(Iowa City, Iowa), 2011-06-30

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 2011-06-30 BUDGET CLOCK KEEPS TICKING State lawmakers failed to pass a state budget on Wednesday. The deadline to pass a spending bill is midnight tonight, when the state’s fiscal year ends. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2011 Magic Bus may lose location YOGA, GIRL A new city ordinance regulating vendors on Melrose Avenue on game days may leave the Magic Bus homeless again come fall. Under the new ordinance, which passed its first vote June 21, the sale of alcohol by vendors would be banned and the area in which they would be allowed to set up shop would be limited. Previously, vendors have been operating without a permit, which is illegal. Managers say the Magic Bus has never sold alcohol — instead, it has provided alcohol and soda to cus- tomers who paid a cover to watch bands. The new ordinance would prevent it from doing that on Melrose. Doug Boothroy, the city’s direc- tor of Housing and Inspection Services, said representatives from the Magic Bus, organized by the Iowa City Ducks Rugby Club, approached him and the Planning and Zoning Commission to obtain an exemption to the ordinance, which they denied. “Trying to write an exception for the Magic Bus to sell alcohol opens the door for anyone to sell alco- hol,” Boothroy said. “And that’s not something the city wants to open up along Melrose Avenue.” The Magic Bus has since been asked to write up a proposal for the commission, but the Magic Bus had not submitted any specific ideas as of Wednesday afternoon. Noah Silvey, a member of the Rugby Club and organizer of the ZHONGZHU GUO/THE DAILY IOWAN Magic Bus, declined to provide fur- Jeanelle Boyer instructs a group of people in yoga in College Green Park on Wednesday. Inspired by her grandfather, who walked across the world in seven years in the ther comment. 19th century, Boyer is running across the state of Iowa. Read the full story on page 3A. -by Hayley Bruce Survey: Iowans back same-sex marriage A different Pakistan State backs The majority of Iowans support same-sex marriage, according to a A timely trip gave an Eastern Iowa man an inside look at survey conducted by graduate stu- IC-Chicago dents at Drake University. Pakistani-American relations. In one of the few states in which same-sex marriage is legal, the By IAN STEWART train authors surveyed 1,700 Iowans [email protected] using more than 50 questions rang- Gov. Branstad said he’s ing from demographic information Fewer than 24 hours after to adopting children and their opin- he got off a plane from Islam- skeptical of the proposal. ion on same-sex marriage. abad, Pakistan, Ben Rogers Results showed 61.3 percent of was sitting on his couch in By CHASTITY DILLARD Iowans support same-sex mar- Cedar Rapids, watching the [email protected] riage, and 48.5 percent of respon- news of Osama bin Laden’s Funding for a passenger rail appears to dents believe same-sex marriage death unfold. have survived budget negotiations on has had a positive effect on the Rogers’ April trip to Pak- Wednesday, solidifying the future of the people of Iowa. istan, as part of an unofficial proposed Iowa City-Chicago passenger The survey results also showed U.S. State Department-spon- rail service. that 46.6 percent of respondents The measure keeps the $6.5 million believe Iowa is viewed more favor- sored delegation, was at the that has been set aside to fund the Iowa ably from a national perspective, heart of his discussion of City-Quad Cities-Chicago passenger rail as opposed to less favorably at American-Pakistani relations service. But with the final state budget 25.6 percent, and no change in during a speech to the Iowa ANTHONY BAUER/THE DAILY IOWAN still undecided at the time of the vote, opinion at 27.8 percent. City Foreign Relations Coun- Ben Rogers, a member of the Linn County Board of Supervisors, addresses the lawmakers abstained from allocating The survey also showed a cil on Wednesday. audience on Wednesday during a speach about his mission to Pakistan. Rogers more money for the rail during fiscal 2012. majority of Iowans, 62.5 percent, Tensions between the two took the trip in April. The total cost of the project is an esti- do not support a constitutional countries have been especial- who he said were trying to mated $310 million. In addition to the amendment to ban same-sex mar- Ben Rogers ly high in recent months — attack him. Rogers said U.S. federal funds, which will cover 80 percent, riage. Ben Rogers of the Linn County Iowa is expected to provide $20 million, Pakistanis dislike strikes by response to the incident has — by Hayley Bruce Board of Supervisors visited and Illinois will throw in $45 million. U.S. drones in the