ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 06/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 289 - April 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, üblich. Da wir unseren Lesern selbst- Lektüre des Newsletters vermutlich liebe Filmfreunde! verständlich keine Daten vorenthalten fragen, ob Anna nicht mehr mit Holly- Herzlich willkommen zur ersten wollen, haben wir diese komplett in wood spricht. Klare Antwort: doch, Frühlingsausgabe unseres Newsletters diese Ausgabe gequetscht. Damit das unsere Kolumnistin wird demnächst in diesem Jahr. Obwohl wir wissen, Ganze nicht noch vollkommen aus dem wieder mit an Bord sein. Bei Fertigstel- dass auch Filmfreaks gerne die ersten Ruder läuft, haben wir auf eine grafi- lung der aktuellen Ausgabe des warmen Tage im Jahr lieber im Freien sche Ausgestaltung fast vollkommen Newsletters befand sich Anna schon als im abgeschotteten Heimkino genie- verzichtet. Hierfür bitten wir um Ihr längst auf dem Weg ins tschechische ßen, haben wir uns auf das Wagnis Verständnis. Krnov, wo jedes Jahr alte Filme im eingelassen, dem Umfang des grandiosen 70mm-Format gezeigt wer- Newsletters auf ganze 78 Seiten aufzu- Nicht verzichtet haben wir auf Wolfram den. Da wir mit der Veröffentlichung blähen. Es gibt also reichlich Lesestoff Hannemanns Film-Blog, in dem Sie ab dieser Ausgabe nicht warten wollten, – schönes Wetter hin oder her. Das hat Seite 3 erfahren können, welche Filme bis Anna wieder im Lande ist, haben natürlich seinen Grund. Denn das es sich eventuell im Kino anzuschauen wir ihr “schreibfrei” gegeben – natür- “Widescreen Weekend” in Bradford lohnt. Und damit nicht genug. Ab Seite lich in der Hoffnung, in der nächsten und die sich daran anschließenden 26 berichtet unser Film-Blogger über Kolumne Spannendes über das Festival “Fantasy Filmfest Nights” in Stuttgart die während der “Fantasy Filmfest in Krnov zu erfahren! hatten uns voll in Beschlag genommen, Nights” gezeigten Filme. Diese werden so dass wir mit dieser Ausgabe des es in den meisten Fällen leider nicht in So, jetzt aber genug des “Vorspiels” – Newsletters wieder einmal ein bisschen deutsche Lichtspielhäuser schaffen, es warten ja schließlich noch weitere 76 in Verzug geraten sind. Das wiederum sondern werden direkt auf DVD bzw. Seiten auf Sie! bedeutet, dass sich während dieser Blu-ray Disc veröffentlicht. Zeit weitaus mehr Daten in unsere Da- Ihr Laser Hotline Team tenbank geschlichen haben als sonst Einige von Ihnen werden sich nach

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 14. März 2011 Dienstag, 15. März 2011 zer Zeit zu Wiederholungen greift. Hier Leben und Sterben auf der Rennstrecke Der Soldat in der Endlosschleife läuft alles sozusagen in einer Endlos- Meine prall gefüllte Filmwoche eröffnete Das herrliche Wetter außerhalb des Kinos schleife – leichte Abweichungen inbegrif- eine imposante Dokumentation über einen entschädigte für die heute nicht so optima- fen. Nebst der sich allmählich einstellenden charismatischen Rennfahrer. le Filmkost. Langeweile spart der Film leider auch nicht mit einem typischen Hollywood-Ende, SENNA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) welches die entstandene Romanze, die zu OT: Senna scheitern drohte, in ein Happy End um- Verleih: Universal wandelt. Nur bedingt empfehlenswerte Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 Action-Kost. Regie: Asif Kapadia Darsteller: Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost, PASSIONE! (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Frank Williams OT: Passione! Kinostart: 12.05.2011 Verleih: MFA (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Italien 2010 Helmut Zwickl, Formel-1-Journalist bei Regie: John Turturro “Motorsport Aktuell”, bezeichnete ihn als Darsteller: Massimo Ranieri, Pietra den “endgültigen Rennfahrer”. Der Brasi- Montecorvino, Lina Sastri lianer Ayrton Senna erlebt in den achtziger Kinostart: 07.04.2011 Jahren einen kometenhaften Aufstieg als Formel-1- – und das mit gerade einmal Eigentlich kennt man ihn nur als Schau- 24 Jahren. Sein Motto war “Wenn Du et- spieler, der sich insbesondere in den Fil- was machts, dann richtig, denn sonst men der Coen-Brüder einen Namen gemacht kannst Du es auch bleiben lassen!”. Was hat: John Turturro. Doch in PASSIONE, ihn von allen anderen Formel-1-Fahrern der selbst inszeniert hat, kehrt der ge- unterscheidet, ist sein tief verwurzelter bürtige Italiener zu einen Wurzeln zurück Glauben und sein Sportsgeist. Denn mit und lädt den Zuschauer auf eine musikali- der ganzen Politik, die als Begleiterschei- sche Reise durch seine Heimatstadt Neapel nung beim Motorsport auftaucht, will er ein. Turturro präsentiert ein Sammelsurium nichts zu tun haben. Ihm geht es aus- an lokalen Musikgrößen, die er meist in schließlich um den Sport als solchen. Seine malerischen Hinterhöfen auftreten lässt. Rivalität mit dem alteingesessenen Franzo- SOURCE CODE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Manche lässt er sogar auch ein bisschen sen Alain Prost schreibt Geschichte. Senna OT: Source Code etwas über die reiche Musikgeschichte der gewinnt mehrfach den Grand Prix. Doch im Verleih: Kinowelt Stadt erzählen. Für Liebhaber italienischer Alter von 34 Jahren stirbt Senna, der für Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Folklore sicherlich lohnenswert, dürfte der das überwiegend verarmte Brasilien inzwi- Regie: Duncan Jones Film allerdings für das breite Publikum nur schen zu einem Symbol der Hoffnung wur- Darsteller: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle schwer zugänglich sein – Turturros Liebe de, bei einem tragischen Unfall auf der Monaghan, Vera Farmiga zu Neapel hin oder her. Zu allem Überfluss Rennstrecke. Asif Kapadias Dokumentar- Kinostart: 02.06.2011 wurde uns der Film auch noch in schlechter film porträtiert den außergewöhnlichen DVD-Qualität präsentiert. Fahrer vom Beginn seiner Karriere bis zu Ein Zug bewegt sich auf zu. Plötz- seinem viel zu frühen Tod. Verwendet wird lich gibt es eine riesige Explosion – ein Mittwoch, 16. März 2011 dabei ausschließlich authentisches Archiv- Terroranschlag! Gerade in dem Moment, Harte Girls und nerdige Nerds material. Sogar Privatvideos der Familie als alles explodiert, wird Elite-Soldat Endlich mal wieder ein Double-Feature Senna, die den Film überhaupt erst möglich Colter Stevens aus seinem Traum gerissen. nach meinem Geschmack: zuerst satte machte, werden integriert. Dass Kapadias Oder war es gar kein Traum? Colter befin- Frauenpower, danach Filmzitate satt. Film trotzdem nicht eine sterile Dokumen- det sich in einer dunklen, abgeschotteten tation im herkömmlichen Sinn bleibt, liegt Kammer und empfängt Befehle via Bild- ROLLER GIRL (1:2.35, DD 5.1) zum Einen am Sounddesign des Films, das schirm. Wo ist er? Wer erteilt ihm die Be- OT: Whip It recht spektakulär eingesetzt wird, zum fehle? Erst nach und nach kommt Licht in Verleih: Senator Anderen an der Filmmusik von Antonio das Dunkel und Colter beginnt zu verste- Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Pinto (CITY OF GOD), die die emotiona- hen. Dank modernster Technologie kann er Regie: Drew Barrymore le Ebene des Films hervorragend trifft. immer wieder die letzten acht Minuten vor Darsteller: Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Auch wenn man sich nicht für Motorsport der Explosion an Bord des Zuges miterle- Eulala Scheel, Juliette Lewis interessiert, so wird man sich der Persön- ben. Seine Aufgabe: er muss den Bombenle- Kinostart: ohne Termin lichkeit des Ayrton Senna bei diesem Film ger finden, da dieser sonst ein noch größe- nicht entziehen können. Der Regisseur über res Attentat inszeniert... Die Idee ist nicht Bliss ist gerade mal siebzehn Jahre alt, geht seinen Film: “Wir wollten einen Film über wahrlich neu, haben sich doch längst schon noch zur Schule und jobbt als Kellnerin in das Rennfahren, über eine große Persön- andere Filme mit parallelen Welten, mit einem Fast Food Restaurant. Ihre Mutter lichkeit, drehen. Also habe ich einen Spiel- Reisen in die Vergangenheit oder mit der will natürlich nur ihr Bestes. So schleppt film mit nicht professionellen Schauspie- Beeinflussung der Zukunft beschäftigt. Es sie das Mädchen von einem Schönheits- lern inszeniert.” gibt daher auch kaum Überraschungen in wettbewerb zum nächsten, stets in der diesem Sci-Fi-Thriller, der schon nach kur- Hoffnung, dass es ihr Töchterchen einmal

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog zu etwas bringen wird. Fehlanzeige. Bliss großen Spaß. Wenn Paul in einer Rückblen- rasselt durch jeden Wettbewerb. Kein Wun- de im Jahre 1980 in einer riesigen Lagerhal- der: sie macht den ganzen Blödsinn nur le voller verschlossener Kisten sitzt und ihrer Mutter zuliebe mit. Als Bliss eines mit Steven Spielberg telefoniert, der sehr abends zusammen mit Freundin und Kolle- an Pauls heilenden Kräften interessiert ist, gin Pash heimlich einen Ausflug nach dann dürfte jedem Filmfan ein ganz breites Austin macht, entdeckt sie ihre wahre Lei- Schmunzeln in sein Gesicht gezaubert wer- denschaft: das Rollerderby. Schon bald den, während wohlige Schauer über seinen wird sie bei den “Hurl Scouts” aufgenom- Rücken jagen. men, einer der lokalen Mädchencliquen, die sich dem harten Sport auf Rollschuhen Donnerstag, 17. März 2011 verschrieben haben, und avanciert als Cool und skurril “Babe Ruthless” zu deren neuem Star. Der Ein Wechselbad der Gefühle – zwei Filme, Konflikt mit ihrer Mutter ist vorprogram- zwei Welten. miert... In ihrem Regiedebüt widmet sich Schauspielerin Drew Barrymore der inter- OHNE LIMIT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) essanten Frage nach dem Selbst. Ihre OT: Limitless Coming-of-Age-Geschichte ähnelt darin Verleih: Concorde sehr jenen Filmen, mit denen sich John Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Hughes in den achtziger Jahren den Proble- Regie: Neil Burger men der Jugendlichen angenommen hat. Darsteller: , Abbie Cornish, Und Miss Barrymores Film steht diesen Robert De Niro Filmen in nichts nach. So muss sich Bliss Kinostart: 14.04.2011 bei ihrer Suche nach sich selbst nicht nur mit ihrer alles bestimmenden Mutter aus- Eddie Morra leidet an einer Schreibblock- einandersetzen und ihren alles hinunter- ade. Schlecht für einen Autor, der bereits schluckenden Vater aus der Reserve locken, einen Vertrag für ein Buch in der Tasche beiden Briten zu einer “Alien”-Tour. Mit sondern auch ihre erste Liebe überstehen. hat. Aber auch sonst befindet sich Eddie dem Wohnmobil wollen sie alle bekannten Ellen Page, seit HARD CANDY auf Teen- nicht gerade auf der Überholspur. Seine Alien-Punkte wie Area 51, Roswell usw. ager-Rollen gebucht, obwohl sie schon älter Freundin Lindy trennt sich von ihm und bereisen. Unterwegs haben die besten als 20 ist, brilliert ein weiteres Mal als ein mit seiner Ex ist es sowieso schon lange Freunde dann wahrhaftig eine Begegnung Mädchen, das sich aus dem spießigen Le- vorbei. Da läuft ihm zufällig sein Ex- der dritten Art: sie gabeln einen echten ben befreien muss, in das sie ihre Eltern Schwager über den Weg und macht ihm ein Außerirdischen auf! Und der entpuppt sich gesteckt haben. Der harte, sehr ruppige Angebot: Eddie soll für ihn eine neue als ein ziemlich aufgewecktes Kerlchen, Rollersport, bei dem mit ganzem Körper- Wunderpille verkaufen. Alles ganz legal – das nicht nur ihre Sprache perfekt be- einsatz um Punkte gekämpft wird, ist das angeblich. Bevor Eddie sich auf das Ange- herrscht, äußerlich aussieht wie E.T., tote genaue Gegenteil zu ihrem spießigen El- bot einlässt, unternimmt er einen Selbst- Vögel wiederbeleben kann und sich Paul ternhaus. Hier sind Miniröcke, Hot Pants nennt, sondern das sich darüber hinaus und Netzstrümpfe und neckische Tattoos auch noch auf der Flucht vor unliebsamen Trumpf! Für Schauwerte ist in Barrymores Häschern befindet. Nach einigem Hin und Film wahrhaftig gesorgt – nicht nur der Her beschließen die Nerds, ihrem Paul zu flippigen Outfits wegen. Denn auch die helfen... Bereits in SHAUN OF THE Fights in der Rollerarena sind fulminant DEAD und HOT FUZZ waren sie ein her- inszeniert und machen großen Spaß. Neben vorragendes Team: Nick Frost und Simon Ellen Page überzeugen auch die anderen Pegg zollen nach den Hommagen an Hor- Darsteller, darunter Juliette Lewis als ror- und Action-Filmen jetzt mit PAUL den Bliss‘ große Konkurrentin Iron Maven und Science-Fiction-Filmen der siebziger und Marcia Gay Harden als Bliss‘ Mutter. Se- achtziger Jahren ihren Respekt. So lassen henswert. sich in ihrem neuesten Werk wieder einmal unzählige Filmzitate finden, die von UN- PAUL – EIN ALIEN AUF DER FLUCHT HEIMLICHE BEGEGNUNG DER DRIT- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) TEN ART über bis hin zu OT: Paul E.T. reichen. Sogar Anspielungen auf die X- Verleih: Universal FILES sind vorhanden. Diese Insider-Gags Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2011 sind natürlich nur von Kennern des Genres Regie: Greg Mottola erkennbar, weshalb der Film natürlich auch Darsteller: Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, genügend andere Gags präsentiert, damit Sigourney Weaver auch nicht Eingeweihte (oder Nerds) etwas Kinostart: 14.04.2011 zum Lachen haben. Letztere Gags jedoch reichen an die Qualität der vielen Referen- Graeme und Clive sind Sci-Fi-Nerds wie zen leider nicht heran und könnten dem sie im Buche stehen. Ihren Besuch auf ei- normalen Publikum dadurch den Spaß et- ner Comic-Con in den USA nutzen die was verderben. Ich für meinen Teil hatte

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog versuch mit der kleinen schicken Tablette. päischen Mädchen geht, dann fährt der Kinostart: 07.04.2011 Und siehe da: plötzlich ist Eddie ganz Regisseur hier ziemlich schwere Geschütze oben. Denn die Wunderpille bewirkt, dass auf, um sein Anliegen zu verschleiern. Ein Kyle Kingson, ein blonder Schnösel aus nicht nur 20 Prozent des Gehirns genutzt Film, bei dem ich leider passen muss, da reichem Hause, ist der Star an seiner werden, sondern jede kleinste Synapse, die sich mir seine Botschaft – sofern vorhan- Highschool. Sein gutes Aussehen erlaubt es unter der Schädeldecke existiert. Eddie den – nicht erschlossen hat. Ein klarer Fall ihm, arrogant zu sein und auf andere herab- schreibt sein Buch binnen kürzester Zeit von Kunstfilm, der zwar mit teils betörend zuschauen. So demütigt er das Gothgirl und hat trotzdem noch jede Menge Energie schönen Bildern aufwarten kann, mir aber Kendra in aller Öffentlichkeit. Doch übrig. Logisch dass er jetzt mehr davon trotzdem keine Lust af eine Zweitsichtung Kendra besitzt magische Kräfte und be- will. Doch er findet seinen Ex-Schwager tot macht. Glücklich derjenige, dem’s gefällt. schließt, dem schönen Kyle eine Lektion auf und kann sich schnell noch dessen zu erteilen. Und siehe da: in Sekunden- heimlichen Vorrat an Pillen krallen... Einen Freitag, 18. März 2011 schnelle wird aus dem Schönling ein derart schwindelerregenden Einstieg in Der Schöne wird zum Biest hässlicher Skinhead. Findet Kyle innerhalb einen Film hat man seit Jahren nicht mehr Das Wochenende naht. Zum Ausklang gab’s eines Jahres Mädchen, das ihn um seiner gesehen! Da zoomt die Kamera dank mo- noch zwei Filme, die eigentlich nicht weiter selbst liebt, wird er sein gutes Aussehen dernster Digitaltechnik von der Spitze des erwähnenswert sind. Aber ich möchte mei- wieder zurückbekommen. Andernfalls wird Hochhauses in irrwitzigem Tempo auf die nen Lesern ja nichts vorenthalten... er für immer entstellt sein. Mit einem blin- Straße nach unten und dann immer weiter den Coach und einem Hausmädchen an der geradeaus. Diese schier unendlich lange und MITTEN IM STURM (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Seite verkriecht sich Kyle in einer Stadt- genauso schnelle Kamerafahrt symbolisiert OT: Within The Whirlwind wohnung. Schon bald wirft er ein Auge auf besonders schön Eddies Leben auf der Verleih: NFP (Warner) die hübsche Lindy. Doch wie kann er ihre Überholspur, das aufregend und tödlich Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Belgien, Frank- Liebe gewinnen? Das altbekannte “Schöne zugleich zu sein scheint. Die Bildgestaltung reich, Polen 2009 und das Biest”-Motiv wird hier mit moder- überzeugt auch in den jetzt folgenden 105 Regie: Marleen Gorris nem Upgrade als Teeny-Romanze vermark- Minuten und gibt stets klar zu erkennen, Darsteller: Emily Watson, Pam Ferris, Ben tet. Alles läuft nach Schema ab und bleibt ob Eddie unter Drogeneinfluss steht oder Miller stets keusch. Höhepunkte oder Überra- nicht. Um seinen Drogenkonsum herum Kinostart: 05.05.2011 schungen gibt es nicht. Das Ende steht von entwickeln die Filmemacher eine spannende Anfang an fest – leider. Denn wieder wurde Story, die in ein genreübliches Blutbad Die Sowjetunion im Jahre 1937: der Uni- die Chance vertan, dass der entstellte Held mündet und immer nur eines sein möchte: versitätsprofessorin Eugenia Ginzburg nach dem In-letzter-Minute-Liebes- cool. Wem actionreiches Kino mit techni- werden staatsfeindliche Aktivitäten unter- geständnis seiner Freundin weiterhin ent- scher Raffinesse liegt und sich weniger um stellt und sie gerät in die erbarmungslosen stellt bleibt und damit die wahre Liebe Authentizität schert, dem sei OHNE LI- Mühlen des Staatsapparates. Obgleich besiegelt wäre. So löst sich aber eben alles MIT grenzenlos empfohlen. unschuldig wird sie vom Gericht schuldig wieder in gutaussehendem Wohlgefallen auf gesprochen und wird fern von ihrem Ehe- und da sie nicht gestorben sind, gibt’s viel- BIBLIOTHEQUE PASCAL (1:1.85, DD mann und den beiden Kindern in ein sibiri- leicht sogar noch eine Fortsetzung. Gott 5.1) sches Straflager deportiert. Jahre der De- bewahre! OT: Bibliotheque Pascal mütigungen in eisiger Kälte beginnen für Verleih: Camino Eugenia. Erst durch die Begegnung mit dem Dienstag, 22. März 2011 Land/Jahr: Ungarn, Deutschland, Großbri- deutschen Arzt Anton Walter gibt ihr wie- Im Inneren der Höhle tannien 2010 der Hoffnung... Ich habe mich nach diesem Nicht jeder Film, bei dem Erfolgsgarant Regie: Szabolcs Hajdú Film so gefühlt, als ob ich die zehn Jahre James Cameron als Produzent fungiert, Darsteller: Orsolya Török-Illyés, Andi Straflager hinter mich gebracht hätte! Da- muss auch gut sein. Den Beweis lieferte Vasluianu, Shamgar Amram mit soll nicht zum Ausdruck gebracht wer- der heutige Film. Kinostart: 12.05.2011 den, dass der Film derart fesselnd und rea- listisch ist, dass man die Wirklichkeit SANCTUM (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Die junge Mona möchte das Sorgerecht für vergisst. Ganz im Gegenteil: dieser Film ist OT: Sanctum ihre kleine Tochter wieder erlangen und verdammt zäh und lässt keine Gelegenheit, Verleih: Constantin muss deshalb beim Jugendamt vorsprechen. sich in Klischees zu baden. Auch wenn sich Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Dort erzählt sie ihre Geschichte, die genau- die Geschichte, auf der der Film basiert, Regie: Alister Grierson so surreal wie skurril anmutet. Der Mann, tatsächlich so zugetragen hat, erscheint sie Darsteller: Richard Roxburgh, Rhys der sie geschwängert hat, war ein gesuchter dem geübten Betrachter als eine Art “Dok- Wakefield, Alice Parkinson Ganove, der nach der gemeinsamen Liebes- tor Schiwago” für arme Leute. Wobei letzt- Kinostart: 21.04.2011 nacht von der Polizei erschossen wurde. genannter Film wirklich Eindruck Weil sie ihren kranken Vater nach Deutsch- hinterlässt! In einem abgelegenen Inselparadies auf land begleiten soll, gibt sie drei Jahre spä- Neu-Guinea unternimmt eine Forscher- ter ihre Tochter in die Obhut ihrer Tante, BEASTLY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) mannschaft die Erkundung eines weit ver- einer Wahrsagerin. Doch kaum am Wiener OT: Beastly zweigten, gigantischen Höhlensystems. Als Bahnhof angekommen, muss Mona fest- Verleih: Concorde ein plötzlich über die Insel hereinbrechen- stellen, dass ihr Vater sie an Mädchenhänd- Land/Jahr: USA 2011 der Orkan zur Überflutung des Höhlen- ler verkauft hat. Mona landet in einem Regie: Daniel Barnz systems führt, beginnt für die Höhlen- Luxusbordell in ... Wenn es in Darsteller: Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Alex taucher ein Wettlauf auf Leben und Tod... diesem Film um Frauenhandel mit osteuro- Pettyfer, Mary-Kate Olsen An diesem Abenteuerfilm stört nicht nur

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog die Tatsache, dass sich die Höhlentaucher die man uns einbläut – Geld, materieller seinen Charakteren zu punkten. Gefühle äußerst unprofessionell verhalten (eine Wohlstand, Erfolg im Beruf, Vernunft in bleiben dabei außen vor, wodurch der Film Flasche Tequila wird mit nach unten ge- Herzensangelegenheiten usw. - nicht allzu die emotionale Ebene fast komplett ein- nommen!), sondern auch die auf Klischees oft Schuld an unserem Unglück?” Tatsäch- büßt. Die Ausstattung und Kameraarbeit beruhende Geschichte. Hier geht es um den lich ist es die “verrückte” Lily, die ganz im indes sind sehr gelungen, speziell in der üblichen Vater-Sohn-Konflikt, den erst die Hier und Jetzt lebt, das Leben genießt, kein Eröffnungs- und Schlusssequenz, wenn der unendlichen Weiten der Höhle werden lösen Blatt vor den Mund nimmt und im Einklang ganze brasilianische Dschungel singt und können. Hinzu kommen noch die genre- mit der Natur und den Tieren existiert. Ihre tanzt. Die Musik von John Powell erinnert bedingten “Bad Guys”, die immer dann Andersartigkeit wird von der sie umgeben- stellenweise an seinen Oscar-nominierten durchdrehen, wenn es die Situation am den Gesellschaft als Krankheit angesehen, Score zu DRACHENZÄHMEN LEICHT allerwenigsten gebrauchen kann. Auch weil sie nicht den von jener Gesellschaft GEMACHT, erreicht jedoch nie dessen wenn ein Titel zu Beginn des Films darauf selbst auferlegten Normen genügt. Wucht. Fazit: ein Trickfilm ohne besondere hinweist, dass es sich um eine wahre Ge- Berthauds Film ist als ein Plädoyer zu Note, den man nicht unbedingt gesehen schichte handelt, wird man den Eindruck verstehen, das allzu kurze Leben in vollen haben muss. nicht los, dass die Filmemacher versucht Zügen zu genießen. Mit Diane Kruger als haben, ihre flache Geschichte mit der einge- Clara und Ludivine Sagnier als Lily hat Freitag, 01. April 2011 setzten 3D-Technik mehr Tiefe zu verlei- Berthaud zwei wunderbare Darstellerinnen Tschernobyl 2.0 hen. Dieser Versuch scheitert natürlich, gefunden, die ihren Rollen in jeder Sekunde Manche Filme erhalten ungewollt brandak- denn wenn die Geschichte nicht stimmt, gerecht werden. War Frau Kruger dem tuellen Bezug... dann interessiert auch die Technik nicht. deutschen Publikum bislang nur in minder- Wer einen richtig guten Film zum Thema wertigen Rollen wahrgenommen worden, so AN EINEM SAMSTAG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Höhlenwanderung sehen möchte, dem sei darf sie in diesem Film jetzt endlich einmal OT: V Subbotu einmal mehr Neil Marshalls THE DES- zeigen, was tatsächlich in ihr steckt. Verleih: NFP (Warner) CENT empfohlen. Denn trotz flacher 2D- Ludivine Sagnier meistert den Spagat zwi- Land/Jahr: Russland, Deutschland, Ukraine Technik vermag es sein Film, schen entwaffnender Unschuld und kindli- 2011 Klaustrophobie wirklich spürbar zu ma- cher Naivität, ohne dabei jemals lächerlich Regie: Alexander Mindadze chen. zu wirken und es gelingt ihr sogar, dass Darsteller: Anton Shagin, Svetlana man beginnt, sich als Zuschauer um ihr Smirnova-Martsinkievich, Stanislav Mittwoch, 23. März 2011 Wohlergehen Sorgen zu machen. Wenn ein Rjadinskij Familienbande Kritikpunkt bei diesem Film anzubringen Kinostart: 21.04.2011 Am letzten Tag vor der Abreise nach wäre, dann seine Spielzeit. 20 Minuten Bradford gab es noch einmal französisches weniger und das Werk wäre perfekt. Es ist Samstag, der 26. April 1986. Ein Autorenkino mit hervorragenden Darstel- kleiner Ort in unmittelbarer Nähe zum lern. Donnerstag, 31. März 2011 Atomkraftwerk Tschernobyl. Es gab eine Angst vorm Fliegen Explosion. Der junge Parteifunktionär BARFUSS AUF NACKTSCHNECKEN Nach einem vollen Wochenendprogramm Valerij erfährt an Ort und Stelle, dass eine (1:1.85, DD 5.1) auf superbreiter Leinwand in britischen gewaltige Katastrophe in Gang ist – auch OT: Pieds Nus Sur Les Limaces Bradford kam mir die heutige Leinwand wenn die Parteiführung abwiegelt. Hastig Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) verschwindend klein vor... versucht Valerij zusammen mit einer Freun- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2010 din einen Zug zu erreichen, um das ver- Regie: Fabienne Berthaud RIO (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1) seuchte Gebiet zu verlassen. Doch der Ab- Darsteller: Diane Kruger, Ludivine Sagnier, OT: Rio satz ihres Schuhes bricht ab. Die Flucht Denis Menochet Verleih: Fox aus dem Katastrophengebiet misslingt. Und Kinostart: 05.05.2011 Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Valerij ist zum Schweigen verurteilt – er Regie: Carlos Saldanha darf die Anderen nicht warnen. Ein anson- Außenstehende würden sie als verrückt Kinostart: 07.04.2011 sten ganz normaler Samstag nimmt skurrile bezeichnen. Denn die junge Lily lebt in und verzweifelte Züge an... Extreme Groß- ihrer ganz eigenen kleinen Welt. Zusammen Weil er im Kükenalter in Brasilien eingefan- aufnahmen und verwackelte Bilder domi- mit ihrer Mutter bewohnt sie ein Landhaus gen wurde und im hohen Norden bei der nieren Alexander Mindadzes Spielfilm zum irgendwo in Frankreich. Als ihre Mutter Buchhändlerin Linda aufwächst, hat der 25. Jahrestag der größten Umwelt- jedoch eines Tages ganz plötzlich stirbt, ist blaue Ara Blu nie Fliegen gelernt. Als eines katastrophe der Menschheit und erhält es an ihrer älteren Schwester Clara, sich um Tages der Ornithologe Tulio im Buchladen durch die Vorfälle in Japan ungewollt aktu- Lily zu kümmern. Das ist nicht so einfach, auftaucht und sagt, dass Blu und sein ellen Bezug. Die Protagonisten sind hin denn Clara lebt in der Stadt, ist mit einem weibliches Pendant Jewel die Letzten ihrer und her gerissen zwischen Verzweiflung Anwalt verheiratet und in derselben Kanz- Art sind, machen sich die drei gemeinsam und vollkommener Ungläubigkeit im Ange- lei angestellt. Die immer skurriler werden- auf die Reise nach Rio de Janeiro, um dort sicht des Reaktorunfalls. Es ist der Tag des den Eskapaden ihrer Schwester jedoch Blu mit Jewel zusammenzubringen. Doch jüngsten Gerichts. Schnell will man sich zwingen Clara dazu, sich eine Auszeit zu bald schon geraten Blu und Jewel in die noch aussöhnen und eine möglichst schöne nehmen und bei Lily zu wohnen. Im Laufe Hände von Papageienschmugglern. Zu Restzeit verbringen – mit Saufen, Tanzen, der Zeit merkt sie, dass Lily sie genauso dumm, dass Blu nicht fliegen kann... Der Musik machen. Mehrfach versucht Valerij sehr braucht wie sie Lily... Fabienne per Computer animierte 3D-Film von den vom Ort des Schreckens zu entkommen, Berthaud kommentiert ihren Film so: “Sind Machern von ICE AGE bleibt leider relativ doch es will ihm nicht gelingen. Letztend- die Zwänge unserer Erziehung, die Werte, oberflächlich und vermag daher kaum mit lich hält ihn die Angst vor dem Alleinsein

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ab, seinen Plan in die Realität umzusetzen. dünne Handlung nicht kaschieren. Das kön- Alexander Mindadzes Film macht zwar nen nicht einmal die stets leichtbekleideten stellenweise betroffen, doch kann er be- Girlies, die mit Samurai-Schwert ebenso dingt durch seinen extremen Erzählstil den umgehen können wie mit Maschinengeweh- Zuschauer nicht bis zum Ende an sich fes- ren. Leider findet der ganze optische Firle- seln. fanz keine adäquate Ergänzung im Sound- bereich. Denn die Tonmischung klingt äu- Dienstag, 05. April 2011 ßerst steril, fast so, als wäre das Werk Noch nicht ganz ausgereift bereits auf die Dynamik eines TV-Geräts Die heutige Vorführung warf wieder einmal angepasst worden. Was von diesem Film die Frage auf, warum ein Filmverleih einen am Ende übrigbleibt ist die Erkenntnis, noch nicht vollendeten Film der Presse wertvolle Lebenszeit vergeudet zu haben. präsentiert... Donnerstag, 07. April 2011 JOSCHKA UND HERR FISCHER Der Puppenspieler (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Die zweite und gleichzeitig letzte Presse- Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) vorführung in dieser Woche... Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz 2011 Regie: Pepe Danquart DER BIBER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Kinostart: 19.05.2011 OT: The Beaver Verleih: Concorde In seinem fast zweinhalbstündigen Doku- Land/Jahr: USA 2011 mentarfilm lässt Regisseur Pepe Danquart Regie: Jodie Foster den Politiker Josef “Joschka” Fischer sein Darsteller: Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, An- bisheriges Leben Revue passieren. Die ton Yelchin biographische Zeitreise schildert Fischers SUCKER PUNCH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Kinostart: 19.05.2011 ungewöhnlichen Weg vom Rebellen zum OT: Sucker Punch deutschen Außenminister und zeichnet Verleih: Warner Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt dabei die politischen Verhältnisse im Land/Jahr: USA 2011 es die Kurzkritik erst ab 12. Mai 2011 auf Deutschland der letzten 60 Jahre nach. Regie: Zack Snyder Danquart lässt Fischer selbst erzählen und Darsteller: Emily Browning, Abbie kommentiert seinen Film nicht. Er zeigt Cornish, Jena Malone den Ex-Außenminister dabei in einem gro- Kinostart: 31.03.2011 ßen Raum mit integrierter Video-Installati- on, welche Zeitdokumente in etwas wirrer Um an das Familienerbe zu kommen, arran- Form auf unterschiedlich große Video- giert ihr Stiefvater die Einlieferung von leinwände projiziert. Ein für Zuschauer aus Baby Doll in eine Irrenanstalt. Dort träumt der beschriebenen Zeit sicherlich interes- sich die 20jährige in eine andere Welt. Die santer Film, wird er jedoch jüngere Zu- grausame Tristesse des Irrenhauses wird so schauer kaum ansprechen. Das liegt natür- zum Edelbordell, in dem Baby Doll und lich auch daran, dass kaum Joschka zu ihre Leidensgenossinnen der Kundschaft zu Wort kommt, sondern immer nur Herr Fi- Willen sein müssen. In diesem Traum scher. Denn sein Privatleben wird nur ganz träumt Baby Doll einen weiteren Traum am Rande gestreift. In der heutigen Presse- und erfährt dort von einem asiatischen vorführung wurde uns leider ein unfertiges Guru, dass sie fünf Dinge sammeln muss, Produkt vorgeführt, das in bild- und ton- um dem Bordell zu entkommen... Wie im- technischer Hinsicht sehr zu wünschen mer gibt es bei Zack Snyder eine visuelle übrig ließ. Reizüberflutung zu bestaunen. Doch im Gegensatz zu dem optisch atemberauben- Mittwoch, 06. April 2011 den WATCHMEN scheint der Regisseur Wenn Eine träumt dass sie träumt hier nur vorhandene Vorbilder originalge- Heute Abend hiess es einmal wieder “nach- treu zu kopieren. Ob Fantasyfilme wie sitzen!”. Denn aufgrund meines Abstechers HERR DER RINGE oder Actionspektakel nach Bradford hatte ich die Pressevor- wie TERMINATOR – keine einzige seiner führung von Zack Snyders neuestem Film Ideen ist neu. Freilich präsentiert sich der verpasst. Doch ich wäre wohl besser Film in einem gefälligen Look, der mehr an zuhause geblieben... Comicmagazine angelehnt ist denn an Spielfilme, doch kann man damit die extrem

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2011 Ltbx Animation Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 55min. 4 (Folgen 15-18) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.05.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040298 Als die Tiere den Wald verließen Metaru Faito Beibureedo Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Trickfilm/Action 2009 105min. Die Fraggles - Die komplette Se- The Animals Of Farthing Wood Edel (Panini) 21.04.2011 rie (13 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 FF DD 1.0 (D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040394 Fraggle Rock DD 1.0 (E) 325min. Dir. Jim Henson polyband Medien GmbH 27.05.2011 Cars / Hooks unglaubliche Ge- Komödie/Puppenfilm 1983-1987 FF DD 2.0 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040149 schichten (2 Discs) (D) 2425min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Bakugan New Vestroia (Staffel Cars / Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Tales Dir. John Lasseter 20.05.2011 01, Vol. 01) Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040300 Bakugan: New Vestroia Walt Disney Studios Home Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2009-2010 min. Entertainment(Disney/Pixar) 30.06.2011 Gormiti - Die Rückkehr der Herr- Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20040188 scher der Natur: Staffel 1.1 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040237 Gormiti - The Lords Of Nature Return! Cars / Hooks unglaubliche Ge- Dir. Sylvain Girault, Pascal Jardin, Pascal Bakugan New Vestroia (Staffel schichten (2 Discs) Ropars 01, Vol. 02) Cars / Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Tales Trickfilm 2008-2010 DD 5.1 (D) 125min. Bakugan: New Vestroia Dir. John Lasseter AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2009-2010 min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 min. Vision) 29.04.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 Walt Disney Studios Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040367 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040238 Entertainment(Disney/Pixar) 30.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20040267 Gormiti - Die Rückkehr der Herr- Bella Sara - Die Suche nach den scher der Natur: Staffel 1.2 magischen Herden Chi Rho - Das Geheimnis, DVD 1 Gormiti - The Lords Of Nature Return! Bella Sara Tales: Lost Herds Dir. Michael Schaack Dir. Sylvain Girault, Pascal Jardin, Pascal Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Ropars 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 40min. 2.0 (D) 66min. Trickfilm 2008-2010 DD 5.1 (D) 125min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.05.2011 Universum Film(Universum Kids) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040181 20.05.2011 Vision) 27.05.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040297 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040368 Bella Sara - Wie alles begann Bella Sara Tales: The Adventure Begins Coraline Ikki Tousen - Great Guardians, Dir. Phil Trumbo Coraline Gesamtausgabe (4 Discs) exklusives Freundschaftsheft, Galerien aller Sammelkarten Dir. Henry Selick Ikki Tôsen: Gurêto Gâdianzu Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 25min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 300min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.05.2011 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 97min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.04.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040180 Germany(Universal) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040407 07.04.2011 Ben 10 (Staffel 04, Vol. 01) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040179 Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek (OmU) Ben 10 Kakurenbo: Hide And Seek Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2009 min. Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen Dir. Shuhei Morita Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 helfen, Vol. 1: Der Kinohit des Wendecover, Making of, Interview, Trailer, Booklet 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040239 Jahres Zeichentrick 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Jap) 25min. Ben 10 (Staffel 04, Vol. 02) The Fairly Oddparents Zeichentrick 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.05.2011 Ben 10 120min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040359 Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2009 min. Edel Germany(Panini) 21.04.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040395 Karlsson vom Dach Vol. 1&2 (2 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040240 Discs) Ben 10 (Staffel 04, Vol. 03) Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen Karlsson Pa Taket Dir. Michael Ekbladh Ben 10 helfen, Vol. 2: Selten so gelacht Zeichentrick 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) min. Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2009 min. The Fairly Oddparents Studio100 Media 15.04.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 Zeichentrick 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040200 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040241 120min. Edel Germany(Panini) 21.04.2011 Best of Animation 5 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040396 Die kleine blaue Lokomotive The Little Engine That Could Best Of Animation Featurette, Trailer, Booklet Dora - Superbabys Traum-Aben- Kinderfilm 78min. Kurzfilm/Trickfilm 2004-2010 78min. teuer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 30.06.2011 absolut MEDIEN 15.04.2011 Dora The Explorer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040409 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040380 Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 1 Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume Bonusepisode 3 (Folgen 11-14) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) Dir. Eckart Fingberg Kinderfilm/Trickfilm Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Metaru Faito Beibureedo DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) DD 2.0 (F) 92min. 125min. Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Paramount Home Entertainment 07.04.2011 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Trickfilm/Action 2009 105min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040446 27.05.2011 Edel Germany(Panini) 21.04.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040301 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040393 Das Dschungelbuch

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 2 8,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040369 Pendleton, William Welsh, Matt Moore, Dir. Eckart Fingberg Leviticus Jones - Dir. Stuart Paton Kinderfilm/Trickfilm Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Tabaluga Box (DVD 1-2) Abenteuer/Science Fiction 1916 DD 2.0 100min. Dir. Yoram Gross 100min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 27.05.2011 2.0 (D) 190min. 21.04.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040302 Studio100 Media 15.04.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040216 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040366 Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 3 Actionkino - KGB / Across the Hall Dir. Eckart Fingberg Der tierisch verrückte Bauernhof: (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Kamera läuft, und Muh! , Denzel Washington, Mike 100min. Back At The Barnyard Vogel Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dir. Todd Grimes, T.J. Sullivan, Mike Action 270min. 27.05.2011 Gasaway dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040303 Bonusepisode 26.05.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007-2010 FF DD 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040339 One Piece: Chopper auf der Insel 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) der seltsamen Tiere 49min. Affair - Tödliche Liebe (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 One Piece: Chinjou Shima No Chopper (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040448 Oukoku Affair Dir. Atsuji Shimizu Tom und Jerry - Haarsträubende Sigi Wimala, Dimas Aditya, Garneta Haruni - Poster, Kurzfilm Dir. Nayato Fio Nuala Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) Abenteuer Vol. 2 Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 DD 2.0 (Jap) 56min. Tom And Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures (D) DD 5.1 (Bahasa) DD 2.0 (Bahasa) AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.04.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040127 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 108min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040177 Die Peanuts: Glück ist ein Aben- Warner Home Video Germany 15.07.2011 teuer mit Snoopy 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040420 Affair - Tödliche Liebe (k.J.) Happiness Is ... Peanuts: Snoopy’S Affair Adventures Voltron - Verteidiger des Univer- Sigi Wimala, Dimas Aditya, Garneta Haruni - Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 min. sums, Vol. 06 (2 DVDs) Dir. Nayato Fio Nuala Warner Home Video Germany 17.06.2011 Hyakujû ô Gô-Rion Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040236 Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 1981-1982 (D) DD 5.1 (Bahasa) DD 2.0 (Bahasa) Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 164min. 90min. Puschel, das Eichhorn, DVD 2 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.04.2011 MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 Seton Dôbutsuki Risu No Banner 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040197 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040164 Dir. Yoshiyuki Kuroda Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) Zigby - Das Zebra DVD 1-2 (2 Die Affäre Lerouge (2 Discs) min. Discs) René Deltgen, Günter Strack, Peter Pasetti, Studio100 Media 15.04.2011 Zigby Volker Kraeft, Käthe Haack, Herlinde 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040201 Zeichentrick/Trickfilm 2009 (D) min. Latzko, Joachim Ansorge, Jutta Kammann, Studio100 Media 15.04.2011 Willy Semmelrogge, Helmut Brasch - Dir. SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Le- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040203 Wilhelm Semmelroth genden aus Bikini Bottom Kriminalfilm 1976 (D) 180min. Spongebob Squarepants in-akustik 29.04.2011 Behind the Scenes, Bonusepisode 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040429 Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 FF DD 2.0 Film (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 67min. Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 19 (2 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040447 127 Hours Erdogan Atalay, René Steinke, Gedeon 127 Hours Burkhard, Markus H. Eberhard, Charlotte The Super Hero Squad Show - James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Schwab, Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, Geschichten des Bösen (Episode Clémence Poésy, Kate Burton, Lizzy Carina Wiese - Dir. Sebastian Vigg, Axel 17-21) Caplan, Treat Williams - Dir. Danny Boyle Sand, Carmen Kurz, Raoul W. Heimrich The Super Hero Squad Show Drama/Abenteuer 2010 89min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Dir. Mitch Schauer, Michael R. Gerard, Patty Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 360min. Shinagawa Germany 15.07.2011 Universum Film(RTL video) 06.05.2011 Zeichentrick 2009-2010 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040213 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040189 5.1 (E) 110min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear 127 Hours (Blu-ray) Alice in Wonderland (OmU) Vision) 27.05.2011 127 Hours Alice In Wonderland 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040370 James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Charlotte Henry, Leon Errol, Louise Clémence Poésy, Kate Burton, Lizzy Fazenda, Ford Sterling, Richard „Skeets“ The Super Hero Squad Show - Caplan, Treat Williams - Dir. Danny Boyle Gallagher, Raymond Hatton, Polly Moran, Nenn mich nicht Wolvie (Episode Drama/Abenteuer 2010 93min. Ned Sparks, Sterling Holloway, Roscoe Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ates, Alison Skipworth, Lillian Harmer, Ri- 12-16) Germany 15.07.2011 chard Arlen, Edward Everett Horton, Jackie The Super Hero Squad Show 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040223 Searl, Charles Ruggles, Baby LeRoy, May Dir. Mitch Schauer, Michael R. Gerard, Patty Robson, Alec Francis, William Austin, Cary Shinagawa 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Grant, Edna May Oliver, Jack Oakie, Zeichentrick 2009-2010 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Roscoe Karns, W. C. Fields, Gary Cooper - 5.1 (E) 110min. Allen Holubar, Lois Alexander, Curtis Dir. Norman Z. McLeod AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Benton, Wallace Clarke, Howard Crampton, Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1933 FF DD 1.0 (D) Vision) 08.04.2011 Jane Gail, Joseph Girard, Dan Hanlon, Edna 76min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Koch Media 27.05.2011 Begierde - The Hunger, Staffel 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040272 (4 Discs) California Wine With Love Bottle Shock The Hunger Alles Atze - Die komplette erste Rachael Taylor, Alan Rickman, Eliza Terence Stamp, David Bowie - Dir. Russell Dushku, Freddy Rodriguez, Chris Pine, Bill Staffel (2 Discs) Mulcahy, Tony Scott, Jake Scott, Patricia Pullman, Dennis Farina, Miguel Sandoval - Atze Schröder, Fatih Cevikkollu, Heike Rozema, Christian Duguay, George Mihalka Dir. Randall Miller Kloss, Jürgen Mikol, Norbert Heisterkamp Horror 1997-2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Komödie 1999 FF DD 2.0 (D) 300min. Bildergalerie, Filmografien 568min. Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Turbine Medien 13.05.2011 Koch Media 27.05.2011 DD 5.1 (E) 104min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040382 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040276 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Alles Atze - Die komplette zweite 01.04.2011 Belle - Der Weg zum Glück 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040372 Staffel (2 Discs) All Roads Lead Home Atze Schröder Peter Coyote, Jason , Vivien California Wine With Love (Blu- Komödie 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) 185min. Cardone, Peter Boyle, Patton Oswalt, ray) Turbine Medien 13.05.2011 Vanessa Branch, Evan Dexter Parke, April Bottle Shock 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040383 Bowlby, Bruce Heinrich, Allan Kayser, Rachael Taylor, Alan Rickman, Eliza Shannon Knopke, Walter Coppage, Stephen Dushku, Freddy Rodriguez, Chris Pine, Bill Anna und die Liebe - Box 16, Fol- Milton, Peter Fopeano - Dir. Dennis Fallon Pullman, Dennis Farina, Miguel Sandoval - gen 446-475 (4 Discs) Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie Drama/Familie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dir. Randall Miller Jeanette Biedermann, Patrick Kalupa, DD 5.1 (E) 110min. Bildergalerie, Filmografien Jacob Weigert, Sarah Mühlhause, Peter Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD KSM(NewKSM) 16.05.2011 Windhofer, Chris Gebert, Jil Funke, Wanda 5.1 (E) 108min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040434 Worch, Sebastian König, Heike Jonca, Maja Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Maneiro, Bernhard Bozian, Franziska Black Rose 01.04.2011 Matthus, Lee Rychter, Lilli Hollunder, Fiona 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040376 Deadly Little Secrets Erdmann, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch, Karin Craig Sheffer, Dylan Walsh, Dina Meyer, Kienzer, Wolfgang Wagner, Roy Peter Link, Kid (Blu-ray) Michele Hicks, Roger R. Cross, Don S. Da- Mathieu Carrière, Karolina Lodyga, Lars The Cincinnati Kid vis - Dir. Fiona MacKenzie Löllmann, Josephine Schmidt, Rainer Will, Steve McQueen, Edward G. Robinson, Karl Thriller 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Alexander Klaws - Dir. Cornelia Dohrn, Kai Malden, Ann-Margret, Tuesday Weld, Joan DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Meyer-Ricks Blondell, Rip Torn - Dir. Norman Jewison Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 Outtakes Drama 1965 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040406 Komödie/Lovestory 2008-2011 Ltbx 16x9 Warner Home Video Germany 17.06.2011 DD 2.0 (D) 690min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040265 polyband Medien GmbH 27.05.2011 Bloomington (OmU) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040150 Bloomington Cinderellas silberner Schuh Allison McAtee, Sarah Stouffer, Katherine The Slipper And The Rose Ann McGregor, Erika Heidewald, Chelsea Ashes to Ashes - Zurück in die Richard Chamberlain, Gemma Craven, An- Rogers, J. Blakemore, John Dreher, 80er, Die komplette Staffel 1 (3 nette Crosbie, Dame Edith Evans, Christo- Kamden Roberts - Dir. Fernanda Cardoso Discs) Making of, Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Trailer pher Gable, Sir Michael Hordern, Margaret Ashes To Ashes Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 79min. Lockwood, Kenneth More - Dir. Bryan Making of, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Salzgeber & Co. Medien 29.03.2011 Forbes Kriminalfilm/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040135 Musikfilm 1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 400min. (E) 121min. polyband Medien GmbH 27.05.2011 Brother’s War - Sie kämpften wie dtp entertainment AG(Breu Media) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040151 Brüder 21.04.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040212 Asphalt-Cowboy (Blu-ray) Brother’s War Tino Struckmann, Hugh Daly, Hayley Carr - Midnight Cowboy der Vampire (Hammer Dir. Jerry Buteyn Dustin Hoffman, Jon Voight, Sylvia Miles, Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Collection Nr.11) (k.J.) Brenda Vaccaro, John McGiver, Barnard 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 98min. Vampire Circus Hughes, Ruth White, Jennifer Salt, Gil MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 Adrienne Corri, Thorley Walters, Anthony Rankin, Paul Morrissey, Paul Jabara, Taylor 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040162 Higgins, John Moulder-Brown, Laurence Mead, Viva, Gastone Rossilli, Bob Balaban Payne - Dir. Robert W. Young - Dir. John Schlesinger Brother’s War - Sie kämpften wie Horror 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Drama 1968 113min. Brüder (Blu-ray) (E) 84min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Koch Media 06.05.2011 Brother’s War Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040208 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040227 Tino Struckmann, Hugh Daly, Hayley Carr - Dir. Jerry Buteyn City Under Siege Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Bedtime Stories (Blu-ray) Chun Sing Gai Bei 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 102min. Bedtime Stories Collin Chou, Chrissie Chow, Aaron Kwok, MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 Adam Sandler, Keri Russell, Guy Pearce, Elanne Kwong, Shu Qi, Tie Nan, Jacky Wu, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040175 Russell Brand, Richard Griffiths, Teresa Terence Yin - Dir. Benny Chan Palmer, Courteney Cox, Lucy Lawless, Buffalo Bill Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD Jonathan Morgan Heit, Laura Ann Kesling, 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 110min. Buffalo Bill In Tomahawk Territory Jonathan Pryce - Dir. Adam Shankman Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Clayton Moore, Slim Andrews - Dir. Bernard Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen nema) 10.05.2011 Komödie/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS- B. Ray 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040130 HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (It) DD 2.0 (Poln) 99min. Trailer Western 1952 65min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment City Under Siege (Blu-ray 3D) 30.06.2011 bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040195 25.03.2011 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040308 Chun Sing Gai Bei

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Collin Chou, Chrissie Chow, Aaron Kwok, Vera Farmiga, John DiResta, James Handy, Drama 1995-2001 DD 2.0 (D) 720min. Elanne Kwong, Shu Qi, Tie Nan, Jacky Wu, Darius McCrary, Bruce Cullen, Charlize Universal Music_Strategic Marketing Terence Yin - Dir. Benny Chan Theron, Kim Cattrall, David Alan Grier, Chri- (USM)(Karussell) 01.04.2011 Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD stopher Walken, John Savage, Meryl 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040165 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 114min. Streep, John Cazale, George Dzundza, Al Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Pacino, 50 Cent, Carla Gugino, John Don’t Look Up (Blu-ray) (k.J.) nema) 10.05.2011 Leguizamo, Donnie Wahlberg, Brian Don’t Look Up 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040141 Dennehy, Trilby Glover, Saidah Arrika Rachael Murphy, Reshad Strik, Eli Roth, Ekulona, Alan Rosenberg, Barry Primus, Henry Thomas, Carmen Chaplin, Ben City Under Siege (Blu-ray) , Alan Blumenfeld, Sterling K. DiGregorio, Kevin Corrigan, Alyssa Chun Sing Gai Bei Brown, Shirly Brener, Frank John Hughes, Sutherland - Dir. Fruit Chan Collin Chou, Chrissie Chow, Aaron Kwok, Terry Serpico - Dir. John Herzfeld, Michael Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Elanne Kwong, Shu Qi, Tie Nan, Jacky Wu, Cimino, Jon Avnet Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Terence Yin - Dir. Benny Chan Making of, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, TV-Spots, Bilderga- HD 5.1 MA (E) 86min. Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD lerie, Trailer, Wendecover, Erweiterte Szenen, Bio- und Koch Media 27.05.2011 Filmografien, Musikvideo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040328 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 114min. Kriminalfilm/Kriegsfilm 1978-2008 398min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Kinowelt Home Entertainment 23.06.2011 Don’t Look Up (k.J.) nema) 10.05.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20040424 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040140 Don’t Look Up Deutsche Kult-Komödien (3 Discs) Rachael Murphy, Reshad Strik, Eli Roth, Henry Thomas, Carmen Chaplin, Ben Commissario Montalbano - Die sündige Stadt / Oktoberfest - Da kann DiGregorio, Kevin Corrigan, Alyssa Volume III (4 Discs) man fest / German Fried Movie Sutherland - Dir. Fruit Chan Commissario Montalbano Komödie 1973-1992 min. Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Luca Zingaretti, Peppino Mazzotta, Angelo ZYX Music 08.04.2011 Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Russo, Davide Lo Verde, Cesare Bocci 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040167 DD 5.1 (E) 83min. (Mimì Augello), Marcello Perracchio, Koch Media 27.05.2011 Roberto Nobile (Nicolò Zito), Giovanni Devil 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040269 Guardiano - Dir. Alberto Sironi Devil Kriminalfilm 1999 FF DD 2.0 (D) 400min. , Logan Marshall-Green, The Doors (20th Anniversary, Edel Germany 29.04.2011 Jenny O’Hara, Bojana Novakovic, Bokeem Special Edition, 2 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040218 Woodbine, Geoffrey Arend, Jacob Vargas, The Doors Matt Craven, Joshua Peace, Caroline Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Kevin Dillon, Kyle Corrado Dhavernas, Joe Cobden, Zoie Palmer, MacLachlan, Frank Whaley, Michael Corrado Vincent Laresca - Dir. John Erick Dowdle Wincott, Michael Madsen, Kathleen Quinlan, Tom Sizemore, Tony Curran, Frank Stallone, Entfallene Szenen Billy Idol, Floyd Westerman - Dir. Oliver Johnny Messner, Michael Bailey Smith, Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 77min. Stone Joseph R. Gannascoli, Edoardo Ballerini, Making of, Dokumentationen, Audiokommentar, Behind the Ken Kercheval, John Fiore, Stelio Savante, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Interviews, Musik- Candace Elaine, Emilio Roso - Dir. Adamo P. 26.05.2011 videos, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Cultraro 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040268 Musikfilm/Drama 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX Trailer (D) DD 5.1 EX (E) 147min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Devil (Blu-ray) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Devil 23.06.2011 Intergroove Media(Pasadena) 29.04.2011 Chris Messina, Logan Marshall-Green, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040425 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040450 Jenny O’Hara, Bojana Novakovic, Bokeem Woodbine, Geoffrey Arend, Jacob Vargas, Dreamgirls (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Damit ist die Sache für mich erle- Matt Craven, Joshua Peace, Caroline Dreamgirls digt Dhavernas, Joe Cobden, Zoie Palmer, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Coup De Tête Vincent Laresca - Dir. John Erick Dowdle Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, Eddie Murphy, Patrick Dewaere, Jean Bouise, Michel Entfallene Szenen Danny Glover, Keith Robinson, Ralph Louis Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Aumont, Dougnac, Corinne Marc- Harris, Hinton Battle, John Lithgow, Ken (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 80min. hand - Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud Page, Bobby Slayton - Dir. Bill Condon Trailer, Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Musikvideos, Entfallene Szene Komödie 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 26.05.2011 Drama/Musikfilm 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD (F) 86min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040327 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 130min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 23.06.2011 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040417 Dinge, die von Bäumen hängen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040456 Things That Hang From Trees Daniel Boone Cooper Musgrove, Deborah Unger, Ray Drei Furien und ein warmer Bru- Hidden Guns McKinnon, Peter Gerety, Laila Robins, Dani- der Bruce Bennett, Richard Arlen, John el von Bargen, Jason Antoon, Yul Vazquez Zus & Zo Carradine, Faron Young, Lloyd Corrigan - - Dir. Ido Mizrahy Sylvia Poorta, Anneke Blok, Monic Dir. Albert C. Gannaway Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Hendrickx, Jacob Derwig, Halina Reijn, Western 1956 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 78min. (E) min. Jaap Spijkers, Theu Boermans, Pieter dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Infopictures 24.06.2011 Embrechts - Dir. Paula van der Oest 26.05.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040390 Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040284 Komödie/Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dr. Stefan Frank - Die komplette DD 2.0 (Holl) 100min. Robert De Niro Edition (3 Discs) dritte Staffel (4 Discs) bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) (k.J.) Sigmar Solbach, Hans Caninenberg, Erna 25.03.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040307 Kurzer Prozess - Righteous Kill / Die Wassmer, Alfons Biber, Siemen Rühaak, Marion Mitterhammer, Isabelle von durch die Hölle gehen / 15 Minutes (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) Robert De Niro, Edward Burns, Kelsey Siebenthal, Hartmut Becker, Dorothée Rei- Grammer, Avery Brooks, Melina ze, Christiane Brammer, Claudia Wenzel - (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kanakaredes, Karel Roden, Oleg Taktarov, Dir. Hans Jürgen Tögel Drive Angry Bildergalerie

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Nicolas Cage, , William (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 87min. Fichtner, Billy Burke, David Morse, Tom Echte Wiener II - Die Deppat’n Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.06.2011 Atkins, Todd Farmer, Christa Campbell, und die Gspritzt’n (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20040139 Charlotte Ross, Kathy Mixon, Edrick Karl Merkatz, Ingrid Burkhard, Klaus Rott, Browne, Marc Macaulay, Pruitt Taylor Erika Deutinger, Charles Brauer, Liliana Der Etappenheld Vince - Dir. Patrick Lussier Nelska, Manuel Rubey, Pascal Giefing, The Secret War Of Harry Frigg Action 2011 min. Lydia Obute, Michael Akinyemi, Günter Paul Newman, Sylva Koscina, Tom Bosley, Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Tolar, Oswald Fuchs, Alexander Gabriel, Andrew Duggan, John Williams - Dir. Jack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040254 Alexander Wächter, Sigrid Spörk, Doris Smight Hindinger, Franz Buchrieser, Dolores Komödie 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Drive Angry (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Schmidinger, Heidelinde Pfaffenbichler, Erni (E) 105min. Drive Angry Mangold, Rainer Spechtl - Dir. Barbara Koch Media 29.04.2011 , Amber Heard, William Gräftner 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040204 Fichtner, Billy Burke, David Morse, Tom Komödie/Drama 2010 DD 2.0 (D) 94min. Atkins, Todd Farmer, Christa Campbell, ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Thimfilm) Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Charlotte Ross, Kathy Mixon, Edrick 22.04.2011 6 (Collector’s Edition, 5 Discs) Browne, Marc Macaulay, Pruitt Taylor tba BestellNr.: 20040375 Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Vince - Dir. Patrick Lussier Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- Action 2011 min. Edges of Darkness (Uncut Versi- gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 on) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040253 Edges Of Darkness Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Drive Angry (k.J.) Alonzo F. Jones, Shamika Ann Franklin, Annemarie Pazmino, Lee Perkins, Michelle Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 DD 2.0 (D) 900min. Drive Angry Rose, Xavier Jones, Jay Costelo, Damon MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, William Burks - Dir. Blaine Cade, Jason Horton Products) 01.04.2011 Fichtner, Billy Burke, David Morse, Tom Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040294 Atkins, Todd Farmer, Christa Campbell, 2.0 (E) 91min. Charlotte Ross, Kathy Mixon, Edrick Infopictures 27.05.2011 Firefox (Blu-ray) Browne, Marc Macaulay, Pruitt Taylor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040398 Firefox Vince - Dir. Patrick Lussier , Freddie Jones, David Action 2011 min. Edges of Darkness (Uncut Versi- Huffman, Warren Clarke, Ronald , Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 on) (k.J.) Kenneth Colley, Klaus Löwitsch, Nigel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040242 Hawthorne, Stefan Schnabel, Thomas Hill, Edges Of Darkness Clive Merrison, Kai Wulff, Dimitra Arliss - Alonzo F. Jones, Shamika Ann Franklin, Eaters (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Clint Eastwood Annemarie Pazmino, Lee Perkins, Michelle Eaters Action 1982 min. Rose, Xavier Jones, Jay Costelo, Damon Rosella Elmi, Guglielmo Favilla, Elisa Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Burks - Dir. Blaine Cade, Jason Horton Ferretti, Riccardo Floris, Fabiano Lioi, Alex 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040264 Lucchesi, Francesco Malcom, Roberto Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Mariotti, Claudio Marmugi, Steve Sylvester - 87min. Flashpoint - Season 3 (3 Discs) Infopictures 27.05.2011 Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori Flashpoint 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040385 Making of, Featurette, Trailer Hugh Dillon, Amy Jo Johnson, Enrico Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Colantoni - Dir. David Frazee, Eric Canuel 5.1 (It) 95min. Endgame (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Splendid Film 29.07.2011 Endgame DD 2.0 (E) 365min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040351 William Hurt, Jonny Lee Miller, Chiwetel Koch Media 27.05.2011 Ejiofor, Amelia Bullmore, Clarke Peters, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040287 Eaters (k.J.) Timothy West, Derek Jacobi - Dir. Pete Eaters Travis Flesh for the Beast Rosella Elmi, Guglielmo Favilla, Elisa Bildergalerie Flesh For The Beast Ferretti, Riccardo Floris, Fabiano Lioi, Alex Drama/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Jane Scarlett, Sergio Jones, Clark Beasley Lucchesi, Francesco Malcom, Roberto DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 109min. jr., Jim Coope, David Runco, Arron Clayton Mariotti, Claudio Marmugi, Steve Sylvester - dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) - Dir. Terry West Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori 26.05.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040334 Bildergalerie, Trailer, Interviews Making of, Featurette, Trailer Horror 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 78min. (It) 92min. Essential Killing bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Splendid Film 29.07.2011 Essential Killing 25.03.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040318 Vincent Gallo, Emmanuelle Seigner, Zach 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040306 Cohen, Stig Frode Henriksen, Nicolai Cleve Echte Wiener II - Die Deppat’n Broch, David Price, Phillip Goss, Varg Flesh Wounds - Blutige Wunden Strande - Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski und die Gspritzt’n (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Karl Merkatz, Ingrid Burkhard, Klaus Rott, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Flesh Wounds Erika Deutinger, Charles Brauer, Liliana DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 83min. Kevin Sorbo, Bokeem Woodbine, Heather Nelska, Manuel Rubey, Pascal Giefing, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.06.2011 Marie Marsden - Dir. Dan Garcia Lydia Obute, Michael Akinyemi, Günter tba BestellNr.: 20040129 Action/Science Fiction 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 Tolar, Oswald Fuchs, Alexander Gabriel, (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 94min. Alexander Wächter, Sigrid Spörk, Doris Essential Killing (Blu-ray) MIG Filmgroup 09.06.2011 Hindinger, Franz Buchrieser, Dolores Essential Killing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040174 Schmidinger, Heidelinde Pfaffenbichler, Erni Vincent Gallo, Emmanuelle Seigner, Zach Mangold, Rainer Spechtl - Dir. Barbara Cohen, Stig Frode Henriksen, Nicolai Cleve Flesh Wounds - Blutige Wunden Gräftner Broch, David Price, Phillip Goss, Varg Komödie/Drama 2010 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. (k.J.) Strande - Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Thimfilm) Flesh Wounds Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Kevin Sorbo, Bokeem Woodbine, Heather 22.04.2011 Thriller/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA tba BestellNr.: 20040365 Marie Marsden - Dir. Dan Garcia

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Action/Science Fiction 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 Treasure Island Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas, (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Dir. Gerald Landau Rhonda Fleming, Richard Webb, Steve MIG Filmgroup 09.06.2011 Abenteuer/Familie 1957 FF DD 1.0 (D) Brodie - Dir. Jacques Tourneur 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040161 120min. Wendecover MORE Brands and Products 15.04.2011 Kriminalfilm 1947 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Die fliegenden Ärzte - 8. Staffel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040166 92min. (6 Discs) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 23.06.2011 The Flying Doctors Füreinander bestimmt - Kismat 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040438 Lenore Smith, Robert Grubb, Maurice Konnection Fields, Warren Owens, Syd Jackson - Dir. Kismat Konnection The Goods - Schnelle Autos, Chris Adshead, Pino Amenta, Mario Shahid Kapoor, Vidya Balan, Juhi Chawla, Andreacchio, Peter Andrikidis, Ian Barry, Vishal Malhotra, Haidar Ali - Dir. Aziz Mirza schnelle Deals Dan Burstall, Gary Conway, Ian Gilmour, Making of, Trailer, Poster, Wendecover The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard Chris Langman, Catherine Millar, Paul Musical/Lovestory 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 , Ving Rhames, James Brolin, Moloney, Arch Nicholson, Viktors Ritelis, (D) DD 5.1 (Hindi) 145min. David Koechner, Kathryn Hahn, , Mandy Smith, Rob Stewart, Chris Thomson, Rapid Eye Movies HE 03.06.2011 Jordana Spiro, Tony Hale - Dir. Neal Graham Thorburn, Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040371 Brennan Stephen Wallace, Karl Zwicky Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Wendecover Gamera - Guardian of the Uni- (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 86min. Drama 1986-1991 FF DD 1.0 (D) 1155min. verse (2 DVDs + Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 23.06.2011 Gamera Daikaijû Kuchu Kessen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040445 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040418 Tsuyoshi Ihara, Akira Onodera, Ayako Fujitani, Shinobu Nakayama - Dir. Shusuke Gothic & Lolita Psycho (Blu-ray) Fluchtpunkt Nizza - Anthony Zim- Kaneko (k.J.) mer (Blu-ray) Fantasy/Action 1995 96min. Gosurori Shokeinin Anthony Zimmer cultmovie entertainment 26.05.2011 Rina Akiyama, Yukihide Benny, James Mark, Yvan Attal, Sophie Marceau, Sami Frey, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040360 Asami, Satoshi Hakuzen, Minami Tsukui, Daniel Olbrychski, Gilles Lellouche, Samir Yûrei Yanagi - Dir. Gô Ohara Guesmi, Dimitri Rataud, Arnaud Duléry - Dir. Der gefährlichste Mann der Welt Action/Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Jérôme Salle The Chairman (Jap) 88min. Making of Gregory Peck, Anne Heywood, Arthur Hill, Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 24.06.2011 Thriller 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) Conrad Yama, Francisca Tu, Alan Dobie - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040355 85min. Dir. J. Lee Thompson FilmConfect AG 15.04.2011 Thriller/Science Fiction 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD Gothic & Lolita Psycho (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040219 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 95min. Gosurori Shokeinin Koch Media 29.04.2011 Rina Akiyama, Yukihide Benny, James Mark, Follyfoot Farm - Die komplette 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040202 Asami, Satoshi Hakuzen, Minami Tsukui, zweite Staffel (2 Discs) Yûrei Yanagi - Dir. Gô Ohara Follyfoot The Gift - Die Angst kommt lang- Action/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Bildergalerie sam DD 5.1 (Jap) 85min. Drama/Familie 1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 The Gift Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 24.06.2011 (E) 325min. , Keanu Reeves, Giovanni 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040323 polyband Medien GmbH 27.05.2011 Ribisi, Katie Holmes, Greg Kinnear, Hilary 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040153 Swank, Michael Jeter, Kim Dickens, Gary Große Tricks und kleine Fische Gettin’ Square Forrest Gump (Einzel-Disc) (Blu- Cole, Harris, J.K. Simmons, Chelcie Ross, John Beasley, Lynnsee Pro- Sam Worthington, David Wenham, Timothy ray) vence, Hunter McGilvray, Stuart Greer - Dir. Spall, Freya Stafford, Gary Sweet, David Forrest Gump Sam Raimi Roberts, David Field, Luke Pegler, Richard Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Trailer, TV-Spots, Making Of, Interviews, Produktionsnotizen, Carter, Mitchell Butel, Gary Waddell, John Mykelti Williamson, Sally Field, Michael Wendecover Brumpton - Dir. Jonathan Teplitzky Conner Humphreys, Hanna R. Hall - Dir. Thriller/Horror 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD Robert Zemeckis DD 5.1 (E) 107min. 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Audiokommentar, Featurette Planet Media Home Entertainment Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Drama 1994 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 10.05.2011 10.05.2011 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 142min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040169 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040128 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040457 The Gift - Die Angst kommt lang- Große Tricks und kleine Fische sam (Blu-ray) Full House - Rags to Riches, Staf- (Blu-ray) The Gift Gettin’ Square fel 1 (3 Discs) Cate Blanchett, Keanu Reeves, Giovanni Sam Worthington, David Wenham, Timothy Rags To Riches Ribisi, Katie Holmes, Greg Kinnear, Hilary Spall, Freya Stafford, Gary Sweet, David Joseph Bologna, Tisha Campbell, Blanca De Swank, Michael Jeter, Kim Dickens, Gary Roberts, David Field, Luke Pegler, Richard Garr, Kimiko Gelman, Bridget Michele, Heidi Cole, Rosemary Harris, J.K. Simmons, Carter, Mitchell Butel, Gary Waddell, John Zeigler, Douglas Seale, Sue Ball, Sarah Chelcie Ross, John Beasley, Lynnsee Pro- Brumpton - Dir. Jonathan Teplitzky Buxton, Jeff Harlan, Heather McAdam, vence, Hunter McGilvray, Stuart Greer - Dir. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 John Christy Ewing - Dir. Bruce Seth Sam Raimi MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 104min. Green, Michael Switzer Trailer, TV-Spots, Making Of, Interviews, Produktionsnotizen, Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Komödie/Familie 1987-1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) Wendecover Thriller/Horror 2000 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 10.05.2011 DD 2.0 (E) 360min. (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 111min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040138 dtp entertainment AG 21.04.2011 Planet Media Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040196 10.05.2011 Großes Kino - Personal Effects / Fünf Freunde - Die Sache mit der 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040178 Serious Moonlight / Tränen des Schatzinsel Glücks (Blu-ray) Goldenes Gift Personal Effects / Serious Moonlight / Enid Blyton: The Famous Five - Five On A Out Of The Past

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Happy Tears Watson, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Fantasy 2007 132min. Michelle Pfeiffer, Kristen Bell, Demi Moore - Richard Griffiths, Gary Oldman, Alan Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Dir. David Hollander, Cheryl Hines, Mitchell Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040245 Lichtenstein , David Thewlis, Emma Komödie 2008-2009 280min. Thompson, Julie Walters, David Bradley, Harry Potter und der Orden des dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Tom Felton, Robert Hardy, Mark Williams, Phönix (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) 26.05.2011 Pam Ferris, Paul Whitehouse, Julie Christie (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040338 - Dir. Alfonso Cuarón Harry Potter And The Order Of The Fantasy 2004 141min. Phoenix Hammer Horror Collection 1 (3 Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040261 Discs) Grint, , Robbie Horror Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Harry Potter und der Gefangene Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, 258min. Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Ri- Koch Media 06.05.2011 von Askaban (Ultimate Edition, 4 chard Griffiths, Jason Isaacs, Gary tba BestellNr.: 20040210 Discs) Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Smith, , David Thewlis, Hard Breakers Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Robert Hard Breakers Watson, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Hardy, David Bradley, Mark Williams, Tom Sophie Monk, Cameron Richardson, Chris Richard Griffiths, Gary Oldman, Alan Felton, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, Kattan, Mircea Monroe, Tia Carrere, Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Katie Leung, Harry Melling - Dir. David Stephen Tobolowsky, Tom Arnold, Alexis Timothy Spall, David Thewlis, Emma Yates Arquette - Dir. Leah Sturgis Thompson, Julie Walters, David Bradley, Fantasy 2007 138min. Trailer Tom Felton, Robert Hardy, Mark Williams, Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS Pam Ferris, Paul Whitehouse, Julie Christie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040257 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. - Dir. Alfonso Cuarón Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 Fantasy 2004 136min. Harry Potter und der Stein der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040309 Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Weisen (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) Hard Breakers (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040249 (Blu-ray) Hard Breakers Harry Potter und der Halbblut- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Sophie Monk, Cameron Richardson, Chris Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Kattan, Mircea Monroe, Tia Carrere, prinz (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) Grint, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Ri- Stephen Tobolowsky, Tom Arnold, Alexis Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince chard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Arquette - Dir. Leah Sturgis Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma , Warwick Davis, Fiona Shaw, Ri- Trailer Watson, Jim Broadbent, Helena Bonham chard Griffiths, John Hurt, Julie Walters, Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) DTS-HD Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Sean Biggerstaff, Zoë Wanamaker, David 7.1 (E) 102min. Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Tom Felton, Bradley, Tom Felton, Harry Melling, Matthew Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright, Jessie Cave, Lewis - Dir. Chris Columbus 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040344 Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Frank Dillane - Dir. Fantasy 2001 152min. David Yates Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch Fantasy 2009 147min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040259 (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu- Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040246 Harry Potter und der Stein der Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Harry Potter und der Halbblut- Weisen (Ultimate Edition, 4 Discs) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Watson, Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith, prinz (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Gary (Blu-ray) Grint, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Ri- Oldman, Brendan Gleeson, Roger Lloyd- Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince chard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Pack, David Tennant, Ralph Fiennes, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Ian Hart, Warwick Davis, Fiona Shaw, Ri- Miranda Richardson, Clémence Poésy, Ro- Watson, Jim Broadbent, Helena Bonham chard Griffiths, John Hurt, Julie Walters, bert Pattinson - Dir. Mike Newell Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Sean Biggerstaff, Zoë Wanamaker, David Fantasy 2005 157min. Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Tom Felton, Bradley, Tom Felton, Harry Melling, Matthew Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright, Jessie Cave, Lewis - Dir. Chris Columbus 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040262 Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Frank Dillane - Dir. Fantasy 2001 146min. David Yates Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch Fantasy 2009 153min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040247 (Ultimate Edition, 4 Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040258 Harry Potter und die Kammer des Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Schreckens (Ultimate Edition, 3 Watson, Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith, Harry Potter und der Orden des Discs) (Blu-ray) Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Gary Phönix (Ultimate Edition, 3 Discs) Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Oldman, Brendan Gleeson, Roger Lloyd- Harry Potter And The Order Of The Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Pack, David Tennant, Ralph Fiennes, Phoenix Watson, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, Harry Miranda Richardson, Clémence Poésy, Ro- Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Melling, David Bradley, Kenneth Branagh, bert Pattinson - Dir. Mike Newell Grint, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Christian Fantasy 2005 151min. Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Ralph Fiennes, Coulson, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Michael Gambon, Brendan Gleeson, Ri- Robert Hardy, Richard Harris, Shirley 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040250 chard Griffiths, Jason Isaacs, Gary Henderson, Jason Isaacs, Gemma Jones, Oldman, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Miriam Margolyes, Sally Mortemore, Alan Harry Potter und der Gefangene Smith, Imelda Staunton, David Thewlis, Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Julie von Askaban (Ultimate Edition, 3 Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Robert Walters, Mark Williams - Dir. Chris Colum- Discs) (Blu-ray) Hardy, David Bradley, Mark Williams, Tom bus Felton, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Fantasy 2002 158min. Katie Leung, Harry Melling - Dir. David Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Yates 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040260

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Splendid Film(Amazia) 24.06.2011 Hereafter - Das Leben danach Harry Potter und die Kammer des 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040324 (Blu-ray) Schreckens (Ultimate Edition, 4 Haunters (Blu-ray) Hereafter Discs) Cécile de France, Thierry Neuvic, Cyndi Haunters Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Mayo Davis, Matt Damon, George McLaren, Kang Dong-Won, Go Soo, Jeong Eun-chae Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Frankie McLaren, Jay Mohr, Bryce Dallas - Dir. Kim Min-suk Watson, Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright, Harry Howard, Marthe Keller, Charlie Holliday, Action/Fantasy 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Melling, David Bradley, Kenneth Branagh, Stéphane Freiss, Mylène Jampanoi, DTS-HD 5.1 (Korea) 112min. John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Christian Lyndsey Marshal, Joe Bellan, Jenifer Splendid Film(Amazia) 24.06.2011 Coulson, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Lewis, Sean Buckley, Selina Cadell, Derek 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040356 Robert Hardy, Richard Harris, Shirley Jacobi - Dir. Clint Eastwood Henderson, Jason Isaacs, Gemma Jones, Das Hausmädchen Thriller 2010 min. Miriam Margolyes, Sally Mortemore, Alan Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 Hanyo Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Julie 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040255 Jeon Do-yeon, Lee Jung-jae, Seo Woo, Ahn Walters, Mark Williams - Dir. Chris Colum- Seo-Hyun, Park Ji-young, Youn Yuh-Jung - bus Herkules erobert Atlantis Dir. Im Sang-soo Fantasy 2002 152min. Trailer Ercole Alla Conquista Di Atlantide Warner Home Video Germany 24.06.2011 Thriller/Erotik 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Reg Park, Fay Spain, Laura Altan, Ettore 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040248 (Korea) 102min. Manni, Luciano Marin, Mimmo Palmara - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Vittorio Cottafavi Ray Harryhausen Collection (3 AG(Alamode) 26.08.2011 Abenteuer 1961 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040391 101min. She / Things to Come / The Most Delta Music & Entertainment(Ostalgica) Dangerous Game Das Hausmädchen (Blu-ray) 01.04.2011 Science Fiction/Fantasy 1932-1936 Hanyo 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040374 358min. Jeon Do-yeon, Lee Jung-jae, Seo Woo, Ahn dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Seo-Hyun, Park Ji-young, Youn Yuh-Jung - High Chaparral - 3. Staffel (7 26.05.2011 Dir. Im Sang-soo Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040289 Trailer The High Chaparral Thriller/Erotik 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Episodenübersicht, Trailer Hatchet (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) DTS-HD 5.1 (Korea) 106min. Western 1969-1970 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Hatchet AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing (E) 1228min. Joel Moore, Tamara Feldman, Deon AG(Alamode) 26.08.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Richmond, Mercedes McNab, Parry Shen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040399 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040400 Joleigh Fioreavanti, Joel Murray, Kane Hodder, Robert Englund, Tony Todd - Dir. Die Hebamme - Auf Leben und Ein himmlischer Schwindel Tod Change Of Habit Audiokommentare, Making Of, Featurettes, Trailer Brigitte Hobmeier, Misel Maticevic, August Elvis Presley, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbara Horror 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Zirner, Pippa Galli, Karl Fischer, Maria McNair, Jane Elliot, Leora Dana, Edward D 5.1 MA (E) 84min. Hofstätter, Anna Maria Sturm, Amelie Kiefer, Asner, Robert Emhardt - Dir. William A. Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 Johanna Bittenbinder, Caroline Ebner, Flori- Graham 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040266 an Brückner, Carmen Gratl, Pepi Grießer, Musikfilm 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Walter Ludwig, Konrad Hochgruber, Sarah (E) 89min. Hatchet II (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jung - Dir. Dagmar Hirtz Koch Media 27.05.2011 Hatchet II Historienfilm/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040273 Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, (D) 90min. Bob Holland, R. A. Mihailoff, Parry Shen, AJ Universum Film 13.05.2011 The Hooligan Club - Fear and Bowen, Alexis Peters, Ed Ackerman, Colton 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040292 Fight Dunn, David Foy, Rick McCallum - Dir. Adam Clubbed Green Hell’s Labyrinth (k.J.) Mel Raido, Shaun Parkes, Scot Williams, Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Carnivorous Maxine Peake, Ronnie Fox, , Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) DTS-HD Leah Rose, Tom Lodewyck, Matt Ukena, Dominic Coleman, Bronson Webb, Nick 7.1 (E) 83min. Darla Brown, Tylan Canady, Katy Colloton, Holder, Tom McKay, Neil Morrissey, Ian Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 Edy Cullen, Nick Driessen - Dir. Drew Max- Ralph, Simon Paul Sutton, Ian Virgo, Ellen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040171 well Thomas - Dir. Neil Thompson Trailer, Copy-to-Go Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- Hatchet II (k.J.) Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 rie Hatchet II (E) 84min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Infopictures 17.06.2011 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Bob Holland, R. A. Mihailoff, Parry Shen, AJ 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040389 KSM(NewKSM) 16.05.2011 Bowen, Alexis Peters, Ed Ackerman, Colton 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040431 Dunn, David Foy, Rick McCallum - Dir. Adam Hereafter - Das Leben danach Green Hereafter The Hooligan Club - Fear and Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Cécile de France, Thierry Neuvic, Cyndi Fight (Blu-ray) Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Mayo Davis, Matt Damon, George McLaren, Clubbed DD 5.1 (E) 79min. Frankie McLaren, Jay Mohr, Bryce Dallas Mel Raido, Shaun Parkes, Scot Williams, Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 Howard, Marthe Keller, Charlie Holliday, Maxine Peake, Ronnie Fox, Colin Salmon, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040158 Stéphane Freiss, Mylène Jampanoi, Dominic Coleman, Bronson Webb, Nick Haunters Lyndsey Marshal, Joe Bellan, Jenifer Holder, Tom McKay, Neil Morrissey, Ian Lewis, Sean Buckley, Selina Cadell, Derek Ralph, Simon Paul Sutton, Ian Virgo, Ellen Haunters Jacobi - Dir. Clint Eastwood Thomas - Dir. Neil Thompson Kang Dong-Won, Go Soo, Jeong Eun-chae Thriller 2010 min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergale- - Dir. Kim Min-suk Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 rie Action/Fantasy 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040243 DD 5.1 (Korea) 108min. MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min.

