Photo by Donna Ambler NEWSLETTER Bourne End & District

Reg. Charity 1178428


Chairman’s Message

Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of the U3A being set up in England and there are now over 400,000 members. There are plans for a national publicity campaign to highlight how being a member can help people lead fuller lives with the opportunities to pursue various interests as well as socialising. It is recognised that existing members are the most effective way of attracting new people. You are clearly doing a good job as our numbers continue to grow! The management committee has been discussing how best to ensure that the nearly 50 interest groups continue to develop and like last year, we will meet convenors to thank them and to get their feedback. We would like every group to identify one or two co-convenors so the work of organising its activities is shared. Also, we would like large groups, like the outings and theatre groups, to each have a small organising team, so they can have an annual programme of visits. Please contact me if you would be interested in joining an organising team. The email version of the annual members’ survey has been issued and this newsletter has a copy attached for those who prefer a paper version. Please fill it in and return it to the Community Centre reception which has a box for the forms. Mike Bellamy - Chairman of the Executive Committee

Welcome to New Members We extend a very warm welcome to the following new members who have joined in this order since the publication of our last newsletter on September 1st. Polly Jollie, Patricia Watkins-Lewis, Pippa Donati, Shirley McKiernon, Carolyn Boorah, Peter Barnett, Pamela Steinberg, Rosemarie Gillham, Elizabeth Edlington, Eva Tyson, Marion Roberts, David Spalding, Penelope Pears, Anthony Pears, Lesley Ball, Angela Roberts, Julie Hayhurst, Annette Hogan, Anne Shaw, Jean Thomas, Barrie Thomas, Georgina Fellows, Peter Yeeles, Liz Yeeles, Gillian Smith, Brian Pirie, Val Pirie.


Monthly Meetings for all Bourne End & District U3A Members

DECEMBER 17th 2019 U3A Christmas party.

To get you into the Christmas spirit, we will once again host a Christmas party at the Community Centre, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. There will be party food and desserts, mulled wine, Christmas quizzes and entertainment from the Play Reading/Drama group, Ukulele group and the Singing group. Entry is by ticket only.

JANUARY 28TH 2020 The Treasures of Tutankhamen Erica Morland is a member of the Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society. Her talk is on the treasures of Tutankhamen, and covers a little about the man, how his tomb was discovered and the treasures that were generated by the discovery including a little on the archaeological techniques, as well as some of the contents of the tomb.

FEBRUARY 25th 2020 The Royal Collection of State Coaches

Peter Smith brings his collection of 6 scale model coaches made from measurements taken from the Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace. (model length 26 inches), and talks about how he made the coaches.

GROUP NEWS Aerobics Class Convenor Leah Thompson 07753 493429 [email protected] We have space for more people, why not come along and try us out? If you are interested, contact me (Leah) as the convenor. We meet in St Mark’s Church Hall, Station Rd, Bourne End, every Tuesday from 11am to 12noon. Each session costs £2 to cover the costs of hiring the hall.

Art Appreciation Convenor Sue Weston 01628 520728 [email protected] We enjoyed one organised outing to Compton Verney this year; researched and discussed early twentieth century art in a number of different forms and shared some individual experiences of gallery visits. We finished with discussions on the development of photography as art, and how it affected some styles of painting. As our year draws to a close we end with a postcard challenge and concentrate on planning for the year ahead. We are hoping to organise two visits in the coming year, one to Upton House near Banbury and one to the Watts Gallery and Artists Village in Surrey. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 3pm in Bourne End Library. No meeting in December but resume January 15th. There are a few spaces currently available.


Bird Watching Convenor Jim Rose 07957 254723 [email protected] (preferred) Meetings are planned a few days before they are due and members advised by email. Nothing is yet decided for future meeting although we may well visit (Spade Oak) Gravel Pit in December. The last meeting was a walk around Dorney Lake where we saw or heard 41 species of birds, the most interesting being several Stonechats and Little Grebes. Unfortunately nothing very scarce. A photo of one of the Stonechats is on the right. The group is now full. Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, meeting at 9:30am.

Book Group Convenors Andy Becker 07970123322 [email protected] Fritha Irwin 07891 421096 [email protected] In September we read ‘A Long Night in Paris’ by Dov Alfon which is a fast paced thriller enjoyed to varying levels by members. In October we read ‘The Kashmir Shawl’ by Rosie Thomas which was enjoyed by all and rated as the most popular book we have read. We are currently reading ‘The Handmaids Tale’ by Margaret Atwood for November. We are not having a meeting in December as we will be enjoying a Christmas meal together at The Queen’s Head in Little Marlow. Our book group is going from strength to strength and we now have 15 members. We have therefore outgrown the café at Flowerland so will be moving our meetings to Bourne End Library. We are now at the maximum number of members in order for everyone in the group to be involved in the discussions and so will not be taking any more new members at present. However, if anyone would like to start another book group we are more than happy to offer support to the convenor. Please contact us (as above) if you are interested in starting a new book group and would like any assistance. As from November 28th, we will be meeting in the Lantern Room at Bourne End Library. This will incur a small charge each month to cover the cost of the room. We meet every 4th Thursday at 2.30pm.

