Volume 38 Number 1 •Torical Society of Wisconsin
VOLUME 38 NUMBER 1 •TORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN Here is portrayed a lazy-hazy autumnal landscape, on the threshold of winter, drenched, no doubt, with the pungent odor of Indian summer's ivoodsmoke. This is one of thousands of glorious pastoral scenes well- known and well-loved in Wisconsin. The sea and the mountain states have their admirers, too, but if you were ON THE COVER: asked to choose the loveliest spot on earth, would you not reply: ^'Make mine Wisconsin"? This picture, taken by Richard Vesey, Madison, was given honorable mention in the Society's Photographic Competition, 1950. It is Simpson's Valley, northeast of Richland Center, in southwestern Wisconsin. The WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY is published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State Street, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Distributed to members as part of their dues (Annual Membership, $4.00; Contributing, $10; Business and Professional, $25: Life, $100; Sustaining, $100 or more annually). Yearly subscription, $4.00; single numbers, $1.00. As of July 1, 1954, introductory offer for NEW members only. Annual dues $1.00, Magazine subscription $3.00. Communications should be addressed to the editor. The Society does not assume responsibility for statements made by contributors. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Madison, Wisconsin, under the act of August 24, 1912. Copyright 1954 by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Paid for in part by the Maria L. and Simeon Mills Editorial Fund and by the George B. Burrows Fund. PERMISSION—Wisconsin newspapers may reprint any article appearing in the Wisconsin Magazine of History provided the story carries the following credit line: Reprinted from the State Historical Society's Wisconsin Magazine of History for [insert the season and year which appears on the Magazine^.
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