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KSM(NewKSM) 16.05.2011 Jet Li, Bridget Fonda, Tchéky Karyo, Ric 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040440 The Jack Bull Young, Burt Kwouk, Laurence Ashley, John The Jack Bull Forgeham, Max Ryan, Colin Prince, Vincent House of Sleeping Beauties John Cusack, John Goodman, Miranda Otto, Glo, Vincent Wong, Kentaro, Cyril Raffaelli, Das Haus der schlafenden Schönen L. Q. Jones, John C. McGinley, John Didier Azoulay - Dir. Chris Nahon Vadim Glowna, Angela Winkler, Maximilian Savage - Dir. John Badham Action/Thriller 2001 98min. Schell, Birol Ünel - Dir. Vadim Glowna Western/Drama 1999 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 99min. (E) 116min. 06.05.2011 Infopictures 17.06.2011 dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040348 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040388 tba BestellNr.: 20040279 Kites - Auf der Flucht Housekeeper’s Revenge - Die Ra- Jigsaw (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kites che der Putzfrauen (2 Discs) Elimination Bárbara Mori, Hrithik Roshan, Steven Mi- Chance Danny Vasquez, Nicole Warner, Meredith chael Quezada, Nicholas Brown, Kabir Rosa Isabel Lorenzo, Aida Morales, Fran- Grau, Daniel Fanaberia, Olivia Briggs, Pablo Bedi, Kangana Ranaut, Anand Tiwari, Yuri cisco Gattorno, Maria Alejandra Palacios, Hernandez III, Mafe Guarin Mcallister, Sa- Suri - Dir. Anurag Basu Maria Cristina Palacios, Isabella Santo- rah Rich - Dir. Juan Carlos Vargas Making ofs, Trailer, Poster Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) domingo, Juan David Valdez Lauri - Dir. Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 DD 5.1 (Hindi) 117min. Abner Benaim (E) 101min. Copy-to-Go Musketier Media(8-Films) 24.06.2011 Rapid Eye Movies HE 06.05.2011 Komödie/Satire 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040352 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040364 5.1 (Sp) 88min. Infopictures 20.05.2011 Jigsaw (k.J.) Knight Club 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040384 Elimination Knight Club Danny Vasquez, Nicole Warner, Meredith Lou Diamond Phillips, Lochlyn Munro, Glenn Housekeeper’s Revenge - Die Ra- Grau, Daniel Fanaberia, Olivia Briggs, Pablo Plummer, James Wilder, Tyler Bowe, Dawn che der Putzfrauen (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Hernandez III, Mafe Guarin Mcallister, Sa- McMillan, Andrei Sterling, Staci Cross, Dani- el Lee Clark, Patrick Thomas, Katie Discs) (Blu-ray) rah Rich - Dir. Juan Carlos Vargas Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Lohmann, Roger Stoneburner, Dennis Chance DD 2.0 (E) 97min. Hayden, Myke Michaels, Brandon Molale, Rosa Isabel Lorenzo, Aida Morales, Fran- Musketier Media(8-Films) 24.06.2011 Nipper Knapp, Dave Gibbs, Demetrius cisco Gattorno, Maria Alejandra Palacios, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040319 Navarro - Dir. Russell Gannon Maria Cristina Palacios, Isabella Santo- Trailer, Bildergalerie domingo, Juan David Valdez Lauri - Dir. Die Kadetten von Bunker Hill Drama/Kriminalfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Abner Benaim (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Copy-to-Go (Blu-ray) bellaphon records(Great Movies) Komödie/Satire 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Taps 25.03.2011 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 92min. Timothy Hutton, Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040305 Infopictures 20.05.2011 Ronny Cox, George C. Scott, Brendan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040397 Ward, Evan Handler, John Navin, Billy van Kopf in der Schlinge Zandt, Giancarlo Esposito, Donald Kimmel, Alexander Kerst - Dir. Walter Knaus I’ll See You in My Dreams (k.J.) Tim Wahrer, Tim Riley, Jeff Rochlin, Rusty Kriminalfilm 1960 (D) 62min. I’ll See You In My Dreams Jacobs, Wayne Tippit, Jess Osuna, Earl Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.06.2011 Adelino Tavares, São José Correia, Sofia Hindman, James Handy, Steven Ryan, Mi- tba BestellNr.: 20040430 Aparício - Dir. Miguel Vivas chael Longfield - Dir. Harold Becker Making of, Dokumentation, Musikvideo, Bildergalerie Action 1981 123min. Die Kramer (2 Discs) Horror 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Barbara Rütting - Dir. Hans Müller (Portu) 20min. Germany 10.06.2011 Drama/Familie 1969 (D) 150min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Anolis) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040224 in-akustik 08.04.2011 10.05.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040426 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040134 The King’s Speech - Die Rede Im Oktober werden Wunder wahr des Königs Krieg & Frieden, Teil 2 (3 Discs) The King’s Speech War & Peace (OmU) Colin Firth, , Helena Bonham Sir Anthony Hopkins, Morag Hood, Alan Octubre Carter, Guy Pearce, Timothy Spall, Derek Dobie, Rupert Davies, Joanna David, Faith Bruno Odar, Garbriela Velasquez, Carlos Jacobi, Jennifer Ehle, Anthony Andrews, Brook, Angela Down, Sylvester Morand, Gassols, Maria Carbajal, Sheryl Sánchez Claire Bloom, Michael Gambon, Eve Best - David Swift, Anthony Jacobs, Fiona Gaunt, Mesco, Victor Prada, Sofia Palacios, Norma Dir. Tom Hooper Frank Middlemass - Dir. John Davies I Francisca Villarreal - Dir. Diego Vega, Dani- Drama 2010 113min. Booklet el Vega Senator Home Entertainment 02.09.2011 Drama/Kriegsfilm 1972-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Sp) 80min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040320 DD 1.0 (E) 433min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 29.04.2011 polyband Medien GmbH 24.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040379 The King’s Speech - Die Rede 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040316 In meinem Himmel (Einzel-Disc) des Königs (Blu-ray) Krieg der Welten 2 - Die nächste The King’s Speech (Blu-ray) Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Angriffswelle (Special 3D-Edition) The Lovely Bones Carter, Guy Pearce, Timothy Spall, Derek (Blu-ray) Mark Wahlberg, , Susan Jacobi, Jennifer Ehle, Anthony Andrews, War Of The Worlds 2: The Next Wave Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Claire Bloom, Michael Gambon, Eve Best - C. Thomas Howell, Darren Dalton, Kim Saoirse Ronan, Thomas McCarthy, Jake Dir. Tom Hooper Little, Fred Griffith, Jonathan Levit, Abel - Dir. Peter Jackson Drama 2010 118min. Jonathan Nation, Oliver Rayon - Dir. C. Drama/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS- Senator Home Entertainment 02.09.2011 Thomas Howell HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040353 2D- & 3D-Fassung enthalten, inkl. zwei 3D-Brillen 136min. Science Fiction/Action 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 Kiss of the Dragon (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040459 Kiss Of The Dragon dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies)

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26.05.2011 Dir. Glendyn Ivin Western 1959 119min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040335 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 Kult Kino (3 Discs) HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040230 Schussfahrt nach San Remo / Der Ver- dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 rückte von Labor 4 / Beat Street 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040332 Die letzte Legion (Blu-ray) Komödie 1967-1984 286min. The Last Legion Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Das Leben des heiligen Colin Firth, Sir Ben Kingsley, Aishwarya 06.05.2011 Augustinus Rai, Peter Mullan, Kevin McKidd, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040217 Augustinus Hannah, Thomas Sangster, Iain Glen, Alessandro Preziosi, Franco Nero, Matteo Rupert Friend, Nonso Anozie, Owen Teale, Kung Fu Cult Master Urzia, Monica Guerritore, Johannes Robert Pugh, Beata Ben Ammar, Murray Yi Tian Tu Long Ji Zhi Mo Jiao Jiao Zhu Brandrup, Alexander Held, Jannis McArthur, James Cosmo, Harry van Jet Li, Man Cheung, Collin Chou, Ekin Niewöhner, Katy Louise Saunders, Serena Gorkum, Alexander Siddig - Dir. Doug Lefler Cheng, John Ching, Wing Cho, Sammo Hung Rossi, Sebastian Ströbel, Dietrich Abenteuer 2007 102min. - Dir. Jing Wong Hollinderbäumer, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Götz Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Action/Eastern 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Otto, Wenanty Nosul, Andrea Giordana - 06.05.2011 DD 5.1 (Kanton) 99min. Dir. Christian Duguay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040347 Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.05.2011 Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040325 (D) 180min. Liebe 1962 polyband Medien GmbH 27.05.2011 L’ Eclisse Der Landarzt - Staffel 13 (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040152 Louis Seigner, Lilla Brignone, Alain Delon, Walter Plathe, Karina Thayenthal, Heinz , Monica Vitti, Rosanna Reincke, Frederike Euler, Nynne Bugat, Die legendäre Krimi-Straßenfe- Rory, Mirella Ricciardi - Dir. Michelangelo Jens Eulenberger, Till Demtrøder, Stefanie ger-Trilogie (3 Discs) Antonioni Mensing, Christian Schmidt, Aline Der Tod läuft hinterher / Babeck / 11 Uhr Audiokommentar, Wendecover Drama 1962 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Hochscheid, Gerd Silberbauer, Gerhard 20 (It) 120min. Olschewski, Franziska Troegner, Wolf- Dir. Wolfgang Becker Dietrich Berg, Luise Bähr, Andreas Bildergalerien, Interviews Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Bisowski, Eva-Maria Bauer, Edith Behleit, Kriminalfilm 1976-1979 600min. 23.06.2011 Gudrun Okras, Victoria Sturm, Thorsten Universal Music Family 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040419 Nindel, Claudine Wilde, Karin Eickelbaum, Entertainment(Karussell) 08.04.2011 Gisela Trowe, Philipp Freitag, Hans Georg 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040295 Liebe, oder lieber doch nicht Panczak, Frank Behnke, Timothy Peach, Love & Distrust Daniela Hoffmann, Thomas Balou Martin, Lemonade Mouth - Die Geschich- Robert Downey Jr., James Franco, Amy Klaus Gehrke, Udo Thomer, Eckhardt te einer Band Adams, Dawn Anderson II, Laurence Beck, Marianne Borgo, David Burke, Anna Calder- Bogda, Gerd Grasse, Janina Uhse, Andre- Lemonade Mouth Marshall, Maureen Murphy IV - Dir. Lorraine as Nickl, Andrea Popadic, Claus Jahn - Dir. Christopher McDonald, Bridgit Mendler - Dir. Bracco, Daisy Gili, Eric Kmetz, Warner Gunther Krää Patricia Riggen Loughlin, Diana Valentine, Darcy Yuille Drama/Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Musical 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 528min. Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 2.0 (Poln) 113min. Drama/Episodenfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Universum Film (ZDF Video) 20.05.2011 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040299 30.06.2011 dtp entertainment AG 10.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040187 Last Night 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040277 Last Night Letters to God Liebe, oder lieber doch nicht Keira Knightley, Sam Worthington, Eva Letters To God (Blu-ray) Mendes, Guillaume Canet, Griffin Dunne, Lisa Curtis, Christopher Schmidt, Lyanna Love & Distrust Daniel Eric Gold, Scott Adsit, Stephanie Tumaneng, Tanner Maguire, Ralph Waite, Robert Downey Jr., James Franco, Amy Romanov, Anson Mount, Stephen Mailer, Dennis Neal, Cristian Cunningham, Carol Adams, Dawn Anderson II, Laurence Beck, John Treacy Egan, Justine Cotsonas, Saragusa - Dir. David Nixon, Patrick Marianne Borgo, David Burke, Anna Calder- Karen Pittman, Rae Ritke, Christian Doughtie Marshall, Maureen Murphy IV - Dir. Lorraine Lorentzen, William Clemente - Dir. Massy Drama 2010 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. Bracco, Daisy Gili, Eric Kmetz, Warner Tadjedin dtp entertainment AG 21.04.2011 Loughlin, Diana Valentine, Darcy Yuille Drama 2010 89min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040209 Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Episodenfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 24.06.2011 Letters to God (Blu-ray) MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 97min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040322 Letters To God dtp entertainment AG 10.05.2011 Lisa Curtis, Christopher Schmidt, Lyanna 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040331 Last Ride Tumaneng, Tanner Maguire, Ralph Waite, Last Ride Dennis Neal, Cristian Cunningham, Carol Theo Lingen Edition (3 Discs) Michael Allen, Hugo Weaving, Tom Russell, Saragusa - Dir. David Nixon, Patrick Sieben Jahre Pech / Um eine Nasenlänge Anita Hegh, John Brumpton, Mick Doughtie / Wiener Blut Coulthard, Rachel Francis, Sonya Suares - Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Wolf Albach-Retty, Olly Holzmann, Theo Dir. Glendyn Ivin 5.1 (E) 100min. Lingen, Hans Moser, Alfred Neugebauer, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie dtp entertainment AG 21.04.2011 Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Oskar Sima, Clara Tabody, Robert Valberg, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040221 (E) 86min. Sonja Ziemann, Rudolf Prack, Ilse Petri, Kurt Seifert, Trude Hesterberg, Georg dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 Der letzte Befehl (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040278 Thomalla, Martha Hubner, Liesl Karlstadt, The Horse Soldiers Gerlach Fiedler, Hans Richter, Willy Fritsch, Last Ride (Blu-ray) John Wayne, William Holden, Constance Maria Holst, Fred Liewehr, Hedwig Bleib- Towers, Althea Gibson, Hoot Gibson, Anna Last Ride treu, Dorit Kreysler, Fritz Imhoff - Dir. Ernst Lee, Russell Simpson, Stan Jones, Ken Michael Allen, Hugo Weaving, Tom Russell, Marischka, E. W. Emo, Willi Forst Curtis, Willis Bouchey, Strother Martin - Dir. Anita Hegh, John Brumpton, Mick Biografien, Bildergalerien, Trailer, 3 Wendecover John Ford Komödie/Musikfilm 1940-1949 285min. Coulthard, Rachel Francis, Sonya Suares -

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Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 chards, James Belushi, Sarah Hyland, (Hindi) 122min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040403 Maeve Quinlan, Ryan Pinkston, Rebecca Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.05.2011 Mader - Dir. K. Asher Levin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040133 Locked Down (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Making of, Trailer ray) (k.J.) Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Louis Malle Box: USA (3 Discs) 5.1 (E) 85min. Locked Down Mein Essen mit André / Gottes eigenes dtp entertainment AG 21.04.2011 Vinnie Jones, Kevin „Kimbo Slice“ Land / ... und das Streben nach Glück 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040222 Ferguson, Bai Ling, Dwier Brown, Rashad Dir. Louis Malle Dokumentarfilm 1979-1986 277min. Evans, Cheick Kongo, Lance Carthwright, Lucilla (2 Discs) Dave Fennoy - Dir. Daniel Zirilli AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Gertraud Jesserer - Dir. Wilhelm Action 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Le Fou) 15.07.2011 Semmelroth HD 5.1 MA (E) 103min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040392 Kriminalfilm 1980 (D) 181min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- in-akustik 29.04.2011 nema) 07.06.2011 Manche mögen’s heiß (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040428 tba BestellNr.: 20040143 Some Like It Hot Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Locked Down (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The LXD: The Legion of George Raft, Pat O’Brien, Joe E. Brown, Locked Down Extraordinary Dancers - Season 1 Nehemiah Persoff, Joan Shawlee, Billy Vinnie Jones, Kevin „Kimbo Slice“ & 2 (2 Discs) Gray, George E. Stone, Dave Barry, Mike Ferguson, Bai Ling, Dwier Brown, Rashad The LXD: The Legion Of Extraordinary Mazurki, Harry Wilson, Beverly Wills, Ed- Evans, Cheick Kongo, Lance Carthwright, Dancers ward G. Robinson Jr., Barbara Drew - Dir. Dave Fennoy - Dir. Daniel Zirilli Terence Dickson, Aja George, Straphanio Billy Wilder Action 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- „Shonnie“ Solomon, Luis Rosado, Harry Komödie 1959 120min. HD 5.1 MA (E) 103min. Shum jr., Chadd Smith, Aaron „Deuce“ Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Cooke, Christopher Scott, Galen Hooks, Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 nema) 07.06.2011 Travis Wong, Jesse Brown II - Dir. Jon M. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040232 tba BestellNr.: 20040142 Chu, Ryan Landels, Charles Oliver, Scott Speer Max Davidson Comedies - Alle Locked Down (k.J.) Fantasy/Musikfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) erhaltenen Kurzfilme (2 Discs) Locked Down (F) 177min. Max Davidson - Dir. Leo McCarey Vinnie Jones, Kevin „Kimbo Slice“ Paramount Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Komödie 260min. Ferguson, Bai Ling, Dwier Brown, Rashad 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040416 film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Evans, Cheick Kongo, Lance Carthwright, 08.04.2011 Dave Fennoy - Dir. Daniel Zirilli David Lynch 5 (5 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040363 Action 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Eraserhead / Lynch (one) / Dumbland / (E) 99min. Dynamic: 01 / The Short Films - Eine deutsche Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Dir. David Lynch Legende nema) 07.06.2011 Diverse Henry Maske, Susanne Wuest, Heino Drama/Experimentalfilm 506min. tba BestellNr.: 20040131 Ferch, Vladimir Weigl, Yoan Pablo Capelight Pictures 21.04.2011 Hernandez, Arved Birnbaum, Arthur Abra- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040291 Long Riders (Blu-ray) ham, Manfred Wolke, Angelina Noa, Tom The Long Riders Ma Barker’s gnadenlose Killer Sommerlatte - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Keith Carradine, , Robert Audiokommentar, Trailer Carradine, James Keach, Randy Quaid, Ma Barker’s Killer Brood Drama/Biographie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Stacy Keach, Dennis Quaid - Dir. Lurene Tuttle, Tristram Coffin - Dir. Bill (D) 117min. Western 1979 99min. Karn KSM(NewKSM Cinema) 16.05.2011 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm 1960 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040436 Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040225 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Max Schmeling - Eine deutsche 26.05.2011 Legende (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040283 Love, Wedding, Marriage (Blu- Henry Maske, Susanne Wuest, Heino ray) Macao Ferch, Vladimir Weigl, Yoan Pablo Love, Wedding, Marriage Hernandez, Arved Birnbaum, Arthur Abra- Macao Mandy Moore, , James Brolin - ham, Manfred Wolke, Angelina Noa, Tom Robert Mitchum, , William Dir. Dermot Mulroney Sommerlatte - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Bendix, Thomas Gomez, Gloria Grahame, Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Audiokommentar, Making of, Dokumentation, Trailer Brad Dexter, Edward Ashley, Philip Ahn, 5.1 (E) 91min. Drama/Biographie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Vladimir Sokoloff - Dir. Josef von Sternberg Splendid Film 29.07.2011 MA (D) 122min. Wendecover KSM(NewKSM Cinema) 16.05.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040358 Kriminalfilm 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040444 77min. Loverboys Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Megapiranha (Special 3D-Edition) Mother’s Little Helpers 23.06.2011 Kyle Gallner, Kathryn Morris, Denise Ri- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040421 (Blu-ray) chards, James Belushi, Sarah Hyland, Mega Maeve Quinlan, Ryan Pinkston, Rebecca Die Magie des Lebens - Paul Logan, , Barry Mader - Dir. K. Asher Levin Guzaarish Williams, David Labiosa, Jude Gerard, Making of, Trailer Jesse Daly, Cooper Harris, William Morse - Guzaarish Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Dir. Eric Forsberg (E) 82min. Hrithik Roshan, Aishwarya Rai, Aditya Roy 2D- & 3D-Fassung enthalten, inkl. zwei 3D-Brillen dtp entertainment AG 21.04.2011 Kapoor, Priyanka Bose, Ash Chandler, Horror/Action 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040211 Nafisa Ali, Shernaz Patel, Makrand (E) 93min. Deshpande, Sanjay Lafont, Vijay Crishna, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Loverboys (Blu-ray) Suhel Seth, Achint Kaur - Dir. Sanjay Leela 26.05.2011 Mother’s Little Helpers Bhansali 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040337 Kyle Gallner, Kathryn Morris, Denise Ri- Entfallene Szene, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1

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Meine Braut, ihr Vater und ich Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Blu-ray) Monsters (Limited Edition, (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Meet The Parents KSM 16.05.2011 Monsters Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Blythe Danner, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040432 Teri Polo, James Rebhorn, Jon Abrahams, Scoot McNairy, Whitney Able - Dir. Gareth Phyllis George, Kali Rocha, Thomas Merlin und das Schwert Excalibur Edwards McCarthy, Nicole DeHuff, Owen Wilson - Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Kurzfilm (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD Dir. Jay Roach Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Merlin And The Book Of Beasts 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Outtakes, Featurettes, Trailer James Callis, Laura Harris, Jesse Moss, Capelight Pictures(SquareOne) 20.05.2011 Komödie 2000 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Patrick Sabongui, Donald Adams, Jim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040342 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 108min. Thorburn, Maja Stace-Smith, Daniel Paramount Home Cudmore - Dir. Warren P. Sonoda München 7 - Zwei Polizisten und Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.05.2011 Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie ihre Stadt (5 Discs) Fantasy/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040460 Andreas Giebel, Florian Karlheim, Luise MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Kinseher, Winfried Frey, Julia Koschitz, KSM 16.05.2011 Meine Braut, meine besten Jockel Tschiersch, Johannes Herrschmann, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040441 Freunde und ich Martin Eschenbach, Cornelia de Pablos, Äntligen Midsommar! Methodic (Uncut) (k.J.) Johann Schuler, Markus Baumeister, Micha- Daniel Gustavsson, Lisa Werlinder, Olle el König, Dorothee Hartinger, Caroline Methodic Sarri, Alexander Karim, Luke Perry, Anna Schreiber, Katharina Brenner, Claudio Brandon Slagle, Rachael Robbins, Niki Littorin, Annica Bejhed, Per Wernolf, Kari Caramaschi, Sarah Jung, Wolfi Fischer, Notarile, Tony Dadika, Stephen Muzzonigro, Hamfors Wernolf - Dir. Ian McCrudden Angela Hobrig, Eisi Gulp, Christian Lerch, Charles Cyphers, Dan Werzinger, Christine Making of, Trailer Isabella Jantz, Sepp Schauer, Jazz- Allanach - Dir. Chris R. Notarile Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) orchester Tirol, Vera Lippisch, Judith DD 5.1 (Mehrsprachig) 86min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Mirijam Bopp, Erkan Karacayli, Mikail Tufan, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. Martin Großmann, Erich Hallhuber, Christine 22.06.2011 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Neubauer, Janina Flieger, Klaus Wallner, tba BestellNr.: 20040437 21.04.2011 Hans Gast, Melwin Canady, Iman Cagla, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040215 Klaus Stiglmeier, Rolf Kanies, Peter Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern Rappenglück, Karl Knaup, Abdul Eshágzae, und ich (Blu-ray) Misfits - Nicht gesellschaftsfähig Martin Feifel - Dir. Franz Xaver Bogner Meet The Fockers (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2004-2006 min. Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Universum Film(Bayerischer Rundfunk) The Misfits Barbra Streisand, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo, 15.04.2011 Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, Montgomery Tim Blake Nelson, Alanna Ubach, Ray Sant- tba BestellNr.: 20040410 Clift, Eli Wallach, Thelma Ritter, James Bar- iago, Kali Rocha, Shelley Berman, Owen ton, Estelle Winwood, Kevin McCarthy - Dir. Wilson, Spencer Pickren, Bradley Pickren, My Soul to Take John Huston Dorie Barton, Jack Plotnick - Dir. Jay Roach My Soul To Take Drama 1960 124min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interview Max Thieriot, John Magaro, Denzel Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Whitaker, Zena Grey, Nick Lashaway, Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 115min. Jeremy Chu, Emily Meade, Raúl Esparza, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040231 Paramount Home Jessica Hecht, Frank Grillo, Danai Jekesai Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.05.2011 Mr. und Mrs. Smith Gurira, Harris Yulin, Shareeka Epps, Elena 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040461 Hurst, Dennis Boutsikaris, Trevor St. John, Mr. And Mrs. Smith Eric Zuckerman, Felix Solis, Shannon Carole Lombard, Robert Montgomery, Gene Meine verrückte türkische Hoch- Walsh, Alexandra Wilson, Alberto Vasquez, Raymond, Jack Carson, Philip Merivale, zeit Lou Sumrall - Dir. Wes Craven Lucile Watson, William Tracy - Dir. Alfred Florian David Fitz, Mandala Tayde, Hilmi Horror 2010 103min. Hitchcock Sözer, Gandi Mukli, Katrin Saß, Charly Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Hübner, Aykut Kayacik, Özay Fecht - Dir. Komödie 1941 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 16.06.2011 Stefan Holtz (E) 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040408 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Castingaufnahmen, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Outtakes, Bildergalerie Nachtspuren Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 93min. 23.06.2011 Stefanie Narbe, Jule Everts, Frank Mohme, Turbine Medien 15.04.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040422 Nova Meierhenrich, Dennis Quernheim, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040136 Monsterkino - Megapiranha / Christian Pollmann, Philipp Stute, Gerhard Mercenary for Justice (Blu-ray) Monster / 100 Million BC (Blu-ray) Waschke, Marte-Feeline Waschke, Michael Grothe, Shpresa Faqi, Christopher Lorenz - Dir. Griff Furst, Erik Estenberg, Eric (k.J.) Dir. Michael Grothe, Andreas Hartmann, Forsberg Mercenary For Justice Marvin , Christopher Lorenz Steven Seagal, Luke Goss, Jacqueline Horror 250min. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Making of Lord, Adrian Galley, Langley Kirkwood, Dan dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 65min. Hurst - Dir. Don E. FauntLeRoy 26.05.2011 bellaphon records(Great Movies) Making of, Trailer, Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040340 25.03.2011 Action/Thriller 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040304 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Monsters (Limited Edition, 2 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Discs, Steelbook) Der nackte Kuss 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040411 Monsters The Naked Kiss Scoot McNairy, Whitney Able - Dir. Gareth Constance Towers, Anthony Eisley, Michael Merlin und das Schwert Excalibur Edwards Dante, Virginia Grey, Patsy Kelly, Betty Merlin And The Book Of Beasts Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Kurzfilm Bronson, Marie Devereux - Dir. Samuel James Callis, Laura Harris, Jesse Moss, Science Fiction/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD Fuller Patrick Sabongui, Donald Adams, Jim 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min. Drama 1964 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Thorburn, Maja Stace-Smith, Daniel Capelight Pictures(SquareOne) 20.05.2011 88min. Cudmore - Dir. Warren P. Sonoda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040290

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Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Clay Borris, Richard Lewis, Don 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040182 23.06.2011 McCutcheon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040423 Kriminalfilm/Mystery 1989-1993 FF DD 2.0 Okinawa - The Last Battle (Blu- (D) DD 2.0 (E) 575min. ray) Needle - Deinem Schicksal ent- Koch Media 27.05.2011 Manatsu No Orion kommst du nicht (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040275 Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Toru Masuoka, Yuta Needle Hiraoka, Masaya Kikawada, Yoshikuni Jane Badler, Ben Mendelsohn, Tahyna Nordic Watching Box (4 Discs) Dôchin, Mutsutoshi Furuhata, Hiroshi Tozzi, Jessica Marais, Travis Fimmel, Mi- (k.J.) Tamaki - Dir. Tetsuo Shinohara chael Dorman, Trilby Glover, John Jarratt, Bleeder / Genie und Wahnsinn / Babas Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Khan Chittenden, Malcolm Kennard, Luke Cars / Ambulance 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 125min. Carroll, Nathaniel Buzolic - Dir. John V. Dir. Rafael Edholm, Nicolas Winding Refn, Musketier Media 27.05.2011 Soto Tomas Villum Jensen, Laurits Munch-Peter- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040184 Behind the Scenes sen Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Action/Komödie 1999-2006 363min. Ong Bak 3 (Einzel-Disc, Uncut) 97min. FilmConfect AG 15.04.2011 (k.J.) KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040199 Ong-Bak 3 14.04.2011 Tony Jaa, Dan Chupong, Sarunyu 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040155 Notruf California - Staffel 4, Teil 1 Wongkrachang, Sorapong Chatree, Nirut Needle - Deinem Schicksal ent- (3 DVDs) Sirichanya - Dir. Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai Emergency! Wendecover kommst du nicht (k.J.) Randolph Mantooth, - Dir. Action/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Needle George Fenady, Christian J. Nyby II (D) DD 5.1 (Thai) 95min. Jane Badler, Ben Mendelsohn, Tahyna Action/Abenteuer 1972-1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) Splendid Film(Amazia) 24.06.2011 Tozzi, Jessica Marais, Travis Fimmel, Mi- DD 1.0 (E) 539min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040326 chael Dorman, Trilby Glover, John Jarratt, Koch Media 27.05.2011 Khan Chittenden, Malcolm Kennard, Luke 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040285 Onkel Silas (2 Discs) Carroll, Nathaniel Buzolic - Dir. John V. Hannes Messemer, Cornelia Köndgen - Dir. Soto Notruf California - Staffel 4, Teil 2 Wilhelm Semmelroth Behind the Scenes (3 DVDs) Kriminalfilm 1977 (D) 165min. Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 in-akustik 29.04.2011 Emergency! (E) 94min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040427 KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Randolph Mantooth, Kevin Tighe - Dir. 14.04.2011 George Fenady, Christian J. Nyby II Oxygen - Lebendig begraben 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040146 Action/Abenteuer 1972-1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 539min. (Blu-ray) New Kids - 19 Folgen in der Koch Media 27.05.2011 Oxygen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040286 Maura Tierney, Adrien Brody, Terry Kinney, Superstaffel! (k.J.) James Naughton, Laila Robins, Paul New Kids Ohne jede Spur Calderon, Dylan Baker - Dir. Richard Dir. Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil Shepard Audiokommentar, Trailer Abandoned Brittany Murphy, Dean Cain, Mimi Rogers, Wendecover Komödie Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Holl) Thriller 1999 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Peter Bogdanovich, Jay Pickett, Tim 54min. 5.1 (E) 93min. Thomerson, Scott Leet, America Young, Black Hill Pictures 15.04.2011 Splendid Film 24.06.2011 Tara Subkoff, Kristen Kerr, Denver 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040288 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040357 Dowridge, Javen Campbell - Dir. Michael Nick Knight - Der Vampircop - Feifer Pacific Blue - Die Strandpolizei, Trailer Staffel 2, Teil 1 (3 Discs) Thriller/Mystery 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 1. Staffel Forever Knight DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 84min. Pacific Blue Rick Springfield, John Kapelos, Robert Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 Jim Davidson, Paula Trickey Harper, Richard Fancy, Laura Johnson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040159 Episodenübersicht, Booklet, Trailer, Wendecover Craig Richard Nelson, Fran Ryan, Cec Action/Drama 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Verrell - Dir. Farhad Mann, Allan Kroeker, Ohne jede Spur (Blu-ray) (E) 568min. Gerard Ciccoritti, René Bonnière, Michael Abandoned Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Levine, Brad Turner, Jorge Montesi, Steve Brittany Murphy, Dean Cain, Mimi Rogers, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040401 Dimarco, Mitchell Gabourie, Nicholas J. Peter Bogdanovich, Jay Pickett, Tim Gray, Gary Farmer, , Leon Marr, Thomerson, Scott Leet, America Young, Edition (3 Discs) Clay Borris, Richard Lewis, Don Tara Subkoff, Kristen Kerr, Denver 88 Minutes / Kurzer Prozess - Righteous McCutcheon Dowridge, Javen Campbell - Dir. Michael Kill / Serpico Kriminalfilm/Mystery 1989-1993 FF DD 2.0 Feifer Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, 50 Cent, Carla (D) DD 2.0 (E) 575min. Trailer Gugino, John Leguizamo, Donnie Wahlberg, Koch Media 27.05.2011 Thriller/Mystery 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) Brian Dennehy, Trilby Glover, Saidah Arrika 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040274 DTS-HD 7.1 (E) 88min. Ekulona, Alan Rosenberg, Barry Primus, Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 Melissa Leo, Alan Blumenfeld, Sterling K. Nick Knight - Der Vampircop - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040172 Brown, Oleg Taktarov, Shirly Brener, Frank Staffel 2, Teil 2 (3 Discs) John Hughes, Terry Serpico, Alicia Witt, Forever Knight Okinawa - The Last Battle Amy Brenneman, LeeLee Sobieski, Neal Rick Springfield, John Kapelos, Robert Manatsu No Orion McDonough, Benjamin McKenzie, William Harper, Richard Fancy, Laura Johnson, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Toru Masuoka, Yuta Forsythe, Tony Roberts, John Randolph, Craig Richard Nelson, Fran Ryan, Cec Hiraoka, Masaya Kikawada, Yoshikuni Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire, Allan Rich - Dir. Verrell - Dir. Farhad Mann, Allan Kroeker, Dôchin, Mutsutoshi Furuhata, Hiroshi Jon Avnet, James Foley, Sidney Lumet Gerard Ciccoritti, René Bonnière, Michael Tamaki - Dir. Tetsuo Shinohara Making of, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, TV-Spots, Bilderga- Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 lerie, Trailer, Wendecover, Dokumentation Levine, Brad Turner, Jorge Montesi, Steve Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1973-2008 328min. (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 120min. Dimarco, Mitchell Gabourie, Nicholas J. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 23.06.2011 Musketier Media 27.05.2011 Gray, Gary Farmer, Jon Cassar, Leon Marr, tba BestellNr.: 20040404

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Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 Paranormal Ghosts (k.J.) Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040449 Ghosts Of Goldfield monster - Staffel 4, Teil 1 (2 Kellan Lutz, Marnette Patterson, Mandy Discs) (Blu-ray) The Romantics Amano, Scott Whyte, Chuck Zito, Ashly The Romantics Primeval Rae, John Bloom, Roddy „Rowdy“ Piper - Anna Paquin, Josh Duhamel, Adam Brody, Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew Dir. Ed Winfield Malin Akerman, Katie Holmes, Elijah Wood, Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, Bildergalerie Jeremy Strong, Candice Bergen, Dianna James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Horror 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD Agron, Rebecca Lawrence - Dir. Galt Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. Niederhoffer Payne, Cilla Ware KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Komödie/Drama 2010 93min. 14.04.2011 Making of Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2007-2010 Ltbx Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040147 DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) Germany) 23.06.2011 315min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040314 Parker Lewis - Der Coole von der polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2011 Schule: Die komplette Staffel 3 (5 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040156 The Romantics (Blu-ray) Discs) The Romantics Anna Paquin, Josh Duhamel, Adam Brody, Parker Lewis Can’t Lose The Quiet Earth Malin Akerman, Katie Holmes, Elijah Wood, Corin Nemec, Billy Jayne, Troy W. Slaten, The Quiet Earth Jeremy Strong, Candice Bergen, Dianna Maia Brewton, Abraham Benrubi, Melanie Bruno Laurence, Alison Rutlege, Peter Agron, Rebecca Lawrence - Dir. Galt Chartoff, John Pinette, Timothy Stack - Dir. Smith, Norman Fletcher, Tom Hyde, Wallace Niederhoffer Mike Finney, Rob Bowman, Larry Shaw Downie - Dir. Geoff Murphy Komödie/Drama 2010 97min. Komödie 1992-1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Audiokommentar, Trailer Science Fiction 1984 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch (E) 540min. DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Germany) 23.06.2011 Turbine Medien 29.04.2011 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 24.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040349 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040137 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040271 Sauna - Wash Your Sins Platoon (25th Anniversary) (Blu- The Quiet Earth (Blu-ray) ray) (Steelbook) (k.J.) The Quiet Earth Sauna Platoon Bruno Laurence, Alison Rutlege, Peter Ville Virtanen, Tommi Eronen, Viktor Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Smith, Norman Fletcher, Tom Hyde, Wallace Klimenko, Tolk, Kari Ketonen, Sonja Sheen, Francesco Quinn, Forest Whitaker, Downie - Dir. Geoff Murphy Petäjäjärvi, Vilhelmiina Virkkunen, Taisto Kevin Dillon, John C. McGinley, Richard Audiokommentar, Trailer Reimaluoto - Dir. Antti-Jussi Annila Edson, Keith David, Reggie Johnson - Dir. Science Fiction 1984 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA - Trailer Oliver Stone (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 95min. Horror/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Kriegsfilm/Drama 1986 120min. Atlas Film Home Entertainment 24.06.2011 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Finn) 81min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040330 Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.05.2011 Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040183 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040228 Die Rache der kupfernen Schlan- ge Scarface (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Point Break - Gefährliche Bran- The Mysterious Dr. Satan Scarface dung Eduardo Cianelli, Robert Wilcox, William Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Point Break Newell, Ella Neal, Jack Mulhall, Edwin Stan- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Log- Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary ley, Bud Geary, Ken Terrell, Alan Gregg - gia, F. Murray Abraham, Paul Shenar - Dir. Busey, Lori Petty, John C. McGinley - Dir. Dir. William Witney, John English Brian De Palma Kathryn Bigelow Science Fiction 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) 108min. Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making ofs, U-Control, BD-Live, Pocket Blu Action/Thriller 1991 118min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing App Warner Home Video Germany 17.06.2011 AG(Ostalgica) 06.05.2011 Thriller 1982 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040244 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040145 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 08.09.2011 Point Break - Gefährliche Bran- Emilie Richards: Denk nur an uns 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040343 dung (Blu-ray) beide / Sehnsucht nach Sandy Point Break Bay Der Schneider von Ulm Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Theresa Scholze, Hendrik Duryn, Edward Tilo Prückner, Hannelore Elsner, Vadim Busey, Lori Petty, John C. McGinley - Dir. Hall, Ella Edward, Anna White, Eva Haber- Glowna, Harald Kuhlmann, Dieter Schidor, Kathryn Bigelow mann, Johanna Klante, Gila von Weiters- Rudolf Wessely - Dir. Edgar Reitz Action/Thriller 1991 118min. hausen, Claudia Rieschel, Nick Bell-Booth, Bildergalerie, Presseheft als PDF, Wendecover Drama 1978 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 112min. Warner Home Video Germany 17.06.2011 Phil Brown, Rachel Forman, Judy McIntosh, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040256 Nina Bott, Kai Schumann, Christoph 09.06.2011 Grunert, Teresa Harder, Dave Jamieson, tba BestellNr.: 20040402 Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- Gina Vanessi, Paige Henry, Aleni Tufuga, monster - Staffel 4, Teil 1 (2 Charlie Bleakley - Dir. John Delbridge, Oli- Das Schwarze Loch ver Dommenget Discs) The Black Hole Melodram 2010-2011 min. Primeval Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Robert Universum Film(ZDF Video) 06.05.2011 Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew Forster, Joseph Bottoms, Yvette Mimieux, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040168 Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, Ernest Borgnine, Tom McLoughlin - Dir. James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Road Trip: Bier Pong Gary Nelson Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Science Fiction 1979 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Road Trip: Beer Pong Payne, Cilla Ware DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Preston Jones, Michael Trotter, Daniel Making of Walt Disney Studios Home Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2007-2010 Ltbx Newman - Dir. Steve Rash Entertainment(Disney) 01.06.2011 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 315min. Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes tba BestellNr.: 20040190 polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2011 Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040154 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 93min.

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Die Schwarze Narzisse (Blu-ray) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. Long - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Black Narcissus dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS Deborah Kerr, Sabu, David Farrar, Flora 26.05.2011 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. Robson, Jean Simmons, Esmond Knight - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040336 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.06.2011 Dir. Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger tba BestellNr.: 20040132 Drama 1947 FF DD 1.0 (D) 87min. The Silent House Intergroove Media(Starlight) 06.05.2011 La Casa Muda Soul Men (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040463 Florencia Colucci, Gustavo Alonso, Abel Soul Men Tripaldi - Dir. Gustavo Hernandez Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac, Sharon Separation City Wendecover, Trailer Leal, Affion Crockett, Isaac Hayes, Adam Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Separation City Herschman, Sean Patrick Hayes, Jackie DD 5.1 (Sp) 79min. Joel Edgerton, Rhona Mitra, Danielle Long - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.07.2011 Cormack, Thomas Kretschmann, Les Hill, Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040405 David Wenham, Blerim Destani - Dir. Paul DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 100min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.06.2011 Middleditch The Silent House (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD tba BestellNr.: 20040144 La Casa Muda 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 107min. Florencia Colucci, Gustavo Alonso, Abel MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 Space Transformers - Angriff aus Tripaldi - Dir. Gustavo Hernandez dem All 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040163 Wendecover, Trailer Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Iron Invader Separation City (Blu-ray) (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 83min. Nicole de Boer, Chelah Horsdal, Jesse Separation City Kinowelt Home Entertainment 07.07.2011 Moss, Kavan Smith, Donnelly Rhodes, Chri- Joel Edgerton, Rhona Mitra, Danielle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040413 stopher Gauthier, Colby Johannson, Paul Cormack, Thomas Kretschmann, Les Hill, McGillion - Dir. Paul Ziller David Wenham, Blerim Destani - Dir. Paul Slow Burn - Verführerische Falle Making of, Trailer Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Middleditch Slow Burn DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD , LL Cool J, Mekhi Phifer, Taye Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 111min. Diggs, Jolene Blalock, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Guy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040312 MIG Filmgroup 22.06.2011 Torry, Bruce McGill - Dir. Wayne Beach 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040176 Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Space Transformers - Angriff aus Shadow und der Fluch des Khan (D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min. dem All (Blu-ray) The Shadow Atlas Film Home Entertainment 06.05.2011 Iron Invader Alec Baldwin, John Lone, Penelope Ann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040205 Nicole de Boer, Chelah Horsdal, Jesse Miller, Peter Boyle, Sir Ian McKellen, Tim Moss, Kavan Smith, Donnelly Rhodes, Chri- Curry, Jonathan Winters, Sab Shimono, Slow Burn - Verführerische Falle stopher Gauthier, Colby Johannson, Paul Andre Gregory - Dir. Russell Mulcahy (Blu-ray) McGillion - Dir. Paul Ziller Fantasy/Thriller 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Slow Burn Making of, Trailer Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) 107min. Ray Liotta, LL Cool J, Mekhi Phifer, Taye DTS-HD 7.1 (E) 90min. Koch Media 06.05.2011 Diggs, Jolene Blalock, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Guy Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040207 Torry, Bruce McGill - Dir. Wayne Beach Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040345 She Underdog - Ich liebe einen Drama/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Hund MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Star Trek (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Star Trek Heavy Petting Atlas Film Home Entertainment 06.05.2011 Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Malin Akerman, Brendan P. Hines, Kevin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040220 Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Sussman, Geoffrey Cantor, Sam Coppola, Karl Urban, John Cho, Winona Ryder, Anton Juan Carlos Hernandez, Steve Rosen, Soldiers of War Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, Anthony Fazio, Karen Shallo, Mike Doyle, Spoils Of War Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Shawand McKenzie, Martha Millan, Krysten Krash Miller, Preston James Hillier, Christo- pher Karl Johnson, Russell Whaley, Chad Audiokommentar, BD-Live Ritter - Dir. Marcel Sarmiento Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) Kodiak, Mark Alkofer, Michael Kehoe - Dir. Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) Jean Liberté (E) 90min. 126min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Trailer, Bildergalerie Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 01.04.2011 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040455 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040373 KSM 16.05.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040433 Ein starkes Team: Volume 3 (2 Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund von Discs) Baskerville / Im Zeichen der Vier Soldiers of War (Blu-ray) Maja Maranow, Florian Martens, Arnfried Ian Richardson - Dir. Douglas Hickox, Des- Spoils Of War Lerche, Leonard Lansink, Tayfun mond Davis Krash Miller, Preston James Hillier, Christo- Bademsoy, Jaecki Schwarz, Richard Kropf, Kriminalfilm 1983 195min. pher Karl Johnson, Russell Whaley, Chad Anna Brüggemann, Jan Henrik Stahlberg, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Kodiak, Mark Alkofer, Michael Kehoe - Dir. Nils Nelleßen, Isabell Gerschke, Susanne 21.04.2011 Jean Liberté Schäfer, Stephan Kampwirth, Gaby Dohm, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040377 Trailer, Bildergalerie Peter Franke, Michael Goldberg, Peter Pra- Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA ger, Kirsten Block, Denis Moschitto, Helmut Sherlock Holmes (Special 3D-Edi- (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min. Zierl, Nora Tschirner, Vinzenz Kiefer, Arnel tion) (Blu-ray) KSM 16.05.2011 Taci, Hartmut Becker, Traudl Haas, Klaus J. Sherlock Holmes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040442 Behrendt, Michael Mendl, Birge Schade, Ben Syder, Gareth David-Lloyd, Dominic Tonio Arango, Marlon Kittel, Roman Keating, William Huw, Elizabeth Arends, Soul Men Schikorsky, Wilfried Pucher - Dir. Johannes David Shackleton, Rachael Evelyn, Neil Soul Men Grieser, Peter Fratzscher, Peter F. Bring- Williams - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac, Sharon mann 2D- & 3D-Fassung enthalten, inkl. zwei 3D-Brillen Leal, Affion Crockett, Isaac Hayes, Adam Kriminalfilm 2003-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) Herschman, Sean Patrick Hayes, Jackie

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(D) 360min. Trailer Tron Collection: Tron - Das Origi- Abenteuer 1964 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 06.05.2011 nal / Tron Legacy (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040293 97min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 Tron / Tron Legacy Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040415 Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David War- ner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Tomorrow, When the War Began Shore, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano, Cross Of Iron Tomorrow, When The War Began Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, James Frain, James Coburn, Maximilian Schell, James Rachel Hurd-Wood, Phoebe Tonkin, Caitlin Beau Garrett, Michael Sheen, Anis Cheurfa Mason, Klaus Löwitsch, David Warner, Stasey, Ashleigh Cummings, Lincoln Lewis, - Dir. Steven Lisberger, Joseph Kosinski Vadim Glowna, Senta Berger - Dir. Sam Chris Pang, Andy Ryan - Dir. Stuart Beattie Science Fiction 1982-2010 212min. Peckinpah Wendecover, Making of, Interviews, Alternatives Ende, Entfal- Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Featurettes, Interviews, TV-Spot, Trailer, Wendecover lene Szenen, Outtakes 01.06.2011 Kriegsfilm 1976 Ltbx DTS-HD 1.0 MA (D) Action/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040186 PCM (E) 132min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 Splendid Film 27.05.2011 Tron: Legacy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040412 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040317 Tron Legacy Tempel-Ritter I-III (3 Discs) Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Transformers - Die Rache (Einzel- Bruce Boxleitner, James Frain, Beau Tempel-Ritter I-III Disc) (Blu-ray) Garrett, Michael Sheen, Anis Cheurfa - Dir. Dir. Giacomo Campeotto, Kasper Barfoed Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Joseph Kosinski Abenteuer 2006-2008 254min. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 FilmConfect AG 15.04.2011 Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Ramon DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040198 Rodriguez, Kevin Dunn, , Julie (Türk) 120min. Der Texaner (Blu-ray) White - Dir. Michael Bay Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Audiokommentar 01.06.2011 Josey Wales Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040185 Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 Locke, Bill McKinney, John Vernon, Sam (It) 150min. Tron: Legacy (Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray Bottoms, Geraldine Keams, Paula Trueman, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 2D, + Digital Copy, 3 Discs) (Blu- Woodrow Parfrey, Joyce Jameson, Sheb 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040453 Wooley, Royal Dano - Dir. Clint Eastwood ray) Western 1976 min. Transformers (Einzel-Disc) (Blu- Tron Legacy Warner Home Video Germany 17.06.2011 ray) Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040263 Bruce Boxleitner, James Frain, Beau Transformers Garrett, Michael Sheen, Anis Cheurfa - Dir. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Thor, der Allmächtige Joseph Kosinski Tyrese Gibson, Anthony Anderson, Amaury Almighty Thor Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS- Nolasco, Rachael Taylor, John Turturro, Jon Cody Deal, Richard Grieco, Kevin Nash - HD 7.1 HR (D) DTS-HD 57.1 MA (E) DD 2.0 Voight, Kevin Dunn, Michael O’Neill, Julie Dir. Christopher Ray (E) DTS-HD 7.1 HR (F) 125min. White - Dir. Michael Bay Fantasy/Action 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Action/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 DD 5.1 (E) 85min. 01.06.2011 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040193 (It) 143min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040280 Paramount Home Tron: Legacy (Blu-ray) Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.05.2011 Thor, der Allmächtige (Blu-ray) Tron Legacy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040452 Almighty Thor Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Cody Deal, Richard Grieco, Kevin Nash - Tron (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Bruce Boxleitner, James Frain, Beau Dir. Christopher Ray Garrett, Michael Sheen, Anis Cheurfa - Dir. Tron Making of, Bloopers, Deleteted Scenes, Original Trailer Joseph Kosinski Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David War- Fantasy/Action 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS- ner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan 5.1 (E) 88min. HD 7.1 HR (D) DTS-HD 57.1 MA (E) DD 2.0 Shore, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano - Dir. dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 (E) DTS-HD 7.1 HR (F) 125min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040333 Steven Lisberger Dokumentationen, Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Entfallene und Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment alternative Szenen 01.06.2011 Tim und Struppi - Tim und das Science Fiction 1982 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040192 Geheimnis um das goldene Vlies 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 96min. (Blu-ray) Walt Disney Studios Home Unsere Farm in Irland: Wolken Tintin Et Le Mystère De La Toison D’Or Entertainment(Disney) 01.06.2011 über der Küste / Neue Zeiten Jean-Pierre Talbot, Georges Wilson, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040191 Eva Habermann, Daniel Morgenroth, Laura Georges Loriot, Charles Vanel, Dario Sonntag, Isolda Dychauk, Noemi Slawinski, Moreno, Demos Starenios, Ulvi Uraz, Mar- Tron Collection: Tron - Das Origi- Kathi Leitner, Klaus Wildbolz, Jürgen cel Bozzuffi - Dir. Jean-Jacques Vierne nal / Tron Legacy (2 Discs) (Blu- Kluckert, Natalie O’Hara, Martin Kluge, Trailer ray) Helmfried von Lüttichau, Ferenc Graefe, Abenteuer 1961 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) Tron / Tron Legacy Johanna Klante, Ulrich Anschütz, Mathias 96min. Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David War- Herrmann, Thure Riefenstein - Dir. Karl Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 ner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan Kases, Karola Meeder 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040414 Shore, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano, Drama/Lovestory 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Tim und Struppi - Tim und die Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, James Frain, Beau Garrett, Michael Sheen, Anis Cheurfa Universum Film(ZDF Video) 13.05.2011 blauen Orangen (Blu-ray) - Dir. Steven Lisberger, Joseph Kosinski 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040296 Tintin Et Les Oranges Bleues Science Fiction 1982-2010 221min. Jean-Pierre Talbot, Jean Bouise, Félix Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Vampire - Verstecken war ge- Fernandez, Jenny Orléans, Angel Alvarez, 01.06.2011 stern! Max Elloy, Franky François, André Marié - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040194 Vampires Dir. Philippe Condroyer Paul Ahmarani, Julien Doré, Carlo Ferrante,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 23 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Alexandra Kamp, Pierre Lognay, Vera Van 7.1 (E) 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040329 Dooren, Fleur Lise Heuet, Benedicte Bantu- Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 elle, Selma Alaoui, Baptiste Sornin - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040170 Wake Wood (k.J.) Vincent Lannoo Wake Wood Komödie/Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD The Vector File Ella Connolly, Eva Birthistle, Aidan Gillen, 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 88min. The Vector File Amelia Crowley, Brian Gleeson, Dan Gor- MIG Filmgroup 09.06.2011 Casper Van Dien, Catherine Oxenberg, don, Ruth McCabe, Timothy Spall - Dir. Da- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040160 India Oxenberg, Timothy Balme, Katherine vid Keating Kennard, George Henare - Dir. Eliot Chri- Trailer Vampire - Verstecken war ge- stopher Horror/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) stern! (Blu-ray) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2002 (D) 87min. DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Atlas Film Home Entertainment 27.05.2011 Vampires bellaphon records(Great Movies) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040270 Paul Ahmarani, Julien Doré, Carlo Ferrante, 25.03.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040311 Alexandra Kamp, Pierre Lognay, Vera Van War Zone Dooren, Fleur Lise Heuet, Benedicte Bantu- Die Mandela-Verschwörung / Namibia: elle, Selma Alaoui, Baptiste Sornin - Dir. Vera Cruz (Blu-ray) The Struggle for Liberation Vincent Lannoo Vera Cruz Dir. Pete Travis, Charles Burnett Komödie/Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD , Gary Cooper, Ernest Kriegsfilm 215min. 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 92min. Borgnine, Denise Darcel, Cesar Romero, dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 MIG Filmgroup 09.06.2011 Sara Montiel, George MacReady - Dir. Ro- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040282 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040173 bert Aldrich Western 1954 94min. - Die kom- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Watchmen - Die Wächter (Einzel- plette erste Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu- Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 Disc) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040233 Watchmen ray) Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew The Vampire Diaries Das Vermächtnis der Azteken Goode, Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle Haley, Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, The Lost Treasure Of The Grand Canyon Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson - Dir. Steven R. McQueen, Katerina Graham, Michael Shanks, Shannen Doherty, JR Zack Snyder Candice Accola, Zach Roerig, Michael Bourne, Toby Berner, Heather Doerksen, Action/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS- Trevino, Sara Canning, Kayla Ewell, Duncan Fraser, Peter New, Byron Chief- HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) Marguerite MacIntyre, Chris William Martin, Moon, Alan C. Peterson, Rob McConachie, 163min. Jasmine Guy, Malese Jow - Dir. Marcos Peter Kent - Dir. Farhad Mann Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 Siega Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040454 Fantasy/Mystery 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Abenteuer/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 5.1 (E) min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. We Want Sex Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 KSM 16.05.2011 Made In Dagenham 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040252 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040435 Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson, Geraldine James, Rosamund The Vampire Diaries - Die kom- Das Vermächtnis der Azteken Pike, Andrea Riseborough, Daniel Mays, plette erste Staffel (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Jaime Winstone, Kenneth Cranham, Rupert The Vampire Diaries The Lost Treasure Of The Grand Canyon Graves, John Sessions, Roger Lloyd Pack, Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Michael Shanks, Shannen Doherty, JR Richard Schiff, Lorraine Stanley, Nicola Steven R. McQueen, Katerina Graham, Bourne, Toby Berner, Heather Doerksen, Duffett, Matthew Aubrey - Dir. Nigel Cole Candice Accola, Zach Roerig, Michael Duncan Fraser, Peter New, Byron Chief- Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trevino, Sara Canning, Kayla Ewell, Moon, Alan C. Peterson, Rob McConachie, Outtakes, B-Roll, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Marguerite MacIntyre, Chris William Martin, Peter Kent - Dir. Farhad Mann (E) 108min. Jasmine Guy, Malese Jow - Dir. Marcos Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Siega Abenteuer/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 16.06.2011 Fantasy/Mystery 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040315 (D) DD 5.1 (E) min. KSM 16.05.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040443 Warner Home Video Germany 03.06.2011 We Want Sex (Blu-ray) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040235 Vindication - Schuld zeigt keine Made In Dagenham Vater wider Willen Gnade (k.J.) Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson, Geraldine James, Rosamund The Last Request Vindication Pike, Andrea Riseborough, Daniel Mays, Danny Aiello, T.R. Knight, Joe Piscopo, Keith Fraser, Miguel Lopez, Jerry Murdock, Jaime Winstone, Kenneth Cranham, Rupert Mario Cantone, Frank Vincent, Sabrina William Archiello, Henry Borriello, Raine Graves, John Sessions, Roger Lloyd Pack, Lloyd, Vincent Pastore, Tony Lo Bianco, Brown, Alan Rowe Kelly, Talia Marrero - Richard Schiff, Lorraine Stanley, Nicola Barbara Feldon, Mary Birdsong, Gilbert Dir. Bart Mastronardi Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Duffett, Matthew Aubrey - Dir. Nigel Cole Gottfried, Nick Scotti - Dir. John DeBellis Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Horror/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Outtakes, B-Roll, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. dtp entertainment AG 26.05.2011 HD 5.1 MA (E) 113min. Sunfilm Entertainment 07.04.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040281 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040157 16.06.2011 Wake Wood (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040350 Vater wider Willen (Blu-ray) Wake Wood The Last Request Ella Connolly, Eva Birthistle, Aidan Gillen, Weites Land (Blu-ray) Danny Aiello, T.R. Knight, Joe Piscopo, Amelia Crowley, Brian Gleeson, Dan Gor- The Big Country Mario Cantone, Frank Vincent, Sabrina don, Ruth McCabe, Timothy Spall - Dir. Da- Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Carroll Lloyd, Vincent Pastore, Tony Lo Bianco, vid Keating Baker, Charlton Heston, Burl Ives, Charles Barbara Feldon, Mary Birdsong, Gilbert Trailer Bickford, Chuck Connors, Alfonso Bedoya, Horror/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Gottfried, Nick Scotti - Dir. John DeBellis Dorothy Adams - Dir. William Wyler DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 91min. Trailer Western 1958 166min. Komödie 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) DTS-HD Atlas Film Home Entertainment 27.05.2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 24 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Izudin Bajrovic, Jasna Zalica, Luna Mijovic Bob Dylan - Don’t Look Back (Blu- Germany(MGM/UA) 10.06.2011 - Dir. Jasmila Zbanic ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040229 Trailer Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (Bos- Dont Look Back Das Wiegenlied vom Totschlag nisch) 99min. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Alan Price, Donovan, Albert Grossman, Allen Ginsberg, (Blu-ray) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 13.05.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040387 Bob Neuwirth, Marianne Faithfull, John Soldier Blue Mayall, Tito Burns, Derroll Adams, Howard Candice Bergen, Peter Strauss, Donald Zwischenwelten (k.J.) Alk, Jones Alk - Dir. D. A. Pennebaker Pleasence, John Anderson, Jorge Rivero, Closet Space Musikfilm 1967 FF DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) Dana Elcar, James Hampton - Dir. Ralph Melanie Donihoo, Jovan Jackson, James min. Nelson LaMarr, Morgan McCarthy, Evan Scott, Sony Music Division: Wendecover International(Columbia) 22.04.2011 Western 1970 Ltbx DTS-HD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD Peyton Wetzel - Dir. Mel House 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040341 1.0 (E) DTS-HD 1.0 (Sp) DTS-HD 1.0 (It) Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Fantasy 2007 (D) 98min. 116min. bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Louis Malle Box: Indien (3 Discs, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 23.06.2011 25.03.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040439 OmU) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040310 Kalkutta / Phantom Indien World Trade Center (Einzel-Disc) Dir. Louis Malle (Blu-ray) Dokumentation 1969 FF DD 1.0 (F) 462min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot World Trade Center Music Le Fou) 10.06.2011 Nicolas Cage, Michael Peña, Maggie 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040386 Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Stephen Dorff, Jay Hernandez, Michael Shannon, Brad Henke, AC/DC - Let there be Rock Sounds and Silence Peter McRobbie, Frank Whaley, Wass M. AC/DC - Let There Be Rock! Manfred Eicher - Dir. Peter Guyer, Norbert Stevens - Dir. Oliver Stone AC/DC - Dir. Eric Dionysius, Eric Mistler Wiedmer Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szene Musikfilm 1979 min. Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD Dokumentarfilm 2009 DD 5.1 min. Warner Home Video Germany 10.06.2011 5.1 (F) 129min. good!movies(Arsenal) 29.04.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040234 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.05.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040206 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040458 AC/DC - Let there be Rock (Blu- What the Bleep Do We (K)now?! Zombie Rage (Uncut) (Blu-ray) ray) (Spirit Movie Edition) (k.J.) AC/DC - Let There Be Rock! What The Bleep Do We Know?! AC/DC - Dir. Eric Dionysius, Eric Mistler The Rage Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Musikfilm 1979 min. Andrew Divoff, Reggie Bannister, Misty Bowie, Robert Bailey Jr., Barry Newman, Warner Home Video Germany 10.06.2011 Mundae, Rachel Scheer, Sean Serino, Larry , Robert Blanche - Dir. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040251 Louie Kurtzman - Dir. Robert Kurtzman Mark Vicente, Betsy Chasse, William Arntz Audiokommentar, Making of, Musikvideos, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar,Trailer Trailer Mark Stewart: On/Off - Pop Group Dokumentarfilm 2004 108min. Horror 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) to Maffia AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Horizon 81min. Nick Cave, Keith LeBlanc, Keith Levine, Film) 15.04.2011 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.05.2011 Massive Attack, Daniel Miller, Gareth Sager, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20039966 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040462 Adrian Sherwood, Mark Stewart - Dir. Tøni Schifer Zombie Rage (Uncut) (k.J.) Musikfilm 2009 83min. The Rage AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Andrew Divoff, Reggie Bannister, Misty AG(Monitorpop Entertainment) 29.04.2011 Mundae, Rachel Scheer, Sean Serino, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040381 Louie Kurtzman - Dir. Robert Kurtzman Audiokommentar, Making of, Musikvideos, Bildergalerie, Trailer Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 81min. Special Interest Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.05.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040451 Cheech & Chong: Jetzt hat’s sich Zombies Anonymous (k.J.) ausgeraucht Last Rites Of The Dead Cheech And Chong: Get Out Of My Room Gina Ramsden, Joshua Nelson, Mary Jo Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong - Verruto, Shannon Moore, Jocasta Bryan, Dir. Richard „Cheech“ Marin Kelly Ray, J. Scott Green, Kevin T. Collins, Interview, Wendecover Amy Margaret, Jenna Sindoni - Dir. Marc Dokumentation 1983 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Fratto (E) 55min. Bildergalerie MIG Filmgroup 12.05.2011 Horror/Komödie 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040050 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 100min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) La Danse - Das Ballett der Pariser 14.04.2011 Oper (OmU) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040148 La Danse - Le Ballet De L’Opéra De Dir. Frederick Wiseman Zwischen uns das Paradies Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Na Putu 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 158min. Zrinka Cvitesic, Leon Lucev, Ermin Bravo, good!movies(Kool) 29.04.2011 Mirjana Karanovic, Marija Köhn, Nina Violic, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040378 Sebastijan Cavazza, Jasna Ornela Bery,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Die Fantasy Filmfest Nights 2011 im Rückblick von Wolfram Hannemann

