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Calendar Heritage « Lykkens rot er nestekjærlighet Syttende Mai — ønsket om å stå til tjeneste Libraries after events nationwide for andre. » dark Read more on pages 10-11 – Dalai Lama Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 17 May 2, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Sigrid Gurie, American film star

Although she grew up «in , Sigrid Gurie is remembered as an American film star, but she was also a thoughtful and caring woman of fine artistic talent who had many good friends in both the world of Hollywood and the world of art in America

LaVonne Houlton, Sigrid Gurie’s third cousin, as quoted in the Norwegian American Hall of» Fame

Joanne Gray Daughters of Norway

While Norway and Norwegians were still celebrating Norwegian Constitution Day in 1911, two Norwegian citizens were born in Flatbush, a sector of , New York. Sigrid Gurie Haukelid and her twin brother Knut were born to Sigrid Johanne Christopherson and Bjørulf Knutson Hauke- lid on May 18. Both twins would each gain worldwide attention for unrelated accom- plishments. At the time the twins were born, Bjørulf What’s inside? Haukelid had been working as a civil en- News 2-3 gineer with the New York Subway System Business 4 since 1902. When the twins were less than Opinion 5 a year old, the Haukelid family moved back to Norway. Sigrid was educated in Norway, Sports 6 and . Her brother, Knut Obituaries & Religion 7 Haukelid, became a leader of the Norwegian Taste of Norway 8 underground during World War II and was In Your Neighborhood 9 given major credit for blocking the Germans from producing and shipping “heavy water,” Calendar 10-11 which was part of their objective of develop- Roots & Connections 12-13 ing the atomic bomb. Knut’s exploits were Norwegian Heritage 14 depicted in the 1965 movie “The Heroes of Arts & Style 15 Telemark.” In 1936, Sigrid arrived in Hollywood and was soon discovered by film magnate $1 = NOK 6.001 Sam Goldwyn. Goldwyn was under the im- updated 04/28/2014 pression that she had been born in Norway In comparison See > Gurie, page 12 03/28/2014 5.9983 10/28/2013 5.8928 04/28/2013 5.8510 Photo credits: (books) Faungg / Flickr; (self-portrait) Early California Antiques 2 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Dalai Lama får ingen møte Forskere vil Posten markerer Heyerdahl-jubileum Det er avgjort at Dalai Lama ikke får møte noen Posten gir ut fire frimerker for å møte Breivik markere at det i år er hundre år siden norske regjeringsmedlemmer under sitt besøk i Thor Heyerdahl ble født. I år er det Forskerne har takket hundre år siden arkeologen, forfat- teren og oppdageren Thor Heyerdahl ja til en invitasjon fra ble født. Posten markerer dette med å gi ut fire frimerker med motiver av terrordømte Breivik Thor Heyerdahl og hans eventyrlige ekspedisjoner. På frimerkene finner VG vi Kon-Tiki, Ra II, et portrett av ju- bilanten og en statue fra Påskeøya. Breivik har skrevet brev til flere for- — Thor Heyerdahl er en av de mest skere og journalister fordi han ønsker å bli kjente nordmenn gjennom tidene, og forsket på, skriver nettavisen Khrono ved hans reiser med Kon-Tiki, Ra, Ra II og Høyskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Tigris skapte forbløffelse og interes- Denne uka sendte Lars Gule og Øystein serte en hel verden. Vi er glade over Sørensen en forespørsel til ledelsen i Skien å kunne gi ut frimerker for å markere fengsel om de kunne møte Breivik nå mens hans hundreårsdag, sier frimerkedirek- han soner der. Gule har forsket på islam tør Halvor Fasting i Posten i en pres- og høyreekstreme og var en av forsvarets Foto: russavia / Wikimedia Commons semelding. Frimerkene har en valør på ekspertvitner under rettssaken etter terroran- Dalai Lama er skuffet i den norske regjeringens avgjørelse. 10 kroner (A-post innenlands), og er i grepet. Sørensen er historieprofessor og har salg fra mandag 28. april. fordypet seg nasjonalisme og nasjonalsosia- Aftenposten (Aftenposten) lisme. Den siste uken har både utenriksmin- nelse av Dalai Lamas besøk kan forsterke is- — Det finnes argumenter for å glemme Bøndene vil ha mer for maten og ister Børge Brende og stortingspresident fronten som oppstod mellom Norge og Kina personen og ikke gi ham noen form for mer fra staten Olemic Thommessen (H) fått kraftig kritikk etter tildelingen av Nobels fredspris til den oppmerksomhet. Men jeg mener at vi ikke Bøndene vil ha mer i tilskudd fra stat- for sin håndtering av det forestående besøket. kinesiske dissidenten og regimekritikeren kommer utenom terroren og Breivik. Å en, men landbruksministeren krever I onsdagens spørretime på Stortinget ble Liu Xiaobo i 2010. forsøke og «skru av» denne personen vil mer effektiv drift på norske gårds- Brende utfordret av blant andre SVs Audun Under spørretimen onsdag under- ikke lykkes. Det er allerede skrevet flere bruk. Leder for Norges Bondelag, Lysbakken: streket utenriksminister Brende ønsket om å bøker om ham, og forskere må forholde seg Nils T. Bjørke, sier at de kommer til — Norge kan ikke la seg diktere av kom- forbedre forholdet til Kina. til denne hendelsen uansett, sier Gule til å presentere en del krav som peker på munistpartiet i bytte med markedsadgang — Vårt mål må være å normalisere det Khrono. et bærekraftig og framtidsretta land- for laks, tordnet SV-lederen fra Stortingets bilaterale forholdet til Kina. Det er veldig Tore Bjørgo og stipendiat Cato Heming- bruk, og på en del forenklinger som talerstol. dårlig, nærmest ikke-eksisterende. Det har by har allerede fått klarsignal fra fengselsle- kan gjøres. – Regjeringen har sagt Dalai Lama er Tibets åndelige eksilleder. ikke vært politisk kontakt mellom Norge og delsen for sitt møte med Breivik. at vi skal ha økt matproduksjon, og Kina protesterer jevnlig mot land som tar Kina siden 2010, sa Brende, som på det tid- Gule sier det er klare forskningsetiske vi kommer til å legge fram krav der imot tibetaneren. Dalai Lama mener at Tibet spunktet ikke hadde bestemt seg for om han dilemmaer knyttet til det å møte Breivik i vi skal vise hva som må til for å øke er blitt kolonisert av Kina, og krever økt selv- ville møte Dalai Lama. forskningssammenheng. Han erkjenner at matproduksjonen på en bærekraftig styre for regionen, noe Kina avviser tvert. forskere kan komme til å hjelpe massedraps- og framtidsretta måte, og som gjør at English Synopsis: It has been decided that Dalai — Vi må unngå en ytterligere forverring Lama will not meet with the Norwegian government mannen med å lage en mer konsistent og in- vi bruker areal over hele landet, sier av forholdet mellom Norge og Kina, under- on his trip to Oslo in May. The Minister of Foreign telligent ideologi i sine møter med ham. Bjørke. Årets lønnsoppgjør er det streker Brende. Affairs and President of the Parliment have received Bjørgo bruker politiets videoavhør for å første for landbruks- og matminister Enkelte har fryktet at offentlig anerkjen- great criticism for their handling of the issue. se på terroristens valg av mål for angrep. Det Sylvi Listhaug fra Fremskrittspartiet. er i den sammenheng han vil møte Breivik. Hun ønsker mer melt, mer kjøtt og — Vårt intervju med Breivik er strengt større gårder igjen for statssubsidiene Trebåtene skal følge Golfstrømmen avgrenset til det som er relevant for vår prob- til de selvstendige bøndene. — Jeg lemstilling. Vi er ikke interessert i terroristen mener det er opp til den enkelte bonde På kysten av Sunnmøre ble rundt 300 trebåter sjøsatt selv eller hans ideologi, sier Bjørgo. å bestemme hvordan han vil drive. Om I brevene til de utvalgte forskerne og han vil drive større, skal han få anled- journalistene skal Breivik ha uttrykt at han ning til det. Det er den enkelte bonde NRK vil bli intervjuet fordi han ønsker at nasjona- som skal bestemme, ikke staten, sier lister og fascister skal bli tatt på alvor i sam- Listhaug til NRK. Trebåtene skal følge Golfstrømmen nor- funnet og dermed gjøre det mindre nødven- (NRK) dover og noen båtene kan til og med havne i dig å begå politiske drap. Han hevder han har andre land. sluttet å argumentere for vold og sier han nå Russebuss sto i full fyr i — Det vi slipper ut i havet drar videre, bare vil bruke ord som våpen. Russen slapp fra det med skrekken da og det andre slipper ut kommer hit. Havet Likevel har han stilt klare krav til hvor- bussen deres tok fyr ved Eidsvågstun- har vi i fellesskap, sier forskningsleder Nils dan han skal omtales. Han vil bare bli op- nelen i Åsane. Ifølge politiet i Horda- Roar Hareide, ved Rune miljøsenter. Hare- pfattet som en soldat i krig og vil ikke kara- land står bussen ved påkjørselen til ide skal lære barn hvordan søppel og foru- kteriseres som massemorder, drapsmann, E16 fra Ervikveien mot Åsane. Alle rensning sprer seg med havstrømmene. rasistisk, fobisk eller slike ting. Han vil hell- ungdommene kom seg ut av bussen Klokken 15.00 i dag ble rundt 300 er ikke bli omtalt som psykisk syk, homofil, uten at noen kom til skade, opplyser trebåter som barn har snekret i løpet av at han har personlighetsforstyrrelser eller er politiet. — Bussen var full av ung- påskedagene sjøsatt. preget av omsorgssvikt i barndommen. dommer, trolig på vei til et russetreff. Runde Miljøsenter er en internasjonal Vi har ikke oversikt over det totale an- miljøforskingsstasjon. Prosjektet mellom English Synopsis: Researchers Lars Gule and Øyste- tallet ennå. Vi jobber nå med å få frak- senteret og skipsbygger-konsernet Vard skal in Sørensen have accepted Anders Behring Breivik’s invitation to interview him in prison. tet ungdommene vekk fra bussen og gi barn mer kunnskap om båtbygging og E16, sier operasjonsleder ved Horda- havstrømmene. land politidistrikt, Kjersti Eidsnes til — Golfstrømmen er helt avgjørende for Foto: Remi Sagen / NRK VG. E16 er stengt for trafikk i -nor vårt klima og fiskerinæringsvirksomheten i Både store og små hjelper til når trebåtene skal dgående retning på grunn av brannen. Norge, sier Nils Roar Hareide. sjøsettes. Abonner Brannmannskapene melder at de har Golfstrømmen fører store mengder fått kontroll over flammene. — Det næring fra havet og inn til kysten av Norge. ved Runde, opp til Finnmark og kanskje helt på norsk har lekket bensin fra bussen, og det Havstrømmene fører også med seg fiskeegg til Russland. Det kan også tenkes at noen av har brent godt, men det er ikke fare og fiskelarver fra gyteområdene ved Runde dem kan reise enda lenger. amerikansk ukentlig! for eksplosjon, sier Eidsnes til NTB. og helt opp til Barentshavet. Hareide har — Hele baksiden av russebussen var i English Synopsis: 300 wooden boats were sent Ring til (800) 305-0217 inntrykk av at barna som har tilbrakt påske- out from the coast of Sunnmøre to travel the Gulf full fyr, sier Joakim Kalsaa til Bergens dagene på Runde syns det er spennende å Stream. The project leader, Nils Roar Hareide, hopes Send e-post til Tidende. lære om Golfstrømmen. Båtene vil drive this experience will teach children about ocean cur- (VG) nordover og bli funnet både i nærområdet rents and how far pollution can travel. [email protected] Norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 3 News Women in the workforce Ukraine: release This week in brief OSCE observers Surprising Scotland Norway has one of the highest shares of On September 16, Scotland votes, says Brende says observers the Foreigner, on independence from working women among OECD countries the United Kingdom. And if the Inde- being held “must be pendence vote wins, Scotland wants to join the Nordic Council, headquar- Norway Post / Aftenposten released immediately” tered in Copenhagen. Why? Because the close relationship between Scot- 73.5 percent of Norwegian women be- Norway Post / NRK land, Iceland, Norway, and Atlantic tween 15 and 64 work. Norway’s share of islands go back to the 800s.Scotland is women in the workforce is right at the top “The 13 observers from the Organiza- seeking cooperation in oil, renewable among the world’s richest and industrial tion for Security and Co-operation in energy, and fish farming. countries that are part of the OECD (The (OSCE), who are held by pro- militia (Finn Roed / The Foreigner) Organization for Economic Co-Operation in East Ukraine must be released immediate- and Development). ly,” says Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Major bus strike avoided Only Iceland and Switzerland rank Brende. There will be no strike by 3,400 bus higher than Norway in the recent report re- The OSCE delegation was captured drivers in the Norwegian transport leased by the OECD, based on figures from Friday near the city of Slavjansk, in East sector Monday. A new agreement was 2012. Norway is way ahead of the OECD- Ukraine, accused of being spies. reached Monday morning, after arbi- average, which was at 57.4 percent. “The observers are playing a central role tration eight hours on overtime. The “Good welfare services like kinder- in monitoring the development on the ground agreement means an extra NOK 4.00 gartens, maternity and paternity leave, and and forwarding objective information from per hour from April 1, and another social security schemes makes it easy and an otherwise complex situation. This makes NOK 2.00 per hour from October 1, in profitable for women to enter the work- the work of the observers particularly impor- addition to some adjustments for indi- force,” says Chief Economist Roger Bjørns- tant. vidual groups. A strike would have af- tad in Socioeconomic Analysis. “I expect that the members of the del- fected bus transport in most regions in Norway’s rate of working men is also egation who are held prisoners will be re- Southern Norway. high at 77.3 percent, but still below eight leased immediately, and that all the observers (Norway Post / NRK) other OECD-countries. The total average will be able to continue their work freely,” was at 73.1 percent. Photo: Seattle Municipal Archives / Brende says. Foreign Minister Brende in The report also shows that despite a Wikimedia Commons The Norwegian Foreign Minister said he Washington high rate of men and women in the work- A woman repairs a motorcycle. had noted that Russia had stated that it would Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge force, Norwegians worked fewer hours last “take all possible steps” to secure the release Brende was in Washington for talks year compared to several other countries. “Although our labor policies help bring of eight observers, and he expected the this with his U.S. opposite number, John The average annual time spent working is many people out into the workforce, our would be followed up, and that Russia would Kerry. The two leaders will discuss, 25 percent above Norway’s average, which high level of welfare also makes us treasure among other things, the situation in was at 1,420 hours in 2012. our spare time,” Bjørnstad explains. See > osce, page 6 Ukraine, Syria, South Sudan, Afghani- stan, and the Arctic. “We are cooper- ating closely with Norway on number Brush fires in of issues. Our relationship could not More soldiers needed have been better,” said Kerry when the two met the press before the meeting. southern NO Already short-staffed defense has more work ahead The breakdown of the Palestine-Israeli peace talks was the main topic of their Dry weather brings meeting on Thursday. “It is very sad if the talks stop now. It will take a long fires to Rogaland time before a new opportunity presents itself,” said Brende, who still believes Norway Post / NRK there is a slight chance that the talks will continue. In his opinion, it was Fire fighting crews resumed their ef- Israel that took the first step towards forts Monday morning, April 28, to fight a a breakdown in the talks, and it must large brush fire near Ålgård in the county therefore be Israel that takes the initia- of Rogaland in South Western Norway, as- tive to resume the talks. sisted by helicopters and Civil Defence per- (Norway Post / NRK) sonnel. They were hoping to bring the flames Number of electric-powered cars under control by late morning. doubled in one year Strong wind and difficult ground con- At the end of 2013, 17,770 electric ditions forced the crews to stop their work passenger cars were registered in Nor- during the night, and the fire has spread, but way, compared to 8,031 in 2012. And is raging in rocky terrain, and not too close the growth continues. At the beginning to built up areas at the moment. Photo: Enrique Saenz / Marine Forces Europe of April 2014, the stock had increased In addition, there have also been two A Norwegian soldier stands guard at a vehicle roadblock on Route 17 as part of training during exer- by another 5,000, exceeding 23,000, other brush and forest fires in Rogaland dur- cise Battle Griffin 2005. Statistics Norway (SSB) reports. Elec- ing the weekend. These were reported to be tric light vans are still seldom found under control on Monday morning. Norway Post / Aftenposten His main area of concern is that although on Norwegian roads and the stock in- The unusually warm and dry weather the Norwegian Defense can man single ves- creased from 159 to 511 at the end of has also resulted in extreme danger of brush The Norwegian Defense does not have sels and departments, they are not capable of 2013. A total of 2.92 million passenger and forest fires aalong the coast in most of enough personnel, and there will be an even following up on all their missions over time cars and light vans were registered in Southern Norway. heavier workload in the years ahead, says with the staff’s current size. Norway at the end of 2013; an increase On Sunday, fire fighters were out near Chief of Defense Haakon Bruun-Hanssen. “I want a debate about what we should of 2.2 percent compared to 2012. This Tønsberg in the county of Vestfold and near In the Norwegian Defense’s annual re- do about the manpower in order to maintain corresponded to 572 passenger cars Sarpsborg in the county of Østfold. port 2013 the Chief of Defense describes our activity in a responsible way,” Bruun- and light vans per 1,000 inhabitants. what he defines as significant flaws in the Hanssen explains. In addition to more Nor- (Norway Post / Statistics Norway) Norwegian army. wegian soldiers being needed abroad, the Be our friend on Facebook! Bruun-Hanssen thinks that the Norwe- Chief of Defense also thinks it is crucial gian Defense has performed well in 2013, that we are capable of taking more charge of including international operations. However, our defense here at home, since NATO as a For a touch of Norway every day: because the workload will be at least the whole is cutting back. same the next couple of years, he also identi- facebook.com/naweekly fies several areas that need improvement. See > defense, page 6 4 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Nordic Nanovector AS Economy: Reduced trade surplus from March 2013. The volume of gas in a Exports of goods came to NOK 77.7 billion, gaseous state was up 9.8 billion cubic me- while imports reached NOK 46.3 billion ters; a growth of 2.6 percent compared to Norwegian company’s targeted cancer in March 2014. Thereby the trade surplus March 2014. dropped 19.2 percent compared to March The mainland exports ended at NOK therapy heads into Phase I clinical trials 2013. There was a high export of fish and 31.1 billion in March 2014. The rise was record high import of electric cars, Statistics NOK 1.1 billion, 3.6 percent up from March Norway (SSB) reports. 2013. There were small changes in most of SSB says it is important to consider the the main commodity groups, however fish fact that Easter was in March in 2013 and pushed up the export figures. thereby influences the figures. The season- The import value of goods came to NOK ally-adjusted figures show a much lower 46.3 billion in March 2014. The growth in growth in imports. Corresponding figures for unadjusted figures was NOK 7.9 billion, or exports show minor adjustments. 20.5 per cent compared to last year. Norway exported crude oil amounting In March 2014, imports of machinery to NOK 23.9 billion in March 2014. Com- and transport equipment in particular were pared to last year, this was a small decline up. The growth compared to March last year of NOK 489 million or 2 percent. The price was NOK 3.4 billion. There was a jump in of crude oil in the first three months of 2014 the import of road vehicles, and passenger was higher than last year. In March 2014 it cars alone were up by NOK 1.2 billion end- was NOK 652, which is about NOK 16 more ing at NOK 3.8 billion. This record is due than in March 2013. However, the number to the import of electrical cars. The import of barrels exported this March was down 1.7 value of these cars was almost NOK 1.1 bil- million or 4.4 percent from March 2013. lion in March 2014—while in March the pre- The exported value of natural gas came vious year it was only NOK 140 million. to NOK 22.0 billion in March 2014. This (Norway Post / Statistics Norway) Photo courtesy of Nordic Nanovector AS was up NOK 519 million, or 2.4 percent The company’s Betalutin may be a breakthrough for hard-to-treat cancers.

