
Climate change, biodiversity conservation, and the role of protected areas: An Australian perspective Brendan G. Mackey1, James E.M. Watson2*, Geoffrey Hope3 and Sandy Gilmore1,4

Abstract. The reality of human-forced rapid climate change presents an unprecedented challenge to the conservation of AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES: biodiversity in . In this paper we consider the role of Australia’s current protected area network in mitigating biodiversity 1 The Fenner School of loss across the continent. We do this by first examining the evolutionary ’s extant and flora and, Environment & Society specifically, the reasons why species have persisted through major changes in climate during repeated glacial cycles, and The Australian National through the massive climatic changes that occurred during the and Pliocene climate change events. We then review University the current major threats to Australian native species, including inappropriate fire regimes, mammalian predators and Canberra, ACT 0200 , invasive plants, and habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation by land use activities (especially commercial Email: brendan. logging, water impoundment and diversion, agricultural expansion, and the intensification of pastoralism). We argue that these [email protected] current threats are interfering with the natural responses to climate change that native species have relied upon in the past, 2* The Ecology Centre thereby undermining their resilience in the face of current, human-forced climate change. School of Integrative Biology We predict that the current approach to conservation planning based on accumulating small amounts of protected lands across University of the continent, using a set of arbitrary conservation ‘targets’, will not be effective in mitigating the impacts of human-forced climate change on Australia’s biodiversity. We argue that an Australia-wide conservation strategy is needed that incorporates a larger St Lucia, QLD, 4072 adaptation agenda- one that recognizes the importance of protecting and restoring those natural processes and responses that *Corresponding author have enabled species to persist through past environmental change. The following key elements are a crucial component of an Email: james. effective conservation plan: identifying and protecting important climate refugia (both ecological and evolutionary); conserving jameswatson@gmail. the large-scale migration and connectivity corridors that operate at continent scales (including regional networks of habitat com patches and habitat ‘stepping stones’); maintaining viable populations of all extant species to maximize intra-species genetic 3Department of diversity and thus options for local adaptation; reducing all current threatening processes at the landscape scale across the Archaeology and continent; and protecting and restoring key large scale ecological processes (especially hydro-ecology and ecological fire Natural History regimes). Finally, underpinning climatic adaptation responses must be a thorough understanding of the special role Australia’s &ROOHJHRI$VLD3DFL¿F extensive intact landscapes will play in the future protection of Australia’s native biodiversity. The Australian National University Canberra, ACT 0200 INTRODUCTION Australia’s biodiversity crisis is also evident by the number 4 Current Address: Bush Australia’s landscapes have been evolving for around 60 of native species that have seriously declined in range and Heritage Australia PO Box 329, Flinders million years in isolation from other continents. In this abundance since 1788 (the time of European settlement). Lane, Melbourne, VIC time the continent has drifted from higher latitudes towards Approximately 13% of all Australia’s known vertebrate species 8009 the equator as the global oceans have gradually cooled, DUH QRZ OLVWHG LQ $XVWUDOLD¶V RI¿FLDO QDWLRQDO (QYLURQPHQW resulting in extensive new sub-tropical environments (Nix Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, as either 1982). Unlike much of the higher latitudes in the Northern ‘threatened’ or ‘vulnerable’ (Table 1) and between 1995 and Hemisphere, Australia was only marginally affected by 2005, the number of terrestrial bird and mammals assessed glacial events over the last few million years. A combination as extinct, endangered