, Icviter depresso, truncato, levissime brunuesceute ut el.ytroram margiue extremo basali. Elytris medio basi sat dein dense modice attenuatis, postice dilatatis, sparsim, punctatis ; carina in medio late et interna ante raedinm distincta, externa conspicua ; apicibus parum oblique subtruncato-emarginatis, angulis dentatis acntis. Abdomine liasi vix coarctato, segmento quinto medio depresso, margiue apicali parum recnrvato, medio leviter truncata sexto medio emarginato, parte dorsali ; segmeuto parvo, emargiuato, angulis rotundatis. Femoribus posticis segmenti tertii abdominalis basim attingentibns. Long. IT mm., elytr. 12, lat. 3. Hah. Ogowe (A. Mocquerys). is in This form diifers from N. atra sp. nov., to which it closely allied, tiie longer prothorax, in the sparser punctuation of the base of the elytra, and in the colour of the prothorax and two basal segments of the abdomen.

375. Nitocris leonis sp. nov.

S . N. atra ; capite, prothoracis .piarta pai-tc autica, prosterni parte antecoxali, infra ochraceis femoribus anticis sordide luteis sutnra scutclhim et scapo ; ; poim abdomine segmentis duobus primis argenteo-sericeis, quinto parum jiiceo. (!apite inter antennas parum concave, punctulato. Prothorace latitudine ]iaruMi breviore, singulis punctis profundis instructo. Scutello nigro, apice rotnudato. Elytris medio modice dilatatis augustatis, postice ; apicibus oblique emarginatis, angulis

dcutatis ad basim : duabus carinis levibus ; dense, sparsim, punctatis singulo instructo. Abdomine segmeuto ipiinto (?) ad basim tenuissime canaliculato, versus levissime siuuato ai)icem j)arum angustato, margine apicali medio ; pygidio pices- cente, subtruncato-emarginato. Femoribus |)osticis alidominis segmenti sccuudi medium vix superantibns.

Long, lo mm., elytr. 11, lat. 2|. Tlie is Ix^iiind tlie suture clothed with an asliy silky pili' imniedialeiy scniellum, with Ihr as in A. /VwitoKs sp. nov. Smaller Hian the ]iriMH-ding spec'ies, iintennao (exce[)1 the scape) of a black colour as in A. eiiKtrijiiidta, tJlievr. From the latter it is distinguished by Ihe scajie of antennae being ferruginous undei-ueath, by the prouotuiu with the anterior fourth (not half) ochreous, by tlie suture l)earing an asliy silky ])ubescence behind the scutelhuu, by tl\e upperside of the abdomen (except the jjygidium which is somewhat pitchy) and thc^ venti-al parts of tlie third and fonrtii segments being entirely black. llab. Sierra Leone (Dr. Clements). ( 262 )

376. Nitocris patricia Chevr. Sierra Leone.

3TT. Nitocris buettneri Kollip. " Sierra Leoue, and (^onfro." " In one specimen ticketed \V. At'r." the )iuDc,tuatiou of the eh'tra is denser than in the otlier examples, their apices are slijjhtly emarginate, and the hind femora blackish only in the middle.

37;<. Nitocris comes sp. nov.

iV. comtessa Kolbe affinis, sed dift'ert : Fariim major, antennarnm scapn infra testaceo tertio macula mediansi lutea ; abdomiue segmento nigro, magna triaugnlare notato, ([ninto latiore qnam in j\'. comtessa, in basis medio parnm fulvcscente, margins apicali testaceo. Long. 22 mm., elytr. Ki. lat. 4^. Larger than X comtessa Kolbe. The scape of antennae of a Ijrick red colour, except a black spot on the npperside. I'rothorax broader than in X. comtessa, the elytra more dilated near the apex, tiie colonr of the alidomeu ditlerent, and the last segment broader, and less narrowed at the apex. Hab. Sierra Leoue.

379. Nitocris comtessa Kolbe. Two specimens from Knilii agree with the description in all characters, except in the colour of the antennal scape, wliich is yellowish for tlie most part, and in that of the fourth abdominal segment, which is almost totally l)lack.

