Volume 67, Issue 13 17 Wing / 17e Escadre Winnipeg July 11, 2018

The 17 Wing Community news source since 1952 17 Wing Says Farewell to Colonel Cook

Outgoing 17 Wing Commander, Colonel Andy Cook leaves the parade in the pilot’s seat of a CC-130 Hercules during the 17 Wing Change of Command Ceremony held at 17 Wing on June 28, 2018. See our story on the Change of Command on pg 2 and our last interview with Col Cook on pg 5. Photo: MCpl Paul Shapka


Page 2 Page 4 Page 6 Page 9 Page 11 Page 13 THEVOXAIR.CA FACEBOOK.COM/THEVOXAIR FREE 2 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 17 Wing Says Farewell and Welcome to WComds to be, Colonel Eric Charron. his principles as the incoming Wing Commander. Following the arrival of the command- “It is my firm belief that by putting our people first, ers, the Presiding Officer, and the VIPs, Col the missions will always get done,” said Col. Char- Cook and his party inspected those in the ron. “Members of 17 Wing, many of your sections are parade and found all professionally turned stretched by vacancies, and by some of your peers who out. Following the inspection Col Cook led a are deployed right now supporting operations. From march past, one of his final acts as 17 Wing your extra effort to keep this training mandate and Commander. support the operations going, to units here in Winnipeg, Brigadier-General Dave Cochrane, Com- some stretching as far as , and the other mander 2 Canadian Air Division (2 CAD), way towards North-West Ontario: it is exceptional. was the Presiding Officer of the Change of “I personally thank you and appreciate what you do Command from Col. Cook to Col. Charron. for us and the armed forces everyday.” 17 Wing transferred from 1 Canadian Air Throughout the ceremony, many of the transitions Division to 2 Canadian Air Division while Col. Cook brought 17 Wing through were highlighted. under the command of Col Cook. Just a few included the transfer to 2 CAD, the renam- After the signing of the Change of Com- ing of Barker College, and the organizational restruc- (L-R) Col Eric Charron, new 17 Wing Commander, BGen David Cochrane, mand certificates, Col. Cook passed the Wing ture of the post World War Two three-branch model, to 2 CAD Commander, Col Andy Cook, outgoing 17 Wing Commander, Commander’s Pennant to BGen Cochrane to the new Operational Support Squadron, Mission Sup- and Wing CWO Jerome Rossignol smile for a photo during the Change of Command signing ceremony on June 28. Photo: MCpl Rick Ayer hand over to the new 17 Wing Commander port Squadron, and Deputy Wing Commander Model Col Charron. After the ceremony Col Cook that 17 Wing now possesses. by Ashley Demers, Voxair Photojournalist addressed the parade. Following the parade and the change of command, Despite the professional military exterior, emotion “You have followed me dutifully,” said Col. Cook Col. Andy Cook to his surprise, was taken away not in a flowed freely throughout the Change of Command cer- to 17 Wing, “not just because of my appointment, but car, but upon a CC-130 Hercules pilot’s seat mounted to emony at 17 Wing on June 28. As one commander was rather because I hope I was able to convey to each and the back of trailer and towed by a mule (aircraft towing welcomed, it was time for another to say his goodbyes. every one of you, with who I have been honoured to vehicle) for an entertaining to a heartfelt ceremony, Colonel Andy Cook, who served as 17 Wing Com- serve, just how much I value and respect your exper- and an exit fit for a commander. mander for three years, relinquished command to Col tise, your professionalism, and your dedication. 17 Wing members will miss the cat and East Coast Eric Charron, who most recently served at 1 Canadian “It is a great honour to relinquish command of this music lover but are looking forward to working with the Air Division. Wing to such an exceptionally talented leader and new 17 Wing Commander, Col Eric Charron. Due to the hot weather, the parade took place inside officer. I commend the RCAF for showing the initia- the shade of 11 Hangar. All were at attention as Col tive to recognize true leadership. In my opinion, this is Cook was driven in for the ceremony and as the audi- welcome and overdue.” ence witnessed the arrival of the new Wing Commander Col Charron addressed the parade and talked about We will Continue to Build and Strengthen your Air Force Lieutenant-General Al Meinzinger, Commander move the RCAF forward as a united and focussed team. Every one of you contributes directly or indirectly of the RCAF Without question, we are inspired by our proud his- to the delivery of air and space power for our nation. I Let me start by underscoring how honoured I am tory, which provides us purpose and guides us toward pledge to work tirelessly to ensure my team and I do to have assumed the duties and responsibilities of the the future. As I highlighted in my Change of Command right by you for your dedication and service. My leader- 20th commander of your Royal Canadian Air Force. remarks, I recently returned from the opening of the ship team and I will work to retain your exceptional As the son of an RCAF Chief Warrant Officer, I have International Bomber Command Centre in England. talents and attract those with the right skills and en- spent my entire life impressed by what the RCAF has It was an honour to attend with a Canadian hero— ergy to move us forward. We will fly in formation with done, and continues to do, for Canada and Canadians. 95-year-old Stuart Vallières, who was shot down on his the Commander of Military Personnel Command to As your Commander, I have been grateful to have Chief 33rd Halifax bomber mission in the summer of 1944. ensure our policies are advanced to meet the exigencies Warrant Officer Gérard Poitras and now Chief War- Badly injured and held as a POW for four months, of today and tomorrow. rant Officer Denis Gaudreault as my Command Team Stuart epitomizes what I admire most about our great In taking care of our personnel, we must also con- partner. veterans: humility, pride in the RCAF and a steely, tinue to demand, at all levels throughout the RCAF, Over the past few years, it has become very appar- strong character that places the team above one’s inter- that we treat one another with the dignity, respect, and ent that our success is driven by the concept of “flying ests. To this day, Stuart’s crew is still front of his mind. inclusivity that we recognize as being absolutely funda- in formation”, a philosophy conceived of by Lieutenant- I was delighted to have Mr. Vallières attend the change mental to our success as a family of professionals. General (retired) Alain Parent. In the simplest terms, of command ceremony on May 4 as my guest. I am extremely optimistic as I consider our new this philosophy ensures that we remain interoperable During my command, a key focus for me will be to Defence Policy, which boldly acknowledges the impor- at all levels of the RCAF, able to operate together as maintain our sterling reputation for delivering opera- tance of air and space power to Canada. It commits an air force and with our Canadian Armed Forces and tional excellence at home and abroad—the true hall- significant new resources to supporting our personnel, allied partners. In this spirit, I pledge to continue to mark of who we are. Your amazing ability to deliver introducing new capabilities to enable operations. mission success regardless of circumstance is truly We must deliver on our Defence Policy and capital THE VOXAIR remarkable and is reflective of the agility and flexibility program with discipline and determination. We must integral to our institution. On the verge of deploying an enhance our posture and readiness such that the RCAF Office hours Contact Air Task Force to Mali in support of the United Na- remains agile and able to deliver against the height- Monday to Friday Ad Sales/Main Office Submissions/Reporter tions, I have no doubt that we will continue to deliver ened operational output that is expected of us moving 0800 -1500 hrs (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 with purpose and professionalism while delivering on forward. Our ability to deliver air power effects in an [email protected] Accounting +VOXAIR@PersSvcs@Winnipeg current missions here at home and abroad. This vital integrated manner with precision, agility and profes- (204) 833-2500 ext 4121 work must continue. sionalism is our true calling card, and I am immensely Voxair Staff Responsible for stewarding the Air Force forward proud of what you, and your families, do for Canada LCol Brian Quick Martin Zeilig Broose Tulloch to meet the challenges of 2030 and beyond, I believe and for Canadians each and every day. Dep Wing Commander Photojournalist Layout/Ad Design (204) 833-2500 ext 5281 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 success will be achieved by focusing on our amazing I