Faculty Voteson Confidence Issue
.~ - PUllt~f)rJ'J'l:c_~ Wlnn",rh.,.. _ . Page8A THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 198' - ONE-BUNDlED ~INTR yMit -NUMBER fIFrY-SEVEN THIS ISSUE - TWO SECTIONS, 18 PAGEs 15 (ENTS I' , "_ ': " _,' , , ", :" ---: ;~' ,," , ~ With nitrates in water ~Beltlen worlcs '0 correc' probl.m By Chuck Hac(cenmiUer the nitrate level has been progress of the Belden: Managing Editor ing up'the ladder," said McLain: Recently, 8el~en residents receiv Belden city offi.cials are not deny ed a notice from the 'Department of The water in Belden really doesn't ing that the community has a pro Health. notifying the resldenfs of the taste that bad. according fo some of blem with nitrate levels in the town's Increased nitrate level and allOWing -The "ari~,ual Wayne"Kiwa"ls the city residents. drinking water. They have been the city... of ,Belden an exemption (wlthln~14 Club. Scholastic Achievement To some ofthe 150 or so residents'ln working to rectify the problem for days upon receipt of the "B~nquet. _Is set -for 'Sunday, Belden, the water is just as good as several years and have followed all notice) to allow -the city to operate Its April 26 al 6:30 p.m. ~I the Stu· any' other water In, nearby, com' the necessary s.teps to ,comply with current supply system. dent .onion at YJaY,ne State'Cdl- munlties. state regulations and guideUnes. lege. _. But over the past year or' two, The' public has been properly . HOWEVER, THE notICes Honor ~tudents a't Wayne Arle:ne Graham of Belden Grocery alerted.
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