381). Nitocris punctata sp. nov.

? . N. rufo-ochracea. Capite punctis profundis instrncto, genis impnnctato, parnm transverse strigiiloso. Antennis iiigris. Prothorace grosse dense punctato.

Scutello triaugnlare : apice subrotundato, flavo-albo-sericaute. Elytris brnuneo- latiore nigris ; qninta jiarte basali rufo-ochracea, macula triaugnlare comnnmi i|uaiu longiore anteapicali aurantio-sericea, macula stiturali sat parva postbasali albido- omnino flavo-sericea ; seriatim, ad apicem irregidariter, punctatis, punctis grossis ; reete sutnrain apieilms emargiuatis ; singulo elytro ad lougitudinaliter imjiresso, jirope impressionem antice leviter unicarinato. AI)iioniine segmentis primo et secundo luteis, flavo-argenteo-sericeis, tertio nigro, macula laterali apicali sat ])arva aurantia notato, quarto toto nigro, qninto a])ice leviter emarginato, nigro, macula basali laterali sat ornato medio fulvcscente. Pedibns magna flavo-argentea ; pygidio rufo-ochraceis tibiis ; jiedibus posticis nigris, tarsis brunueo-nigris, femoribus segmenti tertii abdominalis basim attingentibus. Long. 24 mm., elytr. 17, lat. o. Antennae clothed at the base black, with an ashy pubescence, excej)t ; scape densely and, chiefly at the apex, rngosely punctuated. Elytra strongly uarrovk'ed in the and dilated near the situated on the middle, apex ; the yellowish silky sj)ot siitnre behind the base at the beginning of the blackish brown part of the elytra is rather and does not to the is also small, extend the scntellnm ; anteapical spot iind has the is coarse small, shape of a somewhat broad triangle ; the pnuctnation the and dense, and becomes irregular and more minute behind tlie anteapical mark : apices are emarginate, with both angles almost equally produced. The posterior feelile First the episterna with a yellowish white silky s])ot in front. segment of ( 263 ) abdomen rather slightly narrowed, of a buff colour like the second, both segments clothed with a yellowisli white sillty pubescence. Tip of the tibiae and the tarsi tibiae the extreme base. brown or blackish ; jjosterior black, except Hah. Kniln (A. Mocijuerys, 1892), and Old Calabar. Only feniales. of the of is Sometiine.s the j)Osterior tij) episterua the metasteruum browiiisli or blackish, and the middle of the third, fourth and fifth abdominal segments is faintly tawny. In one specimen from Old Calabar the underside of the antennal

is tlie of the almost reaches : scape tawny ; basal silky spot elytra the scntellum the three last abdominal segments are slightly buff at the extreme base. Differs from N. adorata Thorns., which also has the elytra for the most parr blackish brown, chiefly in the deep and consjiicuous punctuation of the head and prothoi'ax, and in the third and fifth abdominal segments bearing a yellowish spot at each side.

381. Nitocris suturalis sp. nov.

cJ $ . X. rubro-ferruginea, fere sanguinea. C!apite sat dense grosse pnnctato, ' inter antennas concavo, medio canaliculato. Antennis nigris, articulis 5°— 1 1 cinereo- pnbescentibus. Prothorace dense grosse punetato, latitudine paulo longiore. Scutcllo apice angnlis rotundatis, medio levissime sinuato. Elytris medio leviter attenuatis, postice pance dilatatis, brninieo-nigris ; cjuarta ])arte antica subsangninea, ad suturam cinereo-sericeis, apicibns obli(|ue subtruncato-emarginatis, dense grosse ad leviter bi- seriatim, a])icem irregularitor minutius, ])unctatis ; singulo elytro carinato, praetcrea liiiea parum elevata ad liasim inter suturam ct cariuani primam sita instructo. Abdomine segmento primo levissime coarctato, ad latera anreo- sericeo cJ ventrali ct et sexto ; segmento quinto [lartibus dorsali, parvo segmento subtruncato-rotundatis. Femoribus posticis abdominis segmenti tertii medium fere attingentibus. Long. 14i mm., elytr. lUi, lat. 2§. The punctuation of the head and prothorax strong and thick, even on the vertex the median line of the and a small at each side of its ; prothorax space base impunctate. The antennae, except the four basal joints, and the whole sutural depression of the elytra clothed with a fine ashy grey and silky pile. The sixth abdominal segment of the male is short, and, like the dorsal part of the fifth, somewhat fnlvous. The fifth segment (ventral part) lias neither a channel nor an impression in both sexes. Hub. Kuilu and Ogowe (A. Mocquerys).

