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3-9-1993 The esM senger - March 9, 1993

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March 9, 1993

VOLUME XVI ISSUE 3 '•• IN5IDE,: Secondhand Smoke and U.S. Campuses

Karen Neustadt of passive smoke," Henley At Iowa State University, College Press Service noted. in Ames,Iowa, beginn ing A grim report on second­ Sin ce the EPA repor t, first July L smokin g will be hand smoke by th e Envi­ lady Hillary Rodham banned in all un iversity ronmental Protection Clinton has declared the buildings with on ly a few Agen cy has armed non­ White House smoke-free exception s. smoking students, faculty for the first time in h is­ Private rooms at the uni­ and administrators with tory, and corporations versity will not be cov­ new information to fight such as McDonalds and ered in the ban, although for smoke-free campuses, Chuck E. Cheese are ex­ residence halls will try a growing trend at U.S . perimenting with smoke­ to phase outsmoking colleges and universities . free restaurants. completely over the next The EPA report, titled Smoking was banned March five years. But smoking "The Respiratory Health 1 in nearly all California will not be allowed in the Effects of Passive Smoking: state buildings under an Iowa State Center at uni­ Lung Cancer and Other order signed by Gov. Pete versity sponsored events, Diseases," h as confirmed Wilson ,who urged the including basketball what the medical profes­ judicial and legislative "games. sion has long suspected ­ branches and the Univer­ At the University of that breathing secondhand sity of California system, North Alabama in flo­ smoke can be as deadly as which aren 't covered by rence, Ala., as a result of lighting up. the order, to do the same the EPA report, a resolu­ "It's very alarming," said thing. tion was passed by the Timothy Hensley, spokes­ "Colleges should be in the faculty senate on Jan. 21 man for the Office on lead, because smoking is calling for a campus wide Smoking and Health at the lowest in areas where ban on tobacco in univer­ Centers for Disease Con­ education is the highest," sity facilities, and the said John Banzhaf, execu­ elimination of its sale trol and Prevention in Classilieds 9 Atlanta. "The report pro­ tive director of the Wash­ anywhere on the campus. vides ammunition for stu­ ington-based Action on at George Washington dents and administrators Smoking and Health and a University in Washin g­ to strive for smoke-free professor oflaw at George ton, D. C., a lar ge area in regulations in educational Washington University in the cafeteria thatwas settings to protect the Washington . designated for smokin g non-smoker from h azard­ "People form attitudes at was just made smoke­ ous exposure to second­ the colle ge level." he said. free, and smoking on hand,which can lead to "Ten or 15 years ago. they campus h as been severely lung cancer." picked up th e habit of restr icted to designated Among th e EPA's fin din gs: smoking in college; now areas. A restriction on oSecondhand smoke is th ey are picking up the smoking in lobbies was responsible for 3,000 lun g habit of n ot smoking." recently mandated be­ cancer deathsannually Banzhaf counsels campus cause people at informa­ among adults in the United anti-smoking activists to tion desks would be ex­ States, and is associated go all th e way to the presi­ posed to passiv e smoke. with an increase in ail­ dent of th e college or uni­ After 18 months of in­ ments of the lower respi­ versity with their de­ tense discussion and ratory tract. such as bron­ mands. debate, the University of ch itis and pneumonia. "Tell him,'You wouldn't Wisconsin, Green Bay, oFr om 15,000 to 30,000 put us in a building with decided to go completely cases of respiratory ail­ asbestos, '" he said. "Tell smoke-free lastyear. ments in infants and himwe know passive There is no smoking al- " young children up to 18 smoke is a class A car­ lowed in any buildin g months can be attributed cmogen. anywhere on the campus. to secondhand smoke . While many campuses have Hadthe change not been oSecondhand smoke been cracking down on mandated last year, the causes an increased sever­ smoking for the past sev­ EPA report would have ity of symptoms in chil­ eral years, administrators decided th e issue th is dren with asthma.The say the EPA report will year, a school official report estimates that most likely expedite even said. 200,000 to 1 million chil­ stricter policies than had "Of course there are dren annually get sicker .'existed before. Many col­ those who are not happy because ofexposure to ~ eges ban smoking entirely with that decision." said secondhand smoke. 10 classroom and adminis­ RonRonnenberg,finan­ "Only about 25 percent of tration buildings. While cial aid director. Americans are smokers. so smoking and non-smoking According to the U.S . it is the majority of rooms have been desig­ Department of Health and Americanswho are victims nated in residence halls. (continued on page five) 2 The Messenger Editorial/Letters March 9, 1993 A letter from the editor

To the readers:

This is the last issue of the paper before Spring Break, so I would like to take this moment to wish everyone a safe and happy break. When the first issue after the break comes out, you'll notice somechanges. IhavegivenKeithCurtis thepositionofGraphics Editor, and he's working on the overall image of the paper. He did alot of work on this one, so I'd like to say "thanks". Also, we wil start delivering the paper to your doors and faculty mailboxes. We hope this will increase the visibility of The Messenger and get more people interactively involved. More photos, theater coverage (thanks to Meg Miller) for this issue's theater information), and anexpanded staffwill all add to the paper, so look for it. There will also be book reviews and musicreviews. We'd like suggestions on what you'd like to see reviewed. It's your paper, drop us a line. Basically, I'd ask anyone who is even remotely interested in the paper, or just wants to see howwe put it all together to stop by the office.There are resources that are going untapped, and you should take advantage of them.


Sean Lewis, Managing Editor ,,\ I

The Messenger

Managing Editor Copy Editor Sean Lewis Joshua Clement Sports Editor Enterta inment Editor Wayne Shulman Peter Milan Photo Editor Advert ising Manager Sarah Endriss Chuck Shaw CORRECTIONS Graphics Editor Starting this issue, The Messenger will run a corrections box clearing up any Keijh Curtis Business Manager errors from the previous issue. If you see an error, we would appreciate it if you Lisa Verni would bring it to our attention by either dropping a note off at our office in the union or leaving us a message at ex. 3257. Staff Writers Isaac Alpert, Lynne Auger, In last issue's cover story, "Skeleton Found at Chris Cousineau, Scott Darby, Brain Fortin,Jodi Hatlee, Christine Medeiros, Meg Miller Almeida", Katy Rendine was inadvertantly referred Rae Jean Polca, Amy Ramirez, MatthewW Rossi III, Allison Sidorsky, Becky Starr, Lynn to as an R.A. She is, in fact, Hall Director at Vessicchio Almeida. We apologize for any misunderstanding Terri Welch, Jen Wilson Columnists this may have caused. Joshua Clement Photographers Mark Kasok, Cindy Pease Layout Staff Sean Lewis, Peter Milan, Wayne Shulman, Heather Thornton, Keijh Curtis Ad Design Halley Richard, Chuck Shaw, All letters should be dropped offat the Messenger office by Monday. Pam Wackell, Keijh Curtis Any letters submitted after this date may not be printed until the Work Studies following issue. Matt Bourgin It is suggested that letters be typed. All letters must be signed. Anonymous letters win not be printed in The Messenger. TheMessenger office is located in the Student Offices It is request ed that letters should included the writer's phone area of the Student Union. For more information on The number. should questions about the letterarise. The phone numberwin Messenger. call x3257. not be printed in The Messenger. March 9, 1993 Commentary;..l. The Messenger 3 _ Events in Review

