World Conference for Action Against Apartheid, Lagos, Nigeria, 22 - 26 August 1977: No. 1, part I: Final documents and list of participants

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Alternative title Notes and Documents - Centre Against ApartheidConf. 1/part I Author/Creator United Nations Centre against Apartheid Publisher United Nations, New York Date 1977-09-00 Resource type Reports Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa Coverage (temporal) 1977 Source Northwestern University Libraries Description Lagos Declaration for Action against Apartheid. Report of the Commission. List of participants Format extent 47 page(s) (length/size) NOTES AND DOCUMENTS*

NOTES AND DOCUMENTS* World Conference for Action against Apartheid, Lagos, Nigeria, 22-26 August 1977 CONF. i/part I September 1977 WORLD CONFERENCE FOR ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID (Lagos, Nigeria, 22 - 26 August 1977 ) No.1, part I Final documents and list of participants Page Lagos Declaration for Action against Apartheid . . .. Report of the Commission ...... List of participants . . . . 0 0 . . . * 0 . * All material in these notes and documents may be freely reprinted. Acknowledgement, together with a copy of the publication containing the reprint, would be appreciated. 77-19011

NOTE The World Conference for Action against Apartheid, held from 22 to 26 August 1977 in Lagos, Nigeria, adopted by acclamation a Declaration reaffirming the determination of the international community to take effective concerted action to secure a speedy elimination of apartheid and pledging support and solidarity for the oppressed peoples of southern Africa and their liberation movements. The Declaration also called upon the United Nations Security Council to take all necessary measures, under Chapter VII of the Charter, to ensure the full implementation of the arms embargo against South Africa. The Conference, organized by the United Nations in co-operation with the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria, was the largest international gathering ever on the issue of apartheid, with the participation of 112 Governments, 12 intergovernmental organizations, 5 liberation movements, 51 non-governmental organizations, as well as a number of prominent individuals. The Conference was chaired by H.E. Brigadier Joseph N. Garba, the Commissioner for External Affairs of Nigeria, and heard keynote speeches by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Head of State of Nigeria, the President of and the Prime Minister of Norway, as well as other prominent personalities. Ix addition to the plenary meetings, the Conference set up a Commission to consider proposals for further action, with special reference to the promotion of increased political and material support to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement, and the implementation of United Nations resolutions on apartheid. The report of the Commission was received by the World Conference at its concluding session on 26 August and annexed to the report of the Conference. The proposals contained in the report were endorsed on 15 September by the Special Committee against Apartheid which decided to reccmmend them for adoption by the thirty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly. This issue of Notes and Documents contains the text of the Lagos Declaration, the report of the Commission and the list of participants in the Conference.

-1- THE LAGOS DECLARATION FOR ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID -1 The World Conference for Action against A2artheid, organized by the United Nations, in co-operation with the Organization of African Unity and the Federal Government of Nigeria, met in Lagos, Nigeria, from 22 to 26 August 1977, with the participation of representatives of 112 Governments, 12 intergovernmental organizations, 5 liberation movements, 5 non-governmental organizations, as well as a number of prominent individuals. 1. The Conference heard keynote speeches from the Head of State of Nigeria, the President of Zambia and the Prime Minister of Norway, as well as other prominent personalities. 2. After a full discussion of the items on its agenda, the Conference adopted the following Declaration. I 5. The Conference reiterates the universal abhorrence of a_ artheid and racism in all its fornBand manifestations and the determination of the international community to secure its speedy elimination. 4. The Conference reaffirms support and solidarity for the oppressed peoples of southern Africa and their national liberation movements, and the commitment of Governments and peoples of the world to take actions to contribute towards the eradication of aprtheid. 5. Apartheid, the policy of institutionalized racist domination and exploitation imposed by a minority regime in South Africa, is a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It rests on the dispossession, plunder, exploitation and social deprivation of the African people since 1652 by colonial settlers and their descendants. It is a crime against the conscience and dignity of mankind. It has resulted in immense suffering and involved the forcible moving of millions of Africans under special laws restricting their freedom of movement, and the denial of elementary human rights to the great majority of the population, as well as the violation of the inalienable right to selfdetermination of all of the people of South Africa. This inhuman policy has been enforced by ruthless measures of repression and has led to escalating tension and conflict. 6. The apartheid regime in South Africa is the bastion of racism and colonialism in southern Africa and is one of the main opponents of the efforts of the United Nations and the international community to promote self- determination and independence in the area. 7. It has continued illegally to occupy the Territory of Namibia, for which the United Nations has a special responsibility, and extended apartheid to that international Territory.

-2- 8. It has sustained and supported the illegal racist minority regime in Southern Phodesia, and has constantly resorted to threats against neighbouring independent African States and violations of their sovereignty. Since the end of colonial rule in Angola and Mozambique it has engaged in a series of acts of aggression against neighbouring States and has connived at acts of aggression by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia, Its massive invasion of Angola and constant violations of the territorial integrity of Zambia have been condemned by the United Nations Security Council. It continues to violate the territorial integrity of neighbouring independent African States. 9. The policies and actions of the South African regime have already created an explosive situation in the whole of southern Africa and events have moved into the phase of an acute crisis. The apartheid regime has intensified its military activities along the borders of independent African States and is constructing and expanding new military bases. It is reinforcing its enormous military arsenal and the production of nuclear weapons is within its reach. The possession of this arsenal and the acquisition of nuclear weapons by this racist and aggressive regime constitutes a menace to all independent African States and the whole world. II 10. The World Conference recalls with admiration the valiant efforts of the South African people for many decades for an end to racial discrimination and for the establishment of a non-racial society. By their courageous struggle at heavy sacrifice, the South African people, under the leadership of their national liberation movement, have made a significant contribution to the purposes of the United Nations. 11. The United Nations has solemnly recognized the legitimacy of the struggle of the South African people for freedom and human equality, and for enabling all the people of the country, irrespective of race, colour or creed, to participate as equals in the determination of the destiny of the nation. It has proclaimed that the United Nations and the international community have a special responsibility towards the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement, and towards those imprisoned, restricted or exiled for their struggle against apartheid. 12. The World Conference pledges its full support to the legitimate aspirations of the South African people and urges Governments, organizations and individuals to provide all appropriate assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement in their just struggle for freedom and human equality.

