i "WATBBPOBJj- "' I cCr 'T T-j - .'fC/-- ! I •¦ > ' ' j V . : , :T ? ' THE 1^X76, ! - -i i- ^ ffottlg, ; ESTABLISHEJV-1B17. •" I C7atorfora ¦ BtcamoMp i Company ! JiXP:EBI ! ¦ nanicui 'Sm). • . -CEEADEN, &c. -I , Tn>RICE—ON£ P£NW7j Yearly (in Advance), 4a. W. x»tOfflow; Tel«e»ph^ridP»st-Qffl4 »^andidrsUl-po)^ VE-i 'v i IKTOliIOB.- Tho "Watorford ¦; io places of amassment. P.j Kimil,Proprietor. 14 jj~ - . By Post (Yearly), 6a. 6d. . !" ! ¦errsS-SHftv ii-N Steamship Company (Limited) . ' ' . ¦:. - - . - , . 'AEE THE PTJBE : ' IS, andl6,.Glentworth4treet, ' Eg- All Cheques and P. O. Orders, made payable reoeiro Goods and Uie Btoek for Ship- j | 5T AND - 'BEST. • • !Lim«ncjc. < sl8 •*VJSP^ryJOT ~i^^y% to COBNBI.108 P. REDMOND , !at this OEoo. ^r^^^?.' *' Tment on the, oonditlon* mantionod in "TBS OEOWB HOTEli. ¦ ^ ¦ " ' ' * ' I II Offldel. 1 .' : , "! : MONCK-BIBEBT, I WEXFOBD. BTTS oircrnlatea extontively Moonest'tho „,,;, THB IS | WATEBPOKD AND BEISTOL. , . ! - - . I ' :i . -ABOKiTtC:: GffleM . ALE meTchanto, traders and nobility,' gentry, farming riOK WAIZWOSD XO 9BISI0L. ISO* BEIOTOL¦ TO WiTZaroWX . olaBsba , : &o., in •'Watorford, KUkonny, Tipporary, Friday, Aug. . 1... 2 alt'noon Satoidar. ¦ ing. 2 ... 7af noon a32.6m : Misf i WditQt THIS Old Eot«l is really Comfortable, and ¦ Tnesdsy, ,;• 6.:. 4 aft" ; 1^0110(1^3 , M& yvmY,\ Ginger Beer. : Prices very Moderate!. tha.south of Ireland ffeherally. The N«W8 noon WedLeaday, „ 6...10 night Famous for good, 3i» and Friday, jj 8... 5 affnoon Satnrday. •„ fl .;.12mdngt : has attained a circulation never equalledky, 'any pap«r ¦ pure -WhieVejrinod'Bll otbeTiDrfnks. : -I Tuesday, ;, 13...12 noon Wednesday, „ 13... Safnooa ¦ ¦!!•¦;¦-<¦ - - -^ ¦' :¦¦ pnbliahid in Waterford, and Is admittedly the lead- Fridoy, 15... 2 stfnoonSatniday, „ 16... 7 al'noon ' 1 • : . - glaUtPafl8 > ' ; - : , T MBS. KEHY, PBOPBIXTOBIBB. . this important city, with irhioh there is Tuesday, ^ 10 ; ¦ - ing journal i a n ... 4 slfnoon VVedne»d»y, , »!... 8 nlgbt ^ATEBFOSD AND LI1UEBI0K BAILWAY. . C2T- ; C|9»e to B»i|yay Statiqa. . . . direct daily eoiimnnioafcton from London. . ; .. - Friday, 22... 5 qffnoon Satnrdaj, „ 23 ...10 night ¦ ' ' i ^AMitrs ^* § Tuwdajr ^ 28...10 mom Wednesday 27 ... j | \ "Cp Tr airit fromWatyr/erd. ¦ ¦;. - ¦- . ' : M 1/&TW? CYCIJE Particular attention paid to commercialand agrionK , ^ „ 4 ifnoon ! TUB AHGniV HOTEL. j Friday, , !B>... 1 alt'noon Satarday, „ 30... 6 ai'noon . . :! •¦: ¦;! |;: - , ;;^! M.'.;:iia»s oifWBxx nATS. i fldy ' ural matters. i . i - car One&rly Morning | J Bailings;-Cabins of the steamers will ¦ - ' ' Advertisements reoeiyed tor the Nsws. by all respffjg be open to towlre P*raeng«is arriTing iby the Kight Mail WiT«B»o«D ('Malli I ' '. ' j " i MaUJSIall SlBtS Large, ComfortaWa, »n4 oonTeniently»itu»{ed able Newspaper Agents; in the United Kingdom. Pro; Trains. . I •: ; : [ ,- ¦: ¦ . :. :; .. : ¦ ¦co'L ^tu ¦ i >. Oa^Cl oailCass.Oa u.Cln£j.Ol ««.| clar3 renarateoilij'ths prosentKroprUt or;Mr ^EtEAJiY. rants tnTelUsg with Families) 10a.; do Betorh (atnilnbls for . f | ; - . A.K. A.H. j A.K. J.K. T.X: | f.K. j PJB For Ctontlmnan and families oominf to DnblinJon • Two months, opUoaal to ietoratrota or to Liiertx>*l , 2J« | I I Aonrrs JOB Sirfe 'or THE #EW9, Jun> JOB -" 1 : legal bnsinfis, it will be fonad most conrenient , bthg Daok ^imgleJ 7«. 6d,^, do Ohildinn. is. .. I' . ' ' ^' . WaUrioid.te.- .- .i4- T-4i 10HV k- £0 4-0 I » 0 9 0 ' ' ADVBBTISBMIItlij : Goods roceired tni 'dbehargod at i^uabtolaadEa ei, .Carriefcott&ilr ... . 8 i» 10 1» 1 fr64 9 IS. 015 •iwated nexK to the Tonr Court*t and for TveddW XIHI, -Gladstone Street. ¦ ¦ . ,_., *8 Parties and'Visitors to Dabliu, Uw'aooommodatloiJU \7ATEEFOBD—Mr W. K Bristol. I ' ! . . : [ OonmoJ ' •..-. u.. * O UlFBai 4 10'. 10; O 10 4; ¦ '•"Miu PowBBrBtrroiretiSjl 8trcet.i vATSv:vowif' i-va'~tii.j tiusooh-' - TippMMiy..:;...-.•. 7'47 U'-O lfl.O 3, 4 SlOillfe lX Xi joeond H . ..-: T in the Kintfaon^.,L- N •- .,>.... ., I . ': . Junotioa. ^;;; 8(3. : " < Mr. HcoHK8, -Mayor'»VWtl!t. mOM Wiraarottor , nui unuM't' . 10 10 J310 3 20 t 80 11 60 U¦ 6;-3 PriTato ' tflnff 'attd TOnlirgiBoflms, CoffeeirooBr for ¦ ¦ ' Friday,. Auff..l ~ 4 afnoon Friday, < Ang, 1 ... 11 morn. ppU.,-.l™,»,^ ,8 2i ... VtUt 8'44 5 45| ... ¦...: Ladies. Bed* rooms from Is. 6a. to'£s. each. Mr; T. P. Eaiir, .Quay. 1 .j.. - i ZIood«y, , M ;.;..;.... - ¦ ¦ Smoklnf . • , : I, 4 ... 5 af ntxrt> Monday, t „ 4... 1 sl'noon "U ^. J 837 ... 12 51 355 o .n iU w iBto ahdBUliard.Room*.'" - '• ;^''i\-i- • , I, ... S afnodnMhnda', n I8 ..7l2noon j . .WediKMday i 20¦_.'3 af noon Wedneidar IIOOT lEMSftN , „ 20 ... IU' i^c SOWS, DUNGABVAN—Mr. E. KEON, T.C, Main-Street. ¦ - CATS . : '> Victoria Hoiol, : Kilkenny Friday, Z 23 ... 5 al'noon Friday, : „ 22 .- i afnoon ' . i I rouas 03 WEix ' | 8dyS' Fiohomblo JSt, DUBLIN* Mr. WALSH. ; Monday, ;, , 25 ... 5 if noon Monday, ' ¦ ¦ 25 ... i af'noos ' ¦ ¦! ' : ¦•' ¦ ¦ • ' TEAMOBE—Alina CLASCT, Eefreshmont Booms. Wednesday j , 27 ... 3 «rnooD Wednesdajr „ 27 .i 8 mght HmtatCT ' • uMall ' ' , • MaO ^ilaillUail TOror.FOOAETr.fro m iho Hamman Hptd, • " :,; • ' ' TO Wi-n«jQil>.!l24314 2 1243 X4 3 124312481 CAPPOQniN—Mr. JONES TKOT, 81, AUen-Strcot. : Friday, , :» ,.. 3 4rnoon FrTday; . , f' i .J.10mom. ¦ 2 D ly Dublin, begs to aoDomice thai bo has opened the . Monday 8cp. 1 ... S af'noon|Monday,' 'Sept I ..'.12coon. ! . . Class. Chiss. Class, doss. Class. Clara.'Claca CAREICK-ON-SUIE-Mr. JAMES MCQEATH , Mwn : : ' abors old-established Boose. | It bas andergone a 1 FABXS—Cotln, Single, Us. \ du. tingle—Children (and i -j | *•"• I *•«• | A.K.| r.K. r.K. ' ,p,m r.nj thoTOogh : Ueooration and ' eonjplete::l$eforDUMog by ' ; Street. Sorrants tratellisg . with:families) 10s ;I do Betnrn (aTail- The Favourite Soips.- EADE Llninrick dep- ! a 0 9 8S 11 40 2 15" ' the wellk nown firm of Millar and Scatty. Dnbliu. LISMOBE—Mrs. M . ablo for Two! months, optional 16 return trom Or to Brutol), ' 4 0 11 0 U o: r-^ftJ»JLJ-^Kri-f-^.- :,! R&P. OCHE 2i».; Dock, single, 7s 6d ; do, single Children Boher I ! 6 18 ._ (U 37 ... 4 20' ,.- ... ^ . For iha ooqTenlenoe of Commercial pentieznen tlie PILTOWN—Miss R . . , 4s. f 16 ' Dromkeen,, ... 28 ... 11 45 ... SO I ,., ... ! ) U^^ ..> . Proprietor nis madd Special KILMACTHOMA3—lir. MOBBISST. Qoods rocoiTedand discharged at Clarence Dock; Lirorpool * 4^ AYfangetaentsYand Irbsts . Pallas '6 87 ... 11 52 .„ 4 40 111 40 11 <0. ¦ u-»»iil~ , . :^ 1 « by strlot attention to and personal supervision of the PASSAGE EAST—MUs LOVE. Goods Booked throutcbifiom all..srindpal. Stations oa Oola| -.8 50 ... 135 ... 4 . w,.^~^^-sss - - -«sa«ii4is«ir-:-™*^i^ jiaraisuSisBKwf ' : ' ' Qreat Korthciru, Great Western/ Lancashire; -»nd-Yorkshlr», ,„ 55 i i ..; ... i oomforts o( Visitors to merit a o£ continuationof tba Davitf a Beet \ TctUow Crown; KJLL-^-Mrs. EONATNE. Junction tirrife,.7 405 10 15. 12 15 8 25 6 16 12; 0 12 0 iRi« insA Oj/cit»< saya :— careful ' ' ¦ TALU)W;-rT. Clanay. London and North Western I London and Sooth Western' TipperiiT^dop 7 jIO S3" 12 43 8 55 5 55 12 12 " No Maker fita better Material or put" ia more Potrdfaago so 'loflgextondod to this Hitcl. "' Manchester, 8hefflela ,j_snd Luoolnshire, and Midland Bail- 50 50 Worimanohi " CLOGGA—Mrs. BEDDT. aonmel [ 8 45 11 14 143 .... 7 0 263 8 p. Tho Hotel 'Bns will meet all Trains. n8.t ways to Waterioid. JThrongh Bookings tj«o with Limerick, Cariick ...[ »31 11 47 829 < Conrains no injurious TIPPEKABY—P. O'CONNBLL, Charoh Btreet. Tiyperarr, Tunica, Ennls Toam/ ... 7 45 8 0 8 01 ingredients. -wjJl ¦ , Oort¦ , Eathkealo. Llstowel, Waterford arriT W 15 25 8 80 ... 8 80 S15 8 15 i THE . BEST AND STRONGEST MA0;iINES FOB , IBJSH EOADS. , -, Zmvoriol Hotol ^ STBADBAIiL'Y—J. FOEAH. Newcastle and Tralee, 4o. : ' i - . ¦ J12 ( Dot injure Ihe most seaBitivC- upr ' ¦¦ pkin NEW BOSfti-Mr. T. Dirineen, Quay 8trcet Ooods BooMed throwhfrom all Stationsbn Waterford and , Illustrated JAeU-free . Gold . Agents Wanted: (oS.lj tho post delicate fabiic | CentralIreland Hallway, W«i«rford; DujMirran, andLtanore . .1 - . JOHN J. ilUBPHY, Seciet&rj. ' ' ' | ¦ ¦ ¦ .. LOWEB HACKVIL1E-STB?ET, DUBLHr. i : contains KILKENNY—Mr. WOOPLOCK , Proprietor Eaihray :i ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ r : - . - - ¦ ¦¦ ¦:. ' ¦! - ¦ . . i ¦-, ¦: ' • . ¦ . : . , ' - • ' . Sailway, andfWaterfora and r- "™ Bauirar« . . . .: .. I; . .- .. . . . -: ,. ; . . i 1 I. superior washing qualities. It defies Book Stall. . ¦ Parcels booked through at low Bates to all principal Sta> ] ' WATEBtfOBD RAILWAY STATION—Measro. tiocs on -London and North Western Bailway. WATBBfORD &. OXNTBAL IRELAND QAtL WAX aODlUDOIJ k PEICE, Limited, 100i Pombrobo Plaoo, IdvorpooL (Opposite the Ooneral Fost-OfflCB and Telegraph OCca) competition^ . .. ; .. EABON & SONS, Book Stand. WATKBFOBD AHD HEWPOUT (Moa.) Tha shortest route fromWaterf »d and mvmiTijto Dublin ' ' ' The moafr oentral in tha City. : " ; iigoat; for Xroland :—A. LONDON— CLABES , 8OH , & PLATT, 85, Gnxo- FEOM WAxrooBD. I . Fxoa MrwroET. Athlone, Partonstown, or Nonngh, Is via maryborough. IVZSCBEl)?, 1, Cloro-Strcot, Dablin. ; ¦ i i chnroh btreet. . As Cargo Oiten. I , . As Cargo Offers. . HETCSS 'TICBTTSare issaed between any two SUUons, and i . •W are annable for Boturn as followsi—Botween ¦ P ^iOlfPLETEIiT remodelled and re-furnfeliea. Davids Saturday ^ B. ft WKXTE & Sow, 33, Fleet 8treett A TiEBFOBD AHD. YOtJ C¦¦¦ TBAL. : Stations ! . : i I . V ' -r . As Cargo offers. '. I . i , whorA tha fare ohargod Is for a idistance not-exceeding 12 O Magnificent Ladies' Coffee-Boom, Diuing-Boom, SsiittBT & Co., 6, Leadouhall Btroet, E.C. : - WATEEtfOED AND HEW ' BOBS i milesj 8 doWincluding the day of issue, Sunday.beings/din 8moldnff-Boom, BUliard-roomi Charges raodnrato. ¦ Floot Street MO ' Teciple News Boom, 172, FBOS N«W Boos—Dally, Sundays ez«epted, at 9-14 aju, ' vm! phu£ m Ticket ( od on a Sonday or Moaday Is drall. CHAJJIiES LAWLEB, Proprietor. fa.t Is a cheap :Soop, a hard Soap, and i a DUBLIN—Messrs. CHAS. EASOK & SON, Abbey-st. FBOK WATUTOU)—DaUr, Sundays exoostod, at S40 p.m. : able np toiTuesdar night, and S.Tiiketissuedon a Saturday WAIEIBFOBD AND'DUNIOANKOK. j up to Monday. '.night. Between. Buttons where tha Fare good Soap; It will not ran 1 away in oharged is'f or a dlsunoe abote 13 OniP.-aaa 00I?nEE0X&Ii 22OSI31V, FBOK Dnnduraou—Daily, SondajTexceptedi , at 8^0 ajn. ; , and not txceeduW50 miles; !I the wash tub, it lathers freetyj .: FBOK.WAXXBTQXDrrDaily,Sundayaexcefftttlf.atS'lA njn, : r days aficritho day^oMssnei -thaS'a Tickibt uiued «n H. QUAY. WATERFOBD. cbntiins ¦¦¦«OT»—ThaWat«rford| StcimsUpCompay; Limited , Injnre Tuesday, will be arallable no to the following Tuesdaynight. no deleterious ingredients.'i'an'di is far all Qoods Shlopedby these Lines of ^teanurs at 8a. id. per Betweaa Stations where the. Fare.charged Is for s distance exceeding[50 ¦ miles lII.OHAEIi KilBWAN superior to.tho ordinary chei Soapa Cent, to 'Tai&rs having Yearly: Agrocmants, and S«. per - . One Montb: Tna outwsrd portions of p.} Cent, to QiiciMnnal RhtppersJTalno. to be aaalare«-at time of Ketum.'WskeU - are only anllabls for- tho train by whloh AVING purchased th« Interest in the abovo cold at the same price. ~ i they are iitaed. . ¦ '¦ . ., ' ¦ ¦ - Shipment. Forms and all ¦Information ;to ¦ be ¦ had at the - . \ HOTJOL, begs toannounco that this Estob- offloes. J" ' : - -¦-; I ; 1 H ;Tit« «nAy, FEB. 16, 1879, Berths seemed and erery lnf omatiou eiren by Agents at :¦ THE! DOUBLE WATKUOKP-Waterford Steamship Co. (limited),.Head . i '.. : nwx- WATXuoiu. . M. K. ' tnjJJa, by-strict 'ottantion to those who ; STAB" i PUEE pfilMs, The Hall. : .. • - . j j Unequalled I or all olnsaes of Stock. Eyery delivery in gnarnnteajto Analyoio, IICBOIAI ' I TBAIXS Ol Will SATS, j SniSATS patronise TDI SHIP MVHD CO . HOTBL, to irauwt-rWaMriori Ste&mihlp Company (Limited), 20, merit a continuance of their patronngo^ ' WateMtieetJimd ChttenooDcwk.i . | - CTAIIOM. 1248 18814 f , 1248 183 128 . WATEBLOO ROUND LJN8BED CAKES— Guaranteed over 97 per cent. . BU8ioir-Waterfi.rd Steamship1 Company (Llmitod), C3, i Clacs Claei, Class Clao. Chiss. Clocs. ¦ Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12 :l8^6. ' f20.tf Queen Square—and Cumberland Basin. ! of purity. - I A.M. ] A.u- I Tjt: TJ£. | noon T.TI. Urw Boss 4Waterford Steamship Company's Offlc*. \ Bho XJ ICKLOXT Hotel rtnd Eoatourcat Duicumoa--Waterford Slcamship Company ¦ ¦ by ¦ 's Offloe, •• . ¦' ' I ;~ h.a. a. m. b. m. h. m. h. m ncmafcoturcd tho X7aterloo ElUlo Co., Zilmltcil, HUZ>£. XOUOHAI. I ' ' • I i • ' I ¦ , - Waturford, dopartnro — 8 IS 1 3(1 I 0 u v Big ^ 6, 7, and 8, WICKLC-W-STBEET, LIIIXBICX—Lower Shannon SU^mabip Company's Office, Kilmaoow.'...... I — 8 25 2, 40 4 10 in 10 7 0 (Oration-street), DUBLIN. Mount Kennet «Jaay. . ; [ ^ HolllnaTat ...... _ | — S85 — I ¦ 20 U 2V 7 U AGENTS—GEOEGE WHITE & ,80118, WATEEFOBD. . KILSCTB—Iiowpr Shannon Steanuhl OST Centrally BitnatedJ Cciafottable and GA1IAD4; ¦ p Company¦'s Offlco Ballyhalo I.... — 8 0 S 0 j 4 40 ia 4i 7 3J 0I1ITEB STATES a Cappa Uuay. I : , . ; . : . . .- Thomastown ¦....-_...! — 015 8 10 450 10 7» M Moderate. Dinners read PABIBIAH l.'...... For QusBEO A'ilosTBBAt.-Ang. 14 ¦ y all day. 31 Bonnstshrjdse — 980 8^055 115 6 5 . .::: BICHABD O'B&IES COBEAK .[j...... Jor QU«B«O & MONTBJSAL ..Aug. KHtnnny.£l'..arrtT»l - 8 60 8 47 5.25 l SO 8 25 ' , Poorlstor. i|. Fr.om ,Queenstowa, • . - ..¦: . OLYDE SHIPPING ; ; Do /.i...|..d«p«rtnre — W. O 3-W 6 35- 140 8 Si COMPANY. 46 80 26 COMPRESSED NovAScofpuf ¦P or HAMJAX 4 BALTiMOBE...AtigJ 6 ' BallyragOTt.,; — 10^0 855 •sun .HASionAt, HOZSL , _ ALIFAX AJTD :„ . - ., j_ lA U-Gr U":STj. r 18C0i;{; : Attanagh 1...J....- — 1° 45 412 8 10 215 06 . T ' fJfor H . t »«„»«• P<>«) ' —¦ liLAOKHAJ.L.STREET, C»8HAN..j.. BAITIHOBS / * : '£c gu\ar iSttttm bommunicctU' behoetn Abbeyleix ! J.,.« 11-15 4£5 880 280 620 €Ai-TEELLw . ..,. , YE|p;, ;. ^' ^ IIaryboro^ ..JLarriTal — U45 445 70 3 0 U 40 DU.BLIN; : . bcB^ i^pABBAOB ::; r and L&UV Karyboroojj 18 18 .4ii 7 47 8 22 - V7 i i EATSs or ; \ WASEBPPJ^ D Qrn li dep.up - . \MJ: 1 MTEEALLTI iiro Saaoon,il0 to l8 Gniiif6a } Intermediate, «6 6s. jv PortorUngiojiJoM, ,.. • — , ,1* 8i — 8'.8 8 SS — .../p*W/f^ -^3> A 5 'ABSOLUTELY PUBE, PLTMOUTH AST) SpnTluistrrQK.JlfEWHAVEir -:88> ¥-^- BEING DOV7 Opened in the vlolnliy of tha Cattle I- : Steerage at Lowest Hates. . - .„ •! DnbunTIT.J..arrlTsl «lo 9S3 88S - And comeqaently. . TWIOI M MEoao , (tSDSSEX), Axs. SOUTH or EBOLAND, Athlone Jtmo, airi». — . *« — — — , — Market, and quite convenient to Klog'e u ThronitDllAef*W Spedal Eat?» to Chicago, 6VPaal BELFAST iar. ordlna»7 '5fea»t8 : . . NoTth.Wert Terri- OOaK, DOllLltf, JOLAJUOOW. Haryboiol dep. down — f ii t — 783 — ntf Bridge and flroadstone Terolnt, will be found ' > MUnO, WhuaWi (MwK°«% ¦ liounimh i' j uf rnl — , li 23 - 747 - - 'Which are largely isUed with STAHCH. aidto all potato in the Western •y 'V filHE : New - and powerful BallybTopiy.... l - U89 _ 81 tho moat Comfortable, combined with Moderate: tory, Britiih OolomW¦ , : ¦ . ^^ .nX.... - mSJ Canada.- : • • • c==£*f>Tn\ JL screw 8t«imsra BALLTCOT- Hosurea..!...;.,..,, -418-823 - _ Cborges. Visitors to Pablin! should come aod seo States and : ,' , ' : i' " " !±i ' ' COMPLAINT8«ro 6o4eUdleB"m'ia»" ¦ ¦ Ihls liDe provides tbe oneapest and most oontcnUait Parsoastcwo „'.„.».... r— : f 43 — 8 1 -! J- for tbctc:el»c;. j . . lylS.Cin or Yeast w..i. .) »r r<«ia/4iv «nd th» W«itemStates of •c ^^&WrXii.'Bn rf irnrn-KV FAMNBTJ IMISH- Honaffh ;-.;|M ' ,.- — *M — 9 11 — ' — reaching the Bater "'OUX OP CONDlTIOil.'