382. Nitocris angustior sp, nuv. c?. X. rubro-ferruginea. Capite inter antennas parum concavo, medio canali- culato, fronte pnnctato, vertice postice laevi. Antennis nigris, articulis 8' — 11 fulvis. Prothorace latitudine longiore, dorso sparsim, lateribus parum deusius puuctulato. Scutello subtriangulare, ai)ice rotundato. Elytris medio leviter attenuatis, postice ]jarum dilatatis, brunneo-uigris, sexta parte basali rubro-ochracea, macula elongata snturali postscutellare communi aureo-sericea notatis ; apicibns oblique cmarginatis, acute dentatis dense carina angulis ; grosse punctatis ; singulo elytro bicariuato, discoidali antice conspicua, postice obsoleta. Abdomine basi levissime coarctato, aureo-sericeo ventrali sat segmento primo ; qninto apice parum anguste profuude sinuato, dorsali et segmento sexto (brevissimo, fulvo) levissime late eniarginato. Tibiis tarsisque parum fulvis, tibiis posticis fere nigris, feuKiribns posticus abdominis segmenti socundi ajiicfin attingentibus. ( 264 )

Lon^. in inni., elytr. 8i, hit. I5.

Head ])niictiii'eU, with the checks and the middle of the vertex in front of the

pronotum impuiictiite. Antennae reaching the apex of the elytra with the tip of the ninth fonr clothed with an buff joint ; apical joints tawny, ashy pubescence. Prothorax about a fourtli longer than broad. Tlie reddish ochreons colour of the base of the elytra gradually shades off into the black of the remainder; punctuation of the elytra strong and thick, and quite irregular in the sntnral depression from before tlie middle, and at the apex. Ventral part of the fifth abdominal segment sinuate in the middle of the apical margin, without a channel or imjjression. Dorsal

]iart of the sixth segment very short, feebly emarginate-truncate, and of a blackish tawny colour. IIul). Ogowe (A. M()Ci|nerys).

383. Nitocris basalis Clievr. Sierra Leone, Gaboon, Knilu. Tlie specimens from Sierra Leone arc much smaller, and more especially

narrower, than those in the Britisli Museum collection (including Ciievrolat's ty])e), and than our sjjecies from Gaboon and Kuilu, and have a longer fifth abdominal segment. They belong perluips to a distinct species, or form a local race.

384. Nitocris tibialis Kolbc. " P.cnuc." Tills sjiecies was (wllected by P. Staiidiugcr during the expedition of E. Hartert and P. to Sukofo it is in Standiuger ; probably found the districts north of the Beuue R.

38.J. Nitocris brevier sji. nov.

J. N rnbro-ferruginea. (!a])ite medio canaliculato, inter antennas minute iiu- presso, sat dense punctulato. Antennis nigris, corpore quinta parte brcvi

Hah. Sierra Leone. Three /e»i«ies.

38(i. Nitocris pacoei Thorns.

Sierra Leone, Golil ('oast, Kuilu. The single specimen from Kuilu diHers somewhat lV(jni the examples I'mni tiic

llie I lie lasi is other localities ; a]iex of antennal jninl more restricted black, and ( 265 ) the liasal brick red region of tlie elytra is shorter; the apex of the latter is a little less strongly emargiuate, and the puiictnatiou of the head much coarser.