-3- 13. The Conference rejects all aspects of the apartheid system, including the imposition of "bantustans" which divide the population, deprive the African people of their citizenship and inalienable right to self-determination, and deny them a just share of the wealth of the country. There can be no international co-operation with bantustans and other entities based on racism. 14. The Conference condemns all manoeuvres by the South African r~gime aimed at preserving racist domination and the system of exploitation and oppression in South Africa, and in southern Africa as a whole. 15. It calls upon all Governments to enact legislation declaring the recruitment, assembly, financing and training of mercenaries in their territories to be punishable as a criminal act and to do their utmost to discourage and prohibit their nationals from serving as mercenaries. 16. It declares that South Africa belongs to all its people irrespective of race, colour or creed and that all have the right to live and work there in conditions of full equality. The system of racist domination must be replaced by majority rule and the participation of all the people on the basis of equality in all phases of national life, in freely determining the political, economic and social character of their society and in freely disposing their natural resources. III 17. The Conference calls upon Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to intensify the campaign for the further isolation of the apartheid regime with a view to complementing the efforts of the South African people and their national liberation movement and to ensure: (a) The immediate and total elimination of the policy and practice of apartheid and granting of equal rights to all its inhabitants, including equal political rights; (b) The termination of all measures, under whatever name, which forcibly separate elements of the population on the basis of race; (c) The 4ismantling of the system of apartheid and the policy of bantustanization, and abrogation of all racially discriminatory laws and measures; (d) The ending of repression against the opponents of apartheid, and the immediate and unconditional release of all persons, imprisoned, detained, restricted or exiled for their opposition to aparthei;

- 4 - (e) The exercise, freely and on the basis of equality, of the inalienable right to self-determination of the people of South Africa as a whole; (f) The removal of the illegal South African forces of occupation in Namibia and compliance by the apartheid r6gime with the relevant Security Council resolutions, particularly resolution 385 (1976); (g) Compliance by the South African r6gime with Security Council resolutions on the question of Southern Rhodesia, and fu-ll implementation of sanctions against the illegal racist minority regime, including the oil embargo; (h) The immediate cessation by the apartheid regime of all aggressive acts and threats against the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of African States; and (i) The immediate cessation by the apartheid regime of military and nuclear build-up which constitutes a serious danger to international peace and security. 18. The World Conference recognizes that the continuation of the prevailing situation in South Africa, and in southern Africa as a whole, will inevitably lead to greater conflict in Africa with enormous repercussions to international peace and security. 19. The World Conference condemns the South African regime for its ruthless repessive measures which are designed to perpetuate white racist domination. It recognizes and respects the inalienable right of the oppressed South African people and their national liberation mcvement to resort to all available and appropriate means of their choice to secure their freedom, and the need to assist them to achieve freedom. It declares that the international community has an inescapable duty to take all necessary measures to ensure the triumph of freedom and human equality in South Africa. 20. It further calls upon the international community to assist States which have been subjected to pressure, threats and acts of aggression by the South African r6gime because of their opposition to apartheid and implementations of United Nations resolutions for action against partheid.

-5 21. Governments and organizations participating in the World Conference pledge to use their separate and collective efforts forthwith, and on a continuing basis, to bring about the elimination of apartheid, to provide assistance to the victims of oppression, and to lend appropriate support to their national liberation movementsin consultation with the United Nations and the OAU, in their legitimate struggle to eliminate apartheid, and to attain the inalienable right to self-determination of the South African people as a whole. 22. The Conference commends those States and organizations which have provided assistance to the oppressed people and their national liberation movement, and appeals to all States and organizations to increase such assistance. 23. It draws attention to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. 24. The Conference calls upon all States for the cessation of any assistance or co-operation enabling South Africa to obtain nuclear capability. It further calls upon all States to prevent companies or institutions within their jurisdiction from any nuclear co-operation with South Africa. 25. The Conference solemnly calls upon all States to cease forthwith all sales and supplies of arms and military equipment, spare parts and components thereof; to withdraw all licences for the manufacture of arms and military equipment in South Africa and to refrain from any assistance to the South African regime in its military build-up or any military co-operation with that regime. It further recommends the setting up of a watchdog committee to follow up the observance of the arms embargo. 26. It calls on the United Nations Security Council to take all necessary measures, under Chapter VII of the Charter, to ensure the full implementation of the arms embargo against South Africa. 27. The Conference recognizes the urgent need for economic, and other measures, universally applied, to secure the elimination of apartheid. It commends all. Governments which have taken such measures in accordance with United Nations resolutions. It calls upon the United Nations and all Governments, as well as economic interests, including transnational corporations, urgently to consider such measures, including the cessation of loans to, and investments in, South Africa. It requests the Special Committee against Apr2theid, in co- operation with the OAU and all other appropriate organizations, to promote the implementation of the above recommendations.

-6- 28. The Conference urges States, and international and national sporting bodies to take all appropriate steps within their jurisdiction to bring about the termination of all sporting contacts with South Africa. 29. It commends all public organizations which have taken actions in accordance with United Nations resolutions and in support of the legitimate struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa. IV 30. The World Conference calls on all the Governments and peoples of the world to lend their full support to international efforts, under the auspices of the United Nations and in co-operation with the Organization of African Unity and the liberation maements recognized by it, to eliminate apartheid and enable the South African people as a whole to attain their inalienable right to self- determination. 51. The Conference expresses its solidarity with the oppressed people of South Africa and with all political prisoners and detainees in South Africa, and pledges the total support of all participents to continue and intensify their campaign for the immediat6 and unconditional release of all political prisoners and detainees. It further pledges its unsw rving support to all efforts to end arbitrary arrests, detentions and political trials in South Africa. 32. It endorses the proposal to proclaim 1978 as the International Anti-partheid Year and appeals to all Governments and organizations to observe it in the spirit of this Declaration. 33. : The liberation of southern Africa as a whole from colonial and racist rule will be the final step in the emancipation of the continent of Africa from centuries of domination and humiliation. It will be a major contribution to the elimination of racism and racial discrimination in the world, and to the strengthening of international peace and security. 34. The World Conference calls on all Governments and peoples to make their fullest contribution in this historic and crucial effort for freedom, peace and international co-operation.

REPORT OF THE COMMISSION /- The World Conference set up a Commission to consider proposals for further action, with special reference to the promotion of increased political and material support to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement, and the implementation of United Nations resolutions on apartheid. The report of the Commission was received by the World Conference at its concluding session on 26 August. Following an assurance by the Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid that the Committee would urgently consider the proposals in the report of the Commission for appropriate action, particularly recommendations to the thirty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly, and would take steps to disseminate the report widely, the Conference decided not to discuss the report of the Commission.I INTRODUCTION 1. A Commission was set up within the framework of the World Conference to consider proposals for further action, with special reference to the promotion of increased political and material support to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement, and the implementation of United Nations resolutions on apartheid. The Commission was open to Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, national liberation movements, anti-apartheid movements, trade unions, women's organizations and other organizations and individuals attendirg the Conference. 2. The Commission elected the following officers: Co-Chairmen of the Commission: Mr. Olof Palme l/ H.E. Mr. Leslie 0. Harriman (Nigeria), Chairman of the Special Committee against prthe d Vice-Chairmen: Mr. Pete Vlasceanu (Romania) Mr. P.J. Rao (India) Dr. Lucille Mair (Jamaica) Dr. Vassos Lyssarides (Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization) Judge William Booth (American Committee on Africa) Mr. Kader Asmal (Anti-Artheid Movement of Ireland) _/ Mr. Palme was unable to participate in the meetings of the Commission.