am a firm believer that successful delivery of air Misra Yakut Rick Harris Maureen Walls Accounting people, our new defence policy, our program and our and space power also relies on well-led, robust, healthy Managing Editor Sales Coordinator posture. and inclusive squadrons and tactical units. If we can (204) 833-2500 ext 4299 (204) 895-8191 Traci Wright Proofreading “People, Policy, Program and Posture” will be anchor get it right within our 39 flying units and 86 tactical Capt McCulloch-Drake Bill McLeod Printed By Wing Public points as we move ahead, and I look forward to advanc- units, our future will be all the brighter. I pledge that, Voxair Manager Derksen Printers Affairs Officer (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 204-326-3421 ing the RCAF in each of these key domains. as I contemplate change and guide the organization in I am immensely grateful to you, the men and wom- the years ahead, my decisions will be rooted in the un- Visit Us Online: thevoxair.ca en of the RCAF, and our civilian colleagues for what derstanding that the men and women in our squadrons, VOXAIR is the unofficial Service newspaper of 17 Wing Winnipeg and is published every two weeks under you do. You are our greatest strength, the heart of our with their rich and vibrant squadron history, are the the authority of the Wing Commander, Col Charron. Opinions and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, the Wing Commander or the Department of National Defence. The Editor institution and the foundation upon which our future is lifeblood of the RCAF. reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising material. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear in built. You are extraordinary and professional, capable In closing, I recognize what a privilege it is to lead any of our editions or from any error or omission in any advertisement which is published. of accomplishing great things, and setting standards the members of the RCAF at this time in our history. I Correspondence should be addressed to: Promotion of Private Businesses in articles sub- of quality that are respected around the world. I have have assumed this command with the knowledge that The Voxair mitted for publication is not permitted except in 17 Wing Winnipeg, cases of appreciation for donations where only seen it with my own eyes time and time again in places much important work remains to be done so that we the company name is included. (Companies PO Box 17000 Stn Forces or individuals that are currently in arrears shall such as Afghanistan, where allies welcome the RCAF may continue to build and strengthen your Air Force. Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5 not be published.) Individuals or groups shall This newspaper is printed using not make any offer of promotion in The Voxair contribution because it is steadfast and delivered with For, as the words of our RCAF motto state: Sic Itur environmentally safe inks. Newspaper of products and/or services for precision when the chips are down. Ad Astra—such is the pathway to the stars. Publications Mail Agreement No. 1482823 exchange in donations. VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 3 Nous continuerons d’édifier et de Sports Trivia Sports Nicknames renforcer votre Force aérienne by Stephen Stone du lieutenant-général Al Meinzinger, comman- dant de l’ARC 1. What was the original cost of the ? J’aimerais d’abord mentionner à quel point je suis 2. Which professional team has won the greatest num- honoré d’assumer les devoirs et les responsabilités qui ber of Grey Cups? m’incombent en tant que 20e commandant de l’Aviation 3. Which team has the greatest number of Grey Cup royale canadienne. À titre de fils d’adjudant-chef de losses? l’ARC, j’ai toujours été impressionné par ce que l’ARC a 4. Which team has the greatest number of Grey Cup accompli et continue d’accomplir pour le Canada et les appearances? Canadiens. En tant que commandant, je suis ravi d’avoir 5. à mes côtés l’adjudant-chef Gérard Poitras et l’adjudant- Which Grey Cup game had the largest attendance? chef Denis Gaudreault comme partenaires dans l’équipe 6. In the CFL, Hank Ilesic, Bill Stevenson and Jack de commandement. Wedley have one thing in common, what is it? Au cours des dernières années, il est devenu très 7. Which players have the greatest number of Grey évident que notre succès repose sur le concept du « vol Cup MVP awards? en formation », une philosophie définie par le lieutenant 8. The is awarded annually général Alain Parent (retraité). En termes simples, cette for the Most Valuable Canadian in the Grey Cup. Who philosophie vise à faire en sorte que nous demeurions has won it the most? interopérables à tous les niveaux de l’ARC, que nous soy- 9. Which holds the record for the most ons capables de mener des opérations ensemble en tant passing touchdowns in a Grey Cup game? que force aérienne et aux côtés de nos Forces armées 10. canadiennes et de nos alliés. Dans cet esprit, je m’engage Which team holds the record for the most consecu- à continuer à faire progresser l’ARC en tant qu’équipe tive Grey Cup victories? unie et déterminée. 11. In their history, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats have Il ne fait aucun doute que notre histoire empreinte retired only two numbers. Who wore them? de fierté nous inspire; elle nous donne un objectif et 12. Who played the most games in the CFL? nous guide vers l’avenir. Comme je l’ai dit pendant la 13. Who holds the record for the most consecutive Lieutenant-General Alexander Meinzinger, CMM, MSM, CD passation de commandement, je suis récemment assisté Photo: Ordinary Seaman Alexandra Proulx games playing in the CFL? à la cérémonie d’ouverture du International Bomber 14. Who holds the record for most career touchdowns rangs ceux qui possèdent les compétences et l’énergie Command Centre, en Angleterre. C’était un honneur in the CFL? pour moi de me trouver aux côtés d’un héros canadien : qui nous permettront d’aller de l’avant. Nous volerons 15. Who holds the record for most career rushing Stuart Vallières, âgé de 95 ans. À l’été 1944, cet homme en formation avec le commandant du Commandement réalisait sa 33e mission à bord d’un bombardier Hali- du personnel militaire afin d’améliorer nos politiques de touchdowns in the CFL? fax, lorsque celui-ci a été abattu. Grièvement blessé et manière à ce qu’elles répondent aux exigences actuelles 16. Who holds the record for more career return prisonnier de guerre pendant quatre mois, M. Vallières et futures. touchdowns in the CFL? incarne parfaitement ce que j’admire le plus chez nos En ce qui a trait au bien-être du personnel, nous dev- 17. Who holds the record for the longest in anciens combattants : l’humilité, la fierté envers l’ARC ons également continuer de veiller, quel que soit notre the CFL? et un caractère inébranlable et fougueux qui veille aux niveau dans l’ARC, à nous traiter, les uns les autres, 18. Who holds the record for the longest punt in the intérêts de l’équipe et non d’une seule personne. Encore avec dignité, respect et ouverture, des éléments absolu- CFL? aujourd’hui, c’est l’équipage de Stuart qui prime. J’étais ment fondamentaux de notre réussite en tant que famille 19. This Halifax native won a Vanier Cup, two Super de professionnels. ravi que M. Vallières soit mon invité à la cérémonie de Bowls, and a Grey Cup, the only player to do so. passation de commandement, le 4 mai. La nouvelle politique de défense m’inspire un très 20. Which CFL quarterback holds the Pro Football re- Pendant mon mandat à titre de commandant, grand optimisme, puisqu’elle confirme avec audace j’accorderai une grande importance au maintien de notre l’importance que revêt la puissance aérienne et spatiale cord for most career passing yards? enviable réputation en matière d’excellence opéra- pour le Canada. Elle assure l’affectation de nouvelles Sports Trivia Answers on page 14 tionnelle, ici et à l’étranger – c’est ce qui nous caractérise ressources considérables à l’appui de notre personnel et vraiment. Votre capacité exceptionnelle d’accomplir vos permet la création de nouvelles capacités visant à soute- menés, robustes, sains et accueillants. Si nous attei- missions malgré les circonstances est vraiment remar- nir les opérations. gnons nos objectifs dans nos 39 unités de vol et nos quable et témoigne de l’agilité et de la souplesse essen- Nous devons mettre en œuvre la politique et les 86 unités tactiques, nous serons promis à un brillant tielles à notre organisation. Cela dit, je n’ai aucun doute programmes d’investissement de la Défense avec dis- avenir. Je m’engage, en tant que commandant, pendant quant à notre capacité d’accomplir notre travail avec dé- cipline et détermination. Nous devons améliorer notre les prochaines années, où je guiderai l’organisation et termination et professionnalisme au Mali, où nous nous posture et notre état de préparation