387. Nitocris lutea sp. nov. illo ? . N. Intea. Capite prothonnieqne dense piuictnlatis, medio canalicnlato, inter antennas piano, hoc latitudine breviore. Antennis uigris, versus apicera parum brunnescentibus. Scutello latitudine longiore, sulirectangnlare. Elytris nigris, qninta parte basali lutea, medio levitcr atteiiuatis, I'ostice parum dilatatis, apicibus fortiter dense oblique emarginatis, angnlis brevibus acutis, j)unctatis ; singnlo elytro carina discoidali autice sat conspicua postice obsoleta instructo, basi inter banc carinam et sutnram parum elevata. Abdomine basi levissime coarctato, segmento quinto quarto duplo longiore, post medium transverse constricto, apice levissime late emarginato. Tibiis apicibns tarsisque nigro-fulvis. Femoribus posticis basim segment! quarti abdominis attiugeutibus. Long. 9 mm., elytr. 7, lat. 2. has on head and the This rather short species a dense punctuation prothorax ; the discal carina of median channel of the front of the head is obsolete anteriorly ; the lateral keel the elytra is distinct on the basal half, and obsolete posteriorly ; in is absent the of the is nsually found species of Nitocris ; punctuation elytra very coarse and, behind the middle, somewhat rugose. Hub. Ogowe (A. Mocquerys). Distinguished from iV. bdsaUs Chevr. by the shorter prothorax and elytra, the much paler colour, and by the structure of the elytra, and minor characters.

388. Nitocris discoidalis sp. uov. ?. X. lutea. Capite toto vertice et anteinuirum tuberculis apicibus nigris, dense grosse, praeterea in interstitiis minute punctato, verticis medio sine punctis grossis. Antennis uigris, corpore parum longioribus. Prothorace fortiter punctato, latitudine vix longiore, disco macula magna rotunda nigra notato. Scutello apice leviter emarginato. Elytris retrorsum sat fortiter attenuatis, ante apicem leviter dilatatis, basi luteis vitta in disci nigris, ; singulo elytro longitudinali, impressione sita, aj)icem lutea modice fere attingeute pallide ; ajiicibus oblique truncato-emarginatis, angulis tlentatis in disci Abdomine basi baud ; fortiter, impressione sparsius, puuctatis. coarctato, segmento tertio lateraliter macula nigrescente notato, quinto apice leviter sinuato. Tibiis apicibus tarsisque nigris, femoribus i)osticis abdominis segmenti tertii basim attiugeutibus. Long. 17 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 4. basal seventh of the blackish of a butf colour the whole discal The elytra ; impression occupied by a h>ugitudinal pale bulf band, which almost reaches the apex; the punctures of the impression black or nearly so, and more regular and much sparser than those of the blackish lateral parts of the elytra. Each elytron feebly cariuate beside the impression and near the outer margin. Sides of the metasteruum with rather dense and coarse jiunctures, whilst the sides of the abdomen are also coarsely, but sparingly puuctuateil. Abdomen somewhat narrowed behind, with the fifth segment almost twice the length of the fourth. Hab. Kuilu (A. Mocipierys, 1802).

380. Ecphora latefasciata sp. uov. ?. E. ferruginea; capite inter et post oculos, antennis, prothorace in utrofpie latere i'asciis basi et metasteruo femoribus duabus, elytris apice, iiedibusipu' nigris ; anticis et intermediis rufis. Elytris retrorsum jiarum dilatatis, singulo tricostuto. 18 ( 266 )

Long. 16 mm., elytr. 12, lat. 7{. The black iiiter-auteuiial region of the licad iuternipted in the luidJK: by a longitudinal ferruginous streak. Punctuation of head strong and sparse, with the is interstices finely puiu'tulatcil again ; between the antennae a broad and shallow imj>ressioii bearing a fine median channel. Antennae black, surpassing the middle of the elytra; scape densely punctuated and somewhat wrinkled; base of the fourth rufous. Prothorax the discal the joint punctulated ; process very large, covering scutellum and the sutural jiart of the base of the elytra, somewhat compressed, and lateral tubercle a little notched behind ; bent backwards; the sides witli a fold in front of, and with a very broad and deep groove immediately behind, the tubercle; with one black streak at each side another black and much broader band disc ; placed underneath the lateral tubercle. Elytra somewhat dilated behind, with a longitudinal behind the shoulders near the outer dense and impression margin ; punctuation rather each with two keels near the suture and one near the outer strong ; elytron margin, all vanishing before the apex, a fourth aud very short keel running between third the basal and the the second and near apex ; apical parts (notfquite J length) of the elytra black, the suture blacldsh brown, and the humeral keel more or less Sides of the mesosteruum and the whole metasternum black abdomen ferruginous. ; ferruginous, with the base of a blackish brown colour. Legs black, with the four anterior femora rufous. Eah. Ogowe R. (A. Mocquerys).