Bridge Convenor Janet Irvine 07940 272761 [email protected] We are a friendly group of mixed ability. When we started in April 2018 several players were complete beginners or quite inexperienced. They are now competent players and we all have a good time. New members are always welcome. We meet from 10am to 12noon on Fridays in the Target Room at Bourne End Community Centre.


Bus & Walk Convenor Bernard Johns 01628 521936 [email protected] (preferred) Leader Jane Dunsterville 01628 521112 Our walks are for anyone who is interested in their surroundings: hills and mills, two rivers, trade routes and railways, stunning views, woodlands and meadows, all within this hugely varied historic area, easily found on local bus routes - and with your free bus pass!

The September meet started with the No.37 bus to Wycombe and then a short walk up to the grounds of Wycombe Chair Museum.

The first photo (above) shows us at the top of the Castle, a defensive earthwork which still stands in the museum grounds and is, of course, open to the public. Being high above the town there should be fantastic views of our great valley but sadly these are now obscured by huge trees. The descent took us down via Brunel's original station building and then following the old railway footpaths until we emerged down opposite Pann Mill, a Domesday Mill whose delightful gardens are also open to the public (picture top right).

Our October walk started with a No. 36 bus to . We then enjoyed a walk downhill (see right), tracing the story of the Folley Brothers, across the fields of New Farm to The Crooked Billet in Sheepridge Lane. Then across a field towards Little Marlow (see below) and on along the valley paths to Fern, where the Brothers had their very first quarry.

Our maximum group size (now around a dozen) is really only limited by the size of the bus! All the walks are easy and level or downhill. We are currently considering if we could go out twice a month during the nice weather in the summer, with perhaps a stop for tea or coffee?

Nothing decided yet, but we'll keep you posted.

Our meeting day is the 1st Wednesday of every month. We meet up (rain or shine) at the bus stop adjacent to Bourne End railway station. We meet there with bus passes, at 10am. The outings usually take up about two hours (bus+walk/talk+bus) and always start and finish at the railway station.


Calligraphy Convenor Ruby Lunn 01628 522721 [email protected] We are a small group and would welcome newcomers. We share ideas and skills. We meet in Bourne End Library, Wakeman Road, from 1.30pm to 3.15pm, our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 10th December. New dates for the New Year have yet to be finalised.

Canasta Convenor Sheila Hutchins 01628 521193 [email protected] Most of us are beginners but learning fast. We have room for a few more, especially experienced players. We meet on the 1st Friday every month at the Convenor's house.

Computers - Advanced Convenor Roger Carter [email protected] Our meetings, held once a month, consist of a mixture of presentations and discussion. Since we are a small group we can discuss computer issues in an informal way, though each meeting normally focuses on a specific topic and the computer software relating to it. Recent topics included sharing data and files between your smartphone (or tablet) and your computer; how to protect yourself online (presented by Chris Moss); and a talk by Rob DeVille on how he goes about maintaining the Bourne End Twinning Association website. There are invariably other computer/smartphone issues that are also raised and discussed at our meetings. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm at my house.

Computer – Beginners Convenor Myra Hurley 01628 524214 (or 07502 144653) [email protected] These practical sessions are for those who need help with email, internet or word processing/spreadsheets. As there are only four computers available, please email or ring me in advance so I can book a computer for you. Meetings take place on Fridays from 10.30am to 11.30am in Bourne End Library.

Crochet and Knitting Circle Convenor Gill DeVille 01628 521864 (preferred) or text on 07707 621700 At the moment everyone brings the items they are currently making and we have not decided on our next project as we were a small group last month. Our meeting in November will be the last for this year as Christmas approaches and things get busy. We will reconvene in January. We meet at my home on 3rd Thursday in the month 2-4pm.

Current Affairs Convenor Marc Bond [email protected] We are always looking for new members and they are most welcome. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 2.30pm to 4pm at Alfred Court, Bourne End.


Family History Convenor Sue Weston 01628 520728 [email protected] This Autumn we began our family history group. After an initial meeting we were lucky to have an introductory talk from the Vice Chair, Bucks Family History Society on progressing his own research. Ours is a self-help group and we all come with differing previous experience. Members offer to introduce their own expertise, we set ourselves challenges for the month ahead and report back on progress. We have had suggestions on writing up our findings in an interesting form as well as details of those websites some have found helpful. It is planned to organise a visit to the Archives at Kew. Currently there is one space available as we are limiting our numbers while we get under way! We meet on the 1st Monday of the month in Bourne End Library from 1.30pm – 3pm. There will be no meeting in January but we resume on February 3rd.

