Tel: 98636183 / 91800897 / 82992881 Website: Email: [email protected] 现疫情居家办公,可电话或 WhatsApp 咨询 の 出发日期:每逢六日、节假日 Date of departure:Sat & Sun & Pubic Holiday 集合地点:港湾码头出发大厅 Assemble Place :Harbour Front Ferry departure lobby 集合时间:早上 09:00AM Assemble Time :09:00AM 配套包括:往返船票、晚餐、导游 Includes :Return Ferry TKT、Dinner 、Guide 主要景点:圣约翰岛、拉扎鲁斯岛、龟屿岛(大伯公庙、观音神庙) Places of visiting :St John’s Island、 (Tau Pek Kong`Kuan Yin Deities)

探索新加坡外岛,拥抱大自然。想远离尘嚣,休憩放空,乘游船环绕新 加坡南部岛屿“圣约翰岛&龟岛屿”不仅充满趣味,一路收获美景。

09:00AM: Assemble and Meet at Harbour Front 1st floor ferry departure lobby. Meet your Tour Guide. 09:00 早上:集合在港湾码头一楼渡轮出发大厅与导游碰面。

09:40AM: Boarding and Security clearance at Ferry terminal.Your Harbour Cruise and South Island Explorer begins.Cruise along the Marina Bay area south coast. 09.40 早上:开始进行渡轮码头登船及安全检查手续,您的海港游轮和南 岛探险家即将开始.沿滨海湾沿岸出发。

Arrive at St John’s Island for your free time for swimming and beach activities. One can also walk across to Lazarus island and enjoy the beach there as well. 到达圣约翰岛,这座广阔的山丘岛屿昔日是监狱,今日拥有适合游泳的 珊瑚海滩与浓荫恬静的步道,岛上的珊瑚礁各式各样令人惊叹的软硬珊 瑚。您可以在这享受游泳和海滩活动的自由时间。与之相连的拉扎鲁斯 岛,是一个鲜为人知的绿植天堂,这里风景清新宜人,海滩水域清澈。 您可以几分钟徒步在长长的陆桥上,享受阵阵海风。圣约翰岛和拉扎鲁 斯岛之间海域时不时能见到海豚踪迹。

Rejoin your harbour Cruise boat and head to Kusu Island. 重新登上海港游船,并前往库苏岛。

Arrive at Kusu Island Here you are can explore the island visiting the temple dedicated to Tau Pek Kong and Kuan Yin deities. You can also visit the 3 kramats located near the hilltop and gets a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area. 抵达龟屿岛,您可以在这里探索它的神秘。参观大伯公庙和观音神庙。每 年农历九月是龟屿进香季节,每年吸引数以万计善男信女前往祭拜神明。 在宁静的岛上看到许多野生乌龟。你也可以参观前往山顶鸟瞰周围美景。

4PM :Back to the island of and to Harbour Front Ferry terminal. 4PM :前往码头并搭乘游船返回新加坡港湾码头。

Arrival Harbour Front Centre, Enjoy Seafood Dinner. Then Free an time ,back home by yourself ,End of Tour, 抵达新加坡港湾中心,经典安排享用丰盛的海鲜晚餐。之后自由活动时 间,自行回家结束愉快的一天。 本社保留在不可抗拒的情况下,有权更改景点游览的先后顺序,以实际情况为准 ,如果团队不成团,可以更改日期或其他行程产品. Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice.Products redeemed with SingapoRediscovers vouchers are non-refundable and non-resellable. If the group size is not enough, you can change the date or products.