de telle manière réfléchirai au changement, à prendre des décisions qui apprêtons à déployer une force opérationnelle aérienne que l’ARC conserve son agilité et sa capacité de produire reposeront sur le principe selon lequel les hommes et à l’appui des Nations Unies, tout en nous acquittant de les résultats opérationnels de plus en plus exigeants qui les femmes de nos escadrons et leur riche et vibrante his- nos missions ici et à l’étranger. Ce travail essentiel doit sont attendus de nous au fil de notre progression. Notre toire demeurent le cœur même de l’ARC. se poursuivre. aptitude à exercer la puissance aérienne de manière En guise de conclusion, je suis conscient du privilège Puisqu’il m’incombe de guider la Force aérienne de intégrée avec précision, agilité et professionnalisme est que j’ai de pouvoir diriger les membres du personnel de manière à surmonter les difficultés de 2030 et des an- ce qui nous permet de réellement nous démarquer sur la l’ARC à ce moment précis de notre histoire. J’ai assumé nées suivantes, je crois que nous connaîtrons du succès scène internationale. Cela dit, je suis extrêmement fier mon commandement en gardant à l’esprit le travail en mettant l’accent sur notre personnel formidable, sur de ce que vous et vos familles réalisez quotidiennement considérable et important qui nous attend, afin que nous notre nouvelle politique de défense, sur notre pro- pour le Canada et les Canadiens. puissions continuer à bâtir et à renforcer votre Force gramme et sur notre posture. Je crois fortement que, pour pouvoir exercer ef- aérienne. « Les gens, les politiques, les programmes et la pos- ficacement la puissance aérienne et spatiale, nous Car, comme le rappelle notre devise : Sic itur ad ture » seront nos points d’ancrage à l’avenir, et j’ai hâte devons disposer d’escadrons et d’unités tactiques bien astra, telle est la voie vers les étoiles. de travailler à l’amélioration de l’ARC dans chacun de ces domaines importants. Hommes et femmes de l’ARC, collègues civils, je vous suis grandement reconnaissant de votre travail. Vous êtes notre plus grande force; vous représentez le cœur de notre organisation et l’assise sur laquelle repose notre avenir. Vous êtes extraordinaires et professionnels, capables d’accomplir de grandes choses et d’établir des normes de qualité respectées partout dans le monde. Je l’ai vu de mes propres yeux de nombreuses fois à des endroits comme l’Afghanistan, où les alliés accueillent la contribution de l’ARC parce qu’elle est constante et offerte avec précision au moment critique. Chacun de vous participe directement ou indirecte- ment à l’exercice de la puissance aérienne et spatiale de notre pays. Je m’engage à travailler sans relâche afin de faire en sorte que mon équipe et moi soulignions comme il se doit votre dévouement et votre service. Mon équipe de commandement et moi, nous nous emploierons à conserver vos talents exceptionnels et à attirer dans nos 4 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 Change of Command Ceremony for Prairie Region JPSU by Martin Zeilig, Voxair Photojournalist “It’s a difficult thing to learn how to meet Lieutenant-Colonel Orin Wing assumed command of members where they’re at, to understand what the Joint Personnel Support Unit Prairie at a Change their needs are, and provide them that op- of Command Ceremony at the Officer’s Mess before portunity to be successful,” he said in a follow about 50 people (military and civilian) on June 19th. up interview with The Voxair. “That’s been the LCol Wing took over Command from Major David greatest challenge. What the team’s been able Dea who’s now posted to RCAF Barker College in a to accomplish over the past two years has been staff position. Brigadier-General Mark Misener, Com- great. I think the direction we’re going is excit- mander JPSU in , gave the Presiding Officer ing. The vision that’s being implemented from address. the CDS on down (shows that) it’s clearly evi- Captain Paul H. Kim, Platoon Commander, Inte- dent that we are recognizing what we need to do grated Personnel Support Centre Winnipeg (IPSC), to support members. So, to be a part of that was acted as Master of Ceremony. just awesome. It’s probably going to be the best “This is especially important in our small but criti- job that I will ever have. It’s a challenge.” cal operational capability – the Joint Personnel Sup- But, moving on is good, he added. port Unit, a joint CAF unit focussed on caring for our During his brief remarks at the podium, ill and injured and supporting their health and well- LCol Wing, a native of Portage la Prairie, being towards recovery, reintegration or transition,” Manitoba who enrolled in the Canadian Armed BGen Misener said. “We also do our utmost to support Forces as a Direct Entry Officer in September (Front L-R) LCol Orin Wing, incoming JPSU Commanding Officer, families, veterans and the families of our fallen. With 2001, said his career has taught him that it’s the Presiding Officer BGen Misener, outgoing CO Maj David Dea, (back our dedicated and passionate team, we work, every day, people you’re working with that make your life L-R) CWO Lapointe and WO Moore pose for a photo during the JPSU to increase our member’s health and well-being and good. Change of Command ceremony on June 19. Submitted photo do our best to get them ready for whatever is to come “So, taking care of those members now is was in the National Capital Region where he was the thereby improving retention, instilling confidence in going to be my privilege and reward,” he continued, Artillery Officer Career Manager and then a Section our members that they are not alone, and increasing adding that he’s looking forward to “kicking off” two Head in the Directorate of Personnel Generation Re- the CAF operational effectiveness. To all those that years in Winnipeg. quirements. either lead this endeavour, like Maj Dea, or are part LCol Orin Wing is a graduate of the Red River Col- Maj Dea joined the Canadian Forces in March 1988 of this important People First operational capability, I lege Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanics program as as a Medical Assistant in the Militia and transferred want to thank you for your dedication and compassion well a graduate of the University of Manitoba where he to the Regular Force as an Air Navigator in December to those that you serve and support every day.” completed a Bachelor of Arts. LCol Wing completed the 1991. In 2014 he was posted to 15 Wing as Major Dea called his time as Commander of the Joint Command and Staff Program in and at- the Wing Administration Officer. Maj Dea was selected JPSU “phenomenally” rewarding and challenging and tained a Masters in Defence Studies through the Royal as the Joint Personnel Support Unit Prairie Region phenomenally frustrating too. Military College of Canada. His most recent posting Commanding Officer in 2016. USAF Det Says Goodbye to Outgoing Commander ship) are the manifestation of the lessons learned from McKenna, which formally signified the transfer of com- the Battle of Britain.” mand to Lt Col Hardeman, Lt Col Hardeman thanked “Any command is a precious, precious thing and his family, everyone from Det 1 who worked on prepar- taking command is a statement of trust,” he said. ing the change-of-command, and everyone who attend- “Command, by design, is an exhausting endeavour.” ed the ceremony. Brig Gen Ireland then thanked the McKenna family Lt Col Hardeman entered the USAF in 1987 as an as a whole. enlisted member and served for 13 years as a Load- “Command is a team effort when done well, so I master and Flight Engineer on the C-141B and C-17A would like to congratulate the McKennas on the work heavy aircraft. He has served in various capacities in they have done here.” operations including: DESERT SHIELD; DESERT Brig Gen Ireland welcomed the incoming CO, Lt Col STORM; PROVIDE COMFORT; RESTORE HOPE; Brian Hardeman, and his family. NORTHERN WATCH; SOUTHERN WATCH; NOBLE “He brings something uniquely Canadian with EAGLE; ENDURING FREEDOM; IRAQI FREEDOM; him,” Brig Gen Ireland said. “His wife, Sheri, is from and INHERENT RESOLVE. .” Lt Col Hardeman previously served in Canada as an Brig Gen Ireland presented the USAF Meritorious exchange officer with the RCAF as the operations offi- Service Medal to Lt Col McKenna, and Major-General cer and deputy commanding officer of 42 Radar Squad- Christian Drouin, Commander of 1 CAD/CANR, ad- ron at 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alta. and as a staff officer at Brig Gen Christopher J. Ireland, DComd Canadian NORAD dressed the audience before presenting Lt Col McK- Headquarters Air Combat Command, Langley Air Force Region, Lt Col Brian Hardeman, incoming Det 1, First Air enna with a 1 CAD Commander’s Commendation. Base, Virginia. Force Commanding Officer, and Lt Col Spencer McKenna, Earlier in the day, the Voxair interviewed Lt Col outgoing