2015 Media Articles

December The sound and fury of politics, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 31 December Explaining the emergence of ISIS, Robert Patman, Radio NZ, 30 December Bryce Edwards rounds up the year in media politics, NZ Herald, 29 December The struggle for integrity, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 15 December NZ should question military focus of anti-IS coalition, Robert Patman, Newstalk ZB, 11 December Bryce Edwards: The Political comeback of the year, NZ Herald, 8 December Need for counter-narrative to IS social media campaign, Robert Patman, TV3, 7 December NZ after San Bernardino terror attack, World TV, 4 December Cameron's ISIS air-strikes decision lacks strategic logic, Newstalk ZB, 2 December The Rise of gender politics and feminism, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 1 December

November ISIS video identifies NZ as part of enemy coalition, Robert Patman, TV3, 27 November Bryce Edwards political roundup: Police vs democracy, NZ Herald, 26 November Declaring war will not diminish ISIS threat, Radio Rhema, 27 November Turkey sends Putin a firm message, Robert Patman, TV3, 25 November Dr Paul Buchanan, Dr Tim Wood and Prof Robert Patman discuss IS terror, Radio NZ, 22 November Where is Andrew Little taking the Labour Party? And how well is he doing it? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 20 November Bryce Edwards rounds up what the Paris attacks might mean for NZ politics and society, NZ Herald, 17 November Will France's military response to Paris attacks work? Robert Patman, Radio Live, 17 November International Review - co-authored article by Robert Patman and Laura Southgate on the upsides and downsides of the Iranian nuclear deal. Vol 40, No 6. An 'act of war', Robert Patman, ODT, 16 November Robert Patman on political implications of Paris terror attacks, Newstalk ZB, 16 November Why distance is no protection against ISIS, Robert Patman, Channel 39, 16 November New strategy required against IS terror writes Robert Patman, NZ Herald, 16 November Robert Patman discusses Paris terrorist atrocity, Newstalk ZB, 16 November Robert Patman says Paris attacks highlights price of Syria inaction, TV3, 16 November Most Syrians want a future without Assad or ISIS says Robert Patman, TV3, 16 November Robert Patman on Syrian civil war and Paris terror attacks, TVNZ, 16 November Nightly interview: Robert Patman talks about the attacks in Paris, TV, 16 November Is Islamic STate behind Russian jet crash? Robert Patman, TV3, 13 November Robert Patman writes NZ must press to curb UNSC veto power of P5 members, ODT, 5 November

October Bryce Edwards: Libertarians against dirty politics, NZ Herald, 30 October New Zealand's closed government, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 23 October Nightly interview: Robert Patman talks about Russia's use of air strikes in Syria, Dunedin TV, 21 October Robert Patman and Laura Southgate on Public Impact of GCSB Controversy and Snowden Revelations in NZ, 20 October Tributes to John Armstrong, Bryce Edwards, HZ Herald, 19 October Human rights: international eyes on NZ, Robert Patman, ODT, 15 October Bryce Edwards: Labour's TPP disaster, NZ Herald, 15 October Russia's IS airstrikes could backfire, Robert Patman, TV3, 12 October Illusions of a transtasman partnership, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 7 October IS danger 'ignored at our own peril', Robert Patman, ODT, 7 October TPPA delays 'may be good sign' for NZ, Robert Patman, ODT, 6 October Robert Patman cited in Matt Nippert's "American hero turned Dunedin alpaca farmer", NZ Herald, 3 October Robert Patman, NZ Prime Minister right to condem use of veto in UNSC, Radio Live, 2 October Australia risks 'pariah' tag, Bryce Edwards, ODT, 1 October Robert Patman on why Putin is beefing up the Assad regime, interview with George Elliot, Radio One, 1 October

September Can Little and Ardern save Labour? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 30 September Treatment of kiwis bizarre, William Harris, ODT, 29 September Flag referendum addition a likely waste of money, Bryce Edwards, Dunedin TV, 28 September Robert Patman on global issues facing NZ and other states at UN General Assembly, TV3, 28 September The politics of NZ's Red Peak, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 25 September Robert Patman on why military force is not enough to defeat ISIS, NZ Herald, 25 September Can ISIS be defeated? Robert Patman, Otago Magazine, Issue 14 Robert Patman analyses the dairy roadblock at TPPA talks, Dunedin TV, 24 September A Government that listens too much, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 24 September Discussions on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Robert Patman, Dunedin TV, 24 September Extra refugee intake 'the bare minimum', Bryce Edwards, ODT, 8 September Robert Patman says NZ must do its bit to respond to Europe's refugee crisis, Dunedin TV, 8 September NZ and Europe's migration crisis, Robert Patman, TV3, 1 September