Film Club Convenor Leah Thompson 07753 493429 [email protected] We are still going although meetings have been a bit erratic of late. However all the group members are coming up with their favourite 3 films of all time and we will then be choosing what order we see them in. The choices identified so far range from classics from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and some more modern ones. They are all very different but that is good as we often look at films which we either missed when they came out or are in topics we wouldn’t have normally watched! There is still room for some more members, we are a friendly bunch! Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday at 2.30pm at the convenor’s house.

French Conversation Convenors Marie Willingham 01628 521097 [email protected] Sandra Garey 01628 520543 [email protected] Sheila Upton 01628 524788 [email protected] Sue Shaw 07787 162111 [email protected] Bonjour tout le monde. Our four French conversation groups continue to focus on building our confidence in speaking and understanding French by increasing our vocabulary and improving our grammar by gentle means! Everyone in all the groups has done some French before, typically to at least O level, and each group caters for a different level but at the moment, not for beginners. Our ‘Faux Debutants’ 1 and ‘Faux Debutants’ 2 groups continued with virtual shopping trips and crosswords and, as we get into autumn, topical discussions on leaf clearing and muddy walks! Our intermediate and advanced groups have been reading topical articles from French magazines and some short stories. All our groups spend time talking about what we are each doing socially which gives us new vocabulary and often lots of laughter trying to explain things. We are nearly full in all groups but please call one of us if you are interested as we like to know what the interest level is and we may find we need to set up a fifth group. We aim to keep the groups fairly small so everyone gets a chance to chat

We typically meet every 2 weeks for 1 ½ hours in someone’s home.

Gardening Visits Convenor Margaret Marshall 01628 523987 [email protected] The gardening group has been quiet for a while owing to the weather. If things pick up after Christmas we hope to visit a winter garden. I have asked all my members for ideas and reassurance that they are happy with things. If anyone has any questions about the group please contact me and I can explain more fully. At the moment we are almost full, but if anyone is on my list and no longer wants to be then please let me know and we may be able to take more. 6

German Conversation Convenor Sheila Upton 01628 524788 [email protected] Our group is fairly diverse in terms of experience levels but sits somewhere between pre-intermediate and intermediate. We focus on improving our German conversation confidence and understanding by means of crosswords, virtual shopping trips, reading, and discussing our social activities. We typically meet every 2 weeks for 1 ½ hours on Thursday afternoons at 2.00pm in Green Council office so please contact us if you may be interested in joining us.

Golf Convenor Bob Woodmansee 07901 553441 [email protected] When I was young I always thought that ethos, magnanimous and pathos were the names of The Three Musketeers (!!?) – but now I know that this is actually a pseudonym for the Bourne End U3A Golf Group - epitomized by one of our members, in particular! So let me explain. If the ethos of the U3A is to encourage contributions by all members, learning new skills and enjoying friendship whilst overcoming any difficulties then this member embodies it. As, despite arthritis requiring steroid injections on a regular basis and sometimes having to go round the course in a buggy, he always gives 100% and always plays with a smile. Plus he has learned to the extent that his scores are now regularly just above 100 compared to 140 on his first ever round! And if being magnanimous on a golf course means being big-hearted and not resenting the fact that others usually have much lower scores than his - then, again, this member embodies it. And - of course - he never resorts to pathos! Take a bow, Andy - photo attached - set against a beautiful autumn backdrop at Huntswood golf course on Remembrance weekend – he even wore his poppy whilst playing. Of the rest of us - recent highlights include two superb rounds of 85 by Bob S and Graham - just one short of Brian's all-time U3A course record. Then Brian himself had a purple patch in September - posting the day’s best score three times out of the four weeks we played. And as the summer drew to a close, Tony and I both posted new personal bests of 92 and 90 respectively - whilst our 'newbie' Tim continues to improve despite not being able to play every week. We continue to meet every Friday morning - currently just the seven regulars plus occasional guests - so new members are most definitely welcome. Why not just pop in for a coffee and a chat some time – or tell your friends about us. Friday mornings @ 9.30 am at Huntswood Golf Club, Taplow Common Road, Burnham SL1 8LS

History Convenor Michael Judge 01628 524108 [email protected] The meeting is on the 2nd Monday of each month at 10am in a private house.


