“If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

The Power of

FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE prayInspired thought-leadership from these ande many others:r

Os GuinNess Anne Graham Lotz Timothy Keller Kay Coles James Michael Novak Eric Metaxas

A Special Report Prepared By The Washington Times Advocacy Department Table of Contents Prayer in times of national and global crisis Prayer pushes back the darkness of fear and uncertainty… yesterday, today and tomorrow Christian faith grows in the face of ISIS atrocities...... 4 Always winter but never Christmas ...... 9 Ms. Ellen Vaughn Dr. Everett Piper Murder, madness, terrorism… Why doesn’t God fix it?...... 4 This is war – talk less, pray more...... 10 Rev. Anne Graham Lotz Dr. Gary Miller Prayer shaming shames us all...... 5 A prayer for the forgiveness of our nation...... 10 Dr. Os Guinness Dr. Everett Piper The danger of going secular...... 6 The ‘ King’ repents...... 11 Dr. Herbert London Ms. Terry Beatley Pray to stop Christian in the Middle East...... 7 The power of desperate prayer ...... 11 Bishop Gregory Mansour Dr. Doug Stringer America’s rendezvous with (which?) destiny...... 8 Praying against violence...... 12 Senator Ed Moore Pastor Steve Warman

Prayer in your daily life What prayer is, how to pray, why, when and what to pray about; How prayer can enhance your

T ME NT peace of mind, your business, and your relationships and home and work. AR Daily exercises to keep your prayer muscles strong ...... 13 Prayer is life’s ultimate ‘app’...... 21 Mr. Michael Novak Rev. Dan Cummins Thank God He doesn’t answer all our prayers ...... 13 Talking with the Spirit of God...... 22

CACY DE P VO Mr. Eric Metaxas Dr. William Ames Curtright The odd, compelling richness of daily prayer ...... 14 Save your (#hashtag) good thoughts. PRAY! ...... 23 Ms. Kay Coles James Rev. Jason Bentley Experiencing awe and intimacy with God ...... 15 No surprise – we pray when we’re in trouble ...... 23 Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller Rev. Gregory Clark Prayer in the times of mountain tops and valleys ...... 18 Climbing out of your own cultural sewer...... 24 Senator Tim Scott Ms. Dran Reese Calling America to prayer ...... 18 Freedom from the dark side ...... 24 Ms. Joy Lamb Mr. David Kupelian Go from prayer wimp to audacious prayers ...... 19 Prayer was pivotal for Jesus, Pastor Max Lucado and should be so for us...... 25 T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY Congressman (Ret) Bob McEwen A wild ride with Jesus as chairman of the board ...... 19 Mr. Art Ally

T P RE A life-giving connection in life’s wilderness ...... 25 Ms. Andi Brindley Millions of words but only one prayer: St . Thomas Aquinas...... 20 Ask God, as Moses did, Dr. Lee Cole “Teach me your ways so I may know you ”...... 26 INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON Ms. Sharon Tanaka The power of prayer in America’s future ...... 21 George Augustus Stallings, Jr. I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| How prayer impacts healing and mental health Increasingly, science is making the case for prayer The medical case for faith ...... 27 Psychology meets theology and spirituality...... 29 Drs. Eric Scalise and Tim C. Clinton Dr. Mark McMinn Science connects our brain and the Body of Christ ...... 28 Where faith meets mental health and happiness...... 30 Dr. Curt Thompson Dr. Harold Koenig Transitioning to our eternal life, The magic of prayer...... 30 God’s blessing of peace is powerful ...... 28 Mr. Keith Cooperrider Ms. Norma Christie ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday Healing and therapeutic prayer in counseling ...... 31 2 Dr. Ian Jones A S P EC I A L RE PO R T P RE ARED BYi ng The Wash to n T i mes AD THE WASHINGTON TIMES VO DE P CACY AR T MEN | Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015

3 Prayer in times of national and global crisis Prayer pushes back the darkness of fear and uncertainty… yesterday, today and tomorrow Christian faith grows in the face of ISIS atrocities

focus is clear. “I want people in the U.S. wreckage of a village church in . feeds almost every day. to pray for us to return home,” she told It had been burned by Muslim - In the ugly uncertainty, I’ve thought me through an interpreter. “We’ve been hood adherents. The cross had been often of the brave brothers and sisters I in this camp for so long. Our kids have no wrenched from the chancel; the window met in the Middle East, and their absolute schools. No education. We keep thinking, grills and ceiling fans were bent and reliance on faith and prayer. this month we will go home … this month melted. Charred Bibles lay in the ashes. I Surely our nation needs to wisely we will go home. But still we are here.” climbed with the pastor up a still-standing focus its military, political, and material When I asked her if it’s hard to trust stairway to the apartment where he and resources on the war at hand. But peace God in her circumstances, she smiled at his family had lived. A Winnie the Pooh in the face of horror comes only through By Ellen Vaughn me patiently, like a teacher with a reme- mural was still visible on the scorched spiritual power. As the Old Testament dial student. says, “Some trust in chariots and some was in Northern Iraq earlier this “These sufferings have increased in horses, but we trust in the name of year, interviewing Christians and our faith in God. Without God we can At 11 p.m. each night, the Lord our God.” other minorities who had been do nothing. Even when we were trying we ring a bell, and we all Chariots, horses, and 21st century forced from their homes by ISIS. I to escape to get here, God changed our pray here in the camp. We instruments of battle are well and good in visited with a Yezidi family living direction on the road, away from ISIS. At the right hands. But in these chaotic times, in a chicken coop. They told me 11 p.m. each night, we ring a bell, and we have confidence that God stalked by evil, our ultimate hope is the how they had fled, with nothing, all pray here in the camp. We have confi- is with us and He will do gritty, courageous truth that our Christian when they got the terrifying news that the dence that God is with us and He will do what is good for us. He friends in the Middle East have practiced terrorists were coming. In the confusion, what is good for us. He saved us from ISIS, for years: robust faith and constant prayer

T ME NT I saved us from ISIS, and they had gotten separated from their and He will get us home.” for the eternal care of One who is greater AR 19-year-old son. Later, they heard he had I also met a grandfather who told me He will get us home.” than ourselves, the One who spilled His been killed by jihadi forces. They wept as his family didn’t even know ISIS was blood to cleanse us from all evil. they showed me his handsome photo. advancing on their town… until a mortar wall of his little daughter’s room. They know that prayer may not always As I walked into a gray camp full of landed in the courtyard where his grand- The family had been away when the change our immediate situation in this life.

CACY DE P VO similarly displaced Christians, a young girl sons were playing. Their grandmother terrorists attacked. I asked the pastor how But it always changes us. with plump, black braids ran up to me and was with them. She felt a flash of light, an he had coped with such loss, violation, grabbed my hands. “Hello!” she shouted in enormous explosion, and a rain of shred- and hatred. Ellen Vaughn is a New York Times best- broken English. “I am Tamara! I love you!” ded flesh. The little boys and a friend “What do we do in the face of evil?” he selling author and inspirational speaker Since we were evidently fast friends, I were killed. asked. “We do what Jesus did. We pray, who has written or co-written more than sat down with Tamara and her mother in The grandfather showed me terrible and we forgive. Even after the destruc- 20 books. Former vice president of ex- their tin can of a temporary home. photos of the aftermath. The entire court- tion, we would still have fed the Muslim ecutive communications for Prison Fel- Tamara’s mom told me how they and yard was smeared with blood. Brotherhood if they were hungry, or cared lowship, she collaborated with the late seven other families had fled their home I asked him about his faith. Did it still for them if they were sick.” Chuck Colson on a number of his seminal in Qaraqosh, barely in front of the advanc- exist in the face of such horror? Back here at home, terrorism has books. She serves as a senior fellow for ing killers. Their driver got lost. They “Yes!” he said vehemently. “I believe! drawn closer in recent months. Bloody the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative, prayed, she said, and he found a safe road. And one thing I know. It is the blood of death at an office party in California. Car- and on the board of directors for Inter-

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY This woman lost her left eye to a Christ that cleanses us from all evil.” nage in Paris. Arrests of sleeper terrorists. national Cooperating Ministries. terrorist bomb a few years ago. But her A few weeks ago, I stood in the Random shootings pop up on our news T P RE

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON Murder, madness, terrorism…Why doesn’t God fix it? I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| By Anne Graham Lotz erupting all over our nation? discarded by secularists, disavowed by Why isn’t He fixing the racial preju- atheists, defied by the politically correct, “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS.” dice? The gender inequality? The sex and even discredited by the religious. So screamed the headline of the New trafficking? The drug-crazed violence? Maybe…just maybe… it’s because the York Daily News on December 3, 2015, The religious intolerance? And other one true living God is waiting for us to referring to the recent terrorist attacks societal injustices? Why does our nation, sincerely, humbly, earnestly, and inten- in Paris and San Bernardino. The lead whose motto is “In God We Trust,” seem tionally ask Him to fix this. article in the paper went on to marginal- to be unraveling under God’s watch? Maybe… just maybe… the problem is ize prayer as a “meaningless platitude.” Maybe… just maybe… it’s because we not God. Maybe the problem is you and I would like to address why God view prayer as a meaningless platitude. me. isn’t fixing this. Why isn’t God fixing Maybe… just maybe… it’s because our Many years ago I was in Suva, Fiji, at the turmoil, the division, the hatred, knowledge of the God in whom we say a conference for church workers hosted

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday the misunderstanding, the rioting, the we trust and to whom we address our by Samaritan’s Purse. The people had poverty, the political polarization, and prayers has been skewed – discounted 4 the murderous plotting that seem to be by evolutionists, distorted by humanists, » see LOFT | C6 Prayer in times of national and global crisis Prayer shaming shames us all

for many people public references to demonstrates America’s willful blind- “the golden triangle of freedom:” that prayer have become empty pieties that ness in facing the intense religious and freedom requires virtue, that virtue are no more than what philosophers call ideological realities of today’s global requires faith of some sort, that faith “pro-emotions.” world, for it highlights what Max of any sort requires freedom, which “I will pray for you” is simply Weber called the “tone deafness” of requires virtue – and so on. another way of saying “I care for you,” many of our leaders and our elites. For those who know God, prayer and says nothing objective about any As the urgent search for a new is a conversation with God and a vital real time spent praying for the person. world order shows, Kant’s Enlighten- and indispensable part of such faith. President Obama himself has often used ment vision of “perpetual peace” is Certainly “prayer changes things” the phrase, and one wonders if he ever as distant as ever, and Nietzsche’s and effects the course of history. But actually dropped to his knees in the prediction of an unprecedented “war equally importantly, prayer changes Oval Office to follow through with the of spirits” is all too close to describing us in the conversation, for it is in words. A friend of mine often used to the cataclysm engulfing parts of our prayer that we see God rightly, we see say, “Don’t tell me you’re going to pray world. ourselves rightly, and we see the world for me unless you mean it. Prayer is a serious commitment.” Second, the prayer shamers them- By Os Guinness selves are shamed by their shaming. On the one hand, their much-vaunted he old term “straw in the claims on behalf of “tolerance,” “inclu- wind” has become obso- siveness” and “diversity” are yet again lete. For those who moni- shown up for their strict limits, if not tor today’s trends, what we the hypocrisy of their intolerance. are witnessing is nothing The recent attacks on prayer showed A S P EC I A L RE PO R less than haystacks blow- scant respect, if not outright contempt ing in a hurricane. The for other people’s beliefs, and were recent “prayer shaming,” led by the often clear evidence of the atheism’s TNew York Daily News and the Huffing- slide into militant anti-theism and the

ton Post, is a clear example. general “ABC moment” in American T P RE Pitting prayer and action against culture (“Anything but Christianity”). each other, one headline shouted “God On the other hand, they showed isn’t fixing this,” and ridiculed those none of the humility of the recent ARED BYi ng The Wash who respond to massacres with words awareness in intellectual circles that, such as “My thoughts and prayers go in Jürgen Habermas’s haunting confes- out to the victims.” Prayers like that are sion, there is “something missing” in secularism. The recent trend toward “secularist religion” would once have “I will pray for you” been dismissed as an oxymoron. It is

now stoutly defended as an attempt to to n T i mes AD is simply another way assuage an insatiable hunger among of saying “I care for atheists and “religious nones.” you,” and says nothing Third, prayer shaming challenges

religious believers, Jews and Chris- THE WASHINGTON TIMES

objective about any real tians included. We must all face the VO DE P CACY time spent praying for fact that many who do believe in the person. President prayer have grown far more secular in Obama himself has often their consciousness than they realize. As advanced modern people we live AR

used the phrase, and one in what sociologist Peter Berger has T MEN wonders if he ever actually called a “world without windows.” Not long ago, what was unseen was not

dropped to his knees in | unreal. In fact the unseen was more real It is commonplace to say that guns rightly, all of which are essential to Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 the Oval Office to follow than the seen, for the seen world was alone will not win these wars, but we living the good life and to responsible through with the words. understood in light of the unseen. have yet to appreciate what it means citizenship in a free and open society. For us, however, William Blake’s that the “spirit of the age” is more than Our brave new prayer shamers “meaningless platitudes,” people said. “single vision” is the rule – what is real a metaphor. have forgotten something to their own It is time to stop praying and start act- is bounded by the limits of the five Lastly, prayer shaming and the loss: Action is not the alternative to ing. Prayer is only a “placebo” and has senses, so that the unseen has become wider trends that it represents call into prayer. Action goes hand in hand with “zero effect.” unreal. The result is a chasm between question the foundations of the Ameri- prayer. The only alternative to prayer Such prayer shaming is a clear the way prayer is understood as power- can republic. The genius of this coun- is prayer. measure by which to gauge where ful and practical in the Jewish and try is that it simultaneously rejects America is today, and how far this Christian Scriptures, and in most of his- any formal, official and established Os Guinness is an Englishman country has come in the last decade. tory and much of the rest of the world, religious or ideological beliefs, yet it and the author of many books, in- Several responses must be spelled out and the way it has become viewed as relies on the freely chosen beliefs of cluding A Free People’s Suicide. clearly and discussed in greater depth. marginal and ethereal in the West. its citizens. In other words, American He lives in McLean, Virginia. First, prayer shaming underscores that Fourth, the prayer shaming freedom relies on what might be called 5 Prayer in times of national and global crisis The danger of going secular the political and existential challenges of observance, most Americans profess “revolution,” cannot really be called a the twenty-first century. belief in God and most still pray. How- society at all. Prayer gives perspective The historical truth is that our way ever, that prayer is increasingly a private because it is a union of souls. of life; including the liberty ensconced matter, so as not to give offense to As I see it, the time has come for the in liberalism, emerged and is sustained nonbelievers. This limitation transforms to speak a language our by Judeo-Christian principles. In 1954 adversaries can understand, one found in President Dwight D. Eisenhower, not biblical principles. It may be too much to typically remembered for his Christian say America should be sacralized, but at observance said, “Our government Hence I pray. I pray for the very least this nation should recog- makes no sense unless it is founded on something beyond the self. nize and defend its religious heritage deeply religious faith…” I pray for a nation whose starting with the prayer: “Shema Yisrael, That faith takes many forms. But it Adonai Eloheinu” (Listen Israel, God is is not coincidental that the Jefferson- foundation is rooted One). God is the unifier and it is to this By Herbert London authored Declaration of Independence in religious tradition. I God that we owe our prayers. relies on words in the Book of Genesis, pray that God will look As citizens of this great land, it is elief matters. e.g. “all men are created equal.” More- time to ask whether the Judeo-Christian Yet what is emerg- over, the idea that rights are granted by favorably on a nation that beliefs that have been vouchsafed to this ing in our culture is an God, not by men or governments, is also occasionally loses it way. generation can be mobilized in prayer opposition to traditional a concept conceived by Jews in the Old so that the spiritual fight that awaits us religion and the prayer Testament. religion and alters the public square into can be confronted effectively. Ours is the that accompanies it. Great The U.S. Constitution is a tableau a newly established “safe zone” where most liberating tradition the world has changes are afloat in of reflections on Jewish law which prayer is prohibited. In my judgment this yet known. And it is that tradition we Western culture. The world as we know concedes that evil must be addressed is a shameful concession. must defend through spiritual resilience Bit is becoming a markedly different place, by countervailing impulses, the very Ours is a nation founded by men and prayer. Prayer is our offense and and a more dangerous one, where the essence of the vision embodied by Ham- who understood that religion, far from defense. It offers strength and a shield very basis of our civilization is increas- ilton, Madison and Jay in the Federalist being an embarrassment, is a valuable against barbarism. That is why I bow my

T ME NT ingly challenged. Papers. and sustaining aspect of individual – and head in prayer each day. AR Some contend the secularist creed Hence I pray. I pray for something be- national – character. In a nation obsessed of multiculturalism, cultural relativism, yond the self. I pray for a nation whose with “me,” prayer is a potent antidote Dr. Herbert London is president or the economic egalitarianism and scientific foundation is rooted in religious tradi- to solipsism. It is a moment beyond the London Center for Policy Research at rationality are the arbiters of human tion. I pray that God will look favorably self. Any society whose members are King’s College in New York. A member

CACY DE P VO value. As each day passes, it is clear on a nation that occasionally loses it way. interested only in their own self-actual- of the Council on Foreign Relations, that these features of the secular creed Despite the campaign for secularism, ization, be it through personal gratifica- he was formerly president of the Hud- underwrite a view ill-equipped to meet a relentless campaign against religious tion or the pursuit of some nebulous son Institute in Washington, DC.

my voice sounded hollow… wretchedly If my people, who are called by my give America hope and a future of pros- LOFT anemic. name, will humble themselves and pray perity and security. From page C4 I had never before heard prayer like I and seek my face and turn from their Please, Father God. Hear us and heard on that day in Fiji. Very rarely have wicked ways, then will I hear from answer us as we come to you confidently come from dozens of surrounding islands I ever heard prayer like that anywhere. heaven and will forgive their sin and will in the name of the One who alone is able to attend. I had just finished speaking Maybe… just maybe… the problem is heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) to” fix this.” We pray in the name of the

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY on the prophet Samuel, presenting the that my prayers and yours are anemic. “For I know the plans I have for you,” One who will give us peace when “the tragic truth that, while he was a judge, a Maybe our prayers are missing key ingre- declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you government is on His shoulders”… In the prophet, and a kingmaker extraordinaire, dients – key ingredients such as focusing and not to harm you, plans to give you name of the Baby of Bethlehem who is T P RE he was not a good father. His sons did on God for who He truly is and an all-out, hope and a future. Then you will call the Prince of Peace… (Isaiah 9:6-7). Jesus not follow the Lord. My challenge to the no-holds-barred, go-for-broke, nothing- upon me and come and pray to me, and the Christ. Amen mostly male audience was not to be so held-back, old-fashioned desperation to I will listen to you. You will seek me and According to the testimony of God’s

