INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOASSAYS ISSN: 2278-778X CODEN: IJBNHY ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS Medicinal of Kashmir, India. Wani M. H.*1, Shah M. Y.2 and A. R. Naqshi3 1, 2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India. 3Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.

Received: May 13, 2016; Accepted: May 22, 2016 Available online: 1st July 2016

Abstract: A comprehensive account is presented of -allies and ferns known to occur in Kashmir Valley, Gurez (Kishenganga Valley) and Ladakh, which have recognized medicinal value. Out of the total number of 113 taxa (7 taxa of fern allies and 106 taxa of ferns) recorded from the area, a significant proportion (34%) is medicinally important. Amongst these, the genera Dryopteris (07) and Asplenium (06) have the highest number of medicinally important taxa. For each taxon included is provided the botanical name, family, common/vernacular name (wherever available), parts used, medicinal properties, chemical constituents etc.

Key words: Chemical constituents; Comprehensive account; Fern allies; Medicinal value; Vernacular names.

Introduction Area of study The pteridophytes, which include the fern-allies The Kashmir Valley lies embedded within the and ferns, are a group of ancient or primitive land Himalaya at an average height of about 1600 m, vascular with worldwide distribution. As per between the coordinates 33.20° to 34.54° N and the latest estimates (Wani et al., 2012), the area of 73.55° to 75.35° E, and is approximately 135 Km study has 6 and 1 subspecies (total 7 taxa) in length and 32-40 Km in breadth. Range after of fern-allies, in 3 genera, belonging to 3 families; range of mountains to the North, the East and the and 80 species, 22 subspecies and 4 hybrids (total West separate the Valley from the outside world. 106 taxa) of ferns, in 29 genera, belonging to 13 families. 47 taxa (42%) are recorded to be rare or Kashmir is quite different from surrounding endangered. The fern flora is made up mostly of a regions due to its distinct orographic features and combination of Sino-Himalayan (≥75%), Euro- snow clad peaks, characteristic altitude, and land Mediterranean (≥15%), and a few S.E. Asian locked position. It resembles the mountainous and elements (≤8%). continental areas of temperate latitudes. The main Valley has a Continental climate marked by well- The economic value of pteridophytes including defined seasonality. Gurez (Kishenganga Valley), their medicinal applications has been known to lying between the coordinates 34.38° N and 74.56° man for more than 2000 years. Theophrastus (c. E, to the north, at an elevation of about 2500 m 327-287 BC) and Dioscoroides (c. 50 AD) had above the sea, is accessible to Kashmir Valley via referred to medicinal attributes of certain ferns. the Rajdhan Pass. The Kishenganga (Neelam) Sashruta and Charaka (c. 100 AD) mentioned River flows through it, and on either side tower medicinal uses of Marsilea minuta and mountain scarps of indescribable grandeur. The capillus-veneris in their Samhitas (Singh, 2003). climate is mild and dry. The mountainous region of Dras and Ladakh, between the coordinates Though recent ethnobotanical, phytochemical, 34.10° N and 77.34° E, towards the north-east, is pharmacological and biological researches have accessible to the main Valley via the Zoji La Pass. revealed medicinal, pharmaceutical and This region is a cold desert, comprising extensive phytochemical attributes of pteridophytes, which chains of naked, icy mountains (the Zanskar have valuable potential applications for health and Range), and receiving a very meagre rainfall industry, still many species of pteridophytes are yet averaging about 100 mm annually; the vegetation to be explored for their potential applications for being mostly confined to isolated pockets near future use and to isolate new active principles from river courses or small valleys, or on steep moist them (Singh, 2003). A proper utilization of their cliffs. pharmacological value requires a detailed phytochemical analysis of the active principles Materials and Methods contained in them, and the application of the same The present communication is primarily based on in modern system of medicine. The chemical observations from the field and personal properties and the nutritive contents of these ferns interactions with people and traditional healers have to be understood for their proper and (hakims) with herbal knowledge; and practitioners sustainable utilization. practicing Yunnani and Ayurvedic system of

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Majid Wani, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India. E-mail address: [email protected] Copyright 2016 pg. 4677 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

medicine were also consulted, to add to the Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. knowledge of medicinal ferns. In documenting the Family: Equisetaceae. medicinal uses of ferns, an exhaustive literature Common Name: Branched Horsetail (English). survey was carried out and an attempt made to Parts Used: Whole ; Rhizome; Young shoot. provide comprehensive information on their Medicinal Properties: The rhizome decoction of potential medicinal applications. These studies this plant is given to barren women to facilitate were undertaken as an essential part of the main fertilization in S. Africa (May 1978). An extract author's Ph.D. work between the years 2004-2010. made into a paste of the plant is used as local application for treatment of fracture and In the present communication, every effort has dislocation of bones (Kumar et al., 2003). The been made to make the work up to date by plant is also an astringent; used in diarrhoea, incorporating the latest nomenclature; however, in gonorrhoea and improving fertility in women case of those taxa that have been split into (Singh, 2003). subspecies due to recent taxonomic Chemical Constituents: 3-Methoxy pyridine, considerations, only the main species has been Palustine, Dimethyl sulphane, Iso-quercetrin listed. For the presentation of data, all the species Epigenin, Galiteolin, Equisetrin, Equisetonin, are arranged alphabetically for easy reference. Ascorbic acid, Kaempferol, Vitamin C, Lipids and Botanical name, family, common/vernacular name sterols (Singh and Vishwanathan, 1996). (wherever available), parts used, medicinal Activities: Anti-fungal, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-viral, properties, chemical constituents etc. for each Diuretic, Haemopritic, Haemostatic. (Kumar et al., species are provided. 2003).

