Bombing Pause Opposed
tonhftt near M. ^MB Bank Area f tomorrow around «, Outltfok Sat- urday, fair and cooler. CopyrigM-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1966. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 IWuM WIT, Mondiy throutti Friday. Second clui Psittit 7c PER COPY VOL. 89, NO. 102 Paid itl£l Ban? and it Addltlonil Mtllbll Olllcei. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1966 PAGE ONE Atlantic Highlaioids, Highlands to Join $23.4 Million System ; V ' " ••"'•'-• . '•' ••' " . • •••••••• ••-'!••— ii ,1 I.IIII.IIJU.I—.i. —••———a—————————a^———.M^——••—«— i ^ i ——^— ,._.„„ —a^a——a^ ^ » , QK Pacts forMiddletown Regional Sewer District MIDDLETOWN — After nearly, two years of .discussion likely—it would cost Middletown an estimated $50,000 for re- of Health will not permit' municipalities in this area to "go Officials from Middletown, Highlands, Atlantic Highlands and a year of negotiation, initial agreement has been reached engineering. -it atone" on sewer systems — unless construction consisted and the county agreed that regional costs will be lower than lor the formation of a regional sewer system. It is this cost, .under the interim contracts, which of advanced (tertiary) treatment, which would cost the mu- costs for individual municipal systems. It will'a largest in. Monmbuth County... ,..- ". would be shared. nicipalities more than regionalization. ' But since the state at this point, will not permit individual " "'"'. $w,w» EACH -• - • ••• Based on these-fads, Atlantis Highlands Gounoilmgn-elect- systems,- the issue is moot, it was noted. ,.„.,._ Estimated to cost $23.4 -million, in its first phase it Will David J. DeGroot conceded last night that Atlantic Highlands At present, estimated construction costs are: Include Middletown, Atlantic Highlands and Highlands.
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