* •- «««• TB. aMin.f«,-t«ATHT.lK - ^SKKBETVOBB _ is. A. MEANY. .; ^ awieBgerB for the New England States nad SALTEES. , TemplemoM — 14 824 — io 63 I - These nra generally doe to the intervention Aaerica. S' PLAD0A, PORTLAND, TOWABD, sra intended te sail as 1 I •: i J Boston an? New York will land at - Portland. I under, weather permitting(unless prevented by unforeseen - TWENTT.TWO GOLD AND PEIZE MEDALS AWMDED Clio Sarlinfftoa ncatottraat, of 8OB-AOENT3, WHO KEEP IT TOO PAMrHLrrs^-ProfessoTFream 'a Ne«r Report and dreumstanoes), Trtth-Uberty-ttrtow Vtssata.: and to oall »t ; TO WAaarottX LONU before sending out, and may be! Pamphlets free. ' ' | any Port or Forta in any order; in or oat of tho customary ~ nil the latest Maps and \ TT TSAUTS o> wxkx D»n. sMSAia. :> • , DUBUH ,, Western bound passengers accompanied by ft course, to Beceite and DischargeCarjo , lor for any other .£7, BT; ANDEET7 : STBaT ^ ENTIEEX.T OBVIATED " fiT^OBDEBhto tZT ¦ ¦ purpose whatioefer. . .. . I ' - I ' DIBECT FBOM THE 1MPOBTBE Bpcoial Ooiiductor, .- ' • " • ' ¦ «TAHO3B. i )\ %i, Oyito oni BhsW 'Tith: Luncheon, Vitzsr and Bvpf .v , . , '. ,»_L; • I- -WATBaWlB W> OLASOOWJ !; - lai.its laaiij' s iaSTTil Q 6OTRBI HRAKE who has FEE^H ABEIVAL8 . Btgular ; Ballingii, Glatgow Bod li Terpool to HonJa Erery 1I0NDAT : ._: ... 7 a.m ; f . -aan. Cls::. dan. Clnta. ciau CI^J .CI L USffiffi ifKEi . Boom, OEUBaE'LAim, ereiy day. ¦ , Direet ..< ¦ ^ SLE Video and Bnenoa Ajres, all the year round- . . • , : Et«ry WEDNESDAY, J>i»ot '...I ; \ ... l .p-m UI. i A.B. , i.U. i r.K. (next; door to Hibernian Bank). ' Free- Baking Samples, and fullpirticalart BOTHBM ^TATBIinlSI) '" i ^^ .*-..-.. on . For Further information jrojaly to AxiAK B ! BtABOOW TO I , ; lloa-tlonto ¦•— ., " ... 1 haiihn I km ha app & Co., 10 James 8treet, . Liverpool, and W. Foyh Erery MO¦ ¦¦:N DAT¦ , Direot¦ . .., ; -. -, VMi T*plaaore, depj ' ¦ Mado.ONLS t : . ¦ ¦ . 1 . :-. : B»U. to Orcinock r.&PJp.t& — — | 869 ! 1 68' a 21 #- : -'- r. .- TT TJNOHEONS snd Dinnera, 8ont>; Fish, En- . Btrtet, Londonderry5 JAJIJB £> A LSI. ALLAN, 70i BaUycroehy , •, — — 921 8 W 2 it ^-fP!I4ll P? "-(PJriiffiifl wnvFEsii sAuaHW)sr. . - Square, ETery THUESDAt (Direct; ! .i. . 1.. ••• 1 »•>=( " '' ¦ 1. Li trees, and joints, to., Bappct^Tah oad ilc35. Or«at Qyd» 8treet, Glasgow, and fi, Eyre I ! Edl, to are:BO(i ..*4l p.m| Nenagh T- . — — 8 8 HnLlpj ©PJJJJV . OAfJTRELL 6 COOHKAHE, SLQVB.MESCBAitT ^SaJeBASIOjpoaTEB COTT Co., Qoeenstown j. Messrs. Fanonstown - — — I S 2o - . ..: .. Qpcdcl Bijtrtrotloi Gamo always ready, - i * - '. 4 Galway j J 8 4 ETCTT FBrDAT, Tla Belfurt • • • T.. i.. ... 1 p.m, ¦ ¦ . • j tTodcr ti, C1TT Q0AT, • DVBLU ! ,. M OBPHT & WABD, 3, Barronotrand-. Streetj Water- . I BaiL to QrcMooli ..¦*-4l p.m. Bosoroa l • — — 840 " The DILLAIiD-EOOU 13 olejaatly epjalnUd. : ! £lountrata - - • •- — I 8 8J a c7 Sola Agent for Itelaiia Xtbe qeaatttf ford i THOiiAS PcBCBtt, fl, BarronBtrand Btreot, J miEBTOJlD TO¦ BJUJA8T. j R] CET L0K(3EEOnB at th» -elijoatljr-attwl fish of lijitrin' : ; :.. ¦ ' ¦:..- .i 6 ifx, U'Tbort/ ai. op — — I¦ 0« s w 3 2J oonslst of Oysters, Lobstets; Crabs and Do»o excepf«>dO :. : Waterford (! or WIIJJAH JO»B8-TBOTI 81, Allw Erery 8ATOBDAV ., ... ' ¦ Athlone June. •, '»-> — ' 8 85 | UU (^ H tqj Off W IJ S?J Drinkfor (ht Qovly aid Ehtzrr.dlu Bnffet , , and . J BKWABI TO iWAIXBTOSt. * J\| p 59 8aToury Bsb, and a TsrietJ of Meat and other Sand- Btreet, Csppoquln. i TUESDAT (»ia DnbUn.) : Every SATURDAY. (Direct) Dublin I dep. • 6 £6 1 (S> , 9 15 j 1 10 945 ' Mads only" y- : — Etory , Portarl'tonjon 8 10- — 10» TOli [AiyiHALIlMlB b wlohcj. Winos and Spinta of the finest quality. LiTerpo6O nly 22, 189C ' | WA7IBT0BD TO SDUIB, | 1 I 2 45 11 13 u»BBUttta»i«^ <2 ' Efery 8ATUBDAY (ria Belfast); ». ;.. ... 8 P-mJ ll'yboro ar dn jSffl 8 55 10 4; U83 OAtlTRELL OOOHRA NE, Jaoezon'sSeTimYtars' Old Malt. Mattell's Brandy, luxi A xr sins Erery SATUBDAY, to Klogstowa a - Bonnetsf ridg* • 8 6 , 10 U 12 68 . 6 , 6 ' ' naa p m. i . Thomastownijwnuwwn ; ¦ 8 80 UOliw SAw il 1i 10iv I g w _ Pnrvoyoro to Her ITaj eBty We are now buying Direct from Seoond Cabin Fare*. 8tcera*i WATXEJCBD TO LO»BO» (St. Katnarins Docy ' - o ov ' IW 9 4' 040 'o Honsoa of Parlfamcnt, . DUBLIN. Moderate Baloon and ,^ j £au>hal*j ; . 9 D !10 45 | 1 8x | 6 85 — e 45 8 v importers, at tho public ffire u bir «a by any other First Class Line. __ _ Etery HUHDAT¦, tis PlyDQutb. | «Tiry SATffBDAT Attt IO : . . lftarly oj ipoiii* the Four Cdff (1, end clot * to l\ eales, and Thmngh BookiogB to any part of tho STATES b\ -I ( TU BouthamptDn). _j . . : Wettcm and Midland can offer oliTentas ftillv Edual (St. Kntharine Dock), TO ¦WiTHJOSt 1 KUmaoow .985 11 8 8 u « 5 — 10 22 8 So HID eXCELLBNOY THE LORD LIEUTENANT Quat Bovtlurn and to Manitoba and North and Sontl Lb»DO? Watoriord. 10 0U3u: 2£O igso OF IRECAND. CANADA, including ¦ ¦ THUBSDAYa, 7th August, 4 p.m: > 14tU, 11 a m j 21«l, arrl. — lu 43 7U O. 17. Boitwoy TtmM). London Hjuflea. Samplae free on West Territory. Apply to • ¦ '¦ . „, -• •¦ • 7 • .- 8 p on. |: ?8th. 110 am. - . ;- | — — SI. for BTDplicatloa. Tho Trade only sap- EICHABD8ON, &PENCE 4 . Co., 22. : Water No tansbliment by tbiaroate. ^Orders oolloctlonor UourottUlct: SSABOtt. >-sury b«roagb dep. 8.32 a.m- 'l,, Mcently ro-bnllt, is grcaUy en- ; Iirerpooli or at; I delirery of Bent to M'HAKABA 4 Co. (Limited), 14j 12.17 P.I3.J 4.65 p.m i MouotmelUciarr., 8.J7 a.m., 12.42 p.Q- •W^O EIS-DXrBXArNr &» mHl8 HOPE (food* ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ . S. EJL^A.ST. K/ i i . . ... ^ f; hlj rehoTatcd. tbe unitary WATrBFORb....-Harrey 4 8on, 12, LiW* Ocorge's fit Castle street, :Rnsbnry i to Clyde Bhippica Oomp.n.. 1S8, 6M p.inj Uotmtmelllck dep., 8.2V a.m., 1.60 p.m., 6.60 u.a, • JL lartjcd, and tborotig W Qnay. - LeadeniuU otteee, or Wjd» 8Uij>ping Company. E Warehouse, llaryboroaglJirT.,K .iSa.ra., K.15 pjn., «.15 p.m. arragetneats being conJtraoUd 00 the most ap- xj „ ..:..:WeE»4Hobhan. . gt. will recdie prompt aitenuon. ' Great Boatbern and WesWrn orrltllsit KQkonny, . ' '-5 ,....:Ward Br&C. 2, Barronstrand-stroc ; Satnarino Doer, ih proted principle*. ¦:.'¦ „ ¦ WAnBiwao TO PixKoum, direct, CarlowBrjnc'i—W.9 a-m, l«.4/ p,m, 440 p.m, and SAU p:m. - ¦ ¦ .T". : , ,.r J . ' ?» OABKiCK-orJ-8tnB...James McGrath, Main-St HOBDAYS, 4Uh August, 4 p m j 11th, 8 p m j 18th, i p.m ; —On BnDdajs, Ulap.m. ; .. . LZZZIII . - : :. T Tbe strictest .attention paldjto visitors. Hot and ' PatrickNugent WA75Main-Bt. ¦ 2ith nooni ! | COKKtKlttlfOS BXTWXXS EJLIXIHTASO EntiBCOBlSt AID _ tttwdanne. Charges OgiMe CLOJf ML . Cold Baths, iflgbt Porter in , - , & Moore DonoABTAir .-.i.John' CnUInan. Ths SQTiftre. . ¦ FJ.TKOOTH TO WAWBTOM), dhCptr? Wmo»n,:TiAaAe»AMrow».—Trainsar« advertised to learo ; pirn »tn, noon 16th, Jpni Wexfonl at 7.60 a.m EnnlacorthT modbratc. i ' . '16^ CAPPOQUIJS ...... W. Jbnea Troy,'81, Allen-BU •. QATUBDAY8» 2nd. August,» i i . as 7.45 o-m, atrliing at : *3»d,. Bp.n. «>tl»,!*p.B>. ! Bajnalrtwno at U.U a.m and ftMJwnnya H2.ldp.ia. - i il. M. BEEO1N. INISIIOOZ E. Bntler, Woodstock Arms Hot«L J ¦ ¦ ¦ - WATBxroBD TO SouraAKrtoa. i :t I: ' : ' '. •. "¦'. • :¦ • • . ' !•: '.; SX'OBDEB. O»AIOU«.. John:Mnrphy, Orooer. : Entry SATURDAY (diroot), at 4 p m. Niw Boss Wm. Mnnro, 2JU Bouth-Sr, . j BOUjHimrrofioW AXZBTOU>. WATEETOED, (QBEAT plANO gALE. Beflrtown, ; DUHOAEVAH. 4 LISUOBE BA1LWAY „ ..M. Doyle, ., 'i-tery VUWiX—TIA PITHODTH. Ssosipr aoOTS lo^ax, TULBT, AID Kiu^aasr. THOMA6TOW» ...M. Weateman, Ohnreo^fc. 1 WitUKIlD TO : NSWBATXO. V7tTvn»iv.: Wflllam TlniliiiOD, 81, Maln.»trc»t i : ETay WTDBDAT.r ^ ^1pton J. ... * p.m i ^ VBOK WATSBTOBJ). ujoa : THOISIJHMKE^ E»orr TUESDAY (rta Laniox) For !Cargo only. ^' wllASH ! ; - F^S .* C°- -^ EMIGRATION- ! These etcioors Jnr» sxedlsnt acoommodiUon for . O0TATIOI4DTATIOnO. | TTe"«ksk DaysDsyo, Osndayo piAKO gALB. ^ OARRIOK-ON-SUlR : i^ 1 ; Beg to announce , J^^fe^l^^ v I, i . . . . ; ¦ ^ToujUt 'Ticiets Usuod to thp;Hishlands sf Bootlind. do *. ». r. u. r. u. y ! ThocD Bemediea havo stood tho test of, Is prepared to AUppljr. In C$rv4 y^Fs.fr31 ' WaUrfftrd : ... dop. 916 8 EU _ _ _ ^ OTANO aALE. THEIB SALE of *-, s0 Oflce In Ireland iaa boot 9 SO 1 8 — — neotlon with his ironmongarY ^ Tourist Tickets issued lo the Channo| Islands. £co Gnldo iOJncadt>a ... „ r P. and O; and all other pnnoipal ¦ FromDublia : .*• 10s. i ¦ — . 6>- ; ; z¦ ;. . OIWT .lW W.T [. . ,. , •• „ „^Dublin, and back to Kingstown. •««. - - ' i !? U ; : niANo gALE. 5S TO 153 IM - THE- <£. Hwb'wd CroowlnWwd, lines.. BooSs, Maps. PJon", Sailing Xlsta, '4ft, FMS. of Half Faro. SBLTii ::: :: 12o tLo 03I7 rclhWo remedj for BAD Lraa, Eonra, Utxoaa, cud Oro Wdbtui ¦ I Drafta issued. Call or - CMtdrenibowSanduiiderUyesrs nee. ¦ ijid j - ^oreipi Money exehanged.¦ ' Eetura 'fickots< T»fUbU for two months-ruot traosferablo. i 1.5 !. : : : ! to Bnoromxxo; Boas THEOAID, Oovant, COLDS, GOUT, EmnniAii^j . . i jfrcn^ Stons. ::.. : • ¦ !. ; ja.18.lf SSEt i ::: : , pIANol gALE. - ! t—mmmmm *m*a*mmm *—t*—»* . ' I 1 writ*. ' . CT Monu-Th * Clyde Bnipping Company tosur* Goods I LAHBULAD TSTO T FBEB;. by thiielines ^of eteaaersat B *4d per pentio Traders i | TO WATEUOBS. , C 6T7BLUttc3, endj fo? all Sssr Ozsaosa it tea no c^ud. J ^ inl^ed - - - • ¦ ' : ' • ( • - - ...A'r < . 1--..|.-.¦ - n;.| - ' fl |J M|, : ., ! . ... to SOU, haS« yeariTwreomoiti/ soA «*JP« <«* *° oooMtoaal BTATIO^B. Week Days Ii ' ' ' i! . . ;...U^_. . . ._ . . . DIANO QAXE. ' 1 I THOUAO COOK ttmeofS hipraeoV. Foncj ^ is. DAME 8TEEET, DUBLIN. Shippers. vin» to b« declaredat Cnndoys COFFINS H Oii \7. Euitrey. A. H. A. B. A.K. j IMu£^todcml7tst70 , DIIY7 otfOBD 011333!?,hb 588, OxttolGt 1 ! dep. .LOinJOn, Za all WM, from the pltlmrt Ww TTUIM ..J < ... — 6 0 10W A. S. A. I1 11 . ; coko or AU. trcpioma VONBOW THROVC^OUT TIIB woni©., , ENGLAND AJTO SOOTH WAIiEo, AITDTHD Killarndy i ¦ —— j ASlm to this most nui^vi Imdi l^SH^-S'&rfe^iss'Cork i i * .J' 40, JDAWSOfTsTREET. ¦ S * UalloWi'Ml ' Polishftd Wtla^KiMgMy, *nd Bcr^e b7 GBST SSfiN . BAILWAt ihroihont Bondmr (3yd» BMVPlaf Co./ 7 Albert Bquart, ¦ Comoany 8teamboat«, wa Mnarooo Mfairu C§dT BbJppSrOoW-floohestM ¦BoUdlnjsi, li& SaSSi-;! - • ... erri? : 0ftki «m binrtlW fct Mx mrt 'B Trains and B.d, Clyds pippin* CO E»U. ¦ ' ¦ HATM, in connection viOi f re VTATMaro sD uSauLllSuU^.U mSi * Wk D. fl li EiUiray. : ¦ JSMSSS. »•»»»»«» IVCMlton jWpiasfOwiyastom Usmora.r ¦ _ dsp. j ^^i ' i > DMBIOX ATSB OBT A Ctvnkx. las- iSaajBn/areeao3»7j)ook BoiiiLlsisrlail Tow» Oappoaola : V- \ • ! - ' : ] ' ' '"" r~ : ^ ©J^©E1 jWINE _JM and L , W » > Hoa« i ^ . .; , . ... ; , : f AS tiirp, and WATBBTOBD, DraaABVAir, tm> gppasfc Ui ... 1 I UHEQUALLBO | Ttn n M twa ai mRiimmmmmB. LISHOBS LIMES. .;. ;¦) :. : . . ' .. [ 1V< C?l£ ' |Thas« ' IbwV' *¦- • i;TOE 6KimH<» COMPAtfr, M Jj Durrow AfltnAbkil] A DDUOIOU D PgOHAOIIIO. Conto a^.B^.ttt tin' Dhortort Bflato end Bcduccd Pareo. ... TttSem Ho»»»*i»y, Waterford..;, . Kilmaothoau ... Mat ^s WJb^^york msn, s»d • «fi>M.l ' foan» of Bills of Lsding wanned by ths Clyds g»rroU'« Qrotj „ Fbj ! ,» itr ^r r»opi«w d»d to;«l4|pqMf, ¦ «» " . ' AJMEBIOAN; LlNiJ ¦ ¦ D0WN.-L»*?» L * ff« K!' 'f. ^ffi BD , ' FACTORY AND 1 OFFI9EO— - , - :. ¦ ; and _ HAIL w^roaro AHD VTBAIIOBE BAILTTAT. ¦ .;¦ . ; - , Snudays exoepted. &*****.£j 5JZfia\ ,a ;, PHITBD : 8TATB8 ¦ j :- U<»!Mfaii*Ttf*\r-\ , ... \, T06D (wwOer ft»4 *2UB»*!??tLV •^ Jft^, . ; . j8.XE4»;BB8.. .. .: Onhnil a/l«r: (ft« hi /utyi 1890, and until further * ! aixmt 10.15 fcra., to tiro I"iwJr^^2nJ l Woa jQgj \ : Sitica, th*S Vjs'M w» "»» « &el«w '— 110 , 120' & 12 1^ FRANOIS-STREET. Oeatr»l Ireland, I ' the' Waterford »ni Ltoeriek¦ , ^^^^^oiivcr ^ooitoPIiila dolphlo , i; : j| I Witk^j biy Trai*: ' ' 1 Telegraphio Addretsr- TOBACCO, DVBL1H , ' DRAPE odd Linaor© Lanes. . ' ¦ ' , - " . . .. . 1 (al7 HEWLEV J^ R '¦ti«r--vTW« ' ' .! d. : 1 ' UP.-LtaVe Waterford ftt 6.0 p£y «&J ^W yOE^O^^BALTIMOEB ; li * il * | » | «> I 7 | i.o (LmrriD)j • ; iinnreR&i NJiM r5tr^9& »wa a m| in )ao;; pia | pm j pm | p n | p n i p a ¦ - • Cal ling at qoeenstowm .ThtftwjAT* ! , ; ' : DUBLIN- i ' 10^ . a.a. Train flroa ywlW.oA 'StewuHpti^ : :b!b b'm (h ro I b B hm hm h ra hn bo Uinw A»m"», ^ 'Fint-ola«s Fnll-powered Iron >- . «U 880 715 9-0 1 lV.W a.ia. Tr*iairoa L >? The onlyCfrMs-Atl«ntloIia»»ailingiojiiler the Ow- WWf d 1O4S H 16^ 9 0 .., °si?a««^F Loawm (we»Ui« »»*'< I MW tSSg ioluS! iSl » . o e. o ia tw| ... *S!S5 55S ^ Md State* BtoB. AoedrnmrtJatlon fo» sJl CU of **i ¦ 11 THOi« F. MWttf J P«Wwral#qn«l to*nj Enrtpew Stamihip Lto». - : i I. ¦ Sunday • jrnuaaupuwes | Train*. ' Ttea . Paasenrtr* asm.goods ar« landed at ¦ i: :f CMM is Fatiiei- to thellan, ' »he Wharf of the Penni/jntsift EaQroftd Ooopany . • |. i.i ,\t.. i..i ,. * -\ i i e ,. r i si v I Tlicroforo all good Mothers trill strive to make their Children, strong in mind and bod? whloh hw the ihortesl and most dl»ct toato to all isoaVB | I amjytn l pm;;pp)pp i po pq' pp ! ; , This can best bo accomplished by feeding!them on < ptaceflo-HuWsstettBtatei.] I ' ll : ©rmtiHusicilB^oi, : 1 h ra I hm hm!hm For forvflerparticulars apply to . i i [ho h m ' boihalbo i «e, wxsnrossuiroisTBXBT, 1 W'frdrtifiii :»us» l&o aso 4 8-J BSO • so 9 0 BI0HABDB0Bf 8raflCE 4 .C0,. . , -•.- ., ' l 0 8 0 t 0: 1 And IkrtJ of id, il, 43 4 4*. rtjar-STEEXT, 19 and 83 Wrtatistreek,JiTflTpool | finW 9 lB Ui* 8 016 0.7 4S980 ' KM Chs»-BlngU aVx»t, Is. Estarn TUktt, Is, ed DUBLlWi LOCAL A0«mi I • S, ' 84. , B«turn ditto./II.C4 «rf«MWI*< USt, , HABvBT , 4 5OH, tittle Geofjfl's-Bttcct, toS&T , TUtUutUmkW mrtlfm * '»W \ :! WIUJAM BEA, Secretaryand Manager , i . Wat*rford> : . 1 ' ; i BICHi BD XAJO)Y, C»irrieikKm.Bnlr | : ¦ F '¦ • OOatX; . T '^ S S ' 9 i WII-l4^^'-^N Kilm»«thomAS( :. ~[n^iTOQ^gg^»ogtA- ; ¦ A^ , : (o3) . ' . ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ; ; : ¦ ' ol SteMMrt topTiMt. Wa> 1>OYL 5 4 BtJHTi New Boss. i . ' ! : ' , ' r ¦ : ' ... ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦: . . h;^ •U-eMiTtrAIXABBIvili TBOY,;81, Allen^tr*it.:C»tp0ptlla. i : ; j .!]V5 pl(pH iO17E0. . . .(!. . .!...... ' .{ .\*\ |. V;: |.; !W4j«M*iii; ; ¦ .W. JONE8 ' !To ttotjiowl UtUhorf Hu rf (f ainty Wak-rford mSlJ!* kZ.rtar^.ULF Mienntt holdingThitd y/JXM A« IHtPSOK, Agept, Watfptd. i BMAtrt, UaUl* Dtalert and tfamtti. . »ibw DBAD :MSAT [ •o-iVE OTH /itA^GOW AU(M0M !! igALTK, STRENGTH & HAPPINES9. "AmtMmoui—rktt*mlKtfiim.i**4i *tivtmmUih ^# :^ Ib^i4 VT-I'IMABT, U00B1-STMCT. BODUiUUK j ; ! It 1B eMUy prepared and retd^y^ geafed, knd U good f ot the ycjuag and the tgtd. j;. ; 1 - . .-I.COLLARD AKlicOLtAhDJ • J BCOtSri AoctioMW.. , PqBUO - .8ALJE3 BI W0ADW0OD, ^gOTONMK, CSAPWtt, » !. . AOOTlO:J,|Dail/*»*2 >n- Spifsdid faoiiiUai foT W^D i« . 8riCl««iSFo»*C^a*M. i 1 j 1 ' ¦ ' li ^il SJs! ' ' iUpU p: »pj»»J'. W>, W?« or~}l8«ll'.;J *nW "*» j'Thls ifl tlio MOST ft)od ; ; Atso A VAtttt o» • ; .Ennwti >»iUbU SBonjii/ Wj/SjW-W^SSi-IS* moST'tit lorite eonneoUon la eooUand, th»larg»and j mmt to futo inilnedl,' ; v_» , ¦:.; I;;??.. ¦ ¦ : ! AMERICAN ORGANS . ¦•«* thsfrladpal^slm. 1; ; ; B*f»t«nW-Bo7»iBank cf B«tl»nd (Qsllowprti B»o«l)0 1 .Taktnpblfl Addre«»-", BOTIM." dlaiiow ¦ : ¦ ' • ¦ ; :¦ :iqBi :l; - T»»nt o» tMjyyttt^MPwwiii OF WmOKT. -l.i rvthsis SJSN T»» OEBAJt : -S Wi oE:i>sV gMM of , at a MisU.t *fp <^» W5 . ' b0 ' fctioas^^ , - | i.. PBEOtJiJON & , Op./ OtAKWif. ; ^" '•tJB tUftO* TAKM IM^ BMHlMr ^^^mcw T awwi ifmyf ^ 1^9 rfTI B iBintA17Al£A5B- HIGHLAND T°?JHS!• "2Sy.p?SL#Jr v ¦ TaSoit ismM with biMkobei ol FmsMtiniiat lito. ri"^:: / A " • ; :. pt•rr[ "jirf' :-v ^ V *'' :: Notlot .o RNkfonU ifmlSSi Man u TS^TB»spJ/ lMMMiailtt «mr Mwtot Ilinhl* j'w^'o^^ol CIoth.i H«7t«t«d|,U 1 U|MTiM»«ii . BlMk 1 Bo ?* ItSSlZ^dihi^tls lSa^^affi 'Jds-^^.ii^itoJw.lU^^'B^™.--!* WUUL ^fS?1 ,* , fi wTp^,: «^^,^.-oilrT>ft;«; W^^,,M37i»« *s|i nMsi«ilssi1 s5^si rsAsiinfTw'BB ' to LAfHyT.^^lyfrr VrTiisJyisiTt u. l4wit*rt H» 1* ! ¦ W MSSMHIIB MB Ml > ¦ VSMBST H MsSsssssssssssssVii trtww*wd^n : ordlatbiWry gbft ^U>* o^s.»BH? trWt»«Pn **m.--T'^rj |::Tl^: .h IT- ' . "

i!- '4-!

