State Officials Tour Saxon Harbor by RICHARD JENKINS Into Place

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State Officials Tour Saxon Harbor by RICHARD JENKINS Into Place Call (906) 932-4449 Getting to the next level Ironwood, MI Pistons land ex-Raptors coach Dwane Casey with 5-year deal SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Scattered thunderstorms | High: 73 | Low: 52 | Details, page 2 State officials tour Saxon Harbor By RICHARD JENKINS into place. It’s great to see section of the Oronto [email protected] the harbor is going to come Creek project, according to SAXON, Wis. – Sur- back,” Meyers said. “It’s a Peterson, but the new prise and delight seemed lot of money that is being floodplain has been built to be the dominant emo- spent and it could’ve went and the creek returned to tions Friday, as Iron Coun- the other way, it could have its former channel. ty’s state representatives been, ‘Nope, there just isn’t With the creek back in saw firsthand how much money to do this.’ its channel, and the sedi- progress had been made “But Iron County is a ment and debris removed, rebuilding Saxon Harbor small county in northern Peterson said the creek was since it was destroyed in Wisconsin and this is an reopened May 29. the July 2016 storm. economic agent for Iron The DOT is restoring “It’s really wonderful to County. It not only brings the section of creek as part come down here and final- people to the county who of its project rebuilding the ly see that the hard work of get to see the great beauty County A bridge over all of the people from the of the area, but it brings Oronto Creek. county, and the state and some money into the local Peterson said the old the federal government – coffers and that’s impor- bridge has been reopened we’re really seeing results,” tant – not only to the coun- for use by vehicles rebuild- said state Sen. Janet Bewley ty but to the businesses ing the other parts of the (D-Ashland). “And we can here, the restaurants and harbor and Merrill Gravel really see what our new gas stations,” Meyers said. and Construction, the com- harbor is going to look like, “So I’m thrilled to be here, pany contracted to build it’s going to be a better har- I’m thrilled to see the the new County A bridge, bor. For all of the hard progress taking place and is scheduled to arrive at the work, for all of the pain I’m looking forward to the harbor at the end of the and the suffering we went ribbon-cutting.” week. through; we are going to While most of the work Work on the new bridge end up with a fabulous har- hasn’t been finished yet, – located west of the exist- bor that everybody will be the county’s portion of the ing bridge, rerouting Coun- able to enjoy.” restoration of Oronto and ty A through the site of the Bewley and state Rep. Parkers creeks – running former campground, Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield) – from the marina’s boat lift roughly following the route with Iron County Board to the where Parker flows of the current temporary Chairman Joe Pinardi and into the lake – is virtually bridge – should take about Iron County Clerk Mike complete. six weeks. Saari – toured the harbor “They have to make sure While Roen Salvage has with Iron County Forestry all the grass comes up and been working on its and Parks Administrator things like that, but other- $993,000 contact to dredge Eric Peterson. wise it’s done,” Peterson the portion of the marina Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe “It’s been two years told the Daily Globe Mon- the U.S. Army Corps of IRON COUNTY’S state representatives, state Sen. Janet Bewley, left, and state Rep. since the flood and it’s day. Engineers is responsible Beth Meyers tour Saxon Harbor with the Iron County forestry and parks adminis- great to be back in Saxon The Wisconsin Depart- trator, Eric Peterson Friday to see how the rebuilding effort was going after the har- Harbor to see the improve- ment of Transportation bor was destroyed in the July 2016 storm. ments that have been put continues to work on its HARBOR — page 5 City commission FAMILY OUTING deadlocked on marijuana licensing vote By RALPH ANSAMI excused absence, but said [email protected] she wished she would have IRONWOOD – With been at the meeting to one commissioner absent, break the tie. a motion for Ironwood to Burchell said she wasn’t opt out of Michigan’s med- ready to make a decision ical marijuana licensing act and said she wants to see failed on a 2-2 vote Mon- what will happen in day. November, when recre- Commissioner Joe ational marijuana will be Cayer Jr. offered the on the statewide ballot. motion to opt out and it Burchell then declared was seconded by Jim Mil- the matter tabled, pending dren. Rick Semo and the presence of the full Mayor Annette Burchell five-member commission. voted no, however, and Community Develop- Kim Corcoran was absent. Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe Burchell said she under- TWO GEESE and a trailing yellow six pack patrol a small pond near the Gile Flowage County C dikes near Hur- stood Corcoran had an ley on a warm Monday afternoon. IRONWOOD — page 5 PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION Locals honored for Bear Trap case By RICHARD JENKINS Trap Inn in Saxon, Wis. [email protected] Saxon-Gurney Volun- STEVENS POINT, Wis. teer Fire Department Chief – A contingent of Iron Stacy Ofstad, Iron County County law enforcement Sheriff Tony Furyk and and fire department per- Iron County Sheriff’s Submitted photo sonnel were honored at the Department deputy Jason IRON COUNTY and Wisconsin Division of Justice Department of Criminal Investigation staff accept awards for Wisconsin chapter of the Geach were honored at the their work investigating the 2016 arson fire at the Bear Trap Inn at the Wisconsin chapter of the International International Association banquet. Association of Arson Investigators’ annual awards banquet in Stevens Point Wednesday. Among those accept- of Arson Investigators’ “During this event our ing the awards were, from left, assistant attorney general Richard Dufour, Iron County Sheriff’s Department annual awards banquet in chapter awards individuals deputy Jason Geach, DCI special agent Jerry Katchka, DCI special agent in charge Brian Liethen, DCI special Stevens Point Wednesday agent Tiffany Ince, DCI special agent Josh Pudlowski, Iron County Sheriff Tony Furyk and Saxon-Gurney Fire for the work investigating Chief Stacy Ofstad. the 2016 fire at the Bear BEAR TRAP — page 5 TODAY INDEX Scattered t-storms — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Classifieds . .12-14 Monday Today’s records Comics . .11 Vol. 99, No. 172 High 80 High 90 (1956) Community . .3 Low 61 Low 32 (1903) Obituaries . .none Year ago today Precipitation Opinion . .4 High 71 24 hours to 7 a.m. Low 56 Monday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY WEDNESDAYWEDNESDDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDDAY SATURDAY Scattered Isolated Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy T-storms T-storms 73° 52° 75° 54°544° 74° 58° 76° 61° 77° 63° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 7 mmphph WWSWSW 7-117-11 mphmph W 7 mmphph EESESE 88-13-13 mmphph SSEE 9 mmphph SSSESE Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 60/49 Todayy we will see mostly cloudy Bergland skies with a 45% chance of showers 71/53 and thunderstorms,thhunderstorms, high temperature Wakefield Ironwood of 73°,3°, humidity of 55%. West Saxon 71/54 73/52 Marenisco southwsouthwestwest wind 7 mph. The record 74/52 high ttemperature for today is 90° set 72/54 Bessemer in 1951956.56. Upson Hurley 72/54 Watersmeet Associated Press 74/52 73/52 72/54 SUNS AND MOON IN THIS Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017 file photo, Demonstrators rally in support of net Mercer neutrality outside a Verizon store in New York. Consumers aren’t likely to see 74/51 immediate changes following Monday’s formal repeal of Obama-era internet rules Manitowish 74/52 SunriseSunri . .........................................................................5:07 a.m. that had ensured equal treatment for all. Rather, any changes are likely to happen Minocqua SunsetSunse . ..........................................................................8:53 p.m. slowly, and companies will try to make sure that consumers are on board with the 76/54 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................4:30 a.m. moves, experts say. MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset........................................................................7:33 p.m.p ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Yesterday Today Wed. Today Wed. Ashlandd 82/60 t 79/56 pc ChicagoChicaago 78/65 mc 75/62 s Your internet use could change High ......................... temperature.....80 Low ......................... temperature ......61 Duluth 77/52sh 78/57 s DallasDallas 96/77 pc 94/79 pc Precipitation ......................... ....... 0.00" Eau ClaireClaaire 79/63 mc 76/60 pc KansasKansaas City 89/69 pc 87/74 t EscanabaEscanabba 68/55sh 73/56 s Los AngelesA 81/63 s 79/65 fg Grand RapidsR 83/62 t 80/59 pc New YorkY 74/63 s 79/69 t as ‘net neutrality’ ends MOON PHASES Green BayB 78/58t 79/60 s Orlandondo 92/76 t 90/78 t Madisonn 76/61 mc 77/63 s PhoenixPhoennix 110/83 pc 109/85 pc NEW YORK (AP) – Your other content to con- see more offers like NewNew FirstFirst F Fullull L Lastast MarquetteMarqueette 65/55sh 66/57 s SeattleSeattlle 69/53 mc 64/52 sh ability to watch and use sumers. AT&T’s exemption of its RhinelanderRhinelaander 76/54 sh 74/55 s WeatherWeathher (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly your favorite apps and ser- With net neutrality DirecTV Now streaming St.
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