or vulnerable on this list rose by 41% of relative climatic ‘stability’ in parts (Hopper and Gioia (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006). These are numbers 2004) and geographic isolation, during which new habitats for concern but a recent regional analysis paints an even direr have appeared, have contributed to the continent’s high picture. When the conservation status of all Australian terrestrial level of species (and generic) richness and endemism. vertebrate species listed in one of the IUCN threat classes Australia is one of only 17 mega-diverse countries that under (i) state legislation and (ii) non-legislative authoritative collectively support about 70% of the world’s species of assessments (such as national action plans) is tabulated, nearly plant and animals (Mittermeier et al. 1997). While it was 45% of all Australia’s vertebrate species are in some form of settled by humans about 45000 years ago (Kershaw et al. serious decline in one or more parts of their range (Table 1). 2006) it had not experienced agriculture and pastoralism This statistic points to the need for regional declines and until the arrival and rapid spread of European settlement extirpations to be acknowledged. Currently, these “secret over the past 200 years. H[WLQFWLRQV´ RIWHQ IDOO EHORZ WKH FRQVHUYDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW Because the major threatening processes to biodiversity are radar and are not formally recognized at national and the result of recent change in land use, Australia is one of the international levels of reporting. The potential erosion of few developed countries that remains a leading contributor intra-species genetic diversity from regional losses is of to the current human-induced global mass event conservation concern because, among other things, it may (Wilson 1993; Lovejoy and Hannah 2005). Close to half of UHGXFH WKH DELOLW\ RI $XVWUDOLD¶V IDXQD DQG ÀRUD WR UHVSRQG all mammal in the last two hundred years have to future challenges. Given current land cover status and occurred in Australia (Johnson 2006), while three bird environmental trends (Australian State of the Environment VSHFLHVIRXUIURJVSHFLHVDQGVSHFLHVRIÀRZHULQJSODQW 2006), Australia’s biodiversity will be affected in the coming have become extinct since European settlement (Australian decades by the same suite of global drivers operating on Bureau of Statistics 2006). other continents including changes in land use, climate,

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 11 Animal class )UHVKZDWHU¿VK Frogs Reptiles %LUGV Mammals The total number of species in each vertebrate DQLPDOFODVVIRUFRQWLQHQWDO$XVWUDOLD 230 214 633 675 378 Species listed under the Commonwealth Environment 3URWHFWLRQDQG%LRGLYHUVLW\&RQVHUYDWLRQ$FW 27 26 45 70 99 bracketed values indicate % of listed species in each (12%) (12%) (7%) (10%) (26%) animal class Number of species given any IUCN threat class (except ‘least concern’) accumulated over all jurisdictions plus 97 92 262 269 214 non-legislative assessments; bracketed values indicate (42%) (43%) (41%) (41%) (57%) % of listed species in each animal class. Table 1. A comparison of the difference in the conservation status of Australian terrestrial vertebrate animal species between (a) the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and (b) state and territory legislation plus authoritative national assessments. Adapted from Mackey (2006) and unpublished material. In compiling these statistics consideration was given to vagrants, species that naturally have only marginal distributions in a given jurisdiction, and the arbitrariness of some jurisdictional boundaries. atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, , over 100 million years ago (Barker and Greenslade 1982; and ecosystem dynamics (Sala et al. 2000). Note however, :KLWH   ([FHSWLRQV DUH WKH DOSLQH DQG GHVHUW ÀRUDV that while most trends suggest increasing stress for species which both speciated and recruited in the Pliocene with the and ecosystems, positive responses to climate change are also advent of cold or extensive dry climates (Barlow 1986; Hill possible and apparent (Nemani et al. 2003). 