ECCOMAS Congress 2016 VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris (eds.) Crete Island, Greece, 5–10 June 2016 SQUEEZE FLOW OF VISCOPLASTIC BINGHAM MATERIAL Larisa V. Muravleva1 1 Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie gory, 1, Main Building 119991 Moscow Russia e-mail:
[email protected] Keywords: Viscoplastic Fluid, Squeeze Flow, Augmented Lagrangian Method. Abstract. We consider both planar and axisymmetric squeeze flows of a viscoplastic medium. Firstly we deal with no-slip boundary conditions. The asymptotic and the numerical solutions are developed. Previous theoretical analysis of this problem, using the standard lubrication ap- proximation, has led to conflicting results, whereby the material around the plane of symmetry must both behaves as unyielded solid and translates in the main direction with a nonuniform ve- locity. This variation of the velocity implies that the plug region cannot be truly unyielded. Our solutions show that this region is a pseudo-plug region in which the leading order equation pre- dicts a plug, but really it is weakly yielded at higher order. We follow the asymptotic technique suggested earlier by Balmforth, Craster (1999) and Frigaad, Ryan (2004). The obtained ana- lytical expressions and numerical results are in a very good agreement with the earlier works. For numerical simulations we apply Augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) that yields superior results regarding the location of the yieldsurface. Finite-difference method on staggered grids is used as a discretization technique. Secondly we consider squeeze flow of a Bingham fluid subject to wall slip. If the wall shear- stress is smaller than the threshold value (the slip yield stress), the fluid adherence to the bound- ary is imposed and we have no-slip condition.