-8 Mr. Lars-Gunnar Eriksson (International University Exchange Fund) Rapporteur: Mr. Thomas B. Sam (Ghana) 3. The Commission strongly felt that the Programme of Action formulated by the International Seminar on the Eradication of Aartheid and in Support of the Struggle for Liberation in South Africa, held in Havana in May 1976, _/ represented a new stage in the international campaign against apartheid and a high point from which there should be no back-tracking. It therefore decided to take the Programme of Action as the guideline for its work and to restrict its deliberations to a review of its implementation and proposals for further expanding and strengthening it. 4. Consequently, the conclusions and recommendations of the Commission are presented here as a supplement to the Programme of Action, and should be considered in conjunction with it. 5. The Commission endorsed the statements and proposals for action made by H.E. Lieutenant-General Olusegun Obasanjo, Head of State of Nigeria, H.E. Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda, President of Zambia, and the leaders of the national liberation movements in the plenary session of the World Conference, and recommends them for implementation by Member States of the United Nations, the specialized agencies of the United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations. II. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6. The Commission recognizes that the present situation marks an historic turning point in the struggle for the self-determination and i:ational liberation of the people of South Africa. The Commission is agreed that the primary role in this process must and will be played by the oppressed people of South Africa under the leadership of their national liberation movement, Armed struggle, whose legitimacy has been repeatedly affirmed by the United Nations, is the only means left to the oppressed people to achieve their liberation. Therefore, the Commission considers it absolutely imperative that the international community should intensify efforts at providing all forms of moral and material assistance to the national liberation mcvement in order to enable it to carry out armed struggle within South Africa. 7. The Commission is convinced that it is also essential to provide assistance for the manpower planning and educational training of cadres of the national liberation movements. _/ The Programme of Action was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 31/6J of 9 November 1976, which commended it to all Governments, organizations and individuals. It was also endorsed by the Organization of African Unity and the Conference of Non-aligned Countries. -9- 8. At the same time, the tremendous repression unleashed by the aartheid regime inside South Africa and the ever-growing flow of refugees make it essential for the international community to devise increased forms of assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa, through the national liberation movement and the programmes in favour of the refugees of the United Nations and of relevant non-governmental organizations, in order to alleviate their sufferings. 9. The Commission strongly feels that the vicious brutality of the _artheid State must be met by strong international action to secure the release of political prisoners, to end ill-treatment and torture in the regime's gaols, and to mete out just punishment to the perpetrators of such ill- treatment and torture. Urgent consideration should be given by the United Nations to ways of enforcing the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. 10. The Commission is gravely concerned by growing reports of military, and in particular nuclear, collaboration with South Africa. A mandatory embargo under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter on all forms of military and nuclear collaboration with the apaeid regime is absolutely imperative for the peace and security not only of southern Africa but of the world as a whole. 11. The Commission clearly recognizes that,as the present crisis in South Africa deepens, any form of political, economic and other relations with South Africa directly contribute to the survival of the aptheid regime and must thus be seen as abetting the crime of apartheid. A number of Western countries have continued to flout United Nations resolutions on apartheid. Major such offenders are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany, , Israel and Japan. Even some United Nations agencies, such as the International Monetary Fund, continue to provide membership privileges and much needed assistance to the aprtheid r~gime. Such collaboration must be stopped once and for all through the adoption of effective mandatory measures under Chapter VII of the Charter. 12. In the light of the foregoing, the Commissicn makes the following recommendations which are meant to complement, and ensure the implementation of, the Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly at its thirtyfirst session.

- 10 - A. Recommendations 1. General 13. The Commission urgently calls on all Governments to make every effort to ensure full implementation of the Programme of Action, and to supply the United Nations with information on the implementation of the Programme. 14. The Commission strongly supports the proposed "International Anti-Apartheid Year"in 1978 and calls on all Governments to fully contribute to the United Nations programme for the Year and to facilitate, in all practical ways, activities in observance of the International Year by non-governmental prganizations, anti-partheid movements, trade unions and all other organizations and individuals concerned. 2. Military and nuclear collaboration 15. The Commission urges all States: (a) To prohibit within their jurisdiction any recruitment of, and advertising fox, mercenaries or other military experts for service in or with the South African armed forces and police or security forces and to consider the service by any of their citizens in such a role as a crime to be severely punished; (b) To prohibit transit and issuance of identity documents, training or dispatch of mercenaries to fight against the oppressed peoples or against those who have already obtained their independence; (c) To grant immediate political asylum to bona fide war resisters and deserters from the apartheid armed forces; (d) To terminate henceforth any co-operation with, and training of, intelligence and police agents, communications and cryptographic personnel of the apartheid r4gime, and to expel immediately such personnel as may be in their countries. 16. The Commission further calls upon ITERPOL to cease all links with the South Africa r~gime. 17. The Commission also urges the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid and the Centre against Apartheid to set up machinery to investigate the South African nuclear potential and military strength, as well as its links with organizations and individuals such as N1ATO or its staff, and to determine how South Africa obtained its military and nuclear technological know- how.

- 11 - 18. The Commission urgently appeals to all States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, liberation movements, and antiapartheid movements, trade unions, womenTs organizations and other organizations and individuals to organize without delay a strong and extensive international campaign to prevent the South African r~gime from carrying through its plan to become a nuclear power. It also calls upon them to adopt effective measures against States, companies, institutions or individuals which collaborate with the racist r4gime in its plans for nuclear development. 3. Economic Collaboration 19. The Commission calls for an international campaign to persuade the United Nations Security Council to impose mandatory sanctions sainst the South African regime, under Chapter VII of the Charter, in order to terminate all economic, trade and financial relations with the racist rcgime. 20. The Commission calls upon Member States to take action against banks, oil companies and other corporations and transnationals which persist in economic collaboration with Southh Africa. 21. There is an urgent and immediate need to establish,in co-operation with the OAU, lists of foreign companies, banks and other institutions operating in South Africa in order to facilitate measures against these companies by Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and concerned individuals. 4. Cultural, educationa. sporting and other collaborat on with South Africa 22. The Commission urges all Governments to end participation of national sporting teams and individual athletes in sporting activities with countries, teams and individuals which maintain sporting contacts with South Africa. 23. It also calls on the United Nations as a matter of urgency to proceed with the International Convention against Apartheid in Sports and urges that such a Convention contain the principle of action against those who collaborate with apartheid sport. 24. It calls on UNESCO to become increasingly involved in the educational aspects of the campaign against apartheid in sport by the promotion and distribution of visual materials, literature and documentary films. 25. It calls on the United Nations and the OAU to convene a meeting of all concerned States, sports bodies and anti-apartheid movements to draw up a detailed strategy aimed at forcing South AfricaTs expulsion from all international and regional sports organizations.