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011

Samstag, 02. April 2011 es auf das Geld der Familie abgesehen. Vater Jaime wird dazu gezwungen, mit 13 ASSASSINS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) einem der Täter und sämtlichen Geld- OT: Jûsan-nin No Shikaku karten zum nächstgelegen Bank- Anbieter (Label): Ascot Elite Home automaten zu fahren, um die Konten Entertainment leerzuräumen. Mutter und Tochter blei- Vertrieb: Ascot Elite Home ben als Geiseln in den Händen der Entertainment Komplizen. Ausgerechnet jetzt dreht Land/Jahr: Japan, Großbritannien 2010 einer der Typen durch und das Martyri- Regie: Takashi Miike um nimmt seinen Lauf... Fast ohne Darsteller: Kôji Yakusho, Tsuyoshi Schnitte lieferte Miguel Angel Vivas Ihara, Yusuke Iseya seinen Thriller ab. Die gibt es nur beim Kinostart: nicht vorhanden Wechsel der Filmrollen. Ansonsten bleibt die Kamera stets in Bewegung, Im Japan des 18. Jahrhunderts regiert folgt in langen Steadycam-Shots den Fürst Naritsugu, eine Abkömmling des Darstellern durch das riesige Haus Shogun, das Land mit äußerster Härte. oder fährt im Auto mit zum Was anderes kann man auch von einem Bankomaten. Doch Vivas hält seinen Sadisten schon erwarten? Um den vie- eindrucksvollen Stil leider nicht ganz len Qualen ein Ende zu bereiten, rotten durch und unterbricht diesen durch sich ein paar mutige Samurais zusam- den sehr willkürlich erscheinenden Ein- men. Ihr Plan: sie wollen Naritsugu satz der “Split Screen”-Technik, die während seiner Reise durch die Provinz dem Zuschauer zwei parallel ablaufen- umbringen. Doch der Übermacht von de Handlungstränge präsentiert. Was fänglicher Blockade willigt er ein, sich 200 Kriegern stehen sie nur zu allerdings bei diesem äußerst brutalen von den Studenten bei seiner Arbeit dreizehnt gegenüber... Takashi Miikes Thriller am meisten stört, ist der Dilet- beobachten zu lassen. Deren Skepsis Filme sind eigentlich schon lange tantismus, den die Gangster hier an bezüglich Trollen wird jetzt ganz Pflicht auf dem “Fantasy Filmfest”. den Tag legen. Das könnte vermutlich schnell aus dem Weg geräumt... Kaum ein anderer japanischer Regis- jeder Zuschauer besser! Nervtötend “Mockumentaries” sind in. Ganz im Stil seur bringt eine solche Flut von Filmen auch das ständige hysterische Ge- von Filmen wie BLAIR WITCH hervor wie dieses Enfant Terrible des schrei der beiden Frauen, das unwei- PROJECT, CLOVERFIELD oder REC asiatischen Kinos. In seinem Historien- gerlich dazu führt, dass man sich in- tarnt sich der Film von André Øvredal spektakel geht es dem Meister dabei brünstig wünscht, dass die Bösen die- als Videoband, das nach dem Ver- weit weniger um die Darstellung der ser akustischen Folter ein Ende berei- schwinden der Protagonisten irgendwo politischen Lage seines Landes in jener ten. Miguel Angel Vivas‘ Film ist letzt- aufgefunden wurde und jetzt in nicht Zeit oder gar um präzise Charakter- endlich eine Art Michael Haneke für überarbeiteter Form dem Publikum prä- zeichnungen. Sein Hauptaugenmerk Arme – ohne Nebenwirkungen. sentiert wird. Herausgekommen ist da- liegt hier auf ganz klar auf der Action. bei eine höchst vergnügliche Geschich- Wenn sich die 13 tapferen Samurais mit TROLL HUNTER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) te, die sich hervorragend darauf ver- den Heerscharen des Fürsten duellie- OT: Trolljegeren steht, eindrucksvolle visuelle Effekte ren, dann fliegen die Fetzen. Allerdings Verleih: Universal nahtlos in die imposante norwegische hat man derartige Martial Arts Märchen Land/Jahr: Norwegen 2010 Landschaft mit ihren vielen Seen, Ber- schon in besserer Variation erleben Regie: André Øvredal gen und Wäldern einzufügen. Der nie- dürfen. Erinnert sei hier an AZUMI, in Darsteller: Otto Jespersen, Glenn Er- mals lächelnde Hans entpuppt sich al dem es eine junge Frau mit Hunderten land Tosterud, Johanna Mørck ein wahrer Profi in Sachen Trolle und von gestandenen Kriegern lässige auf- Kinostart: 07.04.2011 erklärt dem Filmteam die vielen unter- nimmt und damit echten Pep beweist. schiedlichen Varianten, die sich in Nor- Eigentlich will das dreiköpfige studen- wegens Bergwelt verstecken. Doch KIDNAPPED (1:2.35, DD 5.1) tische Filmteam einem Wilderer auf die sein Job macht ihm nicht mehr so viel OT: Secuestrados Spur kommen, der im norwegischen Spaß wie früher, seit Überstunden Anbieter (Label): Universum Film Bergland Braunbären tötet. Einen Ver- nicht mehr bezahlt werden und es auch Vertrieb: Universum Film dächtigen haben die drei auch gleich keine Nachtzuschläge mehr gibt! Wer Land/Jahr: Spanien 2010 parat: ein seltsamer Kauz, der in einem jetzt allerdings glaubt, dass man hier Regie: Miguel Angel Vivas abgewrackten Wohnwagen haust und nur lachen kann, dem demonstriert Darsteller: Ana Wagener, Fernando nachts mit seinem Land Rover durch André Øvredal, dass es auch anders Cayo, Manuela Vellés die Landschaft düst. Die Studenten geht. Anhand eines bombastischen Kinostart: nicht vorhanden hängen sich an seine Fersen nur um Sounddesigns, dem nur technisch aus- festzustellen, dass ihr vermeintlicher gereifte Kinos Stand halten können, Gerade erst sind Jaime, Marta und ihre Wilderer ganz anderes im Schilde führt. sorgt er bei der fröhlichen Trolljagd Tochter in ihre neue Villa eingezogen, Denn der Herr mit “Indiana Jones”-Hut durchaus auch für Schreckmomente. als sich am Abend plötzlich Maskierte auf dem Kopf jagt Trolle! Das Filmteam TROLL HUNTER dürfte zweifelsohne auf brutale Weise Zugang zum Haus ist davon überzeugt, dass Hans – so das Sahnestückchen der “Fantasy Film- verschaffen. Die bösen Buben haben sein Name – ein Spinner ist. Nach an-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 fest Nights” gewesen sein. Ein Geheim- decken die Kids eine mit vielen Schlös- gen. Während eines Unfalls kann er tipp, den man sich nicht entgehen las- sern verriegelte Tür auf dem Keller- seine Häschern entkommen und findet sen sollte. boden. Diese führt in ein unendlich sich inmitten eines tief verschneiten tiefes Loch. Doch die Kids hätten diese Waldes wieder. Nichtsahnend wo er I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (1:2.35, DD Tür niemals öffnen sollen... Man kann sich befindet, hat er nur ein Ziel: Über- 5.1) es ganz gut verstehen, dass sich für leben. Jerzy Skolimowskis im letzten OT: I Spit On Your Grave diesen Film unter Regie von Joe Dante Jahr bei den Filmfestspielen in Venedig Anbieter (Label): Sunfilm (GREMLINS) kein deutscher Filmverlei- mit dem Spezialpreis der Jury und dem Entertainment her gefunden hat. THE HOLE wird hier- Preis für den besten Hauptdarsteller Vertrieb: Sunfilm Entertainment zulande direkt auf DVD und Blu-ray ausgezeichnete Film kommt fast kom- Land/Jahr: USA 2010 erscheinen und ist nur während der plett ohne Dialoge aus. Wenn gespro- Regie: Steven R. Monroe “Fantasy Filmfest Nights” im Kino zu chen wird, dann nur Unbedeutendes. Darsteller: Sarah Butler, Chad Lindberg, sehen. Dantes Film ist schlicht und Viel wichtiger erscheint hier der Über- Tracey Walter ergreifend einfach viel zu konventio- lebenskampf eines Menschen, der da- Kinostart: nicht vorhanden nell! Es ist, als ob Dantes eist nach wie für notwendigerweise töten muss. vor in den achtziger Jahren verweilt. Skolimowski zeigt zwar grausame Sze- Eine junge Frau mietet sich in einem Die Story ist komplett vorhersehbar, nen, aber er lässt seine Kamera nie di- vollkommen abgelegenen Wald- bietet die üblichen Logikbrüche und rekt daran teilhaben, wodurch sein Film häuschen im amerikanischen Hinterland vermag kaum Spannung aufzubauen. noch viel intensiver wirkt. ESSENTIAL ein, um dort in Ruhe ihren Roman Überdies bedient sich der Regie- KILLING ist Arthaus-Kino, das eine schreiben zu können. Es dauert nicht altmeister berühmter Vorbilder. So zi- innere Spannung erzeugt, die den Zu- lange, bis plötzlich die vier Jungs von tiert er nicht nur seinen eigenen Film schauer weit mehr zu fesseln vermag der nahe gelegenen Tankstelle in ihrem GREMLINS (jetzt ist es eine - als jeder konventionelle Actionfilm. Haus stehen, sie bedrängen, foltern puppe, die für Angst und Schrecken Aufgrund der ausgezeichneten Ton- und schließlich brutal vergewaltigen. sorgt), sondern auch Bernard Roses und Bildarbeit des Films wäre eine Selbst der Sheriff ist dabei mit von der alptraumhaften PAPERHOUSE (hier wie Kinoauswertung höchst wünschens- Partie. Als die Männer die junge Frau dort taucht ein böser Vater auf). Sogar wert. Die allerdings wird es in Deutsch- umbringen wollen, kann sie sich in letz- die gängigen Szenen aus japanischen land nur während der “Fantasy Filmfest ter Minute retten. Jetzt beginnt ihr Horrorfilmen der Neuzeit sind enthalten Nights” geben. Freilich gehört der Film kompromissloser Rachefeldzug... Das (ein kleines, untotes Mädchen sowie dort eigentlich gar nicht hin, aber die Remake eines bekannten “Rape & andere Wesen, die ins Loch hinein- Festivalmacher waren schon immer für Revenge” Thrillers aus den siebziger krabbeln). Viel zu kurz geraten ist der ein paar Überraschungen gut. Danach Jahren vermeidet Spannung und zielt Auftritt von Dick Miller, den Dante in wird der Film hierzulande leider nur auf direkt auf die niedersten Instinkte des allen seinen Filmen auftauchen lässt. DVD und Blu-ray vermarktet. Schade Publikums. Hier geht es nicht um Dafür gibt es eine Performance von darum. Schuld und Sühne oder Rache und Ge- Bruce Dern, die Erinnerungen an Chri- rechtigkeit, sondern nur darum, mög- stopher Lloyds Darstellung des Profes- BURKE & HARE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) lichst grausame Hinrichtungsmethoden sors aus ZURÜCK IN DIE ZUKUNFT OT: Burke & Hare anschaulich und en detail zu demon- wachrufen. Also alles kalter Kaffee, für Anbieter (Label): Ascot Elite Home strieren. I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE ge- den es schwer sein wird, zahlendes Entertainment hört damit zweifelsfrei zur Gattung des Publikum zu finden. Immerhin: eine net- Vertrieb: Ascot Elite Home “Torture Porns”. Wer will so etwas tat- te Gute-Nacht-Geschichte zum Thema Entertainment sächlich sehen? Ich jedenfalls nicht. “Stelle Dich Deiner Angst, damit Du sie Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 überwinden kannst”. Regie: John Landis THE HOLE (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Darsteller: Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis, OT: The Hole Sonntag, 03. April 2011 Isla Fisher Verleih: Ascot Elite Kinostart: nicht vorhanden Land/Jahr: USA 2009 ESSENTIAL KILLING (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Regie: Joe Dante OT: Essential Killing Im schottischen Edinburgh des 19. Darsteller: Teri Polo, Haley Bennett, Verleih: Ascot Elite Jahrhunderts schlagen sich die beiden Chris Massoglia, Bruce Dern Land/Jahr: Polen, Norwegen, Irland, “Unternehmer” Burke und Hare mit Kinostart: nicht vorhanden Ungarn 2010 halbseidenen Geschäften durch das Regie: Jerzy Skolimowski Leben. Als die renommierten Mediziner Zum wiederholten Male bereits muss Darsteller: Vincent Gallo, Emmanuelle der Stadt für ihre Forschungszwecke Teenager Dane mit seinem jüngeren Seigner, Zach Cohen Leichen benötigen, die jedoch seit ei- Bruder und seiner Mutter umziehen. Kinostart: nicht vorhanden ner Gesetzesänderung nicht mehr ohne Seit der Vater im Gefängnis ist, reist die Weiteres zu beschaffen sind, springen kleine Familie von Ort zu Ort. Während In der zerklüfteten Felsenlandschaft die beiden Gauner mit ihrer neuen sich seine Mutter auf einen nagelneuen Afghanistans fällt ein Taliban-Kämpfer Geschäftsidee in die Presche. Für gutes Job freut, findet Dane das neue Domi- in die Hände der Amerikaner. Nach ei- Geld sollen sie mindestens zwei Lei- zil, ein kleines Vororthäuschen, einfach nem Martyrium aus Verhör und Folter chen pro Woche beschaffen. Doch da nur ätzend. Bis er die hübsche Nachba- wird er schließlich zusammen mit ande- leider keine Epidemie herrscht und rin Julie kennenlernt. Eines Tages ent- ren Gefangenen außer Landes geflo- auch sonst recht wenig gestorben wird,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 greifen Burke und Hare zu drastische- macht den Film erträglich. Hier hätte reicht hat, so liegt man damit weit da- ren Mitteln... Die Eröffnungscredits man sich allerdings weit mehr Sarkas- neben und merkt ganz schnell, dass legen die Marschroute gleich von An- mus und schwarzen Humor gewünscht. das nur das Vorspiel war. Das ausge- fang a fest: “Dieser Film beruht auf MOTHER’S DAY nimmt sich einfach feilte und äußerst dynamische Sound- einer wahren Geschichte. Mit Ausnah- viel zu ernst. design peitscht die effektvolle Film- me der Teile, die frei erfunden sind”. musik stets voran und sorgt dafür, Damit überlässt Regisseur John Landis dass man ab und zu das Atmen seinem Publikum die Entscheidung vergisst. Vor dem Konsum dieses Thril- über Dichtung und Wahrheit. Eine Auf- lers muss allerdings ein Warnung aus- gabe, die man bei dieser rabenschwar- gesprochen werden: das ist alles ande- zen Komödie gerne wahrnimmt! Mit re als leichte Kost! bestem britischen Witz und noch bes- serem schottischen Akzent präsentiert WAKE WOOD (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Landis ein handverlesenes Ensemble, OT: Wake Wood das das ohnehin schon sehr gelungene Anbieter (Label): Atlas Film Home Drehbuch mit Leben erfüllt. Der Film Entertainment avanciert binnen Minuten bereits zu Vertrieb: Koch Media einem Geheimtipp für Gourmets schwar- Land/Jahr: Irland, Großbritannien 2010 zen Humors! Wie immer bei Filmen von Regie: David Keating Landis gibt es bekannte Filmschaffen- Darsteller: Ella Connolly, Eva Birthistle, de in Gastauftritten zu sehen (u.a. Aidan Gillen Special Effect Guru Ray Harryhausen Kinostart: nicht vorhanden und Kameramann Robert Paynter). Tol- le Schauspieler, stimmiges Nachdem die beiden Eltern ihre kleine Produktionsdesign, guter Score – in Tochter bei einem tragischen Unfall einem Wort: klasse Kino! verloren haben, lassen sie sich in dem kleinen englischen Ort Wake Wood MOTHER’S DAY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) nieder. Bald schon erfahren sie, dass OT: Mother’s Day die Bewohner der Dorfes ihre kleine Anbieter (Label): Kinowelt Home Tochter für drei Tage wieder zum Leben Entertainment I SAW THE DEVIL (1:1.85, DD 5.1) erwecken können. Sie lassen sich dar- Vertrieb: Kinowelt Home Entertainment OT: Akmareul Boatda auf ein, ohne die Konsequenzen zu Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Anbieter (Label): Splendid Film bedenken... Britisches Kino der “Old Regie: Darren Lynn Bousman Vertrieb: WVG Medien School”, das leider etwas darunter lei- Darsteller: Rebecca De Mornay, Jaime Land/Jahr: Südkorea 2010 det, dass die Geschichte in die Gegen- King, Deborah Ann Woll Regie: Kim Ji-Woon wart transportiert wurde. Denn eine Kinostart: nicht vorhanden Darsteller: Lee Byung-hun, Jeon Gook- verschworene, kleine Dorfgemeinschaft hwan, Cheon Ho-jin mit dunklen Geheimnissen und magi- Während in dem kleinen Vorort- Kinostart: nicht vorhanden schen Kräften will so ganz und gar häuschen mehrere befreundete Paare im nicht in die Jetzt-Zeit passen. Die wäre Keller eine Party feiern, dringen vier Als seine junge Ehefrau von einem viel besser (und vor allem wirkungsvol- Bankräuber auf der Flucht in das Haus sadistischen Killer auf bestialische ler!) in einem Schwarzweiß-Film der ein und terrorisieren die Anwesenden. Weise abgeschlachtet wird, beginnt fünfziger Jahre aufgehoben. Damit Als schließlich auch noch die Mutter deren Mann, ein Geheimagent, seinen belibt WAKE WOOD nur mäßig span- der Räuber mitsamt Töchterlein ein- privaten Rachefeldzug gegen den nend und bietet die genre-üblichen trifft, wird es richtig schlimm... Das Serienmörder. Dabei mutiert dieser Bluteffekte, welche ganz und gar nicht Remake eines achtziger Jahre Kult- selbst nach und nach zu einem extrem notwendig gewesen wären. Gruselkino schockers ähnelt in seinem Aufbau brutalen Monster, vor dem sich ohne Nebenwirkungen. sehr dem spanischen KIDNAPPED, der schließlich sogar der Serienkiller fürch- am Vortag bei den “Fantasy Filmfest ten muss... Die mit Abstand brutalste Nights” zu sehen war. Leider bietet der Blutschlacht, die im Rahmen der Film des SAW-Regisseurs Darren Lynn “Fantasy Filmfest Nights” zu sehen Bousman nicht gerade viel, um Konsu- war. Es ist schier unglaublich, was Ko- menten glücklich zu machen. Denn wie reaner alles an Schmerzen einstecken bereits in I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, so können! Doch bei all seinen extremen setzt auch dieses Werk mehr Wert auf Grausamkeiten bietet I SAW THE Brutaloeinlagen denn auf Spannung. DEVIL Adrenalinkino vom Feinsten. Und einmal mehr erweist sich das Dreh- Hier stimmt das Drehbuch und die Dar- buch als etwas weltfremd im Hinblick steller können ihre Rollen glaubhaft auf die Handlungsweisen sowohl der vermitteln. Seine 140 Minuten Spielzeit Bösen als auch der Guten. Einzig und vergehen wie im Flug. Und wenn man allein die von Rebecca De Mornay mit glaubt, dass der Film nach der ersten souveräner Lässigkeit gespielte Mutter halben Stunde bereits sein Ende er-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 29 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

puts the pedal to the metal! Expirence Cars for the first time DVD! The first 9 episodes, including both the English and on Disney Blu-ray — Magic in High Definition. Revved up Spanish language versions, are contained in this collection! with a sensational soundtrack, featuring Rascal Flatts, Sheryl Animated Animals 201min. Animation Crow, John Mayer, James Taylor and others, plus exciting bonus features, including the exclusive short movie „Mater Vina Distribution 22.02.2011 The Avengers: Captain America And The Ghostlight,“ Cars is full of free 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099387 Auto Racing, Comedy, Computer Animation, Reborn! - Volume 2 Disney, Family, Racing, Sports 2006 116min. Eckhart: Vol. 2 - Little Mouse Big Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Disney / Buena Vista 12.04.2011 Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superheroes City 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099230 These are big adventures from a very small perspective - that 1999 135min. of a brave mouse named Eckhart, who has an irrepressible Disney / Buena Vista 26.04.2011 Chop Kick Panda curiosity and sense of wonder about the mysteries of his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099148 world. Enjoy these nine half hour episodes of this renowned Fists Of Fury And A Heart Of Gold. Lu is a large (okay, fat) family series which explores and celebrates the pioneering lovable panda who is the sixth generation owner of the Tae spirit and the joys and the challenges of growing up! All 27 The Avengers: Heroes Assemble! Kwan Do dojo. What Lu doesn’t know is that buried beneath episodes, broadcast worldwide in 138 countries, are the dojo is the ancient Amulet of Fury. The mythical amulet available now for the first time in the on DVD! - Volume 1 gives its owner the ultimate power and protection. When the The second set of 9 episodes, including both the English and villainous tiger warrior, Kudo, terrorizes the small village in Spanish language versions, are contained in this collection! Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, pursuit of the amulet, it’s up to Lu and his rag-tag team of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superheroes martial artists to stop him! Animated Animals min. 1999 154min. Computer Animation, Animated Animals Vina Distribution 22.02.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 26.04.2011 45min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099388 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099147 Gaiam Americas 10.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099019 Eckhart: Vol. 3 - Freedom For All Bob The Builder: The Big Dino These are big adventures from a very small perspective - that of a brave mouse named Eckhart, who has an irrepressible Dig The Movie Clerks: Uncensored (Animated curiosity and sense of wonder about the mysteries of his Grab your shovels and join the fun as Bob the Builder and his Series) world. Enjoy these nine half hour episodes of this renowned family series which explores and celebrates the pioneering terrific team dig up ancient suprises in this all-new movie. A Exclusive 2-Disc Collection!. Based on Kevin Smith’s cult new truck named Rubble joins the Can-Do Crew to help build spirit and the joys and the challenges of growing up! All 27 comedy classic, this outrageous anthology brings together episodes, broadcast worldwide in 138 countries, are available an enormous amusement park, but when things get difficult every hilarious episode of Clerks: Uncensored — including 4 with seagulls and impossible lumps, it’s up to the team to work now for the first time in the United States on DVD! The final 9 never before seen anywhere! It’s the continuing adventures of episodes, including a special bonus, the Christmas Special, together to finish the job, unearthing some prehistoric clerks Dante and Randal, two guys just trying to make the dinosaur bones along the way. Hold on to your hard hat for a The True Meaning of Crumbfest, are contained in this best of menial labor! With constant interference from the collection in both the English and Spanish language versions! roller coaster ride of thrills, discovery and fun! outlandish Jay and Silent Bob — follow the clerks’ wildly Stop Motion Animation, Family min. improbable antics from one riotous episode to the next! Filled Animated Animals min. Lionsgate 14.06.2011 with big laughs and hysterical jabs at popular culture — Vina Distribution 22.02.2011 anyone who enjoys fun, irreverent comedy won’t want to miss 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099389 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099133 it! Work Sucks, Based On Feature Film, Bratz: Best Friends Forever Comedy, Cult Film / TV 2000 min. Franklin: Franklin And The Celebrate BFFs with the Bratz! Cloe, Sasha, Yasmin and Jade Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Gloomy Day discover that true friends are forever in four super-amazing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099380 The weather is gloomy and so is Franklin, when there is no episodes packed with friendship and fun! From offering up a one to play with and nothing to do. With Mom and Dad’s little constructive criticism when a friend loses her way, to encouragement, and his own creative imagination, Franklin helping a new friend build confidence in herself, or realizing Danny And The Dinosaur learns how to chase away those boredom blues. it’s best to stay true to yourself, the Bratz always put their friends first! Includes episodes „Extremely Madeover,“ „The Dinosaurs 50min. Animated Animals min. Cloe Life,“ „The Great Melting Pot,“ and „Bye-Bye Burdine.“ Scholastic 28.06.2011 Phase 4 Films 17.05.2011 Family min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098834 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099442 Lionsgate 07.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098865 The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate The Ghost In The Shell: Individual Wash Eleven (Blu-ray) Care Bears: Flower Power The year is 2030, and an influx of refugees have effortlessly Spring has sprung in Care-a-lot! All the Care Bears are here Educational, Animated Animals min. transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as and full of sunshine cheer in eight tales blooming with Flower Scholastic 28.06.2011 the „Individual Eleven.“ With a sadistic intent of mass Power! When Share’s Dilly Daisies become a fashion craze, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098849 destruction, will they triumph in victory or discover the everyone learns it’s about the Bear, and not what they wear, gloomy pitfalls of defeat? that count! And discover what happens when Oopsy believes Action, Anime 2011 161min. a four-leaf clover will bring him the good luck he needs before Donkey Xote a big race. Then, prepare for a heatwave as Grizzle aims his Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 ‘Magnifrier’ on Care-a-lot, and only the Thunderwhales’ James Phillips, Steve Salazar 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099169 cooling rain can help restore spring. Join the Care Bears for Follow Rucio, the most adventurous, brave, and mischievous fun in the sun and more in these adventures! Includes 8 donkey of Castile as he tells the true story of the legendary episodes: „FLower Power,“ „Luck ‘OThe Oopsy,“ „Heatwave,“ Don Quixote. Rucio jumps at the opportunity to join Don Ghost In The Shell: Laughing „Erased,“ „Bubbles,“ „Harmony Unplugged,“ „Belly Blanked,“ Quixote on his quest to battle The Half Moon Knight and Man (Blu-ray) and „Good Knight Bedtime.“ overcome the dangerous obstacles that lurks them on the way. Family, Foreign, Spanish, Animated Animals New information is revealed to Japan’s top homeland security Family, Animated Animals min. force, drawing Major Kusanagi and Section 9 into the hunt for Lionsgate 07.06.2011 2007 90min. a suspect capable of hacking the eyes of every operative, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098868 Phase 4 Films 26.04.2011 obscuring all details of his appearance and leaving behind a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099086 trail of copycats and hacked cyborg citizens. Anime 2011 106min. Cars (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Dora The Explorer: It’s Haircut Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099168 Cheech Marin, Paul Dooley, Larry The Day Cable Guy, Bonnie Hunt, Owen Wilson, Paul 2011 95min. Ghost In The Shell: Solid State Newman, George Carlin, Tony Shalhoub, Nickelodeon 03.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099223 Society (Blu-ray) Michael Keaton, John Ratzenberger Public Security Section 9 investigates the hacker and Disney/Pixar Cars, the high-octane adventure comedy from discovers a complex conspiracy involving a crippled senior the creators of Toy Story, The Incredibles and Finding Nemo, Eckhart: Vol. 1 - Eckhart The Bra- citizen program, a zealous right-wing politician, and a corrupt now looks and sounds better than ever in this Blu-ray Disc civil service bureaucracy. created from the original digital source file. Hotshot race car ve Foreign, Action, Anime 2011 109min. Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) is living life in the fast These are big adventures from a very small perspective - that lane — until he hits a detour and gets stranded in Radiator of a brave mouse named Eckhart, who has an irrepressible Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 Springs, a forgotten town on the old Route 66. There he meets curiosity and sense of wonder about the mysteries of his 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099167 Sally, Mater, Doc Hudson (Paul Newman), and a heap of world. Enjoy the first nine half hour episodes of this hilarious characters who help him discover there’s more to renowned family series which explores and celebrates the life than trophies and fame. Go deeper into the world of Cars pioneering spirit and the joys and the challenges of growing Giggle Giggle Quack... And More than you ever dreamed possible in eye-popping visual clarity. up! All 27 episodes, broadcast worldwide in 138 countries, Stories By Doreen Cronin Feel the sound of roaring engines and rock to the rhythm of are available now for the first time in the United States on some smokin’ roadhouse riffs with audio enhancement that Farmer Brown goes on vacation, leaving his brother Bob in

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA charge. Little does Bob know that Duck has changed all of Scholastic 28.06.2011 Allegro Entertainment 21.06.2011 Farmer Brown’s instructions on how to take care of the animals. Duck sees an ad for a talent show in the newspaper, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098836 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099139 so the animals quickly put acts together hoping to win the grand prize. Unhappy with the working conditions on the farm, He’s Got the Whole World In His K-ON! Volume 2 Duck campaigns to put himself in charge! This fun-filled look into the daily ins and outs of a lovable underground dweller Hands ...And More Stories To As the Light Music Club rehearses for their performance at shows us that a worm’s life is really not so different from our the school festival, they realize that they are not officially own. Take a peek into the day-to-day life of a little fly that Celebrate the Environment registered as a club. They need to quickly find a faculty wants to be a super hero and is not afraid to dream big! Collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook Treasures advisor but that’s not something that a little blackmail can’t Educational, Animated Animals 84min. and read along on screen with your favorite classic children’s fix. As their new club advisor, Miss Yamanaka coaches Yui to stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. This Thanksgiving become the frontman of the band but pushes her to the point of Scholastic 30.03.2010 Address is a message of peace and appreciation of Mother losing her voice. Mio is forced to be the lead vocalist but can 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099291 Earth and all her inhabitants. A young girl and her father take she overcome her stage fright? Later, the Light Music Club a magical, night-time walk through the snowy woods in search celebrates Christmas with a party and gift exchange and soon of the Great Horned Owl. another school year begins. If they want the Light Music Club The Girl Who Leapt Through to live on even after they graduate, they’re going to have to Educational, Animated Animals min. recruit new members and that means another performance at Space: Volume 2 Scholastic 16.02.2010 the freshman reception! After the battle on the moon, the Shishidos and Itsuki meet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099070 Anime, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Music with Leopard and revelations are made about Nerval and the brain colonies. Akiha briefly returns to school but a min. mysterious box appears requesting to be delivered to the head HIT Favorites: Sweet Dreams Bandai Visual 14.06.2011 of the Shishido family. But before the girl in the box, that Put on your jammies and snuggle in for eight sleepytime 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099043 escaped from Nerval, can reveal information about Enigma, adventures. Join Thomas as he lights up the tracks for an Aleida attacks and retrieves the box. In order to capture a evening concert and see how Angelina discovers the thief who has been stealing energizer mirrors from the colony, importance of a good night’s sleep during her sleepless K-ON! Volume 2 (Blu-ray) Akiha sets a trap but the plan backfires and in the ensuing sleepover. Then, watch as Barney? shows you the magic of As the Light Music Club rehearses for their performance at battle, everyone falls to the earth. There they witness first- nighttime and Bob the Builder? lights up a football field for a the school festival, they realize that they are not officially hand a Terra Abduction and meet the man who created the nighttime game! Your favorite friends are waiting to cuddle up registered as a club. They need to quickly find a faculty brain colonies. Will Akiha and her friends find a way to return for a night of family fun. advisor but that’s not something that a little blackmail can’t to space? Educational, Family, Preschool min. fix. As their new club advisor, Miss Yamanaka coaches Yui to Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Lionsgate 24.05.2011 become the frontman of the band but pushes her to the point of Science Fiction min. losing her voice. Mio is forced to be the lead vocalist but can 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098822 she overcome her stage fright? Later, the Light Music Club Bandai Visual 07.06.2011 celebrates Christmas with a party and gift exchange and soon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099041 another school year begins. If they want the Light Music Club The Illusionist (Blu-ray + DVD to live on even after they graduate, they’re going to have to Combo) (Blu-ray) recruit new members and that means another performance at Gnomeo & Juliet (Blu-ray + DVD) the freshman reception! From the Director of the Oscar-nominated classic The (Blu-ray) Triplets Of Belleville, The Illusionist is a story about two Anime, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Music From the director of Shrek 2 comes your chance to step into paths that cross. While touring concert halls, theaters and min. the secret world of garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet. Perfect pubs, an aging, down-on-his-luck magician encounters a Bandai Visual 14.06.2011 for the whole family, this fresh and funny makeover of one of young girl at the start of her life’s journey. Alice is a teenage the world’s most timeless stories features music from Sir girl with all her capacity for childish wonder still intact. She 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099183 Elton John, and the voice talents of Emily Blunt, James plays at being a woman without realizing the day to stop McAvoy and Sir Michael Caine. Caught up in a feud between pretending is fast approaching. She doesn’t know yet that she The Little Cars 6: Fast Lane Fury neighbors, Gnomeo and Juliet must overcome as many loves The Illusionist like she would a father; he already obstacles as their namesakes. But with flamboyant pink knows that he loves her as he would a daughter. Their Start your engines! The Little Cars return to the race track for flamingos and epic lawnmower races, can this young couple destinies will collide, but nothing - not even magic or the the most thrilling adventure yet! Get ready to join TOny and find lasting happiness? Complete with hilarious never-before- power of illusion - can stop the voyage of discovery. his friends in these 4 new animated fatures: Formula One, The seen bonus features, Gnomeo & Juliet is an out-of-the- 2010 80min. Send Off, Flying Tires & Friends On A Farm. Computer Animation 76min. ordinary animated comedy your entire family will love. We just Home Entertainment gnome it! Gaiam Americas 07.06.2011 10.05.2011 Disney, Family 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099012 Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098689 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099340 I’m Dirty / I Stink (2 Pack) Magical Witch Punie-Chan Gnomeo & Juliet (Blu-ray 3D + Educational 122min. Special Edition Scholastic 28.06.2011 On the outside, Punie-chan looks like your average magical DVD+ Digital Copy) girl. She’s a cheery princess from another land, she’s From the director of Shrek 2 comes your chance to step into 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098837 attending school on Earth for the year, and she has an adora- the secret world of garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet. Perfect ble animal sidekick. But cross her and prepare to pay the for the whole family, this fresh and funny makeover of one of I’m Dirty! price! This sweet young lady becomes a merciless force of the world’s most timeless stories features music from Sir destruction, leaving bodies - utterly broken by her signature Elton John, and the voice talents of Emily Blunt, James Educational min. submission holds - in her righteous wake. And while it seems McAvoy and Sir Michael Caine. Caught up in a feud between Scholastic 28.06.2011 that she has more enemies than friends, and that even her neighbors, Gnomeo and Juliet must overcome as many sidekick is out to get her, no one can deny that Punie-chan is obstacles as their namesakes. But with flamboyant pink 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098838 irresistible in one shape or another. flamingos and epic lawnmower races, can this young couple Anime 2011 FF S 120min. find lasting happiness? Complete with hilarious never-before- Jackboots On Whitehall Allegro Entertainment 28.06.2011 seen bonus features, Gnomeo & Juliet is an out-of-the- ordinary animated comedy your entire family will love. We just Ewan McGregor, Richard E. Grant, Rosa- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099140 gnome it! mund Pike, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Spall, Boxed Sets, Disney, Family min. Alan Cumming, Richard Griffiths, Dominic March On! The Day My Brother Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 West, Sanjeev Bhaskar Martin Changed The World... And 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099326 British, Comedy, Foreign, Action, Puppets, More Stories About African Ame- Stop Motion Animation, War, World War II Goat Story 2010 91min. rican History In this crazy tale of love and hilarious misfortune, a country New Video DVD 19.07.2011 Martin Luther King Jr.’s sister travels back to 1963 to present boy named Jemmy, and his friend Goat, move to the big city to a personal, stirring account of the remarkable day when Dr. experience life to the fullest. Trouble ensues when Katy, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099052 King delivered his „I Have A Dream Speech.“ Using quotes streetwise girl, falls in love with Jemmy, making Goat the from some of his beloved speeches, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. unwilling third wheel. Hold onto your hats as Goat introduces Kanokon: OVA Collection comes to life in this profound and important biography about us to a special brand of B-A-A-A-A-D behavior that sets this beliefs and dreams and following one’s heart. The powerful sleepy town alight with laughter. With the arrival of summer and the school break, Chizuru, true story of a young slave who mails himself to freedom. Kota, and the rest of their friends are lazily enjoying the warm Educational, African Americans 69min. Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, weather. In this leisurely slice of life story, the relationship Czech, Family, Foreign 2008 80min. between them is explored - and nothing unusual happens Scholastic 12.01.2010 Phase 4 Films 31.05.2011 outside of their usually odd lives! Chizuru flirts with Kota, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098864 Kota gets embarrassed, and Nozomu gets in the way. Tayura 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099444 pines after Akane, Akane rebuffs Tayura, and a sexy good time ensues. The status quo isn’t quite the same since the fox Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Good Night Gorilla snared her prey, but the timeless boy-meets-girl tale lingers Mickey’s Great Outdoors on. Animated Animals 160min. Join Mickey, Donald and the gang for laughter, surprises, and Anime 2011 Ltbx S 60min. blue skies! Everyone’s excited, because today is the big

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Clubhouse Camp Out. Help your pals pick the right 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099083 Lazy is tricked by the other Smurfs into believing he has slept Mouseketools so they can pitch their tents, catch gooey fish his life away. A bunch of disgruntled Smurfs try to get even on Circle Lake and earn their camping badges. Then, get with a human army that has rampaged the village. Johan, ready for adventure and exploration as Mickey and Minnie set Revolutionar Girl Utena: Student Peewit, and the Smurfs search for the magic fountain to off on a jungle safari in search of a rare, legendary flower. energize an enslaved people. Lazy is led to believe that he There’s always a world of fun under the sun in Mickey’s Council Saga Limited Edition Set has only a few days left to live, encouraging him to do some Great Outdoors! Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Student Council Saga. Now a physical feats he hasn’t thought of doing before. The Smurfs Disney, Family 120min. spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori find a way to douse the flames of a fire-breathing dragon Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places being used by an evil master to capture slaves for his diamond Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her mine. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098825 into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its Family, Fantasy 183min. members. Contains episodes 1-12 (the events of the Student Council Saga). This first of three, limited-edition DVD box Warner Bros. 19.07.2011 The Missing Lynx (Blu-ray) sets features remastered video and a newly created Dolby 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099324 The film chronicles the misadventures of a rag tag group of Digital 5.1 Japanese audio track from the recent Japanese animals as they avoid being caught by a misguided millionaire DVD release, as well as Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo for English and his underlings. Watch as Felix the jinxed Lynx and his and Japanese audio, plus English-language subtitles and on- So You Want to be President? crazy collection of comrades learn the value of working screen translations. On-disc extras will include the clean ...And More Stories To Celebrate together in this unlikely tale of friendship and heroism. opening and closing, both a live-action video and TV spot for Computer Animation, Animated Animals the opening single, and TV commercials for the Japanese American History 2008 min. release. Additionally, the set is housed in a collectors’ art box Celebrate American history and learn about the public and and also include a book with content from the limited-edition private lives of our presidents. Senator Ted Kennedy and his Phase 4 Films 26.04.2011 Japanese release with episode commentary, discussions dog, Splash, invite children on a typical whirlwind day on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099189 about the series’ updated audio, video, and opening and Capitol Hill. A little girl imagines what her day would be like closing sequences, and the first installment of producti if she were Madam President. The true story of Esther Anime, Foreign, Japanese 300min. Morris, who started out life believing she could do anything, Morbito Guardian Of The Spirit: BayView Entertainment 14.06.2011 and then proved it! Complete Collection 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099356 Educational, Presidents 76min. At a time when the of nature still held the civilizations Scholastic 09.02.2010 of mankind in thrall, a single drought could spell the end of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099064 society and doom its inhabitants to piteous deaths. Prince Roary The Racing Car Chagum has been imbued with the power to stave off the Start your engines for fun and excitement with Roary The drought and bring new life to his empire. However, this is a Racing Car and his racetrack buddies, Tin Top, Zizzy, Splat The Cat... And Other Furry suspicious time and he is accused of possession by evil Dragga, and mischievous Maxi, as they zoom into exciting spirit. Court advisors see only one solution: Chagum must be high-speed adventures. The racetrack becomes a pit stop of Friends put to death by his own father’s hand. His salvation is in the great times as everyone goes the extra mile for Marsha’s The first day of school is always tough so Splat brings along form of Balsa, a spear woman and mercenary from Kanbal, the birthday party, Big Chris becomes a babysitter, and Rusty is his mouse pal, Seymour. He quickly learns that are kingdom across the mountains. Her skills are legendary, and on a roll...without wheels! Put your pedal to the metal and supposed to chase mice! What else will Splat learn? The although reluctant, she is held by a mysterious vow to save buckle up for big-time fun from start to finish! littlest mouse disappears on the way to a family outing, eight souls before she dies. Can she fend off an entire empire Family min. temporarily putting a damper on the fun and games. Will they and make Chagum her eight soul? Lionsgate 07.06.2011 ever find the little fella? What happens when the dog of the Anime 2011 Ltbx S 650min. house goes to the beach and leaves the cat at home with the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098866 Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 baby? Find out in this gentle tale. 33min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099138 Robot Chicken: Star Wars - Episo- Scholastic 10.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098762 My First Scholastic Storybook de III Treasures Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, Star Wars, Stop Motion Animation, Adult The Story About Ping... And 100min. Swim 2010 min. Other Fine Feathered Friends Scholastic 10.05.2011 Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 Dotty has the most beautiful feathers. Stalky has the most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098761 beautiful legs. Plumy has the most beautiful crest. But 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098728 whoever lays the most wonderful egg will be princess. A baby goose grows up in a loving family of woodchucks, but she The Napping House... And Other Robot Chicken: Star Wars - Episo- feels lonely and different - until she finds her wings! A duck Stories That Rhyme on a bike? Duck’s silly idea has the barnyard buzzing. But de III (Blu-ray) what are they really thinking? And what will happen next? 33min. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, Rosie, the hen, sets out for a little walk in the barnyard and is Scholastic 10.05.2011 blissfully unaware of a cunning fox that is trying to catch her. Star Wars, Stop Motion Animation, Adult 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098764 34min. Swim 2010 min. Scholastic 10.05.2011 Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098765 The North Star... And More 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098736 Stories About Following Your The Super Hero Squad Show: Dreams Scrambled States Of America... Volume 4 min. And More Stories By Laurie Kel- Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Scholastic 24.05.2011 ler Fantasy, Superheroes min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098791 66min. Shout Factory 03.05.2011 Scholastic 24.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099337 Pippi Longstocking: Pippi And 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098788 The Balloon Supernatural: The Anime Series Pippi finds a hot air balloon in the attic and decides to try it Shaun The Sheep: The Big out with Annika and Tommy. They fly to the next town and Jared Padalecki inadvertently manage to assist in the capture of two crooks. Sheep The otherworldly TV phenomenon that is Supernatural makes history entering another world: as the first-ever live-action 2006 88min. Kate Harbour, John Sparks, Justin Fletcher television show to be reimagined as an animé series. The Phase 4 Films 19.04.2011 Start your engines for fun and laughter with Shaun the Sheep internationally acclaimed animation powerhouse Madhouse 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099084 and his barnyard buddies as they speed off to stir up some Studios produces the show with the blessing of original mayhem in the meadow. The Oscar-winning creators of series creator Eric Kripke. With storylines mirroring Wallace And Gromit accelerate the laughter with revved-up Supernatural’s first two seasons plus supplemental tales Redwall: The Next Adventure adventures, from big races and chases to bikes and boats and derived from prequels and spinoffs, this 3-Disc, 22-Episode While Cluny plans to recapture the tapestry by burning down everything in between. So buckle up for a wild ride with Collection expands the dimensions of the familiar Winchester the Abby gates, Matthias is determined to renew his search Shaun, Bitzer, Shirley, Timmy, and those Naughty Pigs next mythology. Journey down the backroads of America with for Martin’s sword. He now must find Asmodeus’s hideout and door as fun on the farm shifts into high gear! brothers Sam and Dean as they search for clues to their learns that only the Fierce mouse-eating owl, Captain Snow, British, Comedy, Foreign, Stop Motion Ani- father’s disappearance, hunt down the supernatural in all its knows where it is. Join Matthias on this courageous journey mation, Animated Animals 2010 45min. unearthly forms and enter into the unexpected mystery of their to recover a legendary lost weapon, and watch as he destinies - in vibrant, exciting animé. develops the friendship between his beautiful and brave Hit Entertainment 19.04.2011 Thrillers, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Horror, mousemaid, Cornflower. Through this epic adventure he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099104 International TV, Japanese 2011 484min. realizes that a big heart and courage can be more useful than brute strength. Warner Bros. 26.07.2011 Fantasy, Animated Animals min. The Smurfs: A Magical Smurf 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099419 Phase 4 Films 12.04.2011 Adventure

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Supernatural: The Anime Series of lethal derring-do and an irresistable magnetism. Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Action, Collections, James Bond 1983 DD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099287 (Blu-ray) 5.1 min. Jared Padalecki MGM / UA 04.06.2011 4 Movie Marathon: Women With The otherworldly TV phenomenon that is Supernatural makes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099008 history entering another world: as the first-ever live-action Grit! television show to be reimagined as an animé series. The internationally acclaimed animation powerhouse Madhouse 2012: Ice Age Joan Collins, Gary Busey Studios produces the show with the blessing of original Convict Women. Four inmates escape from prison and wind up series creator Eric Kripke. With storylines mirroring When a volcanic eruption in Iceland sends a glacier hurtling stranded in the Everglade swamps. Charms Starring Gary Supernatural’s first two seasons plus supplemental tales toward North America, a family struggles to escape the Busey. Witchcraft wreaks bloody revenge on a group of derived from prequels and spinoffs, this 3-Disc, 22-Episode onslaught of the coming ice age. fugitives who hide out on a farm run by two sisters. Madame Collection expands the dimensions of the familiar Winchester Thrillers, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Claude. Allegedly based on actual events, this international mythology. Journey down the backroads of America with Disasters min. tale of intrigue tells the story of a Parisian Madame who brothers Sam and Dean as they search for clues to their provides classy call girls for the wealthy and powerful. Fatal father’s disappearance, hunt down the supernatural in all its Asylum Home Entertainment 28.06.2011 Charm Starring Joan Collins. An Italian private investigator unearthly forms and enter into the unexpected mystery of their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098959 tries to get to the bottom of a suspicious kidnapping case with destinies - in vibrant, exciting animé. the help of an exotic dancer. Anime, Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Horror, 4 Movie Marathon: Classic Action, Adventure 2011 FF S 386min. International TV, Japanese 2011 484min. Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Warner Bros. 26.07.2011 Adventures 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099289 Scott of the Antarctic. Prepare for the ultimate battle of man 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099449 vs. elements in this gripping true tale of Commander Scott, leader of the infamous and ill-fated expedition to be the first to 4 Single Fathers Tales Of The Abyss: Part 1 reach the South Pole. Island of the Lost. An anthropological expedition discovers an island inhabited by prehistoric mutant Francesco Quinn, Alessandro Gassman On the planet Audlant, global war is imminent between the versions of modern animals. The Royal Hunt of the Sun. A . . . Looking for the American dream. 4 Single Fathers. Single Kingdom of Kimlasca and the Malkuth Empire. Their conflict match of wits between conquistador Francisco Pizarro and fatherhood, ex-wives, girlfriends, private schools and just had been prophesied in the Scores, a complete history of this Inca god-chief Atahualpa. Shalimar. The greatest jewel thief everyday living are just some of the things that keep their world from its creation to its destruction once written on the who ever lived learns he is dying, and decides that his most lives in a constant state of chaos. And they will realize soon mysterious stones. It also predicts the appearance of a new prized possession should be passed on to a worthy enough that they need each other to help figure it all out. savior-hero, who is a red-haired male child with the name of successor. Rocky Relationships, Comedy, Drama, „the Light of the Sacred Flame“. Luke fon Fabre, a son of the noble family who has been confined in his father’s palace for Action, Adventure 2011 FF S 375min. Family Relationships 2009 98min. years, feels impatient and defiant like any teenage boy. When Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Osiris Entertainment 07.06.2011 a beautiful young lady named Tear suddenly intrudes into his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099290 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099352 training session and attacks General Van, who he respects as master swordsman, the spoiled kid is spirited away and forced into a series of great adventures through this 4 Movie Marathon: Hollywood 40 Days And 40 Nights alternate-reality world of swords and sorcery. Josh Hartnett, Griffin Dunne, Shannyn Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Stars Sharon Stone, Tom Hanks, Sean Connery, Sossamon, Vanessa Shaw, Paulo Costanzo Japanese min. An outrageously sexy comedy starring Josh Hartnett (Pearl Bandai Visual 07.06.2011 Joe Pesci Harbor, Black Hawk Down) and Shannyn Sossamon (A 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099039 Mazes and Monsters Starring Tom Hanks. Bound together by Knight’s Tale), 40 Days And 40 Nights is another hilarious hit a desire to play Mazes and Monsters, Robbie and his four from the producers of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones’s Diary! college classmates decide to move the board game into the On the heels of a disastrous breakup and a string of Thomas & Friends: The Birthday local legendary cavern. When Robbie starts having real-life unfulfilling romantic conquests, Matt Sullivan (Hartnett) visions, the lines between reality and fantasy fuse in this yearns to becomes a better, more complete person. In the Express harrowing adventure. The Next Man Starring Sean Connery. midst of his despair, he chooses to test himself by making a Unwrap your favorite episodes with this special Thomas & When the leaders of an oil cartel are assassinated one by vow of no sex whatsoever for 40 days and 40 nights! With Friends collection. Birthdays always come with surprises one, an Arab diplomat (Connery) on the run for his life finds everyone betting he won’t finish... and a seductive new girl in when your engine friends are geared up for the . aide in a mysterious beauty. But when he discovers that she is his life (Sossamon)... it’s all Matt can do to just hold on! Fun, Percy must safely deliver a beautifully wrapped present, an international hit lady, he is left alone to fight for his life... fresh and wildly entertaining — you’ll agree with critics while Thomas encounters a mystery as he takes Sir Topham Tears in the Rain Starring Sharon Stone. Left only with a everywhere who found this sexy comedy adventure totally Hatt to the party. Full steam ahead for birthday fun! letter after her mother’s death, with instructions to deliver the irresistible! letter to a Lord Bredon, a woman finds she is met with Family min. hostility. Despite this, she meets Lord Bredon’s son and the Romance, Comedy 2002 95min. Lionsgate 17.05.2011 two fall in love. But everything is turned upside down when Lionsgate 15.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098819 the true nature of her relationship with Lord Bredon is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098848 revealed! Ruby’s Dream Starring Joe Pesci. A small-town man looking for a big break - the owner of a bowling alley and Thundercats: Season One - Part nightclub in Jersey - Ruby Dennis sets his s Accepted / Wet Hot American One Action 2011 FF S 408min. Summer / Hamlet 2 / Bad Girls Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 In a distant galaxy, the world of Thundera is in crisis. The From Valley High (4 Movie Mara- planet’s structure has become unstable and is near collapse. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099286 With their destruction imminent, Thundera’s denizens—known thon) as the Thundercats—escape in a spaceship and plot a course for a new home. While in transit, the Thundercats are 4 Movie Marathon: Psycho Killers Teachers, College Life, Comedy, Dark attacked by evil mutants and their craft is irreparably The Beast In The Cellar. Terrifying revenge is wreaked on Comedy, High School min. damaged. Jaga, the eldest Thundercat, sacrifices himself in two sisters who kept their younger brother locked in a cellar Universal Studios 22.03.2011 order to pilot the ship safely to its destination: Third Earth. for more than 30 years. Mansion of the Doomed. An insane 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099308 Adventure, Family, Superheroes min. surgeon steals people’s eyes in hopes of performing a trans- Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 plant on his daughter. Hunting Humans. Meet Aric Blue: young, handsome, successful...serial killer. Phobic. A man Accion Y Diversion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099248 who witnesses the brutal slaying of his sister becomes agoraphobic, which becomes even more terrifying when the Manolo Cardona, Itati Cantoral, Kate del Tom And Jerry: Fur Flying killer comes back to take care of the only witness to his Castillo, Flora Martinez, Alejandra Lanza, crime. Demian Bichir, Cesar Bono, Unax Ugalde, Horror 2011 FF S 376min. Adventures - Volume 2 Miguel Rodarte, Roberto Barbery Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min. Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Tough action, side-splitting comedies, and a low price = a Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099288 perfect combination. Includes: Los Pajarracos Rosario 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098718 Tijeras 4 Movie Marathon: Thrillers Action 2010 270min. Navarre 07.06.2011 O.J. Simpson, , Lorenzo 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099090 Lamas, Robert Ulrich 83 Hours Til Dawn Starring Robert Urich. Based on a true Film story, an heiress is kidnapped and buried alive in a special According To Jim: The Complete capsule that will become her tomb in 83 hours. CIA: Code Name Alexa Starring O.J. Simpson and Lorenzo Lama. A Third Season 007 Collection: Sean Connery - terrorist is captured and convinced to work for the CIA as an Jim Belushi, Larry Joe Campbell Volume 2 informant. Cold Sweat Starring Charles Bronson. A former In this Primetime Emmy®-nominated family comedy, Jim (Jim Army sergeant has to repay an old debt. Terror Storm. After a Belushi) is the macho „everyman“ who challenges his Sean Connery powerful cyclone hits, a group of survivors embarks on a gorgeous and feisty wife Cheryl (Courtney Thorne-Smith) Right from his 007 debut, Sean Connery set an impressively harrowing quest to remain alive. with his stubborn manliness but contagious charm. Tagging high standard as the iconic agent with an air of class, an edge Thrillers 2011 FF S 367min. along with this duo of happily married opposites are their

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA three precocious kids. wildest movies ever made“ (Rex Reed, The New York 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099135 ABC, Comedy, Family min. Observer). They came. They conquered. They looked Lionsgate 03.05.2011 fabulous! With a contract to perform a drag show way out in the Australian desert, Tick (Weaving), Adam (Pearce) and Amelie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098812 Ralph (Stamp) each has his own reason for wanting to leave the safety of . Christening their battered, pink tour bus Dominique Pinon, Audrey Tautou, Claire „Priscilla,“ this wickedly funny high-drama trio heads for the Maurier, Yolande Moreau, Isabelle Nanty, Adopted outback... and into crazy adventures in even crazier outfits. Mathieu Kassovitz, Maurice Benichou, Pauly Shore You Go, Girls! Rufus For hundreds of years, Africa has existed in a state of Comedy, Drama, Australian 1994 102min. Nominated for 5 ® including Best Original despair. Famine, civil wars and rampant disease have left the MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Screenplay, this magical comedy met overwhelming acclaim continent without hope, but for the efforts of Western do- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099450 nationwide! A painfully shy waitress working at a Paris café, gooders. At first, they arrived with food, bibles and the magic Amelie makes a surprising discovery and sees her life of penicillin; more recently they have hosted rock concerts drastically changed for the better! From then on, Amelie and sent plane loads of grain. And in the last decade of the The Adventures Of Sharkboy And dedicates herself to helping others find happiness... in the 20th century they arrived and took babies home with them. most delightfully unexpected ways! But will she have the First there was Angelina, then Madonna, and now...Pauly Lavagirl In 3-D courage to do for herself what she has done for others? Shore! George Lopez, Cayden Boyd, Kristin Davis, Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Comedy, Mockumentary 2009 80min. Taylor Dooley, David Arquette, Taylor Foreign, French, Independent Women 2001 Phase 4 Films 31.05.2011 Lautner 122min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099446 Smaller Heroes. Just As Super.. Another family adventure Lionsgate 15.04.2011 from hit-making director of Spy Kids, The Adventures of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098855 Adrift Sharkboy and Lavagirl is nonstop fun and stars Hollywood favorites David Arquette, Kristin Davis and George Lopez. While spending summer vacation with her family on the idyllic Everyone always knew that Max had a wild imagination... but Ancient Warriors (Blu-ray) southeast coast of Brazil, 14-year-old Filipa (Laura Neiva) no one believed that his wildest creations - a boy raised by discovers that her father (Vincent Cassel), a famous author, watchful great white sharks and a girl with the force of a Daniel Baldwin, Franco Columbu is betraying her mother by dallying with a beautiful young volcano - were real! Now, these two pint-sized action Some demons cannot escape their past.. Special Forces American woman (Camilla Belle). Wrestling with the truth, masters will show Max that even an ordinary kid has what it Captain Aldo Paccione must pull together his former world Filipa will soon discover that her father’s infidelity is only the takes to be extraordinary! Bursting with cool, eye-popping 3- team Delta Force and go deep within the mines of Sardinia first of many dark secrets. D special effects - even the smallest dreamers can become when it is discovered that a vengeful band of mercenaries are Portuguese, Thrillers, Brazilian, Drama, the biggest heroes in this entertaining picture! developing deadly biochemical weapons! Foreign min. Science Fiction, 3D, Action, Adventure, Horror, Action 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 100min. Universal Studios 14.06.2011 Family 2005 93min. Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099207 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099316 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099381 Adventureland Animal Crackers Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wiig, Ryan Albuquerque / Whispering Smith Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Margaret Dumont, Reynolds, Jesse Eisenberg, Bill Hader, / The Duel At Silver Creek / War Zeppo Marx, Lillian Roth, Margarita Levieva, Martin Starr (4 Movie Marathon) Musical, Classics, Comedy 1930 97min. From the director of Superbad comes Adventureland, a smart, Universal Studios 07.06.2011 Western, Classics min. witty comedy we can all relate to. When James Brennan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099258 (Jesse Eisenberg) has to cancel his dream summer vacation Universal Studios 22.03.2011 and make some money for grad school, the only job he can get 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099382 is at Adventureland, a tacky amusement park where the games Another Year (Blu-ray + DVD are rigged and the rides make you hurl. But it’s where he meets Em (Kristen Stewart, Twilight), and his rollercoaster Almost Invisible Combo) (Blu-ray) ride to nowhere turns into the best summer ever. Filled with a carnival of colorful characters and set to a killer soundtrack, To ease the weight of their college workload, unsuspecting Imelda Staunton, Ruth Sheen, Jim Adventureland is „the kind of adventure we could all use more teenagers seize the opportunity to turn their end-of-the- Broadbent, Lesley Manville of“ (Kenneth Turan, Times). summer party into a house wrecking foray. The popular clique From seven-time Oscar nominee comes this Romance, Work Sucks, Comedy, Drama accepts an invite from the high school freak as an excuse to critically acclaimed slice of life starring Academy Award have the party of their lives and trash her house. What winner Jim Broadbent (Best Supporting Actor, Iris, 2001), 2009 107min. happens instead they will never forget. The freak turns them Lesley Manville and Ruth Sheen. A happy couple for over Lionsgate 15.04.2011 on to a world they never knew existed. In a tale about thirty years, Tom (Broadbent) and Gerri (Sheen) act as a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098853 breaking free from the past, the kids are throttled into a steady anchor to their unmarried circle of family and friends. strange and mysterious realm filled with murder and . But as the seasons change and another year passes, Tom and Beware unseen forces that exist in our lives, beware the Gerri’s support is put to the test in this masterful look at life, Adventureland (Blu-ray) Invisible. love and the meaning of friendship. Horror 2010 80min. Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wiig, Margarita 2010 130min. ADA 19.04.2011 Levieva, Ryan Reynolds, Jesse Eisenberg, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099429 Bill Hader, Martin Starr 07.06.2011 From the director of Superbad comes Adventureland, „a smart, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099334 witty comedy“ (Kyle Smith, New York Post) we can all relate Alpha Dog / Assault On Precinct to. And the sights and sounds are even more awesome on Blu- ray. When James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg) has to cancel 13 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion his dream summer vacation and make some money for grad Troubled Youth, Action, Cops, Cops On The Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, school, the only job he can get is at Adventureland, a tacky amusement part where the games are rigged and the rides Edge, Crime, Double Features, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2008 83min. make you hurt. But it’s where he meets Em (Kristen Stewart, Gangs, Hostage Crisis min. Eastern Star 19.04.2011 Twilight) and his rollercoaster ride to nowhere turns into the Universal Studios 22.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099439 best summer ever. Filled with a carnival of colorful characters and set to a killer soundtrack, Adventureland is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099276 „the kind of adventure we could all use more of“ (Kenneth Arabesque Turan, Los Angeles Times) - especially in Blu-ray High Amanda Knox: Murder On Trial In Definition. Gregory Peck, Sophia Loren Comedy, Drama, Romance, Work Sucks Italy Romance, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, 2009 107min. Marcia Gay Harden, Hayden Panettiere Classics, Drama 1966 106min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 TV Movies, Crime 2011 92min. Universal Studios 05.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098927 A&E 28.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099254 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098828 The Adventures Of Priscilla Art of Love Ambicion & Poder Q is an agent of an underground organization called „Art of Queen Of The Desert (Blu-ray) Love.“ Under the guise of „liberating love,“ Don Jim and his Guy Pearce, Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving Jose Angel Llamas, Ana Colchero, secret agents help suburban housewives cheat on their This wonderfully inventive and incomparably funny Australian Humberto Zurita husbands. Don Jim forbids his agents from monogamous film about three drag performers braving the vast, rugged Two powerful Telenovelas that discuss relevant topics such relationships in the name of free love. He demands of his outback won the 1994 Academy Award for Costume Design. as politics, power, corruption, police investigations, money agents only that they never, ever let a woman sleep over. One Featuring fabulous and heartfelt performances from Terence and love. Includes: Nada Personal. El Candidato. day, secret agent Q runs into M, a transient Korean girl. M Stamp (Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace), Hugo Drama, Foreign 2011 FF S 1289min. develops a fever, and Q shelters her for a week. Through her Weaving (The Matrix), Guy Pearce (Memento), and a busload cooking M seduces Q into a relationship, rendering Q of all-new laugh-out-loud Special Features, this is „one of the Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 conflicted between his love for M and his loyalty to Don Jim. In his quest for a meaningful life, agent Q is burdened with the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA decision to choose between free love and one love. Badder Santa: Unrated Rules. Romance, Drama, Foreign 90min. Romance, Comedy min. Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Lauren Celebrity Video Distribution 03.05.2011 Lionsgate 21.06.2011 Graham, Bernie Mac, Lauren Tom, Brett 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098844 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099127 Kelly, Tony Cox Hollywood favorites Billy Bob Thornton (The Alamo), Bernie Asylum Of The Damned (Blu-ray) Mac (Mr. 3000) and John Ritter (TV’s 8 Simple Rules for Beneath The Mississippi Everyone pays for their sins.. A young psychology resident is Dating my Teenage Daughter) kick it up a notch in this Michael Robert Nyman, Jon Hazell, Lonnie excited about his new job at a mental hospital, and the chance unrated version of the outrageous comedy hit Bad Santa. to help severely ill patients. But excitement turns to You’d better watch out - Santa Claus Willie T. Stokes Schuyler, Jon Hazell, Lonnie Schuyler puzzlement, concern, and finally terror as the patients begin (Thornton) is coming to town and he doesn’t care if you’ve Thrillers min. to mysteriously die. Things begin to clarify when James been naughty or nice. Willie’s favorite holiday tradition is to Green Apple Entertainment 28.06.2011 finally encounters the Harvester. fill his sacks with loot lifted from shopping malls across the country. But this year his plot gets derailed by a wisecracking 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099251 Horror 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 85min. store detective (Mac), a sexy bartender (Lauren Graham - Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 TV’s Gilmore Girls) and a kid who’s convinced Willie is the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099317 real Santa Claus! You’re sure to believe in Bad Santa - The Ingrid Bergman In Sweden Unrated Version... once you experience this longer, funnier Ingrid Bergman and more explicit motion picture! Today, Ingrid Bergman’s name is synonymous with Bad Santa Thieves, Christmas, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Hollywood’s golden age as a three-time Oscar winner and the Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Lauren Holidays 2003 91min. star of such classics as Casablanca, Gaslight and Notorious. However, before she became a Hollywood legend, Bergman Graham, Bernie Mac, Lauren Tom, Brett Lionsgate 15.04.2011 was the star of a series of Swedish films in the 1930s which Kelly, Tony Cox 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098861 are being rediscovered as a vital, if long-overlooked period in Hollywood favorites Billy Bob Thornton (The Alamo), Bernie her singular career. In Intermezzo, Ingrid Bergman plays Anita Mac (Mr. 3000) and John Ritter (TV’s 8 Simple Rules for Hoffman, an aspiring classical pianist who falls in love with a Dating My Teenage Daughter) star in the year’s most talked- : A Hard Day’s Night famed - but married - concert violinist. Their passionate affair about comedy hit, Bad Santa. You’d better watch out - Santa Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, has deep and unanticipated consequences for them both, and Claus Willie T. Stokes (Thornton) is coming to town and he for Anita, it also stirs a crisis of conscience. Intermezzo doesn’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice. Willie’s favorite George Harrison, Wilfrid Brambell, Alun brought the actress to the attention of producer David O. holiday tradition is to fill his sacks with loot lifted from Owen, Walter Shenson, Richard Lester Selznick, who remade it in Hollywood, again starring shopping malls across the country. But this year his plot gets 2 Disc Collector’s Series. This strikingly original classic Bergman. In one of the most challenging roles of her early derailed by a wisecracking store detective (Mac), a sexy captures all the fun, excitement and unforgettable music of career in Sweden, Bergman plays Anna Holm, whose bartender (Lauren Graham - TV’s Gilmore Girls) and a kid John, Paul, George and Ringo at the height of Beatlemania! bitterness over a facial disfigurement leads her to become a who’s convinced Willie is the real Santa Claus. It’s a wildly irreverent day in the life of the world’s greatest blackmailer. However, when one of her victims turns out to be Substance Abuse, Thieves, Christmas, rock ‘n’ roll band! As they prepare for a big TV appearance, married to a renowned plastic surgeon, Anna is given the Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Holidays the Beatles perform their songs, look for adventure... and try opportunity to change her life. A Woman’s Face is a dari in vain to keep Paul’s mischief-making grandfather out of Romance, Swedish, Actor / Actress Box 2004 91min. trouble... all while avoiding hordes of screaming fans! Packed Sets, Drama, Foreign 269min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 with all-time Beatle favorites including „A Hard Day’s Night,“ Kino Video 19.04.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098858 „All My Loving,“ „Can’t Buy Me Love,“ „I Should Have Known Better,“ „She Loves You,“ and „Tell Me Why,“ director Ri- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098681 chard Lester’s groundbreaking motion picture collaboration Bad Santa: Director’s Cut with the „Fab Four“ is itself a treasured piece of rock history that remains influential to this day! This collector’s edition Between The Lines Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Lauren includes „Give Me Everything!“ — a companion anthology to Jeff Goldblum, John Heard, Bruno Kirby, Graham, Bernie Mac, Lauren Tom, Brett The Beatles’ first film — featuring hours of rare and new Lindsay Crouse Kelly, Tony Cox material. Music, Classics, Comedy 1964 87min. When a publishing mogul buys a Boston underground The baddest Santa ever comes to town in this never-before- newspaper and promises changes that will compromise its seen exclusive director’s cut starring the hilarious Billy Bob Lionsgate 15.04.2011 aggressive political stance in favor of more „lifestyle“ Thornton (The Alamo), Bernie Mac (Ocean’s 12), and John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099376 articles, it becomes clear to the freewheeling and free Ritter (TV’s 8 Simple Rules). Ill-mannered store Santa Willie thinking employees that their carefree days are behind them. Stokes (Thornton) is really a safecracker with a holiday Romance, Comedy, Drama 1977 min. tradition of making one big score every Christmas Eve with Belladonna his clever elf - partner-in-crime, Marcus. But this year’s Belladonna is a stylish and mesmerizing love story that spans MGM MOD 28.01.2010 heist-fest could be completely foiled by a snoopy store centuries. Luke (Todd MacDonald) has everything but can’t 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098752 manager (Ritter), savvy mall detective (Mac), sexy Santa fan, sleep. Burning inside him is another world. He attempts to and an innocent 8-year-old misfit who thinks the intoxicated reach out to his fiancee Katherine (Kate Kendall) but she is and felonious Willie is the real Santa he seeks. Forget the lost in the fever of wedding preparations and is blind to Beyond Recognition (Blu-ray) cookies and milk; this is the grittier gut-busting comedy Luke’s unrest. Then unexpectedly, a beautiful woman named Deborah Martin, Patrick Holder, Jimmie Rolling Stone pegs as „a Christmas perennial for Scrooges of Amelia (Kate Jean Harding) enters the scene leaving Luke all ages!“ wondering why this complete stranger is so familiar yet Jones Thieves, Christmas, Comedy, Dark Comedy, they’ve never met before. Belladonna. With no identity there is no escape.. Beyond Recognition. Holidays 2003 min. Rocky Relationships, Romance, Australian, Thrillers 2011 FF S 92min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Drama 2008 93min. Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098859 Osiris Entertainment 12.04.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099319 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098724 Bad Santa: The Unrated Version The Big Bang And Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) Belladonna (Alternate Art) Delroy Lindo, William Fichtner, Sienna Guillory, Autumn Reeser, Antonio Banderas, Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Lauren Belladonna is a stylish and mesmerizing love story that spans centuries. Luke (Todd MacDonald) has everything but can’t Snoop Dogg, Sam Elliott, Thomas Graham, Bernie Mac, Lauren Tom, Brett sleep. Burning inside him is another world. He attempts to Kretschmann, Kelly, Tony Cox reach out to his fiancee Katherine (Kate Kendall) but she is Double-deck the halls with both the Unrated Version and the lost in the fever of wedding preparations and is blind to Mystery, Thrillers 2010 101min. Director’s Cut of Bad Santa. Billy Bob Thornton, Lauren Luke’s unrest. Then unexpectedly, a beautiful woman named Starz / Anchor Bay 24.05.2011 Graham, Bernie Mac and John Ritter kick it up a notch as Amelia (Kate Jean Harding) enters the scene leaving Luke 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099283 they make spirits brighter and shinier on Blu-ray Disc! You’d wondering why this complete stranger is so familiar yet better watch out! Santa Claus Willie T. Stokes (Thornton) is they’ve never met before. Belladonna. coming to town and he doesn’t give a flying reindeer whether Rocky Relationships, Romance, Australian, The Big Bang (Blu-ray) you’ve been naughty or nice. Willie’s favorite holiday Drama 2008 93min. tradition is to fill his sacks with loot lifted from shopping malls Delroy Lindo, William Fichtner, Sienna across the country. But this year, a wisecracking store Osiris Entertainment 12.04.2011 Guillory, Autumn Reeser, Antonio Banderas, detective, a sexy bartender and a kid who’s convinced 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098725 Snoop Dogg, Sam Elliott, Thomas Willie’s the real deal derail his plans. Bust a gut laughing as visions of more than sugarplums „dance“ in your head in the Kretschmann, Jimmi Simpson eye-popping clarity of high definition. And revel in the not-so- Bending All The Rules Mystery, Thrillers 2010 min. silent night with spectacularly enhanced audio quality. Yule Smart, sexy and free-spirited, Kenna drifts from one boyfriend Starz / Anchor Bay 24.05.2011 believe once you experience these more explicit Badder to the next, leaving any relationship that threatens to distract Santas in Blu-ray High Definition. her from her dream: having an exhibition of her photography. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099313 Christmas, Comedy, Dark Comedy, But just as Kenna is offered her first show, her cool and casual personal life turns hot and heavy! Suddenly, Kenna is The Big C: Season One Holidays, Thieves 2003 91min. being pursued by two very special ? and very different ? men: Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Jeff, a sensitive, struggling DJ; and Martin, a slick and Laura Linney, Phyllis Somerville, Oliver 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098928 powerful businessman. As Jeff and Martin wage a fierce and Platt, John Benjamin Hickey, Gabriel Basso funny battle for Kenna’s attentions, Kenna begins to wonder if Laura Linney stars in her Golden Globe-winning role as she can’t have both love and successby Bending All the Cathy Jamison, a 42-year-old schoolteacher who has always

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA played by the rules. That is, until she receives a life-changing Jones, 50 Cent, Luke Goss, Drama, Holocaust 2008 94min. diagnosis. But instead of giving up, Cathy decides to live it When big-city detectives refuse to further investigate his kid Lionsgate 15.04.2011 up! Nothing and no one is safe, including her self-absorbed brother’s gang related murder, small town Sheriff Michael family, her cantankerous neighbor, and her smart-ass Spencer drops the badge and goes undercover to find his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098872 students. Oliver Platt (TV’s Huff) and Gabourey Sidibe brother’s killer and avenge his death. (Precious) shine in this talented ensemble. Brutally honest, unapologetically funny and perfectly profound, The Big C is a Action, Cops, Crime, Gangs 2011 89min. Boy Meets World: The Complete surprisingly different comedy that reminds us that life is Lionsgate 26.04.2011 Fifth Season always worth living on our own terms. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099081 Comedy 2010 min. William Daniels, Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, Will Friedle, Ben Savage Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Blood Out (Blu-ray) 07.06.2011 The „Boy Meets World“ gang is back for more adventures in Annalynne McCord, Val Kilmer, Vinnie this hilarious fifth season. Join Cory (Ben Savage) and all 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099331 your favorite characters as they encounter the ups and downs Jones, 50 Cent, Luke Goss, Bobby Lashley of senior year at John Adams High School. Shawn When big-city detectives refuse to further investigate his kid unexpectedly finds a new love, and in the final episode, Big Jake (Blu-ray) brother’s gang related murder, small town Sheriff Michael Topanga rocks Cory’s world with a proposal at graduation. Spencer drops the badge and goes undercover to find his John Wayne, Richard Boone brother’s killer and avenge his death. ABC, Comedy, Family min. In this action-filled Western, John Wayne stars as Big Jake Lionsgate 03.05.2011 McCandles, a husband who hasn’t seen his wife (Maureen Cops, Crime, Gangs, Action 2011 89min. O’Hara) in over 18 years. But he returns home after his Lionsgate 26.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098813 grandson is kidnapped by a vicious outlaw gang. While the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099187 law gives chase in rickety automobiles, Jake saddles up with The Boys Are Back an Indian scout (Bruce Cabot) and a box of money even though paying a ransom isn’t how Jake plans to exact good Blue Sunshine Laura Fraser, Emma Lung, Julia Blake, Clive old frontier justice. Spiced with humor and first-class Thrillers, Horror 1978 90min. Owen, George MacKay gunfights, this is a vivid depiction of the last days of the wild Clive Owen delivers a critically acclaimed performance in frontier. New Video DVD 19.07.2011 The Boys Are Back, the heartwarming and uplifting drama Western 2011 DD 5.1 109min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098862 about a man who is suddenly thrust into the role of single Paramount Pictures 31.05.2011 parent. Successful sportswriter Joe Warr (Owen) finds himself completely unprepared to raise his rambunctious 6- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098921 Bobby G. Can’t Swim (Blu-ray) year-old son Artie — and juggle the challenges of a Susan Mitchell demanding job, running a household and the possibility of Black Moon: The Criterion Bobby G. lives life on the edge in this real, raw New York romance. Determined to bring joy back into their lives, he street drama. As a small time coke dealer always on the hustle develops a revolutionary approach to parenting — no rules, Collection and living in Hell’s Kitchen, Bobby can always find his way to no chores. It’s a home filled with love and chaos — and then trouble - but he might not be able to find his way out. Joe’s estranged teenage son comes for a visit. Inspired by a Joe Dallesandro, Therese Giehse, Alexan- true story and filled with emotional honesty, this poignant film dra Stewart, Cathryn Harrison Thrillers 2011 FF S 82min. will touch your heart and lift your spirits. Louis Malle (The Lovers, Au revoir les enfants) meets Lewis Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Art House, Australian, Comedy, Drama, Carroll in this bizarre and bewitching trip down the rabbit 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099320 hole. After skirting the horrors of an unidentified war being Family Relationships, Foreign 2009 104min. waged in an anonymous countryside, a beautiful young woman Lionsgate 15.04.2011 (Cathryn Harrison) takes refuge in a remote farmhouse, Bordertown V. 1 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098871 where she becomes embroiled in the surreal domestic odyssey of a mysterious family. Evocatively shot by Western, Drama 253min. cinematographer Sven Nykvist (Cries and Whispers, Fanny Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Boys Town and Alexander), Black Moon is a Freudian tale of adolescent 01.02.2011 sexuality set in a postapocalyptic world of shifting identities Leslie Fenton, Mickey Rooney, Spencer and talking animals. It is one of Malle’s most experimental 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099401 Tracy, Henry Hull, , Darryl films and a cinematic daydream like no other. Hickman, Mary Nash, Lee J. Cobb, Bobs Science Fiction, Art House, Criterion Bordertown V. 2 Watson, Larry Nunn Collection, Fantasy, Foreign, French 1975 Western, Drama min. Their problems were too big for society. But not too big for 100min. one man’s vision and faith.. Today they grow up lawless and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment on the streets. Tomorrow they’re on Death Row. Father Criterion 28.06.2011 01.02.2011 Edward Flanagan vows to break the cycle, putting his life 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098756 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099402 where his faith is and starting a boys’ home that becomes a model of hope. Spencer Tracy brings shinning inner strength to Flanagan in a performance that made him the first to win Black Moon: The Criterion Bounce consecutive Best Actor Academy Awards® (Tom Hanks later Collection (Blu-ray) matched that feat.) „There is no bad boy,“ Flanagan insists. Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, Joe Morton, But brash troublemaker Whitey Marsh (Mickey Rooney) puts Joe Dallesandro, Therese Giehse, Alexan- Tony Goldwyn, David Paymer, Johnny the credo to the test. Nominated for five Academy Awards® dra Stewart, Cathryn Harrison Galecki, Jennifer Grey, Alex D. Linz, including Best Picture, this compelling movie earned a Best Louis Malle (The Lovers, Au revoir les enfants) meets Lewis Natasha Henstridge Original Story Oscar®. And the Oscar® Tracy donated to Carroll in this bizarre and bewitching trip down the rabbit Boys Town (the Academy provided him with another) remains Academy Award® winners Ben Affleck (Best Original on display there today. hole. After skirting the horrors of an unidentified war being Screenplay, Good Will Hunting; Pearl Harbor) and Gwyneth waged in an anonymous countryside, a beautiful young woman Paltrow (Best Actress, Shakespeare In Love; The Talented Academy Award Winners, Classics, Dra- (Cathryn Harrison) takes refuge in a remote farmhouse, Mr. Ripley) create sparks in the hit critics are calling the ma, Family 1938 93min. where she becomes embroiled in the surreal domestic romance of the years! Buddy Amaral (Affleck) is a smooth- Warner Bros. 10.05.2011 odyssey of a mysterious family. Evocatively shot by talking, skirt-chasing ad exec who is enjoying his high cinematographer Sven Nykvist (Cries and Whispers, Fanny powered career. Then, a sudden twist of fate changes 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099415 and Alexander), Black Moon is a Freudian tale of adolescent everything and leads him into the life of Abby Janello sexuality set in a postapocalyptic world of shifting identities (Paltrow), with whom he eventually falls head-over-heels in Breaking Bad: The Complete and talking animals. It is one of Malle’s most experimental love. Also starring Tony Goldwyn (The Sixth Day, Kiss The films and a cinematic daydream like no other. Girls) and Natasha Henstridge (The Whole Nine Yards). Third Season Criterion Collection, Fantasy, Foreign, Romance, Drama 2000 106min. Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Giancarlo French, Art House, Science Fiction 1975 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Bob Odenkirk, 100min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098863 Jonathan Banks, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Criterion 28.06.2011 R.J. Mitte 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098770 The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Winner of two 2010 , including Outstanding David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga, Rupert Friend Lead Actor in a Drama Series for Bryan Cranston and Black Rat Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Aaron From Miramax Films, the studio that brought you the Academy Paul, Breaking Bad: The Complete Third Season returns, Six classmates receive an e-mail from Asuka, who they Award-winning Life Is Beautiful (Best Foreign Language Film, hailed by the Los Angeles Times as „the best show on thought had committed suicide, asking them to meet up later 1998) comes The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Based on the television.“ Even though his cancer’s in remission, chemistry that night. But when a person wearing a bloody rat mask best-selling novel by John Boyne, it’s „an unforgettable motion teacher-turned-meth maker Walter White (Cranston) still surprises them and begins a ferocious attack, the students picture experience powerful and moving beyond words“ (Pete can’t catch a break. his wife (Anna Gunn) has filed for realize that someone is out for revenge! Hammond, Bored and restless in his new divorce, his DEA agent brother-in-law (Dean Norris) is out to Foreign, Horror 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 76min. home, Bruno, an innocent and naive eight-year-old, ignores bust him and a Mexican cartel just wants him dead. But with Allegro Entertainment 21.06.2011 his mother and sets off on an adventure in the woods. Soon he his family’s future still at stake Walt cooks up a deal that will meets a young boy, and a surprising friendship develops. Set make him a fortune, a scheme with a terrible price. Executive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099155 during World War II, this remarkable and inspiring story produced by and Mark Johnson. about the power of the human spirit will capture your heart and engage your mind. Drama 2010 613min. Blood Out Tearjerkers, War, World War II, Art House, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Annalynne McCord, Val Kilmer, Vinnie 07.06.2010