FERNS Alphabetical list of medicinal pteridophytes of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Kashmir Family: . Fern Allies Common Name: Common Maiden Hair Fern Equisetum arvense L. (English); Geuwtheer/Dumtuli (Kashmiri); Family: Equisetaceae. Hamaspadi/Hansraj (Hindi). Common Name: Common Horsetail/Field Horsetail Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds. (English). Medicinal Properties: This plant is used in the Parts Used: Whole plant. preparation of ‘Sirop de Capillaire’ of Europe. This Medicinal Properties: The plant is used in syrup is largely used in Italy and Greece in the fractured bones, bone cancer, diabetes, diarrhoea, treatment of chest complaints (Watt, 1889-1892). gout, dyspepsia, piles, sores, tuberculosis, wound The herb has also entered into many compositions healing, dropsy, stone and kidney affections in the West. It is employed as an emmenagogue (Singh, 2003). under the names of ‘Polytrichi,’ ‘Polytrichon’ or Chemical Constituents: 3-Methoxy pyridine, ‘Kalliphytlon,’ administered as a sweetened infusion Aconitic acid, Articulatin, Ascorbic acid, Beta- of 1 oz (30 cc) to a pint (568 cc) of boiling water carotene, Beta-setosterol, Caffeic acid, (Khare, 2004). Campesterol, Dihydrokaempferol, Dihydroquercetin, Equisetin, Equisetonin, This plant is a weak expectorant, bechic, weak Equisetroside, Flavonoids, Galuteolin, emmenagogue and weak diuretic, and is principally Gossypitrin, Herbacetrin, Iron, Isofucosterol, employed in chest complaints such as respiratory Isoquercetroside, Kaemferol, Luteolin, catarrh and coughs. Once it was used in the Naringenin, Niacin, Oxalic-acid, p-Coumaric acid, treatment of both pleurisy and asthma, but with p-Hydroxy-benzoic acid, Palustine, Palustinine, little effect in the latter (Stuart, 1979). Phenolic acid, Quercetrin, Rhodoxanthin, Riboflavin, Selenium, Sterols, Thiamin, Vanillic Whole plant is demulcent, expectorant and acid, Vitamin C, Zinc (Singh, 2003). febrifuge, and also used as a hair tonic. Powdered Activities: Anti-fungal, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-viral, fronds are given with honey against bad cold Diuretic, Haemopoietic, Haemostatic (Singh, (Kaul, 1997), extract used against fever (Naqshi et 2003). al., 1992), used as an emmenagogue (Chopra et al., 1956). It has anti-microbial and hypoglycaemic Equisetum diffusum D. Don properties (Mahmoud et al., 1989; Neef et al., Family: Equisetaceae. 1995). It is anti-odontalgic and anti-inflammatory. Common Name: Himalayan Horsetail (English). Powdered fronds are applied on gums and tooth Parts Used: Whole plant. cavities during toothache and dental abscesses Medicinal Properties: Whole plant is used in (Teresa Palmese et al., 2001). Ethanol extract of 1 gonorrhoea, as a cooling medicine and in arthritis gm of rhizome per ml of alcohol exhibits strong (Singh, 2003). activity against Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (Husson et al., 1986). The fern is used as a pectoral demulcent. It is boiled in wine in cases of hard pg. 4678 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

tumours of spleen, liver and other viscera body; also used in cough, diabetes and skin (Anonymous, 1986). diseases (Bhattacharjee, 2004). The young primules Chemical Constituents: Maiden Hair Fern of this fern are eaten raw to cure diabetes (Sood et contains Astragalin, Iso-quercitrin, Kaempferol-3- al., 2005). o-Rutinoside Sulphate, Nicotiflorin, Rutin (Singh and Vishwanathan, 1996; Singh, 2003; Sood et al., The aqueous and acetone extract of pinnules and 2005); 1-Caffey Glucose, 1-Coumaryl Galactose petiole of this fern have shown inhibitory effect and Homoserine isolated from fronds (Singh and against Salmonella typhii (Parihar et al., 2003). In Vishwanathan, 1996; Sood et al., 2005); bitter India, fronds of Adiantum incisum are largely used principle- Capillarine, Gallic acid, minute quantities as a substitute