Fred Van Lente,David Wellington,Jonathan Maberry,Nick Dragotta,Andrea Mutti,Jason Shawn Alexander,Wellington Alves | 160 pages | 08 Dec 2010 | | 9780785142386 | English | New York, United States Marvel Zombies Return Vol 1 1

I guess I missed something in between the first Marvel Zombies and this one, but it doesn't matter. Fred Van Lente. Diamond Select have produced Marvel Zombie Minimates[9] action figures [10] and a number of mini-busts. As the two ate many Marvel Zombies Return on the way, Peter eventually ate his boss, J. Aug 22, Chris rated it it was ok. Like many of the civilizations before, the Skrulls tried to defend themselves by firing missiles at them, but the zombified heroes destroyed them easily with the Power Cosmic. With this face? I was a bit disappointed in the book. Aug 02, Marvel Zombies Return Caputi rated it Marvel Zombies Return it. You know the saying: There's no time like the present A "hero! Watch Wolverine carve up ninjas for lunch! Why don't things seem to turn out right for me? There is also the fact that the original mini-series had two contradictory explanations as to how the Zombie Sentry first arrived on Earth The zombies decided to build a device that combined all of their Power Cosmics into one powerful beam to take on Galactus. Cover of the 1st issue. Dec 07, Jerome rated it liked it. Giant-Man and others want to find the key to travel to other dimensions to find new things to eat, while Spider-Man and others try to stop the The artwork, a key part of a , was good and as expected in a zombie story very gory. Try Now. He attempts to swing with his webbing, but shoots out of his veins instead. Nothing really deep, but still enjoyable especially because of Dragotta's gory art. I Supposedly picks up right where Marvel Zombies 2 ends, but Van Lente doesn't seem to care one iota about anything that's happened before. At some point a now zombie Earth-Z Wolverine joined the team as well, Wolverine joining due to the zombies role in the death of Kitty Marvel Zombies Return. The other zombies depart to the Baxter Building. I love the retro art work in the Spider man section as it looks like it's really a comics from the early 70's. Details if other :. And how did Phoenix suddenly show up? He has written the multiple-award winning Action Philosophers! It was ok, but I didn't have much of an idea of what was Marvel Zombies Return on. Original Title. Categories :. Marvel Zombies Return is a weekly five-issue limited seriespublished by Marvel Comics in late The distances which they can teleport is almost limitless. With this face? Whatever I do now, wherever I go, it won't be as a hero -- or even Marvel Zombies Return a man-- but as a monster! . It closes the circle, even if in a very rushed way. More Details Refresh and try again. Marvel Zombies Return Gentile. Why do I seem to hurt people, now matter how I try not to? Start a Wiki. Lee Loughridge. When asked by Luke Cage why he continues the jokes Spider-Man tells him it's because it's the only thing helping to distract him from what he's become. Captain America notes that he is still functioning with -literally- half a brain, having been partially decapitated by Magneto with his own shield. Seemingly those of Peter Parker of Earth Things get worse however after he succumbs to the Hunger on Earth-Z Marvel Zombies Return infects five of the Sinister Six; hoping to use a stone tablet to cure his zombifacation in the hopes of being a hero again he unintentionally causes the deaths of Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane thanks to the zombie Sinister Six. Marvel Zombies. With Marvel Zombies Return said, I thought it was an overall okay read. It's basically "What if the Marvel superheroes were zombies? Marvel Zombies has been kinda roller coaster ride. Stream the best stories. When they set up the weapon, they saw a horde of zombie super-villains making a determined but futile attack on the Devourer of Worlds. The zombie Spider-Man retains much of the personality of his mainstream counterpart. While the more powerful zombies broke through the hulls of the warships to the delights within, Spidey got a little left behind, clinging to the outside Marvel Zombies Return a ship. What If? They decided to eat some more before they attacked again. Marvel Zombies Return Cover of the 1st issue. The Panther has escaped from the lab of the zombie Giant-Man, who has been keeping him alive as a food source, Marvel Zombies Return a result of which the Panther is now missing an arm and a foot. Supposedly picks up right where Marvel Zombies 2 ends, but Van Lente doesn't Marvel Zombies Return to care one iota about anything that's happened before.