Scott Darby unit was soaking And while mester I had the puterlab. Whenit's Of course, majors Columnist wet. The water ap­ we'reon the subject pleasure of finding time to close, the always reject the peared to be com­ of architecture, it's out that it is impos- lights go off first option for at ing from the ceiling. a big mistake to sible to control the whether everyone least three reasons: S 0 m e And if the (outer) build the next dorm VCRs yourself-if is off their comput­ 1) no one can afford witha wood frame, thoughts on things stair halls in this you happen to be a ers or not. They are it, 2) no one wants here that need im­ building were any as mentioned in the happy library pa- controlled at physi­ to stay here longer, proving. colder, I could keep Plan for the 90s. tron. They' are 10- cal plant, so staff and 3) not many I was going frozen specimens Wood's about as cared and con- cannot keep them could take the stress to complain that the from the tundraout good when located trolled behind the on until everyone any longer than windows in Maple there. on the wa ter as a TV main desk, which has finished what they have to al­ and Cedar Halls The art dropped from a means you either they're doing. This ready. I am there­ were as old as the building, or what­ five-story tower on mustrequestashort . is nothing more fore left in support last ice age, until a ever that thing is, is the Letterman tape delay or leap than a coercive tac­ of eliminating gen­ more recent ice age way too small and Show. over the reference tic that deprives eral education and happeneq in my in need ofmore stu­ I was so section to your TV studentsofthebasic core requirements room last semester. dio space. I knew thrilled to find out likeMichaeljordan. courtesy of time to for architecture A sheet of it cover­ the school's com­ last year that My And God forbid get off their termi­ majors. I realize ing my window, mitment to good own Maple Hall you want to look at nalsand their things these courses are and blocking my architecture had will be getting air something again. together. No one included in all ma­ view of lovely Fall sunk to K-Mart conditioning in Oragainand again. deserves to be jors to convey a River, appeared level with the law May of 1996. If this makes you treated like this. sense of what's out more than once. So school, but the ad­ Maybe. This is' so feel like a little kid, Finally, ar­ in the world, to did small floods of ministration wonderful, consid­ wait, there's more. chitecture: I don't broaden perspec­ water. And in the should've had the ering it was in­ A section of a floor think it's healthy to tives, and for other vented in the 1500s room oftwo friends. decency to replace in Cedar Hall has stay up all night of­ worthy reasons. Also, these win­ in Italy. Spendsome the art building been designated a tenandexistonliUle But Jet's consider money, folks! dows are drafty as years ago. Perhaps "Damage Free sleep. Trying to ac­ a few facts: Archi­ hell in every room Speaking of as a next bright Zone." Well, as a complish all the tecture is very dif­ I've been in. The spending money, famous cartoonist education required move to follow the ficult. When water-facing win­ law school, they the library and once said, "Great for an undergradu­ we consider ar­ dows, a t least, could relocate the computerlabs close Idea-Let'sExpand ate degree in archi­ chitecture is the should have been round building be­ too early. They it." A "Damage- tectureas well as the replaced with hind some trees, so shouldeach beopen Free Zone" in cedar school's general ed profession these triple-paned glass a no one will have to until 3 a.m. (except Hall ought to last and core require­ people have cho­ long, long time ago. look at it, and open on Friday and Sat­ about as long as a ments in five years sen to spend their Also last se­ in there a Graduate urday nights) and bottle of Jack is unrealistic. In life pursuing, and mester, when I was Centerfor theStudy 24 hours starting a Daniels there. light of this, I have that they love it a resident of maple of the Buttafuoco week before mid­ Andwe need often proposed two enough to make Hall's Unit 11,I no­ case. Also, the art termsand finals, in­ more parking. And alternatives: Add­ such a humanand ticed that during a studentsneed com­ cluding Friday and the main road is too ing time to the pro­ financial invest­ Saturday nights at bad rainstorm, the puters of their own narrow! Spend gramoreliminating mentinit, it makes exit sign near the finals time. And for graphic design some money! the gen edsandcore sense to let them front door of the classes. anotherthingabout Back to com- courses. the library. Last se- focus on that.

'U!'\•.'IW AAIJtNT fULl~ EXPl.AlNED'tl1W mJ MEAN BY 'S6CR\FIC£' r ...... 4 The Messenger News March 9, 1993 ROCK FOR CHOICE: Musicians Support Abortion Rights

Jeff SChnaufer a member of L7. to get concerts on students at Uni­ Sizes, raised more pro-choice issue College Press Service "If that right goes, college campuses versity of North­ than $14,000. And was brought to all other sorts of have met with ern Iowa showed one organizer their attention:' Rock For rights would go:' mixed results. up for a Rock For believes that such That's what Choice, a music L7was a In Los Angeles, an Choice concert last a crowd might Finch and other industry move­ relatively obscure effort to hold a October. never have come members of L7 ment to protect Los Angeles rock Rock For Choice The event, to a pro-choice were hoping for. abortion rights, is band in 1991,but concert at the which featured fund-raiser if it "What we visual­ attracting thou­ had not been for ized Rock For sands of college the lure of rock 'n' Choice was to students and "What we visualized Rock For Choice roll. mobilize young other young rock­ "UNI is very people and make ers to benefit was to mobilize young people and make conservative, very them aware," concerts across them aware." passive," said Finch said. the nation. Peggy Fox, 24, a For more More than -Jenniter Finch graduate student. information on $150,000 has been (member of L7) I'm sure a lot of Rock For Choice, raised from at people came be­ write Rock For least 15 such cause House Of Choice, 8105 W. concerts since the Large Sizes was Third Street, Suite all-female rock Finch and the University of local bands like there, but once 1, Los Angeles, band L7 came up other band mem­ Cil fornia-Los House Of Large they got there, the .Calif. 90048. with the idea of u bers managed to Angeles (UCLA) , Rock For Choice in •••••••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• bend the ear of was stymied by • 1991. The money • other rockers like the Associated : • goes to projects • Nirvana, which Students • Super Wash Laund r 0 mat • supported by the • • performed at one orginazation. : • Feminist Majority 601 Metacom Ave. • of the first Rock "They didn't want : • in Los Angeles, Warren, RI For Choice benefit to be put on one • • including the Ocean State Plaza • concerts at the side of the issue," • • legalization of RU • Palace in Holly­ said Jesse Mills, 22, : Route 136 486, the French wood. Since then, a UCLA student : abortion pill, the Rock For Choice and one of the • defeat of anti­ • concerts have concert directors • Welcomes Back abortion protesters • featured talents who supported the • who block abor­ such as Red Hot Rock For Choice • Roger Williams University tion clinics, stop­ Chili Peppers, idea. • ping domestic Rage Against The "Our office wasn't :­ Leave your laundry with us! • violence and elect­ Machine, Joan [ett, particularly happy : We're proud of our work and that means excellent ing feminists to Mary's Danish and with their re- : service for you public office. Some others. Concerts sponse." : funds also go to have been per­ "It was really odd : • • • • • ••• •• •••• •• • • •• • ••••• • groups like • formed at the that UCLA didn't • • panned parent­ $2.00 off major clubs in want to touch it," • 50


V• American HeartAssociation

Thi s rec ipe is intended to be part of an ove rall healthful eating plan. Total fat intake should be less tha n 30 percent of your total calories for a day - not for each food or rec ipe.

Seasoned Black-Eyed Peas 1 pound dried 1 clove garlic, chopped black-eyed peas 'I. teaspoon cayenne Water pepper 'I. pound Canadian bacon 1 6-ounce can no-salt- 2 medium onions, added tomato paste chopped Freshly ground black 2 stalks celery, chopped pepper to taste 1 small bay leaf Rinse peas and place them in a large saucepan. Cover wit!1 water and let soak for 45 minutes. Cook Canadian bacon until crisp in a skillet over medium­ high heat. Drain on paper towels. Chop and set aside. Drain peas and return them to the large saucepan . Add just enough fresh water to cover. Add bacon and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 3 hours, or until tender. Makes 16 '''-cup servings.

Nutrient Analysis per SerVing 115 Calories 3 mg Cholesterol 0 9 Saturated Fal 8 9 Protein 104 mg Sodium 09 Polyunsaturated Fat 19 9 Carbohydrate 1 9 Total Fat 0 9 Monounsaturated Fat

This Help Your Heart Recipe is from the American Hearl Association Cookbook, Fifth Edilion, American Heart Associat ion. Published by Times Books, A Division of Random House , Inc. 1973. 1975, 1979, 1984, 1991.

'", - ecome an ~ B reak out "-, • •• •• • •• •••••••••••

1~lliI.I111'!411111 Almeida Rec Room 6:00 p.m.