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON focused on ministry that they neglected get God’s attention. find me when you seek me with all your own Word – the Bible – God is a prayer- their own wives and children. Whether the issue is in our family, in heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13) hearing, prayer-answering, miracle-work- When I invited them to repent of their our marriage, in our church, in our com- The prayer of a righteous person is ing God. How will we know that God will I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| sin and to commit to training up their munity, or in the wake of a terrorist at- powerful and effective. (James 5:16) hear and answer our prayers? We won’t children in the Lord, almost the entire au- tack, instead of buying into pop culture’s Therefore… by the blood of Jesus… let until we humbly get on our knees, seek dience of 600 pastors and church leaders attitude that says not only that God isn’t us draw near to God with a sincere heart God’s face, turn from our own wicked, surged forward. The result was an out- fixing this but also that God can’t fix this, in full assurance of faith… (Hebrews self-centered ways, and pray. pouring of urgent, desperate, passionate, are we desperate enough to stay on our 10:19-22) It’s time to stop discussing prayer heartfelt pleading with God to forgive, to knees until God does? God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. and marginalizing prayer and analyzing have mercy, to bless. The air was electric. I am committed to prayer. But not the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to prayer…and pray! Then keep praying People were shouting, crying, pleading casual, everyday, pray-as-you-feel-like-it, Your children praying. You have said You until Heaven is moved and this nation is with God. Some stood with raised hands, run-of-the-mill, garden-variety type of would. We humble ourselves. We stop secure. others were on their knees, and still oth- prayer. I am committed to praying God’s rebelling against You. We seek Your face. ers were prostrate on the floor. promises and holding Him to them. We confess we are sinners and choose Anne Graham Lotz is the founder of I remember a woman seizing me by Promises such as: to turn from our sin. We plead for Your AnGeL Ministries and author of eleven ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday the arm and pulling me into her circle Before they call I will answer; while mercy. We claim Your promise of forgive- books, of which her best known is for prayer. Pray? I was terrified to pray in they are still speaking I will hear. (Isaiah ness through the sacrificial death of Your Just Give Me Jesus. She is the daugh- 6 such a group. When I opened my mouth, 65:24) Son. We believe that You have plans to ter of evangelist Billy Graham. Prayer in times of national and global crisis Pray to stop Christian genocide in the Middle East

burst with calls to prayer; parishes and congregations hold regular vigils to remember, honor and sustain the suf- fering Church throughout the Middle East; let there be processions in the streets calling all to prayer; let us work toward an annual day of prayer for the persecuted Church to prompt millions of believers. The very survival of some of the most ancient Christian communities in the lands where our faith was born is at stake. It is no longer inconceivable that Iraq – through continued assaults by ISIS, emigration to the West and a continuing regional exodus – will be entirely without Christian faithful, and By Gregory J. Mansour thousands of Syrian Christians who have fled the brutal civil war and the hristians in the west must advance of ISIS and other jihadists urgently pray for their groups may never be able to return to A S P EC I A L RE PO R persecuted brothers and their homeland – a country and region sisters in the Middle East. already accustomed to the blood of Let us call for a ground- millions of martyrs and whose ancient swell of petitions to God Churches lay claim to laying the very

on behalf of these suffer- foundation of the faith through the T P RE ing Christians, particularly the faithful conversion of St. Paul on the road to in Iraq and Syria. Prayer is powerful; it Damascus. C ARED BYi ng The Wash moves mountains; prayer brings hope and Let us pray for our political lead- comfort to our fellow believers who feel ers, that they be willing to commit to so very abandoned. real policy changes – actions to defend Let the country’s Christian leader- and protect embattled Christians and ship do what they can to reach out to other religious minorities; a revision of and galvanize their pastors and people asylum policies so that Christians and Above: Christian girls Ashty at (Peace) Camp. One of them is wearing a rosary. Left: St. Mayrs so all will pray for the suffering chil- other minorities can be readily admit- Church - Syrian Orthodox in Homs Statue of Efrem with bullet holes in the head.

dren, the widows, the mourning parents ted to the US as victims of persecu- to n T i mes AD – pray for hope and peace. tion; enforcement of a demand that all Let the entire media landscape victims of war and persecution receive the powerful testimony of Abou ample care from the UN and other Abdou, who leads the small Maronite

agencies; and let us pray that our nation community in the besieged city of THE WASHINGTON TIMES

will include Christians alongside Yazi- Aleppo, Syria. He says of his flock: VO DE P CACY dis as victims of ISIS, and that the US “One can see on the faces of the formally charges the terror organization majority the reflection of an inner ISIS with genocide. happiness that takes you to the spiri-

The duty of Western Christians to tual realm. They are able to thank the AR

pray for their deeply suffering fellow Lord with all their heart; they do not T MEN faithful – , Orthodox and Prot- complain despite the persecution, all estant, united in what Francis has the distress and deprivations. There is | called an “ecumenism of blood” – goes a smile on their faces. They thank you Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 even deeper. It is an expression of the and appreciate everything you do for acknowledgement that all Christians Christian girl, Fr Werenfried Village them. My people, the children included, are part of the Body of Christ, and that IRAQ / ARBIL-CLD 14/00028 give me lessons in happiness.” when any member of the Body of Christ Let’s not underestimate the power of suffers, we all suffer. prayer! Indeed, may such prayer of soli- acknowledge our own vulnerability darity, deep communion and genuine so that we too can better recognize Bishop Gregory John Mansour heads empathy also touch upon and reveal the vulnerability and humanity of the the of in Brook- our own struggles – emotional, physi- victims of war and terror we are asking lyn, NY, which comprises 45 parishes cal, and practical – which are very real, God to protect. and communities along the East even if they pale in comparison to the Let us pray so that we may discover Coast. He also is a member of the Ad- St. Mayrs Church - Syrian Orthodox in Homs depth and anguish of the suffering of the human face of our suffering broth- visory Council of Aid to the Church Statue of Efrem with bulls in the head those who face the threat of death on ers and sisters and share in the inspira- in Need-US, a papal agency that sup- a daily basis. In prayer, let us come to tion of their faithful witness. Consider ports the suffering and persecuted. 7 Prayer in times of national and global crisis America’s rendezvous with (which?) destiny

will determine America’s rendezvous with destiny. If America is to survive, we as Christians must choose to contend for the soul of our nation. The challenge for American Christians is whether we will own up to this God-given respon- sibility. The real question thus be- comes: “Will Christians do their duty?” The Bible is replete with verses that send forth God’s call to us to act on his behalf. In fact, the Bible actu- ally tells us why nations are destroyed. Jeremiah 12:11 says: “The whole land is made desolate because no man layeth it to heart.” According to Jeremiah, the reason nations perish is because no By Ed Moore one is determined to make a difference. In other words, we perish by default. n his famous 1964 “A Time To We perish because we choose not to Choose” speech, the speech that contend for the soul of our nation. put him on the national politi- This is an abdication of our God-given cal stage, Ronald Reagan said responsibility and both Heaven and of America, “You and I have a our children will rise up to judge us for rendezvous with destiny.” How- such selfish complacency. ever, Reagan went on to say that Surely, this is what God meant when

T ME NT this destiny would be determined by a he said, “I sought for a man among AR Ipath-choice that Americans themselves them, that should make up the hedge, requires practical action born of temptation of pride, the temptation of would make. As he ended his speech, and stand in the gap before me for the spiritual obligations. In a nation where blithely declaring yourselves above it Reagan framed that choice by saying, land, that I should not destroy it: but I Heaven itself has made “we the peo- all and thereby removing yourself from “We can preserve for our children this found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30) While the ple” responsible for choosing our own the struggle between right and wrong

CACY DE P VO the last best hope for man on earth, or hope of our nation lies in God alone, paths, we must get off the sidelines and and good and evil.” we can sentence them to take the first the choice remains ours alone. Chris- get into the arena. We must be both Christian America needs to heed step into a thousand years of darkness.” tians must not sit idly by while the discerning and informed. We must vol- this presidential warning. In January President Ronald Reagan’s belief, of 1981, Ronald Reagan placed his hand that America’s rendezvous with des- on the following Bible verse as he took tiny involved a choice, never varied. In the oath of office as President. It reads: 1980, my wife and I sat on the capitol “If my people, which are called by my lawn as we personally heard Ronald name, shall humble themselves, and Reagan reaffirm this view during his pray, and seek my face, and turn from first inaugural address. In this address their wicked ways; then will I hear he clearly declared, “I do not believe from heaven, and will forgive their sin, in a fate that will fall on us no matter and will heal their land.” (II Chronicles

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY what we do. I do believe in a fate that 7:14) President Reagan placed his hand will fall on us if we do nothing.” Please on this verse because he understood note the two choices. the preeminent importance of prayer, T P RE Today, America is again at the cross- and he further underscored this need roads of her rendezvous with destiny. by giving Americans an actual annual The question is whether Americans date for our National Day of Prayer.

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON understand that two paths lie before I believe that you and I as Ameri- us, and whether American Christians cans still have a rendezvous with will rise up to lead our nation in mak- destiny. The pressing question is this... I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| ing the right decision. The hour is “Which destiny will it be?” If the critical, and the hour is very, very late. United States is to continue as “One President Woodrow Wilson said, wicked take over our country. To do so unteer our time, influence others, vote; Nation Under God”, we must not forget “America was born a Christian nation.” would be an unforgivable dereliction and above all... we must pray! how to kneel. Whatever else we do, we Today’s president is saying, “America of duty! I ask you to hear again a solemn must begin upon our knees! is no longer a Christian nation.” Who To my fellow pastors and Christians quote by Ronald Reagan. In an address is right, and which path we choose will everywhere I say, “Rise up O men of before the National Association of Senator Ed Moore served as a state not be determined by our history or by God!” for, ”Now is the time for all good Evangelicals on March 8, 1983, Presi- senator of Oklahoma during the Reagan any president. The path that lies before men, (and women) to come to the aid dent Reagan cautioned Americans with years. He now serves as founder and us will be determined by the collective of their country!” these words: president of Prayer Force One, a rising choice of the American people them- But what does this involve? What “There is sin and evil in the world, national voice in America’s growing selves. Not all will choose the right does such duty demand? How can we and we are enjoined by Scripture and prayer movement. He may be reached ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday path, but make no mistake; a consensus as believers make a real difference? the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all by going to: www.PrayerForceOne.com 8 will be reached. This and this alone I believe that Christian citizenship our might. I urge you to beware the Prayer in times of national and global crisis Always winter but never Christmas few creatures the children do encoun- a message: “Aslan is on the move!” he “Do not be afraid,” cries Christmas. ter live in hiding – frightened and shouts. “A Merry Christmas! Long live “Winter has begun to melt away, I have paranoid. the true King!” broken through at last! For unto you Mr. and Mrs. Beaver tell the kids Today, many of us shiver as we try is born this day in the city of David, a that Narnia is under the spell of an evil to shelter ourselves from the freez- savior who is Christ the Lord. And the despot. There is no hope and there is ing winds of nightly news. Benghazi government shall be upon His shoul- no peace. Narnia has become a land of and Syria: Always winter but never ders and he will be called Wonderful despair and defeat. Every day is as if it Christmas. Palestine and Israel: Always Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting is “always winter but never Christmas.” winter but never Christmas. Russia and Father, Prince of Peace, King of Kings This is the description of life under the the Ukraine: Always winter but never and Lord of Lords! Of His kingdom White Witch’s rule. Christmas. San Bernardino, Roseburg there will be no end. He will reign with Suddenly, the children hear sleigh and Fort Hood: Always winter but justice and righteousness forever!” “I bells in the distance. At first, they are never Christmas. Baltimore and Fergu- have broken through at last,” he shouts! sure this is the sound of the witch on son: Always winter but never Christ- “Glory to God in the highest! Peace on patrol with her legions, and they hide. mas. ISIS, Boko Haram, and Al Qaeda; earth and good will toward men,” and… But no it’s not the witch. The driver Human trafficking, sexual slavery, “Merry Christmas!” of the sleigh is a great, glad, giant of Islamic intolerance and Sharia oppres- By Everett Piper a man dressed all in red and white. It sion; crucifying Christians, drowning Dr. Everett Piper, Ph.D, is president is Father Christmas! “I have broken them for sport, raping their children, of Oklahoma Wesleyan University n C.S. Lewis’ classic children’s through at last!” he cries. “She has kept dragging them to court; political arro- in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. He is a story, The Lion, the Witch and me out for a long time, but her magic is gance, government corruption, stimu- daily and weekly radio commentator the Wardrobe, there is a scene weakening.” lus spending and national debt: Always in Tulsa and author of “The Wrong where we find Peter, Susan Lucy and her siblings shiver with winter but never Christmas... This list Side of the Door: Why Ideas Matter,” and Lucy standing fearful and excitement. Father Christmas has seems endless. an anthology of essays on the “pride confused in a land that is frozen come! And he not only brings presents But, remember there’s better news! of politics, the arrogance of the acad- A S P EC I A L RE PO R and nearly lifeless. A lamp- but he brings peace. He not only offers News of long ago when light shined on emy and the pathology of power.” post stands somberly in a windless cookies and cream, but love and com- the hills of Bethlehem and Christmas Iforest that is cold and pail, and the passion. He brings music and he brings arrived in a stable under the stars. T P RE ARED BYi ng The Wash to n T i mes AD THE WASHINGTON TIMES VO DE P CACY AR T MEN | Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015

9 Prayer in times of national and global crisis This is war – talk less, pray more

to understand the times. Time will tell if challenge by initiating prayer meetings in prayer is released when praying pastors they know what to do. In The War against their churches. This is where the power defy political correctness with, “In the evil, knowing what to do and having the comes from to carry on a prolonged battle name of Jesus, Amen.” will to do it are two different things. for the soul of a nation. My father, Don Miller, recently went to David Lane, Founder of the American Engaging in this battle against evil to Heaven. From his hospice bed he shared Renewal Project, understands what is at make a name or to promote a book, may his final thoughts on prayer. He propped stake, and he knows what to do. For two achieve both without making a difference. himself up on his right elbow, looked me decades he has been quietly mobilizing Men and women of prayer don’t call at- in the eye, and with great intensity said: pastors all over America to engage in the tention to themselves. They point people “Jesus is ready to give it away. Revival. war for the soul of a nation. to God. Watch and pray! Tell them prayer is the Restoring a Judeo-Christian ethic is “The one concern of the devil is to keep priority. I want to pass it on. Pass it on! not a political effort to take a nation back, Christians from praying. He fears nothing Pass it on! Pass it on! Potential, poten- but a spiritual movement to turn the soul from prayerless studies, prayerless work, tial, potential. There is the potential of a of America back to God. To the untrained and prayerless religion. He laughs at our great awakening, in a moment and in our eye, Lane’s American Renewal Project toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles lifetime. People who will want God more gatherings appear to focus on leading when we pray.” than anything or anybody. Oh that they thousands of pastors to run for office, to Samuel Chadwick (1860-1932) would believe so strongly. Believe. Believe. By Gary Miller register their people to vote, and to take “We wrestle not against flesh and Believe.” their Christian convictions into the voting blood,” is scripture, not a Hobby Lobby Tearfully, I told Dad I would pass it “For our struggle is not against flesh booth. They are so much more. throw pillow. It should be tattooed on the on. He leaned back onto his bed and and blood, but against the rulers, against David Lanes says, “The mission is heart of every pastor. closed his eyes. With his face shining with the powers, against the world forces of this spiritual, only the by-product is political.” Prayer is not an optional method of contentment, he said, “Good boy.” Seven darkness, against the spiritual forces of He describes the difference between chess war. It is an essential relationship with months later I can’t type these words wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephe- and checkers. The board is the same, but The Champion. Prayer draws the warrior without tears hitting the keyboard. Pas- sians 5:12 the rules are different. Prayer makes the closer to the side of Jesus, and He alone tors! Believe it. THIS IS WAR! Pass it on.

T ME NT Prayer should be marked with a warn- difference. Never try to defeat an oppo- strikes fear in the enemy camp. AR ing label: THIS IS WAR. Too often prayer nent with a handful of checkers when the “If I could hear Jesus praying for me in Dr. Gary Miller, founder and executive di- arrives on the scene of a crisis, carried as battle calls for the knights to attack. He the next room, I would not fear a million rector of Talk Less! Pray More! Ministries” a throw pillow, tucked under the arm of often reminds pastors, “This is war.” enemies. The distance makes no difference. in Fort Worth, Texas, has served for the past frightened Christian. Those who approach Pastors leading prayer meetings in He is praying for me.” 40 years, as a missionary, a pastor and a

CACY DE P VO prayer seeking comfort without conquest their local churches prepare the way for Robert Murray M’Cheyne professor. Since 2010, he has been actively rarely find either one. the next Great Awakening. This is the The culture war raging in this nation involved in mobilizing pastors to utilize The Fox News headline today was, game changer, and the key to victory in reveals an evil urge to purge the name of prayer and voter registration as tools to “This is war.” With the streets of Paris a battle for the soul of a nation. Thou- Jesus from the public square with breath regain their voice in the public square. wet with blood, French leaders appear sands of pastors have responded to Lane’s taking speed. The potential power of A prayer for the forgiveness of our nation

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY By Everett Piper restraint to our students. Forgive us for tolerant do not tolerate those they find foolishness of “gelding the stallion and teaching self-esteem better than we have intolerable. bidding him be fruitful.” ather, you have told us that taught science and civics. Forgive us for Forgives us for the hypocrisy of hating Forgive us for worshiping government T P RE if your people will humble teaching values clarification more than those we find hateful. more than God and trusting in Caesar themselves and seek your virtue. Forgive us for diminishing the Forgive us for diminishing human more than Christ. face and repent, that you will value of marital fidelity and leaving our dignity; for dumbing down the definition God, we ask you to forgive us. We ask

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON hear us and heal us. You have kids clueless as to how to defend the of a human being to nothing but the sum that you rescue us from the ugly hell or also told us that if we confess definition of marriage. total of his or her sexual inclinations; to our own making. We humbly petition you our sins, that you are faithful Forgive us for leading the genera- nothing but appetites, proclivities, pas- to grant a reprieve of your judgment. We I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| and just and that you will forgive our tion that follows us, to believe it has the sions and base desire. ask that you give us liberty in Law and Fsins and cleans us from all unrighteous- authority to define life for the generation Forgive us for pretending that we rescue us from the bondage of our own ness. God we bow before you today. We that follows it, and that “choice” gives believe women should not be subjected arrogance are humble. We repent. Please hear our them the right to take away the right of to the power and the passions of men In Jesus Name Amen. prayer. Please, forgive us… the youngest to choose. but then electing men who publicly use Forgive us for what we have taught our Forgive us for our narcissism: For women for their personal passions. Dr. Everett Piper, Ph.D., is president of children: that evil is good and good is evil; proclaiming we are “as God,” and that we Forgive us for boasting of freedom Oklahoma Wesleyan University in Bartles- that darkness is light and light is darkness; are the ones we’ve been waiting for and while yet living in bondage to our own ville, Oklahoma. He is a daily and weekly that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. that we are the change we seek. deception. Forgive us for separating head radio commentator in Tulsa and author Forgive us for teaching them that left is Forgive us for making justice unjust from heart and fact from faith. Forgive of “The Wrong Side of the Door: Why right and right is wrong, that true is false and injustice just. us for severing belief from behavior and Ideas Matter,” an anthology of essays on and falsehood is true. Forgive us for celebrating lies rather religion from reason. Forgive us for, as the “pride of politics, the arrogance of the