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61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099327 Fragment of a Murder Kangaroo Court Matthew Phillips, Lucia Sullivan, Matthew Classics 2011 FF S 495min. Stiller Breaking Bad: The Complete Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Pretty girls die young. Bunnyman. The bizarre killer, once 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099342 severely abused as a child, is now an adult with Third Season (Blu-ray) manifestations of intense rage and child-like taunting Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Giancarlo behavior. He dresses in a bunny suit as something of a Brotherhood security blanket for his fragile and dangerous psyche. Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Bob Odenkirk, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jon Foster, Trevor Road Trips, Serial Killers, Cannibalism, Jonathan Banks, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Morgan Horror 2009 89min. R.J. Mitte Adam Buckley finds himself in the middle of a convenience Osiris Entertainment 21.06.2011 Winner of two 2010 Emmy Awards, including Outstanding store robbery during his last night as a pledge for a college 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099350 Lead Actor in a Drama Series for Bryan Cranston and fraternity. When the initiation ritual goes horribly wrong and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Aaron everything starts falling apart, Adam is forced to choose Paul, Breaking Bad: The Complete Third Season returns, between his new brothers or his ethics. Burial Ground (Blu-ray) hailed by the Los Angeles Times as „the best show on television.“ Even though his cancer’s in remission, chemistry Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2010 min. When the moon turns red, the dead shall rise.. The fun begins teacher-turned-meth maker Walter White (Cranston) still Phase 4 Films 17.05.2011 when a fatally curious professor unseals a mysterious crypt can’t catch a break. his wife (Anna Gunn) has filed for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099441 and a veritable army of shambling, rotting, flesh-hungry divorce, his DEA agent brother-in-law (Dean Norris) is out to zombies rises, marching into the night in search of prey. bust him and a Mexican cartel just wants him dead. But with Nearby, a hapless group of socialites is enjoying a quiet his family’s future still at stake Walt cooks up a deal that will Brotherhood (Blu-ray) weekend retreat. Unfortunately for them, their lavish rural make him a fortune, a scheme with a terrible price. Executive villa is right in the monsters’ path! produced by Vince Gilligan and Mark Johnson. Lou Taylor Pucci, Jon Foster, Trevor Horror 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 85min. Drama 2010 min. Morgan Allegro Entertainment 28.06.2011 Adam Buckley finds himself in the middle of a convenience Sony Pictures Home Entertainment store robbery during his last night as a pledge for a college 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099204 07.06.2010 fraternity. When the initiation ritual goes horribly wrong and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099341 everything starts falling apart, Adam is forced to choose Burn Notice: Season Four between his new brothers or his ethics. Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2010 min. Explosive thrills, great stories and wry humor make Season Bridget Jones’s Diary: Collector’s Four of Burn Notice the show’s hottest season yet! Master- Phase 4 Films 17.05.2011 spy Michael Westen is back, and this time, he’s joined by Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099456 Jesse Porter, a no-nonsense counter-intelligence expert who has been burned himself. Along with go-to guy Sam and the Colin Firth, Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, dangerously sexy Fiona, the team takes on a barrage of Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent The Brothers Grimm outlaw biker gangs, drug dealers and a worldwide terrorist Academy Award winner Renee Zellweger (Best Supporting threat. As tension mounts, uneasy alliances are forged, Actress, Cold Mountain, 2003; Chicago) and Hugh Grant Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Peter Stormare, friendships are tested, and a lethal game unfolds when Jesse (Love Actually, two Weeks Notice) star in a delightful comedy Jonathan Price, Monica Bellucci vows to find and kill the one who burned him. about the ups and downs of modern romance. Bridget Matt Damon (The Bourne Supremacy, Ocean’s 12) and Heath Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 (Zellweger), a busy career woman, decides to turn over a Ledger (The Patriot, A Knight’s Tale) team up to bring you one new page in her life by channeling her thoughts, opinions and of the year’s most fantastic adventures in this magical tale 773min. insecurities into a journal that becomes a hilarious chronicle based on the lives of the legendary storytellers. Will and 20th Century Fox 07.06.2011 of her adventures. Soon she becomes the center of attention Jake Grimm (Damon and Ledger) dazzle small towns with 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099011 between a guy who’s too good to be true (Grant) and another their imaginative folklore and elaborate illusions. But when who’s so wrong for her, he could be just right (Colin Firth - the brothers journey into a real enchanted forest, they Love Actually)! Based on the best-selling book, Bridget encounter many of the fantastic characters and thrilling Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Jones’s Diary is another acclaimed crowd-pleaser from the situations found in their beloved fairy tales! From the award- hitmakers of Four Weddings And A Funeral and Notting Hill. winning director of Twelve Monkeys, Brazil and Monty Py- Anna Paquin, August Schellenberg, Aidan Romance, Comedy, Drama, Independent thon And The Holy Grail, this fabulous motion picture is sure Quinn, Adam Beach, Wes Studi, Colm Women 2001 98min. to leave you living happily ever after! Feore, J.K. Simmons, Eric Schweig, Gordon Science Fiction, Dark Comedy, Fairy Tales, Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Tootoosis Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece 2005 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098870 The epic fall of the American Indian.. Inspired by Dee Brown’s 118min. acclaimed bestseller, the HBO Films event Bury My Heart At Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Wounded Knee begins powerfully with the Sioux triumph over Bringing Ashley Home General Custer at Little Big Horn. The action centers on the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098867 struggles of three characters: Charles Eastman (Adam Beach, Jennifer Morrison, Patricia Richardson, A.J. Flags Of Our Fathers), a young, Dartmouth-educated Sioux Cook The Brothers Grimm (Blu-ray) doctor; Sitting Bull (August Schellenberg, The New World), Based on an inspiring true story, Bringing Ashley Home the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. follows Libba Phillips (A.J. Cook, Criminal Minds), always Matt Damon, Peter Stormare, Jonathan government policies designed to strip his people of their the responsible sister — the one with good grades and Price, Lena Headey, Monica Bellucci, Heath identity, their dignity and their sacred land - the Black Hills of perfect boyfriends. Her younger sister Ashley (Jennifer the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Aidan Quinn, Empire Morrison) was the opposite — known to be an unpredictable Ledger Falls), one of the men responsible for the government policy party girl who dated a number of bad boys from the wrong side Matt Damon (The Bourne Supremacy, Ocean’s 12) and Heath on Indian affairs. While Eastman and schoolteacher Elaine of the tracks. When Ashley suddenly disappears without a Ledger (The Patriot, A Knight’s Tale) team up to bring you one Goodale (Anna Paquin, X-Men: The Last Stand), work to trace, a distraught Libba and her mother, Michelle (Patricia of the year’s most fantastic adventures in this magical tale improve life for the Sioux on the reservation, Senator Dawes Richardson), pour all of their efforts into finding her. After based on the lives of the legendary storytellers. Will and lobbies President Grant for kinder Indian treatment. Epic in years of searching, the rest of Ashley’s family is exhausted, Jake Grimm (Damon and Ledger) dazzle small towns with scope, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee is a new Western but Libba increases her search, even quitting her job. their imaginative folklore and elaborate illusions. But when classic called „...insightful...deeply affecting...v Frustrated by the lack of resources available to locate mis- the brothers journey into a real enchanted forest, they TV Movies, Western, Drama, HBO, sing adults, she creates an organization called „Outpost for encounter many of the fantastic characters and thrilling Historical / Period Piece, Native Americans Hope.“ Amazingly, after five years and a nationwide search in situations found in their beloved fairy tales! From the award- the darkest parts of the country, Libba finds Ashley, homeless, winning director of Twelve Monkeys, Brazil and Monty Py- 2007 DD 5.1 131min. eight-months pregnant and living on the streets - and once thon And The Holy Grail, this fabulous motion picture is sure HBO Home Video 26.04.2011 again she tries to help Ashley turn her life around. to leave you living happily ever after! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099233 TV Movies, Family Relationships 2011 Dark Comedy, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, Science Fiction 87min. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance A&E 28.06.2011 2005 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098833 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Kid: 40th Anniversary Limited 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098929 Edition (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Charles Bronson: Man With A Katharine Ross, Robert Redford, Paul Camera Collection Buckaroo Newman, Strother Martin, Henry Jones, Lindsay Wagner, Gary Busey, Simon Baker Cloris Leachman, Jeff Corey Charles Bronson Jerome, a troubled boy, is sent to work on a ranch for the Settle back with your favorite sidekick and enjoy Hollywood’s International superstar and iconic tough guy Charles Bronson summer under the guidance of two veteran cowboys. On his original buddy picture. Paul Newman and Robert Redford stars in the gritty, action-packed TV series Man with a journey, he develops an bond with the ranch’s have never shined brighter in the roles that will forever Camera. Bronson portrays Mike Kovac, a owner, Mrs. Ainsley (Lindsay Wagner), who inspires him to identify them as the daring, debonair outlaws on the run - and freelance photographer who specializes in getting difficult make a change in his life and make peace with his past. head over-heels in love with the same beautiful woman (Ka- shots other lensmen cannot. Assisting law enforcement and tharine Ross). insurance agencies, he invariably winds up acting as a Troubled Youth, Western, Family 2005 min. private eye and gets himself into plenty of trouble! Another Phase 4 Films 10.05.2011 Buddy Pictures, Classics, Academy Award Barrier Lady on the Loose The Face of Murder Mute Evidence 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099437 Winners, Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, The Big Squeeze The Killer Eye Witness The Man Below National Film Registry, Western 1969 min. Black Light The Positive Negative Missing Live Target Girl In 20th Century Fox 10.05.2011 the Dark The Bride The Picture War Touch-Off Hot Ice Cream Bunnyman

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56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098740 Music Box Films 24.05.2011 Chained 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098808 Cage Free Gerard Kennedy, Paul Murphy Dee Wallace, Robert Miano, Masayuki Imai Let out of jail after five years, Julian is rewarded by his crime Anton Chekhov’s The Duel (Blu- We have your daughter. No more factory farms!. Beautiful syndicate for keeping quiet. He is put in charge of a ray) Jennifer leads a privileged lifestyle supported by her wealthy gentlemen’s pleasure house (The Hobby Farm) and trusted father. His factory farms, while hugely profitable, reduce the with the proceeds from illegal gambling, drugs and sex Fiona Glascott, , Andrew lives of tens of thousands of animals to horrible squalor and slavery. But the women he meets - and the secrets he carries Scott misery. Animal rights activists kidnap Jennifer. Their ransom - proves deadly... When faced with the horrific treatment of demand is that her father change his farms to eliminate animal one of the enslaved girls, newly brought to the farm, Julian Drama, Art House 2009 95min. suffering. The father hires a lethal private investigator must overcome the demons of his own past and turn against Music Box Films 24.05.2011 (Masayuki Imai) with a worldwide reputation for recovering the only life he has ever known, to save the girls, and himself. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098811 abducted women, to find, free and avenge his daughter. The Action, Crime 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 activists subject Jennifer to the same treatment animals get on 94min. her father’s farms and send him video clips of his daughter Cheri imprisoned in a small cage, being branded and far worse. MTI Home Video 14.06.2011 Despite the increasing severity of the treatment of his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099151 Michelle Pfeiffer, Kathy Bates, Felicity daughter, the father remains intractable, unwilling to make the Jones, Rupert Friend connection between the treatment of one living being and the Indulge in Cheri, the seductive and provocative drama about a identical treatment of tens of thousands of living beings on his Chains Of Gold scandalous love affair, set during the opulent decadence of farms. Time is fast running out and this compelling surprising pre-World War I Paris starring award winners Michelle thriller keeps you riveted: will she be rescued and in what A social worker (John Travolta) tries to help a 13-year-old Pfeiffer and Kathy Bates (Best Actress Oscar, Misery, 1990). condition? What state o boy escape the control of a drug-dealing gang. But when the The ravishing Lea (Pfeiffer), famed courtesan to the rich and Thrillers, Kidnapping 2010 105min. boy disappears, he must infiltrate the drug ring himself. famous, is contemplating her retirement, when her archrival (Bates) asks her to teach her spoiled nineteen-year-old son Vina Distribution 22.02.2011 Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 1991 95min. Cheri about women. It’s an adventure that becomes a heated 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099386 MGM MOD 31.12.2009 and passionate affair that results in power struggles over 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098751 sex, money, age and society - and unexpectedly, love itself - as a boy who refuses to grow up collides with a women who Cannes Man realizes she cannot stay young forever. Seymour Cassel, Francesco Quinn, Chasing Amy (Blu-ray) Romance, Art House, British, Foreign, Rebecca Broussard Jason Lee, Joey Lauren Adams, Kevin Historical / Period Piece 2009 93min. Comedy, Drama, Film About Film 1996 min. Smith, Ben Affleck, Jason Mewes, Dwight Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Cinema Libre 01.03.2011 Ewell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098873 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098831 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Art House, Romance 1997 Chicago (Blu-ray) Cannes Man (Blu-ray) min. Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Queen Seymour Cassel, Francesco Quinn, Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Latifah, Lucy Liu, John C. Reilly, Colm Rebecca Broussard 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098930 Feore, Taye Diggs Comedy, Drama, Film About Film 1996 min. The winner of 6 Academy Awards (2002) including Best Chawz Picture, Chicago seduces like never before on Blu-ray’s high Cinema Libre 01.03.2011 definition disc. Starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098923 A young police officer is transferred from Seoul to a small Zellweger, Richard Gere and Queen Latifah, this „splashy, village in the countryside for duty when he jokingly checked sexy, knockout“ (Rolling Stone) sizzles in this spectacular the box to be deployed „anywhere.“ Arriving at the village, he new format. After committing crimes of passion, nightclub Captain Newman, M.D. encounters a bumbling police force who is working with a sensation Velma Kelly and spotlight-seeking Roxie Hart both Gregory Peck, Angie Dickinson, Tony special detective to resolve some recent murders. As the wind up on Chicago’s famed Murderess Row. But with the bodies add up, it becomes clear that the gruesome deaths are help of slick defense lawyer Billy Flynn, these notoriously Curtis, Eddie Albert, Bobby Darin attributed to a beast of an animal with a voracious appetite for lethal ladies will soon become local legends. Get more than an War, World War II, Classics, Comedy, Dra- human flesh. A famous hunter and his team are called in to eyeful of „razzle dazzle“ in jaw-dropping 1080p, and ma 1963 127min. track and destroy the man-eater. During their tracking experience every sultry, musical nuance with 5.1 48 kHz, 24- expedition, they are confronted by a boar of massive size and bit uncompressed audio. Set your senses free with Blu-ray Universal Studios 05.04.2011 strength, which they discover may be a result of High Definition! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099255 experimentation during wartimes. Unprepared and unarmed for taking down the mutant creature, the group must disband as Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Academy the hunters become the hunted. Award Winners, Music, Musical 2002 min. Carancho Comedy, Horror 122min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Martina Gusman, Ricardo Darin Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098931 This year’s Argentinean entry for the Academy Awards finds 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099392 Sosa (Ricardo Darin, The Secret In Their Eyes) as an ambulance-chasing attorney with questionable ethics. Lujan Chicago (Fullscreen) (Martina Gusman, Lion’s Den) is a young, idealistic doctor, Chawz (Blu-ray) Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Queen susceptible to corruption. After Lujan and Sosa’s paths A young police officer is transferred from Seoul to a small Latifah, Lucy Liu, John C. Reilly, Colm repeatedly cross, the two form an unlikely romance that is village in the countryside for duty when he jokingly checked threatened by Sosa’s turbulent past. With brilliant the box to be deployed „anywhere.“ Arriving at the village, he Feore, Taye Diggs performances and virtuosic action sequences, Carancho is a encounters a bumbling police force who is working with a Winner of six Academy Awards (2002) including Best Picture dark thrill ride that will leave you breathless. special detective to resolve some recent murders. As the and starring sexy Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones’s Diary), Thrillers, Argentinian, Crime, Drama, bodies add up, it becomes clear that the gruesome deaths are Best Supporting Actress winner Catherine Zeta-Jones Foreign 2010 Ltbx 107min. attributed to a beast of an animal with a voracious appetite for (Traffic), Best Supporting Actress nominee Queen Latifah human flesh. A famous hunter and his team are called in to (Bringing Down the House) and Golden Globe winner Ri- Strand Releasing 07.06.2011 track and destroy the man-eater. During their tracking chard Gere (Unfaithful)-Chicago is a dazzling spectacle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099097 expedition, they are confronted by a boar of massive size and cheered by audiences and critics alike! At a time when crimes strength, which they discover may be a result of of passion result in celebrity headlines, nightclub sensation experimentation during wartimes. Unprepared and unarmed for Velma Kelly (Zeta-Jones) and spotlight-seeking Roxie Hart Cartel: Season 2, Pt 1, El - La taking down the mutant creature, the group must disband as (Zellweger) both find themselves sharing space on Chicago’s Guerra Total the hunters become the hunted. famed Murderess Row! They also share Billy Flynn (Gere), Comedy, Horror 122min. the town’s slickest lawyer with a talent for turning notorious Paulina Galvez, Robinson Diaz, Diego defendants into local legends. But in Chicago, there’s only Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.04.2011 room for one legend! Also starring John C. Reilly (Gangs of Cadavid, Carlos Camacho New York) and Lucy Liu (Charlie’s Angels). Pepe Cadena is now the biggest snitch for the police and he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099408 is ready to tell what happened during the last four years - Music, Musical, Academy Award Winners, how he got out of jail in New York and cooperated with the Cheatin’ Hearts Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2002 DEA, his escape to Colombia, his cases as an informer with 113min. Anestesia, and his subsequent arrest and prison stint. But Don’t mistake the feeling for the truth!. Cheatin’ Hearts. Pepe also shares some other information - most importantly Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 80min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 that Martin didn’t tell the whole truth. Pepe is now willing to Allegro Entertainment 21.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098874 reveal all secrets and break any loyalty agreements. Most of all, he shares that everything was a lie; now his worst 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099285 enemies will be his greatest allies and his friends will be Chicago (Widescreen) turned into his enemies. Anton Chekhov’s The Duel Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Queen Action 2010 1300min. Fiona Glascott, Tobias Menzies, Andrew Latifah, Lucy Liu, John C. Reilly, Colm Navarre 07.06.2011 Scott Feore, Taye Diggs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099091 Winner of six Academy Awards (2002) including Best Picture Art House, Drama 2009 95min. and starring sexy Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones’s Diary),

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Best Supporting Actress winner Catherine Zeta-Jones (Caine), to be his successor, Homer nonetheless feels the Meirelles), producer Fernando Meirelles (The Constant (Traffic), Best Supporting Actress nominee Queen Latifah need to strike out on his own and experience the world Gardener) returns to the Brazilian favelas to tell an inspring (Bringing Down the House) and Golden Globe winner Ri- outside. Then, while working at an apple orchard, Homer falls tale of friendship and family on the gritty streets of Rio de chard Gere (Unfaithful)-Chicago is a dazzling spectacle for the beautiful Candy (Charlize Theron - Reindeer Games, Janeiro. Growing up in a culture dictated by violence and run cheered by audiences and critics alike! At a time when crimes The Devil’s Advocate) and learns some powerfully indelible by street gangs, teenagers Acerola (Douglas Silva) and of passion result in celebrity headlines, nightclub sensation lessons about life, love and home! Based on John Irving’s Laranjiha (Darlan Cunha) have become close as brothers. Velma Kelly (Zeta-Jones) and spotlight-seeking Roxie Hart best-selling American classic and featuring a sensational all- With their eighteenth birthdays fast approaching, Laranjinha (Zellweger) both find themselves sharing space on Chicago’s star cast including Delroy Lindo and newcomer Erykah Badu, sets out to find the father he never met, while Acerola famed Murderess Row! They also share Billy Flynn (Gere), this entertaining motion picture earned raves from critics and struggles to raise his own young son. But when they suddenly the town’s slickest lawyer with a talent for turning notorious moviegoers everywhere! find themselves on opposite sides of a gang war, the lifelong defendants into local legends. But in Chicago, there’s only On The Job, Academy Award Winners, friends are forced to confront a shocking secret from their room for one legend! Also starring John C. Reilly (Gangs of shared past. Featuring stunning cinematography and a New York) and Lucy Liu (Charlie’s Angels). Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1999 fascinating behind-the-scenes bonus feature, City Of Men is Music, Musical, Academy Award Winners, 125min. an even greater experience on DVD. Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2002 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Art House, Brazilian, Drama, Foreign, 113min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098880 Friendships 2007 106min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098875 Cinema Paradiso: The New Versi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098885 on Chicago: Collector’s Series Pupella Maggio, Jacques Perrin, Philippe Classic Slasher Collection Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Queen Noiret, Antonella Attili, Salvatore Cascio Mary Woronov, David Hemmings, Daria Latifah, Lucy Liu, Christine Baranski, Mya This Miramax Classics presentation of Cinema Paradiso: The Nicolodi, Rosie Holotik, John Carradine, New Version brings you the critically acclaimed triumph as Angus Scrimm, Fred Holbert, David G. Harrison, Susan Misner, Denise Faye, never seen before! A famous Italian filmmaker, haunted by the Ekaterina Chtchelkanova, Deirdre Goodwin, memories of his first love, returns to his hometown after an Cannon John C. Reilly, Colm Feore, Taye Diggs, absence of 30 years. Upon his return, he reconnects with the Don’t Look In The Basement (Rosie Holotik, Annabelle community and remembers the highlights and tragedies that MacAdams). A young nurse arrives at an isolated sanitarium Dominic West, Sebastian Lacause shaped his life and inspired him to follow his dream of where the lunatics are truly taking over ! Stars This Razzle-Dazzle Edition is the ultimate Chicago DVD becoming a filmmaker. For those who have never seen it...and Rosie Holotik, Playboy cover girl, April 1972. Scream Bloody Collection and features the award-winning motion picture and those who have never forgotten it...director Giuseppe Murder (Fred Holbert, Angus Scrimm). In this Gore- brand-new bonus material! Winner of 6 Academy Awards® Tornatore’s (Malena, the Star Maker) cherished, Academy norgraphic twist on Oedipus Rex, a hook-handed deranged (2002) including Best Picture and starring Academy Award Award-winning motion picture is now fully restored, digitally youth unleashes a blood-stained killing spree! Silent Night, nominee Renée Zellweger (Best Actress, Chicago), Academy remastered and includes 51 minutes of never-before-seen Bloody Night (Mary Woronov, John Carradine, Patrick Award winner Catherine Zeta-Jones (Best Supporting footage! O’Neal). On the night before Christmas, grisly murders occur Actress, Chicago), Academy Award nominee Queen Latifah around a former insane asylum, the site of a gruesome (Best Supporting Actress, Chicago) Golden Globe winner Art House, Drama, Epics, Foreign, French, massacre 35 years earlier! The Hatchet Murders Richard Gere (Best Actor, Chicago) and Academy Award Italian 1990 155min. (Widescreen) (David Hemmings, Daria Nicolodi). After nominee John C. Reilly (Best Supporting Actor, Chicago) - Lionsgate 15.04.2011 witnessing a brutal murder by an unknown assailant, a Chicago is a dazzling spectacle of unparalleled entertainment! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098879 musician is pursued by the maniacal psycho hell-bent on Music, Musical, Academy Award Winners, protecting a deep, dark secret! Also known as Deep Red. The Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2002 Severed Arm (Ray Dennis, David G. Cannon). Trapped in a Circle Of Pain cave, six desperate geologists hack off the arm of one of their 113min. group for dinner. When they are rescued moments later, the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Bai Ling, Shannon Lepard, Dean Cain, one-armed man vows vengeance! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098876 , Louis Herthum, , Collections, Horror 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S Kimbo Slice, Tony Schiena, John Lee, 475min. Children’s Film Collection (Eight Miguel Contreras Torres, Roger Huerta Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Following a fighting accident, Dalton Hunt retired from the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099351 Movie Pack) world of at the top of his game. Unable to Adventure, Drama, Family 716min. outrun his guilt, he lost his family, his title, and his way. But when a crooked promoter lures him back into a fight against Clerks: 15th Anniversary Edition Echo Bridge Home Entertainment the current undefeated champ, Dalton must enlist the aid of an 05.04.2011 enigmatic trainer to turn him back into a warrior so he can (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099330 stand tall and do battle once again. Marilyn Ghigliotti, Lisa Spoonauer, Kevin Sports, Action, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts Smith, Jason Mewes, Jeff Anderson, Kevin 2010 89min. Chocolat Smith, Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier, Kevin Lionsgate 07.06.2011 Smith Johnny Depp, Lena Olin, Judi Dench, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099114 This is fully loaded 15th Anniversary Edition of Kevin Smith’s Juliette Binoche, , John Wood, legendary directorial debut is the one to own. Even more Leslie Caron City Of God outrageous on Blu-ray - and complete with new bonus material Nominated for 5 Academy Awards® including Best Picture, - it’s the most brilliant and uncompromising presentation yet. Best Actress (Juliette Binoche - The English Patient) and Seu Jorge, Jonathan Haagensen, Douglas Clerks. Best Supporting Actress (Judi Dench - Shakespeare In Love), Silva, Phellipe Haagensen, Leandro Firmino Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Art Chocolat is the beautiful and captivating comedy from the House, On The Job, Work Sucks 1994 acclaimed director of The Cider House Rules! Nobody could Da Hora, Matheus Nachtergaele, Alexandre have imagined the impact that the striking Vianne (Binoche) Rodrigues, Daniel Zettel 92min. would make when she arrived in a tranquil, old-fashioned Celebrated with worldwide acclaim, this powerful true story Lionsgate 15.04.2011 French town. In her very unusual chocolate shop, Vianne of crime and redemption has won numerous prestigious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098932 begins to create mouth-watering confections that almost awards around the globe! The streets of the world’s most magically inspire the straitlaced villagers to abandon notorious slum, Rio de Janeiro’s „City of God,“ are a place themselves to temptation and happiness! But it is not until where combat photographers fear to tread, police rarely go Clerks: Collector’s Series another stranger, the handsome Roux (Johnny Depp - Sleepy and residents are lucky if they live to the age of 20. In the Hollow), arrives in town that Vianne is finally able to midst of the oppressive crime and violence, a frail and scared Marilyn Ghigliotti, Lisa Spoonauer, Kevin recognize her own desires! young boy will grow up to discover that he can view the harsh Smith, Jason Mewes, Jeff Anderson, Kevin Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama 2000 realities of his surroundings with a different eye: the eye of Smith, Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier, Kevin an artist. In the face of impossible odds, his brave ambition to 122min. become a professional photographer becomes a window into Smith Lionsgate 15.04.2011 his world and ultimately his way out! If you’re in the market for what The Detroit News called „A lively comic adventure,“ Clerks delivers with wholesale 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098882 Art House, Brazilian, Crime, Drama, Foreign hilarity! It’s one wild day in the life of a pair of overworked 2004 130min. counter jockeys whose razor-sharp wit and on-the-job antics The Cider House Rules Lionsgate 15.04.2011 give a whole new meaning to customer service! Even while braving a nonstop parade of unpredictable shoppers, the Charlize Theron, Delroy Lindo, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098877 clerks manage to play hockey on the roof, visit a funeral Caine, Paul Rudd, Tobey Maguire, Kate home, and straighten out their offbeat love lives. The boss is City Of Men nowhere in sight, so you can bet anything can—and WILL— Nelligan, Kathy Baker, Jane Alexander, happen when these guys are left to run the store! Erykah Badu, Kieran Culkin, Heavy D Darlan Cunha, Vinicius Oliveira, Naima On The Job, Work Sucks, Art House, Honored with two Academy Awards — Best Supporting Actor Silva, Camila Monteiro, Vitor, Jonathan Michael Caine and Best Adapted Screenplay, John Irving — Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy 1994 The Cider House Rules tells a compelling and heartwarming Haagensen, Douglas Silva, Eduardo Br, min. story about how far a young man must travel to find the place Rodrigo Dos Santos, Pedro Henrique, Lionsgate 15.04.2011 where he truly belongs! Homer Wells (Tobey Maguire — Luciano Vidigal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098886 Pleasantville, The Ice Storm, Wonder Boys) has lived nearly In this long-awaited follow-up to his Academy Award- his entire life within the walls of St. Cloud’s Orphanage in nominated film City Of God (2003, Best Director, Fernando rural Maine. Though groomed by its proprietor, Dr. Larch

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Clerks: Collector’s Series - 10th and Academy Award nominee Jude Law (Best Actor, Cold love, laughter and loyalty in this critically acclaimed comedy Mountain). At the dawn of the Civil War, the men of Cold treat! Anniversary Edition Mountain, North Carolina, rush to join the Confederate army. Romance, Comedy 2000 98min. Ada (Kidman) has vowed to wait for Inman (Law), but as the Marilyn Ghigliotti, Lisa Spoonauer, Jason war drags on and letters go unanswered, she must find the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Mewes, Jeff Anderson, Kevin Smith, Kevin will to survive. At war’s end, hearts will be dashed, dreams 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098892 Smith, Scott Mosier, Kevin Smith fulfilled and the strength of the human spirit tested...but not Kevin Smith’s Outrageous Directorial Debut. Miramax Home broken! Directed by Academy Award winner Anthony The Company Men Entertainment is proud to present this amazing, three-disc Minghella (The English Patient, 1996). collector’s set that includes two versions of the original indie Romance, War, Academy Award Winners, Maria Bello, Kevin Costner, Ben Affleck, classic, a killer, brand-new, 90-minute documentary - American Civil War, Drama, Historical / Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper „Snowball Effect: The Story of Clerks“ - and more never- Period Piece 2003 154min. In America, we give our lives to our jobs. It’s time to take them before-seen bonus material than you can shake a salsa shark back.. From multi-Emmy winning writer/director at! Lionsgate 15.04.2011 (ER, The West Wing), The Company Men is a remarkably On The Job, Work Sucks, Art House, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098889 relevant and uplifting motion picture experience inspired by Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy 1994 today’s headlines. Featuring a powerhouse cast including Academy Award winners Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper, Tommy 106min. The Comancheros: 50th Lee Jones and Kevin Costner, the film has been hailed as Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Anniversary (Digibook) (Blu-ray) „grade A. juicy, timely and terrifically engrossing“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098887 (Entertainment Weekly). Bobby Walker (Affleck) is living the John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Nehemiah Per- American Dream, until he is stunned to find himself the latest soff, Ina Balin, Stuart Whitman casualty of corporate downsizing. Suddenly, Bobby is forced Close Encounters Of The Third Academy Award-Winning legend John Wayne lays down the to re-evaluate his self-worth as a husband, a father and a Kind (Blu-ray Essentials) (Blu-ray) law and heats up the screen in this 50th Anniversary Blu-ray man. For as long as he can remember, he’s given his life to Edition of The Comancheros - packed with never-before-seen his job. Now, with only the love of his wife and family, it’s time Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon, extras and featuring limited-edition book packaging with rare to take his life back... Francois Truffaut photos from the Twentieth Century Fox archives. Determined Drama 2011 105min. Steven Spielberg’s classic film is back now on this never- to bring down a violent gang of gunrunners known as Starz / Anchor Bay 07.06.2011 before-released Ultimate Edition Blu-ray Disc, which Comancheros, a fearless Ranger (Wayne) forms an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098948 includes all three versions of the sci-fi blockbuster. Richard uneasy alliance with a notorious outlaw gambler (Stuart Dreyfuss stars as cable worker Roy Neary, who along with Whitman), and the unlikely partners soon realize they must several other stunned bystanders experience a close find common ground if they’re going to stay alive! The Company Men (Blu-ray) Classics, Adventure, Western 1961 encounter of the first kind - witnessing UFOs soaring across Maria Bello, Kevin Costner, Ben Affleck, the sky. After this life-changing event, the inexplicable vision 107min. of a strange, mountain-like formation haunts him. He becomes Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper obsessed with discovering what it represents, much to the 20th Century Fox 17.05.2011 In America, we give our lives to our jobs. It’s time to take them dismay of his wife and family. Meanwhile, bizarre 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098733 back.. From multi-Emmy winning writer/director John Wells occurrences are happening around the world. Government (ER, The West Wing), The Company Men is a remarkably agents have close encounters of the second kind - relevant and uplifting motion picture experience inspired by discovering physical evidence of extraterrestrial visitors in Comedy 4 Pack: Volume 1 today’s headlines. Featuring a powerhouse cast including the form of a lost fighter aircraft from World War II and a It is the not-so-legendary tale of the five not-so-brave Spart- Academy Award winners Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper, Tommy stranded military ship that disappeared decades earlier only ans who didn’t go to Thermopylae, but instead were assigned Lee Jones and Kevin Costner, the film has been hailed as to suddenly reappear in unusual places. Roy continues to to guard the secret goat path and ran away at the first sign of „grade A. juicy, timely and terrifically engrossing“ chase his vision to a remote area where he and the agents trouble. They were the laughing stock of the entire Spartan (Entertainment Weekly). Bobby Walker (Affleck) is living the follow the clues that have drawn them to reach a site where army. All they had to do was guard a lousy goat path. And they American Dream, until he is stunned to find himself the latest they will have a close encounter of the third kind - contact. failed. Shamed into hiding, Claudius, Darryl, Demetrius the casualty of corporate downsizing. Suddenly, Bobby is forced Classics, Drama, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Blind, Shazaam and Testicleese must embark on a hero’s to re-evaluate his self-worth as a husband, a father and a journey to redeem themselves and become true warriors man. For as long as he can remember, he’s given his life to Aliens, National Film Registry, Science armed with only a sharpened carrot, a rolling pin and an his job. Now, with only the love of his wife and family, it’s time Fiction, UFOs 1980 min. incredible sense of guilt. Smartly funny and based entirely on to take his life back... Sony Pictures Home Entertainment historical fact (allegedly), 305 proves that even the biggest Drama 2011 105min. losers get lucky sometimes. Nothing is more relaxing then a 15.02.2011 trip to cottage country with a group of friends. Enjoying the Starz / Anchor Bay 07.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099231 outdoors, beers by the lake, and a friendly orgy... Hoping to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099158 broaden their horizons and save their relationships, see the mayhem that ensues when three couples mix sex, drugs and The Cocoanuts alcohol in a crazy weekend getaway to Cummings Farm. In The Complete Captain Scarlet Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Margaret Dumont, this raunchy, wacky, comedy a ragtag group of misfit limo During a mission to Mars in 2068, agents of earth’s Spectrum Zeppo Marx, Oscar Shaw, Mary Eaton, Kay drivers find themselves embroiled in a plot security force start an interplanetary war when they destroy Comedy min. the ancient city of the , an invisible race with the Francisand, Groucho Marx Phase 4 Films 03.05.2011 ability to assume the form of any object or person they Musical, Classics, Comedy 1929 94min. destroy. But their attempt to take over Spectrum’s top agent— 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099137 Captain Scarlet—fails, and he becomes their most powerful Universal Studios 07.06.2011 and implacable enemy. With stunning special effects, a new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099259 generation of realistic puppets, and a Comic Book: The Movie darker, more serious tone than its predecessors, Captain Kevin Smith, Bruce Campbell, Mark Hamill, Scarlet And was producer ’s Cold Day In Hell, A (Space: 1999, Stingray, UFO, Thunderbirds) most ambitious Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887 William Drayton, once a Stan Lee, Hugh Hefner series. This DVD set includes all 32 episodes, available crack sharpshooter in the Civil War, has lost his wife and Mark Hamill (Star Wars) stars with sexy Donna D’Errico uncut and digitally remastered. The Mysterons / Winged home. He has ascended to the high country, wanting never to (Austin Powers Goldmember, TV’s Baywatch) and a host of Assassin / Big Ben Strikes Again / Renegade Rocket / Point be heard from again. But someone is trying to find him, a long- real-life celebrities - including Hugh Hefner, Stan Lee and 783 / Manhunt / / White As Snow Seek And lost daughter, Elizabeth, whom Drayton thought had long Kevin Smith - in this wildly funny journey into the world of Destroy / Spectrum Strikes Back / Avalanche / Shadow Of since died. Meanwhile, banker turned robber baron Horace comic book fandom! Documentary filmmaker Donald Swan Fear / The Heart Of New York / Fire at Rig 15 / The Scarsdale has mustered together an army of cutthroats and (Hamill) heads to the world’s largest comic book convention Launching / Lunarville 7 The Trap / / Dangerous guns for hire to help him build his railroad empire. When where he encounters a culture of craziness that he’s totally Rendezvous / Special Assignment / Place Of Angels / Crater Drayton returns to „civilization“ with his daughter and friends, unprepared for! Also featuring the voice talent from hit shows 101 / Expo 2068 / Tra he decided to make a stand against Scarsdale, his former Spongebob SquarePants, Futurama, Johnny Bravo and more! Family, Science Fiction DD 5.1 832min. Comedy 2003 106min. employer. Against impossible odds his faces down the vicious A&E 26.01.2010 band of raiders that Scarsdale calls „The Company Men“. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098869 Action, Adventure min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098891 Lionsgate 14.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099129 Committed Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind Julia Roberts, Sam Rockwell, Drew Heather Graham, Casey Affleck, Luke Cold Mountain Barrymore, George Clooney, Rutger Hauer Wilson, Patricia Velasquez, Goran Visnjic, George Clooney (Ocean’s Eleven), Drew Barrymore Jude Law, Renee Zellweger, Nicole Alfonso Arau (Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle) and Sam Rockwell (The Kidman, Natalie Portman, Philip Seymour Sexy Heather Graham (Austin Powers: The Spy Who Green Mile) star in the comedy thriller that poses an Hoffman, James Gammon, Kathy Baker, Shagged Me, Bowfinger) leads a hilarious cast in an irresistible question: what would happen if a wildly outrageously high-spirited comedy about the crazy things successful TV producer was also a top-secret CIA assassin? Jena Malone, Donald Sutherland, Brendan people will do for love! When Joline (Graham) discovers that While a maverick creator of America’s favorite game shows Gleeson, Ray Winstone, Giovanni Ribisi, her husband has abruptly left her in an effort to „find himself,“ gains notoriety for his smash television hits, he is also drawn Lucas Black, Ethan Suplee, Charlie she drops everything and drives out of New York City in into a shadowy world of danger as a covert government search of her stray spouse! Then, after finally tracking him operative! But soon his life begins to spiral out of control-both Hunnam, Jay Tavare down in the west Texas desert, Joline demonstrates that she’ll of them! Directed by George Clooney and based on Chuck (Academy Award winner - Best Actress, The do anything to win him back! Also featuring Casey Affleck Barris’ cult-classic autobiography, this entertaining hit Hours, 2002) stars with Academy Award winner Renee (Drowning Mona, Good Will Hunting), Goran Visnjic (TV’s delivers comedy to keep you laughing...and intrigue to keep Zellweger (Best Supporting Actress, Cold Mountain, 2003) ER) and (My Dog Skip) — all roads lead to you guessing!

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On The Job, Thrillers, Comedy, Dark showcase her new crime initiative and Win has no choice but 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099249 to follow her lead. With the help of his colleague Sykes Comedy 2002 min. (Annabeth Gish, Brotherhood), Win follows the evidence as it Lionsgate 15.04.2011 leads him to a killer in Knoxville, and then all the way back to Cyrus 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098893 Boston and a crime that hits much closer to home. Lance Henriksen, Danielle Harris, Brian TV Movies, Crime, Detectives, Independent Krause Women, Murder Mysteries 2010 87min. Confessions Of A Pit Fighter Mind of a serial killer.. Inspired by actual events, a small A&E 28.06.2011 Armand Assante, , Hector independent news crew, made up of reporter Maria and her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098839 camera man Tom, investigates a series of unexplained Echavarria, Flavor Flav, John Savage, Elya disappearances in a small Midwestern county. The story Baskin, James Russo, Robert Miano, Ri- leads them to the isolated town of Arkham Heights, where they Patricia Cornwell’s The Front find themselves interviewing Emmett, who possesses an all chard Herd too intimate knowledge of the details of „The County Line Eddie Castillo is an ex-con whose dream of a quiet life is Andie MacDowell, Ashley Williams, Daniel Cannibal“ - Cyrus. As Emmett inter-weaves the macabre life shattered when his brother is killed in an illegal underground Sunjata tale of Cyrus with the story of his last three victims, Maria fight. Desperate to find his brother’s killer, Eddie returns to Based on the novel by one of the world’s best-selling authors, comes closer and closer to the greatest story of her life - or the violent criminal underworld and begins and unforgettably the Lifetime Original Movie Patricia Cornwell’s The Front is what’s left of it. Filled with reenacted documentary footage of powerful journey of revenge and redemption. the fast-paced sequel to Patricia Cornwell’s At Risk and it actual forensic experts, serial killers and police authorities. Action, Drama, Fighting 2005 min. reunites Monique Lamont (Andie MacDowell, Sex, Lies And Thrillers, Horror 2011 90min. Lionsgate 07.06.2011 Videotape) and Win Garano (Daniel Sunjata, Rescue Me) to investigate Boston’s most famous criminal. Attempting to Starz / Anchor Bay 14.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099118 generate much needed publicity for her flagging political 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098953 aspirations, Monique orders Win to re-open the investigation Cop Land of the brutal, decades-old murder of a young blind woman named Janie Brolin. Janie’s boyfriend was the main suspect in Dahmer Vs. Gacy (Blu-ray) Sylvester Stallone, Robert Patrick, Janeane the original investigation, but Monique has another suspect in Harland Williams, Art LaFleur, Ethan Phillips Garofalo, Michael Rapaport, Annabella mind - the Boston Strangler. Win must work closely with a no- The two most infamous mass murderers battle for top spot.. A Sciorra, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Ray nonsense and combative female detective named „Stump“ secret government lab run by Dr. Hess has been trying to (Ashley Williams, Good Morning, Miami) to unpeel layer upon create the ultimate killer using the DNA of infamous killers Liotta, Peter Berg layer of the 40-year-old crime. Win and Stump’s relationship Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, but there’s one big No One Is Above The Law.. This tense action-thriller evolves as they uncover the truth about Janie’s death and problem: they’ve escaped! Bloody mayhem stretches across explodes with nonstop excitement and riveting star track down a psychopath who is leaving their witnesses and the United States as they go on the ultimate killing spree! performances! Sylvester Stallone stars as Freddy Heflin, the colleagues dead in his wake. Science Fiction, Serial Killers, Comedy, sheriff of a place everyone calls „Cop Land“- a small and TV Movies, Crime, Detectives, Independent Horror, Action 2011 85min. seemingly harmless town populated by the big-city police Women, Murder Mysteries 2010 89min. officers he’s long admired. Yet something ugly is taking place Virgil Films And Entertainment 10.05.2011 A&E 28.06.2011 behind the town’s peaceful façade. And when Freddy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099413 uncovers a massive, deadly conspiracy among these local 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098842 residents, he is forced to take action- and make a dangerous choice between protecting his idols...and upholding the law! Dark Forces: The Midnight Horror Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cross Cops, Drama 1997 min. Lori Heuring, Michael Clarke Duncan, Vinnie Collection Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Jones, Jake Busey, Brian Austin Green Slasher, Horror 355min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098894 When beautiful, young women start disappearing from the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment streets of L.A., it’s time for good-guy Callan (a.k.a. Cross) 05.04.2011 and his crew of weapons experts to kick into high gear and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099328 Roger Corman Drive-In Collection take out the trash. Granted incredible power by his ancient Roger Corman is hotter than ever! In 2010, the legendary Celtic cross, Callan must fight to stop an immortal Viking from filmmaker received an honorary Academy Award for his destroying mankind with his doomsday device. Daydream Nation Vikings, Action, Fantasy 2011 min. extraordinary contributions to the state of motion picture arts. Andie MacDowell, Landon Liboiron, Rachel Corman also helped launch the careers of such Hollywood Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Blanchard, Kat Dennings, Josh Lucas, luminaries as Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Charles 31.05.2011 Bronson, Sylvester Stallone, , Martin Reece Thompson Scorsese, and James Cameron! Beast From Haunted Cave 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099329 (Michael Forest, Sheila Carol, Frank Wolff). Thieves set off Romance, Drama 2010 98min. a mine explosion at a remote ski resort as a diversion to their Starz / Anchor Bay 17.05.2011 bank heist - but awaken a deadly cave creature! The Wild Cross My Heart / Fierce Creatures 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099282 Ride (Jack Nicholson, Georgianna Carter, Robert Bean). A / Opportunity Knocks / Splitting rebellious hot-rodder (Nicholson) kidnaps his buddy’s girlfriend and takes her on a dangerous, high-speed ride to Heirs (4 Movie Marathon) Daydream Nation (Blu-ray) evade capture! The Fast and The Furious (John Ireland, Dorothy Malone, Bruce Carlisle). Two lovers on the run from Romance, Comedy min. Andie MacDowell, Landon Liboiron, Rachel the law use the cover of a road rally to cross the border to Universal Studios 22.03.2011 Blanchard, Kat Dennings, Josh Lucas, freedom. T-Bird Gang (John Brinkley, Ed Nelson, Tony 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099383 Reece Thompson Miller). A courageous high school student joins a gang of juvenile delinquents to uncover his father’s killer! High Drama, Romance 2010 98min. School Big Shot (Tom Pittm The Crow: Collector’s Series Starz / Anchor Bay 17.05.2011 2011 330min. Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099312 Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Wincott 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099375 „Spectacular!“ -Chicago Tribune. Catch the explosive hit that Death At A Funeral (Blu-ray) thrilled moviegoers and critics everywhere! Brandon Lee (Rapid Fire) plays Eric Draven, a young rock guitarist who, Alan Tudyk, Andy Nyman Cornered! along with his fiancée, is brutally killed by a ruthless gang of From acclaimed director Frank Oz (In & Out, Dirty Rotten James Duval, Ellia English, Steve criminals. Exactly one year after his death, Eric returns - Scoundrels) comes „a fast, furious and riotously funny farce“ watched over by a hypnotic crow - to seek revenge, battling (Maxim) that’ll have you dying with laughter! As the mourners Guttenberg the evil crime lord and his band of thugs, who must answer for and guests at a British country manor struggle valiantly to During their nightly poker game, a group of lowlifes are their crimes. „keep a stiff upper lip,“ a dignified ceremony devolves into a terrorized in their own convenience store by a masked killer hilarious, no-holds-barred debacle of misplaced cadavers, as players begin to disappear one by one. Be warned and Revenge, Superheroes, Action, Based On indecent exposure and shocking family secrets. Including watch what you say... someone may be listening! Comic Book, Cult Film / TV 1994 101min. audio commentaries and an uproarious gag reel, Death At A Horror 2009 87min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Funeral blows the lid off the proverbial coffin as „the film’s delicious comic flourishes - sight gags, slapstick, flawless Phase 4 Films 31.05.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099067 timing - are served up by an outstanding cast“ (O, The Oprah 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099447 Magazine). The Cutting Edge: Fire And Ice Comedy 2011 Ltbx DTS 91min. Patricia Cornwell’s At Risk Francia Raisa, Brendan Fehr MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Andie MacDowell, Annabeth Gish, Daniel In this fourth installment of the ice skating film franchise, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099269 Alejandra „ Alex“ Delgado (Francia Raisa) retires from pairs Sunjata, Barclay Hope skating only to be lured back by the smoldering bad boy speed Based on the novel by one of the world’s best-selling authors, skater, James McKinsey (Brendan Fehr). But as the practices Death Race: Unrated / Death the Lifetime Original Movie Patricia Cornwell’s At Risk get more intense, so does their relationship off the ice - which Race 2 (2 Pack) (Blu-ray) introduces Win Garano (Daniel Sunjata, Rescue Me), the may derail their championship dreams. rising star of the Massachusetts State Police, who is sent to Ving Rhames, Joan Allen, Robin Shou, Lau- Tennessee by D.A. Monique „Money“ Lamont (Andie Romance, Sports, TV Movies, Comedy MacDowell, Sex, Lies And Videotape) to investigate a murder 90min. ren Cohan, Ian McShane, Jason Statham, that took place more than 20 years before. The calculating Gaiam Americas 01.03.2011 Danny Trejo, Tyrese Gibson, Luke Goss Monique thinks she has found the perfect mystery to Death Race:. Welcome to the Death Race, where hardened

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA convicts and smoking-hot navigators race tricked-out cars in Complete Season Five Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science the most twisted spectator sport on Earth! Sentenced to the Fiction 1982 155min. world’s most dangerous prison for a murder he did not commit, (Repackage) BBC Home Video 12.07.2011 Jensen Ames (Jason Statham) has only one chance to get out Jane Seymour, Joe Lando alive - win the ultimate race to the death. Also starring Tyrese 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098950 Gibson, Death Race is a „supercharged, sick and satisfying“ With an adopted family of three orphaned children, a new (Nathan Lee, The New York Times) ride that will keep you baby, and mountaineer Byron Sully by her side, Dr. Quinn and pinned to your seat all the way to its insane, metal-crushing crew lead the way into a changing America in the fifth season Doctor Who: The Gunfighters end. Death Race 2:. In the world’s most dangerous prison, a of this landmark series. From a train robbery to a mysterious new game is born: Death Race. The rules of this adrenaline- disease killing everyone in Mike’s clinic to a dangerous Jackie Lane, William Hartnell, Peter Purves fueled blood sport are simple, drive - or die. When repentant hostage situation, these seven DVDs feature all 26 episodes The TARDIS arrives in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881. The convict Carl Lucas (Luke Goss) discovers there’s a price on from the fifth season of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Runaway Doctor, suffering from toothache, seeks out the local dentist - his head, his only hope is to survive a twisted race against an Train / Having It All / Malpractice / All That Glitters Legend / none other than the notorious Doc Holliday. Meanwhile, army of hardened criminals and tricked-out cars. Also starring The Tempest / Separate But Equal Hostage / The Body Steven and Dodo decide to explore the town, and soon find Danny Trejo and Ving Rhames, Death Race 2 tells the explo- Electric / Before The Dawn / Starting Over His Father’s Son / themselves the replacement act at the Last Chance Saloon. sive story of how the legendary race began. Strap yourself in Moment of Truth (Part 1) / Moment of Truth (Part 2) Tensions are running high in the feud between the Clanton for an insane thrill-ride! Boxed Sets, CBS, Drama, Historical / Period family and Doc Holliday, while the local lawman, Wyatt Earp, struggles to keep the peace. When legendary gunman Johnny 2 Packs, Action, Prison, Racing, Science Piece, Independent Women 1996 1222min. Ringo comes to town, events escalate further. Can the Fiction, Thrillers 2011 min. A&E 26.04.2011 Doctor, Steven and Dodo do anything to diffuse the situation, Universal Studios 22.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098713 or is a gunfight at the OK Corral a historical inevitability? 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099274 Time Travel, Western, Adventure, BBC, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The British, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction 100min. Death Warrior Complete Season Four When an MMA champion is thrown into a twisted world of BBC Home Video 12.07.2011 underground fighting to save his wife’s life, he takes despera- (Repackage) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099143 te measures and violently fights to the death against many of Jane Seymour, Joe Lando his fellow MMA champions. They too, controlled by the Mike and Sully return to Colorado Springs as happy Dong Yi: Vol. 3 underground cage, are fighting against their will to save the newlyweds. As their family grows, so does the town with the lives of their loved ones. While onlookers place online bets, emergence of the railroad and the first bank, and the couple Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, one champion will rise to the top and uncover the identity of faces new challenges on the American Frontier. From a International TV, Korean 2010 1200min. the mastermind behind the corrupt tournament. The ultimate frightening kidnapping to the birth of Michaela and Sully’s showdown will prove that there can only be one true Death daughter, these eight DVDs feature all 27 episodes from the Mountain Apple Company 01.03.2011 Warrior. fourth season of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. A New Life / 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098993 Sports, Action, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts Traveling All-Stars / Mothers and Daughters / Brother’s 2010 90min. Keeper Halloween III / Dorothy’s Book / Promises, Promises Doubt Lionsgate 07.06.2011 The Expedition (Double Episode) / One Touch of Nature / Hell on Wheels Fifi’s First Christmas / Change of Heart / Tin Star Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099117 If You Love Someone / The Iceman Cometh / Dead or Alive (Part 1) / Dead or Alive (Part 2) Deal With The Devil / Eye Adams, Viola Davis For An Eye / Hearts and Minds Reunion / Woman of the Year From Miramax Films comes one of the most honored and Death Will Have Your Eyes / Last Chance / Fear Itself One Nation / When A Child Is Born acclaimed motion pictures of the year, Doubt. Based on the (Part 1) / When A Child Is Born (Part 2) Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning play, Doubt is a Farley Granger, Helga Line, Marisa Mell, mesmerizing, suspense-filled drama with four riveting Francisco Rabal, Riccardo Salvino Boxed Sets, CBS, Drama, Historical / Period performances from Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Louisa (Marisa Mell) is a young and attractive woman who Piece, Independent Women 1995 1256min. Amy Adams and Viola Davis that will have you pinned to the wants to make a living for herself in Rome, but soon falls prey A&E 26.04.2011 edge of your seat. Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Streep), the to some very shady characters that force her into prostitution. rigid and fear-inspiring principal of the Saint Nicholas While struggling to keep herself afloat, she meets a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098714 Church School, suffers an extreme dislike for the progressive fascinating doctor (Farley Granger) who is also a would-be and popular parish priest Father Flynn (Hoffman). Looking for poet. However, Louisa doesn’t really love him, and falls for Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The wrongdoing in every corner, Sister Aloysius believes she’s another man. When she gets involved in a murder, blackmail uncovered the ultimate sin when she hears Father Flynn has and violence ensue - until the shocking final revelation. Complete Season Six taken a special interest in a troubled boy. But without proof, Thrillers, Foreign, Italian 1974 97min. (Repackage) the only thing certain is doubt. Nominated for 5 Academy Mya Communication 26.04.2011 Awards and 6 Critics’ Choice awards, there is no Jane Seymour, Joe Lando DoubtDOUBT it is „One of the best pictures of the year,“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099301 With Sully and a growing family to support her, each episode (USA Today, Rolling Stone, New York Post). of the final season features a rich cast of characters and Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Art House, Detention memorable storylines that bring the timeless themes of the Old Drama 2008 103min. West straight into the hearts of contemporary viewers. Rich David Carradine, Preston Jones with tales of courage, romance, and important family values, Lionsgate 15.04.2011 A group of high school students are sent to Detention. these six DVDs feature all 22 episodes from the sixth and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098895 Abandoned and locked in, images of Ghosts appear as they final season of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. A Time to Heal attempt to escape, only to find themselves connected to a past (Part 1) / A Time to Heal (Part 2) / Civil Wars / Safe Passage horrific death and made responsible for it with their lives. Homecoming / Point Blank / Seeds of Doubt / 7 Kinds of Doubt (Blu-ray) Horror 2011 93min. Lonely Life in the Balance / Happily Ever After / Birdman / Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Vengeance To Have and to Hold / The Fight / A New Allegro Entertainment 13.05.2011 Beginning Adams, Viola Davis 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098726 From Miramax Films comes one of the most honored and Boxed Sets, CBS, Drama, Historical / Period acclaimed motion pictures of the year, Doubt. Based on the Piece, Independent Women 1998 1034min. Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning play, Doubt is a Devil’s Harvest Collection A&E 26.04.2011 mesmerizing, suspense-filled drama with four riveting Get ready for a roller-coaster trip of emotion with this campy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098715 performances from Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, collection from the golden age of Hollywood! Originally Amy Adams and Viola Davis - is even more powerful on Blu- intended to warn America’s youth of the perils of drugs, sex, ray. Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Streep), the rigid and fear- and alcohol, these outlandish and unintentionally hilarious Doctor Who: Paradise Towers inspiring principal of the Saint Nicholas Church School, suffers an extreme dislike for the progressive and popular tales have heartache, tragedy, crime, and even insanity, According to the sales brochure, Paradise Towers is a lurking around every corner! Narcotic Marihuana Sex parish priest Father Flynn (Hoffman). Looking for wrongdoing utopian blueprint for community living, with its fabulous in every corner, Sister Aloysius believes she’s uncovered the Madness Damaged Lives Tomorrow’s Children Devil’s architecture and state-of-the-art facilities. The perfect place Harvest What Becomes of the Children Delinquent Parents ultimate sin when she hears Father Flynn has taken a special for Mel to take a leisurely swim, in fact. But when the TARDIS interest in a troubled boy. But without proof, the only thing Collections, Cult Film / TV 2011 FF S arrives, the Doctor and his companion discover that the certain is doubt. And in Blu-ray High Definition, with a picture 575min. futuristic tower block has fallen into ruin, and a series of as clear as Sister’s rules, and sound as sharp as her tongue, unexplained disappearances have the tenants living in fear. this film will stay with you long after the credits have ended. Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 As gangs of teenage girls run wild in the hallways, a squad of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099367 bureaucratic Caretakers struggle to regain control. To keep Drama, Art House, Mystery, Religion/ the citizens of Paradise Towers safe, the Doctor must Spirituality 2008 103min. Django Shoots First / Gatling Gun confront the resident evil lurking in the basement. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Time Travel, BBC, British, Fantasy, Foreign, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098933 (Double Pack) International TV, Science Fiction 100min. Spaghetti Westerns, Western, 2 Packs, BBC Home Video 09.08.2011 Kirk Douglas Collection Foreign, Italian min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099234 Kirk Douglas, Barbara Stanwyck, Lizabeth Dorado Films 19.04.2011 Scott, Florinda Bolkan, Laraine Day, Eve 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099438 Doctor Who: The Awakening Miller, Marlene Jobert, Keenan Wynn, Peter Davison Trevor Howard, Alan Hale Jr. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, To Catch A Spy (Kirk Douglas, Marlene Jobert, Trevor Howard, Tom Courtenay). When a smuggler (Douglas) of

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Russian manuscripts is mistaken for a spy, he finds himself Gabriel (Omar Germenos), members of two families embroiled 1996 121min. entangled in international intrigue with the real agent’s sexy in a bitter rivalry over ownership of a silver mine. wife (Jobert). The Big Trees (Kirk Douglas, Eve Miller, Alan Complicated by a labyrinth of treason, hate, greed, and a dark Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Hale Jr.). An ambitious lumberjack (Douglas) has a change of secret, their love faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098898 heart after falling for a beautiful Quaker girl (Miller), but must as their families scheme to seize control of the richest silver contend with the unscrupulous timber barons that are not so mine in the region. easily swayed. My Dear Secretary (Kirk Douglas, Laraine Foreign 2011 FF S 700min. Emma / Shakespeare In Love Day, Keenan Wynn). In this classic, a best-selling novelist (Double Feature) (Douglas) with more interest in babes than books meets the Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 ultimate blonde (Day), who disrupts his playboy ways when 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099134 Ewan McGregor, Colin Firth, Geoffrey she becomes his „personal secretary.“ Just released from Rush, Gwyneth Paltrow, Greta Scacchi, prison, a professional thief decides to pull one last caper, which could either set him up for life or land him back behind Dudley Do-Right / Sgt. Bilko / Cop Jeremy Northam, Judi Dench, Toni Collette, bars! The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers (Kirk Douglas, And A Half / Ed (4 Movie Mara- Polly Walker, Ben Affleck, Alan Cumming, Barbara Stanwyck, Lizabeth Scott). In Kirk Douglas’ film Joseph Fiennes debut, a predatory female (Stanwyck) plots to rid herself of a thon) Dazzling Gwenyth Paltrow (Shakespeare In Love, The Royal meek husband (Douglas) and silence the former lover wh TV Remakes, Action, Comedy, Family min. Tenenbaums) shines as Emma - a mischievous young beauty Collections 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 490min. Universal Studios 22.03.2011 who sets up her single friends. Funny thing is...she’s not very Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 good at it! So when Emma tries to find a man for Harriet (Toni 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099311 Collette - The Sixth Sense, About A Boy), she makes a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099349 hilariously tangled mess of everyone’s lives. You’ll enjoy all the comic confusion...until Emma herself falls in love, finally Drive Angry Elizabeth / Elizabeth: The Golden freeing everyone from her outrageously misguided attempts at Age (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) matchmaking! Triumphant winner of 7 Academy Awards - Nicolas Cage, William Fichtner, Amber including Best Picture - this witty, sexy smash features Heard, Billy Burke Royalty, British, Double Features, Drama, Oscar-winning Best Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and an In the high-octane, action-adventure Drive Angry, Nicolas Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Academy amazing cast that includes Academy Award winners Judi Cage stars as an undead felon who breaks out of hell to Award Winners, Biography, Biopics min. Dench, Geoffrey Rush and Ben Affleck! When Will Shake- avenge his murdered daughter and rescue her kidnapped baby speare (Joseph Fiennes) needs passionate inspiration to from a band of cult-worshipping savages. Joined by tough-as- Universal Studios 22.03.2011 break a bad case of writer’s block, a secret romance with the nails Piper (Amber Heard), the two set off on a rampage of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099277 beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts the words flowing like redemption, all while being pursued by an enigmatic killer never before! There are just two things he’ll have to learn (William Fichtner) who has been sent by the Devil to retrieve about his new love: not only is she promised to marry Milton and deliver him back to hell. Ella Enchanted (Fullscreen) someone else, she’s successfully impersonating a man in Thrillers, Action, Devils And Demons, Anne Hathaway, Eric Idle, Vivica A. Fox, order to play the lea Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art Fantasy 2011 104min. Minnie Driver, Joanna Lumley, Cary Elwes, House, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Summit Entertainment 31.05.2011 Hugh Dancy, Aidan McArdle Historical / Period Piece min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099345 Anne Hathaway, the delightful star of The Princess Diaries, is Ella in the charming fairy-tale adventure Ella Enchanted. On Lionsgate 15.04.2011 the day of her birth, Ella is given a gift from her Fairy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099379 Drive Angry 3D (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Godmother - the gift of obedience, which is also a curse. Under no circumstance can Ella refuse anything she is asked ray) to do, no matter how wicked it may be. Tired of being taken Enchanted April Nicolas Cage, William Fichtner, Amber advantage of, Ella, with a talking book as her companion, leaves home to find her Fairy Godmother and return her Miranda Richardson, Joan Plowright, Polly Heard, Billy Burke unwanted gift. This simple errand soon turns into an amazing Walker, Josie Lawrence, Jim Broadbent, In the high-octane, action-adventure Drive Angry, Nicolas journey filled with ogres, giants, wicked stepsisters, elves Alfred Molina, Michael Kitchen Cage stars as an undead felon who breaks out of hell to and the plotting of Prince Charmont’s evil uncle, who wants to avenge his murdered daughter and rescue her kidnapped baby Two proper Englishwomen, determined to get away from their take over the crown and rule the kingdom. Bursting with drab lives and inattentive husbands, find paradise in the from a band of cult-worshipping savages. Joined by tough-as- colorful characters, music, wit and whimsy, Ella Enchanted is nails Piper (Amber Heard), the two set off on a rampage of serene countryside of the Italian Riviera in this enchanting a truly enchanting and heartwarming tale that will captivate adventure starring Josie Lawrence and Miranda Richardson redemption, all while being pursued by an enigmatic killer the entire family. (William Fichtner) who has been sent by the Devil to retrieve (Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire). When the pair rent a Milton and deliver him back to hell. Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family 2004 FF 96min. magnificent villa for a month, they share expenses with two Lionsgate 15.04.2011 unlikely companions — an austere widow and a bored Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Action, Thril- socialite. At first, personalities clash, but the hideaway holds lers 2011 104min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098896 a special magic that soon sparks friendships and reminds the Summit Entertainment 31.05.2011 women of ways to live and love that have long eluded them. Ella Enchanted (Widescreen) Stellar performances and breathtaking scenery make the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099385 Academy Award-nominated Enchanted April (1992: Best Anne Hathaway, Eric Idle, Vivica A. Fox, Supporting Actress, Joan Plowright; Best Costume Design, Drive Angry: Special Edition (Blu- Minnie Driver, Joanna Lumley, Cary Elwes, Sheena Napier; Best Adapted Screenplay, Peter Barnes) a Hugh Dancy, Aidan McArdle captivating delight for everyone who’s ever dreamed of taking ray) the perfect holiday! Anne Hathaway, the delightful star of The Princess Diaries, is Nicolas Cage, William Fichtner, Amber Ella in the charming fairy-tale adventure Ella Enchanted. On Art House, British, Drama, Foreign, Heard, Billy Burke the day of her birth, Ella is given a gift from her Fairy Historical / Period Piece 1992 93min. In the high-octane, action-adventure Drive Angry, Nicolas Godmother - the gift of obedience, which is also a curse. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Cage stars as an undead felon who breaks out of hell to Under no circumstance can Ella refuse anything she is asked 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098899 avenge his murdered daughter and rescue her kidnapped baby to do, no matter how wicked it may be. Tired of being taken from a band of cult-worshipping savages. Joined by tough-as- advantage of, Ella, with a talking book as her companion, nails Piper (Amber Heard), the two set off on a rampage of leaves home to find her Fairy Godmother and return her The English Patient redemption, all while being pursued by an enigmatic killer unwanted gift. This simple errand soon turns into an amazing (William Fichtner) who has been sent by the Devil to retrieve journey filled with ogres, giants, wicked stepsisters, elves Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas, Willem Milton and deliver him back to hell. and the plotting of Prince Charmont’s evil uncle, who wants to Dafoe, Juliette Binoche, Anthony Minghella, take over the crown and rule the kingdom. Bursting with Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Action, Thril- colorful characters, music, wit and whimsy, Ella Enchanted is Saul Zaentz, Anthony Minghella, Colin Firth, lers 2011 104min. a truly enchanting and heartwarming tale that will captivate Jurgen Prochnow, Naveen Andrews, Julian Summit Entertainment 31.05.2011 the entire family. Wadham 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099384 Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family 2004 96min. Winner of 9 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Director (Anthony Minghella) and Best Supporting Actress 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098897 (Juliette Binoche), this powerful motion picture is an Duck Soup experience you will never forget. During World War II, a Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Margaret Dumont, mysterious stranger (Ralph Fiennes) is cared for by British Emma allies unaware of his dangerous past. Yet, as the mystery of Zeppo Marx, Raquel Torres, Edgar Kenne- his identity s revealed, an incredible tale of passion, intrigue dy, Groucho Marx, Louis Calhern Ewan McGregor, Gwyneth Paltrow, Greta and adventure unfolds. Also starring Kristin Scott Thomas, Musical, National Film Registry, Classics, Scacchi, Jeremy Northam, Polly Walker, Colin Firth and Willem Dafoe. Romance, War, Academy Award Winners, Comedy 1933 69min. Alan Cumming AFI Top 100, Drama 1996 min. Universal Studios 07.06.2011 This delightfully fun and lighthearted comedy is based on the story that inspired the hit movie Clueless! Dazzling Gwyneth Lionsgate 15.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099260 Paltrow shines as Emma—a mischievous young beauty who sets up her single friends. Funny thing is...she’s not very 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099069 good at it! So when Emma tries to find a man for Harriet, she La Duda makes a hilariously tangled mess of everyone’s lives. You’ll ER: The Complete Fifteenth Silvia Navarro, Victor Gonzalez, Sergio enjoy all the comic confusion...until Emma herself falls in love, Bustamente finally freeing everyone from her outrageously misguided Season attempts at matchmaking! Maura Tierney, Scott Grimes, Angela A modern-day love story of Victoria (Silvia Navarro) and Romance, Comedy, Historical / Period Piece

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Bassett, Linda Cardellini, Mekhi Phifer, John The Exorcist (Blu-ray) Foreign, Martial Arts, Action min. Stamos, Parminder Nagra Max Von Sydow, Kitty Winn, Ellen Burstyn, Universal Studios 22.03.2011 Combining the extraordinary talents of best-selling author 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099279 Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park) and Steven Spielberg’s Linda Blair, Lee J. Cobb, Jason Miller Amblin Television with Peabody, Humanitas, and Emmy®- An innocent girl is evilly possessed — and a doubting priest winning producer John Wells (The West Wing, ) becomes her last hope. Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn in the Fertile Ground two-time Academy Award(R) winner that shocked the world. and Emmy® winner Christopher Chulack (Third Watch), the Emily and Nate Weaver leave the city for the rural comfort of multiple Emmy® Award-winning ER explores the inner Classics, Devils And Demons, Horror, Nate’s ancestral home in the country. Once there, Emily is workings of an urban teaching hospital and the critical issues Academy Award Winners, National Film plagued by horrifying visions and haunted by the ghosts faced by the dedicated physicians and staff of its Registry, Possession 1973 min. inhabiting their isolated new home. When Nate’s behavior overburdened emergency room. These medical professionals undergoes a strange and fearful metamorphosis, Emily fears remain determined to save lives in a place where nothing is Warner Bros. 29.03.2011 she might be the latest target in a murderous tradition. taken for granted and nothing is certain...nothing except that 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099194 another desperate person will be rushed through the Horror min. emergency room doors in the next moment in need of their Lionsgate 24.05.2011 help. Extract 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098820 Drama, NBC 2008 914min. Kristen Wiig, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 Mila Kunis, J.K. Simmons, David Koechner Finding Neverland (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098952 The creator of Office Space, writer-director Mike Judge (Beavis And Butt-head), moves from cubicles to the assembly Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, line with Extract - his outrageous return to workplace comedy, Dustin Hoffman, Radha Mitchell Essential Nazi Films: Four featuring a hilarious ensemble cast of quirky characters. Unlock Your Imagination.. Award winners Johnny Depp Classics About About to sell his successful flavor extract company, life is (Pirates of the Caribbean), Kate Winslet (Eternal Sunshine of almost sweet for Joel (Jason Bateman) until a freak on-the-job the Spotless Mind), Dustin Hoffman and Julie Christie (Troy, The Murderers Are Among Us. Using a film noir style infused accident happens. Add to that his bored wife (Kristen Wiig), Hamlet) star in this magical tale about one of the world’s with expressionism and a documentary- like point of view, this his laid-back, stoner best friend (Ben Affleck), a sexy con greatest storytellers and the people who inspired his feature, the first produced in post-war Germany, follows a man artist (Mila Kunis) who blows into town with dollar signs in masterwork, Peter Pan! Well-known playwright James M. and a woman returning to war-torn . (1946) I Was her bedroom eyes, and a dumb gigolo - and life as he knows it Barrie (Depp) finds his career at a crossroads when his Nineteen. This gritty, realistic film, based on director Konrad turns sour. Filled with laugh-out-loud one-liners and raunchy latest play flops and doubters question his future. Then by Wolf’s actual experiences, follows a young Soviet soldier of comedy, Extract is 100% pure hilarity. chance he meets a widow (Winslet) and her four adventurous German descent who returns to his homeland as part of the On The Job, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2009 boys. Together they form a friendship that ignites the victorious Soviet Army. (1968) The Gleiwitz Case. To justify imagination needed to produce Barrie’s greatest work! An invading Poland, the Nazi high command hatches a secret min. enchanting big-screen treat with an acclaimed cast of stars, plan: six Polish men from an SS training camp are sent on a Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Finding Neverland has been hailed as one of the year’s best special mission to the town of Gleiwitz, to fake a Polish raid motion pictures! on Germany. (1961) Naked Among Wolves. Starring Oscar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098901 Nominee Armin Mueller-Stahl and based on true events Drama, Family, Historical / Period Piece, Art related by Buchenwald survivor Bruno Apitz, this was the Extract (Blu-ray) House 2004 min. first German film about life and death in a concentration camp. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Kristen Wiig, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, (1963) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098935 Thrillers, World War II, Drama, German Mila Kunis, J.K. Simmons, David Koechner 385min. The creator of Office Space, writer-director Mike Judge (Beavis And Butt-head), moves from cubicles to the assembly Finding Neverland (Fullscreen) First Run Features 21.06.2011 line with Extract - his outrageous return to workplace comedy, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098954 featuring a hilarious ensemble cast of quirky characters. Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, About to sell his successful flavor extract company, life is Dustin Hoffman, Radha Mitchell almost sweet for Joel (Jason Bateman) until a freak on-the-job Unlock Your Imagination.. Award winners Johnny Depp : The Complete Fourth accident happens. Add to that his bored wife (Kristen Wiig), (Pirates of the Caribbean), Kate Winslet (Eternal Sunshine of Season his laid-back, stoner best friend (Ben Affleck), a sexy con the Spotless Mind), Dustin Hoffman and Julie Christie (Troy, artist (Mila Kunis) who blows into town with dollar signs in Hamlet) star in this magical tale about one of the world’s Treat Williams, Emily Vancamp her bedroom eyes, and a dumb gigolo - and life as he knows it greatest storytellers and the people who inspired his The WB, Troubled Youth, Drama, Family turns sour. Filled with laugh-out-loud one-liners and raunchy masterwork, Peter Pan! Well-known playwright James M. 2005 min. comedy, Extract is 100% pure hilarity. Barrie (Depp) finds his career at a crossroads when his Comedy, Marriage Woes, On The Job 2009 latest play flops and doubters question his future. Then by Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 92min. chance he meets a widow (Winslet) and her four adventurous 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099394 boys. Together they form a friendship that ignites the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 imagination needed to produce Barrie’s greatest work! An 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098934 enchanting big-screen treat with an acclaimed cast of stars, Everybody’s Fine Finding Neverland has been hailed as one of the year’s best Robert De Niro, Sam Rockwell, Drew motion pictures! The Fabulous Beekman Boys Art House, Drama, Family, Historical / Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale Robert DeNiro leads an acclaimed all-star cast - Drew Environmental, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Period Piece 2004 101min. Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale and Sam Rockwell - in Reality min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Everybody’s Fine, the heartwarming film that will move you to Gaiam Americas 31.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098902 laughter and tears. When Frank Goode’s (DeNiro) grown children cancel a family reunion, the recent widower sets off 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099024 on a cross-country journey to reconnect with each of them. Finding Neverland (Widescreen) Expecting to share in the joys of their happy, successful lives, Family 4 Pack: Volume 2 his surprise visits reveal a picture that’s far from perfect. A Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, family separated by physical and emotional distance finds a Based on actual events, sixteen year old Roy Parker and his Dustin Hoffman, Radha Mitchell way to come together in a story that will touch your heart. friends have set out to find the lost treasure of the notorious Unlock Your Imagination.. Award winners Johnny Depp Road Trips, Drama, Family, Family bank robber Butch Cassidy. Along the way, Roy discovers (Pirates of the Caribbean), Kate Winslet (Eternal Sunshine of that he alone holds the key to unlocking the truth about his the Spotless Mind), Dustin Hoffman and Julie Christie (Troy, Relationships 2009 100min. infamous great-uncle’s death that will prove once and for all Hamlet) star in this magical tale about one of the world’s Lionsgate 15.04.2011 whether Butch Cassidy died a ruthless outlaw to the end. The greatest storytellers and the people who inspired his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098900 real-life skateboarding sensations in their very first film. Nic masterwork, Peter Pan! Well-known playwright James M. and Tristan have to out-smart a mean babysitter, a wacky Barrie (Depp) finds his career at a crossroads when his security guard, an angry punk mob and more in order to make latest play flops and doubters question his future. Then by Exorcismus it to the Mega Dega Skate Competition. In many ways, 11 year chance he meets a widow (Winslet) and her four adventurous old Tim is the same as all boys his age. What makes his life boys. Together they form a friendship that ignites the Sophie Vavasseur, Doug Bradley different is that his father died before he was born and he’s imagination needed to produce Barrie’s greatest work! An This dark tale of supernatural possession from director spent much of his time alone. One day, Tim’s life changes enchanting big-screen treat with an acclaimed cast of stars, Manuel Caraballo combines classic horror with riveting completely, as he discovers a photo of a researcher living in Finding Neverland has been hailed as one of the year’s best family drama. Fifteen-year old Emma (Sophie Vavasseur, Scotland, who looks exactly like his dead father! Overcome motion pictures! Resident Evil: Apocalypse) is going through the growing with excitement, Tim is immediately compelled to find out the pains for teen life, believing her parents don’t understand her truth. He sneaks off and makes his way to Inverness, the Art House, Drama, Family, Historical / and longing for the independence that’s still a few years renowned Scottish village on the banks of the legendary Loch Period Piece 2004 101min. away. When Emma falls prey to a series of seizures that leave Ness. What awaits Tim surpasses Lionsgate 15.04.2011 doctors and psychologists baffled, her parents summon a Family min. priest (Doug Bradley) to help the girl. But what lurks inside 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098903 Emma is far more dangerous than they could have ever Phase 4 Films 03.05.2011 imagined. Exorcismus mounts to a pitch of horror from which 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099142 First Dog you won’t be able to turn away. Thrillers, Art House, Horror 101min. A foster boy is befriended by Teddy, a lost dog, who turns out Jet Li’s Fearless / Unleashed to belong to the President of the United States - but no one MPI 07.06.2011 believes him. And so begins an exciting adventure across 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098884 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) America to return the First Dog to the White House - Swordfighting, Chinese, Double Features, „Because it’s the right thing to do!“