Willow Rec Room 8:00 p.m. lBII«II(_IIII:I~jl Cedar 2nd FI Lounge 6:00 p.m,

Maple- The Meeting Place 8:30 p.m. · . , ' \ \ , " \ \

Career Currents Does Your Resume Stand Outt?

When the competition is fierce, how you present your education and experience gains greater importance.

Rule #1: Don't mistake your resume for a job ' application.

Rule #2: Don't rely on your degree alone

Rule #3: Tell them what you've learned, not what you've done.

Rule #4: Make sure your resume conveys what you have to offer, not what you want.

condensed from an article by Kevin Collins, "Managing Your Career: The College Edition of the National Business Employment Weekly", Spring 1993.

For more information contact Career Services at ext 3224. March 9, 1993 Noteworthy The Messenger 7

Attention All Commuters and Other Interested Students

Health, The P.E.E.R.S. are students Inyour hands ­ who have been trained to provide information, workshops, and and ours. confidential referal services to students. One of the services available to students are our Roger Williams University office hours. Our offfice is lo­ Health Services cated in the Student Commons © 401-254-3156 and our office hours are Tues­ days 2-3, Wednesday 11-12. Someone will be there during Health Services at Roger Williams those times to offer you support and information that you may University has a new logo. need. Feel free to stop by or call us at Ex. 3420 to leave a mes­ last semester a logo contest was sponsored by Health sage. Education. Ellen levine, an architect major, was chosen as the finalist and awarded $100 for her entry. She had this to say about it: "When I was designing a logo for Health Services I ART CLUB thought of an apple as a symbol of good health. Also, I wanted to show a human hand to symbolize the active Yes! The ART CLUB is starting up again. We would role each individual must take in maintaining his or her like to see as many art students become involved. own health which involves reaching out for information Other interested students are also welcome. Ideas about how to live welL" and suggestions are always needed. Planning trips to museums and studios, as well as parties and other get togethers are possible activities. VOlU~TEERi look for signs of our first meeting. For more information you can call Sharon Delucca at OlPlPORiTU ~T~ ES Ex. 3441

The Missing Children Center, located in down­ town Newport, is in need of a Club or Organization to take on the task of running a "Jail and Bail" Fundraiser. The date targeted for this fundraiser is March 31. Please contact Kathy in the Volunteer Center for more details, Ex.3448. Southeastern Massachusetts' best stocked art and drafting supply store, providing the best supplies and custom picture

framing to this area since 1964.

Reprographic Services Including:

• Black and White Copies, 36" wide x 00 • Diazo Blueprinting -Blueline -Blackline -Brownline .Vellum & Mylar Reproducibles .Canon Color Laser Copies -coior Output From Computer Files - Xerox Copies , ·Stats Also Featuring: - Drafting Supplies - Fine Art Supplies -Graphic Art Supplies The American Cancer Society will be having an on-campus sale of fresh beautiful daffodils to sup­ Riversid~ port their annual fundraiser, "Daffodil Days". You 1600 GAR. Highway (RI. 6) can place your order anytime. Daffodils are $5 for a bunch of 10. We urge students, faculty and staff Somerset, Mo. 02726-1210 or to participate. Your on-camus contact is Pauline Tel. (508) 672·6735 FAX (508) 672·6797 Ltd Ridge, Ex.3035. 8 The Messenger Features March 9, 1993

REPORT: Give All Students $14,000 In Financial Aid

Jeff Goldfarb Postsecondary exceed their report's authors of the Higher estimates its College Press Service Education, calls family's home wrote. Education Act," proposals would its recommenda- mortgage pay- The Educa- the council said. cost approxi- All full- tion STEP, or the ments," said tion Finance The council mately $7 billion time under- Student's Total Daniel Cheever Council, a non- also chided the in the first year of graduate stu- Education Pack- [r., president of profit member report's direct implementation. dents should be age. It suggests the American association of the lending concept The Education eligible to receive that STEP would Student Assis- state student loan because the ad- Finance Council $14,000 in federal streamline the tance, one of the secondary mar- ministrative costs suggested it was aid through a current federal country's biggest ket organiza- of such a project "unrealistic" to combination of financial aid federal student tions, applauded "will be trans- expect the gov- grants and loans, system. guaranty agen- the commission's ferred to colleges ernment to put according to a Under the cies. Cheever efforts, but of- and universities up such funding. congressional STEP recommen- praised the study, fered a few criti- and create up- study on how to dation, each saying, "The cisms as well. ward pressure on /~r;:: ~ :~ make college student would be commission's 'The report tuition while / :."? . ".~ ... ;) affordable for eligible for about report forcefully fails to empha- reducing a \. more Americans. $14,000. The and creatively size the dramatic student's finan- .r .." ~ While tackles one of the cial options at the \~\ '" program assumes improvements in " [ ...... -\. ;,~ "Making College a maximum major threats to last year's same time." Affordable federal grant of the stability of reauthorization The report __r --~'. ,: . Again" suggests $4,000 and a our nation's the amount of combined maxi- higher education funds available mum work-study system, the to all should be and federally affordability Summer Rentals equal, the type of subsidized loan crisis." aid should vary award of $10,000. The report according to The federal points out that in at financial needs loan system the 1980s, the and tuition costs. should cut its cost of attending Almeida The poorest stu- bureaucracy and college skyrock- dents would provide "user eted 126 percent, receive more friendly" repay- twice the rate of grants and stu- ment options for inflation for the $490 dents from richer students, the decade. In fact, families would report recom- the cost of going be eligible for mends. It also to college in- unsubsidized supports Presi- creased even per month loans, where dent Clinton's more than the interest accrues community ser- cost of health throughout the vice option by care during the per apartment life of the loan, suggesting that decade, the re- including the 20 percent of loan port said. time the student principal be for- "The most May 20 is in school, the given for every productive step proposal said. year of service, the federal gov- through The report, with a maximum ernment can take the result of two of three years of in strengthening years' study by service available. the post second- August 27 the National "Many aryeducation Commission on college students financing part- Responsibilities today graduate nership is to lead For more information call Harley Simmons for Financing with debts that by example," the ext. 3584 March 9, 1993 The Refridgerator The Messenger 9

The Relrldgerator r ------, was conceived and partially written by , :l«Clip and collect! :l« Matthew W. Rossi III. He's really sorryto.keep hurting you . rJI e s sen~ Actually, It was "Concieved" by Chris "BYE, SUCKERS!!" What The Staff Listens To! Zammarelli. Happy Purim, Chris. Each week, The Refridgerator provides readers with a list of what Also contributing isPete r "I'll kill you alii!"Milan Iba Messenger staff listensto when they create the joumalistic He isarmed and isto be considered dangerous. endeavor that isquickly deteriorating before our very eyes Any referenc es to Ween are as we speak. So read on and find out... those of a desperate man. What Staff Writer Chris Cousineau Listens To ! 'Blood Sugar Sex Magic'- 'Communique'-Dire Straits 'Cornucopia'-Stanley Jordan by James .. 'Fire and Rain'-James Taylor THE Crossword Phyllis Barrick I 'Too much confusion'-Patchwork Revolution