1994; Hope 1994). These changes have also involved gradual species loss and range restrictions, particularly for rainforest In order to generate discussion and debate among scientists taxa. For example, the Brassospora group of Nothofagus and and policy makers, we here provide an assessment of what gymnosperms such as Dacridium and Dacrycarpus and their is needed to promote the survival of Australia’s biodiversity associated disappeared from southern in the given the prospects for the onset of human-forced, rapid mid-Pliocene and their loss is attributed to increased summer FOLPDWH FKDQJH :H ¿UVW UHYLHZ WKH LQWHUDFWLRQV EHWZHHQ radiation load (Sniderman et al. 2007). natural climate change and biodiversity in Australia and outline reasons why species have persisted through past Evidence from marine sediments and polar ice cores has revealed climate change events. We then provide an account of the the severe climatic oscillations that have occurred over the last current threatening processes that are leading to wide- 500,000 years (Petit et al. 1999). About every 120,000 years, scale biodiversity decline in Australia and the breakdown average planetary conditions have oscillated between long glacial of important natural processes. We then review the current periods with low levels of atmospheric CO2, low temperatures to consider its adequacy in conserving and dryness to shorter inter-glacial ‘highs’ that experienced high Australia’s biodiversity into the foreseeable future. In our levels of atmospheric CO2, higher temperatures and wetness. conclusion we identify a number of strategies we believe These glacial-interglacial oscillations revealed in the marine and are crucial for the development of an effective continental ice core records are considered to be driven by long term periodic conservation plan. Our focus is primarily on species rather than ‘wobbles’ in the Earth’s orbit which changes the balance of solar ecosystems as the units of biodiversity. Some attention is given energy reaching each hemisphere (Muller et al. 1997). The here to genetic diversity issues, but clearly, further research is transition from glacial to interglacial is speeded up by positive needed on the ecosystem dimension of biodiversity-climate feedbacks from ice melt and oceanic discharge of greenhouse FKDQJHLQWHUDFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHLQÀXHQFHRIVSHFLHVRQWKH gases (Hansen et al. 2007). The ice core record also shows that functioning of ecosystem processes (Hooper et al. 2005). the transition out of glacial troughs may have been extremely rapid; arguably involving as much as 5°C warming in 20 years THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLIMATE CHANGE (Taylor 1999). There has been a trend to greater variation in AND AUSTRALIA’S EXTANT BIODIVERSITY moisture within the past 400,000 years with associated changes Analysis of fossil records and molecular data has shown that LQ ¿UH EHKDYLRXU /\QFK et al. 2007). Although in Australia Australia’s native plant and animal species are of ancient warm interglacials were formerly associated with higher summer lineage (leaving aside relatively recent immigrants such as rainfall as evidenced by full interior lakes, the process seems to dingoes, Canis lupus ). The last great vertebrate animal have failed in our present interglacial, the Holocene (Magee et al. speciation event appears to have been during the Pliocene/ 2005). Miller et al. (2005) suggest human impact as a possible early Pleistocene drying and cooling event some 4-1 million cause coupled to the extinction of the largest mammals and birds \HDUVDJRDVH[HPSOL¿HGE\WKHH[SORVLRQRIVRQJELUGVDQG around 45000 years ago. Brook et al. (2007) and Burney and appearance and radiation of on the Australian continent Flannery (2005) note a severe and continuing effect of humans (Norman et al. 2007). Most extant mammal species on the biota after arrival. In any case, while the causal factors are derived from groups that appear in the mid- to late- Miocene, LQYROYHGLQWKHVHVSHFL¿FHYHQWVPD\UHPDLQGHEDWHGZHFDQ some 20 million years ago (Archer and Hand 2006; Osborne and reliably conclude that all native species extant when Europeans Christidis 2002). Australia’s plant species are of similar or more ¿UVWRFFXSLHGWKHFRQWLQHQW\HDUVDJRKDGSHUVLVWHGWKURXJK ancient lineage, with the origin of many being traced back to all these long term trends and oscillations in temperature, CO2 when Australia was part of the super-continent Gondwanaland, concentration and wetness.

