Associates Inc. THE EXPERIENCE OF DECENTRAUZATION IN COTE D'IVOIRE, 1980-1993: AN EVALUATION Richard Stren Nezam Motabar Koffi Attahi OCtober 1993 Prepared for: u.s. Agency for International Development REDSO\West and Central Africa Abidjan Delivery Order No. 4 IQC PCE-lOO8-I-OO-2064-OO - I; •( j:\. ,; I I' 1"::: _ ~'\ l,-'" ,'" ; ','.! ~ : 1 \, i\,· " '. PREFACE Cote d'Ivoire has implemented the most broadly-based and sustained decentralization effort in Francophone Africa. By 1985, some 135 municipalities were incorporated into the process. The problems that have developed in recent years require attention within the country and by those donor agencies, such as AID, that have been strong supporters of decentralization in the past. It is in this context that AID's regional office in Abidjan contracted Abt Associates to undertake a detailed review of the country's decentralization program, with the intent of informing AID's strategic planning process in its deliberations about future support. The study team was led by Dr. Richard Stren, a specialist in African urban affairs and Professor in the Department of Political Science and Director of the Centre for Urban and Community Studies of the University of Toronto. Mr. Koffi Attahi, an Ivorian planner with extensive research experience on decentralization and an assistant professor at the National University of Cote d'Ivoire, served as the team's decentralization specialist. Mr. Nezam Motabar, a financial management expert, was the team's urban finance specialist. The team carried out its field work over approximately four weeks in May and June of this year. The intense work period produced a substantial report that will prove extremely useful to both AID (and other donors) and those Ivorians concerned with decentralization.
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