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i "WATBBPOBJj- "' I cCr 'T T-j - .'fC/-- ! I •¦ > ' ' j V . : , :T ? ' THE 1^X76, ! - -i i- ^ ffottlg, ; ESTABLISHEJV-1B17. •" I C7atorfora ¦ BtcamoMp i Company ! JiXP:EBI<??Kr.??\« aicntmteth ¦ ¦ •< } ¦ ¦ ¦ ; : - largeot Circulation ini South of Src&snd. • ' {IIMITED). ! - l INTENDED¦ OEDEE OP HAIUHQ—AUflUST, 1830. J A »nd " ¦¦ .?*mUy CommeroIM Hotel. ' ¦ ' ; I' 1 ^^ t ^s PuilWurt »ery rRIDAT, and Second Zdttum on SJJTUED^ • ' ; ^STEAKEEB i I .. • ... i ' ' 1 ¦ ¦' ¦ mHEJ^ « 1GIentwSUi*'-uf tbeSSrfest' Uomingi, atSoi. 43 aivd 50, CComuU-Strttt, , ^! DUNB80I Y; EfiaiNALD, COMEEAOH i: : - : ' ¦ ¦ ; : fiStel in , LABA, ¦ - . - ¦ '¦ ¦ ^i'irEB^&vL^Xx. ¦ —^~ ¦ ?» . -B. :\i . the Oitr to the BailmjS Ution p . U ¦ ¦ . , Banks, i. -w^gOTiEaEi© Steam' ! (orrosm Tin > ! ¦ nanicui 'Sm). • . -CEEADEN, &c. -I , Tn>RICE—ON£ P£NW7j Yearly (in Advance), 4a. W. x»tOfflow; Tel«e»ph^ridP»st-Qffl4 »^andidrsUl-po)^ VE-i 'v i IKTOliIOB.- Tho "Watorford ¦; io places of amassment. P.j Kimil,Proprietor. 14 jj~ - . By Post (Yearly), 6a. 6d. !" ! ¦errsS-SHftv ii-N Steamship Company (Limited) . ' ' . ¦:. - - . - , . 'AEE THE PTJBE : ' IS, andl6,.Glentworth4treet, ' Eg- All Cheques and P. O. Orders, made payable reoeiro Goods and Uie Btoek for Ship- j | 5T AND - 'BEST. • • !Lim«ncjc. < sl8 •*VJSP^ryJOT ~i^^y% to COBNBI.108 P. REDMOND , !at this OEoo. ^r^^^?.' *' Tment on the, oonditlon* mantionod in "TBS OEOWB HOTEli. ¦ ^ ¦ " ' ' * ' I II Offldel. 1 .' : , "! : MONCK-BIBEBT, I WEXFOBD. BTTS oircrnlatea extontively Moonest'tho „,,;, THB IS | WATEBPOKD AND BEISTOL. , . ! - - . I ' :i . -ABOKiTtC:: GffleM . ALE meTchanto, traders and nobility,' gentry, farming riOK WAIZWOSD XO 9BISI0L. ISO* BEIOTOL¦ TO WiTZaroWX . olaBsba , : &o., in •'Watorford, KUkonny, Tipporary, Friday, Aug. 1... 2 alt'noon Satoidar.
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