s« ¦aaer - *i -:i : l- ,O:' I;bM--^ J. !v liii i .i itH .!- AI .: iL v\hitb;k h-rfii.tel^ii=i^r£i^ :Utel^^ 9. 1890. Pi i p p i l H - - - [ I . ; .. :''«lMtt f. ¦]. - : < >/.!'ffc«¦ fli ' ltp* . 1 ¦ . • STOSTS : jBiZTS fitA&BIiE WOBIfS • ; : - ' ¦ ; ¦'' - ¦¦!¦¦¦ ' ' : - ' " ¦ ' ' • i : f1 ' T ' . • ' MICHAE'iL-STREEr; WATEBFOBD. "I718OAPEDfrom i ba Vatk ot- 'tie Tr»ln'»t Waiat ford, O'JKEEFFE & BOSB beg reepeptfnDy ]£?%tfcTE VSo/otSlat/X » LAE0B BL ICi P• to invite the attention, of the peopl* of jWater- AHD TAN BHBEP 1>OG. iHthiTnita Brawl aa« fctb fora and the gurronnding diatrioU to .the large »took of Pawa l and i Bnahr Tafl, antwwrtni1 to tbj n«n«<* HHAB-6TOHX8, TOHBB, MS MOtTOM«HT» Of HM MW- " Shep." Ia»t *wn on ; RnWo EoaAUxwttwb ¦ n-tfL. —Li M"* ¦ s B C «at style ana-best material procurable, including ; • ;¦ • " ' : ' " I i '¦ ' jnlle* froaj iW»tirford, OW' Ika dbMtta * i ' ¦•: ; !¦ • " -; - i » ,< < r n U ^-EEE iUWHYI and had Ur«e S toot of InteriaooaCeltioOroase*. ; . .< • •: Fiddown. i , Tha Dog wMiMoMJed^ JUW *> prepared to enter into oonbaots ' public that his Ceiel/rated atttohed kidtetni to GRIJFIW,.7," Mirla> TRiteME . O*K. * Sows are Begs ; to inform the JK* or every doscriptfgn of Stone and Marble work for Terrace, TruDore; Any Parly bnnjlDj tho AnlnW, to cemeb£ries, : '&«.' CSimiBT PIIOKS prepared uid aet : Mr. M»ABBr Station Maiter, W»»«ttord, wfll be paid a By their' extensive premises they oau execute any Waters which are sd largely, appreciated on EEWABD ;OT ^1. work* entrusted to them at the ehorleet notice, in the ; ; ; [ ' I 1 j . l i Aoniit 2nd, 1890. ; be»t ntyle. and on the most reasonable terms. aoS-ly \ J account of their great superioritjr, are supplied ¦ ¦ AMD LIHMyjtJ " • ' ¦ ¦ WATEBFOBO, PUNGABVAif - ¦ • ¦ ; ¦ ; • - ¦ •: j . !¦! ;, ¦ ;• ; - . . . - ¦¦i>' • -^ •^EATING'S POWDER. i . : . BAILWAT. ! ! ; ! ' '- CUSTOM), - ; i " JQL Kills Flew, Bngs, Motha, Beetles at the lowest possible prices, consistent with ! (ACCOBDING TO OUR USUAL ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ; . ¦! i ; ! ' " " KEAxma'S POWDBB - ¦< ' ' .¦ - I TEAUOBE BAOE0, ! . .. ! :)! . . .; ...... ¦ L I,. . - •' , Ellt Flbaa, Bags Moths, Boetloa. : TtrrBDiT iin) WBDNJSDAT 12TH AND 13Tp • ' " ¦ ¦ ¦I \ ,. the finest quality. ' ! j ' ¦ : WE WILL. MAKE A ; " ; .: ; ' i ' ; AuoueT, 1890. • . ! -TGHEATIWS POWDEB. L / ;llA Kills Fl^as, Bags; Moths, BMU OB. The Tide of Taskon ONI Tuesday, 12th Anjtut, 1800, lit, 2nd and 3rd i : - ! i ' ' : ! ' i Clan Return Tiokels will be Uiaed by the 7.J0 $1•In In his process ofNJ manufacture: tho greatest OD KEATING'S¦ POWDEB. \ B.m.. train from tho nndcrmentioned Stations to 2Sr : Kills Fleas, Bng«i Mo'hs. Beetles. ENORMOUS DISGjOUNT OFF COST PRICE WA ITS FOR NO ONE I lat Cl. 2nd Cl 8rd Cl. OH I?,^A. iD ; : XJsmoro KEATING'S; POWDEB. care is taken to [obtain the highest degree of Rill« Picas, Bart, Moths, Beetles. We have secured by Privato Treaty the ; Cappoqoin 6s. Od. Ss. Od 3s. GJ Cappagh This Powder so celebrated, is porfeotl* nnriraUod la des- purity and excellence. To attain this the Dongarran troying BUGS, PLEAS, MOTHS. BEETLES, and all Inject* ¦ <3. 6d 33. 6d. 2s. Gd {whilst perfectly harmless to aU aoinnlIife). All woollen ! I ' , TPTEZST VISIT Darrow . and fan should be well sprinkled with tho Fowdor MOM Kilmaothomss 4«. Gd 3J. 83. 2s. Id placing away. It is inreloable to take to the Soadda. To most opproyed systems are adopted, arid BOOT AND SHOE Carrolls Cross 3s. Id 2s. 6d. Is. Cd : : OP EN 1 IN:© avoid oisappolotmeat insist aponharinij "Kwtinff 'sPowder' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ EUmcoden 2.. Od 1B. 4d. Os. KM No other Powder is affeotoal. So'd onlif in titw 6&, la , and ¦! of our , Waterford, fares s— ! ; £1 fid. Beware of imitation. Don't be decoltod, , : eminent scientific skill employed i at tho followinir , ¦ " ' PtttBengers can retarn by a Special Train ICJTIDJ i : : j W0RM8 IN: CHILDBEN , ' £3arliQto Waterford at 7.80 p.m., on 12th Aognst. of Buyero t> tho Tickets las nod at reduced faves on that dito will bo easily, surely,! WOBMS IN: CHILDBEN, Are and with perfect safety got rid of by nslng In the preparation of the Waters every OToilable for return by this Special or by Ordinary K.EATING'S WOBM TABLKTS. Nearly all children suffer Trains on the entered for | theoo from Wormi If snspootod, do not wait, yon can with ease FOE THK APPROACHING SEASON day after/ Horsea cure tbe child (has no efface except on Worms,). Sold by all Sis*. Jo. A. Harkins, Clonmel, races will; be ooQTeyod to Waterford and hack at a chombta, In Tina, In. ltd. each. possibility of contamination is removed, the oidgle faro, on production of o ccrtiflcato from the Seorctary of the Committea. I and will offer it for O'MALLET Secretary. onl T. , y substances coming in contact with them Waterford, An-mst 4th, 1890. : I B. HYAM '8 1 1 f n I SUPERIOR being Silver, TinJ Slate and Glass. Every NEW BOSS UNION. | A TYnnTTTl /if UT TVTrXT/F ! T'TT P i' . I READY-MADE CLOTHING ; TO BUILDEES. i attention is also paid/to insure the absolute OF AUTUM I : ! N NGYELTIES TTYAZI'S j COATS AND VESTS ALIKE. Erection of Labouroro' Duelling- purity of the wftter I use, as I believe I am rjnHE Board of Goardlana of New Eo:a fJnioa, These gamcatj are produced in tho sareral otj-Iej now EARLV AUTUMN worn from good Won tod Costing*, Vinonaa, 8011503, asd iL octlogos Eural SaniUry Authority, pvltnr.''1rf tfrmATTi'n KxTEHairn PACToniEi. 8- ! 63, friay, 'v/tefostl. i gsB&» r. "i?8} ^M- oi .^|

N.B."-Sale will oontmue for a limited period. j WaUrfordarrival 12.10 n,m.' "Vvt 29 &;30, DlME-STBEET, | Uonttl's Otarcttci at Ci 6d psr i Betornlng from Watarford at IA p.m. asd atrltarj DUBLIN, ' Wnxsoro Uaion. la Limerick • .. Foil Si a at ii . Od ,i at 10.10 p.a, - iV'7 ! Between Intermediate Stopping SiatlonJ Btttasi E3TABUBHED lfiii ! nnHE GMKllani of this Union will, oa WED. i, >, . at 65 04 „ NT, recelte w . Ticke.s wUl be issued at Single - fartt. -21B*S*? S' ¦ : JL NESDAY. tfio 20th IN8T/ „ Uediaa at 6> Od , SZaXE'B Zi O. i BAITS, j SOOTS .£^;Knn> sisioi^Sp Tenders for delivering, carrhca free, tt tha Work i, „ available for data ot lain* only.] bat Passagfraf ConttBmptoB BttlMlnji ; holding Exounioo Tickets caa retaro by , Chaooenr Lano. I (LATEST NOVELTY.) houoc A Oari;o of about. „ E0£ndlnu, Urge iize at 6s Od „ 8J0p«*\ THREE p«» CENT. UfTBBEST allorfcd oa DE*; LEltoADE GENTS' Etal American Velvet Pile Leg, Ooz« Cilf, Golosh and HOUSE JCOAL, Mall to Stations at which that Trala stops. |fe , Cop—Boots and Shoea. KO TON8 GOOD CABIJIPF ,, i, medium tize at 6s Od » PO3IT0) rspajabls on demaod* Dcllclously re&eahlnij,| , Prepared ba tBanner GENTS' Vtlvtt Pile Leg, Ensslan Calf, Golo3h and Cop— ' Half Fares ior Lnggage allowed. ' -. \ ' TWO por CENT, on; ODERBST Bouta aad 8hots, nhlch mu«t be delivered and. put Mo tin Cool Btort » Ecyptlam at 6s 01 „ AOOOtJNTS.i i ; : tha Workbouie by the Contractor nitbia tbreo Dorb» th« months ofJoly, Aoput, aad SaptsaMrtj dltrulated en tho mlnlmnm monthly talano-j, nhca 1 I of „ Ladles Clgarottes prrfamed, SO for Is. Trains lean WaUrford for TtaBOM at UJ9»JlH T below wSlOO. " 1 which po3ES3563 all 1 the peculiarly dellcato neeka from the above date. not drawn GENTS' Kjd Lejj Ealmoral, Crap, Golosh ood Cap, America I 1.30 p.m., 2.80 p.m., 430 p.m., atd S Wpja. | aadtrssl The Bank on dortakes (or Its Customers n Lined—Tho " Vlco Ptcsident." ON SAME DAY, ZOth INSTANT, Tender! nlilbo „ AriJton Cigarettes, 6i Oi Xn 8l Oi per 100 Iramore at 1 1 pjft., 8 p.«., 6 aad , free ol LADIES' Uid Let; iJulmoial, Patent Cair Golosb and Cup. p-m., p m., 4 p-av, ¦ charge, the custody .of Deeds, Writings, ondothor: 1 received for Bolldlng ' Four Libourera' Co'.tacca in „ Cigarettes at 6d, Od, lOd, and U, per ounce 7.45 p.m. : ¦ ¦ ¦ and Valuables y and the flavour of the Fruit. LADIES' dlove Quarter, Patent Calf Vamp and Cap "Hygienic." i .L I ., ' » eecnritles 1 oollection of Bills i Cappoqoin division, iris— „ Cigarette Tobacco at 8d, is, and Is 6d par I lor Elver Billings letwwn Watwford« H of Exchange, Diridends, and Coapons. Lottos Clnttahiana, | -: Qronlar ol'¦ SCHOOL BOOTS. 1 at ounce Danmora aee Steam Company's AdvtrUseatntt.. Crodit and Note* issnod. . BOYS' and GIBL8' Morocco Leg, Balmoral 8 1 at Tintor, ! JOHN BOBEBT8, STOCKS, BHAEES, and Annnittca p*ni3a Cordoran Golosh and Cop ; CalMlncd, ; ; „ Neb!:s, Flcoh, Ghlfof , np to date, ia 6d. TrafloMaaagasv^ ' pnrohacod cod Sotrnj made In Waterford. 2 (a Doublo Cottage) at Coolciiauttaan Trafflo Manners Ofica. Llatrick.May J6U»,UM cold. 1 ' i j , d Cd Boxso i tho la 1». 2s, and 4i Eoici. ' Tho BIBSBECK ALMANACK oocordlnj to Plan and Specification, to bo ccca at tho : , nlthfullfartiodira Largest Stock of all Kinds. 93 ftppUc&tioXl* ! ' I ' Wnrkbonca. The cost of preparing Coatrut end WATBBTOBD AND LOfEBXCK BAILWAY , ITEANCI8 BAYENSCBOFT, Uanzrn > t Bond mutt bo 1>orno by the Contractor. | -MXT£bJP£'rX & Tundcrs to bo lodged nitu no by 12 o'clock oa mBJUN ALTEBATI0N8 os aad aQat TUBDAT, m Tba Blikbtolr Boildiag Society's Annosl Eccciptj oboTo datf, : . ' Colo ArroaS oxoscd Kre Uilliong. : BOWS, Broad-Street, l aterford. . U. HBALY, ClcrTr. Ith Aaentt, 1CB0. I "irjrow TO poacHABE A HOUSE BY/ SMAIL JQL MONTHiT PAYMENTS or Q P. BI. DOYLE am Train from and wlU artvtta Wj»a*rt«>I Oiro OIHBAI DEOXDADliC nEDIDDHOq Cork, EAB and nprraxds,with immediate 8^50 pm. Tba U , Uamkk to IMtfsM Posgcidoa, and Ifo . • ct Unocl'Jiocro. p m Mall Bent to par. Apply at:tb« ofioa of too BIBSDECO CIGAR EBCHANT wiU IN aoealaratad baswas*UacrJek Jaao4»ajl BtnLDrao Sooicrr, ta beloir. ; \ i Mode from pure joiniica Ginger. A opart ¦ Too lilies fron Wftterfonl, ba tha eld Cork VK A~ Waterford, arriviag la WaUrfordaa t-Ua st/ A> TO P0B0HA8E A 8^0 pmMaU Train from Wa^<>rdteUaMtlik»* HOW PIKXT Off LAOTV : njD.6o) 70. QUAY, v/atosforfl. FOB FIVE SHILLINGS PSB MONTH, with 1 1 i Siicom'age Horn© ^Ml® ! not laav* vnt!19oB. and will arriveb» liasdaltji , ¦ 1 the Dwelling Honse, (recontly occn- - immediate possession, either for Buildingor GardeAinc ling, non-alcoholic stimulant, warming and nno BE LET, I 'l l l l , • . i ... ;. ». led by the late 2!r CoDDiar), with ptablivu purposes. Apply at the j i offloo of tio BiQKO¦S Oir iL p SDHDAT TRAQCS TO KitnMi.f-T*ar Hsfl FBEXHOLS LAAD Soonrrr,as below. ; . i and ont-oQces attached, and well-ctocled \ palled- I3E. D. BAWBEY, Trail, Limerickto Killaloa, and I p riW JtgsM Tba BIBKBECK ALMANACK ' exhilarating j an elegant and delicious beverage lodgo entrance on the Cork to Llmcriok , with fall portionhrj¦ In (;*rden with O|d BmOEOU DBNT18T, , wiU tw diasaBfaaad. T'»£jLftlg& oa ppUdtion. j i : : MIGH-CILASS MKf EKAL Eoad, and another eatranco on tbe Graccdlcu to KllUWandtbaS-SOpa TrainfrW XBUmjg WATEIHB (HAITT YBACS Torn ITB. CUTTOBO) FHANCIS BAVEN8CE0PT, lloci-ai adapted for use at all times. Good tonic ; Eoad. TbO grw* a cow or two If deoircd.—Apply rosHuoi). Tb*8S ^Uto ot tbmUW^mF Southampton Buildinns, Chanoory " °' ' Lane. : t0 HAVING removed bU Practice from 134 ply la eonneotloa with tbsa* Tcaias. : _. £^ re3pectfu lly lntlto tho | kind attention of the ¦Pnbllo to thc.10 CELEBEATED DANIE L DUNFOBD, Solicit©?, QTJiY, may bo consulted on all branches For fwthn partio«kr» tm Omfktf a V—+ * excellent restorative j unique in flavour and ! Van Tables. ' ' ;~; I MINESAL WATERS oblch cannot ba aurpnBeed for their puritj and flsTonr Or to Mosssr«, COONAN & Co., of bia Piofession daily at his Residence, -I -*hfc btlnj prepared la BiWcrcd Cylinders, ood the best materlab i ! j JOBN KOBEBT8, Tr>fla>lfiiiii er| PIAiNOS, that can bo pnrenred urcd ia Barronstrand-itreet, Waterford. fl. THE MALL. l Trafflo Manamr'a Offlos, T«mlaes, 7»»/ W>**1 ororaa j an unrivalled' summer and winter their msnofa :tnre. | ' , flO.it. ! HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN Hotico of Charitable Beaaests ORGANS J. G. directs spcolal notice to his "CRYSTAL SODA "V7ATE E" nliloh li hlitbly SOLOMONS' 8PECTAC.il drinlr. Suppliea; sdmethb of the needful and free from au impnriuea oy " Gncll" 3?ropald Advcraccacata ; THBBB YEAB8' SYSTEtl. ! g Carbonated means or a new and patent process nbloh hno Ia the Goods of Orrtn- CALIAHAK, late of Carrier- at conslderablo expense ; nlco BASS'S I ; J&.J x. BOLOMOSB, Qr ' bean obtained ALE, battled nndcr his personal be?, In the Count/ of WaUrford, Merchant, ?bo bat bMi tfTMn •cotasioaaay «s^»**U«ll»i J ' cnpervlsloo, (an alnayo bo hod in sparkling condition, drceoaed. ' j»)«Mto ea«tkatb« I%t^ afa««y«UHyoarwrts«MlVrSi3>H OEOANETTES, ; i | in Inland, to PATBICI 8«JU», of Cwtv, la th« ; J or KU iMETEONOMES, &d, be - JOHNSTOWN, WATERFORD. (Jji2.0 o Astiatan^ Lad County of Tippenry, faroar, aod TaoMAa Btrrxut, aSS SSSVtat^iotitsSicUdtolf«!S$ & MLTTSblP'SSrZ'B WANTED immediately Shop of Carrlck»ao3 8 i Collcco, nowlridno. BOBBTN, TANDV In Ireland. 1 wBo tlior- 4 MoCOY, } ¦ NEW GOODS WANTED—A Grocer * A*»!»tant OolicttoM for said Exaooton Half Price. Post Fit*. : I Conducted by ! 1 nnd»r«tam1s tbe working of tbo 1 , TUNING—Experienced Tuners visit all parts ot ongbly ; 18, Oolbwi-atrett, Watarford. THE DOMINICAN FA^l£ER8. —Apply to PATWCK Ireland periodically. Apnnal Tqninga boaticcted Grocery and Spirit Co«nUw. To the Co'mmlnlenni of CharltabU MONAUAB*, 7 4 29 Bwwaitrtnd Btrcct, Watfr- for* Foil particular on|applica.ioo. i ' ! Bsot Furniture Cream ... Gd. per Bottlo T : Donations aad Btqoaata, and all [ Each bottle coatolfls eight grains of Carbonate QCH0OL BE OPENS on U 3EPTEUBEE. ford.:; . ; ' ' **•* ¦ ' Standard Ink (Estra Quality, 6d. „ : C? Btudenli will be prepared for InteracdUte \ ; others ooacerned. , aOSt 1 ' PIGOTT HAND 00., I I Knlft Polish ... ' 6d. and lOd. per Box EwMoaticDs, and for « Commercial lif#. »2.Ct ANTED — A General Farm Lkbonwr, , GBAFTON-STEEET, ! no^v very largely prescribed 1 2&|SS!t^SMSf'S«tn&?SSs« IIS ! j of Potass. It in! Bross Pacte ... ••• 5d. „ For Prk »pcotB5 apply to tba Eef. Psion. : martied i wife to Uke earc of small F«rm rV Lun> : i op23Jj Land j CHERRY'S 2J^S_H?iIc 3jH2S ¦ ' ¦ Plato Powder ..* <•• 5d. i „ with « Honae and Plot ot *ood Wage* It ?g ? *JJJ^ MaSCS It, SUFFOLK-BTBBBT. DUBLIN. - , i by tho medical p o'fcssioa for Rheamttlc and ApplicaotUwlUble. Apply 3. C, Offlcoi ol thb T rrTi yhiir Biwlaaiii WrstilM Id. Slzo Bkck Lead ••• 7Jd. per Doz i Ot< Potor'o | College, V7esford. ! IRISH lo 8d : Pawr. ! ; Jl»4t» 8d. „ „ •» '" « <' « npHIS COLLEGE oocuple» one ot tb« flneot «IWa Gout affections, ill JL •! j equal to New. MU8TCASD. URB8 INTACjTA . In Ireland. ': It itonda on » riling grOond WAGONETTE for 'Sale. Fnll HOME MAt>B ^_ j_ THE oTetlooklog tba town !cf Wexford, and oommandi { Apply to Ibis Offlc*. JjUtf • i WJBlBBT. ' ¦ eplendid »ienr of tbe Eirer BUney, tb» Hatboor, Bt. ^ 1 " ' "—Afew Pbotojjrapbi of Mr : i [ : BEST. Georgo i^Ohtnne),; «nd tha »atrjaodin(f countrj— " CJEQU4H. 8*qo*D ; t)e 3ottlin| Stores^ » iltnation aninrpwiedfor b#«dty, btmlthlntw, »od O j C*itei; 8d.; C»blo»t», If. taob. C*n b« bad Goar»nt*edto Pure Flourbfth*llnartalastJ«d | ¦ Pbotogrspb«n, li, MalL Seed, wltbont admUture. . ; HEMBY WHITE & CO conrenlenc*. 1b* Gymuuiao,tt> » T«nnli ud B*ll frow Mctsn. PooU k¦ Co., Court*, »nd tbe-exi*ntlT8 grt)audi afford »T«ry WateWord. : • . •• • : ' j . ; . : CHEBBY BMALLOBIDQE AJ 60 ;& til QVAY, : j opporinnity for recmrtion and oqKloor exereiw. ' * . M CBB8, MICHAEL liBULLrvAK i nroTioB rTha Couu» of SUiditi ti adapi«4 to tbeloWr- are:tow open to tttilnT rrth I otUr al medUto: Eduotlba Ptoxnwaie,and conprliea tbe WEi our Store la O'CONNKLI«*8T., wiUwtit CK BULWAT BlIGH-CLiisS j COPIALS i HABVBY 4 EON, FlnapcUl fartoui braoobaa cla Qnt clis Boelitb, JderoaBtll*. we art prepared to pay top MEB9BS. and'Clawlcal Edpc»tipD. ' b«lng packed, for wUth : Qi4AD6TOM«-t)TBirr, WATIBTOBP, Yonbg mes ara propand through tbe season. B. MAHONT CO. : j Suadny Stmrtsios a - " BARRONSTRAND-ST., & HIGH-ST, Aa*nt«, for tba:Prtlitfiloaryl r price *j i «• tyfTiTrtflt• Ara equally as pp ?u!ar j end ao fina as lib eceiTe MONEY ow ;DKP081T ib'tmBSiof Sot EtonltaWlob of the Boyal | Oa BtJMtATi, 8U> Jm, M| aad ' ' * COIUJR of SorfeoBiJ 8oUdt«ti' AppNetlosibipi, tOUi4nr, aa4 <: ¦ . ' : • ; WATEBTORD, ,:i | ; i | less than 410, it Tb«» _p«r cent, per Annum. »• * ' ' ¦ - : oadinund. , tb» Baoif and Cltll Bertto* CUftablp*. kc. \ ¦ ¦--¦• ' " - l ] i! All kinds CM quality, vU,, MMblt f t>r»eHc*Ul) f !: tlB-Vf • ..; -I!' I ; ! {- . \ \ \\; Aiited Waters. Bomaif Vatatton, 1890r aodi'm Hondi/iMlb grt»tpU»ittf»teannOTndigto bii Frirffr ¦ jfr. A. MUBOH, ; Hit ' : ¦ " . . ' : : sv c ftojpfotui and all for»h«t l»forrt»Uon •Dl ba 1 hli Camt,\toitk tlPoUlo{org otml, tlM BeaC i - i I ¦ satBasaaggaaRSg ta a tft^m DSSTIBT, : for«afd«4onapplUailon w ! ' i thit Wi;|fBW BOT^WI ::;! : ¦ ; ;. ¦[ ( mod"*0* ««f fa:fla fo Hi BBPESFOSD-BTBBET, WArEBJfOBO, riJt;, jrgg gBEaiDEMT. 8r«««t irt ttow ooor^et«i therftet will ¦ f ¦: [ .W «bW;tew^th«.*j^>a>d«ft«i : '!• : ;/:f- :;;- ;| » »KOtVMf :¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Ti/jr8. HtJB > MvM?Mi-&m*jtou!t-WAT !BB Jb aii 'fh,k mOSO- MOTHi FrimfleM ;8MM» Ah* 1MB. UBS> unrruan ,**" BJ torn ufww «• ¦ M m. UbiAk ¦[} :• :.n-TrTT :i SBf JSST fH *Z *> .—• fr«f '"S"*^! - M "JT'LM • ,' awiii '*>fcJ2iSlSi JtSiiB ¦ Wmmy ¦BMMMU\MVLhip j£ ^.tm * ^i m ! liuimt WI >I ifcOpiOMWrtQimrtT i w»l*g E-Hsfi ¦ HilP ¦' rAmilili-i w'. SI.: ¦ • ¦ ¦ " ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ii t ' . ¦^. '.T? .- •¦; • .«' ¦;- ::¦ ¦ m - '¦lii. - .rr- - ¦ ¦ . t : : ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ :mrm.m; - mmm: ' ¦' ' " !¦ is : wmi; ' \- . " ,w'¦ i'i!- • " ¦ '• ¦•k "',i> - :':-i :- - ^, '^h t. 'K 'v'-i^ ' • - ^ 1 V. - - I-;1 "]: .:¦[¦ ' ; : / ¦ ¦ \ V"-- 8 ; 1 . vljj H!^¦¦VL^. :;lv !- - ¦H.,.:-ti^^ . -- -:^| -

sw^lMsfcsW ATERgO^Dii N3gWS iJB ^ fiB g ^ i ^^^ a ^ a ^ ,~ ¦ ; \ '. - ' - ;|- vi. |>.;¦% : . - ¦ ¦ STOIIE -VOBSfS : ¦ ' ' ¦ ' L ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ AJTD M2 BBLE ¦:: ¦ -: ¦• ¦ ' 11.; : . •:: .; ~~ ¦ !;;¦ . -r - - . o.: .; \\ • : : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' .\ V\ ; ¦ ' ¦ ;¦ ¦M^ \[ MICHAE' ' i . ;;. :•; ' r n^(7>o4yM3Ma3x(t,\¦ ¦ • • ! .j r: :-^- -^M WTEEET, WATEfcFiOBD. . > \ : : ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' ¦ • " l . ¦;¦ P. . •: - .; - - , M- O'£HBKPE beg ripeotf ully :; • ¦ U ; ¦ ¦ : ?= c & SOira v ¦ •!¦ ' ' EB0Arabfriwafbt Vatlof ttt»Trt4iiiatWaterjord , , •: - ;-; ' . i.y<\ ; ••r-|N P• to invite tha attentWn, of the pood* of Wator- -Am on tbe . yf \ . : | '" .|. : EvemWotS tst July, a LABOB BLiOK ford and the •!¦¦ Sil tnrrounding dia triotate the Urge stock of - «» TAN 8HKEP OOQ , with WViieBrsast and Fere HKU>-STOBIS, TOXBS, ud MoNUJrtKTslof th» nisw- ¦ " pQf m \ 'raw* and Bushy ^' 1 ! Tall, •iswerinc, to tha nam r of yst style sod best materis I * procurable, .^including ¦ : ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ . ! i hLAJX ; i?**! ' ?& * " on, th« ft.olio B?tio Crosses, T .;¦ - mUM . fro^rWatjrforV gotag iir .th, dlreotioi cf " 0K.4 SORB are prepared to eater into oontr&ota | 6egs to Inform the jpubiic that his Celebrated • or every description of Storia and Marble Work for atUohsd addressed to Miss GBifruT #A¦ j {iiili¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ^ , 7, Ui tiss .: i : . i ; - l-i • -• .. . ' ' * ¦ \ ~h Vi cemeteries, io. CaiJnrET -4 :• '" : " ftioti prepared axid set Terrace, TramoreV Any Parly bringing the Aalm a to :!¦ •:!(¦ • - i-it -A- By their extend^ premises they1 canlexecute any HHHWaters, which are BO largely appreciated on . ; ¦ ¦ M|.tolgi, Station. Master, Watarford, will be p id » works entrusted to them at ,the Bhortest nbtioB, in the ' " ;' ' " ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ be«t atyle, and . j I! •:; ' ' : • . . on the . moat; reasonable terms. apS-ly account of their great superiority, are supplied Aognit 4nd, 18W.

WATEEFOBD¦ , DUNGAEVAH AKD LISM ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ MOiY^^INiliSE ¦ - ¦ — mtr.wiv . . . On 'TTii'ESDi

MSGtSBT. ® 1890. •

gaol, and never bad to Bleep oa tbe plank bed, it is A2 ¦ nospTiArj^ SQL0M0H3' SPECTACLE S. Selected loettfl. hard to say what he would do. THE URB8 INTACTA MrJ CADoaAK—Theji have the money, and they ACTION AGAINST? ME. J. J. F. EELY, OP A NICE THING IN HABBODBS. Ouccavn-ia, NASSAU STRBBT, DTJBLUlJ will stick to it (laughter). '¦ (From late Moat Bevd. Dr. O'Bsica, Bishop of LOVE VNEXPEEBBED. ¦ WJATEBFOBD. : IQlmire, 25th day of/uly, 1833.' ' Aid FreLDiNa—I know I would stlok to it if I ; Waterford.) j ¦& ¦ - ¦ • ; ' were they. : ¦ ¦ ¦ i SBAR UB EDrrOB,—The description by, one who "IhaveoaedIlr. SOLOKOIS* Saectaefaa« U2> creat kd- Bottliag Stores. tho human heart 11 On Saturdaytbe hearing of tho cosa o! Lannon v ¦ Harbour (though why eotafortiia popsrUcj Tho avrcctcat notes among !' THB »EWNJNO!"OT JOHN'S PDA. Feely was resumed before Mr Justice O'Brien and a has been there ot Boatlare vantaee to ay Hgkt, ttxdrcoolbw and " " Harbour" passes my comprehension) may Intoreat proving sost agreeable and beMfidal, effect* w*fci r aevez ¦ with rust j Thfi Clerk read tbe fbjlowiofj letter t— special jury In tao Nisi Fiiaa Conrt. The action ' charming ejperkneedfroo an»oUerkfaa of rlasi or pebble, Arc aoU :' Borough rrKuarcr" Ofloo, 12, 2Iall, Watsrford, yon. We loft;! Kilmoro—which is • . BiihmolWt*a t- Why should they pause P Bat TUB BISHOP AKP THE HBMBEB. gleamed from the natives of Ballygcarywho | know ' hare pro red to be tn»alaable to bim, aOord- BAGSUIi iU.» , ' ¦ ! ; : - will of 'Jobs tbe coast, and »pcaJrJ Aa aons Bpectacle* ' j CBEJ aching ' Aid STBINOE proposed:— been carried oat in ref«reace to the, are qualified tr> rag great comfort, preserving h's tight, aad bdngeodiSaral With all the gnawing pain, ; " That we linoerciy Irepcet that hla Lonlshlp. the Hayden, who died : possessed of about £18,000. to Bosslare itself, heaven ; protect the nnweary tron other Olasaea to which be had boon prorioaidy tecos- AHBD0 OTHER jlLESALES., hungry love that longs to hear the xnoBio , ; Bishop of Limerick, conaidered It hla duty to aocnas Tbe testator, leaving bis assets to bis sinter, eioursiouUt froo | being oast on its ' Inhospitable tomed.—Newmarket, county Cork. I ' Of afterj mWEEAt WATECS, ETC 0 And longB and louse in vain. ; Hi John Billon of cowardice (and mennucu ( that Mary Haydeo, for life, and after her death to shore. On landing; we:beheld tho shipping ooneiatuig Very Ber. Canon IL Bowuir. P.P. his nxed Ilr. S:>LO- ^f wo feel sure that lu calmeij moment* hlj lordship will regret ' of a sobooner disoharclng cool, all hands knocked uoira* Spectacles from the time hs was a Etudeai to tha All of vtUch h« will cu«xaat«oto be -of tb(> »ery ! if no falter, : his impatAtloni aitilnitMr Dillon, and that though we feol Edward Fleming tot life, provided that after his " pnsent day, and haa pleaaun in atating that they have best We love them, and wo knoir it 1 vindi- ' oS work to viow th» disembarkation. " Tho hsnds tended to preservo his sight and to afford him C10 utmost description. ; <, as no batter ean . ta had anywhere On being" asked ! xrbon the next train started , from fortAble retulU, aeeuinga* far as lensos eoold probably troversy, He (Mr CadoganJ could not tblnk of al- tho estate had been taken by Mr Lannon, as buabmd : preservation —Iniatioite. Kilkeonr, Thus on wo tread, and thus each in silence of a Mary Haydeoy the testator's next-of-klD,!and a Wexford. he seemed hoffelr amsssd, and laughed do. the of hla aiiht. Its fate fulfils, lowing even an indirect slur to be cast on Or heattily. He informed us that the 1 last train had (From Very Bev. Canon KTAH) J :' John Hayden turned up as a claimant. Tbo Vice- Waiting and hoping for tho heavenly xnesio O'Dwyer. ' started eighteen months ago, bat the next u a " I have used Mr. SOLOXOXS* Specticlca for many year*. HICHAEL 8«UlVA«, . «3i Beyond the distant hills. Mr W J 8UITH first suggested that a resolution Cnan:ellor gave a Ajcee in favour of the plaint Iff, problem not to be salved by him. Askod if there were and have experienced the tallest oomtort from tbca. I conld and tbe ground of tbe present action was; that, not expect to obtain rpecUcle« better suited to ay purpose BAEEOMSTBAND-ST, AHfaH-ST. WATBCSOEO The only differonca of the Jove in heaven omitting tbe name of Dr O'Dwyer, and merely ex- any available lodgings in Eoaslare, h» poioUd to His aad more calculated to preserve my sight. I 1 From lore on earth below presslogconfidence:lnlMr Dillon should be passed. before the appeal came on foe hearing In the House own neat woodon house, with its bed ot sweet swelling " P. Canon Kyan, P.P., Gkiibally." Is: Hero we lovo and know not how to tell it, Aid Strange asked him to read attentively tbe of Lords, Mr Feely 'compromised tbe case, giving mignonetto, and street pea, and while ooortooudy Ilr. E. Bournon* SpectacVM have been nsedby naineot JACIT AJTO SONS' And thero wo all shall know. asking' onr ilttla party to be seated, bo informed OS lnclndla? 