ACROSS 'U make me sick '-Billy and the Boingers 1 Young Inlmala "Adversary'-Crime to the City solution 5 Allrocted 10 Rigging support 6-+-++­ 'Somebody to Love'-The Jim Carrol Band 14 City In I... 15 Appeored 'Love Hates"-Marianne Faithful 16 Inter­ 17 Howthelor- 'Angry Cha ir'-Alice in Chains­ greased 20 Tick'" ~------~ 21 Instrument maker 22 PHter 23 H.... month 25 Bollots 21 Elect Top Nine Reasons that the world 29 Built 30 Western Indian 33 Alao-ran is coming to an end 34 Spud 35 Enclosure for animals 36 Vlssld'­ 11 ,Rob Liefeld isstillsucking air past histeeth, and 37 Ess.ys 38 Cheek Superman is dead. This ain't right. Dial 1-800-Kill­ 39 Single: pref. 40 Climbs in a way C1993 Tnbune MedIa 5ervIC8S, Inc All A'9hts Resel"led 41 - olthe Rob if you feel appaled by thi s. sphoras ANSWERS 42 Wino quoilly 7 Drive out 10, Spam haunts me at night, It whispersto me as 43 Age a PaS_88th. H a 9 ~j ~ 0 V H 1. AN V W 44 Superior summer o 1 N ~ , V H ~ ~ 1 0 I H I sleep, commanding me to unspeakable acts. 4S Plont with 9 - Plaines W SIN V I, ~ 1 0 1 S I H V fragrant leedS 10 Eastern garment V~~ ~ W V HS 'V1V~ 9, You can now buy Jolt in the case. 41 Mo.e steolthlly 11 Hedonistic 1_~'OI S ~ SIN~ 48 Killing 12 Troubles SO Disgrace 13 Funny Martha 8, The "Maggie-n-Joel do it" episode of Northern 52 N2.blrd 18 Light roy ~Isnw SNIH S INn 55 SChoolof device ~t!l a 9 S ~ I H 1 a 1 H V Exposure really sucked, Even Ed couldn't help it. philosophy 19 Shoer f-tlt-\! H H a 1 V 1 H ~ S O, 58 Disturbance 24 Understanding I~ ~ 0 v W N ~ SOH ~ 7, Nat, Don't leave us! NAAAAAAm!! 59 Wild words "1111'"S ~ lOA N V S I N_' 60 Within: comb. 26 PlndaricI ~ S V a 1 I 1 VW V 9 V 1 form 27 San ta - 6, 1111111111111 Will Always Loooooooove Yooooooou A, a HI S 1 n 8 AI M 0 , S 61 Countless 28 Lena or Marilyn V I, V ~ S OH V ~ H ~ V 62 Business 29 Potato st ate H V d S O~Hn, S d n d 5. Buttafuoco, Buttafuoco, Buttofuoco. 63 Ger. river 31 Old gorment 32 Represent 4.THERE ARE ELEVEN REASONSHERE!!!AAAAAH! DOWN 34 Certoln term 1 History 37 "- above all.;" 2 Western sen, 38 KI"lwake 3. David Letterman at a nother network is like a 3 Forecost 40 Long·logged 46 Bod 53 Punta del ­ 4 Fasten with bird 41 Slow 54 Lo.egod school lunch without a Twinkie. thread 41 Jason's consort 48 Work the lond 56 Frequently 5 Nonprofessiona l 44 Figure of 49 Melody 57 Malden name 2. Why should I tell you? 6 0 10 cit y speech 51 Gr. godd ess word 1. Chelsea's gonna end it all, and she's gonna take us all with her.

Read Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn. It's delicious. The Man is everywhere. 10 The Messenger Features March 9, 1993 Keep away the winter weig ht

Jodi Hatlee& bathing suit. eat alot one day some type of inte­ the college diet. ate when 1wasn't Jennller Wilson One way then eat very little grative training Those who do gain hungry because 1 Contributing Writers college students for the nextfew program." All this the freshman 15 knew I'd be hun­ During the deal with fitness in days. This habit is is good ifyou gain extra weight gry later." winter months at the winter is to dangerous because don't get a beer because college -The ways RWU students starve themselves, it is easy to fall belly from extra­ schedules force college students either actively although this is an prey to bulimia curricular activi­ students to go to deal with keeping keep in shape or unhealthy habit to and anorexia, ties on the week­ the cafeteria and in shape varies slowly watch their slip into, many feel which many stu­ end. Motivation to eat to be social from those who bodies deteriorate. it is the only dents suffer from. do all of this can then feel dissatis­ gain the freshman It's easy to fall into answer.Deena Training be overwhelming. fied with the food. 15 to those who the winter blahs Kulakowski, a programs and motivation to do This leads to have a workout when you live in sophomore from routine workouts all of this physical munching out on routine. No matter New England, Peabody, MA., are the best and activity can be fattening food that what your attitude never mind being says "Since 1am a healthiest ways to overwhelming. is available, is, it is good to be a college student. picky eater, 1eat keep your body fit. Once a schedule is nevermind the fat aware of how The summer is salad and bread Not only will your worked out with a in the cafeteria health conscious wonderful in New and that keeps the body look great proper balance of food. Christine you are. England, and the weight down just but your energy good food and Poland, a fresh­ level will also majority of the fine." Many stu­ excercise it is easy man from North population suc­ dents have this increase. Bob to become an Stonington, CT. cumbs to societies philosophy about Kenney, a sopho­ excercise addict. says "I gained my more from Mills, demands to have a controlling their The dreaded freshman 15 be­ MA. says "To stay freshman 15 takes body that looks weight. Some cause 1was not in shape one must presentable in a students will also its toll on those used to eating eat right and have who are not use to three meals a day. 1