12 TROPICAL CONSERVANCY A number of adaptive responses or strategies can be proposed function as refugia from which organisms can disperse to explain how species persisted on the continent through past to re-populate habitat as it regenerates following broad climate and other environmental changes. scale ecological restoration efforts. 5. WIDE FUNDAMENTAL NICHE. It is also possible for species 1. MICRO-. Evolution is heritable genetic change to persist simply because they have evolved very wide within populations. It is commonly understood to refer fundamental (that is, physiological) niche requirements to only long term directional genetic change leading (sensu Hutchinson 1957) and are able to survive, compete to speciation, that is, the evolution of new species. and reproduce under a broad range of climatic conditions. +RZHYHUDOVRHYLGHQWLVWKHHYROXWLRQRIQHZ¿WWHUWUDLWV For example, many of Australia’s forest and woodland that represent local adaptations to changing conditions, birds occur in temperate, subtropical and tropical climatic including climate change, that are not necessarily zones, with the common determinate being vegetation- directional and lead to speciation. There is increasing related habitat resources rather than fundamental niche evidence that micro-evolution is far more rapid, common response to temperate regimes (Keast 1985). and widespread than previously recognized (Thompson *LYHQWKHDERYHFDQZHQRZDVVXPHWKDW$XVWUDOLD¶VÀRUDDQG 2005) and is now occurring in response to rapid climate fauna are pre-conditioned to survive global warming impacts change (Bradshaw and Holzapfel 2006). and that most species will be able to persist through the human- 2. PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY. The phenotype is the physical forced rapid climate change we are now experiencing? expression in an organism of its genome. Phenotypic plasticity refers to the range of genetically controlled The current rapid climate change event is different from previous permissible responses with respect to a species’ ones in a number of ways. First, it is human-forced as the morphological, physiological, behavioural or life history result of a strengthening of the ‘greenhouse effect’ caused by strategies and traits (Nussey et al. 2005). An example of humans burning fossil fuel for energy and deforestation (IPCC phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a plant to change 2007) with additional effects from particulates and increased its growth form from a ‘tree’ to a ‘shrub’ in response to albedo (planetary albedo is the proportion of solar radiation reduced water availability. Phenotypic plasticity differs UHÀHFWHGEDFNLQWRVSDFH ,WLVSURMHFWHGWRLPSRVHFOLPDWHVQRW from micro-evolution in that the adaptive response is previously experienced in the Pliocene-Pleistocene and could found within the existing genome and is not the result of result in entirely new mixes of environmental regimes. These new, heritable genetic change in the population. new conditions may impose selective forces for which a species 3. DISPERSAL. The dispersal of juveniles and seasonal does not possess a suitable genetically programmed adaptive migrations are common ecological activities. However, response. Under this scenario, even taxa with a wide fundamental dispersal – in the sense of long distance movement – to niche may be stressed (adaptation mechanism 4 described locations that meet a species physiological niche and above). Nor can there be any guarantee that micro-evolution habitat resource requirements is a common adaptive life will generate a solution (adaptation mechanism 1). Second, and history strategy in many species, especially birds (Gilmore probably more importantly, the current rapid climate change et al. 2007). In Australia, this is a necessary adaptive coincides with over two centuries of habitat loss and degradation response for many species given the great variability in since European settlement of the Australian continent. Intensive \HDUWR\HDUUDLQIDOODQGDVVRFLDWHGÀXFWXDWLRQVLQSODQW land use for forestry, mining and the development of human growth and the supply of food resources (Berry et al. settlements, along with the extensive use of 54% of the continent 2007). for pastoralism has changed vegetation cover dramatically. Since European settlement around 50% of all woodland and forest 4. REFUGIA AND RANGE REDUCTIONS. Species can also persist ecosystems have been cleared and in some productive