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Adventure, Historical / Period Piece 90min. Friday Night Lights / The Express vendetta becomes part of an erupting wave of full blown gang Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 warfare. Feel you heart pound while weapons and culture (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) clash in a chaotic symphony of life and death. Surrender to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099065 the tumultuous atmosphere of 1860s New York as phenomenal Sports, Double Features, Drama, Football, sound and stunning visual clarity transport you back in time. High School min. Prepare to experience Scorsese’s masterpiece as never Flirting With Disaster: Collector’s Universal Studios 22.03.2011 before on Blu-ray High Definition. Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099278 Drama, Gangs, Historical / Period Piece Ben Stiller, Patricia Arquette, George Segal, 2002 167min. Lily Tomlin, Mary Tyler Moore, Tea Leoni, From Prada To Nada Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Richard Jenkins, Alan Alda Nora and Mary only know the good life in Beverly Hills, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098936 Written and directed by David O. Russell (Three Kings, shopping, posh parties, and more shopping, but they’re in for Spanking the Monkey), this hysterically original comedy was a big shock when Daddy’s fortune suddenly disappears. The Garden Of Eden cheered by critics and audiences nationwide. In a quest to Thankfully, an aunt takes them under her wing but she lives on find his biological parents, Mel Coplin (Ben Stiller - Duplex, the other side of town. Laugh out loud as these princesses Richard E. Grant, Mena Suvari, Carmen Meet the Parents) - joined by his wife (Patricia Arquette - embark on the biggest adventure of their lives...without Maura, Caterina Murino, Matthew Modine, Human Nature, Holes) and a sexy adoption counselor (Tea designer labels! Jack Huston Leoni - People I Know, Hollywood Ending) - embarks on a Romance, Comedy min. cross-country search for his „roots“. Yet as he careens from Passions ignite and explode across the screen in this erotic one outrageous situation to another, Mel finds himself tempted Lionsgate 03.05.2011 film based on Ernest Hemingway’s final, controversial novel. by the seductive counselor - even as his wife starts a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098815 While on an extended honeymoon across Europe, a young flirtation of her own! By the time they meet up with his free- American writer (Jack Huston) and his wife (Mena Suvari) spirited birth parents, the whole situation is spinning become players in a tantalizing game of seduction that hysterically out of control! Also starring Mary Tyler Moore, From Prada To Nada (Blu-ray) threatens to destroy their relationship and change their lives Alan Alda and Lily Tomlin, this hilarious hit is sure to Nora and Mary only know the good life in Beverly Hills, forever. entertain everyone! shopping, posh parties, and more shopping, but they’re in for Drama, Erotica 2008 97min. Romance, Comedy 2004 min. a big shock when Daddy’s fortune suddenly disappears. Lionsgate 15.03.2011 Thankfully, an aunt takes them under her wing but she lives on Lionsgate 15.04.2011 the other side of town. Laugh out loud as these princesses 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099108 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098904 embark on the biggest adventure of their lives...without designer labels! Gargoyles Romance, Comedy min. Fly Away Cornel Wilde, Jennifer Salt, Bernie Casey Lionsgate 03.05.2011 Beth Broderick, Greg Germann, J.R. Bourne Cornel Wilde stars as an anthropology professor who When love means letting go. A powerful film directed by Emmy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098919 stumbles upon a clan of demon gargoyles living in the desert Award® winner Janet Grillo (Autism: The Musical), Fly Away Southwest. Since its first airing in 1972, this low-budget gem narrates the story of Jeanne (Beth Broderick, Bonfire Of The Gallants has earned an enduring spot in the hearts of horror fans Vanities, Sabrina The Teenage Witch) and her autistic tee- worldwide. It won the Emmy award for Outstanding nage daughter, Mandy (Ashley Rickards, One Tree Hill). Two martial artists run the village teahouse, once the kung-fu Achievement in Makeup for Del Armstrong, Ellis Burman Jr., Jeanne has cared for Mandy since the day she was born, school of their teacher Master Law, who lies unconscious in and Stan Winston (Jurassic Park, Avatar). The special growing closer every day to a child who is charmingly offbeat a three decades-long coma. The middle-aged pair’s skills effects were created by Milt Rice and George Peckham. one moment and nearly impossible to manage the next. In the have diminished in the 30 years they have waited for their TV Movies, Cult Film / TV, Devils And dog park, Jeanne encounters Tom (Greg Germann, Ally master to return - but then a real estate agent accidentally Demons, Horror 1972 74min. McBeal, Friends With Money), an easygoing and accepting awakens the comatose Law, just in time for the master to train neighbor who sparks a romantic interest, but she finds all three in preparation for a martial-arts tournament that will Hen’s Tooth 17.05.2011 Mandy’s care and her own career leaves little room decide everyone’s fate! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098723 for a new man. As the pressures of work and her child’s Foreign, Martial Arts 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 needs increase, she must decide whether or not to enroll 98min. Mandy in a therapeutic residential facility. Over the course of Gaumont Treasures Vol. 2 a few weeks, Jeanne is confronted with the most difficult Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 During its second decade of existence, the Gaumont Film decision a parent can make: to let go, allowing her child to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099141 Company continued to prove itself as an indomitable force in grow, but also grow apart; or to hold on tight and fall together. cultivating and advancing the fledgling art of cinema. This Drama, Family Relationships, Mental Illness Gangs Of New York DVD collection surveys the work of some of its most 2011 FF S 80min. influential filmmakers, including Emile Cohl (the screen’s first Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, John C. great animator), Jean Durand (who specialized in madcap A&E 26.04.2011 Reilly, Jim Broadbent, Brendan Gleeson, comedy and American-style Westerns), and Jacques Feyder, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098716 whose sophisticated comedies made him the French Henry Thomas counterpart to Ernst Lubitsch and Cecil B. DeMille. An epic tale of vengeance and survival, Gangs Of New York Foreign, French, Short Film Collections, Forget Me Not now his harder than ever on Blu-ray Disc. Directed by Academy Award winner (2006, Best Silent Film 598min. Carly Schroeder, Chloe Bridges, Cody Director, The Departed), this motion picture event stars two Kino Video 19.04.2011 Linley time Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis (1989, Best Actor, My 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098677 It’s graduation weekend, and Sandy Channing, the popular Left Foot; 2007, Best Actor, There Will Be Blood), Leonardo class president of her small-town high school, should be DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz After years of incarceration, enjoying the time of her life. But when her friends start young Irish immigrant Vallon (DiCaprio) returns Gavin & Stacey: Season Two disappearing, Sandy discovers they have unwittingly seeking revenge against the rival gang leader (Day-Lewis) awakened the vengeful spirit of a girl they wronged long ago. who killed his father. But before long Amsterdam’s personal Ruth Jones, James Corden Fighting for her sanity and her life, Sandy must unlock a dark vendetta becomes part of an erupting wave of full blown gang The acclaimed comedy Gavin & Stacey, written by and secret from her own past before it’s too late. warfare. Feel you heart pound while weapons and culture starring James Corden (The History Boys) and Ruth Jones Thrillers, Horror 2009 min. clash in a chaotic symphony of life and death. Surrender to (Little Britain, Saxondale) returns for a second season of the tumultuous atmosphere of 1860s New York as phenomenal romance...and more misunderstandings and run-ins between Phase 4 Films 24.05.2011 sound and stunning visual clarity transport you back in time. their hilarious families! Season Two finds Gavin and Stacey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099443 Prepare to experience Scorsese’s masterpiece as never just returning from their honeymoon. The happy couple plans before on Blu-ray High Definition. to live with Gavin’s parents in Essex until they can get a Drama, Gangs, Historical / Period Piece place of their own. However, while Gavin won’t even Frida consider moving to Barry, Stacey feels bad for leaving her 2002 167min. Geoffrey Rush, , Alfred family and wants to be there to support her newly pregnant Lionsgate 15.04.2011 best friend Nessa. And Nessa has a bombshell of her own Molina, Valeria Golino, Mia Maestro, Antonio 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098906 when Smithy is the last person to find out that he is the father Banderas, Edward Norton, Roger Rees of the child she is carrying. Nominated for six 2002 Academy Awards including Selma BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Hayek for Best Actress, Frida is the triumphant motion picture Gangs Of New York (Remastered) TV, Romance 2008 195min. about an exceptional woman who lived an unforgettable life! A product of humble beginnings, Frida Kahlo (Hayek) earns (Blu-ray) BBC Home Video 16.08.2011 fame as a talented artist with a unique vision. And from her Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, John C. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099417 enduring friendship with her mentor and husband, (Alfred Molina-Chocolat), to her scandalous affairs, Reilly, Jim Broadbent, Brendan Gleeson, Frida’ uncomproming personality would inspire her greatest Henry Thomas Gavin & Stacey: The Christmas creation! Also starring Antonio Banderas (Spy Kids) Ashley An epic tale of vengeance and survival, Gangs Of New York Special And Season Three Judd (Kiss The Girls), Edward Norton (Red Dragon) and now his harder than ever on Blu-ray Disc. Directed by Geoffrey Rush (Quills)! Academy Award winner Martin Scorsese (2006, Best Ruth Jones, James Corden Photography/Art, Art House, Biography, Director, The Departed), this motion picture event stars two Gavin and Stacey along with their dysfunctional family and time Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis (1989, Best Actor, My friends return for a Christmas special and a final season of Biopics, Drama 2002 123min. Left Foot; 2007, Best Actor, There Will Be Blood), Leonardo the multi award-winning series Gavin and Stacey written by Lionsgate 15.04.2011 DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz After years of incarceration, and starring James Corden (The History Boys), Ruth Jones 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098905 young Irish immigrant Amsterdam Vallon (DiCaprio) returns (Little Britain, Saxondale). In the Christmas special, Gavin seeking revenge against the rival gang leader (Day-Lewis) and Stacey’s families meet in Essex to celebrate the holiday, who killed his father. But before long Amsterdam’s personal but an unexpected surprise announcement from Gavin may

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA spoil the cheer. Season Three finds Smithy feeling left out Piece, American Civil War, War 551min. The most brilliant mind at America’s top university isn’t a now that his best friend Gavin has moved to Wales with student...he’s the kid who cleans the floors! Will Hunting Stacey. Meanwhile, all seems to be happy with Nessa who Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 (Damon) is a headstrong, working-class genius who’s failing has shacked up with her boyfriend Dave in a caravan on the 127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099229 the lessons of life. After one too many run-ins with the law, Welsh coast. Despite the distance between Essex and Wales, Will’s last chance is a psychology professor (Williams), who however, there are still plenty of opportunities for the two might be the only man who can reach him! With acclaimed families and their friends to get together. As with any exten- Ghastly Grabs: Vol. VII performances from Academy Award nominee Minnie Driver ded family, though, there are always a few unwanted Black Ribbon. Gorno. Sick and the Dead. and Ben Affleck - you’ll find Good Will Hunting a powerful a complications... and a couple of surprises no one could ever Boxed Sets, Horror min. unforgettable movie experience. have predicted! Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 Academy Award Winners, Art House, Dra- BBC, British, Christmas, Comedy, Foreign, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098680 ma 1997 126min. International TV, Romance 2009 195min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 BBC Home Video 16.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098908 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099416 Ghastly Grabs: Vol. VIII Demon Kiss. Inexchange. Nightmare Alley. Boxed Sets, Horror min. The Great Raid (Blu-ray) Gavin & Stacey: The Complete Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 Connie Nielsen, James Franco, Benjamin Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098682 Bratt, Joseph Fiennes, Marton Csokas Ruth Jones, Rob Brydon, James Corden, The inspirational true story of the most triumphant rescue mission in U.S. military history bursts onto the screen through Matthew Horne The Glades: Season 1 the revolutionary new Blu-ray Disc technology. As World The double BAFTA-winning comedy Gavin & Stacey proves Enthralling mystery, compelling characters and wry humor are War II rages, the 6th Ranger Battalion is sent 30 miles behind that falling in love is never as simple as boy meets girl. par for the course in the year’s most intriguing new series! enemy lines to liberate over 500 American prisoners of war. Written by and starring Ruth Jones (Little Britain, Nighty Matt Passmore stars as Jim Longworth, a no-nonsense Chica- Follow the exploits of these heroes in awe-inspiring 1080p. Night) and James Corden (The History Boys), this series go detective who relocates to Florida anticipating plenty of Experience every sound of the mission in 5.1 48kHz, 16-bit follows the trials and tribulations of two young lovers as they sunshine, golf and easy living. What he finds, however, is a uncompressed audio that practically brings the battle into embark on a whirlwind romance that brings their nations, and caseload swamped with murder. As the investigator relies on your living room. The courage and strength pf these real-life their families, crashing together. Gavin is an ordinary boy experience, instinct and forensic science to crack baffling heroes is brought to life once again through the magic of Blu- from , Stacey is an ordinary girl from Wales, but when cases, he pursues the affections of a pretty, quick-witted ray High Definition. these two fall in love, the peculiar personalities of their medical student. Join Jim and his investigative team in the Drama, Military, Action, War, World War II families and friends make it a rocky road to happiness. The sleepy resort town of Palm Glade, where the forecast is complete collection, including seasons one, two, and three, as always sunny...with a chance of homicide! 2005 132min. well as the 2008 Christmas Special, follows the couple Lionsgate 15.04.2011 through their first encounter, wedding day, and hopes of Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 having a baby, not to mention the hilarious antics of their 567min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098938 families and best friends along the way. For Gavin and Stacey, 20th Century Fox 14.06.2011 there will be no such thing as „ordinary“ ever again. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099016 The Great Raid (Fullscreen) BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Connie Nielsen, James Franco, Benjamin TV, Romance min. The Goatherd Bratt, Joseph Fiennes, Marton Csokas BBC Home Video 16.08.2011 The Most Triumphant Rescue In U.S. Military History. In the 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099395 Chilean, Foreign, Horror 2009 78min. epic tradition of Saving Private Ryan, The Great Raid is an Virgil Films And Entertainment 22.02.2011 inspirational true story of the most triumphant rescue mission 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099407 in U.S. military history! As World War Two rages, the elite Gettysburg / Gods And Generals: 6th Ranger Battalion is given a mission of heroic proportions: Limited Collector’s Edition push 30 miles behind enemy lines and liberate over 500 Gone Baby Gone American prisoners of war. Under the command of Lt. Col. Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Stephen Lang, Ed Harris, Amy , Casey Affleck, Henry Mucci (Benjamin Bratt, Traffic), the men of the 6th will Richard Jordan, , Tom face the unthinkable by attempting the impossible! Also Michelle Monaghan, Amy Ryan, Morgan Berenger, C. Thomas Howell, Kevin featuring James Franco (Spider-Man 1&2), Connie Nielsen Freeman, John Ashton (Gladiator) and Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare In Love), this Conway, Maxwell Caulfield, James Lanca- Based on the novel by Mystic River author Dennis Lehane, gripping big-screen hit captures a moment in time when men of ster Gone Baby Gone marks the directorial debut of actor Ben honor became soldiers of destiny! Key battles of America’s Civil War thunder across the screen Affleck. Featuring a solid cast that includes Ed Harris, War, World War II, Action, Drama, Military in two richly scaled, rigorously authentic, powerfully Morgan Freeman, and Afflecks brother Casey in the lead role 2005 min. compelling epics based on acclaimed historical novels by as a private detective, Gone Baby Gone centers on the Michael Shaara. The tide of the war changes during three disappearance of a young girl in the working class Lionsgate 15.04.2011 fierce days of combat at Gettysburg, the gripping saga of the neighborhood of Dorchester in South Boston. With plenty of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099378 tactics, command errors and sacrifices behind the bloodiest twists and turns, the movie works as a solid crime thriller, but battle ever fought on U.S. soil. Gods And Generals reveals its as a study of a place—and ones ability to either accept the spirited allegiances and fierce combat of earlier Civil War and embrace or ultimately break free from it—that the film The Great Raid (Widescreen) struggles, framing its tale with the fateful clashes at Bull Run, flowers. Connie Nielsen, James Franco, Benjamin Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. These sprawling films Mystery, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, remind us of the people, passions and heroism that fanned the Bratt, Joseph Fiennes flames of a country at war with itself. Includes Director’s Cut Kidnapping 2007 114min. The Most Daring Rescue Mission Of Our Time Is A Story of Gettysburg and Gods And Generals. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 That Has Never Been Told. In the epic tradition of Saving Private Ryan, The Great Raid is an inspirational true story of War, American Civil War, Double Features, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098907 the most triumphant rescue mission in U.S. military history! As Drama, Historical / Period Piece 551min. World War II rages, the elite 6th Ranger Battalion is given a Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 Gone Baby Gone (Blu-ray) mission of heroic proportions: push 30 miles behind enemy lines and liberate over 500 American prisoners of war. Under 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099144 Ed Harris, Amy Madigan, Casey Affleck, the command of Lt. Col. Henry Mucci (Benjamin Bratt - Michelle Monaghan, Amy Ryan, Morgan Traffic), the men of the 6th will face the unthinkable by Gettysburg / Gods And Generals: attempting the impossible! Also featuring James Franco Freeman, John Ashton (Spider-Man 1 & 2), Connie Nielsen (Gladiator) and Joseph Limited Collector’s Edition (Doub- Based on the novel by Mystic River author Dennis Lehane, Fiennes (Shakespeare In Love), this gripping big-screen hit Gone Baby Gone marks the directorial debut of actor Ben captures a moment in time when men of honor became soldiers le Feature) (Blu-ray) Affleck. Featuring a solid cast that includes Ed Harris, of destiny! Morgan Freeman, and Afflecks brother Casey in the lead role Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Stephen Lang, as a private detective, Gone Baby Gone centers on the War, World War II, Action, Drama, Military Richard Jordan, Jeff Daniels, Tom disappearance of a young girl in the working class 2005 132min. Berenger, C. Thomas Howell, Kevin neighborhood of Dorchester in South Boston. With plenty of Lionsgate 15.04.2011 twists and turns, the movie works as a solid crime thriller, but Conway, Maxwell Caulfield, James Lanca- its as a study of a place—and ones ability to either accept 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099377 ster and embrace or ultimately break free from it—that the film Key battles of America’s Civil War thunder across the screen flowers. Greatest Classic Films: Burt Lan- in two richly scaled, rigorously authentic, powerfully Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Kidnap- compelling epics based on acclaimed historical novels by caster Michael Shaara. The tide of the war changes during three ping, Mystery 2007 min. fierce days of combat at Gettysburg, the gripping saga of the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Will Geer, tactics, command errors and sacrifices behind the bloodiest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098937 Robert Ryan, Peter Riegert, Frederic March battle ever fought on U.S. soil. Gods And Generals reveals Burt Lancaster and Peter Riegert star in the wonderfully the spirited allegiances and fierce combat of earlier Civil War whimsical comedy of an oil company’s planned buyout of a struggles, framing its tale with the fateful clashes at Bull Run, Good Will Hunting Scottish seaport. „Genuine fairy tales are rare; so is Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. These sprawling films filmmaking that is thoroughly original in an unobtrusive way. remind us of the people, passions and heroism that fanned the Matt Damon, Minnie Driver, Ben Affleck Local Hero is both“ (Vincent Canby, The New York Times). flames of a country at war with itself. Includes Director’s A true motion picture phenomenon, this triumphant story was John Frankenheimer directed this suspense classic about a Cuts of Gettysburg and Gods And Generals. nominated for 9 Academy Awards - winning Oscars for Robin military plot to overthrow the government involving a hawkish Double Features, Drama, Historical / Period Williams and hot newcomers Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. general (Lancaster), a pacifist President (Frederic March)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and the vigilant colonel (Kirk Douglas) who uncovers the plot. translate for him. Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey love with the beautiful Shelia. Befriended by the hippies Politics, Presidents, Swashbucklers, Thril- as an unlikely bond of friendship is formed between two men pacifist leader, Berger and urged to crash a formal party in from opposite sides of one of the world’s most infamous and order to declare his love for Shelia, Claude begins an lers, Adventure, Comedy, Conspiracies, bloodiest wars. adventure that lands him in jail, Central Park Lake and finally, Drama, Military min. War, Drama, Friendships min. in the army. But Berger’s final effort to save Claude from Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 Lionsgate 31.05.2011 Vietnam sets in motion a bizarre twist of fate...with shocking 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099237 consequences. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098823 Comedy, Drama, Musical 1979 121min. MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Greatest Classic Films: Literary Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099451 Romance Elisabeth Moss, Jason Isaacs, Nathan Laurence Olivier, , Elizabeth Fillion Hamlet Taylor, Janet Leigh, Van Helfin, Basil An anthology of 6 tales that show Hal Jordan and the Green Ethan Hawke, Sam Shepard, Steve Zahn, Rathbone, Jennifer Jones, June Allyson, Lanterns policing the galaxy a la Gotham Knights. Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Action, Kyle MacLachlan, Julia Stiles, Diane Greta Garbo, Louis Jourdan, Greer Garson, Adventure, Superheroes 2011 min. Venora, Bill Murray, Liev Schreiber, Karl Freddie Bartholomew, Frederic March Warner Bros. 07.06.2011 Geary Mr. Darcy (Laurence Olivier) sets maiden hearts aflutter - Hot Hollywood star Ethan Hawke (Gattaca) is joined by Julia except for that of unimpressed Elizabeth Bennett (Greer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098827 Stiles (10 Things I Hate About You) and Bill Murray Garson). Jane Austen’s masterwork is richly adapted in this (Rushmore) in a hip, thoroughly contemporary adaptation of lavish Academy Award winner. All she wanted was Green Lantern: Emerald Knights ’s epic story of passion, betrayal and everything. Jennifer Jones plays the title role, and Vincente revenge! The president of the Denmark Corporation is dead... Minnelli directs a lavish Hollywood retelling of the Flaubert (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) and already his wife is remarried to the man suspected of his masterwork also starring Louis Jourdan, Van Heflin and murder! Nobody is more troubled by this than her son, Hamlet James Mason. Greta Garbo (New York Film Critics Award Elisabeth Moss, Jason Isaacs, Nathan (Hawke). Now, after this hostile takeover, vengeance is in winner as Best Actress) risks all for the perfect love in Fillion the air! Also featuring Kyle MacLachlan (One Night Stand), Tolstoy’s tale of romance and Imperial Russia, also starring An anthology of 6 tales that show Hal Jordan and the Green Liev Schreiber (Scream 3), Diane Venora (The Insider) and Fredric March, Freddie Bartholemew and Basil Rathbone. Lanterns policing the galaxy a la Gotham Knights. Sam Shepard (The Pelican Brief) in an outstanding ensemble - Romance, Academy Award Winners, Fantasy, Based On Comic Book, Action, the power of Shakespeare’s timeless words is matched by the Classics, Historical / Period Piece min. Adventure, Superheroes 2011 min. stunningly modern look and feel of this widely acclaimed Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 highly entertaining big-screen event! Warner Bros. 07.06.2011 Romance, Shakespeare, Thrillers, Drama 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099244 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098920 2000 130min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Greatest Classic Films: Lucille Groupie 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098909 Ball Eric Roberts, Taryn Manning , James Mason, Gene Kelly, Desi When a mysterious groupie joins legendary cursed band, „The Happy-Go-Lucky Dark Knights,“ a series of unexplained murders derails their Arnaz, Red Skelton comeback tour. Nonso Anozie, Sally Hawkins, Sylvestra Le Anyone know how to park this thing? Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz play newlyweds who hit the honeymoon road with a 40- Horror 2011 87min. Touzel, Alexis Zegerman, Karina foot house trailer in tow in this crowd-pleasing comedy Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Fernandez, Caroline Martin, Sarah Niles, directed by Vincente Minnelli. Heaven help them! Ball and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098727 , Stanley Townsend, Oliver Arnaz head for the great outdoors - and so does her guardian angel (James Mason) ? in a comedy that asks: „Can marriage Maltman, Samuel Roukin survive a camping trip?“ Ball and Ann Miller join the Marx Growth (Blu-ray) Academy Award nominee Mike Leigh (Best Director and Best Brothers in a riotous romp about a cash-strapped theatrical Original Screenplay, Vera Drake, 2004), delivers the troupe trying to nail down a backer for their new Broadway Mircea Monroe, Nora Kirkpatrick, Richard delightfully fresh and cheerful comedy Happy-Go-Lucky. venture. Riehle, Brian Krause, Christopher Shand Free-spirited and effervescent, Poppy is a schoolteacher Musical, Road Trips, Comedy min. Terror is skin deep.. In 1989, a breakthrough in Advanced whose unstoppable optimism guides her life. Bubbling forth Parasitic Development at the Kuttyhunk Island Research with giggles, laughter and jokes, life’s a bowl of cherries - Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 Facility led to a mysterious outbreak that killed most of the even when she comes across a few pits. Whether it’s a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099241 center’s staff and the island’s residents. Twenty years later, a cranky driving teacher or a fiery flamenco instructor, Poppy young woman who fled the original epidemic has returned with embraces life on the sunny side of the street. It’s a joyous, a group of friends to sell her family’s property. But a new feel-good film you’ll find irresistible. Greatest Classic Films: Shake- breed of parasite may have evolved and survived. They are Art House, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign speare fast moving. They can slither into - or out of - any orifice in 2008 118min. the human body. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Maggie Smith, Charlton Heston, Laurence Thrillers 2009 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098910 Olivier, Frank Finlay, Leslie Howard, Olivia Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 de Havilland, Norma Shearer, Hildegard 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099165 Neil, Mickey Rooney, Jason Robards, Happythankyoumoreplease James Cagney, John Barrymore The Guild: Season 4 Malin Akerman, Kate Mara, Zoe Kazan, James Cagney, Olivia de Havilland, Mickey Rooney and Josh Radnor, Tony Hale, Pablo Schreiber others play foolish mortals and immortals in this winner of 2 Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day Go get yourself loved. . Josh Radnor (CBS’s How I Met Your Academy Awards.* Max Reinhardt’s fabled stage production Hot off the cliffhanger to Season 3, Codex (Felicia Day) Mother) wrote, directed and stars in becomes movie magic. Erich Wolfgang Korngold adapts Felix scrambles to justify her impetuous encounter with Rival Guild happythankyoumoreplease a sharp comedy centered on a Mendelssohn’s music. Laurence Olivier’s bravura portrayal of Leader Fawkes (Wil Wheaton) to herself and her Guild. In- group of 20-something New Yorkers struggling to figure out the proud general brought low remains a screen touchstone in game, it’s Guildie vs. Guildie when Vork announces a themselves, their lives and their loves. Featuring a brilliant this National Theatre of staging. With Maggie fundraising competition for design rights to the new in-game young cast and music from breaking indie musicians, it deftly Smith as faithful Desdemona and Frank Finlay as scheming Guild Hall. Meanwhile, Zaboo and Vork deal with a real- captures the uncertainty and angst of what it is to be young, Iago. Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard are divided by family world house guest, Tink and Clara pair up to make some quick vulnerable, and desperate to find out who you are - or and united by love in director George Cukor’s lavish retelling cash and Codex’s computer problems force her to work at a perhaps more importantly, who you want to be. of the world’s foremost romantic tale. With John Barrymore as real job (OMG) with Bladezz (OMFG!). This unrated DVD a witty, swaggering Mercutio. Charlton Heston plays a includes all 12 episodes from Season 4, the hit music video Romance, Comedy 2010 99min. vigorous Marc Antony and directs a thoughtful and colorful „Game On!“ and exclusive bonus material not available on the Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 adaptation of the fatal attraction that ensnares the worldly- Internet. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098958 wise Roman soldier and the alluring Egyptian ruler (Hilde- Comedy 96min. gard Neil as Cleoptara). A&E 22.02.2011 Romance, Shakespeare, Ancient Greece / Happythankyoumoreplease (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098687 Rome, Comedy, Conspiracies, Drama min. ray) Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 Hair (Blu-ray) Malin Akerman, Kate Mara, Zoe Kazan, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099246 Josh Radnor, Tony Hale, Pablo Schreiber John Savage, Treat Williams, Melba Moore, Go get yourself loved. . Josh Radnor (CBS’s How I Met Your Green Dragon Cheryl Barnes, Anne Golden, Don Dacus, Mother) wrote, directed and stars in happythankyoumoreplease a sharp comedy centered on a In 1975, refugee camps were set up across the deserts of the Ronnie Dyson, Dorsey Wright Brimming with the energy, passion and music that rocked a group of 20-something New Yorkers struggling to figure out United States to house an exodus of over 100,000 Vietnamese themselves, their lives and their loves. Featuring a brilliant immigrants before and immediately after the fall of Saigon. nation, Hair is an entertaining and powerful tribute to the turbulent spirit of the 60’s. Brilliantly recreated by Oscar young cast and music from breaking indie musicians, it deftly When Tai (Don Duong) arrives at Camp Pendleton, he is captures the uncertainty and angst of what it is to be young, confronted by a camp filled with despair. Jim Lance (Patrick Winning director Milos Forman and screenwriter Michael Weller, this vibrant screen version of the Broadway vulnerable, and desperate to find out who you are - or Swayze) is the Marine in charge of housing the refugees until perhaps more importantly, who you want to be. sponsors can be found to help them assimilate into American phenomenon. Fresh from the farm, Claude Bukowski arrives in life. Lance quickly commissions Tai, who speaks English, to New York City for a date with the Army Induction Board, only Comedy, Romance 2010 99min. to walk into a hippie happening in Central Park and fall in

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 Romance, Art House, Drama, Dysfunctional 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099162 Families, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian Hollywood Bombshells Collection Interest 1994 99min. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Gene Harder They Fall Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Tierney, Marie Windsor, Barbara Payton, Rona Freeman, Josh Lamboy, Johnny 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098912 Yvonne De Carlo, Akim Tamiroff, Donald Vieira Crisp, George Sanders, Raymond Burr, When the boundaries of their combat zone extend from the Hero (Blu-ray) George Raft, , Bruce Cabot, ring to the streets of Miami, Max and Jesus fight to dominate. One is a promising amateur following in the footsteps of his Jet Li, Ziyi Zhang, Maggie Cheung, Donnie Alan Hale Jr., Walter Slezak, Rod Cameron, legendary father, and the other a poverty-stricken kid from the Yen, Tony Leung, Chen Dao Ming Jack Buetel wrong side of the tracks. What holds more weight, the Master filmmaker Quentin Tarantino presents Hero - starring Hometown Story (Marilyn Monroe, Donald Crisp, Alan Hale pressure of success or the fear of failure? One of them is martial arts legend Jet Li in a visually stunning martial arts Jr.). Iconic blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe plays the destined to rise to the top...The one that survives. epic where a fearless warrior rises up to defy an empire and secretary to a small-town newspaper editor who begins a Sports, Action, 2005 min. unite a nation! With supernatural skill...and no fear...a campaign to prove that corrupt „big business“ has taken over nameless soldier (Jet Li) embarks on a mission of revenge City Hall! Sundown (Gene Tierney, Bruce Cabot, George Lionsgate 07.06.2011 against the fearsome army that massacred his people. Now, to Sanders). Gene Tierney, the most beautiful women of her era, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099121 achieve the justice he seeks, he must take on the empire’s stars in this WWII espionage thriller! At an English outpost in most ruthless assassins and reach the enemy he has sworn to North Africa, two British officers (Cabot, Sanders) enlist a defeat! Acclaimed by critics and honored with numerous ravishing caravan trader (Tierney) to help thwart the Nazis Harlem Blues awards, Hero was nominated for both an Oscar and Golden from supplying arms to local rebels. Outpost In Morocco When Ishmael is released from prison, he is forced to return Globe! (Marie Windsor, George Raft, Akim Tamiroff). Glamorous film to the life on the streets that he thought he had left behind. Chinese, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Martial heroine Marie Windsor shines in this Foreign Legion Determined to survive, he trains as a professional fighter, and extravaganza. An emir’s vivacious daughter (Windsor) and a struggles to stay out of the world of gangs, drugs and turf Arts, Action, Ancient China 2002 99min. dashing captain (Raft) are caught in a web of forbidden love, war. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 intrigue, and high adventure! The Outlaw (Jane Russell, Jack Crime, Drama min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098939 Buetel, Walter Huston). Jane Russell’s notorious big-screen debut! The voluptuous star plays love interest to Lionsgate 07.06.2011 in director ’ scandalous (and originally 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098850 Hero: Special Edition banned) version of the legendary outlaw’s tale. Salome, Jet Li, Ziyi Zhang, Maggie Cheung, Donnie Where Sh Classics, Collections 2011 FF S 510min. Hawthorne: The Complete Se- Yen, Tony Leung, Chen Dao Ming Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 cond Season Master filmmaker Quentin Tarantino presents Hero - starring martial arts legend Jet Li in a visually stunning martial arts 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099347 Suleka Mathew, Jada Pinkett Smith, epic where a fearless warrior rises up to defy an empire and Vanessa Lengies, Hannah Hodson, Christi- unite a nation! With supernatural skill...and no fear...a Home Improvement: The na Moore, Michael Vartan, David Julian nameless soldier (Jet Li) embarks on a mission of revenge against the fearsome army that massacred his people. Now, to Complete Collection Hirsh achieve the justice he seeks, he must take on the empire’s Jada Pinkett Smith stars as Director of Nursing Christina most ruthless assassins and reach the enemy he has sworn to From their home to yours, Home Improvement: The 20th Hawthorne, a passionate advocate for her patients who must defeat! Acclaimed by critics and honored with numerous Anniversary Complete Collection comes to DVD on May 10, balance the demands of being a widowed mother. When awards, Hero was nominated for both an Oscar and Golden 2011. One of TV’s most celebrated and hilarious comedies, cutbacks close Richmond Trinity, Christina and several of her Globe! Home Improvement follows Tim (Tim Allen), Jill (Patricia fellow doctors and nurses join the struggling James River Action, Ancient China, Chinese, Cult Film / Richardson) and their three children: Brad (Zachary Ty Hospital. She defies enormous odds to rescue a heroin- Bryan), Randy (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) and Mark (Taran addicted mother, confronts angry protestors to save a death TV, Foreign, Martial Arts 2002 99min. Noah Smith). Relive all your favorite moments with the row patient, and takes on the entire review board to keep the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Taylors in this premium set complete with all eight memorable hospital open. On the home front, Christina also fights to raise 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098913 seasons of the classic comedy about friends, tools, and the her rapidly maturing daughter, while deciding if Christina „power“ of family. This limited edition set comes in a herself is ready for a closer relationship with the Chief of collectible red toolbox with an exclusive Binford all-in-one Surgery Dr. Wakefield (Michael Vartan, TV’s Alias). Highlander 3: The Final Dimensi- tool, plus laugh-out-loud bonus features! Collections, Comedy min. Drama 2010 425min. on - Special Director’s Cut Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Disney / Buena Vista 10.05.2011 Mario Van Peebles, Mako, Deborah Unger, 07.06.2011 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098826 Christopher Lambert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099332 Chosen centuries ago to protect all that is good...Now, an evil enemy has journeyed through time to destroy him!. The last Horatio Hornblower: The Original Heaven incredible chapter of the thrilling action-adventure series, Adventures Highlander: The Final Dimension finds the immortal Connor Martin Donovan, Richard Schiff, Joanna MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) destined for a decisive battle , Ioan Gruffudd, Robert Going, Patrick Malahide, Danny Edwards with his ruthless eternal enemy, Kane (Mario Van Peebles). Lindsay, Paul Copley A cast of great stars turn in memorable performances in this Pursued across time by his arch rival, MacLeod must make a He is the ultimate high-seas hero: a man of unshakable sexy, utterly mesmerizing thriller! An architect with a beautiful heroic last stand if he is to rid the earth of the seemingly courage, unwavering principles, and extraordinary skill. wife (Joanna Going - Phantoms, Inventing The Abbotts) and unstoppable Kane! Joining the Royal Navy at the outset of the bloody Napoleonic son, Robert Marling (Martin Donovan) had it all...but is on Swordfighting, Time Travel, Action, Wars, Horatio Hornblower rises quickly from raw recruit to the verge of losing everything as his life spirals into a seedy Fantasy 1994 99min. seasoned sailor, and his exploits become the stuff of legend. world of gambling - and the supernatural! The thrills start the A&E’s lavish adaptations of C.S. Forester’s classic novels night he meets „Heaven,“ an exotic stripper whose disturbing Lionsgate 15.04.2011 charmed millions of viewers with their swashbuckling action, psychic visions begin raising the stakes and inextricably link 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099374 broadside battles, and below-decks intrigue. This set brings their lives! Also starring Richard Schiff, this captivatingly together two feature-length chapters in the Emmy®-winning unpredictable motion picture moves through a suspenseful Hornblower saga: The Duel and The Fire Ships. Ioan string of twists and turns that you’ll find endlessly Highlander 4: Endgame (2-Disc Gruffudd (The Fantastic Four, Titanic) gives a star-making entertaining! Set) performance as the dashing hero, and the stellar supporting Thrillers, Love Gone Bad 1998 97min. cast includes Robert Lindsay (Me & My Girl), Jamie Bamber Christopher Lambert, Adrian Paul, Bruce Lionsgate 15.04.2011 (Band of Brothers), and Paul Copley (Queer as Folk). The Payne, Shelia Gish, Lisa Barbuscia, Donnie Fire Ships 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098911 Yen, Damon Dash War, Action, Adventure, British, Drama, It will take two Immortals to defeat the ultimate evil. But in the High Seas FF S 200min. Heavenly Creatures end there can be only one.. Exclusive All-New Cut From The A&E 26.04.2011 Producers Of The Original Highlander — Featuring 12 Min- Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey, Diana Kent, utes Of Added Footage Not Seen In Theaters! For the next 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098719 Sarah Peirse, Clive Merrison, Peter electrifying chapter in this wildly popular action-packed Jackson, Frances Walsh, Jim Booth, Peter legacy, Highlander: Endgame teams big-screen star Christo- Horror 4 Pack: Volume 2 pher Lambert (Highlander I, II, II, Mortal Kombat) with the Jackson Highlander TV series star Adrian Paul. To combat the Weekend bikers Robert and Allan are plunged into a world of The Uncut Version. Thrilling and provocative, Heavenly fearsome Highlander villain and his ruthless band of horrifying violence when their wives are abducted by a pair of Creatures is the highly acclaimed, true life story of the immortals, Connor (Lambert) and Duncan (Paul) join together psychopaths. The two desperate men are forced to follow a shocking crime that stunned a nation! When circumstances in a power play for the ages! But even though it will take the series of frighteningly bizarre clues that includes several brings together two bright and highly imaginative teenage combined strength of two Immortals to win this fight, in the end terrifying tasks that will leave the sweltering Mojave Desert schoolgirls - they quickly form an unwavering bond - creating there can be only one! Bold, exciting and tremendously awash in blood. As part of a new rehabilitation program, eight a fantasy world that only they can share. But soon their entertaining — you don’t want to miss this epic struggle of unrepentant young adults must serve a week of community parents, disturbed by the intensity of the friendship, threaten good versus evil! service in a remote California forest preserve known as to keep them apart. In retaliation, the girls vow to stay Grizzly Park. Under the supervision of stalwart, no-nonsense together, devising a secret plan that leads to shocking Time Travel, Action, Fantasy 2000 87min. Ranger Bob (Glenn Morshower), this group of rotten-to-the- consequences! With captivating performances and startlingly Lionsgate 15.04.2011 core bad apples is offered an opportunity to seek redemption original visual effects, Heavenly Creatures is gripping 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099373 on their journey through the woods. But while Ranger Bob entertainment you won’t soon forget! seeks to provide both literal and spiritual guidance to the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA reluctant campers, an escaped serial killer with an insatiable stars. For a limited time, How I Won the War: Special Edition Lionsgate 14.06.2011 bloodlust has also found his way into the park. As it happens, comes with a Commemorative Photo , which features however, he’s not the only lethal hunter on the loose. behind the scenes photos from the film. The feature has been 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099130 According to a popular magazine, the 58th spookiest place in remastered for this DVD release with supervision from Ri- the world is the Ashbrooke Barn in the small town known as chard Lester (Director), and John Victor-Smith (Editor). Now The Importance Of Being Earnest Blood Creek. Local legend states that if you you can bring home John Lennon’s only non-Beatles Horror min. performance in a feature film. Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Rupert Phase 4 Films 03.05.2011 War, World War II, British, Comedy, Foreign Everett, Judi Dench, Edward Fox, Anna 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099136 1967 111min. Massey, Tom Wilkinson, Charles Kay MGM MOD 22.03.2011 A Peerless Comedy Of Manners!“ -Los Angeles Times. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098704 Starring Reese Witherspoon (Legally Blonde), Colin Firth Horse Feathers (Bridget Jones’s Diary), and Rupert Everett (My Best Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Zeppo Marx, Friend’s Wedding), here is the hilarious adventure of two The Hustler: 50th Anniversary dashing young bachelors and the outrageous deceptions they Groucho Marx find themselves in over love! Whenever Worthing (Firth) Romance, Sports, Classics, Comedy, (Digibook) (Blu-ray) wants to leave his dull country life behind, he makes visits to the city posing as his fictitous „brother“ Ernest. There he Football 1932 67min. Jackie Gleason, Paul Newman, George C. becomes smitten with the ravishing Gwendolen (Frances O’ Universal Studios 07.06.2011 Scott, Piper Laurie, Murray Hamilton, Myron Connor - A.I.). But when Worthing is in town, his playboy pal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099261 McCormick Algy (Everett) is in the country and falling for Worthing’s Racking up nine Academy Award Nominations, including Best young and beautiful ward, Cecily (Witherspoon) - while also Picture, this powerful and provocative cinematic masterpiece impersonating Ernest! Pandemonium ensues when these two Hostage explodes on screen - as never before - on Blu-ray! Paul would-be Ernests find themselves face to face and in the Bruce Willis, Serena Scott Thomas, Kevin Newman electrifies in his brilliant portrayal of Fast Eddie predicament of explaining who they really are! Romance, Art House, British, Comedy, Dra- Pollak, Ben Foster, Jonathan Tucker Felson, an arrogant hustler whose unbridled ambition drives him to challenge legendary pool player Minnesota Fats ma, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2002 Every Second Counts.. Action superstar Bruce Willis (Sin (Jackie Gleason) - but the stakes are higher than either of City, Die Hard, Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, Armageddon, them can imagine. 94min. Pulp Fiction) powers a nail-biting thriller that crackles with Lionsgate 15.04.2011 action and suspense! When Jeff Talley (Willis) became Chief Classics, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling, Na- of Police in a sleepy town, he thought he’d left behind the tional Film Registry, Romance, Sports 1961 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099371 traumas of his career as a big city hostage negotiator. But 135min. when a random crime escalates into a deadly stand-off, Talley In Her Skin find himself thrust into a situation far more volatile and 20th Century Fox 17.05.2011 terrifying than anything he could ever imagine! Also starring 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098734 Guy Pearce, Khan Chittenden, Miranda Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects, The Whole Nine Yards), Otto, Rebecca Gibney, Ruth Bradley, Sam Jonathan Tucker (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and Ben Foster (Six Feet Under, The Punisher), this acclaimed hit is Hyenas Neill based on the best-selling novel by Robert Crais. Gannon, a man whose family was brutally murdered, returns to The desire for a new life turns a jealous obsession into a Action, Cops, Crime, Hostage Crisis 2005 the scene of the crime to find justice for his family while disturbing game of identity theft in this terrifying seeking his revenge. With the recruitment of the town’s psychological thriller based on a true story. Homely loner 113min. hunter, Gannon learns of a growing breed that hunts in packs Caroline (Ruth Bradley) long to escape her tormented Lionsgate 15.04.2011 waiting to eat you alive. Together they will stop at nothing to adolescence and finds a way by living vicariously through 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099372 bring this growing breed to extinction. popular girl Rachel (Kate Bell), who seemingly has it all. Horror 2011 92min. Thrillers, Drama 2009 108min. Lionsgate 19.04.2011 MPI 07.06.2011 House Of Sin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098890 There is a place near old Londontown where seemingly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099080 „normal“ people congregate to abandon their mundane lives and problems. They call it the House of Sin, the man in charge I Am Number Four In The City Of Sylvia is known only as „The Mage.“ No one knows who he is or where he came from nor do they care. In the House of Sin, Thrillers, Action, Adventure 2011 109min. Pilar Lopez De Ayala, Xavier Lafitte they are free to explore every desire, perversion and emotion, Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 A young artist searches the winding streets of Strasbourg for to be humiliated and dominated or to be the one cracking the an old love in Jose Luis Guerin’s acclaimed and exceedingly whip, to become someone or something else, engaging in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099325 beautiful In the City of Sylvia. During a languid summer, a bizarre behavior that would not be at all acceptable in the young man spends his afternoons sketching in an outdoor „real world.“ Prepare to be shocked and even disgusted by I Am Number Four (Blu-Ray + café. He is looking for a woman he met several years earlier. what goes on behind these closed doors and to wonder if your Amidst a buzz of conversation and activity, he sketches the neighbors and people you see on the street everyday might be DVD+ Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) many beautiful women around him, any one of whom could be searching for the same thing, to pursue their wild fantasies her. Then one afternoon, he thinks he sees her, and sets off unbridled by the rules of a „sane“ society. Featuring music Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Action, Adventure through the city to confront his memory. videos by rap star, Dap C and rock band, No Redemption. 2011 109min. Spanish, Drama, Foreign 84min. House Of Sin is a strange and unique British film that you will Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 Cinema Guild 24.05.2011 never forget. Dare to enter the House of Sin and reveal your darkest desires. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099338 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099221 British, Foreign, Horror 2011 80min. ADA 22.03.2011 I Am Number Four (Blu-ray) Infernal Affairs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099303 Thrillers, Action, Adventure 2011 109min. Andy Lau, Anthony Wong, Eric Tsang, Disney / Buena Vista 24.05.2011 Chapman To, Lam Ka Tung, Tony Leung The Housemaid 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099339 Chiu Wai, Ng Ting Yip, Wan Chi Keung A sensation at the 2010 , Korean Loyalty. Honor. Betrayal.. An award-winning crime thriller in director Im Soo-sang’s remake of the classic 1960 film is the I Love Hong Kong the intense tradition of Heat and Reservoir Dogs...critics story of Eun-yi ( Jeon Do-yeon, Cannes 2007 Best Actress everywhere have hailed Infernal Affairs for its gritty action Award winner for Secret Sunshine), a young innocent hired to Eric Tsang, Sandra Ng and international superstars. Chan Wing Yan (Tony Leung - care for a wealthy pregnant woman. Eun-yi’s presence Chinese, Comedy, Drama, Family Hero) is a hard-nosed veteran cop sent undercover to attracts the amorous attentions of Hoon, the master of the infiltrate the notorious Triad crime ring. An expert at bringing house, and he begins an affair with her. Igniting the jealousy Relationships, Foreign 2011 Ltbx 16x9 down violent syndicates, Chan thinks it’s going to be a of an older maid who knows many family secrets. Eun-yi 104min. routine mission. What he’s not prepared for is the discovery quickly finds herself in the center of a familiar power Tai Seng 26.04.2011 that the Triad’s boss (Eric Tsang - The Accidental Spy) has struggle. With The Housemaid Im Soo-sang brings both a planted a mole (Andy Lau - The Legend Of Drunken Master) keen eye for the dynamics of sex and power and a lush, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098968 in the police department...and now Chan is being hunted luxurious of style. down. In this battle of wills, only one cop can win! Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Korean 2010 Idol Of Evil Action, Chinese, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2002 101min. 107min. Fantasy, Horror 2009 95min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 MPI 07.06.2011 ADA 19.04.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099369 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098888 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099430

How I Won The War: Special Edi- Immigration Tango Insignificance: The Criterion tion An American couple and a foreign couple test the limits of Collection friendship and love when they switch partners and get Theresa Russell, Gary Busey, Tony Curtis, Michael Crawford, John Lennon, Roy married for green cards in this fun and flirty romantic comedy Kinnear that earned Best Picture at the Boston International Film , Michael Emil John Lennon stars in his first film performance in this Festival. Four unnamed people who look and sound a lot like Albert hilariously surreal collage of battle footage and one-liners Romance, Comedy min. Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio, and Joseph lampooning the absurdity of the war. Michael Crawford also McCarthy converge in one New York City hotel room for this

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA compelling, visually inventive adaptation of Terry Johnson’s Keaton Jean Claude LaMarre, John Jean play, from director Nicolas Roeg (Walkabout, The Man Who One Of The Year’s Best!“ -Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times. This side-splitting comedy follows two immigrants, Trevor Fell To Earth). With a combination of whimsy and dread, Roeg Combining an explosive mix of intense action and edgy humor Barrington and Charlotte Billups, who have arrived in Los creates a fun-house-mirror picture of cold war America that wirh a sizzling all-star cast, director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Angeles with hopes of finding a better life. After a few days of questions the nature of celebrity and plays on a society’s Fiction) scores with the entertaining Jackie Brown. What do looking for work, Trevor decides to use their savings to open simmering nuclear fears. Insignificance is a delirious, intelli- a sexy stewardess (Pam Grier), a street-tough gun runner a Caribbean restaurant called Kassava. This „fish out of gent drama, featuring magnetic performances by Michael Emil (Samuel L. Jackson), a lonley bail bondsman (Robert water“ comedy follows the hilarious, and often true-to-life, (Tracks, Always) as „the professor,“ Theresa Russell (Bad Forster), a shifty ex-con (Robert De Niro), an earnest federal moments that restaurant owners experience. Trevor and Timing, Black Widow) as „the actress,“ Gary Busey (The agent (Michael Keaton) and a stoned-out beach bunny Charlotte find that their new brand of cuisine takes a little Buddy Holly Story, Lethal Weapon) as „the ballplayer,“ and (Bridget Fonda) have in common? They’re six players on the getting used to, and they get more than they bargained for Tony Curtis (Sweet Smell Of Success, Spartacus) as „the trail of a half million dollars in cash! The only questions are... when it comes to running and maintaining a small Caribbean senator.“ who’s going to get played... and who’s going to make the big restaurant in the heart of glitzy LA. Art House, British, Comedy, Criterion score? Comedy, Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 85min. Collection, Drama, Foreign 1985 108min. Romance, Art House, Comedy, Crime, Dark Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Criterion 14.06.2011 Comedy, Drama 1997 154min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099284 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098757 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099366 Kate & Leopold Insignificance: The Criterion Meg Ryan, Hugh Jackman, Breckin Meyer, Collection (Blu-ray) Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back Natasha Lyonne, Liev Schreiber Theresa Russell, Gary Busey, Tony Curtis, Jason Lee, Jon Stewart, Ali Larter, Eliza If they lived in the same century, they’d be perfect for each Dushku, Tracy Morgan, Joey Lauren other.. Meg Ryan (You’ve Got Mail) and Hugh Jackman (X- Will Sampson, Michael Emil Men) are paired as star-crossed lovers who discover Four unnamed people who look and sound a lot like Albert Adams, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Rock, Will passion and chivalry never go out of style! When a rip in time Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio, and Joseph Ferrell, Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck, George brings together a charming 19th century bachelor and a McCarthy converge in one New York City hotel room for this Carlin, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith, Scott thoroughly 21st century woman, the potential for an old- compelling, visually inventive adaptation of Terry Johnson’s fashioned modern romance ignites! Also starring Breckin play, from director Nicolas Roeg (Walkabout, The Man Who Mosier, Kevin Smith Meyer (Road Trip) and Live Schreiber (Scream 3). Fell To Earth). With a combination of whimsy and dread, Roeg Experience Kevin Smith’s wildly irreverent comedy in a whole creates a fun-house-mirror picture of cold war America that new way on high definition Blu-ray Disc. Packed with stars, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy 2001 118min. questions the nature of celebrity and plays on a society’s including Ben Affleck, Chris Rock, Jason Lee and more, the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 simmering nuclear fears. Insignificance is a delirious, intelli- hilarious conclusion of Jay and Silent Bob’s story is big 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098916 gent drama, featuring magnetic performances by Michael Emil entertainment that looks and sounds even better in Blu-ray’s (Tracks, Always) as „the professor,“ Theresa Russell (Bad revolutionary new format. When best buddies Jay and Silent Timing, Black Widow) as „the actress,“ Gary Busey (The Bob discover that a major motion picture is being based on Kate & Leopold / Serendipity Buddy Holly Story, Lethal Weapon) as „the ballplayer,“ and their likenesses, the dopey duo head for Hollywood to claim Tony Curtis (Sweet Smell Of Success, Spartacus) as „the the movie money they deserve. Watch all the hysterical action (Double Feature) senator.“ in stunning 1080p, and enjoy the film’s hot soundtrack in 5.1 John Cusack, Meg Ryan, Kate Beckinsale, British, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- 48kHz, 16-bit uncompressed audio. See, hear and feel the Hugh Jackman, Breckin Meyer, Molly ma, Foreign, Art House 1985 108min. excitement with Blu-ray High Definition. Road Trips, Stoners, Comedy 2001 104min. Shannon, Natasha Lyonne, Bridget Criterion 14.06.2011 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Moynahan, Eugene Levy, Liev Schreiber, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098771 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098914 Jeremy Piven, John Corbett Meg Ryan (You’ve Got Mail) and Hugh Jackman (X-Men) are Iron Monkey paired as star-crossed lovers who discover passion and Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back chivalry never go out of style! When a rip in time brings Jean Wang, Donnie Yen, Yu Rong Guang, together a charming 19th century bachelor and a thoroughly Tsang Sze Man (Blu-ray) 21st century woman, the potential for an old-fashioned modern With sensational, nonstop martial arts excitement supplied by Jason Lee, Jon Stewart, Ali Larter, Eliza romance ignites! Also starring Breckin Meyer (Road Trip) and the acclaimed choreographer of The Matrix and Crouching Dushku, Tracy Morgan, Joey Lauren Live Schreiber (Scream 3). Irresistible stars John Cusack Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey is the spirited tale of a (America’s Sweethearts, High Fidelity) and Katie Beckinsale mysterious and mythical Chinese legend! In a desperate and Adams, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Rock, Will (Pearl Harbor, Brokedown Palace) are drawn together and unjust land, where government corruption rules the day, only Ferrell, Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck, George take a chance on love in this critically acclaimed romantic one man - known as the Iron Monkey - has the courage to Carlin, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith, Scott comedy! In the course of one magical evening, Jonathan challenge the system and fight back. Under the shadow of (Cusack) and Sara (Beckinsale) meet unexpectedly... then night, in the silence before dawn, he fights to give hope to the Mosier, Kevin Smith part without expectation when she decides they must let fate poor and the oppressed. Although no one knows his name or Experience Kevin Smith’s wildly irreverent comedy in a whole determine if they are meant to be together. Years later, they where he comes from, his heroism makes him a living legend new way on high definition Blu-ray Disc. Packed with stars, are both engaged to others but cannot give up the dream that - to the people... and a wanted man to the powers that be! including Ben Affleck, Chris Rock, Jason Lee and more, the despite time, distance and the obstacles that conspire to keep Presented by Quentin Tarantino - don’t miss the exhilarating hilarious conclusion of Jay and Silent Bob’s story is big them apart - they will one day meet again! action adventure that critics everywhere have called one of entertainment that looks and sounds even better in Blu-ray’s Romance, Comedy, Double Features min. the greatest martial arts films of all time! revolutionary new format. When best buddies Jay and Silent Bob discover that a major motion picture is being based on Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Action, Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / their likenesses, the dopey duo head for Hollywood to claim 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098915 TV, Foreign, Martial Arts 1993 85min. the movie money they deserve. Watch all the hysterical action Lionsgate 15.04.2011 in stunning 1080p, and enjoy the film’s hot soundtrack in 5.1 The Kids In The Hall: Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099368 48kHz, 16-bit uncompressed audio. See, hear and feel the excitement with Blu-ray High Definition. Season 1 (Repackage) Comedy, Road Trips, Stoners 2001 104min. Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark Iron Monkey (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 15.04.2011 McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott Jean Wang, Donnie Yen, Yu Rong Guang, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098941 Thompson Tsang Sze Man Are extraterrestrials dull? Who’s gay in Hollywood? And how With sensational, nonstop martial arts excitement supplied by Ju-On: White Ghost / Black Ghost about that salty ham? From romantically challenged cabbage the acclaimed choreographer of The Matrix and Crouching heads to serial head crushing, five men from Canada, who Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey is the spirited tale of a Ju-On: White Ghost tells the story of senior high school student Arkane whose strong ESP power induces him into were occasionally five women, turned sketch comedy into a mysterious and mythical Chinese legend! In a desperate and bizarre, irreverent and always hilarious weekly showcase of unjust land, where government corruption rules the day, only seeing Mirai, the tragic ghost of an old school friend. Ju-On: Black Ghost. side-splitting unpredictability. With a brilliant knack for one man - known as the Iron Monkey - has the courage to turning the mundane into the surreal, and a dangerous challenge the system and fight back. Under the shadow of Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Japanese min. willingness to explore the darker sides of comedy, all 20 night, in the silence before dawn, he fights to give hope to the Well Go USA 17.05.2011 episodes from the debut season of The Kids In The Hall are poor and the oppressed. Although no one knows his name or collected here. where he comes from, his heroism makes him a living legend 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099112 to the people... and a wanted man to the powers that be! Sketch Comedy, Boxed Sets, Canadian, Presented by Quentin Tarantino - don’t miss the exhilarating Ju-On: White Ghost / Black Ghost Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1989 action adventure that critics everywhere have called one of 500min. the greatest martial arts films of all time! (Blu-ray) A&E 24.05.2011 Chinese, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Ju-On: White Ghost tells the story of senior high school 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098797 Foreign, Martial Arts, Action 1993 85min. student Arkane whose strong ESP power induces him into Lionsgate 15.04.2011 seeing Mirai, the fragic ghost of an old school friend. Ju-On: Black Ghost. The Kids In The Hall: Complete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098940 Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Japanese min. Well Go USA 17.05.2011 Season 2 (Repackage) Jackie Brown: Collector’s Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099193 Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark Pam Grier, , Bridget Fonda, McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott Robert De Niro, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Kassava Restaurant’s JERKS Thompson

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Populating their realm with such uniquely bizarre creations as Madsen) and Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), the only survivors the Chicken Lady, Cabbage Head, and Mr. Heaveyfoot, The from the squad of assassins who betrayed her four years Kids in the Hall took aim at everything from corporate culture The Kids In The Hall: Death earlier. It’s all leading up to the ultimate confrontation with to drug culture and sexism to suburban angst, crafting one of Comes To Town Bill (David Carradine), The Bride’s former master and the sketch comedy’s most innovative and influential shows. man who ordered her execution! As the acclaimed follow-up to Smartly twisting the conventions of mainstream comedy, the Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark the instant classic Vol. 1 - you know all about the unlimited complete, acclaimed second season of The Kids in the Hall McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott action and humor, but until you’ve seen Kill Bill Vol. 2 you crackles with farcical brilliance-collected here on DVD for only know half the story! overwhelming demand. Thompson For five groundbreaking seasons, Canadian-bred comic Revenge, Action, Crime, Femme Fatales, Canadian, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, prodigies The Kids In The Hall stretched sketch comedy to its Killer Beauties, Martial Arts 2004 136min. Sketch Comedy 1991 500min. ultimate limits with hilariously off-the-wall results. Now Lionsgate 15.04.2011 A&E 24.05.2011 they’ve returned with The Kids In The Hall: Death Comes To Town an 8-episode comedy series featuring the Kids playing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098917 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098799 all the townspeople - men and women! When Death gets off the Greyhound bus in small town Shuckton, Ontario, everyone Kill Bill: Volume 2 (Blu-ray) The Kids In The Hall: Complete in town is implicated after one of its most distinguished citizens is found murdered. As a suspect is arrested and the , David Carradine, Daryl Season 3 (Repackage) trial plays out, the entire town is affected and its dark secrets Hannah, Bo Svenson, Michael Madsen, are unraveled and exposed. Death Comes To Town. Butterfly Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark Is To Blame / Cause of Death / Serious Shockey News / Dead Gordon Liu McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott Man Walking Now amped up with hi-def power and shocking audio clarity on Blu-ray, Kill Bill Volume 2 is the must-see movie event from Thompson, Junior Williams Canadian, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, writer and director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction) that Overwhelming audience demand brings The Kids In The Hall Gay / Lesbian Interest, Sketch Comedy completes the action-packed quest for revenge begun by The to DVD with another brilliant set of sketch comedy classics! 176min. Bride (Uma Thurman) in Kill Bill Vol. 1! Having already After two highly influential seasons, the comedic quintet hit crossed two names from her Death List, The Bride is back their stride in The Kids In The Hall: Complete Season 3. A&E 24.05.2011 with a vengeance and taking aim at Budd (Michael Madsen) Writing and performing every skit, everyone’s favorite shape- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098790 and Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), the only survivors from the shifting Canadians offered up more uproarious, risqué, but squad of assassins who betrayed her four years earlier. It’s always sweet and charming takes on life’s absurdities. From all leading up to the ultimate confrontation with Bill (David familiar favorites like the Chicken Lady and Mississippi Gary Kill Bill: Volume 1 Carradine), The Bride’s former master and the man who to brilliant originals like „Flying Pig“ and „Girl Drink Drunk,“ Daryl Hannah, Michael Parks, Uma ordered her execution! Experience the other half of the story The Kids In The Hall always found their unique humor in the in the acclaimed Kill Bill Volume 2 - even more mind blowing strangest dark corners. Thurman, Vivica A. Fox, Akaji Maro, Chiaki on Blu-ray High Definition! Canadian, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Kuriyama, Lucy Liu, Julie Dreyfus, Michael Revenge, Crime, Femme Fatales, Killer Sketch Comedy 1991 500min. Madsen, David Carradine, Gordon Liu, Mi- Beauties, Martial Arts, Action 2004 136min. A&E 24.05.2011 chael Bowen, Sonny Chiba, Jun Kunimura Lionsgate 15.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098798 The 4th Film by Quentin Tarantino.. The acclaimed fourth film from groundbreaking writer and director Quentin Tarantino 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098942 (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown) Kill Bill Volume 1 stars Uma The Kids In The Hall: Complete Thurman (Pulp Fiction), Lucy Liu (Charlie’s Angels, Chicago) Kill The Irishman and Vivica A. Fox (Two Can Play That Game) in an Season 4 (Repackage) astonishing, action-packed thriller about brutal betrayal and Linda Cardellini, Christopher Walken, Val Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark an epic vendetta! Four years ater taking a bullet in the head at Kilmer, Vinnie Jones, Ray Stevenson McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott her own wedding, The Bride (Thurman) emerges from a coma Based on the true story of Danny Greene, the man the mob and decides it’s time for payback...with a vengeance! Having couldn’t kill.. Over the summer of 1976, thirty-six bombs Thompson been gunned down by her former boss (David Carradine) and detonate in the heart of Cleveland while a turf war raged Pushing the sketch comedy envelope into brilliant corners, his deadly squad of intenational assassins, it’s a kill-or-be between Irish mobster Danny Greene (Ray Stevenson) and The Kids In The Hall return to DVD for another season of killed fights she doesn’t start but is determined to fishish! the Italian mafia. Based on a true story, Kill The Irishman unique, delightful, unforgettable humor. Braver, weirder and Loaded with explosive action and outrageous humor, it’s a chronicles Greene’s heroic rise from a tough Cleveland funnier, The Kids In The Hall: Complete Season 4 finds the must-see motion picture that has critics everywhere raving! neighborhood to become an enforcer in the local mob. loveable quintet reaching new heights of sublime absurdity. Revenge, Action, Crime, Cult Film / TV 2003 Highlights include an episode-length sketch starring the Action, Crime, Drama 2010 106min. Queen of England and the divine confidence of Buddy Cole, 111min. Starz / Anchor Bay 14.06.2011 favorites like the Chicken Lady and Cathy & Kathie, and fresh Lionsgate 15.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098956 newcomers like the Losers and Fight Pickers. Endearing and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098918 edgy, each skit is a work of genius held together by inspired writing, flawless timing, and racks and racks of stuffed Kill The Irishman (Blu-ray) brassieres. Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Blu-ray) Linda Cardellini, Christopher Walken, Val Boxed Sets, Canadian, Comedy, Cult Film / Daryl Hannah, Michael Parks, Uma Kilmer, Vinnie Jones, Ray Stevenson TV, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Sketch Comedy Thurman, Vivica A. Fox, Akaji Maro, Chiaki Based on the true story of Danny Greene, the man the mob 1993 500min. Kuriyama, Lucy Liu, Julie Dreyfus, Michael couldn’t kill.. Over the summer of 1976, thirty-six bombs A&E 24.05.2011 detonate in the heart of Cleveland while a turf war raged Madsen, David Carradine, Gordon Liu, Mi- between Irish mobster Danny Greene (Ray Stevenson) and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098796 chael Bowen, Sonny Chiba, Jun Kunimura the Italian mafia. Based on a true story, Kill The Irishman Kill Bill Volume 1 the acclaimed film from groundbreaking chronicles Greene’s heroic rise from a tough Cleveland The Kids In The Hall: Complete writer and director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie neighborhood to become an enforcer in the local mob. Brown. Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction), Lucy Liu (Charlie’s Crime, Drama, Action 2010 106min. Season 5 (Repackage) Angels, Chicago) and Vivica A. Fox (Two Can Play That Game) star in an astonishing, action-packed thriller about Starz / Anchor Bay 14.06.2011 Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark brutal betrayal and an epic vendetta! Four years after taking a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099160 McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott bullet in the head at her own wedding, The Bride (Thurman) Thompson emerges from a coma and decides it’s time for payback...with a The Killing Machine (Blu-ray) The Kids In The Hall: Complete Season 5 finds the legendary vengeance! Having been gunned down by her former boss Canadian quintet pulling out all stops, leaving nothing in the (David Carradine) and his deadly squad of international Dolph Lundgren, Bo Svenson, Stefanie Von closet. Spoofing the business world long before The Office. assassins who perpetrated the bloody attack. With outrageous humor and pulse pounding action - now enhanced Pfetten, Samantha Ferris Canadian, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, by 1080p high definition and finely tuned audio quality - Kill No one is safe.. Action icon Dolph Lundgren (The Gay / Lesbian Interest, Sketch Comedy Bill Volume 1 explodes off the screen on Blu-ray High Defini- Expendables, Rocky IV) stars as Edward Genn, a divorced tion! father and investment broker who also happens to 1993 525min. be the infamous KGB-trained assassin known as „Icarus.“ But A&E 24.05.2011 Crime, Cult Film / TV, Action, Revenge 2003 when his two worlds collide, in a storm of bullets, bloodshed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098795 111min. and betrayal by the Russian mob, Icarus reloads for the most Lionsgate 15.04.2011 personal, and punishing contract of his entire career. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098943 Thrillers, Action 2010 88min. The Kids In The Hall: Complete Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 Series Kill Bill: Volume 2 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099166 Kevin McDonald, Dave Foley, Mark Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Daryl McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott Hannah, Bo Svenson, Michael Madsen, Kiss Me Deadly: The Criterion Thompson Gordon Liu Collection Boxed Sets, Canadian, Comedy, Cult Film / The New Film By Quentin Tarantino. With this thrilling, must- Ralph Meeker, Marian Carr, Albert Dekker, TV, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Sketch see movie event, writer and director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Paul Stewart, Juano Hernandez, Wesley Comedy 2701min. Fiction) completes the action-packed quest for revenge begun by The Bride (Uma Thurman) in Kill Bill Vol. 1! Having Addy A&E 24.05.2011 already crossed two names from her Death List, The Bride is In this atomic adaptation of Mickey Spillane’s novel, directed 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098789 back with a vengeance and taking aim at Budd (Michael by Robert Aldrich (What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?, The

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Dirty Dozen), the good manners of the 1950s are blown to university’s basketball team in hopes of making money out of the often complex and entertaining world of young Latinas smithereens. Ralph Meeker (Paths Of Glory, The Dirty him. There Shi-Jie faces new challenges on the basketball dating. Julissa, in her mid-20s, has just broken up with her Dozen) stars as snarling private dick Mike Hammer, whose team, especially with team mates Ting-Wei (Wilson Chen) longtime boyfriend and is now dating for the first time in a long decision one dark, lonely night to pick up a hitchhiking woman and Xiao-Lan (Baron Chen). With the upcoming championship time. Griselda has been dating Julio, but the time has come for sends him down some terrifying byways. Brazen and bleak, games and the appearance of Li-Li (Charlene Choi), the team him to make a decision about marrying her. Under pressure Kiss Me Deadly is a film noir masterpiece as well as an must put aside their differences and personal emotions to face from her family, Julio is having second thoughts about making essential piece of cold war paranoia, and it features as nervy their common rivals. Shi-Jie (Jay Chou) grows up in a martial a commitment. Meanwhile, Carmen is a professional woman an ending as has ever been seen in American cinema. arts school and he is well versed in kung-fu. With his skills who finds it an absolute nightmare to find the right Latino man Mystery, Thrillers, Classics, Crime, and his good reflexes, Shi-Jie also excels in basketball, that meets her list of criteria! especially the slam dunk technique. On the pretext of helping Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 80min. Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir 1955 Shi-Jie find his family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invites him to 106min. join the university’s basketball team in hopes of making money Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Criterion 21.06.2011 out of him. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099156 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098758 Sports, Chinese, Comedy, Foreign, Martial Arts, Action, Basketball 2008 min. The Legend Of Drunken Master Kiss Me Deadly: The Criterion Well Go USA 03.05.2011 Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Lung Ti, Anita Mui, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099192 Collection (Blu-ray) Lau Kar Leung The action legend himself — Jackie Chan (Shanghai Noon, Ralph Meeker, Marian Carr, Albert Dekker, Lady Fan Rush Hour) — explodes across the screen in a power- Paul Stewart, Juano Hernandez, Wesley packed adventure that critics agree captures some of the most Shek Sau incredible action stunts ever! When the British government is Addy General Fan has arranged a marriage for his daughter, Fa discovered smuggling precious Chinese artifacts out of the In this atomic adaptation of Mickey Spillane’s novel, directed (Jessica Hester, with another general, Yeung Fan (Tsang country, folklore hero Wong Fei Hong (Chan) uses his by Robert Aldrich (What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?, The Wai Kuen). The day before the marriage, Fa runs away from uniquely outlandish style of martial arts...Drunken Dirty Dozen), the good manners of the 1950s are blown to home to look for her ultimate lover, the White-Gowned fight the conspirators and salvage the valuables before it’s smithereens. Ralph Meeker (Paths Of Glory, The Dirty Warrior. Sit Yan Kwai (Shek Sau) of the Tong Empire goes to too late! And the more Hong drinks, the more agile he becomes Dozen) stars as snarling private dick Mike Hammer, whose fight against Fa’s country. Fa returns to help. She spots a — able to fend off numerous attacks with unbelievable moves! decision one dark, lonely night to pick up a hitchhiking woman white-gowned warrior during a battle and uses her magic to With Chinese treasures and family pride on the line, Hong sends him down some terrifying byways. Brazen and bleak, capture and release him three times. Apparently, the warrior steps up to every challenge in this fun and unstoppable Kiss Me Deadly is a film noir masterpiece as well as an is Kwai’s son, Ting Shan (Ma Tak Chung), who later cancels entertaining hit! essential piece of cold war paranoia, and it features as nervy the engagement with Fa and flees back to the mainland. Fa Action, Chinese, Comedy, Foreign, Martial an ending as has ever been seen in American cinema. chases after Shan, the Tong Emperor finds Fa useful in battle, Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Dra- so he orders Shan to marry her. On their wedding day, Arts 1994 99min. ma, Film Noir, Mystery, Thrillers 1955 invaders are at the border . . . Lionsgate 15.04.2011 106min. Chinese, Foreign, International, Internatio- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099365 Criterion 21.06.2011 nal TV, Martial Arts 2009 FF 900min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098772 Tai Seng 26.04.2011 The Legend Of Drunken Master 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098969 (Blu-ray) Knockout (Blu-ray) Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Lung Ti, Anita Mui, Daniel Magder, Benjamin Ratner The Last Chase (30th Anniv. Lau Kar Leung Steve Austin is Dan Barnes, a former boxer who Directors’ Cut) The action legend himself — Jackie Chan (Shanghai Noon, hangs up his gloves to escape his violent lifestyle. Dan’s life Rush Hour) — explodes across the screen in a power- is quickly turned upside down when the resident boxing min. packed adventure that critics agree captures some of the most champion makes his presence felt by dominating all opponents Navarre 10.05.2011 incredible action stunts ever! When the British government is who stand in his way. In order to put the title holder in his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098684 discovered smuggling precious Chinese artifacts out of the place, Dan prepares an unseasoned newcomer for the biggest country, folklore hero Wong Fei Hong (Chan) uses his challenge of his life. uniquely outlandish style of martial arts...Drunken Boxing, Family, Action, Sports 2011 95min. The Last Legion (Blu-ray) fight the conspirators and salvage the valuables before it’s too late! And the more Hong drinks, the more agile he becomes Phase 4 Films 26.04.2011 Colin Firth, Kevin McKidd, Aishwarya Rai, — able to fend off numerous attacks with unbelievable moves! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099188 Ben Kingsley, John Hannah, Peter Mullan, With Chinese treasures and family pride on the line, Hong Thomas Sangster steps up to every challenge. It’s a fun and unstoppably The Ernie Kovacs Collection Before King Arthur, there was Excalibur.. A spellbinding entertaining hit in Blu-ray High Definition. action epic, The Last Legion reveals the fall of Rome and the Chinese, Comedy, Foreign, Martial Arts, Ernie Kovacs birth of King Arthur’s mighty sword Excalibur. As invading Action 1994 99min. Boxed Sets, Comedy min. hordes besiege the crumbling Roman empire, a daring general (Colin Firth), joined by a powerful wizard (Ben Kingsley) and Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Shout Factory 19.04.2011 a master warrior (Aishwarya Rai), attempts to lead one last 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098944 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098768 legion of faithful soldiers to victory and glory . Featuring colossal battles, breathtaking special effects, and sweeping camerawork, The Last Legion delivers the story of a Legend Of The Fist: The Return Kung Fu Dunk legend in action-packed style. Of Chen Zhen Charlene Choi, Jay Chou, Eric Tsang Historical / Period Piece, Medieval Times, Anthony Wong, Donnie Yen, Shu Qi Shi-Jie (Jay Chou) grows up in a martial arts school and he Action, Adventure, War 2007 102min. Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts 2010 is well versed in kung-fu. With his skills and his good Weinstein Company 19.04.2011 reflexes, Shi-Jie also excels in basketball, especially the min. slam dunk technique. On the pretext of helping Shi-Jie find his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098776 family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invites him to join the Well Go USA 14.06.2011 university’s basketball team in hopes of making money out of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099116 him. There Shi-Jie faces new challenges on the basketball Last Of The Summer Wine: team, especially with team mates Ting-Wei (Wilson Chen) Vintage 1990 and Xiao-Lan (Baron Chen). With the upcoming championship Legend Of The Fist: The Return games and the appearance of Li-Li (Charlene Choi), the team BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Of Chen Zhen - Collectors Edition must put aside their differences and personal emotions to face TV 1990 330min. Anthony Wong, Donnie Yen, Shu Qi their common rivals. Shi-Jie (Jay Chou) grows up in a martial BBC Home Video 12.07.2011 arts school and he is well versed in kung-fu. With his skills Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts 2010 and his good reflexes, Shi-Jie also excels in basketball, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098711 especially the slam dunk technique. On the pretext of helping min. Shi-Jie find his family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invites him to Well Go USA 14.06.2011 join the university’s basketball team in hopes of making money Late For Dinner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099119 out of him. Two best friends whose unwitting participation in a bizarre Sports, Action, Basketball, Chinese, 1962 experiment brings them twenty-nine years into the future. Shocked to find themselves in the loud, rude and expensive Legend Of The Fist: The Return Comedy, Foreign, Martial Arts 2008 min. new world of 1991, the pair return to their hometown and Well Go USA 03.05.2011 attempt to re-enter the lives of loved ones left behind so long Of Chen Zhen - Collectors Edition 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099110 ago. (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Drama 1991 93min. Anthony Wong, Donnie Yen, Shu Qi MGM MOD 31.12.2009 Kung Fu Dunk (Blu-ray) Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Action 2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098746 Charlene Choi, Jay Chou, Eric Tsang min. Shi-Jie (Jay Chou) grows up in a martial arts school and he Well Go USA 14.06.2011 is well versed in kung-fu. With his skills and his good Latina Novella 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099196 reflexes, Shi-Jie also excels in basketball, especially the Finding Mr. Right.. An uproarious comedy that follows the slam dunk technique. On the pretext of helping Shi-Jie find his lives and sexual exploits of three Latina women! In the family, Wang-Li (Eric Tsang) invites him to join the tradition of Telemundo-style soap operas, this story examines