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday Forgive us Holy God for teaching than pursuing truth. C.S. Lewis warned, “removing the organ academy and the pathology of power.” sexual promiscuity in our schools more Forgive us for our self-refuting duplic- and yet demanding the function” – for 10 effectively than we have taught sexual ity of pedantically preaching that the creating “men without chests” – for the Prayer in times of national and global crisis The abortion king repents Self-identified ‘mass murderer’: “I deceived America” Virginia. Together we watched 21, this idea. I knew the doctor’s history no idea how to proceed, but God did. He a documentary about in but I couldn’t imagine why I was being moved my family to Fredericksburg, Vir- the 21st century. It explains the genesis instructed to interview the father of the ginia, into a very powerful, pro-abortion of and the world- abortion industry, once known as “The state senator’s district. His egregious vot- view of its founder, who Abortion King.” I argued with God that ing record strongly suggested he was an launched “The Negro Project” – a strategy he had the wrong person for the job. It ally to NARAL and Planned Parenthood, for controlling births of those she deemed made no sense to me that a stay-at-home and no friend to parental rights or the less desirable. mom from Virginia would even be granted unborn. Through prayer, God made it very When it was over I nervously asked an interview. I lost the argument and clear I was to help defeat the senator’s bid the pastor what he thought. He pointed two weeks later I was sitting beside the for re-election. By Terry Beatley his finger at me and said, “I’ll tell you what very frail, 83-year old Dr. Nathanson, co- Praying in a special place called The I think. I will never vote for a pro-choice founder of what is known today as NARAL Wilberforce Garden became my mainstay. n 2009, my response to the power candidate ever again, for if I do, I’m voting Pro-Choice America, a political action With my knees and elbows in the grass, of prayer led me to New York to to annihilate my own race. And further- organization. I cried out to God asking that He would meet “The Keeper,” a terminally-ill more, abortion is just plain wrong. I did Dr. Nathanson deeply regretted make a way for the senator’s defeat and for doctor who self-identified as one of not know the truth about Planned Parent- unleashing the abortion industry and he my promise to Dr. Nathanson to be ful- America’s mass murderers and who hood and Sanger’s ‘Negro Project,’ but I am desperately wanted our country – and the filled. Then, the Lord began to answer in admitted to setting America on a more convinced than ever that abortion world – to be liberated from his pro-choice the most profound and vivid ways making perilous course. is the ultimate injustice. Terry, all Ameri- propaganda lies. At the end of the inter- His presence known. What I didn’t realize I didn’t understand why God was send- cans need this information, not just black view I felt a deep sense of compassion for was that over the next year as I exposed ing me to meet him, but before leaving Americans.” him and asked, “Dr. Nathanson, I know the aggressive abortion industry and its I A S P EC I A L RE PO R the interview my mission had been made He thanked me for sharing it with him you are too sick to travel around anymore dependence on elected officials, God was very clear: I promised “The Keeper of the and encouraged me to never quit. I felt as getting your message out. If you have knitting an action-packed story together Abortion Industry Keys” I would reveal though the Lord gave me a glimpse at what something to tell America, I promise I will and the framework for a feature film in the strategy of his national deception could heal America: renewing dignity to carry it for you across our nation. Do you which to complete the mission. and deliver his personal parting message the gift of life because all lives matter. have a message for our country?” I experienced that the power of prayer

until it becomes widely known. Keeping Following our meeting, I prayed for Pausing to contemplate, he turned should never be underestimated, nor T P RE this promise has been an odyssey into seven months asking the Lord what he and looked at me. Slowly and carefully he should we worry when He asks us to step the warped world of women’s healthcare, wanted me to do. One evening at a 24-hour responded, “Yes. Yes I do.” He gently im- out of our comfort zone and onto the population control and judicial fiat. More prayer vigil at my church I sat alone in a plored, “Continue teaching the strategy of water. ARED BYi ng The Wash importantly, though, my journey is a tes- peaceful, candle-lit room praying for guid- how I deceived America, but also deliver timony to how the Lord answers prayers ance. Then His answer came – a consistent this special message. Tell America that Terry Beatley is a writer, lecturer and politi- as I stay committed to delivering on my and repetitive thought: Go and interview the co-founder of NARAL says to ‘Love cal activist for the rights of unborn children. promise. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the doctor who one another. Abortion is not love. Stop the She has served as Virginia coordinator What had motivated me to meet this demanded that Planned Parenthood jump killing. The world needs more love. I’m all for ParentalRights.org, raising awareness doctor? Seven months earlier, a friend into the abortion trade. Go and interview about love now.” of the need for a Parental Rights Amend-

referred me to the senior pastor of a him. I shook his hand promising him that ment to the U.S. Constitution, and is on to n T i mes AD primarily black congregation in rural I was surprised and troubled by our country will learn the truth. I had the board of Virginia Christian Alliance. THE WASHINGTON TIMES The power of desperate prayer VO DE P CACY AR

God doesn’t answer prayer; He answers desperate prayer T MEN

By Doug Stringer everything is okay. We also cannot afford themselves; it would take God’s interven- | to slip into depression and sleepwalk tion. America is now in such a state of Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 “Transformation of an enterprise through life hoping it will turn out all crisis. The epic crises facing our nation begins with a sense of crisis or urgency,” right. We simply cannot hit our snooze and threatening our future demands an he told the students. “No institution will buttons any longer while ignoring the epic response. go through fundamental change unless it sounding warnings and alarms around In ancient Israel, when the com- believes it is in deep trouble and needs to us. We must Respond! mander of the Assyrian army threatened do something different to survive.” Lou Joel, an ancient prophet, spoke of a Israel with annihilation, King Hezekiah Gertsner, former CEO of IBM, at Harvard wake-up call to a nation in crisis. He knew he could do nothing to save his Business School, December 2002 pleaded for his nation to gather before nation. Desperate and overwhelmed, Today we are living in very challeng- God in a great sacred assembly. Their he realized their only hope was to seek ing, critical and volatile times. Every day time of great crisis and need called the Lord in passionate prayer. He took the news is filled with more human trag- for a corporate response, a response the threatening letters and laid them edy or disaster. Crises are escalating at of corporate prayer, repentance, and out before the Lord. He tore his clothes, an unprecedented rate. We cannot afford renewed consecration before God. They to put our heads in the sand and pretend had to recognize that they could not save » see STRINGER | C12 11 Prayer in times of national and global crisis Praying against violence

colors upon our Facebook profiles. But deliverance from violence. to rage against each other, will stop. on the afternoon of this most recent David’s prayer, as recorded in Verse 3: “They make their tongues California attack, I felt a new shift Psalm 140, remains a solid pattern for as sharp as serpent’s: the poison of in my spirit. I experienced a wave of our world’s needs today. I would like vipers is on their lips.” outrage, for I was tired of senseless to share with you how to pray against 3) Pray that you, your family and violence and death. I determined to friends do not become entangled with pray for more than comfort: I began to those who indoctrinate or lead to a pray directly against the violence. culture of terrorism and violence. With over two decades of pastor- With over two decades Verse 5: “The arrogant have hidden a ing experience, as well as growing of pastoring experience, snare for me; They have spread out up the child of a pastor, I know much the cords of their net and have set about prayer. I personally have prayed as well as growing up traps for me along my path.” By Steve Warman thousands of prayers. I believe prayer the child of a pastor, I 4) Acknowledge that you trust in is heard from heaven and has the know much about prayer. God to shield and protect you. Verses n a sunny December ability to heal our land (2 Chronicles 6-7: “I say to the Lord, “You are my afternoon, my day’s 7:14). Though I’ve often prayed for our I personally have prayed God.” Hear, Lord, my cry for mercy. errands were inter- nation and world, I recognized that thousands of prayers. I Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer rupted by emerging I had never prayed against violence. believe prayer is heard you shield my head in the day of news reports of a This changed that day. I began to from heaven and has the battle.” mass shooting in San specifically pray against violence and 5) Pray that developing plans Bernardino, California. terrorism. ability to heal our land for terrorism and violence will be This tragedy added yet another chain I prayed that hate would be re- (2 Chronicles 7:14). thwarted and unsuccessful. vs. 8 “Do Oto the deadly link of violent terrorism placed with love. I prayed that those not grand the wicked their desires, that has dominated recent headlines. who do not value human life or view violence according to Psalm 140. Lord; Do not let their plans succeed.” Just days before, the Planned Parent- all humanity as God’s beautiful chil- 1) Pray for protection from vio- As we enter the New Year, let us

T ME NT hood shooting in Colorado Springs dren would be silenced and unable to lence: for yourself, your family, your join together, while recruiting others, AR left four dead, and less than three find an audience for their hate-filled nation, and your world. Verses 1, 2 and to pray against violence. I encourage weeks had passed since deadly, coor- rhetoric. Then, I looked to my Bible 4: “Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers; you to unite with me, praying and be- dinated terrorist attacks overtook a to find a pattern for praying against Protect me from the violent. Who de- lieving for a 2016 filled with peace. peaceful, November Paris night. violence. vise evil plans in their hearts and stir

CACY DE P VO Previously, upon hearing reports About three thousand years ago, up war every day. Keep me safe, Lord, Pastor Steve Warman is the Senior Pas- of violent terrorism, I would imme- David, the King of Israel, faced violent from the hands of the wicked; Protect tor of The Apostolic Church in Auburn diately pray for the victims’ needs men. Long before planes were flown them from the violent, Who devise Hills, Michigan. He is the author of The and ask for comfort for their families. into buildings, explosives detonated, ways to trip my feet.” Second Try, and Walking on Dragons. With the Paris attacks, I joined many or even guns manufactured, godly 2) Pray that the hate-filled and as we superimposed the French flag’s men sought God’s protection and murderous speech, causing people

sick.” He also said, “A merry heart does God so He could show them “great and Will we, out of our own desperate STRINGER good like a medicine.” Many of us are mighty things they did not yet know.” He situation, come before God in authentic From page C11 desperate and overwhelmed, our hearts shared with them God that God wanted humility, repentance, and consecration?

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY are sick with despair. Too many are los- to renew His covenant with His people And would He incline His ear to hear our ing hope and find themselves in need of and restore the nation, if they would cries and be moved to turn an impos- put on sackcloth, and prayed. First he strength to move forward. We need to acknowledge Him as Lord. sible situation around? Our only hope is T P RE acknowledged the nation’s helplessness cry out to the Lord for His intervention. James, one of the early , an appeal to heaven, coming in humility praying, “This day is a day of distress and We need to realize He is our only hope – said, “The effective and fervent prayer of before the living God, pleading for His rebuke and disgrace, as when children but He is a great Savior! the righteous avails much.” Today more intervention on behalf of our nation and

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON come to the moment of birth and there is Throughout history, humble and hon- than ever we need to be a people who the world. no strength to deliver them.” est leaders have called upon the Lord in pray effectively and passionately. As the If we come out of desperation and not Then Hezekiah declared the great- authentic repentance and consecration, late Leonard Ravenhill often said, “God with religious incantations and shallow I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| ness of God and petitioned the Lord for asking God to hear from heaven and heal doesn’t answer prayer. He answers des- platitudes, God can hear from heaven help. His prayer proclaimed that God their land. Even George Washington, perate prayer.” Our private posture with and heal our land. Only He can heal the alone is God, Creator of the heavens and when faced with an impossible situation God affects our public influence; humil- soul of our nation, as He reconfirms His earth. He pleaded that God would open – the Revolutionary War – commissioned ity before God gives us a right heart. covenant and restores our foundations. His eyes to see and His ears to hear the a flag with the words “An Appeal to Like in the days of Hezekiah, we are threats against the nation and that God Heaven,” a phrase from John Locke’s Two living in overwhelming, desperate times. Dr. J. Doug Stringer is founder and presi- would come to their aid. Treatises of Government acknowledging As I have travelled the globe I have come dent of Turning Point Ministries Inter- In authentic humility, Hezekiah that God was our country’s only hope. across people from countries like Iran, national, which birthed an international prayed and God intervened. In this day of difficulty and chaos, we Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Uganda, Ni- movement known as Somebody Cares, Today the nations are again raging need an appeal to heaven once again. It geria, India and many other regions who a network of organizations impact- and the whole earth groaning. Human starts with us. Moses prayed, “Show me are praying fervently for America be- ing their communities through unified wisdom and ideologies cannot save us. your way.” The prophet Jeremiah, speak- cause they know that if the heart of our grassroots efforts. He began identifying

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday Our institutions have failed us. ing to the people on behalf of God at a nation, which is the Church, is awakened community needs through his work in A wise king named Solomon once time when his nation was facing great then the soul of the nation will be healed the inner-city of Houston, Texas in 1981. 12 said, “Hope deferred makes the heart difficulties, reminded them to call on and they too will become beneficiaries. Prayer in your daily life What prayer is, how to pray, why, when and what to pray about; How prayer can enhance your peace of mind, your business, and your relationships and home and work. Daily exercises to keep your prayer muscles strong

1. If you are an atheist, in your view your own life. of God’s beauty is missing. The image there’s no God to answer prayer, so 5. Every time you hear a police or am- of God is disfigured. That is one more prayer is useless. This may be what you bulance siren, say a swift prayer for those reason why it is so awful to harm another believe, but try something else, as a chal- who may be suffering terribly at that mo- human being. lenge. Every evening say a prayer, asking ment, and ask God to be with them, and The consequence is that each time we God to guide you in what you ought to to be present to you too. Unite your own meet a human being, even an unpleasant do next. This prayer requires no words. life to their suffering. In the suffering of one, we are invited to look more care- Just empty mind and heart for less than Jesus on the cross. All of us, one. fully, to see if we can discern what is a minute. Do this for two weeks, just to 6. When you are impatient, stuck most beautiful somewhere within him By Michael Novak give it a fling. If you hear nothing and waiting in line or in traffic, make the very (though it may need to be drawn out), learn nothing, you will not be surprised. most of this time by recalling God’s pres- that God placed there in love for him, and n my grandparents’ time, life was far So it’s harmless. ence, with gratitude. to render him a (perhaps hidden) image slower, and there were lots of extra 2. In the first moments after getting 7. “Where there is charity and love, of Himself. minutes for living inwardly. Today up, maybe when brushing your teeth, there God is.” All day long, every time This habit makes every human being we begin each day with lists of all the ask God to accept every breath you take you see an act of affection, friendship, that we meet a reflection of God’s radiant varied things we have to accomplish: during the day to come as a prayer. Tell or kindness, let it remind you that God being, worthy of our attention and our pick up Stephen or Emily, take them him you mean every thought and action is all around you. Where there is love, love. Each human encounter also makes A S P EC I A L RE PO R to music practice or sports, do the of the day to be a prayer. Ask him to help there God is. Moreover, love is conta- us aware of the presence of God. “How grocery shopping, get the front two rooms you all through the day to think some- gious. The more of it you throw in the do we know that we love God?” St. John’s Icleaned, do the laundry, get two hours of times of his presence. waters around you, the more caritas will Epistle asks. The test is a simple one. writing done, put dinner on early since 3. Choose another action that comes ripple outwards. Little smiles and little Just saying the words “I love you” is not

Emily has a recital at 7:00. And a lot more just a few moments after that – kissing pats on the back go on and on until they enough. The key is this: “if you have love T P RE than that. your children, or pausing for a quick hug go round the world. Receiving kindness, for one another.” Awareness of being with God, and from your spouse as you part for the day, people tend to pass it on. As Dostoevsky God’s surrounding us, tends to get or perhaps the moment of turning your wrote, there is an invisible current of Michael Novak, winner of the 1994 ARED BYi ng The Wash squeezed out. But how can we give God car keys in the ignition, or looking in “humble charity” circling around this Templeton Prize in Religion, is the au- to others if we do not nourish him within the rear view mirror – say another little planet, moving love from one place to thor of some 45 books, including two our own hearts night and day? prayer. Offer the day to God again. Ask another. novels and one small book of verse. His As in every other area of life, regular him to take care of all of you all through Another exercise is to recall often that latest is Social Justice Isn’t What You exercise makes a huge difference in per- the day. Pray for the needy, those who you are “made in the image of God.” God Think It Is. He is of Roman Catholic formance. After lots of repetition, actions suffer, those who fight for life. Just a fleet- is infinite, and so in order to reflect all the faith and was Ronald Reagan’s ambas-

become second nature. People who have ing thought will do. Just to remind your- facets of his beauty, an infinite number of sador to three human rights sessions in to n T i mes AD practiced them for some time do not self of the immense spiritual struggle humans is needed (so to speak), each to Geneva and one session of the Helsinki need to think about them, they find them- going on all around you. And to attune reflect a fragment of his loveliness. If one Round meetings in Bern in the 1980s. selves doing them for the pleasure of it. your own inner heart to that struggle in of these humans is eliminated, that facet THE WASHINGTON TIMES VO DE P CACY

Thank God He doesn’t answer all our prayers AR T MEN By Eric Metaxas They would only be part of a predict- passionately devoted. So in this scenario, able system that we could manipulate, if we are really treating God like a tool to | ould you believe that only we knew how. It really makes God be used, and we hardly acknowledge him Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 you actually don’t not God, but a “God” or a god whom we any more than we thank the hammer or want God to answer are ultimately able to control through saw. all of your prayers, our efforts, whether via prayer or via If the goal of prayer is really to “get even if they’re all our “moral” actions designed to elicit a the results we want,” we have a strange, incredibly heartfelt favorable response. candy-machine idea of God. It is as prayers? Would you If that is the God in question, we who though we need only to put something believe that a God who did that isn’t the think of ourselves as his devotees are in and we get something back. It’s a kind Wkind of God you’d want to exist if you actually not worshiping him but rather of trade. With this sort of a “God,” there knew what was good for you? Let me try a wished-for and prayed-for outcome, is no doubt that if I do x, then he must to explain what I mean. which is a fulfillment of our desires, do y. In a way, he has no choice in the It’s only logical that if God always whether noble or selfish. It follows that matter. If that’s true, why would there answered our prayers as we wanted we are really quite indifferent to the God be any gratitude on the part of the one him to, those answers to our prayers behind that outcome, if he is there at all. could hardly be considered miraculous. It is the outcome itself to which we are » see METAXAS | C15 13 Prayer in your daily life The odd, compelling richness of daily prayer

As a high school senior, I remember just that. And then life happened. my wish list. No, he is the great I AM. thinking, “If I am going to get down on Fast forward. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The all my knees, share my innermost thoughts This is what I now know. God is real. knowing, all powerful, all loving, Creator and feelings, plead to God to help solve Sometimes life is wonderful and full of God of the Universe! The more I know all the high school craziness in my life, happy surprises. Sometimes the hurt, God, the more my prayer life changes. then I need to know if He is really there, disappointment and pain seem unbear- For me, prayer is now far more than and capable of doing anything about able. He loves me and cares about the a daily ritual. It’s quieting myself as I all of my perceived problems!” Even details of my life. Miracles are real. God approach the throne and enter into His bowing my head to pray before a meal hears and answers every prayer. presence. It’s offering up a grateful heart seemed odd to me. Who am I talking to? Over the years, I have discovered for the many blessings in my life. It’s giv- What on earth did He have to do with that the more I know and experience ing praise and thanksgiving. It’s seeking the plate of food sitting in front of me? God, the richer my prayer life becomes. comfort for a broken heart or a major Through the ministry of the Billy As a young Christian I would present disappointment. It’s asking forgiveness for Graham , I found answers. He God with my daily requests/demands. If the sin in my life. It’s seeking divine guid- explained that Jesus is real, and worthy they were not responded to exactly as I ance and wisdom. Its aligning myself with of our trust. Dr. Graham challenged me had asked, and within a timely man- God’s will for my life. It’s an opportunity By Kay Coles James (and thousands of others that night) ner, I was disappointed, annoyed and to spend time with the God I love, and to give Jesus all rights to my life. He sometimes angry. What good is a God the God who has demonstrated over a rayer is really kind of odd explained that if I took that step of that can’t or won’t give me exactly what lifetime His real and tangible love for me. when you stop to think faith, the God of the Universe, through I want, when I want it? about it. Whether spoken His son Jesus Christ, and with the After a lifetime of reading and study- Kay Coles James is an author and former aloud, or composed in the power of the Holy Spirit, would “take ing the Bible, experiencing Gods’ pres- presidential appointee who also served recesses of your mind, the up residence in my life.” I had no idea ence in my life, and seeing His reflection as Virginia’s Secretary of Health. She premise is that you are at- what that meant or how to accomplish in nature, music and art, my view of God currently serves on corporate boards tempting to communicate it. I just invited Him into my life and has radically changed. He is not Santa and is president of the Gloucester