CO of the Det proudly sing the Air Force Song at McKenna to get his impressions of Winnipeg, the the conclusion of the Change of Command ceremony on RCAF, and his command. Lt Col McKenna is a Master June 18 at the atrium of 1 CAD. Photo: Cpl Bryce Cooper Air Battle Manager with experience in operations such by Bill McLeod, Voxair Manager as SOUTHERN WATCH, ENDURING FREEDOM, Detachment 1, First Air Force, said goodbye to IRAQI FREEDOM and NOBLE EAGLE, as well as CommaUnited States Air Force (USAF) Detachment 1, counter-drug operations. First Air Force, said goodbye to Commanding Officer “1 CAD is a welcoming, professional and dedicated Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Spencer McKenna and organization,” he said. “It’s tasked to do so much for welcomed their incoming CO Lt Col Brian Hardeman Canada and the Air Force, but it never fails to hit the at a change-of-command ceremony in the atrium of 1 mark.” Canadian Air Division (CAD) and Canadian NORAD The McKennas spent two years in Winnipeg while Region (CANR) Headquarters on June 18, 2018. Lt Col McKenna was the CO of Det 1, First Air Force. After the arrival of the Official Party, the playing “Winnipeg is a great city,” Lt Col McKenna said. of Ruffles and Flourishes, and the national anthems, “Even the winters weren’t too bad. It’s big enough to Padre Kevin Olive gave the invocation after joking that have lots to do but it still feels like a small town.” in honour of the ceremony that the invocation would be Lt Col McKenna had high praise for the leadership given in “American.” he worked for and with. Brigadier-General Christopher J. Ireland, Deputy “An organization like this doesn’t function without Commander of CANR, addressed the crowd following the leadership at the top,” he said. “MGen Drouin, the invocation. He mentioned the fact that Canadians BGen Boyle, BGen Kenny, and Brig Gen Ireland all invite USAF members to all their important events like foster that.” Remembrance Day and the Battle of Britain memorial At the completion of his address to the audience ceremony. at the change-of-command, Lt Col McKenna said, “It’s “The Battle of Britain is a rare example of how been my honour to serve amongst the finest men and leadership had a vision before a need,” said Brig Gen women our countries have to offer.” Ireland. “We (the Canadian/American NORAD partner- Following the handover of the guidon from Lt Col VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 5 Outgoing 17 WComd Reflects on His Command The tremendous people we successful as it is. have here at 17 Wing are my Just at lunch today, I spoke to a woman working in fondest memory. We’ve got our kitchen in the Combined Mess who says she “loves some real strong people from it” here. Our Red Seal chefs won a People’s Choice the CO’s right down to middle award this year (at the Stone Soup competition at the management. Some really Manitoba Hydro building). It doesn’t matter where you heavy lifters at the RCAF here go on this Wing all you see is success. Friendly Mani- in Winnipeg. So, that’s the toba is alive and well, and it lives in Winnipeg. There is main memory I’ll take away in a friendliness about people in the prairies. We’ll miss it. my mind. I never thought any of this would be possible when TV: What are some of the I first joined the RCAF. I was enjoying being an in- achievements you will remem- structor in Moose Jaw. When I first joined I thought I ber? wanted to be a fighter pilot. Subsequently, I ended up CC: In terms of accom- on Hercs (CC-130 Hercules). But, I got to do things I plishments that I’m really never thought possible. proud of: We reorganized the When I first got promoted to Major in 2002, I Wing. We led the RCAF in couldn’t believe it. I went home and said to Tracy, ‘I’m the Wing restructure project. going to be a Major.’ We never saw it happen. I just We showed the rest of the thought I’d be a regular guy flying trips from time to Air Force that that can be time. All these amazing opportunities. Command of done. We did it in a way that Camp Mirage overseas. Command of 437 Squadron. LCol John Schwindt hoses down Col Andy Cook as he arrives from his last flight at 17 is very characteristic of the And here. It’s been like a dream. I can’t believe it hap- Wing, Winnipeg on June 21, 2018. The last flight, by RCAF tradition, is usually followed by way things get done here at 17 pened to me. a soaking for the pilot. Photo by Cpl Paul Shapka. Wing. We didn’t complain. Col Cook joined the Royal Canadian Air Force by Martin Zeilig, Voxair Photojournalist We didn’t tell anybody that (RCAF) in 1990 after completing undergraduate de- Parting is such sweet sorrow…. Romeo and Juliet, we thought it was a bad idea. We got an order from our grees in Biochemistry, English and Education from U of William Shakespeare higher authority, and we just rolled up our sleeves and Ottawa and University of Western Ontario. By the time you read this, former 17 Wing Com- got to work. We made it happen. We carried on with He earned his pilot’s wings in 1993 and served as a mander Colonel Andy Cook will be ensconced in his a smile on our face, and we’ve had great results. That flying instructor on the CT114 Tutor for his first flying new job heading the Director General Defence Security speaks to the kind of people we have here at 17 Wing-- tour. Subsequent flying tours included assignments as Organization at DND HQ in Ottawa where his official willing to do the hard work that the RCAF wants them an Air-to-Air Refuelling pilot, then later a Tactical Air title is Director of Defence Security Policy Training and to do, and do it really well. Transport (TAT) pilot on the CC-130 Hercules, three Awareness. TV: Any anecdotes or incidents that you’d like to seasons as Team Coordinator for the RCAF Snowbirds, Before he left, Col Cook agreed to a final interview share? and Commanding Officer of 437 Squadron on the CC- about his three year tenure at 17 Wing, conducted in CC: In early 2017, Her Honour Manitoba Lieuten- 150 Polaris. Highlights of his flying experiences include his second floor office at Wing HQ. ant Governor Janice Filmon invited former Wing Chief watching ab initio students receive their RCAF pilot A small plastic bobble head of William Shakespeare, Warrant Officer Mike Robertson and myself to an event wings, inserting Dutch troops into a forward location in which Col Cook purchased at a production of Romeo at Government House. We were in the ballroom, and Afghanistan, and commanding VVIP missions with the and Juliet some years ago while studying at the USAF she had a guest speaker there. Then, one of the invited Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Governor-General Air Command and Staff College in Maxwell, Alabama, guests had us all sit in a circle and hold hands and sing and Prime Minister. sat on the desk, along with a few other personal items “This Little Light of Mine.” WO Robertson and I were Col Cook deployed three times to the Afghan the- that he was taking with him to our nation’s capital. seated in between a woman. That’s a funny memory I atre– twice as a CC-130 TAT Aircraft Commander and The Voxair: What will your job in Ottawa entail? will take with me as I leave Winnipeg. It was like the the final time as Commanding Officer of a support hub Col Cook: I’m going to be the new director of De- old Coca Cola commercial. in the UAE. He is a 2009 graduate of the USAF Air fence Security Policy Training and Awareness. A new TV: Is there anything else that you’d like to say Command and Staff College in-residence program. job that I haven’t worked in before, although I have about your time in Winnipeg, and your 28 years in the “My time with Col Cook has been fantastic,” Lisa worked with the Defence Security people before in my RCAF? Pelzer, the 17 Wing Commander’s AA wrote. “He’s one last position. It will on the same floor as when I worked CC: I’m so impressed with the people I work with. of the best bosses I have ever had and is one of a kind. at NDHQ before. We’ve got tremendous people here. If there’s someone His commentary made me laugh on a daily basis, and I TV: What stands out from your time here? who knows the Wing more than the Wing Commander, will definitely miss him. Col Cook is a genuine person, CC: The strongest memory I’ll take away from the it’s Lisa Pelzer (the Wing Commander’s Administra- and was always invested in the welfare of those under job is the people I’ve met here. I’ve always worked with tive Assistant). Loriann McNabb, our business planner, his command. On a personal note, I have never received good people in the RCAF, as you know I was part of is an incredible force. But, I hate to single anyone out so many text messages with pictures of, or reference, to 435 Squadron as a C-130 Herc pilot back in the 1990s. because everyone is working hard to make the Wing as cats!” Training Canadian Veterans for New Collar Opportunities