for Adiantum capillus-veneris. A typical of an essential oil, Mucilage, Tannins, Sugars Indian application for this fern is promoting (Stuart, 1979; Bhattacharjee, 2004; Prajapati et al., conception in women, which is based on indirect 2004). It also contains Flavonoids, tanning inference from the genito-urinary healing material- Mucin, terpenoids and heterosides of properties of ferns (Khare, 2004). Kaempferol, Luteolol and Quercetol Chemical Constituents: Adiantone, Adiantanore- (Bhattacharjee, 2004; Prajapati et al., 2004); iso-adiantone, Fernene steroids, Hentriacontane, Genistein, Hesperidin, Naringenin and Sulphuretin 16-Hentriacontanone, β-sitosterol (Singh, 2003; (Singh, 2003). Khare, 2004; Sood et al., 2005); Tri-terpenoids and Activities: Anti-bacterial, Anti-cancer, Anti- Flavonoids (Sood et al., 2005). fungal, Anti-implantation, Anti-viral, Febrifuge, Activities: Anti-bacterial, Anti-cancer, Anti- Hair tonic, Purgative, Wound healer (Singh, 2003); diabetic, Anti-pyretic, Anti-tussive, Aromatic, Anti-pyretic (Watt, 1889-1892; Duke and Ayensu, Astringent, Emetic, Febrifuge, Hypoglycaemic, 1985); Astringent, Emmenagogue (List and Tonic (Singh, 2003). Hohammer, 1969-1979; Singh, 2003); Demulcent, Contraindications: Emetic in large doses (Khare, Hypoglycaemic (Duke, 2002; Singh, 2003); 2004). Depurative, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Emetic, Emollient, Stimulant, Tonic (Duke and Ayensu, Adiantum pedatum L. 1985; Singh, 2003), Expectorant (Duke and Family: Pteridaceae. Ayensu, 1985; Duke, 2002; Singh, 2003); Laxative Common Name: Northern Maiden Hair Fern (Duke and Ayensu, 1985); Pectoral (Watt, 1889- (English). 1892; Duke and Ayensu, 1985; Duke, 2002). Parts Used: Rhizome; Fronds. Indications: Alopecia, Asthma, Cephalosis, Medicinal Properties: This is the French official Childbirth, Chill, Constipation, Cystosis, Dropsy, species used in the preparation of the ‘Sirop de Head cold, Hepatosis, Pulmonosis, Sclerosis, Capillaire.’ The leaves are bitterish and aromatic, Snakebite, Stone, Water retention (Duke and and have been supposed to be useful in chronic Ayensu, 1985); Bronchosis, Cough, Diabetes, Gray catarrhs and other pectoral affections. A. capillus- hair, Hyperglycaemia, Pain, Pertussis (Duke, 2002); veneris has similar properties though is feebler Catarrh, Fever (Watt, 1889-1892; Duke and (Watt, 1889-1892). It is still used in North America Ayensu, 1985); Cold (Duke and Ayensu, 1985; as a pectoral in chronic catarrhs (Kirtikar and Anonymous, 2000); Dysmenorrhoea, Rhinosis Basu, 1935). A. pedatum is used like A. capillus- (Duke and Ayensu, 1985; Duke, 2002); Gravel veneris “in similar ways and more highly valued by (Grieve, 1931; Duke and Ayensu, 1985); Headache many” (Grieve, 1931). (Anonymous, 2000); Insanity, Rheumatism, Sting Chemical Constituents: Adiantone, Adipedatol, (Moerman, 1998); Jaundice, Nephrosis, Pleurisy, Caffeic acid, Fatty acids, Fernene, Ferulic acid, Swelling (Grieve, 1931); Respirosis (List and Filicene, Filicinal, Iso-fernene, p-Coumarin, p- Hohammer, 1969-1979; Duke and Ayensu, 1985; Hydro Benzoic acid, Protocatechuic acid, Sterols, Duke, 2002). Tannin, Vanillic acid, Volatile oil (Singh, 2003). Contraindications: Not for use during pregnancy Activities: Astringent, Emmenagogue, Stimulant, (Duke, 2002); also emetic in large doses (Khare, Tonic (Singh, 2003); Anti-rheumatic (List and 2004). Hohammer, 1969-1979); Demulcent (Duke, 2002; Singh, 2003); Diuretic (Moerman, 1998; Adiantum incisum Forssk. Anonymous, 2000); Emetic (Moerman, 1998); Family: Pteridaceae. Expectorant (List and Hohammer, 1969-1979; Common Name: Hansraj (Hindi). Duke, 2002; Singh, 2003); Pectoral (Watt, 1889- Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds; Pinnules; 1892; Duke, 2002); Propecic (Duke, 2002); Petioles. decoction of rhizome used in chronic catarrh, Medicinal Properties: The fern is aromatic, cold, cough, hoarseness (Singh, 2003). astringent, febrifuge and tonic. It is also used in Indications: Abortion, Ague, Backache, hemicranias. The fronds are externally used in skin Cardiopathy, Childbirth, Cramps, Debility, diseases and their juice for diabetes (Khare, 2004). Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Fever, Gastrosis, The leaf powder of this fern is mixed with butter Gonorrhoea, Hysteria, Insanity, Mastosis, and used for controlling the internal burning of Metrorrhagia, Paralysis, Pneumonia, Snakebite, pg. 4679 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