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Legend Of The Fist: The Return 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099154 Comedy 2011 Ltbx DTS 282min. Of Chen Zhen (Blu-ray + DVD 20th Century Fox 21.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099420 Combo) (Blu-ray) The Long Riders (Blu-ray) Dennis Quaid, Christopher Guest, David Anthony Wong, Donnie Yen, Shu Qi Carradine, Randy Quaid, Stacy Keach, Louie: The Complete First Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Action 2010 Keith Carradine, Robert Carradine, James min. Season (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Keach, Nicholas Guest Well Go USA 14.06.2011 Louis C.K. Jesse James and his gang of outlaws ride again in this From the uproariously unrestrained mind of comedian Louis 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099195 „extraordinary“ (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner) Western that C.K. comes the year’s most outrageously original comedy! As pulsates with hard-driving action and electrifying drama. Four a newly-divorced, well-meaning father raising two young Legend: Director’s Cut sets of acclaimed actor brothers - Dennis and Randy Quaid, daughters, Louie struggles to cope with his strenuous mid-life Stacy and James Keach, Christopher and Nicholas Guest and shake-up, and his stand-up comedy provides a gleefully Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, Mia Sara, Alice Keith, Robert and David Carradine - each depict real-life warped reflection of his hectic, everyday reality. There are Playten, Billy Barty, David Bennet, Cork siblings in emotionally charged portrayals of the Old West’s disastrous first dates, indecent proposals, high school legendary bandits. The notorious James-Younger gang is the bullies, booze-addled play dates - and more. Featuring stellar Hubbert most famous group of outlaws in the country, robbing banks, guest stars such as MAtthew Broderick and Ricky Gervais, Legend, from director Ridley Scott ( Runner, Gladiator. trains and stagecoaches with a sense of daring that makes Louie is unfiltered, off-kilter, and hilarious! Action, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy them folk heroes throughout the land. But when the mighty Pinkerton detective agency swears to track them down, these Comedy 2011 Ltbx DTS 282min. 1985 114min. criminals must face an awesome enemy that will stop at not- 20th Century Fox 21.06.2011 Universal Studios 31.05.2011 hing to see them behind bars. ..or dead! Only through the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099454 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098754 strength of their loyalty and blood ties can the outlaws hope to survive the brutal pursuits, unexpected betrayals and blistering showdowns that mark the end of their dangerous Love Me Or Leave Me Legend: Ultimate Edition (Blu- ride. TV Movies, Comedy, Drama, Family 2010 Western 2011 Ltbx M 100min. ray) 88min. MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, Mia Sara, Alice Image Ent. 19.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099271 Playten, Billy Barty, David Bennet, Cork 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098755 Hubbert Legend, from director Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator. The Lord Of The Rings: The Moti- Make It Or Break It: Season Two - Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Action, Adventure on Picture Trilogy - Extended Edi- Volume 3 1985 114min. tion (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 31.05.2011 The show, set in the world of competitive gymnastics, follows Ian Holm, Brad Dourif, Ian McKellen, Elijah a group of gymnasts training at the top-notch Rocky Mountain 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098769 Gymnastics Training Center known as The Rock. Season Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Cate Blanchett, Two: Volume Three brings new challenges, new drama and a Liv Tyler, Miranda Otto, Christopher Lee, special guest appearance by Bella Karolyi! Leverage: The Third Season Sean Bean, Sean Astin, Karl Urban, Andy Drama, Family, Sports 2010 430min. The expert con artists of TNT’s hit crime drama Leverage are back for an all-new season of complex heists and high-stakes Serkis, Orlando Bloom, Hugo Weaving, Da- Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 action. With the team’s leader Nate Ford (Academy Award®- vid Wenham, Bernard Hill, Dominic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099022 winner Timothy Hutton) now behind bars and his nemesis Monaghan, Billy Boyd working for Interpol, a beautiful but mysterious stranger steps in to call the shots for TV’s hottest gang of master thieves. Boxed Sets, Epics, Fantasy, Academy The Makioka Sisters: The Season Three of this action-packed series starts off with a Award Winners, Adventure 2001 min. Criterion Collection bang as the teammates devise schemes to free Nate from New Line Home Entertainment 28.06.2011 prison, expose a trafficker’s child slave-labor ring, and This lyrical adaptation of the beloved Japanese novel by infiltrate a Department of Defense research lab to take down 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099170 Junichiro Tanizaki was a late-career triumph for world-class international terrorists. These tech-savvy grifters are highly director Kon Ichikawa (The Burmese Harp, Fires On The skilled and ready to settle scores with the criminal Sophia Loren: Award Collection Plain). Revolving around the changing of the seasons, The underworld. It’s time to take things to the next level. This 4- Makioka Sisters (Sasame-yuki) follows the lives of four disc DVD set of LEVERAGE: The 3rd Season includes 16 Sophia Loren, Lyudmila Savelyeva, sisters who have taken on their family’s kimono manufacturing exciting episodes and special behind-the-scenes features. business, over the course of a number of years leading up to Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Puglisi the Pacific War. The two oldest have been married for some Action, Crime, Drama 2010 DD 5.1 680min. Includes: Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni team up for time, but according to tradition, the rebellious youngest sister Paramount Pictures 07.06.2011 a trio of stories about sex in this Oscar-winning Italian cannot wed until the third, conservative and terribly shy, finds 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098840 comedy. In the first vignette, Loren plays a woman who avoids a husband. This graceful study of a family at a turning point in jail time by pumping out babies with a willing accomplice; in history is a poignant evocation of changing times and fading the second, the duo plays a pair of clandestine lovers who are customs, shot in rich, vivid colors. Life Is Beautiful forced to work out their problems in a car; and finally, Loren is a prostitute who quits her best john for a man of the cloth. A Romance, Art House, Criterion Collection, Nicoletta Braschi, Roberto Benigni feature length documentary about the life and legacy of the Drama, Foreign, Japanese 1983 140min. An inspired motion picture masterpiece, Life Is Beautiful was great director, Vittorio De Sica, that offers fascinating Criterion 14.06.2011 nominated for 7 Academy Awards - winning 3 Oscars interviews with Woody Allen, Clint Eastwood, Mike Leigh & including one for Best Actor Roberto Benigni. In this many others. Sophia Loren stars in this comedy about a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098759 extraordinary tale, Guido (Benigni) - a charming but bumbling successful businessman who kept a woman as his mistress waiter who’s gifted with a colorful imagination and an for several years and now plans to marry another woman until The Makioka Sisters: The irresistible sense of humor - has won the heart of the woman his mistress pretends to be on her deathbed to induce him to he loves and created a beautiful life for his young family. But marry her before she dies. Mere days after marrying Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) then, that life is threatened by World War II...and Guido must Giovanna (Sophia Loren), Antonio (Marcello Mastroianni) is This lyrical adaptation of the beloved Japanese novel by rely on those very same strengths to save his beloved wife called to the Russian front to fight for the Italian forces. Years Junichiro Tanizaki was a late-career triumph for world-class and son from an unthinkable fate! Honored with an after Antonio is reported missing in action, Giovanna travels director Kon Ichikawa (The Burmese Harp, Fires On The overwhelming level of critical acclaim, this truly exceptional, to Russia to learn what happened to Plain). Revolving around the changing of the seasons, The utterly unique achievement will lift your spirits and capture Romance, War, World War II, Actor / Makioka Sisters (Sasame-yuki) follows the lives of four your heart! Actress Box Sets, Comedy, Drama, sisters who have taken on their family’s kimono manufacturing War, Academy Award Winners, Drama, Foreign, Italian 405min. business, over the course of a number of years leading up to Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian the Pacific War. The two oldest have been married for some Kino Video 17.05.2011 1998 116min. time, but according to tradition, the rebellious youngest sister 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099428 cannot wed until the third, conservative and terribly shy, finds Lionsgate 15.04.2011 a husband. This graceful study of a family at a turning point in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098970 history is a poignant evocation of changing times and fading Louie: The Complete First customs, shot in rich, vivid colors. Season (Blu-ray + DVD) Romance, Criterion Collection, Drama, Lion Vs. Lion Foreign, Japanese, Art House 1983 140min. Louis C.K. Lo Meng Criterion 14.06.2011 A teacher comes across a secret list of anti-Ching From the uproariously unrestrained mind of comedian Louis names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. The C.K. comes the year’s most outrageously original comedy! As 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098773 Five Venoms actor Lo Meng, as an ex-police officer, teams up a newly-divorced, well-meaning father raising two young with kung fu comedic actor Wong Yue, a coffin maker and con daughters, Louie struggles to cope with his strenuous mid-life A Man Called Horse (Blu-ray) man, to return a lost package to a mysterious woman. Meng shake-up, and his stand-up comedy provides a gleefully and Yue get caught up in the situation further after winning a warped reflection of his hectic, everyday reality. There are Judith Anderson, Richard Harris, Manu lion dance contest in which the prize contains the list they are disastrous first dates, indecent proposals, high school Tupou, Jean Gascon after! bullies, booze-addled play dates - and more. Featuring stellar guest stars such as MAtthew Broderick and Ricky Gervais, Richard Harris stars as Lord John Morgan in this carefully Foreign, Martial Arts 2011 Ltbx S 104min. Louie is unfiltered, off-kilter, and hilarious! documented epic that realistically portrays the life of the Allegro Entertainment 28.06.2011 American Sioux Indian Tribe in the early 19th century. When

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Morgan is captured by the Sioux, he is given to the chief’s Arce mother (Dame Judith Anderson) as a servant. Gradually, he He defied death like a god... he succumbed to love like a man.. Melrose Place: The Sixth Season embraces the tribe’s way of life and falls in love with the Adrian Brody and Penelope Cruz star as legendary Spanish chief’s sister. But before he can be accepted with honor as an Matador Manolete and his hot-tempered girlfriend Lupe Sino - Volume 1 equal member of the tribe, he must endure the intense and in director Menno Meyjes’ tale of love and bullfighting. The painful Sun Vow ritual. film is set in 1940’s Spain and tells the story of Manolete’s Heather Locklear, Doug Savant, Marcia Western 2011 DD 5.1 115min. romantic quest for Lupe Sino’s heart, which continued until Cross, Laura Leighton, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Paramount Pictures 31.05.2011 1947, when he died in the bull ring at age 30. Rutherford, Grant Show, Thomas Calabro, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098922 Drama, Historical / Period Piece 2011 Ltbx Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner, Rob Estes, 16x9 S 92min. David Charvet The Man From Oklahoma / The Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 Drama, Fox, Romance, 1997 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099198 Three Musketeers Of The West 569min. Paramount Pictures 03.05.2011 (Double Pack) Raffaello Matarazzo’s Runaway 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099224 Western, 2 Packs min. Melodramas: Eclipse From The Dorado Films 19.04.2011 Mercury Rising / The Jackal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099436 Criterion Collection In the late 1940s and early 1950s, film critics, international (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) festivalgoers, and other studious viewers were swept up by Thrillers, Crime, Double Features, Action Mandrake the tide of Italian neorealism. Meanwhile, mainstream Italian min. Betsy Russell, Benito Martinez, Max Marti- audiences were indulging in a different kind of cinema experience: the sensational, extravagant melodramas of Universal Studios 22.03.2011 ni, Wayne Pere superstar director Raffaello Matarazzo. These galvanic hits An expedition led by adventurer Darren McCall and funded by about splintered lovers and broken homes, all written by Aldo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099280 the wealthy Harry Vargas braves the impenetrable jungle to De Benedetti and starring mustachioed matinee idol Amedeo retrieve a fabled bejeweled dagger from an ancient burial Nazzari and icon of feminine purity Yvonne Sanson, luxuriate Meskada ground. But pulling the dagger from its rightful resting place in delirious plot twists and overheated religious symbolism. awakens the beast. Part plant and part animal, the massive Four of them, each more unbridled and entertaining than the Kellan Lutz, Rachel Nichols, Nick Stahl, mandrake awakens thirsty for human blood. last, are collected here, chronicles of men and women on Norman Reedus, Jonathan Tucker TV Movies, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror winding roads to redemption. After years of working mostly on After a botched home robbery in a welthy community leaves a 2010 89min. comedies and literary adaptations, Raffaello Matarazzo small child dead, a single clue leads police detective Noah turned to melodrama with this intense tale of a tight-knit Cordin and his new partner to Cordin’s nearby working-class Lionsgate 12.04.2011 working-class family shattered by temptation. There’s a touch hometown. But in a struggling community full of desperate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099085 of noir in Chains (Catene), in which the virtuous yet earthy suspects - including a local laborer - the fuse is lit on a Yvonne Sanson, as the devoted wife of a mechanic (Amedeo conflict that goes far deeper than homicide. Nazzari), finds herself unwillingly drawn back towa Thrillers, Crime 2010 88min. Marriage Italian Style (Blu-ray) Romance, Boxed Sets, Crime, Criterion Starz / Anchor Bay 22.03.2011 Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Collection, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099124 Puglisi ma, Film Noir, Foreign, Italian 388min. Sophia Loren stars in this comedy about a successful Criterion 21.06.2011 businessman who kept a woman as his mistress for several MI-5: Volume 9 years and now plans to marry another woman until his 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098766 mistress pretends to be on her deathbed to induce him to Thrillers, Action, BBC, British, Foreign, marry her before she dies. The Mechanic International TV 2009 400min. Comedy, Foreign, Italian, Romance 1964 BBC Home Video 12.07.2011 Tony Goldwyn, Christa Campbell, Donald 95min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098955 Sutherland, Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Kino Video 17.05.2011 James Logan 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099411 Arthur Bishop is a ‘mechanic’ - an elite assassin with a strict Midnight Horror Collection, Urban code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It’s a Legends Master And Commander: The Far job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor A four-film collector’s set based on the themes of various Side Of The World (Digibook) and close friend Harry is murdered, Bishop is anything but urban legends. Includes stories of evil and vengeful spirits. detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants Urban Legends, Ghosts, Horror 385min. (Blu-ray) those responsible dead. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment , Paul Bettany, Billy Boyd, Thrillers, Action, Crime 2011 93min. 10.03.2011 Robert Pugh, Lee Ingleby, Richard McCabe, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098692 Georges Innes, Mark Lewis Jones 17.05.2011 After a sudden attack by a French warship inflicts severe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099146 damage upon his ship, Captain „Lucky“ Jack Aubrey (Crowe) Mirage of the British Navy is torn between duty and friendship as he Gregory Peck, Walter Matthau, Kevin embarks on a thrilling, high-stakes chase across two oceans The Mechanic (Blu-ray) McCarthy, Diane Baker, Jack Weston to capture the enemy at any cost. Tony Goldwyn, Christa Campbell, Donald Drama, High Seas, Historical / Period Piece, Mystery, Thrillers, Classics 1965 109min. Sutherland, Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Academy Award Winners, Action, Universal Studios 05.04.2011 James Logan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099256 Adventure, War 2003 138min. Arthur Bishop is a ‘mechanic’ - an elite assassin with a strict 20th Century Fox 10.05.2011 code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It’s a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098743 job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, Mob Rules and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor Time is running out for two elite criminals as they seek out and close friend Harry is murdered, Bishop is anything but revenge to get the money they are owed after a heist gone A Matador’s Mistress detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants wrong, years ago. They’ve traveled across the country, Penelope Cruz, Ann Michelle, Adrien Brody, those responsible dead. tracked down their ex-partner and planned every detail of Crime, Action, Thrillers 2011 93min. Juan Echanove, Josep Linuesa, Enrique their attack. When they finally come face to face these two Sony Pictures Home Entertainment criminals will refuse to back down until they get what belongs Arce 17.05.2011 to them. He defied death like a god... he succumbed to love like a man.. Crime min. Adrian Brody and Penelope Cruz star as legendary Spanish 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099200 Matador Manolete and his hot-tempered girlfriend Lupe Sino Lionsgate 17.05.2011 in director Menno Meyjes’ tale of love and bullfighting. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098818 film is set in 1940’s Spain and tells the story of Manolete’s Meet Market (Blu-ray) romantic quest for Lupe Sino’s heart, which continued until Krista Allen, Missi Pyle, Elizabeth Berkley, Monamour: 2 Disc Special Edition 1947, when he died in the bull ring at age 30. Aisha Tyler, Julian McMahon, Alan Tudyk Drama, Historical / Period Piece 2011 Ltbx You never know what you’ll pick up.. Lonely aspirants on the Virginia Barrett, Lucia Lucchesino, Anna 16x9 S 92min. LA dating scene hook up at their local grocery store - where Jimskaia, Max Parodi, Nela Lucic, Riccardo Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 they can see and be seen by some of their dubiously eligible Marino, Leo Montovani 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099131 fellow singles - all the while hoping for that one magical Tinto Brass’ Monamour is the love-story of a Venetian girl relationship that will finally click. Unfortunately, they and a Frenchman in the beautiful city of Mantua. Dario, her discover that some people should come with warning labels! husband is too busy to notice his wives sexual drifting, when A Matador’s Mistress (Blu-ray) Comedy 2011 FF S 79min. her adultery „born out of neglect and frustration“ starts on the Allegro Entertainment 07.06.2011 day she meets a tall, dark stranger in a museum. An Penelope Cruz, Ann Michelle, Adrien Brody, intoxicating mix of lies, betrayal and fantasy follows Marta Juan Echanove, Josep Linuesa, Enrique 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099315 into her personal diary where every emotion and passion is

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA recorded. Starring Anna Jimskaia and Max Parodi (Cheeky!), anticipated, action-filled fight proves to be their biggest along a line of stars of Tinto’s previous erotic films. challenge, they are prepared to die for one another. Erotica, Foreign, Italian 2005 min. Thai, Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 2007 My Girlfriend’s Back Cult Epics 19.04.2011 116min. CCH Pounder, Tangi Miller, Chrystee 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099435 Lionsgate 12.04.2011 Pharris, DeRay Davis, Malik Yoba This romantic comedy shows how a man’s perfect life can 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099105 unravel when a beautiful ex-girlfriend shows up out of the Monamour: 2 Disc Special Edition blue. The journey to love can be worth revisiting if the Muay Thai Giant feelings are brought to life once again in this hilarious romp (Blu-ray) through the reality and complexity of relationships past and Seven foot, gentle giant Barney Emerald is drugged and present. Virginia Barrett, Lucia Lucchesino, Anna robbed while on holiday in Pattaya. He befriends two Thai Jimskaia, Max Parodi, Nela Lucic, Riccardo sisters, one who can speak English, another who is a Muay Romance, Comedy 2010 81min. Marino, Leo Montovani Thai kick-boxing champion. He stays with them until he can Lionsgate 01.03.2011 Tinto Brass’ Monamour is the love-story of a Venetian girl recover his passport. After eating some spicy „somtum“ at 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099107 and a Frenchman in the beautiful city of Mantua. Dario, her their mother’s restaurant, he accidentally demolishes the husband is too busy to notice his wives sexual drifting, when place. They discover that when Barney eats the spicy somtum, her adultery „born out of neglect and frustration“ starts on the he has a physical reaction that sends him into a raging and My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend day she meets a tall, dark stranger in a museum. An violent martial-arts frenzy. The girls use the somtum to control Carol Kane, Michael Landes, Alyssa Milano, intoxicating mix of lies, betrayal and fantasy follows Marta Barney’s powerful reactions to earn back his money and take into her personal diary where every emotion and passion is down the local crime lords. Kelly Packard, Heather Stephens, Beau recorded. Starring Anna Jimskaia and Max Parodi (Cheeky!), Action, Martial Arts 102min. Bridges, Brad Johnson, Christopher along a line of stars of Tinto’s previous erotic films. Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.04.2011 Gorham, Tom Lenk, Scott Christopher Erotica, Foreign, Italian 2005 94min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099393 Jesse is yet to find the „right guy“ - until she bumps into Cult Epics 19.04.2011 Ethan, a writer yet to be published. For Jesse, the encounter 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099455 offers more than a chance to inspire the artist in Ethan again. Muay Thai Giant (Blu-ray) Moments after meeting Ethan, Jesse meets Troy, a confident Seven foot, gentle giant Barney Emerald is drugged and advertising executive who makes every moment romantic. Monkey Business robbed while on holiday in Pattaya. He befriends two Thai He’s perfect - just like Ethan. Ultimately, what Jesse sisters, one who can speak English, another who is a Muay discovers about love reflects what the audience discovers Harry Woods, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Thai kick-boxing champion. He stays with them until he can about the story itself: things are not always what they seem! Ruth Hall, Zeppo Marx, Thelma Todd, recover his passport. After eating some spicy „somtum“ at Romance, Comedy 2010 84min. Rockcliffe Fellowes, Tom Kennedy, their mother’s restaurant, he accidentally demolishes the Gaiam Americas 07.06.2011 place. They discover that when Barney eats the spicy somtum, Groucho Marx he has a physical reaction that sends him into a raging and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099010 Classics, Comedy 1931 78min. violent martial-arts frenzy. The girls use the somtum to control Universal Studios 07.06.2011 Barney’s powerful reactions to earn back his money and take My Left Foot 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099262 down the local crime lords. Martial Arts, Action 102min. Brenda Fricker, Declan Croghan, Phelim Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.04.2011 Drew, Pat Laffan, Eanna MacLiam, Derry Monogamy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099410 Power, Fiona Shaw, Kirsten Sheridan, Ruth , Chris Messina McCabe, Marie Conmee, Alison Whelan, Monogamy, from Academy Award-nominated director Dana Mujeres Y Muerte Cyril Cusack, Ray McAnally Adam Shapiro (Murderball. Wedding photographer Theo This cinematic masterpiece is the brilliant portrayal of (Chris Messina) and his budding musician fiancee Nat Humberto Busto, Axel Ricco, Rafael Simon, legendary Irishman Christy Brown (Daniel Day-Lewis) who, (Rashida Jones) are a young couple living a comfortable life Mar Carrera, Gabriel Gonzalez, Jacqueline despite having crippling cerebral palsy, learned to use his in . Thoroughly bored with his day job and one controllable extremity - his left foot - to become an increasingly anxious about his upcoming wedding, Theo Bracamontes, Irene Azuela, Raul Mendez, accomplished artist and writer. The Miramax Collector’s embarks upon a risky and adventurous side project: he’s Alejandro Tommasi Series proudly presents the release of the acclaimed motion hired by clients to clandestinely snap voyeuristic photos as This multipack contains theatrical releases from Mexico, an picture that won Academy Awards® for Best Actor (Daniel they go about their days. Things go smoothly until a sexy new award winner, a Sundance nominee, and a phenomenal value. Day-Lewis) and Best Supporting Actress (Brenda Fricker) customer’s (Meital Dohan) very public exhibitionism sparks Three very good films at an incredible price. Includes: and earned Oscar® nominations for Best Picture, Best an obsession in Theo. As he captures her day and night, the Morirse en Domingo Cuando las Cosas Suceden Director and Best Adapted Screenplay. This special edition of woman’s mysterious trysts and illicit behavior send him My Left Foot has been digitally re-mastered and features a reeling, forcing him to confront uncomfortable truths about his Drama 2010 275min. Navarre 07.06.2011 wealth of bonus material never before available on DVD! sex life and his relationship at home. Academy Award Winners, Art House, Photography/Art, Voyeurism, Art House, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099092 Biopics, Drama, Foreign, Irish 1989 103min. Drama 2010 99min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Oscilloscope Laboratories 14.06.2011 Muriel’s Wedding 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099363 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098732 Toni Collette, Rachel Griffiths, Bill Hunter No one ever paid much attention to Muriel and her humdrum A Mother’s Prayer / When The small-town life, so she and her best friend Rhonda decide to My Own Love Song leave it all behind and head for the big city...where they end Forest Whitaker, Renee Zellweger, Nick Lights Go Out (Double Feature) up having the exciting adventure of their lives! What’s more, soon everyone takes notice when Muriel becomes engaged to Nolte, Madeline Zima Robin Givens, Wendy Raquel Robinson, a handsome and popular sports hero! You’ll love every A song . . . A journey . . . A reunion of a lifetime . . .. Jane and Shirley Murdock, Clifton Powell, Keith hilarious minute as Muriel discovers that even when it seems Joey (Renee Zellweger and Forest Whitaker) embark on an Robinson, Johnny Gill all her dreams are coming true, the path to the altar still has unforgettable road trip across the country in a moving and plenty of surprising twists! uplifting story of redemption, self-discovery and courage. A Mother’s Prayer, starring Robin Givens (’s The From the acclaimed director of La Vie En Rose and featuring Family That Preys), Johnny Gill (legendary R&B singer), Romance, Art House, Australian, Comedy, all-new music and songs by Bob Dylan. Shirley Murdock (Man of Her Dreams) and Jermaine Foreign 1994 min. Crawford (HBO’s The Wire. There is no bond stronger than Road Trips, Romance 2010 105min. the bond of family, but when betrayal and heartbreak strike, Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Inception Media Group 03.05.2011 those ties are severely tested! When the Lights Go Out tells 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098971 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099253 the story of a family who has lost its way...maybe forever. Only through the power of love, faith and forgiveness can they rediscover what’s truly important and let the light back in! My Baby’s Daddy My Own Love Song (Blu-ray) With the talents of Wendy Raquel Robinson (The Steve Michael Imperioli, Anthony Anderson, Eddie Harvey Show), Keith Robinson (Dreamgirls), Clifton Powell Forest Whitaker, Renee Zellweger, Nick (Ray) and R&B sensation Lloyd, When the Lights Go Out Griffin, Method Man, Bai Ling, Joanna Nolte, Madeline Zima shines with warmth, humor and song. Bacalso, John Amos A song . . . A journey . . . A reunion of a lifetime . . .. Jane and Music, Religion/Spirituality, African The ever outrageous Eddie Griffin (Undercover Brother) Joey (Renee Zellweger and Forest Whitaker) embark on an stars with Anthony Anderson (Barbershop, ) unforgettable road trip across the country in a moving and Americans, Double Features, Drama and Grammy-winning rapper Method man in this hilariously uplifting story of redemption, self-discovery and courage. 221min. funny comedy from one of the executive producers of Scary From the acclaimed director of La Vie En Rose and featuring Image Ent. 03.05.2011 Movie! Lonnie (Griffin), G (Anderson) and Dominic (Michael all-new music and songs by Bob Dylan. Imperioli - TV’s ) are three bachelor buddies Road Trips, Romance 2010 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099323 who have always thought of themselves as big-time players. But the party’s over the minute their girlfriends all announce Inception Media Group 03.05.2011 Muay Thai Fighter they’re pregnant! Ready or not, these guys suddenly go from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099270 players... to play time... and deliver nonstop laughs like the Lifelong friends learn the traditional techniques and skills of ones you loved in Barbershop and Daddy Day Care! Muay Thai fighting that have been passed down from The Nesting generation to generation. When their training camp is shut Comedy 2004 86min. down, they begin to fight underground and bring the art of Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Robin Groves, John Carradine, Michael Muay Thai fighting back to life. The fighting in the ring 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098972 David Lally, Christopher Loomis parallels the fight for their life - when an ultimate, highly Agoraphobic mystery novelist Lauren Cochran decides to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA leave the city in an attempt to cure her recent writer’s block. Award-winning writer-director-actor Edward Burns (Saving two million dollars in irresistible cash, his decision to take She rents an old Victorian house in the quiet countryside, Private Ryan, She’s The One with Jennifer Aniston) returns the money sets off an unstoppable chain reaction of violence. unaware of its shocking history. As those around her suffer with Nice Guy Johnny, his most romantic comedy in years. Not even West Texas law can contain it. Based on the novel increasingly violent deaths, Lauren begins to unravel the Johnny (Matt Bush of Adventureland) is engaged to a girl who by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac McCarthy, and truth: the house was once an infamous brothel now haunted by demands he drop his dream gig as a sports radio deejay and featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy Lee Jones, this the victims of a bloody massacre. Will her terrifying phobia work for her dad in the cardboard box industry. But the bed- gritty game of cat and mouse will take you to the edge of your allow her to escape from The Nesting? Also known as hopping, fun-loving Uncle Terry (Burns) has different plans seat and beyond - right up to its heart-stopping final moment. Massacre Mansion and Phobia, this eerie house of horrors and soon whisks away Johnny to the Hamptons for a lost Thrillers, Western, Academy Award was co-written, produced, and directed by notorious adult weekend where his nephew can find some fun. Beautiful filmmaker Armand Weston, and stars Robin Groves (Stephen tennis pro Brooke (Kerry Bishe, giving what the Hollywood Winners, Crime, Drama 2007 122min. King’s Silver Bullet), John Carradine (Shock Waves, The Reporter calls „a winning performance“) soon tempts Johnny Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Howling), and Academy Award winner Gloria Grahame (The to serve up a little pleasure and figure out exactly what being 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098974 Bad And The Beautiful, Oklahoma!) in her final film role. Long a nice guy really means. Nice Guy Johnny shows Burns unavailable on home video, The Nesting has been newly delivering another gem in the tradition of his heroes Woody transferred in blood-curdling High Definition from the original Allen and Francois Truffaut. No Strings Attached camera negative! Romance, Art House, Comedy 92min. Natalie Portman, Kevin Kline, Mindy Kaling, Haunted Houses, Horror 1987 109min. MPI 07.06.2011 Cary Elwes, Ashton Kutcher, Blue Underground 28.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098881 Romance, Comedy 2011 108min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099222 DreamWorks Home Ent. 10.05.2011 No Country For Old Men 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098777 The Nesting (Blu-ray) Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Javier Robin Groves, John Carradine, Michael Bardem, Woody Harrelson, Kelly No Strings Attached (Blu-ray + David Lally, Christopher Loomis Macdonald DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Agoraphobic mystery novelist Lauren Cochran decides to There Are No Clean Getaways. Acclaimed filmmakers Joel leave the city in an attempt to cure her recent writer’s block. and Ethan Coen deliver their most gripping and ambitious film Natalie Portman, Kevin Kline, Mindy Kaling, She rents an old Victorian house in the quiet countryside, yet in this sizzling and supercharged action-thriller. When a Cary Elwes, Ashton Kutcher, Ivan Reitman unaware of its shocking history. As those around her suffer man stumbles on a bloody crime scene, a pickup truck loaded increasingly violent deaths, Lauren begins to unravel the with heroin, and two million dollars in irresistible cash, his Comedy, Romance 2011 108min. truth: the house was once an infamous brothel now haunted by decision to take the money sets off an unstoppable chain DreamWorks Home Ent. 10.05.2011 the victims of a bloody massacre. Will her terrifying phobia reaction of violence. Not even West Texas law can contain it. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098809 allow her to escape from The Nesting? Also known as Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac Massacre Mansion and Phobia, this eerie house of horrors McCarthy, and featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy Lee was co-written, produced, and directed by notorious adult Jones, this gritty game of cat and mouse will take you to the N-Secure filmmaker Armand Weston, and stars Robin Groves (Stephen edge of your seat and beyond - right up to its heart-stopping King’s Silver Bullet), John Carradine (Shock Waves, The final moment. Cordell Moore, Essence Atkins, Denise Howling), and Academy Award winner Gloria Grahame (The Thrillers, Western, Academy Award Boutte, Lamman Rucker Bad And The Beautiful, Oklahoma!) in her final film role. Long Cordell Moore, Denise Boutte and Lamman Rucker (co-stars unavailable on home video, The Nesting has been newly Winners, Crime, Drama 2007 122min. of Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?) come together once transferred in blood-curdling High Definition from the original Lionsgate 15.04.2011 again for the gripping thriller N-Secure. Wealthy camera negative! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098973 businessman David Washington (Moore) wants to control Haunted Houses, Horror 1987 109min. every aspect of his life, including his beautiful girlfriend Blue Underground 28.06.2011 Robyn (Essence Atkins). But his domineering nature only No Country For Old Men (Blu-ray) pushes Robyn into the arms of the handsome fiance of her 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099232 best friend. Haunted by Robyn’s betrayal and his own Woody Harrelson, Kelly Macdonald, Tommy insecurities, David soon finds himself ensnared in a web of Never Surrender Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem revenge and murder, leading to a shocking climax that will Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen deliver their most leave you breathless. James Russo, Quinton Jackson, Heath gripping and ambitious film yet in this sizzling and Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 115min. Herring, Anderson Silva, Patrick Kilpatrick, supercharged action-thriller, now more sizzling than ever on Blu-ray Disc. When a man stumbles on a bloody crime scene, 20th Century Fox 14.06.2011 BJ Penn a pickup truck loaded with heroin, and two million dollars in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099252 When an MMA world champion is lured into the illegal world irresistible cash, his decision to take the money sets off an of underground cage fighting by an elusive promoter, he unstoppable chain reaction of violence. Not even West Texas quickly realizes that the only way out is to kill or to be killed. law can contain it. Featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy N-Secure (Blu-ray) Action, Drama, Mixed Martial Arts 2009 min. Lee Jones, this stunning game of cat and mouse is even Cordell Moore, Essence Atkins, Denise Lionsgate 07.06.2011 grittier in flawless 1080p. Each heart-stopping frame delivers maximum punch as 24-bit uncompressed audio and the Boutte, Lamman Rucker 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099123 unbridled strength of Blu-ray High Definition take you to the Cordell Moore, Denise Boutte and Lamman Rucker (co-stars edge of your seat and beyond. of Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?) come together once again for the gripping thriller N-Secure. Wealthy New York, New York (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama, Academy Award Winners, businessman David Washington (Moore) wants to control Liza Minnelli, Robert De Niro Thrillers, Western 2007 122min. every aspect of his life, including his beautiful girlfriend Acclaimed director Martin Scorsese teams with Academy Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Robyn (Essence Atkins). But his domineering nature only Award® winners Liza Minnelli and Robert De Niro in this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099171 pushes Robyn into the arms of the handsome fiance of her splashy, flashy musical spectacle celebrating the glorious best friend. Haunted by Robyn’s betrayal and his own days of the Big Band Era in the Big Apple! Jimmy is a joint- insecurities, David soon finds himself ensnared in a web of jumpin’ saxophonist on his way to stardom. Francine is a No Country For Old Men: 2 Disc revenge and murder, leading to a shocking climax that will wannabe starlet who dreams of singing in the spotlight. When leave you breathless. they meet, sparks fly... and when he plays and she sings, they Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Drama 2011 Ltbx DTS 115min. set New York on fire! It’s the beginning of a stormy Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Javier 20th Century Fox 14.06.2011 relationship, as the two struggle to balance their passions for music and each other under the pressures of big-time show Bardem, Woody Harrelson, Kelly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099266 biz. Macdonald Music, Musical 1977 163min. Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen deliver their most Once Upon a Time in the West MGM / UA 07.06.2011 gripping and ambitious film yet in this sizzling and supercharged action-thriller. Based on the novel by Pulitzer (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099452 Prize-winning author Cormac McCarthy, and featuring an acclaimed cast led by Tommy Lee Jones, this tension-filled Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Gabriele game of cat and mouse will shake you to your very core in Ferzetti, Jason Robards, Charles Bronson Nic & Tristan Go Mega Dega flawless, heart-stopping Blu-ray High Definition. Now, for the first time, Sergio Leone’s original uncut version Ariel Winter, Nic Puehse, Tristan Puehse Crime, Drama, Academy Award Winners, of this monumental epic can be seen. The picture itself is as The real-life skateboarding sensations in their very first film. Thrillers, Western 2007 min. big as its Monument Valley locations, as grand as its fine, Nic and Tristan have to out-smart a mean babysitter, a wacky distinguished cast, as tough and bawdy as every kid imagines security guard, an angry punk mob and more in order to make Lionsgate 15.04.2011 the Old West. Henry Fonda plays the blackest character of it to the Mega Dega Skate Competition. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099172 his long career, and he’s utterly convincing as Frank, the ruthless murderous psychopath who suffers no conscience Skateboarding, Sports, Family 2010 min. pangs after annihilating an entire family. Jason Robards is the Phase 4 Films 31.05.2011 No Country For Old Men: 3 Disc half-breed falsely accused of the terrible slaughter. Charles 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099445 Bronson plays The Man, who remembers how his brother was Collector’s Edition savagely tortured. Brilliantly directed by Sergio Leone, this Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Javier glorious picture re-established the Western’’ significance to Nice Guy Johnny: Special Edition Bardem, Woody Harrelson, Kelly cinema art.“ Western 2011 M 165min. Callie Thorne, Kerry Bishe, Marsha Dietlein, Macdonald Vanessa Ray, Anna Wood, Edward Burns, Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen deliver their most Paramount Pictures 31.05.2011 Max Baker, Jay Patterson, Matt Bush, Brian gripping and ambitious film yet in this sizzling and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098925 supercharged action-thriller. When a man stumbles on a Delate bloody crime scene, a pickup truck loaded with heroin, and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

One From The Heart Paid In Full Showtime Entertainment 03.05.2011 Musical, Drama 107min. Chi McBride, Esai Morales, Elise Neal, 316,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099227 Lionsgate 14.06.2011 Mekhi Phifer, Kevin Carroll 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099132 The American Dream...Bling. Bling.. Hot stars Mekhi Phifer (8 Penn & Teller: Bullshit! The Mile, Shaft, TV’s ER) and Wood Harris (Remember the Titans) team up in an edgy, hard-hitting film with a slammin’ Eighth Season (Uncensored) Opa! soundtrack! Stuck in a nowhere job, Ace (Harris) is a Teller, Penn Jillette restless teenager who envies the expensive cars, flashy Alki David, Matthew Modine, Richard clothes, and high-rolling lifestyle of his drug-dealing friends. Comedy, Showtime 2010 275min. Griffiths Then when he sees his chance, Ace makes the move that Showtime Entertainment 03.05.2011 The island . . . The treasure . . . The romance. In the magical suddenly changes his life! Drawn by the seductive lure of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099226 Greek island of Patmos the inhabitants have lived, danced, easy money in the illicit Harlem underground, he uses his and laughed for thousands of years. But, with the arrival of a skills to quickly take control of the streets and seize all the straight-laced, high-tech archaeologist, Eric (Matthew power that comes with it! Also starring rap star Cam’ron People On Sunday: The Criterion Modine) everything could forever change. Eric soon finds (Woo) and Chi McBride (Gone In 60 Seconds, TV’s Boston himself swept into a world of picture-post-card scenery and Public)-you don’t want to miss this gripping look at chasing Collection romance. That is, until his satellite-guided equipment reveals the American dream...from the wrong side of the tracks! People On Sunday (Menschen am Sonntag) represents an that his most important find may be buried under the tavern Action, Crime, Drama 2002 97min. astonishing confluence of talent - an early collaboration by a owned by his love interest - the beautiful and uncompromising group of German filmmakers who would all go on to become Katerina (Agni Scott). Will Eric toss away a lifetime of work - Lionsgate 15.04.2011 major Hollywood players, including eventual noir masters and the hope of fulfilling his father’s deepest wish - for the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098975 Robert Siodmak (The Killers, Criss Cross) and Edgar G. love of a vivacious and independent woman? It will take all Ulmer (Detour, Bluebeard) and future Oscar winners Billy her passion and all his courage to find out where the real Wilder (Sunset Boulevard, Ace In The Hole) and Fred Zinn- treasure is buried. Paraiso Travel eman (High Noon, A Man For All Seasons). This Romance, Comedy 93min. Ana de la Reguera, John Leguizamo effervescent, sunlit silent film, about a handful of city dwellers enjoying a weekend outing (a charming cast of Osiris Entertainment 26.04.2011 Romance, Drama 2008 110min. nonprofessionals), offers a rare glimpse of -era 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099281 Phase 4 Films 26.04.2011 Berlin. A unique hybrid of documentary and fictional 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099087 storytelling, People On Sunday. Original Sin (Blu-ray) Romance, Silent Film, Art House, Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Angelina Jolie, Antonio Banderas, Thomas The Passing Foreign, German 1930 73min. Jane, The three Naibert children, in their teens and early twenties, A Provocative Presentation Of Lust, Never-Ending Love And inherit a vast estate from their grandmother Rebecca. But Criterion 28.06.2011 Danger.“ -San Antonio Express-News. Sexy Antonio unknown to them, the family inheritance has passed from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098760 Banderas (The Mask of Zorro) teams with Oscar®-winning grandmother to granddaughter for centuries and Rebecca has sensation Angelina Jolie (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) for this a long reach from the grave to assure that the line is sultry, sexy film in which „sex is used the old fashioned way: unbroken. The first weekend in the mansion is a party for the People On Sunday: The Criterion as a deadly weapon“ (Detroit Free Press). Filled with three Naiberts and their friends - but one by one, they vanish Collection (Blu-ray) „surprises on top of surprises“ (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun- without a trace. Is death the punishment for violating Times), this engrossing film „weaves a web of lust, never- Rebecca’s spell? Are the demons that beset the young people People On Sunday (Menschen am Sonntag) represents an ending love and danger“ (San Antonio Express-News) into an real or only reflections of their own fear? Is it murder, astonishing confluence of talent - an early collaboration by a erotic thriller of desire, disillusion and obsession. Wealthy violence from another dimension, or madness? The answer group of German filmmakers who would all go on to become Cuban coffee merchant Luis Vargas (Banderas) only knows lives in the reflections. major Hollywood players, including eventual noir masters his bride-to-be through letters of love. And when he finally Thrillers, Horror min. Robert Siodmak (The Killers, Criss Cross) and Edgar G. meets Julia (Jolie) on their wedding day, he is astounded and Celebrity Video Distribution 07.06.2011 Ulmer (Detour, Bluebeard) and future Oscar winners Billy left breathless by her beauty and smoldering sexuality. But Wilder (Sunset Boulevard, Ace In The Hole) and Fred Zinn- behind that beauty, a devious mind is at work. And when he 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099208 eman (High Noon, A Man For All Seasons). This finds his business in ruins, his life in shambles and his new effervescent, sunlit silent film, about a handful of city dwellers wife on the run, Luis begins a relentless pursuit for the Patton: 40th Anniversary Limited enjoying a weekend outing (a charming cast of woman who not only stole his money, but also his heart... and nonprofessionals), offers a rare glimpse of Weimar-era he’ll stop at nothing to get her back! Edition (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Berlin. A unique hybrid of documentary and fictional Drama, Romance, Thrillers 2000 116min. storytelling, People On Sunday. George C. Scott, Karl Malden, Frank Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Latimore, Michael Strong, Karl Michael Drama, Foreign, German, Art House, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099453 Vogler, Stephen Young Romance, Silent Film 1930 73min. Winner of seven 1970 Academy Awards including Best Criterion 28.06.2011 Osso Bucco Picture and Best Actor for George C. Scott, Patton is a riveting portrayal of one of the Twentieth century’s greatest 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098774 Illeana Douglas, Mike Starr, Christian Stolte military geniuses. As rebellious as he was brilliant, George Megan and Jelly find true love in the most unlikely Patton (Scott) was the only general truly feared by the Nazis, circumstances, snowed in at a favorite Italian restaurant in yet his own volatile personality was the one enemy he could The Perfect Man / Head Over one of the worst blizzards in Chicago history. The only never defeat. Heels / Wimbledon / The Story Of wrinkle is Jelly, a loveable and pacifistic mobster who has National Film Registry, War, World War II, never shot his gun, and his cousin Nick are unexpectedly Us (4 Movie Marathon) sharing dinner with two detectives charge with capturing Classics, Drama, Military, Academy Award Nick and Jelly. Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Biopics 1970 Romance, Sports, Tearjerkers, Tennis, Romance, Comedy 2008 87min. 172min. Comedy, Drama min. Gaiam Americas 07.06.2011 20th Century Fox 10.05.2011 Universal Studios 22.03.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098741 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099310

The Others: Collector’s Series Penn & Teller: BS! Eight Season Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne: Nicole Kidman, Alakina Mann, Elaine Pack - Censored Volume Eight Cassidy, Renee Asherson, Fiona Flanagan, Teller, Penn Jillette Allen Payne, LaVan Davis, Cassi Davis, Christopher Eccleston, Eric Sykes, James Comedy, Showtime min. Keshia Knight Pulliam, China Anne McClain, Bentley Showtime Entertainment 03.05.2011 Lance Gross, Cedric Pendleton Sooner Or Later They Will Find You.. Screen sensation Millions of fans have made this series from Tyler Perry one of Nicole Kidman (Moulin Rouge, Eyes Wide Shut) delivers an 316,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099228 the most beloved family comedies ever. Now, in volume Eight, utterly unforgettable performance in this scary and stylish the Paynes are back in the house that laughter built. This fun- suspense thriller! While awaiting her husband’s return from Penn & Teller: BS! The Eighth filled collection finds Pops nearly down to his last good nerve war, Grace (Kidman) and her two young children live an as son Calvin, nephew C.J. and C.J.’s kids, Malik and unusually isolated existence behind the locked doors and Season - Censored Jazmine, are up to their old tricks. Leave it Ella, Pop’s ever- drawn curtains of a secluded island mansion. Then, after loyal wife, to smooth things out in this inspiring series that three mysterious servants arrive and it becomes chillingly Teller, Penn Jillette confronts real-life issues with good humor and grace. clear that there is far more to this house than can be seen, Comedy, Showtime 2010 275min. Comedy, Family Relationships, TBS min. Grace finds herself in a terrifying fight to save her children Showtime Entertainment 03.05.2011 and keep her sanity! Acclaimed by critics everywhere, the Lionsgate 14.06.2011 unpredictable twists and turns of this compelling hit will keep 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099225 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099128 you guessing as it keeps you riveted to the edge of your seat! Thrillers, Ghosts, Horror 2001 101min. Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Eight Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne: Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Season Pack - Uncensored 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099071 Volume Seven Teller, Penn Jillette Allen Payne, LaVan Davis, Cassi Davis, Comedy, Showtime min. China Anne McClain, Lance Gross, Cedric

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Pendleton of our time - the sudden death of Princess Diana. In the wake tales have heartache, tragedy, crime, and even insanity Making marriage and family work is always a gamble. But of Diana’s death, the very private and tradition-bound Queen lurking around every corner! Assassin of Youth She Should’a there’s no better place to find the odds working in one family’s Elizabeth II (Mirren) finds herself in conflict with the new Said No The Devil’s Sleep The Violent Years How to favor than in Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne. Volume Seven of Prime Minister, the slickly modern and image-conscious Tony Undress in Front of Your Husband Protect Your Daughter The this hit series finds Pops, the clan’s head man, once again Blair. The Queen, also starring Academy Award® nominee Narcotic Story Slaves in Bondage faced with a full house of jokers including son Calvin, nephew James Cromwell (Best Supporting Actor, Babe, 1995), takes Collections, Cult Film / TV 2011 FF S C.J. and C.J.’s kids, Malik and Jazmine. Fortunately, his you inside the private chambers of the Royal Family and the 565min. loving and loyal wife, Ella, chips in to help deal with the real- British government for a captivating look at a vulnerable life issues confronting everyone in this winning show. human being in her darkest hour, as a nation grieving for its Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 People’s Princess waits to see what its leaders will do. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099364 Comedy, Family, TBS 2010 504min. Suspenseful, heartfelt and riveting, it’s a fascinating story Lionsgate 05.04.2011 you won’t soon forget. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099103 Royalty, Academy Award Winners, Art Reindeer Games: Director’s Cut House, British, Drama, Foreign 2006 min. Charlize Theron, Gary Sinise, Ben Affleck, Posse (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Dennis Farina, Donal Logue, Clarence Billy Zane, Mario Van Peebles, Pam Grier, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098977 Williams III, James Frain The Trap Is Set. The Game Is On.. Sizzling hot Ben Affleck Isaac Hayes, Tone Loc, Big Daddy Kane, (Pearl Harbor) and Charlize Theron (The Cider House Stephen Baldwin, Blair Underwood, Aaron The Queen (Blu-ray) Rules) team up with Gary Sinise (Mission To Mars) in this Neville, Nipsey Russell Helen Mirren, James Cromwell, Helen story of high-stakes crime and deception! Upon release from Mario Van Peebles, Billy Zane and Stephen Baldwin shake up McCrory, Sylvia Syms, Tracey Seaward, prison, Rudy (Affleck) poses as his old cell mate Nick in the frontier in this „fast-paced, star-studded, big brawny order to meet Nick’s sexy pen pal, Ashley (Theron). But Western“ (Janet Maslin, The New York Times)! Filled with Christine Langen, Michael Sheen, Alex things heat up for Rudy when he’s forced into an armed gun-blazing, fist-pounding action and co-starring big Daddy Jennings, Roger Allam robbery plot being hatched by Ashley’s evil brother (Sinise)! Kane, Blair Underwood, Tone Loc, Pam Grier, Isaac Hayes, Dame Helen Mirren triumphs in her Academy Award®-winning Also featuring Clarence Williams III (Life), Danny Trejo (Con Nipsey Russell, Aaron Neville and more, Posse takes a page role as The Queen - now more majestic and spellbinding than Air) and Dennis Farina (Get Shorty) — don’t miss this non- missing from the history books - and unfolds it with suspense, ever before on Blu-ray Disc®. Suspenseful, heartfelt and stop thrill ride! humor and awe-inspiring power! In 1982, a group of mostly riveting, this „brilliantly crafted drama“ (US Today) reigns Action, Cult Film / TV 2000 104min. black infantrymen, betrayed by their white commander, supreme in this breathtaking format. In the wake of one of the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Colonel Graham (Zane), desert the Spanish-American War. most public tragedies of our time - the sudden death of With Graham hot on their trail, Jesse Lee (Van Peebles) Princess Diana - the very private and tradition-bound Queen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098978 leads the men to his hometown, Freemanville, only to find it’s Elizabeth II finds herself in conflict with the slickly modern also besieged by war - a racist war! Lee’s attemptes to bring and image-conscious Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Peer inside Return To Paradise justice and freedom to his people make for a brilliant Western the private chambers of the Royal Family and the British that’s short on words and long on „killer entertainment“ (Los government as you watch the spectacle unfold in resplendent Barry Jones, Gary Cooper Angeles Times)! visual clarity. Hang on every word as a nation mourns its Morgan (Gary Cooper), a drifter and soldier-of-fortune Western 2011 Ltbx DD 2.0 111min. „People’s Princess“ in spectacularly enhanced audio. Savor washes up on a Pacific Island that is a small dictorial state The Queen as if for the very first time in Blu-ray High Defini- under the puritanic rule Pastor Corbett (Barry Jones), a MGM / UA 07.06.2011 tion. missionary. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099272 British, Drama, Foreign, Academy Award Drama 1953 88min. Winners, Art House, Royalty 2006 min. MGM MOD 31.12.2009 Princess Blade Lionsgate 15.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098747 Shiro Sano, Yoichi Numata, Yumiko Shaku, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099173 Kyusaka Shimada, Hideaki Ito Reviving Ophelia Science Fiction, Action, Foreign, Japanese, Rampage Kim Dickens, Jane Kaczmarek Killer Beauties 2001 95min. Lynda Boyd, Matt Frewer, Brendan Jane Kaczmarek (Malcolm In The Middle) and Kim Dickens Eastern Star 19.04.2011 (The Blind Side) star in the Lifetime Original Movie Reviving Fletcher, Shaun Sipos Ophelia. Inspired by the best-selling book by Dr. Mary 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099440 The boredom of small town life is eating Bill Williamson alive. Pipher, the movie tells the story of two mothers facing the Feeling constrained and claustrophobic in the meaningless difficulties of raising their teen daughters — one struggling Pros And Ex-Cons drudgery of everyday life and helpless against overwhelming with dating abuse and the other acting out with rebellious global dissolution, Bill (Brendan Fletcher) begins a descent behavior. Marie’s (Kaczmarek) 17-year-old Elizabeth Two ex-cons working for a powerful crime lord are assigned into madness. His shockingly violent plan will shake the very (Rebecca Williams) has the picture perfect life, with a to a highly secretive job. After completing their job they are foundations of society by painting the streets red with blood. seemingly equally wonderful boyfriend. Meanwhile, Le Ann quickly informed that they have assassinated the wrong Thrillers, Action, Crime 2009 85min. (Dickens) is raising 16-year-old Kelli (Carleigh Beverly) as individual. With the stakes high, they must quickly correct Phase 4 Films 31.05.2011 a single parent and finds it difficult to relate to the pressures their mistake before covers are blown and innocent lives are her daughter is facing with boys, friends and school. When lost. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099448 Kelli starts to suspect Elizabeth may be abused by her Action, Crime, Drama min. boyfriend (Nick Thurston), no one will believe her. Marie and Lionsgate 07.06.2011 Rawhide: Season Four, Volume Le Ann have always leaned on one another through life’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098846 challenges, but discover they need each other more than ever One as they navigate the complexities of understanding and raising Clint Eastwood, Eric Fleming their daughters. TV Movies, Drama, Family Relationships Pulp Fiction Western 2011 M 758min. 2010 92min. John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Paramount Pictures 07.06.2011 A&E 28.06.2011 Willis, Ving Rhames, Uma Thurman, Aman- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098841 da Plummer, , Maria De 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098845 Medeiros, Christopher Walken, Harvey Red Planet (Blu-ray) Keitel, Tim Roth, Eric Stoltz Rich In Love Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Terence Stamp, Critics and audiences worldwide hailed Pulp Fiction as the Ethan Hawke, Albert Finney, Kyle star-studded motion picture that redefined cinema in the 20th Benjamin Bratt, Simon Baker Century! Writer/Director Quentin Tarantino (Academy In the mid-21st century, the nations of a dying Earth look MacLachlan, Jill Clayburgh, Kathryn Erbe Award® Winner - Best Original Screenplay, 1994) delivers starward for a solution and set out to colonize Mars. But The legendary Albert Finney heads an all-star cast (Jill an unforgettable cast of characters - including a pair of low- something no one could have expected awaits. Houston, we Clayburgh, Kathryn Erbe, Kyle MacLachlan and Ethan rent hit men (John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson), their have big trouble. Val Kilmer, Carrie-Anne Moss and Tom Hawke) in this heart-warming drama of a retired man whose boss’s sexy wife (Uma Thurman) and a desperate prizefighter Sizemore star in this taut adventure about humankind’s first family blossoms after his wife leaves them. (Bruce Willis) - in a wildly entertaining and exhilarating mission to the mysterious Red Planet. Also on the mission is Drama, Family Relationships 1992 min. motion picture adventure that both thrills and amuses! the multifunctional robo-assistant AMEE. In one mode, she’s a MGM MOD 15.12.2009 Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Action, as loyal as a puppy. But a malfunction has locked her into a far different mode: a killing machine bent on destroying the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098748 AFI Top 100, Art House, Crime, Cult Film / crew. Yet that’s not the end of the expedition’s perils. TV, Drama, Film Noir 1994 154min. Because Mars may be barren, but it’s not uninhabited. The Rig Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Science Fiction, Space, Aliens 2000 William Forsythe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098976 107min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Horror, Warner Bros. 26.07.2011 Monsters 2010 94min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099264 The Queen Starz / Anchor Bay 05.10.2010 Helen Mirren, James Cromwell, Helen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098984 McCrory, Sylvia Syms, Michael Sheen, Alex Reefer Madness Collection Jennings, Roger Allam Get ready for a roller-coaster trip of emotion with this campy The Rig (Blu-ray) Winner of the Academy Award® for Best Actress, Dame collection from the golden age of Hollywood! Originally Helen Mirren gives a spellbinding performance in The Queen, intended to warn America’s youth of the perils of drugs, sex, William Forsythe, Art LaFleur, Marcus T. the provocative story behind one of the most public tragedies and alcohol, these outlandish and unintentionally hilarious

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Paulk Billy Zane, Leighton Meester, Frances Fis- themselves being stalked by a more-than-vaguely Some things shouldn’t be disturbed.. When a tropical storm her, Danneel Harris, Minka Kelly, Aly recognizable masked killer. As the victims begin to pile up forces an offshore drilling company to evacuate non-essential and the laughs pile on, none of your favorite fright flicks personnel from the „Charlie“ oil rig, the small but experienced Michalka, Cam Gigandet, Tomas Arana escape the biting satire of this outrageously funny parody! crew left behind settles in to ride out the storm. Isolated on She’s cute. She’s loyal. She’s psychotic. And, unfortunately See dead people rise to the occasion while shiny cutlery the rig, their routine night is interrupted when a crew member for college freshman Sara (Minka Kelly) she’s The Roommate. makes its point in razor-sharp clarity. Experience every ear- goes missing and an extensive search proves futile. Slowly, When Sara arrives at school, she finds new romance with piercing scream and thing-that-goes-bump-in-the-night with they discover that a deadly creature is stalking the crew, Stephen (Cam Gigandet)and forms a fast friendship with her spooktacularly enhanced audio. Featuring sidesplitting eliminating them one by one. Surrounded by nothing but raging roommate Rebecca (Leighton Meester). What begins as performances from Shannon Elizabeth, Shawn Wayans and ocean with no hope of escape, the roughnecks must survive camaraderie soon turns creepy, and Sara comes face-to-face Cheri Oteri adding sidesplitting performances, this not-so- the stormy night with an unrelenting force of death hunting with the terrifying realization that her new best friend is scary movie will chill you to the funny bone in Blu-ray High them down. obsessive, unbalanced...and maybe even a killer! Definition. Thrillers 2010 87min. Stalkers, Thrillers, College Life, Drama 2011 Comedy, Horror 2000 88min. Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 91min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099163 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099174 17.05.2011 Rio Lobo (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099145 Scary Movie 2 John Wayne , Regina Hall, Kathleen A classic action-filled John Wayne western is set into motion The Roommate (Blu-ray) Robertson, Marlon Wayans, Shawn with a spectacular robbery of a Union pay train by Billy Zane, Leighton Meester, Frances Fis- Wayans, Christopher Kennedy Masterson, confederate guerillas. The train’s colonel (Wayne) jails the enemy leaders (Jorge Rivero, Chris Mitchum) but the three her, Danneel Harris, Minka Kelly, Aly Michael Anthony Showden, Greg men later become friends when the war ends. Together they Michalka, Cam Gigandet, Tomas Arana Grabianski, Dave Polsky seek the Union traitors responsible for a string of She’s cute. She’s loyal. She’s psychotic. And, unfortunately More merciless. More shameless.. All of your favorite Scary Confederate train robberies, a mission that culminates in a for college freshman Sara (Minka Kelly) she’s The Roommate. Movie characters are back in a laugh-packed sequel that rousing shoot-em-up finale. When Sara arrives at school, she finds new romance with scares up even more irreverent fun than the original! Marlon Western 2011 DD 5.1 114min. Stephen (Cam Gigandet)and forms a fast friendship with her Wayans (Scary Movie, Requiem for a Dream), Shawn roommate Rebecca (Leighton Meester). What begins as Wayans (Scary Movie, Don’t Be A Menace...), and Anna Paramount Pictures 31.05.2011 camaraderie soon turns creepy, and Sara comes face-to-face Faris (Scary Movie) lead a stellar cast that takes extreme 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098924 with the terrifying realization that her new best friend is pleasure in skewering Hollywood’s most frightening feature obsessive, unbalanced...and maybe even a killer! films and spoofing popular culture! Also starring Regina Hall The Rite College Life, Drama, Stalkers, Thrillers 2011 (Scary Movie, Love and Basketball), Christopher Kennedy 91min. Masterson (TV’s Malcolm in the Middle), Tori Spelling (TV’s Alice Braga, Anthony Hopkins, Rutger Hau- Beverly Hills 90210)... plus Tim Curry (Charlie’s Angels), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment er, Ciaran Hinds, Toby Jones, Michael Chris Elliott (The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps) and James 17.05.2011 Woods (Any Given Sunday), nothing’s sacred and anything Petroni, Mikael Hafstrom 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099199 goes in this outlandish must-see comedy hit! Inspired by true events, this supernatural thriller follows a Comedy, Horror 2001 83min. seminary student (Colin O’Donoghue) sent to study exorcism Lionsgate 15.04.2011 at the Vatican in spite of his own doubts about the Sanctum controversial practice and even his own faith. Only when sent 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098980 to apprentice with legendary Father Lucas (Anthony Master diver Frank McGuire leads a team including his 17- Hopkins), who has performed thousand of exorcisms, does his year-old son to explore the largest, most beautiful and least armor of skepticism begin to fall. Drawn into a troubling case accessible cave system on Earth. But, when a tropical storm Scary Movie 3 (Widescreen) that transcends even Father Lucas’s skill, the young cuts off their only escape route, the team must work together Daryl Hannah, Charlie Sheen, Ja Rule, seminarian glimpses a phenomenon science can’t explain or to find their way through an uncharted and dangerous control - and an evil so violent and terrifying that it forces him underwater labyrinth to make it out alive. Queen Latifah, Anna Faris, Denise Ri- to question everything he believes. Thrillers, Action, Adventure min. chards, Regina Hall, Camryn Manheim, Possession, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Universal Studios 07.06.2011 Jenny McCarthy, Macy Gray, Pamela Devils And Demons, Horror 2011 114min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099206 Anderson, Leslie Nielsen, George Carlin, Warner Bros. 17.05.2011 Master P, Peter Boyle, Anthony Anderson, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098700 The Larry Sanders Show: Season Jeremy Piven, Eddie Griffin, Method Man, Three D.L. Hughley, Fat Joe, Redman, Simon Rex, The Rite (Blu-ray) Timothy Stack, Raekwon, Simon Cowell Rip Torn, Jeffrey Tambor, Garry Shandling Great Trilogies Come In Threes.. 3 times the laughs! 3 times Alice Braga, Anthony Hopkins, Rutger Hau- Comedy, HBO 1994 min. the horror! 3 times the stars! Charlie Sheen (Two And a Half er, Ciaran Hinds, Toby Jones, Michael Shout Factory 26.04.2011 Men), Anna Faris (Scary Movie 1 & 2), Eddie Griffin (My Petroni, Mikael Hafstrom 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099096 Baby’s Daddy), Queen Latifah (Chicago), Regina Hall (Scary Inspired by true events, this supernatural thriller follows a Movie 1 & 2) and Denise Richards (Undercover Brother) take seminary student (Colin O’Donoghue) sent to study exorcism Scary Movie 3 to unprecedented levels of hysterically twisted at the Vatican in spite of his own doubts about the Scary Movie comedy. With the help of nonstop celebrity cameos - including controversial practice and even his own faith. Only when sent Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy, George Carlin, Leslie to apprentice with legendary Father Lucas (Anthony Carmen Electra, Lochlyn Munro, Anna Nielsen and a who’s who of rap artists - thrillers, Hopkins), who has performed thousand of exorcisms, does his Faris, Regina Hall, Shannon Elizabeth, blockbusters and pop culture get their best goosing yet. A armor of skepticism begin to fall. Drawn into a troubling case Cheri Oteri, Marlon Wayans, Shawn news anchorwoman (Faris) investigates a killer videotape that transcends even Father Lucas’s skill, the young that’s making its way around town, digs into a mysterious crop seminarian glimpses a phenomenon science can’t explain or Wayans, Jon Abrahams, Kurt Fuller, Dave circle on an ex-priest’s farm and falls in love with a wannabe control - and an evil so violent and terrifying that it forces him Sheridan white rapper! Rapid-fire jokes and funny-bone-chilling to question everything he believes. This hilarious, must-see comedy smash places Carmen suspense are sure signs this outrageous comedy will have Devils And Demons, Horror, Possession, Electra (TV’s Baywatch), Marlon Wayans (Senseless), Jon you laughing your head off. Aliens, Comedy, Horror 2003 84min. Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 2011 114min. Abrahams (Boiler Room, The Faculty) and some of today’s hottest young stars in a wickedly funny send-up of today’s Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Warner Bros. 17.05.2011 most popular horror movies! A familiar-looking group of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098981 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098703 teenagers find themselves being stalked by a more-than- vaguely recognizable masked killer! As the victims begin to pile up and the laughs pile on, none of your favorite scary Scary Movie 3.5: Special Edition Rocky (Digibook) (Blu-ray) movies escape the razor-sharp satire of this outrageously Charlie Sheen, Queen Latifah, Anna Faris, Sylvester Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Burt funny parody! With Shannon Elizabeth, Shawn Wayans and Cheri Oteri adding sidesplitting performances, there’s nothing Denise Richards, Regina Hall, Camryn Man- Young, Carl Weathers, Talia Shire to fear in this scary movie, unless you’re afraid of laughing Nominated for 10 Academy Awards®, this 1976 Best Picture too much! heim, Jenny McCarthy, Pamela Anderson, winner inspired a nation! A struggling Philadelphia club Comedy, Horror 2000 88min. Diane Klimaszewski, Elaine Klimaszewski, fighter (Sylvester Stallone) gets a once-in-a-lifetime Leslie Nielsen, George Carlin, Anthony opportunity to fight for love, glory and self-respect. Featuring Lionsgate 15.04.2011 a legendary musical score and thrilling fight sequences, this 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098979 Anderson, Eddie Griffin, D.L. Hughley, rousing crowd-pleaser scores a knockout! Timothy Stack Boxing, Classics, Drama, Academy Award Scary Movie (Blu-ray) Now, add to your comedy collection the unrated Collector’s Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film Series version of Scary Movie 3, the outrageous motion Carmen Electra, Lochlyn Munro, Anna picture that had both moviegoers and critics crying ... from Registry, Romance, Sports 1976 119min. Faris, Regina Hall, Shannon Elizabeth, laughter! 3.5 times the laughs! 3.5 times the terror! 3.5 times MGM / UA 10.05.2011 the stars! Charlie Sheen (Two and a Half Men), Anna Faris Cheri Oteri, Marlon Wayans, Shawn 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098744 (Scary Movie 1 & 2), Eddie Griffin (My Baby’s Daddy), Wayans, Jon Abrahams, Kurt Fuller, Dave Queen Latifah (Chicago), Regina Hall (Scary Movie 1 & 2), Sheridan and Denise Richards (Undercover Brother) take Scary Movie The Roommate 3.5 to new levels of twisted comedy. With the help of nonstop Scary Movie. A familiar-looking group of teenagers find celebrity cameos — including Pamela Anderson, Jenny

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McCarthy, George Carlin, Leslie Nielsen, and a who’s who of Series 2000 min. The destiny continues its journey through the Universe, while rap artists — thrillers, blockbusters, and pop culture get their its crew suffers from a lack of supplies and no knowledge of best goosing yet. Rapid-fire jokes and funny bone-chilling Lionsgate 15.04.2011 its final destination. Struggling to control the ships systems, suspense are sure signs this outrageous comedy will have 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098985 tempers and personalies of the crew clash. Facing uncharted you laughing your head off ... once you experience this space and enemies who would take the ship by force, the longer, funnier, and more explicit unrated version. Destiny crew persevere in their struggle to stay alive and Comedy, Horror 2003 84min. Seconds Apart find a way home. Seth and Jonah are murderous twins who share an evil Action 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 880min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 kinship. Damned from the moment of their births, the brothers 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099362 possess a gruesome talent for telekinesis, a power they use MGM / UA 07.06.2011 in the most horrific ways imaginable. As their fellow students 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099009 meet gory fates, the local law enforcement begins to suspect The Scent Of Green Papaya the twins’ connection to some depraved murders. What started Man San Lu, Truong Thi Loc, Tran Nu Yen as a jealous rage escalates into a supernatural showdown Shadows & Lies Khe pitting brother against brother, evil against evil. James Franco, Martin Donovan, Zoe Lister In this Academy Award Nominee for Best Foreign Film (1994), Horror min. Jones, Julianne Nicholson, Josh Lucas little things mean a lot in the world of 10-year-old Mui, a girl Lionsgate 24.05.2011 He has no soul, no mercy and no escape.. The talented James who’s trained to be a house servant in 1950s Vietnam. As Mui 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098821 Franco stars in Shadows & Lies as William Vincent, a quiet grows up in pre-war Saigon, she finds quiet love with a family and mysterious criminal. When he falls for a New York friend. Dialogue seems almost tertiary in this film that gangster’s (Josh Lucas) favorite call girl (Julianne celebrates the senses, as the young girl discovers the world Secuestro: Privacion De La Nicholson), Vincent is forced to flee the city, threatened with around her and marvels at every new sight, sound and scent death if he should ever return. But after four years in exile, she experiences while going about her workday life. Libertad Vincent secretly returns intent on rescuing the woman he Romance, Vietnamese, Art House, Drama, Julio Rasec, Veronica Alvarez, Gaby loves from her dangerous fate. Foreign 1993 min. Ferreyra, Arturo Martinez, Eleazar Garcia Action, Crime, Drama 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 Kino Video 26.04.2011 Jr. 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099088 Alberto is the leader of a group that specializes in kidnapping Millennium Entertainment 07.06.2011 wealthy entrepreneurs, due in large part to their access to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098967 quick cash. For his latest job, he recruits Marcela, the The Scent Of Green Papaya (Blu- assistant to Avendano, to inform the group of all of his ray) movements. What the group doesn’t plan on is the presence of Shakespeare In Love a mystery man. Rogelio, a special agent and the personal Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Colin Man San Lu, Truong Thi Loc, Tran Nu Yen security guard for Avendano, could not thwart the abduction of his boss, but will stop at nothing to hunt down the group and Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Judi Dench, Ben Khe free Avendano from his abductors. In this Academy Award Nominee for Best Foreign Film (1994), Affleck little things mean a lot in the world of 10-year-old Mui, a girl Thrillers 2010 275min. A comedy about the greatest love story almost never told.. who’s trained to be a house servant in 1950s Vietnam. As Mui Navarre 07.06.2011 Triumphant winner of 7 Academy Awards - including Best grows up in pre-war Saigon, she finds quiet love with a family 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099093 Picture - this witty, sexy smash features Oscar-winning Best friend. Dialogue seems almost tertiary in this film that Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and an amazing cast that includes celebrates the senses, as the young girl discovers the world Academy Award winners Judi Dench, Geoffrey Rush and Ben around her and marvels at every new sight, sound and scent Serendipity Affleck! When Will Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) needs passionate inspiration to break a bad case of writer’s block, a she experiences while going about her workday life. John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, Molly Drama, Foreign, Korean, Art House, secret romance with the beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts Shannon, Bridget Moynahan, Eugene Levy, the words flowing like never before! There are just two things Romance 1993 min. Jeremy Piven, John Corbett he’ll have to learn about his new love: not only is she Kino Video 26.04.2011 promised to marry someone else, she’s successfully Destiny… With A Sense Of Humor.. Irresistible stars John impersonating a man in order to play the lead in Will’s latest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099190 Cusack (America’s Sweethearts, High Fidelity) and Katie production! A truly can’t-miss motion picture event with Beckinsale (Pearl Harbor, Brokedown Palace) are drawn outstanding critical acclaim to match its impressive collection Scream 2 together and take a chance on love in this critically acclaimed of major awards- everyone will love this funny behind-the- romantic comedy! In the course of one magical evening, scenes look at the writing of the greatest love story ever told! Jamie Kennedy, Laurie Metcalf, Sarah Mich- Jonathan (Cusack) and Sara (Beckinsale) meet unexpectedly... then part without expectation when she Romance, Shakespeare, Academy Award elle Gellar, Jada Pinkett Smith, Neve decides they must let fate determine if they are meant to be Winners, AFI Top 100, Comedy, Drama, Campbell, Courteney Cox, Liev Schreiber, together. Years later, they are both engaged to others but Historical / Period Piece 1998 123min. David Arquette cannot give up the dream that - despite time, distance and the Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Here’s the incredible follow-up to the smash hit phenomenon obstacles that conspire to keep them apart - they will one day „Scream!“ Away at college, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) meet again! Also starring Jeremy Piven (The Family Man, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098987 thought she’d finally put the shocking murders that shattered Very Bad Things) and Molly Shannon (Superstar, Never Been her life behind her...until a copycat killer begins acting out a Kissed) in a stellar supporting cast - you’re destined to agree Shall We Dance? (Blu-ray) real-life sequel! Now, as history eerily repeats itself, with audiences everywhere who fell for the surprising charms ambitious reporter Gale Weathers (Courtney Cox), deputy of this delightful big-screen romance! Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Dewey (David Arquette) and other Scream survivors find Romance, Comedy 2001 min. Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Ja Rule, Lisa Ann themselves trapped in a terrifyingly clever plotline where no Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Walter, Anita Gillette, Mya Harrison, Ri- one is safe—or beyond suspicion! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098986 Slasher, Film About Film, Horror, Horror chard Jenkins, Nick Cannon, Bobby Series 1997 120min. Cannavale, Omar Miller Seven (Blu-ray) Golden Globe winner Richard Gere (Best Actor In A Musical Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Or Comedy, Chicago 2002, Unfaithful) and Jennifer Lopez 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098983 Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth (Maid In Manhattan) step out in a delightfully sexy comedy Paltrow, John C. McGinley with a sizzling all-star cast! Meek workaholic John Clark From director David Fincher (Fight Club) comes the (Gere) feels trapped in a dull, mind-numbing existence. But Scream 3 psychological thriller about two detectives on the trail of one night, his whole life changes when the sight of a beautiful Parker Posey, Neve Campbell, Courteney „John Doe,“ a serial killer who chooses his victims according dance instructor (Lopez) inspires him to break out of his mold Cox, Jenny McCarthy, David Arquette, to the seven deadly sins. and sign up for ballroom dancing lessons! Now, he’ll have to Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Film step lightly - and do some fancy footwork - if he expects to Patrick Dempsey, Deon Richmond, Lance Noir, Action, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1995 keep his exciting new passion a secret from his family and Henriksen, Emily Mortimer, Patrick friends. Prepare to be dazzled and captivated as never before 127min. Warburton, Matt Keeslar, Scott Foley by Shall We Dance? on Blu-Ray High Definition! The most terrifying scream is always the last.. Stars Neve New Line Home Entertainment 29.03.2011 Comedy, Dancing, Drama, Romance 2004 Campbell, David Arquette and Courteney Cox Arquette are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099203 106min. back for more in the chilling final chapter of this phenomenally Lionsgate 15.04.2011 popular and frightfully entertaining trilogy! While Sidney Prescott (Campbell) lives in safely guarded seclusion, bodies Sex, Lies, And Death 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099175 begins dropping around the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the latest When two female strangers find common ground in their movie sequel based on the gruesome Greensboro killings! And horrible relationships, they devise a plot to rid one another of Shall We Dance? (Fullscreen) when the escalating terror finally brings her out of hiding, their burdensome lovers. Blinded by revenge and racing Sidney and other Greensboro survivors are once again drawn against the clock, their joint missions prove seductive, bloody Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan into an insidious game of horror movie mayhem! But just when and shocking...with an ending they could never imagine. Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Ja Rule, Lisa Ann they thought they knew how to play by the rules, they Romance, Thrillers, Crime, Drama min. discover that all the rules have been broken! Featuring hot Walter, Anita Gillette, Mya Harrison, Ri- newcomers Parker Posey (The House Of Yes) and Jenny Lionsgate 03.05.2011 chard Jenkins, Nick Cannon, Bobby McCarthy (Diamonds) in another stellar ensemble cast, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098814 Cannavale, Omar Miller Scream 3 offers an unmatched mix of thrills, laughter and A New Comedy About Following Your Own Lead.. Golden suspense that brings this spine-tingling saga to an SGU: Stargate Universe - The Globe winner Richard Gere (Best Actor In A Musical Or unforgettable conclusion. Comedy, Chicago 2002, Unfaithful) and Jennifer Lopez (Maid Slasher, Film About Film, Horror, Horror Complete Final Season In Manhattan) step out in a delightfully sexy comedy with a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA sizzling all-star cast! John Clark (Gere) is a meek Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure: Collection and features a never-before-seen re-edited workaholic who feels trapped in a dull, mind-numbing version oft he original motion picture, the original theatrical existence. But one night, his whole life changes when the Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD release and extensive brand-new bonus material! The sight of a beautiful dance instructor (Lopez) inspires him to acclaimed hit from director Robert Rodriguez delivers stories break out of his mold and sign up for ballroom dancing Combo + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) straight from the pages of Frank Miller’s hip series of Sin lessons! Now, he’ll have to step lightly - and do some fancy Ashley Tisdale City graphic novels...and stars Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, footwork - if he expects to keep his exciting new passion a Just how fabulous do you have to be to make it big in the Big Mickey Rourke, Jaime King, Clive Own, Brittany Murphy, secret from his family and friends. ‘ Also starring Academy Apple? One aspiring diva is about to find out...the hard way! Rosario Dawson, Devon Aoki, Alexis Bledel, Benicio Del Award® winner Susan Sarandon (Best Actress, Dead Man Ashley Tisdale shines in this totally captivating comedy. After Toro, Elijah Wood, Nick Stahl, Michael Madsen, Carla Walking 1995) and Stanley Tucci (The Terminal), Shall We a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a Cugino and Michael Clarke Duncan. Dance? is another acclaimed crowd-pleaser from the studio charity gala, Sharpay Evans (Tisdale) sets off for the bright Thrillers, Action, Based On Comic Book, that brought you Chicago! lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Film Noir Romance, Comedy, Dancing, Drama 2004 bag (designer bag, that is). But theatre’s a dog-eat-dog world, 2005 min. FF min. as she and Boi discover when they encounter the devious Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 owner of a pampered pooch named „Countess“ and a scheming Broadway starlet who will do anything to crush the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098991 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099361 competition. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton (Austin Butler), a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay nearly as fascinating as she finds herself. Sparkling with fun, Sin City: Unrated, Recut & Exten- Shall We Dance? (Widescreen) fashion and fantastic bonus features, Sharpay’s Fabulous Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Adventure will make your whole family stand up and cheer! ded (Blu-ray) Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Ja Rule, Lisa Ann Musical, Romance, TV Movies, Comedy, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Elijah Wood, Walter, Anita Gillette, Mya Harrison, Ri- , Family 2011 89min. Rosario Dawson, Brittany Murphy, Jessica chard Jenkins, Nick Cannon, Bobby Disney / Buena Vista 19.04.2011 Alba, Michael Madsen, Rutger Hauer, Clive Cannavale, Omar Miller 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099202 Owen, Josh Hartnett, Benicio Del Toro A New Comedy About Following Your Own Lead.. Golden If ever a movie was meant to be experienced in high definition, Globe winner Richard Gere (Best Actor In A Musical Or She’s All That Frank Miller’s Sin City is guilty on all counts! A Comedy, Chicago 2002, Unfaithful) and Jennifer Lopez (Maid groundbreaking masterpiece of mayhem, Sin City roars to life In Manhattan) step out in a delightfully sexy comedy with a Freddie Prinze Jr., Rachael Leigh Cook, with both barrels blazing in this Blu-ray Disc set that sizzling all-star cast! John Clark (Gere) is a meek Matthew Lillard, Anna Paquin, Kevin Pollak, includes the restored Theatrical Feature and the Unrated, workaholic who feels trapped in a dull, mind-numbing Recut Extended Release. Plus, get in on the action with existence. But one night, his whole life changes when the Paul Walker, Elden Henson, Usher, Kieran explosive new bonus features: „Kill ‘Em Good Interactive sight of a beautiful dance instructor (Lopez) inspires him to Culkin Comic Book“ and „Cine-Explore.“ Robert Rodriguez (Despe- break out of his mold and sign up for ballroom dancing An irresistible cast of Hollywood’s hottest young faces star in rado, From Dusk Till Dawn), Frank Miller (The Spirit) and lessons! Now, he’ll have to step lightly - and do some fancy this fun, sexy comedy hit about the power of attraction and the Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill 1 and 2, Pulp Fiction) direct an footwork - if he expects to keep his exciting new passion a pressures of popularity! Stung when his bombshell girlfriend amazing cast of big-screen favorites (Bruce Willis, Jessica secret from his family and friends. ‘ Also starring Academy abruptly dumps him for a TV celebrity, big man on campus Alba, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Brittany Murphy, Benicio Award® winner Susan Sarandon (Best Actress, Dead Man Zack Siler wagers with a classmate he can quickly turn any Del Toro, Rosario Dawson and more!) in this acclaimed and Walking 1995) and Stanley Tucci (The Terminal), Shall We girl...even the school’s biggest geed, Laney Boggs...into the visually stunning hit that’s straight from the pages of Miller’s Dance? is another acclaimed crowd-pleaser from the studio ! He wasn’t, however, betting on falling in love! hip series of Sin City graphic novels. Strap yourself in as a that brought you Chicago! After an amazing makeover, Laney is transformed from nobody staggering sensory onslaught hits you right where you live. Romance, Comedy, Dancing, Drama 2004 to knockout...but when she learns of Zack’s deception, it From the stylized, razor-sharp clarity of the unique, high could ruin any chance he had with his newfound dream girl! definition visuals to the throbbing, phenomenally intense 106min. With a hip modern soundtrack and a hilarious story that sounds of bullets spraying and bones crunching, this Lionsgate 15.04.2011 audiences loved, this great comedy is all that...and more! awesome 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098988 Romance, Comedy, High School 1998 Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Film Noir, 96min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Thrillers Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure Lionsgate 15.04.2011 2005 124min. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Ashley Tisdale 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098989 Just how fabulous do you have to be to make it big in the Big 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099176 Apple? One aspiring diva is about to find out...the hard way! Sin City Ashley Tisdale shines in this totally captivating comedy. After Sleeping With The Enemy (Blu- a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Elijah Wood, charity gala, Sharpay Evans (Tisdale) sets off for the bright Carla Gugino, Rosario Dawson, Brittany ray) lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the bag (designer bag, that is). But theatre’s a dog-eat-dog world, Murphy, Jessica Alba, Alexis Bledel, Jaime Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin as she and Boi discover when they encounter the devious King, Marley Shelton, Devon Aoki, Michael This tense and terrifying romantic thriller delivers „screams owner of a pampered pooch named „Countess“ and a scheming Madsen, Michael Clarke Duncan, Rutger aplenty“ (Variety) and „a corker of a climax“ (Rolling Stone)! Broadway starlet who will do anything to crush the Julia Roberts stars as Laura, a young woman who thinks competition. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton (Austin Hauer, Clive Owen, Josh Hartnett, Benicio she’s found the man of her dreams in Martin (Patrick Bergin). Butler), a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay Del Toro, Powers Boothe, Nick Stahl But after they are married, Laura discovers the „real“ Martin: nearly as fascinating as she finds herself. Sparkling with fun, An amazing cast of big-screen favorites is directed by Robert compulsive, controlling and dangerously violent. She escapes fashion and fantastic bonus features, Sharpay’s Fabulous Rodriguez (Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn), Frank Miller - by faking her own death and relocating to a small Midwestern Adventure will make your whole family stand up and cheer! and special guest director Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill 1 & 2, town. But even with a new identity, Laura lives in fear, stalked TV Movies, Musical, Romance, Comedy, Pulp Fiction) - in an acclaimed and visually stunning hit that’s by the memory of Martin’s brutality...a memory that comes to the coolest movie of the year! Straight from the pages of life with a vengeance when he discovers that she is still Disney Channel, Family 2011 89min. Miller’s hip series of Sin City graphic novels, Bruce Willis alive! Disney / Buena Vista 19.04.2011 stars as a cop with a bum ticker and a vow to protect a sexy Drama 2011 Ltbx DTS 99min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099149 stripper (Jessica Alba - Fantastic Four); Mickey Rourke 20th Century Fox 02.06.2011 (Man on Fire) as an outcast misanthrope on a mission to avenge the death of his one true love (Jaime King - Pearl 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099268 Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure Harbor); and Clive Owen (King Arthur) as Dwight, the clandestine love of Shellie (Brittany Murphy - Little Black Sling Blade (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Book), who spends his night defending Gail (Rosario Dawson Ashley Tisdale - The Devil’s Rejects) and her Old Town girls (Devon Aoki Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Duvall, John Just how fabulous do you have to be to make it big in the Big and Alexis Bledel) from a tough guy (Benicio Del Toro - 21 Ritter, J.T. Walsh, Dwight Yoakam, Natalie Apple? One aspiring diva is about to find out...the hard way! Grams) with a penchant for violence. Also starring Elijah Canerday, Lucas Black Ashley Tisdale shines in this totally captivating comedy. After Wood, Nick Stahl, Michael Madsen, Carla Gugino and Mi- chael Clarke Duncan. 25 Years after commiting an unthinkable crime, a quiet man a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a named Karl (Thornton) finally returns home. Once there, he’s charity gala, Sharpay Evans (Tisdale) sets off for the bright Thrillers, Vigilante Justice, Action, Based befriended by a fatherless boy and his mother. But when his lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the On Comic Book, Cops, Cops On The Edge, newfound peace is shattered by the mother’s abusive bag (designer bag, that is). But theatre’s a dog-eat-dog world, Crime, Film Noir 2005 124min. boyfriend, Karl is suddenly placed on a collision course with as she and Boi discover when they encounter the devious his past! Also starring Robert Duvall, John Ritter and J.T. owner of a pampered pooch named „Countess“ and a scheming Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Walsh, this emotional powerhouse is an unforgettable Broadway starlet who will do anything to crush the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098990 experience for the eyes and ears as well as the heart. competition. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton (Austin Butler), a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay Substance Abuse, Academy Award nearly as fascinating as she finds herself. Sparkling with fun, Sin City: Unrated, Recut & Exten- Winners, Art House, Drama, Friendships fashion and fantastic bonus features, Sharpay’s Fabulous ded 1996 137min. Adventure will make your whole family stand up and cheer! Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Musical, Romance, TV Movies, Comedy, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Elijah Wood, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099360 Disney Channel, Family 2011 89min. Rosario Dawson, Brittany Murphy, Jessica Disney / Buena Vista 19.04.2011 Alba, Michael Madsen, Rutger Hauer, Clive 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099201 Owen, Josh Hartnett, Benicio Del Toro Sling Blade: Director’s Cut (Blu- This Recut & Extended Edition is the ultimate Sin City DVD ray)

