14, 1937 -== Fair Today Bo~ Soor~ 10\ A-Uenrrally fa.lr 111 fk· to UU 1Vcr. Of "aJor Leane BaIeMU 0 .... treme t t, lncrea&~ clou~ In! 1& comple. ~entraJ and w at, IIOIJl wbat wanner , the base. (8ee P-.e 4) in central and eaM portloDll toda)'. IUdlnll', tilt Io n system - Ikllng, IUld I o c i 'Y ' , M 0 r; n i n N e _ , P G per !.he QUad. • FIVE CENTS The AsllOclaled Pre a lOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1937 oclatloo VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. apan" Spain" China Endorse Hull~s Peace Plea 1.1 F.R.TOREVIVECOTTONLOANS 1, ·Blood-Soaked J / / . !'==========~' Peace Enfolds WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (AP~ from China, now engaged In hos­ ulallon of Intel'Dationai reguJa.. the limitatiOn oC armaments. by ot the actua.! parUcul8.l· circum· Se1:I'etary Hull's plea for "Interna.. tllitle8 with Its neighbor, JaJ)ll.n . tions by ))Ilclllc agreement and means or economic understanding stances of that region," Stricken City tiona.! self restralnt" drew from A week ago 37 oth I' nations hence coincides with the Ide&.!! among nations, non·lnterventLon hlna and Spain, tbelr home­ Itsly, Germany and Japan today unanimously expressed attitudes develolllld by the secretary of In the Internal affairs oC other lands torn by conflict, sent state· formal expressions of acoord with In harmony with the Hull policy state," countries, and any olher meaWl ments shnllar to each other, SPlLln Typhoon Allay Fears America's peace Policy, statement, issued July 16, and clr· ltaJy voiced appreciation oC the which ma.y now or In the Cuture exprelllling "lively BYmpa.tby" and Of Immediate Renewal Replies f"om these countl'le_ cUlated In forelgn Cll.pltaJlI for "high valu .. of Hull's p"lnclples, appear responslbl LO this objec· ChIna "full harmony," where military matters play 1m· comment. U advocated abstinence saying: tlve." Others AIIPt'OYe Policy Of War Activities portant parts In foreign policy­ by all natione Crom use oC force "The fascist government favors J&pan TemPer Nole Accord with the polioy came .I. a.ccompa.nled those from 21 other In pursuit or polley and from everything wblch may conduc to Atter xpl'e8l11ng general "oOn· a.11!O from Canada. C08ta Rica, By l\fORRIS HARRIS natluns agreeing with Hull's Interference In the Internal lit· the Pll lticalion and to th po. currence," Japan Informed Hull zechOtilovakla, Ecuador, Egypt, SHANGHAI. Aug. 15 (Sunday) peace enunciation. Calrs of other na.tlons. litlcal and economic I'econetruc­ Its governm nt belJeved his peace EI SoJvador, Finland, Greece, Hon· (AP}-A Chines typhoon today swol· Reaction today also Included In a tenle nole, Germany In· tion of Lhe world, objectives "'liI "only be attained, durM, Iraq, Irish Free State, LI· lowett tllo ....or norrors or mtanghal dlplomalic notes from the Span· formed the United States Its "ba· "Therefore It I'eglll'<ls with 8ym· In their appll aUon to the far berla., Lithuania., Mexico, Nor­ where Chinese a.1r bombs killed 60 Ish loyalist government, current· 81<: principle Is, Qlj is generally palhy every Initiative which tends astern situation, by tull recog· way, P8.nama.. POllUld, RumlUlla., - Iy battling an Insurgent army, and known, directed towlU'd the reg- to achl ve that nd by moans of nlUon aJld Practico.! consideration ShIm a.nd SwltZ<lrland. civilians, Including three Americans. lLlld Injured at le8.8t 1,140 In-thla ------------------------------------------------ teeming Int rnatlonal city, Police of th InternationoJ quar· tor aald 40 torelgnerll were among Tanl{.er Near . Tunisia the dead, but that a complete Warship Shells check had not be n made. Mak-es Appeal British Boat Gibson, Facing SHANGHAI, Aug. 16 (Sunday) PHENOMENON OF NATURE-FARM LA.ND CAVES IN (AP) - .Mrs. TheOdore Roosevelt Jr., a visitor In ShanghaJ, today Saves Burning Murder Trial., telCgl'llphed Madame Chiang K&l·Shek III Nanking urging Vessel's Crew there be no rf'wtlUon or Sat· Dies in Leap urda.y's bombing of foN'lgn areas In Shangbal In wh Icb n arly 900 Tanker Abandoned Bank Bandit Oleats persons were killed. Madame Chiang, Wellesley-ed. Mter Attack From Possible Death On ucated wlte of the head of the Unideutified Guns Chlnf'!Ie g-oVHnm"nt and army, Gallow by Suicide ~oatol ElIlaon O. Srullh and ecreta fV Henrv Wallace heraelf Is sccr('llIry·gent'ral of tho Following Il. conference' with Pile , loans would b mMle Imml'dl. naUonlll alr.tor LONDON. Aug. 16 (Sunday) ST. PAUL, Aug, 14 (AP)-Clalr sOuthern senslore, Pre Id nt Roose- atNy On a 12-eent haee only to "H. velt hIlS ag ad to rev1ve cotton loans those famlers who pledgea thei r co· -The Panamanian motor tanker (llhRon, who had confessed looting Japanese naval gUM thundered under certeln rC8trlcllons In ex· operation wIth tho pro.