Sore, Sting (Moerman, 1998); Asthma (Grieve, Activities: Aphrodisiac, Bitter, Deobstruent, 1931; Moerman, 1998); Bronchosis, Purgative, Resolvent (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935); Dysmenorrhoea, Grey hair, Pain, Pertussis, Anodyne, Anti-cancer, Anti-tuberculosis, Anti- Respirosis (Duke, 2002); Catarrh (Watt, 1889- viral, Aromatic, Astringent, Emetic, Febrifuge, 1892); Cold, Headache (Anonymous, 2000); Tonic; used in bronchitis, ophthalmia and prevents Cough (Grieve, 1931; Duke, 2002); Gravel, hair fall (Singh, 2003); Diuretic (Kirtikar and Basu, Jaundice, Nephrosis, Pleurisy (Grieve, 1931); 1935; Razdan, 1986; Singh, 2003); Emmenagogue; Rheumatism (List and Hohammer, 1969-1979; Expectorant (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Singh, Moerman, 1998); Water retention (Moerman, 2003). 1998; Anonymous, 2000). Indications: Biliousness, Colds, diseases of the Contraindications: Not for use during pregnancy chest, Headache, Humours, Hydrophobia, (Duke, 2002). Inflammations, Ophthalmia, Phlegmatic tumours (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935). Adiantum venustum D. Don Family: Pteridaceae. Aleuritopteris leptolepis (Fraser-Jenk.) Fraser- Common Name: Geuwtheer (Kashmiri). Jenk. Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds; Rhizome. Family: Pteridaceae. Medicinal Properties: The native physicians Parts Used: Fronds; Rhizome. consider this fern to be deobstruent and resolvent, Medicinal Properties: Fronds have anti-fungal useful for curing the prima viae of bile, adust bile properties; rhizome is anti-bacterial (Singh, 2003). and phlegm; also pectoral, expectorant, diuretic Chemical Constituents: Genkwanin, and emmenagogue. Used as a plaster, it is Kaempferol, Kumatakenin, Quercetin, considered to be discutient, and is applied to Rhamnocitrin (Singh, 2003). chronic tumours of various kinds (Watt, 1889- 1892). It is recommended by Hakims for Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L. hydrophobia. It is resolvent and is also used for Family: Aspleniaceae. the prevention of hair from falling. For internal Common Name: Black Spleenwort (English); Sheen- use, it is given in the form of syrup (Watt, 1889- gassa (Kashmiri). 1892). Parts Used: Whole plant; Rhizome. Medicinal Properties: The plant is bitter, It possesses aromatic and astringent properties, is diuretic, laxative, and is useful in treatment of emetic in large doses, and is an expectorant, ophthalmia, jaundice (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; febrifuge and tonic. In Chamba, it is pounded and Razdan, 1986; Singh, 2003) and diseases of the applied to bruises etc., and the plant appears to spleen (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Razdan, 1986). It supply in the Punjab most of the official Hansraj, also lessens inflammation, hiccup and produces which is administered as an anodyne in bronchitis, sterility in women (Yunnani; Singh, 2003). A and is considered diuretic and emmenagogue decoction or syrup of the fronds is used as an (Watt, 1889-1892; Kirtikar and Basu, 1935). expectorant (Razdan, 1986), pectoral and emmenagogue in Europe (Kirtikar and Basu, The plant is very useful as mild tonic, especially 1935). The rhizome is used as an anthelminthic by during convalescence from fevers. A vapour bath the Sutos (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Singh, 2003). medicated by a decoction from this plant is regarded useful in fever. It is resolvent, and is used Asplenium ceterach L. for the prevention of hair from falling (Watt, 1889- Family: Aspleniaceae. 