bioregions by range reduction to micro-habitats that retain the  RI DOO QDWXUDO YHJHWDWLRQ KDV EHHQ PRGL¿HG RU GHVWUR\HG necessary niche and habitat requirements; so called (NLWRA 2001; Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006). refugia (Mayr 2001; Lovejoy and Hannah 2004). Locations can function as refugia as a result of species The combined grazing pressure of domestic and feral livestock responses to long term or short term environmental has also dramatically changed understorey plant species change. In Australia, refugia have been documented in composition and phenology, increased run-off and proneness the arid zone (long-term climate change related refugia; to erosion and resulted in the trampling of the tunnels and nests Morton et al LQWHPSHUDWHIRUHVWV ¿UHUHIXJLDZLWK of ground-dwelling animals, throughout Australia (McKenzie UHVSHFWWR¿UHLQWHUYDOVRIGHFDGHVWRFHQWXULHV0DFNH\ and Burbidge 2002; Woinarski et al. 2007). Australia’s et al. 2002), and monsoonal Northern Australia (annual ¿UH UHJLPHV KDYH EHHQ SURIRXQGO\ FKDQJHG E\ ORVV RI SUH seasonal refugia; Woinarski et al. 2007). The recognition (XURSHDQLQGLJHQRXV¿UHUHJLPHVZLWKVHULRXVUHSHUFXVVLRQV of locations or networks of locations as refugia also IRU ¿UHVHQVLWLYH VSHFLHV DQG HFRV\VWHPV  %RZPDQ   invokes issues of spatial scale. For example, Soderquist The invasions of weeds and feral animals over the past two DQG0DF1DOO\  LGHQWL¿HGWKHUROHRIPHVLFJXOOLHV centuries have also heavily contributed to the decline and embedded within dominantly drier forested landscapes. H[WLQFWLRQ RI PDQ\ $XVWUDOLDQ ÀRUD DQG IDXQD 7ZR H[RWLF Remnant patches in a fragmented landscape can also generalist predators (, Felix domesticus, and Fox, Vulpes

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 13 vulpes) have made major contributions to all mammal and bird reserves, protected areas on private lands and Indigenous extinctions that occurred in Australia since European settlement Protected Areas. Currently 11.6% of terrestrial Australia is (Dickman 1996; Johnson 2006) while the introduction of the in IUCN category I-VI reserves (Sattler and Taylor 2008). (Bufo marinus) has decimated the and This is comparable with recommended international targets reptile populations in the north of Australia (Woinarski et al. but the reserve system has not been designed to maximize or 2007). There are now more than 2500 non-native plant species even optimize the conservation of biodiversity. Instead, many established in Australia (Australian State of the Environment reserves in Australia have been established for their aesthetic or 2006), with the total proportion of feral plants to all plant recreational value and established from land residual to the needs diversity being 12% (Olson et al. 2006). The presence of many of agriculture, forestry and settlement (Lindenmayer 2007). of these species is changing the ecological functioning of some native ecosystems (Woinarski et al. 2007). In recent years there have been laudable efforts by the Federal and State governments to systematically improve Australia’s It is beyond this paper to review all of the threatening processes protected area system, in particular, by promulgating a more that are currently causing species decline in Australia but it is V\VWHPDWLFDSSURDFKWRWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIQHZ important to note that there are a myriad of threats leading reserves for the NRS based on the criteria of comprehensiveness, to both global extinctions and regional losses of Australia’s adequacy and representativeness (Commonwealth of Australia biodiversity. As noted above, regional extirpations represent (CAR) 1996; 2005). However, there are a number of reasons the loss of local populations of a species and the associated why this plan (even if fully implemented) will be unable to erosion of infra-species genetic diversity is of evolutionary ³H[WLQFWLRQSURRI´$XVWUDOLD¶VELRGLYHUVLW\LQWKHIDFHRIH[WDQW VLJQL¿FDQFH 0D\U  0DFNH\   5HJLRQDO ORVVHV and imminent threatening processes. reduce prospects for many Australian species to persist in the face of rapid climate change through either micro-evolution First, only 67% of ecosystems that occur in Australia are or phenotypic plasticity (adaption mechanisms 1 and 2 represented in the NRS and many of these are small and described above; also see Mansergh and Cheal 2007). Human- poorly connected to other natural areas (NLWRA 2002). forced climate