by David Robitaille, Corporate Citizenship Execu- (CFWMS)/Support Our Troops Fund and co-partners Training on QRadar, an industry-leading cyberse- tive, IBM Canada with the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Services. curity solution, is well suited for transitioning veterans For many Canadian military veterans, transitioning While each session can be unique, participants have the who are professional, security cleared and live daily from service into the civilian workforce can be challeng- opportunity to meet local IBMers, hear from technical with a security mindset. Also, this training should ing; as such, they are often looking for different ways to experts, and learn more about civilian hiring practices allow for transitioning CAF members and veterans to apply their expertise and skills to new careers. At IBM, and strategies to complement the software skills train- move into meaningful and fulfilling roles at the conclu- we have recognized this challenge and have created a ing they are receiving. sion of their military service. This is one part of IBM’s program to engage and assist those who have served by “We truly appreciate and recognize the work, time new collar approach to meet demand in growing tech- creating paths to learn the skills necessary for the new and resources that IBM is investing in our members nology areas. collar jobs of tomorrow. and veterans. The recent first hiring by IBM of a gradu- “This combination of outstanding individuals made IBM’s Veterans Employment Initiative is designed ate from this program is indicative of the transferable it one of my favourite, if not best, training experiences to help local veterans translate their military experi- skills that military members and veterans bring to in a very long time! Thank you!” – Toronto 2017 Partici- ence into high-skilled civilian jobs. The week-long technical and security occupations.” – Col. Kevin Cam- pant intensive software training sessions, which include eron, Canadian Armed Forces Director of Transition The upcoming 2018 Veterans Employment Initiative free certification and employment assistance, are being Services and Policy schedule is: held at various locations across Canada and led by IBM Demand for skilled security professionals is one of • Winnipeg – September 24-28 – IBM i2 Ana- experts. Since the pilot class in 2015, more than 90 the biggest challenges facing industries today; experts lyst’s Notebook Canadian veterans have participated. A graduate of the predict a shortage of 1.5 million open and unfilled • Ottawa – November 26-30 – IBM QRadar Toronto program held in March has recently been hired security positions by 2020. To help address this skills If you are a Canadian veteran, or transitioning CAF by IBM Canada and has now started his civilian career shortage for cybersecurity positions, we are now ex- member, and are seeking assistance in transitioning in security services. panding our Veterans program to include IBM QRadar into a civilian career in data analytics or cybersecurity, The training is offered at no-charge to the partici- training sessions, starting in Fredericton, New Bruns- please reach out to [email protected] pants through an IBM Impact Grant that is provided wick, where IBM has a large global team focused on the for details on how to enroll for an upcoming session. to the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services development and support of the solution. 6 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 Award-Winning Artist Plays the WCWO/Public Service Slo-Pitch Tournament by Martin Zeilig, Voxair Photojournalist Recorded in just ten days, Earthly Days was cre- William Prince, a 2017 JUNO Award-winning ated by William alongside producer/collaborator Scott singer songwriter for Contemporary Roots Album of Nolan, notes the online information. Lead by debut the Year, was the featured performer at the Wing Chief single “Breathless” produced by Dave Cobb (Sturgil Warrant Officer/Public Service Slo-Pitch Tournament Simpson, Chris Stapleton, Jason Isbel), 2018 will see and Barbeque on June 15th. William boldly take the next step of his journey with His full set, which was done under a large open air Earthly Days being released worldwide by Glassnote tent, was performed before approximately 500 military Records, says the website. and civilian members on the parking lot of Building 90 Following his set, Mr. Prince, 32, who was raised Fitness and Recreation Centre on a sun splashed noon on the Peguis First Nation (184 kilometres north of hour. Winnipeg in the Interlake region), agreed to a brief Just prior to his concert, Lieutenant-Colonel Gen- interview. evieve Lehoux, Deputy Wing Commander, presented “This is my first time at 17 Wing,” he said. Mr. Prince with a 17 Wing Silver Coin. He noted that his songs express a first person point “We changed the timing, date and venue of this con- of view: “What I’m living through,” Mr. Prince elabo- cert,” LCol Lehoux said. “He was very accommodating rated. and pleased to support us on this special day.” He said performing at 17 Wing was an opportunity Corporal Patrick D.J. Laurin, C4 Systems Techni- to play again after having rested for a couple of weeks. cian, military co-chair of the DAAG Prairie Region, Mr. Prince added that his next gig would be the said Mr. Prince’s music inspires him. Indigenous Day concert at The Forks in downtown “It’s emotionally charged,” he added. “That’s what I Winnipeg on June 16. feel listening to his music. It’s personal and his songs He also expressed his appreciation at having re- are driven from experience. That’s what makes them ceived the Silver Coin from LCol Lehoux. more relatable.” “I can’t wait to prop the medal up at home,” Mr. “William has been honing his craft since the age Prince said. “I’m honoured to receive it.” of nine when he first picked up the guitar and piano,” He also mentioned that Thomas George “Tommy” Juno Award winning artist William Prince played for the noon says Mr. Prince’s website, https://williamprincemusic. Prince MM (1915-1977), one of Canada’s most decorat- crowd at the WCWO/Public Service Slo-Pitch Tournament on com/about-2/. His biggest inspirations include Johnny ed First Nations soldier during the Second World War June 15 at 17 Wing Winnipeg. Photo: Cpl Brian Lindgren Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson and most sig- and the Korean War, was his great uncle. nificantly, his preacher and musician father. 38 CBG Exercises With US Troops in South Dakota by Officer Cadet Natasha Tersigni, 38 exercise command at this level which is hard to get Canadian Brigade Group Public Affairs back at the unit because you don’t have that critical Rapid City, South Dakota — With positions mass. This is one of the very few opportunities I have to on international military training exercises in command at the battalion level; here I have close to 600 short supply for Canadian Army Reservists, 59 people under my command.” members of 38 Canadian Brigade Group (38 Along with staffing the headquarters and proceed- CBG) jumped at the chance to attend Exercise ing an engineering section, Task Force 38 includes an GOLDEN COYOTE 2018 (Ex GC18). infantry platoon taking part in the various training Held in the Black Hills region of South tasks that the exercise has to offer. Dakota from June 8 to 22, 2018, Ex GC18 was “The addition of the Quick Reaction Force was a re- hosted by the South Dakota Army National ally great opportunity for our infantry soldiers but also Guard (SDANG) and included close to 2,100 for the larger camp,” said LCol Mykytiuk who added it military members. The exercise primarily is of benefit to American units as well. targeted combat support and combat service “Some of the larger National Guard units such as support units and included several community the medics are taking advantage of the fact that we and humanitarian aid projects that will benefit have this dynamic operation capability. Normally they communities in South Dakota. train on their own, but this way they have a combat This year, 38 CBG, an Army Reserve brigade Corporal Jessica Bonner of 38 Service Battalion guards two detainees arms experience and they can exercise with them.” comprised of 13 units located across Saskatch- at a Vehicle Check Point outside Camp Oak Draw in Custer State Park on June 12, 2018 during Exercise GOLDEN COYOTE 2018. Photo by Offi- ewan, Manitoba and northwestern Ontario, cer Cadet Natasha Tersigni, 38 Canadian Brigade Public Affairs Officer formed Task Force 38 Headquarters, located at Custer State Park, South Dakota. of training in which they interact with American coun- Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Mykytiuk, Command- terparts in a threat environment with an opposing force ing Officer of the North Saskatchewan Regiment in is highly valued, lending elements that are different , along with the unit’s Regimental Sergeant from training back in Canada. Major, Chief Warrant Officer Ramsay Bellisle, made up “The support we are getting from the South Dakota the Command Team for Ex GC18. National Guard has been outstanding and has al- This training exercise was an excellent opportunity lowed us to really leverage our own training objectives. for 38 CBG to partner with the SDANG to carry out Working with the Americans, we get access to a lot of humanitarian missions, engineering projects and medi- resources we normally wouldn’t see,” said LCol Myky- cal aid training. To do so, they implemented a Quick tiuk who added that every Canadian soldier, including Reaction Force (QRF), which is a military unit capable himself, is being exercised to a high level. of rapidly responding to developing situations, typically “For myself, I have resources that I don’t normally to assist Allied units in need of such assistance. have access to and I am actually getting a chance to The Canadian contribution to EX GC18 QRF was made up of infantry soldiers from the North Saskatch- ewan Regiment, Lake Superior Scottish Regiment and Barala Kennels the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada. The YOUR PET’S HOME AWAY FROM HOME QRF members were paired up with American soldiers from the 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion • BOARDING ALL BREEDS OF CATS & DOGS and took part in three exercise missions. • INDIVIDUAL QUARTERS AND OUTDOOR RUN To add realism to the training, there was an enemy • PET EXERCISE AND PLAY AREA • SEPARATE CAT FACILITIES • CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONED AND HEATED KENNELS force present, and paintball equipment was used by • AIRPORT PICKUP & DELIVERY both the enemy force and the QRF to indicate casual- ties sustained throughout the operation by both sides. OWNERS: GARTH AND SARA GRANT For Canadians out on Ex GC18, access to this type [email protected] www.baralakennels.com 633-2629 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 7 Team Spirit a Trend at the WCWO/Public Service Slo-Pitch “Without them we wouldn’t go too far,” said said Dawn Redahl, the event’s Chief Organizer. “He WCWO Rossignol. “This is a huge, strong crowd. finds the military very important, as is networking with There’s close to 30,000 people working with us. We the community.” need public servants, and this is showing our ap- Also at the barbeque was Juno Award winning Wil- preciation for these people.” liam Prince, a Canadian folk and country singer-song- Each team was set to play four games, lasting writer. He performed, and while mingling, people were roughly 50 minutes each, and innings were deter- treated to the sound of his soothing voice and guitar. mined by either three outs or five runs, whichever Overall, the day was a phenomenal success, and came first. Each team also appeared to have its thanks to the tournament, the barbeque, and all partici- own mentality, be it one of strength and strategy, pants, people from the base and surrounding areas were or of fun and leisure. able to meet and get to know each other. There were some intense neck-and-neck “The nice thing about this is that, when you look at games, and then there were some landslide victo- the group of people, it’s military, and it’s public service ries. In both though, there was enjoyment. civilians.,” said Redahl. “We’re all together here and en- 2Lt Ahmed Raza, team captain for the joying each other. We’re saying hi, because we normally B3ASTS, was supportive of his team the whole A team from Fastenal gave out prizes during the WCWO/Public way through their second game, even though the Service Slo-Pitch tournament on June 15 at 17 Wing Winnipeg. team exhibited a loss. Photos by Ashley Demers The B3ASTS were constantly cheering and clapping for their teammates, and demonstrated by Ashley Demers, Voxair Photojournalist true team spirit throughout the day. They even had t- Neon clothing, self-made score sheets, high fives and shirts customized for each player, with the team name pom-poms. on the front, and the player’s name on the back. Specially made team t-shirts, singing, handshakes It was all in the name of fun, said 2Lt. Raza. and cheers. “I think we have really good morale going right now,” These are all demonstrations of team spirit. said Raza after the loss. “Everybody’s happy. I think we These are also all things that were seen and heard at did a really good job. We have a good set of people, and the annual WCWO Public Service Slo-Pitch Tournament we’re going to crush the next one.” on June 15. Captain Ian Aastrom, pitcher for the Whack ‘Em This year, as always, the round robin tournament Sillies, was also proud of his team’s play. The team had was a fun morning full of sports, food, and friends. There a comeback victory, and he attributes it to good luck was some humid weather to start the day, but that didn’t (L-R) Chris Merrithew, 17 Wing Fitness, Sports and Recreation brought on by his team’s neon colours. Manager, Jose Ferreira, Fountain Tire, Portage Ave Manager, stop 27 eager teams from showing up to play. “We’re not really good at winning games, so this is Dawn Redahl, 17 Wing Sports Coordinator, and Rick Harris, Opening ceremonies began at 7:45 a.m., during kind of huge,” said Capt. Aastrom with a smile on his Senior Manager PSP pose for a photo. Fountain Tire sponsors which participants got to see Wing Chief Warrant Of- face. “It’s a lot of fun to get out and do this.” the BBQ at the tournament every year. ficer Jerome Rossignol swing at the opening pitch. Af- Following the morning full of fun, José Ferreira and terwards, teams made their way to their diamonds, and his Fountain Tire team sponsored a fantastic barbeque see each other and we don’t always talk. threw their first pitches at 8 a.m. for all in attendance. Everyone was treated to a free “We want to thank everyone for everything. Without The event is hosted yearly to thank all public ser- meal, as well as some down time to relax, talk, and enjoy everyone’s contributions, none of this would have been vants involved with the forces, said WCWO Rossignol, each other’s company. possible. It turned out to be a perfect day.” and with a high turnout every year, it is clear to see that “[José’s] very generous. He’s our primary sponsor,” many military members appreciate the sporting gesture. 8 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 Around The Wing