T ME NT with something or someone outside your- determined to sit back and see what waiting for my prayers to drift up to the Institute, a leadership training cen- AR Pself, outside this world! happened. Almost fifty years ago, I did North Pole so that he can start fulfilling ter for young . CACY DE P VO T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY T P RE INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday 14 Prayer in your daily life Experiencing awe and intimacy with God

me to pray with her every night. No, When Flannery O’Connor, the well depended on the re-ordering of every night. She used an illustration famous Southern writer, was 21 and our loves. To love our success more that crystallized her feelings very well. studying writing in Iowa she sought to than God and our neighbor hardens As we remember it, she said something deepen her prayer life. She had to. the heart, making it less able to feel like this: In 1946 she began keeping a hand- and sense. That, ironically, makes us “Imagine you were diagnosed with written prayer journal. In it she poorer artists. Therefore, because she such a lethal condition that the doctor describes her struggles to be a great was a writer of extraordinary gifts, her told you that you would die within writer. “I want very much to succeed only hope was in the constant soul re- hours unless you took a particular in the world with what I want to do… orientation of prayer. medicine – a pill every night before I am so discouraged about my work…. Yet she believed that with the jour- going to sleep. Imagine that you were Mediocrity is a hard word to apply to nal “I have started on a new phase of told that you could never miss it or you oneself…” These kinds of declarations my spiritual life… the throwing off of would die. Would you forget? Would can be found in the journal of any as- certain adolescent habits and habits of you not get around to it some nights? piring artist, but O’Connor did some- mind. It does not take much to make us No – it would be so crucial that you thing different with these feelings. She realize what fools we are, but the little wouldn’t forget, you would never miss. prayed them. Here she followed a very it takes is long in coming. I see my Well, if we don’t pray together to God, ancient path, as did the Psalmists in ridiculous self by degrees.” O’Connor By Timothy Keller we’re not going to make it because of the Old Testament, who did not merely learned that prayer is not simply the all we are facing. I’m certainly not. We identify, express, and vent their feel- solitary exploration of your own sub- n the second half of my adult life I have to pray, we can’t let it just slip our ings but instead processed them with jectivity. You are with another, and that discovered prayer. I had to. minds.” brutal honesty in the reality of God’s Other is unique. God is the only person In the fall of 1999 I taught a For both of us the penny dropped, presence. Flannery O’Connor wrote in from whom you can hide nothing. Bible study course on the Psalms. we realized the seriousness of the her book A Prayer Journal: Before Him you come to see yourself It became clear to me that I was issue, and we admitted that anything “…effort at artistry in this rather in a new, unique light. This is the most barely scratching the surface that was truly a non-negotiable ne- than thinking of You and feeling in- intense possible relationship between A S P EC I A L RE PO R of what the Bible commanded and cessity was something we could do. spired with the love I wish I had. Dear persons. Prayer therefore leads to a Ipromised regarding prayer. Then came That was over twelve years ago, and God, I cannot love Thee the way I want self-knowledge that is impossible to the dark weeks in New York after 9-11 Kathy and I can’t remember missing a to. You are the slim crescent of a moon achieve any other way. when our whole city sank into a kind single evening, at least by phone, even that I see and my self is the earth’s

of corporate clinical depression, even when we’ve been apart in different shadow that keeps me from seeing all Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Keller, D.Min, is an T P RE as it rallied. For my family the shadow hemispheres. the moon…what I am afraid of, dear American pastor, theologian and Chris- was intensified as my wife Kathy Kathy’s jolting challenge, along God, is that my self shadow will grow tian apologist. He is best known as the struggled with the effects of Crohn’s with the growing conviction that I just so large that it blocks the whole moon, founding pastor of Redeemer Presby- ARED BYi ng The Wash disease and then I was diagnosed with didn’t get prayer, led me into a search. I and that I will judge myself by the terian Church in New York City, New thyroid cancer. wanted a far better personal prayer life. shadow that is nothing. I do not know York, and the author of The New York At one point during all this my wife I began to read widely and experiment You God because I am in the way.” Times bestselling books The Reason urged me to do something with her we in prayer. As I looked around I quickly Here O’Connor recognizes what Au- for God: Belief in an Age of Skepti- had never been able to muster the self- came to see that I was not alone. gustine saw clearly in his own prayer cism, The Prodigal God, and Prayer. discipline to do regularly. She asked “Can’t anyone teach me to pray?” journal, The Confessions – that living to n T i mes AD

and again creates a God who is no God. really just performing rites and deeds then I really and truly can trust him in all

METAXAS This approach is what I’ve previ- and prayers so they can get what they circumstances, which is tremendously THE WASHINGTON TIMES From page C13 ously called “Dead Religion,” which is want. If they felt that those rites or deeds freeing. VO DE P CACY contrasted with what I have called “True or prayers wouldn’t get them what they In fact, I can go one step further than Faith,” where the relationship with God wanted, they would stop doing those trusting him. To use a biblical phrase, I getting what he wants? Hasn’t he earned is central, and the things we get from things. can rejoice in him. But this is only pos-

it by doing his part? If that’s true, he owes him are peripheral. We can think of it So they are not really worshiping the sible if we really do know that God has AR

God nothing, because he did what was this way: If a child really loves her father God they claim to be worshiping. They our best interests at heart at all times. T MEN necessary and now he simply expects and knows he really loves her, she trusts are selfishly worshiping getting what Of course, we have to decide on our what is coming to him. him. When he gives her what she wants, they desire. For them, God is only a own whether we believe that. But if we | In other words, perhaps I say a certain she is happy and grateful. But even when means to that end. If he doesn’t give them come to see that that is true and do allow Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 prayer a certain number of times and he doesn’t give her what she wants, she what they want, they cut him off. Any ourselves to believe it, we are precisely perhaps I forgo this pleasure for a certain knows that he has a reason for not giving parent understands that we don’t want where he created us to be: in his loving period of time, and in return I get what it to her, and not just any reason but a our children to treat us that way. hands. I’m after. It’s a system that allows me to reason that has her ultimate welfare and If we are talking about a loving God, get what I want without the necessity of concerns at heart. So although it might we are talking about a God who asks us Eric Metaxas is a New York Times acknowledging God or having a relation- take some effort, in the end she cannot to trust him, whether we get what we ask #1 bestselling author and nationally ship with God. help but be grateful. If we have that kind for or don’t. But he will never force us to syndicated radio host. The preceding Perhaps the thinking is that God is so of a God in mind, then even when we trust him. That is entirely up to us. We is excerpted from his book, Miracles: rich it’s no big deal for him to give me don’t get what we want or ask for, we have free will and we can accept his love What They Are, How They Happen, what I want, so why should I be grateful? can trust there is wisdom and real love or reject it, or claim it doesn’t exist at all. and How They Can Change Your Life Perhaps I know I am only using God be- toward us in not giving it to us. We can trust him or distrust him as we (2015), now in paperback from Plume. cause I despise him and only want to do There are many people who may talk like. But if he really and truly is the God what I must to get what I want. It puts me about God and prayer and who out- of the Bible, who loves me with an un- and what I want at the center of things wardly look very religious, but they’re changing and self-sacrificial love (agape), 15 www.AmericanPrayerInitiative.org The Mayflower sailed through uncharted waters to an unknown land ~ a land that was claimed “for the glory of God &...the Christian faith” (The Mayflower Compact ~ November 11, 1620) The Story of the American Prayer Initiative A Tribute to Vonette Bright he American Prayer Initiative was are born to unwed mothers – when we know after an intense day of discussion it became clear onette Bright spent a lifetime possible about the very real love of God through borne out of profound concern over that single parenthood is the single biggest that America is in too deep. Without prayer, we believing that prayer is the His Son, Jesus Christ. They owned nothing, and the slide this country has taken – a factor contributing to poverty and dependency don’t have a prayer. It is seriously time for “we the greatest privilege and the greatest yet they wanted for nothing. Their lives are a slide that didn’t “just happen.” For in America. Sixty-four percent of babies born people” to connect with the God of our forefathers, power a person – or a nation testament to the faithful providence of God. R A S P EC I A L RE PO R R decades, powerful secular forces have to women 30 years old and younger are born to most of whom were men of profoundly deep faith. – can have. It was Vonette Bright’s Anyone who had the privilege of praying with Tstrategically and persistently attempted to put a single women. Since 1973, 56 million children A simple prayer movement was born. The quietV and effective work that guided the process Vonette could sense her utter reverence for God. firewall between Americans and their God. have never had the chance to breathe their first women wrote prayers for the country which were of establishing – by law - the National Day of Her comfort in conversation with Him would They scored a ground breaking victory in breath due to the choice of their own mothers. compiled under prayer topics - one prayer topic Prayer on the first Thursday of May. She sensed flow - real, open, direct communication with the the early 60s when a few judges were persuaded that President Reagan might be the last best hope Creator of the Universe. Vonette prayed first of T ME NT Over eighty percent of prisoners in America for every day of the month, repeated each month

AR that “separation of church and state” is a are from fatherless homes, when we know that for a year or longer. According to research, eighty to sign such legislation, and stood by his side as all gratefully, lovingly, in complete trust that the Constitutional principle - when those words are fatherlessness – more than poverty or race – is percent of Christians are unsure how to pray. The he signed the bill into law on May 8, 1988. ear of the Almighty was engaged. Then she got

found nowhere in any of America’s founding the most common factor in predicting criminal American Prayer Initiative serves as a launching Two days before Christmas, Vonette Bright’s right down to taking care of business with the T P RE documents. The ruling resulted in the elimination behavior. One out of every 32 men in America is or pad for the prayers of Americans who want their long and extraordinary life on earth came to a One who can make it happen, never wavering CACY DE P VO

of prayer and the Bible from schools. The book has been incarcerated. Addiction is rampant. Since country to return to God. close. Since 1951, as co-founders of the largest for a split second that He would move if it was in ARED BYington The Wash T i mes AD that was considered to be the Gold Standard the 1960s, graduation rates and average SAT scores The prayers uniquely focus on the founding para-church ministry on earth, Dr. Bill Bright His will to do so. for character development in America since have plummeted. A majority of Americans 30 and principles and constitutional roots of the country, and his wife, Vonette, dedicated their lives to help When Vonette Bright prayed, she transacted the day the Mayflower landed, and a textbook under have a higher opinion of socialism than they asking the Almighty to restore America to His fulfill the through Campus business. And so did God. in American schools until after the turn of the do of free enterprise and capitalism. America is $18 will and ways. Prayers of American presidents Crusade for Christ, now called “Cru.” Over a half Among other things, it is why her name is twentieth century. trillion in debt. are included – prayers that will astonish most million trained volunteers and staff virtually placed on virtually every list of giants of the When we dismissed the Scriptures from our There is a link between the spiritual/moral slide Americans by their open and obvious faith in Jesus cover the globe for the cause of Christ. faith in America. Vonette was a genuine, truly common experience, the spiritual and moral in America and the economic slide. Two-thirds of Christ. The daily prayers can be sent to one’s inbox. Dr. Bright produced “The Jesus Film” which Co-founder, Campus Crusade For Christ gracious, gentle lady with the heart of a lion. underpinnings of the country began to slide. A the national budget is spent on social programs in Secular forces in America have attempted to has been translated into more than 1,300 Founder, National Day Of Prayer Task Force No Pollyanna, to be sure, Vonette was real, with common understanding of the difference between an attempt to sustain the unsustainable. The single rob the country of her faith-based heritage and languages and seen by more people than any wisdom borne of years in prayer and 54-plus

Co-founder, The American Prayer Initiative T HE W T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY

right and wrong has faltered. Self-evident truth is biggest item in the budget is welfare. Government is the genius of her founding principles, which were film in the history of mankind. In 35 years the Author, Speaker years at the side of her late husband, Bill Bright. VO DE P CACY

no longer self-evident. As we have lost touch with incapable of carrying the financial load of a culture borne out of Scripture. If Americans are to reclaim, film has brought more than 200 million souls to The American Prayer Initiative is the last INGTONASH TI MES T P RE God, we have lost touch with the Author of love. spinning out of control. redeem and rebuild the country, it is time to return Christ – averaging one person every 5.5 seconds. Vonette Bright spent a major prayer project of Vonette Bright’s long and The consequences are everywhere. After much prayer, Vonette Bright and Nancy to the One who knows what is best for the people Other ministries initiated by Bill and Vonette faith-filled life. We are blessed – truly blessed AR

Marriage as it has been known since the Schulze gathered several noted women of faith to a and the planet He created. Prayer is the key. The Bright are too numerous to mention. lifetime believing that prayer to have known, learned from and loved a true T ME NT INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON beginning of time, is crumbling as the bedrock meeting in Washington, D.C. to develop a strategy Scriptures are replete with promises that the fervent There was genius in their marriage – a is the greatest privilege and “Godmother of the Faith” in America, and we I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W institution of life in America. The unwed to help turn the tide in America. There was enough prayers of righteous men and women avail much. synergism borne out of their total commitment have been honored to co-labor with Vonette in |


the greatest power a person Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 birthrate was less than five percent in the 1960s. feminine firepower in the room to initiate just about Do we have two minutes in a day to pray for our to God, to each other, and to a purpose greater the creation of the American Prayer Initiative. In America today, forty-two percent of all babies any kind of movement they set their minds to, but country? He will respond. than themselves – telling as many people as – or a nation – can have.

★★★★★★★★American Prayer Initiative Founders ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★American Prayer Initiative Founders ★★★★★★★★

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday Vonette Bright Nancy Schulze Shirley Dobson Penny Nance Kay Coles James Janet Parshall Anita Staver Katherine Bright Rebecca Hagelin Devi Titus Brenda Josee Marilyn Musgrave Susan Allen Dee Jepsen Vicki Tiahrt Beverly Tauke Mariam Bell Jennifer Kemp Andrews 16 17 Prayer in your daily life Prayer in the times of mountain tops and valleys

life. The most jarring personal low point People wanted to come together as a com- councils of this honorable assembly; enable since the death of my mentor when I was 19 munity and pray for the victims, their them to settle things on the best and surest years old came earlier this year – the tragic families and our beloved state. Members foundation.” massacre at Emanuel AME in Charleston. of Congress, from both sides of the aisle, As we continue on that journey to build That June night, churchgoers were staff, South Carolinians and those who a better nation, I am constantly touched murdered in cold blood by a young man had Charleston on their minds and in their when a family or group will ask if they whose heart was filled with hate. This un- hearts, paused to weep with and pray for us. can pray for me. It is always a humbling imaginable act took the lives of nine men Because of the nine families and their moment, because with all of life’s issues, By Tim Scott and women, each mothers, fathers, sisters, strength, we saw our state come together they ask to pause to pray for me. And when brothers, sons, daughters and friends. The perhaps as never before – with faith serv- they ask me if I have any special requests, can still remember the day that I fully Emanuel 9 are now forever etched into our ing as the glue. I knew then, that with the nine out of ten times, I ask them to pray for gave my life to Jesus Christ. It was on state’s history, and we continue to mourn power of prayer and the inspiration given wisdom. I believe that remains the most September 22, 1983. I had just turned for them and the future they all should to us by the families, that our city and state important thing anyone can put on their 18 and was attending a Fellowship of have had. would work every single day to replace hate prayer list for public servants at all levels. Christian Athletes meeting at Pres- But even in the midst of that dark time, with love, pain with kindness, and hostility With wisdom from God, we can continue byterian College. That day one of my we saw nine families, still reeling from with good will. to bring people together, address the major teammates – JR – held an altar call. grief and pain, show us the true power of And as I returned to Washington, I felt issues facing America and ensure our great Something was different. I went down, got faith. During the bond hearing for the man the love and support of my colleagues, who country remains a city on a hill. That should Ion my knees and prayed. I told God about who was accused of murdering their loved shared that Charleston was a part of their be all our prayers. my greatest need. I needed for him to love ones, they shared three simple words: “we prayer lists and morning devotionals. This me unconditionally, accept me and guide forgive you.” They stood in that courtroom reinforced to me that, as we debate impor- Senator Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott)

T ME NT me the way a father does. and displayed for the world the absolute tant issues that determine the future of our is South Carolina’s junior Senator. He cur- AR I know in my heart that something spe- best of who we are as Americans. Upon nation, prayer is a powerful North Star in rently serves on the Finance Committee; cial happened during that prayer. When I watching this, I immediately thought of Congress. In fact, in my Washington office Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions stood up, I had found my heavenly father. the Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6, which states hangs a print depicting the first prayer in (HELP) Committee; Banking, Housing, From that day forward, the importance of in part “and forgive us our trespasses, as Congress. It reminds me that prayer is one and Urban Affairs Committee; Small Busi-

CACY DE P VO prayer has become clearer for me and the we forgive those who trespass against us.” of the important foundations that helps ness and Entrepreneurship Committee; results even more powerful. The day after the shootings, I was me work on behalf our fellow Americans. and the Special Committee on Aging. He Prayer, that simple ongoing conversa- also heartened to see the outpouring of I think of that first prayer, and one of the is also a longtime member of Seacoast tion with our heavenly Father, has led support from folks around Washington as things they prayed for was that “Be Thou Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina me through the mountains and valleys of part of a prayer vigil on the Capitol grounds. present, O God of wisdom, and direct the and a former member of the church board. Calling America to prayer T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY so blessed spiral into such degradation? family is struggling just to be classified group. This call to pray is for every man, Could it be that it all began when we as a family. There is such a ploy being woman ,and child. It is for every church. T P RE started pleasing people and ourselves carried out by very determined group God’s Word: “My Father’s house shall be a instead of pleasing God? of people pleasers and self-pleasers to house of prayer.” For every Christian and In 1963 one woman took prayer out do away with the family altogether. The Jew, “All people everywhere shall pray.”

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON of the schools, without too many com- spiritual impact on America has been Not only will He heal the Land, but He plaints. Then we entered the season of devastating on young and old alike. will heal you and give you new life. The “if it feels good, do it!” Commitment All the above are very minor com- greatest gift you will ever receive is to I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| was replaced with “I need my space.” pared to the horrors that are taking place know how much you are loved by Jesus Then sleepovers after the second date today. The ones listed above were simple Christ, and to experience the healing became commonplace which produced things that turned us away from God and power of having been forgiven, and to voracious sexually transmitted diseases started the people-pleasing era. Oh God know that you are an important partici- By Joy Lamb and unwanted pregnancies, the latter forgive us! Give us back our land, and pant in God’s plan for healing America. fostering the ultimate abortion act which help us to become God pleasers. It’s the Christmas season. Open your This nation is presently in a situation has caused an ongoing holocaust for the The Lord tells us, “If My people who gift. in which nothing but prayer can bring unborn. are called by My name will humble them- restoration. No law, no ordinance, no bill, Sunday church worship has been re- selves and pray, and seek My face, and Joy Lamb is the author of The Sword of no executive order, no presidential candi- placed with Sunday sports worship. turn from their wicked ways, then I will the Spirit, the Word of God: A Hand- date, no speech, no sermon – nothing can Remember Sundays when all the hear from heaven and I will forgive their book for Praying God’s Word. To order accomplish the task. stores were closed and one had a moment sin and I will heal their land.” this helpful book, please visit www.