Italian Convenor Pippa Donati 07834 039000 [email protected] The group has now naturally settled into two smaller groups, basic and elementary. This is partly due to space, and partly due to ability, however, room could be found for one or two more. They have all demonstrated an ability to read well so now we are progressing to develop conversational skills and increase confidence, all of which produces much fun and laughter as we move happily on. There is great determination from all and some even want to do homework! Our last meeting will be on the 20th December. We will start again on the 9th and 10th of January. We currently meet every week on Thursday 2pm and Friday 1pm and 2.30pm at the convenor’s house. These days and times are still being worked out.

Lace Making Convenor Myra Hurley 01628 524214 (or 07502 144653) [email protected] If you are interested in joining us please either turn up for a session or contact me for further information. The cost for each session is £2 to help with the cost of the room hire. We meet on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in Bourne End Library, Wakeman Road, from 10am to12noon.

Latin Convenor Leah Thompson 07753 493429 [email protected] The Latin group continues to work through the Cambridge Latin course book as the key element in developing an understanding of the language. We have just finished book one which dealt with a real Roman family living in Pompeii just before Vesuvius erupted. Sadly they didn’t make it but quite a lot is known about them from the records and items recovered during the excavations at Pompeii. We have now moved onto book 2 and are studying another important Roman family living in Britain with lots of British slaves, who they didn’t think much of as they saw them as lazy and stupid! At the same time each group member is responsible for coming up with new Latin words which none of the rest of us know and which don’t necessarily appear in the Latin course books. We all love a challenge and still have lots of laughs! Who knew studying a dead language could be fun? Meetings are held Wednesday fortnightly at 9.45am to 11.15am at the convenor’s house.

Local History Convenors Roger & Sandra Carter [email protected] Our meetings are mainly talks with occasional visits to local places of historical interest, which in the past have included House and Taplow Court. In September Mike Dewey, who writes superb local history features for the Bucks Free Press, told us about some lesser-known historic houses in our area. In October Liz Tebbutt, one of our members, gave an interesting talk about the Rose family and their large house at Penn, and Michael Garrido, another of our members, in November talked about land tenure and its effect on our area. We will not be meeting in December, but in January Brian Withington will be talking about the Roman roads in our locality. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2pm, normally in the Library at Bourne End.

Mahjong Convenor Julie Moulsdale [email protected] New members are always welcome. We are mostly beginners and benefit from excellent tuition and support from more experienced U3A members. Several group members bring sufficient Mahjong sets and racks, so no equipment is needed, if you are tempted to give it a go. Our friendly group meets on Thursdays in Bourne End Community Centre Bar 2pm to 4pm. Cost £2.00 per session.


Maths for the Terrified Convenor Kath Acres 01628 531521 07860405000 [email protected] We look at different GCSE level maths skills, arranged to suit participants. More members are required We meet fortnightly for a couple of hours in Bourne End. .

Music Appreciation Convenor Jay Oldknow [email protected] We have been listening to the Symphony, which usually has 4 movements. We have listened to Symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Prokofiev. Currently 2 members per session give a presentation of their favourite Composer and Symphony and then we discuss it. We have had 3 lovely relaxed sessions and will discuss the programme for next year. We have a space for a couple of new members, you will be made most welcome We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 2.00pm at the Convenor’s house.

Non Fiction Reading Convenor Vivienne Strayton [email protected] Each month we discuss a range of books that members have chosen, ranging from history to biography, politics and science. We are now up to six people, but could probably accommodate a couple more. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month in members' homes

Outings Convenor Tony Radstone 07932 725799 [email protected](preferred) All visits will be by coach from Bourne End and subject to minimum numbers, you must be prepared for a reasonable amount of walking. I am happy to arrange smaller trips using public transport or own cars and open to suggestions of places to visit. Various dates in 2020 which are yet to be confirmed.

Bourne End U3A Outings 2020 Spring - Mapledurham Mill & Cream tea READ LATE NEWS, PAGE 14 Summer - Cambridge with college visit Autumn - A day in Brighton with an optional tour included Winter - An evening visit to Kew gardens to see the Christmas lights I am hoping to add a few more trips and would welcome suggestions. Emails will be sent to all members once the dates are fixed. Please also drop me an email or if you do not do email give me a call if you an interested in any of the above.


Painting and Drawing Convenor Libby Evans 01628 527013 [email protected] One week we were copying pictures of snow scenes, the next week it was creatures in the snow and next time we will study people in the snow, skating etc. This is to enable the class to do their own Christmas cards. As we are in the cafe we might get free mince pies. We could take one or two more people.

We paint in Flowerland Bourne End Garden Centre café. We are in 2 groups painting on alternate Thursday mornings from 9.30am to 11am. The “Hockneys” come on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the month. The “Picasso’s” come on 1st and 3rd Thursdays in the month.