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance Rasmus Falck advance Betalutin. According to HealthCap Oslo, Norway the company has the potential of becoming (April 28, 2014) Winners Losers another world-leading radiopharmaceutical Nordic Nanovector AS just announced company. Norsk Kr. 6.0009 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Funcom 5.85 12.72% EMS Seven Seas 3.00 -14.29% that its lead product candidate Betalutin has HealthCap is a family of multi stage Dansk Kr. 5.3895 Polaris Media 27.50 7.84% InterOil 1.03 -11.97% achieved the two major objectives for the venture capital funds, investing globally in Svensk Kr. 6.5408 Itera 3.49 5.76% Avocet Mining 0.91 -7.14% phase I portion of the ongoing phase I/II life sciences. They have raised more than Havfisk 11.20 5.16% Bionor Pharma 2.06 -6.36% clinical trial. The ongoing trial has demon- 900 million euro since 1996, making them Canadian $ 1.1031 Selvaag Bolig 18.10 4.62% Norske Skogindustrier 4.57 -5.19% strated that Betalutin is safe and well toler- one of the largest specialized providers of For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Euro 0.7217 ated in patients suffering from Non-Hodgkin venture capital within life science in Europe. Lymphoma and that the product has a clini- Among the investors are the Mayo Clinic, cally relevant effect in this patient popula- Northwestern University, the University of Business and individual tion. “We are pleased that the ongoing trial Michigan, the University of Toronto, the tax returns; audits; forensic already has demonstrated that Betalutin is Vanderbilt University, and Washington Uni- accounting; financial safe and well tolerated in patients suffering versity. from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,” stated Jan To date, HealthCap funds have been statement preparation; A. Alfheim, CEO of the company. invested in over 90 companies, of which 35 Certified Public Accountants litigation support. Nordic Nanovector is a privately held were startups, 27 have been listed on various company based in Oslo. The company was stock markets, and 50 have been fully ex- 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. established in 2009 with the mission to de- ited. The portfolio companies have brought Seattle, Washington 98119 velop innovative radioimmunotherapeutics 17 pharmaceutical and more than 40 medical that target difficult to treat cancers using the technology products to the market. Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] company’s proprietary nanovector targeting Nordic Nanovector will continue to pri- technology. They intend to commercialize oritize the development of its lead product their product candidates through alliances candidate. The company will continue to and partnerships with experienced oncology strengthen the organization to achieve their businesses and by establishing their own long term objective; this will entail recruit- sales and marketing capabilities in selected ing employees, engaging consultants, and FAITH markets. In January the company was grant- We’re a membership organization of improving the overall infrastructure. Christians who want to be wise with ed a patent in the U.S. and in March the same money and live generously. patent was granted in Europe. Both expire in Rasmus Falck is a strong FINANCES 2031. innovation and entrepre- Backed by 100 years of experience, Last fall HealthCap invested 50 million neurship advocate. The we can help guide you to your NOK in Nordic Nanovector. The company author of “What do the financial goals. intends to use the funds for R&D activi- best do better” and “The ties for its product candidate Betalutin. The board of directors as a startup was pleased that one of Europe’s resource in SME,” he re- GENEROSITY largest and most successful health care ven- ceived his masters degree ture funds had chosen them. This allows the from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He We can help you strengthen the community company to increase their effort to rapidly currently lives in Oslo, Norway. where you live, work and worship.