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Belltowet Plaza Bristol, RI I Delivery to 10 pm Wednesday - Saturday I April 5, 1993 253-888S I (401) 253-8885 L- What a difference D'angelo makes. ...J March 9, 1993 Entertainment The Messenger 11 CULTURAL ELITE: NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY THEATER NOTES Meg Miller Juni or. plays Creena trtals of family that we Peter Milan this happen? How do it. If you will. Charlie Contributing Writer Cleary. Essentially the all know so well. The Last Honest Man In you stay neutral? Brown. perennial play Is seenthrough her Th e last perfor­ America Am I the only per­ Everyman of the com­ Bettermake some eyes and her memory. mances are Thursday. (Okay, Thal lsn1 True) son who notices the tcs, transformed Into a time thisweekend! You Maureen McGovern. a March 11, Friday. crap that goes on at typical John Hughes don't want to miss the Junior. plays Josle March 12, and Satur­ thisschool?Notjustthe kid . foul-mouthed and last three productions Cleary. Steve Gould day.March 13 at 8p.m. "In this town. I'm big things. not just precoctous. Nota pretty of "A Pagan Place." The plays the father and Make sure you make the leperwith the most smokestacks and picture, RogerWiUiams Untver­ husband, Con Cleary. Ume for this perfor­ fingers." Crown Victorias and The alternative? sltytheaterdepartment These are just a few of mance. -Fromthescrtptto law schools and skel­ Stmple. Cast It with hasbeenrehearsingfor the fine actors, but the What else is hap­ The Two Jakes by etons and retiring adults. Here then is the many weeks. After the cast contains 19 stu­ pening In the theater? Robert Towne presidents. Cultural Elite Casting opening performances dents. Most are theater Christine Henry. a Just little things. Sheet for Peanuts:The last weekend the final majors. junior who just re­ "A more wretched People who can't show Movie. productions of the play The play deals turned from London, is hive of scum and vfl­ up on time for jobs In Charlie Brown: will be performed. wtth many different directing a studio per­ latnyyouwillnot find..." which they do next to John Ritter. Consider­ "A Pagan Place." social classes within a formance. Christine -Fromthescrtptto nothing. People who Ing this clown's career. ortglnaUy a novel . was community and how hasn't begun casting Star Wars by George can't do their jobs playtng an incredible wrllten by Edna 0' each Interactwith each but the schedule will Lucas properly. Rude weasels loser shouldn't be too Brten. This play deals otheror how theydon't. bepostedwhenthetime who make decisionsfor much of a stretch. with the hardships.joys Times were hard ev­ comes closer. Nothin' to eat you. the sucker/con­ Lucy: Shannen and endeavors of the erywhere In the 1940s Another studio And nothin' to sumer who sheUs out Doherty. The ultimate famlly; In particular, and Ireland was no ex­ that will be performed drtnk upwards of $16 grand fussbudget plays the the Irish famlly. ceptton, With this In this semester at RWU Nothin' for a man to attendthisoverblown ultimate fussbudget. Through 0 ' Brien's mind. the play takeson theater is c a ll ed to do community college. Patty & Violet: work. one cansensethe a much higher mean­ "Laun dryandBourbon" ButsitaroWldand I've been dream­ Jennie Garth and Tort richness of the lan­ tng than just what the and will be directed by think Ing of getting one of Spelling. See, Pattyand guage and the pas­ dialogue may stale. Tina Yuul. This is also -Violent Femmes. heroes, Hunter S. Violet are a pairofnon­ sionatepatrioticfeeling This play offers a a junior who recently "Country Death Song" Thompson. to speak at formed. unintelligent, that exist within the wide range of diversity returned from London this school. Set him up obnoxious female Irtsh culture. The play andIbelievethatpeople (a semester in London Thoughts swarm . with a bag of uppers characters. Ifigure this waswritten by 0 ' Brien will enjoy it because is required of all the­ In and out of my brain, and a couple of Satur­ can't be that much of a In the 1970's but takes divorce has engrossed atermajorsl.J'll tell you slapping me out of my day night specials and stretch. place tn the summer of the 1990s. This Is an more exciting informa­ lethargy. forcing me to you'd see some fun. Linus: Sung. He 1943. enlightening change Uon about the thealer think, making me pay folks. If he wasn't too needs to cling to that Kerry Daily. a that deals with all the in the next issue. attention. Lately it wasted, we could blanket even more now seems I've been very. probablytakethisplace that his hatr's fallmg Swing Kids: I'm warning you, don't do it veryaware 01everything over. OUL Peter Milan Why do I let this Schroeder: Ken ­ he's not a Swing Kid. vlnced? Okay. The fol­ going on around me. Entertainment Editor Not bad for a guywho's stuff get to me? Well~ neth Branagh. Using Boo hoo . lowing things are more been laid up with the why shouldn't I? Why that same German ac- Don't, Really. 1 Peter hangs out fun to do than watch flu lately. doesn't It ptss anyone cent he used In Dead mean It. Don't go see with his best friend. SwingKfds: I'm a worrter by else oil? Again.. (Hee hee.) this movie. Tell your Thomas (Christian BeatingyourselfIn nature. I do It very weU Not even the big Peppermint Patty frtends not to go see Bale . Empireofthe SI1n) the head with a ham­ as I have had a lot of things. the little things. and Marcie: Sharon this movie. Tell your and their musician mer. Biting a boil off of practice. But lately. Why do so many people Stone and Jeanne enemies not to go see friend. Arvid (Frank yourhip. Having Natale kids. I've been wonder­ throw their aluminum Trtpplehorn of Basic this movie . Tell total Whaley. Career Oppor­ Sicuro explain to you Ing what It is I've been cans away? What's the Instinct. I defy you to strangers not to go see tunities). However, be­ why the law school was so worrted about. big deal that you can't tell me t h ese t wo the terror that cause of an incredibly a good idea. Suffocal­ Why do I care WALK A FEW EXTRA dldn'thave a lesbian Is...SWINGKIDS. (DUN poor~ thought out ing to death. Watching about my GenEds? STEPS AND PlIT THE affair at some point. DUN DUN!!!) prank/theft, Thomas Ishtar twice in a row. Verysimply.Idon't. Not DAMNED CAN IN ONE Corne on. A woman, It Is hideous. It is and Peter are forced to Shaving with a cheese anymore. I'mtakingthe OF THE NUMEROUS very butch and mas- replusive. And rtght Join the Hitler Youth. graterand usinglemon transfer express right YELLOW RECYCLE cullne,followed around now. I'm gonna teUyou Naturally, one of them­ juice as aftershave. out of this hole In the BINS ALL OVER THIS by a very feminine every single thing Ihat -Thomas--becomes a Rubbing meat tender­ world and I don't give a CAMPUS?! woman who calls her happens In It. So, lf'for full-fledged Nazi, while izer In your eyes. Try­ fistful of bodDy waste Is this the hope of "Sir'?(Ifthis doesn'tget some reason you actu­ Peter is forced to rebel ing to convince Jesse anymore. I know damn the future. kids? me a couple of pissed ally Intend to see this against the--the ever­ Helms that Ice-Tis a well any college worth Okay. I know I'm off letters, nothing film. stop reading. But stifling tide of--the serious artist. Slitting Its salt wouldn't lake getttngpreachy. butIt's will.)Come to think of trust me. you should hldeous-­ your eyeballs wltha any credits earned at eitherthis orbreakout It. maybe Charlie not see this film. Never AAAARRGGH!!!!! rusty razor blade and this dump. the chatnsaws and run Brownshouldbeplayed ever ever ever ever. CANTTAKEm! thenplungingyourface Bitter? Perhaps. around cutting people by Michael Douglas. See. there's this This Is the stu­ into a bowl of chlorine. But I just found out up . All I'm saytng Is, I'd like to apolo- sort of youth cult In pdest piece of trtpe I The only bright that for the academia I open yer fraggm' eyes gize for that last bit. 1939 Germany caUed have ever seen In my spot In the film is Ken­ want. Icould have gone and do somethtng, However. I can't. I the SwingKids. They're entire life. There neth Branagh, who has to a state school and Anything. It'd be a thought it was pretty Into Britishfashion and words to a very small part and. gotten a better educa­ change, at least, from funny. Amertcan movies and describe.. .the sheer for obvious reasons. tion for less than half the rampant apathy I Snoopy: The voice music. Every nightthey revulsionyou feel... the has had his name re­ the money. see every day on this of Jack Nicholson. dance to Benny pain... moved from the film. If NO MORE MIS­ campus, NaturaUy. Goodman (who Is Maybe I'm exag­ I were him, I'd be suing TER NICE GUY!! I'm On that note, J'l1 spinning In his grave geratingabout how bad Disney to have my part madas HeU and I'm not Well, readers. I sign off, boys and girls. . right now). this movie is. NO! NO cut out entirely. going to take It any­ mightaswell relaxwith I'd like to say In closing Unfortunately. I'M NOT! IT REALLY IS Ihope I'vestressed more. I'm three days mydeep Insightsforthe that(l)Llfeisveryshort there's this little asso­ THATBAD! HOWBAD? enough how horrtble away from going on a time being and con­ and there's no time for ctattoncalled the Hitler These are movies thismovie truly is.How FaDing lX>wn-stylekill­ centrate Instead on fussing and fighting Youth that'ssuckingup that are better than hideous and sinister. tng spreeanddamn IfIt something really mo­ and (2) I welcome any au the kidsIn Germany. SWingKfds: Theonly way thismovie isn't coming out rtght ronic and Immature. andaUcorrespondence. Including a few Swing Hudson Hawk, could have been worse now. I am a man with This Is, after all, Cul­ Send anything and ev- Kids. Things are tough Body of Evidence, is if It was called nothing to lose . tural Elite. erythlng to Cultural for the main character. Hoffa. Man Trouble, Newsies II: Revenge of I've been wonder­ Who would you Elite. care of the Mes- Peter (Robert Sean "Ma nos" The Hands of the Nazis. mg about people who want to play Charlie senger. Or Just drop It Leonard, Dead Poets Fate, Plan 9 From Outer Grade: WHATDO don't care. You know Brown? Sertously. See. off at the office. Society); his mother's Space, Once Upon A YOU THINK? Go back the people I mean; John Hughes is about The previous col- been widowed by the Crime. Single White Fe­ and read this column people who lust coast to start filming umn Is dedicated 10 Geslapo an d his mate. Nightandthe City, again. and you figure through life without Peanuts:The Movie.. Garry Trudeau. who is brother's a whiny wea­ Candyman, Captain out the grade. Just making a commitment and I don't mind telling not dead but is a really sel who continually Ron. .. DON'TGO SEE SWING either way, How does you. I'm scared,Picture good cartoonist. complains about how Still not con - KIDS. 12 The Messenger Entertainment March 9, 1993 Unforgiven just doesn't need to be get a good flIm like something more. ghettl western. but It Scofeild Kid. a myopic screenplay. and you'd Matthew W. Rossi III Misty. and sometimes Eastwood the actor at­ learns from them. gunslinger. seem real. think he had the char­ Staff Wr~er yougetTheRookie.You tempts to stretch a bit maintaining a sense of TheCinematogra­ acters cast when he pays your money. ya In this tale of a former scope from the best of phy also stars In this wrote it. Maybe he did . There are many takes your chances. gunman taking up the them without sinking film. The ride 10 town. The acting Is tai­ Clint Eastwoods. But he's never life again to provide for into meaningless where Munny reveals lored for his story of a There's the man who quite combined the two his c h il d r e n . and scenes of death and his growing problems. man descending back starred In such fare as like he has In his latest Eastwood the Director blazing guns. is framed by the coun­ Into the hell he inhab­ Sudden Impact. Dirty film. And he pulls It off lets him. Grand perfor­ tryside and the Ited for so long. It's Harry. Magnum Force. brilliantly. His William mances abound In this weather. Every time I Dante on horseback. andDeadpootwhogets Unjorgiven Is the Munny starts out as a baby. From Richard see that sky. that sky The only com­ by with a little acting first filmhe's beenboth. bit preachy and stiff. Harris' take on an that doesn't reallyexist plaint Is we don't end and a lot of shooting. and It works. While but he descends into a english gunmangrown exceptIna sortofcellu­ up knowrng much The king of mInlmallst remlnlscenl of Pale maelstrom of violence cocky to Gene Hack­ 101d fantasy world. I about Mrs. Munny. She acting. The Raymond Rider. thtsfllmachteves with all the equanimity man as Little BUI. ihe really get a buzz. diesoffcamera.andyou Carver of emoting. what that film prom­ of a tornado at a trailer tough. mean sheriff Again. thisIs what never get to learn who And there's also a Ised by letting park. When Munny fi­ who Just can't make It Pale Rider or High she was and how It's brtlltant director who Eastwood admit his nally explodes. you as a carpenter. every­ Plains Drifter could possible she had such brings a special touch age. andhisdichotomy. know It had to be. and one delivers. have been. It's got a an effect on "A man of to his work. such as In this rum. Dionysus yetIt stillholdsthe edge Hackman was so moral. action. comedy. evil disposition" like Play Misty For Me • and Apollo shake the movie spends time good I wanted him to and reallylightens up a WilliamMunny. It's not White Hunter. black hands. gathering. die In all the scenes he Saturday afternoon. much. but I'd like to heart, The Eiger sanc­ The Academy and The tension oftry­ was In. Harris projects Funny how vio­ see It, and I'm the one tion. and Bird. A man I for once agree. This Ing to stay free of the anairofcondescending lence and death can do reviewing this. who can carefully craft meshes be autifully. It holds of the past is ad­ and callousness that that for me. but this Is Unforqtoen Is a a film. who stands at surely deserves Its mirably shown by his break against Little a movie review. not culmination and a fi­ odds with the persona nominations. and It not showing It.He Bill's arrogant disdain. Psychology Review. nale of sorts.TruIy this he projects as an ac tor. stands a chance at seems to b e held to­ Morgan Freeman It 's In teresting Is one of Eastwood's almost his own antith- winning. You expect gether with spit and Is also very watchable that Hackman. Harris trium phs. esis.. grace and style from b ailing wire. and the as Ned Logan. Munny's and Freeman neverget It has been called He at times seems Eastwood the Director. scene where the friend whojust doesn't to playoff eachother a "Th in k in g man's schttzophreruc In this and he delivers. You SCofield Kid comes to have the stomach for qutte like I'd hoped. The Western" but I don't duality of purpose. Ac­ expect grunting and tempt Munny with his killing. and who dies thought of Eastwood care what you call It as tor and Director so po­ shooting from past lays out In stark for otherpeoples deeds. and these three all at long as you go see It. larized. you'd never ex­ Eastwood the actor. c on t r a s t to the pig J atrnz Wolvett Is once makes me shud­ This Is truly worth the pect to see himwearing and again. he delivers farmer he finds Instead ofcourseovershadowed der. acclaim. both hats. When he's as promised. Yet the of a gunslinger. byall thistalent. buthe David Webb tried. sometimes you synthesis yellds up This Isn't a spa- fights hard to make the Peoples wrote the GRADE:A Falling Down cuts into the urban jungle