Incoming Deputy Wing Commander, LCol Brian Quick, 17 Wing Command- er Col Andy Cook and Outgoing Deputy Wing Commander LCol Genevieve Lehoux sign the Transfer of Authority documents at the DWComd Change of Apoointment Ceremony held at 17 Wing on June 22, 2018. Photo: Cpl Paul Shapka

(L-R) Devon Klassen and Sean Kochalyk were presented 1 CAD HQ Commander’s Commendations for being team players, setting personal examples, and for their expertise and knowledge as fitness instructors. They were presented the commendations as they prepared to lead a class for the unit on June 27. Photo: Bill McLeod, Voxair Manager

17 Wing: Doing More With Less? On Thu 5 Jul 18, LCol Brian Quick was in the unique posi- tion of wearing “three hats” - CO 17 MSS, DWComd, and A/ WComd. When asked about his three appointments, LCol Quick merely smiled and commented, “what could go wrong?” Photo: Bill McLeod

THE VOXAIR Give us a call: 204-833-2500 ext. 4120

Find out the benefits of advertising with us Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 9 Around The Wing

Colonel Eric Charron, (right) the brand new 17 Wing Commander, performed one of his first official duties by providing a sample for a Blind Drug Test on July 3, 2018, with Wing Chief Warrant Officer Jerome Rossignol (left). The anonymous test will provide a baseline to commanders about drug use at 17 Wing. The Voxair will have an interview with Col Charron in the August edition of the Voxair. Photo: Bill McLeod, Voxair Manager 10 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 17 Wing Stretches Out on International Yoga Day by Martin Zeilig, Voxair and heat, she compared it to Photojournalist an indoor “hot yoga” class. For Rick Harris, Senior “Yoga helps me concen- Manager Personnel Support trate on myself, and to have Programs, 17 Wing, doing calm on a crazy day,” Sch- yoga helps improve his flex- weitzer, a native of France, ibility while still getting a whose husband works at 17 good workout. Wing, said. “If I don’t do it, He was one of 10 par- I feel as if I’m being over- ticipants taking part in a whelmed.” 50 minute yoga workout, Brooks, who studied yoga which was led by Lee-Anne at the Manitoba Fitness CALENDRIER Brooks, Fitness and Sports Council, teaches a noon hour Instructor, PSP/ Canadian yoga class once a week in the COMMUNAUTAIRE Forces Morale and Welfare multipurpose room at the Lee-Ann Brrokes, PSP Sports and Fitness Instructor, leads Services (CFMWS), at noon Recreation and Fitness Cen- the participants during International Yoga Day on June 21. hour on the soccer pitch on Photo by Martin Zeilig tre (Building 90). 11 juillet • Mercredis en Musique – Rayannah • Festival the summer solstice, June She said IYD was an op- du Voyageur • 204-237-7692 21. portunity to make this more It was also International Yoga Day-- a global event than just a regular indoor yoga class. 12 juillet • Crée avec Makey Makey • Bibliothèque de that raises awareness throughout the world of the ben- “The benefits from yoga are in terms of recovery be- Saint-Boniface • 204-986-4332 efits of practicing yoga, says online information. cause you’re lengthening the muscles,” Brooks said in 13 juillet • Blues, blanc, rouge • Alliance Française du “The idea for International Yoga Day was first pro- a followup interview with The Voxair. “When you’re a Manitoba • 204-477-1515 posed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his weightlifter, like I am, the muscles become shorter and 2014 United Nations General Assembly address,” notes tighter. So, it’s really good to lengthen and strengthen 14 juillet • Fête nationale française • Union Nationale an article in the Daily Mail.com. muscles. It actually helps to prevent injury, I’ve no- Française • 204-202-4897 “Modi stated: ‘Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ticed this in my running program. I’ve found that a lot 15 juillet • Jubilation • Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface • ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; of people push away the psychological and de-stressing 204-237-9851 thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony aspects of yoga, because people are so busy in today’s between man and nature; a holistic approach to health world, especially in the military setting.” 18 juillet • Bébé bricos à la biblio • Bibliothèque de Saint- and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover She added that a lot of people are not participating in Boniface • 204-986-4332 the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the na- yoga because they feel they don’t have the time to devote 18 juillet • Mercredis en Musique – Suzanne Kennelly • ture. By changing our lifestyle and creating conscious- to it. Festival du Voyageur • 204-237-7692 ness, it can help in well-being. Let us work towards “Even people that workout regularly don’t partici- adopting an International Yoga Day.’ pate in yoga because you don’t want to waste your time 25 juillet • Mercredis en Musique – Daniel Champagne/ “On December 11, 2014, India’s representative to the stretching,” Brooks observed. “You want to run, to lift, Janelle Nadeau • Festival du Voyageur • 204-237-7692 United Nations, Asoke Mukherji, introduced a resolu- whatever your exercise is, and I was bad for that years Bricole-toi un tourne disque tion to declare June 21, the longest day of the year in the ago. But, you’re missing out on the real relaxation and 26 juillet • • Bibliothèque de Northern Hemisphere and a day of special significance psychological benefit and centring aspect of yoga.” Saint-Boniface • 204-986-4332 in many cultures throughout the world, as International The sun salutation pose at the end really helps in 20-29 juillet • Pièce 1818 • Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface Yoga Day. relaxing the body, she said. • 204-233-2556 “The resolution achieved much support and was “You go back to your job or whatever you’re work- quickly passed, with June 21, 2015 slated as the inaugu- ing on in a different frame of mind than before you left,” Exposition: ral International Yoga Day.” Brooks observed. Composition -J.R. Léveillé Outside of India, millions • Maison des artistes are expected to participate visuels francophones in International Yoga Day Femme au jardin • Centre culturel franco manito- events all around the world, bain including in major cities like Perspective survolée • Centre culturel franco mani- London, Paris, and New tobain York City where hundreds are expected to partake in Le Paysage et ses limites • Maison des artistes a yoga session in the city’s visuels francophones iconic Times Square, the Daily Mail said. Pour plus d’informations et pour voir le calendrier au “You feel rejuvenated,” complet, visitez le http://www.sfm.mb.ca/calendrier Mr. Harris, who mentioned that he was only at his fourth yoga session, said. “Lee-Ann gives us options. You can go at your own pace. You don’t have to do extreme moves. I feel better after class.” Another participant, Anne Schweitzer, said that she’s been studying yoga at home for the past four years via YouTube. “This is my first time here (attending a class at the base),” she said while sipping a cool drink of fruit flavoured water available in the open tent after the session-- which was accom- panied by recorded medita- tive music playing through two loudspeakers. “I was wondering if they were do- ing something here for In- ternational Yoga Day. It was nice. It’s good to be outside, and great to meet different people.” Because of the humidity VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 11 17 Wing Fire Garden Boxes a Good Alternative Chief’s Corner to Exercise Your Green Thumb BBQ SEASON IS HERE by Martin Zeilig, Voxair Photojournal- ist So let’s get the grill ready to go! Spend a few min- Jalapeno peppers, basil, cucumber, let- utes on your “BBQ”, and you’ll have a cleaner, safer tuce, radishes, squash, tomatoes, and peas running barbecue, that cooks food more evenly. are all growing in the new wooden garden boxes nestled against the east wall of the First let’s give the barbecue an inspection. Canex-- near the red picnic table. You should make a point of doing this every time The garden boxes were built by Vic Lee, you change a propane tank as well. CSLA, PMP Technical Specialist, Project or 1. Spray soapy water on the connections, and sup- Program Management for Health Promo- ply lines. If you see bubbles, turn off the tank, and try tion and Community Recreation, Personnel re-connecting. If it still bubbles, then gas is still leak- Support Programs. ing. Shut off the tank and get the leaky part replaced. The project was sparked after Diane 2. Remove the grates and lava rocks (if you still Brine, Manager, Health Promotion, and use them), and check out the burner. If it looks good her colleague, Deanne Bennett, Health visually, then fire it up and make sure that you have Promotion Specialist, attended a workshop an even flame throughout. If not, then replace it. Most given about round indoor container hydro- burners only last 1 or 2 seasons, depending on how ponic gardens while they were at a confer- much you use your barbecue. ence at CFB Cornwall in October 2017. Since you already have the lava rocks out, why not The demonstration was held by PSP clean out all the ash and grease that’s accumulated members from CFB Cold Lake, noted Di- at the bottom of the barbecue? While you’re cleaning, Vic Lee demonstrates the construction of the garden boxes to a rapt audi- check the unit for rust, and any signs of deterioration. ane Brine, in the Health Promotion office. ence outside the Canex building on June 13. Photo: Bill McLeod 3. Don’t forget to check and clean out the venturi “They’ve set up green houses and they tubes that deliver the gas to the burner. If they get work plugged up, the gas will get diverted elsewhere, and with different organizations that come in and work the garden,” she said. “It’s an could pose a hazard. amazing thing. We wanted to duplicate it and do something similar. But, there’s are no greenhouse here. The cost of hydroponics is a little bit more than we can Whenever you barbecue... afford. We talked about a half garden plot, but that’s too out of the way. So, the Make sure that the barbecue is at least 10 feet (3 next best thing was to build garden boxes.” meters) from the house, or any other material that They started small because it was a project they wanted to begin with this could catch fire. year in order to see what the interest is like “with the intention of ideally in- Only open your propane tank a quarter to one-half creasing” the number of garden boxes in this area for members to work in and turn. That’s all the gas your barbecue needs to oper- use the produce, Bennett remarked. ate, and if you have a problem, then it’s much easier She added that the Military Family Resource Centre and Canadian Forces to shut off. Housing Agency have also shown interest about “getting onboard” with the proj- Always open the barbecue lid before you light it. If ect. it doesn’t fire up the first time you try it, then shut it “In the ideal world, we’re thinking if there’s boxes in other parts of the base, down, and try it again in about 5 minutes. then we could coordinate what we’re growing and put on healthy meals (ses- From the time you light the barbecue, till you’re sions),” Bennett said. “So, we could put on an event where people can come and finished cooking, stay with your BBQ. Accidents can enjoy the healthy produce.” happen when you leave a barbecue unattended. Right now, Deanne and Diane are tending to the two boxes. After all, they did the planting. They hope other groups will help out too. Safety First! “Many members have commented that they feel restricted with what they can Always make sure that the barbecue is in a safe do in military housing,” Vic Lee wrote in an email that included photographs and place, where kids and pets won’t touch or bump into it. building plans for garden boxes. Keep in mind that the barbecue will still be hot after The garden boxes are portable, attractive, and in line with CFHA policy. you finish cooking, and anyone contacting the barbe- CFHA says that the garden boxes are a good alternative for residential housing cue could be burned. units because the grass can be cut underneath them and they don’t leave any If you use a barbecue lighter, make sure you don’t change to the property an incoming tenant may not want. leave it lying around where the kids can access it. It “It’s another way for people to be active,” Brine offered. “So, people don’t nec- won’t take long for them to figure out how to use it. essarily have to run to be active. It’s another option of what you can do. People When you’re finished barbecuing, always make complain about how cold Winnipeg is. If we can get these gardens going, you can sure that you not only shut off the barbecue, but shut change some of that negative feedback about Winnipeg.” off the propane tank as well. For further information, contact PSP Health Promotion at 204-833-2500 ext Always store propane tanks outside, in a well-ven- 4150. tilated area.