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Ratings reflect Thrivent Financial’s overall financial strength and claims-paying 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ability, but do not apply to the investment performance of investment products. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • 27950NAWA R3-14 norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 5 < justice From page 3 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor Contrails: a global issue? Caroline the sunlight. At times there would be Ger- Kristiansand, Norway man soldiers enjoying themselves at the wa- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Dear Editor, ter’s edge—not a happy sight for us. Advertising One advantage of living in the State of Looking at the postcard, I can not even Drew Gardner [email protected] Washington: the weather definitely VARIES Dear Gunnar and Caroline, imagine what a tremendous effort has taken Subscriptions compared to places like San Diego. Personally, I haven’t noticed this phe- place in all the work of planning every detail John Erik Stacy [email protected] On the other hand, one valid complaint nomenon being any worse than usual of of the ski-jump’s extension—most likely the Intern / Nyheter fra Norge is ignored by most residents: high-flying air- late--but then I work in a windowless office, only such structure in the world. Molly Andrus [email protected] planes stealing sunshine! We want rain but staring at a computer screen (the newspaper I feel proud to have this impressive Contributors unobstructed blue sky as well, please! Have won’t make itself!). arena in my childhood back yard. Although you noticed highflying willy-nilly aircraft Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Readers, what do you think? Are planes I immigrated to America in 1948 to begin Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands laying parallel stripes until gray mist covers stealing our sunlight? Are there any aviation a new life after the war, I have returned to Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. all? Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. experts out there who can weigh in on this? my Norwegian homeland many times and Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Yesterday I talked to an expert—an Air always made sure that each visit included a Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Force ex-pilot from . He had noticed Sincerely, trip up to the beloved ski-jump and its won- Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland nothing! Am I crazy? Editor derful memories. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. What one could suggest is a phone num- Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. ber to call and have explained daily from Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Holmenkollen Sincerely, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. where these come and where they necessar- Ellen Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway ily are heading, if anywhere, and the reason Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Dear Editor, Saint Helens, Ore. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. they can’t repeat a single corridor, fly lower, I read with special interest about Post- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. or even fly outside heavily populated areas! cards From Around the World in your March Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. 28 issue. The picture of the Holmenkollen Dear Ellen, Whitney Love Oslo, Norway Sincerely, ski-jump as it now looks was a dear sight for Thank you for this history of wartime Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Gunnar Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. me, as I was born and raised only a couple of Holmenkollen. I always like to know about Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Edmonds, Wash. miles down the west slope of the hill and had places that I’ve visited, things that aren’t in Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. David Moe Sun City, Calif. a close connection with all the skiing com- the museum or gift shop. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. petitive ventures taking place every winter. When I look at images of the thing, I Sada Reed Chapel Hill, N.C. Dear Editor, The ski jump was first built in 1892 can’t help but see it in reverse--as a launch Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Her i Kristiansand har vi ikke hatt and has gone through 19 remondels. The ramp pointing up into space! At any rate, it’s en skyfri dag på over to måneder. Og sola last one prepared the hilltop as an arena for a launching place, and as you note, it keeps Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a har vært framme maks fem ganger i løpet world competitive skiing events. Through getting bigger. Imagine what it will be like question or comment about news coverage call av disse månedene…. Tragisk at ikke flere the changes, it still continued to produce the in another hundred years, when cyborg-en- (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly begynner å stille spørsmål til dette tynne long-time annual tradition of “Holmenkoll- hanced jumpers use the enormous structure reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and merkelige skyteppet som kan ses over Kris- Dagen” on the first weekend of March. On to actually propel themselves into low orbit! the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, tiansand de dagene det ikke er normale this long-awaited day ski jumping and races Or maybe not. Sometimes my imagina- in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this skyer. Tidlig på morgenene kan man også se in the surrounding woods were judged. Na- tion jumps away with me. newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily laaaaange flystriper på rekke og rad. Vanlige tives from near and far came by “trikk” (trol- those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our kondensstriper forsvinner i løpet av noen ley), bus, and walking to view and celebrate Sincerely, publication of those views is not an endorsement minutter, de blir ikke milevis lange og ut- this very special event. Editor Emily of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s vikler seg ikke til et skyteppe, slik jeg har The next day, we kids on the hill had editorials should be directed to the publisher. • observert at disse stripene gjør.… I går var our special day visiting the churned-up Editor’s note Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly det særdeles ille, skyteppet var så tykt at det snow from the event’s activities, looking except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust var helt grått! Og der det var blå himmel, for “treasures” (like coins and combs) and You may have noticed me playing musi- by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please kunne man se chemtrais på kryss og tvers.. sliding down the under-jump hill in alumi- cal chairs with pages lately. This is due to send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Mens alle gikk rundt i sin egen lille verden, num tubs or on pieces of rain-cloth. But, a number of unusual occurrences, and some Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US uten å registrere noen ting. Jeg blir så lei meg all this celebration stopped when Germany changes (do you like our magazine-style cov- $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. og frustrert av dette her. Det er virkelig på occupied Norway in 1940-1945 and placed ers?), but mostly to an abundance of content SINCE MAY 17, 1889: tide å gjøre noe med det! De som ennå ikke anti-artillery aircraft on top of the ski-jump as we approach Syttende Mai. The Opinion Formerly Norway Times tror at chemtrails eksisterer, få øynene opp, tower and fenced in the entire hilltop, includ- and Travel pages will return, I promise, Western Viking & Washington Posten slik at vi kan slutte å bare snakke om det, og ing a small lake that used to be our swim- along with sports stories! And I also hope to Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten heller sammen finne en måte å sørge for at ming hole. All we could do then was to look be more consistent with where in the paper og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven dette stopper! longingly through the chain-link fence at our pages tend to fall. But no promises there. beloved swimming water as it shimmered in Thanks for reading! NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Hilsen,

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

See if you can I don’t think Best we hook find a cable, Ola, I’m gonna speed you can pull Stop stop, Per! I can’t figure how we Easier said the tractor up and I will drive the up the motor and it out, Per. It broke off! will get it out again. than done. and pull. tractor over here. jerk it out. 6 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly sports < osce < defense Sports News & Notes From page 3 From page 3 in word and deed contribute towards lessen- Over time, we are not able to deal with Hikers to wear green hats if “open to Football: Rosenborg in dramatic battle ing the level of the conflict. the increase in requests, says Bruun-Hansen. romance” Much disputed Nicki Bille Nielsen (25) Norway is contributing observers and “Either we have to change our priorities, or An April Fools’ joke in which the Norwegian scored on a penalty shot in the 5-2 victory financing of the OSCE’s work in Ukraine. we need more resources.” Trekking Association declared that all single against Brann. He put the nail in the cof- There were no Norwegians in the delegation, The report also outlines several other ar- people hiking over Easter break should wear fin for Rosenborg in a match that had it all: which is now held by pro-Russia militants in eas in need of improvement, including an old a green hat if they’re open to romance trig- seven goals and a red card to Brann player Slavjansk. fleet of helicopters that need to be replaced. gered such a huge reaction that the associa- Stéphane Badji. The latter refused to leave The group—believed to be military ob- Another challenge is that although Norway tion has decided to institute it for real. the field and had to be retrieved by Brann servers from Germany, , Poland, has ordered a new fleet of F-35 jet fighters, “It started as a joke on our website, but coach Rikard Norling. Sweden, and the Czech Republic—is being the Air Force will have to use the old F-16 by the incredible Facebook response and the (NRK) held along with several Ukrainian army per- until some time in the 2020s. Only 15 or 12 48,000 hits, we realized that we had identi- sonnel in the city. of the current fleet of 57 fighter jets are op- fied an actual need,” the organisation’s com- Football: Viking continues to impress Those holding the observers have said erational at any time, Aftenposten reports. munications director Ida Amelie Helgesen Viking took its third win of the season, beating they could be exchanged for prisoners held told VG. “So now we are introducing ‘cap- Start 2-0 in Kristiansand. The team by Ukrainian forces. labelling’ in the mountains for real.” is on equal ground with Strømsgodset and “Going on the mountain at Easter?” the Rosenborg, with no losses after five matches. April 1 announcement read. “Remember to Viking holds third place with 11 points, two Send us your Syttende Mai photos! bring your green hat if you’re single, red hat points behind league leaders Strømsgodset. if you are taken, and orange hat if you might (NRK) be open for contact.” Helgesen said that the Easter weekend Football: Molde wins easily over Ulf would be the test of whether the new sys- Sandnes Ulf lost 3-1 to Molde on Sunday. tem takes off. “I think a lot will hang on this Mattias Moström and Fredrik Gulbrandsen Easter,” she said. “There are many singles provided Molde with 2-0 at halftime, Vegard who are interested in dating and in Norway Forren set them back with a goal, but Pape we are a little shy, so it will help to have a Pate Diouf led them to 3-1. Molde holds sec- hat that signals whether we are interested or ond place, Sandnes Ulf is last. not.” email high-res photos to [email protected] for use in our 17 mai photo spread. (NRK) (The Local)

Business and individual Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League tax returns; audits; forensic results Standings accounting; financial Tippeligaen PLD PTS statement preparation; 4/28 Lillestrøm 0 – 0 Aalesund 1. Strømsgodset 5 13 4/28 Sarpsborg 08 3 – 0 Vålerenga Certified Public Accountants litigation support. 2. Molde 5 12 4/27 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Odd 3. Viking 5 11 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Seattle, Washington 98119 4/27 Haugesund 0 – 3 4. Rosenborg 5 9 5. Stabæk 5 9 4/27 Rosenborg 5 – 2 Brann Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] 6. Sarpsborg 08 5 8 4/27 Sandnes Ulf 1 – 3 Molde 7. Vålerenga 5 7

4/27 Stabæk 2 – 1 Bodø/Glimt 8. Start 5 7 Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU 9. Odd 5 7 4/27 Start 0 – 2 Viking 10. Lillestrøm 5 5 Independent Insurance Broker 11. Bodø/Glimt 5 5 Standings do not reflect the Long-Term Health Care Insurance 12. Sogndal 5 4 two games played on 4/28 Should you consider it? 13. Brann 5 4 Call me for honest straightforward advice. To read more about football in 14. Aalesund 5 3 (206)362-5913 Norway, visit www.uefa.com 15. Haugesund 5 2 www.obergltc.com 16. Sandnes Ulf 5 2 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 Enjoy Norway all year long.