Peter Milan jam. But he's the only cop of the post-Reagarute fers who refuse to let to his"epiph any;" ashe Entertainment Editor D-FENS aban­ who sees the connec­ "m ight makes right" Douglas walk across says at the climax, BBBZZZZZZZZZ. dons hiscarand heads tion between an aban­ violent mentality; then their golf course. "What.. .I 'rn the bad HONK! HONK!! to a nearbycomerstore. doned car and a conve­ therearethosewhojust The film has al­ guy?" SHRIEK!! HONK! a store run by a Ko­ niencestorethat'sbeen say 'WHOA!! DID YOU readybeendescribes as Duvall Is . as al­ HONK! BZZZZZZZZZ. rean. Douglaslaunches turned Into rubble... SEEWHATHE DID TO both "the last great ways, one of the best GIGGLE!!! HONK!! Into a Reaganistlc dia­ D-FENShasmany THAT GUY?! Reagan-era block­ actors around. He's a HONK!! BZZZZZZZZZZ. tribe (''Doyou knowhow strangeexperiences; he COOOOOL!!!" I'm one buster"to "t he prologue cop whose sense of HONK!! HONK!! HONK!! much money my manages to grab a bag of the latter. Hee hee, to Blade Runner." But, heroism has been SHRIEK!! GIGGLE!! country has given your full of automatic weap­ Regardless ofyour nomatterwhich side of drivenout ofhimbythe SCHREEEE!!! country?" "Howmuch?" ons from a gang, he views, you have to ad­ the debate you fall on. city he works for and BZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! "I don't know...but It takes an entire fast­ mit that the violence Is you have to agree that the wife who's slowly SLAM. must be a lot") when he food restaurant hos­ this film Is completely this Is a superbly losing It. In a sense. "HEY! Where the finds out a soda Is tage. he has a shootout over the top. The film craftedfilm . Ithaswhat these characters are hell you think you're eighty-five cents. The of sortswith a neo-Nazl tries to critique real-life Hunter S. Thompson mirror Images of one going?" two begin verbally Army Surplus Store violence by using car­ called "gonzo"-- I can't another; If you looked ''I'm going home." abusing each other get the toon violence. Really. reallyexplainit, butTed at bothcharactersfrom until D-FENS goes Idea. D-FENS crosses how seriously can you Nugent would get It. the beginning, either This Is the ex­ berzerk.destroyingthe LA.. all the while try­ take a film In which a Douglas gives one one Is capable of going change that opened the store with a baseball ingto get to the home of group ofgangmembers of his better perfor­ on this crime spree. new Joel SChumacher bat. He leaves. though his estranged wife try to take out Michael mances as D-FENS. a (The film might have film. Falling Down., a not before paying fifty (Barbara Hershey. The Douglas--In the middle nice guy who says "th e been even more inter­ elrd bouUlabalse of cents for the soda (''I'm Public Eye! . She's al­ fo a Latin American hellwith it. "After being esting had the actors _ -:ledy. thriller and mOVing prices back to ready sicced the cops neighborhoodwherehe about as mobile as a switched roles.) drama. 1965"). on him; butthey'reless stands out like Casper tree In his last block­ Support Is lent by The main charac­ This Is Just the than willing to belleve a the Friendly Ghost-­ buster, Basic Instinct. Rachel Ttcottn, who ter Is an unnamed Los first stop on D-FENS' story about a nebbishy and hit EVERYBODY Douglas gets a flashy manages to stay edgy Angelesmotoristwhom journey. a trip that guy with a cache of BUT HIM and then mountebank role that without being obnox­ we come to knowby his takes the mellow mo­ submachlne guns. rams Into a wall. killing any of the great hams Ious , and Tuesday vanity license plate-­ torist from mild man to PrendergrastIs already everyone In the car?On of the past could have Weld. whornakesit very ''D-FENS.'' He's thekind wild man. on D-FENS' trall...and a sick level. It's pretty played. He's not just a clearwhy Prendergrast of characteryou recog­ Meanwhile. a re­ boy. Is It fun. funny.but doesitmake t w o-zl t m e n s t o n at Is as henpecked as he nize at Sight; an over­ tiring detective by the Maybe it'sjustme, you think? nutcase;you feel for the Is. I can only compare worked and underpaid name of Prendergrast being the shallow wea­ It must be the poor guy, even though her to the Kennedy loser. He's got an in­ (Robert Duvall) Is get­ sel that I am. but I savage, reactionary lu ­ If you say the wrong woman from hell. credibly bad haircut, tmg static from every­ thought this rum was natic side of me. but I thing he could con­ Barbara Hershey he's wearing a short­ where; from his part­ really. really funny. really llked this flIm a ceivably ventilate your Is adequate as the wife sleeved shirt with a ner (Rachel Tlcotin. Unfortunately. I'm not lot, especially thevtoent skull. He's playing a (although It's slightly pocket protector, and Total Recall) to his entirely sure It's sup­ parts. I admit It, I liked character bearing the implausible that she'd he's carrying a brief­ captain (Raymond G. posed to be that funny. seeing every schmuck sins of the eighties; his be married to D-FENS case. He looks llke the Barry. RapidFYre) to his The flIm has al­ In Los Angelesget their American dream has In the first place). Just substituteteacherfrom Insanely neurotic wife ready polarized Its au­ comeuppance. from a taken a walk and he go see It.Andbrtngyour hell. And. he 's played (Tuesday Weld, again dience. There are two "derelict" who asks hasnothingto lose. The gym bag full of heavy by Michael Douglas. sixtiesstar). It'shisvery types fo people who Douglas for some cash way the story Is set up. ordinance. And. this sunny last day on the force enjoy this film. There while he (the derelict) D-FENS j ou r n ey s morning. he's trapped and he's just looking are those who see It as gnaws on a sandwich through several levels Falling Down: A. In a Los Angeles traffic forward to a quiet day. a stunning Indictm ent to a couple of rich duf- of hell before he comes I • ,\ , ,