1 resolution which h&sijd be had drawn carefully, so £18,000 to John Hayden. Tbe evidence on both llembert 0/ tha Ptoaltf, Hobilltf , Orngj , Ao^ BotionRepublic stdeo had practically closed on Friday, but one that uosslaro wks not yet built, but that government Hla Eminence late Cardinal UeCabe, Arj>ibiahop NEW CALEDONIAN COMBINED as not to cost tbe {lightest slur on tbe bishop of was about allocating of money for tho ot Dablin 1 Eminenoe Cardinal Horan Archbishop of , sold the reso- witness, the Eevi Father Blrcb, ; who . had been large , sums hi* . ' Limerick. Mr Smith having done so improvement of. that Siluorions spot. We thought Sydney 1 his Grace toe late Uoat Bev. Dr. Leahy, Arch- AND 80 THEY WINK FOB EVES lution exactly inetjbij views. It was then put to telegraphed for, wa8 called for tbe plaintiff, on of Martin Cheezziewit's visit to Men, and groaned;ia blihop of Ca«bel j Hoet B«r. Dr. Leahy, ' Bishop ot Saturday. Tbis clergyman's evidence was nnbatan- Droaore 1 late Host Ber. Dr. Power, Blahop of Waterford) Mower and : Reaper. a poll, and although no amendment was proposed, spirit.; Bat, oddod ourcioeroni, yoa might got lodgings late Uoet Ber. Dr. Delany, PS to get up this anaaal rjimiou,—Yoar 1Kb. Nov. This Fewder so eslabratnl, la perfwtlrnarttlHtdIt dec disturb, j i BUOS BLSXS MO fm BKiCrLE^ and : If 'd Clonmel, wbo stoodjlevpl witb him, but was baaten appreciation of tbo Tlgoor and oatorpri«9 with whioh tho obedient servant. " II. J. Jlnapar. HonSoo. Cnrrcat acoonnta opsned and checi books supplied. trojlng , , sliloaecU Jo caused by words, from " tiro edg swords/' 0 " To the Mayor «ad Corporation of Watorlord.'1 (rnhUn perfeotlr ftanalaa* ta«UaiL>vsJ U/ef. All wooUesd bhcaa an teaag& borb. j by. tbe Clonmel man in tbe final beat, on tbe tape, Bank is worked 1 and wo anticipate, without shadow Interest at 2} per cent, por annum allowed oa tho . 1 difidenas^ extended and fata should be well sprlaklsl with th* Powder baton by abant a foot. j|J. J. Nolan won tbe 220 from of misgiving, inci^eassd doalings, Aid Power—What did we givo lut year P Town pjnimnTn monthly balanoe, if not below .£100. Ad- p'adag away. It Is lavalaabls to tax* to tb* Sdaeld*. Io isssmed You deem mo but a clovmish lout—yoar borsao fit to scratch, beating Flynn' wbc was on the nine yards' and enlarged usafolaess next ycar.'fi Ci«rk—I do not recollect tbat we fjave anything last vances made against approved banking sasruiUea. aicW dleppoioUaantlastst iqvm baling "tsittag'srawtlec". Iran • ; ; Tho CorA Examintr eaya:— Theholf ycatljf meeting ; : ; Pay and Pensions drawn. Tiirm""< ProEniacis Ho otherfowdorU affeotaal 1 Sod eaTi U Urn, , *L, UL, aard.[ D. Whelao, of Dang&rvan, year. ' ' • & Cromwell' ," unfit to sit of the Directors and Shareholders of. the Munster and SobsoripUons, and otker periodical paymoata mad* 2a. Cd. Bewareot ImlUUoo. Don't be deodiei -\ Yoa think me butof " ¦ s breed finished third. : Tbe! quarter was captured by Mr Flsber-We ad. to < at tablo . i : : who was on the Id Lofnstcr Bank, pasted over, as might be expeoted, at a nniXonaoommission of i per oont. ; ' W0BU3 IN CHILDEEN, : -a A. E. , Enwright, oil LJmeiick, without a ripple of ditoantent or a discordant noto Mr Farrell—I movo we rjlvo £20 j I do not think bought, sold and roeoivodfor axf• enstody With Saxons, who, like fox or wolf , axo ragged roagh jBeds ' : mark. E. A. KfHy, of Carrick, ran a game that is too macb. Econrities W0EU8 IN CHILDREN. eaal ¦ ' boing- hcarj. Tho report and statement of aroonnts from constituents of the Bank. Interest and Divideada ' ! t>d a'« Qarblo ; j | second. Flynn, :who ran home fifth , eloifulflr to Ire csaOr, sorely, tad witb Derfeotta ety get rid *f ky uitg; " But biiove met yoa're of that same raco—Bean an left nothing for the most oxoctins shareholder to oavil Aid Power—i; kavo much plcasuro Id seconding oolloctedat a uniform oommissioa of half per oont. KCATUra-8 Vfufiaf TABLbT& Hesr(f aUoUldmtaOsr! star on the 9 yards' mark lo Ibis event, ' If saipecUd, do not wjlt eta witi teanja borb." I : relate, sta'tcd at,. and the spscah of Mr. ParcoU, who presided, tbat. I think: we are bound to support such a moot- Drafts issued npon tbe Bank'a Eutern, Braoeheaat from Worm*. ^yoa eaae as In the two hundred.' was well calonJatoi to add to tbe s^Ua'ootioa of the ing ; whatever benefits Trnmora will benefit tbo city, ourront rates, freo of oommissioa. BH.L* oaUectad or car* the child (has no effect em«s» on VHnta). Sold by all meeting from its ' hopoful tono and agnrics of more deaoriptioa of ezohaas« eheiatetj. ln 'nirt. ls. lid.oaeb- : , ^ i Fa "* robol Irish"—so you say—" r«bel ," why. I a ik ? and I tblnk tbis money will be DSII repaid. Tbesa neffotiated, and every¦ badness Is it became we fishf as foojht thoss heroes at conspicuous s access In the near future." roues afford a lot ot amusement to the public s a lot conducted. ; ' i MoUaghmaat ? i ¦ ! , Y7atorford Fair. A Bajffare and Aeenny Dspartmant has latoly been 1 of money is circulated, and many will bme&t mucb. Is it becapBe wo yon refuse our nobl* hopes to crab P Tbe sun ehono tilth such unusual brillUney on Hircuroiono to Ireland by Xlilford and added for the convenient of Eutern ooottitnoati. The . Mayor proposed ' as aa amendment that The tallest information wa bo ob^inad by appli- Yoa as mistake, mo bhron yoa do, a bboin an teahga Monday, that many iwbh watcb with anxious eye, the ! VTaterford. 1 . lees I borb. ¦! ¦ ! ; determined to remain at borne and nothing hi given. Some amount of public attention cation at any of tha Branches and Agencies, or at tha weather forecast^ HeadOQeo. ! : make bay wbile t*?e sun sboue. Consequently tho was called to! bis setloa la removing bis name from Your dear toogao wags,; as dxi a hag's who's n ver The London Univ' cne makes the following verv the U«it of stewatds, Tnat course bo had The foUowlag flgures show the steady increase In Mtweea UUKBICKJ FOYNES, aad KILr fa r beld on Monday was not altogether what an taken for t;» a^tticp jdono a-jitrinu ; ; ' oorrect ani well-{laiodremarks ralatlve to excnrilons , titre the bosiness here and abroad tinea tho coaaeaoemsnt .—Tb« following wia be , oomaeno- j Angntt fair might nave been. Stiit, everytblnu what, in bis opinion soQck'ntly valid reasons. " Ui« 23th. J ONE, 1R>.X ! . | Cia't yon bo nioa ? Please tako advice '; do cease < onr to IrrUod via Milfonl and Wstetfotd ••— Ho did not consider the ot tho Bank 1— i SATffSDAi , considered, It was not at all a bod on». Tber^ «t< name of the Conaghmord 30th September, 1831 _.„ Bantioj Atscta_ £103,000 :IX1A tSBftwioi—Satarday. leuvinj Llmeriok at I" elappor-olawitig," I ; | An excnnlon hji boas! aaggoatoi to ui whjoh for tbo tlmo Hunt PUie Shouli have bjeo Included in tbe rajes Zera'll flod I'm. right. It ain't polite to bellow mar an a regular rush for young cattle. We saw a f«w within which it cook) bo effootod\ tho economy of expenditure 31st Uarcb, 1835 ...... „ _. 2,SS3,000 ro. Uoaday; leaving Kilrosh at 8.0 a.m. [ 1 leis than ten guineas each ; and the poiuU to Us noted, is inline sad highly to be oom. to be run for. Tne time had not; y«jt come for tbom 80th September, „ „ , ... 3,816,000 < Execpt Boliviaf 8«t>r tbe Sair. one of the mart enliring bltJ of 30th Beptombor, „ ...« „ : -7,102,000 there was DO variation Ip price from that said at late rirer sceoerj tint can be coaoelred.adreim of qolet en- the Dublin Improvement Bill, jfie thought It wai cbautaeBt Tbe Urli> Intacta,with splendid line ol 81st March. 1833 .— „ _ 8,177,000 fairs. Beef, aij usual, WBI exceedingly scarce, and, , it* quays, extremely inconsistentot tbe yorponttioa to sub- : its Beilsald's Tower, Its sootblag ale tod oomclr lasses, li a money to a fund to bi used 3Ut March, 1883 . „ i „ 9,<38,000 T7atorford Corporationj-TcEaDAT. generally, may b? f -1 down as of on inferior quality. tempting place to lolten AoroM tho: long wooden brilge scribe by thoaa who JOB 1 , vouring to give Tbe top?'ice realistd was 50). per cwt. Tbe sheep bnlll on ue w»i» zlda of ta« striaxo, is the mut Terminrs were endea honour to ono to whom WATEKFOKD ANI> LltJEBICK EAIL\7A Y „ Kildare - 8 2Z 11 1} | *sn At the monthly meeting held 00 Taesday the fair was better •upplfed than usual, bat this was ins when a aeat can b» taken, and tbe dlidpUae ot the Irish no honour wao due. It was said Lord Waterford „ Uaryborntma _. 8 18 13 5 p.m. Ji oosstabnlaiy and the rude aooommodatloa in tbe third class of was anxious to come In with tbe people. His con- „ Cork(vi*Uatrick ioao ) T ii .2 10 | HATO R preiided, aodjtbe other members present great measure, j l«csuss tbe Canon exhibited tome the Irish railway on be ltlsorafr Burked. Catting oa a Conday Exourcionfl to \7atcz?o?d fo? " 4S 8 43 veto :—Alderaiea—ManDtujr, ' EedmondJ Power,' of bis tainted lets to the (-ves of pnrcbasers. Good triage- of pleasant Kilkenny, the visitor glides into Tippe- duct in tbe past gavo them 00 reason to anticipate ¦ Uallow -. 8 a.m. future. It Sramor «, SanuorOi do „ CbarUvilb ... 9 ia a W Pieldidg, Strange . aid Mackesy. : Coancillora— •beep to which DO one could take objection, sold np rary, punag Carrlck-po-Bulr, the honeyed valley ol Clonmel, much for the would! ba very unwise to cleanly Q0 Cahlr, !Ba&»u, where the peeler met the contribute tbis eabjeript Ion „ Ennia ... 8 18 1 30 p.m. Cuiogan, Uackey, If eozy, Smith, JlcNaaara, to 30f. eacl. Some I Iamb3 ma^e 30<. Toung pigs goat, and arririog"" at Tlpperary town, bardlj more than , particularly as Lord FAST EXCUBSION TEATN, Iraoain- aa ._ U 10 4 35 Waterford waa still engaged in; bis congenial task , LimoMci Uorpby, Farrell, Merrjr, FUnet and Higgim. | were to be bod ' In any quantities, and baying «u Bit/ miles distant, inaooopUof hoorm. There with tbe dne 1 A below, will leave Limerick at 9.5 a. Ilayor's Secretary, were in attendabce. ! ; reoessei will glre oun teat for to honoit meal on the produce tration of the Libaurtfrs* Act, bat when challenged and 7th SEPFEMBEB, 163a „ Eoync« {SieaE»r) ... i 10 4 0 ! A Cloao Dhavo. of the Tipperary | grailnx and dairy farm*. He will bt by him h*re it nrnlilied before Xetaiag if It hal been iaid-: a cock shot of j It w*» covered 1 bunted down and Lord WaterforJ allowed to cs- 8ta ta ,i wM»"i«» lax ALL ' KddVwn :: 5iS.} * "^ hisBtadlo, ind that cannot be doue till tho palatlny U at with blood ; »tresks of ditty sticking pitlaster bid the Mr. P. W , T.C., In tbe choir. «P»- 1 ¦ , ' i WaUrford arrival 12.10 p.cu It. I will le»7ou know waen to expect St. Probably before from beneat . AIs» presoat^-Mesjr*. K. Bury, M. Walsb; and i ! ! ^ff hf trr, ^ it wfli bs reodr,—I am, faltMoBr you*, ! cult, bat tot b!ood oo^ed h Altogether ¦ Mr. Cadpgsn bad beard a great deal about tho Eetornlngfrom Wnterford at 7JL p-m. and arrive [ tbe accused wit* an object more for pity tban Coluncl 8tewort, 31P. ' ! T[ "APCUJBE H. an**." Curraghmor< PUU. Hud not Lord Watertord in Llmerlokat laiO p.oa. i „ Marvborousi _g 4 55 2 45 "TU Jcsepli W. HowaW, Esq." :. : ...I .. ceniart. Sergeant: CsUbon told bis ttle. On the THE BATHGOE1IACK ABUSE. given £100. : ; Between Intermediate Stopping Siqtloas Beturn _ Power seconded by Hr ' „ KUioti 5 24 3 44 Oaj the motion ofijAld , | pretlona eveniog be was passing alonft Newgnte- Or. Hunt, tf Portlaw, wrote to state that In : Mayor—Hais ijlrlng ^20. Tickets will b? UiU«d at Blneie Faivs. Tlcktto „ Dnblia ; J 0 15 4 4 Eeany, it was resolved to Insert tbo letter oa the etreetiiwben boiiaw sometbiog huddled oo the complimce with tbe ordtr of tbe board he bad ' Mr M 1 Morpby—He kaj available for date of issue only bat Psssimgrrs „ Eooiir _ C, 8 12 U H I ' ! 1 ; ; ¦ given¦ nothing np to t nrfnntf s. j i ^ . i ground. Giing over, there was O'Brien in such a examined the grarpscomplained of in Eathgormack the present!. I j ; . ! ; helling Excunion Tioketa can retnra by R£0 p-m. „ Uastrici;Js ncUan u 3 25 JS U 1 THE COBrtHT HIM, BEWSB. ! drubken condition : that be coosldered medical Church-) ard, and foupd that the usual depth of tbo „ Tipr»arj .;¦ • . a 55 V 49 ' Mr Cadogtn coallooinj, spoke of' obcoaia^lng Mall to Stations at whloh tbat Train stops; No ^ - The following was ijesd from Mr Charles J Took, AuUUnce neois;,fcty. Banning to tbo torraJk be coffins from the inrfsoe »«» only from 21 to 8 feet, allowed. ' , „ cah«r - i-i «*> 1 a ' and them they sport i mentioned tbat Currngbmorowas a flnoplaoe, H*U Fares nor Log-gage | ! _ clerk)of Works to the Parocblal HOODP, Convent fetched a con^iable/ between were and that tbrj 8 30 3 10 Hill, In tbiicity:- ]l i ]: carrying tbe acduied'lo tbe dispewary,when lu tbe surface. ' Tbe of tbe people In two, of the all Lord WatrrforU'e actions, be saw no reasea why Trains, leave Watarfordfor Tramoraat lj.3Jp.ta., Hewweroa, CoaTeiitHiH ii in a leif bad iUte-in fact be.sndlenly revived, and Utter was Brstl1, one from Clonmel and p-m.,and5 39 pin.-; and frjo isgis Wr liU frultl to,Rmto«,6.li;. •ewerjit til-It U oplr a cotUnj In the moit unexpected icanaer the other tbis sobuription sbonld bj withheld. ' 1.30p.m., 2.80 p.m., 4.80 it Is not * proper miklitgat tbetetgettitistruck him, and succeededto from JJ't- Toe , third w«a child's grave, but be rramoreat p.m., «pJB., 5 0.14, 6 p.m.,[and xock to esrrj 03 the tortpoJ water , from 8uBusk->tn«t. In '- • " Mr Higjglns iaid'-altboagb ba did not approve ol ^ i^., tbeflmlio< the water dojwnwirds. It curies with it sWTel tearing tbe tnnlo slmott off bis bock. Ultimately: could cot be otrttin BS tithe nauie. He conld not tho race wbieb 411 np tlitdrslo.J : : I . being called tbe Carragbmore Plate, be For Elver SilUogs between w»t«rfordi jaod sad d«r> he fc»M securedknd tarried to tbe lock-up. O'Brien obtain tbe naatea of the other parlies. : Tbera was a failed to tWf as : entries wer<» out, ho» any - How that th * near Fttochltl Bouse If almost complete, pleaded tost be knew repoit of a grm havlog been opened before tbe tbe Danmoretee Staats (}onpany*s AdvertUemeOU. tad t&Ajtn lubitaboB, it Is ot the ' rreatext impoiUoe* when iskedwhat be bad to My duration could bo mads at that stajeJ ' th»t « propeir sewer itwail bs tasds. : It has to p«« ti» oot; a: tbing of 1 whatocoDrrecf;he was too drank. proper time )b«d elapsed ud a portion of the JOHN EOBEBT8. Trsfflo Uanagef. Qood'Saepbcrd GoarentLl . . '! j ' ¦ '¦ Mr. i |Wbat is be P 8trgtant CaUham remain* of another member of the family expo»ed Mr Fisher did not see that the name Cttrraghaorg Tnffio tfaoager'a OOe* Llmtrlck. May Mtb, ISOa Ji.B. - Tk» WsttMswI . aa« Xtaktiiek KaOway aa« Mi on tnr IDTIU- 81stte7 • Mx Fleming bas p*id U vlilt toitb« place, Ha Is one of tbpse professional tramps. Prisoner: dorlog tbe Interment of a woman named: Loogblan Plate was a {bit jtnore obj«ctlotabl« tb»n If It wss tioo. and no doubt he wul" report to the Conadl thii fit Is la called tbe Beresford-street or faroell^treei «t»s>«. STOVB AXO MAMBLB WOBXB « TOT bad atete. Eieo to ctato oot that sewer wUJ be of no Not at all, I »ba a traieinao.' Bergeaut Leddy ; frotnW »ndg«p. To all other rupecti tbera did^ot ; ' BOM at 1 ' (I ' bjianytblog remarkable MriHIgglosMid he Mt as lUongly as Mr Fisher MICHABLtSTBBKT, WATEUFOBD. .¦ ¦«. UI*[i A, a. A«._ 'f t lilt tefif f t»*Mm •' V1K «t«. KA»^»' »A Ha Is with «i b|iad th»t have been bent since tbe appear to or unsaoitaiy, J the groond beinv iwell fenced. i or any other man; but he did' Ijiot tblak It woald ba drslnafeU ti» pboe »bote relerred to, ts Trimore racit.j Mr. tilattery : Wbere are you ' ; I . O'KEEPFB 4 SONS be* n^tdthBj E»Va a. jatitA ~ ¦ ¦ judUlon* to upset tbo rtcet. : I ' ; ! Pi ; :m«n_M*8lbW-l' i\ p ' ! trein t Prisoner : 1 am from Clonmel and am a \ mr. Mtoi ati rower, xi.u., suo-sanitaiyocicer paid •I to lnviUM- attsotltak^s the BallinotoonaP Utr-, *. Q'K. * Boa*ar* p**«M«4 to eatei laW eof tnata :ntttea with power tolact. ! default to go to jgaal for a tminsti itg fr-iBS tbeTplace. since: then 1 tamed Unit or trtry ieaeriBtfo*gt Btoosaa* M irt>ie Wort Cos . Wt Kwnx.' hfvioK aeeonded '.be resolution, it «hUd «nd mo»» k*f» bien tbe same whom tie a-nardlan*had they might joit ail weliobiect.bscauseMrMedlyoolC ¦' : ; elaced Mt %b» l)e»f aa 1 Dumb IaatttnUonlo DnbUn, ud wbo llveaat on« pUc8 at tb«otB«r. Lord essMtfrisw, Zp TOiXMnf ta amps«sjaf «dM»|M. ' \£ti225iL jwrfl unaoimonjly'. 1 : i ; . | and MrCar*w tiiii ttwy «aa*«a««Maa} OtConaell oai th« V V«to" «wd on Bomaa lk« : tnoto Mkidg- tne |0orpor«tlon to kindly gnat the I • j ; j[ . arete given e subscilption, sibd U tie tblog were to fceaj atjU s>»«*r«sM«|>««sV|a5».ly for the ! i Tbe 0hainaan-)-Wbat ajticaican yoatake f : 1 bo-carried!! ? , andostih* i Mai 43 irjbavjrlp^tim: mainUlnance>fthe Coloaei Stewa-t;—Can' ¦ - 1s logbtlconc losionLord Soseb crry ¦ meeting In Dnblln in August. t the board prciecutef sboold not run a bora for tba : Of rby, tw«aastLord WAXERTO80 lAinj UMKIUOKj EAlLi r. taatott Ufawbokt.if fW request «u aaocded' to xin At an aggregato : CUrk—Ye»t, ilr, there's '»; biavy penalty. The fjA \ «w mottoa of Mr. t »b«r, Aboudedhf Mr. VunO. 18^6, tbe great CCpoHnLti said 1—" I dp depracate howiean Har.lngipn cad nominated AO anldisitor the tao*. ] •» to Irishman— as aa ardent and thing is yoa proaecotatbo oebeopl*whom Tba name wss hbti k - Unm : Tn MBw SJB. C TbcgoUowftigwlM rod 1— tbe Veto k*. yoa don't koiw.j fl« asked U It could be possible Corragbwow t It «sa la «x- Jhiaaay htiMW' ^k ^ " «ntbMla»Ui lover of liberty I detest Hi and wonld UMOM before tbe Befesfqrds, ud (a; bit opinionIt , ta-BuLo^ipoM«MBoail} »a5rhS>»pdae»wl«dt> that la the 'gri»e |an interment took plaoo In a the " oppOae it at every peril In bitb capacities,w 1 1 did; not o^nvry slgnlacanoethe Mayo*¦appeared ^^ta^iH-H ! Ji..«*L.lLtL^-^«s aaTctoeM oi Motti£te> tfcalrlataMMMjaytetiaVtteap' tnontb or a"* weeks, and tbat they took mt the ;¦ : ; > ¦ ¦ a*i Taun ^ " CKholies, fid Irjbmeo, we iriU ever mist it— - ¦ ¦ toattaoh to it. i . . . ' !-; : . \ ; remain*of that ptrnm. ,':U .; Hr , ^f^^ • " tail plaelngion our baknert the »a?r'e nemle* and iosldloo* foes ot k-f ; Oa4ogan,;bnt bedaose he hardlytho Mbt the eooneU ¦ ¦ « ! Mr. Powtr-1-Tb«eoffln¦a *bruken.! l - - ^ ^i - V;r:;!¦:• (j ««;t4 - TiiV ¦»» . ! sotk An4 ;#• to *., exhibit the deUrmloatlos «ei e jusMHsd l£ givtnjrwflS Urgilnmsof SMMM :-' *iiB^ H !i Tb*Cl«tk-l-Tn«»moat b» eannibatst« soI*b ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V »Blch we ]Ka»e always avow to mlst any for suob 1 - ' y.¦: -. -. r is»«. ed/ j surt of |tblU;:|Ue said] In wrposefj Bffjy:lM tboairbt tbe Corfor«- " neawre oaisry A ^M$t$ti4im iwromotMF'iariwi1 . ¦ "'¦ - ¦ • ' ¦¦' ¦¦:¦¦ I ¦ fher* » lohool ¦ y twjds, ^u /' \- - . !;- ¦: ,;,, : * opnsideriaitne *aU»ceaga]sti Xktmet t •## ¦ T(M tb, ladjoieuifc'. riij H:\ T] ¦¦ Veto *ff>5 give" the BrtHsh MioUUr awarAlisald thi baik*r/. As a |«Mttir pi fart th«y bads» Ssoi5« ipeliwwsei otjCataolfai . ^ - . ; • ; ¦li Colonel 8 * onsht to put tbe t« blssssrf. i-iwrit"^ y Btrt^fc-: j pttutUto U»d»ol ihtM UeiUn'. Trw poUo» " «l^l Hi badi »ttb»eHMtotkiaa o.* ¦ *b« and wpM iraoess<|s>|»l^.sewSi a« ¦ ' ' ¦ i iTMUdandoa tt e tamtaoflbepeopU!- ] - .. Tj Mot epj>«4>t »» ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' i Li ^ *$ W $ iw ^i- ^*ra. '' . Tb« Cl«k -II b. »« ofraidto. pUo. would -M" " iisS •*•*•¦ j vf)mvv oe niiTcnaw99 *wpjrpiHit areirr «o**lW wrTLordW»( srfarTaia ^C-rp«». " ' fti i&{ !*^4B» Uoolt mlihtb. i ] 1 Mmtipg ;• j i^-;««#bi«h Qtartmit : ] Tit iw»4si m - W plAcijt if m»tt*i in the) feud* IMtttafcf" J. .fj/ flf- ^T v*. t<>pK)^ a M mm jf *§»» ¦»*!*]Mteral quail^*4 ^^5^Aa^ ^yc ^* Mi

Ki^Sj MSiiW^ ih M,:.1 .MTW* a%% 1 1 mKmui,erW sMly 1 ySelt^f3I ! i$?iaii'' jS8* iSSmi? SL^U ** :"*w^iMi ji'jiJinnrr;:. .!. . -t.v ¦ ' : spa ¦|4 ksim- $4 ilv ij : ¦ir U::,- ,:U Mlitei I ¦¦ ¦ " : ¦ ¦¦-¦ ¦ ¦" : : - - "1:1 V i"!} ::JL- - " - ! - -a ':: -A- -.K ? .:4^r 1. :¦« -;. -£! m ! ?M t :J "] 'l^i^S^r > v -- . = - "J-? ijf