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Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Duvall, John Warner Bros. 26.07.2011 Science Fiction, Action, Comedy, Double Ritter, J.T. Walsh, Dwight Yoakam, Natalie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099265 Features, Family 88min. Canerday, Lucas Black Lionsgate 15.04.2011 For the first time, Miramax proudly presents this riveting A Somewhat Gentle Man 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099059 motion picture in the phenomenal intensity of Blu-ray Hi-Def. Applauded by critics and moviegoers alike, this award- Stellan Skarsgard, Gard B. Eidsvold, Bjorn winning masterpiece written, directed by and starring Billy Sundquist, Bjorn Floberg Spy Kids / Spy Kids 2: The Island Bob Thornton (Monster’s Ball) achieves new heights of Ulrik is a somewhat gentle man, as far as gangsters go. Of Lost Dreams / Spy Kids 3: greatness as Thornton’s vision is now fully realized in high Reluctantly back on the streets following a stint in prison, definition. 25 years after committing an unthinkable crime, a Ulrik’s boss greets him with open arms and a plan to settle an Game Over (Triple Feature) quiet man named Karl (Thornton) finally returns home. Once old score. With a demented sense of professional pride, there, he’s befriended by a fatherless boy and his mother. But Ulrik’s boss sets in motion a plan to right the wrong done to Science Fiction, Triple Feature, Action, when his newfound peace is shattered by the mother’s his star employee. The problem is Ulrik would rather go about Comedy, Family min. abusive boyfriend (Grammy winner Dwight Yoakam), Karl is his own business, however mundane, than get involved with Lionsgate 15.04.2011 suddenly placed on a collision course with his past! Also his ragtag colleagues again. This dark feel good comedy starring Robert Duvall, John Ritter and J.T. Walsh, this delivers laughs and gasps in equal measure. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099056 emotional powerhouse is an unforgettable experience for the eyes and ears as well as the heart. Feel the stirring power of Norwegian, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Sling Blade as never before in Blu-ray High Definition. Foreign 2010 103min. Spy Kids 2: The Island Of Lost Drama, Friendships, Academy Award Strand Releasing 03.05.2011 Dreams Winners, Art House, Substance Abuse 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098729 Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas, Cheech 1996 135min. Marin, Christopher McDonald, Holland Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Soy Tu Duena Taylor, Alexa Vega, Steve Buscemi, Danny 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099177 , , Gabriela Spanic Trejo, Ricardo Montalban, Mike Judge, Daryl Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance, Soap Sabara Smart People Opera 2010 min. James Bond for kids!“ -Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times. The coolest SPYkids anywhere are back for a huge new Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ellen Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.05.2011 adventure! This time, Carmen and Juni are on a mission to Page, Thomas Haden Church, Ashton 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099336 recover a device that threatens the entire world! They enlist Holmes the skills of Mom and Dad (Carla Gugino and Antonio From the producer of Sideways - get to know a lovable yet Spy Game / State Of Play (Double Banderas)-and even their SPY grandparents (Holland Taylor dysfunctional family everyone can relate to in this lighthearted and Ricardo Montalban)-in a thrilling show of family comedy People calls „smart and enjoyable“. When Lawrence Feature) (Blu-ray) teamwork! With even more cool gadgets, imaginative Wetherhold (Dennis Quaid) - a widowed and self-absorbed creatures and awesome special’s nonstop high- professor - falls for his attractive former student (Sex And Mystery, Politics, Thrillers, Double Fea- tech adventure for everyone! The City’s Sarah Jessica Parker), his all-too-predictable life tures, Drama, Action min. Science Fiction, Action, Comedy, Family suddenly turns sunny-side-up. That is, until his freeloading Universal Studios 22.03.2011 2002 100min. brother (Thomas Haden Church) and his sharp-tongued overachieving daugher (Juno’s Ellen Page) speak up, making 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099275 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 „chaos“ the word of the day. Now on DVD, Smart People is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099078 even funnier with never-before-seen interviews, deleted Spy Kids scenes and hilarious outtakes. Blindness. Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas, Robert Spy Kids 3: Game Over - Dysfunctional Families, Family Patrick, Cheech Marin, Teri Hatcher, Alexa Collector’s Series Relationships 2008 95min. Vega, Danny Trejo, Alan Cumming, Tony Sylvester Stallone, Cheech Marin, Carla Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Shalhoub, Daryl Sabara Gugino, Holland Taylor, Alexa Vega, Antonio Real Spies… Only Smaller. Bursting with ultracool, high-tech 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099359 gadgetry, Spy Kids delivers enough thrilling entertainment for Banderas, Ricardo Montalban, Mike Judge, the whole family! Nine years ago, top international spies Daryl Sabara Smart People (Blu-ray) Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez traded the excitement of Science Fiction, Action, Comedy, Family, espionage for the adventure of parenthood. But when they are Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Noam called out on a secret mission, the Costezes are separated Fantasy 2003 84min. Murro, Ellen Page, Thomas Haden Church, from their family and kidnapped by the evil Fegan Floop. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Fortunately, there are two people who possess the skills and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099066 Ashton Holmes know-how to reunite the family: Carmen and Juni Cortez, their From the producers of Sideways - get to know a loveable yet kids! Your family will love every fun-filled second as Carmen dysfunctional family everyone can relate to in this lighthearted and Juni bravely crisscross the globe in a thrilling quest to Stonehenge Apocalypse (Blu-ray) comedy that’s brighter and sharper yet on Blu-ray. When save their parents. All the while, they discover that keeping Lawrence Wetherhold (Dennis Quaid) - a widowed and self the family together is the most important mission in the world Torri Higginson, Misha Collins, Hill Harper, absorbed professor - falls for his attractive student (Sex And for kids and parents alike! Peter Wingfield The City’s Jessica Parker), his all too predictable life Science Fiction, Adventure, Comedy, Family The countdown has begun.. When a disgraced scientist suddenly turns sunny side up. That is until his freeloading discovers unusual spikes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field brother (Thomas Haden Church) and his sharp tongued 2001 88min. emanating from Stonehenge, it is up to him to warn the world overachieving daughter (Juno’s Ellen Page) speak up, making Lionsgate 15.04.2011 of a possible apocalypse. As his claims are disregarded by chaos the word of the day. Delight in the clarity, comedy and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098992 his peers, the ancient structure begins to move independently, conundrum of Smart People - made perfect with the build up an electromagnetic charge and release enough spectacular enhancements of Blu-ray High Definition. energy to vaporize people within a certain radius. Can he Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Spy Kids / Spy Kids 2: Island Of convince the military and his peers of his findings before it is Family Relationships, Art House, Romance Lost Dreams (Double Feature) too late and all life on Earth is destroyed? 2008 95min. 2010 91min. Robert Patrick, Cheech Marin, Christopher Lionsgate 15.04.2011 Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 McDonald, Carla Gugino, Teri Hatcher, Hol- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099178 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099164 land Taylor, Alexa Vega, Steve Buscemi, Antonio Banderas, Danny Trejo, Alan Summer Eleven Soldier (Blu-ray) Cumming, Tony Shalhoub, Ricardo Valerie Mahaffey, Adam Arkin, Eamonn Jason Scott Lee, Connie Nielsen, Gary Montalban, Mike Judge, Daryl Sabara Busey, Kurt Russell, Jason Isaacs, Michael Nine years ago, top international spies Gregorio and Ingrid Hunt, Lisa Langlois, Deborah Theaker, Mark Chiklis Cortez traded the excitement of espionage for the adventure of Humphrey, Steven Grayhm Galactic wars of the near-future are fought by soldiers parenthood. But when they are called out on a secret mission, Best friends. No matter what.. Four inseparable 11-year-old trained as merciless, obedient warriors. But times change. the Costezes are separated from their family and kidnapped girls share the last summer before middle school in this New bioengineered combatants make veterans like Sgt. Todd by the evil Fegan Floop. Fortunately, there are two people charming coming of age story. Vanessa (Alice Ziolkoski in her (Kurt Russell) obsolete. But don’t expect to toss Todd on the who possess the skills and know-how to reunite the family: award-winning performance) is an aspiring actress up for her scrap heap without a fight. Fans of explosive sci-fi sagas get Carmen and Juni Cortez, their kids! Your family will love first feature film. Lizzie (Meaghan Hughes) tries to help her their viewing orders with this hotwired-to-tomorrow every fun-filled second as Carmen and Juni bravely brother adjust to life at home after he returns from the war. adventure written by David Webb Peoples (Blade Runner, crisscross the globe in a thrilling quest to save their parents. Jess (Sarah Butterworth) struggles to cope with her parents’ Unforgiven) and directed by Paul Anderson (Death Race, All the while, they discover that keeping the family together is separation.Peri (Sydney Fox), the new girl, hides a desperate Resident Evil: Afterlife). Spectacular in scale, Soldier backs the most important mission in the world for kids and parents secret. But as the summer unfolds, each girl finds the strength its searing action with a startling vision in which mammoth alike! The coolest SPYkids anywhere are back for a huge to face each challenge kno wing that best friends are always „crawler“ vehicles roam, planetary outcasts survive amid the new adventure! This time, Carmen and Juni are on a mission there for you . . . no matter what. Emmy-winners Adam Arkin jetsam of Earth’s past and technology is almost beyond human to recover a device that threatens the entire world! They and Valerie Mahaffey (Northern Exposure) costar in this control. It’s a vision that’s more than an eerie future. It’s a enlist the skills of Mom and Dad (Carla Gugino and Antonio uplifting film the Heartland Film Festival hailed as „Incredible total combat zone. Banderas) - and even their SPY grandparents (Holland Taylor . . .inspiring . . . excellent for families.“ and Ricardo Montalban) - in a thrilling show of family Drama, Family Relationships, Friendships Action, Science Fiction, War 1998 99min. teamwork!

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Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min. about this must-see comedy hit! It’s the laugh-out-loud look at Warner Bros. 19.04.2011 a fun group of friends who spend their days looking for work Image Ent. 26.04.2011 and their nights in and out of hollywood’s coolest after-hours 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099161 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099095 hangouts! When the lovesick Mike (Jon Favreau) can’t seem to shake a relationship rut, his smooth, fast talking buddy (Blu-ray) Trent (Vince Vaughn) decides he’ll do whatever it takes to Summer Lover show Mike a good time! Whether laughing over martinis in Colin Farrell, Shea Whigham, Cole Hauser, Avalon Barrie, Todd Soley smoky cocktail lounges...or searching for beautiful babes on Matthew Davis, Thomas Guiry, Russell Sappho Lovell has the perfect life; daughter of a millionaire, an outrages road trip to Vegas, the young Swingers are determined to rewrite the rules of modern dating! Richardson married to a handsome & artistic husband and has set off on a Just released from the base stockade, recruit Roland Bozz summer long trip to the beautiful Greek isle of Lesbos. Road Trips, Art House, Comedy, Cult Film / (Farrell) joins a platoon of young soldiers preparing to ship However, everything changes when she meets Helene. What TV 1996 96min. out to Vietnam. Bozz’s independence and outright defiance begins innocently as a summer friendship ignites into a high Lionsgate 15.04.2011 draws fire from his own men as well as commanding officers. stakes ménage à trois of love and lust with a stormy outcome But when the platoon is sent to Tigerland, a hellish training none of the participants could ever have anticipated. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099049 ground that is the last stop before Vietnam, Bozz’s leadership Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest and loyalty brings his men together - triggering extraordinary 2008 86min. Taken From Me: The Tiffany Ru- consequences. Colin Farrell delivers a „star-making Phase 4 Films 12.04.2011 performance“ (ABC -TV) and is a winner of the Best Actor bin Story Award from the Boston Society of Film Critics in this riveting 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099077 Beverly Todd, Taraji P. Henson, Drew Davis action film from acclaimed director . Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story is based on the Drama, Vietnam War, War 2001 101min. Summer Of The Colt dramatic true story of Tiffany Rubin’s (Taraji P. Henson, 20th Century Fox 24.05.2011 Academy Award-nominee for The Curious Case Of Benjamin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098735 China Zorrilla, Hector Alterio Button) daring 2008 rescue of her six-year-old son, Kobe, Every summer Daniel and his two siblings visit their after he was abducted by his biological father and taken from grandfather’s ranch. This summer Daniel faces the ultimate his home in Queens, New York, all the way to Seoul, South TKO challenge of breaking in his first horse, and quickly learns Korea. At the urging of her mother Belzora (Beverly Todd, The that success will not come easy. As Daniel struggles to Bucket List), Tiffany seeks the counsel of Mark Miller (Terry Daz Crawford, Samantha Alarcon, Andre become a seasoned wrangler, his vibrant enthusiasm inspires O’Quinn, Lost. McCoy his proud and stubborn grandfather to reclaim the peace and TV Movies, Drama, Family Relationships One Rule: Win Or Die.. In a city where image is everything, serenity of his youth. Experience this powerful story, full of winning means even more. An underground fight tournament is optimism and passion, as a family recounts their joys and 2011 88min. held to separate the legends from the losers. When vengeance sorrows of growing up and growing old. A&E 28.06.2011 is taken outside the boundaries of the contest, the Argentinian, Drama, Family, Foreign, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098847 tournament’s two most revered veterans are called in for a Horses 1991 98min. city shakedown. To rule these streets, you will have to fight to Phase 4 Films 05.04.2011 win, or lose by death. The Terminator (Digibook) (Blu- Action, Mixed Martial Arts 2007 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099072 ray) Lionsgate 07.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099125 Sunflower (Blu-ray) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Winfield, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn Sophia Loren, Lyudmila Savelyeva, Arnold Schwarzenegger is „perfectly cast“ (Los Angeles Today’s Special Marcello Mastroianni Times) as the fiercest and most relentless killing machine Mere days after marrying Giovanna (Sophia Loren), Antonio ever to threaten the survival of mankind! A „genuine steel Jess Weixler, Kevin Corrigan, Dean Win- (Marcello Mastroianni) is called to the Russian front to fight metal trap of a movie“ (The Hollywood Reporter), The ters, Aasif Mandvi for the Italian forces. Years after Antonio is reported missing Terminator fires an arsenal of thrills, intriguing plot twists and Comedy 2009 99min. in action, Giovanna travels to Russia to learn what happened heart-stopping suspense that „never lets up for a minute“ to him, only to discover he’s alive. Their reunion is (Leonard Maltin)! In 2029, giant super-computers dominate the New Video DVD 24.05.2011 bittersweet, however, as Antonio has married another woman. planet, hell-bent on exterminating the human race! And to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098792 Drama, Foreign, Italian, War, World War II destroy man’s future by changing the past, they send an indestructible cyborg - a Terminator - back in time to kill 1970 101min. Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the woman whose unborn son Transformers (Blu-ray) Kino Video 17.05.2011 will become mankind’s only hope. But can Sarah protect Jon Voight, John Turturro, Megan Fox, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099412 herself from this unstoppable menace to save the life of her unborn child? Or will the human race be extinguished by „one Rachael Taylor , Julie White, Bernie Mac, mean hunk of mutant metal“ (L.A. Herald-Examiner)? Anthony Anderson, Shia LaBeouf, Kevin Superman: The Motion Picture Cult Film / TV, Killer Technology, Action, AFI Dunn, Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel Anthology (Blu-ray) Top 100, Apocalyptic Future, National Film From director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg comes a thrilling battle between the heroic Richard Pryor, Christopher Reeve, Gene Registry, Robots / Androids, Science Autobots® and the evil Decepticons®. When their epic Hackman, Kevin Spacey, Marlon Brando, Fiction, Thrillers 1984 108min. struggle comes to Earth, all that stands between the MGM / UA 10.05.2011 Decepticons® and ultimate power is a clue held by young Sam Brandon Routh, Robert Vaughn, Parker Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf). Unaware that he is mankind’s last Posey, Frank Langella, Valerie Perrine, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098742 chance for survival, Sam and Bumblebee, his robot disguised Margot Kidder, Kate Bosworth, Sarah as a car, are in a heart-pounding race against an enemy Terminator: The Sarah Connor unlike anything anyone has seen before. It’s the incredible, Douglas, Annie Ross, Pamela Stephenson, breath-taking film spectacular that USA Today says „will Ned Beatty, James Marsden, Glenn Ford, Chronicles - The Complete appeal to the kid in all of us.“ Trevor Howard, Jackie Cooper, Marc Seasons 1 & 2 (Blu-ray) Action 2011 143min. McClure, Sam Huntington Paramount Pictures 07.06.2011 Leven Rambin, Lena Headey, Summer Glau, Soar to New Hi-Def Heights with the Complete Movie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098926 Collection in Breathtaking Blu-ray Clarity and Sound! Shirley Manson, Richard T. Jones, Brian Superman The Movie: Expanded Edition Superman II Austin Green, Thomas Dekker, Garret Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Superman III Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Superman Returns All for the first Dillahunt time in DTS-HD 5.1 master audio. Deluxe 8-disc set with over At the end of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Sarah Connor , Tony Curtis, Burt Lanca- 20 hours of bonus features! Featuring the feature-length You vanquished the Terminator sent from the future to kill her 15- ster Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga Of Superman, Look, Up In year-old son, John. Sarah and John now find themselves Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis and Gina Lollobrigida star as a The Sky! The Amazing Story Of Superman and more fun and alone in a very dangerous, complicated world. Fugitives from triangle of lovers in this powerful drama set against the informative documentaries and TV specials, George Reeves the law, they are confronted with the reality that still more magnificent background of a European circus. Filmed on in Superman And The Mole-Men , the complete Fleischer/ enemies from the future and the present could attack at any location in Paris, Trapeze has been acclaimed as one of the Famous Studios 1940s Superman cartoons, filmmaker moment. Sarah stops running and goes on the offensive most spectacular and authentic circus movies ever made. commentaries, rare TV pilot, featurettes, archival footage and against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life — and perhaps the world. John knows that Classics, Drama 1956 105min. much, much more! MGM MOD 15.12.2009 Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, he may be the future savior of mankind, but he is not yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he’s told is his destiny. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098753 Superheroes Ltbx DTS 906min. „The Sarah Connor Chronicles“ represents an exciting Warner Bros. 07.06.2011 reinvention of the Terminator franchise, in which the strong 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099321 and intrepid Sarah discovers that protecting her son and Triple Threat Collection stopping the rise of the machines is more difficult than she had The Marine 2 Damage ever imagined. The blockbuster Terminator movie franchise Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, Swingers: Collector’s Series moves to television in this intense, action-adventure drama series which takes place after the events of Terminator 2: Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Hostage Crisis, Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Heather Judgment Day. Sarah Connor and her teenage son, John Medieval Times 324min. Graham, Ron Livingston, Patrick Van Horn, Fox, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, 20th Century Fox 10.05.2011 Brooke Langton Action, Based On Feature Film, Time Travel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098731 Hip and Hilarious-critics and audiences alike are raving 2008 1012min.

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True Adolescents Passenger 57) and Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction, Mission: Music, Substance Abuse, Art House, Dra- Impossible 1 & 2) - go head to head in this explosive crime Melissa Leo, thriller! When the world’s heavyweight champion (Rhames) is ma, Glam Rock 1998 119min. Comedy 2009 88min. sent to prison, everything points to an inevitable showdown Lionsgate 15.04.2011 with the penitentiary’s undefeated champ (Snipes). But to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099357 New Video DVD 28.06.2011 make sure the meeting will happen, a former mob boss (Peter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098852 Falk, TV’s Columbo, Corky Romano) must call in favors from the outside world. Then the battle is on.... and the action, Vera Cruz (Blu-ray) adrenaline and intensity switch into high gear! Also featuring Turbulent Skies Master P (Rhyme & Reason, I Got the Hook-Up) and Ed Denise Darcel, Burt Lancaster, Gary Brad Dourif, Casper Van Dien, Patrick Lover (Ride) - this powerfully entertaining motion picture is Cooper another crowd pleaser from the hit making director of 48 Hrs., Legendary screen icons Gary Cooper (High Noon) and Burt Muldoon, Nicole Eggert Another 48 Hrs. and Last Man Standing! Lancaster (Elmer Gantry) team up for a magnificent, action- Technology takes over the skies.. A new airplane with the Prison, Action, Cult Film / TV, Drama 2002 packed Western from director Robert Aldrich (The Dirty ability to be flown without a pilot starts to veer off course and Dozen) and screenwriters Roland Kibbee and James R. is threatened by the military to be shot down. The only hope is min. Webb. With sweeping vistas and larger-than-life heroics, it’s if the man who built the computer can get on board and regain Lionsgate 15.04.2011 a tale as bold and rugged as the characters it so brilliantly control of the plane. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099073 depicts. Cooper and Lancaster portray Benjamin Trane and Thrillers 2010 87min. Joe Erin, two daredevil mercenaries who journey to Mexico in Starz / Anchor Bay 21.06.2011 search of adventure - and cold hard cash - during the 1866 An Unfinished Life revolution. But they get more than they bargained for when the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098960 wealthy and beautiful Countess Duvarre (Denise Darcel) Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman, Robert hires them to escort her (and a fortune in gold!) to Emperor Two For The Seesaw Redford, Josh Lucas Maximilian’s fighting forces in Vera Cruz. The trail is fraught Every Secret Takes On A Life Of Its Own.. From the with danger, betrayal and murder...and when Ben is swept up Robert Mitchum, Shirley MacLaine acclaimed director of Casanova, Chocolat, and The Cider in the revolutionaries’ fervor, he and Joe find themselves at Robert Wise directs Robert Mitchum and Shirley MacLaine in House Rules...Academy Award® winners Robert Redford odds with the Mexican army - and each other. this spicy and poignant love story about a free-spirited (Best Director, Ordinary People, 1980) and Morgan Freeman Western 2011 Ltbx M 94min. Greenwich Village girl who hooks up with a brooding Nebras- (Best Supporting Actor, Million Dollar Baby, 2004) star in this ka lawyer. powerful story of risk and redemption. Stoic and heartbroken, MGM / UA 07.06.2011 Romance, Classics, Drama 1962 119min. Einar Gilkyson (Redford) quietly lives in the rugged Wyoming 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099273 ranchlands alongside his only trusted friend, Mitch Bradley MGM MOD 31.12.2009 (Freeman). Then suddenly, the woman he blames for the death 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098750 of his only son arrives at his door broke, desperate, and with Wake Island / To Hell And Back / a granddaughter he’s never known. But even as buried anger Battle Hymn / Gray Lady Down (4 and accusations resurface, the way is opened for unexpected The Ultimate Fight connection, adventure and forgiveness. Also starring Jennifer Movie Marathon) When martial arts champion Pinoy (Shishir Inocalla) travels Lopez (Shall We Dance?) and Josh Lucas (Sweet Home to America, his fighting skills are put to the test when he finds Alabama, Glory Road). War, World War II, Action, Drama min. himself in the middle of a violent gang war. Forced into Drama, Family Relationships 2005 108min. Universal Studios 22.03.2011 sudden street combat against fierce members of the Crazy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099333 Dragons gang, Pinoy saves the life of Jesse (Ernie Reyes Jr. Lionsgate 15.04.2011 (Red Sonja, The Last Dragon). Impressed with Pinoy’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099074 amazing fighting abilities and grateful for his life, Jesse Ward No. 6 befriends the stranger, introducing him to his father (Ernie Reyes Sr. - National Tae Kwon Do Champion. But this new The Usual Suspects (Digibook) Vladimir Ilin, Aleksey Vertkov found friendship is put to the test when the Crazy Dragons (Blu-ray) A bold contemporary adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s legendary surround Jesse’s home, threatening the lives of his family. short story, Ward No. 6 chronicles one man’s descent into Suddenly the two must protect what they cherish, and with the Suzy Amis, Kevin Spacey, Kevin Pollak, madness. Dr. Ragin is the head doctor at a provincial insane help of Kimo (UFC Legend, Current Pankration heavyweight Gabriel Byrne, Pete Postlethwaite, Chazz asylum, where he daily interacts with the abandoned, the Champion) summon all their martial arts strength for an action unloved and the forgotten. Lonely and isolated in his personal packed ultimate fight to the death. Palminteri, Giancarlo Esposito, Stephen life, he finds solace in the long philosophical dialogues with Action, Martial Arts min. Baldwin, Benicio Del Toro his brilliant patient Gromov, which lead him to question the Oscar winners Kevin Spacey and Benicio Del Toro lead an nature of his own existence. Updating the 1892 tale to the Lionsgate 07.06.2011 all-star cast that includes Stephen Baldwin and Gabriel Byrne present day, the film is shot in a real mental institution on the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098854 in the „freshest, funniest and scariest crime thriller since Pulp outskirts of , and features interviews with actual Fiction.“ (Rolling Stone). A band of small-time criminals patients. A powerful film, Ward No. 6 illuminates the writer’s becomes entangled in the merciless scheme of an unseen immortal genius for a new generation. Undertow underworld kingpin. Russian, Drama, Foreign, Mental Illness Manolo Cardona, Tatiana Astengo Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Academy Award 2009 80min. In a tiny traditional Peruvian seaside village, Miguel, a young Winners, Mystery, Thrillers 1995 min. Kino Video 03.05.2011 fisherman, and his beautiful bride, Mariela, are about to welcome their first child. But Miguel has a secret: he’s in love MGM / UA 10.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099391 with Santiago, a painter who is ostracized by the town 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098745 because he’s gay. As this strikingly original romantic drama Welcome To Woop Woop unfolds, Miguel must find the courage to be true to himself. His bittersweet, and ultimately uplifting personal journey El Vampiro Y La Vadette Johnathon Schaech embodies the essence of what it means to be a man. Pepe Magana, Maribel Fernandez, Mario A New York con man is trapped in a bizarre marriage and Spanish, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Zaragoza flees across the Australian desert pursued by his wife and Interest 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. father-in-law. The very elegant Marsella arrives in Mexico from Adventure, Australian, Comedy, Foreign Wolfe Video 01.06.2011 Transylvania and is hired by Diamantina to work in her bar as 1997 102min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098947 a showgirl. She develops a relationship with one of the choreographers of the nightclub, but things get complicated MGM MOD 31.12.2009 when she finds out that his father and son are also in love 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098749 Undertow (Blu-ray) with her. And if that’s not enough, more mayhem ensues when her international lover, who happens to be a vampire, arrives Manolo Cardona, Tatiana Astengo in Mexico to take her back to Transylvania with him. White Collar: Season 1 & 2 Pack In a tiny traditional Peruvian seaside village, Miguel, a young Comedy 2010 86min. fisherman, and his beautiful bride, Mariela, are about to For a limited time only, get this steal of a deal! welcome their first child. But Miguel has a secret: he’s in love Navarre 07.06.2011 Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 694min. with Santiago, a painter who is ostracized by the town 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099089 20th Century Fox 07.06.2011 because he’s gay. As this strikingly original romantic drama unfolds, Miguel must find the courage to be true to himself. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099421 His bittersweet, and ultimately uplifting personal journey Velvet Goldmine embodies the essence of what it means to be a man. Ewan McGregor, Toni Collette, Christian White Collar: Season 2 Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest Bale, Emiy Woof, , Michael Tim DeKay, Matt Bomer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. Feast Compelling characters and intricate plot twists make this Wolfe Video 01.06.2011 Starring Ewan McGregor and Jonathan Rhys Meyers riveting crime drama one of television’s slickest, sexiest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099157 executive producer Michael Stipe of R.E.M. presents this shows! Matt Bomer returns as sophisticated conman Neal electrifying journey through rock ‘n’ roll’s most outrageous Caffrey, who teams up with FBI Agent Peter Burke (Tim era! It’s been 10 years since glam-rock superstar Brian Slade Dekay) to investigate an intriguing array of crimes ranging Undisputed faked his own death and vanished from the spotlight. Now, it’s from extortion to murder. Now, reeling from the death of his the job of an investigative reporter, Arthur Stuart, to locate girlfriend, Neal struggles to unlock the secret behind a Ving Rhames, Wesley Snipes, Michael this living legend and uncover the truth behind his mysterious music box and find Kate’s killer, even as his Rooker, Peter Falk, Wes Studi, Jon Seda, disappearance! Through the course of Stuart’s investigation, partnership with Peter begins to crumble. Featuring exclusive Master P, Fisher Stevens you’re taken for a wild, all-access guided tour back into a extras, including a character spotlight on Mozzie and behind- Two Enemies.... The Mob.... The Ultimate Showdown.. Two of vibrant music scene...for an uncompromising look at the the-scenes with Matt Bomer, White Collar Season 2 is not to Hollywood’s hottest stars - Wesley Snipes (Blade 1 & 2, flamboyance and excesses of its larger-than-life stars! be missed!

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Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 695min. The World In His Arms battle. Join well-known mutant heroes and villains, and meet a cadre of all-new warriors - including Angel, Beast, 20th Century Fox 07.06.2011 , Gregory Peck, John Juggernaut and Colossus - in this thrilling, explosive 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099013 McIntire, Ann Blyth adventure! After a controversial „cure“ is discovered, mutants can choose to retain their superhuman abilities or give up Action, Adventure, Classics, Historical / their unique gifts and become „normal.“ When peaceful mutant Betty White: Date With Then An- Period Piece 1952 105min. leader Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) clashes with his gels Collection Universal Studios 05.04.2011 militant counterpart, Magneto (Ian McKellen), the battle lines are drawn for the war to end all wars. Bursting with nonstop Betty White, Bill Williams 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099257 action, spectacular special effects and exclusive extras, X- Experience Bettymania with this fabulous collection!. The Men: The Last Stand is a force of nature that „will blow you fabulous Betty White is one of television’s most beloved and Written In Blood away!“ talented actresses. As star and producer of Date With The Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, Maureen Flannigan, Peter Coyote, Michael Angels, she was one of the first women in TV to wield Based On Comic Book 2006 104min. creative control both in front of and behind the camera. T. Weiss, Gwen McGee, Steve Rankin White’s skillful comic timing as part of the ensemble casts of Passion. Revenge. Murder.. Passion, murder and revenge 20th Century Fox 03.05.2011 Mary Tyler Moore and The Golden Girls earned her three collide in this powerful crime thriller with an intriguing cast! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098739 Emmy Awards and a loving, devoted following. After over 50 After detective John Traveller (Peter Coyote, ET The Extra years on TV, Betty White has become a worldwide sensation, Terrestrial, A Walk To Remember) is incarcerated for the and she is now more popular than ever! In Date With The murder of his wife and her lover, he suggests that his ex- A Year In Provence (Repackage) Angels, Betty White and Bill Williams star as newlyweds partner, Matthew Ransom (Michael T. Weiss, TV’s The Lindsay Duncan, John Thaw Vicki and Gus Angel fumbling through their first year of Pretender, Bones), look for clues in the pages of Sherlock wedded bliss. High Fever The Tree in the Driveway The Feud Peter and Annie Mayle fulfill their cherished dream when they Holmes mysteries. The last thing he expects is to be attracted quit the London rat race and move to rustic Provence to savor Shall We Dance? The Blue Tie The Surprise Pike’s Pique to Traveller’s sexy daughter (Maureen Flannigan, TV’s 7th Return of the Wheel The Gorilla Everybody’s Baby Catered the French way of life- good food, fine wines, and seductive Heaven)... or for all fingers to begin pointing at her as the climate. Ah, but the Provencal way of life is something quite Party Star Struck Diane The Burglar Chip Off the Old Block prime suspect! With a riveting story and a great cast of stars, Santa’s Helper Wheeler at the Cabin The Train Double different- even the French find it peculiar. Based on Peter Written In Blood is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat! Mayle’s international best seller by the same name, A Year In Trouble Francis Goes to School Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2002 min. Classics 2011 FF S 525min. Provence is the hilarious first year account of the Mayles’ Lionsgate 15.04.2011 adjusting to both the idiosyncrasies of the locals and the Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099075 quaint traditions of this ancient and charming region. Vive la 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099295 difference! The Mayles bid adieu to gloomy London and begin their new life in a cozy farmhouse in the Luberon Valley. X2: X-Men United (Blu-ray + DVD Summer is slow and savory, marked by leisurely games of Betty White: Life With Elizabeth boules- French bowling -in town square. The year in Pro- Collection + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) vence ends with crisp days and a cellar full of wine produced Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke right on the Mayle grounds. Betty White, Del Moore 1993 360min. Janssen, Berry, Rebecca Romijn, Experience Bettymania with this fabulous collection!. The A&E 26.04.2011 Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Hugh Jackman, fabulous Betty White is one of television’s most beloved and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098712 talented actresses. As star and producer of Life with Bruce Davison, James Marsden Elizabeth, she was one of the first women in TV to wield The evolution continues in this „exhilarating thrill ride“ (Se- creative control both in front of and behind the camera. attle Post-Intelligencer) that features the extraordinary Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow White’s skillful comic timing as part of the ensemble casts of original X-Men - along with amazing new mutants possessing Mary Tyler Moore and The Golden Girls earned her three fantastic powers that have to be seen to be believed. In the (Blu-ray) Emmy Awards and a loving, devoted following. After over 50 wake of a shocking attack on the President, the X-Men face Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni years on TV, Betty White has become a worldwide sensation, their most dangerous mission ever. They must stand united and she is now more popular than ever! In Life with Elizabeth, Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni team up for a trio of with their deadliest enemies to combat a menace that threatens stories about sex in this Oscar-winning Italian comedy. In the Betty White and Del Moore star as Elizabeth and Alvin White, every mutant on the planet. But could this new alliance a married couple that inevitably manages to get into comic first vignette, Loren plays a woman who avoids jail time by backfire and annihilate the human race? Patrick Stewart, Ian pumping out babies with a willing accomplice; in the second, predicaments. White earned her first Emmy Award for her McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Hale Berry, Famke Janssen and work on this series. Newly Weds Whistler’s Father New Car the duo plays a pair of clandestine lovers who are forced to Rebecca Romijn-Stamos star in this breathtaking, action- work out their problems in a car; and finally, Loren is a Remodel Bill Dunning Counterfeit Bill Bad Day Ping Pong packed spectacle that „may be the best superhero movie yet Momma’s Visit Board Game Phone Mix-up Long Trip Patio prostitute who quits her best john for a man of the cloth. made!“ ( Examiner) Comedy, Foreign, Italian, Academy Award Tree Lobster Dinner Day Off Relaxing Afternoon Morning Fantasy, Action, Based On Comic Book, Grouch Psychological Study Remorse Code Not For The Winners, Romance 1964 119min. Science Fiction, Superheroes 2003 132min. Birds Kino Video 17.05.2011 Classics 2011 FF S 510min. 20th Century Fox 03.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099409 Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098738 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099297 X-Men (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Zazie Dans Le Metro: The The Wild Hunt Copy) (Blu-ray) Criterion Collection Claudia Jurt, Nicolas Wright, Ricky Mabe, Catherine Demongeot, Philippe Noiret Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke A brash and precocious eleven-year-old (Catherine Mark Anthony Krupa Janssen, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, Demongeot) comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her Sometimes fiction can be more dangerous than reality When Rebecca Romijn, Hugh Jackman, Bruce rakish uncle (La Pointe Courte’s Philippe Noiret); he and the Erik’s girlfriend leaves him for another man - a man viewer get more than they bargained for in this anarchic entrenched in the world of live action role play - he has no Davison, James Marsden, Ray Park comedy from Louis Malle (Murmur Of The Heart, My Dinner choice but to pack up and follow her, plunging himself into a Born into a world filled with prejudice are children who With Andre), which treats the City of Light as though it were strange and disorienting world where people take their possess extraordinary and dangerous powers - the result of a pleasure island just waiting to be destroyed. Based on a medieval costumes and rules of play deadly serious. As Erik unique genetic mutations. Cyclops unleashes bolts of energy popular novel by Raymond Queneau that had been considered stumbles through this world, rules are broken, jealousies from his eyes. Storm can manipulate the weather at will. unadaptable, Malle’s audacious hit Zazie dans le métro is a inflamed, and the game turns frighteningly real. With The Wild Rogue absorbs the life force of anyone she touches. But bit of stream-of-conscious slapstick, wall-to-wall with visual Hunt director Alexandre Franchi accomplishes the near under the tutelage of Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart), gags, editing tricks, and effects, and made with flair on the impossible, crafting a dark and twisting thriller set entirely in these and other outcasts learn to harness their powers for the cusp of the French New Wave. the world of LARPing. Shot on location in an actually Quebec good of mankind. Now they must protect those who fear them village built specifically for Live Action Role Play (LARP), as the nefarious Magneto (Ian McKellen), who believes Art House, Comedy, Criterion Collection, The Wild Hunt blurs the line between fantasy and reality. humans and mutants can never co-exist, unveils his sinsiter Fantasy, Foreign, French 1960 93min. Thrillers, Art House, Drama 2009 min. plan for the future! Criterion 28.06.2011 MPI 07.06.2011 Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098763 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098883 Based On A Comic Strip, Based On Comic Book 2000 104min. Zazie Dans Le Metro: The The Wild Soccer Bunch 20th Century Fox 03.05.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098737 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Sarah Kim Gries, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht Catherine Demongeot, Philippe Noiret The Wild Soccer Bunch team lives by one rule: be wild! A brash and precocious eleven-year-old (Catherine Bonded by their passion for the game of soccer, watch as this X-Men: The Last Stand (Blu-ray + Demongeot) comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her rag tag group of players defends the trophy of all trophies DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) rakish uncle (La Pointe Courte’s Philippe Noiret); he and the against the dreaded skater gang. Remember, everything’s cool viewer get more than they bargained for in this anarchic as long as you’re wild. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke comedy from Louis Malle (Murmur Of The Heart, My Dinner Soccer, Sports, Family, Foreign, German Janssen, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, With Andre), which treats the City of Light as though it were 2003 85min. a pleasure island just waiting to be destroyed. Based on a Rebecca Romijn, Ellen Page, Kelsey popular novel by Raymond Queneau that had been considered Phase 4 Films 12.04.2011 Grammer, Vinnie Jones, Hugh Jackman, unadaptable, Malle’s audacious hit Zazie dans le métro is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099082 James Marsden, Ben Foster, Shawn bit of stream-of-conscious slapstick, wall-to-wall with visual gags, editing tricks, and effects, and made with flair on the Ashmore cusp of the French New Wave. Experience the awesome power of The X-Men’s epic, final

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Comedy, Criterion Collection, Fantasy, Don Quichot (Blu-ray) Foreign, French, Art House 1960 93min. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 152min. Aleksis Kivi Criterion 28.06.2011 Naxos 26.04.2011 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 113min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098775 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099182 Naxos 26.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099047 Zig Zag Donzietti: Marino Faliero Wesley Snipes portrays the drug-addicted „Fletcher“ in this Carlos Kleiber: I Am Lost to The gripping urban odyssey about the struggle of a young man who Music, Opera, Performing Arts 152min. goes by the name of Zig Zag. The abusive Fletcher, in debt to Naxos 26.04.2011 World the mob and fearing for his life, forces his son to start paying 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099018 rent or threatens he’ll end up on the street. Desperate and Documentary, Music, Orchestral 60min. afraid, Zig Zag steals from the safe at his low-paying job. But Naxos 26.04.2011 his plan backfires and when he comes under attack, he turns Extraordinary Minds: Jacques 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099040 to his only friend Dan Singer (John Leguizamo). But Dean is unable to protect him and everyone suspects him. Now, Zig D’Amboise Zag must come up with a way to clear his name before he Recognized as one of the finest classical dancers of our time, Carlos Kleiber: Traces To loses what little he has. Jacques d’Amboise now leads the field of arts education with Action, Adventure, Crime min. the National Dance Institute, a model program that exposes Nowhere thousands of school children to the magic and discipline of Classical Music, Documentary, Music Lionsgate 07.06.2011 dance. In 1976, while still a principal dancer at the New York 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098857 City Ballet, Mr. d’Amboise founded NDI in the belief that the 72min. arts have a unique power to engage and motivate individuals Naxos 26.04.2011 towards excellence. D’Amboise began his ballet training when 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099021 54 very young, studying at the age of 8 with George Balanchine Mike Myers, Breckin Meyer, Salma Hayek, and other ballet greats, performing at age 12 with the Ballet Society, which later became the New York City Ballet, and Mahler Symphonies Nos. 1-7 Neve Campbell, Sela Ward, Ryan Phillippe joining the NYCB at age 15. As Balanchine’s protégé, Hot Hollywood stars Mike Myers, Neve Campbell, and Salma d’Amboise had more works choreographed specifically for him Boxed Sets, Music, Orchestral 336min. Hayek give must-see performances in this provocative look by Balanchine than any other dancer. D’Amboise is most Naxos 26.04.2011 behind the bright lights of the hottest nightclub ever! When remembered for his portrayal of what critics called „the defini- 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099044 Steve Rubell (Myers), the mastermind behind New York’s tive Apollo.“ As a choreographer, Mr. d’Amboise’s credits infamous Studio 54 disco, plucks young Shane O’Shea (Ryan include almost twenty works commissioned for New York City Phillippe) from the sea of faces clamoring to get inside his Ballet. Since 1976, NDI programs in New York City and its Mahler: Symphony No. 7 (Blu-ray) club, Shane not only get his foot in the door..but lands a associate programs, both nationally and inte Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 78min. coveted job behind the bar! By following Shane’s rapid rise Ballet, Biography, Classical Music, from naïve busboy to the notorious nightspot’s sexy main Naxos 26.04.2011 Documentary, Music 52min. attraction, you’re allowed an unforgettable look at the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099184 spectacular rise and fall of Steve Rubell’s decadent empire! Kultur 28.06.2011 An entertaining hit that pulses with the best dance music of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099424 the era, 54 is not just your ticket inside this legendary place.. Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 8 It places you at the very epicenter of the greatest party on earth! Die Frau Ohne Schatten (Blu-ray) Music, Disco, Drama, Historical / Period Music, Opera, Performing Arts 183min. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 81min. Piece 1998 93min. Naxos 26.04.2011 Naxos 26.04.2011 Lionsgate 15.04.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099029 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099179 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098851 John Eliot Gardiner In Rehearsal Miller Anderson Band: Live At In 2000 the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Rockpalast Soloists, under the baton of John Eliot Gardiner, set themselves the greatest challenge they had ever faced: under Blues, Concerts, Music min. Music the title of „The Bach Cantata Pilgrimage“ they were to mark E1 Entertainment 19.04.2011 the 250th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098965 L’Amour Des Trios Oranges by performing every church cantata the composer had ever written. They started their musical pilgrimage by giving three Music, Opera, Performing Arts 146min. concerts in the Herderkirche in Weimar at Christmas 1999, in Negura Bunget: Focul Viu Naxos 26.04.2011 which they performed some of the cantatas Bach wrote for this occasion - including BWV 63 „Christen, ätzet diesen Tag“, a Black Metal, Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099032 magnificent cantata celebrating the first day of Christmas. Progressive Metal min. Classical Music, Documentary, Music E1 Entertainment 05.04.2011 Angelina Ballerina: Pop Star 58min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098961 Girls Kultur 28.06.2011 Get ready to get your groove on because it’s with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099425 Norma Angelina and the Pop Star Girls. While all the dancers learn to work together, Angelina realizes she loves Hip Hop, rock Music, Opera, Performing Arts 163min. bands, fiddles and more! Move and groove along with Angeli- Steve Gibbons Band: Live At Naxos 26.04.2011 na as she directs a Hip Hop musical and discovers she was Rockpalast 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099033 born to be a star. The whole family will be star-struck with delight as Angelina steps it up in her best performance yet. Concerts, Music min. Family, Music min. E1 Entertainment 19.04.2011 Jean-Philippe Rameau Operas Lionsgate 07.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098964 Boxed Sets, Opera, Performing Arts 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098860 Naxos 26.04.2011 Grave Digger: The Clans Are Still 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099051 Berlin Opera Night Marching Music, Opera, Performing Arts 73min. Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. Samson Et Dalila Naxos 26.04.2011 ADA 15.03.2011 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 136min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099042 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099305 Naxos 26.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099045 Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini : An Evening With Music, Opera, Performing Arts 164min. (Blu-ray) See What I’m Saying Naxos 26.04.2011 With more than 30 million deaf and hearing impaired Concerts, Jazz, Music min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099017 individuals living in the U.S., deaf culture thrives in America. Universal - Music 26.04.2011 Yet although deaf performers are famous within their own 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099191 communities, they remain largely unknown to hearing Don Quichot audiences. A powerful and rare glimpse into the lives of deaf artists, See What I’m Saying focuses on four deaf performers Music, Opera, Performing Arts 152min. Icon Among Us - actor Robert DeMayo, singer T.L. Forsberg, drummer Bob Naxos 26.04.2011 Hiltermann, and comic C.J. Jones- over the course of one Documentary, Jazz, Music 220min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099038 year as they endeavor to cross over into mainstream culture. Naxos 26.04.2011 Together, their fascinating and intertwining stories showcase 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099046 the talent and the universal human appeal of their gripping

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA journeys Illuminating and inspirational, See What I’m Saying Celebrity Video Distribution 10.05.2011 opens a door into America’s vibrant deaf culture for those who 1995 US Open Women’s Final: are „signing impaired.“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099346 Documentary, Music 2010 FF S 91min. Graf Vs. Seles Docurama 22.02.2011 The 1995 US Open was one of the most anticipated in years, American: The Bill Hicks Story with all eyes on the comeback of fan favorite Monica Seles. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098685 Powered by her double-handed ground strokes off both sides, Bill Hicks Seles won the US Open in 1991 and 1992 and looked to be on BBC, Biography, Documentary 2010 90min. Terry & The Pirates: Rockpalast - her way to a long reign at the top of the women’s game. But in BBC Home Video 07.06.2011 April 1993, she was stabbed on-court during a match in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099014 West Coast Legends Vol. 5 , Germany. Seles’ absence from the tour stretched Concerts, Folk Rock, Music min. more than two years, and she returned to competitive play only one month before the 1995 US Open, winning the American: The Bill Hicks Story E1 Entertainment 19.04.2011 Canadian Open in her first tournament back. Seles’ return 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098963 meant that the winners of the previous three US Open (Blu-ray) women’s singles titles - Seles (1992), Steffi Graf (1993) and Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (1994) - would all be competing, as Bill Hicks Tower Of Power: 40th would 1990 US Open champion Gabriela Sabatini, 1994 Documentary, BBC, Biography 2010 90min. Anniversary Wimbledon champion Conchita Martinez and 1995 Australian BBC Home Video 07.06.2011 Open champion Mary Pierce. In the end, it would come down 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099181 Tower Of Power to the two greatest players of their generation - Graf and Concerts, Funk, Music, Soul min. Seles - meeting in the final. It would be the first time the two had faced each other since the final of the 1993 Australian America’s Sickest Home Video 1 E1 Entertainment 22.02.2011 Open - won by You’ve seen those other home video shows. Now get ready 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098962 Sports, Tennis 1995 92min. for some bizarre, sick and twisted home videos, the kind of Kultur 28.06.2011 stuff you’d never see on prime time TV. What these folks do in Towncraft 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099427 front of the camera will shock your socks off! A group of kids in a small, conservative Southern town Shockumentary 75min. discover punk rock music. Over the next two decades, they 2 Weeks In Hell Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 would create their scene from the ground up: one of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098676 youngest, most exciting and innovative hubs for music in the Green Berets are America’s unconventional warfare country. Like most small town scenes, Little Rock’s was never specialists. Go inside their selection process, a two-week discovered. But, the Little Rock scenesters built a community hellish assessment with tasks specifically designed to America’s Sickest Home Video 2 of artists with methods, goals and ideals that were all their mentally and physically break a man and expose his real character. And finishing this test doesn’t mean you passed. You’ve seen those other home video shows. Now get ready own. Towncraft through film, words and music - is an anatomy for some bizarre, sick and twisted home videos, the kind of of a scene: an intimate portrait of a small American town and Discovery Channel, Military 89min. stuff you’d never see on prime time TV. What these folks do in how it is affected by its music scene. Towncraft. Gaiam Americas 01.03.2011 front of the camera will shock your socks off! Volume 2 is Documentary, Music, Punk Rock 2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099240 even more repugnant then volume 1! 104min. Shockumentary 65min. Microcinema DVD 26.04.2011 Aim True Yoga With Kathryn Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098705 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098678 Budig YouTube sensation, YogaGlo favorite and Yoga Journal cover Vivaldi : The Four Seasons (Blu- model Kathryn Budig delivers an entirely new energy to the Ancient Aliens: The Complete ray) practice of yoga. Gaiam now brings this emerging talent to Season Two homes across American with Aim True Yoga on DVD. Classical Music, Music 55min. Experience yoga in a new way with Kathryn’s unique ability Mysterious Places / Gods & Aliens / Underwater Worlds / Naxos 26.04.2011 to bring fun and energy into the practice. 25 Minutes. Underground Aliens Aliens and the Third Reich / Alien Tech / Kathryn’s easy-to-follow, energizing Vinyasa flow practice. Angels and Aliens / Unexplained Structures Alien 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099180 45 Minutes. This intermediate flow practice allows your Devastations / Alien Contacts customers to push to the next level with Kathryn’s expert Aliens, Documentary, History Channel 2010 Christoph Von Dohnanyi In instruction. 10 Minutes. Kathryn’s „super workshop“ where min. she demystifies and breaks down five of her favorite poses A&E 28.06.2011 Rehearsal into easy to understand steps... inspiring people to achieve This In Rehearsal program witnesses part of the process of poses they never thought possible. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098829 development of a new relationship between an orchestra and Yoga, Fitness, Health min. its Music Director. Dohnanyi is seen working with the Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Arkansas’ National Parks Philharmonia on Haydn’s Symphony No. 88 in G for a concert in their 1998 Haydn/Bartók series at London’s Royal Festival 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098996 Arkansas’ National Parks. Park, Arkansas Post National Hall. It was to be Dohnanyi’s first Haydn performance with Memorial and Little Rock Central High National Historic Site. the orchestra and so the limited time available for preparation American Chopper: Senior Vs. From tough characters to rugged beauty, this is a trip you will was of vital importance. The musicians’ appreciation of his never forget! musically precise and exacting approach is evident in the Junior Wilderness, Documentary, PBS min. concentrated atmosphere of rehearsals and also in comments In season seven of American Chopper, it’s make it or break it Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 they make about working with the maestro. time for each of the Teutul men as they head off in separate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099215 Classical Music, Documentary, Music 1988 directions after a bruising family breakup. Having been 58min. banished from the company he helped to build, Paul Jr. has Kultur 28.06.2011 come full circle, literally, as he sets up his own shop - not Atlas: Uncovering Earth only becoming a direct competitor for Senior, but taking Atlas: Uncovering Earth ties together fascinating stories 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099426 OCC’s most talented and former employees along with him. Is about a region into one grand narrative. It explores the the writing on the wall for OCC now that Junior’s back to world’s iconic regions like the Great Rift Valley, Hawaii and Die Walkure building bikes? The Mediterranean.. Reality min. Discovery Channel, Science 215min. Music, Orchestral min. Gaiam Americas 31.05.2011 Gaiam Americas 08.03.2011 Naxos 26.04.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099028 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099239 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099048 American Loggers Die Walkure (Blu-ray) Bad Universe Meet the seven brothers of Pelletier Inc., a family with timber Bad Astronomer Phil Plait debunks bad science in this explo- Music, Orchestral 259min. in its blood. This DVD follows this hearty breed, marvelign at sive series! Asteroid Apocalypse. Alien Attack!. Death Stars. their stubborn dedication, courage and inenuity as they tackle Naxos 26.04.2011 the Northern Maine wilderness. Discovery Channel, Meteors / Asteroids, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099185 Wilderness, Discovery Channel min. Science 2010 129min. Gaiam Americas 14.06.2011 Gaiam Americas 31.05.2011 Winterreise 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099035 Classical Music, Music 129min. Naxos 26.04.2011 American Smartass Banned in America 6-Pack 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099031 This homegrown tour documentary features stand-up Witness for the first time the dark underbelly of humanity as comedians Jeremy „Jer-Dog“ Danley, Josh Alton, and Rob we take you on a thrill ride you’ll never forget. See brutal Rivera battling hecklers and partying with rednecks as they acts of violence, graphic police chases, horrific accidents take their no-holds-barred show out of the comedy clubs and and bizarre human behavior. Uncensored - Uncut - With bring it to small town bars, taverns, saloons, and other never-before-seen footage. All on... Banned in America! venues of ill-repute. Includes: Vol.1-6 Special Interest Comedy, Documentary 85min. Boxed Sets, Shockumentary min.

