November - December 2006 I Ahmadiyya Gazette An educational and spiritual monthly publication OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM, USA November - December 2006 2 AI-Qur'an and Al-Hadith Patron Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar Ameer Jama'at USA 3 Sayings of the Promised Messiah"-' Editor-in-Chief Dr. Naseer Ahmad 4 Closing Address of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih v•b• at the 58th Jalsa Salana USA on September 3, 2006 Editor Dr. Karimullah Zirvi 13 Summary of the Proceedings of the 58thJalsa Salana, USA Held at Expo Center, Chantiilly, Virginia Editorial Advisor Muhammad Zafrullah Hanjra 27 Opening Address by Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer Jama'at, USA Cover: LatifAhmed Photos: Kalim Bhatti 29 The Righteous Followers of the Holy Prophet'•w in the Messianic Age: Faheem Y ounus Qureshi 34 Ahmadiyyat in the USA: A Historical Perspective: Munir Hamid, Na'ib Ameer Jama'at, USA 38 Keeping the Balance Between Religious and Wordly Obligations in the World: Falah ud Din Shams Masjid Baitur Rehman 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 46 The Writings of the Promised Messiah": Treasures of Spiri tual Knowledge and Inspiration: Naeem Ahmad Phone: 301-879-0110 Fax: 301-879-0115 51 The Door to Divine Communion Never Shuts - A Vital Sign Email:
[email protected] of God's Eternal Presence: Dr. Khalil Malik 60 The Legacy of Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq", Our Missionary to America - A Spiritual Revolution: Hasan Hakeem 67 One Nation Under God: A Common Vision and Goal of Ahmadiyya Community: Maulana Azhar Haneef Acronyms for salutations used in this publication 72 Zikr-e-Habib: Dr.