Play Reading/Drama Convenor Sue Roberts 01628 522486 [email protected] The Play Reading/Drama group will be 2 years old in April next year and continues to go from strength to strength. We now have 17 members and again have had a varied selection of plays, poetry and Shakespeare in the last 3 months. We have a lot of fun, and have read Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production of Macbeth, Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer and Poetry chosen by each member of the group. Also 1 Act plays, Victoria Wood, and various other monologues. Also some Improvisations which everyone dreaded, but after a year together, now feel comfortable in each other’s company, and are happy to let their inhibitions down. We will once again be performing at the U3A Christmas Party in December. Our members are a very loyal bunch who thoroughly enjoy 2 hours of devouring a play. Unlike book clubs a play can be read in 2 hours, with a beginning and an end. We regret the group will be unable to take on any new members next year. We meet twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Fridays in the month, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at my house in Well End.

Pudding Club Convenor Jan Harrison, [email protected] We have enjoyed another Autumn of eating delicious puddings and having a sociable afternoon. We welcomed a new member in October, and another new member at our November meeting. This means we now have just one space remaining if anyone else would like to join. It is a fun, social event as well as a creative culinary one. In December we will round off the year with a celebratory glass of fizz, as well as puds, and will also be busy preparing bite sized delights to eat at the Christmas show. There will be no meeting in January, we feel that it’s too close to all the eating that goes on over the Christmas period. We will restart in February. We meet 1st Wednesday of the month.


Rummikub Convenor Sheila Hutchins 01628 521193 [email protected] Rummikub is a game based on the card game Rummy and can be played with two, three or four players. It's a numbers strategy game and quite light-hearted. Don't be put off by "numbers strategy". As long as you can add up to 30 you'll be OK. We have 17 members so have split into two groups. There is room for several more (beginners or experienced). Meeting are on the 3rdMonday and 3rdFriday every month – 2pm to 4pm at the convenor's house.

Singing for Fun Convenor Fritha Irwin [email protected] We are still finding our feet as we were only established in September of this year but we are an enthusiastic group who enjoy singing and have recently found an experienced choir leader to join us. A number of us will be singing with the Ukulele group at the Christmas social event this year so we have been joining the Ukulele players to practise. We would like to thank them for their warm welcome! So far, we have been singing songs by artists such as John Denver, The Mammas and Pappas, Sting and Elvis. Moving forward, we will be trying other genres as requested by our members. We currently have 32 in the group, no waiting list and would welcome new members. Please contact the convenor if you would like to join us. We meet between 10.30am – 12.00noon on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at St Mark’s Church Hall, Bourne End. We do have to make a small charge of £2 each meeting to cover expenses.

Socialising Convenor Kate Booth 01628 521185 [email protected] Over the summer our meetings tended to be rather sparsely attended as many people were away and we very unfortunately had to cancel our October meeting. We are still planning to have a lunch which realistically will probably now be in the New Year as it would be more relaxing to avoid the manic pre-Christmas rush! Meetings are on the 4th Monday of the month at 10.30 am, the venue being decided on a month by month basis

Solo Convenor Sue Weston 01628 520728 [email protected] This year we have enjoyed short train rides or walks to nearby places for lunch or coffee, interspersed with trips further afield to garden centres and the Windsor Farm Shop. We shared an enjoyable 'Pot Luck' lunch in a member's home and meet occasionally in Bourne End library for a tea and cake catch up. At our final meeting this year we planned for the year ahead. As this is a pop in group we have places available. We meet on the 2nd Friday of the month, venues vary according to arranged events. No meeting in December but the first meeting of the New Year will be in Bourne End library, 3pm on January 10th.

Spanish Beginners Convenor Michael Garrido 07814 561813 [email protected] The group concentrates on oral skills. New members are welcome. It is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month from 7.30pm to 9pm.

Spanish Intermediate Convenor Michael Garrido 07814 561813 [email protected] The courses will concentrate on oral skills. New members are welcome. It is held on the 2ndand 4thThursday of each month in the evening from 7.30pm to 9pm.


Tablets and Smart Phones Convenor Chris Moss 01628 531948 [email protected] Our combined Wednesday afternoon sessions at Alfred Court have proved very successful and we will be continuing with these till the end of the year. If you have a smartphone or tablet that you can't manage, do get in touch and come for a few sessions to get up to speed From January we are switching to Thursday mornings. We will start at 9.30am for iPhones and iPads, and the Android (Samsung, Amazon etc.) will start at 11.30am and finish by 1pm at Alfred Court.

Tai Chi Convenor Judi Lamb 07828 733485 [email protected] Meeting weekly on a Thursday at Flackwell Heath Community Centre 10am to 11am.