1892; Kirtikar and Basu, 1935). Common Name: Rusty Back Fern (English). Parts Used: Whole plant. An oil extract of this plant is applied to piles and Medicinal Properties: The plant has diuretic tuberculous glands and wounds; also to bring out a properties, is used against complaints of spleen thorn, which has penetrated into the body (Razdan, 1986; Singh, 2003) and is astringent (Yunnani) (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935). The plant has (Razdan, 1986). diuretic and astringent properties. Fronds are used as tonic, expectorant and in scorpion sting Asplenium dalhousiae Hook. (Razdan, 1986). The fern is commercially gathered Family: Aspleniaceae. from Chakrata Hills for dermatological Parts Used: Whole plant. pharmaceutical preparations (Khullar, 1994). Medicinal Properties: Whole plant is anti- Chemical Constituents: Adiantone, α Carotene bacterial (Singh, 2003). mono-epoxide, Kaempferol, Leuco-pelargonidin, Quercetin glucosides, traces of 3-Filicene (Singh, Asplenium ruta-muraria L. 2003; Sood et al., 2005); a new Ketol-2-1-Hydroxy- Family: Aspleniaceae. 3-o-Norhopan-22-one (I), Triterpenoid keto Common Name: Tent Wort/Wall Rue (English). alcohol (Sood et al., 2005); 21 Hydroxy Adiantone Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds. (Singh, 2003). Medicinal Properties: This small herb is used as pg. 4680 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

deobstruent and expectorant (Kirtikar and Basu, Cyrtomium caryotideum (Wall. ex Hook. et 1935; Singh, 2003). It is likewise good for them Grev.) Presl that have cough, or are short-winded, or be Family: Dryopteridaceae. troubled with stitches in the sides. The leaves are Parts Used: Whole plant. used as a remedy for the cure of rickets (Kirtikar Medicinal Properties: Whole plant is anti- and Basu, 1935; Singh, 2003); also used against bacterial and anthelminthic (Singh, 2003). knots and swellings (Singh, 2003). Asplenium trichomanes L. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Family: Aspleniaceae. Family: Woodsiaceae. Common Name: Delicate Maiden Hair Spleenwort Common Name: Fragile Fern/Brittle Fern/Bladder (English). Fern (English). Medicinal Properties: It is used as laxative and Parts Used: Rhizome. expectorant (Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Razdan, Medicinal Properties: Decoction of rhizome is 1986; Singh, 2003). The leaves are smoked by the used as an anthelminthic (Razdan, 1986; Singh, Sutos for colds in the head and chest (Kirtikar and 2003). Basu, 1935; Razdan, 1986). Chemical Constituents: Catechol, Gallic acid, Dryopteris barbigera (T. Moore ex Hook.) Pyrogallol (Singh, 2003). Kuntze Activities: Anthelminthic, Expectorant, Family: Dryopteridaceae. Insecticidal, Laxative, Pectoral, Pesticidal, Parts Used: Rhizome. Refrigerant, Tonic (Singh, 2003). Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anthelminthic (Singh, 2003; Mittal and Bir, 2006). Asplenium viride Huds., nom. cons. Chemical Constituents: Filicene (Singh, 2003); Family: Aspleniaceae. Oleoresin (7-9%), Filicin (2.2%) (Mittal and Bir, Common Name: Green Spleenwort (English). 2006; 2007). Parts Used: Fronds. Medicinal Properties: Fronds are applied on Dryopteris blanfordii (Hope) C. Chr. burns (Singh, 2003). Family: Dryopteridaceae. Parts Used: Rhizome. Athyrium schimperii Moug. ex Fee Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anthelminthic Family: Woodsiaceae. (Singh, 2003; Mittal and Bir, 2006). Parts Used: Sporophyll. Chemical Constituents: Filicene (Singh, 2003); Medicinal Properties: The sporophylls of this Oleoresin (8-10%), Filicin (2.6%) (Mittal and Bir, fern possess anti-bacterial properties (Singh, 2003). 2006; 2007).