Keep up with Norway and Name: ______Phone: ______the Norwegian-American community with the only Address: ______Norwegian newspaper in , now in its 125th year! City/State/Zip: ______$ Visa / Mastercard: ______one year: 59 Expiration: ______CVV: Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], Makes a great gift! or write to us. You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 7 obituaries & religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Olive Jensen Nordby April 10, 1915 – April 8, 2014 The church hormone Olive Marie Jensen Nordby, 98, died at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, where A few weeks ago someone told me As I listened to oxytocin being de- on Tuesday, 8 April 2014, at the Sebring she first met her future husband, Eugene J. about a website that featured 20-minute scribed, I thought oxytocin could just as Assisted Care residence, in Madison, Wis. Nordby. Their close partnership of over 72 talks or speeches on just about every sub- easily be called the “church hormone.” All Mrs. Nordby, who would have been 99 years years resulted from this chance meeting. ject under the sun. An organization called the things that oxytocin motivates us to do old on Thursday, was born in Dodge Center, Following Dr. Nordby’s medical school “Ted Talks” sponsors seminars around the are available in the churches of this coun- Minnesota, on 10 April 1915. and military service, the Nordbys moved to country where experts from every walk of try. Churches provide a place for close so- The daughter of Norwegian immigrants, Madison in 1940, living for many years in life give oral presentations. Now, whenev- cial contact. Members of churches support Mrs. Nordby enjoyed a long career as both South Highlands before moving to Coventry er I have a few extra minutes, I go to this one another in their most difficult times. artist and philanthropist. Over many years, Village during retirement. In Madison, Dr. website and listen to a talk or two. Churches emphasize caring for others and her hand-colored woodcut prints gained Nordby began his distinguished medical ca- Recently I heard a talk on the sub- place a high priority on fellowship and in- a national recognition. Her work has won reer, becoming one of the country’s leading ject of stress in which the presenter talked terpersonal support. There could hardly be many awards at juried exhibitions, including orthopaedic surgeons. Active in the Madison about a particular stress hormone known a better place to find all the things oxyto- Wisconsin shows at the Madison Art Center, Art Guild, Mrs. Nordby was, along with her as oxytocin. Because of its particular char- cin drives us towards when it releases into the Wright Museum of Art at Beloit College, husband, a long-time member of Bethel Lu- acteristics it has come to be known as the our brains. and the New Visions Gallery in Marshfield. theran Church. The Nordbys became lead- “hugging hormone.” Oxytocin releases in The next time your stress level Mrs. Nordby’s art has also been honored at ers of the Norwegian-American community the brain when we are under stress and heightens and you feel the deep need for the Burpee Art Museum in Rockford, Ill., with membership and leadership roles not motivates us to be more social. It makes someone to care for you and someone for and at Høstfest in Minot, N.D. only at Vesterheim and the Genealogy Cen- us crave both physical and social contact. you to care about, remember your church Majoring in art at St. Olaf College, ter, but also in the Gudrid Reading Circle, It motivates us to be with others and sur- family. God has hard wired us to be social Northfield, Minn., Mrs. Nordby also did Madison Torske Klubben, Ydrasil Literary round ourselves with people who care at our moments of greatest need. Thank- post-graduate work at the Minneapolis Insti- Society, Norwegian American Historical about us. At the same time it encourages fully, God has also given us our churches tute of Arts and the St. Paul School of Art, Association, and many others. During the us to tell others how we feel and to support where we can go to share both our burdens and studied printmaking at the Madison Vo- nearly thirty years of Dr. Nordby’s service as others who indicate that they need us. and our joys. cational and Technical School. Her widely president of the Vesterheim Museum Board collected woodblock prints revealed her of Trustees, he and Mrs. Nordby became love of nature and her attraction to the spe- friends of the Norwegian royal family, often cial qualities of wood grain and texture that visiting King Olav V and later King Harald Community Connections became an integral part of her printed im- V and Queen Sonja, both during the frequent ages. A keen observer of the natural world, trips the Nordbys made to Norway and dur- Gratulerer med Dagen! Mrs. Nordby was inspired by trees, flowers, ing the periodic visits of the Norwegian roy- mountains, and animals, which she interpret- als to the . ed with flair. She was also attracted to the In 2013, Mrs. Nordby’s art was featured Happy birthday / scenes and subjects of Norway, and to the in a large-format publication called “Olive heritage of Norwegian Americans. Jensen Nordby: A Retrospective of her Art.” engagement / etc! Mrs. Nordby combined her love of art Edited by Ingrid M. and Jay L. Jensen, the with philanthropy, donating the proceeds volume includes over 35 of Mrs. Nordby’s from the sale of her prints to benefit two best-known woodblock prints, as well as five Your name and non-profit organizations close to her heart: of her paintings. Quoted in the text of the Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum, book that explored her artistic accomplish- special message Decorah, Iowa, and the Norwegian Ameri- ments and philosophy, she said: “The way can Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library, things are arranged or composed can create a here! Madison. Among other artistic projects, feeling, give an impression, or recall a mem- she was commissioned to create forty-sev- ory. That is what art is all about.” en woodcuts on Norwegian themes for the In addition to Dr. Nordby, Mrs. Nordby For more information, call Stein Eriksen resort in Utah. is survived by their son, Dr. Jon J. Nordby, us at (800) 305-0217 or email One of Mrs. Nordby’s first teaching jobs and daughter-in-law Kim Nordby, Univer- [email protected]. was as an art instructor in 1938 and 1939 sity Place, Wash. Birgit Fossberg Robert Jesberg February 26, 1927 – July 8, 1924 – Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church April 20, 2014 April 21, 2014 Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians Birgit Elisabeth Fossberg, 87, beloved Robert Jesberg passed away peacefully and Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Unless otherwise noted, all services begin at 11am. wife of the late Per Egil Fossberg, died on on April, 21, 2014 at his home in Mar Vista. Please visit us soon! Easter Sunday at her home in Bethesda, Md. He was the youngest son of Simon and Ruth Longtime resident of Bethesda and self- Olsen Jesberg, born on July 8, 1924 in Los declared Washingtonian, Birgit was a native Angeles. He attended Third Street School May 2014 of Hasvik, Norway, and a former resident of Los Angeles and Harvard Military School. Denmark, South Africa, Jamaica, Saudi Ara- He attended Depauw University where he May 4 Pastor Brian Halverson bia, and Berkeley, Calif. She was an active was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi Frater- May 10 Luncheon / Author Jim Lefebvre member of the Norwegian Seaman’s Church nity. Enlisted in U.S. Navy in 1942, where and an avid golfer and bridge player. She he served in New York and the South Pacific May 11 Pastor Brian Halverson / leaves four sons, Gisle Alexander, Stein, (Okinawa, Hawaii). He earned his Bachelor Holy Communion and Piet Even of Norway, and Ian Sturla of Science (1949) and MBA (1952) degrees of Washington; brother Bjørn Karlsen and from the University Of Southern California. May 18 Pastor Brian Halverson, sister Karin Syvertsen of Norway; and 10 He made a career as a stock broker and finan- 10:30 a.m. service grandchildren: Sophie Therese, Per Chris- cial consultant for over 50 years and retired tian, Victoria Marie, Piet André, Katrine at the age of 79. He traveled extensively in May 11 Pastor Brian Halverson / Gjertrud, Edward Gudbrand, Bernard Olav, Europe and was very proud of his Norwegian Holy Communion and Anne Marte of Norway; Karl Eirik of heritage. San Francisco; and Marilyn Georgia of D.C. 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org 8 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Blueberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt It’s springtime: time to think about cool desserts for those warm evenings to come

Whitney Love recipe uses whole milk Turkish yogurt and Stavanger, Oslo ingredients you can actually pronounce. No mono-modified-syrups here, just yogurt with Not only are blueberries a super food sugar, fruit, and cookie crumbs. Feel free to and extremely healthy for you—they grow use gluten-free cookies if you fancy or goat’s wild in Norway during the late summer milk for a lactose-reduced option. I advise months and taste like sweet balls of tart against using fat-free or low-fat yogurt for heaven. Although I normally buy my blue- this recipe as the additional water content in berries fresh in summer and freeze them for the yogurt will increase the potential for ice use throughout the year, I decided to take a crystals to form, making the yogurt hard in- stab at making a refreshing dessert using fro- stead of soft and creamy. zen blueberries for spring. Also, for this recipe you will need va- The below recipe is the result—Blue- nilla sugar, but you can substitute it with the berry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt. Although same amount of sugar and the seeds inside frozen yogurt tends to get a bad wrap—this one vanilla pod.

Blueberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt

1 liter (34 ounces) thick natural, unfla- stitute granulated sugar and the beans vored yogurt (full-fat Turkish, Greek, of one vanilla pod) Photo: Whitney Love or drained) 1 dl (2 cups) frozen blueberries Nothing says spring like a dessert made of berries and cold, creamy goodness. 100 g (1/2 cup) vanilla sugar (or sub- 1/2 dl (1 cup) cookie crumbs

In a medium-sized bowl, combine the yogurt and vanilla sugar. Stir until well combined. Whitney Love originally hails from Tucson, Arizona and is currently living Following the instructions of your ice cream machine, add the yogurt mixture to the in Stavanger, Norway. She runs the English language blog Thanks For The machine and churn until set. In my machine, this normally takes about 25 minutes. Food where she documents her love affair with Norway through the lens of Once the yogurt has churned, add it to your storage container, and mix in the blueberries traditional and modern Norwegian gastronomy. You can find her online at and cookie crumbs. thanksforthefood.com or on Twitter at @thanksforthemat. Place the ice cream mix into the freezer and freeze until hard, about 4 hours. Serve and enjoy! This recipe is reprinted with permission from thanksforthefood.com.

The Premiere Scandinavian Marketplace in the Northwest

Stop by the store on the 17th of May and get a free Solo with a purchase of $20 or more

6719 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 • Order online at www.scanspecialties.com • (877) 784-7020 norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 9 in your neighborhood Entertainment at Ballard’s Bergen Place Seattle’s 125th Syttende Mai celebration will feature a strong line-up of Scandinavian entertainment

Molly Andrus Photo: Rene Fuller Norwegian American Weekly Seattle songbird Lori Ann Reinhall heads up an all-day lineup of entertainment at Bergen Place in historic Ballard for the city’s 125th celebra- Celebrate the 200th anniversary of the tion of Syttende Mai. Norwegian Constitution and the 125th year of Syttende Mai celebrations in Seattle with mence with the opening festivities. a day of Scandinavian music and dance at Birgit and Phil Ages of the Folk Voice Bergen Place! In honor of the bicentennial, Band will kick off the show at 10:15 with there will be an incredible line-up of profes- their traditional instruments. sional Northwest Scandinavian performers At 11:00, welcome Knut Bell to the lasting all day—from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 stage for a Norwegian country rock fusion, p.m.—at the intersection of Market Street, sponsored by Western Towboat Company. Leary Avenue, and 22nd Avenue in Ballard. Knut is a successful musician in the Ballard The Scandinavian musician Lori Ann bar scene and has been featured on the radio Reinhall will emcee the entertainment at station KEXP. Bergen Place, and will join in on a few of Join accordion king Toby Hanson and the performances herself. She has planned a the Smilin’ Scandinavians for a lively, up- diverse show with something for everybody beat performance at noon. The Smilin’ Scan- to enjoy, and she hopes to see a large audi- dinavians are the number one polka band in ence to support the talented performers. tion Norwegians and others are “recruited” “I tried to put together a program that the Pacific Northwest. The accordion is a “The tradition of Syttende Mai in Bal- Norwegians for the day. Enthusiasm and a represents Norwegian culture, something traditional instrument among Scandinavians lard is very strong: this year it will have been passion for Scandinavian music are the only that is colorful and varied, something for and has become a tradition in Seattle as well. going on for 125 years, and it is the largest requirements. According to Lori Ann, “Ev- everyone because Syttende Mai is a holiday Nordic Reflections and Harald Nygaard 17th of May celebration outside of Norway. erybody is Norwegian on Syttende Mai who for everyone. It is a celebration of freedom will perform nostalgic accordion tunes with This translates into huge crowds and lots of wants to come and celebrate!” and happiness, concepts that also transcend Ione and Brenda Bard at 1:00. This group fo- enthusiasm,” says Lori Ann. The program features a variety of culture, and I believe the upbeat musical pro- cuses on Scandinavian music from the ‘40s Lori Ann believes that music and dance Norwegian-inspired musical performances, gram will do the same,” stated Lori Ann. and ‘50s. is a great way to celebrate Norway’s Con- ranging from polka to chorus to country The entertainment at Bergen Place will At 2:00, the Leif Erikson Lodge presents stitution Day because everybody can enjoy rock. Some groups will perform traditional begin with Seattle Mayor Ed Murray ad- Leikarringen, a Norwegian folk dance group it—including those without much back- music and dress in bunads, while others will dressing the Norwegian community on be- clad in beautiful traditional costume. Each ground knowledge of Norwegian culture. incorporate contemporary culture with their half of the city at 10:00 a.m. Following the Some of the performers are first genera- Norwegian traditions. mayor’s appearance, Lori Ann will com- See > Bergen place, page 15

Hipp, Hipp, SYTTENDE MAI seattle Hurra for Syttende Mai! Free admission! Family-Friendly Activities! Nordic Café! May 17 | 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. @ the Nordic Heritage Museum

• Treat yourself to a scoop of specialty ice cream from Parfait — proceeds benefi t the Museum. • Enjoy Scandinavian lunch at the Nordic Café • Meet the Fjord horses • Ride the Nordic Express kids’ train • Make Norwegian-themed kids’ crafts • Listen to live performers • Buy special Syttende Mai swag 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. After-Party @ Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay The big day continues with an after-party co-hosted by the Royal Norwegian Consulate. Join us at Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay at 8:30 p.m. for delicious food, aquavit, and a celebration of the 200th anniversary of Norwegian Constitution Day. Purchase