- 12 - 26. It calls on all sports organizations to withdraw from the Davis Cup and Federation Cup Tennis Championships unless the International Tennis Federation excludes the racist regime from membership. 5. Assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement 27. The Commission calls on all Governments to recognize as the legitimate and authentic representatives of the South African people the liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations. 28. The Commission reiterates the need for financial and material assistance, including military assistance, to these liberation movements. 6. Solidarity with political prisoners 29. The Commission urges the United Nations and all Member States to take all possible steps to ensure that members of the liberation movements recognized by the OAU who are captured as guerrilla fighters by the apartheid regime are accorded prisoner-of-war status and treatment in terms of Protocol 1 of April 1977 of the 1949 Geneva Convention and that visits of inspection can be made by international humanitarian organizations to all combatants detained in the course of the liberation struggle and to civilians detained on suspicion of aiding guerrillas. 30. The Commission expresses its alarm at the current trials taking place in South Africa under the Terrorism Act and therefore urges the United Nations, Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and all other groups and individuals concerned to mount co-ordinated and extensive international campaigns for the halting of all political trials and the release of the "Pretoria Twelve" and all others on trial or in detention awaiting trial. Such international campaigns should highlight the torture and murder of detainees. 31. The Commission endorses the efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross to be granted access for its representatives to visit political detainees. 32. The Commission calls on the United Nations and all Member States to seek ways to provide intensified legal and material assistance to political prisoners and their families. 33. The Commission also urges the United Nations Member States, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and all other groups and individuals concerned mount a co-ordinated and extensive international campaign for the unconditional :elease of the leaders of the national liberation movement and all other political prisoners in South Africa and that national committees, where they do not exist, should be established to organize this campaign.

- 13 7. Investigation of cases involving torture and other forms of police brutality 34. The Commission urges that incidents involving indiscriminate shooting, torture and killings of opponents of apartheid be investigated by competent United Nations bodies, such as the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights, which should, in co-operation with the Special Committee against Apartheid,promptly bring the findings to the notice of the General Assembly and of the Security Council. 8. Dissemination of information on apartheid 35. The United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid and the Centre against Apartheid should investigate the possibility of setting up machinery to co-ordinate and assist all information activities of the United Nations, Governments, the liberation movements and nongovernmental organizations. 36. The Commission calls on the United Nations to establish in Africa a section of the United Nations radio.

- 14 - LIST OF PARTICIPANTS A. United Nations Bodies General Assembly Security Council H.E. Mr. Hamilton S6 Amerasinghe, President Mr. Philippe Husson, Representative of the President of the Security Council Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples United Nations Council for Namibia United Nations Commissioner for Namibia H.E. Mr. Salim A. Salim (United Republic of Tanzania), Chairman H.E. Mr. Frank 0. Abdullah (Trinidad and Tobago), Vice-Chairman Mr. Tom Eric Vraalsen (Norway), ViceChairman Mr. Frantisek Penazka (), Mr. Hassan Abduldjalil (Indonesia) H.E. Miss Gwendoline Konie (Zambia), President Mr. P. Valsceanu (Romania) Mr. C. B. Djigo (Senegal) Mr. G. Demirok (Turkey) Mr. N. J. Sikaulu (Zambia) Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, United Nations Commissioner for Namibia

- 15 - Commission on Human Rights Committee of Trustees of the United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa Ad Hoc Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of Palestine People Mr. Felix Ermacora (Austria), Member of Ad Hoc Working Group on Southern Africa Mr. Annan Arkyin Cato (Ghana), Member of Ad Hoc Working Group of the Commission Mr. Humberto Diaz Casanueva (Chile), Member of Ad Hoc Working Group of the Commission H.E. Mr. Anders I. Thunborg (Sweden), Chairman H.E. Dr. Ricardo Alarcon de Queseda (Cuba) Mr. Ibrahim Sy (Senegal) B. Organization of African Unity H.E. Mr. William Eteki Mboumoua H.E. Mr. Martin Bongo H.E. Mr. Paolo Jorge Dr. Peter Onu H.E. Mr. Dramane Ouattara Col. Hashim Mbita Mr. L. M. Matteden Administrative Secretary-General Chairman of the O&U Council of Ministers Chairman, Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa Assistant Secretary-General Executive Secretary to the United Nations Executive Secretary, African Liberation Committee Assistant Executive Secretary, African Liberation Committee Chief, Bureau of Sanctions Mr. Venent Nzomwita

- 16 - C. Specialized Agencies Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) International Labour Organisation (ILO) United Nations (UMDP) United Nations and Cultural (u.Es sco) Development Programme Educational, Scientific Organization United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) World Health Organization (WHO) Mr. T. Take, Acting Chief, Regional Bureau for Africa Mr. Sketchley Sacika, Assistant DirectorGeneral Mr. Elimane Kane, Director of the New York Liaison Office Mr. G. Fogam, Director of the Lagos Office Mr. Michel Doo Kingue, Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa Mr. Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Director-General Mr. Yemi Lijadu, Acting Director, UNESCO Office for Liaison with the United Nations, New York Mr. M. Misginna, Chief, Africa Division, Co-operation for Development and External Relations Sector Mrs. Marion O'Callaghan, Program Specialist, Division of Human Rights and Peace Miss Jane Campbell, Officer-in-Charge, Regional Office, Lagos Mr. Charles Mace, Deputy UI[HCB Mr. Raymond Mkanda, Chief, Southern Africa Regional Section Mr. Chefeke Dessalegn, Representative in Tanzania Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Director-General Dr. A. D. Jablensky, Division of Mental Health - 17 - D. Other Intergovernmental Organizations League of Arab States (IAS) Conference of Non-aligned Countries Commonwealth Secretariat Mr. Abdullah Adam Ahmed, Director of the African Department Mr. Hassan El- Darawi, Director of the Office of the League of Arab States in Lagos Dr. Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri, Office of the League of Arab States, New York H.E. Mr. H. 0. Wjegoonawardena, Representative of Sri Lanka and of Chairman of Non-aligned Countries Mr. E. C. Anyaoku, Assistant SecretaryGeneral E. Member States Mr. Abdul R. Ghafoorzai H.E. Mr. Mohammed Sahnoun H.E. Mr. Ben Yahia Belkacem Mr. Hadj Azzout Mr. Abdelhamid Semichi H.E. Mr. Paolo Jorge Angola Attache, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany Ambassador to Congo and People's Republic of Angola Chief of Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Minister of Foreign Affairs, also Chairman of the OAU Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa H.E. Mr. Pascal Luvualu H.E. Dr. Olga Lima Afghanistan Algeria