<n-am to be George W . McKnight was reported 22 banks or $87,000, cheat'bd Il088lblc change for coogessionai p0880.go ot e nact~d npxt ycor. Senator 1'111160n sJ)ll.smodlcaily f"om ships ancho,'ed In messages received early today by In the Whflngpoo river and ma­ death on the gall w" today by jump· e. resolution deciarlng rop control D. Smith, chairman of the /!enate chine guns ratll d an answer In Lloyd's to be blazing orf tbe Tu· Ing three rlOCr8 to Ills death In the legl~latlon to be the first ordor Of agricultural C()mm ltlr , leader of IHolated sections. nlslan coast aClel' she was s helled Ramsey cou~ty jail. business In next January's o"sSIOn. the bloc which dl'mandNI tbe loan, H08Pltals Crowded by a n un Identltled warship, The tmndll dashed from hl6 sec. Under the at'rangement tel1ls11vely 18 Belin with liecretary of Agrlcul. 01 herwlse blood·soaked peace 8t't­ I' aclled at the ,White Rou8l! cOnr~r. -('~nt l ·al PtPss. The ye.ael WIlS abandoned and on\! flocr cell when the jallcr opened lied on the stricken city, ht'aped one message Mid a.1l b8 nd.. were ,vlth the broken bodlM ot bombIng vlctlma and Jts h OlWlteJe crowded ,picked UI) by the stearnel' British att\)l'n ttln pp to t_"thif'M iCommodore. ee Alaskan Plane Start with sutferlng wounded. and, fll1dlna- hla way barred, leaped Tenelon In the Internattonaj qual" Advice. to uloyd's trom the Brl· over the railing to th areaway tcr, 6CE"ne of the worst carnage In tlsh freighter Moetyn, which rela.y, below. Search for Russians Missing Saturday's traglc aerial attack. ed a message from a Tunisian ra· I Jls back wa. broken aud the lett eel;mOd r lIevcd 811 heavy wfnd and dlo station, said the George W , Me, side of hi. bo<ly lImashed. He d.IOd In On Moscow-to-Fairbanks Hop rain swept In from the 8ea.. Ex· Knight sent out her first distress a hOSDltal a. few minutes later with· tremely poor visibIlity seemed to ~Ignal at 9:13 p.m. 108t night. ouL regaining conl!CloulJIless. allay fenrll of any Immediate renew· " later message 88.ld : Held for Zl"UIItlik SllIylug nI of action by either contending "Now cleared. All hands picked F~int Radio Signal Gibson Wall belnfl' beld In jal! To Rescue Chinese or Japanese all' torces. up ea1e by British tank steamer awaillng lanster to HancOck oounty, SpUJ'S Hopes; Jimmy British o>mmodore. Sblp still burn­ Destroy Chinese Planes Farme.r Robert on looka at the deatructlon Iowa. to (ace charges In connection Japanese 80urces declared tbe I,. Ing; nothing can be done a,boUt il." Mattern To Join Hunt willi th alRylnS' of Jamel! Zrosl' land emplre's naval bOmbers had The tankel', a vessel of 7,097 tons, Hundreds of squa.. teel uf MOil pt below Its to .. m~r level. The \ma.y doom a coneld(,I'able arl'a. H.. Ilk., shOt to death NOv. 2, 1933, bY \f FAIRBANKS, AlaSka, Aug. 14- penetrated In to the Interior behind was bound for Le Havre, France, are slnklng Into tim 'x>wels of th land does nut break aw6.y ami A. R.obel'tson. I a8er of farm land three men who then cOl'tlnlandeered Shanghai and destroyed at lease tl'Ol11 Trlpeli and Syria. earth near Buhl, Idaho, rurmlng a crumble, but slnk.s. This phenom· which has be-en sinking, Is seen his car. (AP}-Falnt nullo message8 tOday 40 Chinese planes at aircraft bases. Indicated. six ml88\ng Soviet tller8 new. canyon. 'l'oday more than [Ive cnon o. f nature, which sorne aulhor. viewing the aestruction. The land Jo}a.rller thif. woek. he had lleen The Ja.panese reported they bad Insurgents Claim IICI'eS of whal tormCl'ly was rJ h lUes 8Il.y Is du to a great rlSsur\! on whICh he 18 standing also will sentenced to serve 4() years lo a wer~ 8al~ somewhere In the a(ctlc CCected the destructiOo of the two Gaim in Northwest taL'Tn land Iles between 125 to 200 beneath much Of 80uthern Idaho, crumble, gt"Ologlsts 8IlY. federal Institution after plea,Cling b tween Alaeka /l.nd the north pole, Chin 8e bomber8 blamed for the HENDAYE, Fl'ano·Spanl.h FI-on· guilty to Plu·ticIPaUOlI In holduP~ of and tbree planes obearlng RU88lan lethal attack on Shanghai's foreign the tate .Bank ot Cold Springs, tier, Aug. 14 (AP}-The Insurgent officials left Falrbank.s to search section. Mlnn" In June, 198-6, and the State radio at Salamanca. sald tonight for . thel r comrades.
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