A few tips for charcoal grillers • Never use gasoline to get the coals going. In- stead, use charcoal lighting fluid. • Let the lighter fluid soak into the coals for a min- ute or so before lighting it. That gives the explosive vapours a chance to dissipate. • Stand back from the coals when you ignite them, and make sure you didn’t accidentally spill any fluid on yourself, or on any area surrounding the grill. • Before you light the coals, make sure that you put the lighter fluid at a safe distance away from the fire. • If the coals start to die out on you, don’t spray lighter fluid on the hot coals. You could end up with explosive results. • Always extinguish the coals when you’re finished barbecuing. Here’s a safe way to do it. Wearing oven mitts, take the coals out of the barbecue with tongs, and submerge them in a metal pail of water. • Always make sure that you keep your fire safe from children. Let’s all have an enjoyable and safe barbecuing season. 12 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 cafconnection.ca/winnipeg

17 Wing Community Recreation Sports Summer Day Camps! Registration Ongoing online at www.cafconnection.ca/winnipeg For Information call 5139 or 2057 VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 13

Upcoming MFRC Programs and Events

For the most current information on all of our pro- treats along the way! SOUTH SIDE PARENT GROUP... AT NIGHT! grams, visit our webpage at www.cafconnection.ca/ Each participating family will receive a Show and Save A ‘community’ of parents discuss topics related to Winnipeg or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @Win- coupon book to take home. all the trials and tribulations of being a parent to kids nipegMFRC Saturday, August 18, 1 to 4 pm , Register by August 3 of all ages. Drop for coffee and snacks and get to know $20 per Team of 4. Meet at the MFRC, 102 Comet St. at your neighbours, as your kids play and socialize with FINDING EVERY DAY JOY WITH “THE HAPPINESS 12:30. others. Tuesday, August 2, 16:00 – 8:00 pm, Free, Drop PROJECT” in Based on the international best seller ‘The Happiness MOVIE IN THE PARK Project’ by Gretchen Rubin, participants will discuss Join us for a hot dog roast before catching a movie or SPECIAL NEEDS DISCUSSION GROUP and share practical ways to make their lives more two as offered through the Assiniboine Park’s Summer This discussion group is open to those managing their joyful and fulfilling. As you require a copy of the book Movie Series at The Lyric Theatre. own special needs, supporting somone elses or who are for reading and reflection, you can preorder them for We are kicking off with a Hot Dog Roast at 5 pm. Fam- interested in learning more. Thursday August 23, 6:00 $15. Next sessions are: Monday, July 16, 6 pm – 8 pm, ily movie starts at 6:30 pm – Coco, 8:45 pm – Black pm - 8:00 pm, South Side Youth Centre 347 Doncaster (register by July 11) Monday, August 20. 5:30 pm – 8:00 Panther. Friday, August 17, 5:00 pm Register by Au- St., Free. Register by August 21 pm (register by August 14) and Monday, September 17, gust 15. $5 per family for hot dog roast. Movie is Free. PARENT TOGETHER EVENING 6 – 8 pm (register by September 10) Look for the Yellow MFRC Flags to find us and check Join us for a parenting group in the evening. We will our Facebook page for the most current details under be discussing everyday issues of parenting. The ins and WINNIPEG AMAZING ADVENTURE, ‘events’. outs of the phases and all the in-betweens. There will Newly posted in? Want to get out and explore the be a guest speaker on parenting topics, city? Let us help you discover (or rediscover) some lo- R U READY?? Monday, August 28, 6:30- 8:30 pm, Free, Drop in cal gems, adding in a bit of fun, a little bit of friendly Are you ready for your kids to go back to school? Are competition at the pitstops, and as always, some tasty you ready for the lunches, backpacks and schedules? COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY This program will give you some ideas for being ready Join us for a four week educational workshop on cogni- for back to school and all that comes with it. We will tive behaviour therapy (CBT) and mindfulness. Class- discuss time management, menu planning and schedul- es will cover the basic concepts of CBT, integrating ing regular family time. Participants will also receive mindfulness with CBT and how to aplly these to make the “Mom’s Calendar”, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 7:00 – 9:00 positive changes in your life. Wednesdays 1830 – 2030, pm, $10 Register by August 13 September 26, October 3,10,17 Register by September 21 NEXT CHAPTER This group will help parents find themselves as they go Call 204-833-2500 ext 4500 to register for programs or through parenting from kindergarten to teenage years. for more information This program is designed for parents with children ages 6 and up. Tuesday, Augusts 2, 19:30 to 11:30 a.m., Free Drop-in 14 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018

Sports Trivia Answers

Taroscopes BY NANCY

1. $48.00. Aries (March 21 – April 19): Unexpected events and Libra (September 23 – October 23): You’re eager to 2. – 16. ( Eskimos are sudden surprises precipitate a review of your lifestyle. complete tasks and take on new projects. Pace yourself. second with 14 victories.) Be pro-active. Get back on track. Setting a prudent Take the time to do a few things very well instead of 3. – 15. course will bring the best results. You have luck on your rushing to get lots done. Enjoy each day. Live in the 4. – 24. (Winnipeg has won the side but don’t take it for granted. Make a solid commit- present. If you speed along too quickly you miss some of Cup 10 times.) ment to maintain good habits. the most beautiful moments. 5. 65th (November 27, 1977) – 68,318 people saw the defeat Edmonton 41-6 at Olympic Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Life doesn’t always fit our Scorpio (October 24 – November 21): Understand- Stadium in Montreal. expectations. Set judgements aside. No two lives are ing yourself makes it easier to make the right decisions. 6. All three have won seven Grey Cups. alike but with empathy you can understand another’s Reflection takes courage. Note how you’ve created 7. Three players have won the MVP three times; Doug reality. Don’t assume you know what is best for every- problems for yourself through action or inaction. Look Flutie, , and . one. Your way is right for you but you can also learn at the patterns of your behavior and recurring themes. 8. (K) – Alouettes – 1974, 1977, 1979. Dave from watching how others manage challenges. What needs to be done for better results? Sapunjis (SB) – Stampeders – 1991, 1992, 1995. 9. Russ Jackson – Ottawa Roughriders (1969) – four. Gemini (May 21 – June 21): Take detours in stride. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Discus- 10. Edmonton Eskimos – five (1978-1982). Life isn’t linear. Still, your life is a reflection of the ef- sions give you insights into how others feel and think. 11. #10 Bernie Faloney (QB); #10 Angelo Mosca (DT). fort you put in. If it’s not going the way you want it to, Your response to what’s said helps you understand 12. (K/P/WR) – B.C. Lions – 408. take action. Make change happen. Ask a friend what yourself better. Life can’t be compartmentalized. Every- 13. Bob Cameron (P) – Winnipeg – 353. kind of impression you make. Then tweak your presen- thing is connected. When you focus on having a purpose 14. Milt Stegall (SB) – Winnipeg – 147. tation. Opportunities are coming your way. driven life, transitions are easier. 15. George Reed (RB) – Saskatchewan – 134. 16. Henry “Gizmo” Williams (WR/PR/KR) – Edmonton Cancer (June 22 – July 22): Loving kindness and un- Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Perfection – 26. conditional giving benefit the recipient but also it’s good is impossible. Attempting it will exhaust you. What 17. Paul McCallum – Saskatchewan – 62 yards (Octo- for your soul. Everyone makes mistakes. Life goes on. others want may not be right for you. Focus on getting ber, 27, 2001, vs. Edmonton). Forgive others and yourself, but don’t forget the lessons in touch with your own feelings. The external aspects of 18. Zenon Andruzyshyn – Toronto – 108 yards (October you’ve learned. Let those who try and take too much, your life can wait. Your feelings are what drive you. Are 23, 1977, vs. Edmonton), – Saskatch- take care of themselves for a change. you going in the right direction? ewan – 108 yards (October 29, 2011, vs. Hamilton).