Azolla pinnata R. Br. Dryopteris chrysocoma (Christ) C. Chr. Family: Azollaceae. Family: Dryopteridaceae. Parts Used: Whole plant. Parts Used: Rhizome. Medicinal Properties: Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anthelminthic (Singh, 2003). (Singh, 2003; Mittal and Bir, 2006). Chemical Constituents: Proteins, Carotenoids Chemical Constituents: Filicene (Singh, 2003); (Singh, 2003). Oleoresin (14-17%), Filicin (4.3%) (Mittal and Bir, 2006; 2007). Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. Family: Ophioglossaceae. Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Common Name: Moonwort (English). Family: Dryopteridaceae. Medicinal Properties: The plant is a good Common Name: Male Fern (English). vulnerary and is used in dysentery also (Kirtikar Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds; Rhizomes; and Basu, 1935; Singh, 2003). It is culinary and has Oleoresin extracted from the root. anti-cancer properties (Singh, 2003). Medicinal Properties: Male Fern root or its oleoresin is used as a specific treatment for Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. tapeworms. It acts by paralysing the muscles of the Family: Ophioglossaceae. worm, forcing it to relax its hold on the gut wall. Parts Used: Whole plant; Rhizome. The root is prescribed with non-oily purgative. Medicinal Properties: Whole plant is anti- Preparations of Male Fern are used externally for dysenteric and anti-bacterial; rhizome is vulnerary rheumatism, muscle pain, neuralgia and sciatica (Singh, 2003). (Khare, 2004). Chemical Constituents: Caffeic acid, p- Chemical Constituents: Desaspidin, Filicin, coumaric acid, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid (Singh, Filicinic acid, Paraspidin, Trisflavaspidic acid 2003). (Singh, 2003; Khare, 2004); Albaspidin, Arachidic acid, Aspidin, Aspidinol, Butanonephloroglucosides, Butyric acid, Caffeic pg. 4681 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

acid, Fernene, Ferulic acid, Filicylbutanone, Dryopteris serrato-dentata (Bedd.) Hayata Filmarone, Flavaspidic acid, Glucose, Hexanol, Family: Dryopteridaceae. Hopadiene, Hopene, Hydroxybenzoic acid, Parts Used: Rhizome. Isobutyric acid, Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid, Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anthelminthic Margaspidin, Octanol, Palmitic acid, p-Coumaric (Mittal and Bir, 2006). acid, p-Protocatechuic acid, Phlobaphene, Chemical Constituents: Oleoresin (8-11%), Phloraspidinol, Phloraspinphloraspyrone, Filicin (2.9%) (Mittal and Bir, 2006; 2007). Phloroglucin, Phloropyron, Protocatechuic acid, Pseudoaspidin, Sugars, Tannins, Trisaspidin, Dryopteris xanthomelas (Christ) C. Chr. Trisdesaspidin, Vanillic phenolic acids (Singh, Family: Dryopteridaceae. 2003). In addition, the fern contains triterpenes, Parts Used: Rhizome. alkanes, a volatile oil and resins (Khare, 2004). Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anthelminthic Activities: Abortifacient, Anti-bacterial, Anti- (Mittal and Bir, 2006). septic (Gupta, 1995); Anthelminthic (Razdan, Chemical Constituents: Oleoresin (9-11%), 1986; Singh, 2003); Anti-viral (Duke, 2002; Singh, Filicin (2.3%) (Mittal and Bir, 2006; 2007). 2003); Anti-cancer, Anti-fungal, Anti-rheumatic (Singh, 2003); Contraceptive (Gupta, 1995; Singh, Marsilea minuta L. 2003); Cytotoxic (Duke, 2002); Aperient, Family: Marsileaceae. Astringent, Cyanogenic, Insecticide (Duke, 1985; Common Name: Paflu (Kashmiri); Chaupatti Singh, 2003); Laxative, Poison (Duke, 1985); (Hindi). Pectoral (Steinmetz, 1957; Duke, 1985); Taenifuge Parts Used: Whole plant; Leaves; Petiole; (Duke, 1985; Williamson and Evans, 1988); Rhizome. Vermifuge (Grieve, 1931; Duke, 1985; Razdan, Medicinal Properties: The decoction of leaves, 1986; Williamson and Evans, 1988; Duke, 2002). along with ginger is used against bronchitis and Indications: Bacteria, Flu, Herpes, Stomatosis cough (Bhattacharjee, 