'hit ¦/ £ & Waterford Jfowhtfe jseings^ t.to the^resr^uvepiaoeB oJ ,»bode : ¦ ¦ ¦ :::Wto¦ ¦ o»;. H¦ ^^rwa ;,ChiMi»;Stow. :• !M,iHrn-WiPdwiipi jLlamoro tiuti., 2ua, I Mri! H V; ¦ ' ? ¦ ? an|d jthat they, reqoired' " ' ¦ ¦; : ' ¦ ' -r • ! be to live sojwtyand ¦ -:- !¦• ¦ ¦ ' '" " ¦ - CAUGHT ']• "1 ¦ . •;;l- . ; . r- JtornfliiiiiWi He*Hx)TO«gb/ - • ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ • - • - ¦ • i A'^^wuij P ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ § * - ' » ; ^ (**^ • r\ Btu^. P«( j Smyth, ¦ ¦; • ¦;• ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ >¦ • ! , toof ¦ ' )- :i . . j f M*a ¦ .: ; .; !¦ . ' | "" W':¦ fiS: tf- ' iqti• ; G• lwffi : ' ¦ >^| ' • ' ii j u Trater/ord, .4HOUS .!. ( - f. 9, 1890 ! 1 i . 1 i r:. I . peaceably, and make honest and due provinofa ' ¦] ' ' : - -; i I ' Beat Pnro brid BhcnthornBall in theyard-Oertifloat,,* ?§1 OATS-Very scares and markottop. \ lor -I : ! (Fef a : wr ?p ef r>riity,; : .\ . bMn to OUJHies;^ftipl«ia;Max*eU MoorehUl).with: CHaJIFIONSHIPMATOHE8 A T.BAttTilASZESHaOtt BLACE tbemselyes and tbeir families, Bocording to , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ WHEN¦ SALMOllr - MSH Urd., tha ¦ 1 toiicnltnral exbi()it!ons ' ^ i . ' ' ' \'. -; . *^™^^^" —'' i ,• v I * r ¦!!*.* ¦ ; . WXTHOOT >Ja4 HiTira wHEAT- ! . | . . " ;::- jJ ^ ^S ^' ^JjJMWioi : ^fork their respective caUings," ; -. ' . ' T: ; I1 '6rg«nyid; by the lojal "Kfef^)?'- ' jBojVywnaJe ;8Hor»hom la yard. In Calf: ;:;- . . !- '^ - ¦ ¦ • : ¦ . ¦We bad tnio |:v] uoiiHSji.; .^' iiji ] .. l ?¦ •;¦! ¦ ¦ ;¦ : ' " 8*ntry" have of late VJSM faUeB spmewbat or Milk40errlfioateopen toidfclaMes-ciptaia Max-- .iaer tvUhJoy in .ri{liietni«ti on 8und»V. .H :. f WHEAT—Firm. j j . . /• ¦^ :C Actnary-dr the : . , T- ^— • : into rpEEMN W«f^r?Sfi?¦ 7"t !W»PTO :: \\ : J- wdl, MMrohiU ' ! '• The son: ahone with brilllanof, yet- t>«iheat At tha Carrlckl Se , good demand, prices tending upwards.. '¦ dwriputeiauionMt tbe farmers of M e country.find ¦ , wHb:>VeleomelFame^^¦ ¦• which iiioil* on Tbotiil« at & slight adnnoe la price. ' ¦ ' Wfspak of tbelrjbwu the ordlianr arrnjgllnff f ' l ' 'r.; & i business.; We ure glad tbo old spirit is again tebintsffo not patronUe tbe cattle ,«uk bora' The Boyal AgrlcaUoial Sotlaty's preniams for kept under by the fresh bretws that blaw.i . Btnly Ika Tfc» FUoeryOoniervator* ptoo ri&^imt&lh/ 'nofatwe ! o abowa : ¦; ' : the dty been more crowded. From a , '• r° anahi€asy fposts o which ;he arisirJg in the parUb, and ,no doubt after next ; ' ' i| KWT-0t,»S» BKZBf. ¦ I' 1 irtj early hour WU|iam SlatiMTyof pabUow? indirectly snppl^ bnt he ii?* t-S>pe :ie?i| A N«ws »ebor»er who jwsa Ff ^ tbe street* wen quite eiokod wlUi r^opfc. Crowds Cartlak, for kavlngoflt wWth' m w lacks meeting all will learn the «xaot programme for down3 alt tbe Llimorer Horse 4»d were awarded to B P Walai, Moneyvroe, folr the; Jolyv flshtdiin tVBlver 8alr, at WTilUctroichi'f«; one _ qnjlifioatioa %ioh , the C*ltle Bhow on Mme from every side. From W«f(Jrd by tbe exoarslbn salcapo. Mr. tKcfee who are!in future. . The evicted farms in tbe district aie Tunday last bad this strongly brought boms after best co*/ ia calf br milk. JO Pope; Dearp«k, for trains and atMoer*foll y l.JOpSourteyed, the Watjf. Sbsphtnkooi tolr. (Kinovind8t *j>o*a- PRICES N T.. constant inteKfoursa w»th the ! still idl»> a perusal tb.e';bcat heifer in cslf i n»n) appewed for tht CURRE pnblio iahonU, , and those who care them have not yet of the catalogue, | wherein he found thrft 1 or tails;(dot txceedioKltbie* ford and Central Ireland Etil ray Company brought oooplalaants¦ , aod Mr, ¦JT. F. abore all ttungB; pwkeas. ! , He li w a bad temSr. been greeted the nsirieaof the nef years). IB B Walsb; Moneytroe, for tbe boiiiytar^ eloie on 1,000 isoalt along'th ilr Qatrk tolNdttoi^ed:; -. . *. . . i i] - •:¦¦ ; : • with open arms. , The prospects for ghbouriDg landlord, werbla • ; line, and by otEJrr ^ { IEISH. : i .jOId. i New When exoited Ke io4e« : lwge mrjjorlty Una: heifer. ; ' - : : ¦ " ' : rontes very many came. The won of Capt. Bailer | 1 oontroll not alone of bis these classes are not brightening. ; as exhibitors' of stock} wfaile the num- !: i ! , tho unnseal deposed that on th« 19th Jul/, ha tongue ber ; ; SIOOST) CLlgS J1KMBES. ' orawding into the city was Iweansa th» taw the drfarioUntoaihe SHKA'i.peroiiri.otsaSulb¦ s. ».' d. a. 4. B. A. a . , bnt of his fiita,! Last week we heard in j of i " second class farmer.," or those whose I ' ohamplsnabip Bl*«r Bair at Chariibtowa, " fklte • ' • -°0 OtoOO 0 OOlOtoOO 0 Jphti Cotbert, Deerpark barling and football tmme of Waxfordand Kilkenny Mr Blatt«ry was flibiog court a.j full desoribtldrji of tits abilities: aa a WHO is Arthur J. Moore lost week's Oappo- valdation ia .under X6O were in a decidedly am.ll , fdr tbe best cow io calf, for aalnoit or pec 1, jwltafif H«d - - - . 00 0 CO b 00 0 00 0 minority. or milk. Thomas Doocey, Itllnecarrigy, oonntles were aonenneed to m nt at Billynaneesbsgn tu 20 yards behind bla; _ ing 00. 0 W t 00 0 00 0 broiserfji tbia week ibis; wrathls exhibited ina quin Numberless interpretations can b* pnt ¦ folr tbe M d«faadmt wit In cot, Shipp do - - 'Correspondent P. We have htintedj aronnd upon the best weaullojf heifer calf. I ; . i¦ ' In the first U of tbe inter-oouoty ohamtaonsbip. \ he knew by bli netacd * ; the \^w regarding fact, bnt tbe tree one is that tenants bave ¦ - i ot xUbibfr, and br bla £lw 10 ' ourselves, and he is not to be found in the League,in tbe '!¦ ¦'¦ • • : ¦ - ¦ We have beard mnoh ainoo Sunday la the Prtssof S&L i? ' ^ a ifosstltatlonal . . j BUTTIK. !¦ i that be was flsblog for salmon, w^^ffifeS ! :' ?^. oo o. no: , oo o oo o which fOTpettT meaaneasi objection to show atock, wbloh ll it ; be had no;doubt he _ Malting - - . O j 0 Oo (, 0(j 0 0\>; O contemptible lowness, towo, nor in the pirisb. They neither know him ' lst pnw, 7« waa using saliaoa tackling, and wholesale Ivincp in nnit^K^Jo^^ ontrfKinn^o has tbe | misfortune to ba good, will deprive ibem of __ 6iji2od,5s j 3rd, 23.61—1st, Sir B - the Water/ord Cooimittee" >n arranging the details ' ' witaest ttsbed great Al0 i ¦ nor bia paternity. Was he some badly informed Xtaae, CappOqula • deal hlmtelf. : [ ¦¦ ' [ ¦ ' :! '* " ° ' Black . . . O 0 00 0 H 0 11 . 3 thonght||eTen he could ¦ tha i redact Ion. Tbej show last Tuesday was, aa , 2nd, H. Villiers StoartJ Dro-i for the enoonnter. Perhaps tb, e oarilleri it they ware . . . . ! | _ Grey, - . .Oil o Oa 0 W 0- ' 0 i) descend! to. : i| writer. :,Tbing8 have been pretty rampantlatel y shows gb, a suocees, ; and as the weathpr waal com. inaaa j 3rd, «|H Power, LUmore Castle.¦ : Five en- only aware of the cdioumstanofa ml|ht not be eo ready Croas-exaujlned by Mr Qaltkis, hit imotlvi in ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ' ! V1/10B, per sack, of 2801b. . : < . in classic Cappoqoin,! but there is neither bead paritiv^ly flue, ' tries. ;¦ ; !: i- : j . to pass suoh summary verdiotjs as they have already jjivlBg tbis evidence was io prevent 4iblq2 1U) Mr. though the sky r waiiBomewhU r £ ] wrthotat J! ' fa-Soporaties- . 23 0 M o 00 0 0 . 0 i JiaEA. writes :!4v The proprietor, for nor ; [tail; to this " forged letter," thongh the tbreatenlag, a thoroughly enjoyable day oiig ' i! HOBSB ' jnKPiHa cdBPiTrriotf. ' i pronounced. In tbe first plao» " the WtUriord Com- a itceuae, be would not like to-setailmon 'fisbltHr _ Fine* .- . . sJ 0 oi 0 w 0 0 0 bt have : mittee allnded to exists only bx SU O, .jj 0 0 reasonsjljest known' to! himself, has, forisome writer bonglingly Bends a shaft at parties of been spent by thVagricultural enlhu»la»t or Thfl boras jamping competltloa whiob concluded the imagination ot a tariiedon wltboot a liosus?, be likedi to sVo'fchioS _ Srit- - . . i 0U 0 itVie was aoribe attaohed to » Wexford Jonrnal, ; Ja»t a week 'in time past, thpnght fit td hold me op to ndiaHle whom he evidently knows nothing. ; ' student j of Laudsee'rian Ait. Mapk however,; did the prjceedln^s iremarkably good ood tbd com- of done a tppntmaaliko msarifr, he did sqt fish before tbe matohe* Mr- Olpary^ tbs Cratral Connoil, with night lints^he had never fished in his paper, and to! ridionle and condemn mv avail themselves of the opportunity! and tboflgh a petttiou was keeu. The jumps wire, astonolwall . wrote Mr. C, P. Eodmond, InClootrook ^OtlifMXlo. . : . . 6 li g 6 0 0 00 o a bardie, astag th* hoo eeo of Watorlord with a oet, but > be bad emp acUon m regard to the condncSof my bnsine«8. IT would seem thai at Doneralle late fair the special excursion train was run from Waterford le baak, a water leap, nnd a double Coanty, asking bio to proonrit a d«ld for the first tle« loyed a Iwy to catch bank, The first: competition was for five year olds bait, it was a nual] stream bartly rannla^ over FOttEION. In thol pompoaitipn of ,tbe above head-linelhe genial Henderson, Sir E Mosgrave's factotum, pur- scarcely! half a dozen; persons took tickets for ; LIs- in the aU-Ireland championship botweenl Woxford and th« ! PEXX. evidentl more. Bod upwards, tbe flm prize being X5 and the second Kilkenny. : He mentioned whea stones, and he had employed a roaq witbla '¦ ' y intends to asperee my private character. chased the two year olda wbtoh C. L. Gallnay Towards erenipg the attendance swelled the games wera 8xed the ffHhAT , i«sr burroi of 2£01t>8. \ lo. •, . n. i. X2 10s. Tbe winner for deoisipn. Mr. Bedmond la rep week te fls i for bale, and be bad eoUrely ' I am Bdronsed that the mental labour .bestowed could not sell at Llamore. Henderson is not known somewhat, tb9 attraction being thd horse jumping was owned by Mr J S Mul- ly polated out that failed, — ¦ Australian . .; . 2X 9t"SI0 catiy, the G.A.A. in East Watorford; wu ( ' Ut Stephcnson Calitforniau . . on thel prodnotion did so far west. Cappoqiiia might see and have this competition, but .the orowd was not sach as plight ArdBaan | Mr Dan Gallagher, of CUabna- almdat a tbioa p objected to tba line ai eroet- — - SU. S 2t 3 j not enggeat to him to the past | tbat Tirtuallythere wlu nq cl ub in*Waterford examlnatloa — Nlcopcl . - • 21 p ill U illuotrate altered. ' ! . - . ': : bate been expected suoh an occasion would draw. ^aaiffe, gettlog second prize with bis horse which , aod said it bad oo beariog on the case. i' the snbjeot; and demonstrate the " real J city, and farther, thai there waa no field to be bad that — Santo e . - - 00 0 OO 0 TUB The. sapplyof stock! in the show was larger (ban on jumped «o well at tbe Cork 8bow. Tbe second coo- Crots-ezsmiaaiioa nsumed:—Did yoa toe tbe Dabith - . ou 0 OJ 0 way to [pay old deb^.": He onght to bave re- Newtbwn concert and dance will probably we could have absolute control orer for the one day— flies he w»s — ' . . 1 any; previous year, and tba stand ltd of excellence lest was for four ye»r old', and Mr Gallagher's horse fljhloif with ? I did. You know a lot JHDUN CUtt«. • . . . . 00 0 00 0 membergd that there ui " a very old debt be held on Snnday fortnight. Final arrange- or at least that tbero waa nd ground to be obtained " dn6 was much higher than formerly. . The officials; were won i Mr John Power's of Monaloo, belag second ; wnore a' proper gate" aboat flies r Yt«, I do. Whether wasi ft a aalmon by himsblTto me, datinglas fat back as March, ments have not yet been made. aadiMr M . " oould b« hai Mr. Cleary or a peal fly r. i gStS"*??« *«?*». :g:S u S most energetic) and attentive to tbeir duties and Walsh's,) if Qiirtnalouty, third. Xa the replied that by charging a penny or to Entrance to the you saw ? I am aot prepared to tay i. D- r obUn 00OWU 1878 and amounting whether — (1 ?) to £5j 5s. 6d., for coal made, their endeavours to provide for tbe comfort ot tbwe year old class a bdrse owned by Me P Higgins, field thai sufficient could be had to meet tbe neoessaty It wat a. salmon or a peal fly, it was a large _ — La data U 6 U 6 snpphed to keep THE fares to and from Tramore are not to be . I auppos» _ _ An»aric»ri f him warm- daring the severe tbe exhibitors and e'peotatore. Tbe Hon Secretaries ot Coilanag h, won, l and the second wa» a horse of expenses. In the meantime Mr. findmond bad for- |y. joa know all the fliea iued r I do...... ,11 ) 11 9 winter ;lmmedi&telv Inror\i>i1inr.\^u^^ ' A ^r. n~A raiB?d this year for ' tho ruce days. Let ns give Mijs warded MmaenttlngfromaWe' What sort JlOtJB, American, p«r barrel of ldfflbB - W) o 09 0 were Meaara £ W Beecber and Edmond Voley, and Morgan's, of Kilwortb. iford Daborannonnoinff of a beokle bad defendant?. ' What, par ¦ ' thanks for that the oaamplona of Wex/ord a ' — Frenoli, i. ick, of 2801b». • . Ou 0 uo 0 which, l btwitbstanding " oft repeated promises small mercies. tbe following are tr/e names of tbe judges i—Hun- , had deolised coming to nooaeace—what tort of a heckle—at ¦ JO- Tards' HEAL, American 00 0 00 : this oitv, and asking what waa distance 1 : - : * 12TOIAN , per sack • . to pay," still remains' due." , | i I tera and tborongbbred horses—Major James Con- Don't miss tbe!Bargains in. Boots and Shoes to be done. To tbls _ ( Ho oa Manorarture, perl „ „ ,, . WE tbfs evening publish a description of the to- letter no reply wai tent Mr. j Bedmond oooeequeaUy Wbat'a tbe difference between a talmbn I eaok. ol 28Olbo. ia 6 a e nolajr, Captain E Km, Stephen Moore. Agrionl- during the Saleof Harkln'a Stock, commeaclog on tboujjht the matches wonld not oome'off, and it waa fly aad a / Mr. O IP. EBDMOifD is tbo called " Harbour" at Bosslare from the pen of a t'oril horsoa—Loula , John;Popham, John Satarday. Very Special trout fly ? Sit-* principally. Is there any othtr proprietor of this gentleman Fennoll to Ladles. Plnet'o Boots, not till Ute in the veek that a teUgram from Mr. B. difference f ; journal, He has never been afraid ' who travelled that way within (he past Donning. Cattle—John Popbacn, Jamea Byrne, 12i 6i per pair. Bobcrtsoii, Ledlie, Fergaioa & MoGuire, of Wexford gave Yes, oMor. I suppose tb'i only reason j or ashamed few weeks. ; : , Mm groaricUto alter that yoa bave for saying (fiorrecf id th\i s is - trie sUa t Yr». Yoa doa't kaow ?- PBOYI8IOK3 . once br jught bim anything -tut "Jddings o( QMr P M POWIB ; 1 anything at all as to Bicos Fias, per cwt, , — • — 5±j 04 to 03, , D L, Faithiegg, recently looked John Downing. Batter—W H Courtensy, : John "It " '"n, **' Sunday. Mr. John Ha/cs and a fair bow the fit's wera winged f : 0 comfort ina joy." As a matter of faot he was : other willing hands Can't answer 8niu do — :— ., ou 0 eo ° o for shelter in hU yacht at thia'preclous place. Tbe Byrne. .j : • . :. - . then set to work, marked out tha suoh a qufstloo. Toa don't know never a^ara that Aldeilman Eedmond was in- day was ; , , IRISH M ATIONAL LEAGUE U n put p 1 aaything fin do — — • 00 0 8o anything bat A bad one, and jet be found The convenience of tbe press was attended to by ff° /, ?i , .? ^ if PO^.-wd, in sHort, rigged aboat tbt heckle or wlagt t Nothing what- Hunt, per ton — — £24 0 0 00 0 debted in the -£5 £i 6d. mentioned above, for no sh lter there, and was very g : tbo field into the shape it was teen on latt . Sanday. ' ever. Did yoa ' ever tee a IOJUI (chandler ¦ ! e lad to get cot to Mr Charlea Galloway, and every faoillty for obtiioing BALLYDTJFF. WEST, WATERFOED trout fly at big M a peal '*) — 0 0 0O 0 bad he libeen, 'this j cum, duo by. Alderman Sea again. ' It is Mr Power's opinion that almost no 1 ; No one for a moment jean deny that 'tha flyf Kever. I bare teeo " amall ¦ : BTJTCHEBS' MEAT. would have theteeulta was afforded by tbe otber offlcew. . The ; . (8UPPBESSEP). , ! crowd was not as orderly as could have beeu desired i peal fll«, baB Bur, per lb. — — 0s. M. to Ot. 9 Bedmona, been lon^ since paid. amount of money nonld make a safe harbour in baud of'tbe South Warwick tmeat p An important and moat succossfnl wae held on last but we hold that if wajs tbote were not small flies t Did yoa flatt for trout llDTTOit, per lb. 0 7 u ' - Beg layed on there a six foot high palling all ia teat week — ¦ — 9 This exhibition of Mr. Sea, making public a Eosalare. the grounds throughout the day. Sunday—adjourned from the previous Snnday ia eon- round tbe field, and if the Wateiford at all t I did, I flsBed for (root that LIMB, por qr. — . — 7 l> B a Sergeant Boaohier. gentlemen who night. Did ?WJ, per lb. _ _ claim which would bare been readily paid had Too following are tbe Beqaenca of the reported iUneas of took an Interest In the matteij thought it well out of yoa ueo a very Urge rail cr moth la 0 8 1! u prize lists :— was crowded | amongst those present were— POM , per lb. _ . _ 0 6 018 Mr. O.itP. Redmond known ol its aridtennp. Ws have received a long letter, signed Edward i ' HOBSKS. Tbe room their owu pockets to employ roan to keep the ground, fishing for trout tbat night ? Mo. ; FOWL AND EGOS. . ! shows th;e las3 of main the directors O'Sbea, making what we Seotion 1—Stallions caloalatod to got huntera—Priro, Meosrs. O. Bartaott (ohairmsn), L. Flynn, Kilmarray ; the crowd would bave broken in just the aime. Aa Mr Qairke thea r. Si toSa O £6. 1 1st, Patrick O'Brien, Dungonrney, 5 yeura' old, P. j llannan, do. j T. Boche.' leng as the playera had no falling out tbe crowd kept In 8. fisting joarual, by Mr Bradford CO«TIJIIIIIS more Railway ^ Company and j the Waterford a namtwi of reckless charges against several promi- J. O'Brien , do. ;-Wm. O'Brien, , BO Inspector .perpair—¦ _ _— 8 0 10 0 YonngBaron. Farney ; 2nd, Bobort Garde BaJ^inmbna, Joromiao Qairke, do. ; admirable order ; never have! we s»en> solid square of the Fitaery Conservator* Hen Do. ! : 8 8 00 0 Saving's!] Bank, have I secpred to! look after itheir nent Cappoqoin men. We do not know Mr. O'Sbea, , 1 1 J. 0 Brien, Watorpark J> Canninit, dot ; T. bettor kept , to prove tb&i lir^o OCILIKQS : 8hrngarry, Prelate, b h, 5 years old, by Beaaclare, do. i , but the v*ry mlnuto a dispute arosa, every Qiei should b> D per pair - - SO 3 o interestgi ¦ i—— j . : ¦ ! ¦' nod until he gets some one no do know to vonoh fer Canning, do. ; J. Ounniugbam.jMooollop ; G. Hodnett, man, used in tbe evening, and beafked tbe On". do. - - 10 8 0 dam by lladso WUdfiro Seven entrios. Seotion 3— woman and child on thejeld as uanal wanted t J witness to read it. : lioos, per 120 _ WE all know Mr. it 'a leason for the acenraoy of what he state?, vie cannot pnbltah Hantots not less Ballyduff ; T. Foley, KnoOluintl; John Feonoy, Garry- know_ wbat it waa about, and the result was that | — 6 8 7 2 ^a publishing than 4 years old, 13»t 71ba and np- ' , etc. Measrs. J. Witness—I'm very blind. '¦ Duck £ggg ' _ _ 0 0 0 0 thU letter. He is wild because his letter. warda—Challonan Cap. Thomaa Eioa , Clondnlaho, DK?OUO ; Win. u Brion/Hou. Sec diaorder reigned Bnpreme for i the remaindtr of the | . ! we hare not I j ; ___ . Col FOWL, por pair — — 4 0 4 0 bay Kolding,M D, S O'itrien and J . Canning propound aad sooondod—'f That evening.i . j : E»an*oa—Did yoa wy yoa tfere bliod, Cap! feared to! show that the Railwayi which he looks yoara old, b; Buraa. Six entries. Batler ? ¦ ' . ¦ : . ¦ . „ , . COALS. THBEB were no Petty Seosions held at Kllmocow Sootion 4—Hunl«ra , wo beg to renew our coofldenco in and express oar Why aneh wholesale abnsa should be heaped ou the Ooal». por ton _ _ IB 0 CO 0 after, is 1 managed on a system iwhioh does not not lsea than i years old from list deep resoect for that 1 most teroio and iocarruptible DekTered j yesterday, as, owing to some mysterious arrange- to 13s t 71b—Challenge onp. Commonded, : Joho " Waterford Committee" is oerWaly a mystery. A Wituesi—I can see tbe smallest speck at th« end , perdo. — — 19 0 0 0 commend itself to any class. All bis bullying, patriot, John Dillon, M.P., deapita the eoaaholoasand few gentlemen here do their IUing best to meet the t"e smallest fly. _\ POTATOES. ! 1 ment, it was decided at last sitting to adjourn tbo Mnltahj , Cnrrybeon ; Cap, T Magnet. Permoy, br g, efforis of Biahop|O'Dwyer to vilify a °*. but I can't read pilot. (h dodging!, and Ul-bredjletter writing will not pre- byKoraanoo. Eleven entries.1 Section 5—Brood Jiare uudignined , wishes of tbe Central Connoil i they have nothing to Prloeperitono - - 7d. to Oi: 73 coart;for a month. Of coarao no tronble was taken stainless character an 0 conoerns the 8pbLjwood by, Mr. Bartnett—" That an Organi2ing Corcmittee, get u plenty of abase. Just to gifa some idea of the yard* oS t ¦ • public. | iWe "are Bowlos, Abern Hpnsc-, o mare by Baoohna, 1 ; FISH. herje to watch anything- that WE bear that certain Mallow marksmen eadly dam 'App'Iaaae j 2nd Fenia Longaeville oonafatinrr of Sve members, bo required to woU on the unreasoning frama of mind of some of the oritfe* from w NxwrowDiiaD Codflsh, per cwt. — IBz. Od. to 19i Od. Casey;, , foal at and request him to aooopt the " *»*» wfth -i™ afi!ectn their interests. From Mr. Eca we never missed the mark tbe other day when they waited on foot by Ballytyrone. 2rd, Maarioa Brien, Kilwtaney, Berd. N. burke, CO., afar, we dip this from the ft exj ordPeopU— '' At an th« »J33 %£ ""' NoiiriT aiEELHoa, Bound, per barrel 18 0 00 0 can accept lessons asjto what is our the local P.P. to ask hia asslatince. They were position of President and Hon. Treasurer of tbo inatanoe of trie want of forethought Do. Split Labrador — — 18 0 00 0 duty. ! foal at;foot by Suspect. Tweuty entrioa. Section 6— tbe Kilworth and Glan- and preparation It ?h s aod BiLMOS courteonely listened to, but alas I for their canse, Brood Maro In foal or with a foal at foot for agri- Braiioh."—Adopted. " Tbat may be noticed that olthough the hurling occupied over ^.»S£S H , per lb. ' ,|u 10 00 0 Worth Brouohea (Co. Cork) be aakod to require persona two honra. »nd W^ ? T ^t^ ' Qiu,si, per do. — — 0 7 OO 0 N they! got bnt Iitlle sympathy when their doleful onltaral purposes. First £4. 8eound £1 10a ; Third £1. after there was a good deal of snbse- MrJQulrke thpn produced a variety of large fliej, eoti — — O Saturday evening the members of the living ia their districts to aot ia accordaaco with tbe quoot delay before , por do. — — 1 ti 00 0 : tale ^ras unfolded. Gentle prcsanre within the law 1st, Matt Dinnoen, Ballynoolc ; 2nd, John Murray , the footballers Uned rp, it waa only which ne slated "ezt used for trout tishing, "ad ht TORDOT, per do — — . 1 u 00 0 deputation from this Liberal organization ln Tonrin ; 8rd principles of the I.N.L." Tha oasa of SVm. Brien, thea discovered that thare waal no ball on the ground. asked will still prevail despite their efforts to end a state , Sir B Eeane, Cippoqoio, foal at foot by asjled. Brioa admitted the the -.toess It be wonld iwear the.e «ra not J_ ' TK1BEB, Bradford arrived in ibis city, having journeyed Mcsoeriat Ton ontriea. SDOtion 7—4 year old Coll Kilmnrny, was tbea To men who had travelled long diatanooa and who tbe flies Mr E«D Pim jer ton, — — 70s Od to 8J« 0 of jthlngs wbtoh never can bring them peace until having had troquoot interoonrsa wish two Slattery wu usalog. from Dublin by the picturesque Dnbbn Wiowpw ' or Filly, hnntor ola«sJ First, £3 t Second, £1 ¦ 10s. oharMr. Dllngwortb Tan members of tbe Ballybcicken News Boom Bathanalty t 2nd, J L Hondley, Bathcormao—bUok said that they were Bennetsbridge meu fongbt a gallant biltU. In taotica 1 (ishlng for talmon when he for the position of Mvdioal Officer wonld aoon be they were never could not twiar it wss and bis friends, accompanied by the Mnyor, this week subscribed SA.0 towards tho Tramore colt ; by King of Prnaflia i 3rd , tvlajur J S Des Garros in it. Tha I Kilkennyas men played not a trout fly such as one o! Wato?fo?4 Bftttos JScsisoft Baco Fond. Carrygreon Uall—bay filly by Enohre. Tbirty-one doolared. Ho had received seveial oommunlcaUooj mnoh the rougher game, bu^ ekill usual told the tbese produted that Mr Slatt^ry uatd. Aid. Tpole, Aid. Bedmond, ilfeaaro. M. A. In. support of the fortboc-mlns oandidatnxd ot . Dr. inevitable ' ' entries.' Boction 11—Two-year old oolt or fill y (or tale. In our opinlon tho Blue and Whites CaptBuller-Tbere'sa dlff.reot method eotinJr Uarnbtr of Firbint weight d at tht Public Butt'ir Zlarlet Manning, P. F. Reddy. RCohard Hearne, agricultural Dwan, Carrlolc-pn-Suir, irom men like M. A. Manning,' have sadly doteriorated aince welaat Mr. P. KEHITT , T.C., b engaged in erecting five purposes. First prize, £2 ; seoond, 1. 1st, ,' " J. F. | M. O'Sullitan 1 eaw them play at of Ssblng for sdltuon. ' for Wtti tnding Friday fthi t dayj, Priui. T.O., K. F. Phelan, T.O., and O. . Haokett, John Murray, Tonrin ; 2nd, Batt Gorman, Ourrrhoen Esq.., " ex-crimioal , ! , j Esq., Mew Boss »galnat Kilmacow; For tie first naif oa Mr Stepheotoa-i-Woald good class honees in Thomas-street. Tbe nork is solr., and others. The other candidate was Dr. Sunday Bollyhale had all noy man fishing on tho ' ' proceeded to Ballynaneesbagh to witness Fonr entriea. Section 12—Yearling colt or filly—hunter tbe best if the game! river who waut«d : &Oard»7i - 450 i - 7S» Od. 82j. «d being tapldly proceeded nitb, and when tho boosea Byrne, ton of James Bjrne, Esq., ex-J.P. ; Both although they soorad but ; to catoh troat use gaja a Tod aad the matches promoted by the Qaelio Firat pr ze, £2 ; second, £1 5a ; third, ^1. 1st, ' one point, ilu the etooad line as Mr Slaturv ;¦ . J UouUj, — UO — 7»<. Od. to 80». Od ar* run up they are certain to bo a marked laptove- cacdidatoa were Nallonaluts, and be pnt it bo the period the Wexford meu made it hot for the oth«r<, used. . Tuesday, — 0 — ;i>t. od. to Ot. Od Atbletio!> Association. ; ; Robert Conway, Knooknnmnok—bay colt by B&lly- ;The Englishmen were mont to tne street. tyrons i 2nd Migboel hool meeting if they wished to recommend any one of these but unfortaoately delay! and diaputu were so frequent Witne&s—Certainly, hot not at eight o'olook la Wedaeidar — 206 — 70>. Od. to !0». Od fairly flabbergasted at tbe Leonard, Baily y -oolt by the Dispensary Committee tor election. U was impostlble tbe eveaiar of a Tiandsj, — 874 — 703 Od. to 813 Od disciplined appear- Avondalo i 3rd , W Doooy, Ballynelligan—fllly by gentlemen to to decide the game. Mr. D. Fraher, sammtr day. : ' ance of ' After same disaasiioa it was Unanimously agreed that Dungarvan, waa a most energetic Mr Bradford, fziiA J, ; — p . — . COs Od, to OUi. Od ^be immense multitude. ! la most cities Bsr. A. M OOKET, Duncan Terroco Church, Baoohns. Twenty entries. Section 14—fair of plough referee. Details i— Inspeotor, deposed that Mr SUttery acrosathe Cbannel it under tbe ciroomsUnoci that meeting could make no THB HUBMKa CHAUriOnSFJIP-WKTOBD WISS. bad not a salmon llceoif H . of FiiUm Corrcspondlnir Week Last Ytsr.,,...12XS Would be utterly impossible, Islington, London, is staying at Tramore. horos (open only to tonant farmera ovur.£50 Toloation)., . Byrne and Dwan, , If he aaw a maa flablog fnos Per Cwt...._.-..«.