- 18 - Angola (cont.) Argentina Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium H.S. Mr. Miguel Neto Mr. Antonio Lengue Mrs. Paula Bacellar Mr. Hob Katal H.E. Mr. Ivan Villamil Morel Mr. Rogelio Francisco Pfirter H.E. Mr. Andrew Peacock H.E. Mr. W. Kevin Flanaghan Professor Oven Harries Mrs. A.T. Griffith Mr. John Ridley Mr. Geoffrey J. Forrester Dr. Joseph Staribacher Dr. Franz Palla Miss Gabriele Holzer Dr. Horst Dieter Rennau Mr. Arne Haselbach H.E. Mr. Anwarul Haq H.E. M. Henri Simonet H.E. M. J.A. 1,choumaker H.E. Mr. Alfred Ameel M. Louis Fobe Miss Francoise Herter Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Secretary, Permanent Mission-to the United Nations Minister for Foreign Affairs High Commissioner to Nigeria Academic in Residence, Department of Foreign Affairs First Assistant Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Private Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Natiom Federal Minister for Trade, Commerce and Industry Ambassador to Zambia First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Natior Second Secretary, Embassy to Nigeria Advisor Minister of Foreign Affairs Director-General of Politica4 Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- 19 - H.E. Mr. Abubacar Baba Moussa Mr. Gnahoui HE. Mr. Eustache Prudencio The Honourable Mr. A. M. Mogve H.E. Dr. Thomas Tlou H.E. Mr. Geraldo De Heraclito Lima Mr. Bernardo Pericas Neto Mr. Danilo Adao Mayr Mr. Godofredo Rayol Almeida H.E. Mr. Mr. Peyo Burundi Byelorussian SSR Georgi Bozhkov Bozov H.E. Mr. Artemon Simbananiye H.E. Mr. V.S. Smirnov Member of the Central Cozmitte, e of the People's Revolution Party of Benin Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Minister of External Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Ministry for External Affairs Embassy in Lagos Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Embassy in Nigeria Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador, Chairman of Permanent Commission on International Affairs of the Supreme Soviet Mr. Y.A. Gusev H.E. Mr. El Hadj Mohamne Lamine Mr. Bonny Eboumbou Mr. Chungong Ayafor Martin Ambassador to Nigeria First Counsellor, Embassy In Nigeria Head of Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Botswana Brazil Bulgaria

- 20 - Canada Central African Empire The Honourable Robert Stanbury, Mg. Verona Edelstein Mr. T.L. Mooney H.E. Mr. Jean-Arthur Bandio H.E. Mr. H.E. Mr. Chad China Fidele-Pierre Bakry Albert Sato H.E. Mr. Galmai Youssouboumi Mr. Ramadane Barna Mr. Allate Detoyma H.E. Mr. Feng Yu-Chiu Mr. Kao Liang Mr. Wu Tsien-min Sr. Alvaro Guzman-Cortes Colombia Member of Parliament Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Adviser, High Commission to Nigeria Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Director of Political Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria First Secretary, Embassay in Nigeria Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Natigns Charge d'Affaires, Embassy in Ivory Coast Congo, People's Republic of H.E. Mr. Gouonimba Ambassador to Guinea H.E. Mr. Isidoro Malmierca Peoli H.E. Mr. Ricardo Alarcon de Queseda Mr. Oscar Oramas Oliva Mr. Rafael Hernandez Mr. Armando de la Mora Minister of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations Director for Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assistant Director of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- 21 - Cyprus Mr. Michael Sherifis Czechoslovakia Denmark Equatorial Guinea H.E. Mr. Jaromir Vrla Mrs. Tatjana Brosnakova H.E. Professor Dr. Anna Elisabeth 0stergaard H.E. Mr. Henning Halck Mr. Eigil Pedersen Mr. Palle Marker Mr. Arne Piel Christensen H.E. Mr. Ahmed Sidky Mr. Hussein Amin Mr. Mohammed Adel El Safty Mr. Amin Shalaby H.E. Mr. Simanguema Ada H.E. Mr. Ondo Mbanfono Mr. Mba Ndongo Mr. Makendengue Bodabo Director of the Third Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Attache, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisor, Secretary-General of "Danish Aid to Refugees" Director of the African Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor and Charge d'Affaires, Embassy in Nigeria First Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs First Secretary, Embassy in Nigeria Vice-Minister of Natural Resources Ambassador to Nigeria Department of International Relations and Conferences Secretary, Embassy

- 22 - Finland H.E. Mr. Yilma Tadesse H.E° Mr. Alemayehu Abebe H.E. Mr. Olavi Martikainen H.E. Mr. Aarno K. Arola Mr. Teppo Takala Mr. Tapio Saarela H.E. Mr. Albert Thabault Mr. Y. Plattard Mr. J. Gueguinou Mr. M. Auchere Mr. Y. Schluty Mr. Y. Robin Mr. C. Lorcin H1.. Mr. Martin Bongo, H.E. Mr. Leon N'Dong H.E. Mr. Justin Moussavou Mr. Jean-Felise Adande H.E. Mr. GeorZes A. Ogouliguende H.E. Ar. O.A. Jallow H.E. Mr. S. J.0. Sarr Mr. M. B. Wadda Ambassador to Sudan Ambassador to Nigeria Minister of Social Affairs and Health Ambassador to Nigeria Chief of Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador Ambassador to Nigeria Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor Cognsellor First Counsellor, Embassy in Nigeria Press Attache, Embassy in Nigeria Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation and Chairman of the OAU Council of Ministers Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Ethiopia Counsellor to the President Ambassador to Nigeria Parliamentary Secretary. Ministry of External Affairs High Commissioner to Nigeria Under-Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs' France Gabon Gambia

- 23 - German Democratic Republic Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Greece Guinea H.E. Mr. Peter Florin Mr. Guenter Mauersberger Mr. Karl-Heinz Bayer H.E. Mr. Klaus Don Dohnauyi Dr. Phil-Heiner Randermann H.E. Mr. Heinz Droege Dr. Johann Christian Jesse H.E. Col. R.J.A. Felli Mr. H.V.H. Sekyi Mr. Thomas B. Sam H.E. Mr. Achileus Exarchos H.E. Mr. Mamadou Bah H.E. Mr. Mouctar K. Balde H.E. Mr. Mamadou Cherif Diallo Mr. Abraham Doukoure H.E. Dr. Ptolemy Reid Guyana Deputy Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative to the United Nations First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations First Secretary, Embassy in Lagos State Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Senior Principal Secretary, Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Minister for Post and Telecommunications Ambassador to Nigeria Ambassador to Ghana Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Natiom Deputy Prime Minister of Guyana

- 241 - Haiti H. E, Mr. Edner Brutus N.E. Mr. Serge Elie Charles H.E. Mr. Marton Szabo 3r. Laszlo Hadas Mr. Asoka Yehta R.N Mr. Aytar Singh Mr. Vinay Verma Mr. P. J. Rao Mr. Farrokh Kapadia H.E. Mr. Adam Alik H.E. Mr. Buryono Darusman N.I. Mr. Ali Moersid .E. Mr. Rachmat Soemengkar Mr. Hassan Abduldjalil Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Vice-Chairman of the Special Committee against Apartheid Ambassador to Nigeria Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Senior National Leader, Janata Party High Commissioner of India to Nigeria Director, United Nations Division, Ministry of External Affairs First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Rapporteur of the Special Committee against Apartheid First Secretary, High Commission to Nigeria Minister of Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary for Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Director for African and Near East Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Hungary India Indonesia

- 25 - Indonesia (Continued) Mr. Masfar Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ilhan Malik H.E. Mr. Shahrokh Firouz Mr. Seifollah Sadeghi Mr. Ali A. Abassian Mr. K. Assadi H.E. Mr. A. J. Al-Haddawi H.E. Mr. Ismail Alaadithi Mr. David Andrews H.E. Mr. James Kirwan Mr. Jeremy Craig H.E. Mr. Piero Vinci H.E. Mr. Sergio Cattani Mr. Giancarlo Aragona'-' Ivory Coast H.E. Mr. Polneau H.E. Mr. Toure Birama Mr. Kofii. Kouame Ambassador to Nigeria Deputy Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Secretary Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambasaador to Nigeria Counsellor, Department of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Embassy in Nigeria Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador in Lagos First Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nation s Mr. Maurice Oula Ireland Italy