19. Tyrone Williams (WR) – Vanier Cup – University of Leo (July 23 – August 22): A life-review can result in Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Be patient. Let Western Ontario – 1989; Super Bowl – Dallas Cowboys – 1993, 1993; Grey Cup – Toronto – 1996. a radical shift in attitude. Hiding behind a polished answers come to you. Love yourself and trust yourself 20. – Montreal – 79,816. image only works for so long. Be real if you want to to weigh your options effectively. Seek solutions that develop meaningful relationships. You don’t need to are best for all concerned. Slowly and steadily pursue have all the answers or be perfect. Take pride in your your passion. Be open to experiences and seek out ways successes. Take responsibility for your mistakes. to nourish your soul.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): You may feel a Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Get organized. sense of loss as shifts and changes occur in the lives of Identify your priorities. Challenges can motivate you. Personal the people around you. Celebrate new beginnings. You They are a vital part of your soul’s evolution. See things now see your own plans for the future with more clarity from a new perspective. Reconnect to spirit. You’re on a and conviction. You are motivated to manage better. healing journey. Keep moving. Share your progress. In CLASSIFIEDS Take the initiative to make a fresh start. teaching others, you learn even more.

1 BDR APARTMENT FOR SUBLET 3063 Portage Ave. 5 mins to 17 Wing. $948. Utili- FOR APPOINTMENTS with NANCY CALL 204-775-8368 ties and parking included. Private balcony. Avail- able July 15. For More Info CALL Capt zeng at local 4352 The Wobbly Prop Presents TGIT Food Trucks beginning at 1530 Send us an e-mail today to place your FREE Classified ad (of 50 words or less) at: voxair@ mymts.net. Classified ads will run for one month July 19 - Extreme Fries August 9 - Little Bones (two issues) unless space permits or specified other- wise. Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018 15 Your 17 Wing Chaplain Team

Maj Capt Capt Hope Capt Capt Paul Noteh Laura Winfield Greg Girard Gemmiti Glogauer Coxworth Chaplain’s Corner My Love Colours Outside the Lines by Padre Lesley Fox have shared your sacred stories with me. I have grieved help you vacuum. In the three years that I have worked at 17 Wing, with you over tragic deaths, broken relationships, I leave you now with these words, from one of one of the most profound encounters that I have had workplace sadness, unsatisfactory posting plots, and my favourite hymns: occurred at almost the beginning of my ministry. I chronic pain. And, I have celebrated with you in wed- “My love colours outside the lines, received a duty call from Ottawa with the hope that I dings, baptisms, anniversaries, promotions, happy post- Turns wounds to blessings, water into wine, might be able to connect with the family of one of our ings, joyous trips, and meaningful deployments. I have And takes me into places where I’ve never been Canadian Rangers who had tragically passed away in a always been more interested in what is in your heart before, tent fire in Pond Inlet. The ranger was transported to a and in your soul, than what lies on your chest or what And opens doors to worlds outside the lines. hospital in Winnipeg, while his wife and other members might be in your personnel file. As God says to Samuel We’ll never walk on water if we’re not prepared of his family were moved to Ottawa for immediate care. in one of my holy texts, “Do not look on his appearance to drown, I called the hospital, but since the ranger had passed or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected Body and soul need a soaking from time to time. away, the extended family had already left the hos- him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look And we’ll never move the gravestones if we’re pital. I asked the nurse on call if she had any contact on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the not prepared to die, information, and she said “sorry, Padre, but you could heart.” I try very hard to look at the heart. And realize there are worlds outside the lines.” possibly try the nearest hotel.” It would be like find- In my ministry, no matter in what context I have (Gordon Light, More Voices Hymnal 2007 UCC) ing a needle in a haystack, but I got in my car and as worked, and I have been at this vocation for many Until we meet again, I travelled to the hospital I kept praying that I would years as an ordained UCC minister, I have but two Lesley find them, because as I said to God in my car, “this goals: to preach well, and to love the people with whom family has no one, they are grieving, and they are in a I work. I want you to know how very much I have loved strange city. Please, God, help me find them.” I turned all of you, and how hard I have tried to help you in into the hotel closest to the hospital and thought about advocating with various chains of command, or in sup- what I might say to the manager to find this family. porting you through challenging times. I have not al- As I opened the doors to the hotel, in front of me stood ways been successful, but I hope you have been heard. an Inuit family. I looked at them, and they looked at This past spring, I had two funeral services in two me clad in uniform with the cross on my chest, and we days, church services, endless appointments, and was all simply knew. We spent a couple of hours together just dead on my feet. The funerals were both sad in that day, and as is the case when your prayers are very different ways. One was for a little girl I baptized, answered, you can expect to be changed, and I was. I and the other was for a long time member of my chapel was far more blessed by this family than they were by community. After the service for little Lena Bothe, I me. They came to chapel on Sunday, and my faith com- was cleaning up the chapel, vacuuming the place to munity embraced them. Truly, we embraced each other. be ready for the next service, when Lena’s older sister, This is what it is to be in the presence of the living Sydney Bothe, quietly said, “Let me help you, Padre!” God when you are a chaplain in the Canadian Armed She took the vacuum, and that is truly when I lost it. Forces. The tears flowed readily, as I thought about the care I am the type of Padre who prefers to be present this little girl, who had just lost her sister, was able to to you in the spaces between the breaths. Yes, I do the offer another grieving family. This is what it is to be in Change of Command prayers, and the public ceremo- the presence of the living God when you are a chaplain nies, but I have loved being with you most when you in the Canadian Armed Forces, and angels come and

Protestant Jewish Catholic Good Shepherd Protestant chapel community St. Marguerite bourgeoys rc chapel community

Sunday Service: (English Only) 1100 hrs Sunday Mass: (Bilingual) 1600 hrs

Community Services: Chaplains Chaplain Chaplains Community Services: Religious Education: Classes can be available to Sunday School: It is held during the service for Padre Noteh Glogauer Padre Hope Winfield Padre Laura Coxworth children from Preschool to Grade 6. children ages 3 to 12. Childcare is provided on an (Rabbi) (Roman Catholic Pastoral (Pentecostal) as-required basis for children under 3 years of age. ext 6914 Associate) - Protestant Faith Sacrament of Reconciliation: It is available by - Wing Chaplain request and at special times of the year. Contact Community Coordinator Marriage: Contact the chaplain at least six months in ext 5417 Padre Gemmiti. advance if possible. A marriage preparation course is a ext 5785 requirement. Please contact the Chaplain before setting Padre Paul Gemmiti Baptism: We recommend that you contact the Padre Greg Girard the date for the wedding or arranging family travel. (Roman Catholic Priest) chaplain’s office for an appointment six months in (Christian Reformed) advance. Please contact the Chaplain before setting - Catholic Faith Community - Det. Dundurn the date for the Baptism or arranging family travel. Baptism: The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is available Coordinator 306-492-2135 ext 4299 by contacting a Chaplain. Baptism Preparation is a ext 4885 Marriage: Six months notice (1 year preferred) is requirement. Please contact the Chaplain before setting required for weddings, as counselling is necessary TBD the date for the baptism or arranging family travel. TBD to prepare couples for Christian marriage. A mar- ext 5272 17 Wing Military - Mental Health Chaplain riage preparation course is also required. Please Community Chapel Protestant Chapel Guild: It meets the first ext 5086 contact the Chaplain before setting the date for the Wednesday of the month at 1300 hrs in the Chapel 2235 Silver Ave wedding or arranging family travel. Annex. All women are welcome. (west off Whytewold/ Wihuri Road)

Main Offices Emergency Duty Chaplain Info Phone Number Website Care & Share Administrative Assistant Contact MP Dispatch ext 2633. For chaplaincy services and related Those with access to the DIN can Benevolent Fund 204-833-2500 ext. 5087 information, phone ext 6800 and visit 17Wing.winnipeg.mil.ca, then Contact Wing Chaplain Office for Building 64, follow the prompts. click ‘17 Wing’, then ‘Services’. further information. Lower Level, North End. 16 Voxair 17 Wing Winnipeg 11 July, 2018