March 9, 1993 Sports The Messenger 13 Spring Captains


Mike Lebreun Mike McNamara Mark Folio


Terri Welch Renne Mangili


Remy Ash Mark Gould

Lacrosse Golf

Terry Kelly Justin Reyher

t press time, t e p otos 0 two a­ crosse captains were not available. The individuals are Rick Alderman and Rick James. The Messenger a 010 izes for any inconvienence 14 The Messenger Sports March 9, 1993 Indoor soccer tournaments let underclassmen shine

Wayne Schulman kidswhomaybe didn't wins and losses aren't Connetlcut College. the attack. Scott Flood Connetlcut defeated Sports Edijor playas much during Important It's just get­ Wheaton College. and Tom Roach an­ Salve Regina 3-0 on the regular season, ting a chance to let the Stonehtll,Salve Regina chored the defense. goals by KIrk Richards Playing time in said Cook. team play," said Cook. University. and Roach's sec­ and SCott Wolchesky. any game Is desired by Cook went on UMass-Dartmouth. ond half goal earned . Whea ton had edged most athletes. For un­ to say that some kids "Th e indoor Eastern Connetlcut RWU the I-I score Stonehllll-Oona Bow­ derclassmen, playing didn't play much in tournamentsare alotof won the tournament against Eastern man goal. time can be 1lmIted. theregularseasonbut fun and It helps us to by beating Wheaton Conneticut. Dominant As far as next Most underclass­ they have been doing defense were led by seasonlooks. Cook said men can be found real well indoors. The both squadsas scortng he thinks the teamwill watching from the soccerteamstartedto chances were few. be solid. Cooksaidhe's bench, while the more work out for these "Right now win and Stonehlll took the been taiktng to a lot of experienced athletes tournaments afterthe losses aren't important fourth game 1-0 with perspective students take the field. break. anearlygoalwhichheld about coming to RWU. In the off-season The Hawks wlll it's just getting a up the entire match. By brmgmg in half a the underclassmanget play in four tourna­ RWU goal tender Geoff dozen freshman with a chance to show their ments overall which chance to let the team Bogotulkcontinuedhis what he has now . Cook moves. Whether it's end by sprtng break. excellentplaywith sev­ said the team would be passing or head-butt­ They already had one play" eral huge saves. In good shape. ing the ball, It canall be at Babson and here. The Hawks When you lose shownIn indoorsoccer Their next tourna­ dominated the final the seniors It's like tournament's. These ment Is at Wheaton -Jim Cook match, by beating starting all over said tournamentstakeplace College and then UMass Dart 4-1. Two Cook. He saidhe hasto after the winter break Eastern Connetlcut goals by Mike Inman start to work on some and no seniors play In College. ~et to know the team College 2-1. pacedtheattack. Juan oftheyoungerkids. The these tournaments. With regards better" said freshman The Hawks Uranandand Gutierrez Indoor tournaments RWU head soc­ to practicing for these Craig Pesche. lostto Salve 2-0in first scored as well. and the practices be­ cercoach JimCook said tournaments. Cook Pesche went on to round action. Accord­ The overtime fore the tournaments, these tournamentsgive said It helps the play­ say that the tourna­ ing to Cook. his team game between Eastern give Cook a chance to him the opportunity to ers but It's not man­ mentsarealotmore laid completely outplayed Conneticut and look at the under­ look at kids for next datory. Ifthekidshave back. not as serious It Salve. The Hawks Wheaton College was classman. year. It also gives the class. theygo to class. takes a lot of time and made one defensive decided by penalty players a chance to According to work but It keeps the mistakeby givtngthem kicks with Eastern workon theirindividual Cook. histeam knows team together in the a goal. Pressured the Conneticut prevailing skills . According to ifthey have some free offseason. entire second half.the 4-3. Sophomore mid­ Cook, a person has to time they wll1 come to In recent tourna­ Hawks hit the post fielder Kevin Ca rter be quicker In indoor the gym andworkout. mentaction. the Hawks four times before giv­ scored t he dectdtng soccer. The nature of ifthey don't have free finished fifth in the Ing up a nother late goal. Greg Bowman the game Is quickness time. they will go to ninth annual RWU in­ goal. had scored Wheaton's and individual and ball class.The practices door soccer tourna­ In the second goalsinregulationplay. skills are needed,said don't interfere with ment. Six colleges in­ game RWU came out EasternConneticuttied Cook. classes and they have cluding RWU were in on top of Wheaton the score ona Wheaton "The tourna­ the time to playa little the tournament. The College 3-1. Two goals goal.' mentsgive me a chance soccer. other schools that by Lolo Gutierrez. and To get to the fi- to look at the younger "Right now played were Eastern onebyCurtlsVerdlled nals Eastern Walby takes on Belgium in equestrian action