change has altered species distributions on 6HFRQGWKHWKUHVKROGVLGHQWL¿HGIRUPHHWLQJWKH&$5FULWHULD regional scales in Australia and will continure to do so. It is UHÀHFWDQDUELWUDULO\PLQLPDOLVWYLHZRQWKHVRFLDOHFRQRPLF predicted that by the middle of the next century range shifts and political feasibility of achieving effective, albeit bold, due to climate change will commonly span tens of kilometers conservation goals. For example, ecosystem surrogates (Kapelle et al. 1999). Paleoecological evidence and future JHQHUDOO\ GH¿QHG LQ WHUPV RI EURDG FODVVHV RI QDWLYH modeling efforts suggests that these range migrations will vegetation) are considered ‘adequately’ conserved when 15% be individualistic, involving the movement of individual of their pre-European settlement extent are in a protected species, not communities (Hannah et al. 2007). However, DUHD

14 TROPICAL CONSERVANCY potential impact of rapid climate change (Mackey 2007). Give of Australia 2005) because conservation investments are this, how can the effectiveness of NRS planning be improved in being directed to and ecosystems in land the face of rapid climate change and other threats? that has been highly disrupted by past land use. We argue the inverse, namely, that intact landscapes must become the SIGNIFICANTLY EXPANDING THE CURRENT NATIONAL highest priority for a continental-wide conservation plan. RESERVE SYSTEM AND ASSIGNING PRIORITY TO An example is the Kimberley region (in far north-west PROTECTING LARGE, INTACT LANDSCAPES Australia) which is one of the few bioregions in Australia Systematic planning tools should used be used to identify new that retains its full complement of native mammal fauna UHVHUYHVGHVLJQHGWRPHHWVSHFL¿FFRQVHUYDWLRQJRDOV %UXQHU (Woinarski et al. 2007) yet is not considered a priority et al. 2001; Pressey and Cowling 2001). A primary goal needs under the NRS programme. Under the current approach, to be the maintenance of viable populations of all extant the Kimberley region will only become a priority after species across natural ranges in order to maximize intra-species LQWHQVLI\LQJ ODQG XVH KDV FDXVHG VLJQL¿FDQW KDELWDW ORVV genetic diversity and thus allow options for local adaptation fragmentation and degradation and vertebrate species have and phenotypic plasticity. This requires replicating habitats in been severely reduced in numbers and range such that the reserve system so as to protect multiple source populations WKH\DUHRI¿FLDOO\UHFRJQL]HGDVWKUHDWHQHG,WLVPRUHFRVW across the environmental gradients occupied by the species. effective to protect intact landscapes compared to restoring heavily degraded land, and there are more, higher quality Another important goal of an effective continental wide plan options for reserves. IRUWKHUHVHUYHV\VWHPZLOOEHWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQ of refugia, including micro-habitats supporting relictual ENSURING ECOLOGICAL CONNECTIVITY species (Morton et al. 1995; Pressey et al. 2007). Past climate IS MAINTAINED ACROSS THE CONTINENT change has resulted in some species experiencing dramatic A further additional goal for an effective continental-wide range reductions and these now only occur in networks of conservation plan is maintaining and restoring large scale scattered locations that retain suitable conditions at a micro- HFRORJLFDOSKHQRPHQDÀRZVDQGFULWLFDOSURFHVVHVWKDWVXVWDLQ scale. Refugia may prove critical in assisting certain species habitat resources, constitute selective forces to which species to persist through future rapid climate change as they provide DUHDGDSWHGRURWKHUZLVHLQÀXHQFHFRPPXQLW\FRPSRVLWLRQ a degree of additional resilience (sensu Holling 1996). In These ‘connectivity’ processes include: maintaining ecological Australia, refugia are often wetter locations and/or with diverse functional populations of highly interactive species in the topography (e.g. groundwater discharge points, run-on areas, landscape (i.e. trophic regulators), understanding the habitat escarpments) that may well help buffer a drier future climate, UHTXLUHPHQWVRIGLVSHUVLYHIDXQDDQGPDLQWDLQLQJQDWXUDO¿UH as has been projected for many parts of the continent (CSIRO and hydro-ecological regimes (Soulé et al. 2004; Mackey et 2007). While some of Australia’s protected areas contain al. 2007). Hydro-ecology warrants further comment, given recognized refugia, many locations that function as refugia that the distribution and availability of water is the principle Figure1. are