tickets for $75 online or call 206.789.5707 ext. 10. Sponsored in

norway SYTTENDE MAI SYTTENDE 3014 NW 67th Street, Seattle part by Mustad Autoline and Jackson Remodeling. www.nordicmuseum.org 10 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events colorado iowa 17. Mai Medtronic TC Kids Cross Country Little Norway Festival Syttende Mai Celebration Syttende Mai at Vesterheim Fun Run May 15–18 May 18, 12:00-5:00 p.m. May 17 May 17, 9:00 a.m. Petersburg, Alaska Centennial, Colo. Decorah, Iowa St. Paul, Minn. The Petersburg Little Norway Festival Com- Join Fjelldalen Lodge at DeKoevend Park, Shel- Join Vesterheim for a full day of celebrations in- Early on Norway’s national day, youth aged mittee and Chamber of Commerce welcome ter A. Look for the Norwegian flag. Parking is on cluding free museum admission, gallery talks, a preschool through senior high are invited to all residents and visitors of Petersburg to the the west side of University. Bring your family and children’s parade, food, and dancing. For more participate in the Syttende Mai Medtronic Annual Little Norway Festival. There will be friends to help us celebrate Syttende Mai, a very information visit vesterheim.org/events/festi- TC Kids Cross Country Fun Run at Como Park great music and indoor and outdoor dances colorful family-oriented event with many people vals/syttende-mai/ in St. Paul. Norway House is proud to be an on Friday & Saturday evening. Art events wearing authentic Norse costumes, a children’s official sponsor of this year’s 5K, half mile, include the Annual Mitkof Mummer’s Melo- parade, a smorgasbord of traditional festive Nor- Maine mile and two-mile races. Norwegian Ambas- sador to the United States Kåre Aas kicks off drama written and produced by the local wegian foods, music, games for all ages, and a Syttende Mai Celebration with Maine the race with greetings from Norway and the theatre group, a variety of artist receptions, time to celebrate our Norwegian heritage. Dona- Nordmenn singing of the Norwegian national anthem. rosemaling classes, and a local Art’s & Craft tions accepted. Call Marilyn Speas for more infor- May 17, 9:30 a.m. All participants receive a medal, T-Shirt, bib, Share. The heart of downtown is barricaded mation: (303) 973-2158 Gray, Maine and lunch. After the race, everyone is invited and booths line the street offering a variety Maine Nordmenn will hold their Syttende Mai to experience all things Norwegian sponsored of wares and information. Food, always an district of columbia celebration at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, by Concordia Language Villages, International important aspect of any festival, ranges from Washington Stage Guild Production of 2014, at the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, Maine. Telemark, and the Honorary Royal Norwegian traditional Alaskan Native fare and Peters- now – May 18 Come and enjoy a parade, games, music, cook Consulate! Also meet Team USA Minnesota burg’s world-class seafood to fine Norwegian Washington, D.C. out, and time with friends and Maine’s wild ani- elite runners who will provide running tips. delicacies. A parade, a walk/run race, a pag- The film Elling was one of the most popular Nor- mals. 200th Anniversary celebration and parade Register at www.tcmevents.org/. The fee is eant, style shows, many dedications, recep- wegian films of all times. It received a Best For- at 11:00 a.m. Koldtbord, pølser, and pot luck buf- $10 in advance or $16 on race day. tions and open houses fill out the very full eign Film Oscar nomination in 2001. It was based fet at 12:00. Please bring a koldtbord item or a Annual Festival Schedule and ensure -enter on Ingvar Ambjørnsen’s novel “Brødre i blodet” dessert and a portable chair. Maine Nordmenn Syttende Mai in Spring Grove tainment for everyone. (Blood Brothers). The Washington Stage Guild is will provide the rest. Free admission for dues May 17 presenting a stage version of Elling. Showings are paying members, and special $3.50 entrance fee Spring Grove, Minn. arizona Thursdays through Saturdays at the Undercroft for visitors. Free parking. All are welcome. Find Celebrate Syttende Mai with Norwegian craft Syttende Mai Lunch Theatre at Mount Vernon Place. To purchase tick- directions to the park at www.maine.gov/ifw/ed- and food demos at the Sons of Norway from May 17, 11:00 a.m. ets, go to stageguild.org/buy-tickets/ ucation/wildlifepark/. Rain date is Sunday, May 9:00 a.m. to noon, and the grand parade at Tuscon, Ariz. 18. For more information, contact Karen Solberg 1:30 p.m. Enjoy lefse, rømmegrøt, sweet soup, Start your Syttende Mai Celebration with at 207-854-9992 or [email protected]. florida and more at the Norwegian Foods Stand. You lunch at 11:00 a.m. at the Viscount Hotel on Suncoast Lodge Syttende Mai Regatta can also stop by the Bluff Country Artists Gal- Broadway. The cost is $20 per person, and May 9–10 Maryland lery for some Norwegian-inspired art and reservations are required. Contact Gretchen Clearwater, Fla. 17. mai Family Picnic demonstrations. For more information and a Carew at 887-1114 or email her at gcarew@ Join the Suncoast Lodge for its 36th annual Syt- May 17, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. complete listing of events, visit www.sgsyt- comcast.net. tende Mai Regatta. On Friday, meet in the Pearl Potomac, Md. tendemai.org/Schedule_Events.html. Room at LaQuinta Inn from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. for Celebrate the Bicentennial of the Norwegian California hospitality. The regatta will take place on Satur- Constitution Day with the Royal Norwegian Em- Syttende Mai Pølsefest Annual Scandinavian Heritage Day day, May 10. Enjoy the race at 11:00 a.m., a lunch bassy and Norwegian Organizations in the Wash- May 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. May 10, 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. of hot dogs and hamburgers ($7) at noon, awards ington, D.C. area! Join us for a family picnic at the Moorhead, Minn. Temecula, Calif. presentation at 1:15, raffle prizes at 1:30, and the Carderock Park on the Potomac River from 1:00 Celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day with a Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge 6-159 is cel- zone meeting at 2:00. For more information con- to 3:00 p.m. Visit www.naccma.org/events/17- traditional snack: hot dogs wrapped in lefse. ebrating their Annual Scandinavian Heritage tact Carol Anderson at 727-461-7746 or caroln- mai-picnic/ for more information. This event will be held at Hjemkomst Center Day on May 10 at Temecula Public Library. [email protected]. from 11:30 to 1:30, or while supplies last. The event will include cultural displays, tra- Massachusetts ditional Scandinavian food demos, Scan- illinois “Kon-Tiki” Syttende Mai Minnesota Banquet dinavian vendors, and Norwegian movies. Gala Dinner May 10, 1:30 p.m. May 17, 5:00 p.m. Enjoy display and demonstrations of Hardan- May 17 Boston, Mass. Bloomington, Minn. gersøm embroidery and rosemaling by The North Barrington, Ill. Join the Norumbega Sons of Norway lodge for a Syttende Mai Minnesota is pleased to an- California Rosemaling Association. The Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Chi- showing of the Norwegian film, “Kon-Tiki”, in the nounce that Norwegian Ambassador Kåre Aas cago will host a gala dinner, dance, and celebra- Nordic Hall at 1:30 p.m., as part of the Scandina- will serve as keynote speaker at the Syttende “Syttende mai” celebrations at San tion to honor the 200th anniversary of the sign- vian Library’s film program. Mai Banquet to celebrate the bicentennial Bernardino City Hall ing of the Norwegian Constitution. The event will of Norway’s constitution. The event will take May 16 be held at the Wynstone Golf Club in North Bar- place at 5:00 p.m. on May 17 at Minnesota San Bernardino, Calif. Michigan rington, Illinois. Guests will welcome the Honor- Syttende Mai Celebration Valley Country Club in Bloomington. Banquet At our May meeting, we will be celebrating able Svein Ludvigsen, Governor of Troms County, reservations must be made by 5:00 p.m. on Syttende Mai with Norwegian open-faced May 14 Norway as keynote speaker. Orion Samuelson will West Bloomfield, Mich. May 7. For information, contact the Honorary sandwiches. We plan to attend the flag hoist- act as emcee for the grand event. The grandson Norwegian Consulate General at (612) 332- ing ceremony hosted by Soldalen Lodge at Nordkap Lodge Sons of Norway 5-378 will cel- of Norwegian Immigrants, Samuelson is best ebrate the Bicentennial of the Norwegian Con- 3338. Reservations are required. San Bernardino City Hall. Wear your bunad, known for serving as the WGN Radio Agribusi- your white shirt and red vest, or something stitution at the award winning Lark Restaurant ness Director. The Joe Lill Band will provide dance in West Bloomfield on May 14. The menu, briefly Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Cel- red, white, and blue. And don’t forget your music. Additional information: Norwegian Con- ebratory Worship and Parade Norwegian flag and “Syttende Mai sløyfe.” highlighted, features spicy salmon gravlax with sulate General in Chicago (312) 377-5050, the Aquavit, Bergen fish soup, steamed Norwegian May 18, 10:30 a.m. Norwegian National League (www.nnleague.org) Minneapolis, Minn. Syttende Mai at Sjømannskirken lobster, stuffed pork, or juniper-scented reindeer, or NAmerican CC (www.naccchicago.org). Dress and whipped cream cake with raspberry puree. If Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Me- May 17, 1:00 p.m. is Black Tie Preferred / Dark Suit Optional, and morial Church, 924 E 21st St, Minn., has a full San Francisco, Calif. interested in attending, call Carol Jehle at (248) Bunads are encouraged. Tickets are $150 each 626-2148. day planned. The morning begins with a con- The celebration begins at West Ft Miley out and feature a cocktail hour and full dinner. cert by the Norwegian Glee Club of Minne- on Lands End. There will be a parade with apolis. A worship service follows with a trum- hot dogs, ice cream, and soda. There will be a 17th of May Celebration The Viking Ship May 17, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. pet fanfare, the Mindekirke choir, and official ceremony in the park until 3:30 p.m. The fes- May 17, July 19, Aug. 16, & Sept. 20 greetings from the palace in Oslo. Immedi- tivities will continue at 6:00 p.m. with a flag Farmington Hills, Mich. Geneva, Ill. Celebrate the 17th of May at the Swedish Club, ately following the worship service a people’s procession, music, and photo presentation at See the Viking, a full-size replica of a ninth cen- parade will march through the neighborhood Sjømannskirken. featuring a parade, games, and goodies. The cel- tury Viking ship that sailed across the Atlantic in ebration begins at 11:00 a.m. on May 17. and return to the church. This year’s grand 1893. The Viking Ship will be open to visitors be- marshal is Sven Sundgaard, KARE 11 Sunrise 200th Anniversary Celebration tween 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. at the Good Templar Minnesota meteorologist. After the parade, there will be May 17, 6:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Park at 528 East Side Drive, Geneva, Illinois. Email Norwegian dancing, music, children’s games, Scandinavian Dance San Francisco, Calif. [email protected] to schedule a group tour. and a lunch. The event is free, but a $5 dona- May 11, 6:00-9:00 p.m. The 17th of May festivities will kick off at the Additional information at www.vikingship.us. tion per person is requested to defray lunch Minneapolis, Minn. Westin Hotel at 6:00 p.m. with our esteemed costs. For more information, call the church at Scandinavian dance including teaching with live guest speaker, Consul General Hilde Janne Norwegian National League Parade (612) 874-0716. Skorpen, giving honor to the past 200 years. May 18, 12:00 p.m. and recorded music. Entry is $5. Come, and bring Enjoy a no-host bar, appetizers and sit-down Park Ridge, Ill. your mother along, too. Tapestry Folkdance Cen- Missouri dinner followed by a live band and dancing. ter: tapestryfolkdance.org/index.php/tapestry- Every year the Norwegian National League hosts Syttende Mai with The Norwegian Society of You will also have a chance to win two tickets programs/nordic a parade at Hodges Park in Park Ridge, Illinois, in St. Louis to Norway from Scandinavian Airlines. celebration of Norway’s Constitution Day in May. May 17, 1:00 p.m. Pre-parade festivities in Hodges Park begin at Kirkwood, Mo. noon and will include entertainment, activities The Norwegian Society of St. Louis will be for children, vendors, and refreshments. norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 11 in your neighborhood Syttende Mai edition! celebrating Syttende Mai in Simpson Park in for the entire day. The event is handicap acces- May 17 at Dorothy Anderson Cabin She can capture the musical mystery and the Kirkwood. The club will be providing pølse, sible this year! Cost is $10 for members, $15 for May 17, 10:00 a.m. genuine Norwegian Traditional singing. Ad- hot dogs, drinks, and chips. The members non-members, $5 for children 3 to 12, and free Seabrook, Wash. vanced ticket sales will begin soon at local are asked to please bring either a dessert or for children under 3. Take part in Seabrook’s fourth annual Syttende businesses and online. Tickets are $15.00 per a salad to share. Cost is $10 for adult mem- Mai celebration of the 17th of May, Norwegian person. bers, $15 for adult nonmembers, and $5.00 oregon Constitution Day! Meet at the Dorothy - Ander for each child under 12. Deadline for reserva- Constitutional Jubileum with Grieg Lodge son Cabin (at the north end of Crescent Park) at Stoughton Chamber of Commerce Syttende tions is May 8, 2014. For more information, May 17, 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. for a parade through the streets of Mai Celebration please visit the website for the Norwegian Portland, Ore. Seabrook, ending at The Salty Dog with coffee May 17, 6:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Society of St. Louis: www.norwaystl.com. Join Grieg Lodge members in celebrating Nor- and Norwegian pastries. You don’t have to be Stoughton, Wis. way’s Bicentennial Constitution Day. National Norwegian to join the fun (but please wear your The Stoughton Chamber of Commerce will NEW YORK dress or other festive attire is encouraged. In the bunad if you have one)! And don’t forget to bring be celebrating Syttende Mai with a variety Dinner and Scandinavian Music with the Bergen Waterfront Dining Room, you can buy your dog! Contact Ann Kjelsberg at akjels@gmail. of events including a children’s parade, run/ Long Island Accordion Alliance open-faced shrimp sandwiches, rolls with Gjetost com or (360) 581-9300 for more information. walks, Norwegian music, dance, arts and May 7, 6:30 p.m. or Jarlsberg cheese, surkål and pølse with lompe crafts, and more! Visit www.stoughtonwi. East Northport, N.Y. or bun, rømmegrøt, bløtkake, almond pastry, and Syttende Mai with the Nordic Heritage Museum com/syttendemai/schedule.asp for the sched- Join the Long Island Accordion Alliance for beverages. Free hot dogs, bottled water, and ice May 17, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ule and locations. dinner at La Villini Restaurant of East North- cream for children 10 years and under. The grand Seattle, Wash. port. Enjoy listening to Smorgasbandet of flag parade starts at 3:00 p.m., featuring march- Celebrate this momentous year for Syttende Mai Westby Syttende Mai New York and the Long Island Accordion Al- ing bands and fjord horses. Following the parade, at the Nordic Heritage Museum: 2014 marks the May 17 liance Orchestra. Cost is $28.95 per person enjoy festivities in the Grand Ballroom featuring 200th celebration in Norway and the 125th year Westby, Wis. and includes a full course dinner. Space is lim- the Scandinavian Chorus, Speakers, and Leikar- of celebrations in Seattle! The day kicks off with Westby has a full day of Syttende Mai celebra- ited; call (631) 261-6344 to reserve your spot. ringen. The dance starts at 6:00 p.m. in the Lodge the Ballard Street Scramble at 9:30 a.m., hosted tions planned. Start your day with an authen- Room, with live music