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday Prayer, and only prayer will accom- to catch one’s breath? Remember when This call to prayer is not just for a theswordofthespiritbook.com. plish the healing of America. the family sat around the table and actu- handful of dedicated praying people in 18 How could a country that was once ally conversed with each other? Today the the corner of the church, or in a prayer Prayer in your daily life Go from prayer wimp to audacious prayers

God and his child. My friend, he wants to simple: “Come and talk with me, O my In 2008 he assumed the role as presi- talk with you. Even now, as you read these people” (Ps. 27:8). dent of Pioneer Bible Translators. The words, he taps at the door. Open it. Wel- We abide with him, and he abides with great recession was sucking dollars out come him in. Let the conversation begin. us. He grants wisdom as we need it. of the economy and confidence out of Prayer really is that simple. Resist the the public. The ministry’s financial chart urge to complicate it. Don’t take pride in indicated a free fall toward insolvency. well-crafted prayers. Don’t apologize for Greg had no experience in leading such an incoherent prayers. No games. No cover- But God doesn’t. He will organization, and he had no tangible place ups. Just be honest – honest to God. Tell help us in our trials and to cut expenses. Resources were few, and him everything that’s on your heart. Your give us wisdom along the the donors were disappearing. worries, your fears, your unfixable fixes. Greg knew of only one response: But here’s the thing about prayer. If it way. But we must regularly prayer. He says, “That’s when I began to depends on how I pray, I’m sunk. But if consult him. In everything. learn not to pray about my strategies, but the power of prayer depends on the One to make prayer the strategy.” He called who hears the prayer, then I have hope. I once tried giving my wife, Denalyn, on his board members to pray boldly and And if the power of prayer comes from this level of guidance. We were using the specifically. the One who hears it, then I don’t have to GPS on my smartphone to locate a par- And the next year he described the By Max Lucado be timid. ticular destination. Denalyn was driving, result. “When I saw the end-of-the-year You heard me right. Our prayers and I was reading the map. Just for the fun report, I knew God had heard our prayers. ou’d think as a pastor for shouldn’t be bashful or half-hearted. They of it, I muted the volume on the voice and I searched in vain for a tangible explana- more than 30 years, I’d have should be bold. told her that I would share the direction at tion. I wanted to find trends to explain prayer down. Boldness in prayer is an uncomfortable the moment she needed it, not before. how it worked, so we could do it again. How hard can it be? thought for many. We think of speaking She did not like that plan. She wanted I never could . . . I just know [God] pro- I have friends who excel softly to God, humbling ourselves before to know the entire itinerary at once. She vided. All I had was God and prayer.” in prayer. They inhale God, or having a chat with God… but ago- preferred to have all the information Maybe God and prayer are all you have A S P EC I A L RE PO R heaven and exhale God. nizing before God? Storming heaven with rather than bits and pieces of it. too. Discouragement, deception, defeat, They would rather pray than sleep. I sleep prayers? Wrestling with God? Isn’t such But I insisted. I told her, “This is good destruction, death. They roar into your whenY I should pray. They belong to the prayer irreverent? Presumptuous? spiritual training. God works this way.” world like a Hells Angels motorcycle gang. PGA: Prayer Giants Association. It would be had God not invited us “But you’re not God.” Don’t give an inch. Respond in prayer –

Not me. I’m a card-carrying member of to pray as such. “So let us come boldly Good point. I told her the entire honest, continual, and audacious prayer. T P RE the PWA: Prayer Wimps Anonymous. to the very throne of God and stay there itinerary. There’s power in even the simplest Hello, my name is Max. I’m a recover- to receive his mercy and to find to But God doesn’t. He will help us in our prayer. So if you’re looking for a seat at the ing prayer wimp. help us in our times of need” (Hebrews trials and give us wisdom along the way. next Prayer Wimps Anonymous meet- ARED BYi ng The Wash It’s true. I doze off when I pray. My 4:16 tlb). But we must regularly consult him. In ing, you might find one next to this Texas thoughts zig, then zag, then zig again. If So how do we go from prayer wimps to everything. His word is a “lamp unto [our] preacher. I’ll be there, and I’ll be asking attention deficit disorder applies to prayer, audacious prayers like that? feet” (Psalm 119:105), not a spotlight into God for great things. I am afflicted. When I pray, I think of a We start by consulting God in every- the future. He gives enough light to take thousand things I need to do, and I forget thing. Always. Immediately. Quickly. Live the next step. Pastor Max Lucado is a bestselling the one thing I set out to do: pray. with one ear toward heaven. Keep the line Once we’re living like that, we’ll more author of more than 32 books, includ-

Sure. We all pray… some… open to God. easily call on God for great things. ing Glory Days: Living Your Promised to n T i mes AD But wouldn’t we like to pray… More? At every decision. At each crossroads. That’s what my friend Greg Pruett Land Life Now and Before Amen: The Better? Acknowledge him, heed him, ask him, “Do does. He is trained as an engineer, linguist, Power of a Simple Prayer. He serves the Prayer is not a privilege for the pious, I turn right or left?” and Bible translator. But his most signifi- people of Oak Hills Church in San An-

not the art of a chosen few. Prayer is A relationship with God is exactly that, cant contribution might be in the area of tonio, Texas. (www.MaxLucado.com) THE WASHINGTON TIMES simply a heartfelt conversation between a relationship. His invitation is clear and “extreme prayer.” VO DE P CACY AR A wild ride with Jesus as chairman of the board T MEN | By Art Ally I projected that I needed to raise $1 week before I began raising the capital to Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 million in capital to fund this project inform me that their board had met and Although prayer has been an impor- so I made a list of 50 Christian investor decided they could not manage our fund tant part of my life for the past 40-plus friends that could have easily invested as it might offend some of their other years of my career in the world of invest- $50,000 each but, to my surprise, only clients. Just fifteen minutes after receiv- ments, it wasn’t until the Lord prompted three of them chose to invest. Bottom ing that call a friend, out of the clear me to launch a biblically responsible line: the Lord knew who He wanted to blue, who had just joined another money mutual fund dedicated to His principles invest – I only thought I knew – so He management firm stopped in my office (i.e. avoid investing in companies that led me to the remaining investors, most to introduce me to his new firm. After are pursuing an unholy agenda through of whom I didn’t know. some fast due diligence, they became their involvement and support of things We had a verbal agreement with our our initial money manager. like abortion, pornography, active pro- initial money management firm that Next, even though my pro-forma motion of non-traditional married life- they would manage our initial fund, so I projections were fairly accurate, our fund styles, etc.) that my prayer life became had their name imbedded in our Offer- intense. ing Memorandum. They called me the » see ALLY | C20 19 Prayer in your daily life Millions of words but only one prayer: St. Thomas Aquinas brilliant mind to consider his life’s work of prayer in Aquinas’ life occurred on De- Why did Aquinas call them “straw?” so little value? cember 6, 1273, the feast day of St. Nicho- Here we might ask, “Where does straw Each morning, Aquinas began his day las, just months before his death. While at figure most prominently in the Christian with a humble prayer, “For Ordering a Life prayer – strangely enough, in the Chapel imagination?” Evidently enough, in the Wisely.” The prayer expresses Aquinas’ of St. Nicholas – he received a mystical Nativity of the child Jesus. Straw is found sincere desire to increase in his knowl- vision of God. lining the manger, where the infant lays edge of God and to do all things in His After this vision, Aquinas carried out His head. service: his final days as one separated from his While Aquinas himself never ex- Put my life in good order, O my God. beloved. To experience God in that tan- plained his words, I think the Nativity Grant that I may know what You require gible way, through prayer, and then to re- offers a fitting and fruitful way to interpret By Lee M. Cole turn to the daily task of writing about Him their meaning. It is perhaps no mere through the feeble instruments of reason coincidence that setting the manger scene t. Thomas Aquinas possessed But the most powerful and words was too much for Aquinas. at Christmas, taken for granted today, intellectual gifts that were moment of prayer in While he did not stop writing altogether, became popular during Aquinas’ lifetime. exceptional for his time, or, he did set aside his major projects, first With this in mind, his writings and studies for that matter, any time Aquinas’ life occurred and foremost, the Summa Theologiae. were deemed straw – not to be discarded in history. His intellectual on December 6, 1273, The work with which he remains so fa- – but to be placed in the manger to receive prowess and output were the feast day of St. mously associated, was left unfinished. the presence of the incarnate God. prodigious, evidenced by the Nicholas, just months Aquinas centered his whole life on Aquinas’ writings and prayers reveal a more than eight million words he wrote before his death. While studying and knowing God. His prayer life man who seeks to know God in order to Sduring the course of his life. and his theological life were the very same love Him all the more deeply. His work synthesizes pagan philoso- at prayer – strangely life – both were ordered toward commu- And when, through prayer, Aquinas phy, Jewish and Islamic reflections upon enough, in the Chapel of nion with God. Alongside the image of finds his heart’s desire by experiencing T ME NT God, and, most centrally, the Christian un- Aquinas the scholar, then, we must place God in a mystical vision, all his work, all

AR St. Nicholas – he received derstanding of both God and nature. That Aquinas the lover of God, who fervently his eight million words, are judged to be Aquinas could see their points of conver- a mystical vision of God. desired to know Him more and more. straw – straw laid down to prepare for the gence was a testament to the depth of his It is in this context that we must un- reception of Christ. Such is the presence own knowledge and to his penetrating me to do. May any joy without You be derstand the words of Aquinas. For it is and power of God.

CACY DE P VO insight into the natural world, the human burdensome for me, and may I not desire immediately after his mystical vision that being, and especially God – who stood at anything else besides You. May all work, he confided in his colleague and secretary, Dr. Lee Cole is an assistant professor of the center of these conversations. Aquinas O Lord, delight me when done for Your “All that I have written seems to me as philosophy at Hillsdale College in Hills- possessed a mastery of the whole that has sake, and may all repose not centered in st raw.” dale, Michigan. This essay derives from perhaps been equaled, but has likely not You be ever wearisome for me. How incredible! Aquinas judged that it his interview with Hugh Hewitt, and the been surpassed. As a Dominican , Aquinas spent was prayer – and especially this personal detailed transcripts are available online: And yet, near the end of his life, St. hours in prayer each day. He was often revelation received while in prayer – that http://www.hughhewitt.com/dr-larry- Thomas laid down his pen and described observed weeping while praying or dur- made his studies and writings seem “as arnn-professor-lee-cole-conclude-series- all of the words he had written – all eight ing Mass, especially during the sacrament straw.” While this image of straw might thomas-aquinas/ million of them – as nothing but “straw.” of the Eucharist. suggest a renunciation of all his life’s work, What would drive such a fertile and But the most powerful moment of let’s think more deeply about his words. T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY

Exchange Commission chose to audit us it became clear that we needed to add managers agreed to our terms that they T P RE ALLY three times during our first two years – additional funds for investors to achieve understood who our real Chairman From page C19 something unheard of in our industry. adequate asset diversification so we actually was. As a result, I am pleased to The first two times the auditors really engaged a team of institutional consul- report that all of our funds are managed

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON did not like our mission and principles tants to help us locate top-tier money by firms that are best-of-class in their did not grow as I had projected so we (to say the least) and would have loved managers for our new funds. various asset categories. ran out of capital in 18 months which to shut us down. Although we diligently Although these consultants were Twenty-two years ago, the pun- I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| resulted in the lowest point of my life. followed their rules and regulations, you believers, they didn’t think it possible dits said this (moral screening of our Those investor partners trusted me with have to maintain adequate net capital to for any top-tier money management investments) couldn’t be done and still $1 million and it was gone! Well, I went stay in business. Actually, they probably firm to agree to manage a fund for us. achieve respectable returns. Well, with back to them and they agreed to invest could have shut us down but the Lord After all, we started each new fund with almost a billion invested in 13 mutual an additional $500,000. Trouble was, wouldn’t let them. zero assets (most managers had high funds, success speaks for itself. We are we still didn’t grow fast enough for the After running out of capital the initial minimums), we restricted the still here, and we have only our Chair- revenue to cover expenses so we ran fourth time, I guess the Lord finally companies in which they could invest man to blame! Although He may, and out of money again – in fact, we ran out decided He could trust us so our share- due to our moral screening research, usually does, jam us through keyholes of money three more times. Each time holder assets began to grow to the point and we had a fee schedule well below along the way, don’t try to tell me that at the eleventh hour, the Lord brought that we became profitable. their absolute minimums for their larg- prayer doesn’t work. someone across my path – someone I I could go on and on about the est clients. Well, I asked them to humor had no way of knowing – who asked if number of times our Chairman (Jesus me and conduct the search anyway. Art Ally is Founder and President of the

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday they could invest in our partnership. Christ) intervened on our behalf, but I They agreed and, even though they were Timothy Plan Family of Mutual Funds 20 During this time, the Securities and will share just one more. As we grew, believers, it wasn’t until the various Prayer in your daily life The power of prayer in America’s future

while clinging to their faith, not knowing changes people so that people can change achieved without the power of prayer in their fate or where it would ultimately things!” Prayer forged America, prayer our daily and corporate lives. Prayer tran- lead them. Only God knew and only in has sustained America through turbulent scends religion, race and ethnicity, socio- God did they trust. and tumultuous times and prayer must economic and geo-political backgrounds. A determined people had reached the remain an integral and indispensable part It is a universal language that bespeaks inevitable conclusion that “enough was of America’s future if she is to continue to our relationship and attitude toward God enough!” If things were to change, they lead the world in this providential age. and a divine, spiritual conversation that had no other choice but to take matters we have with our Creator that links us not into their own hands by becoming “the only to our maker but to one another. masters of their fate and the captains of Prayer reveals and America’s future rests in embracing the their souls.” unlocks the secrets of power of prayer. Prayer can break down What possibly could have been the the resistance within all of us to stop lim- driving force that fanned into a flame, God’s Providence in our iting the role that each one of us plays in their burning passion to take destiny into modern world. What is securing the well-being and healing of our their own hands by way of a concerted ef- this providential age? It nation and world. If the power of prayer fort to make one out of many? The found- served as an instrument in the creation ing fathers could not have done it based is an era when the Will of of so great a nation, then what can prayer By George Augustus Stallings, Jr. solely on their own strength or inner God reigns in the hearts facilitate in ensuring that a people assume resolve. There had to have been some of all humankind. It is a its rightful position in securing America’s other power above and beyond them, yet time that ushers in an future? merica, a nation conceived also within them, that was a determining If not now, then when? If not you, then in liberty and justice, was factor in propelling them toward their epoch free of tyranny, who? Yes, you and I can change the course built on the foundation of quest for independence. threat and thievery. of a nation and the world through the Judeo-Christian principles It was the power of prayer that led, power of prayer. Let us continue that uni- A S P EC I A L RE PO R that, to this day, serve as drove and motivated men of faith, in the Prayer reveals and unlocks the secrets versal conversation with our Creator as guiding lights in our na- crucible of their struggle, to give birth to of God’s Providence in our modern world. we strive toward unity with one another. tion’s hope for tomorrow. the incarnation of God’s Providence for What is this providential age? It is an era Prayer can change people who, then, Our founding fathers were men of deep this nation. Otherwise, how could they when the Will of God reigns in the hearts can change the world. andA abiding faith who understood God’s have withstood the vicious onslaught of a of all humankind. It is a time that ushers T P RE providential course in forging a nascent na- mighty British Army that was dead set on in an epoch free of tyranny, threat and Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, tion out of dangling and disjointed colonies. silencing and annihilating anything and thievery. It is a period when a world is no Jr. is the founder and of Imani In their growing dissatisfaction over anyone that stood in the way of usurping longer held hostage or lives under the fear Temple African-American Catholic Con- ARED BYi ng The Wash England’s tightfisted control and unyield- and overthrowing the crown’s sovereign of ISIS, DASH or other terrorist regimes. gregation, in Suitland, Maryland. He also ing monopoly over their lives in local rule? You cannot destroy a mighty world It is an age when we come to understand serves as the national co-chairman of governmental affairs, coupled with an power with guns and bayonets alone. and appreciate what it means to live as the American Clergy Leadership Confer- unquenchable thirst for independence, There is an adage that says: “prayer brothers and sisters, one family under ence, headquartered in New York City. a band of God-fearing men coalesced changes things.” Let’s take it one step fur- God, rather than perish together as fools. clandestinely under the cover of darkness, ther: “Prayer not only changes things but None of these noble aspirations can be to n T i mes AD THE WASHINGTON TIMES

Prayer is life’s ultimate ‘app’ VO DE P CACY

Self-made men tend to worship in vain at to reach our destinations stress-free. I are involved in the restoration of weekly the altar of their creator. Access to a “higher navigational system” worship services for Congress in the U.S.

For the rest of us mere co-dependent provides confidence to go places never Capitol Building, following a 144-year AR

mortals, directions are indispensable dreamed of before. Just listen and follow absence. T MEN ingredients for success. Nowadays directions. Our journey began one Wednes- following directions has become so Prayer is definitely about listen- day evening in rural East Texas. Our small | much easier. Thanks to my GPS “app,” ing. When in prayer one should be Bridlewood congregation, which we Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 I can readily arrive at my destination more in tune to hearing from God than started two years before in a cattle-sale via the quickest route, on time every talking to God. barn, was praying for America. I closed time. How did I ever make it with those Prayer is putting ourselves in the op- the vespers with a simple request. “Lord,” clumsy hard-to-fold-back-to-their-origi- timal place to receive godly directions. I prayed, “if there’s any way for this small nal-form printed maps? While in my cell phone provider’s country church to become a blessing to With a touch of my fingertip, a wom- service area, I have all the needed signal. our nation, open a door for us.” I was By Dan Cummins an’s voice points the way. She guides Out of range, I can no longer hear that quite surprised when two years later, that me turn by turn through traffic delays, indispensable voice saying “in 500 feet, metaphorical door turned out to be the “Carefully read and follow directions.” around accidents and by the quickest turn right.” The closer one follows God, actual door to Washington. In two short However, self-made men follow their route possible. I just listen and follow her the fewer U-turns will be required! years, God directed us from a store- own directives. “Damn the torpedoes, commands. Miraculous! Without His grace and daily direc- front church to the Capitol. Prayer is full speed ahead!” Reading the manual In the same way, prayer is a miracu- tions, I could have never arrived at my the only explanation. The destination was is sound advice that real men seldom lous little “app” downloadable to pro- current destination – a historic place of heed because “directions are for wimps!” gram our daily lives, making it possible ministry in the nation’s capital. JoAnn and » see CUMMINS | C22 21 Prayer in your daily life Talking with the spirit of God Spiritual laws in a physical world

and blessings. God loves it when those miracles. Prayer can change a situation. creations around you. Thank Him. He has created gather together to pray to Prayer with faith can move a moun- Him. tain. “Faith the size of a mustard seed Miracles from Prayer Through prayer we gain understanding is sufficient,” Jesus said. The answer for A book I read recently by Suzie of these spiritual truths: soldiers, police officers, servants of man Federer, Miracles in American History, That God exists and loves us. That or troubled youth is prayer. Prayer and talks about George Washington, who God has a plan for each of us. It is prayer faith can save that officer, that soldier, that constantly prayed and ordered his troops to God that leads us back to Him when child in this imperfect world. Prayer can and citizens to pray and fast. Washing- sin has separated us from Him. Through save a life. ton prayed often, as our military should. prayer, we can talk to God, receive When we pray, we receive miracles and miracles, answers, blessings and forgive- Physical and Spiritual Laws guidance. ness (Jesus Christ is a symbol of God’s for- Why God created this world for us Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin writes in giveness). Constant prayer keeps us close is beyond our comprehension. Physics “Black Hawk Down” that God loves a to God and elevates our spiritual level. or physical law, as well as time and the soldier. He loves and provides miracles At the highest of these spiritual levels are universe, are gifts God gives us to help us for them. Mr. Boykin can certainly tell you God, miracles, and angels. understand and define our planet Earth. about prayers and miracles. His helicopter We live in a physical body, but it contains received 46 bullets! In Mogadishu, he was By William Ames Curtright God’s Holy Spirit God’s Spirit through Christ. God creates shot with a .50 caliber bullet and survived. When Jesus died, His Holy Spirit came life. Only He can create it. Thus, we pray As a pilot in Vietnam and in the bush, ould you like to to those who believed in Him. In the for guidance and understanding. I remember a few times when I asked my have a two-way beginning, before all time, God the Father, instructor to take over and a few times conversation with Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit were How Should We Pray? when I asked God to take over. God gives God? We talk with present in perfection and joyfully alone In order to talk to God, we must ask us free choice, so when we pray, we give

T ME NT our voice, God in the (Ephesians 1:4-5; 2 Timothy; that He be present with us. Our attempts Him permission to take the controls. AR talks with blessings John 17:24). Before the universe was cre- to communicate with God must be with “Lord,” we might say, “Take over, I cannot of the Holy Spirit. ated, we know that Jesus was with God in humility and submission while asking for do it anymore.” God then steps in. Extraor- To learn about how to communicate all the glory given Him “before the world God’s guidance and help. dinary events begin here. with God, we have the Bible and God’s was.” (John 1:1 and John 17:5). When his disciples asked, “Father, I can tell you. I have been there.