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Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 Documentary, Music, Pop Music 2011 The Brainy Baby Left Brain DVD features music and gentle voices to help kids interactively explore logic, patterns, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098679 105min. letters & numbers, sequencing, analyzing details, and more! Paramount Pictures 13.05.2011 The Deluxe Edition DVD includes fun special features such Barney: I Can Do It 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099263 as baby bloopers, behind the scenes, and storybook. This DVD works together with the Right Brain video to present Are you ready for big-kid fun? Join BJ?, Claire and Jade as both creative and logical types of images and activities. Barney teaches them that even if you’re not big enough to do Billy The Exterminator: Season 3 Brainy Baby has been a leader in preschool video all the things your friends are doing, there are new friends to development for more than a decade and this series has been meet and new games to play right now. Discover that big- Billy Bretherton the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our sized fun is waiting for you every morning, and every day you Return to the wilds of Louisiana for Season 3 of Billy The competitors, a university study has confirmed the educational grow is loaded with Tee-riffic adventures! Exterminator as wild man Billy Bretherton goes head-to-head value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by educators and Family, Preschool min. with creepy, crawly critters of all shapes and sizes. In the parents, this award-winning series uses a time-tested, proven Lionsgate 17.05.2011 pest management industry for over 16 years, Billy runs teaching method that follows a lesson plan format and each Vexcon - the only pest removal team in the state that handles DVD reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098816 all types of animal removal - with support from his wacky but and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby loveable family: kid brother, Ricky; tough-as-nails father, Bill helps children discover a world of learning with quality Sr.; sassy office manager and mom Donnie; and beloved wife, products that children love and parents trust. Mary. This season Billy and his crew battle feral hogs, match Battle Of Britain. nation. The Few examines the build-up and wits with a raccoon terrorizing a local business, get between Family 45min. The Darkest Hour focuses on the beginning of the battle. The a family of alligators and an army of fire ants, track down a BayView Entertainment 24.05.2011 Blitz takes you inside the first week of September 1940, when venomous snake, go on the prowl in search of marauding 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098706 Hitler moves his bombing strategy to London. wolves, and tackle a duck blind filled with gators, spiders and War, World War II, Documentary min. snakes. A former U.S. Air Force Sergeant, Billy has taken a militaristic approach to pest control - and is emerging a Brainy Baby: Shapes & Colors - Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 winner. Billy The Exterminator: Season 3. Coffin of Deadly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099153 Reptiles / Donnie’s Snake Attack / Invasion of the Giant Rats Deluxe Edition / Fox Fight! / Snakes in a Pool / Bees From Hell The Brainy Baby Shapes & Colors DVD features music and Bellydance Superstars: Behind Bugs, Reality 397min. gentle voices, along with catchy sing-along songs, to A&E 28.06.2011 introduce kids to 12 shapes and 12 colors. The Deluxe The Shimmy Edition DVD includes fun special features such as video 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098830 sing-along, baby bloopers, behind the scenes, and an Bellydance, Dancing, Performing Arts min. interactive activity. Brainy Baby has been a leader in Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.05.2011 preschool video development for more than a decade and this Black Whole series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099335 We Are All Connected To The Stars. Black Whole. unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the Documentary, Science, Space 93min. educational value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by Best Food Ever educators and parents, this award-winning series uses a Gaiam Americas 08.03.2011 time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a lesson plan John Goodman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099250 format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging The South’s best BBQ... The Big Apple’s most delicious real-life objects and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. delis... and the most fabulous food on wheels in the fifty Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with states. Ever wonder where the USA’s tastiest treasures are Blast! quality products that children love and parents trust. located? Or who are the brains behind the mouthwatering Documentary, Science 73min. Family 45min. methods and innovative ingredients used in each amazing meal? On Best Food Ever, we’ll run down the country’s top Docurama 28.06.2011 BayView Entertainment 24.05.2011 ten food destinations and highlight what makes them the best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098832 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098707 in their culinary category. In each episode we’ll meet the people behind these delectable dishes, reveal their surprising recipes and trade secret techniques, and the get the scoop on Brainy Baby: 123’s - Deluxe Editi- Brew Masters what drives foodies to these dining establishments. It’s the on Meet Same Calagione: maverick, family man, entrepreneur series that showcases the nation’s most incredible cuisines... owner of Dogfish Head Brewery, and ambassador to the world it’s Best Food Ever. The Brainy Baby 123s DVD introduces numbers from 1 to 20 of craft beer. Sam reveals new worlds through the prism of a with cute kids, happy songs, familiar objects, and colorful beer glass, and viewers will get a taste for what it’s like to Reality 2010 215min. animation in an eye-catching format that kids love! The Deluxe Gaiam Americas 15.03.2011 run a small successful business in America! Edition DVD includes fun special features such as video Discovery Channel, Documentary 301min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099245 sing-along, baby bloopers, behind the scenes, and an interactive activity. Brainy Baby has been a leader in Gaiam Americas 14.06.2011 preschool video development for more than a decade and this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099004 The Best Of The West: 2009 series has been the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our competitors, a university study has confirmed the Season Vol. 1 educational value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by Bunny Play Date The Best of the West TV Show brings you the Science of educators and parents, this award-winning series uses a Fawn the Bunny and her friends, want you to join in on the fun Long Range shooting! Join host Dan Miller, and the Pro Staff time-tested, proven teaching method that follows a lesson plan as they have a hoppin’ good time. Meet the ducklings and of The Bes of the West, as well as some of the biggest stars format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging baby chicks as you watch their hilarious mischief and in rodeo, as they head out to some of the greatest hunting real-life objects and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. adventures. Over an hour of the cutest baby bunnies, locations in western North America. The thirteen episode Brainy Baby helps children discover a world of learning with ducklings, and chicks frolicking around at the Bunny Play includes big game hunts from New Mexico to Alaska and quality products that children love and parents trust. Date! educates viewers on the techniques and equipment that the Family 45min. modern hunter needs to make ethical long range kills. Each Family min. adventure takes you along for the hunt with all the laughs and BayView Entertainment 24.05.2011 Celebrity Video Distribution 14.06.2011 drama that go along with it. Plus a bonus episode not showed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098709 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099209 in the USA: „John’s Wolf Hunt“. Learn what it takes in the field to get the job done at long range! Hunting min. Brainy Baby: ABC’s - Deluxe Edi- Cake Boss: Season 3 Green Apple Entertainment 10.05.2011 tion In the third season of Cake Boss, expect even more fun and 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099396 The Brainy Baby ABCs DVD features music, gentle voices, family fighting from Buddy and his team, but also look for major and familiar objects to introduce kids to upper and lower-case changes as the business and the family expand. Travel with letters and multiple letter sounds. The Deluxe Edition DVD Buddy as he explores his Italian roots with an international : Never Say Never includes fun special features such as video sing-along, baby trip, celebrate with Caro’s crew as the commemorate the bloopers, behind the scenes, and an interactive activity. 100th Anniversary of the bakery and watch as both the cakes, Justin Bieber Brainy Baby has been a leader in preschool video and the clients, go over the top! So join the fun as Buddy and Justin Bieber’s odds were a million to one, until millions of development for more than a decade and this series has been the gang bicker, bake and take the plunge during season 3 of fans found him online. Now his world is yours with Never Say the recipient of over 75 National Awards and, unlike our Cake Boss... stand-by for major changes, big celebrities, and Never, the „riveting and inspiring“ story of his journey from competitors, a university study has confirmed the educational even more amazing cakes! average teen to global superstar. value of the Brainy Baby DVD line. Created by educators and Reality 461min. Documentary, Music, Pop Music 2011 parents, this award-winning series uses a time-tested, proven Gaiam Americas 01.03.2011 105min. teaching method that follows a lesson plan format and each DVD reinforces lessons through engaging real-life objects 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099243 Paramount Pictures 13.05.2011 and fun sing-alongs to which kids can relate. Brainy Baby 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099322 helps children discover a world of learning with quality Christianity: The First Two products that children love and parents trust. Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Family 45min. Thousand Years (Repackage) BayView Entertainment 24.05.2011 It is an epic beyond anything Hollywood could hope to (Blu-ray) imagine, embracing emperors and itinerant preachers, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098708 teaching of a man accepted by millions as the Savior and the Justin Bieber battles fought in His name. From the Crucifixion to the coming Justin Bieber’s odds were a million to one, until millions of Brainy Baby: Left Brain - Deluxe of the Crusades, Christianity: The First Thousand Years fans found him online. Now his world is yours with Never Say traces the rise of one of the world’s greatest religions. Never, the „riveting and inspiring“ story of his journey from Edition Scholars explore the intertwined fates of the Roman Empire average teen to global superstar.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and the faith it persecuted, then later adopted. Theologians They were the quintessential American heroes: the gion/Spirituality 60min. reveal how the New Testament was shaped, how pagan embodiment of rugged individualism and independence. For 30 festivals were transformed into Christian holidays, and how years, cowboys ruled the frontier, settling the American West Kultur 28.06.2011 modern discoveries shed new light on the dawn of and carving their way into American mythology forever. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099422 Christianity. Drawing on ancient text, the Scriptures, and Golden Era of the American Cowboy was a powder keg of visits to sites like Istanbul’s magnificent Hagia Sophia, this is history—a period of conquest, war and money. In these brief a spellbinding journey through Christianity: The First but tumultuous years following the Civil War, men and women Dinosaurs: Perfect Predators Thousand Years. It began with a wandering Jewish preacher endured astonishing hardship and danger, from battles with The Cretaceous Period spawned walking death machines with and a message of love. One thousand years later, Christianity Indians and outlaws, to nature’s own brutalities. Yet for a few a savage combination of speed, eyesight, brain power and reigned unchallenged as the dominant religion in Western extraordinary individuals, it was a time of incredible razor-sharp implements. The latest science reveals the Europe. But the struggles faced by the faith were far from opportunity. Cowboys drove millions of steers from Texas anatomical secrets that made these bloodthirsty carnivores over. A panoramic journey through ten centuries of belief and along cattle trails to northern railroad heads. Their daring but such incredible purveyors of terror! conflict, solitary journeys established cowboys as heroes whose Dinosaurs, Discovery Channel, Science Boxed Sets, Documentary, Religion/ strength and character made them the ultimate icons of their time. But the hazardous frontier, where the law often amounted 129min. Spirituality 1998 min. to little mor than a man with a badge and a posse, also bred Gaiam Americas 14.06.2011 A&E 16.03.2010 some of America’s most infamous outlaws, whose reputations 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099003 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099100 still inspire awe. Discover the legendary qualities of these amazing men in this visually stunning series from Hist Cowboy, Documentary, History Channel Dirty Jobs: Collection 7 Chroma Infra Limen 282min. Mike Rowe Ballet, Performing Arts 98min. A&E 26.01.2010 In Dirty Jobs: Collection 7, MIke Rowe takes on more of Naxos 26.04.2011 America’s unsavory undertakings - from Animal Control 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099053 Specialist, Worm Frunter, Chicken Buster and Exotic Nanny - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099050 Mike Roe does it all! There’s a lot to learn as Mike Roe Dali Love at First Sight introduces us to an elite assortment of men and women who Chroma Infra Limen (Blu-ray) make their living doing the most unthinkable and unimaginable In Dali, 5,000 years of Chinese culture and modern life-style jobs. Performing Arts, Ballet 98min. blend into one of the most fascinating travel experiences in the world; a wonderland of fantasy, mystique, and ancient Documentary 430min. Naxos 26.04.2011 splendor. Situated on the crossroads of many bygone Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099186 civilizations, on a fertile plateau in Southwest China’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099058 Yunnan Province, Dali was praised by Marco Polo, the famous Venetian explorer, as the „the magicland beyond the Classic Fighters clouds, an idyllic hideaway where life approaches Dog The Bounty Hunter: This See detailed footage of some of the most amazing fighters from perfection.“ However, the remote beauty of Dali did not remain the 1930’s and ’40s, including Great Britain’s Spitfire and untouched. Genghis Khan and his Mongol Warriors swooped Family Means Business Hurricane, America’s F6F Hellcat and P-51 Mustang, and down the legendary Silk and Tea roads, passing through Dali. Duane Chapman Germany’s Messerschmitt 109. Relive the intensity that made Centuries later it was a major base along the Burma Road to Beware of this Dog - his bark is just as bad as his bite. In these fighters so famous and watch these great warplanes in the heroic Flying Tigers who supported China in its fight Dog The Bounty Hunter: This Family Means Business, Dog, stunning air-to-air flying sequences. against Imperial Japan during WWII. Today Dali offers the Beth and the Chapman clan cross the 200th episode threshold, War, World War II, Aerial Action, conveniences of the 21st Century and yet remains a treasure further proving to be one of television’s most successful long- Documentary min. trove of tradition and history. running franchises. From Hawaii to Colorado, Duane „Dog“ Chinese, Documentary 90min. Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 Chapman continues to feed fans the action-packed, high- Celebrity Video Distribution 03.05.2011 stakes hunts that have made him the world’s most famous 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099212 bounty hunter, tracking fugitives alongside his wife Beth and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098843 their fearless family-based posse. In this season, Dog enlists the girls to hunt down a female fugitive while he spends the Colony Dancer’s Dream day caring for his newest granddaughter...old friends Tim Few people realize that honey bees pollinate one-third of our Chapman and Sonny Westbrook lend a hand to capture a thief fruits and vegetables. In fact, these incredible insects play a Ballet, Performing Arts 363min. with violent tendencies...and Dog discovers social vital role in producing our food and ensuring our survival. Naxos 26.04.2011 networking plays a vital role in tracking a fugitive with a long Although honey bees are some of the most resilient, efficient rap sheet. Girl Power Prodigal Son Family Tiles Surface and industrious insects, entire colonies are dying off. Why? 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099020 Scratches The Great Debate Facebooked Colony investigates the circumstances and the impacts of Action, Bounty Hunters, Reality 198min. „colony collapse disorder“ by focusing on beekeepers dealing D-Day: The Total Story with the crisis. As these families and individuals struggle to A&E 28.06.2011 understand this lethal problem, they illuminate the devastating (Repackage) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098835 effects of bee extinction not just on bees, but on people. An Codenamed Operation Overlord, D-Day saw 156,000 Allied eye-opening account of a little-known, yet essential, troops storm the beaches of Normandy on the morning of June Dogfights: The Complete Season subculture in America. Colony brings to life the fascinating 6, 1944. Retreat was not an option. Victory was the only world of bees - and the frightening possibility of their recourse. From tense war room strategies to the full fury of One (Repackage) disappearance. unmitigated combat, The History Channel Presents: D-Day: Eleven of the world’s most daring air battles viewed from the Documentary Ltbx S 88min. The Total Story captures the entire arc of one of the world’s pilot seat!. History’s most thrilling aerial battles can now be Docurama 29.03.2011 great battles. Analyze the elaborate plans of Eisenhower, experienced as never before—from inside the cockpit. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098690 Montgomery, Marshall and Bradley against the counter- Legendary aircraft like the F8 Crusader, the F6F Hellcat, the attacks and defenses of their opponents. Witness the heroism P40 Tomahawk, and more are brought back to life as Dogfights of men plunging into the onslaught of war, forging success out takes viewers straight into the heat of the aerial action. The Cool It of tragic miscalculations and sheer terror. And experience the original pilots themselves narrate these battles, illuminating harrowing, front-line fighting that filled to many graves for the the capabilities and histories of these magnificent aircraft, the Climate catastrophe? The end of civilization as we know it? world to ever forget. Incorporating in-depth interviews with Are the current staggeringly expensive actions now being enemies they faced, and the realities of life as a fighter pilot. extensive never-before-seen footage, The History Channel Filled with astounding state-of-the-art CGI technology, all considered really helping to save the world - or are we just Presents: D-Day: The Total Story features four complete films burning money? In this „eye-opening“ (Los Angeles Times) eleven episodes of the first season of Dogfights revitalize that fully render the totality of D-Day, including D-Day: The some of the most thrilling and captivating life-or-death battles documentary, author Bjorn Lomborg (The Skeptical Total Story, a three-part chronicle, Eisenhower: Commander Environmentalist) asks us to question the facts and the ever fought. Witness some of the most celebrated dogfights in in Chief from the award-winning series Biography, the modern history as the pilots strap back in and recall their solutions. Why in the world are we spending so much money fascinating The True Story of the Screaming on „green“ initiatives...for such little gain? Are there better memories of these historic engagements, from Pearl Harbor to ways to solve the problems? How else could that money be War, Boxed Sets, Documentary, History Guadalcanal, North Korea to the Solomon Islands, and Viet- spent? No matter what our opinions are on the environmental Channel 2004 325min. nam to t movement, Cool It is an „engrossing“ film (The New York A&E 24.05.2011 Transportation, War, Air Force, Boxed Times) that asks us to rethink our polarized views. After all, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098782 Sets, Documentary, History Channel 2006 nothing less than the planet is at stake. 517min. Documentary, Environmental 2010 88min. A&E 24.05.2011 Lionsgate 29.03.2011 Delphi: Center Of The World 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098780 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099109 Delphi was once regarded as the center of the world. It was one of the most important intellectual and cultural sites of antiquity. Anyone who could afford it sought the advice of the Dogfights: The Complete Season The Cool School: The Story Of oracle of Delphi before making a decision in both personal The Ferus Art Gallery and public affairs. Some of these oracle sayings have Two (Repackage) survived to the present day, over two thousand years later. High above the ground, at speeds reaching thousands of miles Dennis Hopper The film describes the faith of the Ancient Greeks, whose per hour, fighter aircraft face off in some of the most intense Documentary, Photography/Art 2007 85min. ideas in fact often differ surprisingly from the conventional battles in the history of warfare. History® brings these wisdom on this subject. Delphi’s impenetrable myths, its battles to life in Dogfights, a riveting documentary series that New Video DVD 16.03.2010 mysterious fortune-telling practices and bloodthirsty animal follows the development of air combat from the planes of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099102 sacrifices have left a trail which is still visible and palpable First World War to showdowns between the most cutting- today, the trail of a legendary oracle which influenced edge aircraft flown today... The second season of this wildly European history for almost 1,000 years... popular series features first-hand accounts of the flying aces Cowboys & Outlaws Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary, Reli- themselves, combined with rare archival footage and state-of-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the-art CGI graphics. Each air battle is recreated in stunning The Essential Games Of The De- War, World War II, Aerial Action, African detail, putting viewers in the cockpit, facing the enemy. From Americans, Documentary, PBS min. Fokker triplanes and SE5s dueling over Belgium and F86s troit Tigers and MiG-15s battling in the skies above North Korea to World Tigers baseball has flowed over the Great Lake State since Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 War II’s P-51 Mustang and the American F-15s that fought in the first game at Bennett Park in 1901. From the legendary Ty 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099150 Operation Desert Storm, Dogfights: The Complete Season 2 Cobb to Hank Greenberg to Al Kaline to Kirk Gibson; from Hal puts viewers right in the cockpit to relive 17 of modern Newhouser shutouts at Briggs Stadium to Whitaker & history’s greatest battles... Trammell turning double plays at Tiger Stadium to Curtis Forgiveness War, Boxed Sets, Documentary 799min. Granderson slashing triples at palatial Comerica Park, great A time to love & a time to hate. Helen Whitney’s Forgiveness A&E 24.05.2011 moments and unforgettable games are chiseled into the Detroit explores the act of forgiveness through a wide range of baseball memory tablets. This four-DVD set showcases four stories, from adultery and personal betrayal to the post- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098781 television broadcasts of games that are the heart of the love genocidal reconciliation of nations. In focusing on specific affair between fans and ball club. Selected by instances of affliction - one family torn apart by abandonment, Amelia Earhart: Queen Of The Air readers, these games mark glorious chapters in the history of the post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation hearings in South the franchise. A Bengal-striped celebration that salutes the Africa or the memories of ’60s radicals coping with their She was an uncommon heroine, a legendary aviator, and the nostalgic glory from Tiger Stadium hosting the 1968 World violent acts of protest - Forgiveness studies the focus of one of the greatest mysteries of all time. A daredevil Series to the present-day peninsula-shaking magic of psychological impetus and impacts of this crucial sentiment, of unimaginable proportions, Amelia Earhart was destined to Comerica Park: All 100% baseball made in Detroit. 1968 illuminating its power, its limitations and, in some cases, its make her mark on history. Even as she was wowing the world World Series Game 5 Vs. STL (October 7, 1968) Mickey dangers. Giving voice to the stories of nations and individuals by annihilating existing aviation records, her unconventional Lolich finished off a complete game with eight scoreless who have suffered and struggled to forgive, Forgiveness short hair, pants, and leather jacket had already made her an innings, and Al Kaline led a Tigers rally in the sixth inning. provides a moving and much-needed chronicle of undisputed icon. Her mysterious disappearance while 1984 World Series Game 5 VS. SD (October 14, 1984) The reconciliation. attempting to fly around the world has long been at the center Tigers beat of great debate. What really happened to one of the world’s Documentary 2004 FF S 168min. most promising aviators? Drawing on extensive archival Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball Docurama 26.04.2011 footage, interviews, and newly discovered evidence, Bio 572min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098717 examines Earhart’s dramatic story, providing an unforgettable A&E 06.04.2010 look at the life and legend of the courageous and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099370 groundbreaking aviator. Get Fit & Fab With Jillian Micha- Aerial Action, Biography, Documentary els 50min. Every Little Thing Jillian Michaels A&E 02.02.2010 The tranquil woods of the Loire Valley embrace the La Borde psychiatric clinic, an asylum in the truest sense of the word, In Get Fit & Fab With Jillian Michaels, teen girls and young 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099060 where patients find sanctuary and repose. Patients and staff women bop, jump and kick their way to fitness in a fun and work together in rehearsals and preparations for their annual upbeat hip-hop dance routine. In addition to the workout, Elmo’s World: The People In Your summer play. This year, they perform the modernist, absurdist Jillian also dedicates a portion of the video to discussing diet classic, „Operette,“ by Witold Gombrowicz, whose dialogue is and nutrition issues, as well as maintaining a positive self Neighborhood more nonsensical than that of the patients themselves. esteem. Fitness, Health 78min. Carroll Spinney, Kevin Clash Documentary, Foreign, French, Mental Gaiam Americas 21.06.2011 Sesame Street min. Illness, Performing Arts 1997 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098997 Warner Bros. 07.06.2011 Kino Video 24.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098794 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099432 Andy Goldsworthy: Rivers And Energy Healing For Beginners Eyes Of The Mothman: 2 Disc Tides - Working With Time (Blu- Instructional, Meditation/Relaxation 67min. Special Edition ray) ADA 22.03.2011 Documentary, Monsters 2011 155min. In the timeless tradition of Winged Migration and Koyaanisqatsi, the theatrical phenomenon Rivers And Tides 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099304 Virgil Films And Entertainment 22.02.2011 depicts the magical relationship between art and nature while 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099406 painting a visually intoxicating portrait of famed artist Andy ESPN Films 30 For 30: Guru Of Go Goldsworthy. Gorgeously shot and masterfully edited, the film follows the bohemian free spirit Goldsworthy all over the By the mid-1980s, Paul Westhead had worn out his welcome The Firm: Ignite Calorie Burn world as he demonstrates and opens up about his unique in the NBA. The best offer he could find came from an obscure DVD Includes: 20-minute Cardio Power Burst with Emily creative process. From his long-winding rock walls and icicle small college with little history of basketball. In the same city Welsh 20-Minute INterval Blast with Rebekah Sturkie sculptures to his interlocking leaf chains and multicolored where he had won an NBA championship with Magic & Fitness, Health 40min. pools of flowers, Goldsworthy’s painstakingly intricate Kareem, Westhead was determined to perfect his non-stop masterpieces are made entirely of materials found in Mother run-and-gun offensive system at Loyola Marymount. His Gaiam Americas 01.03.2011 Nature-who threatens and often succeeds in destroying his shoot-first offense was magic, if you had the right personnel. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099236 art, sometimes before it is even finished. With over ten four- When Hank Gathers and Bo Kimble, two talented players from star reviews from the nation’s top critics, Rivers And Tides Westhead’s hometown of Philadelphia, arrived gift-wrapped at serenely captures Goldsworthy in the midst of constructing his doorstep, Westhead got the talent he needed. With The Firm: Turbocharge Weight his trademark ephemera on-camera, creating a mesmerizing Gathers & Kimble leading a record-scoring charge, Loss cinematic experience that helps us to appreciate nature in Westhead’s system suddenly dazzled the world of college new and enchanting ways. In this stunning Blu-ray edition, basketball and turned conventional thinking on its head. But Fitness, Health 40min. already dazzling visuals will be heightened in the high-def then, early in the 1989-90 season, Gathers collapsed during a game and was diagnosed with an abnormal heartbeat. Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Documentary 2004 90min. Determined to play, Gathers returned three games later, but in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098994 Docurama 08.03.2011 less than three months, he tragically died on the court. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098691 Working with both Westhead and Kimble, Oscar-winning director Bill Couturié tells a fast-paced and emotionally Florida’s State Parks moving story of inn Behind each one of Florida’s award-winning state parks is Julio Gonzalez Sports, Basketball, NCAA min. the story of its creation: A beach saved from development, a site marking a bloody 19th century battle, a rainforest rescued Documentary, Photography/Art 60min. ESPN (TM) 25.05.2011 from destruction. Hear about some of the remarkable people Naxos 26.04.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099025 behind the state’s most amazing places in Florida’s State 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099036 Parks, a three-part film previously enjoyed on public television. Then explore more than 15 of them, from Falling ESPN Films 30 for 30: No Waters State Park to Fakahatchee Strand Preserve and John Grand Canyon Serenade Crossover: The Trial of Allen Pennekamp Coral Reef. Float down the Colorado River, soar over cliffs and coves, Wilderness, Documentary min. and get lost in the warm colors that make up the southwest! Iverson Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 Grand Canyon Serenade is a stunning visual portrait of one of On Valentine’s Day 1993, 17-year-old high school basketball Earth’s greatest wonders set to beautiful classical music by and football star Allen Iverson was bowling in Hampton, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099113 some of the best composers to ever live. Virginia, when an argument erupted into a brawl pitting Documentary, PBS min. Iverson’s African-American friends against a group of white Fly Boys: Pennsylvania’s patrons. The fallout from the fight and the subsequent trial Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 landed Iverson a lengthy prison sentence and sharply divided Tuskegee Airmen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099220 the city along racial lines. Oscar nominee Steve James (Hoop They were often treated as second class citizens, yet many (if Dreams) returns to his hometown of Hampton, where he once not most), of the African American men who eventually joined Bob Harper: Ultimate Cardio played basketball, to take a personal look at this still- the Tuskegee Institute volunteered to serve during World War disputed incident and examine its impact on Iverson and the II. Why? Find out in Fly Boys, as the film takes you directly to Body whole community. the Tuskegee training base as it exists today. And - through Sports, Basketball, ESPN min. the use of archival footage - transports you to the battles Bob Harper ESPN (TM) 25.05.2011 where some of America’s bravest men fought in the air and on Two workouts on one DVD: Extreme Cardio Challenge and the ground. Hear from their family and friends, and see film 10-Minute Glute Challenge. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099026 and pictures from the war that capture the thrill and danger of Fitness 2010 78min. air battle over Europe.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 70 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Starz / Anchor Bay 15.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098803 America with members of the Ancient Order of the Hibernians, who are in charge of New York’s festivities, and examine the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099122 controversy that has surrounded the parade in recent years. History Classics: Dinosaurs It’s a comprehensive look at an ancient tradition that has been For over a century, historians and scientists have been transformed in America. The 1942 Mark XII Hawker Hurricane - an aircraft capable of piecing together a history of the prehistoric world. History Documentary, History Channel min. speeds in excess of 300 mph - was one of the Royal Air Classics: Dinosaurs examines the ultimate fighters of this A&E 16.02.2010 Force’s most versatile fighters in World War II. Get ready for unique period - gigantic beasts that stalked the earth millions 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099079 the ride of a lifetime as you experience what it’s like to pilot of years ago. Some of these dinosaurs were larger than one in the heat of a dogfight. In-cockpit footage gives you a seven-story buildings, and hunted their prey with strategy and rare view of the Hawker Hurricane and all of its capabilities! cunning, transforming the prehistoric world into a battlefield. Holy Grail In America The temperature, terrain, and innate sense of the opponent’s War, World War II, Aerial Action, weaknesses and strengths all played a role in how each Has the Holy Grail been in America all along? In 1898, a Documentary min. dinosaur planned his attack. Today, paleontologists are Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 uncovering these fighting grounds and are gaining startling large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of new insight into how maneuverability, team coordination, and land acquisition and murder. The stone allegedly dates back 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099152 striking at the exact moment meant survival. Blow by blow, to 1362. Initially thought to be a hoax, new evidence suggests each episode will dissect these battles, revealing a predatory the find could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar A Heritage Of British Monarchy: world far more calculated - and complex - than we originally discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps thought. Dinosaurs. Cannibal Dinosaur / T-Rex Hunter / Gang bringing with them history’s greatest treasure...the Holy History, Romance And Scandals Killers / Bonus: Additional Footage Bloodiest Battle / Deep Grail. Follow the clues as experts use erosion studies on the rune stone and match symbols in Templar ruins all over This set includes 3 Full-length Programs: The complete Sea Killers / Hunter Becomes Hunted Biggest Killers / Raptor’s Last Stand / Ice Age Monsters River of Europe to support this theory. Stones with similar markings history of the British Monarchy in 60 minutes! An irreverent, have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, and in humorous, yet historically accurate romp through the good, the Dinosaurs, Documentary, History Channel, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Knights bad and the extremely ugly Kings and Queens of Great Prehistoric Times 576min. Templar, long thought to have been massacred, escaped on an Britain. With Ethelreds, Matildas and so many Henrys, A&E 31.05.2011 incredible journey and were leaving clues to the whereabouts Georges, Williams, Edwards and Elizabeths, sort out your of the stone? Find out in the History feature-length special, Tudors from your Stuarts once and for all! Throughout British 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098804 Holy Grail In America. history the romantic escapades of the royals have fascinated mere mortals, ever since the first kings and queens were Documentary, History Channel, Medieval crowned. This touching, passionate and at times downright History Classics: The Revolution Times, Religion/Spirituality 94min. scandalous journey will reveal the royal romances that They came of age in a new world amid intoxicating and inno- A&E 16.03.2010 changed the course of history, including the likes of Henry vative ideas about human and civil rights, diverse economic VIII and his many wives and Charles II with his curvaceous systems, and self-government. In a few short years, these men 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099101 orange seller, Nell Gwyn. It may seem that a conspiracy and women would transform themselves into architects of the theory is a modern phenomenon, but look into the history of future through the building of a new nation unlike any that had How It’s Made: Auto the British monarchy and you’ll find a shocking number of ever come before. From the roots of the and the skeletons in an awful lot of closets. Uncover for yourself the signing of the Declaration of Independence to victory on the Have you ever wondered how cars, oil filters, engines, gruesome murders, dangerous liaisons and political back battlefield at Yorktown and the adoption of The United States seatbelts, air bags, brakes, pistons, air filters, hot rods, golf stabbings that made history and make up your own mind about Constitution, The Revolution tells the remarkable story of this carts, mowers, life trucks, luxury cars and much more are the fact be important era in history. Venturing beyond the conventional amde? Find out how many of the everyday objects we use Conspiracies, Documentary, Royalty list of generals and politicians, History introduces the full become the things they are! Discovery Channel, Science 378min. 172min. range of individuals who helped shape this great conflict, including some of the war’s most influential unsung heroes. Gaiam Americas 07.06.2011 Kultur 28.06.2011 Through cinematic recreations, intimate biographical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098999 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099397 investigations, and provocative political, military, and economic analysis, The Revolution breathes new life into one of the most pivotal periods in American history. The Revoluti- How The Universe Words History Classics: Ancient on. War, American Revolution, Documentary, See as never before the inner workings of our world, and Mysteries - Lost Cities explore black holes, supernovae, neutron stars, dark energy, Take a journey across the globe and through time with History History Channel 600min. and all the titanic forces that make us who we are. Classics: Ancient Mysteries - Lost Cities. Marvel at the A&E 31.05.2011 Discovery Channel, Science, Space power and glory of ancient Rome . . . discover the enchanting 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098805 344min. secrets behind the mystical Forbidden City . . . take to the high seas to learn the grim and gritty history of legendary Gaiam Americas 28.06.2011 pirates . . . behold the wonder of Machu Picchu . . . embark History Classics: WWII - The War 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099005 upon the odyssey of Troy . . . visit the remarkable city of Pompeii . . . search for the hidden utopia that is Shangri La . . Chronicles . explore the crown jewel of the Roman Empire. This World War II encompassed some of America’s greatest Hurricanes: Florida’s Nightmare collection offers you an unprecedented look at these triumphs and most bitter defeats. History Classics: WWII - Meet the experts from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) archaeological, historical and cultural wonders of the world The War Chronicles is a comprehensive and intimate survey and work alongside them in their Miami fortress as they with expert interviews, extensive location footage and of this epic war. Take a commanding view of the battles and provide life-saving information to the public in Hurricanes: stunning reenactments. History Classics: Ancient Mysteries - strategy, the men and machines, and the horror and heroism in Florida’s Nightmare, which previously aired on public Lost Cities. Ancient Rome And Its Mysterious Cities / The eight documentaries that chronicle the war in Europe. And television. Learn what it takes for a hurricane to develop, and Forbidden City: Dynasty And Destiny The Search For experience the drama and intensity of World War II’s turbu- find out how today’s advanced technology can both help and Shangri-La: The Potala And The Dalai Lama / The Sunken lent Pacific Theater through extraordinary footage and intense hurt predictions. Then go behind the scenes and relive one of City expert commentary with seven documentaries that comprise the most active hurricane seasons the Atlantic has ever seen! Ancient Greece / Rome, History Channel the war in the Pacific. WWII - The War Chronicles contains Disasters, Documentary, PBS min. 15 acclaimed documentaries on 4 DVDs. The Greatest 376min. Conflict/North Africa...The Desert War / The Beachhead At Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 A&E 31.05.2011 Anzio / D-Day...The Normandy Invasion Pursuit To The Rhine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099218 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098802 / The Bomber Offensive: Air War In Europe / The Battle Of The Bulge / The Battle Of Germany Island Hopping: The Road Back / Jungle Warfare: New Guinea To Burma / Air War In I Shouldn’t Be Alive: Season 3 History Classics: Barbarians The Pacific / The Bloody Ridges Of Peleliu Return To The Ten heart-stopping journeys past the edge of endurance. History will never forget their reign of terror. For nearly a Philippines / Okinawa...The Last Battle/ Admiral William Ordinary people thrown into epic struggles for survival tell millennium, barbarian hordes rose up and swept across Asia, „Bull“ Halsey - Naval Warrior their own stories while drama brings these incredible Europe, and Africa, pillaging towns and sacking empires. But War, World War II, Documentary, History experiences to life. Every film has an extraordinary physical who were these barbarians, seemingly devoted only to Channel, Military 385min. ordeal at its heart, but there’s always an equally powerful violence and destruction, their language the battle-axe and emotional journey. What would you do if you suddenly had to mighty sword? In Barbarians , History explores the origins of A&E 31.05.2011 accept you were about to die alone? Would you lose your last the Huns, Goths, Vikings, and Mongols. Shot on location, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098806 breath to defeat unimaginable odds? Moment by moment, Emmy® Award-winning documentarian Robert Gardner (Islam: survivors relive the moral dilemmas, chance events and Empire of Faith) uses in-depth interviews, thrilling desperate decisions that ultimately brought them home. reenactments, and narration by Clancy Brown (The The History Of St. Patrick’s Day Documentary 430min. Shawshank Redemption) to bring to life the powerful leaders, Each year on March 17, a sea of green sweeps up New Gaiam Americas 15.03.2011 military strength, and overwhelming drive that kept empires on York’s Fifth Avenue in the largest St. Patrick’s Day parade in three continents in terror for centuries. Then, in Barbarians the nation. On the other side of the Atlantic, towns throughout 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099247 II, History follows four of the most fearsome tribes: the Ireland honor the man who brought Christianity to the Emerald Vandals, the Saxons, the Franks, and the Lombards, as they Isle with feasts and festivals. The History Of St. Patrick’s I Want Your Money cut a swath of destruction through the heart of the Roman Day shows how Irish immigrants in America transformed a world. Produced in High Definition, Barbarians II recreates religious festival into a celebration of all things Irish, and how Set against the backdrop of America’s growing disapproval of the world of these invaders through even more intense stunts, St. Patrick’s Day became a nationwide phenomenon. A current economic policies, I Want Your Money takes a large-scale battle re-enactments, and a fast-paced, exciting n glorious reminder of America’s multicultural heritage, St. provocative, yet entertaining, look at our nation’s deeply Vikings, War, Ancient Greece / Rome, Patrick’s Day is also a uniquely American festival. See depressed economy using the words and actions of parades around the country, from tiny towns to the massive Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. I Want Your Documentary, History Channel 388min. New York assembly, where over 150,000 people march in the Money explains in plainest terms the choice we have between A&E 31.05.2011 company of celebrities, campaigning politicians and ‘Reaganomics’ and ‘Obamanomics’. Ultimately, this film is a bagpipers. Explore the unique heritage of St. Patrick’s Day in call to action for Americans who care about their children’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA future and the future of the United States of America. might wind up as casualty statistics themselves. Tight, the shots were fired. The timeline reveals startling new Politics, Documentary 2010 93min. winding roads, perilous drops, rock ceilings, weakened information about the death of the president and the traumatic mountains, potholes and total roadway failure combine with transfer of power to his successor, Vice President Lyndon B. Monarch Home Video 17.05.2011 the ever-present danger of avalanches, communication Johnson. From new details about when JFK really died, to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098695 breakdowns, wild weather and the harder-than-it-sounds task truth behind LBJ’s Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, The of driving on the other side of the road to challenge, fray the Kenned Assassination: 24 Hours After uncovers an unfamiliar nerves and risk the lives of these courageous drivers. Will story born out of one of the most crucial days in American I Want Your Money (Blu-ray) they be able to adapt and overcome these dire obstacles when history. Set against the backdrop of America’s growing disapproval of so out of their own elements? Experience all 10 episodes of Crime, Documentary, History Channel, current economic policies, I Want Your Money takes a this pulse pounding series on Blu-ray. Presidents 94min. provocative, yet entertaining, look at our nation’s deeply Reality 450min. A&E 26.01.2010 depressed economy using the words and actions of A&E 24.05.2011 Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. I Want Your 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099055 Money explains in plainest terms the choice we have between 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098810 ‘Reaganomics’ and ‘Obamanomics’. Ultimately, this film is a call to action for Americans who care about their children’s Jesse James’ Hidden Treasure The Kids Grow Up future and the future of the United States of America. Documentary, Family Relationships 90min. Politics, Documentary 2010 93min. He was one of the most fabled antiheroes of the Old West, a Docurama 19.07.2011 Monarch Home Video 17.05.2011 complicated figure whose outlaw reputation captured the imagination of a nation. In central Kansas, a treasure hunt is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099294 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098702 underway that could call into question much of what we think we know of him. What happened to the gold Jesse James stole? Can any part of it be found? And if so, does it suggest KJB: The Book That Changed The Immortal Beaver that Jesse James was more than a bandit stealing for his own Harrison Ford personal gain? Was he, in fact, a clandestine member of a World How one little plane changed the face of aviation in Canada. powerful Confederate secret society determined to help the Acclaimed actor John Rhys-Davies visits landmarks, explains Celebrate the history of a tough, versatile plane that changed South rise again? Jesse James’ Hidden Treasure. relics and leads us back into a darker time to discover this Canadian aviation with its abilities to fly deeper and deeper Western, American Civil War, Crime, fascinating tale of saints and sinners, power and passion, as into the remote northern frontier. The story swings from the Documentary, History Channel 94min. the greatest translation of Holy Scripture emerges into a barren desert to frigid Alaska and features rarely seen world and culture that would never be quite the same again. historical footage of the Beaver aircraft from the de Havilland A&E 30.03.2010 British, Documentary, Foreign, Religion/ archives. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099292 Spirituality 2011 min. Aerial Action, Documentary min. Lionsgate 05.04.2011 Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 Jews And Baseball 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099106 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099111 , Shawn Green, Larry King, Yogi Berra Lancaster At War In The Land Of The Deaf Baseball is seen as the quintessentially American sport with The Avro Lancaster was one of World War II’s most useful Nicolas Philibert’s documentary features hearing-impaired good reason. Emerging by the mid-nineteenth century as the bombers, playing a major role in the controversial bombing people of all ages and from all walks of life, focusing on the nation’s most popular game, baseball provided each new wave campaign against Germany. Now, it’s a flying memorial to all students and teachers in a French school for deaf children of immigrants with an avenue into American culture. Jews And of the Royal Air Force crew who sacrificed their lives in the and exploring the personal lives of some of the pupils and Baseball. Narrated by two-time Academy Award® winner service of their country. Relive its vital missions - including various adults, including an actor, a sign-language teacher, Dustin Hoffman, this lively and thorough account of Jewish the Dambusters Raid - with historical film and through vivid, and an engaged couple. Sensitive and fascinating, In The America’s love affair with baseball sheds new light on moving recollections from actual pilots. Land Of The Deaf is a moving account of its subjects’ lives. America’s national pastime. Includes interviews with former player Al Rosen, sports historian Maury Allen, celebrity War, World War II, Documentary min. Documentary, Foreign, French 1992 99min. enthusiasts Larry King and Ron Howard, and all-stars Shawn Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 Kino Video 24.05.2011 Green and Kevin Youkilis, as well as a rare interview with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099210 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099434 baseball legend Sandy Koufax. Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Jewish Heritage, Major League Baseball 2010 FF S The Last Days Of World War II Indy In The ’50s (Repackage) Relive Indy in the ’50s as you stroll through the decade with 91min. WISH-TV news anchor and native Mark Ahern. Docurama 19.04.2011 On September 9, 1945, the deadliest war the world has ever Reminisce about what was in fashion, on film and what people 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098696 known formally came to an end. Four months earlier, the Third did for fun. See historical photos and footage, and hear unique Reich had suffered its final, crushing defeat. On the horizon perspectives from local celebrities like basketball legend stood a new type of conflict - the Cold War. Included in This Oscar Robertson in this film, previously enjoyed on public JFK: 3 Shots That Changed Two-Volume DVD Set Are: television. Get ready to go back to a simpler time of hula War, World War II, Documentary, Military hoops, black-and-white television, jazz and drive-ins in Indy America 2003 279min. in the ’50s! Just hours before his death, John F. Kennedy appeared before A&E 24.05.2011 Sports, Basketball, Documentary, PBS min. a crowd in Fort Worth, Texas to honor the freedoms of America in what would be his final speech. Though the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098800 Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 Zapruder film, a silent, 8mm home movie of the presidential 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099217 motorcade through Dealey Plaza, is the most complete visual recording of JFK’s assassination, it is just part of a vast Leap Frog: Learn To Read At The record of sights and sounds captured on camera that day. This Storybook Factory Infested three-hour special from History uses unique, rarely seen and Bugs min. heard footage to document the Kennedy assassination and the Deep inside the Storybook Factory ? where pictures, words nearly 50 years of speculation and controversy that changed and imagination bring stories to life ? Tad, Lily, Casey and Dot Gaiam Americas 28.06.2011 America. Home movies from eyewitnesses, Dallas police decide to put a few new twists on a classic tale. The result is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099000 dispatch radio recordings, and raw news footage provide a a fun-filled adventure that turns reading into a delightful game! shocking, unflinching look at the assassination of the Special features include sing-along songs to help your little president and the days that followed while examining the ones learn, complete with a string of read-along words that IRT Deadliest Roads: Season 1 aftermath, and the enduring controversies, that emerged as run across the screen. IRT: Deadliest Roads. The challenges and perils are never- succeeding generations of Americans struggled to Family min. ending on these ancient trade routes; someone dies on them comprehend the sudden murder of an unforgettable leader. Lionsgate 17.05.2011 every 4.5 minutes. If Rick, Lisa and Alex aren’t careful, they Crime, Documentary, History Channel, might wind up as casualty statistics themselves. Tight, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098817 winding roads, perilous drops, rock ceilings, weakened Presidents 188min. mountains, potholes and total roadway failure combine with A&E 26.01.2010 Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Season the ever-present danger of avalanches, communication 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099054 breakdowns, wild weather and the harder-than-it-sounds task 1 of driving on the other side of the road to challenge, fray the Stan Lee nerves and risk the lives of these courageous drivers. Will Jasper Johns: Ideas In Paint they be able to adapt and overcome these dire obstacles when Throughout history, the forces of evolution and genetic so out of their own elements? Experience all 10 episodes of Documentary, Photography/Art 56min. mutation have endowed humans with astonishing new abilities this pulse pounding series on 3 DVDs. Naxos 26.04.2011 and features. It’s a process that continues to this day, and nowhere is it more evident than in the fascinating world of Reality 450min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099034 Stan Lee’s Superhumans. Co-hosted by Stan Lee, the A&E 24.05.2011 legendary creator of the X-Men, Spider-Man and the Hulk, the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098783 The Kennedy Assassination: 24 series scours the globe for the real-life counterparts of Lee’s characters - people with unique genetic traits that translate Hours After into remarkable powers. In each episode, these IRT Deadliest Roads: Season 1 The moments and hours after JFK’s tragic assassination were „superhumans“ undergo tests that may help explain their (Blu-ray) some of the most formative and important for our country, but amazing gifts, while viewers discover the long history of the true story has rarely, and only partially, been told. For the people with extraordinary powers. Daniel Browning Smith, IRT: Deadliest Roads. The challenges and perils are never- first time, using never-before-seen transcripts only recently who’s been dubbed the most flexible man in the world, hosts ending on these ancient trade routes; someone dies on them made public, this film pieces together the 24-hour period after this thrilling journey into the farthest reaches of humankind. every 4.5 minutes. If Rick, Lisa and Alex aren’t careful, they Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Season 1. Electro Man / Killer

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Punch / Hammer Head /Human Speed Bump Human Wolf / What happens at the Louvre Museum when it is closed to the Human Crash Test Dummy / Rubber Band Man / Jaw Breaker public? During the Grand Louvre extensive renovations, the History Channel, Reality 2010 FF S 376min. museum opened its corridors to a film crew for the first time. MLB Bloopers: Doubleheader People are seen moving paintings and reorganizing rooms. For more than a century, Major League Baseball’s ballparks A&E 26.04.2011 Miles of underground corridors and galleries cross each have been a canvas for athletic artistry at its finest- displays 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098721 other. Little by little, the secret, and sometimes comical, of speed, skill and incredible feats. If that’s what you’re mundane, sublime and fascinating world of one of the most looking for, you’ve come to the wrong place! Now on one disc famous museums in the world is revealed. A veritable city is a double-header of Major League Baseball’s funniest John Leguizamo: Freak within a city opens its heart to us. bleeps, blops and blunderful bloopers! This collection of the John Leguizamo Documentary, Foreign, French 1990 85min. greatest fan-favorite follies will tickle your funny-bone with highlights of hilarity. As a wise baseball hero once said: Comedy, Performing Arts 1998 min. Kino Video 24.05.2011 „Let’s Play Two!“ So, now YOU can play not one but TWO of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 19.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099433 the most popular MLB Bloopers titles featured in this combo of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098767 comedy: MLB Bloopers: The Funny Side Of Baseball and MLB Bloopers: Baseball’s Best Blunders. From the lost-in-the sun Lucky pop flies to mischievous victory pies, the major league Living In Emergency: Doctors If money can’t buy happiness, can winning the lottery come merriment overflows with more than three hours of practical close?. Doesn’t matter how impossible the odds are - the jokes, funny stories, belly-shaking bloopers, and out of Without Borders chances of actually hitting a Powerball jackpot are just 1 in control oddities that defy explanation. MLB Bloopers: Bosnia. Rwanda. Kosovo. Sierra Leone. Pakistan. Just a few almost 200 million - almost everyone dreams of winning the Doubleheader includes head-scratching hilarity for the whole of the world’s humanitarian and political crises in the past lottery. Who hasn’t found themselves daydreaming of an family. years. Whether the result of war or nature, these disasters answer to the question, „What would I do with all that money?“ Sports, Baseball, Comedy, Major League devastate populations and cripple health systems. Despite the Directed by Jeffery Blitz (Spellbound), Lucky offers a glimpse immense dangers and difficulties of the work, one into the reality behind the fantasy of lottery winners. They Baseball 180min. organization, Doctors Without Borders, has continuously come from an amazing range of backgrounds, but all of their A&E 24.05.2011 intervened at these frontlines of overwhelming human need. lives are radically transformed by the same thing - an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098784 Set in war-torn Congo and Liberia, Living In Emergency enormous lottery jackpot. With prize money reaching into the interweaves the stories of four volunteers with Doctors hundreds of millions, some lives are changed for the better, Without Borders as they struggle to provide emergency some for the worse. And together, their stories show us what Moscow And The Golden Ring medical care under the most extreme conditions. Two happens when the fantasy turns real. Do we become what we Suzdal - it could be a city from a Russian fairy tale. In the volunteers are new recruits: a 26 year-old Australian doctor dreamed we would or what, deep down, we really are? Middle Ages it was one of the most important cities far and stranded in a remote bush clinic and an American surgeon Documentary 2010 FF S 82min. wide, larger than Paris or London - now it has been relegated struggling to cope under the load of emergency cases in a Docurama 26.04.2011 to depths of a Russian backwater. Yet it is a typical Russian shattered capital city. Two others are experienced field city with a Kremlin, churches, palaces and fortified cloisters, hands: a dynamic Head of Mission, valiantly trying to keep 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098720 which defended the Orthodox faith at first against the Islamic morale high and tensions under control, and an exhausted Mongols, later against the Catholic Swedes. It is one of the veteran, who has seen too much horror and wants out. Amidst Macbeth places in the environs of Moscow which surrounds the 600- the chaos, each volunteer must confront the severe year-old Russian capital like a golden ring. It was in these challenges of the work, the tough Opera, Performing Arts 156min. cities, cloisters and churches of the „Golden Ring“ that the Documentary, Health min. Naxos 26.04.2011 heart of Russia used to beat - until the October Revolution. First Run Features 21.06.2011 Now, after over 70 years, the bells can be heard chiming 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099030 regularly once again, and the remaining cloisters and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098951 churches radiate their former splendor. Kazimir Malevich Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 60min. Living Is Winning Documentary, Photography/Art 54min. Kultur 28.06.2011 In the calm, cold water of Mirror Lake, the starting gun for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099423 Ironman Lake Placid is ready to fire. Andrew „Drew“ Johnston Naxos 26.04.2011 floats, waiting to battle competitors from all over the world as 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099037 they swim over, under, and around each other on a quest to John Muir In The New World qualify for the Ford Ironman World Championship. But for Man V. Food: Season Three The life and the career of John Muir come to life through this Drew, a different struggle weighs heavily on his mind and in inspiring and beautiful documentary set against the his heart. In 2004, a recurring leg injury forced his Adam Richman magnificent landscapes of the American West. The Scottish- withdrawal with 10 miles left in this race, something he never Passionate foodie Adam Richman is on a hunger quest to find born naturalist was one of the first nature preservationists in imagined possible. This injury led to a frightening diagnosis of the most mouth-watering pig-out joints in the United States. American history, inspiring others through his writing and his Leukemia (CML). One year later, after oral chemo Gleevac Join Adam as he hits some of America’s most hard core food advocacy to keep the wilderness wild. During his lifetime, the put his disease in remission, Drew began competing at an locales, including Oklahoma City, Cleveland, Indianapolis, impact of his powerful voice could be seen in the preservation elite level again, and winning. But he had unfinished Kansas City and even Puerto Rico, where he’ll meet some of the Yosemite and the sequoia groves of California, and the business, and his emotional return to Lake Placid serves as real heat! Let Man V. Food be your guide to the best chow glacial landscapes of Alaska. His vision survived long after the backbone of this film. Throughout the grueling 2.4 mile Amercian has to offer. his death through the work of the Sierra Club, an organization swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run, Drew retells his min. he founded. Shot in high definition in the spectacular inspirational life story. From his introduction to cycling and landscapes that shaped Muir - and were, in turn, shaped by early struggles with triathlon to his diagnosis and successful Gaiam Americas 14.06.2011 his devotion. A diversity of images run through the program: comeback at the famous Ford Ironman World Championship in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098998 the Wisconsin woods of his childhood, his incredible journey Kailua-Kona, Drew’s story is one of strength, on foot through the American South, the Yosemite Valley, the Sports, Documentary 2011 105min. California fruit ranch where he lived with his wife and Passion River 14.06.2011 Brad Meltzer’s Decoded: Season daughters, the Alaskan wilderness that so attracted him, and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099023 1 the National Parks that he was so instrumental in creating. What if everything you learned in history books were only Biography, Documentary 85min. half true? Best-selling author and history buff Brad Meltzer Kultur 28.06.2011 Lock ‘N’ Load With R. Lee Ermey: has studied and written about some of the most revered 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099400 The Complete Season 1 institutions and documents in human history including the Supreme Court, the presidency, the Secret Service, Wall R. Lee Ermey Street, and the bible. Along the way he’s uncovered countless Mindy Mylrea: Best Of Boot Camp Get hands-on with some of the world’s fiercest firearms as clues, stories and theories he hasn’t been able to fully When was the last time you called your working out intense, Lock N’ Load With R. Lee Ermey takes viewers on a scrutinize - until now. In Brad Meltzer’s Decoded: Season crazy creative, and off the charts! Best Of Boot Camp delivers fascinating ride through the pathology of a featured weapon: One , Meltzer separates fact from fiction as he investigates all this and so much more. Using the toys found around even where it came from, who thought of it, who improved it, its the hidden history and coded truths behind everything from the the cheapest of gyms you’ll learn crazy kick butt victories, its defeats, its impact on history and where it is Statue of Liberty to the dollar bill to the assassination of choreography, experience and interval workout that is an now. In each episode of this History series, Gunnery Ser- President Lincoln. Mysteries explored in this captivating explosion for the sweat glands, learn partner and team geant, drill instructor, Vietnam veteran, actor and former Mail History series include: the real story behind the White House exercises to put a smile on anyone’s face, and have at your Call host R. Lee Ermey will look at the inner workings of a cornerstone, which has been missing for two centuries; the fingertips more drills, kills and games then you could possibly weapon that made battlefield history, from machine guns and location of the lost Confederate treasury; the hidden imagine using simple tools like gliding discs, med balls, tanks, to pistols and rockets. Special high-speed photography messages of the Statue of Liberty; and whether Lady Liberty is ladders, cones and body weight. Teachers - learn everything and advanced 3D graphics detail the improvements, changes anti-religion. Brad Meltzer’s Decoded: Season One. The you need to create and execute an amazing Boot Camp class in technology and thinking behind each weapon, providing a White House / Secret Presidential Codes / Statue Of Liberty / and get ready to enlist and spring into action. deep understanding of how the weapon has developed The Lincoln Assassination Secret Societies / Apocalypse I Fitness, Health 65min. throughout history, from its humble, often cumbersome and American Civil War, History Channel, Bayview Entertainment 31.05.2011 even awkward beginnings, to its sheer power and precision Presidents 2010 470min. today. It’s an enthralling tour through the origins, evolution, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098698 and innovations of weapons, as Ermey delivers the story with, A&E 24.05.2011 literally, one finger on the trigger. Artillery / Machine Guns / 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098779 Tanks / Pistols Helicopters / Armored Vehicles / Sh Mindy Mylrea: Glutes, Guns & History Channel, Military 611min. Jillian Michaels: Ripped In 30 Guts A&E 23.02.2010 Buns, Legs, Core and more - these are the areas you want to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099076 Fitness, Health 96min. work and work you will in this creative chiseling challenge. Gaiam Americas 01.03.2011 You will excite your sculpting senses with flow combos that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099235 start out lower body focused and somehow - if by Mindy magic Louvre City - transform into core crazy and then upper body Oh wow. You

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 73 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA will learn combos that flip flop back and forth and back again on his own memories, McDowell creates a deeply felt and and corresponding future scenarios will be uncovered, as the between buns, legs, core, upper body and a whole lot more. multifaceted portrait of the man who was his director on If . . ., connection between the prophecy in question and prophecies Activate one zone of the body while channeling through the O Lucky Man! and Britannia Hospital. O lucky us to share the from other cultures are explored. What’s behind these other zones. experience. mysteriously similar end-of-day scenarios? Find out in the Fitness, Health 108min. Performing Arts 2007 111min. Nostradamus Effect, containing all 12 episodes on three Bayview Entertainment 31.05.2011 Warner Bros. 31.05.2011 DVDs. The Third Antichrist? / Da Vinci’s Armageddon / 201 War, World War II, History Channel, Religi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098697 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099418 on/Spirituality 564min. A&E 30.03.2010 MysteryQuest: The Complete A Newsreel History Of The Third 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099299 Season 1 Reich: Volumes 11 - 15 History is filled with stories of the unexplained, from War, World War II, Boxed Sets, Orgasm Inc. vanishings in the Bermuda Triangle to the lost city of Atlantis. While they have spawned endless speculation, these Documentary 428min. Documentary min. mysteries seldom come with clear answers. But can advances Artsmagic DVD 22.03.2011 First Run Features 21.06.2011 in science and technology bring new evidence to light? Each 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099306 episode of MysteryQuest features a journey to find clues 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098949 about one of mankind’s most enduring mysteries. Through expeditions around the world, experts combine their A Newsreel History Of The Third Over Kansas City knowledge of science and technology to look at each mystery in innovative ways. On-site investigation, high-tech gadgetry, Reich: Volumes 6 - 10 A spectacular aerial tour you won’t forget!. Take off on a video and audio analysis unite with modern-day forensics in War, World War II, Boxed Sets, thrilling journey in Over Kansas City! Get amazing views of an attempt to bring us one step closer to the truth behind downtown against a setting sun, float above the Kansas and history’s biggest questions. MysteryQuest: The Complete Documentary min. Missouri rivers and peer down between skyscrapers before Season One. Alien Cover Up / The Rise of the Fourth Reich / Artsmagic DVD 29.06.2010 sweeping out of the city. Fly beyond the city limits and take in Devil’s Island Jack the Ripper / Stonehenge / Return of the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099307 the beauty of lush meadows, gentle rolling hills and farmland Amityville Horror in this film previously enjoyed on public television. Documentary, History Channel 470min. Documentary, PBS min. A&E 30.03.2010 NHL Stanley Cup Champions 2011 Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 Own the most watched NHL event of the year. Complete with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099219 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099293 highlights from the regular season, playoffs and the final series. Watch as your team fights for, and eventually hoist the Naturally Indiana Cup! The 2011 release will contain full coverage of the Sarah Palin’s Alaska winning season, including exclusive interviews, key insights Whether your heart lies in the rolling hills and dark forests of and behind the scenes action. After a regular season filled Sarah Palin the south or the waving prairie grasses of the north, it’s easy with injuries, fatigue, and playoff positioning and a post- Politics, Reality 2010 min. to see that Indiana is blessed with natural beauty. Go on a season chock-full of drama, there can only be one team left Gaiam Americas 05.04.2011 spectacular tour of the Hoosier State in Naturally Indiana, standing! You can see the heroism on full display during the which previously aired on public television. Tour the state’s NHL playoffs and celebrate the champion’s season. The DVD 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099404 four ecoregions and meet some of Indiana’s most interesting features highlights, exclusive interviews and behind-the- people. scenes action. Pennsylvania’s Greatest Sports Wilderness, Documentary, PBS min. Sports, Hockey, NHL 2011 min. Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 Warner Bros. 19.07.2011 Heroes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099216 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098957 Mike Ditka, Joe Namath, Mario Lemieux, Bill Mazeroski Nature: Broken Tail - A Tiger’s You may recognize a few of the names featured in NHL Stanley Cup Champions 2011 Pennsylvania’s Greatest Sports Heroes: Bill Mazeroski, Joe Last Journey (Blu-ray) Montana, Joe Namath, Arnold Palmer. They are some of America’s most famous sports stars, and every single one of Documentary, PBS 2010 min. Own the most watched NHL event of the year. Complete with them - plus many, many more - came through Western PBS Home Video 12.04.2011 highlights from the regular season, playoffs and the final Pennsylvania! What is it about this area that produces so 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099343 series. Watch as your team fights for, and eventually hoist the many amazing athletes? Superstars like football’s Mike Ditka Cup! The 2011 release will contain full coverage of the and boxing’s Billy Conn. Find out in ’s Greatest winning season, including exclusive interviews, key insights Sports Heroes and Greatest Moments In Western Nature: Broken Tail - A Tiger’s and behind the scenes action. After a regular season filled Pennsylvania Sports History. with injuries, fatigue, and playoff positioning and a post- Sports, Baseball, Boxing, Documentary, Last Journey (Blu-ray) season chock-full of drama, there can only be one team left Football, Golf, Hockey, Major League Base- Documentary, PBS 2010 min. standing! You can see the heroism on full display during the NHL playoffs and celebrate the champion’s season. The Blu- ball, NFL, NHL, PBS min. PBS Home Video 12.04.2011 ray features highlights, exclusive interviews and behind-the- Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099344 scenes action. Sports, Hockey, NHL 2011 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099213 Warner Bros. 19.07.2011 Nenette Perpetual Peace Born in the jungles of Borneo, Nenette is a 40-year-old 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099159 orangutan and the oldest (and most beloved) inhabitant at the For many politicians and policy experts, ‘peace’ is a poorly Managerie du Jardin des Plantes Zoo in Paris. The latest film A Nightmare In Las Cruces defined word that has many meanings in different contexts. by legendary French documentarian Nicolas Philibert (To Be With this in mind, the Perpetual Peace Project - And To Have), Nenette is a captivating study of an enigmatic This powerful film is based on actual events involving two - brings various disciplines and animal and our relationship to her. The zoological department killers who walked into a Las Cruces bowling alley and communities together to explore 21st century international of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris was changed the lives of seven people and their families forever. priorities and prospects for reducing geopolitical conflict. about 25 years was closed to the public when it was in 1992 Forced to the floor at gunpoint, the victims were shot multiple Organized around Immanuel Kant’s foundational essay with a great restoration began. Thousands of stuffed animals times, execution style. Left for dead in a burning building, one Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (1795), the project had to be dusted off and restored. Meanwhile insights into the heroic girl was able to call for help. Twenty years later, the finds it’s public form in a series of initiatives including re- method of presentation has changed significantly: curators people of Las Cruces still seek justice with only two publications of Kant’s treatise, a symposium at the United asked not wish to classic lions that are frozen in a bloody survivors remaining and the killers still on the loose Nations, an installation at the New Museum, a feature film, attack on the curious public. Philibert paints a dreamy picture Documentary, Drama, Murder Mysteries workshops, and this DVD video release, featuring an array of of a visitor who wander around in a bizarre world where philosophers statesmen in conversation about peace. min. Historically, Kant’s text took the form of an international treaty everything from prehistory to the present exist side by side. Lionsgate 31.05.2011 Documentary, Foreign, French 2010 that outline the conditions of permanent peace, inspiring 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098824 contemporary democratic peace theory and anticipating the 130min. establishment of multilateral and supranational institutions Kino Video 24.05.2011 such as the original League Of Nations, as well as today’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099431 Nostradamus Effect: The Unite Nations and European Union - who are partners in this Complete Season 1 Documentary, Politics 2011 54min. Microcinema DVD 26.04.2011 Never Apologize How will the end begin?. For thousands of years, cultures across the globe have generated dark prophecies warning of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098699 Malcolm McDowell doomsday scenarios that will bring the world to a cataclysmic One legendary talent pays tribute to another in this special end. History reveals the most chilling of these prophecies in evening of revelation and celebration about one of the most an attempt to find correlations between today’s unfolding Picasso And Braque Go To The significant forces of the latter half of 20th-century British events and the predictions that may have foreshadowed them. Movies filmmaking: Lindsay Anderson. Actor Malcolm McDowell A broad range of experts deconstruct the prophecies of weaves tales of Alan Bates, Bette Davis, Princess Diana, Nostradamus, as well as those contained in the Bible, within Julian Schnabel, Chuck Close John Ford, John Gielgud, Lillian Gish and Laurence Olivier mythology, in hieroglyphs and across other ancient texts, Produced by Martin Scorsese and Robert Greenhut and into Never Apologize, the entertaining one-man stage show identifying remarkable correlations between today’s unfolding directed by Arne Glimcher, Picasso And Braque Go To The about Anderson that McDowell premiered in Edinburgh and events and prophesies of the past. Scientific evidence Movies is a cinematic tour through the effects of the London. Drawing, too, on writings by and about Anderson and supporting the possible association between these prophecies technological revolution, specifically the invention of aviation,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 74 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the creation of cinema and their interdependent influence on time“ lists, incorporating nine of the most compelling Prime 9 when the moon is full. In their investigation, they uncover artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. With narration by episodes ever created - from long-ball legends to Heroes of intriguing paranormal transformations, diseases that make men Scorsese and interviews with art scholars and artists the Fall Classic - from history-making seasons to jaw- look and act like animals, strange but true stories of children including Chuck Close, Julian Schnabel and Eric Fischl, the dropping, game-changing catches. Prime 9: MLB Heroics is raised by wolves and, eventually, the dark side of human film looks at the collision between film and art at the turn of primed and ready! 2. Unbreakable Feats 3. Hitting seasons 4. nature in the horrific truth behind the Gevaudan werewolf the 20th Century and helps us to realize cinema’s continuing Pitching Season 5. All-Star Moments 6. Best World Series 7. attacks. influence on the art of our time. Comebacks 8. Plays at the Plate 9. Regular Season Catch Documentary, History Channel, Killer Documentary 62min. Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball Animals 94min. New Video DVD 24.05.2011 198min. A&E 09.02.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098785 A&E 24.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099068 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098786 Pilates Pregnancy Workouts With Red Sox: A Decade Of Champi- Eva Bondar Pure Barre: Pershing Square 1 - ons (Blu-ray) Get ready for baby with Eva Bodnar’s Pilates Pregnancy Ballet, Dance, Pilates Fusion Sports, Documentary, Major League Base- Workout, a series of five 10-minute workouts to prepare and Lift your seat, tone your thighs and arms, flatten your abs, and strengthen the body for the demands of pregnancy, delivery, burn fat in record-breaking time with the Pure Barre ball, Baseball min. and baby’s care. The DVD’s workout sections contain: Whole Technique DVD series! The Pure Barre Pershing Square A&E 19.07.2011 Body Stretching Warm-up; Core Strengthening Back Workout; Volume 1 DVD is for the beginner to intermediate Pure Barre 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099318 Upper Body Toning Workout; Lower Body Strengthening enthusiast who wants the most effective workout possible. Workout; and the all-important Kegel Workout. The DVD is This 45-minute full body workout will not waste your time as beautifully filmed in the relaxing beach scenery of stunning Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change your Relax & Restore Maui, Hawaii. Eva Bodnar is a certified fitness instructor, body, producing results in just 10 sessions. Pure Barre professionally trained dancer, founder of Maui Pilates, and Relax & Restore. Learn natural ways to slow your mind and creator Carrie Rezabek leads you through a system of refresh your senses with our colelction of stress management mother of two. Her work is featured in the Maui Pilates DVD exercises targeted at the parts of the body that need it most. series as well as in national and regional publications practices. Whether through yoga, t’ai chi, or meditation, You begin with a warm-up to help melt away fat and shape the Gaiam brings you a variety of ways to relax and renew! 24 including Pilates Style magazine, Herbs & Health, and Weight upper body. Carrie then guides you through specific isometric Watchers magazine. Minutes. A guided relaxation and meditation sequence certain movements that target your legs, seat, hips, and abs. Each to calm the mind and slow down your world 30 Minutes. Fitness, Health 55min. strength section of the workout is followed by a stretch Strengthen and tone the muscles, while achieving balance and BayView Entertainment 07.06.2011 section, which will help you achieve the slim look of a dancer. harmony of mind, body and spirit for a more stress-free 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099355 All you have to do is use this DVD two or three times per existence. 23 Minutes. Learn how to shift gears and release week and you will be amazed at your narrower, leaner new tension and stress, feeling more calm and centered. physique. Fitness, Health, Meditation/Relaxation Fitness, Health 45min. The Planets (Repackage) 77min. BayView Entertainment 07.06.2011 Prepare for a breathtaking journey to the far frontiers of Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 scientific knowledge about our cosmic neighborhood. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099353 Produced by A&E in association with the BBC, The Planets 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098995 invites you to join this definitive grand tour through the unearthly wonders of our solar system. In a spectacular, Pure Barre: Pershing Square 2 - comprehensive presentation, The Planets draws on The Royal Jewels consultations with over a thousand leading astronomers, Ballet, Dance, Pilates Fusion The personal jewels belonging to HM Queen Elizabeth far engineers, scientists and astronauts. Featuring seldom-seen Lift your seat, tone your thighs and arms, flatten your abs, and outshine any other personal jewelry collection in the modern NASA archival footage, awe-inspiring imagery from burn fat in record-breaking time with the Pure Barre world. At auction, the royal jewels could fetch an estimated instruments like the Hubble space telescope and stunning Technique DVD series! The Pure Barre Pershing Square $600 million. This fascinating documentary traces the history computer graphics and special effects, this unprecedented Volume 2 DVD is for the advanced Pure Barre enthusiast who of the Queen’s personal jewelry collection set against the series explores both the alien beauty of our local space wants the most effective workout possible. This 45-minute full backgrounds of hundreds of years of English royal heritage. It environment and the extraordinary technology that enables us body workout will not waste your time as Pure Barre is the reveals a sensuous and profligate side to the sober Queen to unlock its secrets. Tracing our exploration of the heavens fastest, most effective way to change your body, producing Victoria. Both she and her daughter-in-law, Queen Alexandra, from its earliest days to the present, The Planets reveals a results in just 10 sessions. Pure Barre creator Carrie received the finest gems from Indian Maharajahs - the tribute story of personal achievement and technological triumph. It’s Rezabek leads you through a system of exercises targeted at to Empire. Queen Mary’s passion for jewelry was a story seen through the eyes of dozens of leading authorities the parts of the body that need it most. You begin with a warm- unsurpassed; she expressed herself through her mania for on the leading edge of planetary exploration — and on both up to help melt away fat and shape the upper body. Carrie then collecting. How did she wrest the Cambridge Emeralds from sides of the high-stakes Cold War race into space. From our guides you through specific isometric movements that target her dead brother’s mistress? Did she acquire the jewels first glimpse of t your legs, seat, hips, and abs. Each strength section of the belonging to her exiled Russian relatives at a fair price? Boxed Sets, Documentary, Science 1999 workout is followed by a stretch section, which will help you What jewels did the Duchess of Windsor get away with? Did achieve the slim look of a dancer. All you have to do is use Princess Diana and Fergie get a fair share? How does the 400min. this DVD two or three times per week and you will be amazed Queen use her jewels? These are just some of the questions A&E 24.05.2011 at your narrower, leaner new physique. The Royal Jewels sets out to answer. This unique program 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098801 Fitness, Health 45min. focuses on glittering crowns and sparkling gems. Using some BayView Entertainment 07.06.2011 thorough Documentary, Royalty 50min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099354 Prehistoric Kultur 28.06.2011 This graphic-intensive mega-series takes you on a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099399 backwards timeline to see what stood, lived, fought and died Reagan in your backyard millions of years ago! Discovery Channel, Prehistoric Times, Ronald Reagan Science Of War Collection History presents a brand-new special that reveals the Science 258min. President Reagan that few of us knew. Americans know How does the U.S. Military outfit its soldiers? What does it Gaiam Americas 07.06.2011 President Ronald Reagan’s politics, his policies, and his take to equip the most advanced fighting force on the planet? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099002 oratorical prowess. But as we approach what would have Who is responsible for making sure the American soldier has been his 100th birthday in February 2011, the totality of the the most technologically advanced equipment available? The legacy of America’s 40th president is still eclipsed by the Soldiers System Center (SSC) is Natick Massachusetts, Prevention: 400 Calorie Fix myth. While some say he’s a hero, and others call him an that’s who! Science Of War. empty suit, one thing is for certain - President Ronald Reagan Technology, Science 129min. Workout made history. But what made him? Using rare archival footage Gaiam Americas 10.05.2011 Designed by Prevention Magazine and the creators of the and personal interviews with those who knew him best, popular weight loss book 400 Calorie Fix, this companion Reagan goes beyond the myth to reveal the epic story of an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099027 workout help you achieve your weight loss goals even faster. unforgettable man who, against all odds, rose to the pinnacle Whether you’re following the book or just want a slimmer, of power. Shape: 400-Calorie Fat Blast stronger body, these two workouts will melt the fat away fast. Documentary, History Channel, Presidents Fitness, Health 45min. The Workouts: Fast Burning Cardio Intervals and the Burn 94min. And Firm Strengthening Circuit. Combine the two routines for Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 A&E 24.05.2011 a 50-minute workout that burns 400 calories. That’s the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099062 equivalent of one full meal on the plan! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098787 Fitness, Health 52min. Gaiam Americas The Real Wolfman Shape: Power Burn Express tba BestellNr.: 40099238 With power burn express users will be able to choose from 6 In the mid 1700s, a mysterious beast viciously attacked and different segments to customize their workout every time thy killed 102 villagers in the French village of Gevaudan. The exercise. Prime 9: MLB Heroics victims, mostly women and children, were mauled and decapitated, their naked bodies all bearing the bite marks of a Fitness, Health min. Major League Baseball Productions and the MLB Network non-human creature. The killings mark the largest number of Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 celebrate the eternal - what are the greatest moments in MLB alleged werewolf attacks in history and are the basis of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099061 history - debate with the acclaimed original series, Prime 9. Hollywood „Wolfman“ legend. Venture deep into the mythology Now we’re bringing the action home to fans ready to and folklore of werewolves with renowned cryptozoologist investigate, agitate, and celebrate the best of baseball across Ken Gerhardt and veteran criminal profiler George Deuchar Shape: The Mari Winsor Pilates generations with Prime 9: MLB Heroics! Prime 9: MLB as they investigate this reviled creature that brutally kills Heroics fires up the spirited conversation on who tops the „all

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For Pink Slimdown Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.04.2011 deliver some of the most spectacular footage ever recorded in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099390 . Fitness, Health, Pilates min. War, World War II, Documentary min. Gaiam Americas 03.05.2011 Topics Entertainment 31.05.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099063 Georges St. Pierre Rushfit: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099211 Strength & Endurance Workout Charlie Sheen: Born To Be Wild - Georges St. Pierre Submarine: Hidden Hunters Unauthorized Documentary A high-intensity, five round, full body conditioning circuit to The ships of Virginia Class are the most advanced attack build muscle, cut weight & get in shape. Georges „Rush“ St. submarines in history. In Submarine: Hidden Hunters we meet Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Pierre aka GSP, is a professional martial artist who holds the ship herself, and glimpse what a technological marvel she Documentary min. black belts in both Kyokushin and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is! Viewers will travel to the shipyard and see how these Music Video Distribution and is a well-known UFC Fighter. GSP uses Rushfit to train amazing machines are built and unravel the mysteries of these for the most challenging profession in sports - Mixed Martial hidden hunters. The submarine is more than a machine, and tba BestellNr.: 40098710 Arts Fighting. You can use it to change your life. This MMA the crew is the true heart of this amazing vessel. style conditioning program gives you first hand access to the secret training approach of a champion - intensity! Discovery Channel, Science 172min. The Siege Of Leningrad Fitness, Mixed Martial Arts 2010 54min. Gaiam Americas 21.06.2011 The Siege of Leningrad is one of the Second World War’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099007 most harrowing tragedies. Although brilliantly defended by Starz / Anchor Bay 08.03.2011 Soviet forces, the 890-day siege of the Soviet Union’s second 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099120 largest city epitomizes the misery, suffering, and savagery of Sunrise Earth: Greatest Hits the war on the Eastern Front. This episode is from the The Story Of Queen Elizabeth II Sunrise. Nature’s alarm clock for the land, the sea, and the landmark television series Battlefield. myriad of creatures who call our planet home. Accompany us World War II, Documentary 2011 FF S Mention the Queen and the world knows that you are referring on a tranquil, high-definition journey into the landscape itself 96min. to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. She is the head of the as we enjoy the sights and the ambient sounds associated most famous family in the world and has celebrated more than with the first light of a new day dawning. Experience the best Allegro Entertainment 10.05.2011 55 years as British monarch. Royal Correspondent Jennie sunrises across the eastern and western United States 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098946 Bond, a reporter who over the years has been given including Cadillac Mountain and the northern lakes of New unprecedented access behind palace walls, tells the England to the Everglades and the Gulf of Mexico in the east, incredible story of Elizabeth Windsor, the longest reigning and the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains and the beaches of Sister Wives monarch since Queen Victoria. As the eldest daughter of the California in the west. Duke of York, later George VI, her life has been carefully Reality, Religion/Spirituality 2010 min. documented on film from her earliest years. Her quiet Atmosphere DVDs, Discovery Channel, Gaiam Americas 05.04.2011 childhood as part of a close-knit family was interrupted Documentary 240min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099405 forever by the dramatic abdication of Edward VIII in 1936 Gaiam Americas 21.06.2011 which put her father, reluctantly on the throne. From that moment Elizabeth herself began her training to be queen. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099001 A Small Act Using extraordinary archive footage, including very rare color material stretching back to the 1930s, all the most Swamp People: Season 1 Documentary, Foreign, Kenyan 2010 88min. dramatic events in Elizabeth’s life are here, including her Docurama 24.05.2011 marriage to the handsome but penniless Prince Philip of Season one of Swamp People takes you on a journey to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098778 Greece, the birth of her son and heir Charles, her glorious bayous and swamplands of America’s southern heartland to Coronation, as wel witness a group of people that live on the fringes of society. Documentary, Royalty 108min. They are the swamp people, and their distinct culture has its Spain... On The Road Again roots in the early days of America’s expansion westward. The Kultur 28.06.2011 descendants of moonshiners, immigrant railroad workers and (Repackage) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099398 early settlers, the swamp people have inherited a legacy of self-reliance and anti-establishment values that make them Gwyneth Paltrow, Claudia Bassols, Mario true American originals, hidden from the view of the Batali, Mark Bittman The Story Of The 2010-11 Connec- mainstream. History follows these swampers through a time of Experience the road trip of a lifetime right along with Academy year that is crucial to their survival: alligator hunting season. Award winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow, celebrity chef ticut Huskies: 2011 National At its core, this is a uniquely American story of a proud and Mario Batali, Mark Bittman of The New York Times, and Championship skillful people fighting to maintain an ancient way of life in a Spanish film and TV actress Claudia Bassols for an rapidly modernizing world, despite the many perils and trials unscripted, anything goes, culinary and cultural tour through Join the 2010-11 UConn Huskies on their journey through a that stand in their way. Big Head Bites It / Houdini’s Last Spain. From the seaside cliffs of Mallorca to the bustling spectacular season as Kemba Walker leads the team to the Escape / Troy’s Gamble / Cannibal Gator Forces of Nature / tapas bars and majestic museums of Barcelona, this is the Maui Invitational championship, through the tough Big East Family Feuds / Swamp Wars / Gator Voodoo Final Countdown ultimate road trip across Spain...from learning how Cava is regular season, the 5 wins in 5 days to win the Big East / The Last Battle made in Catalunya to meeting the famed pigs of Salamanca, Tournament Championship and the run through the NCAA Reality, Swamp min. they steadily reveal the undiscovered delights of a country Tournament. This exclusive look at the Huskies championship brimming with gastronomic and esthetic treasures. season features behind-the-scenes video of coaches and A&E 31.05.2011 players alongside exclusive interviews with UConn players 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098807 Documentary, Educational, Road Trips and Hall of Fame Head Coach Jim Calhoun. 690min. Sports, Basketball, NCAA min. A&E 25.01.2011 Team Marketing 17.05.2011 Through The Wormhole With 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098686 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099348 Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman Spectacular Arkansas Strip To It: Step By Step Exotic Hosted by Morgan Freeman,Through The Wormhole will Explore the Natural State like never before. Spectacular explore the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions Arkansas takes you on a beautiful journey featuring Striptease Dancing that have puzzled mankind for eternity (Who-or-what-am I? breathtaking scenery and inspirational music in three separa- Drive your man wild with five new sizzling hot exotic dance Are we alone? How did this begin? What happened before te programs with absolutely no distracting narration. See it routines! Strip To It - Step by Step teaches you five complete that?). This series will bring together the brightest minds and all, from delicate wildflowers and craggy cliffs to hidden dress-up exotic dance routines, in a quick and easy to learn best ideas from the very edges of science to reveal the limestone caverns and colorful fall foliage! manner. Developed and taught by a professional extraordinary truth of our Universe. Wilderness, Atmosphere DVDs, choreographer and entertainer, each routine is broken down Documentary, Science 2010 373min. into simple 8 count sections. Repetition of each section, and Gaiam Americas 08.03.2011 Documentary, PBS min. gradual combination of sections, make learning the routines Topics Entertainment 05.04.2011 simple. This sexy new DVD is packed full of exciting dance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099242 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099214 moves and in no time at all, you’ll be ready to put on a sexy and fun show! The DVD contains five full step-by-step Tikki Tikki Tembo...And More instructional portions along with segments containing those Square Grouper: The Godfathers same complete routines set to music. A warm-up and stretch Stories To Celebrate Asian segment is also included. The DVD contains bonus DVD- Of Ganja ROM content (accessible via your computer’s DVD drive) Heritage In 1979, the U.S. Customs Service reported that 87% of all that contains MP3 versions of the theme music, additional This Chinese folktale explains why great long names are no marijuana seizures in the U.S. were made in the South Florida instruction, and special offers. longer chosen for their children. A touching story about area. Due to the region’s 5,000 miles of coast and coastal Fitness, Instructional Dance 75min. Grandfather’s travels from Japan to the United States and waterways and close proximity to the Caribbean and Latin back again. Tasaku is a lowly stonecutter who longs for more America, South Florida was a pot smuggler’s paradise. In Bayview Entertainment 14.06.2011 power in this Japanese folk tale. This Asian version of the sharp contrast to the brazenly violent cocaine cowboys of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099358 classic fairytale brings lessons about strangers, trust, and 1980’s, Miami’s marijuana smugglers were cooler, calmer, and courage. On Chinese New Year Sam meets a stranger who for the most part, nonviolent. Square Grouper paints a vivid helps him make the perfect decision on how to spend his lucky portrait of Miami’s pot smuggling culture in the ’70s and ’80s Submarine Spitfire money. and its major players: the smuggling Black Tuna Gang, the pot The Supermarine Spitfire was one of the most effective fighter Chinese, Japanese 2005 FF 66min. dealing Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and the tiny fishing planes of its time becoming part of British folklore when it village Everglades City. played a major role in saving England in the Battle of Britain. A&E 26.04.2011 Documentary 101min. But a plane is nothing without its pilot. Relive what it was like 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098722 to fly one of these famous planes as in-cockpit cameras

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) April 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

TNA- 2011 animation, heart-stopping cinematography and submersible he has succeeded: Renowned contemporary artist David expedition footage shed new light on hard science, dramatic Hockney. Waiting For Hockney narrates the offbeat and , Madison Rayne, Ric Flair, historical stories and riveting first-person accounts. Killer poignant story of Billy and the eccentric people who believe Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Mr. Shockwaves / Predators of the Deep / Tides and Currents Of in him as they conspire in the service of one grand concept. Anderson Death / Fatal Pressure History Special Underwater Universe Through Billy’s experiences with his art and with Hockney Documentary, High Seas 188min. himself, the film explores the fine line between dreams and On Sunday, April 17, 2011, TNA Wrestling presents delusions, and between perseverance and obsession. A lively Lockdown, live on Pay Per View from Cincinnati, Ohio. The A&E 28.06.2011 tribute to art, to dreams, and to life, Julie Checkoway’s event features a triple threat steel cage match for the World 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098856 Waiting For Hockney illuminates both the perils and payoffs Heavyweight title, featuring vs. Mr Anderson, vs. Rob of one man single-mindedly pursuing his dream to its ultimate Van Dam. Also on the card is an epic battle between Jeff conclusion. Jarrett and Kurt Angle - in a cage! The Knockout title is also The Universe Of Keith Haring on the line when Madison Rayne faces Mickie James in a Documentary 2008 FF S 78min. steel cage match where the loser gets her head shaved! Keith Haring Docurama 22.02.2011 The creator of some of the most popular and enduring images Sports 2011 180min. of late 20th Century art, Keith Haring was also an iconic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098688 Navarre 21.06.2011 figure of the downtown New York scene in the ’80s. Christina 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099094 Clausen’s documentary offers an affectionate and deeply War Classics: Crusade in the personal glimpse into Haring’s life, from his early years growing up in a small, conservative Pennsylvania town to his Pacific Transcendent Man heyday as a world-renowned artist, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Madonna, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy War- Documentary min. Documentary 2009 83min. hol. The Universe Of Keith Haring includes audio excerpts Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Docurama 24.05.2011 from original interviews with Keith Haring conducted by his 01.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098793 biographer John Gruen (Keith Haring: the Authorized Biography, Simon and Schuster, 1991). This film features 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099403 interviews with Fred Brathwaite (A.K.A. Fab 5 Freddy), UFC 128: Shogun vs. Jones Jeffrey Deitch, Julia Gruen, Kim Hastreiter, Bill T. Jones, World’s Grossest Video Due to „Suga“ Rashad Evan’s knee-injury, the main event of David LaChapelle, Hans Mayer, Samantha McEwen, Carlo McCormick, Roger Nellens, Yoko Ono, Kermit Oswald, Kenny Not for the squeamish!!! Join Tony Virtue as he shows you UFC 128 will feature UFC light heavyweight champion why he is the „King Of Gross“. This DVD is destined to be an Mauricio „Shogun“ Rua against Jon „Bones“ Jones following Scharf, Bruno Schmidt, Tony Shafrazi, Drew Staub, Junior Vasquez, Gil Vasquez and Joan, Allen, Kay, Karen and all-time classic in the „Reality“ genre!!! Contains the most Jones’ wim over during UFC 126. Said to be the disturbing footage ever „Caught On Tape“!!! biggest, most relevant fight in the Light Heavyweight Division! Kristen Haring. Also, bantamweight superstar makes his UFC Biography, Documentary, Photography/Art Shockumentary 75min. debut against knockout artist Eddie Wineland. The Ultimate 90min. Brain Damage Films 07.06.2011 Fighter. New Video DVD 12.01.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098683 UFC 2011 300min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099057 Starz / Anchor Bay 07.06.2011 Wubbzy’s Egg-Cellent Easter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098878 The Universe: Colonizing Space Nobody celebrates the Easter season quite like Wubbzy and his friends! In these 6 egg-ceptional episodes, Wubbzy UFC 129: St-Pierre vs. Shields With cutting-edge computer-generated imagery that brings discovers new ways to decorate eggs for the Easter Egg distant planets and faraway stars up close, History takes Hunt, celebrates the first day of spring with his kickity-kcik UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre has not lost a viewers on a fascinating journey to explore potential life on ball and has to save the holiday when Easter is cancelled! round, let alone a fight, in over three years, making him one of other planets and reveal how humans could live in outer There are plenty of fun and important lessons in this the most dominant champions in history. Submission specialist space. Travel with a visionary new science on a search for collection of egg-citing Easter episodes from the town of Jake Shields steps up to challenge GSP, and he believes he life in space. Combining the disciplines of astronomy, biology, Wuzzleburg! has the style to end his reign. and geology, a diverse group of scientists join forces to define 2011 71min. UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts 2011 life on Earth, and explore what kinds of life may exist on other Starz / Anchor Bay 01.03.2011 300min. planets. Can we? Will we? Should we? Experts explain the latest developments in the ultimate space mission - to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099115 Starz / Anchor Bay 28.06.2011 establish a space colony on Mars - including how they plan to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098966 grow food in space, recycle wastewater from sweat and urine, and introduce greenhouse gases to revive the red WWE: Bragging Rights 2010 planet and make it more habitable for humans. When mankind Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2010 UFC: Best Of 2010 eventually leaves the of Earth and ventures into the 180min. , Rashad Evens, Lyoto uncharted territories of the cosmos, where, and what form, will our new homes take? How will we grow food and what WWE Home Video 23.11.2010 Machida, Shogun Rua, will our spacesuits look like? Find out how humans will eat, Re-live every great moment, knockout, submission and fight travel and space. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099309 with the UFC: Best of 2010. All the UFC superstars are Documentary, History Channel, Science, featured in their most spectacular bouts. Space 188min. WWE: Royal Rumble 2011 UFC 2010 350min. A&E 23.02.2010 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2011 Starz / Anchor Bay 29.03.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099098 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099126 WWE Home Video 01.03.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098694 UFC: Best Of 2010 (Blu-ray) The Universe: Space Threats With cutting-edge computer-generated imagery that brings Brock Lesnar, Rashad Evens, Lyoto distant planets and faraway stars up close, History takes WWE: Royal Rumble 2011 (Blu- Machida, Shogun Rua, Cain Velasquez viewers on an exhilarating voyage through the cosmic terrors Re-live every great moment, knockout, submission and fight and catastrophes that constantly threaten the universe. From ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) with the UFC: Best of 2010. All the UFC superstars are star collisions to mass extinction crashes, gravity is moving everything around in often high-impact events. Join in as Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2011 featured in their most spectacular bouts. min. Fighting, UFC 2010 400min. astronomers attempt to better understand how these collisions occur and how our universe was created. Imagine a tornado WWE Home Video 01.03.2011 Starz / Anchor Bay 29.03.2011 so powerful, it can form a planet. Or winds sweeping across a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098701 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099197 planet much like our own, but blowing at 6,000 miles per hour. How about rain... made of iron? Examine the weather happening every day in the universe and discover what the Yellowstone (Blu-ray) UFOs Do Not Exist!: The Grand weather out there means for us here on Earth. It’s a world in which a single spark or a tiny micrometeoroid can turn a As one of America’s most popular parks, Yellowstone attracts Deception And Cover Up Of The routine mission into a lethal nightmare. Explore the most millions of visitors each year. Now you can bring Yellowstone UFO Phenomenon dangerous aspects of space travel, from the controlled right in to your living room in high definition. Experience all of explosion of launch to the fiery crucible of reentry, and the majestic sights as they were meant to be seen, the UFOs, Aliens, Conspiracies, Documentary everything in between. They helped build planets through geysers, lakes, waterfalls, wildlife, hot springs and Old violent collisions and may have seeded Earth with the buildin Faithful! This park abounds in wildlife from baby elk to the 2011 200min. mighty bison, each lending its individual beauty and charm to Reality Films 22.03.2011 Documentary, History Channel, Science, the landscape. Experience the unparalled splendor and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099302 Space 188min. magnificence of Yellowstone time and time again to the setting A&E 23.02.2010 of music or narration with this versatile Blu-Ray DVD. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099099 Documentary 56min. Underwater Universe: Season 1 Celebrity Video Distribution 07.06.2011 Five deadly forces, four turbulent episodes, one powerful 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099205 surge of entertainment. Welcome to the ocean’s dark side. Waiting For Hockney Building on History’s successful Underwater Universe Maryland artist Billy Pappas devoted eight years and five special, this new limited series goes deep to explore months of his life to a single drawing of Marilyn Monroe. Young Artists undersea forces that have brought terror and destruction to Working on a microscopic level, he hoped to create an our planet throughout history. Beneath the surface of our entirely new art form. When Billy finally completes his Educational min. oceans, tides and currents, predators, lethal pressure and portrait, he believes only one person can determine whether Scholastic 19.07.2011 killer shockwaves create ongoing and ominous threats. CGI

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099296 The Rachel Zoe Project - Season 2 Young Leaders Documentary, Reality 352min. Educational min. Millennium Entertainment 12.04.2011 Telefonische Scholastic 19.07.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40098945 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099300 Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Young Musicians Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Educational, Music min. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Scholastic 19.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40099298 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- und Feiertags (Baden- Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen.

Newsletter 06/11 (Nr. 289) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann

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