Theatre Trips Convenor Andy Becker [email protected] or 07970 123322(text message) The Theatre Group is open to all members of the Bourne End & District U3A and we try to have a theatre visit every two months. At the beginning of September, we went to the Mill at Sonning and saw ‘Towards Zero’, a play written by Agatha Christie and directed by Brian Blessed which was well attended and hopefully enjoyed by those that went. At the end of October, we travelled to the Phoenix Theatre in London to see ‘Come from Away’, a musical (but with a difference). If you didn’t manage to join us then, we can recommend this show. It was wonderful! For our next visit we have a choice between ’ Singing in the Rain’ at the Mill at Sonning in early January or ‘The Cat and the Canary’ at the Windsor Royal Theatre in mid-January. In the last newsletter I asked for suggestions for future theatre trips and so far, I have had very little response. In the response to the survey about theatre trips it was apparent that members would enjoy going to London shows. Since this involves more effort to arrange I asked for offers of assistance and to date have had no response (other than from our U3A Committee members) and I want to encourage other members to become involved. I would still welcome ideas on future theatre trips and if you want to find out more about assisting me with arrangements please contact me (as above) or speak to me or any committee member at the monthly meetings. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ukulele Convenor Jim Saunders [email protected] The Bourne End U3A Uke group had a fabulous day out in Benson with many other Thames Valley Uke groups. It was a chance to show our stuff, by playing in front of our peers. We were the third band to play and l believe we acquitted ourselves pretty well, especially as it was only our second live performance, ever! The full day’s programme finished with a “Thrash” where all players join forces and play and sing well known songs. It was a great chance to listen to other U3A groups and see where we sit in the county’s Uke groups. I would like to personally thank all of our players for “giving their all” to this wonderful endeavour. I’m sure we will be asked back next year.

The Bourne End Ukulele group meet every Monday 5.30pm till 6.30 pm at Bourne End Library. We do have room for a few more players who have played before but can’t take total beginners.


Walks Long Convenor Nick Roy 01628 526793 [email protected] We are short of members and would welcome newcomers. We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month always starting walks at 10am with a different start point each time.

Walkers Monday Convenors Roger & Sandra Carter [email protected]

Our walks are at a variety of locations in the local countryside, including in the Chilterns and along the Thames. Recent walks have been at Burnham Beeches, where we greatly enjoyed the Autumn colours (see the photograph); along the Thames at Hurley; around the woods at Hughenden; and closer to home a circular route encompassing Wooburn Town, Hedsor, Cookham and Bourne End. All our walks are mapped as GPX files, available for anyone (with a smartphone) wishing to repeat them. We’re a friendly bunch - do join us for healthy exercise, fresh air, and plenty of chat! We have two walks a month, normally between 4 and 5 miles long. Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 10am.

Wine Tasting Convenor Mike Bellamy [email protected] 01628 523924 Recent monthly meetings have included wines from less well known producer countries, e.g. Brazil and Israel, six different French reds, as well as finding out more about clarets, oaking and tannins. Whoever is hosting chooses the theme and the selection of typically 6 wines. We share the cost approximately £7/8 per member and each go home with a half bottle to continue sampling at home! New members very welcome. We usually walk to and from the venue as meetings are mostly within Bourne End. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7.30pm to 9ish, taking turns to host in the members' homes.

Words from the Groups Coordinator

Our 40+ groups are continuing to flourish, as shown above, and members seem to be really enjoying the different activities we have on offer. There is always scope for more. If you have a particular interest you would like to pursue, please get in touch. You may be surprised at how many people would like to learn tightrope walking. We are always looking for people who might want to convene a group, but we are trying to stress that it is always good to have a joint or co-convenor so that one person doesn't bear too heavy a load. We try to support convenors as much as possible and realise that volunteering for such a role might be a bit daunting. We have become a very successful new U3A group, but that is only because we have had such tremendous contributions from so many people and I am sure that there are many more of you who would like to be more involved. Vivienne Strayton - Groups Co-ordinator 13 THAMES VALLEY NETWORK This is our regional network consisting of 44 U3A’s. It runs a variety of workshops and study days. They are very popular so it is best to enrol as early as possible. Keep abreast and get further information and application forms by visiting their website For those unable to book online, booking forms may be obtained from Chairman Mike Bellamy. Diary 2019 3rd December – Christmas Concert with ‘The Brandenburg Singers’ at St. James’ Church, Paddington. Diary 2020 Wednesday 18th March – The History of the Thames and its boats at The River & Rowing Museum, Henley. Wednesday 8th April – Cyber Crime “Protect your world” held at King’s Church, Amersham Thursday 23rd April – Understanding Historic Buildings. Study Day at Benson Friday 1st May- AGM Friday 29th May – Geology of the Thames Valley and why we don’t have volcanoes. Study Day at Benson. Wednesday 24th June – Visit to RHS Wisley Friday 3rd July – The Environment and Biodiversity. Study Day at Benson October 5th to 11th Thames Valley Network holiday to Istanbul There will also be a quiz day, date and details to be announced. THIRD AGE TRUST It is a good idea to visit their website between issues of the magazine in order to keep up to date. The trust offers resources, events and information. NEWS AND INFORMATION Good news! We have had a new team member, Jane Burns, working with us on this newsletter who will take over its production in April when we finish. There will be more about this in the next newsletter, so watch this space!