August Robert Patman analyses the devastating terrorist bombing of Bangkok, TV3, 19 August The business elite view of politics, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 17 August Robert Patman discusses the diplomatic challenge of killer robots, ODT, 17 August New Zealand has high stakes in TPPA outcome, Robert Patman, NewstalkZB, 17 August Robert Patman interviewed by Sarah Moyes for forthcoming talk on America's Great Power Rivalry in Syria, 14 August Robert Patman on Donald Trump's surge in Republican nomination race with Owen Rooney, Radio Dunedin, 12 August Robert Patman on ISIS's social media threat, World TV, 13 August (interview begins at 5'28") Bryce Edwards: White men in charge of the message? NZ Herald, 12 August Robert Patman on Trump's struggle with Rupert Murdoch's Fox Network, TV3, 10 August Guilty or not? The Saudi sheep scandal, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 7 August Robert Patman analyses Donald Trump's dominance, TV3, 7 August NZ First's big decisions, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 4 August

July Celebrating or condemning the 'selfish' super rich? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 31 July Robert Patman on NZ's high stakes in TPPA talks, Channel 39, 30 July Robert Patman discusses UNSC resolution on MH17 atrocity in Ukraine, Newstalk ZB, 30 July Robert Patman says political will is key to defeating ISIS in South China Morning Post article, 23 July Robert Patman weighs Iran nuclear deal, Radio Dunedin, 16 July Labour's dangerous racial politics, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 15 July Robert Patman on Burundi's worsening political crisis, Newstalk ZB, 11 July Robert Patman evaluates outcome of 50th Otago Foreign Policy School, Otago Bulletin, 1 July

June Dangers for democracy in today's cyber bullying law, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 30 June Robert Patman reflects on 50th Otago Foreign Policy School, Channel 39, 29 June Robert Patman on the staying power of the Otago Foreign Policy School, National Radio, 29 June Robert Patman discusses ISIS's strategy/tactics after Tunisia, TV3, 29 June Robert Patman discusses reasons for New Zealand's peaceful status, NZ Herald, 27 June Robert Patman profiles a pioneer in NZ foreign policy education, ODT, 26 June Bryce Edwards summarises the debate over the Government's Review of Defence, NZ Herald, 26 June Robert Patman discusses 'New Zealand and the World', Radio One, 25 June Redemption or death for Colin Craig's Conservatives? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 24 June Bryce Edwards rounds up the case for NZ letting in more refugees, NZ Herald, 19 June Robert Patman on University of Otago Foreign Policy School's focus on New Zealand and the World,ODT, 16 June Anger over 'slum landlord' Government, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 16 June Solving the housing crisis, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 15 June Bryce Edwards rounds up recent news, looking at who really runs NZ, NZ Herald, 11 June Robert Patman says IS "is not someone else's problem", ODT, 8 June Bryce Edwards: Dirty Politics 'done dirt cheap', NZ Herald, 8 June Political roundup: Labour facing 'oblivion', Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 5 June The 'John Key of the Greens', Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 3 June Robert Patman on costs of Kiwi troop withdrawal from Iraq, NZ Herald, 2 June Robert Patman discusses diplomacy and domestic terror, NZ Security Magazine, June, pp. 28-29 Robert Patman: the 50th University of Otago Foreign Policy concerning 'New Zealand and the World' is a great line-up

May Political roundup: A Green surprise, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 30 May Bryce Edwards; The bizarre 'bribery' and flying sheep scandal, NZ Herald, 28 May Who killed ? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 27 May Bryce Edwards: The government's Campbell Live budget, NZ Herald, 22 May Robert Patman - Ramadi shows scale of NZ mission challenge in Iraq, Newstalk ZB, 18 May Is this a capital gains tax? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 18 May Robert Patman discusses implications of ISIL's Ramadi victory, Newstalk ZB, 18 May Bryce Edwards: Dirty digital politics, NZ Herald, 15 May Robert Patman explains what the British election result means for NZ, Dunedin TV, 11 May Robert Patman analyses early signs from UK's election, NZ National Radio, 8 May