- 90s to 102s. they declared to carry out; First pnze, £ i' seoond, £2. lit, David Lawlen, Bally- selection aa between Dr* and | there- The Caatlebridge team tenres^hd Wexford and the wltb these file* (prodaoed b , any plass cf sports, if > fore if tbe occasion urose .the members of tha Com- Beunetsbridfe y tbe defendant) la Jalyf admission was to be bud, as at Ball martin .; 2nd, J 0 Pope, Deerpark. FWo ontries. KSkenny.. Within the first tea minutes la a salmon pool be would summon bio ynaneeabagb, WE are happy to learn that tbe Bov. U. Uooney 8ection 15—Sing mittee of Management should baaa their selection on Wexford, playing beautifuUy. together,, for salmon for nothing. The rowdy element wonld le plough borsa (open only to tenant y professional grounda as regards botb: these acored two fishing, no . taattrlr whether tbey were called troou TEAFFJO, pre- P.P., Cahir, la qolte restored lo health. formers under £bO ialnation). First prize, £2 1 purel point.. Tib, manner in which tbelr players were ¦ ¦ IOOA1 HAILWAT dominate so that 'people yrith money or raluables candidates. Mr. Canningbam proposed, and Mr. placed on tbe field gave them flle d or aoytbiog cli9. , . ; , > c»»k>n4inj Avj ttd itf.UOO. second. : 1st, Matt Dlnoon, Ballykoook i !ind, Thomas a decided advantage , aa Keferriog to bis' Trn£!cE««ipf»/or could lot think of] venturing! amongot them. Barty, Monatrim. 8sven entries. Special prize given Boobe seconded, a vote of thanks to dorgeant Boaohier, in the open thty alway l had the beit of matters! artlole be said that be tagatloaed p 1 Mn; WHITB, of Harbour View, has gone to--r e limenting him on hia wonderful success ia At there small fiiea inoald ba tiled ' Watorford* Mr. Blingwortb, an enthufliastio sporteman wit. by the Dake of Devonshire for the best yoarliBg oolt comp oloee quartere the short hurltyt of the Kilkenny men " op to dari." ; : Watertoxd Waterford KUkcnnj, , side in tha residence of tbe late Joseph' Malcotncon, soppresiing the Ballyduff Branch, though be wait com- stood them in good Mr William, Moor* exarolutd and : ondCentral Junction ' DUS SXTSD nessed, !|for the 'first: time, the game of hurling, Portlaw. or filly by Bocohos. Elret prize, £i i lecond, £2. 1st, ttcad. Aitsr tha flr.t Annr.u nf for the dtfeacc de- ^ ' * peted to allow snob an important meeting to be held aoorci pUy w»t very oven for posed tbat ne ' I Limerick i Ireland £oilwajr i and ¦ ' Wo Dooooy, Ballyneligan i 'Znd. Edmond Foley, :a time, bnt then Cutls- could tell by the roctood wblcb a and appeared to take much interest in it i —-~ of hla basis of operations- meet- •(£30 mOeo (81oile3 (S8| miitt Tilnnore ; he / Glenmore. Six entries. within 100 yards ; Tha brtdge again got posietllon, Rid LeaTy tuooeeded la maa used in Qsbtug whether be wtt open) , (43 m'la) dispersed.—COB. : Mm fUhlng for I. open). I open) waited on to sea tbe football batch, and was Don't miss tbe Bargains In Boots and Shbea CATTLK AKD 8HEEP. ing ¦then ¦ R * ¦&*l hl mf all0T^ de* iw contention troat or salmon; bu ooald tell at 20 ,l,-, --— \ ,, ' : . FBNOB. . : ?ithati tbe» K ? 5\ * P ^' yards, a great «- \ (< d< highly rplewed •witTi tne ; exhibition of skip, daring the Sah of Horkln's 0;ock, commencing on j HONOBABT 0US9. i JVnxford .field umpire had deliberately pre- ma'ay people fllbinl for a it £ t d> ^ £ d. The usaal monthly meeting of ibis branob was held vented a Kilkenny man from salmoa who dlJsV%aqwn ^ agility, and good temper displayed. The other Satarday, Very Special to Ledier. Pinet's Boot?, Seotion 1—Bnlla 2 years and upwards—First price, atrikinr the ball. Altar aaytciog aboat it, aad be dldnt think oertiflcato. Second, oeruflosto. 1st, Capt W P Max oa Sunday, August 3rd, tho president, Mr T Crotty, change of aides play was very 4reu I bat disputes were baa could a , i I 28i ioo iuo o, aw 4 o members of tbe deputation also watohed tbe 12s Od. per Pair. Robertson, Ledlle, Ferguson & Amongst ihoBe prtsent were i—Messrs f reqaont, siy what tbej were doing j be was tare S2SfS 0 0 78 0 0; 18j 8 .0 well , Morshill, Ulster Chief , red, calved 6th April, 1887; in the ohair. and when in tbe end t, he rereree a whisUe was 'SUttery Qoodi.lWo [ *&f_ _ games with evident pleasure. . i ' Co., Ltd., Waterford. Veale, J Flymj, P Oongb', P Fiugerald. J heard, th. frame had know mty little about it. ¦ ¦ ^ 2od| Sir K Keane, Cappoqain ; highly oommendsd, M. I lasted considerably over two ! ! ' . • 1 21fl 0 0: «1 120 CMBB to tbe " Gospel Ship" at tho Qa»y. a num- Lonergon, E Flynn, P For*n, iJ Kirwan, PPoper, J C eb d w«r» decUnrf Miuhocl >"ower deposed be woulJ not ToUl.- «U 0 0 C33 ¦ 0 : 0 Milt Denis Fcley, Lismore. Foar entries. 8eotiDn 2 i • . K« the winnera by a ; know Cormp'diBff. ; IN the evening tbe Mayor ber of 7onng boyr, In a boat, nang " God sjive Murpbyi Q Power, D Powor, hon. SdC. eto.i The goal and three"" points" to two pilots. whether a flibvrmaa—a good or J entertained all at —Bulls calved on or after 1st January, 1889—First 1 bad j ofle—wol wek la«tjrr.4lt4 0 0 672 0;o ZM 0. f Zi& lZ O dinner ci the. Adelphi- Ireland, od Monday, evening, Tbe police were BO? prize, certificate. Sooond, oertifioaM. 1st, Sir B miaut«s of last meeting were read and signed. A The . team* were—CaaUebridgq-H.VDaly, captain fishing for salmoa or troat. Oa leaving the UbU A run' to Tramore and Central Branob urging tbo ofBcora nnd cuUam I ; le of outsiders, j there/ sot is yet we bnvo heard notning of an la- Kca.no, Cappoqala | 2nd, Feroy Smyth, Hsadboroagh. olodlar from the , j 0. D.ly, J D*ly, Xt.-LiJZj.' LJart! he laid Papiaia Batler tbould bave aa lllu worked br Watcrford back oni a coup wound up.what embers of branches to ro:or^aniBe and strengthen M. Leary, M. Browue, ey* an Include* 139 miles of Joint: Lines Mr. Blidgwortb, in tbe Course of many felicitous dlatmeat against the lads for crlmiosl oonspinicy, Two entrios. Sealioa 8—Coirr rritn calf or ia millc— and m 0. Browne, P. Daveroux, T " t^er" (writt be baia'tl to kaow whttoer It wsi fi Liccrlck Eoilwsr Coopiaj as asainst lsl mild Mat because of disturbing the Champion First wtzei oertifioite. Second, certificate. 1st, Capt the reipeotivo bronoboj, was road. Ia response to this Doverenx, J. Murony. J. Murphy,iaUtlUt. J. Co.! a trout fly or a peal fl and kindly words, said was one repcM of tbe r we earnestly,oa)l upon those farmers of ibo y Mr Slatury had, j : , of the most en- W P iiaxwell, Moorehill , Weloome Fame. 2nd , Sir U circah i Tbe bench decided on ' bis llfe. On Monday Tract Olstrlbntor. "ho have not ooeo.enroB ad. up to this date to da W. Furloug, L. Laoey and M. flodiojf tbe dtfesunt £3 joyable Jcteya of morning Keine, Cappoqain i highly oommooded, Captain W P paruh 'Lacey ' —the lowest penalty ' : MASBUGE, . the visitora took train ; for Cork, intending to Maanell, Moorehill, Strawborr/. Tra eutriu. 8»c- so sit nnib meotibg. E Hearae was oxpellod for giving Bannetsbridgo-P. Coady, capui n f J, Cranoy, rice- with 101. cost*. i YCSTKBOAT we bai a blast Bummer heat to K lJegluy, carpenter. A mamber said oo. Weiforf, John yisit of real tion 4--Helfeis, 2 year old—First prize, certificate. omploymcut a. "P^In I M »ir*dy. euBairt / jfBndV. J. Kenn.dyi P. Joly 81, it Eathaipao Cbnrph, pay a nyinir to.tbat city, as well as to Kil- Ati 8 o'clock it nan 101 degrees in the sun. bg boenlnformed tftat Wnterfcrj dealer bought Joasph Molonj, 3ab-Ageut Bunk ot Ireland, Arklow^ kenny and Tipperary, before returning to Sociud, 'certificate. l«t, Fatriox O'Brien, Cappoqoin | ^J Tbo 3. P. UeaffliBr Xoatimoalal. th^ir 2ndj Captain \V P Maxwell , Moorehill, Luly Anae i a lot of cattle oS Ambrose's pkoe, parish o( Butttrs- eldest ton ol Miohael U Molony, New Forlc Lodge,' ' following rcaolutijn vrcs adjptsd nttn con:— Mr J, J. Heiror, of Cartick-oa-Snlf,. eldest dooijlitcr ol homes. IL . ——i \ j i pIc38E«. HDOBES & Son, report this week a bliihly cemmended, H Villiers Stuart, Dromana. Fonr town I Tbe btft tc KiliennT, to Catherine AnffU'ta, Proposed by E Flyuoi ejooudad by P Fiti^erald, ojiu-dtbo foilo'tflj} letter t— - • Us lats 3«r WilliomOooke, 03. WerforA In answer to many enquiries that have patent baa been granted to Thomas McGrath , entries. I Section C—WeanliD U ball calf—First criie. j ! reached I daring tbe past few days, regarding a certificate. 1st, Captain W P Maxwell , Moorehill , " Tbat we. . tho mombars of tbojFeuor Branoh lriaa Field omt.liet (appointed by the ttans), Philip Bonio of Common* ¦ Waterford, for " Improvements in bloycle, perambu- Loagabi emphatically condemn the attack Aylward and Jamea , July 80,1890. latta* v7Molr\' Annt>RTaA In tfie3A i*nlnmnH. HPA-IPI? highly commonded, Captain W P Maxwell, MocTobill. NnUonal Furlong. Goal omplrca (appointed ' ! DIEIK lator, and otber wheel?," wbst the nature of tbo im- Mr Juhu Lmlon, M. Pi by the ' Bishop of by referee), Mts.rt. Healy, Gi : "DzAB SlB—I have mtlobplouure taieooloelo^ ¦Gun FOOT oniries, Beoiion 7—Weanling beifsr oalf—First made on bson, Barry, and Kl«Iy, my amall subjcrlptijn : Anguat 5th, at her residenoa KJIaUon, la ths 49 th " it be True," |we are glad to be able to provement ia ne bave not yet learned. price, cortiflOiU. lit, Patrink O'Brien, Cappoquin ; Llaeriok. Th*t we ooosider thu' aligbling language Uangarvan> . • to tbe Tettimonial ts Jobs f. ytir of her age, Mary, tba belored wife of Mr juasi announce tnat tbe missing blackthorns have aa tn&stjauOalled [or, and uuworth of an TOE rooTSiLt, Mctgher, who hia dooe good UteMiy highly commended, Capt W F Maiwtll , Morehiil. mada ueo of cuixtpipasHip—A vsuvr, | work¦ fof Bunt, FLO, fend BisUr or tab Rev Riohard Gar-nan, arrived eafely at Bradford. Thijee or four letters A CtiaBEL PIPES announces that at ibe Six ' entries. Seotioa 8—A ged Loioeoter ram—First lrisa bishop, as. Johc DJloo is the Tory tesance of Daring the morning there was oonaiderable disoosslon Ireland, and »bo, -I deeply regret to le*rv, bu P P, Kilzobinet, Donptfran. E.LP. ' bouor and obivoiry. ,Oce of tbe moJt rororcd and aboat tbe County ftllea into Jll-bwlth with reference to tbe matter reached ua froin Clogheen sporu on Tuesday, a man named prize, oortiiicita. 8eoond , oertiflo*to. 1st , Syctiwood ¦ ¦ Kilkenny csamplonsblp. The Kil- tad trouble. I tat utisJUd across jtbe Cbsnnel. The last is from our Mprritsey ran 100 yards in 81 seconds I The pre- Bonleii ' Aborn Eoaso ; 2ud, bir B Keane, Cappoqnlm lovoiblo of leadore."—COB. j ' kenny Commercials travelled dowa , Intending, they tost the Irita people will never show atgUretto a highly commended, Capt W P Maxwell, MoreniU- declared, to claim their right to DUBUN STOCK EXCHANGE-THI« DAT. , and it it rant tbus i vious . recoid waa 10 seconds, Accordingly, if tbe KILBOS3ENTY. i tvpriBjnt tho county. rsaa who bu buaeitly ipeat himself la toeurcaai*. origiDaliCorrespondent " I Tbrva enlricsi 8eolion 9—Hogget Bam (Leicester)— The Baliyhale reprcsontatituj laughed — I RAltWATJl. wdrcbj held by onr contemporary waa not a galloper, At Sunday's meeiiog Mr L ICiiSBT, T.P, and sab- at the idea, 81aoarely joun," j| , i i ' : . am pletsed-tosay that our order for blackthorns letpriii otriifloite ; 2nd. oertlUcato. lit, Spotatroad FoLCT, C.C., |. residoLt ocaapled the ttatiog that they nad fairly win tba ohampiocehlp oa Great : Anthem & Western 11SJ Muiritsey mast ba IS yards lo a hundred quicker aeqiienily Kur M , the previous l> Wiuiu O'iliin. - ^ 107 has been juBt completed. Accept my best Bottles,| Abera UODIS ( !iad, do i higbl/ oommtnded, oan.il. Ati«r ejmo members hud beoa, oarollod, the Sunday. When tho time came foT play ladladd Great Wostern your energy in tbio matter. I re&J (ban any man that ever ran. 8mart moving thU | Lad; tdasarare, Tonrin. Three entries, Section 11— Ballybale and the Blue and Whitts (Wexford) Great Sorthern Railway ... 122 thanks ftor following rtsolatiou was adopted on too motion of the linml op, only « my letter soTrindly published." Shortywoolled Earn, any ago—X*rae, cortifloato. Prize. Secretary, Mr James Power, ueoonded by tbe It was found that neither team had a ball, Iho Job4 Kelly DttbM-Wickloir and Wexfotd | Tno following is tbo fall text of the KfBuIulion SpotscoodlBowlea, Abera House hl Mr and Mr. J, Hayes bad to drirninto Xestiaonial.' f BArnssi i hig y oommondod, Tieisur^n John Fiugerald—" That aDy ptrson not Waterford to pro- !¦ ' ¦ paned lo Mr. M. Kelly, at tbe meeting of tbe City BIT li Keane, Cappoqain. Tiro entries. ' Seotioa 12— lor at least six moatbs abali curs one. Most people on tho ;floM blamed the teams i ; • ••• . • -li H&Uot J Bank 20] ; THE fair on Monday naa not remarkable for a member of tbis Ur«aca I j Brnach oa Taecday :— . . ; Aged Ewas (Long-woolled—lit Drize. oertifioata I 2ad. not got the: pecaclar/ usistaoco trum this Hr*aoh." for this pleoe ot bad management. Tbt Wexford Wo observe tbat the Lord Mayor of ^Dublin PfOTio :IaJ Bank 23j many things, yet we managed iu gather one or do.' i lstj Sir li "Keaae , Cappoquin Sad Spotswood papers now desire to lay it at oar , qf Ireland . „. ,., .., ... 3Ui "Tbftt ne, tho members of tbe Waterford Ctty i , The ' proposition w»s carried naanimooaly. It waa doort. Whea tbe Mr. Keaoedy, J,P,, several loadiog Bank two little incidents that will mttreat many of onr Bowl-i, ibtra Uorua ; highly oooiaiondid, O«pt W P »ae Eoorgeuoy borae.tr»in«r, yarns began tbe Ballybalg mcn^playing with tbe wlndi members ilnnrtir and Ldontor Bant ... ,., ... C? Braooh of tbe I N L, beg to tender to Mr Martin thbn rcioUtd—" That forced, tbe biJl of Parllamsnt . readeniJi • . . ——» , . ¦ |. ; Maxwtll, Moore Hill. Tur^e eatrlcs, Seotioa 13— who ' has trained hort.a la tho p4iic lor some reildents towards tbe Wexfurd goal , but it was , and others, have funned them- BA.BTET & 80N, Stookbrokew, Waterfcra. Kelly, a native of tblt city, bat now of Estromadurs, Hog3Ot Ewes (Long.woolled)—1st prizs, oertifloata i in the pariab, be not agalo employed." Thai uexe toon returned, and before ten amatea pUy the ilia* selves into! a Committee to raise III was a healthy sign of this times to see so Spain, our beat ¦ tbanki to the uiembert of tbls iaii 1st anu Walks scored a point, a Testimonial togs inen'flitting;aboutthe Hill. do. , Sir B Ecane, Cappoqain i 'Jud, Spots- meeting is fixed for Sunday weok , WDCU tbe comoittee TBeliybalo now pitying to John Kelly, oue of Balfour's victims many cheap branch for his geoerous subscription of £3 toward* wood Bowles, Ahoru House. Tbree cotries. Section ni:llbu elected. ' All! laimen in tbo parish, aot at wltb great vigor, sent tha leather dylag: dowa tbe field now Tbe drpes department of; the ' local detective ltd fund. • We dtsird to place on record pur respec- 14—Erro Limbs (Long-woolled)— let prize, certificate j , aro earnestly oujulntd to send la and fiercely bnsieglng the Wexfo' ri lines scored a point. lyiug ia Clonmel JaiL This is Mr. Kelly'i 1 present mombtrs The J depot nibst, indeed, cost a pretty oom, notwith- ted fJteein for bis practical patriotism and lovejof 2nd^do> lat, bpolawcod lijwles, Abern Honee i iad , their names I by ' thai ;day, as ibo rwsa nlil than ba Kilkenny men bad all the belt of it for the fourth term of Imprisonment under Sir B Keane, Cappoqain i hi ghly commanded it uainder of the flr«t half , up cruel : standing! the very reasonable figure charged fur Ireland, wbiob proves that Iritbmoo, no matter , Captaiu closed.—Con. i ' - butjWtxfotd defended well Crimes' Act. ; Bbth Mr. Dillon Spi ISaterfDrir W P Maxwell Mooreoill. and nothing Jobs Mr. ^e»& pment of the plain.clutbes policemen bow far removed from tbe old land, itlll 'retain , Foac onttios. Beition 16- 1 further tral regUt«red agaiatt them. *nd the equi . Shott-irvoUod Bwen—Priz^, aerlific&t;. ' Prize, Lady NEWTOWN, Daring the lacond half Wextord loored a Wm. O'Brien speaic ia the very We espied many new bands at tbe that jindylDg delerminailon to see a°lf-governmest ou hold on last Bandar, bat after a . second point. highest terms jiow-a-dnye.. Masijrave, Toarin. Six eutr.ts. tjeotioa 17—Sboct- A mcatioff aoms diicui»ioa a res* amongst tha plajert, and Ibo of Mr. Kelly's sufferi , bat, of coarce, there was not restored to fbeir native country." woolled litmba—Piiie short discasiiont it vaA dtsidad to adjjurn til next orowd nin over ngs, sacrifices, [aad un- " ADD BEAO HOT." shadowing game , oernfioate. ITiio, Lady Mua- the ground, aad at they did aot show BS JTTBT, for an instant, Braro 'Toutin, highly oommended, banday week , as the preiiJeiit , Fatbur ' Louergau, ranch inoilDailon to Lave it, too selfish patriotism. Hence the Tettimonial one at tbe fair who, mistook their . Capt W P Maxwell, llejltS nferee declared tbt : l ". MooXehJl. i Four entrits. Hoctlon 19-Boars (whlu, could not attend. Tbe oharges ogainit match a draw, the uarns at the tltno having scored deserves very geperal snpport. ; calling. '|| i -±- .J O'Dpnorjhoa aad Walsh, for having supplied Emer- two [ ; ! they were all : hovering round for it is Betnrn of ocr Buyers from tba Markets breod)r-Pr(»o, owtlfloite. PnBa, Major H P Chearn- pciata eaoh. i I W HAX j : Novelties la Hosiery, Gloves, Umbrellas, Gents'. ley, jSaltKrbridaei ' gendymon. nlll thea be iave«llgatcU, and tao Seorouutr GUARANTEED difficult ito say, for look as we would, vre coald hopos of cry member in the paziah will attend.—COB. A ¦ ¦ ' Collar.!, Cuffe, Ties, 8oarf«, ic. Eomarkubly good TIE9T-CLA68 fABllEB8, VitUEB OVEB Q^BAT COTJNTftr. : \'\ . . -. sot f urrage out more! t )On a couple of observant Ledlip £50. ' Value in Shirts. Robertson, , Ferguson & Co., Sootioo 2i—Bolls a years and upwards—Ut pri-0 ' Tho 7raao3(V 2acox There ar<\ It U uld, l^»00,00o mileaei tel«trMpa representatives from tbe^League, branobes. Ltd;, Weterford, Jil Ws-lst, ; i tn tbe United r . ¦ £3 i ^ad, 5 0 Pope, Deerpark , 2nd. John 8-S4UB We lave teen unable to obtain the sarrjes States, ot enouga to to tniixolsto* li ~^_ : ! Mottiasy. I Cappagh ; highly commended of til globe fer:y UNEQUALLED CIRCULATION , Bichard the bora, s eiitend for thesa rocai on Toeaday and i titneei It is estimated that 290,000 IT is [ more than probable 1C tbe Catherine- O'D6nnell , Bil;ygallane , fhroe enteriaa. Sootion 25— Wcdn ptftoot engaged ttoreoa ' Idocioro TJnloa—WzDniJDAr. calved on or after 1st January, BOANDAXOrjS QBADDlirO. BEAU CAPrOQUIK. ed»y next, but Mr Morpb/ lDforms as tbat basiatM depeodJnjsoJely street depot was not well represented, Canon BnlU 1889-l,t trizo oa tob nrtl on electricity. Aboat 400 miles of elactrtc railway £3y aooond, ^81 lOa-l.t, B P wil.b, Moneyrr^ la lit posaiblo that all our Uaobinj and proaohing day there are 22 horet eogogtd for tbe TURDAY, AUGTJ8T 9. 1880 TqpFin laud Ned Hayden would have bad little ; l history ol tbe pise, aad too Currsghmore Plate, 16 for the ar* in opeiuion, aad majjb mor* U aad;r t cniuao• The usaal weekly meeting of this board waj hold 2nd, Bati a6riiMn, Carryheen. Three cntfrUi. 8ectlon the |.ssoad from the sad Bollytrlckea Plate, ¦ : ' difficulty in arranging: a bargain wltb John bar own limes aro to forgot- 11 for the StuarJa tion. j >i - . -, • ¦ ¦ '¦ oa abue duy. 20-Cowa in oalf or in u.Uk-lst priti, £1 ; 2nd, XI 10a eiptfienctS of b* f Ute, 10 ««ch for tbe Committee . : " Boss. || The eale was all but completed when -lat, BP Walih, Moneyvroo ; 2nd, do , highly ten | or : rbLLiouiir, oom- estab- "|:aaw that-" a sbaiow"[ bdd hii eye on ! Mr. Mtcuiit D.V.C., presided. mended.lTboraaf Barry, MoDatnm. Eltfveu Hire ia o roean, heartlna old grabber about llinoioot* in tbis city will bu closed OD Toeidjy, 1 " Bos3 enterioa. leg, »s thoy »xy, already in ! him, so (ie slunk away, fearing tbe " lam the Local not ashamed of »uoa a father. Ayonog aa atstitant lsok op after a UUla time Dootpark i highly CJmmended, do. Four enterUs son - that is ¦ , u foreign¦ iaApU«e ¦fall Gbveyoment Board, ; of life—oh I the unenviable career ofl. ' ¦ i . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ I The action brought by Mesars. REDMOND "TOWABDS the: entt of tbe day the Clerical Seotioa 29—Weanlini heifer calf—Prize, XI—ltt, BP man j in the spring !j ;• for it but ;to part with bis The following woo received from¦ the Board of Walsh, i Moneyvrooj [ bighlj1 oommeuded, Thoman before him ; the Boger of scorn pyiotedat him, withthe. Polioo and Pi BHER ajftnnst the Governor of Water- Shepherd saw nothing • • Moastrio. Tbreo oatrlos. Seotioa sarinu liko father like too, I». there rjo outraged Bold cji Tollow. ! to the farmer Works i— . Barry. 80—Wem : ' ford risonment has ended twenty i sheep for a mere song i : of Pnblio WorVc, Dublin, liag| LUII paU-Prise, Xl-Pri|e, B P Wal,h pubUo oplnlpn to laah tb.eao people into ahama P. j j^Mkblttxfl' ' , : ; " gs ol for illegal imp i ¦ ¦ " OEoo , Bfaasv- ' A corre»pondent ; I ¦with ' kwver of Ttomyre. A judge! tells us that i : "5 Auauot, 1630, vroo ,! '.highly commended, David Lawlea, Callinagb. Herb is the od story of poor John Eeniry :— tuppliei ai with; a very minute . There aro ota who ne ns all those any ; knowledge of the law grabbed my farm | my • wife accoaut of tbo perforuiaae* var have a good;*0tdto 1 " MUther' Cbarles bod qnite £13 in tbe baying. " Sine,—The Bank of Ireland has boon aatborbsd Font 'eatiixf r 8ootion 31—Agod rami pluintifls. ! The Governor of the gaol, lie- isioght bnt.apacing one.! i [ i loin, No. S37L, Labourer's Acts.—1 am jour obedient tra*bs>}| Sod, Wm • Dooceyy BaUynelllgan. Two labor ot my wife and my Utiur before mo, weio apest fores atuokod tbe borne e! Mr J M«G»*tb, flank to say aomeJhlotj game W'IBBBS Sootiou 32—Hoggot oa the plaoo to. msxe It «hat it ia. ' The old rent was in dUperagtoieaT. Tbejp. do out iiwvabl ) ODKIW and other equally eminent servant. "PL , Accoaotant. entrlaf.-! rams (lielcfater)—laf r€W U Te hoor butolcoara. witaout B , lho Gnirdlsno of Liemoro Union." ; prize, XI 10* 1 Xnd, £\-Ui Wm Poooey, Balbu, 410 ) soon afUe the paulog of| the Land Aetlgol ft 5nHi i' 7 ' "' J « ottefitpeakjdlrMtnr ugaioata good mao, ' but by as Gospel tbat D. I. Trlseott has " To 1 Ulgan The landlordapppea Tod flndin|c tne imalbit tluag to :bas«a preiecatioa on, InpllMtloa and iihaendo fegal iuthorittes, laid it dowa IT ia iibroadlyj binted . : QD1BIJIAH8 T. UOBUI68BTS. Two enterics Scctiou' 33— Aged ewes (Leieeater)— judloiat xtnt fixed at ^8, : | Mr HoOntb ' i*ek to btfaufli a Wjr in tbe firm of Hanl 1 , lOi-lst , the appeal wu beard I BMd all my growing , ijUappe. jubjefl t to much aa. and boooDMble repntatloa. Saoh ftat tie imprisoned nevspaper men could been admitted a partner* y & The following win r m _. J r%t n ^k^ A.- .&x] M W&^L ' * paid ,,^600 a year for^ expounding legal ' ¦ ' : 1 dtf«nd»nte fur % poatponemeot of tbs trial of tbU ^ — »w»i twu js^^^an ^^ — ^^ DEATH OP AXO MKANi . KiL^BNNT promoWd hr tbe! Wa$evf.U doctrinfes, ! yet he shewed ' unmistakably Inat J. B. BosAHquETifii , as usaal, boeairig round, guardians, ' X( f| 2ad, 10s. 1st. Esmond Morrlsaorj, QUntrMna 'finding the long walx to tod irom toe work *4j *n , The tndden and altogether Bneipactoddeath of tbls decidedat Traaorj o«»M»al ol to»7.1» coopromUu with tho . ;, . evening : i ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ " ¦ Vf :¦ ' ' Remo\]able BoDKrN would do well to tele a bear one Ooghlan is) now formally I a>ni obliged to ba In Fermoj UwUj oa urgent bnil- Onoi entry. BeoUon;3.7-Bona. Prizj, ^1. Wm I again I mad? treaty for the It rot, I offered 481 th« eitimabla citton of KilaenoyU« qamtin «tUt a bainfal aboci *-! t . \. • i ' \\ but weji to it ram linod »n open qaeslion h m D fri ndl «.t couple appointed bis special] commissloaer. As a sales- nta«, othorwU« I woold attend pfreonaliy at tho Dootay, I Uallynelllgan. Oas antrr, Becilon 83- aj{eot wanted 410i (° , i » * ' Goal robut 1 of I lessons from liim. Accompanied ! 8ow in Pig. 1« *. prl«« M , , until , abont ^S weeWa ago, nut log h» would not pome health^ on Saturday Bight , jttop tht followliuf mine i tfoei,! olaa W, ' i board;—r«lthfnlly yoarf¦ ¦ , _ , £i% 2- J WS lit, iThomas morning *. t Mtniitb, 9 I lias \\ w. b man J. B, B. wai not a distinct iacceca, |: ¦ ¦ ¦ I divided the J&i, and toy offer of £9 per be paued Shallow, S mine y thd Mayor, he proceeded to Watenord i : . "' . • ! " TuOUAl BUTTB BTJ fiarry, Monairlui I 2i!di Wm JDoocey, Ballyoellltran. dowa. 1 T*** JulaUy away. TCbtJWt*of Ma WM tbt tJ Shadabaa, • aalait & atabov,S 1 Tbe honati od ylaoe wanted !