provided by Fossegrimen. by MerGeo. The Museum is open from 10:00 tic Norwegian breakfast at from 7:00 to 10:00 Viking Fest 2014 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with free admission, and kids a.m. at the United Methodist Church. The kid- May 17, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Syttende Mai at Johan Vineyards and parents can enjoy the Norwegian-themed die parade starts at 10:00 a.m. at the corner Brooklyn, N.Y. May 18, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. crafts set up throughout the Museum, includ- of Melby and Main Street. Make sure to stop The Scandinavian East Coast Museum will be Rickreall, Ore. ing rosemaled paper plates, pop art trolls, and by the Westby Syttende Mai History Display, hosting our annual Viking Fest on Saturday, Join Johan Vineyards in celebrating Norwegian Norwegian flag postcards. Open-face sandwiches a display of the official buttons, photographs May 17, from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm at Bliss/ Constitution Day. Enjoy Viking Soul Food’s won- and Norwegian treats will be served in the Nor- and memorabilia dating back to 1969. There Owl’s Head Park, located at 68th Street and derful lefse wraps, the youth dance group Grieg dic Café with entertainment by Hugo’s Accordion will also be a 5k run/walk, half marathon, Narrows Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. This Lodge Leikarringen, a psalmodikon group, and Band, and guests can visit the parade’s beautiful tractor pull, rømmegrøt eating contest, and year the event is beginning two hours earlier people from the Sons of Norway in traditional Fjord horses and ride the Nordic Express kid train more! For more information, visit westbysyt- and will feature our “Viking Village” from dress. The tasting fee is $5. outside. Visitors may also tour all the galleries tendemai.com/Home.php. 10:00 am – noon, with the Norseman, half- and exhibitions currently on view at the Muse- size replica Viking ship and crew, and the So- um. For more information, visit www.nordicmu- virginia seum.org. alberta, canada ciety for Creative Anachronism and Historic Norway’s Bicentennial Constitution Gala Calgary’s Syttende Mai Arms. Featured guests from Norway include May 16, 6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. May 17, 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. the Sandnes Trekkspill Orkester, accordion 17th of May Festival Arlington, Va. May 17 Calgary, Alberta band and Sandnes Folkedanslag, and folk Purchase your tickets at www.naccma.org/ Saturday, May 17, 2014 is the 200th anniver- dancers from the town of Sandnes. Our other Seattle, Wash. events/bicentennial-gala/! Included in your With a full day of activities on May 17, the streets sary of Norway’s Constitution, and there will Norwegian guests are musicians from Maya’s ticket is: a welcome drink, special Norwegian ap- be an extra special celebration downtown. School of Performing Arts playing traditional of Ballard come alive with music and celebration petizer “Gravlaks and sennep saus” provided by of Norwegian Constitution Day! In addition to After a flag ceremony at Old City Hall at 11:30 music on traditional instruments. Of course NorHouse, one of three choices for dinner served a.m., everyone is welcome to join the parade we will have our popular “Touched By the the festivities at the Nordic Heritage Museum, with wine, and a real Norwegian dessert of “kran- there will be a luncheon at the Leif Erikson Hall to Fort Calgary where there will be activities Vikings” performances featuring music and sekake,” fresh strawberries and vanilla ice cream! and entertainment until 4 p.m. Thanks to our dance from cultures that have a connection at 12:00 p.m. Tickets are $30; RSVP to (206) 783- Join us for a wonderful evening of dinner, music 1274. Enjoy live entertainment at Bergen Place sponsors and Fort Calgary, everything is free. to the Vikings. This event is co-sponsored by and entertainment to celebrate our 200 year an- However, tickets are required for lunch as Councilman Gentile, the Norwegian Consul- from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can also pur- niversary! Velkommen skal du være! chase Scandinavian food and drink and learn seating is limited. Please contact Russ Wiigs ate in New York, the 17th of May Committee, (403-283-1299, e-mail valhalla4341@telus. and the Bay Ridge Baptist Church. For further about local Scandinavian groups in the Nordic texas Cafe at Leif Erikson Hall from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. net) about ticket availability. information you can email us at scandia36@ 200th Constitution day with the Norwegian optonline.net or call (718) 748-5950. The parade starts at 6:00 p.m. at W 62nd St. and Seaman’s Church 24th Ave. NW and ends at Ballard Ave. and Dock Syttende Mai Celebrations May 17 St. After the parade, enjoy live music by “Jazz Un- May 17, 4:00 p.m. 62nd Annual Norwegian Constitution Day Houston, Texas Edmonton, Alberta Parade limited Band” and the Celebration Dance at Elks Celebrate Syttende Mai with the Snorre Chapter on Shilshole, 6411 Seaview Ave N from 8:30 to Flagraising, music, folkdancing, social hour May 18, 1:30 p.m. at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church of Houston. and dinner. Tickets $30.00 adults, $15 ages Brooklyn, N.Y. 11:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door for The event will last all day. $10. Learn more at www.17thofmay.org. 5-12. Under five free. www.sofnedmonton. Join the Norwegian-American 17th of May ca/events/2014-05-17_SyttendeMaiPoster. Committee of Greater New York on Third Av- Joint 17th of May celebration pdf enue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Enjoy Sandnes After-Party at Anthony’s HomePort May 17, 3:00-6:00 p.m. May 17, 8:30-11:00 p.m. Trekkspillklubb (Sandnes Accordion Club) Arlington, Texas and the Sandnes Folkedans (a dance group). Seattle, Wash. British columbia, canada Join Viking, Midnattsolen, and Troll Hjem to cel- Nor­we­gian Consti­ ­tution­ Day A number of local New York bands will also The big day continues with an after-party co-host- ebrate the 200th Constitution Day with a speaker, May 17, 11:00 a.m. be providing music for the expected 100,000 ed by the Royal Norwegian Consulate. Join us at food, and games. At Advent Lutheran Church, Burnaby,­ B.C. spectators along the parade route. The pa- Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay for delicious 3232 S. Cooper in Arlington. The Nor­wegian­ Con­sti­tu­tion Bicen­tenary­ Com­ rade will step off promptly at 1:30 pm rain or food, aquavit, and a celebration of the 200th mit­tee will host ­spe­cial afternoon­ and evening shine and proceed north along Third Avenue anniversary of Norwegian Constitution Day. cel­e­bra­tions at the Scan­di­na­vian Com­mu­nity to 69th Street. A short program will follow Washington Purchase tickets for $75 each here. After-Party Cen­tre. The afternoon­ pro­gram will include a the parade. For more information on the pa- Northern Lights Auktion sponsored in part by Mustad Autoline, Jackson parade with free flags for chil­dren 12 & un- rade, program, and rally, please contact Evald May 10 Remodeling, and Windermere Seattle-Ballard. der, games with prizes, music by Spel­manslag Olson at (718) 745-6653, or visit our website Seattle, Wash. & perfor­ mance­ by the Scan­di­na­vian Dancers. at www.may17paradeny.com. Join us at the Grand Hyatt Seattle for an evening Wisconsin filled with champagne, delicious food, and- ex Spirits from Norway Concert There will be a lunch of two open-faced sand- citing auction lots! Tickets are $100 per person May 16, 7:00 p.m. wiches, cake, and coffee for $15. chil­dren 12 North Carolina through April 25; $125 per person after April 25; & under are free & will receive a hot dog, ice Syttende Mai Celebration Westby, Wis. and $1,000 for a table of 10. All proceeds benefit Enjoy the Spirits from Norway concert at the cream & a drink. Enjoy a dis­play and presen­ ­ta­ May 17, 12:30-4:00 p.m. the Nordic Heritage Museum! Make your reser- tion regard­ing the Bicen­tennial,­ NHS Stu­dent Concord, N.C. Westby High School Gym. The concert will fea- vations online with the Nordic Heritage Museum. ture Martine Kraft and Marit Kolloen. Martine is Bur­sary awards, entertain­ ­ment by the Rune- The Syttende Mai Celebration will be held at berg Choir and an oppor­tu­nity to sing along to Frank Liske Park in Concord. It’s the 200th an acclaimed Norwegian artist and composer and Viking Fest has been performing all around the world with your favorite Nor­we­gian tunes in the evening. Anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution, May 16 – 18 Visit scandinaviancentre.org/norway/17th- so put on your bunad and join us for a small her own material for over a decade, combining Poulsbo, Wash. her traditional nordic sounds with raw power and of-may-norwegian-constitution-day-bicente- parade at 1:00 p.m. At 2:00 p.m. we will have Viking Fest is proudly held by the communities of nary/6096/ for details. Norwegian hot dogs, cold meats, gravlax, haunting, dreamlike soundscapes. Marit is one of Poulsbo and Kitsap County to celebrate the spirit her region’s best musical and traditional singers. cold salads, bread, coffee, lemonade, tea, of our Scandinavian Founders. Join us for a family and water. Please bring your favorite dessert. event of arts and crafts, music, dance, and more! Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 We have reserved the “silo” area of the park Visit www.vikingfest.org for more information. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check blog.norway.com/events-calendar for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 12 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian & American The woman behind Women of Distinction Senator Knute Nelson Norwegian immigrant mother and son • immortalized in bronze at Minnesota State Capitol Sigrid Gurie (May 18, 1911-August 14, 1969) Torbjørn Greipsland upon graduation he became a teacher near Askim, Norway Stoughton, Wis. In May 1861, Nelson enlisted in a Wis- There is a statue on the Minnesota State consin state militia company to fight with the Capitol grounds depicting U.S. Senator Union Army in the Civil War and later trans- < gurie Knute Nelson. His political power is instant- ferred to the Fourth Wisconsin volunteers. From page 1 ly present, but most curious are two smaller His unit moved from Racine to Camp Dix sculptures flanking the prestigious Nelson near Baltimore, Md. From there they moved image. One represents Nelson as a Civil War combat operations to Louisiana, where Nel- soldier, and the other is Nelson as a child son was wounded at the Battle of Port Hud- with his mother. It is a true reminder of the son and taken prisoner. many Norwegian immigrants who came After the war, Nelson returned to Wis- with nothing but went on to achieve much. consin and eventually became a lawyer and As we approach Mother’s Day, it is im- later served two terms in the Wisconsin State portant to reflect on the power of a mother’s Legislature. In 1871, Knute moved his fam- love and her will to overcome all obstacles ily to Alexandria, Minn. where he believed to provide a better life for her children. One he could be of great help to an area that still such woman was Ingebjørg Haldorsdat- presented the challenges of a “new frontier.” ter Kvilekval of . A single mother, she He continued to practice law, and he farmed. borrowed money to emigrate to the United He served on the University of Minnesota’s States in 1849 with her son Knud . Board of Regents and established the univer- He would become one of the most famous sity’s Department of Scandinavian Studies. Norwegian-American politicians in the late From his Alexandria home he launched his nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. political career, serving as Douglas County With no prospects in Norway, Ingebjørg attorney, Minnesota state senator, represen- and Knud made their way first to New York tative to the U.S. Congress from Minnesota’s Photos: (above) amazon.co.uk, (left) Juan Cuatrecasas Asua and finally to Chicago, where she worked newly formed fifth district, governor of Min- Above: Movie poster for “Three Faces as a domestic and paid off her debt in Nor- nesota, and finally as the first Scandinavian- West” with John Wayne. way within a year. She then married fellow born senator in the U.S. Congress. It is often Left: Sigrid Gurie as Princess Kukachin in Vossing Nils Olson Grotland and the family speculated that he would have become Pres- the 1938 film “The Adventures Of Marco moved to Skoponong, a Norwegian settle- ident of the United States had he not been Polo.” ment in Palmyra, Wis. Knud thereafter be- born in Norway. came known as Knute Nelson (Nilson) by Knute Nelson was, indeed, a great man, and promptly billed her as “the siren of the San Miguel de Allende, , and contin- taking his stepfather’s name, thus eliminat- but it’s not unusual that the mothers of great fjords” and “the new Garbo.” Understand- ued painting. She also designed jewelry for ing the stigma of being fatherless. men often are forgotten. Not in Minnesota. ably, he retracted his publicity campaign “Royal Copenhagen” in Denmark. Although Knute’s stepfather was not Ingebjørg will be immortalized forever along when it was revealed that Gurie was not born Her love life was not as successful as a proponent of higher education, with the with her son. The monument in St. Paul is a in Norway, but Brooklyn! her art career. Married and divorced three support of his mother and his own tenacity, testimonial to how bold she was to emigrate Goldwyn publicized Gurie as a Nor- times, she retained no fond feelings for any Knute pursued his own ideas. He attended as a single mother and how she helped shape wegian goddess, yet cast her as a Chinese of her ex-husbands. She credited the stress the Albion Academy in Albion, Wis., a her son Knute into the educated and respect- princess, starring with Gary Cooper in the and strain of living in Hollywood and the school founded by the Seventh-day Adven- ed politician he became. 1938 film “The Adventures of Marco Polo.” difficulties of her failed marriages for her tist Church, which provided education to The film was not a success, and Gurie’s in- health problems. To her friends, who adored children who could not afford private school. Translated by Leslee Lane Hoyum of Rock- experience was sometimes blamed for the her, she was a fine human being. He worked at the school to earn his keep, and ford, Minn. bad reviews. (The fact is that the movie was In 1969 she entered a hospital in Mex- an embarrassment regardless of who filled ico City for recurring kidney problems. She the leading-lady slot.) She went on to give developed a pulmonary embolism linked to worthwhile performances in such movies as a massive blood clot, which subsequently Algiers (1938 – with ), Three caused her death. Faces West (1940 – with John Wayne) and Gurie had been estranged from her twin Voice in the Wind (1944). She was to have brother for many years, citing his treatment had a minor role in the classic Norwegian of her as cold, and in an ironic twist of fate, film “Kampen om Tungtvannet” (Battle for Knut (who was in Oslo) also suffered an em- Heavy Water) in 1948, but the scenes in bolism only a few hours after learning of his which she appeared were deleted before the sister’s death. He recovered and lived until movie was released. The movie was based 1994. principally on the book “Skis Against the Atom,” which was written by her brother. Sources: Sigrid ended her acting career prema- Internet Movie Database; Wikipedia; Life turely, and in 1948 she attended the Kann magazine April 18 1938 – “Flower of Flat- Institute of Art in West Hollywood, studying bush;” website for the Norwegian American oils and portraiture. In 1961 she moved to Hall of Fame The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: Photo: Leslee Lane Hoyum www.1150kknw.com Ingebjørg Haldorsdatter Kvilekval will be immortalized forever along with her famous son, Knute Nelson. norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014 • 13 roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Ta den ring og la den vandre (Take the ring and let it wander): A popular Norwegian children’s circle game