-26 - Jamaica The Honourable Mr. John B. Stephenson, M.P. Dr. Lucille Mair Mr. Stafford Neil H.E. Mr. Hideho Tanaka Mr. Hisakazu Takase Mr. Saburo Tanaka Mr. Tsutomu Hiraoka H.E. Mr. Kemal Al-Humoud Mr. Ibrahim R. Nabulsi H.E. Mr. M. Hisaka Mr. Francis Mwaniki Kasina Mr. M. Karingi Mr. Ali F. Al-Zaid H.E. Mr. Hussein El-Abdallah Mr. Massoud Malouf H.E. Mr. C.D. Molapo Mr. J.J. Mashologa Mr. Nkouka Alphonse Mr. Ganga Mbala Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Embassy in Nigeria Ministry of Forbign Affairs Second Secretary, Embassy in Nigeria Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Second Secretary, Permanent Missionto the United Nations Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations First Secretary, High Commission to Nigeria Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador First Secretary Foreign Minister Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Officer of the Central Committee of the Party Japan Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Lesotho

-27- Liberia Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Special Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs Secretary Libyan Arab Republic Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mauritania Mr. Ashour Gargoum Mr. Abdulkader Sharafeddin Mr. Nohamed Sassi (Represented by a representative of the Netherlands) H.E. Mr. Henri Razafindratovo H.E. Mr. S.M. Kakhobwe H.E. Mr. Yusof Ariff Mr. Anthony K.S. Yeo Mr. Chong Chin Hok Mr. Maia Dembele H.E. Mr. Cheikh Saad Bouh Kane H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ould Menneya Director of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nigh Commissioner to Zambia Nigh Commissioner to Nigeria Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Third Secretary, High Commission to Nigeria Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister of Justice Director of International Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jose Sanchez Gavito Consul H.E. Mr. Cecil Denni Jr. H.E. Mr. Turner Stewart Hon. D. Elwood Dunn Mr. E. Boima Fahnbulieh Mr. Fred Taylor Mexico

- 28- H.E. Mr. Tsevegzhavyn Puntsagnorov H.E. Mr. Taieb Bouazza H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano Mr. Alberto Sithole Mr. Hipolito Pereira Patricio Mr. M. Isaac Mozambique Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohan Prasad lohani H.E. Dr. P.H. Kooijmans Mr. K.G.W. Faber Mr. L. P. van Vliet H.E. Mr. Malcolm J.C. Templeton Mr. Peter W.T. Adams New Zealand Niger H.E. Mr. Moumouni Djermakoye Adamou H.E. Mr. Jean Poisson H.E. Mr. Oumarou Youssoufou Mr. Bako Mahamane Sani Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy in Nigeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations First Secretary, Permanent .Mission to the United Natioas Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Ethiopia Director of International Organizations and Economic Affairs Mongolia Morocco Nepal Netherlands

-29- H.E. Brigadier J.N. Garba (PSC), Ayo Ogmlade M.A. Sanusi H.E. Mr. H.E. Mr. H.E. Mr. L.O. Harriman H.E. Mr. 0. Akadiri H.E. Mr. 0. Sanu Mr. J. D. Sokoya Mr. J. K. Umar Mr. Olayinka Sonayon Fisher Mr. S.G. Ikoku Dr. Bolaji Akinyemi Mr. T.A.B. Shodipo Mrs. Adeyoola David H.E. Mr. Thorvald Stoltenberg H.E. Mr. Aage Fredrik Bothner Mr. Tom Eric Vraalsen Mr. Tore Haavard Toreng Mr. Leonard Gunnar Larsen Nigeria Comissioner for External Affairs Comissioner for Information Permanent Secretary, Ministry for External Affairs Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations and Chairman of the Special Committee against Apartheid Director of Africa Department, Ministzy of External Affairs Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of External Affairs Director, Information Department, Ministry of External Affairs Deputy Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of External Affairs Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Chairman, Anti-Apartheid Movement of Nigeria Director, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs Africa Department, Ministry of External Affairs Secretary-General, United Nations Association of Nigeria Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Minister-Couasellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway

- 30 - Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal H.E. Mr. Zbigniew Soluba Mr. Jerzy Markiewicz H.E. Mr. Antonio Braga Fortunato de Almeida Dr. Isabel de Padua H.E. Mr. Abdel Gader Braik Al-Amiri Mr. Mohamed Noor Al-Obaidly Mr. Abdulla Hammam Sao Toni and Principe H.E. Mr. Jose Fret Mr. Helder Barros Mr. Bassirou Gueye H.E. Mr. Alioune Badara Thiendella Fall H.E. Mr. Latyr Camara Mr. Henri Antoine Turpin Mr. Boubacar Thioub H.E. Mr. Mohiuddin Abroad Mr. Muhammad Qurban Sr. Hugo V. Palma H.E. Mr. Alejandro D. Yango Mr. Jose de Rosario, Jr. Mr. Ariel Y. Abadilla Peru Ambassador to Nigeria First Secretary, Embassy in Nigeria Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Adviser), Third Secretary, Philippines Embassy, Lagos (Adviser), Third Secretary, Philippines Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Algeria Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Charge d'Affaires, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Secretary of State, Prime Minister's Office Ambassador to Nigeria Ambassador to Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary-General, Youth Movement of the Socialist Party Senegal

H.E. Mr. Abdulai 0. Conte Mr. V.E. Sumner Mr. Sylvanus Taylor H.E. Mr. Mohamed Mohamud Geraad Mr. H. S. Mussa H.E. Mr. Domingo Sanchez Sanchez Mr. Mariano Uriarte Llodra H.E, Mr. H,O. Wijegoonawardena Sri Lanka Sudan Mr. Abdullahi El Hassan El Khidir H.E. Mr. E. Amin Abdel Latif Mr. Isaac Odhong La Mr. Charles Manyang d'Awol Hon. A. K. Hlophe Mr. L. M. Mncina Mr. Samson Dlamini Mr. L.P. Nsibandze H.E. Sir John M. Fakudze Swaziland E.E. Mr. N. M. Malinga Mr. Anthony A. Madolo Sierra Leone Minister for Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Nigeria Political Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Yugoslavia. Also representative of the Chairman of the Conference of Non-aligned Countries Secretary-General of Sudan National Council for Friendship, Solidarity and Peace Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Ministry of Foriegn Affairs First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Minister for Agriculture Member of Parliament Member of Parliament Under- Secretary, OAU Affairs High Commissioner designate to Kenya Permanent Representative to the United Nations - 31 -