390. Ecphora analis sp. nov.

. inter et fasciis ? E. ferrnginea ; capitc pone oculos, autennis, prothoracis qnatuor, elytrorum sutiara et (juarta parte apicali, mesosterno (medio excepto), metasterno, abdomine pedibusqne nigris, femoribus quatuor anticis basi ferrugiueis. Elytris retrorsum paulo dilatatis, singulo tricostato. Long. 15 mm., elytr. lOi, lat. (ii Head ferruginous, in front of aud Iietween the antennae, and also on vertex and neck of a black colour, with a ferruginous median streak extending from the fore- the aud between the front to prothorax ; coarsely punctured, depressed eyes. the middle of tlie Antennae black, extending be3-ond elytra ; scape densely punctuated; base of the fourth joint rufous. Prothorax ferruginous, with two streaks at each one discal aud one lateral median black longitudinal side, ; process and notched with some large, compresseil, behind, large punctures posteriorly ; siiort sides witli a fold in front and a the teeth. lateral tooth ; of, deep groove behind, Elytra ferruginous, rather coarsely punctured, with the suture and the a])ical fourth each three two of them near the and one near black ; elytron bearing keels, suture, the outer margin, all vanishing at the base and apex, and an impression behind the surface and black miildle shoulder near the outer margin. Under legs ; prosternum, of the mesosteruum, aud four anterior femora (except their tip) of a ferruginous colour. Ilah. Sierra Leone (Dr. t'lements).

H'.il. Ecphora testator (Fabr). Sierm Leone, and Kuilu.




Fig. I . (U^esiila suturalis sp. nov. 150

,, 2. Delagoa feiiestrata sp. nov. 155

„ 3. Psebula flava sp. nov. 157

„ 4. Anteuuica uigripes sp. nov. 1.54 „ o. Ouioptycba elements! sp. nov. 158 „ 0. Mccosaspis magnifica sp. nov. ICO

,, 7. (lallichroma collare sp. nov, 1C7

„ «S. „ etlentnlnm sp. nov. Ki!» 9. ., Cloniophorus tricolor sp. nov. 171

., 111. nurifer ,, sp. nov. 171 11. ,. Rhojializida viridana sp. nov. 177

,, 12. Hospes nitidicollis sp. nov. 182

13. E.ximia tricolor sp. nov. 181

„ 14. Xylotrccbus x-macnlatus sp. nov 187

„ 15. „ mocqnerysi sp, nov. 187

10. nov. . ., Plagionotulus lyricen sp. 188


Fig. 1. Gripliamiuns ligatns sp. nov. 195

2. nov. . ,, Tragocopliala pnlcbra sp. 204 „ 3. „ caerulescens sp. nov. 204

„ 4. „ basalis sp. nov. 208

„ 5. Poemenesperus taeniatiis sp. nov. 209

„ 6. „ ligatns sp. nov. 209

7. nov. ,, Charicsthes nobilis sp. 219

8. „ freya sp. nov. . 217

9. „ „ sp. nov. 217

ill. ]\Inrosterniim mocqnerysi sp. nov. 221 11. nov. ,, peutagouale sp. 222

12. Lagritla rnf'a sp. nov. 240

13. Frea malachitica sp. nov. 234

14. Cincinnata fiisciata sp. no\'. 238

15. Liuims mocipiprysi sp. nov. 245

IG. „ africanns sp. nov. . 246

17. Glenca gabaui sp. nov. 248

18. „ ossifcra sp. nov. 250

I'.i. Ocularia ajiicalis sp. nov. . 202

[Facing PUiie IX. Pi..K. ^lov^TA.TES Zooi.oGic^ Vol 1 1894. ^ t


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