This song has been around for a long time. Children play it today. Their parents played it when they were little. Even grandparents played it “once-upon-a-time.”

How to play: Everyone stands in a circle with their eyes closed and their hands be- hind their back cupped like a small bowl. One person walks around the outside of the circle with a small ob- ject (it doesn’t have to be a ring) that the small object. One person guess- (på Norsk) (in English) they pretend to place in each per- es who has the ring. If they are incor- Ta den ring og la den vandre Take the ring and let it wander son’s hand. When the song gets to rect, the person they chose guesses Fra den ene til den andre From one person to another the chorus (ser du jeg har fått den), someone else. Whoever guesses Ringen er skjult, den sees ei The ring is hiding, cannot be seen everyone opens their eyes, places correctly is the next one to place the Nettopp nå er ringen hos deg Right now maybe you have it their closed hands in front of them ring in someone’s hand during the Jeg gikk meg ut I went out to the green meadow and shakes them, pretending to have next round of the song game. på den grønne eng To decide who would get the ring Der gjetta jeg på Hvem ringen skulle få Do you see I have it, Do you see I have it Ser du jeg har fått den, Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Ser du jeg har fått den Hildur Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Svein E. Strand Seattle WA Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Ms. S. Nelson La Crosse WI Petra J. Miller Minneapolis MN Bernhard Westrom Elbow Lake MN Eiler B. Pederson Who guesses first? Thunder Bay ON Canada Gunnar Presthus Vancouver WA OPTION 1: 2. mai Erik Paul Løberg Edmonds WA After you have Norma B. Hanson Poulsbo WA Evelyn Pedersen Gordon Baldwin NY Rebecca Anderson Woodburn OR Mildred Skyberg Juel Brookings SD played the game Arnold Skifton Houston MN once, the person who Ståle Gyldenås Åndalsnes Norway 7. mai last placed the ring is Mabel Hoffman Cashmere WA Aagot Irgens Bergen Norway Olaf Gjovik Oswego IL Oscar Larsen Mauston WI the first one to guess. Marianne Christianson Sidney MT 3. mai Pauline Glomen Tacoma WA OPTION 2: Chris Pedersen Seattle WA Nora Gran Norway Evan Tor Nordby Boston MA Nils Ronhovde Tacoma WA The person who placed Clyde Johnson Bass Lake CA the ring says this little 4. mai rhyme at the end of the song, go- Anna Sveipe Fevang Norway 8. mai ing around the circle and pointing to Victoria A. Sangrey Seattle WA Tillie Ellis Milan MN Alfred Makebakken Cuyahoga Falls OH Esther Bjornsen Plentywood MT a new person with syllable (like eeny, Petter Dehli Tacoma WA Mrs. Ole Nelson Pipestone MN meeny, miny, moe). The last person John Tollefson Tacoma WA Erik A. Tou Princeton MN pointed to is the first one to guess. Theresse Lundby Greenbush MN Ivar Gjølberg Williamsburg VA Edna Olsen Reid Fayetteville NY On the Internet: 5. mai John Erik Stacy Seattle WA Hvem har ringen som sitter på den A video made by NRK public televi- Ruphane Leider Kent WA Julie Bakken Freeman Mt. Vernon WA pene ringfingeren? sion) of children playing this game Oscar Erlandsen Seattle WA Doris Gronlund Sag Harbor NY Rolf Sollie San Francisco CA 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12! with an armband instead of a ring: Arlene Watland Surprise AZ Want to see your birthday in the Hvem har ringen? nrksuper.no/super/blime/ta-et- Ellen Jordheim Denver CO Norwegian American Weekly? band-og-la-det-vandre/ Dennis White Auburn WA Hans C. Grobstok Kirkland WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Who has the ring that is sitting on Jason Hubbard New Milford NJ com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one the pretty ring finger? Get the music notes and listen to the month in advance. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12! song: barnesanger.wikispaces.com/ 6. mai NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Who has the ring? Ta+den+ring Olav K. Underdal Great Falls MT away? Please notify us! 14 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Volume 1 her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. Libraries after dark

Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch Some libraries in Scandinavia are staying open for business after the human staff have gone home.

Despite ready access for most to the it turns out the opposite is true, perhaps be- Internet, video games, television, and mov- cause people KNOW they are being watched. ies at home, libraries are still a destination “We have had very little theft,” a librarian in for many who don’t have this access, want Veberöd, Sweden told the Trønder Avisa. to find a good book (yes, the art of reading The first such library system appeared is still out there), or are looking for a place in Jutland (Denmark) in 2004, but it has to study or just hang out. Unfortunately, li- been since 2010 that their popularity has braries are not always open when you need grown; today there are over 20 libraries in them to be. The fact is, libraries are staffed Denmark utilizing this system. Swedes and by people (extraordinary though they are) Norwegians have also begun to explore this who want to spend time at home with their type of service in their libraries. Norway’s own families or (hard as it is to believe) have test market is located in Stavern, where they a life apart from the book stacks, computer have noticed that just as many patrons use terminals, and library patrons. Staff also the library after hours as when the library is needs to be paid, and funding cuts (also an staffed. “There are many other libraries that issue here in Norway) affect library hours would like to put this system into place,” and therefore the public’s access. reports Stavern librarian Mette Gjerdrum to A firm in Denmark has come up with a NRK. “I say just do it, but remember that it solution, an electronic watchman of sorts. cost a bit.” An NRK report states that it can “The concept is built on the combination cost over 500,000 kroner (US $90,000). Vesle Gunnlaug Little Gunnlaug of four main components: access control, Is this the wave of the future? Self- del 1 part 1 theft prevention, self-service, and surveil- checkout systems are fairly universal here lance,” states TAG Visions’ brochure on their in Norway and one can renew and request Vesle Gunnlaug skulle ein dag ut i One day little Gunnlaug went out software called Library Manager or TVLM books on-line, so it is most likely only a mat- skogen og plukka blåbær. Mor hennar into the forest to pick blueberries. Her (www.tagvision.dk/en). Here’s how it works. ter of time before this system is more wide- hadde lagt både kling og lefse og mykje mother had packed flatbread, lefse, and A patron swipes his or her library card and spread as well. anna godt i korga hennar. many other tasty things into her basket. types in a personal code, and the locked li- —No må du akta deg, Gunnlaug, “Now you be careful Gunnlaug, so brary door opens (in most places, users must Read more on the web: så du ikkje går deg bort, sa mor. —For i as not to get lost,” said her mother. “Be- be over 18). Exits are equipped with alarms Trønder Avisa Article (Feb 7 2010) in Norwe- utmarka kan det vel vera både jutlar og cause in the forest there can be both that go off if books are not checked out via gian about non-staffed libraries in Norway: haugfolk. mountain giants and hill trolls.” the self-service kiosk. Surveillance cameras www.t-a.no/ntb/innenriks/article66965.ece#. —Du skal ikkje vera redd for meg. Eg “You don’t need to be worried about are installed throughout the library to moni- UzWgJVwtvuc går ikkje lenger enn at eg ser heim. Så for me. I won’t go further than to where I tor patrons at all times. Library staff can ac- NRK report: www.nrk.no/vestfold/norges- ho. can see our home,” she said. And then 1.NAW.AstriMyAstri.15March2014.qxp_Layoutcess all this information remotely. One 1 3/15/14fear eneste-ubetjente-bibliotek-1.113597639:59 PM Page 1 (this Gunnlaug var ikkje komen langt inn off she went. i skogen før ho trefte på eit fint leite. Det Gunnlaug had not gone far into the of this automated, non-human system is that site also has a short video demonstrating the var så det lyste blått i lyngtuvene. Ho tok forest before she stumbled upon a won- there will be a higher risk of vandalism, but system) nistematen or korga og byrja plukka. derful scene. There were so many blue- Astri, My Astri: Korga vart snart full. Men her var berries there that it shone blue in the Norwegian Heritage Stories så mykje bær at ho syntest det var ille å heather. She took her packed lunch out By Deb Nelson Gourley slutta. Så byrja ho plukka i forkledet sitt, of the basket and began picking berries. • 16 TRUE stories in both English and Norwegian og merka ikkje at ho kom lenger og lenger The basket was soon full. But there • Hardcover, 280 pages, over 350 illustrations inn i heia. were still so many berries left that she did • For all ages, 24 pages in full-color Men børa vart tung, og vesle Gunn- not want to stop picking. So she began to • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA laug trøytt. No kunne det vera tid å smaka put them into her apron, and did not no- Astri, My Astri: Norwegian Heritage Stories is a collection of 16 bilingual stories. The stories touch anyone who has på nistematen sin. tice that she was wandering further and an interest in Norwegian heritage, culture, history, geneal- further into the hills. ogy or language. The book takes one on a journey from But her load was heavy and little immigrating in the 1840s to the discovery of an immigrant trunk more than one hundred years later. Topics included Tune in next Gunnlaug was tired. So now it was time are the 1862 Minnesota Sioux Uprising, 1918 flu epidemic, week for the to sit down and start eating her packed hiking above the , World War II heavy water lunch. assault, rosemaling, bunader, woodcarving, Syttende Mai, second chapter stave churches and the life of Snowshoe Thompson. in this fable! Call, send check or visit website Made in America! $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly May 2, 2014• 15 arts & style A fashionable 17th Peer Gynt delights Jeanne Bøe’s most recent US tour once of May Celebration more brings this Ibsen masterpiece to life Moods of Norway fashion show will bring a bit of color to Brooklyn’s Dinner Dance