CACY DE P VO W Holy Spirit to call upon. To talk to God, On earth God’s Holy Spirit is a bless- Teacher, how shall we pray?” Jesus replied, we have to talk in the language of God, ing; a gift that can be tapped into. We can “Our Father, Who art in heaven” (by call- Dr. William Ames Curtright, DBA, founded which is the Holy Spirit. pray, “God, through your Holy Spirit, help ing His name) “Hallowed be Thy name,” “Gathering of the Eagles,” which annually With prayer we are talking in His me and guide me!” That is the power of (tell God how great He is, praise Him) hosts the West Coast’s largest assembly language. From the Bible we gain His prayer; it is a direct line to God through “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,” (a (over 50 groups) of Tea Party, Conserva- wisdom. First John 2:20 tells us, “You have His Holy Spirit. When man talks about call for help and guidance) “on earth as it tive Republican and liberty-minded people unction (divine wisdom) from the Holy God, praises God, and prays and sings to is in Heaven” (this is a call to make earth (www.gatheringoftheeagles.com). He is also One and know all things.” In John 17:5, God, miraculous and wonderful things like it is in heaven). CEO of Ames Research Labs and an ac- Jesus says, “And now Father, glorify me happen. God has always been there to When we pray, God loves us and takes complished bush pilot. A Vietnam veteran with yourself with the glory which I had guide and comfort us as we walk through us back, over and over. Jeremiah 24:7 “I and three-time candidate for Oregon gov- with you before the world was.” life. will give them a heart to know Me, for ernor, he is a descendant of the Ames fam- Prayer brings us back to God. It is also I am the LORD; and they will be My ily of Massachusetts. Many of his family Prayer Can Heal

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY the way we acknowledge that we are not people, and I will be their God, for they helped start our nation. Dr. Ames helped God, but a conduit to God. Prayer is call- Can prayer heal? The answer is “yes!” will return to Me with their whole heart.” establish and fund the Ames Shovel Ar- ing on a responsive Holy Spirit for help Prayer and faith can heal and create Enjoy and praise Him and His chives and Museum at Stonehill College. T P RE

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON first step is the most important. We began miraculous events in 2012, we approached Prayer changes things. It changes lives, it CUMMINS by organizing prayer rallies in East Texas House Speaker John Boehner to hold changes families, it changes churches, and communities asking people to “come a service in Statuary Hall commemo- it changes nations. Prayer shapes history. I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W From page C21

| pray with me.” That’s what we called our rating the first inaugural of President Never underestimate the power of your events – “Come Pray with Me.” To our George Washington, something no private prayer. When you pray, heaven is moved, pre-programmed in the download, but we amazement, a thousand people would citizen had ever done. Our request was and things on earth begin to move. had to follow directions. show up to pray for America. We had miraculously granted. “Despise not the day of small begin- Our prayers had opened the app, and made the right turn! Five years later, “Washington A Man of nings.” If God can use a country preacher we then entered our desired destination Next, we joined the mobilization team Prayer 2016” will again be televised glob- from East Texas, He can use anyone. You – an open door to bless America. When I of then Texas Governor Rick Perry’s “The ally over satellite and streamed on the just have to activate your app and faith- said, “amen,” it activated His turn-by-turn Response USA” in Houston’s Reliant Sta- internet to over 700 million homes. From fully follow His directions. And soon, you navigational system. It wasn’t long before dium in the summer of 2011. JoAnn and I this annual event, we now hold “The too will hear, “You have arrived at your we heard a familiar voice say, “in 500 were put in charge of front-gate activities. Jefferson Gathering” – a weekly Christian destination.” feet, turn right.” All we had do then was Another right turn! worship service for members of Congress choose to obey. Were we ever surprised Then came the big turn, the unex- literally in the Capitol Building. Rev. Dan Cummins is convening pas-

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday with the outcome! pected turn, the final turn to our desired People often ask, “Pastor, what can tor of “The Jefferson Gathering” and You’ve heard that “a journey of a thou- destination – an open door to bless I do? I’m just one person. All I can do co-founder with his wife JoAnn, of 22 sand miles begins with one step.” The the nation. Through another series of is pray.” That’s right! You can pray! “Washington A Man of Prayer.” Prayer in your daily life Save your (#hashtag) good thoughts — pray!

invade my world and yours, as it did most external things and control outcomes in about someone else, right? Is it lazy if recently in Paris, prayer pulls people another’s life? you’re actually moving your fingers to together, asks hard questions to the only An absence of faith – If you’re a Chris- comment on a Facebook post? Well, one who has the answers, and comforts tian but respond to others with “good it’s certainly easier to have a passing the soul. thoughts” rather than prayer, you have moment of silence to comfort your Prayer makes sense because prayer become what Pastor Craig Groeschel conscience with how humanitarian makes a difference. calls a “practical atheist.” You claim to and compassionate you are than it is to Despite the overwhelming benefits of have faith in God, but do not live it out in persistently and earnestly talk with God this opportunity in our lives, I’ve noticed your everyday life. Mark Batterson writes about your friend. All the good inten- an increasingly popular, ever growing in his New York Times best-selling book tions, warm fuzzies, and good thoughts trend on social media that sounds good The Circle Maker that “Our biggest prob- you generate, while maintaining your on the surface but is actually quite empty lem is our small view of God. That is the usual schedule hasn’t helped one person and powerless. cause of all lesser evils. And it’s a high nor will it ever. Interrupt your routine I know you’ve seen it – someone going view of God that is the solution to all and take real action. Seek God. Pray! through a hard time will request love, other problems. Bold prayers honor God, The greatest tragedy in life is the help, and support, then a person con- and God honors bold prayers. God isn’t prayers that go unanswered because they nected to them will say, “Sending good offended by your biggest dreams or bold- go unasked. By Jason Bentley thoughts/vibes your way…” est prayers. He is offended by anything “Pray for each other so that you Say what!?!? What are your “good less. If your prayers aren’t impossible to may be healed. The earnest prayer of a od speaks to those who thoughts” going to do for me? How will you, they are insulting to God.” righteous person has great power and take time to listen, and He that fleeting moment of empathy or good A tragic misunderstanding – If your produces wonderful results (James 5:16.)” listens to those who take will registering on your brain wave make view of prayer is obligatory, meaningless, What do you need to start praying time to pray. Think about any kind of difference? Want to really ritualistic mental energy, no wonder you about? the privilege of prayer. It’s love, help, and support me? PRAY. want to respond in a manner that is just A S P EC I A L RE PO R a friendship with benefits. Sending #GoodThoughts might be as ineffective. However, if you under- Rev. Jason Bentley is lead pastor, along Jesus invites me to spend trending but it highlights four things: stand prayer as (1) building and enjoying with his wife Alejandra Bentley, of the time with Him whenever I want, while A humanistic view – It elevates us, the a relationship with God and (2) the way multicultural, non-denominational Gsincerely caring about everything I face, created, to the god-like status of Creator. to engage Him for guidance, miracles, HighPoint Church in Kent, Washington.

feel, and fear. The best part is that the Why turn to God and call on Him when transformation, and more – then nothing He is a featured speaker for the Ameri- T P RE more I talk with Jesus, the more like Him my “good thoughts” have just as much will keep you from it! can Clergy Leadership Conference. I become. power as He does? Do you really believe A shallow, self-centered life – It can’t Furthermore, when tragedy and chaos that it is in your power to influence be self-centered if you’re briefly thinking ARED BYi ng The Wash No surprise — we pray when we’re in trouble to n T i mes AD profound that Jesus Christ himself found deliverance in moments of distress. But it will be opened” (Matthew 5:7-8). it necessary to pray. that kind of praying must be predicated It should be stated that this is not a Numerous studies have shown the on another kind of prayer: prayer for our carte blanche request for our material

benefits of prayer. According to research, own spiritual lives. If we wait until we desires and pleasures. Instead, it shows THE WASHINGTON TIMES

prayer helps people heal faster, live are in trouble to pray, we have waited too us how to pray for the character of the VO DE P CACY happier and have overall healthier lives. long. We must not view prayer as a last kingdom in our lives. This kind of praying Although studies such as this have been resort but as our first defense. is powerful. done as recently as this year, prayer re- In Matthew 5-7, Jesus taught his disci- Again, there is nothing wrong with

mains an exercise ignored among the lives ples about fasting, enduring persecution, praying when you have lost your job, AR

of many Christians. This is not to say that the sacredness of marriage, loving our or your kids have rebelled, your car has T MEN Christians do not pray, but it is to say that enemies, avoiding hypocrisy and wrongly broken down or you’re worried about the we do not pray enough, and when we do judging others, just to name a few. election. But those prayers will have more | pray, our prayers are often misdirected. After hearing these demands that are weight if you focus on this first principle Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 As a pastor I have seen this firsthand. placed upon a citizen of the kingdom, the of prayer: “But seek first the kingdom of Following 9/11, many of the churches in disciples must have felt like the Apostle God and His righteousness, and all these communities all across America were full Paul when he said to the Corinthians, things shall be added to you” (Matthew on Sundays as well as the midweek prayer “Who is sufficient for these things?” How 6:33). By Gregory L. Clark service. But it did not last. It was only a are we going to love our enemies, be Is there power in prayer? You better temporary surge in faith. According to pure in heart, reflect Christ in a hostile believe it, and God is just waiting for you I grew up under the influence of a survey done by the Barna Research culture, go the second mile and not worry to ask. prayer. I can still remember my mother Group in 2006, the surge lasted less than ourselves to death? tucking me into bed at night and guiding five years. While several conclusions may The answer should come as no sur- Rev. Gregory L. Clark has been a South- me in a conversation with God before be drawn from that study, one thing is for prise to the follower of Christ: “Ask, and ern Baptist pastor for 26 years, and is I went to sleep. I didn’t understand certain: We pray when we are in trouble. it will be given to you; seek, and you will a proud husband, father, grandfather everything going on in those moments, There is nothing wrong with pray- find; knock, and it will be opened to you. and veteran. He currently serves on but I knew it was important. Prayer is so ing in times of trouble. The Bible gives For everyone who asks receives, and he the board of directors for the Baptist simple that a child can do it, and yet so numerous examples of praying for who seeks finds, and to him who knocks State Convention of North Carolina. 23 Prayer in your daily life Climbing out of the cultural sewer National prayer line focuses on repentence and restoration sold for profit. That is just the tip of the sharing in grief over how wicked our is going on. I am so grateful for that. Un- iceberg. It sickens my heart to see how nation has become – aborting millions of fortunately, much of the news is not good, low we have sunk with civic government, babies, lewd immorality, human traffick- as we enter dark days where the mere media, and education leading Ameri- ing, and so much more. Yet, repentance is mention of Jesus in a work environment cans in this numbing of our national believing that God will be merciful and will get you written up. This is unprec- conscience. kind. It is believing you can be an agent edented and sinful. As a Christian growing in faith, I de- of change who lives a life revived in faith. It breaks my heart to see the nation’s cided to get involved. The more I learned, Repentance is the door through which to current path. We have never been a the more I saw how unaware I was of pass to reach the prize: restoration. Thus, perfect country. Yet, we have more love, God’s “non-negotiable” moral values – the second name for this prayer line is faith, and generosity than most any other and I was not alone. Over the years, I restoration, as we seek God to restore our nation. We are worth fighting for. That is have found this ignorance to be pervasive land. what we Christians do. We never give up in the church. I found myself praying in a With all America’s faults, we are still a believing that Jesus is the remedy for our way I had never done before. It was with great nation worth saving. I believe it. We, national sins. a spirit of heartfelt repentance for our on the prayer line, believe it. Steadfastly, To this end, we pray daily for our gov- seeming indifference – yours, mine and we pray for the church to move into her ernment officials, our states, and Israel. ours –as we collectively ceased to make rightful position and see restoration We have partnered with the American By Ms. Dran Reese faith relevant in the culture. actually occur. God wants to restore us. Prayer Initiative in posting their topical But, I didn’t want to go it alone. To that But, first – wait for it … we must humble prayers, and we host prayer guests who n 2005, I awakened to a dramatic end, I started what has become a nation- ourselves and repent. lead a variety of national organizations. cultural change, and it was not for wide, daily prayer conference call that is Showing up with all our human frail- Those on RandRPrayer.org desire the better. Deciding to study the named, RandRPrayer.org. “R and R” is ties, those of us on the prayer line man- nothing less than to restore our Judeo- contributing societal issues, I was short for “Repentance and Restoration.” age to meet every day – same time, same Christian ethic in government, schools

T ME NT stunned to learn of an intentional Nothing like hitting a subject head-on, on line, same Spirit of the Lord. We pray and media. We pray not because we have AR effort to remove God from every what you don’t know! while having our morning coffee. We to, but because we want to with hearts institution in America, ultimately Ah, but on the prayer line, we have pray while we are working. We pray from open to hear from God and obey through from families – and even the church. learned it is a spirit of humility that our desks. We pray in our kitchens. We Christ-centered action. It has become a This effort is planned, deliberate and unlocks God’s mercy. He tests us with a pray kneeling and prostrate. We pray in privilege and honor to daily touch the

CACY DE P VO I well-executed. Its result deafens America hypothesis: “If – if – if My people who silence. We pray in our closets. We pray Lord of all creation through prayer and to to God’s intentions for His creation. All are called by My name will humble as one body with one purpose: to see the do so in communion with friends. around us men and women, young and themselves, and pray, and turn from their restoration of America’s relationship with old, are falling into lewd, gross immoral- wicked ways, then …” 2 Chronicles 7:14 God. Ms. Dran Reese, founder and president ity – sexual and otherwise. Even babies The word “if” implies repentance, and Learning from each other, some of The Salt & Light Council, is host of the in the womb have greatly suffered, their that is not an attractive word. Repentance prayer warriors inform us of breaking daily prayer line www.RepentanceandRes- mutilated, aborted bodies bought and doesn’t invoke joy. It invokes sorrow, and news before most people even know what toration.org (www.RandRPrayer.org) Freedom from the dark side T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY

readers have probably recited it thou- deliver us from evil: For thine is the forgiveness requirement in the starkest T P RE sands of times, let’s look at the “Lord’s kingdom, and the power, and the glory, terms imaginable, to make sure nobody Prayer” with fresh eyes. forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13 KJV) misses it: Jesus, when he taught this prayer So let’s look at it: First, Jesus exhorts us For if ye forgive men their trespasses,

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON 2,000 years ago, first laid down a couple to honor God and humble our will before your heavenly Father will also forgive of ground rules: “Use not vain repetitions, His and to seek His continued sustenance. you; But if ye forgive not men their tres- as the heathen do, for they think that they (No problem, we think.) passes, neither will your Father forgive I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| shall be heard for their much speaking.” Later we’re told to ask for God’s your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15 KJV) Besides, he added, “your Father knoweth protection as we acknowledge His su- Now that gets my attention. what things ye have need of, before ye ask premacy in all things. (Great, that makes Forgiveness requires that we let go of him.” That said, Jesus gifted to mankind perfect sense too, we think.) resentment and bitterness at injustices, By David Kupelian this short (only 66 words) but perfect But in between those two parts disappointments and betrayals, and even, way to commune with the Creator of the comes one line that delivers an essential, as Christ said, that we love our enemies There’s no greater or more famous universe: life-changing commandment, the beat- and pray for those who persecute us. prayer than the Lord’s Prayer. Ironically, Our Father which art in heaven, Hal- ing heart of the Lord’s Prayer, and the The big problem we have with this is theaters throughout Britain recently lowed be thy name. fulcrum of change in our lives, the place that anger – whether subtle irritation banned an “advert” featuring the Lord’s Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done where miraculous things happen to us – or full-blown, out-of-control rage – is Prayer, intended to run just before the in earth, as it is in heaven. or don’t, if we don’t heed it: what sustains our prideful, sinful nature, new “Star Wars” movie. Apparently it’s Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive which literally feeds on resentment and