¦• bursting ol M miH i U. C R&oi ai d offered to complete the recognizances ' j To .Ur Wo Plocd,' ic|log.aurk.-' , i 8ii leaflet. Svctlan 3i»-8ow and LHwr. 1st priza. was I aooei'ted. ' ^" txUryth ina tb» Ug. It woCd bt tttaUta llaaalat-.ia ialae i C. r. Bedawof,A«iM | im Messrs. Moaloy & SottV ffeU-lUwked XI i' 2nd, 10s. Ui Wm Dooo«y, BtllyntlUgsn, One pnVementi After some objiten tsk.li ; before his Worship; who. all through, |was Tbe following ob.-crvition» Bird read from ¦gtia Waitb,and. At tht o^ . 1 windows we notice jthis week ! an exceedingly M : ¦ tr«8 entry, 8ectl»a 40. Bati»r. litprU '.Xl i Sad. lSn " Came io witH tha lUwKTi, Mr.¦ we fanirjl on Tottday UtTtb. Mayor aad Ooreo- Unan. a Vkia ,B> at* a«raU Wi- f' i 1 always wanting. Other « yii(toW. Boo5 i-J . : : (M. O'Donnml jwijlTmikin siil xignt.'r ;:| . T. ' . : ration walatd as mournaw, aad every *£ *** at j his ipost when handsome olver, which bear* the following j if 8rd.7a l«t John j , KHaball i Sad John : t\Sp U tbt tlij ^^ fcagik with fear when )' We vlilted th» bonle, ted fad tbe plrotnra 0'Domnll ; Killhsll* i.8kdt ttiohatd O'Connoll, Bally- When I west to tbe offioo oa Tut«Jay l»i» U) pay cnt atea began to quake inscription : ' " Presented to' | Rev. ! Mauris of rent ia : adtunoe, tht gr»bbit tad nil too or tot jUoeMtd. Many gtsUtatu l the G the Aliter- 1 belag escorted thronab tbo ectir* bnildingi b» tlia gtltne. FooreafriiiJ ! : yearf• , inoladiot.Mr. ' I otMr CH«*p XwuwioM. ; ivernor said one thing and 8h!eebani P.P., on the occasion of bli appoint- misUr, Mr Ffood. We art happr to aU<« SXCOHU Olkli f kOUBM CUDIB X50 ! TAIOATIO". ¦en oomlag oat tgalait me ilfter taking my farm. Knox. T.C., Mr. P. M. £gai, Ilr. H.1 JL MiSSSiZa, I \ , nian eisll psstanl ! cbarofl of parrlol^-on-Bair, (htith* a. I old my »ifbl» for it suid atUnied tb. Imoeral from WatTrford. On laoday tbtfe »W be iaioUw *f*i i e)ittts« a lother. The Mayor was not so y ment to the ©»>bl(»hment bear* f*»oor»bla eotupftrlwij -u\. « ^ " ^ T00 ."J «"'-"• £rf«»i *? - Yf i ^SoS!i enftloo!to D Tklnl by tbe members, of the Female Branch of the »i«Uir instUotioos in NonfonndUnd »ad 2nd, X110i|8rd,"^^Xl.! lat.^, 'JobD Oorbtt. DeerDark; voa i keep It iaiDito of bar. : Qrabljoc, u well u «i»/j UWD OUN tlektt, tilt i m5w»J frightened, j He; was theie ready and dkf^r7p a .i. In John xaHon, i iformi u that before fh « KnoekaJerry jl hew wew no «ppU*'f?ni «• I»tt»M wipectlotr hilbfr cpnmtiulMj, Dairid L*wlj«. OalUnttt. Sit dty it 8U per Tb«; kuvintf «M ipirlted,; tod fa. MfillBilrfci the I Houae: of Commons by Mr lied to ^hu city jbe bad to •ntries. 8«atl»D U—Ag«d Bams Mr O'Bnea canltd out tiu Ml« wllt> latin wtli- foel rnna,. 9«4ik ( m betn Mter wi> tapp make W)>ar«n' oott4^l1 or cotna)aaloi|ioDion unitary (Ulceattri—llto rlia. :¦ ' : ¦ k^^ttsusm^ os f k tttrnp ^SS^ks pnioa M P. The se whole official - : -' ' , Siss. ot^y *i , quel of the td «ttiti*Wto provide for tb« expense of the water *ovks( and the XI lOtllad, XI. lit, MlohJl S, JBal5.D5 («ct »Br , i : | ; ij . •be r t f rrnhkift ^frmMBf a uong mntt«jl or , ctardUnj got ( tad, TOdo- OJUbir ili g WM forthcoming pn Monday,w , Sen feref botpitaL But) now fere? U almost an- tb mo*h'th«baiiat:f» «Wijr. To* bjdr4ad jaarnujg S»PWW , iOUihMnnlffi^ ¦ : ¦ Xwo.astrits. B«tlon ?a-Hevgetf Barn* (Leloti'Jr)- 8. to 8.W. oo diBdUty «u t: ipMitMtli.d itehw. Aid. 8' 'IUBOI wedvedth> follo»b | letterJ— known in tb« olty/fnd •pecUI|e»timite« fur It •t 8-16 p.m. I ' v ; ! i ; | . ' : ' j ut xi 104 , and iu - ; ; WaUrford BSMB | Xukat. . j - ; for of ¦' ¦ i!ri«; i»iMiiSli wifir&i^ gleg. It it boftvtf.tvMawt w imSU of nnnfewwry<: ' & n^aon e Www « I : WIT". 0F THl H008E. : i j i !• ¦ ¦ tn V il Mini Mattortoa \m4 I CA I Qltn Bicoa Worta, mouj woflld ?tt bin to b» txp«Utd «t 1st ¦ " }- ¦' -' ¦¦ •¦ ¦ ' ' :: full «apily pf good wjitet on tbo public betltb. MmWdinr\Lt tbt wwk, iS i diaoh.rt^J,401 boto, hlibJy.ooa.mrs.W, TI idow O»a«h«r. «}laahBt«Aff^ not WturfoM Dwoo froai BiJ to OH. Hg«, li .111 . . - ;i!^ - . il i- : .i fcd -Ai«BS»;i»Of i ¦ : b«rUw» Ubx* b*tbt r &»\htn tSgS™™onP 0 i dtod. 11rvmalnln*on abora tHot-ladtn(Jo ipel Ship h»d mtotJM *M**llitol CluCnW^^r CROPS; IS COUNT! Itast daonttoai whta . Mift « ml totU MntUteBt, Mi tbm(ti irilt. To»d»j retuC, Ine'ndjflflW bow4U| Ot Od t do. «ouoaMd, *H 17. 7dt gmM |frj| orti,oa lodged. B«rl»y, fcmvily loftgejj (tab |« -«ot» ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' «Hkllkm^ of'M:iuute. t|iUi4«.'ia itp* (tot Ur^elr Rfjwo b*n>), Wbraf, Bout >;•; . •> ;¦ ] - ':- " i Ctomf ell held sw»y|latbl» Undtbe groira. : .: ¦:< ,\-uuLT\\i\- : .&v' Wimii T.t ifcKi, bally laiuM) Jrab ; n\u$, 4ii ; following cXettiMW.l-fcjpfcrt *$*** H X l&' rmtat \i i it : Tloatd la SKS-|!a KM- 1 ^» *ll^0«O4i of rar&Bfl : ri¦f CffPd Thtrt irliltbcrtli bocikt, 4WI ^ftt W j ra*««juao^eowriw ™ I mi MO , bat rtth*r; lighi, Isod j ia .totj« ,. yl4et4 bt*^ tfcJhi.iil | Us Md7T7 | •nlrji*is5 8«rt^^^«.--B«tflhdaKfi«-Prii,,4VloS"ftU»rB3»TS ;¦ ;-; '!¦; pdfT«a '< nUU, o«i»f W *> 111 it} rt«| iThjajH ri-o3I; ttie SvkOM. a.tbe atfa*M,Oftrryb««i.i foor «B!riai7 8istton SliSoir jlig My »>&&< QiMlajUadtifOod.- ; i . , W.'iF^HBHBJIwiBtlt'JWt. MK'WlHMfr ,f. ;i % «3S W*, *ni i Mr! Blaaki iMii • - •; ',.1'v .'^^vii t^^y£nracU&iflHBW ^a^B wnm#:ipJMlrMnloaf¦wfsfaHrlfflS-Jf'r 1 t [Ht*iintf ~»ti F*" ^j^H m ^imtt¦ IglHSi •»%«'* i Balliltuii Ind fe2f ^ * srwKiatr^^&Si ^,^^W{^5 1 •|r:j. ^'-:S^v11;*'

imJWiHiirT^mtiflB^ - 1 : ! Sometiing" iff Fntchase -" igreementB.1!' ; Mr .Fisher said tb^ resolution ! appointing tbe - i'-^^Od^WUy-ijMfMlaat.:- . : i . i i:y : rY'>.[; W^Qi B6AL-8i ¦ ' :: ' ' ' " . \ I . j ~ j» ' - —{ ; ; '. ' [ ; i j, , caretaker ft warden rhad-never: bWn contemplated , TO TH» jtDir6la "¦*»*'¦vriii«B»()BBnvtit. . I '¦ ¦ ' or . ' by. him to operatD-against the members; of , the ' 1 ¦: -. : ¦:¦¦ : : nfif Aug«st4ln;-J890. Mr John !Dillopi:#j*> ' .deserves tbethankB of It op on : On" Tneiday ' a rajtheri tb'jnlr 'ttendei : ! IFH'Cappoq, , A Diiptnsary Coinmi;tee. bad comer ft .. . e^enibjfj .a D»AB &Br4ld »pty.•<»¦• UU» in UW we*Vt tbe cojtninuuity for dirictipg attention from bis " ¦ :¦ ^ • ' ' ¦ • ¦ " ' ' ¦ ' I*" mmj &rimiij mx i Li ¦ . - •')'. - - •• . meeting '[ot tbln s , m notice; .. . . ,/¦. Ibfanoh was held in the Mayor ' to ; . . , . . . NBWS, tbat'tbe IAO John Oarmu holds : ' place in the' House ||of (Jomir^oiis the , trjiffib ¦ j i;; . : x beg-to, st lit^' ^ y \' - : K . Mr ^adogan ^There »¦ n<> notioe, ;¦:. - : . -;¦ '. . ;. :¦ office. Town HalLj;i.;< . . . i j: ' 'j : is, n6t,»n evlpU4 iK ,; To tbej jaepjorjriofitbfloldest P -i ]Pirj ef'lb; carried : on by! Irish, - landlords,trover, the eyeB !f ffl •;-. ! - . ¦ Mif Flsher—It cime-pp on a. ub'ice of , ;ro6tl(>noere . ::Xb«j May«>.(Ald iT IooL») pre8|dBd, > ; . m9BiaCapnoo,uin tken nev«r.w»« «igroB»^Tto^rpm and . apparently-with i the.' .copniva,nce of ]tbe ptep^nytbp rttflqdshce of -tbeyrelieHng^ . W, hen Mr JbbnlD Yeale^ who. acted oslBeoretar*. H., ' JBefore'eTer tHSelwas » LeagwrI.npTiBr.iai!erf«ep NlJWEST i ": SE3 S ¦ 8HAHiM to ' ' ;Pnrciaae Department 1 ' i ; •;• ¦'! 'eVm.if,there[wa» ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . ,. ¦¦ ; .:.(»» Land . oi :ihe;Iian3 <3o_m'- ^heCgrdouds npon ^hjcli-theyw*r Q asked attwjd jr« femJis4 readitbeinUnntes. 1 1: . , ::,) !, : '.- . with erlotad /arailvbo* never wW. • ' . ' . : i .,.. - I . -.. . j ::- , one,or not'a National X«anV..to ih« 8*OTiUiy of tho Rational X*Mre»..;l;om.no, WATERFOfttr DAiRY EACTttR Y S lendid ¦ColiectionVf *TABLI HS^TO, \ WSD)>Qrd^PKB8ENT8 imd GOTS intimi or pro is pronounced Iwas lnoidly lained by -Mi carelaVer: as aiwaVden: .was, that by illowln^'ttje .which. shoold l;ei,gratifying, to.tfcat; branch.- Tb> oonbeo^loh, whateotrrertohloi Bar to;ths;, 8eoretuyJtUt p ¦ ¦ ^rp ; r news had come i to band that Mr ,:hafl left theXeagneTtiSter had an/thinyto kiy idttttheaa t* 0 : . ' . ' DEsaaEifJSKis, Dillon, who, in referring to the : maniBvnring B O'B to iitfend toitii; ' ' 1 . Bedmond and" notjievit: will, no more tbia with Ib* aribtc i ' ' ': I' ' : :¦ ' ¦ ' " ¦ ¦' ¦¦ ' ' ¦' '" oarried on by Lord Waterford io get at I the were getting' oterill^ toe dlfflobHyi" ^Itb'tfigira consented to oofflpenaate. Messrs finna,.• Bear Mr. RUIOT, I ajuja oomrtaot teadsi at tie 3NDU8TR1E8 BBBAipAST SKTS, ! ! : , ;, , . .. ' 1H0ME ¦ ¦ ' w : ¦ -¦¦ •¦ ' ¦:-'¦ ' Fisher. < for thelc nolawful , detention,:! ond . botV N«wa tor-the, paifnftsonyears, and UL jroii an.otaiaonad -;•:¦ • < ¦ [ ¦ ¦ ¦ :;- ¦ money bags of the " to the Btateu?ents,b» iMr'Eyan l Ahd, Mr<3addgih-|- . ;: - 1 : ./. " •- ..;. . Sfate said :— j \ .\ - .\"\ 1 -prtnojplo* 1 bave IkhoVnyon (0 bft lierotofore, ana op I o -iB T^ SETB \ -that inno unioti e!and or Gre^t Britalujate tb, e Bentlemen .natl rrteiyed, chequef : for i£30< -The. a* O. NUINB " - ' i4JIr thi«)yon woald; Dot allow a nafl to ibo itakbodIn thet&ir :. TOILI T BEtS ' . ' • ¦ QA8 MOOyb af HALF PBICE "•WJat b.e propps&A to. brinfj under the-notice 6t caretakers appointed, waidons'—be wi'sbed, to/ stale Qovernment would Sndj.it ;eip«n8lve Lto deUlo TheM la-noiDohroam id CapponolauArtb nr}, lloor«;»oI ? -I WB8 ;tp Ppechase mean I the boopo prove that .the! Land prisoners! at that rate, for the ijiim wpald . wjuuiy raqoeam w JJIIIJO I UIV W ; . , ttat the carctaiera; of the North Dnblin Union . , yow «now m * T ™ ." ». > f TOILET^ . ' : l ¦ Department of tbe Land Commieslbn '^as at'preeect ¦ • £10.0QO-ia' year.| ;: Anpthec gWifyjn^- leoe ' . flispnsarieswjre all wardens. : ' p with Arthur a coward fi'»ff»liitoget bU ' EYSSTWBSBB. . tl7'r9fttha|-uadgr BlrttB. -! ia a most unsatisfaotory and uncertain condition - In ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ » ' ¦ .intelligence was.that aobeqoo had, been aont.froin J. Moore, *h« ; - .! ; f /SOLD [ H^tu&t7 . .. Mr .Eyaa-,There'9 notl one. - • •• name pnbllalied, when hb know hla wrltlogs¥r«talse, 'Be ¦ "— ¦ - ,.. . 1 • '.:-, -j.".! ' VTS.- I .'UJ - ' . . ¦¦• i' ' - record to Ita administration {hear, hear).- The base Mr Bloomfleld—If tbey are Spaiin; by o> youngJJ7Btprfoid'man—VMrjKellr-r |n»t, and fear not.-r-Your obedlant aarvant, , . , : : J; ' - . ¦ you write you'll find ' ¦ ¦ ¦'¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ; seniej—in ... . ; i - • • ¦ • ¦ ' ' " Jokjr 'Crnutiif, ,'Cs.jjipoo;nln. . ;,ip&sr;- & fl^ y different not. :; ; , "^lotaaUar B , had been expounded ia a totall . . to the City Branch, and be was sure some member I : ; 'AiB^i^Sxoir s . . ' ' ' ' fact, ia a contradictory. sense—by two gentlemen at ' Mr Fisher-^If Mr Blooinfield or Mr 'Eyari'tcxjk would propose. ;V. rejsqlu.t>on-j o( thanks to this , ,. tThe letter referred to reached us,jn the usual KINCr'S ¦INN STKEET SOAJP WOHKS 0. OWE |; , :8;a ;,, the head of tbe' department, and as the lair laid ' ttentletnan (hear,; bear;). .He believed a gentleman course, and a? 'dp not happen'.to.bnoarintitBately ¦ " - v it; iS the trouble to *rite tfiere they would find tbat my *e . ]; . : . . DTXB.-HN. .: | • down by one of these gentlemen jleft ft gate wide ststemant is correof. . . ; : v intended proposing a-vote of . eonftdepce in Mr evjery man. in C'app'o'ijqio, wetook it to be aiono/id« ' to , the 1 , ' ' ¦ opea to the mostlmonBtroaa frauds, It gave ' 'Mr: Cadogan-r-Tou're entirely wrong. I lived Dillon. 1 It , bad 1 been done at !the Corporation Oqe. Tbe correction^ whiob appear. it) tbls issue ,' i i" EBTABLIBHJID 1776. I [f26.1 Irish landlords who desired | to I Bell the inost there for ten -years that day,.and the resolution was «o .warded tbat should ! afford ample satisfaction to those wbo not ! (a laugh), t ; dangerous opportunities for compelling tenants to IThe Mayor-fOrder, i Mr Cadogan. Hear Mr it could giva offence to;no one. An effort bad been unjustly think ithey ware roughly i handled.— ¦ ' ' , jweie unable to ' ¦ ' WATEEF03D & CENTRAL IRELAND BAIL WAY '& GO undertake obligations which they Fisher. : 1 ' | ,; . : . • I made to: draw tbe working men from tbe support ED. . VF. W.] ; : , : • .. ; . " ' HAMIiyrON, L Na dlsobarge (bear, hear): He should; direct attention of. the National;cause, bat he glad to.aay i - - !; • . . : : -— ! j. ' LIlj MITE D Mr .Fleher said i-he had never contemplates iwas I. .:-'< . . .-I : i. . *r '- <\ to some of those cases. The first was in reference when moving this resolution tbat the caretaker at It hod been , made without effect, for tbe people were TJngratofnl Employers.! ; Cheap Eaouroioa to Dublin, j to sales on the Marquis of Waterford'e estate. jHe having. their eves opened as to the true character : 0ABBJA0E8 TO BUN' THROUGH—VIA MABTBOEo'uok : the dispensary ihould issue "red tlokets." It was TO IDITOtt THt WATKEPOBD V»W«. , should, however, eay' tbat ha had not been ; able to of tbeso' gentlemen; who wera j flashing round *BB Or. ' ON! SUNDAY, lorn AUGUST, EXCUBSIoft i Mineral .Waters merel ' fflanufacteers of . y with rjsgaiid to the issue cf tickata to • ¦ ' ' . -I- - . . . : satisfy himself os regards the details by meant of tbe ; town I endeavouring to sow disorganization, - . - :• !. - ; : Angiuit Sth. lSX. TICKETS will bo issoed by 8pecial Train ruanin3 j people who went to: the dispensary for medicines. DXAU SIR.—Kindly, allow me a apace ia yonr widely read as under :— : ! " the information at his hands, but I he would brinff and I weaken tbe, work, of the National League and influential . ; , In Silvered Cylinder3 If tbe. wardens in the districts: would do tbelr 1 Journal to offer a few remark* on " Early ' ¦ ; under the netlce of the Government.the statements duty, tbere would be (hear, hear.) Ho regretted the-! thinness of tho Closing." It Is reallyja neat pleaadre to be able to, record ' . ' Fares to Dublin and'Sack ! nbineceEBlty for tbe attendance that oltotta Ljpso oD nearly thto« months the gemral body ! ! • a.m. . lstCl. 2nd Cl l 8rd Cl. PE SF E C/T L^Yi . JP;U BE). . furnished to him bj; local men, and though; he of tbe relioviog-offieers. He did not care whether tbe meeting, but . eald ; tbey would , bave bad. an of grocershave was not prepared prorod singularly faithfulto thoir promla ea. Watarford dop 7 0 guarded himself by saying that he onretaker's name was erased from the list of entbu9iastio assembly were it not for some little rhdr! conduct u all the more commendable,.ai thoco ore a Kilmacow • WATER : be thought it few indlridaaU oalllug ' themsotves Merchants,'* whn, „ 71C SODA , GLNGEE AKB, to vouch for the accoraoy of them, wardens or not, |but! be :oDsidered"that in moving unfortuitous clrcometaneee. No notices | had been '' Mnlllnavat ,, 7 20 was tbo business of tbe Irish Executive to see tbat 1 after haying taken ! the pledge of;loyalty, arc doing thiait 10a Od 7s Cd ' 5s Od 8ELTZBR 'WATER, LEMON SODA sucb a resolntiou, he wajs acting in the interest cjf sent summoning the meeting, but for bis part little beat to dlajeoalon by keeping Ballyhale ; ,, 745 those charges were thoroughly investigated, because, ho did not think it 'necessary when the members create dlBuolbn and tbeir 1 the public, and getting rid ot a difficulty (hear, premises opea from fifteen to forty-^re calnntet longer -(had Thomastown ,, 8 0 LEMONADE, ; KAM (Potiii) WATER, If true, they constituted most serious charges against bear).j J - ; ,. : knew there would 1)9 a meeting on! the first tho hourt agreed npod. ' It 1» on Saturday nlgbti ttut , thU it Bonnetsbridca,! 8)0 ' most glaringly faroepUbte. One - would inugincr,. in an " GINGER BEER, LJTHIA WATEB, j the land purchase department, nod;atso aealuBt the Tbe Mayor then put 'the motion, and on a poll Tuesday of every tnontb (h,ear, hear.) W,hat he did Kilkenny :, 830 ^ conscfenee, toat a Vdnj" until ton p.m. should aatUfy tlis Ballyrajrgotq Marqnjs of Waterford- The Marquis of Waterford there voted :— : : . ' not like was tbat, there was .do answer from either most eipectlog , there are a few J „ 8.50 8s Od Cs Od ! ¦tj Od. CBAIIFAGNE CIDEft AEaATHD SAE8APAB1LLA. • tbe and oOTBtona. Bat no , who AUanSghAttansgh»?» TV :",, 7>8 55*i >• acting on the advice of his agent, chose to odoptjthe For Mr. Bltpmfitl& t tlction.—. Messrs : Eyan, thtircity or theil? dounty^iember, W invitation !rom motites Which j will not bear Investigation. Insist on „ 8 55 f sel(|ng tenants, and I "keeping- opoa nntll! the eleventh hoar, ' or nearly * so, Abbtyloix „ 910 J i uoueual conrseof to individual Pentoge, Cftdogan Morriesey, DeLf cy, to attend tbat meeting. l&Wtta tbe 'least tbeir 'crty These uun:niivolled Waters be obtained on }he¦ best fehns ,! Bolton, Pressare ot.bnslneu 'ciatmot-.bo pleaditd in, extondauon'of Doblin • arri. 1130 . • 'f • A number 1 bey knew . . , i .. refused to Bell to the body of tenants. Bloomfield, Hearne, E Phelan, Walsh, Purcell, M member might do to attand^here. T bo their railt, as moit of. them can ba nra Ilk* WilUn's Tho : >ciwe Dublin -at 6.0 p m., and agreements were entered iDtojrclthiri ¦ 'Eeturt Train will of purchase PowerH13. i "I. ! I • : . ! did his Work : ably and well Hn Parllaroent, but he Ulcawbor, " *raTtlnrifor aomothlng to tarn up." Tbo moral arrive in Watorfbrt about 11.0 pm. -• '¦¦¦ '} the courie of the last two year*, and it was notice- certainly would : like "tbat ' ho 8b6uld ' come to bo drawn from all ibis Is there ahould be a ' Grooors' rasiory—3, XOWEB.; SAOSTTILLZT-STSBET,V TTBI,XS. [ Against.—Messrs | Bbgers, Bedmond, ForrlstaU AnslfltaataViBjodaticmilnthe city* a body which woald be Children over 3 and underl 2 years of ago Half Farts. (kiUa able that in moat, if not in all the cases, I he tenant! Fisber, J Goff , Quann, [Beid y, Eockett—8. ! there and tell jthem how things were at tbe powerful enough to remedy abases ot Bioycles Freo at owners' B(sk. ' ' ' ' tab dasojiption, as ' ¦ were heavily in arrears of rent. Shortly after !the ; "iBAISINO' HIS WIND." : other side of tb ej water (bear, bear.) : wall at teich. tno Assistants tbemselTes tho magio poircr of . ;- . : . . I v BY OBDEg. London and:TTnivorBalBoa t (LlKiitcd) application was made I by his hon friend tbe member The: Clerk then : read tbe following notice of Mr P ; V7alsn ;tbeh movtd tho fallowing resoln* combination, when praOU¦ icd¦ with¦ moderation¦ andJottlce.-* Head Offices, Waterford . Tormionu, July 31st, 16D3 ¦ Toon alnceroly. i i A Crnini. ; for 'North Longford j(Mr t Heal j) on behalf of motion, which stood in Mr. Fisher's name :— ! tlon i— . .11 . ' :¦ !. ; ; ; . /.Established 18G7. . , \ . back on tbeir WATEKFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY those tenants to get nermlsclon to go I wiH mote on this daj-fortnlRht that tbs application of That no, tbe membon of tho Watorfori City Branca of the : 449,' Strandj Charing Cross] London, S.W. •; ; WUTTOH'S Uagnotio "* J ' W*«tai«at- i agreements, on: the gronnd of doress. Now,i he Mr. Honaeoar, ussittftn^-master, for an inexcaao of salnTy, Irish .National Lcagoo, licspoctfolljr boti eameatly coLdoma THE SUGGESTED COUNT* CONTENTION I I - :i held tbat no matter wfiat tbe costs were that where aftor a period cf ten jears Borrico, be favorablj comldoroa. tho attack on Mr Jqhn Dillon per, otratod' hr At O'Dwjor, TO THE IDITOB I Or TIIC WATKSVOKD NEWS. "»7aSonc Bequxrod, ! . : ' : ' JTOB THS OOBB IWD awxxt 'vt ' ' i ftod'shoatd it be BO, will moro a resolution at to tho amonat anil hereby • exprefla onr unabato4 confidence ; In * tho - T)BAB - SIB—A : lAoihorisodCopital ...... ' ... £l,0WXX a tenant signed an agreement and where the trans- fit«grlty, oonrflpo County Conrcntlon of Delegates ot tbo Subsoribed ; PAIK airD WEAKNESS IM by which Mr. Heniicasy'a ealonr bo incroaiod. &bd honor of tbo man who is unfairly different Branctiea ot the Irish National league was nevd> TBE DlttECTOIiS of the above-Company nra ... ..; ... 300,000 mm 81C«^ | action had not been completed . those : who were In aodnojustl/nmlkd. ' : ' to mach required fcn; tho County Watorford. The sooner ¦; prepared to receive Tenders for FIFTY NEW Paid-up ...... : ... :. ... - 150,000 Ehenmatlsm, NervonsExianstioni'LivertijMlliblL making of those advances ought to Mr Fisher sald . be would move the .first portion ' John Dillon is inritod amongst as thq better. Bo3erveFaod : cbarze of tbe (applause.) , ' : ; —Toon; WAGONS, particulars of which can ba bad from tbe ,*o...... ' 17^,000 L,nmbaffo, Heidaches, . - ConsnjttpttssWJ:i ' etop the transaction.if the tenant complained, of of the motion down to the word " consider," because ' ; An Ei-Sccmimi. Carrent accoants opened. Deposits received as follows i4 Sciatica hq wanted to whether the board of He said no OP'1 regretted more sincerely than undersigned. By Order, - . - .. ' . At aeren darsVnotice :.£3 per cent. peT annoxo. : , ; Bronohlti*,.. . .-Asthma, Sj ^. ' duress (bear, hear). It should be left open to ;the iajfcertain - : ionU .. ¦, Pnlmonanr Affeo- BeauUe- guardians were id' favour of givlup tbe assistaat- he the occasion w hich had made! it Imperative on : : JOHN J. M0BPHY, Secretary. At on* month's notice....,...£* „ „ . Disbrifi.; tennnt to getont of tbe transactions if thei;e were At three montbo -uotice £5 ,. „ ¦ ' ' SidneyDisfeoM, lions. Congh, 0«oer*J i j master lr acceptance. One would bave An extra Bonos of £1 per cent, is allowed upon Depodti was mentioned as tto 'tbojamonnt by wbich his salary 1 31st July, 1890 , a2.2fc left for one j-eor certain. . . Paralysis, Lynch on tbe 23rJ December, 1^38, delivered a long expected that itefore launching bis nnatbemas - » - I Neural^ja, B'nneUonal Disor. would] be incrcaeed. pe thought tbere was no On Monday laali a man entered tho eatablishaont of Intorcits paid quarterly, free or Income Tax. Almanack, tadigesUpo;, S inal i: judgment In Which be refused to allow those tenants against John Dillon- his Lordship, tbe Bishop of WATffiRRORn & LIMERICK BAILWAY with tail partlcauis, and BUoOoo Ihoet,on sppllcatioa. : • p Aiikenta, I should get it and read it . j ™ ford's* tenants purchased their holdings because amount tbe aeBijjtaat-iDaster was paid in other 18S9, inclodlug Cases ot Saqks bf Maizo, ; , ' one bad to supplloatB for mercy for John Dillon the that Kelly bad, given;Mr DeLaooy's obriatUn nama as bar, Candles, . they* Were threatened with eviction, and because unions he was j: quite certain tbere was not a ' " Edward ;of Bags Seeds, Casks Cyder, Parcels Paper, Bales,' Bags, : A. \ JtI!W guardian who would not be in favour of giving Mr illustiious captive himself would have been the first ," inate^d " Claod." Ho Immediately Messrs. Cooper Cooper & Cd; OF OOS TXaTOtOSIAIS. j they wished to keep the roof over tbeir , heads a little dispatched hie assistants niter;him to ase if ho wonld Boxes, Cases, Canvas and Paper Paroels, Oil Cans and ' ' Heonessy aa 'e. lie the South Dublin Union to Clog tbe petition in hfa face (hear, bear.) Ho . ' Jars, "OHEU^ATIC GOUT JSwjtim ;•.»; JTouti*! • loneer rather than ba thrown out on tbe rood side. iucr^ae go to Sire's yard, where he statoj Mr De'Laooy's Oil, Advertisement Cards, Hampers, Bpttles, to stato ; ' theie. would refrain from continuing bis remarks as he 1 Bale of EEG that they aro now able to¦ •* * ! i - Maiyvillj KJavkrimOj«4"> He further stated that in many case-rtbeholdings were two asalsiant-mostera—on« with a sala'y car WBB. KoUy did DOt go there, but got lost some- Empty Barrets, Boxes, Crates and 8undri«s, oupply I ¦ ! H ktaackot rbs»> t U ing. Tbe information he bad received, showed that Aid - ment. A noto form Coats,'Aprons, Stloks, Bogs, Brashes, Waicrproofr, *""*inrtHitinhnini ami nlniilim ihitoiil IIIIK IJIM IH,] Dnblin Workhouse was' about double the namhtr in Bedmond I supported the : resolution, and Mr DeLooey himself, snbsoquently SAifE QUALITY A8 U8UAL "b^lSd.I«o«i»nWir««lnTOTir this very course of action be bad indicated bad been confirmed this statement ' Hate, Caps, Jerries, Wino, Whiskey, 8ugar obd Tea, a f - lUo^T^rpuaiess, i said be woa sot 'surprised at one Bishop ia Ireland , and J Mr Sullivan reported : ' ¦ ' ii» L-b«lt, faiaa eaps aaklets, aad wrlstloU-MdI ausaSS' practised in more than one case in tbe Maiquis of the WoUrford Workhouse, and for double the tho to ' number of unopenedParceli, and a variety of Sundries . AT A ESDaCTION' OY i ^ ", amount of work they paid opposing the National movement. ' Tho only . mat er^ the police. On Wednesday the robbor | sqr t!i*t fTom tbataxyto this I bav* been wlthoat Bafatssst' ¦ WaterforiV estate, and if the facts were not £230— where the was arrested in CHonmol by. Sergeaot Wllsjn on a not enumerated. And the respective owners cf tho ' ' ' In petfeet h*alth. . . . ,:>: ., _• ,!