Lagertha Aslaug have something to cater to everyone’s needs, Brooklyn, N.Y. but at the same time always maintaining the vision and passion of the creators. We really Many organizations in Norway and know how to mix fun and vibrant with clas- the U.S. are planning special events to cel- sic and timeless.” ebrate the upcoming 200th Anniversary of Moods of Norway has stores on both Norway’s Constitution. In fact, the buzz has sides of the Atlantic and both U.S. coasts. I been going on for over two years in Brook- wondered how the product translated from lyn. So, it is no surprise that Brooklyn’s 17th Norway to L.A. to N.Y. “To be honest, it has of May Committee has planned a special a lot to do with the product and the fans of Dinner Dance to be held on Saturday, May our brand. When something is out there for 10 beginning at 6:00 pm at Sirico’s, in honor the world to see and has quality and a story of the prestigious occasion. Said Ken John- behind it, I don’t think it matters where you son, Dinner Dance Committee Chair: “We are. The passion for fun and energy runs the have a very active committee. I would like gambit across the world,” stated Daniel. Photo: Berit Hessen to recognize its members: Arlene Bakke This will be the first fashion show for Jeanne Bøe takes on all the characters necessary for the tale of Peer Gynt. Rutuelo, Lillian Eidhammer, Lois Hedlund, Kermani and the SoHo store. “We are all Ruthiie Kornbrekke, Ken Kornbrekke, Syl- very excited for our first venture,” he told Rolf Kristian Stang Jeanne Bøe is able to bring a clear nar- via Reich, and Victoria Hofmo. They have me. “I think the main difference [between New York rative persuasively. The dazzling versatility had great ideas, taken on their tasks with this and the average fashion show] will be of her acting craft allows her to give us the gusto and have created an amazing event for that we will bring true ‘Moods’ fashion and The talented actress, Jeanne Bøe, re- many distinct characters necessary to tell the all to enjoy.” For further information about fun to the event. It will be fun and exciting turned to an enthusiastic audience in the tale of Peer Gynt. There is music, though the dinner dance, please see www.may17p- to see all the top designs from ‘Pop Factory,’ Norwegian Seamen’s Church, on the 13th, not by Grieg. Incidental music by Jørn Arve aradeny.com/Events.html. our current S/S 14 collection, walk the run- with her Peer Gynt—with Troll in Heart. Bøe Rønningen, well timed in its sudden and ef- way. I think it will bring was last here in 2009 and has given over 140 fective presence by Bernt S. Andersen, is out a true essence of who performances of this work, many of them on brief and does not impede the progress of the we are as a brand at this tour here in the United States. plot. point in time.” Once before, we saw her in New York in Bøe is one of 10 actors serving in the Daniel added, this work, which, in only one hour, sharply cultural department, SKUDA, the Actors “Moods is about bring- penetrates what Ibsen has written. In that and Dance Alliance. Only two of these ac- ing people together, in process, we are also offered an inevitable tors, giving solo portrayals of great Norwe- a place where shopping insight into the tough thinking of the can- gian plays and their notable characters, are can be fun, thrilling and tankerous Ibsen himself. And he, of course, honored with membership on the board of hilarious. We have amaz- remains shocking to many. SKUDA. ing things planned for the Ibsen is considered the forerunner of From New York, this show travelled future and are looking modern theater, and performances of his dra- first to Miami and then west, through Hous- forward to watch our NY mas on world stages number second only to ton, to San Diego. flagship store grow.” Shakespeare himself. Seeing this work and It would be satisfying to be able to read This Dinner Dance sensing better its probing into Gynt’s oh-so- the text of this one-woman show. We know Photo: moods-4980 / Flickr is also about bringing imperfect, raging (and bewildered) human that Ibsen published his plays first; he ex- A Moods of Norway fashion show, “Winter Wonderland,” in 2011. people together. Commit- psyche, we better understand why Ibsen re- pected his plays to be read, even after it was tee Chair Arlene Rutuelo mains such an enduring inspiration to mod- common to present them staged. This unique Besides a sumptuous cocktail hour and sends the following message: “We are very ern playwrights. work will hopefully be published. delightful meal, attendees will be entertained excited about hosting the celebratory dinner by the popular band Smorgasbandet. But dance this year. Celebrating 200 years since the most unique part of this event will be a the signing of the Norwegian constitution is < bergen place be on sale. Proceeds will go to restoration of fashion show organized by the manager of worthy of a special event. Come out and join From page 9 the Bergen Place mural. Moods of Norway SoHo, Daniel Kermani. us at the dinner and I look forward to seeing The Ballard parade begins at 6:00, and Locals have volunteered to model their everyone at the parade in N.Y. on May 18.” year, the lodge puts a great deal of research most of the performers will continue cele- smart funky garb. “We are so excited to have Celebrating our diverse cultures is what into the preparation of these dances. The brating Syttende Mai as parade participants. this unique enhancement to our event,” said New York does best. In the case of Norwe- children’s folk dance group, Barneleikarrin- “We are very lucky to have a public park Committee Member Fashion Show Chair, gians, its harbor beaconed them to its shore. gen, will follow at 2:30. Lori Ann noted that right in the heart of Ballard with a beauti- Victoria Hofmo. “As far as we know, this In gratitude hard-working Norwegians be- the children’s performances are a great way ful mural that commemorates our heritage as has not been done by any other organization came integral to the building of our city. We of getting the younger generation interested our stage backdrop: it’s very special. Seattle in Brooklyn before. We would also like to also see a lovely melding between the two in Scandinavian culture. and Bergen are sister cities, and the mural thank our models for volunteering their time: cultures, in the commemoration date itself, The Norwegian Male Chorus, which reminds us of the close relationship that the Gary Boardman, Kristin Glessner, Sarah as the Norwegian constitution was influenced hits the stage at 3:00, has been around just two cities share, as well as the history of Glessner, Karen Hedlund, Paulie Rutuelo, by the U.S. constitution. But you don’t have as long as the celebrations in Seattle—125 Ballard, which was built by Norwegians. It’s Ron Reinertsen, and Rachael Trela.” to be Norwegian to attend this Dinner Dance. years! The Norwegian Ladies Chorus will important to keep this heritage alive, and I For those of you who may not be famil- All are welcome. It is apropos to honor the perform at 3:30. can’t think of a better way to do it than with iar with Moods of Norway or who would like melding of our two cultures with all New Next up is Bonnie Birch at 4:00. This music at Bergen Place on Syttende Mai,” to know more about their New York location Yorkers, as the Norwegian contributions to accordion virtuoso extraordinaire will play comments Lori Ann. I asked Daniel to answer a few questions the city have served and enhanced the lives “Hall of the Mountain King” and “Norwe- Lori Ann hopes to emphasize the com- about the brand. First, of course, I was curi- of all New Yorkers. And in true New York gian Dances,” among other classics. mon values that the U.S. and Norway share ous about l how he got involved with Moods style it is being marked in such a fun way— Seattle Lilla Spelmanslag will perform and help to keep the Syttende Mai traditions of Norway. He said, “I was recruited through through wine, fashion, and song. at 4:30 to wrap up the festivities at Bergen going. Many work around the year to make an employment agency. After I met with the Place. Young Scandinavian fiddlers ages the Seattle Syttende Mai Celebrations a real- team I accepted the position of Store Direc- Moods of Norway SoHo is located at 75 eight through 18 will amaze the audience ity, and they hope to see a big turnout for the tor in SoHo.” So what is special about this Greene Street in the heart of SoHo’s famed with traditional Scandinavian folk music. Bicentennial. brand? According to Kermani, “It’s what we shopping district. The store is is open to The “Emigrant” CD, created by Lori like to call in the business an international the public from 11:00-7:00 M-Saturday and Ann Reinhall and Jim Nelson as a culmina- For more information about the event, visit lifestyle brand. We like to ensure that we 12:00-6:00 on Sundays. (212) 966-9678. tion of their Duo Scandinavica project, will www.17thofmay.org. 16 • May 2, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page

Norwegian American Weekly the Hearthstone Photo of the Week

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Photo: Lars Nilsen In the Garden at the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. Ava Cecilie Petersen and brother, Christopher John Petersen, with their aunt Laila Jensen. The youngsters had taken part in the Miss Norway of Greater New York Contest as participants in Little Miss Norway and the Junior Cadet section, which was started five years ago by Andrine Swensen. Ava and Christopher will join the other participants on a float in the 17 the May Parade, May 18, 2014, Brooklyn. Hearthstone

Submitted by Roy Jorgensen. Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption. (206) 517-2213

A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on May Marit Kristiansen was born on a small island in Nordland – Våg Honorary Marshals 17, the streets of Ballard come in Gildeskål Kommune – and im- migrated with her family to Seattle Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Warren Aakervik alive with music and celebration of in 1949, settling in Ballard. She at- tended Loyal Heights Elementary Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Warren Aakervik has Norwegian Constitution Day! and Ballard High School. Although was born and raised in worked for Ballard Oil Marit’s husband, Kjell, was born Borkenes, Kvæfjord. Mari- since 1955, and has been Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-4 p.m. in Stavanger, they met in Seattle. Ann became involved in the President and General Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage Museum (3014 NW They moved to Anchorage, Alaska the Norwegian American Manager since 1988. Mr. in 1965 and have lived there ever community by joining Sons Aakervik has an extensive 68th St). Enjoy Scandinavian food and beverages, and crafts since. Marit has been a member of Norway in 1962 in Spo- history of community for the kids. of Bernt Balchen Lodge #2-046 kane, where she also taught involvement, including in Anchorage, Alaska since 1968. Norwegian at the local serving as President of the Luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall – 12 p.m. She has held numerous local college extension. Mari-Ann Ballard District Council. Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to (206) 783-1274 lodge positions. She is the current has organized concert tours He is he is well known in International President of the for Sami and other artists, Ballard for BBQing salmon Sons of Norway. She served on and is currently organiz- for Seafood Fest and the Entertainment at Bergen Place – 10-5 p.m. the Anchorage Sister Cities Com- ing concerts in Western Norwegian Commercial Live entertainment! Free admission mission for many years and was Washington. Club. Grand Marshal chair of the Anchorage Tromsø Nordic Cafe at Leif Erikson Hall – 3:30-5:30 p.m. Marit Kristiansen Committee. Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and learn about Scan- dinavian groups in the area

17th of May Parade – 6-8 p.m. Come early to save a spot or better yet, march with us! (Begins at NW 62nd St. and 24th Ave. NW all the way to Ballard Ave. and Dock St.)

17th of May Celebration Dance – 8:30-11:30 p.m. At At Elks on Shilshole, 6411 Seaview Ave NW. Live music by “Jazz Unlimited Band.” Tickets available at the door for $10. No host bar. Free parking.

Learn more at www.17thofmay.org