LATE NEWS – further details of our Spring outing St Margaret’s Church and Mapledurham Watermill Tour & Cream Tea, Tuesday 21st April 2020

The Miller will introduce himself and explain the format for the afternoon tour. The first part of the tour will be St Margaret’s Church both outside and inside. (Subject to no Services within). After leaving St Margaret’s, there is a short walk to the watermill. Once inside the mill, the Miller will provide some of its history, an explanation on how it works and about the flour which it still produces. The tour will include information about the Archimedes turbine which is located next to the mill. After the Miller has finished speaking we will be free to wander around the mill and go upstairs to the stone floor, browse round the mill gift shop, and go out onto the island to see the turbine. When we leave the watermill, it is a short walk to The Coach House Tearoom where we will be greeted by the Miller’s wife for a cream tea. The scones are made by the Miller’s wife using her own stone-ground flour from the watermill (as it should be). The tea consists of scones, jam, clotted cream, tea and coffee. Depart Bourne End 1pm, arrive Mapledurham House 2pm. Depart Mapledurham House, 4pm arrive back 5pm.

Price £25.50pp to include return coach travel from Bourne End, admission charges & cream tea, plus tip to the driver. To book a place please email [email protected] or if you do not do email call 07932 725799 and leave a message. Payment is due within seven days of confirmation of your booking. A gluten-free option is available but you must tell me in advance.


Liaison for members who cannot use email. A system is in place for contact with committee member Sue Weston regarding information about future U3A events. Please contact Sue on 01628 520728 for details.

Our 2nd AGM will be held on March 24th 2020, put it in your Diary now.

Please remember to fill in and return your Survey either online or by the questionnaire attached to this newsletter.

The Deadline for inclusion of your contributions to the Spring edition of the newsletter is February 12th. It should cover any news or items of interest from the past 3 months, and any future plans for March, April, and May. Email your copy to [email protected]

Don’t forget to visit our website to find out all of the latest information about Bourne End & District U3A and other Regional Groups Activities. Our thanks go to the website for information used in this newsletter and our Membership Secretary Chris Moss who keeps it updated.

In case you missed it, make sure you read about the exciting ‘Outings’ and ‘Theatre Trips’ available as outlined in the group news above.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this edition of the Newsletter. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Mike Bellamy Chairman [email protected] 01628 523924

Fritha Irwin Vice Chairman [email protected] 07891 421096

Leah Thompson Secretary [email protected] 07753 493429

Andy Becker (Mrs) Treasurer [email protected] 01494 883366

Chris Moss Membership Sec [email protected] 01628 531948

Sue Roberts Monthly Meetings [email protected] 01628 522486

Vivienne Strayton Groups Coordinator [email protected] 07752 454009

Brian Jackson Newsletter [email protected] 01628 525420

Sue Weston Catering [email protected] 01628 520728

Support Team Hilary Jackson, Rob DeVille, Jane Burns - Newsletter Angela Harris, Ann Wheals - Catering Sandra Carter - Proof Reading, Publicity Roger Carter – Technical




GROUP DAY OF MONTH TIME VENUE History 2nd Monday 10am Private House Family History 1st Monday 1.30pm to 3pm Bourne End Library Music Appreciation 3rd Monday 2.30pm Convenor’s House Rummikub 3rd Monday 3rd Friday 2pm to 4pm Convenor’s House Socialising 4th Monday 10.30am Various Venues Ukulele Weekly Monday 5.30pm to 6.30pm Bourne End Library Walks (Longer) 2nd Monday 10am Walks (Monday) 1st and 3rd Monday 10am Wine Tasting 3rd Monday 7.30pm to 9pm’ish Member’s House

Aerobics Weekly Tuesday 11am to 12noon St Mark’s Hall Calligraphy 2nd Tuesday 1.30pm to 3.15pm Jackson Room Bourne End Library Current Affairs 2nd Tuesday 2.30pm to 4pm Alfred Court Lace Making 2nd and 4th Tuesday 10am to 12noon Bourne End Library