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday politically correct for a fantasy “force” to And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. hostility while providing us an illusion of be “with us” – but not the Real One. our debtors. So crucial is this line that, immediately 24 In any event, even though most And lead us not into temptation, but following the prayer, Jesus reinforces the » see KUPELIAN | C25 Prayer in your daily life KUPELIAN Prayer was pivotal for Jesus, From page C24

and should be so for us righteousness. Thus, fasting from the “meal” of resentment and murder, drunkenness” and such. Reads like earth. And, it is very clear that He prayed. truly forgiving those who have the topics on the cover of the tabloids in the Repeatedly, He would use His valuable time “trespassed against us” requires grocery line. On the other hand, the fruit of to go off privately, to pray. Prayer must be repentance on our part. the Spirit is: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, important. And where is repentance to be gentleness, meekness and temperance.” These Indeed, if we are seeking love in our life or found? I love this short but tran- are the things that polls repeatedly show family. If we lack joy in our hearts. If we need scendently meaningful explana- are what the world is looking for. What the peace in our home or nation we are instructed tion by John the Apostle: “Here is world seeks. where to look. God’s Spirit is the source of the message we heard from him While mankind claims to be seeking these things man is seeking. We can have [Jesus] and pass on to you: that spiritual ends he regularly employs physical them in our hearts (minds) by asking. And God is light, and in him there is no means. We would call this being foolish or we ask by the powerful instrument of Prayer. darkness at all. If we claim to be unwise. One cannot achieve spiritual ends “Let this Mind be in you, which was also in sharing in his life while we walk in using physical tools. Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, the dark, our words and our lives A new kitchen is physical. Joy is spiritual. thought it not robbery to be equal with God: are a lie; but if we walk in the light While a new kitchen might make one happy but made himself of no reputation, took upon as he himself is in the light, then for a time, kitchens cannot create Joy. him the form of a servant and was made in we share together a common life, A building is physical. Love and peace the likeness of men: and we are being cleansed from By Bob McEwen are spiritual. One cannot build a physical “And being found in fashion as a man, every sin by the blood of Jesus his building with the spiritual tools of love and he humbled himself, and was obedient unto Son.” (1 John 1:5-7 NEB) verything in life is either physical peace. Trying to find love, joy and peace with death, even the death of the cross. John mentions here no or spiritual. physical tools or trying to build a building with “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted complicated dogma, no required A painting is physical. The spiritual tools reveals an absence of wisdom. Him, and given Him a name which is above religious observances, rituals, A S P EC I A L RE PO R beauty of a painting is spiri- The Scripture (God’s operators manual) every name: That at the name of Jesus every pilgrimages, or special diet. Just tual. Physical things can be says if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of knee should bow, and every tongue should a sincere appreciation of God’s consumed, can wear out. The God, who gives to all men liberally and up- confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory forgiveness and this glistening in- spiritual doesn’t. The physical braideth not; and it shall be given him (James of God the Father.” struction: If we “walk in the light,

can be weighed and measured. The spiritual 1). How does one receive wisdom from God? When our mind just doesn’t have the as he himself is in the light” – that T P RE Ecannot. By asking, in prayer. Prayer is spiritual. One answers to life, work or family, God has told is, if we calmly and humbly wel- One can read the pronouncements of cannot measure or weigh it. God’s presence is us the wise place to look for the answers… come God’s light of understanding George Patten. However, quoting the com- spiritual (John 4:24). Thus, as we confront the to Him. We can talk with Him through the to shine in our minds and souls, ARED BYi ng The Wash mands of General Patten will not reproduce struggles of life, if we desire the presence or simple medium of Prayer. Prayer: that’s us by which light we will observe our his leadership. There is no pound box or 3 mind of God, we may have it through prayer. talking with God. dark, angry, sinful nature – He will yards of leadership. Leadership is not con- When Christ was on earth, his ministry He most often answers us through his grace us with repentance. And sumed by 10 soldiers or 1000 soldiers. Thus, was quite brief. Just three years. During those word, the operator’s manual, the Bible. That’s “then,” assures John, “we share leadership must be spiritual. 36 months he changed the world for all time. God talking with us. together a common life, and we Wisdom is the capacity to distinguish One can today look at the globe and observe are being cleansed from every sin

which is physical and which is spiritual. that where his Spirit is strongest love, joy and Congressman Bob McEwen (R-Ohio, 1981- by the blood of Jesus his Son.” to n T i mes AD The Bible, the operations manual for man peace are most prevalent. Where his teach- 93) was a six-term U.S. Representative from Again, living “in the light” – not that was written by the Manufacturer, distin- ings are most rejected, death and poverty Ohio’s Sixth District. He is currently executive losing ourselves in worry over the guishes between the physical and the spiritual. are greatest. director of the Council for National Policy. past, or anxiety and fear over the

Galatians 5 says, “the works of the physical So, it might be instructive to observe how future, but staying faithful in the THE WASHINGTON TIMES

are these: adultery, fornication, wrath, envy, Christ, as a man, used his time while here on present moment, in the presence VO DE P CACY of God – involves facing our own vexing imperfections and faults, without condemning ourselves, or

covering up the sin, or struggling AR A life-giving connection in life’s wilderness with it to fix it, but just patiently T MEN waiting on God for help. When By Andi Brindley we do that, we are, in that very | Force-feeding would be an apt descrip- moment, being transformed, re- Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 Circumstances will change prayer from tion. My eyes fell on this verse in Psalm deemed, graced to “share together a duty to a life-giving connection to God’s 62, “One thing God has spoken, two things a common life” with God. Spirit. During a prolonged period of hard- have I heard: That you, O God are strong, ship in my life, a friend wise in the ways and that you, O Lord, are loving.” David Kupelian is a veteran of prayer spoke words to me that changed I closed my Bible. That was all I could journalist, vice president and my prayer life forever. take in… God is strong and God is loving. managing editor of online news “Andi,” she said, “you need to force- The Holy Spirit took these words and giant WND, and the bestsell- feed yourself the Scriptures, even if it’s began to reawaken something inside and I ing author of several influential only a verse a day. You need the Holy prayed for the first time in a while: “God, books, including “The Marketing Spirit to minister to you in a way no I cannot square this with what I see hap- of Evil,” “How Evil Works,” and person can right now, and he will use the pening in my life, but I will put that aside – just released – “The Snapping Word to do that.” I knew she was right, but of the American Mind: Healing a I needed more than human help. » see BRINDLEY | C26 Nation Broken by a Lawless Gov- The next day I opened my Bible ernment and Godless Culture.” 25 Prayer in your daily life Ask God, as Moses did, “Teach me your ways so I may know you.”

family members, I realized I did not know circumstances of my loved ones are. But will cause all my goodness to pass in front what I needed to pray for. I was desperate if I root my prayers in God’s word to me, I of you, and I will proclaim my name, the to know what was lacking in my prayers, can know I am praying his heart’s desires, Lord, in your presence.” and what God desired for me to understand. by responding to what He has first told me. It was the presence of God that we I now see in hindsight, that God placed I started asking God to show me in His needed more than anything else. And I me in different surroundings, moved me Word: what He wanted me to know about heard for the first time that the purpose out of my comfortable Christian world of Himself, what He wanted me to see about of prayer is to open our hearts to God and many years, and put me in a new place – a my own heart, and what I should ask Him experience His presence through His Word. different country and language, a new city, for myself and my family members. What My own heart needed to be ready to pray a new church family. is His heart’s desire for them, rather than by seeing in the gospel the beauty of who At the time it was disorienting and I mine? Christ is and what He has done for us – and lacked the support of familiar community. I And He began to show me. I started that’s what my family needs most too – and had no choice but to listen to Him – through writing down things that I felt the Holy then we will be ready to receive the many His Word, and through new friends and Spirit was pressing on me to pray. Every day good things God desires for us. teachers – and as I listened, He faithfully, as I meditated on His Word, something new I’m so very thankful for how God has lovingly taught me. went into my notebook. So I prayed. Then faithfully and patiently led me to this point. He taught me the gospel. I thought I I heard a teacher who taught about prayer I also have come to realize that if He cares By Sharon Tanaka knew all about that. But as I listened to from the encounter Moses had with God about my relationship with Him this much, Him, and began to pray to understand that after the people had worshiped the golden then He will take the time needed to bring have been a Christian for many years. gospel more deeply, my prayers started calf. God was angry with the Israelites’ my loved ones into that same relationship Looking back to those years, I now to change – because I began to realize unfaithfulness, and He told Moses that He in the way He knows is best for each one. realize that, although I prayed, it was the reason I didn’t know how to pray was would no longer go with the people. Moses He continues to awe me again and again

T ME NT mainly when I needed something, because I didn’t know my Heavenly Father began to plead with God: “Teach me your by showing me new things He desires in AR or when something important to intimately, experientially in relationship. I ways so I may know you.” His goodness to give – the best of all being, me was in doubt or danger. But that only knew Him in a rational, doctrinal way. And then Moses interceded for the knowing Him and His presence. began to change when God started to God wants me to make Him my hope. people, praying, “If your Presence does not show me through changing circumstances My own heart’s desires – no matter how go with us, do not send us from here… What Sharon Tanaka is a wife and mother CACY DE P VO Iwithin my wonderful family, that my heart’s good – can all too easily become my hope, else will distinguish me and your people of four. She and her husband have hope was not set on Him, but on the ones instead of God’s. So the more He compels from all the other people on the face of the raised their children overseas as I loved most in this world. Through unset- me to pray, the more my heart is pulled earth?” God answered him, “I will do the well as in the U.S. Sharon co-leads the tling changes in our family, God compelled toward Him. If I pray out of my emotions very thing you have asked, because I am prayer ministry at Redeemer Presby- me to pray, and through prayer, began to of the moment, I am confident and at pleased with you and I know you by name.” terian Church in New York City. show me what my heart was really set upon. peace one day, then filled with anxiety When Moses next pressed upon God, When I started to pray in earnest for my and fears the next, depending on what the “show me your glory,” God answered, “I

fresh manna waiting for them. I would show me that He was real. to move forward. BRINDLEY pray, “Lord, meet me when I come to The next day I had to practice “force I am a feeble pray-er who has come

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY From page C25 your Word and feed me so that I can be feeding” once again and through the to treasure the Scriptures. For in them, sustained for the day ahead.” I began Word God began to answer that desper- God, by His Holy Spirit, enables me to for the moment. I will count on your to come to the Word with the same ate cry. I read in Psalm 73, “When my pray when my heart is cold and dull. He T P RE strength and your love.” I was immedi- expectancy that the Israelites must have heart was grieved and my spirit embit- directs my prayers when I am flounder- ately steadied. felt when they opened their tent doors tered, I was senseless and ignorant; I ing, and answers my prayers in ways far About 20 years later my marriage every morning. Like them, I was never was a brute beast before you. Yet I am richer than mere problem-solving.

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON ended. I felt as if I had landed in a vast disappointed. always with you.” I have seen it again and again. wilderness, shaken, frightened and dis- With our eventual divorce came a Even when I was thrashing around, Through the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit oriented. I prayed, “Lord, I need to know string of losses. unable to put words together, feeling brings us in touch with the very heart of I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| you are here. Please open my eyes to see One night, the crush of it all became alone and abandoned by God, I was God, full of love, committed to our good the ways you will be guiding me in the unbearable. I dropped to my knees by always with Him. The Spirit took these in every circumstance, and always eager countless decisions that are facing me.” the side of my bed. My praying was words and forged His way through the for us to come to Him. I read about God instructing the Isra- more like wailing. When I could find fear and anguish that had engulfed me. elites to keep a place of worship central words, I said, “You promise you will not My heart was immediately lifted as this Andi Brindley is on staff at Redeemer at every point of their wilderness jour- give me more than I can handle, but I assurance took hold. Presbyterian Church in New York City ney. I would pray, “Lord, please keep the think you just did. I will believe you are The following Sunday, Timothy and lives by the ocean on the Jersey Shore truth about who you are centered in my strong and loving because you say you Keller preached on Jacob wrestling with where she finds great joy in ministry she life.” Whenever I prayed, I intentionally are and I know you won’t lie. But this God. I will never forget these words. is able to do in her home. Being part of began with worship rather than diving feels mean. I have to know you really are “Sometimes it feels like God is trying to a small group of intercessors​ for over into what I wanted God to do about my who you say you are, or I can’t go on.” kill you, but He’s really after a trans- 20 years has been formative in her un- problems. I engaged in a wrestling with God formed life.” derstanding and experience of prayer.

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday I read about God supernaturally that I would have thought to be irrev- Here in the Word was a completely sustaining the Israelites as they went erent or improper. But really, it was a new way to interpret my life. I hadn’t 26 out of their tents every morning to find desperate cry for him to come close and asked for that, but it was what I needed How prayer impacts healing and mental health Increasingly, science is making the case for prayer The case for faith Prayer and spirituality in mental health care

By Eric Scalise Given these kind of documented and Tim Clinton results, there appears to be tangible value for developing a more com- prehensive mental health model that rayer and spirituality can integrates the disciplines of psychol- be mysterious, but they ogy and theology. The implication are real, and have offered is that treatment providers need to countless millions a place think and practice in terms of a bio- of refuge, solace, comfort, psycho-social-spiritual orientation. hope and a deeper sense Appropriate referrals to chaplains, of purpose – especially in other clergy members, and faith- times of tragedy or crisis, where grief based mental health clinicians who Pand despair crouch at the doorstep of are equipped to engage clients within the soul, seeking to rob a person of their cultural framework is a valid vitality and life. One might say prayer consideration for expanded and col- is an inherent aspect of human nature laborative care. and incorporates concepts such as Yes spirituality is mysterious and wholeness, restoration, comfort, joy, engaged in prayer and other religious (33%), reading Scriptures (30%), and yes, it is real. Faith and faith-based guidance, and hope in the hereafter. activities, generally accounted for meeting with a spiritual leader (15%). treatment protocols continue to A S P EC I A L RE PO R The discipline of prayer is often viewed lower rates of depression and re- Cardiologist and Harvard Medi- show promise in the literature and as a way to help explore one’s ongoing duced symptomology cal School researcher, Dr. Herbert researchers should be encouraged search for meaning and creates an ap- Another study of over 400 chronic Benson, has been studying the impact to pursue the ongoing exploration of preciation for deeper things. patients confirmed the causal rela- of prayer for the past 30 years. He this emerging construct.

Some argue the wounds of the soul tionship between the participant’s founded the Mind/Body Medical In- Spirituality, while intensely per- T P RE are among the most difficult to detect faith orientation and his or her stitute in Boston and led the Study of sonal, offers “believers” an anchor for and quantify. For those who believe symptomology. A significant majority the Therapeutic Effects of Interces- the soul. It has a hopeful effect that in God, it begs the question: Does (80%) utilized some form of religious sory Prayer (STEP). While patients can motivate a client and enhance the ARED BYi ng The Wash faith really matter when it comes belief or activity such as prayer, to facing coronary artery bypass sur- change process in ways that are trans- to treating and resolving complex cope with their symptoms on a daily gery did not show tangible physi- formational because it incorporates psychological problems? Although basis, with 65% reporting their reli- ological benefits, Benson’s broader the whole person. Do prayer and faith the role of prayer and spirituality gious practice moderated symptom research has shown the brain’s limbic make a difference? They can. continue to be evolving constructs severity. system activates during prayer and among the social sciences, thus far, Dr. Eric Scalise, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT,

the research literature generally af- is the president of LIV Enterprises to n T i mes AD firms their profound and dynamic im- & Consulting, LLC, the former vice pact on mental health and wellbeing. While patients facing coronary artery bypass president for Professional Develop- This includes ongoing systemic surgery did not show tangible physiological benefits, ment with the American Association of studies by credible entities such as Benson’s broader research has shown the brain’s Christian Counselors and the former THE WASHINGTON TIMES the National Institutes of Health department chair of Counseling Pro- VO DE P CACY (NIH), most of which show consis- limbic system activates during prayer and helps grams at Regent University. He is a tent and measureable benefits associ- bring balance and stability to the automatic nervous Licensed Professional Counselor and ated with prayer and other spiritual system, heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. a Licensed Marriage & Family Thera-

interventions. pist with over 35 years of clinical and AR

A person’s religious beliefs and professional experience in the mental T MEN practice often serve as a positive Nearly half (48%) indicated their helps bring balance and stability to health field. source of interpersonal strength. faith became even more relevant the automatic nervous system, heart | According to researchers, a vibrant whenever symptoms worsened, while rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. Dr. Tim Clinton, Ed.D., LPC, LMFT, is Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 personal faith encounter, especially 30% stated this was the most impor- Dr. Harold Koenig – a psychia- president of the nearly 50,000-mem- through prayer and quiet meditation, tant thing that kept them motivated trist and Director of the Center for ber American Association of Chris- has proven to increase resilience and in treatment. The longer patients Spirituality, Theology, and Health at tian Counselors (www.aacc.net), the successful treatment for a variety of integrated spiritual coping mecha- Duke University Medical School – largest and most diverse Christian conditions including chronic pain, nisms, the lower their symptom along with his colleagues, completed counseling association in the world. alcoholism, poly-substance abuse, levels were in six different categories a systematic review of nearly 1,600 He is a professor of Counseling and depression, and comorbidity among (obsessive-compulsiveness, inter- published health-related studies and Pastoral Care, and executive direc- trauma survivors. personal sensitivity, phobic anxiety, concluded that the integration of tor of the Center for Counseling and Several researchers looking at paranoid ideation, psychosis, and prayer and a spiritual paradigm not Family Studies at Liberty University depression examined more than 80 total symptomology). only demonstrated increased levels in Lynchburg, VA, and a Licensed studies conducted over the past 100 The most prevalent coping strate- of self-esteem, social support and Professional Counselor and Licensed years and found that spiritual/reli- gies were prayer (59%), followed by life satisfaction, but simultaneously Marriage & Family Therapist. gious factors among individuals who attending religious services (35%), reduced levels of anxiety, depression, placed high a value on their faith and worshipping God (35%), meditation loneliness, and suicide. 27 How prayer impacts healing and mental health Science connects our brain and the body of Christ

one of my goals was to draw people’s at- lens through which we reflect upon the between neurobiology, relationships tention to the deep connection between world. Of all the disciplines, neurosci- and our lives in the body of Christ. If the Christian spiritual formation and its ence currently reigns as queen. Appeal- world increasingly turns to neuroscience practices (prayer, fasting, sharing the ing to the authority of neuroscience as the final judge of human behavior, we Eucharist, worship, confession, etc.), has become fashionable in just about will be those to whom the world also attachment research, psychotherapy and every realm of culture. It is the authority turns as interpreters of this information real somatic changes that take place in to which we turn in law, business and — and we must be prepared to articulate the brain/body matrix. education. its possibilities and limits. For every part Educating patients and assisting them Many times the mere inclusion of an of creation can only serve its creator By Curt Thompson to experientially explore the brain’s func- image of the brain in the presentation of well when it does so within the bounds tions and its connection — not only to data grants the data greater credibility. for which it was intended to operate. ver the past 15 years, there therapeutic interventions but also spiri- Somehow, if we can connect behavioral A question that needs to be asked is, has been a major change tual growth — provides tangible, helpful events to activity in the brain, we believe “Where do we go to understand who we in the role played by neu- tools by which their relationship with that explains it. This tendency pays are becoming?” Yet we must always bear roscience and its asso- God matures along with their general homage to a reductionist view of the in mind the God who created the brain is ciated disciplines, espe- psychological health. universe, which appeals to our desire for personally in the middle of our pain and cially as applied to mental The explosive growth in awareness certainty in a world that, according to suffering, bringing healing in the form of health issues. With the of these interlocking domains of the the biblical narrative, is less one of cer- a relationship and changing us along the publication of The Developing Mind in mind’s activity is something for which to tainty, as we humans long for, but rather way. We can afford to be no less mindful O1999, physician Daniel Siegel ushered in the be grateful. Essentially we are discover- one of trust — not in abstract data, but that God is in charge of neuroscience, new field of interpersonal neurobiology. ing more of God’s good creation, how it in relationships. And relationships are and not the other way around. Clinicians worldwide have come works and, as St. Paul articulates in Ro- never as certain as we would like.