~7. i "' Waterford guardians paid £25. In Limerick tbere tbiug to bs lamented was tbat Dr O'Dwyer WSB above, are required to take nofice, that they can have 2d. par lVb. In tho 7rico. , : correctly reported to lhim the Cblef Secretary TVSS unjustiBably persona), and severe In bis languuge warrant, and he at . ones admittod his guilt. On his IKn. Anns Buz. - i "bound1 was an asiistant-masier who got £80 and tbere arrival in' Waterford bo was taken boforo Dr. Maokoay, their property, on payment of snob lien as ths Com- to explain whether it was a fact or not that towards Mr Lflltoa (bear, hear.) . To BQCUSS Mr may have on aatne at the office of Joho Hobortn, /^HBQKICBHEUJliTiait^.. Z7Z ' -:\ was a storekeeper with ' |X35. Tbat was £115 was who remanded him for eigrht dajs in order that farther pany , / ' ' aaaJrt ' \ it was possible to do such things in tbe Land Far- Dillon of " cowarflice" was a shauie, when he (Mr 1 Esq., Trafflo Manager, LJmoriok TorarnusJ np to 12 *- _ ^yi Wns. WaUrroriKtalpril. U**'J: : chase Department as the law stood ; abd, I! It were paid by tbe Limerick Board, where they paid ^25, inquiries as tp his 'doings might bo madei Tho «n reor(ptof a-suong Mara«Ue«g possible a more gross and abameful j fraud on the and there were only once and a half as many in- . , and it is stated by tho 1 CD* To suit tho convenionce of the . dus- ' »iw.s*nai»sTi nifcmsV ¦ mates in tbe Limeilck Union. lu Belfast there of the people (bear, hear). To remain any longer' police tbat he ia a notoriety in orlminal circles. : ' By Order of the Coppiny. aomserera Bhmaatu l ffsstln»s fa back: stotnachaad otkK '- '<¦' exchequer of this country was never perpetrated in in jail would mean to Terms of Bale—Cash with 5 per cent Anctioa Fees, partsoi tia body,a»d froma/ 1" an hH»!«S! > : were five assistants ; acd tbey received £360, and , ba carried out in bls coulo, tomers they have added to.their list a , Tea of ******* the history of England (hear, hear)." ! - ' which possibly Wr Balfour would like, but wbioh 1 Prompt Settlement, and removal. i - . - . - - ¦ ¦ ' tbere was just donble the work done than was per- JOHN-BEBNAL Auctioneer OQce and Mart . ' ' aivuxxCxAk-nm. • • :' Dillon, may feel perfectl I woald be a dreadlul loss to tho Nation (bear, bear). Tho X7oc7 Bacoa TTorka—Tho Ot7nor , , , EXTRA SPECIAL QUALITY at 2/r ;« Mr y assured that be iu : ThouissStroet, Licnorio'x. O'Connell was ' ' C4PINE DISEA8E ANI>LO88 OF POWKB. i L • did not in tbe smallest degree over-Btnte the caBe. Mr JJortiisey—How knany inmatea are their in (jpposed, and even assailed by more A Homo ' TLnlor Dated Ltmextak, July 28tli, 1E30. pound. i (my3Q.6m) 4 i ¦ : ' Bhhop^t»s«, Xonaoiid*«y, ¦ *JMl8tt.1«t;ftir;, - i Q than one Bishop . - T*i Tbia very week: one of Lord Waterford'e tenants BellostP : on tbo " Veto" question, yet tbe Havfcf (offend lot sis* monfhs floj* Spinal f i T Liberator 0**naH .-J told 08 tbat be was compelled under dread of evic- Mr . Fisher—Eighteen hundred. 'In Cork with .did cot. give way—be! beat down tbo Thia week ws paid a vielt to the nerr bicon works WATEEFOBD & LIltEEICK KAILWAYKAIL , aodooap(ata lo*6fpow«t,Im<»inaftbai /ODa(arw«a| V\ " Veto" and tbe British Government.of 1 that day,; : ago t«»-«f 'you»^Ma«n«Uo AppUaaciM.- anf-tlac«'« 3rd Class, will run as nnder J— ' CO. I2acj \7UUdm Stroot, £ondQ8, J&O; -:-- voted to eleariojsr his estate of'all the bad paying ¦nnanlanrasly, . I; ' ' tb? pro- | XT . ' !I«w*us41lofc7U^0ofcWe.l«k M C&rrick Union waaiappolated assistant master in prietor, wna in thLi city on Saturday,' and expressed ThnrleS dap. 9 8Q«.m. i Horse-and-Jooltey, 9 15 t TlhST* mat jdiisorsla jsatta*Uvat l hw* jsMvad #Mp,':: tenants on it. flJbese be has tana'ly bequeathed • Mr Joha Hlmjinsi T C( then movod 4 1oto ' fraatise £*Mfl> ftom of thankl its pleasure at tbe ' progress ot tba buildings IaSan»-brldij», 9 85'j Farrnnalleen;' 1010 r lF tbe Irish PubJio to the fact tbat ha iuxbeei) Porcha.ee are I really Mr Forristal seconded the motion. heir oniriries they were lak T«rmians, 3rd Aagcst, 1830. FurtherparticWare can bo had on applicationt; ' ¦¦¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ 34 were in it r It wta time that tho Nationalists should paragraph la Sporl, <] ^lAf ^JxSS' u ^VT^ F. G. Bloomfleld, J.P. i W. Hesrne, R, PhelaB.iT.. a good deal lo contend with. make a stir, and if the which spoke id tho highest member* of the ConcoU w«ro terms of tbo conotructlob, arrrangement WATERFORD AND IIMESIOK EA1LWAY EDWABD O'&HEA, ij» Wsl«b, P.'Purcell, Wj Power, 0. Bogen. J.P. i Aid Aid Bedmond alpoloapported motion, whloh not fit to ba members of' ths I N h they wer« not ,; and tbo : fit to management of this reall CALLAN . COUNTY i KILKElflTT. Kedmond, B. P9rri«t»l, IV. (J, Fisber, T.C. j James pitoed unanimouily, be tbeir representatives (bear, bear). : y: flae hoace, We were vW l^ra¦^Nfoat M^tfj bMH ; induced to make Inquiries, ¦V UfepwTWL •MUKt* aVOM M0*MHMtBll9tW.sSi Tbe olerk, Mr. J. Jlackey, and tbs manter, Ht. all the ewell mombors here, and at soon as they got splendid boildingiWAs contracted for and constructed nnilE ordinary Goods Trains or Special Trains ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ motion of Mr CaidogaD. and Mr Morilaaey to increase returned they - » TUi&j, flttended. j • . | Mr Henneesv'a salary. !by £10, Tbo Board then didn't turn up again, but o^t at boms at by our genial f^lbw citizen, Mr. Matthew Unnt. JL will carry Live Stock from tho undermentioned FA1HT»Aur¦ n1Hr THETHB KXXl . . . . _ * - | THE! LABODBESa' COTTADtS. adjourned. I ; ; ; ' tho fireside (laughter). . \ From tbe papers mentioded we saw tbat ' Miss Fairs i— ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦i- -! ¦ ¦ • - Aid Kedmond hiorod a vets of thankl to ths Mayor, p'Brleo, formerly of tne Victoria Hotel, Cork, is Ximoriak Junction, foe Eilnaaa Fair, Saturday. :;£h£Sa&&*£H the Clerk said tbe! committee of the casrdUns ) STATS OTI TUB BoD irhion waa eooondcrt by Mr John Hlggiut, arid adopted. now tbe tnanagert-ss, Many of tbe W.B.C. ureirs August, 8 ! ; ifa>» ttbloh bid gone to inspect tbo opeclmen Total bealtby nod sink forwarded) 821 1 remaining In The iluyor, id raplyin?) fluid th»t no matter what T*£**o wurtNly takMitt* p»U*a*V.a«uSi LabourflrB* Cottage at Kcockboy, !on lost: board home on this day:week,' 833 • y, tbo National Loaguo ia Waterford, for 11 day, bed recommended a change ia tbe partition be- 801 1 less than thlfl day jf tek , 2 ; lrst than tbia day li Waterford at present gracloasoets and : attention. Tbo bouts is Bannalstown Fair, Monday, waa a diijraoo to tbom, Oort Pig Market. Jlondaj, 11 . j i MuiJUH tween tbe kitchen and bedroom, {and suggested months, 80; romiioingjoolostSaturday, 8/3 ; admitted Toe medtiag then adjourned t splendidly (Wnishodi and su thoroughly apprcolated aro .U the first Tuesday in the comfort of the hotel, and Pallas, for Koookaney Fair, Monday, 11 j PAINJ ASP tn&n^of ' » the addition of flsTfl-oncot?, down pipes, to cnrrjloff during tbe week 178 ; born during the week, 3 ; total, September. 1 ; . . i tho attractions of tho pinlaco, 001 ; discharged -daring weoki 82 ; died during weoU , that ths residents f nd visitors are now ensa^ed an Traloe, for KUlorglln Fair, Monday, 11! I the water and porches. Other slight alterations LlmoriolcJunction, fir . Monntrath Fair Monday, 11 ;' ¦ 1 ; remaining) 831, j Coal of ptovisiona and necessaries ondeavonr to havoocmttrcctud » flno promeaade pier. t ] XambMrr toss/ tbs*tiu were mentioned, | i I received £87 coat of provisions and noco- We wish them overy • eoooeos, and wo Ennis, for Miltown-Malbay. Fair, Monday. 11 ^^ff^^^^mI ) C«j0d : hcariely con- ; Tbe Mayor sold they should idcolleot that tbey saaries consumed, £106 18s 3i ; general cost of an OyoUa^ Sohoca fratnlato Mr Hunt for haying to well saocooded ia Tipporary Pig Market, Monday, 11 ! • •U paio aad srltftus*oFt *#!iali|a>ik«Mla*^*JMM*u] estimated tbe cost of these cottages fit £10,000, and inmate, Vs Bid ; 'do in infirmary, 2s fed ; do in fever saoh a fine pieoaoC work. ; .Tiprterary Cattle Fair, Tussday, 12 , if they exceeded tbU Ismoontbe io carrying out tbe hospital ) 6s 01; Ido of hospital nnrats, 3s Od; do in B.rdhUI , fot Clooghj ,rdan Fair, Taeaday, 12 i tbe load could not advanced. dining boll. Is Sid j ' No on out-rclief, 1487 do loot All does not (go on as «uioutbly as I could nlsb ¦ Athsnry, for VVoodf 3rd Ftir, Tuesday, 1J S'^iksosMtlMtt la3 boskkaaSLS5SwaaAsstv.. - pKw-u-jii|a3s-t: ^T Ecbeme^ | 1 DanrrcvCTnaa Union—YESTEBIUT, : • Ifsu decided to got tbe opinion bf Mr P Maher, year, 1624 1 cost: dories, week, £74 0s Od i oarres. with tbe later-club race All tbo anaageinents as L stowel Pi? Market, Tu»»day, 13 . i !. . on I the : subject, 1 and to : loading week loit ycir, £71 12s 6d , numbor in fovcr to time and distance were to be left to us; tbls W&terford. for Kilktnnv Pii Market. Tuesday, 13 Clerk of'Work i, invite ¦ Ennlii for Kilkee, 2 days Fair, Wednesdaji 13 ' ' tenders for the frectlcm of the cottager. - loicitil. 4 I i : . McAdsm cald in, bis i flret letter. We modo the (Pron> our Reporter). ' o» " WINCABNI8," . arrangements without giving a particle of ad- Mr. i). 6'SaEA Liitowel Cattle Fair, Werlneiday,13 i ; rStvsNami f oj UtoHdto pmmtlnuiuM t lmUaioiiu) THI CABSTAEBB WABPEff. . ,!in tbo chair. Cahir, for Ci shel Fair, Wednesday, 13 ' ! Is a delleons B«vsnc«andtoota nadatidm Pott vantage to either; tide, but now tbe Limerick club Also present t—Messrs. Morrissey, - cf Uwt aad WtM Us> Mr iJloomoeld, in jmovlng the j recolution ap- iTEAGBEB 'B , WORDS TO TEE IRIBH J. V. O'Brien, Ardr»ban, for Olarenbridte Fair, Tbnisday, 14 bi^s Extract Extracto t-Maltt HatrtttoM wardflD ' object to tbem and want to substitute exactly what Mr Duniea, Dr. Meloy, Mr. Abeam. Dr. Holland Junotlon for OborlavUle Fair, Friday, 13 BtnsrUi«sii«, BmmUattDr, rjssi-fonafnf,aid BaaUh. pointing the dispensary caretaker & , said it , Limerick ,. restorbgiaofubla. BBIGADE AT\ CHANCELL 0R8VILLE. suit themselves. This Is hardly nhat no expected 11.0., J.P., was oho present) as nai also the matter, Ardagh Cattle Fair, 8 U»,y IS ! lot tb* nebost la Baslib a* w«U as ta* Bcarcely callfd for any remark. Here was the : ^ r ! caretaker who jras the_f er*ant of {the Dipeneary from the LiineiUfc quait«r ; ai a matter bf foot it is Mr. MajCulgue. i . Lfmsriqk Jonotion, for liotris-la-Oisory Ftir, Fri- not tquare dealing, and I hope tbey will come to Important TTn«oUdt«d Oar !A for W*twftrd«idDk»Wot; Committee I tbd committee only m|et at a. certain Brothers 1 coldiers 1 true and brave , Mr Dower, clerk, read tbe minutes sod corres- day, 15 ! Tlntiao&ia lfr can g*st ' Too well yonr work you've dooo—• to sea tbat it Is not before it is Jtco late. - pondence, &c. i . Tnom, for DanmoXe Fair ( Friday, 15 i EEQINALDJONES , M.a.C.8.LL.U.,K.Q.aP.L ::- . ! i Mr. HKHBT-riJafili-DnB time/ and during tbat interval tbe caretaker was Ac. ' ' ¦ docton and: werei they gblng-' to Ynnr oountryfiglorious its to eavo Tbe board flr«t;commenccd to consider tbo relief Ennis. for Kilfenora Fair, Friday, 15 . ! OVEE . i .l , ; ^ TJaXj Wt. the eertant to Ibe , (bun— Ennis, for Kilmihill Fair, Friday, 15 | ¦ TWOiTHOUBAHD of • No dangers did yon Our programme was tbat the races should be cues. Tbo out-door relief for tbe wholo union BavsUcaNodrsdfroa lTsdloal rualre-this- eervant {he docton their master i by Each comradaalecpi cg death's calm sloop run Klllaloo, for Portnrana Fair, Friday, 15 i ' Uta. igumius. ; _ : j : ) bare power to grant the ticket s they in beatr, matching tbe riders aa well as possible, amount to only J311 10s. on an average. ) 26) LOUII EOAD, UilUtTOB SOUABJI, - _ ___ saying be shall Shall wear the hdro'i crown 1 Ardsollos, for Talla Fslr, Friday, 15 ! to; Thej thing- was perfectly absurd. and ecoiiog so 'mitoy points for flrjc, second and . TUB DOCTOB's BCPOBT. for Boylo Fair, Saturday, 16 : ' . BIBKXHBIAO, Stst BepUotxr, 1888. . ! ; are to attend Beside tbeir graves to-night we ITCCJJ, Atbfnry, OIRTLEMIH, suppKUBBa D third as tbe riders paBS tbe post. The Limerick Dr Holland read bis report, wbiob lained ' —I desire, in view of certainaUtemetrt* : L t^j if ala! ***i There naa nota union I Ireland {a whluh lt waa By Bichmond's robol totrn. comp Pallas, for fl»pp»whlte Fair, Saturday, 13 ! made by another Ftrts, (o reootnm**^ to *mr 1Trt ^ U«ita^ tbo races la'heats and'finals. Tbus tbat some of tbe^medlclnea supplied woro not up The above is taken from tbe pabltabcd lut of fairs tzprtss tA yoa bow algal; done, and be was sure they were cot going, to Swapp, at men wants for to , pleased I ara with: yonr preparation of Sfni and highly reeomrowdedtor iu Oantin aad Ik . ; : : At White Oa^ Malvern Hill , if Limeilck men happened to , secure all tbe proper standard. They were Bent to Dr bat tbo Companydo not guarantee its corroctstus. Wlnsl ¦ • establish the precedent. j Pcaoh Orohjird atjd Qlendalo | tbo final , l nave over and ovsr afaln witastasd iU *ffa« ts with pwperti**. «I vein, ' n f}3 ! i -f d ' tbo heats, as is not Impossible, tbey would hava no Cameron for analysis, . and bo reported that :— JOHN HOJ1EBTS, Tromo Manager. Mr John Ryan—I'm in a position to say there s At ?rederieksboT*iind at Galne's Mil], * my patients, for whom 1 always order it In nutar union in Great Britain does it ! : riders but their own to compete against. In " Tbcee tlnctaiea contain about tberiijht quantltifo TraQa U»nogers OfBoe, Limerick, July, 1830. : cases it has aotad like a ekarta, and no ; fTour counirs did not fail 1 solid in away that ! J ...nJH JBriM _wmiJ aoa Hs lM J said they bad no right to paw any gallont eoldioro any cose tbe races' would probably bo one man ones, \^-of mattert| and they do not Include foreign ordinary Wine a mean Wine without BO Mr Codoaao ¦ Wbon Fortor'Js reolod, ' H**t) eonld * resolution-at this board in oppcsllion to the ; Ton qoaflVd theiviotors* Joy, ta McAdam, ia tbe ab3enoo of Mine of our best men, "I matter—they are, however, largely deflclunt in UIOHAEL znommj | do. Not only so; bat X as* it toys»lf wb*nI f*el Unr DispeDsary Committee, as they hod-no control And Fsir Oak|a glistens on jour shield— would probably secure first la every event. To the ''jUcohol—adfiflcienoy nblcbovaporatipn 'doring tho Now and Second-band Boaktellcri Deilor or wearied by ore? work, aad 1 never knew it fail. '/proccjs of isaaufactore I renuio/OratlsdieTi, yotfrf tleemly. > Otbtr anpUaae**} trrfirrt aa -*~ i h**fa. - over the | caretaker j, and whether ! the guaidlons Another Fontenoy. majority of tbe riders there could bo no interest , cannot safHclontly ao< Antiques and Articles of Vcrtu, Printa. 'v :-, ij i, l i-^-*j -r-r-» '' cennffor." ; : . ; ! . j ¦ • „ \ . T BEOlHAiiJONEa, ;; > ^ passed the reaolntion jor not, tbey (the Dispensary With soothing pride—yet sooret palo, in suoh a contest. They would have to.oome out . Faistinn, etc. II rTtmfinsilfiisiiilii UMII II iiilialilt . Committee) would not allow him to istue ticket u in Each namo[we 'still reoaJl to race, although fading perfectly certainof getting , Dr Meany taid tbat drugs not up to tbe proper 2 BA0HEL0a 'S WALK, DUBLIN. Sold by an ' 1 standard : , Dr-nU Wto* »£&£&!&SSrt ^lS the dUpeneary. : Tberefora.thej bod-better make a We only ask(!and not ia vain, well beaten. Itof TO to got at the form of a number ,could not have tho desired «(Iect. Vendors la tb« Cdted UmKUis, ta-M(ta ktd sTSst eA For meroy in aU. not any A copy of Dr- Cameton's report Wns directed : •aoh. Akk for COhtUtAW»jltEBlOT5XXIBA £AflT Of MEAT vlrtorc of necwlty, and ignore tbia motion alto- a* of men^aad Individual, this mealing of tbo to Librarlci Fnrcbucd for Cub at Highest Price ND MALT , u »^ixciiS5p cether. It should not have been passed, and be Whon the cannon's roar is heard no moro, cluba noa arranQedjfor, hd sent to the oontru:tor» for tbelr cxplatiatloa Tho largest stock ot Second-hand Bools in yrvm ^f ^Si memories shall live ¦ | ¦ £ Pfr thought that It bad jbeen adopted m ^eritlon. By Your still— thereon. ; j j Dublin, always on View, at Modeiato < ' U theroU any dlfflooltTb »ttUs»t»..t«m», wrlU dlnotto caretaker such power, they 'allowed him And by jour pwn Ipvtd native shoro I " 6BI>| nEiicTED.' . ' ¦ ¦ tba massbetart* wbo win forward .J KI ! | f f iMXJL JL fV^4^-:KWV V« nlvlog tbs , They'll tbisk on Chanoellorstilia. Tbo to-cilled promenade at the pier In. Dunmoro Prices. . j j 1*2 eamp^mt^tUsfm ea^ , , WJETTQN to do whatever be pleased in the I absence | of tbe spot so oat-red that bicyclists dare not enter The Master reported tbat the beet supplied by h^ rt™^ i D, LOWIB my lads, we reokon is a ' ' ¦ :8AUr TOif4 flH 80 on, not, the contractor, .flol* ¦¦¦¦ ¦ committef, in : opposition to tbs doctor's vlsbes there. 80 at least blnted a foesy ill | *- Union in Great Britain p- They cannot ehide who bravel of bis ri ht to control tbeir from . g Sol* Projrl«tor»e< * ; doubt*, ' i 4 In no y eiprcned ¦ Oa*AZOJ/' , ; ip.Unce^ died, Fhnn Brothels. Waterford. . •: »y*^XrJs»wr»B*ilTT««. snU pointed ft' «rden.. Be know ;» jn this ¦TlMr memoriea shall not fads 1 actions, ¦ while etgaged in nothing more criminal ¦ PatUrn» Free. : ; fabotU« by Oro«^^C>S^ ^SW!j»» very union, for in tbe dispensarydistrict in which soldierf you—two Kations1 prido— than rollittr a couple of. bicycles before them along i. iitrtta UABK ID " nnu>." ' llr Cadogao sndMr. BloomBeld retided nan^jbtor) Wot Measber'p bc|d Brigade. tbe foresaw promenade when not aeool but them- A letter wai r<-ad from the baker's Soolety of ap£3) X7a- Uartln, Qon £3 Oo.J (£0 theidispenmry—Mr Gaffney—hao : Diingarvao, cwmplalnlnff of one 'of guardians WILLIAM ' ' the caretaker of. , ! : COHHOB QnsAi selves was on it; Certain feeble old cranks, wbo »bo JONES & CO,, warden, and wss tbo only nicfal (a matter baker). !Bat the Board did not copilder 18, STEPHEN'S GEEEN. DUBLIN. , been appointed a ¦ cannot ride bicycles themselves, like to tblnk they Pl«iofert.riaabfort s_j Midiuid . VtUridAfa* *A©tu« ' ' Tn» Secretary for War tcfoisato oonlply with, or even to against the cycling community. Ita matter for^ija gvaidiaar, and therefore marked i ^M lfuAaUM,f ' reply to. O«neral 1 Mtaqbm" miacat, to be alloirod b&ve a grudge Of 120, qUA.7> WATiilrfOBD. : " MT John Eyaa—That'i only in a country district. * to caretaker of bunmore pier is one. Only It , " read," on motion of Mr O'Brien, seconded by KlLMAOtBOMA S tTNION. < ¦ reorolt tbe ranis of tb« d«doate4 lii»h Brteds. tbeie tjie : . I Mr Forrlstol—Very^well t . . I . j ! for bis SiJe bis loopndence would probably get for Mr Greene, ill ! > ' issue avo ticko t) . WTBreo roB Tn» SOTS. : ' 1 r»«fcSi 'll not have to ' in ¦ ^K^ M Mr Bjan—He , ¦ a, latt Mobdny. . I PAIBTTERO. I | : • ' I : : him duckioa : JO 1 I Tbo Matter reported that tbo boy* of tba boaso Quirdians of tha above Union wiU, at tbfli ! FIANOFOBTB8, HAMiOHimi5^AlfW>v/ia|t i* ?II appointed Mr Gaffney F j Carried Commjuaioncro—MOHBAT. bad gone out to bathe four llmel during tbe THE The Mayor—Wbo , iD tbe chair. - turned out, but , ' Mr X O'Brien applied fot a female wrvant Ia tbe To lntpwt thdr Stock ik»« Mr Bloomfield—Wasn Also present ir-Metir* E. Byan, E. Burke is when near TratUprB an aes took, fright at our two coats of jaintto all thai «itttioT .woodworkof tb« , *Uetj ,)nm.«**MM be*.' becamecaretaker P ' i ¦ ': : ; , J. F. bou»e. : Tbo CoaUafin as id. Mr O'Brien could bave- Wqrk*0B»» bntldings and Fover Hospital—cl«*n pot th* rMtorUa of OofcUkjJO •> C^4a*Xi»OA»?roo» • I ! i Qalrke, solr., F, Walsh, and W.'Besrne. silent steeds and did' all be coolJ , assisted by i> ,Y*»M*T,»u- - ft i^L..y Mt ForrltUaJ-No, ba wa$ n9t. .1 . !. . ! , : : ¦ the rolns, to run b»ng tbe servant, he ' undertaking tbat he woul4 keep and makesecure all S«TS shooU and dowa pipe*, and tbe arganont was very ' ! " yAHTrt HJK OtTT. ! - . - damsel nba beU iDto a her for acsruis time. Mr 'Bri.n laid ba would. give tarns two ooaU of palnf—pot IB paoel of glass ar. ot^ . Aid I RedmondMr *M Mr[ E Burke: objected to, the^ presence of pneumatic, Tbo pneo.juit escaped the attentions, O n Ut^'^>j ^lSk %riX^ etnog^ fct Ctdbg»n: - mat^to-a^Mut ¦ tbe If¦ she stopped •Ith bira (laughter). , where ! rs wtfoentirely gdljmeii j. A Utter wo» re4d from Mr M Bcory, wginwr to geofdUns. 8efJ»d Tenant, tddrMMd to ^W Cha/r. Bsld lt wMSot tte cisa ingi ws« resended, no- reporter coujd be excluded. man will b« teeeired;by me np to Twsm 6 Clock on a «ider scope, iwti there in no adoh tbs board, relutlve to tbe Hbmreaf cpttsyts in tbe s *bo t<£k 'Tbe natter then dropped. ' ; : Mr. E, Hudion/or Ebniicortby, boi forwarded me ana; suggesting tb» abote-msotlooedJav. ' v r I - , - tnan tp be foond to- «iy | part ot the world union, some Improvement! in tbe p Th» work to b» eonpletaj within two at atli from . ' Aom tn oinvsos. a »ombef of entry forma.' for a twelve Wile rooid , ' ¦ ' i - : elL te im Mr W Hearde called (be ' bouseii . i . i . 1 ! i- - . :: • .! - date cf ccntraot, »p«3 sabject to laipeetkn •«] ap- Wlim «Mh. i* wtth «rti?tte p f «tenti6o to ^ badly rus promoted . tjf - bl< #.b. It It to ba held on Mr "Greene |a|Vea whoa tbeie fepaln would bo protal of Guardians' CUrk tt VTo»ka. " m* ^OeMnMla ? By^-4 4 lighted condition ' und : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : f '" r T" of the towD. md be thought Ita Wednesday, AoglJit, 29t^ . oompelitor* from outF | -] j , ] i : ¦; ¦ { 1 tb* Bloomfleld'i honw, sip 1 Mr b¦ eotlige li Boysl, Collcaa of PdyilcUns, *>rot« u fo) »••,)— . . up to 11 o'clock..!. 1 ; : . j . .. . - .:' ; /, ¦; '' : ' ; . i ' , "I h^v»for a loos'! time b»«a to tb»tablk tt tt^om- they kM* notbina«J ill »boot (ob, pb.) • \ Walab W. peer week/ . ! I ]- i - . . ever bear tbe . Mr sai^.if the number of lamps were In- TMAIT ' O'Brien probefed, m»ndla»,Ui*as* of th*boms fSMa*tutentM Udbn*4 Mr Cadog«a-tNoW, did Jou 'like or crtued tbf/ wouM re^oiretwo irf A.0ARD. —A OLBBO will wnd. free of , Mt and Mt Mbrrlssry seconded to my KjltaU,act on s«e' That » , rtr|t6e» txteqsioflj of on« aootb be tbftt'1 1 A oonmittee ww i«ppoiated t» eoD'idrr tbe *' ' |t is w«U ssotrtalnsd),,bafc bMKU* 7, earn X Ba ay* tbf diitrictTu U tie back !of 'ilr frrim th« errors at d JadlscriUoM of yontfa , a«rron» granle4id tnei Vc'ees of lb« lita Jbnn JUtQratb, OKX i ¦ ¦ ¦ intiUf, *nd tbe yrp^djagythen terminated. rnore wbolesoa* | and : tb* I* I 'km ,tV>Ci ilOomn«W'«Wif, tWi'i n6tUm«. i . t d«blUty,»h7sl»l « ihauitto», »nd early Atcti. TbU (of tbe.coiaplvtian {of toe fcoitfg* Uo. 37, lo Jtbx fmpipj tts» Aid E^con ntat Nmady tu: liMOT(Md by » Mlialonotr In Old . ¦ ¦ , f* t§#;•« f«p«*y J»i*g»>«. iTbe »yot-ptw«er>|ord ^., b» ¦ ¦ d li 1=) Dunmoro¦ E. Diiul t,'rM»-fsyTW^«|J W fW/MMtt •»?<*«*t t «•• i i; ' ¦ '* t tb*M vnptPtM Kr* Imstrvp rr«nd,ooosldtitdIt^^ very food. L Toe. i-!jrwl«:i-v sV/'P*?- '*-t'! ''i-Fhlkm «^KcftW *k«*" ??l^ Mmm 'Sw^§^MralM BnItd a ?»? EptM^QlyeeiM ; Jwfoo. > Iq oontart wiQj th« ¦ ' twi*¦*» thr moO mt W M» *tf tod, by |h# mt et »llk; ¦ ¦9M ' B,w •ti]«p»5|d.v jp,irT(ffllpW- <«^n/li-l . i3&mj m^ :«JwfeMrVfe•n> >*«¦ Ux.: Ttih&a$i ^ It ^¦J w * ipti«»»M« T«o, for the

it flhAfl 'ksA And ft li jfc#> 'MpM'i \& (vL |if ljj • t&Qotoj &W, ^fJHarW^lo.tbra&ocKMM ffittll ^mmmm¦