- 32 - H. E. Mr. Ola Ullsten H.E. Mr. Anders I. Thunborg H.E. Mr. Karl-Abders Wollger Mr. Orjan Berner Mr. Bo Heineback Syrian Arab Republic 7hailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Dr. Riad Siage H.E. Mr. Sommai Visuddhadham Mr. Phaibulya Maolanon H.E, Mr. Ayite Gachin Mivedor H.E. Mr. Apedoh Amah H.E. Mr. Randolph Mr. Lare H.E. Mr. Frank Abdullah H.E. Mr. Lyle Williams Mr. Hollister H. Broomes Mr. Vernon Glear H.E. Mr. Bach Baouab H.E. Mr. Vecdi Turel Mr. Ahmet Rifat Okcun Sweden Minister for International Development Co-operation Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Deputy-Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nationt Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor Minister of Mines, Energy and Natural Resources Ambassador of Togo in Lom Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director of the Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations High Commissioner in Nigeria Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Member, National Advisory Council Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Uganda Ukrainian SSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Arab Emirates United Kingdom H.E. Mr. Khalid Younis Kinene N.E. Mr. Idi Osmn Major Bashir Juma H.E. Mr. Vladimir N. Martynenko Mr. A.I. Vinokurov Mr. V. I. Tarasyuk H.E. Mr. Snegirev Mr. M.P. Kurbatski Mr. G. F. Kalinkin Mr. Mohamed Samhan Hon. Frank Judd, M.P. H.E. Mr. James MurrayCM Mr. J.R. WilliamsCI G Mr. Thomas L. Richardson Miss C. Sinclair Mr. P.W. Denison-Edson,MVO J.W. Hodge S. M. Boldt R. A. Facey Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador-designate to the Republic of Gabon Provincial Governor, Southern Province Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Vice Chairman of the Special Committee against Apartheid Ambassador, Read of Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Member Member Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations High Commission to Nigeria Permanent Mission to the United Nations Private Secretary to Minister of State Foreign and Commonwealth Office High Commission to Nigeria High Commission to Nigeria High Commission to Nigeria - 33 -

United States of America United Republic of Tanzania Upper Volta Uruguay H.E. Mr. Andrew Young H.E. Mr. Richard M. Morse H.E. Mr. Donald B. Easum H.E. Mr. Donald F. McHenry Mr. Stanley T. Escudero Mr. John A. Graham Mr. John F. Tefft H.E. Mr. B. N. Mkapa, M.P. H.E. Mr. Salim A. Salim H.E. Mr. I. Wakil H.E. Mr. P. Rupia Mr. C. M. Labani Mr. We Mwaipyana Mr. M. B esha M. Diallo Hama Arba H.E. Mr. Carlos Giambruno Permanent Representative to the United Nations Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Department of State Ambassador to Nigeria Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State Adviser, United States Mission to the United Nations Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State Minister of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Also Chairman of United Nations Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Ambassador, Ministry qf Foreign Affairs Ambassador to Ethiopia High Commission to Nigeria Charge d'Affaires, Embassy to Nigeria Permanent Representative to the United Nations - 34 -

- 35 - Venezela H.E. Mr. Mortiz Eiris Villegas Mr. Alberto Garanton Yemen Arab Republic Yugoslavia Zaire Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Zabarah H.E. Mr. Misa Pavicevic H.E. Mr. Danilo Bilanovic Mr. Ramadan Marmulaku H.E. Mr. Bofunga W'Ayoko Mr. Ngandu Mualaba Mr. Mukenga Kamina H.E. Dr. S.G. Mwale, M.P. H.E. MissG.C. Konie Mr. P.C. Monga Ambassador to Gabon Second Secretary, Embassy in Nigeria Charge d'Affaires in Algeria Member, Federal Council of Yugoslavia Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Permanent Missica to the United Nations Ambassador to Nigeria Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative to the United Nations Deputy Director of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affair s One officer from Zambia High Commissi4a in Lagos Zambia

- 3A- F. Non-Member States Democratic People's Republic of Korea Holy See Republic of Korea Switzerland Vietnam, Socialist Republic of H.E. Mr. Song Gwan Jo Mr. Li Chang Su Mr. Choi Yong Sam H.E. Archbishop Jerome Prigione H.E. Most Reverend Gabriel G. Ganaka H.E. Mr. Woo Suk Han Mr. Hong Woo Nam Mr. Hyuck Choi Mr. Jean-Daniel Bieler H.E. Mr. Vu Hac Bong Ambassador to Nigeria Expert Expert Papal Pronuncio to Nigeria Bishop of Joe (Nigeria) Ambassador to the Ivory Coast Counsellor, Embassy in the Republic of Sierra Leone Third Secretary, Embassy in the Ivory Coast Charge d'Affaires a... in Nigeria Ambassador to the People's Republic of Angola

- 37 - G. Liberation Movements African National Congress of South Africa (ANC) Oliver Tambo Duma Nokle Thami Nhlambiso Mr. Johnny Makatini Ms. Jane Phakathi Ms. Nkosazana Dlamini Mr. Tebello Motapanyane Mr. Thabo Mbeki President Deputy Secretary-General Permanent Observer at the United Nations Chief Representative to Algeria Transvaal Regional Director, Christian Institute of Southern Africa Vice-President, South African Students' Organization (SASO) Secretary-General South African Students' Movement (SASM) Chief Representative, Nigeria and West Africa Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) Mr. Mac Maharaj Mr. Francis Meli, Mr. Hintsa Tshume Ms. Zanele Dlamini Ms. Thandi Rankoe Mr. Seretse Choabi Mr. Thami Sindelo Mr, Potlako K. Leballo Mr. David M. Sibeko Mr. Vusi Make Mr. Fezile Mhlapo Mrs. Elizabeth Sibeko Mr. Alma Liziwe Make Editor of Sechaba, official organ of the ANC Deputy Representative, Nigeria President's Secretary President's Aide Acting President Director of Foreign Affairs Resident Representative in Nigeria Labour Representative

- 38 - South West Africa People' s OrganizatLon (SWAPO) Zimbabwe Patriotic Front zAPU ZANU Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Mr. Sam Nujoua Mr. Nicki Nauyala Mr. Aaron Shihepo Mr. Jesaya Nyamu Mr. G. Matongo Mr. A. Kuumbili Mr. Joshua Nkomo Mr. Joseph Msika Mr. Daniel Madzimbamuto Mr. A. Nxele Miss Toko Siziba Mr. Z. Nkobi Mr. R. G. Mugabe Mr. J. Tungamirai Mr. R. M. Chiviya Mr. I. Muzenda Mr. E. Machingambi Mr. F. Gonese Mr. Zehdi Labib Terzi Mr. Nabil Ramlawi Mr. Sabri Jiryis President Secretary Co-Chairman of Patriotic Front Co-Chairman of Patriotic Front Permanent Observer to the United Nations Head of International Organization Section, Political Department Officer, Research Centre