T ME NT to see the value of linking abstract, mans 1:20, how becoming familiar with it We must be wise in our awareness of Dr. Curt Thompson, M.D., is a psychia- AR theoretical notions of human change to points us to God’s nature and power. the beauty and the limitations of brain trist in private practice in Falls Church, embodied transitions manifested, for ex- This information is also changing the studies, which, like any science, can tell Virginia. Dr. Thompson is board-certified ample, in the concepts of neuroplasticity landscape of what constitutes fundamen- us the “how,” but not necessarily the by the American Board of Psychiatry (the brain’s ability to change and grow) tal expectations for professional training “why” or “for what purpose” of behavior. and Neurology. Throughout his career

CACY DE P VO and epigenetics (the study of genes). requirements. It is not too much to imag- The moment we turn to the latest neuro- the main focus of clinical and research Interpersonal neurobiology has ine that within the next two decades, imaging scan as the authority to “prove” interest has been the integration of psy- shown us that positive neuroplastic many professional disciplines related to our lives are changing because of prayer, chiatry, its associated disciplines and changes during meditative prayer and mental health will require basic profi- we have subjected the authority of Jesus Christian spirituality. This excerpt was securely attached relationships lead ciency in the neurobiological correlates to the authority of the prevailing plausi- used with permission by the author and to greater integration of the prefrontal of human behavioral change. bility structure. Christian Counseling Today, a pub- cortex (i.e., healthier relationships lead Science, and its unspoken way of It is for this reason, ironically, that it lication of the American Association to healthier brains and vice versa). understanding what is authoritative in is so important we as clinicians are well of Christian Counselors (aacc.net). In my book, Anatomy of the Soul, the universe, has become the dominant informed about the amazing connections

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY Transitioning to our eternal life, T P RE God’s blessing of peace is powerful INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON base-line” CAT scan found my hus- family physician, dentist, radiologist gentleness be evident to all. The Lord band, Dave, and me crying tears, and other medical specialists. Dave is near. Do not be anxious about any- I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

| hugging one another and crying out was on oxygen 24/7. We had hope for thing, but in everything, by prayer and to God as we embraced, not knowing God’s miracle of healing in his body. petition, with thanksgiving, present what the future held. The CAT scan Our pastor and elders from church vis- your requests to God. And the peace of showed a spot on one lung. After a ited and shared Scripture and prayed God, which transcends all understand- bronchoscopy and lung biopsy, our with Dave and served Communion. ing, will guard your hearts and your worst fears were confirmed. The diag- Pastor Kevin anointed Dave with minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians nosis was Stage 4 lung cancer. oil, according to Scripture, and we 4:4-7 Further testing showed the lung believed that God had power to heal The peace of Jesus that surpasses all By Norma Christie cancer to be inoperable. We prayed him and drive out the cancer. We also understanding was God’s special gift to God’s promises as He gave us His knew that God is sovereign and holds us as we walked through that dark val- “Yea though I walk through the val- peace – every step of that precious the power of life and death. ley of cancer. In one of Pastor Kevin’s ley of the shadow of death, I will fear time – twelve months that Dave was As we walked in God’s Word, we visits, near the end of Dave’s life here

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday no evil, for Thou art with me!” given to live out his days here. found His promises to ! on earth, Kevin told Dave that he had In one moment our whole world The months that followed were “Rejoice in the Lord always. I 28 changed! The results from a “routine filled with visits to the oncologist, will say it again: Rejoice! Let your » see CHRISTIE | C29 How prayer impacts healing and mental health Psychology meets theology and spirituality

However, it is not so simple. Chris- marriage and family therapists, psy- postmodern age ushers in all sorts of tian leaders are often trained in psy- chologists, clinical social workers, and new possibilities for talking with one chological methods and, increasingly, so on. For the most part, I take this to another. Secular mental health asso- mental health providers are being be a positive trend, but it does raise a ciations are suddenly open to talking trained in spiritual interventions. concern that our biblical counseling about spirituality, and if Christians In today’s counseling, we must remain silent who will speak for us? consider the spiritual implications Nevertheless, when we do speak, we of psychological methods and the must recognize that our seat at the psychological implications of spiri- Historically, those involved table will last only as long as we mind tual methods. The question is not so in spiritual formation our manners. much whether to pray with a client, or and spiritual direction We can be open and clear about our whether using Scripture is fitting, but faith commitments – and we should when and how to pray or use Scripture have been accountable be – but we also need to recognize that with a client. to the Church. However, others will not necessarily see things These are nuanced matters that now that mental health in the same way we do as Christians. call for psychological understanding, This calls us to listen well and respect spiritual awareness, and godly wisdom. professionals are and love others regardless of our By Mark McMinn Consider the following examples – one interested in religious differences. positive, and one not so positive. interventions and “Live wisely among those who are he simple categories of I worked with a client named Ce- spiritual transformation, not believers, and make the most of modernity – categories leste (name changed for confidential- every opportunity. Let your conversa- such as Christian coun- ity). Among Celeste’s various strengths we face various ethical tion be gracious and attractive so that selor and secular psychol- was her capacity to stand strong under challenges that come you will have the right response for ogist – have become murky enormous amounts of stress. At one with dual accountability. everyone.” (Colossians 4:5-6). A S P EC I A L RE PO R in the swirling winds of point in the interview, she referred to These are days of incredible oppor- postmodernism. Perhaps it herself as a pillar – an apt metaphor for colleagues have been noting for many tunity. May God grant each of us grace is best to open ourselves to the oppor- the way she lives. years. Namely, if a Christian counselor and truth as we seek to find a missional Ttunities for authentic dialog with folks Near the end of the session, I is licensed by the state, to whom is the presence in our interactions with col-

in various professional communities. guided Celeste through a prayer- counselor accountable? leagues and clients. T P RE What are the new horizons for those based relaxation exercise based on Historically, those involved in spiri- Note: Excerpt used with permission interested in psychology, theology, the ancient Eastern Orthodox prayer tual formation and spiritual direction by the author and Christian Counseling and spirituality in Christian counsel- known as the “Jesus prayer” (“Lord have been accountable to the Church. Today, a publication of the American ARED BYi ng The Wash ing? I suggest three in this brief article, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy However, now that mental health Association of Christian Counselors though many more could be mentioned. on me, a sinner”). This spiritual inter- professionals are interested in religious (www.aacc.net). New Horizon 1: complexity of spiri- vention was deeply moving to her as interventions and spiritual transforma- tual interventions she sensed the peace of releasing her tion, we face various ethical challenges Dr. Mark R. McMinn, Ph.D., ABPP, is If the world of counseling could be burdens into God’s care. It had positive that come with dual accountability. If Professor of Psychology at George Fox neatly bifurcated into the psychologi- psychological effects and, at the same a licensed professional counselor pro- University, a Licensed Clinical Psycholo-

cal and the spiritual, then the sorts of time, touched her spiritually. vides spiritual direction for a counsel- gist, and the former President of APA’s to n T i mes AD interventions we offer would be a fairly New Horizon 2: challenge of dual ing client, is the counselor accountable Division 36 (Society for the Psychology simple matter. Psychologists would accountability to a state licensing board, a church of Religion and Spirituality). He is also use secular psychotherapy methods, More and more, Christian coun- community, or both? co-author (with Clark D. Campbell) of

and spiritual directors, clergy, and selors are licensed by the states and New Horizon 3: be open to coopera- Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a THE WASHINGTON TIMES pastoral counselors would use spiritual provinces in which they practice. They tive dialogue Comprehensive Christian Approach. VO DE P CACY methods. are licensed as professional counselors, Speaking of active conversation, this AR

was always touched when he thanked his hands and I held the other. Each of love of God. T MEN CHRISTIE God for His peace in the ordeal of can- us laid our free hands on his head and God is faithful and powerful and From page C28 cer. Two and a half years since Dave we began to intercede in the Spirit. loving toward all his children. | went to be with his Lord Jesus Christ, I This was spontaneous – no words In so many ways, our loving God Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 am still resting in that same wonderful were spoken ahead of the prayer. As made his wonderful presence known many friends at Memorial Part Church peace of the Lord. we prayed together in the Spirit, we to us as we walked through that dark who loved him and were praying for At a time of extreme need, God sensed that Dave was being relieved valley. “The Lord is faithful to all his him. Dave answered, “God is answer- demonstrated His power in the of the pain. Even as Jesus had calmed promises and loving toward all he has ing their prayers. Otherwise, I couldn’t ER. Because of severe pain in his chest, the stormy sea in the Gospels, He had made.” Psalm 145:13 have this much peace.” Dave was taken by ambulance to the calmed that severe pain, miraculously. Each morning we prayed together. hospital. I called our church to ask A few minutes later the ER doctor Norma Christie grew up in a small When Dave prayed he always thanked for prayers. Linda, our daughter, was came into the room and said that he mining camp in Tennessee for her God for getting us safely through the with us. Dave was lying in the ER in had been told that he needed to come first twelve years and then moved night and for His faithfulness, for the excruciating pain, but nothing was to prescribe meds for pain. He asked, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where peace He was giving us in the midst being done for him. I called out, asking “What happened?” Dave answered, she met her husband of 54 years. of the serious situation, and for all His someone to please help him! Everyone “These ladies prayed for me.” God had blessings – especially our wonderful left, apparently to find a doctor. demonstrated His mighty power to family. He prayed other words, but I At that moment, Linda took one of heal. We also knew the sovereignty and 29 How prayer impacts healing and mental health Where faith meets mental health and happiness

This is also true for other constructs more stable, more satisfying marriages health is a complex one that is affected such as optimism, hope, meaning and and lower divorce rates. by many factors, including genetic influ- purpose, gratefulness, and numerous ences, environmental dynamics, age and positive emotions and virtuous traits. Physical Well-being gender, and other variables in which the That fullness of life also goes beyond Enhanced emotional and relational individual has little or no control. Some- mental health to include relational well-being also translates into better times, it is not until a person becomes health, and possibly even physical health. physical health. In the past 20 years, sick and/or experiences tremendous suf- more and more research has shown that fering that he or she develops a deeper Emotional Well-being the mind and emotions are intimately spiritual life. We found that committed religious connected with the body, and are directly Given that a person’s engagement in belief and devout practice (such as linked with the basic physiological func- spiritual practices (e.g., prayer, medita- prayer) are related to higher levels of tions responsible for health and healing tion, worship, etc.) and a church com- emotional well-being, happiness, and life (immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular munity appears to promote social and satisfaction. Three hundred and twenty- systems). emotional well-being, and even serves as six separate studies had examined these When we experience stress and nega- a buffer against disease and illness, the relationships, and the overwhelming tive emotions, those systems become Church may need to play a greater role majority (79%) reported statistically sig- compromised and altered, increasing in the future of healthcare in America. By Harold G. Koenig nificant positive relationships. The same vulnerability to illness. The opposite Note: Excerpt used with permission is true for research examining optimism occurs with the experience of positive by the author and Christian Counseling o actively practicing Chris- (83%), hope (73%), and having a sense of emotions such as joy, peace, hope, mean- Today, a publication of the American As- tians experience a fuller, meaning and purpose (93%). ing and purpose. Religious people who sociation of Christian Counselors (www. more abundant life com- have more positive and fewer negative aacc.net). pared to everyone else? Relational Well-being emotions, have more social support, Many wonder about this, Those who are more engaged in their and live healthier lives (less smoking, Dr. Harold G. Koenig, M.D., is a profes- especially those who are faith tradition also have more support drinking, drug use, etc.), are physically sor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sci- called to counsel Chris- from friends and better marriages. healthier. ences, associate professor of Medicine,

T ME NT tians who often appear to be suffering Eighty-two of 104 studies (79%) find and the founder and director of the AR Dterribly from depression, anxiety, or other that those who are more religious report Summary Center for Spirituality, Theology and forms of emotional distress. Scientific re- significantly greater social support than Yes, everything else being equal, re- Health at the Duke University Medical search has the ability to shed light on such those who are less religious. Of the 79 ligious people do have better emotional, Center in Durham, NC. In addition, he questions from an objective standpoint, quantitative studies measuring religios- relational, and physical health (and most is a distinguished adjunct professor at

CACY DE P VO one that is not influenced by theological ity and marital satisfaction and stability, of that research has been done with King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, opinion, bias or hearsay. 68 (86%) reported better marriages and people of the Christian faith). This does Saudi Arabia, and in the School of Public The research indicates those who are significant positive connections. Nearly not mean those who become mentally Health at Ningxia Medical University, more actively involved in a Christian life nine out of 10 objective quantitative or physically ill are less religious, do Yinchuan, People’s Republic of China. do experience greater life satisfaction, studies by health researchers published not pray enough, or do not have strong more happiness, and greater well-being in peer-reviewed science journals find enough faith. than those who are less actively involved. that religious devotion is associated with The relationship between religion and

T i mes AD The Washington ARED BY The magic of prayer

our world differently, and the magic positive. It is God’s loving energy that T P RE and wonder of our youth gave way to God is the source of inspires us to return that love and live the reality of a far less than wonderful positive energy in the for the sake of others. Selfish thinking world. universe, the origin of love is the source of fear, hate and all things

INGTON TI MES ASH INGTON But each of us is still connected negative. Prayer is our way to connect to that magic. Prayer is that magical and all things hopeful and to God’s positive energy and to feel power that connects us to the source part of something much bigger than I A L RE PO R A S P EC T HE W

positive. It is God’s loving | of energy and love in our world. Just as just ourselves. we receive love from that energy, we energy that inspires us to I recently faced a medical crisis, and can receive guidance from that energy, return that love and live at first, it was very difficult to under- too. for the sake of others. stand how such a thing could happen How is it possible that our silent to me. Some people in that situation prayers can affect what happens? might be angry with God and wonder By Keith Cooperrider How can our invisible thoughts cause thoughts of confidence, love and hope why they were dealt such a bad hand. actions in the visible world? It hap- can negate thoughts of worry, hate But this was not a time for negative When we were very young, we pens all the time: Many people start and fear and can affect the outcome of thinking and negative energy. Only were enchanted by magical powers, each day with a plan, what they need whatever we are thinking about. positive energy could save me. I have by superheroes, wizards and fairies. to do and how they need to do it. Prayer is a way to put out positive had an “ideal” life, which means that We cheered as goodness waged war Our thoughts are carried out by our energy with hopeful, healing, loving whatever comes my way I have con-

ecember 31 • 2015 • D ecember Thursday against evil and sometimes imagined bodies each day. In a similar way, our thoughts. God is the source of posi- fidence that I can “deal” with it with ourselves on the front lines with the thoughts can affect what happens on tive energy in the universe, the origin 30 good guys. As we grew older, we saw a larger scale as well. Our positive of love and all things hopeful and » see COOPERRIDER | C31 How prayer impacts healing and mental health Healing and therapeutic prayer in counseling

intermittent, or continuous. Inner heal- work of God can also be offered in coun- and confidence, guidance and assurance, ing and therapeutic prayer are used in seling (Psalm 50:23). Through prayer, love and presence. Prayer is for protec- counseling to invite God’s healing pres- we can confess our sins, which often lie tion and offense; defending against the ence to come and restore, forgive, erase, at the root of failings and crises (Luke attacks from the enemy of our souls and transform, and set free the inner life of 18:13). attacking evil. We can pray for wis- the client in order to allow him or her to Prayers of blessing (numbers 6:22-27), dom, knowledge, insight, discernment, detach from sinful choices and pain- of petition, intercession and supplication forgiveness, power, deliverance, blessing, ful trauma, and grow in all that Christ (1 Samuel, 1:17, Matthew 6: 11-13, 2 Corin- protection, justice, assistance, victory would have. over sin and oppression, peace restora- tion, people in need, and opportunities Prayer as an expectation to minister. and command Research shows that We can pray for everything: “Be Is there any subject that is off-limits prayer is often utilized as anxious for nothing, but in everything by for your prayers? Of course not. Then a counseling intervention prayer and supplication with thanksgiv- your counseling should be a signifi- and that it is considered ing let your request be made known to cant part of your prayer life. Spiritual God” (Philippians 4:6). interventions, such as prayer, should particularly relevant Gary started to pray for his father and By Ian Jones be essential components of the Chris- to counseling ministry within a few weeks, God began healing tian counselor’s practice. However, all by many prominent his life. His attempts to inflict pain on his ary (name changed for spiritual applications should include and practitioners. Faith-based father no longer brought him pleasure. confidentiality) had been follow a policy of informed consent. Gary discovered, “You cannot hate victimized and beaten Research shows that prayer is often counselors can always someone you are praying for.” He began repeatedly by his father. utilized as a counseling intervention and bathe their session to forgive his father for all the pain and He was in counsel- that it is considered particularly relevant abuse he had suffered, and in the process

preparation and post- A S P EC I A L RE PO R ing, in part, to renew to counseling ministry by many promi- of prayer and communion in the will of contact with his dad and nent practitioners. Faith-based counsel- session assessment in God, it brought him a new freedom, as communicate the Christian love he had ors can always bathe their session prepa- prayer, as well as engage love replaced his anger and hatred. Gdiscovered in Christ. However, Gary ration and post-session assessment in in continuous silent prayer Note: Excerpt used with permission used his words poorly and to inflict guilt prayer, as well as engage in continuous for guidance and direction by the author and Christian Counseling

and shame on his father. The counselor, silent prayer for guidance and direction Today, a publication of the American As- T P RE understanding the dynamic, added an from God while in session. from God while in session. sociation of Christian Counselors (www. assignment: “When you are about to call aacc.net). your father on the phone, I want you to Prayer in counseling thians 9:14), for the sick (James 5:14-16), ARED BYi ng The Wash pray for him, and then, when you have Various types of prayer are found as an entreaty for an urgent need (1 Ian F. Jones, Ph.D., Ph.D., is Professor finished talking with him and hang up, I in Scripture, and some are germane Timothy 5:5), and for protection (Mark of Psychology and Counseling at New want you to pray for him again.” particularly to a counseling context. 14:38), can all be helpful when working Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, While we are not always able to vocal- with clients. where he is chairman of the Division The purpose of prayer ize to God our prayers every hour of the The Apostle Paul asked for prayer on of Church and Community Ministries Prayer comes from a Latin Word that day, our hearts must be constantly in full his behalf for the right words (Ephesians and holds the Baptist Community Min-

means to obtain by entreaty or petition; presence, awareness and communion 6:19), something so essential and com- istries’ Chair of Pastoral Counseling. to n T i mes AD an earnest request to God. Prayer is the with God. mon when working with others. He serves as the Executive Director of conversation of the soul with God, not Brother Lawrence, the 17th century the Board of Christian Professional & a monologue, but a two-way street that Carmelite lay brother, suffered from The power of prayer Pastoral Counselors (BCPPC), Interna-

requires listening. It can be spoken, con- depression for ten years before finding Counseling without prayer is like tional Board of Christian Care (IBCC). THE WASHINGTON TIMES templative, formal, informal, impromptu, peace through practicing the presence running without oxygen. Through VO DE P CACY planned, secret, social, private, public, of God. Prayers of thanksgiving for the prayer, God communicates to us, hope AR

Buoyed by my own positive attitude, for. She says that God may not exactly all want the same thing—a return to T MEN COOPERRIDER my medical progress exceeded my doc- give us what we want, but we can trust love and peace. After a deep prayer From page C30 tors’ expectations and helped me take that He will give us what we need. with someone, how can we hate them? | the next step toward healing. My battle Sometimes I pray for something Muslims, Christians, Jews all pray to Thursday • D ecember 31 • 2015 is just beginning, but I believe that God that is too big – like the outcome of an the same God. Yet our distrust and fear God’s help. So I determined to deal is with me, because I feel the prayers election or the end to a conflict. I won- of one another tears us apart as we with this hand in a positive way. of so many who love me. der if my small prayer could make a seek a world on our own terms. What I found out very soon that there My mother-in-law, who we call difference. Would the outcome be just if we could pray together for peace, not were many people praying for me Nana, has a wonderful relationship of what I as one person hoped for, even on our terms but on God’s terms and all over the world. I could feel that prayer with God. She prays with con- though millions of others are also af- as Nana says, God will give us what we positive energy and support, which fidence that God will listen and that fecting the energy? Perhaps my prayer need. gave me strength and courage. Instead God will act. Naturally, we all think we is just one “vote” out of millions. There of fearing the future, I was inspired know what is best for us and we pray is great power in the prayers of many. Mr. Keith Cooperrider recently re- instead by the positive energy coming for that result. But Nana knows that Group prayer brings people to- tired after more than 30 years from the prayers of others. I felt love God works differently. When asked gether and multiplies the effect of as the chief financial officer of instead of fear. And with the energy about getting answers to our prayers, each prayer. We realize the common The Washington Times. from this love, I gained the courage I she tells us to expect answers but not bond that we all share – that we are needed. always in the way we imagine or hope all children of God’s love and that we 31 Ohio Christian University believes T ME NT AR that prayer CACY DE P VO will save the nation!

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