not under any form of protection (Mackey et al. 2002). environmental constraint, and thus determinant, of biology An example of one The prospect for rapid climate change accentuates the need of Australia's intact and ecology in Australia. Water availability determines landscapes: the Great for including refugia in the goals of systematic conservation rates of photosynthesis and biomass production, the ‘fruits’ Western Woodlands planning for an expanded Australian NRS. of which propagate through the entire food chain (Berry et of southern . Image A revised set of conservation goals for an expanded NRS al   7KH YHJHWDWLRQ FRYHU LQ WXUQ LQÀXHQFHV ZDWHU courtesy of Charles PXVW DOVR UHÀHFW D VFLHQWL¿F XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH VSHFLDO UROH LQ¿OWUDWLRQVRLOZDWHUVWRUDJHDQGFDWFKPHQWZDWHUEXGJHWV Roche. Australia’s extensive intact landscapes will play in the future protection of Australia’s native biodiversity (Soulé et al. 2004, Mackey et al. 2007). Large geographical regions of the Australian continent retain a continuous cover of native vegetation and therefore lack the massive habitat loss and fragmentation which are the principle drivers of biodiversity loss in many parts of the world (Fahrig 1997), and other regions within Australia (Glanznig 1995). This high level of natural connectedness improves the likelihood of survivorship of species by supporting large populations and a range of microhabitats. The ecosystems of extensive and intact lands will play a vital role in facilitating natural adaptation responses by species to human-forced climate change (Soulé and Terborgh 1999). In particular, mobile species ZLOOKDYHPRUHKDELWDWRSWLRQVDVWKH\GLVSHUVHWR¿QGVXLWDEOH locations in response to rapidly changing climate. Currently, large and intact landscapes are not recognized as a high priority for new reserves in Australia (Commonwealth

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 15 Throughout Australia, but particularly in the rangelands and logging) (Woinarski et al. 2007; Lindenmayer 2007) thereby the seasonally dry tropical north, ground water resources are preventing further habitat degradation; halting further large scale biologically critical, enabling deeply rooted perennial plants impoundment and diversion of water (Mackey et al. 2007); WRÀRXULVKDQGVXVWDLQLQJVSULQJVZDWHUKROHVDQGVWUHDPV controlling invasive weeds and animal pests (Woinarski et al. during dry periods (Woinarski et al. 2007). Both surface water  DQGLPSOHPHQWLQJHFRORJLFDOO\DSSURSULDWH¿UHUHJLPHV catchment boundaries and groundwater recharge/discharge (Soulé et al. 2004). Furthermore, rapid climate change may make zones transcend protected areas boundaries and, like other key many existing threats worse (e.g. exotic species invasions may landscape processes, demand a whole-of-landscape approach be enhanced if native ecosystems come under stress) and plans WRWKHLUPDLQWHQDQFHDQGIRUWKHSHUVLVWHQFHRIWKHÀRUDDQG must be in place to take this into account. fauna that they sustain over broad areas. Diversion of water UHVRXUFHV IRU KXPDQ XVH DZD\ IURP HQYLURQPHQWDO ÀRZV Some of the current threatening processes will be eliminated changes natural hydro-ecological processes and has profound by creating additional protected areas, promoting biological impacts on associated species and ecosystems (Kingsford permeability, and restoring ecological processes, in the 2000). surrounding landscape through more appropriate land management. However, some threats (like pests and Maintaining the special habitat requirements of dispersive weeds) must be managed both on and off reserves. Threat species will be particularly important in the face of rapid management has to be coordinated across land management climate change. In addition to migrants, eruptives and agencies and land tenures at appropriate scales. A new, co- nomads, many species are also facultative when conditions operative and integrated approach to planning is needed, in GHPDQG WKH\ PLJUDWH WR ¿QG VXLWDEOH FRQGLWLRQV *LOPRUH addition to current initiatives, so that the threatening processes et al. 2007). As noted above, the habitat loss, fragmentation that affect multiple bioregions are dealt with systematically DQGGHJUDGDWLRQQRZSUHVHQWLQ$XVWUDOLDSUHVHQWVVLJQL¿FDQW and as effectively as possible (Worboys 2007). The concept impediments and barriers to species that may need to of systematic conservation planning must therefore be GLVSHUVHDQG¿QGQHZKDELWDWVRUUHIXJLD %HQQHWWet al. 1992; expanded to include the problem of optimizing conservation Mansergh and Cheal 2007). The current network of protected management across land tenures in a coordinated way with areas is geographically unconnected, limiting its capacity to any expansion of the reserve system. function in this way for many species that are less mobile than dispersive birds. Most protected areas, even large ones, remain Extending systematic conservation planning to private, LVODQGVLQ³RFHDQV´RIODQGFRYHUDQGODQGXVHXQV\PSDWKHWLF Indigenous and freehold land will require innovative to the movement of biodiversity. mechanisms that offer incentives to land owners and stewards, such as voluntary covenants and negotiated Therefore, an important component of an overall conservation special leasehold conditions. Furthermore, the concept of strategy is the protection and/or restoration of large-scale economically valuing ecosystem services (such as regulation migration corridors that operate at regional and continent scales. of water quality and supply) is now well recognized Where habitat connectivity has already been largely disrupted (Costanza et al. 1997). The likelihood that carbon will soon through broad scale land clearing (such as in the temperate have a market price may well transform the economics of woodlands of south eastern Australia), it is imperative that land management in Australia and provide new opportunities large scale rehabilitation of land cover conditions and land to fund the protection and restoration of native vegetation use between existing nature reserves becomes an integral habitat (Mackey et al. 2008a). part of the conservation framework. These intervening lands need to become more conducive to biological permeability CONCLUSIONS and associated ecological and evolutionary processes. In this Ultimately, it is the natural adaptation responses evident context, restoration will include development of regional during past global climate change events that will enable networks of habitat patches, habitat corridors and habitat species to persist in the face of the current human-forced, ‘stepping stones’. If migration corridors are not protected and/ rapid climate change. However, in Australia, this potential or restored across broad zones in the fragmented landscapes adaptation capacity is being degraded and interrupted by the of Australia, the only other management option available for same forces driving the current biodiversity extinction crisis. many species will be translocation with associated costs, risks The prevailing national strategy for biodiversity conservation and potential problems. hinges on (a) accumulating relatively small areas of additional protected lands across the continent, using a set of arbitrary REDUCING THREATS IN THE LANDSCAPE ACROSS AUSTRALIA conservation ‘targets’ and (b) the development of ‘recovery Natural adaptive responses by species will be facilitated by plans’ for a few priority threatened species. While necessary, reducing in the landscape the current threats to biodiversity. ZHGRXEWWKHVHVWHSVZLOOEHVXI¿FLHQWWRHIIHFWLYHO\PLWLJDWH Necessary conservation actions include: halting and reversing land the impacts of human-forced climate change on Australia’s clearing as this will help prevent further loss and fragmentation biodiversity. of core habitats and migration corridors (Soulé et al. 2004); developing policies that lead to removal of unsustainable We argue that the foundation of an effective climate extractive land use activities (primarily livestock grazing and adaptation conservation strategy is the development of

16 TROPICAL CONSERVANCY a whole-of-continent conservation plan. In such a plan, ODQGRI¿UH. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Bradshaw, W.E. and C.M. Holzapfel. 2006. Evolutionary Response to the protected area network will remain the cornerstone Rapid Climate Change. Science 312: 1477-1478. and central element. A greatly expanded protected area Brook, B.W., D.M.J.S. Bowman, D.A. Burney, T.F. Flannery, M.K. network is needed to ensure, among other things, all Gagan, R.Gillespie, C.N. Johnson, P.Kershaw, J.W. Magee, P.S. Martin, G.H. Miller, B. Peiser and R.G. Roberts. 2007. Would landscape ecosystems types are represented (see discussion the have become extinct if humans had never in Mackey et al. 2008b), intra-species genetic diversity colonised the continent? 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