Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1937-08-15
14, 1937 -== Fair Today Bo~ Soor~ 10\ A-Uenrrally fa.lr 111 fk· to UU 1Vcr. Of "aJor Leane BaIeMU 0 .... treme t t, lncrea&~ clou~ In! 1& comple. ~entraJ and w at, IIOIJl wbat wanner , the base. (8ee P-.e 4) in central and eaM portloDll toda)'. IUdlnll', tilt Io n system - Ikllng, IUld I o c i 'Y ' , M 0 r; n i n N e _ , P G per !.he QUad. • FIVE CENTS The AsllOclaled Pre a lOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1937 oclatloo VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. apan" Spain" China Endorse Hull~s Peace Plea 1.1 F.R.TOREVIVECOTTONLOANS 1, ·Blood-Soaked J / / . !'==========~' Peace Enfolds WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (AP~ from China, now engaged In hos ulallon of Intel'Dationai reguJa.. the limitatiOn oC armaments. by ot the actua.! parUcul8.l· circum· Se1:I'etary Hull's plea for "Interna.. tllitle8 with Its neighbor, JaJ)ll.n . tions by ))Ilclllc agreement and means or economic understanding stances of that region," Stricken City tiona.! self restralnt" drew from A week ago 37 oth I' nations hence coincides with the Ide&.!! among nations, non·lnterventLon hlna and Spain, tbelr home Itsly, Germany and Japan today unanimously expressed attitudes develolllld by the secretary of In the Internal affairs oC other lands torn by conflict, sent state· formal expressions of acoord with In harmony with the Hull policy state," countries, and any olher meaWl ments shnllar to each other, SPlLln Typhoon Allay Fears America's peace Policy, statement, issued July 16, and clr· ltaJy voiced appreciation oC the which ma.y now or In the Cuture exprelllling "lively BYmpa.tby" and Of Immediate Renewal Replies f"om these countl'le_ cUlated In forelgn Cll.pltaJlI for "high valu .
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