Art Appreciation 3rd Wednesday 1pm to 3pm Bourne End Library Bird Watching 3rd Wednesday 9.30am Various Locations Bus and Walk 1st Wednesday 10am Railway Station Bus Stop

Latin Fortnightly Wednesday 9.45am to 11.15am Convenor’s House Pudding Club 1st Wednesday 2pm Member’s House Spanish Beginners 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7.30pm to 9pm

Book Group 4th Thursday 2.30pm Bourne End Library Computers – Advanced 2nd Thursday 2pm Convenor’s House Crochet and Knitting Circle 3rd Thursday 2.30 to 4pm Convenor’s House Film Club 3rd Thursday 2.30pm Convenor’s House German Conversation Fortnightly Thursday 2pm Council Office Local History 3rd Thursday 2pm Bourne End Library MahjongSurvey of Members of WeeklyBourne Thursday End & District2pm to 4pmU3A 2019/20Bourne End CC Bar Non Fiction Reading Group 2nd Thursday Member’s House PaintingThis annual and Drawing survey is to get your feedback,Weekly Thursday as a valued member,9.30am of to how 11am our U3A is working.Flowerland Last Garden year's Centre replies (over nd th Spanisha 100) Intermediate identified a number of ways2 for and improving 4 Thursday how we are7.30pm organised, to 9pm which helped the committ e e make some Taichanges. Chi All responses will be treatedWeekly as Thursdayconfidential and the10am results to 11am will be collated onFlackwell an anonymised Heath CC basis Tablets and Smartphones Thursday 9.30am to 1pm Alfred Court Interest Groups Bridge Weekly Friday 10am to 12noon Target Room, Bourne End CC Italian. Weekly Thursday/Friday Thurs 2pm, Fri 1pm & 2.30 Convenor’s House ComputersHow many – Beginners interest groups do youWeekly attend Friday? 10.30am to 11.30am Bourne End Library French Conversation Fortnightly 1.30 hours Members House Garden0 Visits 1 2 3 4 Various 5 Times5+ Various Golf Weekly Friday 9.30am Huntswood Golf Club Do you think if the larger groups e.g. theatre, outings, gardening produced a list of outings with dates for the year Maths for the Terrified Fortnightly Friday 10.30am to 12.30pm Convenor’s House Outingsahead it would help you participate?Various Times PlayYour Reading/Drama answer 2nd and 4th Friday 2pm to 4pm Convenor’s House Singing for Fun 1st and 3rd Friday 10.30am to 12noon St Marks Church Hall Solo 2nd Friday 3pm to 4.30pm Various Theatre Trips Various Times and Locations Is having transport provided important for you to join in such trips, Canasta 1st Friday Convenor’s House Yes No Please note, December meeting times and dates may vary. If so is a coach or car sharing preferable? Please 16

Survey of Members of Bourne End & District U3A 2019/20

This annual survey is to get your feedback, as a valued member, of how our U3A is working. Last year's replies (over 100) identified a number of ways for improving how we are organised, which helped the committee make some changes. All responses will be treated as confidential and the results will be collated on an anonymised basis

Interest Groups

. How many interest groups do you attend? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5+

Do you think if the larger groups e.g. theatre, outings, gardening produced a list of outings with dates for the year ahead it would help you participate? Your answer

Is having transport provided important for you to join in such trips? Yes No If so is a coach or car sharing preferable? Your answer

Some groups rely heavily on their convenor. Do you think the workload could be shared more for the group(s) you are in? Yes No Would you consider being a co- convenor or back up, if so please give your name and email address below. Your answer

Are there any problems you would like to highlight or any ideas on how the interest group(s) might best develop in the future?

Your answer

Monthly meetings - held on the fourth Tuesday of each month

Do you have any comments on the topics covered to date, or suggestions for future talks? Your answer

Do you think the new format for the monthly meetings, with various brief updates being given before the talk, is an improvement?

Yes No Don’t Know

Are there any aspects of the U3A you would like to be covered more at the monthly meetings?

Your answer Quarterly newsletters

Following last year's feedback these newsletters are now sent by post to all members. Do you want this to continue? Choose Yes No Personally I’d prefer email

What about their content, format and length? Your answer

Are there any topics you would like to see in future editions? Your answer

Your Membership

We want to reduce the queues for renewing membership at the March and April meetings. Can you indicate the payment method you are most likely to use? 1 Cheque at a monthly meeting, 2 Cash at a monthly meeting, 3 Direct bank transfer, 4 Payment by cheque sent by post

Your choice 1 2 3 4

About a third of members do not collect their membership cards.(Some other U3As do not issue cards). Do you think we should issue cards next year? Yes No Don’t Know

When completed, please hand in to the Community Centre Office, or any Committee member. Thank you for filling in this questionnaire.