Amy Ramirez people). jumping. OverallWalby round. Itisanellmina­ vivid in Walby's mind. looking for sponsors & The qualifications finished 12 out of the tlon process. After Onthe first day of com­ for the trip. Lynn vessicchto are: must be between 72 competitors. lunch.jumpmg takes petition. the other After gradua­ Staffwriters the age of 18-28. Ifyou A typical day of place and It Is the same teams arrtved.and tion, Walby hopes to are not in competition was very process. Theneveryone Walby was able to see go to grad school for On November must have completed busy for Matt and the goesbackto wherethey his old friends again. his MBA. Then he 9,1992 Senior Matt In at least on competi­ others. AJlcompetltors are staying to shower Secondlywasseeingthe wouldlike to start his Walby took off to Bel­ tion while you were in stayed together in ho­ and change. U.S. team place first in own business with gium to I1de in the school. tels, gymnastums. The stay in Bel­ dressage. This Is due traintngstudentsand Torhaun International MattWaibyflew to youth hostels.peoples gium Is about half to the fact It was the horses. Walby is Derby. Belgium with the two homes or universities. competing and riding. flrst time a U.S. team looking Into the It was held In U.S. teams. The flrst They would wake up The other half Is meet­ beat Germany in dres­ Olympics. Brugge.Belgtum and team was Kate 7:00AM. The whole ing people.soctahztng sage. Walby likes to organized by the Inter­ AldeferlAlumni­ teamwas to be readyto and the business of Onthethirdnight, excel In everything national Intercollegiate Bethany,CT.), Allee leave the competition buying and selling the costume theme and to be an over­ Equestrian group. Debany(North by 8:00AM. horses through coun­ party was interesting. achiever. He feels There Is an Amertcan Salem,NY), and Theywould arrtve trtes. Know one knew what that this comes committee that nomi­ Shannett BarthlWest at the place of Each night there everyone elsewasgoing through riding differ­ nates and selects indi­ Chester.NY). The sec­ ccmpetttton.Handrt was a different party towear. Therewas also ent horses and dis­ viduals to represent ond team was Ranch in Brugge by with a themeto it. They a female entertainer to covering new tech­ and compete for the WalbylBrookiyn,N.Y.), 8:30 or 9:00. The cap­ were made to release keep the evening niques in riding. He country. Dar I n tain from each team tension of the competi­ "sharp" enjoys the change of Every couniry in Lawrenceljsoston.Ma.). would attend a meeting tors and make frtends S1>~ of the sad­ horses and his ability the world has a com­ and Jennifer beforeeachcompetition from around the world. dest moments tha t to be abl e to ride dif­ mittee like thisone . The Huekleberry{Ba;ton.Ma). to talk about each days They would have black Walby experien ced ferent keeps nomination Is basedon The United States events. tie dinners at a place were the last days of h im active and in performance through­ Teamsdid very wellover Also there Is a called the Tutor Castle competitionwhenevery shape. out the year of compe­ all. Team one finished horse draw that takes with the theme party said good-bye, They tition. Theyare the ones flrst out of twenty four place for jumping and after. It could be exchange addresses that will best represent teams in dressage, and dressage. Thedressage compared to a huge andawards weregiven. the country in Interna­ 17 out of twenty four tests are handed out. college party. There Walby has many tional competition. teams in team jump­ The captain Is referred would be 72 riders and future plans for horse­ EachcountryIs allowed ing. Walby as an indi­ to as the Chefde QUip. about 150 back riding. He hopes to nominate as many vidual finished very The dressage Is volunteers,supporters to get enough money to representatives as well. He finished 13th done in the morning and organizers. attend a competitionIn quallfylTwo out of 72 in dressage and then the winners There were a few Moscow scheduled in teams,maximum of six and 14 out of 72 In progress to the next highlights that were July. Walbyis currently March 9, 1993 ~ The Hawk's Eye ~ The Messenger 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Floor Hockey Results • (as orMarch 5th) : Varsity Sports Schedule • Div.A • Men's Baseball Wins Loss Tie Points • 2 4 Day Date Opponent Place Time Nads 0 0 Banana Heads 1 0 0 2 Sttngers 1 1 2 Tue March 30 U.S. Coast Guard Academy Away 3:00PM 0 Thu April 1 Mass. Maritime Academy Away 3:00PM • Common Pub 0 1 0 0 Plague 1 0 Sat April 3 Wentworth Institute 0 0 @MIT(DH) Away 1:00PM 2122-Nads defeated Plague 5-3 Sun April 4 Johnson & Wales University (DH)Home 1:00PM • Wed April 7 Salve Regina University (DH) "Away 2:30PM 2/24-Banana Heads defeated Stingers 9-2 3/l-Nads defeated Common Pub 8-3 Women's Softball 3/2-Stingers defeated Plague 7-3 • Div.B Day Date Opponent Place Time Wins Loss Tie Points Nighthawks I 1 0 2 Community College of Rhode Island Home 3:30PM Thu April 1 Team #4 I 0 0 2 Sat April 3 Johnson & Wales University Away 1:00PM American Dream 1 0 0 2 Sun April 4 New England College (DH) Away 1:00PM Sporting Woody's 0 0 0 0 Tue April 6 Johnson & Wales University Home 4:00PM Wed April 7 Regis College Away 4:00PM 2/22-Nighthawks by forfeit over Puck Heads 3/l-American Dream defeated Nighthawks 7-3 Men's Tennis 3/4-Team #4 by forfeit over Puck Heads

Day Date Opponent Place Time Div. C • Tue March 30 BridgeWater State Home 3:30PM Wins Loss Tie Points Tue April 6 Curry College Home 3:30PM Fighting Cows 0 2 0 0 Wed April 7 Johnson & Wales University Away 3:30PM Charlestown Chiefs 1 1 3 I Mon April 12 Bryant College Home 3:30PM C.WA 0 0 0 0 Wed April 14 Eastern Nazarene Home 3:30PM Cheez 0 0 I 1 Archo-Death 1 0 0 2 Men's Lacrosse 2/24-Chiefs defeated Fighting Cows 5-4 Day Date Opponen t Place Time 3/2-Archo D ea th defeated Fightinl! Cows 5-2 r- • II 3/4-'r!e between Chiefs and Cheez- .Thu April 1 Wheaton College Home 4:00PM Sat April 3 New England College Away 1:00PM II Sat April 10 Plymouth State College Home 1:00PM Tue April 13 Western New England College Home 4:00PM Thu April 15 Assumption College Away 5:30PM Co-ed Sailing Schedule LOW AIRFARES Day Date Opponent/Event Place Time TO EUROP

Sat March 20 Mass Maritime Academy Invitational Away 9:00AM & AHA~:'\ Sat March 27 Mass Maritime Academy Invitational Away 9:00AM Sun March 28 University of Rhode Island Invitational Away 9:00AM Spedol Student cnd Foculty Airfures Sat April 3 South Series I at Yale Univers ity Away 9:00AM • Sun April 4 Conneticut College Invitational Away 9:00AM • Scheduled Major Airlines - Nc Chollers •••• •• • •• •• ••• •••••••••• • •• ••• •• • ••• •• •• • •• • ••• •• ••• 50 U.S. OeJXIrtu re Cities 75 Foreign Oestinmicns Interncticl1!Jl Student Exchcnge \0Cords Women's Indoor Soccer Schedule Internctioncl Foculty ID Cords Interootioncl Youth Hostel Hondbooks TEAMS Eurcil cnd BritTen Posses #l-Mags and Company let'sGo Europe Guides #2-The Rootabega's American ExpressTravelers Cheques #3-The Rumpshaker's #4-Danielle Keller'sTeam(Team #4) Groups or Individucls #5-The Go Girls ASK ABOUT OUREXPRESS 10 CARO SERVICE

Date Game 1(7:45) Game 2 (8:45) "Celebrating our 34th Wed.March 10 #3 VS. #5 #2 VS. #4 Year in Student Trayel" ~~ Thu. March 11 #1 VS. #3 #2 VS. #5 If;ywr FK!E \rude. fig'" CatcIog II1li til,

fI A ~ /hI "r"11 rt;? fOrUI115 .

Presents: Leslie Gelb "What the Election Means in the

New World, Order" Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Leslie Gelb, cur­ rently writes The New York Times colmn, "Foreign Af- fairs." As the Times' National Security Correspondent, Dr. Gelb was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the Front Page Award. This leadership in the communication of international affairs is founded on a distinguished ca­ reerwithinthe corridors of Washingtonpolicy-making. He was theAssistantSecretary of State underPresident Carter, and served as Chief Negotiator in arms talks with the Soviet Union, Chairman of the NATO Special Group on SALT III, as well as numerous other impor­ tant posts within both the State Department and the Department of Defense. The author of several books, Lesile Gelb holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Begins at 8:30pm Wednesday, April 7 Sponsered by the School of Social Science

Direct any questions to Bill O'Connell, Director of Auxiliary and Student Activities 254-3153