2004). Plants are used in (Gupta, 1995); Cancer, Constipation, Epistaxis, cough, spastic condition of leg, muscles etc., and Metrorrhagia, Puerperium (Duke, 1985); also in insomnia and sedatum. The plants are Dentition, Ear ache, Fluke, Hepatosis, Myalgia, known to be acrid, anodyne, aphrodisiac, Neuralgia, Ophthalmia, Pain, Rheumatism, astringent, depurative, diuretic, emollient, Toothache (Duke, 2002); Induration (Hartwell, expectorant, febrifuge, hypnotic, ophthalmic and 1982); Infection, Virus (Gupta, 1995; Duke, 2002); refrigerant. It is useful in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, Rickets (Grieve, 1931); Sciatica (List and fever, haemorrhoids, leprosy, ophthalmia, Hohammer, 1969-1979; Duke, 2002); Tapeworm psychopathy, skin diseases and strangury (Warrier (Duke, 1985; Williamson and Evans, 1988; Duke, et al., 1996; Kumar et al., 2003). 2002); Worm (Grieve, 1931; Duke, 1985; Aqueous extract of leaflets and acetone extract of Williamson and Evans, 1988; Duke, 2002); Wound petiole and rhizome have shown inhibitory effect (Grieve, 1931; Duke, 1985; Duke, 2002). on human pathogenic bacteria, Salmonella typhii Contradictions: Canadians do not allow its use as (Parihar et al., 2003). The herb has also shown anti- a non-medical ingredient for oral use products fungal activity against Aspergillus flavus (Parihar et (McGuffin et al., 1997). In too large doses, it is an al., 2002). irritant poison, causing muscular weakness and Chemical Constituents: β-carotene, Calcium, coma, particularly injurious to eyesight, even Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein (24-36%), Sodium causing blindness. Other symptoms include (Kumar et al., 2003; Singh, 2003); Marsilene (Singh, convulsion, delirium, diarrhoea, nausea, tremors, 2003). vertigo and cardiac or respiratory failure; allergenic Activities: Alexiteric, Anti-bacterial, Anti- to some and can be fatally poisonous if misused. It convulsant, Anti-fungal, Anti-rheumatic, Anti- should be used only by prescription from a doctor, tussive, Diuretic, Refrigerant, Resolvent, Sedative and “I doubt many doctors will prescribe it” (Singh, 2003). (Duke, 1985); also contraindicated in anaemia, Indications: Abscess, Backache, Diarrhoea, cardiopathy, diabetes, hepatosis and nephrosis Dyslactation, Fracture, Impetigo, Inflammation, (Duke, 2002). Menorrhagia, Myalgia, Snakebite, Sore, Trauma (Singh, 2003). Dryopteris ramosa (Hope) C. Chr. Family: Dryopteridaceae. Onychium cryptogrammoides Christ Parts Used: Rhizome. Family: Pteridaceae. Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is anti-bacterial Parts Used: Whole plant. (Singh, 2003) and anthelminthic (Mittal and Bir, Medicinal Properties: Whole plant is anti- 2006). bacterial (Singh, 2003). Chemical Constituents: Oleoresin (12-15%), Filicin (3.8%) (Mittal and Bir, 2006; 2007). Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze Family: Pteridaceae Parts Used: Leaves; Rhizome. pg. 4682 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

Medicinal Properties: Juice of crushed leaves 1999; Kumar et al., 2003; Singh, 2003). The tribal prevents falling of hairs. Leaves and rhizomes Chenchu people of Andhra-Pradesh (India) use the contain glycoside which yields Kaempferol and herb juice in curing diarrhoea and dysentery. Rhamnose on hydrolysis (Benniamin, 2011). Chemical Constituents: Phenols (Singh, 2003; Bhattacharyya et al., 2009); Proteins (Bhattacharyya Ophioglossum reticulatum L. et al., 2009). Family: Ophioglossaceae. Common Name: Chonchur (Kashmiri). Thelypteris arida (D. Don) C.V. Morton Parts Used: Fleshy fronds; Rhizome. Family: Thelypteridaceae. Medicinal Properties: The herb is used as a Parts Used: Rhizome. cooling agent and in the treatment of Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is used against inflammations and wounds; fronds used as a tonic veterinary larval infections (Singh, 2003). and styptic; also in contusions and haemorrhages (Singh, 1999; Kumar et al., 2003). Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John Family: Thelypteridaceae. Osmunda claytoniana L. Parts Used: Fronds; Rhizome. Family: Osmundaceae. Medicinal Properties: Phenol extract from Common Name: Interrupted Fern (English). rhizome of vegetative and reproductive parts Parts Used: Whole plant; Rhizome. contain antifungal properties, and shows inhibitory Medicinal Properties: The rootstock and stipe effect against Trametes hirsuta and Curvularia sp. bases of this fern are employed as adulterant, as a (Bhattacharyya et al., 2008). Rhizome and fronds substitute for the Male Fern (Razdan, 1986); whole inhibit the growth of the fungi Rhizopus sp. and plant is anti-bacterial (Singh, 2003). Fusarium udum (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009). Chemical Constituents: Amino acids, Phenols, Polystichum squarrosum (D. Don) Fee Proteins (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009). Family: Dryopteridaceae. Parts Used: Fronds; Sporophylls. Conclusion Medicinal Properties: The sporophyll extract of Out of the total fern allies and ferns recorded from this fern is used as an anti-bacterial agent (Singh, the area, a significant proportion (34%) is 1999; Kumar et al., 2003; Singh, 2003); fronds are medicinally important. Amongst these, the families anti-rheumatic (Singh, 2003). Pteridaceae and Dryopteridaceae contain the most number of medicinally important genera. Seven Pteridium revolutum (Blume) Nakai ferns from Dryopteris and six from Asplenium Family: Dennstaedtiaceae. are medicinally important. Many of these Parts Used: Rhizome; Fronds. medicinally important ferns have been used ethno- Medicinal Properties: Rhizome is astringent, botanically by traditional healers and the local anthelmintic, and is useful in diarrhoea and for the hakims against various ailments, and these still treatment of inflammation in the gastric and constitute a significant bulk of medication in the intestinal mucous membranes. Decoction of Yunnani and Ayurvedic systems of medicine. With rhizome and frond is given for the chronic developments in phytochemistry and disorders of viscera and spleen. Rhizome is boiled pharmacology there is a scope that the active in oil and is made into an ointment for healing principles contained in them can be identified and wounds. Fronds are reported to be poisonous and characterized and these can be put to effective sometimes fatal to the grazing animals (Benniamin, therapeutic use. 2011). Since many of the medicinally important taxa Pteris cretica L. recorded from Kashmir have shown a marked Family: Pteridaceae. decline in their numbers as well as in their spatial Parts Used: Fronds. distribution over the years, particularly due to Medicinal Properties: The fronds, which are rampant over-exploitation and habitat destruction, anti-bacterial, are made into paste and applied to hence there is an urgent need to conserve various wounds (Singh, 1999; Kumar et al., 2003; Singh, pteridophytic habitats, and also to make the local 2003). public aware about their potential medicinal applications, so that this precious bio resource is Pteris vittata L. not lost. Family: Pteridaceae. Common Name: Chinese Brake Fern (English). Acknowledgements Parts Used: Whole plant; Fronds. Authors are highly grateful to the local people in Medicinal Properties: Plant extract is used as general and traditional healers in particular for anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent (Singh, 1999; their support and sharing their centuries old Kumar et al., 2003); anti-fungal (Bhattacharyya et traditional knowledge of medicinal herbs. Also al., 2009); demulcent, hypotensive, tonic (Singh, pg. 4683 Majid Wani et al., International Journal of Bioassays 5.7 (2016): 4677-4685

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Source of support: Nil Conflict of interest: None Declared pg. 4685