country, Pakistan in April as part of an unof- been seen by Pakistanis as an and the assassination of Bin “I support the rail,” said Rep. Dave ficial State-Department-funded del- example of “American arro- Jacoby, D-Coralville. “The bill keeps the DAILY IOWAN TV Laden in a secret American egation. His talk covered many gance.” But drone attacks, door open for the rail project, but it does raid ratcheted up anger. points, including: like America’s unilateral not allocate the $6 million in state money To watch Daily Iowan TV go online “The U.S. government is • His experience traveling in the country elimination of bin Laden, that goes with the $80 million match from at dailyiowan.com. the federal government.” concerned that Pakistan is and meeting locals have some reconsidering Legislators said the compromise was not being as cooperative as it • Pakistanis’ perception of the U.S. America’s deference to Pak- could be in terms of attacking • Recent drone strikes in Pakistan and made in efforts to keep the rail project istan’s sovereignty. alive, so the language including talk of militant groups that are the killing of Osama bin Laden • China’s involvement in Pakistan “The continued use of the rail was left in and the money kicked either planning attacks drone attacks leads the Pak- out. against or have ties to the istani government to ques- “I don’t think [the constituents] under- stand that this is a one-time situation,” Taliban,” Brian Lai, a Univer- tion whether the U.S. more personal level with Pak- Sen. Bob Dvorsky, D-Coralville, said, not- sity of Iowa political-science istanis, outside of what respects it as an ally and associate professor, wrote in ing that it’s not often the government just Rogers described as the “bub- whether it is in a partnership gives out federal funding. an e-mail. “Also, there is sub- ble” of high-level diplomacy. with, or being led and used, Dvorsky said he “would call a coalition stantial anti-American senti- “We aren’t restricted, we’re by the U.S.,” Lai wrote. to provide some education to the govern- ment in Pakistan.” ment offices and to the general public” able to have some honest, “I’m concerned about the INDEX Rogers’ firsthand account, and fight the lack of support in the Iowa real conversations.” Rogers drone attacks,” said Jerry house. however, tempers that gener- Loewenberg, a former dean at Classifieds 5B Spotlight 2A alization. said. Rep. Jeff Kaufmann, R-Wilton, who has Crossword 6B Sports 8A Speaking with locals, he the University of Iowa and constituents with strong opinions on both “There is anger toward our sides of the spectrum, backed the funding. Opinions 4A said two issues — drone professor emeritus of politi- policy,” he said addressing cal science who attended the “It’s an issue that has some strong attacks and a CIA operative the crowd of around 80 gath- event at the church. “They opponents and strong supporters,” he — were of special concern. said. “I think it’s more appropriate for the WEATHER ered in the basement of the really are a violation of sover- Congregational Church, 30 In January, Raymond governor to make a statewide decision.” eignty.” He said it was easier to support the bill N. Clinton St, “but not our Davis, a contractor employed HIGH LOW Rogers, however, was quick because funding was removed. Gov. Terry by the CIA, was apprehended 90 75 people.” to defend the attacks. Branstand will have the choice of allocat- In fact, a central purpose of by Pakistani authorities after Mostly sunny, windy the trip was to engage on a he reportedly killed two men SEE PAKISTAN, 3A SEE TRAIN, 3A 2A - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Thursday, June 30, 2011 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Volume 143 Issue 19 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: Cardiologist doesn’t sit still E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editor: Adam B Sullivan . 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Emily Busse . 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: accuracy and fairness in the report- Hayley Bruce .. 335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Ariana Witt . 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correc- Opinions Editor: Shay O’Reilly . 335-5863 tion or a clarification may be made. Sports Editor: PUBLISHING INFO Seth Roberts . 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts Editor: published by Student Publications Nina Earnest . 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief: Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot. 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo Editor: university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen .
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