April Robert Patman on rescue of Nigerian girls from Boko Haram, Radio Live, 30 April Diplomatic relations at stake over Bali 9 executions, Robert Patman, 3 News, 30 April Robert Patman urges Key government to stay firm on Middle East, Newstalk ZB, 28 April Robert Patman, Paul Buchanan and Tim Wood on armed conflict today, Radio NZ, 27 April Political roundup: Anzac fatigue and dissent, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 24 April The political importance of the #Ponytailgate scandal is analysed by Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 23 April Janine Hayward talks about the current DCC representation review panel, Dunedin TV, 22 April ISL's youth radicatisation threat, Robert Patman and Paul Buchanan, NZ Herald, 20 April Victory for the workers, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 20 April Overreaction could bolster Islamic State, Robert Patman, 3 News, 20 April Robert Patman discusses Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, Newstalk ZB, 13 April Bryce Edwards: The politics of axing Campbell Live, NZ Herald, 14 April Robert Patman analyses Hillary Clinton's presidential nomination bid, Radio Rhema, 14 April Bryce Edwards: Is the media turning on John Key? NZ Herald, 9 April Robert Patman: Nuclear letter to be delivered, Newstalk ZB, 9 April Robert Patman discusses the Al-Shabaab attack at Garissa with Sumantra Maitra, China.org, 8 April Political roundup: The politics of justice, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 7 April Robert Patman: Iran nuclear deal, Newstalk ZB, 3 April

March Robert Patman discuss the latest revelations on mass survellance, Dunedin TV, 31 March 2015 Is this the beginning of the end for National? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 30 March Robert Patman and Lloyd Davis in John Gibb's 'Diplomacy and science weighed', ODT, 29 March Winston Peters has won the campaign - can he win the election? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 27 March Robert Patman and Lloyd Davis launch new book 'Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn?',ODT, 27 March The ramifications of the spying scandal, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 25 March Bryce Edwards: Can we trust the police? NZ Herald, 20 March Robert Patman discusses growing NZ-Vietnam ties, Newstalk ZB, 20 March Bryce Edwards: The bizarre by-election, NZ Herald, 20 March Bryce Edwards: Greens battle over ideology and identity, NZ Herald, 19 March Bryce Edwards: Should John Key resign over 'mass surveillance'?, NZ Herald, 12 March Robert Patman on why Boko Haram’s pledge of loyalty to ISIL may be linked to declining military position in Nigeria, TV3, 9 March Robert Patman reflects on dangers of surveillance ‘overkill’, TVNZ, 6 March Bryce Edwards: Who cares about the #SnowdenNZ revelations? NZ Herald, 5 March Robert Patman discusses Nemtsov's murder and the Ukraine crisis, TV3, 3 March James Headley discusses Boris Nemtsov's murder, 95bFM, 2 March

February Bryce Edwards: MP pay - the 1 per cent vs the 99 per cent, NZ Herald, 27 February Where will Barack Obama take NZ? Bill Harris, ODT, 27 February Bryce Edwards: The backlash against war, NZ Herald, 26 February Robert Patman discusses NZ deployment to Iraq, Part 1, Radio Dunedin, 26 February Robert Patman discusses NZ deployment, Part 2, Radio Dunedin, 26 Febuary Robert Patman writes on why NZ cannot duck ISIL challenge, NZ Herald, 26 February Call to use UN seat to seek resolution, Robert Patman, ODT, 25 February Bryce Edwards: Is NZ being conned into war in Iraq? NZ Herald, 19 February Bryce Edwards: Left and right unite against SkyCity 'crony capitalism', NZ Herald, 13 February Robert Patman says Putin is not 'winning' in Ukraine, TV3, 10 February Bill Harris and Jomana Karadsheh of CNN discuss the murder of a Jordanian pilot by Islamic State,NewstalkZB, 4 February Bryce Edwards: The politics of Eleanor Catton and public debate, NZ Herald, 3 February Robert Patman discusses New Zealand's response to ISIS with Mark Sainsbury, Radio Live, 5 February 30 Years On: our bold decision to go nuclear-free, Robert Patman, Australian Women's Weekly, February 2015

January Bryce Edwards: What to expect from politics in 2015, NZ Herald, 27 January Robert Patman discusses Ukraine crisis escalation, Radio Live, 26 January Blue-Green battle over housing crisis and RMA, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 24 January Robert Patman discusses implications of Paris attacks, Radio Dunedin, 19 January Robert Patman discusses how NZ sees itself in the world, ODT, 17 January Bryce Edwards: Challenges to the Treaty consensus, NZ Herald, 16 January Robert Patman talks about international relations and New Zealand's place in the world, RadioNZ, 15 January Bryce Edwards: Polarised NZ debate about the Paris killings, NZ Herald, 12 January Robert Patman's article on political lessons of the Paris terrorist attacks, ODT, 12 January Robert Patman talks about New Zealand's seat on the UN Security Council, NewstalkZB, 7 January Robert Patman says UN's South Sudan problems are no surprise, Radio NZ, 2 January