- 39 - International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Brussels World Federation of Trade Unions, Prague Organization of African Trade Union Unity, Accra South African Congress of Trade Unions H. Trade Unions Mr. P. P. Narayanan Mr. Thorbjorn Carlsson Mr. Andrew Kailembo Mr. Eric Htshali Mr. S. B. Lungu Mr. John Gaetseve President Africa Desk Assistant Secretary-General General Secretary 1. International and Regional Non-governmental Organi-ations Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organizations, Cairo All Africa Conference of Churches, Nairobi All-African Student Union, Accra Dr. Vassos Lyssarides Mr. Daniel Kouyela The Rev. Canon Burgess Carr Mr. Simon I. M. Phiri Mr. Nana Kwasi AsanteSakyi Vice-President of Presidium. Also Secretary-General of the continuing committee of the World Conference against Apartheid, Racism and Colonialism in Southern Africa, held in Lisbon in June 1977 General Secretary Executive Secretary for International Affairs Secretary-General

- 40 - Amnesty International, London Christian Peace Conference, Prague Miss Stephanie Grant The Right Reverend Festus Segun (Nigeria) Dr. L. Charles Gray (USA) Chairman of CPC's AntiRacism Commission Vice-Chairman of Commission, USA Mr. Esther L. Coker (Sierra Leone) Metropolitan Juvenalij (USSR) Bishop Makarij Svistun Consultative Committee against Apartheid, Nairobi Mr. Enmanuel Goddard Consultant International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels Professor M. A. Kroutogolov Professor D. A. Prienski International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, London International Federation of Women Lawyers, Lagos The Reverend Canon L. John Collins, Mrs. Diana Collins Mr. Phyllis Altman Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. J. Aduke Alakija G. Jackman H. Aderinsola Balogun Y. 0. Alusi Abimbola Omololu E. 0. Fadipe P. 0. Kuye President General Secretary President Chief Registrar, Supreme Court, Lagos Federal Ministry of Justice

International Federation of Women Lawyers (cont.) Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Kiss Mrs. International University Exchange Fund, Geneva International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations, Geneva International Organization of Journalists, Prague Pan African Women's Organisation, Algiers Pan African Youth Movement, Algiers Scandinavian Institute for African Studies, Uppsala Supreme Council for Sports in Africa, Lagos and Yaounde Modupe Otukoya Ifeanyi Nzeako Tola Williams Yomi Balogun H. A. Fashola Femi Sconola Ordia Peju Marinho Mr. Carl Nissen Mr. Lars-Gunnar Eriksson Mr. Hassim Soumare Mr. Craig Williamson Mr. Tachid Adedoja Mr. Bassie G. Bangura Mrs. P. Appolus Mr. Jenerali Ulimwengu Dr. Carl Widstrand Mr. Abrahim Ordia UAC Legal Department Chairman Director Regional Director for Africa Information Officer National President, All Nigeria United Nations Student Association Deputy Treasurer-General Assistant Secretary-General Director President - 41 -

- 42 - Women's International Democratic Federation, World Council of Churches, Geneva World Federation of Democratic Youth, Budapest World Peace Council, Helsinki World University Service, Geneva Mrs. Ruth Mompati Mrs. Kaarina Suonio Mr. Alexander Kirby 1.r. Ibrahim Hashim Mr. P. Ojong H.E. Mr. Munder Uraim Mr. James Lamond, M.P. Mr. Josiah Jele Mr. Emilson Randriamihasinoro Mr. Tad Mitsui Research Secretary, Programt to Combat Racism Deputy Foreign Minister of Iraq (United Kingdom) (South Africa) (Madagascar) Associate Secretary in Charge of Southern Africa Projects J. National Non-governmental Organizations Australia Campaign against Racial Exploitation, Sydney Canada Canadian Concerned about Southern Africa, Toronto Conseil Quebecois de la Paix, Montreal France Mouvement contre le Racisme, l'Antisemitisme et pour la Paix, Paris Miss Marion Jacka Mr. Terry Fox Mr. David Penam Claire Demers M. Jean Pierre Garcia National Co-ordinator Aboriginal Legal Service Member of executive responsible for public relations National Secretary. Also representing Comite Francais contre l'Apartheid, Paris

-4 - German Democratic Republic GDR Committee for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, Berlin Mr. Werner Wenning Solidaritatskomitee der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Solidarity Committee of GDR), Berlin Dr. Alfred Babing GerM y, Federal Republic of Anti-Apartheid Mvement, Bonn Ms. Ingeborg Wick Hungary Hungarian Solidarity Committee Mr. Laszlo S. Hegedus Mr. Gyorgy Hegyi Secretary Member of Presidium Secretary-General National Secretary of the Patriotic People's Front International Department Ireland Anti-Apartheid Movement, Dublin Mr. Kader Asmal Italy Movimento Liberazione e Sviluppo, Milan and Rome Mr. Enrico Dodi Mr. Paolo Caccetta, Japan Japan Anti-Apartheid Committee) Yokohama Mr. Keiji Shimogaki Mr. Akira Murakami Secretary-General Head of Rome branch and "Amilcar Cabral Documentation Centre" Representative Observer Netherlands Stichting Anti.Aartheid Bezeging Nederland, Amsterdam Holland Committee on Southern Africa Mrs. Conny Braam Secretary-General Mr. Janzen Chairman

New Zealand Citizens Association for Racial Equality, Auckland Halt All Racist Tours, Wellington National Anti-Apartheid Committee, Wellington Nigeria National Anti-Aartheid i Committee Poland Polish Committee for Solidarity with the Peoples of Asia and Africa, Warsaw Portugal Portuguese National Committee against Auartheid, Racism and Colonialism in Southern Africa, Lisbon Mr. David Williams Mr. Trevor Richards Mr. Dave Stott Mr. J. K. Akpan Mr. Aminu Abullahi Mr. Haroun Adamu Mr. Jerzy Markiewicz Dr. Silas Cerqueira National Chairperson Organizer Secretary-General Also Executive Secretary of the World Conference against Apartheid, Racism and Colonialism in Southern Africa, held in Lisbon in June 1977 Switzerland Mouvement Anti-Apartheid de Suisse, Geneva Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, Moscow United Kingdom Anti-Apartheid Movement, London The Reverend P. Rutishauser President Dr. Leongard Gontscharov Mr. Abdul Minty Mr. Michael Terry Member of the Presidium and Deputy-Director of African Institute of the U.S.S.R. Honorary Secretary Executive Secretary - 44 -

- 45 - United States of America American Committee on Africa, New York American Co-ordinating Committee for Equality in Sport and Society (ACCESS), Virginia Yugoslavia Yugoslav League for Peace, Independence and Eauality, Belgrade Other South African Non-Racial Open Committee for Olympic Sports (Ski-Roc) Judge William H. Booth Dr. Richard E. Lapchick H.E. Mr. Osman Dikic Mr. Dennis Brutus President National Chairperson Member of Bureau President K. Individuals (Note: Some are listed under respective organizations) Judge William H. Booth, New York Lord Caradon, London The Rev. Canon L. John Collins, London Congressman Charles C. Diggs, Jr. Washington, D.C. Nicolas Guillen, Havana Mr. Sean Hosey, London Mrs. Joan Lestor, M.P., London Mr. Sean MacBride, Dublin Mr. Abdul ?inty, London Mr. Olof Palme, Ctockhon Mr. David Steel, M.P. London Mr. Per Wastberg, Stockholm